American School of Dubai
2014-2015 MIDDLE School Course Description Guide High School Course Description Guide 2013-2014
Using Your Course Description Guide The American School of Dubai is committed to assisting our students to succeed in a robust program of study during their middle school years and to be well prepared for the transition to high school. The pillars of this program are our challenging core courses in the disciplines of Mathematics, English Language Arts, Science and Social Studies. This academic rigor is one component of a multi-dimensional education that also emphasizes physical, artistic, musical and linguistic development. Our enrichment program has been enhanced through the development of Pursuits, a daily period that will provide students with more opportunities to explore passions and to receive support. Students will enroll in the Pursuits period on an ongoing basis throughout the school year. This guide is designed to assist parents and students in navigating the course selection process for the middle school years through providing a greater understanding of our course offerings and a greater understanding of our overall program goals. Students: please read carefully and explore the available options with your parents. Talk about long-term goals (e.g. learning to play an instrument, learning a language, becoming a scientist) when you make your selections for arts, languages and enrichments. Parents: listen carefully to your children and help them to think through their choices in terms of their goals, ambitions and interests. Remember, middle school is a great time to explore something new. All members of the ASD Faculty are here to assist you as you select your courses for the next academic year. Please contact us for more information. Middle School Administration Dr. Ronald Lalonde Middle School Principal Mr. Jake Dibbert Middle School Associate Principal Counselors Mr. Sean Schochet Ms. Joi Silva
Department Chairs English Language Arts Pending Mathematics Mr. Jordan Benedict Social Studies Mr. Matt Ewart Science Mr. Bernard O’Hearn
Physical Education Ms. Diane Olliffe Creative Arts Ms. Alyssa Benedict Information and Technology Literacy Ms. Jill Egan World Languages Ms. Elita Fakhry
American School of Dubai
Identity Statement The American School of Dubai, an independent not for profit American community school, offers what is the best about American education to provide learning experiences designed to promote the maximum potential of its students.
Mission Statement The American School of Dubai’s mission is to challenge and inspire each student to achieve their dreams and to become a passionate learner prepared to adapt and contribute in a rapidly changing world.
Core Values Compassion | Excellence | Integrity | Respect | Responsibility
Student Profile THINKER
Table of Contents ASD Middle School........................................................................ 4 Overview of Courses .................................................................... 5 Information and Technology Literacy .................................... 5 Course Selection Process............................................................. 6 Grade 6 Core Course Descriptions................................7 Creative Arts and Technology......................................8 Grade 6 Boys Choir ................................................................. 8 Grade 6 Girls Choir................................................................... 8 Band 6.......................................................................................... 8 Drama 6....................................................................................... 8 Art 6.............................................................................................. 8 Technology 6 ............................................................................ 8 Grade 7 Core Course Descriptions................................9 Creative Arts and Technology......................................10 Choir 7.......................................................................................... 10 Band 7.......................................................................................... 10 MS Art........................................................................................... 10 Advanced Sculpture and Ceramics................................... 10 Advanced Drawing and Painting....................................... 11 Advanced Mixed Media......................................................... 111 21st Century Art and Photography................................... 11 Drama 7....................................................................................... 11 Dance 7........................................................................................ 11 Technology 7............................................................................. 11 Grade 8 Core Course Descriptions................................12 Creative Arts and Technology......................................13 Choir 8.......................................................................................... 13 Band 8.......................................................................................... 13 Drama 8....................................................................................... 13 Dance 8........................................................................................ 13 Latin Dance................................................................................ 14 MS Art........................................................................................... 14 Advanced Sculpture and Ceramics................................... 14 Advanced Drawing and Painting....................................... 14 Advanced Mixed Media......................................................... 15 21st Century Art and Photography................................... 15 Technology 8............................................................................. 15 Video Broadcasting................................................................. 15 World Languages...........................................................16 Arabic as a Foreign Language............................................. 16 Modern Standard Arabic....................................................... 17 French.......................................................................................... 18 Spanish........................................................................................ 18 Course Sequences..........................................................19 Mathematics in the Middle School.................................... 19 World Languages in the Middle School........................... 20
Middle School at the American School of Dubai Early adolescence is a unique time in a child’s life when physical and emotional characteristics are rapidly changing. Societal expectations for these emerging young adults increase. The middle school years are clearly a period of transition. PHILOSOPHY We believe that students’ intellectual growth must be stimulated with a pursuit of academic excellence. We provide a challenging program based on the unique and diverse needs of our students. We encourage the development of the aesthetic, social, physical, ethical, creative and emotional aspects of each individual. We are caring and attentive role models. We guide students in character development and personal growth. We prepare students for future academic and emotional challenges.
BELIEFS Striving for excellence is critical to our success. Every person has equal inherent value. Embracing our diversity strengthens our community. Integrity and honesty are essential to a safe and trusting community. It is our responsibility to give help where needed. Each person is responsible for his or her choices.
GOALS Mastery: To provide an academic program through which students master skills that will serve as a foundation for continued growth and intellectual development. Self-concept: To assist students in the development of individuality, selfesteem, and interpersonal relationships so that they may regard themselves as contributing members of a global society. Multi-Cultural Awareness: To provide a supportive environment where cultural diversity and international awareness is respected and appreciated. Students should view themselves as global citizens. Exploration: To offer choices that allow students to explore a variety of relevant and meaningful educational experiences and interests that encourage creative thinking, decision-making, use of technology and problem solving skills. Responsibility: To develop individual responsibility and accountability for personal choices and actions.
Overview Of Courses CORE COURSES
Core courses are the foundational learning program of the Middle School experience. Each student in the Middle School will learn in full year core courses in Math, English Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, Physical Education and World Languages.
