Hello and welcome to the Fall 2017 edition of the Asbury Woods newsletter. We are pleased to say that all summer camps went spectacularly and attendance keeps increasing! In this issue, we focus on providing summaries of all of our summer programming and give you a look into future events at Asbury Woods. As always, thank you for your support and see you soon!
CAMP AND RETREAT PRICING Important update regarding prices of camps and retreats: Beginning with High School Fall Retreat (October 27th, 2017) Asbury Woods is excited to announce a siding cost scale for campers! The full cost of attending retreats will be $25.00. For families that this cost will place a financial hardship on, the payment can be as little as $10.00. Please keep in mind that payment should never hinder a camper’s ability to attend events. Scholarships are available for all district youth events held at Asbury Woods. Sliding cost scale information for summer camp programs will be announced as those dates get closer.
MIDDLE / HIGH SCHOOL CAMP UPDATE For the past few years, Middle School and High School camps have run simultaneously. Asbury Woods is experiencing a growth in attendance that now makes it possible to separate these two camps. Beginning with the 2018 summer camp season, campers completing 6th-8th grade will attend Middle School Camp (July 8th - 13th) and campers completing 9th-12th grade will attend High School Camp (July 15th - 20th).
VOLUNTEER INFORMATION Asbury Woods is always seeking to expand its volunteer staff. Please contact the dean of the group you would like to work with for more information. Younger Elementary (Grades k-2) Lana Blake: 304.544.8067 Older Elementary (Grades 3-5) Katrina Burgess: 304.416.0303 Middle School (Grades 6-8) Gayla Van Horn: 304.690.1590 High School (Grades 9-12) Mandie Ronk: 304.416.4691 Megan Ronk: 304.416.4690
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Asbury Woods is seeking two camp workers for the 2018 summer camp season! Must be at least 21 years old and available for all camps: July 1st - 4th July 8th - 13th July 15th - 20th Contact Steve Hensley at 304.668.0939 for more information.
FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT This summer, the day campers (K-2), were learning all about the fruit of the spirit. The day started out with an activity including: hiking; putt-putt; tug-ofwar and fishing. Every day we had a snack to represent the fruit(s) we were learning about. Crafts were made and games were played. We had an awesome year. Everyone was active and participated in everything. Campers and counselors came together to worship God in the heat of the summer, and God was with us every step of the way. From bible study to eating lunch to swimming, God was surrounding the camp. My absolute favorite part about camp was our prayer journals. After bible study, I gave the campers 5 minutes to draw/write in their prayer journals. They would voluntarily share their thoughts with me and it lifted my spirits to know the campers actually learned from the lesson. God gave me words and allowed me to speak to the children in a way they could understand. Camp had to come to an end, but I know there is always next year. God will have an even better plan for us in 2018. Lana Blake, Dean
OLDER ELEMENTARY WRAP UP CROSSWALK: HOW TO WALK LIKE JESUS Camp this summer was an absolute blast. Watching these kids grow so strong in their faith in just a week is why I continue to come to Asbury Woods every year; however, this year I had the opportunity of planning the whole camp for these kiddos. I didn't know exactly what to expect, but I think overall the kids enjoyed themselves and so did my lovely counselors. The theme was The CrossWalk: How to walk like Jesus. Day one, we discussed how to read the Bible. They learned the books of the New Testament, some fun facts about them, and how to put the books in order. Day two, we discussed how to pray. They learned the Lord's Prayer, how to pray about all of their prayer requests each day, and made little yarn gods eyes. Day three, we discussed how to tell your friends about the Lord. We talked about the disciples and we made evangelism bracelets for the kids to wear. Day four, we discussed how to love like Jesus. We talked about how to love our neighbors like Jesus loves each of us, the counselors did a foot washing for the kids, and we all wrote little notes to each other to prove that we loved everyone. If it were not for my amazing counselors, this camp would not have turned out as great as it did. A big thanks to Gavin Brandenburg, Griffin Brandenburg, Anna Lantz, Carter Bacon, Cassie Bacon, Caleb Morgan, Abby Chaffins, and Alexa Hensley for being awesome counselors and doing anything I needed them to do. Thank you to the parents as well for bringing some great kids to camp! Katrina Burgess, Dean
MIDDLE SCHOOL CAMP WRAP UP CHRISTMAS IN JULY Middle School camp participated in a week of Christmas in July. Our campers worked their way through the 4 days of advent, leading up to Christmas morning on Friday. Each day contained Bible studies, games, challenges, and team building. Each year, campers are divided into teams and spend the week earning points together. This year’s competition was close, but ultimately, the red team brought home the victory. Great job, Christmas Cups! Campers of the Week were announced during closing dinner on Friday. Congratulations once again to Jayden and Eli. You each exemplified enthusiasm, teamwork, and the grace of God. Thank you to all of the campers who came out. We hope you had a week of challenges and triumphs, that you made friends, and that you grew closer to God. Special thanks to Paige Burgess, Leslie Friedman, Chase Mayo, Luke Perry, Corton Rider and Jon Shuff for all of your help and hard work during camp. You all make me both proud and happy. Love you all! And, finally, thank you to the parents, guardians, and friends who sent their children to camp. We could not run without your support! Please continue to prioritize faith and God when planning your summers. See you all in the Spring! Gayla Van Horn, Dean
