Anne Helene Røise Bade
Maria Dreyer Pettersen
Kumi Tømmerbakke

Anne Helene Røise Bade
Maria Dreyer Pettersen
Kumi Tømmerbakke
Engelsk for barnetrinnet

Everyday Practice 3
1It’s My Life! 4
2School and Spare Time 23
3How the Body Works 39
4Let’s Go to the UK! 56
5Let’s Read! 78
6The Three Rs 98
7Hidden Treasures 111
Learning new words

Ask someone – a pupil, a friend or your teacher: What does horse mean?
Use a dictionary – online or book Make word maps

Make a word bank
Everyday Practice
0:1 Build a star of dates HAND OUT
0:2 Line up according to ...
Work in groups. Line up according to ...
• Birthdays
• The time you woke up this morning
• The time you went to bed last night
When is your birthday? When did you wake up? When did you go to bed?
0:3 Word search HAND OUT
0:4 Read for pleasure
What are twins’ favourite fruit?
How does the ocean say hi?
Find two more jokes and tell them to your partner. It waves!Pears.
1 It’s My Life!
1:1 Learning goals
Read the Bus stop learning goals. Colour in the goals as you work your way through the topics in chapter 1.
1:2 Listen and find
Before listening: What can you see in the picture?
a Listen to the text. Which part of the picture is it?
EXAMPLE: Number one is D. Number two is ...

b Write sentences to go with the picture.

1:3 My fantasy family
a Make up your own fantasy family. Do drawings or find pictures. Write sentences under each picture.
b Who are these people in real life?
This is my father, George.
He is 58 years old.

These are my brothers, Bill and Ben. They are 17 years old.

This is me. I am 10 years old.
This is my mother, Emma. She is 55 years old.

This is my sister, Aurora. She is 13 years old.

This is my dog, Max. He is 7 years old. He likes to sleep a lot.
1:4 Who is it?
a Take turns and describe these people. Can your partner guess who it is?
b Describe three of your classmates.
1:5 What are you wearing today?
EXAMPLE: I am wearing a yellow T-shirt.
T-shirt shirt blouse trousers jeans
skirt dress sweater jumper cardigan
socks tights shoes boots trainers
jacket coat scarf gloves
a Describe what your partner is wearing. You are wearing ...
b Describe what your teacher is wearing. He/She is wearing ...
1:6 Match the descriptions
grandfather She is my grandmother’s mother.
stepsister We have the same father, but different mothers.
twins Two children born at the same time.
stepfather My mother has married again and he is my ... great-grandmother She is the daughter of my mum’s new husband.
half-brother He is my mother’s father.
EXAMPLE: grandfather = He is my mother’s father.
1:7 Answer the questions about Alan
1 What is the colour of Alan’s hair? A light brown B dark brown C dark blond
2 Where is Alan’s mum from? A Sweden B Scotland C Pakistan
3 Where does Alan live? A Glasgow B Inverness C Edinburgh
4 What kind of house does Alan live in? A a terraced house B a detached house C a block of flats
5 What is Alan’s favourite football team? A Liverpool FC B Manchester United C Rangers FC
EXAMPLE: 1B Alan’s hair is dark brown.
1 Where is your mum? My mum is on the ...
2 Where is your dad? My dad is in the ...
3 Where is your brother?
4 Where is your sister?
5 Where is your grandmother?
6 Where is your grandfather?
7 Where is your cat?
8 Where is your dog?
9 Where is your car?
1:9 Questions and answers
a Match the right questions and answers.
1 What is your name?
2 How old are you?
3 Where do you live?
4 Who lives in your house?
5 What do you like to do in your spare time?
6 Do you have a pet?
7 What do you look like?
A In my spare time I love swimming.
B I live in Sydney, Australia.
C Yes, I have a rabbit, Fluffy.
D My name is Kimberly.
E My father, my sister, Janet and I live in our house.
F I am nine years old.
G I have short red hair and green eyes.
EXAMPLE: 1D What is your name? My name is Kimberly.
b Work with a partner. Use the questions and take turns asking and answering.
1:10 Listen: Who is who?
Before listening: What can you see in the pictures?
a Listen to the text. Which picture is it?
EXAMPLE: Number one is picture D. Number two ...
b Write a short sentence to go with each picture.
1:11 Monty, the monster
Draw Monty, the monster, and answer the questions.
Monty has a big, round head.
He has two big, yellow ears and a small, blue nose. His eyes are red and his face is green. He is wearing glasses. Monty has a big mouth and his tongue is black. His hair is red and curly.
Monty’s arms are pink and he has six fingers on each hand. They are orange. He has two brown legs. His body is green.
1 What colour are his ears? His ears are ...
2 What colour is his face? His face is ...
3 What colour is his tongue?
4 Is his hair straight, wavy or curly?
5 What colour is his body?
6 How many fingers does he have on each hand?
7 How many legs does he have?
1:12 Use the correct form of
1 I in a choir. (sing)
2 We spaghetti. (like)
3 She dogs. (love)
4 You a lot. (travel)
5 It a lot. (rain)
6 They to school every day. (go)
7 He for an hour every day. (read)
8 My dad around the block. (walk)
9 My parents the bus to town. (take)
the verb
I sing. You sing. He sings. She sings. It sings. We sing. You sing. They sing. sing
10 Sarah out the rubbish. (take)
11 Bob and Don to go to Scotland. (want)
12 The teacher on the blackboard. (write)
1:13 Put the words in the right order
goes the He cinema to
loves Janet apples
walks dog He the day every
eat They of lot a sweets
him She hug gives a
love English We
EXAMPLE: goes the He cinema to = He goes to the cinema.
1:14 Make sentences
I Chris Fatima
The children
The girls
The cat
You and Pat
My parents
EXAMPLE: I play the drums.
live/lives play/plays like/likes talk /talks want/wants scream/screams ride/rides think/thinks
in a terraced house. ice hockey. the drums. about the new teacher. some ice cream.
“There’s a rat!” your bikes. it’s time for bed.
1:16 Make sentences
1:18 Make a pet mind map

