Quest 3: Arbeidsbok

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Tormod Lien

Patricia Pritchard

Vigdis Skjellin



Tormod Lien
Patricia Pritchard
Vigdis Skjellin

So Cool! Back to School!

My school vocabulary

Write the school words

school bag

pencil case


rubber scissors

lunch box

glue stick



school bag

I can see

What do you have in your pencil case? I have

This is my pencil. That is my school bag. 1 is my tie. 2 is my pencil. 3 is my book.
is my teacher.
is my ruler.
is my school.

What lessons do you like?

Put a red tick for a lesson you like a little. Put a blue tick for your favourite lesson. Put a green tick for the lesson your partner likes.

Today’s lessons:




PE art music

I like a little.

My favourite lesson is . My partner’s favourite lesson is . Read and say think – sink thing – sing thick – sick

What is a witch’s favourite lesson at school?

Number and write

1 It is lunchtime.

2 It is time for assembly.

3 The pupils line up.

4 It is playtime.

5 It is time for PE.

The pupils line up.

Read and colour the school uniforms

He is wearing a white shirt. He is wearing a green tie. He is wearing black trousers. He is wearing brown shoes. He is wearing a blue blazer and yellow socks.

She is wearing a red jumper.

She is wearing a black skirt.

She is wearing grey socks.

She is wearing brown shoes.

She is wearing a green tie and a blue blazer.

Listen and write the right number

Write a text message

Hi Rob! I will come and play after tea. See you soon!

Hello, Jill! Can you come over and play?

Hi, Mary! Meet at the football field at 5?

Uni .

Write a text to a friend. Switch books with your friend and reply.

Colour and write the rhyming words

Find other words that rhyme. Write them on the wall.

Write a or an

I can see apple.

I can see bag.

I can see orange. I can see blazer. I can see door. I can see egg.

Number is blue. Number is red. Number is brown.

Number is grey.

Number is yellow.

Number is black.

Number is green.

Number is purple. Number is pink. Number is orange.

How many of the words end with -y? Write them.

How many of the words do not end with -y? Write them.

Say and write they – day, the – D, there – dare

Snakes and ladders

How do you ask for help?

What day is it? Do ten frog jumps! Shout: My quest is done!

Rules: If you land on a ladder, you can climb! If you land on a snake, you fall down!

1 Roll the dice and move the counter.

2 Say a sentence with the word, answer the question or do the task.

3 The first person to finish the quest wins!

On the Farm


Write the words

sheep foal calf piglet tractor

What is it?

is a .It is .It . pig


What is the scarecrow wearing?

Here is a scarecrow. The scarecrow frightens the birds away. It has funny clothes. What is it wearing?


Which words did you not need:

What is the scarecrow wearing? The scarecrow is wearing …

boot shoe hat jacket
sock shirt tie

Fill in the missing verbs.

Kay the farm animals.

What would you like to do on the farm?

I would like to . climbed collected jumped milked liked liked

Kay in the hay. Kay’s brother a tree.

Kay the eggs. She the goat.

Verb Search

c o l l e c t

l i k e s i t

i r u n j k p

m e h a v e z

b a s i t q a

v d m j u m p

w r i t e x y have like collect climb write read

Read, say and write the words

Which words rhyme?

star car cat arm farm barn

rat say hay

Words that rhyme:

Which word does not rhyme?

Write the missing rhyming words

star rat hay

What a fat cat, sitting on the mad .

What a cool, new car, for a huge super .

What a fun day, jumping in the .

Riddles. What am I?

I am white. You can drink me. I come from a cow.

I am .

I can be white or brown. Inside, I am white and yellow. You can eat me. I come from a hen.

I am an .

Write yes or no

It eats grass.

It has four legs.

It has a tail.

It gives us milk and cheese.

It gives us eggs.

I am white and soft. I keep you warm. I come from a sheep.

I am .

I am brown. You eat me in a sandwich. I come from a goat.

I am .

Match animal and baby



I can see a .

I can . .

My Farm Poem

Write and draw a thank-you poem to farmers.

fruit and vegetables

eggs cheese sausages wool for my jumper the food we eat the milk we drink

Thank you, farmers!

Thank you for . Thank you for .

Thank you for .

Thank you, farmers!

One or many?

a tractor

a farmer

two cows
a cow
a goat
a dog
a pig
a horse
a cat

Roll the dice


Jump five times. Say: vegetables.

Stand on your chair. lamb

Say: big, huge, enormous.

Do ten sit ups.

What rhymes with star?

Clap twelve times.


Run round your desk.


Our quest is done!


Throw the dice. Move your counter. Say the word or do the task. Miss a turn if you can’t. Who finishes first?

When you are finished, colour the baby animals.

True or false

The car is parked in the garage.

The car is parked in the bedroom.

The toilet is in the kitchen.

The toilet is in the bathroom.

The chimney is on the roof.

The chimney is in the garden.

The garden is inside the house.

The garden is outside the house.

Write the true sentences.

Quest er Aschehougs prisbelønte læremiddel i engelsk for barnetrinnet.

Quest er et fleksibelt læremiddel som består av både bøker og digitale ressurser med god lydstøtte.

Quest legger til rette for utforsking av språket og innbyr til kreativ oppgaveløsning. Quest har fokus på elevmedvirkning, samspill og kommunikasjon gjennom varierte tekster, oppgaver, leker og aktiviteter. Læremiddelet vektlegger nyttige lese- og skrivestrategier og den gode leseopplevelsen. Elevene får presentert varierte tekster i flere sjangre som bidrar til dybdelæring og skaper interessante engelsktimer med aktive og deltakende elever. Quest sikrer en tydelig struktur og progresjon mellom trinnene fra 1.–7. trinn.

Quest 3 består av:

• Textbook

• Workbook

• Teacher’s Guide

• Quest 1–7 Aschehoug Univers

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