Information and Technology Literacy (I&TL) expands the traditional definitions of literacy to include visual, textual, technological, and digital competencies. These skills are essential for students to thrive as engaged, ethical contributors in a constantly evolving and complex global society. Students will have the opportunity to pursue academic and personal growth through the use of information and technology resources. These authentic activities, which allow student choice and acknowledge learning styles, will require students to gather, analyze and synthesize information. Higher level thinking and problem-solving skills will be used to evaluate and produce media that can be shared or communicated in a creative manner using appropriate technologies. Conditions essential for the success of all stakeholders include timely and sustained access to current and appropriate technology and information resources, effective support systems, professional development and time devoted to collaborative planning. Both formative and summative assessments will be collaboratively designed to match ASD standards and benchmarks, and encourage self, peer and teacher evaluation.
CREATIVE ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY Creative Arts courses are designed to expose Middle School students to visual, performance, dance and music courses. These courses promote student creativity and develop deeper understanding of artistic concepts. In Grade 6, all students are introduced to basic courses in art, drama, technology and music . In Grade 7 and 8, these elective courses build on the foundational experience of Grade 6 and develop more sophisticated skills and concepts. Students are required to select an equivalent of two full yearCreative Arts and Technology courses in Grade 7 and 8.
PURSUITS We challenge and inspire each student to achieve their dreams and to become a passionate learner prepared to contribute and adapt in a rapidly changing world. In response to our mission statement, we have sought ways within our schedule to provide students with opportunities to pursue their passions and to find support for their challenges. The Pursuits period offers both support for and extension of learning. This 45 minute period runs each day of the week and provides: A n Advisory Period each Sunday featuring a more comprehensive Advisory curriculum with objective focused lessons. Short courses from Monday to Thursday each week designed to provide ample choice for pursuing personal interests guided by a teacher. Support courses in various subject areas which students may enroll in, or be required to attend.
Technology Integration Facilitators in each division work closely with teachers to design technology and media-rich units and lessons that integrate the ISTE NETS Standards, essential information, and technology literacy skills into the core curriculum. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) opportunities are also offered for students who have an interest in further exploring these topics. An important aspect of the NETS standards is a focus on Digital Citizenship. All parents and students are introduced to, and must sign, a Technology Responsible Use Policy (RUP) that outlines what constitutes acceptable, responsible, and safe use of technology. We believe that technology can be a great tool to support and deepen learning, but only when used properly and appropriately.
Courses that meet either once or twice weekly. The courses last for either 4 or 8 weeks. Regular reassessment of their needs and their interests. Toward the end of each 4 week period, with the support of their Advisory teacher, students subscribe for the next 4 week block. Some of the planned Pursuits periods for 2014-15 include: Global Issues Network School of Rock Jazz Band Poetry Writing Digital Photography Mapping the World by Heart Musical Theater Writing Workshop - Fan Fiction The Aesthetics of Film Math Counts Yearbook Yoga Bookmaking Survival Skills Robotics Club Minecraft Club Programming Debate Club ASD MIDDLE SCHOOL COURSE DESCRIPTION GUIDE | 5
The Course Selection Process Students are introduced to the course registration process in grade level assemblies. Follow-up instruction occurs within individual Advisories. Parents are informed about course registration through an informational session. Students should consult with parents, advisors, teachers and counselors to make informed decisions about course requests.
Summary of Courses Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Core Courses
Core Courses
Core Courses
English Language Arts
English Language Arts
English Language Arts
Math or Pre-Algebra
Pre-Algebra or Algebra I
World History I
US History I
US History II
Physical Education and Health
Physical Education and Health
Physical Education and Health
World Language
World Language
World Language
Creative Arts & Technology
Creative Arts & Technology
Creative Arts & Technology
Girls or Boys Choir
MS Art
MS Art
Advanced Sculpture and Ceramics
Advanced Sculpture and Ceramics
Advanced Drawing and Painting
Advanced Drawing and Painting
Advanced Mixed Media
Advanced Mixed Media
21st Century Art and Photography
21st Century Art and Photography
Latin Dance Video Broadcasting Technology
Grade Six Course Descriptions CORE COURSES
World History I Department: Social Studies
Length: 1 Year
Department: English
Grade Level: 6
Length: 1 Year
Pre-Requisite: Grade 5 Social Studies
Grade Level: 6
Expected study time per lesson: 15 - 30 minutes
Pre-Requisite: English Language Arts Grade 5
World History I encompasses two modules: the ancient world and medieval times to today. Geography is integrated into the curriculum to promote an understanding of how physical geography affects the growth of civilizations. The course focuses on ancient world empires and ends with an investigation of Renaissance Europe. Both modules assist students in understanding today’s world and developing a global perspective by learning about the past. Using various research tools and a variety of presentation formats, the curriculum helps students recognize contributions made to society by different cultural, religious and ethnic groups throughout time and how they are still relevant today.
Expected study time per lesson: 30 - 60 minutes English Language Arts 6 follows the Common Core State Standards to develop the areas of reading, writing, listening, speaking and language use. Teachers use Columbia University’s Teachers College Writers and Readers Workshop approach to present content, give individualized instruction and provide feedback for improvement. Students read, discuss and analyze various forms of literature to become open-minded, engaged and discerning readers. Students will use evidence of personal experiences, in-class readings and independent research to compose writing assignments, participate in oral presentations, discussions and debates. In addition, students will use technology to enhance reading, writing, speaking, listening and language skills.
Physical Education and Health 6 Department: Physical Education and Health
Length: 1 Year
Department: Mathematics
Grade Level: 6
Length: 1 Year
Pre-Requisite: None
Grade Level: 6
Expected study time per lesson: 15 - 30 minutes
Pre-Requisite: Math 5
The Physical Education program develops the knowledge, skills and attitude to lead an active, healthy lifestyle. Physical activity is vital to all aspects of normal growth and development and the health benefits are widely recognized. The P.E. curriculum is made of four strands: Health, Fitness, Sports and Aquatics. Students have to fully participate in all four components of the curriculum in order to complete the course.
