2016-2017 High School Course Description Guide (Revised)

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Using Your Course Description Guide The American School of Dubai is committed to developing a program of study that meets students’ academic and college goals, offers instruction that will lead to a healthy lifestyle and affords ample opportunity for participation in meaningful activities. This guide provides information about ASD graduation requirements and the range of available academic opportunities. As students plan for next year and beyond, course selections should be well thought out and should support their academic goals for university. All members of the ASD faculty are here to help students as they select courses for the next academic year.

High School Administration

Department Chairs

Dr. Steven Leever High School Principal sleever@asdubai.org

English Praxia Apostle papostle@asdubai.org

Social Studies Elizabeth Hickey ehickey@asdubai.org

Ms. Jennifer Mendes High School Associate Principal jmendes@asdubai.org

Learning Support Services Paul Wallin pwallin@asdubai.org

Information Technology Jesse Remington jremington@asdubai.org


Mathematics Kristi Heath kheath@asdubai.org

Creative Arts Phil Ridley pridley@asdubai.org

Physical Education Shawn Sawyer ssawyer@asdubai.org

World Languages Henri Lemaire hlemaire@asdubai.org

Matthew Beck mbeck@asdubai.org Stephen Darby sdarby@asdubai.org Michelle Rath mrath@asdubai.org

Science Katherine Noll knoll@asdubai.org

David Shubair dshubair@asdubai.org ASD HIGH SCHOOL COURSE DESCRIPTION GUIDE | 1

The American School of Dubai, an independent not for profit American community school, offers what is the best about American education to provide learning experiences designed to promote the maximum potential of its students. OUR MISSION The American School of Dubai’s mission is to challenge and inspire each student to achieve their dreams and to become a passionate learner prepared to adapt and contribute in a rapidly changing world. CORE VALUES Compassion | Excellence | Integrity | Respect | Responsibility STUDENT PROFILE Thinker | Communicator | Contributor | Learner | Leader & Role Model CONTACT P.O. Box 71188 Dubai, UAE +971 4 395 0005 www.asdubai.org


Table of Contents ASD Philosophy


ASD 2016-2017 Course Offerings by Department


ASD High School Sample 4-Year Plans


English 13.

English 9


English 10





English Electives

Mathematics 16 FAQs


Science 20. FAQs



Integrated Physics and Chemistry






Science Electives

Social Studies


Global Studies in Action


Modern World History





Social Studies Electives

World Languages








Physical and Health Education


Creative Arts


Visual Arts


Performing Arts


Information Technology


Non-Departmental Electives


Virtual High School (VHS)


AP Capstone Program




The curriculum at the American School of Dubai comprises a required program of studies that prepares students for U.S. college entrance. Electives are designed to enhance our program and to allow students the flexibility to discover and nurture their abilities and interests. The school year consists of two semesters, each approximately 90 days. ASD offers both year and semester-long courses. Yearlong courses are up to one credit and semester-long courses are a half credit. ASD offers a block schedule in which students can earn eight (8) credits during the year. Courses alternate with four 80-minute classes on one day and the remaining four 80-minute classes on the next day.

CLASS NAMES The following terms are used for each class: Grade 9


Grade 10


Grade 11


Grade 12



PRE-REQUISITES A pre-requisite is required before a course can be taken. Examples of pre-requisites may include a course, skill level, minimum grade, experience or instructor approval. Prerequisites are listed in course descriptions, and students should be aware of them when making course selections. Course descriptions also include required materials, if applicable, that need to be purchased in order to successfully complete the course objectives.

COURSE SELECTION Each spring, students choose courses for the following academic year. Counselors introduce the course selection process by speaking to students in each grade level about requirements, the overall process and best strategies for selecting courses. Before selecting new courses, students must complete the 4-Year Plan with the courses they have successfully completed. Then, students plan their proposed course of study for their remaining years of high school, not just the next school year. The plan allows students to assess where they have been, where they want to go and what they need to get there (i.e., pre-requisites). Parents are strongly encouraged to help students complete their 4-Year Plan.

Please refer to specific subject areas in this guide for more information about ASD graduation requirements. Below is a list of minimum credits in each subject area. Counselors strongly encourage students to go beyond the minimum requirement in Science, Mathematics, Social Studies and World Languages.

Please understand that enrolling in electives is subject to space availability. Wherever possible, priority is given to Grade 12 students first, then Grade 11, etc.

English 4


Mathematics 3

The master schedule is created each spring based on student choice and interest. For this reason, after course selections are made, course changes are highly discouraged. There are rare circumstances, however, which justify changing classes during the first four class meetings of the first semester, such as a level misplacement. All schedule change requests must start with the counselor. A one-week change period is applicable to any new classes added at the second semester. Attendance in the student’s original class is required until the change has been confirmed by the counselor, and the student has received a new schedule. In cases where it becomes apparent during the first 3 weeks (15 school days) that a student has been assigned the wrong class or there are other extenuating circumstances, the teacher may initiate a request for a student to change courses. Consultation with the student, teacher and counselor must occur before the student will be allowed to change their schedule. Students must complete any work missed in their new course.

