Tormod Lien
Vigdis Skjellin
Patricia Pritchard
Engelsk for barnetrinnet

Tormod Lien
Patricia Pritchard
Vigdis Skjellin
A Day in My Life
Answer these questions
What are the days of the week?
The days of the week are .
What are the four seasons?
The four seasons are
When is your birthday?
My birthday is .
What are you going to do today?
Today I am going to . Today .
Write true or false after the sentences
Matt is sleeping.
There are lots of toys and clothes on the floor.
I think Matt likes football and music.
There are three windows in the bedroom.
It is Thursday 13 September.
Matt has a laptop computer.
This bedroom is a mess.
My bedroom looks the same as Matt’s. false

What do you think Matt’s hobbies are? Why?
Say: I think Matt likes ... because I can see a ...
Listen and write their phone number
Matt’s phone number is
Kevin’s phone number is
Tanya’s phone number is
My phone number is .
Listen and write their address
Matt’s address is Elm Street.
Kevin’s address is Baker Street.
Tanya’s address is High Street
Fiona’s address is Mill Road
My address is .
Spell your address to your partner.
Spell your name to your partner.
Spell the name of your school to your partner. Spell the alphabet to your partner.
What is on Matt’s breakfast table?
What do you have for breakfast?
Point and tell each other: I like ... / I do not like ...
Who is it? Mark and write
Mindy has blond hair and brown eyes. She is wearing a green coat.
Monica is wearing a blue jumper. Her hair is black and her eyes are green.
Ann is wearing a pink T-shirt with a rose on it. Her eyes are blue and her hair is blond.
John has blue eyes, long brown hair and is wearing an orange jumper with a hood.
Sam has black hair and is wearing glasses. His jumper is grey.
Ben has curly hair. His eyes are grey. He is wearing a T-shirt.
Bill has green eyes and long blond hair. He is wearing a black jacket.
Glen has brown eyes and brown hair. He is wearing a blue hooded sweater.
Steve has green eyes and short brown hair. He has his favourite black coat on.
Describe your partner: You have ... hair. You have ... eyes. You are wearing a ... jumper.
Follow the instructions
1 Draw a ball in the goal. Colour it purple and white.
2 The goalkeeper is very sad. He is wearing orange gloves.
3 The referee is angry. He is wearing black shorts and T-shirt.
4 The fans on the left side are wearing yellow clothes.
5 The fans on the right are wearing red clothes.
6 Colour the striped football kit red and black.
7 Colour the other team’s kit yellow.
8 Colour all the football boots black.
9 Draw a green towel and a bottle of water behind the goal.
10 Colour the rest of the picture. Use your imagination.
Choose words and make word maps
Choose words from page 18, or school words you want to learn.
teeth I have twenty-four teeth.
Word search
Write three sentences about basketball.

Fill in the missing words

my name good live favourite have school
Hi, my is William, but everyone calls me Bill.
I in Chicago, a city in the USA.
My sport is basketball.
I play it all the time.
I play basketball in all the breaks at . After school I go to local basketball club.
My team is called the “Blue Birds”.
We are quite , I think.
In Chicago, we a world famous basketball team called the “Chicago Bulls”.
The team has won a lot of titles.
How much does he have to pay for the food?

I need:

Five ice creamsprice:
Two pizzasprice:
Six soft drinksprice:
Five hamburgersprice:
Four hot dogsprice:
Two bags of sweetsprice:
Ten bars of chocolatprice: All together:

Make your own shopping list. Ask your friend how much you have to pay.

Who could say this?
That will be £13, please. Please buy the ingredients to make a pizza. Oops! I have only got £10. Excuse me, where are the onions?
Please buy the ingredients to make a pizza.

Where are Matt’s things?
chest of drawers
carpet under between next to on in behind in front of
The shoe is
under the sofa.
The bottle is .
The cats are .
The dragon is .
The cap is .
The skateboard is .
The glasses are . I can see a ... next to the ... What can you see?
What does Matt do every day?

Matt brushes his teeth every day.

Make silly sentences.