Expected study time per lesson: 30 minutes Math 6 deepens and extends skills learned in Math 5 and the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics: ratios and proportional relationships, number systems, expressions and equations, geometry and statistics and probability. In class, students are presented with standard level and challenge level opportunities, both on homework and assessments. Students will extend previous understanding of skills such understanding ratio concepts, fluency with multi-digit numbers, onevariable equations and inequalities and solving practical and mathematical problems involving area and volume. Performance in Math 6 determines placement into Grade 7 Math courses.
SCIENCE 6 Department: Science Length: 1 Year Grade Level: 6 Pre-Requisite: Grade 5 Science Expected study time per lesson: 15 minutes Science 6 provides an overview of life, earth and physical science concepts in the context of practical problems. The course uses problem-solving and content application to examine current issues in science. Hands-on labs will be a major focus. ASD MIDDLE SCHOOL COURSE DESCRIPTION GUIDE | 7
Creative Arts and Technology Boys Choir 6
Drama 6
Department: Creative Arts
Department: Creative Arts
Length: 1 Year
Length: 1 Quarter
Grade Level: 6
Grade Level: 6
Pre-Requisite: None
Pre-Requisite: None
Expected study time per lesson: 0 - 30 minutes
Expected study time per lesson: Out of class practice needed
Grade 6 Boys Choir is an opportunity for boys to feel confident and supported through the voice change experience as they begin their middle school career and have fun making music with friends. In addition to performing as a group, students will sing with the other groups at winter and spring concerts. Students will also practice music-reading skills, becoming more competent lifelong musicians.
Drama 6 is an introduction to theater as an art form. This course focuses on the fundamentals of acting and theater through a combination of theater games and improvisation, as well as short units in ensemble building, clowning and American melodrama. Emphasis is placed on participation, creativity and a willingness to explore. The course objective is for students to gain confidence, discover the creativity in themselves and in others and grow through discussion and personal reflection.
Girls Choir 6 Department: Creative Arts Length: 1 Year Grade Level: 6 Pre-Requisite: None Expected study time per lesson: 0 - 30 minutes This performance-based ensemble gives girls the opportunity to sing high-level and beautiful music from many different genres in a supportive and fun atmosphere. Girls will learn and develop the techniques, skills and confidence needed to be a contributing member of a secondary choral ensemble. The girls will also perform with other groups in winter and spring concerts. Students will cultivate a lifelong love of music and build meaningful friendships with peers who share a common interest.
Band 6 Department: Creative Arts Length: 1 Year Grade Level: 6 Pre-Requisite: None Expected study time per lesson: 15 - 30 minutes The purpose of Band 6 is to learn a new instrument, become a proficient performer and establish the foundation of knowledge necessary to contribute in an ensemble. Students will perform in winter and spring concerts with other middle and high school students. Students will learn skills that last a lifetime and the persistence of mastering an instrument reinforces the ideals of hard work, dedication and passion. 8 | ASD MIDDLE SCHOOL COURSE DESCRIPTION GUIDE
Art 6 Department: Creative Arts Length: 1 Quarter Grade Level: 6 Pre-Requisite: None Expected study time per lesson: Opportunities to complete work in the studio outside of class time is provided Art 6 is a required course for all Grade 6 students. Students will work with a variety of materials, techniques and processes in order to develop knowledge of the elements of art and principles of design. Students will complete projects in drawing, painting, ceramics and mixed media. Students will develop correct art vocabulary, demonstrate craftsmanship and use materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner.
Technology 6 Department: Information and Technology Information Length: 1 Quarter Grade Level: 6 Pre-Requisite: None Expected study time per lesson: 15 - 30 minutes Students will appreciate the ubiquity of computing and the ways in which computer science facilitates communication and collaboration. Furthermore, students will enhance their understanding of digital media through videography which will translate into communicating their ideas through video.
Grade Seven Course Descriptions CORE COURSES
and algebraic concepts, including linear equations. Students in this class are expected to show mastery of all Grade 7 and 8 Common Core Standards and will take Algebra 1 in Grade 8.
English Language Arts 7 Department: English
Science 7
Length: 1 Year
Department: Science
Grade Level: 7
Length: 1 Year
Pre-Requisite: English Language Arts 6
Grade Level: 7
Expected study time per lesson: 30 - 60 minutes
Pre-Requisite: Science 6
English Language Arts 7 follows the Common Core State Standards to develop the areas of reading, writing, listening, speaking and language use. Teachers use Columbia University’s Teachers College Writers and Readers Workshop approach to present content, give individualized instruction and provide feedback for improvement. Students read, discuss and analyze various forms of literature to become open-minded, engaged and discerning readers. Students will use evidence of personal experiences, in-class readings and independent research to compose writing assignments, participate in oral presentations, discussions and debates. In addition, students will use technology to enhance reading, writing, speaking, listening and language skills.
Expected study time per lesson: 15 minutes Science 7 provides an overview of life, earth, space and physical science concepts in the context of practical problems. The course uses problem-solving and content application to examine current issues in science. Hands-on labs will be a major focus.
US History I Department: Social Studies Length: 1 Year Grade Level: 7
Math 7
Pre-Requisite: Grade 6 World History I
Department: Mathematics
Expected study time per lesson: 30 - 45 minutes
Length: 1 Year
US History I is the beginning of a two-year survey of United States history through a world lens connecting American history to world historical events and big ideas. It focuses on the period from the development of the first Native American cultures to the rise of sectional division, culminating with the American Civil War. An in-depth study of the social, economic and political structures of the U.S. will explain how a tiny colony transformed into a major world power. Basic geography skills, cooperative learning activities, current events and research projects are used to enhance student learning. Effort is made to create interdisciplinary lessons that coincide with literature concurrently studied in English Language Arts.