Social Studies*


Science 3 World Languages


Physical Education


Creative Arts


Information Technology


Core Electives*


Non-Core Electives


Credits Required:


(English, Math, Science, Social Studies and World Languages) (any area)

* Islamic Studies Strand of Social Studies: Registered Muslim students, beginning with the class of 2019, must complete two year-long required courses (2.0 credits), Islamic Civilizations and Comparative Religions, during their four years as a high school student at ASD. Muslim students transferring to ASD for Grade 11 or 12 will only be required to take Comparative Religions.


After the “drop” period but before the end of the fourth week of each semester, a student may, with the permission of the principal, counselor, teacher and parent, drop a course. A notation of WP (Withdraw Pass) or WF (Withdraw Fail) will be made on the transcript. Although these marks are indicated on the transcripts, no letter grade or GPA

calculations will be affected for that particular semester. For the added class, makeup work will be determined on a caseby-case basis. In most cases the student would lose credit for the dropped course and would not be able to earn credit for the added course. Courses dropped between week 6 and 8 of the semester receive the same WP or WF notation. This WF would be figured into a student’s GPA and would affect the student’s probation status if applicable. It is not possible to drop a course after 8 weeks of the semester.

Any semester grade lower than a C- in an AP class receives no weight. This also applies if a student fails to take an AP exam.

Credits are given at the end of each semester. Any student who withdraws from a course during the semester will not earn credit for the dropped course.

Economics (Macro & Micro in 1 year)

The following AP courses may be offered for the 20162017 school year pending enrollment numbers: European History US History World History


Students are not permitted to have more than one study block per semester. This should be remembered when considering a schedule change.



English Language and Composition

ASD participates in the Advanced Placement (AP) Program sponsored by the College Board in the United States. These AP courses are equivalent to first-year college courses and are intended for students who possess proven ability, interest and motivation to handle the extra workload and study requirements. The decision to take an AP course should not be taken lightly. Students considering AP courses should seek advice from parents, the course teacher, current students enrolled in the particular AP course of interest and their counselor. Students enrolled in any AP classes are expected to complete the corresponding College Board external exam in May. These exams are scored on a 1-5 scale. Depending on the school, scores of 4 or 5 can result in a college or university awarding credit, exemption from courses or advanced standing. Students should research individual colleges to understand their policies in rewarding AP credit. Please note that there is a fee for each AP exam. When considering AP courses, students must carefully consider the extra time commitment these courses entail. By definition, AP courses are very demanding and require extensive homework and self-directed study. Therefore, a strong degree of motivation, organization and time management skills are critical. As a result, when calculating GPA, AP courses are weighted. Students receive 0.25 additional weight to their GPA.

Physics I English Literature and Composition

Calculus AB Calculus BC Statistics Spanish Language and Culture French Language and Culture Studio Art 2D and 3D Design Music Theory Psychology Virtual High School (VHS) Capstone - Seminar and Research If students choose to prepare for and take an AP exam not offered at ASD, they must contact the ASD AP Coordinator to make arrangements. Should students register for AP-level courses that their current teachers cannot recommend based on current performance, parents will be asked to sign a form indicating they understand the student is applying for a course which is deemed inappropriate for the student at this time. In the absence of a parental signature, the student will not be enrolled in the desired AP course.