Write names or people here.Write different rooms here. My teacher puts on make-up in the attic. sleeps like a log reads comics eats fish fingers plays hide and seek tells jokes
Match activities and times
Fiona eats her dinner.
My listensteacher to rock ’n’ roll.
Matt sings in the shower.
Kevin does his homework.
Tanya brushes her teeth.
Grandma watches TV.
Fiona eats her dinner at
Kevin does his homework at .
Tanya brushes her teeth at
My teacher listens to rock ‘n’ roll at
Matt sings in the shower at
Grandma watches TV at . half past six.
It Is Getting Dark
Use your five senses

I can see the Big Dipper. What can you see?
What can you hear?
What can you taste?
What can you smell?
What can you feel?
Fill in the right words

berries owl rabbit
thorns hot chocolate
squirrel see
I can hear the hoot.
Ouch! I can feel the sharp .

I can taste the sweet . I can two squirrels in a tree.
We can smell the .
We can hear a strange noise. Is it a or a ?
Odd sound out
boy – sea – tree
leaf – bean – snail feel – sweet – bush
stream – cheese – jam
sleep – nut – green owl

Sort the autumn activities
Do you want to come in and paint?
Do you want to come out and play SPUD?
Autumn activities
Indoor activitiesBothOutdoor activities to painthide and seekto play SPUD
Ask each other to come out or in to play or do the activities on your list. Answer yes or no, and explain why or why not. Say: Yes, I love painting! No, I don’t like painting.
Fill in the missing noun
many mushrooms – one many rabbits – one many nuts – one many squirrels – one many berries – one many leaves – one
Draw a circle round the nouns
Peter was outside with his friend Sophie.
They were wearing warm jackets, gloves and scarves.
They could see The Big Dipper and the moon.
Sophie used her flashlight to see in the dark.
They drank hot chocolate with whipped cream.
Peter tasted it and burned his tongue.
He put his cup down and tasted a cinnamon bun instead. mushroom
A noun is the name of a thing, a person, an animal or a place.

Give each noun three adjective friends and write sentences
Nouns + adjectives = friends!
The round leaf is red and green. green red
squirrel boy forest round
Read your sentences to your partner.
Write a game review
Type of game:
Age range:
What the game is about:
What I like about the game:
Use and and but to join two sentences
I picked berries and Dad made jam.
Day is light, but night is dark.
I want to play a video game. My friend wants to play a card game.
Join short sentences. It makes your writing more interesting to read.
I want to play a video game, but my friend wants to play a card game.
Zoom wants to play SPUD. Liam has a soft ball.
Summer is warm. Autumn is cold.
I want to see the bumblebees. They are sleeping now.
The moon shines at night. The sun shines during the day.
Who did the children meet?
Who did the children meet at no. 20?
They met a witch at no. 20.
Who did the children meet at no. 23?
Who did the children meet at no. 26?
Who did the children meet at no. 28?
Who did the children meet at no. 21?
Who did the children meet at no. 27?
Where did they meet the troll?
Where did they meet the monster?
Where did they meet Dracula?
Where did they meet the gorilla?
Where did they meet the princess?
Who did you meet? First I met ...
Why didn’t the skeleton go to the party? He had no body to go with!
1 Which fruit and vegetables can you see in the Horn of Plenty? pear

2 Draw your own Horn of Plenty with fruit and vegetable that you like. Label your picture.
3 Which countries celebrate Thanksgiving?
Sort the words with the same vowel sound

What do the words in the table mean?
Mark the words you do not know and find out what they mean. Work together until you both know the meaning of all the words.
black Plop next man met fun bat in nest can cat fell not whizz
Quest er Aschehougs prisbelønte læremiddel i engelsk for barnetrinnet.
Quest er et fleksibelt læremiddel som består av både bøker og digitale ressurser med god lydstøtte.
Quest legger til rette for utforsking av språket og innbyr til kreativ oppgaveløsning. Quest har fokus på elevmedvirkning, samspill og kommunikasjon gjennom varierte tekster, oppgaver, leker og aktiviteter. Læremiddelet vektlegger nyttige lese- og skrivestrategier og den gode leseopplevelsen. Elevene får presentert varierte tekster i flere sjangre som bidrar til dybdelæring og skaper interessante engelsktimer med aktive og deltakende elever. Quest sikrer en tydelig struktur og progresjon mellom trinnene fra 1.–7. trinn.
Quest 4 består av:
• Textbook
• Workbook
• Teacher’s Guide
• Quest 1–7 Aschehoug Univers
Det digitale innholdet finner du på Aunivers.no.