Grade Level: 7 Pre-Requisite: Math 6 and teacher recommendation Expected study time per lesson: 30 minutes This course consists of units that correspond to the five Big Ideas in Mathematics: numbers and operations, patterns and algebra, geometry, measurement and probability and data analysis. The focus of this course is on operational fluency and application. Students will extend previous understanding of skills such as operations, angle measure, area, volume and numerical and algebraic expressions and equations to problem-solve real life and mathematical equations. Students are expected to fulfill Common Core Standards for Grade 7 Mathematics.
Physical Education and Health 7 Department: Physical Education and Health
Pre-Algebra 7 Department: Mathematics Length: 1 Year Grade Level: 7 Pre-Requisite: Math 6 and teacher recommendation Expected study time per lesson: 30 minutes Pre-Algebra 7 consists of units that correspond to the five Big Ideas in Mathematics: numbers and operations, patterns and algebra, geometry, measurement, and probability and data analysis. The course deepens and extends previously learned skills at a rapid pace. Emphasis is placed on operations with rational numbers
Length: 1 Year Grade Level: 7 Pre-Requisite: Physical Education and Health 6 Expected study time per lesson: 15 - 30 minutes The Physical Education program develops the knowledge, skills and attitudes to lead an active, healthy lifestyle. Physical activity is vital to all aspects of normal growth and development and the health benefits are widely recognized. The P.E. curriculum is made of four strands: Health, Fitness, Sports and Aquatics. Students have to fully participate in all four components of the curriculum in order to complete the course.
Creative Arts and Technology
Middle School Art Department: Creative Arts
Choir 7
Length: 1 Semester
Department: Creative Arts
Grade Level: 7 or 8
Length: 1 Year
Pre-Requisite: Art 6
Grade Level: 7
Expected study time per lesson: Opportunities to complete work in the studio outside of class time is provided
Pre-Requisite: None Expected study time per lesson: 0 - 30 minutes Choir 7 is open to all Grade 7 students interested in singing, with the aim of gaining appreciation for music through performance. Prior participation in choir is not required -- all who enjoy singing are welcome! Students will explore a wide variety of musical styles, working toward an ensemble sound in three and four parts. The students will perform at several school events, both as an ensemble and combined with other musical groups. Members of this choir are eligible and encouraged to audition for renowned, high-level regional and international festivals. Students will also refine and improve their music-reading skills.
MS Art explores concepts in more sophisticated terminology and depth than in Art 6. The students learn to appreciate the aspects of composition, color discrimination, positive and negative space and perspective. In MS Art, students focus on developing skills in drawing, painting, ceramics, printmaking and mixed media while applying the elements of art and principles of design. This course cannot be repeated.
Advanced Sculpture and Ceramics Department: Creative Arts Length: 1 Semester
Band 7 Department: Creative Arts Length: 1 Year Grade Level: 7 Pre-Requisite: 1 year of band experience Expected study time per lesson: 15 - 60 minutes Band 7 continues principles learned in Band 6. This exciting ensemble provides performance opportunities and lays a foundation of theoretical and historical knowledge in music. Students perform three times during the school year along with the opportunity to perform at community events at ASD and in Dubai.
Grade Level: 7 or 8 Pre-Requisite: Middle School Art Expected study time per lesson: Opportunities to complete work in the studio outside of class time is provided Students will incorporate the elements of art and principles of design to create functional and non-functional sculptural pieces with a focus on technical skill, craftsmanship, originality, effort and responsibility. Students will work with a variety of media such as wire, fabric, clay, foam and paper machÊ. Students will participate in class critiques of their work. Students are assessed on their sculpture’s visual appeal, craftsmanship, their creative process, as well as through writing and verbal critiques. This is a challenging course that should be considered by students who are truly interested in exploring sculptural concepts and skills. This course cannot be repeated.
Advanced Drawing and Painting
Drama 7
Department: Creative Arts
Department: Creative Arts
Length: 1 Semester
Length: 1 Semester
Grade Level: 7 or 8
Grade Level: 7
Pre-Requisite: Middle School Art
Pre-Requisite: None
Expected study time per lesson: Opportunities to complete work in the studio outside of class time is provided
Expected study time per lesson: 0 - 30 minutes
Students will explore in depth two-dimensional design, techniques and materials. The elements of art and principles of design will be emphasized as the technical skills of handling the media are further developed. Students will be encouraged to develop a personal style while working with pencil, charcoal, watercolor and acrylic paint. Students will learn techniques to interpret and critique their own and others’ work. Students will be assessed on the visual appeal and craftsmanship of their work as well as through written and verbal critiques. This is an advanced course that should be considered by students who are truly interested in exploring drawing and painting concepts and skills. This course cannot be repeated.
Advanced Mixed Media Department: Creative Arts Length: 1 Semester Grade Level: 7 or 8 Pre-Requisite: Middle School Art Expected study time per lesson: Opportunities to complete work in the studio outside of class time is provided Mixed Media is an advanced arts course designed to challenge the conventions of traditional visual art methods, materials and techniques. Students will work with a combination of acrylic mediums, printing techniques, cut paper design, relief sculpture work, watercolor, ink and collage. Mixed Media helps students prepare for the challenges of more advanced art classes in high school; however it is also for anyone who is interested in creative expression and experimenting using a variety of techniques and materials. This course cannot be repeated.
Performing Arts 7 explores the fundamentals of acting and theater through three major units of study. Students learn the importance of the ensemble in theater, how to develop characters and relationships on stage and the basics of theater production. Students will create, stage, and perform original or scripted pieces of theater. The course objective is that students gain confidence in themselves, discover the creativity in themselves and in others, and to develop a lasting appreciation of theater. This course cannot be repeated.
Dance 7 Department: Creative Arts Length: 1 Semester Grade Level: 7 Pre-Requisite: None Expected study time per lesson: 0 - 30 minutes Dance 7 introduces students to a variety of dances and provides students an opportunity to acquire basic overall knowledge of dance, develop dance skills and an appreciation of dance styles. Students will choreograph and perform their own dances. No previous dance experience is required. A costume fee will apply. This course can be repeated.
