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MINITEHAS Mini-factory
Grete Daut / Mikael Ristmets / Yelyzaveta Perel
Lähtusime tootmisest nii reaalsel kui ka abstraktsel viisil. Tuues projekti läbivalt sisse hüdropoonika aiad, on võimalik luua kogukonda läbi reaalse tootmise, mille saadusteks on toit, jätkusuutlikkus ning eriline ruumikogemus korteritevaheliste roheliste aedade näol.
Igale kortermajale on ettenähtud üks saun, mis on ühendatud majataguse veekoguga. Saun kui igipõline kokkutooja, toob tänases kiires maailmas inimesed ühte ruumi, et üheskoos aeg maha võtta ja naabrimehega elust muljetada.
We approached production both in abstract and physical ways. By introducing hydroponic gardens, it is possible to create communities through real means of production, in this case, food and gardening. The gardens also function as a green buffer zone between apartments.
Living together
and We introduce saunas as an abstract way
We introduce saunas as an abstract way to produce a community. Saunas have brought people together for many centuries and continue to be a great place to take time off and to meet people.
Moodulid koosnevad kahest risttahukast ja nendevahelisest ühendavast diagonaalsest lülist. S-tähelise kuju tõttu on võimalik mooduleid (ehk kortereid) teineteise peale laduda nii, et kortermaja nurkadesse tekiks sirge läbiv ruum. Samuti tekivad moodulite vahele tühimikud, kuhu paigutasime hüdropoonika aiad.
Moodulid on projekteeritud lähtudes puitkonstruktsiooni põhimõtetest. Kortermajade puitlaudisest väliskattele annavad kontrasti hüdropoonika aiad, mille väliseks eripäraks on teraslehtedest viimistlus.
Modules are composed of two cuboids and a diagonal connecting element, which creates an S-shaped module. The shape of the module allows for stacking in a way that creates strong structural corners. This way of stacking also creates buffer zones between the apartment modules, which are then filled with the gardens.
Every module is designed with timber construction principles in mind. The apartment buildings are clad with timber, and for ventilation purposes the modules of the hydroponic gardens are clad with steel sheets.
Tagahoovist leiab veekogu koos kõrvalolevate peenarde, istumisalade, kohvikute ja saunadega. Veekogu ise on jaotatud kolmeks, millest kaks väiksemat osa on tänu saunade küttele ka talvel ligipääsetavad. Suurem on suviti ujumiseks ja talviti uisutamiseks.
Veekogu abil jahutatakse majadekompleksi. Samuti aitab sisekliimale ning aedade tootlikkusele kaasa saunadest tulev soojus ja niiskus.
The big pool is divided into three, where the smaller parts are kept above freezing throughout the year thanks to the saunas, which makes it possible to go swimming and use the water for the gardens in the winter. The larger water body in the middle can be used for swimming competitions or ice skating.
Energy concept
Energia houses and is used to water the gardens and to
The whole body of water is connected to the houses and is used to water the gardens and to cool the buildings in the summer.