soft fur, different colours, four legs, long tail
Use the mind map to make sentences.
Make a pet survey
a Ask the other pupils in your class if they have a pet and fill in the handout.
b Use the information to make a bar chart.
EXAMPLE: pupils
1:20 Guess the animal
1 It is a small animal. It has two long ears and two big sharp teeth. It is very soft. It loves carrots! It is a rabbit.
2 It lives in a bowl. It can swim. It is orange.
3 It is a small animal. It is brown and has a long tail. It has sharp teeth.
4 You can keep it in a cage. It has feathers. It can fly and sometimes talk.
5 It is very soft. It has a long tail. It is a good climber and has very good eyesight. Some people say it has nine lives.
6 It doesn’t have any legs. It glides on the ground. It can bite you and be venomous.
Make your own riddles. Who can guess the answers to your riddles?
1:21 Sort the words – s-sound or z-sound?
socksfuzzy SZ
Choose some of the words and make funny sentences or your own tongue twister.
1:22 Guess the truth about these amazing pets
a These pets have some amazing records. Can you guess what they are?
First guess, then find out at the homepage of the Guinness World Records.
1 Mochi Rickert has the longest tongue of a dog. How long is it?
A 18.58 centimetres
B 20.32 centimetres
C 22.15 centimetres
2 Augie, a golden retriever, set a world record when she
A made a jump of 191.7 centimetres: the highest jump made by a dog
B did 49 tricks in one minute
C held five tennis balls in her mouth at the same time
3 Otto the Bulldog set a world record when he
A skateboarded through a human tunnel of 30 people
B walked 20 metres on his hind legs
C created a painting which was sold for $25,000
4 The cat Cygnus has the longest tail of a cat. How long is it?
A 24.55 centimetres
B 36.02 centimetres
C 44.66 centimetres
b Work in pairs or small groups. Visit the homepage of the Guinness World Records. Find more amazing pet records and present them to another group.

1:23 Short writing: If I were a pet ...
a If I were a pet, I would like to be ...
(a cat, a rabbit, a bird, a tiger, a dragon, a dinosaur ...)
b I would like my owner to be ... (a cartoon character, a superhero, someone from history ...)
c I would live in ... (a castle, a house, a luxury yacht, a treehouse ...)
d While my owner was out, I would ... (sleep, play, eat, chew, scratch, party ...)
1:24 Complete the sentences
Once upon a time, I’m the King of Beasts?
He grabbed the mouse and let the mouse go.
Don’t you know that can be big friends.
If you let me live, perhaps including the tiny mouse.
And with that, the lion lifted his pawsand held him in his big paws. Every animal could hear it, the lion was free.
Very soon I can help you some day.
Little friends a large lion was asleep in the jungle.
EXAMPLE: Once upon a time, a large lion was asleep in the jungle.