Technology 7 Department: Information and Technology Literacy Length: 1 Semester Grade Level: 7 Pre-Requisite: Technology 6
21st Century Art and Photography
Expected study time per lesson: 15 - 30 minutes
Department: Creative Arts
Students will build on computational thinking skills taught in Tech 6 and experience computational thinking as a means of addressing issues relevant to themselves and the world. The focus of this class will be on using computers and computation as both individuals and community members. Students will demonstrate the viability of using visual tools (e.g. video editing) to enable students to deepen their understanding and appreciation of a topic of their interest. Their project will take the form of a short video that will explain what the project was about and illustrating how the students gained a deeper understanding of this topic through the use of these tools. Students will learn how to produce and distribute this work and the collaborative possibilities these tools bring to the classroom.
Length: 1 Semester Grade Level: 7 or 8 Pre-Requisite: None Expected study time per lesson: Opportunities to complete work in the studio outside of class time is provided This course focuses on students learning and putting into practice how current artists are expressing themselves in the 21st Century. This is a project based visual arts course using different medias to create 2-D art such as photography, drawing or painting and 3-D art such as sculpture and sewing. Students will learn how to take photographs using photo compositional rules while capturing unique subject matters. Students will explore how art is changing and being created in our media saturated world by exploring stop motion, graffiti and fashion. Students will need their own digital point and shoot camera or digital SLR camera for this course. This course cannot be repeated.
Grade Eight Course Descriptions CORE COURSES English Language Arts 8
Algebra I
Department: English
Department: Mathematics
Length: 1 Year
Length: 1 Year
Grade Level: 8
Grade Level: 8
Pre-Requisite: English Language Arts 7
Pre-Requisite: Pre-Algebra 7
Expected study time per lesson: 30 - 60 minutes
Expected study time per lesson: 30 - 60 minutes
English Language Arts 7 follows the Common Core State Standards to develop the areas of reading, writing, listening, speaking and language use. Teachers use Columbia University’s Teachers College Writers and Readers Workshop approach to present content, give individualized instruction and provide feedback for improvement. Students read, discuss and analyze various forms of literature to become open-minded, engaged and discerning readers. Students will use evidence of personal experiences, in-class readings and independent research to compose writing assignments, participate in oral presentations, discussions and debates. In addition, students will use technology to enhance reading, writing, speaking, listening and language skills.
Algebra I concentrates on algebraic concepts such as linear relationships, their graphs and functions; systems of linear equations and linear inequalities; powers and exponents; quadratic equations; polynomials and factoring. Problem solving skills are emphasized throughout the course. Students will also use technology in problem solving. Although it is not required as students can use an online version, a handheld TI-83 or TI-84 calculator is recommended for this course.
Science 8 Department: Science
Pre-Algebra 8 Department: Mathematics Length: 1 Year Grade Level: 8 Pre-Requisite: Math 7 Expected study time per lesson: 30 minutes Pre-Algebra 8 corresponds to the Big Ideas in Mathematics: numbers and operations, patterns and algebra, geometry and measurement, and data analysis and probability. Emphasis is placed on operations with rational numbers and algebraic concepts and their applications, including linear equations to prepare students for Algebra I.
Length: 1 Year Grade Level: 8 Pre-Requisite: Science 7 Expected study time per lesson: 15 minutes Science 8 provides an overview of life, earth and physical science concepts in the context of practical problems. The course uses problem-solving and content application to examine current issues in science. Hands-on labs will be a major focus.
US History II Department: Social Studies Length: 1 Year Grade Level: 8 Pre-Requisite: US History I Expected study time per lesson: 30 - 60 minutes US History II is the second half of a two-year study of United States history. It starts by looking at the major causes of the American Civil War and examines the conflict between the Union and Confederacy and its long-term effects. The course also investigates post-war reconstruction, the growth and development of immigration and urban areas and the entry of the United States onto the world stage. The course will examine America’s role in the armed conflicts of World War I and World War II as well as various social movements through to modern day. While studying US History, students’ views are broadened by a more expansive look at these events as they relate to the rest of the world. Students develop analytical skills through reading, notetaking and discussion and learn to present their understanding clearly and creatively through a variety of assessments.
Physical Education and Health 8 Department: Physical Education and Health Length: 1 Year Grade Level: 8
Grade 8 Band is the highest performing ensemble at ASD Middle School. The focus of this group is performance based but will continue to emphasize the importance of theoretical and historical knowledge in music. The class will perform three times per year along with the opportunity to perform at community events at ASD and in Dubai.
Pre-Requisite: Physical Education and Health 7 Expected study time per lesson: 15 - 30 minutes The Physical Education program develops the knowledge, skills and attitudes to lead an active, healthy lifestyle. Physical activity is vital to all aspects of normal growth and development and the health benefits are widely recognized. The P.E. curriculum is made of four strands: Health, Fitness, Sports and Aquatics. Students have to fully participate in all four components of the curriculum in order to complete the course.
CREATIVE ARTS & TECHNOLOGY Choir 8 Department: Creative Arts Length: 1 Year Grade Level: 8 Pre-Requisite: None Expected study time per lesson: 0 - 30 minutes Choir 8 is open to all Grade 8 students interested in singing, with the aim of gaining appreciation for music through performance. Prior participation in choir not required - all who enjoy singing are welcome. Students will explore a wide variety of musical styles, working toward an ensemble sound in three and four parts. The students will perform at several school events as an ensemble and with other musical groups. Members of this choir are eligible and encouraged to audition for renowned, high-level regional and international festivals. Students will also refine and improve their music-reading skills.