ASD 2016-2017 Course Offerings by Department Credit: English

Credit: Science


Credits Grade




English 9



Integrated Physics and Chemistry



English 10






Approaches to Literature: American Perspectives






Approaches to Literature: Global Topics






AP Biology



Approaches to Literature: Language and Communication



AP Biology Lab



AP Chemistry



AP English Language & Composition



AP Chemistry Lab



AP English Literature & Composition



AP Physics l



Environmental Science



Creative Writing






Human Anatomy



Mass Media & Culture



Marine Biology



Public Speaking



Exercise Science



Thinking Film






Global Issues in Action



Modern World History



AP World History



AP European History









US History






AP Psychology



AP US History



AP Economics






Comparative Governments & Politics



Islamic Civilizations



Comparative Religions



Elective Credit

Credit: Math Course

Credits Grade

Algebra I






Algebra II



Advanced Geometry



Advanced Algebra II












Advanced Pre-Calculus



AP Calculus AB



AP Calculus BC



AP Statistics



Credit: World Languages Course



French I, II, III



French IV



AP French Language and Culture



French Literature



Spanish I, II, III



Spanish IV



AP Spanish Language and Culture



Arabic I, ll, lll, lV, V



Arabic Heritage l, ll, lll, lV, V, Vl




Credit: Social Studies

Credit: Physical and Health Education

Credit: Information Technology





PE/Health 9




Competitive Team Sports I



Introduction to Programming Through 0.5 Video Game Design

Lifetime Sports I



Mobile App Development



Outdoor Education



Computer Programming I



Power Fit



Computer Programming II



Competitive Team Sports II



Engineering Design l



Team Sports IIl/Leadership



Engineering Design ll



Weight Training & Fitness



Electronic Design



Aquatic Certification






Exercise Science



Video Broadcasting l



Video Broadcasting ll



Technical Film Production l



Technical Film Production ll



AP Computer Science - VHS



Credit: Creative Arts






Core Media 2D Art



Core Media 2D Digital/ Photography Art



Credit: Non-Departmental Elective

Core Media 3D Art






Visual Arts and Design



AP Capstone Year l



Visual Arts Communications l



AP Capstone Year ll



Visual Arts Communications ll



Business Studies



Stagecraft & Set Design l



Study Skills



Stagecraft & Set Design ll



Supervised Study Block l



AP Studio Art 3D Design



Supervised Study Block ll



AP Studio Art Drawing



Supervised Study Block lll



AP Studio Art 2D Design



Study Block



Women’s Choir



Virtual High School



Men’s Choir






Chamber Choir



Concert Band



Credit Codes:

Symphonic Band





Chamber Orchestra





AP Music Theory





Beginning Guitar





Music Technology



Social Studies


Introductory Dance



World Languages


Advanced Dance



Physical and Health Education


Technical Theatre



Information Technology


Acting I



Creative Arts


Acting II



Non-Departmental Electives


Theatre Production



Core Electives


American School of Dubai Sample High School 4-Year Plan The American School of Dubai offers a robust and challenging high school curriculum, within which students have a wide opportunity to select courses that help them achieve their dreams. HS counselors work with students to create a personalized 4-year academic plan so that they can think about, set, and achieve their academic goals. Creating a 4-Year plan is an important activity that allows students to personalize their high school course selection so it aligns with their passions and interests while also safely meeting high school graduation and minimum post-secondary entrance requirements. HS counselors provide guidance on this student-driven activity, though a 4-Year plan is understood to be a tentative plan at the time of creation that can change over time if a student's interests or goals change.

The 4-year plan below is a sample plan for a student interested in the indicated academic focus. It does not represent a selection of required courses for this focus.


Subjects & Requirements

Grade 9

Grade 10

Grade 11

Grade 12


ENGLISH Must take English every year for graduation

English 9

English 10

Approaches to Literature: American Perspectives

Approaches to Literature: Language & Communication



Algebra I


Algebra II

Pre-Calculus or Statistics


SCIENCE 1 year of Biology is required for graduation

Integrated Physics & Chemistry





SOCIAL STUDIES US History strongly recommended for US passport holders

Global Issues in Action

Modern World History

US History

Psychology & Sociology


WORLD LANGUAGES 2 consecutive years of the same language required

French Il

French IIl

French IV

Spanish l


PHYSICAL EDUCATION 1 credit Grade 9 PE required ½ credit Grade 10 Lifetime or Competitive Team Sports required

PE/Health 9

Lifetime Sports I

Exercise Science



Core Media 2D Art & Core Media 3D Art

Visual Design & Core Media 2D Digital/ Photography Art

Visual Art Communication l & Visual Art Communication ll



Technical Film Production


ELECTIVES All additional credits earned beyond the minimum required.

Acting I


Core Electives – 3.0 Non-core Electives 2.5


AP 3D Studio Art

Video Broadcasting I Human Anatomy Public Speaking Supervised Study block l

Study Hall (full year no credit)

Study Hall (full year no credit) Creative Writing Stagecraft & Set Design I

American School of Dubai Sample High School 4-Year Plan The 4-year plan below is a sample plan for a student interested in the indicated academic focus. It does not represent a selection of required courses for this focus.


Subjects & Requirements

Grade 9

Grade 10

Grade 11

Grade 12


ENGLISH Must take English every year for graduation

English 9

English 10

Approaches to Literature: American Perspectives

Approaches to Literature: Language & Communication



Algebra I

Algebra II & Geometry

Calculus & AP Statistics



SCIENCE 1 year of Biology required

Integrated Physics & Chemistry





SOCIAL STUDIES US History strongly recommended for US passport holders

Global Issues in Action

Modern World History

US History

AP Psychology & AP Economics


WORLD LANGUAGES 2 consecutive years of the same language required

Spanish II

Spanish IIl

Arabic l

Arabic ll


PHYSICAL EDUCATION 1 credit Grade 9 PE required ½ credit Grade 10 Lifetime or Competitive Team Sports required

PE/Health 9

Competitive Team Sports I

Competitive Team Sports II



Core Media 2D Digital Photo & Beginning Guitar

Acting I



Mobile App Development

Intro to Programming

Computer Programming l


ELECTIVES All additional credits earned beyond the minimum required. Core Electives – 3.0 Non-core Electives 2.5

Public Speaking

Business Studies

Study Hall (full year no credit)


Acting Il

Study Hall (full year no credit) & Comparative Government and Politics


American School of Dubai Sample High School 4-Year Plan The 4-year plan below is a sample plan for a student interested in the indicated academic focus. It does not represent a selection of required courses for this focus.