1 The mouse ran up and down the lion’s tail.
2 The lion woke up, and was very happy.
3 The mouse said: “Please, don’t eat me, Your Majesty.”
4 The lion let the mouse go.
5 The lion was caught in a hunter’s net.
6 The mouse used a knife to cut the hunter’s net.

1:26 Make an identity card
1:28 Put the words in the correct order
walk I dog the
the Emma out takes rubbish
dad My car the washes
snow shovels Grandmother the
brother My dinner makes you room Do your tidy
EXAMPLE: I walk the dog.
1:29 Write sentences
Go through the list in your textbook of the different chores you can do at home. Write at least seven sentences.
EXAMPLE: Every Saturday, I have to tidy my room.
Read your sentences to your partner.
1:30 Fill in the correct words HAND OUT
1:31 Play the shopping game
You need: a dice, counters, pencil and paper You have earned a lot of pocket money and want to buy some new clothes.
1 Each player starts with £200. Write down £200 and the names of the players.
2 Throw the dice and move your counter. You have to buy what you land on.
3 Tell the other players what you buy, how much it costs and how much money you have left after each turn: I will buy a pair of trousers. They cost £20. I have £180 left.
Will you finish before you run out of money?
The winner is the person who has the most money left.
Learning words
Word banks
List as many family words as you can.
List as many pets as you can.
Word search HAND OUT
Pet riddles
Describe a pet.
Let your partner guess your pet.
Word maps
Make two chores word maps.

Summing up
a Give a short description of yourself: hair, eyes ...
b Who is in your family?
c Where do you live?
d Name some pets you can have. If you have a pet, describe it.
e What can you do to help at home?
f Make a rule for how to use am, are and is. Give examples to show how the rule works.

g Which text in chapter 1 did you like the best? Give reasons for your answers.
Which text in 1 did you

2 School and Spare Time
2:1 Learning goals
Read the Bus stop learning goals. Colour in the goals as you work your way through the topics in chapter 2.
2:2 Listen and find
Before listening: What can you see in the picture?
a Listen to the text. Which part of the picture is it?
EXAMPLE: Number one is F. Number two is ...

b Write sentences to go with the picture.

2:3 New kid in school
a Use the list of tips on page 31 in your textbook and make a poster of your top three tips.
Tips to Welcome a New Kid
•Say hi •Smile
b Imagine you are the new kid in school. Write a sentence or two, or write a short story. What do you feel?

What do you see?

What do you hear?
Who do you meet? What happens? excited afraid scared happy shy sad nervous worried interested y ou feel? ou see? ou hear? u meet? ens?

2:4 Fill in your timetable
2:5 Match the subject and description
Food and health
Social studies
Art and crafts
Physical Education (PE)
Religious and Ethical
Education (REE)
1 You use your body. You can run, jump, play with a ball, dance and lots of other things.
2 You learn to add, subtract, divide and multiply.
3 You work with food and learn what is healthy.
4 You learn about different religions and cultures.
5 You use your voice or you play an instrument.
6 You learn about your body, animals, nature and the universe.
7 You learn how to use your hands to create things. You can work with wood, drawings, clothing or many other things.
8 You study the Norwegian language.
9 You learn history and geography. You also learn about other cultures.
10 You study the English language. You learn about English-speaking countries.
EXAMPLE: 1 = Physical Education (PE)
In PE you use your body. You can run, jump, play with a ball, dance and lots of other things.
Quest er Aschehougs prisbelønte læremiddel i engelsk for barnetrinnet.
Quest er et fleksibelt læremiddel som består av både bøker og digitale ressurser med god lydstøtte.
Quest legger til rette for utforsking av språket og innbyr til kreativ oppgaveløsning. Quest har fokus på elevmedvirkning, samspill og kommunikasjon gjennom varierte tekster, oppgaver, leker og aktiviteter. Læremiddelet vektlegger nyttige lese- og skrivestrategier og den gode leseopplevelsen. Elevene får presentert varierte tekster i flere sjangre som bidrar til dybdelæring og skaper interessante engelsktimer med aktive og deltakende elever. Quest sikrer en tydelig struktur og progresjon mellom trinnene fra 1.–7. trinn.
Quest 5 består av:
• Textbook
• Workbook
• Teacher’s Guide
• Quest 5–7 Digital
Det digitale innholdet finner du på Aunivers.no