Band 8 Department: Creative Arts Length: 1 Year Grade Level: 8
DRAMA 8 Department: Creative Arts Length: 1 Semester Grade Level: 8 Pre-Requisite: None Expected study time per lesson: 0 - 30 minutes Performing Arts 8 explores the fundamentals of acting and theater through three major units of study. The units of study are designed to help students learn the importance of the ensemble in theater, how to develop characters and relationships on stage, and the basics of theater production. Students will create, stage and perform original or scripted pieces of theater. The course objective is for students to gain confidence in themselves, discover the creativity in themselves and in others, and to develop a lasting appreciation of theater. This course cannot be repeated.
Dance 8 Department: Creative Arts Length: 1 Semester Grade Level: 8 Pre-Requisite: Dance experience or teacher recommendation Expected study time per lesson: 0 - 30 minutes Dance 8 gives students with dance experience the opportunity to develop an advanced level of technique and refine their skills as a choreographer and performer. Students apply their creative and technical knowledge and skills through a variety of production and performance opportunities. Students learn to assess personal health and fitness, develop and achieve personal dance goals and integrate knowledge and skills with a variety of other content areas. Students will maintain a portfolio that contains written and/or visual examples of their work. Dance experience and teacher recommendations are required. This course can be repeated.
Pre-Requisite: 2 years of band experience Expected study time per lesson: 15 - 60 minutes ASD MIDDLE SCHOOL COURSE DESCRIPTION GUIDE | 13
Latin Dance
Advanced Sculpture and Ceramics
Department: Creative Arts
Department: Creative Arts
Length: 1 Semester
Length: 1 Semester
Grade Level: 8
Grade Level: 7 or 8
Pre-Requisite: None
Pre-Requisite: Middle School Art
Expected study time per lesson: 0 - 30 minutes
Expected study time per lesson: Opportunities to complete work in the studio outside of class time is provided
This high-energy class focuses on Samba, Cha Cha Cha, Paso Doble and Jive. Students learn the basic rhythm and footwork of Latin dances, lead and follow technique and elements of style while building confidence and a foundation for progression. Students will have chance to perform in the final show at the end of the year. No previous dance experience is required. A costume fee will apply. This course can be repeated.
Middle School Art Department: Creative Arts Length: 1 Semester Grade Level: 7 or 8 Pre-Requisite: Art 6 Expected study time per lesson: Opportunities to complete work in the studio outside of class time is provided MS Art explores concepts in more sophisticated terminology and depth than in Art 6. Students learn to appreciate the aspects of composition, color discrimination, positive and negative space and perspective. In MS Art students focus on developing skills in drawing, painting, ceramics, printmaking and mixed media while applying the elements of art and principles of design. This course cannot be repeated.
Students will incorporate the elements of art and principles of design to create functional and non-functional sculptural pieces with a focus on technical skill, craftsmanship, originality, effort and responsibility. Students will work with a variety of media such as wire, fabric, clay, foam and paper mache. Students will participate in class critiques of their work. Students are assessed on their sculptures visual appeal, craftsmanship, their creative process, as well as through writing and verbal critiques. This is a challenge level advanced course that should be considered by students who are truly interested in exploring sculptural concepts and skills. This course cannot be repeated.
Advanced Drawing and Painting Department: Creative Arts Length: 1 Semester Grade Level: 7 or 8 Pre-Requisite: Middle School Art Expected study time per lesson: Opportunities to complete work in the studio outside of class time is provided Students will explore in depth two-dimensional design, techniques and materials. The elements of art and principles of design will be emphasized as the technical skills of handling the media are further developed. Students will be encouraged developing a personal style while they work with pencil, charcoal, watercolor and acrylic paint. Students will learn techniques to interpret and critique their own and others’ work. Students will be assessed on the visual appeal and craftsmanship of their work as well as through written and verbal critiques. This is a advanced course that should be considered by students who are truly interested in exploring drawing and painting concepts and skills. This course cannot be repeated.
Advanced Mixed Media
Department: Creative Arts
Department: Information and Technology Literacy
Length: 1 Semester
Length: 1 Semester
Grade Level: 7 or 8
Grade Level: 8
Pre-Requisite: Middle School Art
Pre-Requisite: Technology 7
Expected study time per lesson: Opportunities to complete work in the studio outside of class time is provided
Expected study time per lesson: 15 - 30 minutes
Mixed Media is an advanced arts course designed to challenge the conventions of traditional visual art methods, materials, and techniques. You will have an opportunity to work with a combination of acrylic mediums, printing techniques, cut paper design, relief sculpture work, watercolor, ink and collage. Mixed Media helps students prepare for the challenges of more advanced art classes in High School; however it is also for anyone who is interested in expressing themselves and experimenting using a variety of techniques and materials. This course cannot be repeated.
21st Century Art and Photography
Students will be empowered to research a local or global problem or issue and apply computational thinking skills in order to promote their perceptions of themselves as proactive and empowered problem solvers. Students will use programming language to solve problems and create multimedia projects to communicate to others and their deep understanding of the problem and solution.
Video Broadcasting Department: Information and Technology Literacy Length: 1 Semester
Department: Creative Arts
Grade Level: 8
Length: 1 Semester
Pre-Requisite: None; Technology 7 or good video editing skills are strongly recommended.
Grade Level: 7 or 8 Pre-Requisite: None Expected study time per lesson: Opportunities to complete work in the studio outside of class time is provided This course focuses on students learning and practicing how current artists are expressing themselves in the 21st Century. This is a project based visual arts course using different media to create 2-D art such as photography, drawing or painting and 3-D art such as sculpture and sewing. Students will learn to take photographs using photo compositional rules while capturing unique subjects. Students will explore how art is changing and being created in our media saturated world by exploring stop motion, graffiti and fashion. Students will need their own digital point and shoot camera or digital SLR camera for this course. This course cannot be repeated.