Subjects & Requirements

Grade 9

Grade 10

Grade 11

Grade 12


ENGLISH Must take English every year for graduation

English 9

English 10

Approaches to Literature: American Perspectives

Approaches to Literature: Language and Communication



Algebra I

Advanced Geometry & Algebra II


AP Calculus AB & Statistics


SCIENCE 1 year of Biology is required



Physics & AP Chemistry and AP Chemistry Lab

AP Physics


SOCIAL STUDIES US History strongly recommended for US passport holders

Global Issues in Action

Modern World History

US History



WORLD LANGUAGES 2 consecutive years of the same language required

Spanish I

Spanish II

Spanish III

Spanish IV


PHYSICAL EDUCATION 1 credit Grade 9 PE required ½ credit Grade 10 Lifetime or Competitive Team Sports required

PE/Health 9

Competitive Team Sports I



Core Media 2D Digital Photo & Acting l

Technical Theatre & Music Technology



Electronic Design & Robotics

Mobile App Development




All additional credits earned beyond the minimum required. Core Electives – 3.0 Non-core Electives 2.5


Competitive Team Sports II

Computer Programming l

Computer Programming ll

Study Hall (full year no credit)

Study Hall (full year no credit)

American School of Dubai Sample High School 4-Year Plan The 4-year plan below is a sample plan for a student interested in the indicated academic focus. It does not represent a selection of required courses for this focus.


Subjects & Requirements

Grade 9

Grade 10

Grade 11

Grade 12


ENGLISH Must take English every year for graduation

English 9

English 10

Approaches to Literature: Global Topics

AP Literature & Composition



Algebra I


Algebra II



SCIENCE 1 year of Biology is required

Integrated Physics & Chemistry



Human Anatomy & Marine Biology


SOCIAL STUDIES US History strongly recommended for US passport holders

Global Issues in Action

Modern World History

US History

Psychology & Sociology


WORLD LANGUAGES 2 consecutive years of the same language required

French Il

French IIl

French IV

AP French & Culture


PHYSICAL EDUCATION 1 credit Grade 9 PE required ½ credit Grade 10 Lifetime or Competitive Team Sports required

PE/Health 9

Competitive Team Sports I

Aquatic Certification

Outdoor Education



Concert Band

Concert Band

Symphonic Band

Symphonic Band



Digital Video

Video Broadcasting


ELECTIVES All additional credits earned beyond the minimum required.


International Relations & Public Speaking

Study Hall (full year no credit) & Creative Writing

Study Hall (full year no credit) & Mass Media and Culture


Core Electives – 3.0 Non-core Electives 2.5


American School of Dubai Sample High School 4-Year Plan The 4-year plan below is a sample plan for a student interested in the indicated academic focus. It does not represent a selection of required courses for this focus.


Subjects & Requirements

Grade 9

Grade 10

Grade 11

Grade 12


ENGLISH Must take English every year for graduation

English 9

English 10

Approaches to Literature: American Perspectives

Approaches to Literature: Global Topics



Algebra I

Geometry & Algebra II


Calculus or AP Calculus AB or BC


SCIENCE 1 year of Biology is required for graduation



AP Biology and AP Biology Lab & Physics

AP Chemistry & AP Chemistry Lab


SOCIAL STUDIES US History strongly recommended for US passport holders

Global Issues in Action

Modern World History


AP Psychology


WORLD LANGUAGES 2 consecutive years of the same language required

Arabic I

Arabic II

Arabic Ill

Arabic lV


PHYSICAL EDUCATION 1 credit Grade 9 PE required ½ credit Grade 10 Lifetime or Competitive Team Sports required

PE/Health 9

Competitive Team Sports I

Aquatics Certification

Exercise Science & Outdoor Education



Core Media 2D Drawing & Painting and Core Media 2D Digital Photo

Core Media 3D Art & Introductory Dance



Video Broadcasting I


ELECTIVES All additional credits earned beyond the minimum required.

Public Speaking

Study Block (full year no credit)

Study Block (full year no credit) & Human Anatomy


Core Electives – 3.0 Non-core Electives 2.5


Marine Biology


Graduation Requirement: 4 years/credits In order to graduate from the American School of Dubai students must complete four years of English/Language Arts. As educators, our objective is to ensure that students acquire and master tools for effective communication including, but not limited to, listening, reading, speaking, viewing and writing skills. In addition, students learn appropriate research skills and are continuously developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Students read a blend of classic fiction and modern literature as well as non-fiction, and teachers incorporate current events, poetry, short stories, letters, speeches, music, film and other texts into the curriculum to thoroughly address students’ needs and prepare them for postsecondary education and life beyond. In addition to English 9, 10, and Approaches to Literature for English 11 and 12, the department offers AP English Language and Composition and AP English Literature and Composition, as well as the following electives: Creative Writing, Mass Media and Culture, Journalism (Akbar student magazine), Public Speaking and Thinking Film.

