1 minute read
Martin Sepp / Simon Eiland / Dalia Viškelyt
Eesmärgiks oli luua võimalikult lihtsast geomeetriast nüansirikas ruum, mis võimaldab ühendada elanikke erinevatel tasanditel. Igal tasandil ühendatakse kaks privaatsemat plokki ühe avalikuga, mis koos moodustavad terviku ja ühtlasi ka järgmise tasandi privaatse ploki. Korterid on kombineeritavad ning võimaldavad ühetoalise asemel luua ka kahetoalise, millel on eraldi köök.
On each level, two private blocks are connected to one public one, which together form a whole. The private block of the next level follows this structure, for example, two apartments are connected to a common and kitchen and share a section of floor that is connected to common areas and stairs. The apartments can also be combined and can create a two-room apartment with a separate kitchen instead of a one-room apartment.
3rd Floor
3rd Floor

Iga element on eeltoodetud ning seestpoolt eelviimistletud. Kandva osa moodustavad CLT paneelid, mis jäävad seintel seetpoolt nähtavaks. Elemendid liidetakse kohapeal mooduliteks, mis omakorda moodustavad hoone. Soojustus ning välisviimistlus lisatakse hiljem.
Moodulid koosnevad vannitoaelemendist mõõtudega 1m x 3m ning kahest lihtsast kuupelemendist mõõtudega 3m x 3m, mis on omavahel kergelt nihkesse viidud, et luua privaatsemaid nurki, varjatud sissepääse ning nüansirohkemat ruumi.
Each element is pre-fabricated and prefinished from the inside. The load-bearing part is comprised of CLT panels, which are also visible on the interior walls. The elements are constructed into modules on site. Insulation and exterior finishing will be added later.
The modules consist of a bathroom element with dimensions of 1m x 3m and two simple cubic elements with dimensions of 3m x 3m, which are slightly offset to create more private corners, a hidden entrance and a more nuanced space.
Hoonete hoovialalt leiab välijõusaali, kogukonna kasvuhooned ning mänguplatsi, mille vahel on kõrgendatud rohealad ja pingid, mis järgivad algsete moodulite geomeetriat. Nii tekib paar avalikumat platsi, aga ka privaatsemaid nurki.
Hoonete aatriumi katuseaknad võimaldavad luua õhuringluse ning passiivse jahutuse. Hoonet ümbritsevad rohealad on kohati süvendatud, et koguda vihmavett ja vähendada üleujutusohtu.
The area behind the buildings features an outdoor gym, community greenhouses and a playground, interspersed with raised green areas and benches that follow the geometry of the original modules and create a few more public squares as well as more private corners.

Energy concept green areas have been deepened in places to
Skylights in the building's atrium allow for air circulation and passive cooling. The surrounding green areas have been deepened in places to collect rainwater and reduce the risk of flooding.
Isomeetria hoonest / Isometry of building