Expected study time per lesson: Students are expected to participate in some broadcasting opportunities outside of class Video Broadcasting covers basic broadcast production essentials and trains students in the function and operation of all basic facilities, including camera, microphones, switcher, media storage, editors and lighting equipment. The direction and production of basic types of programs are taught and practiced leading to the production of a student-led weekly news broadcast. Students learn the basic staff positions and leadership roles in the studio production team while broadcasting ASD performances.
WORLD LANGUAGE PROGRAM arabic as a foreign language
Arabic as a Foreign Language 1C
Arabic As a Foreign Language 1A
Department: World Languages
Department: World Languages
Length: 1 Year
Length: 1 Year
Grade Level: 6 - 8
Grade: 6 - 8
Pre-Requisite: Arabic as a Foreign Language 1B (student placement by assessment)
Pre-Requisite: None Expected study time per lesson: 15 - 30 minutes Arabic As a Foreign Language 1A introduces students to the Arabic language and culture. The program stresses language acquisition through the development of communication skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing using basic Modern Standard Arabic. By the end of the course students should be able to carry on very basic conversations. Students will learn the right to left Arabic script, alphabet and will be able to write a paragraph. Students will learn elementary beginner vocabulary--greetings, self, classroom, food and family; conjugating verbs ‘to have’ and regular verbs with 1st and 2nd person pronouns; feminine and masculine adjectives and nouns; prepositions, and numbers 1-100. Resources: Ya Hala! 1A textbook, workbook and audio (Chapters 1-6).
Expected study time per lesson: 15 - 30 minutes This course builds upon students’ prior knowledge in Arabic language and culture. The program stresses language acquisition through the development of communicative skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing using basic Modern Standard Arabic. By the end of this course, students should be able to carry on basic conversations related to the topics covered. Students will practice writing short sentences about themselves or one of the topics covered. Students will learn vocabulary pertaining to the following topics: greetings/Introductions; classroom/ school subjects; my family/jobs; my house; food/eating healthy; conjugating verb ‘to have’ and regular verbs with all pronouns; feminine and masculine nouns; some prepositions, and numbers 1-100. Resources: Ya Hala! 1A & 1B textbook, workbook and audio.
Arabic As a Foreign Language 1B
Arabic as a Foreign Language 1D
Department: World Languages
Department: World Languages
Length: 1 Year
Length: 1 Year
Grade: 6 - 8
Grade Level: 6 - 8
Pre-Requisite: Arabic as a Foreign Language 1A (student placement by assessment)
Pre-Requisite: Arabic as a Foreign Language 1C (student placement by assessment)
Expected study time per lesson: 30 minutes
Expected study time per lesson: 15 - 30 minutes
This course is a continuation of the material acquired in Arabic as a Foreign Language 1A. The course stresses language acquisition through the development of the four communication skills: speaking, writing, listening and reading. The main areas covered are: singular nouns and regular/ irregular plural nouns; singular and dual nouns; conjugating present simple with all pronouns; affirmative and negative; expressions of quantity; formulating questions. Students will learn expanded vocabulary: school, home, sports, time, weather, clothing, cities, travel, transportation and numbers 1-100. By the end of this course, Grade 8 students should be able to carry on basic conversations, follow more complex conversations, read simple texts, and write short compositions about themselves and aspects of their life. Cultural aspects of the language are further explored with a variety of activities and projects.
The program stresses language acquisition through the development of communicative skills. Speaking, listening, reading and writing using basic Modern Standard Arabic are all highlighted in this course. By the end of the course, students should be able to follow more complex conversation, read simple texts, and write simple and short paragraphs pertaining to the topics covered. Cultural aspects of the language are further explored with a variety of activities and projects.
Resources: Ya Hala! 1A & 1B textbook, workbook and audio.
Resources: Ya Hala! 1A and 1B textbook, workbook and audio.
Arabic as a Foreign Language 1E
Modern Standard Arabic 1D
Department: World Languages
Department: World Languages
Length: 1 Year
Length: 1 Year
Grade Level: 6 - 8
Grade Level: 6 - 8
Pre-Requisite: Arabic as a Foreign Language 1D (student placement by assessment) Expected study time per lesson: 30 minutes This course is a continuation of the material acquired in Arabic 1D. The course stresses language acquisition through the development of the four communication skills: speaking, writing, listening and reading. The main areas covered are: singular nouns and regular/ irregular plural nouns; singular and dual nouns; conjugating present simple with all pronouns; affirmative and negative; expressions of quantity; formulating questions. Students will learn expanded vocabulary covering school, home, sports, time, weather, clothing, cities, travel, transportation and numbers 1-1000. By the end of this course, Grade 8 students should be able to: carry on basic conversations, follow more complex conversation, read simple texts, and write short compositions about themselves and aspects of their life. Cultural aspects of the language are further explored with a variety of activities and projects. Resources: Ya Hala! 1B textbook, workbook and audio.
Pre-Requisite: Modern Standard Arabic 1C (student placement by assessment) Expected study time per lesson: 15 - 30 minutes This course is the second in the series of three middle school courses in Modern Standard Arabic. Its focus continues to be on developing fluency in spoken and written Modern Standard Arabic. The program stresses language acquisition through the development of communicative skills. Speaking, listening, reading and writing using basic Modern Standard Arabic are all highlighted in this course. The main areas covered are: vocabulary--at the market place, at the farm, the four seasons, invitations, parts of the body and senses; present and past tense; adjectives and adverbs; making questions and expressions of quantity, time and place. By the end of the course, student will be able to carry on basic conversations, follow conversations, read and write simple texts in Modern Standard Arabic. Resources: Arabic Language Through Dialogue (Part One & Part Two) with online resources and cultural projects.