English Course Sequence English 9

English 10

Approaches to Literature: American Perspectives

Approaches to Literature: Global Topics

Approaches to Literature: Language & Communication

AP English Language & Composition

AP English Literature & Composition

Please read the following specific course descriptions for information on pre-requisites. ASD HIGH SCHOOL COURSE DESCRIPTION GUIDE | 13

2016-2017 Course Descriptions Course Name: English 9

practitioners of diction, tone, details, imagery, syntax, style, logic, conventions of argument, and appeals to audience.

Credit: 1.0 EN

By engaging in the reading and writing activities in the AP Language and Composition course, students will become engaged participants of civic discourse. Students will gain the critical thinking skills necessary to deconstruct and analyze text not only within but also outside the academic setting.

Department: English Length: 1 Year

Grade Level(s): Grade 9

Pre-Requisite: Successful completion of Grade 8 English Expected study time per lesson: 30 - 60 minutes

English 9 broadens the students’ literary experiences by introducing them to several classics and establishes a foundation for the advanced study of various genres. Units will include short stories, drama, poetry, fiction, and non-fiction. In addition to reading and analyzing texts, the course emphasizes the development of writing, research, speaking, listening, viewing, grammar, and vocabulary skills. Independent reading is required in addition to the regular course work. ______________________________________________________ Course Name: English 10 Department: English Credit: 1.0 EN

Length: 1 Year

Grade Level(s): Grade 10

Pre-Requisite: Successful completion of Grade 9 English Expected study time per lesson: 45 - 60 minutes

English 10 surveys World Literature from historical and theme-based perspectives, and also connects text to relevant, current issues. Students will analyze and synthesize fiction and nonfiction examining the author’s use of literary devices and major social, political, and economic forces related to the works. In addition to reading and analyzing texts, the course emphasizes the development of writing, research, speaking, listening, viewing, grammar, and vocabulary skills. ______________________________________________________ Course Name: AP English Language and Composition Department: English Credit: 1.0 EN

Length: 1 Year

Grade Level(s): Grade 11 - 12

Pre-Requisites: Instructor approval and B or better in English 10. If selecting course as a senior, successful completion of one of the Approaches to Literature or AP Literature and Composition with a B average or better in their current English course. Expected study time per lesson: 60 - 90 minutes

AP English Language and Composition Course is a collegelevel course where students “read a variety of texts and are taught basic elements of rhetoric: writing with a purpose, addressing and appealing to an audience, creating effective text structures, and effecting an appropriate style,” (The College Board, AP® English Course Description, May 2009, May 2010). Students will gain several essential concepts in the AP Language and Composition course, including but not limited to, effectively making text connections, writing from a mature, academic perspective, using metacognition to appropriately reflect on the process of reading and writing, and synthesizing well-developed arguments. Students in the Advanced Placement Language and Composition course focus on the power of language and effective rhetoric as well as argument and research. Students will become intimate 14 | ASD HIGH SCHOOL COURSE DESCRIPTION GUIDE

Students enrolled will be expected to take the College Board exam in May. ______________________________________________________ Course Name: AP English Literature and Composition Department: English Credit: 1.0 EN

Length: 1 Year

Grade Level(s): Grade 11 - 12

Pre-Requisites: Instructor approval and successful completion of English 10. If selecting course as a senior, successful completion of one of the Approaches to Literature or AP Language and Composition. Should have at least a B in their current English course Expected study time per lesson: 60 - 90 minutes

AP English Literature and Composition is offered to students of Grades 11 or 12 who demonstrate language skills capable of performing at an advanced level as well as a strong desire to study literature. Course study includes more extensive reading, a more in-depth analysis of selected literary passages, and more concentration on timed essay writing. Student commitment to improvement and interest in literary studies should be strong and Genuine. According to College Board, students will develop a wide-ranging vocabulary, a variety of sentence structures, a logical organization, an effective use of rhetoric, including controlling tone, maintaining a consistent voice. Students enrolled will be expected to take the College Board exam in May. ______________________________________________________ Course Name: Approaches to Literature: American Perspectives Department: English Credit: 1.0 EN

Length: 1 Year

Grade Level(s): Grade 11 - 12

Pre-Requisite: Successful completion of Grade 10 English Expected study time per lesson: 30 - 60 minutes

Approaches to Literature: American Perspectives will survey seminal American literature from historical and theme-based perspectives as well as connect the text to relevant, current issues. Students will analyze and synthesize fiction and nonfiction examining the author’s use of literary devices and major social, political, and economic forces related to the works. In addition to reading and analyzing texts, the course emphasizes writing, research, speaking, listening, viewing and developing grammar and vocabulary. There is also a major focus placed on the use of literary and rhetorical strategies in both writing and speaking. ______________________________________________________