HIGH SCHOOL CAMP WRAP UP DIVERGENT To sum up High School Camp this year in a matter of words seems unfeasible when looking back upon all the memories that will last a lifetime. My sister Mandie and I could go on for hours reminising on all the amazing things that occurred at Asbury Woods this year; nevertheless, we will try to summarize the impossible. Mandie and I have attended numerous church camps as we have grown up, but this was our first time actually running a camp. We knew that we had grown in our faith, learned valuable tools, and had so much fun at the camps we attendedso we knew it would be our job to help our campers do the same. The theme our camp was centered around was “Divergent: One choice can transform you”. The Divergent series are some of Mandie and I’s favorite books as well as movies. We first talked to last year’s dean, Schauana Chambers, about ideas we had for camp when we found out that we could lead the high school. Schauana told us that she had also thought about doing the next year’s camp on Divergent so we knew that it was just meant to be. Each day at camp focused on one of the five factions: Dauntless, Erudite, Candor, Abnegation, and Amity. To be dauntless, you value courage above all else. Erudite believes intelligence is the key to success. Candor sees things as black and white, wrong and right, and values honesty. Abnegation teaches to be selfless and to put others before yourself. Amity values peace and harmony. On the last day, we talked about what it meant to be Divergent- to be all of these characteristics in one. Mandie and I looked at what each of the factions stood for and realized that the Bible teaches us to be brave, intelligent, honest, selfless, and peaceful. So on that faction day, we learned verses and Bible stories that taught us to be Dauntless or Amity for example. We also had a nightly activity that went along with the theme of the day like a footwashing service on Abnegation night. Overall, we had hoped, prayed, and planned for camp to go well. Mandie and I had put all of ourselves into this camp with so many of our own activities, games, lessons, and ideas. We just wanted the kids to grow in their faith, feel loved by us and the Lord, and to have fun. With an unstoppable and closeknit group of counselors and deans, good mindset and attitude, grand group of crazy, funloving kids, and immense trust and faith in our Lord and Savior, camp was ten fold more amazing than we could have ever asked it to be. We are thankful for such an amazing opportunity to serve God by getting to teach and love on his children. Thank you to all who support Asbury Woods because amazing things can really happen there with God leading the way. Megan Ronk and Mandie Ronk, Deans
UPCOMING EVENTS SPAGHETTI DINNER FUNDRAISER October 15th, 2017 Come out and enjoy an afternoon of fun, food, games, and fellowship at Asbury Woods' 1st Annual Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser! This is a great opportunity to come explore your district camp. Activities for all ages will be provided. Tickets are a minimum $5.00 donation and kids 12 and under eat free! Tickets can be purchased from any Western District Pastor or District Trustee and may also be purchased at the door. If you are unable to attend, please consider making a donation. Dinner Served from 2:00PM - 4:00PM Worship Service at 4:00PM Asbury Woods Camp and Retreat Center 5348 Route 10 Salt Rock, WV 25559
UPCOMING EVENTS FALL RETREAT FOR HIGH SCHOOL October 27th - 29th, 2017 FALL RETREAT is almost here! If you happened to enjoy church camp this past summer, mark your calendars for October 27-29! All high schoolers are welcomed and encouraged to attend this fun filled weekend festivity at our favorite place- Asbury Woods. This will be the perfect opportunity to escape the madness of school and stress, and grow closer with eternal friends and in our walks with Christ. Megan and I are SO EXCITED to be planning this weekend, and can not wait to see God work through us. The theme of the retreat is "Tested." As a current student, I understand the true pain and anxiety any test can bring. However, we are focusing on the test of life. Everyone is faced with their own compilation of struggles and trials- but the true test is turning those "tests" into your testimony. We will have multiple workshops that focus on what a testimony is, how to form and strengthen your own testimony, and different methods to share your testimony with others. We know that sometimes this can be a scary task, but what better time of year to face your fears. The cost to attend this retreat is $25. With this being said, we are offering different costs ranging from $10-25. The amount that you pay is completely confidential and in no way effects your overall experience. We understand that everything must come with a price, but we want as many students as possible to be able to come and spend time making memories and learning more about Jesus! Pay what you can...but most importantly, come! Some of our favorite faces in leadership, as well as some new ones, will be coming to help make this a weekend to never forget. Awesome games...delicious food...Jesus...what more could you want? Registration begins at 4:30 p.m. on Friday the 27th, and we will wrap up the fun at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday the 29th. We can't wait to see you there! Mandie and Megan Ronk
SUMMER CAMPS Grades Grades Grades Grades
k-2: July 2nd - 4th, 2018 3-5: July 1st - 4th, 2018 6-8: July 8th - 13th, 2018 9-12: July 15th - 20th, 2018