MODERN STANDARD arabic Modern Standard Arabic 1C
Modern Standard Arabic 1E
Modern Standard Arabic 1C
Department: World Languages
Department: World Languages
Length: 1 Year
Length: 1 Year
Grade Level: 6 - 8
Grade Level: 6 - 8
Pre-Requisite: Modern Standard Arabic 1D (student placement by assessment)
Pre-Requisite: Grade 5 ASD Modern Standard Arabic (student placement by assessment) Expected study time per lesson: 15 - 30 minutes
Expected study time per lesson: 30 minutes
This course is the beginning of a three year program that introduces students to Modern Standard Arabic language and culture. It focuses on developing fluency in spoken and written Modern Standard Arabic. The program stresses language acquisition through the development of communicative skills. Speaking, listening, reading and writing using basic Modern Standard Arabic are all highlighted in this course. The students’ progression is considerably dependant on their knowledge of their own Arabic dialect and their exposure to Arabic language and culture at home. The main areas covered are: vocabulary--self, home, family, nationalities, classroom, food, clothing, jobs, and ordinal numbers; pronouns; singular and plural nouns; adjectives and adverbs; present tense; long and short vowels; prepositions and numbers 1-100. By the end of this course, students should be able to carry on basic conversations, follow conversations, read simple vocalized texts and write simple texts in Modern Standard Arabic.
This course is an expansion of the material covered in Modern Standard Arabic D. A considerable amount of informational language is introduced at this level. The course stresses language acquisition and usage, as well as information on culture and traditions. It focuses on developing fluency in spoken and written Modern Standard Arabic. The course stresses language acquisition and develops grammar to understand the structure of the language. The main areas covered: vocabulary (sports, eating out, travel, transportation, time, school subjects and test taking); noun phrases and verbal phrases; types of present and past tenses; possessive and reflexive pronouns, derivatives and roots. By the end of this course, eighth grade students should be able to carry on more complex conversations with a greater variety of topics, read more advanced texts, and write compositions using Modern Standard Arabic.
Resources: Arabic Language Through Dialogue (Part One) with online resources and cultural projects.
Resources: Arabic Language Through Dialogue (Part Two) with online resources and cultural projects (Chapters 9- 16). ASD MIDDLE SCHOOL COURSE DESCRIPTION GUIDE | 17
French 1A
Spanish 1A
Department: World Languages
Department: World Languages
Length: 1 Year
Length: 1 Year
Grade Level: 6 - 8
Grade Level: 6 - 8
Pre-Requisite: None
Pre-Requisite: None
Expected study time per lesson: 15 - 30 minutes
Expected study time per lesson: 15 - 30 minutes
The purpose of this program is to introduce French language and culture. The program stresses language acquisition, through the development of communication skills in the four areas of listening, speaking, reading and writing. By the end of this course students should be able to carry on very basic conversations, read simple texts and write a few paragraphs about themselves, their family, their school and their hobbies. The main areas covered are: elementary vocabulary--housing, friends, classroom, greetings, food, family, sports, school, time, likes and dislikes; irregular verbs--to be, to have; regular verbs ending with -er and -re; other common verbs--faire & aller; articles, adjectives, prepositions and pronouns; numbers from 0 to 100; and affirmative, negative and interrogative statements.
The purpose of this course is to introduce students to Spanish language and culture. The program stresses language acquisition, which students will achieve through the development of the four communication skills: listening, reading, speaking and writing. By the end of this course, students should be able to carry on basic conversations, read simple texts and write a paragraph on a variety of topics. Students will learn elementary vocabulary-greetings, self, school, sports, food, family, shopping; affirmative, interrogative, and negative statements; feminine and masculine articles, adjectives and nouns; prepositions, adverbs and numbers from 1 to 1000.
Resources: Bien Dit! (HOLT, Chapters 1 to 5), online book and other online resources and cultural projects.
Resources: iAvancemos! 1A, McDougal Littell 2008.
Spanish 1B Department: World Languages
French 1B
Length: 1 Year
Department: World Languages
Grade Level: 6 - 8
Length: 1 Year
Pre-Requisite: Spanish 1A or equivalent proficiency
Grade Level: 6 - 8
Expected study time per lesson: 15 - 30 minutes
Pre-Requisite: French 1A or equivalent proficiency
This course is a continuation of the material acquired in Spanish 1A. The course stresses language acquisition throughout the development of the four communication skills: speaking, writing, listening and reading. By the end of this course, students should be able to carry on basic conversations, read and comprehend simple texts and write short paragraphs about various topics. Cultural aspects of the language are further explored with a variety of activities and projects.
Expected study time per lesson: 15 - 30 minutes This course is an expansion of the material covered in French 1A. A considerable amount of informal language is introduced at this level. The course stresses language acquisition and information on cultural comparisons and traditions. The grammatical concepts taught are: verbs ending with -ir; many irregular verbs; the futur proche (near future tense); the passé composé (past tense) with avoir and être (with ‘to have’ and ‘to be’); the imperative form; adjectives (regular, irregular, and position); a variety of expressions of quantity; interrogative words; and the formation of inverted questions. The topics include food, family, home, city, sports, school, weather, clothing, nationality, vacation, and transportation. By the end of the course, the students should be able to carry on more complex conversations with a greater variety of topics, read more advanced texts, and write compositions. Resources: Bien Dit (HOLT Chapters 6 - 10) book and other online resources and cultural projects. 18 | ASD MIDDLE SCHOOL COURSE DESCRIPTION GUIDE
Resources: iAdvancemos! 1B, McDougal Littell 2008.
Mathematics Course Sequence
Math 5
* Selection of students into the Math 7 and Pre-Algebra courses is based on student readiness, teacher recommendation and performance on 6th grade assessments (including MAP scores) ** Students in Pre-Algebra in the 7th grade may register for Algebra in 8th grade. It is possible for a student who is in Math 7 to register for Algebra under the following conditions:
The student scores 100% or nearly 100% on all Math 7 assessments
Spring MAP scores show high proficiency
Students’ work ethic, organization and determination is exemplary
Parents and Student commit to summer work administered by the teacher
ARABIC Course Sequence
American School of Dubai
P.O. Box 71188 Dubai, U.A.E. | +971 04 395 0005