Course Name: Approaches to Literature: Global Topics Department: English Credit: 1.0 EN

Length: 1 Year

Grade Level(s): Grade 11 - 12

Pre-Requisite: Successful completion of Grade 10 English Expected study time per lesson: 30 - 60 minutes

Approaches to Literature: focuses on the study of literature revolving around current topics relevant to social, cultural, and political forces both regionally and globally. Topics of study may include education, political movements, ideological and cultural conflicts, and humans’ relationship with nature. The texts will include a wide range of fiction and nonfiction in a variety of genres and media. In addition to the development of critical reading and analysis of texts, the course emphasizes writing, research, speaking, listening, viewing and developing grammar and vocabulary. There is also a major focus placed on the use of literary and rhetorical strategies in both writing and speaking. ______________________________________________________ Course Name: Approaches to Literature: Language and Communication Department: English Credit: 1.0 EN

Length: 1 Year

Grade Level(s): Grade 11 - 12

Pre-Requisite: Successful completion of Grade 10 and 11 English Expected study time per lesson: 30 - 60 minutes

This course devoted to the study of literature from the standpoint of the development of the English language. Students will study fiction and non-fiction texts and media from a wide range of eras, genres and global regions in order to acquire an understanding of language as a purposeful, communicative medium. There is a major focus on the use of literary and rhetorical strategies in both written and spoken expression. In addition to the critical reading and analysis of texts, the course emphasizes writing, speaking, researching, listening, viewing and developing grammar and vocabulary. ______________________________________________________ Course Name: Creative Writing Department: English Credit: 0.5 EL

Length: 1 Semester

Grade Level(s): Grade 9 - 12 Pre-Requisite: None

Expected study time per lesson: 0 - 30 minutes

Creative writing provides students the opportunity to find their own voice, style and story. Students will read and create writing pieces which model masters of various genres, including poetry, fiction, drama, non-fiction, essay, biography, screenplay, even song and graphic novel. Students will be afforded ample experiences revising, reflecting, presenting and showcasing their own writing with peers. ______________________________________________________ Course Name: Journalism Department: English Credit: 1.0 EL

Length: 1 Year

Grade Level(s): Grade 9 - 12 Pre-Requisites: None

Expected study time per lesson: 0 - 30 minutes

Journalism students should exhibit strong writing, organizational and editing skills. Students enrolling in the course will learn to publish a newspaper and professional magazine and all the elements in their production. They will write news articles, feature stories, sports stories, editorials, columns, and headlines. Students will also design layouts, edit and publish the high school student magazine, the Akhbar. This course may be repeated for credit. ______________________________________________________ Course Name: Mass Media and Culture Department: English Credit: 0.5 EL Length: 1 Semester

Grade Level(s): Grade 10 - 12 Pre-Requisite: None Expected study time per lesson: 30 - 60 minutes Mass Media and Culture is designed to allow students to study the importance and influence of mass media on culture and everyday life, as well as to become both responsible producers and consumers of media. Students recognize and analyze the history of the media, the role of the media, how the media is regulated, and the impact mass media has on society today. Students are encouraged to be participants as well as critics in the global marketplace of ideas by doing the following: analyzing current trends and issues; examining media regulation, advertising, and the economy of the media; producing their own creative media products. Through their study of the media, students will develop the skills of: critical thinking; close reading of informational texts; argumentative speaking and writing; building understanding through discussion and presentation. ______________________________________________________ Course Name: Public Speaking Department: English Credit: 0.5 EL Length: 1 Semester Grade Level(s): Grade 9 - 12 Pre-Requisite: None Expected study time per lesson: 30 - 60 minutes This is an introductory course to public speaking. Students will develop positions on various topics and issues of interest and prepare a variety of speeches reflecting different genres. Students will enhance skills in researching, writing, and presenting speeches. The focus of this course is to provide many and varied speech opportunities. ______________________________________________________ Course Name: Thinking Film Department: English Credit: 0.5 EL Length: 1 Semester Grade Level(s): Grade 10 - 12 Pre-Requisite: None Expected study time per lesson: 30 - 60 minutes Thinking Film introduces elements of film studies, cinematic criticism, and cinematography. Thinking Film is intended to provide students with the necessary tools to enjoy and engage in watching all sorts of film. Students will also tackle questions concerning film making and discussing and writing about the qualitative differences between various films. ______________________________________________________



Graduation Requirement: 3 years/credits In order to graduate from the American School of Dubai, students must complete three years of mathematics. The primary objectives of the Mathematics Department are to provide students a solid foundation in the basics of the various fields of mathematics (arithmetic, algebra, geometry, functions, as well as numerical, graphical and statistical analysis) and the ability to solve application problems in a variety of ways. Geometry, Algebra II and Pre-Calculus are offered in two tracks: Advanced and Regular. The Advanced track is intended to challenge the highest achieving math students, covering the same standards as the Regular track, with a greater emphasis on depth of knowledge and application problems. In addition, students can choose to take AP Statistics, Calculus, AP Calculus AB and AP Calculus BC.

Mathematics Course Sequence Algebra I Geometry

Advanced Geometry

Algebra II

Advanced Algebra II



Advanced Pre-Calculus

Statistics or AP Statistics

AP Calculus AB

Students are allowed to take two math courses, in Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12. If students begin in Grade 9 with Algebra I, but desire to reach Calculus by Grade 12, then they must double up in Grade 10 by taking both a Geometry and an Algebra II course. 16 | ASD HIGH SCHOOL COURSE DESCRIPTION GUIDE

AP Calculus BC

Geometry/ Advanced Geometry


Algebra II Advanced Algebra II

Statistics/ AP Statistics


Pre-Calculus Advanced Pre-Calculus Calculus AP Calculus AB AP Calculus BC

Frequently Asked Questions for Mathematics

2016-2017 Course Descriptions

1. Can students double up in math? Yes, students may take a combination of advanced/regular Geometry and Algebra ll in either Grade 9 or 10.

Department: Mathematics

2. Can a student who begins in Algebra I in Grade 9 but does not double up in Grade 10 take a summer course to reach Calculus by Grade 12? No. 3. Can students take Geometry and Algebra I at the same time? No. Algebra I is a pre-requisite for Geometry. 4. Can students take Algebra II and Statistics at the same time? No. Algebra II is a pre-requisite, and students need to complete Algebra II before enrolling in Statistics. 5. Can students take Statistics and AP Statistics at the same time? No. Statistics is essentially the same course as AP Statistics without the AP exam. This also applies to Calculus and AP Calculus AB. 6. If a Grade 11 student completes Calculus/AP Calculus AB, can they take AP Calculus BC? Yes. Grade 11 students can take AP Calculus BC in Grade 12. 7. If a Grade 11 student completes AP Calculus BC, what can they take in Grade 12? Students can take AP Statistics and/or use the Virtual High School (VHS) classroom to take Multivariable Calculus. Students should talk to teachers and counselors for recommendations. 8. How are students from the integrated curriculum placed in courses at ASD? Students who completed Integrated lll can enroll in Advanced Pre-calculus/Pre-calculus. Students who completed Integrated ll will take Advanced Algebra II/Algebra II. Students who completed Integrated l can take Advanced Geometry/Geometry unless they have Cs or lower in the course. After their placement test, teachers and counselors may recommend students take Algebra I. 9. After Semester I, can students change levels to move to an advanced course from a regular course or vice versa? Although this does not happen frequently, teachers and counselors can recommend this on a case-by-case basis. 10. If a student just completed regular Geometry, can they take Advanced Algebra ll next year? Yes. A student may move from a regular track to an advanced track or vice versa. This move should be discussed with teachers and includes a review of the student’s current math grades as well as external assessments to support this change. 11. What graphing calculator is recommended for mathematics classes? The mathematics department uses a TI-84 graphing calculator during instruction. Any of the TI-84 models will work for classroom use (TI-84 Plus CE/TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition/TI-84 Silver/TI-84 Plus). If students choose to use a TI-N

Course Name: Algebra I Credit: 1.0 MM Length: 1 Year Grade Level(s): Grade 9 Pre-Requisite: Math 8 Expected study time per lesson: 30 - 40 minutes Algebra I concentrates on algebraic concepts such as: linear relationships, their graphs and functions; systems of linear equations and linear inequalities; powers and exponents; quadratic equations; polynomials and factoring. Problem solving skills are emphasized throughout the course. Students will also learn to use technology to aid them in problem solving. A TI-84 calculator or N-Spire CX CAS is required for this course. ______________________________________________________ Course Name: Geometry Department: Mathematics Credit: 1.0 MM Length: 1 Year Grade Level(s): Grade 9 - 10 Pre-Requisite: Algebra I Expected study time per lesson: 30 - 40 minutes Geometry integrates a traditional deductive approach. The first semester includes reasoning and writing proofs, transformations, congruency and similarity of triangles and triangle trigonometry. The second semester covers polygons, circles, areas and volumes and solids, and geometric probability. Problem solving skills are emphasized throughout the course. A TI-84 calculator or N-Spire CX CAS is required for this course. ______________________________________________________ Course Name: Algebra II Department: Mathematics Credit: 1.0 MM Length: 1 Year Grade Level(s): Grade 10 - 11 Pre-Requisites: Algebra I and Geometry/Advanced Geometry, or taken concurrently with Geometry/Advanced Geometry Expected study time per lesson: 30 - 40 minutes Algebra II further develops the concepts learned in Algebra I and Geometry such as: linear, quadratic, polynomial, rational, radical, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions, descriptive statistics, and properties of the unit circle. Problem solving skills in real life situations are also emphasized throughout the course. A TI-84 calculator or N-Spire CX CAS is required for this course. ______________________________________________________ ASD HIGH SCHOOL COURSE DESCRIPTION GUIDE | 17

Course Name: Advanced Geometry Department: Mathematics Credit: 1.0 MM Length: 1 Year Grade Level(s): Grade 9 – 10 Pre-Requisites: Algebra I with a minimum grade of B+ and teacher recommendation based on other data points

Students choose the AP Track or the non-AP Track. Students who complete Statistics will not be eligible to take AP Statistics.

Expected study time per lesson: 30 - 60 minutes

Grade Level(s): Grade 11 – 12

Advanced Geometry integrates a traditional deductive approach with an inductive approach and an emphasis on problem solving skills. Students discover and apply the properties of transformation, congruence, similarity and trigonometry to solve problems about triangles and other figures. Additional topics include: circle theorems, coordinate geometry, conic sections, vectors, geometric measurement and probability. Throughout the course, students will create two-column proofs such as creating algebraic expressions, identifying functions, graphing and solving linear equations, simplifying radicals and exponents, factoring, graphic and solving linear equations, simplifying radicals and exponents, factoring, graphing and solving quadratic equations, and solving systems of equations. Students who are successful in this course will be prepared to take Advanced Algebra II. A TI-84 or N-Spire CX CAS calculator is required for this course. ______________________________________________________ Course Name: Advanced Algebra II Department: Mathematics Credit: 1.0 MM Length: 1 Year Grade Level(s): Grade 9 - 11 Pre-Requisites: Advanced Geometry with a grade of B+ or an A in Geometry and teacher recommendation based on other data points Expected study time per lesson: 30 - 60 minutes

Advanced Algebra II expands on topics introduced in Algebra I and Geometry with emphasis on simplifying and solving equations, transforming graphs, interpreting key features of functions and modeling real-life scenarios. Students will make connections between the various mathematical representations of polynomial, exponential, absolute value, logarithmic, radical, rational and trigonometric functions. Additionally, students will analyze and make conclusions about univariate and bivariate data. In order to be successful in this course, students are expected to have mastered key Algebra I concepts. Students who are successful in this course will be prepared to take Advanced Pre-Calculus. A TI-84 or N-Spire CX CAS calculator is required for this course. ______________________________________________________ Course Name: Statistics Department: Mathematics Credit: 1.0 MM/CELT Length: 1 Year Grade Level(s): Grade 10 - 12 Pre-Requisites: Algebra Il and Advanced Algebra ll Expected study time per lesson: 30 minutes The Statistics course introduces students to the major statistical concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data. Students are exposed to four main conceptual themes: exploring data, sampling and experimentation, anticipating patterns, and inferential statistics. 18 | ASD HIGH SCHOOL COURSE DESCRIPTION GUIDE

______________________________________________________ Course Name: Pre-Calculus Department: Mathematics Credit: 1.0 MM/CELT Length: 1 Year

Pre-Requisite: Algebra II/ Advanced Algebra II

Expected study time per lesson: 30 - 40 minutes

Pre-Calculus further develops the concepts learned in Algebra II preparing students for the transition into Calculus: polynomial, rational, radical, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions, descriptive statistics, sequences and series, the unit circle, analytical trigonometry, and conics. Problem solving skills in real life situations are emphasized throughout the course. A TI-84 or N-Spire CX CAS calculator is required for this course. ______________________________________________________ Course Name: Calculus

Department: Mathematics Credit: 1.0 MM/CELT Length: 1 Year

Grade Level(s): Grade 11 - 12

Pre-Requisite: Pre-Calculus/Advanced Pre-Calculus Expected study time per lesson: 30 - 45 minutes

Calculus is a full-year, college level course in the calculus of functions of one independent variable. The course is based on the four major concepts of calculus: limits, derivatives, definite, and indefinite integrals. The class will focus on being able to work with functions represented in a variety of ways: graphical, numerical, analytical, or verbal and understanding the connections among these representations. Students should be able to use technology to help solve problems, experiment, interpret results, and verify conclusions. Furthermore, they should be able to determine the reasonableness of solutions, including sign, size, relative accuracy, and units of measurement. Lastly, students should be able to develop an appreciation of calculus as a coherent body of knowledge and as a human accomplishment. A TI-84 or N-Spire CX CAS calculator is required for this course. ______________________________________________________ Course Name: Advanced Pre-Calculus Department: Mathematics Credit: 1.0 MM/CELT Length: 1 Year

Grade Level(s): Grade 11 – 12

Pre-Requisites: Advanced Algebra II B+ or higher, Grade of A in Algebra ll and teacher recommendation based on other data points Expected study time per lesson: 30- 45 minutes

Advanced Pre-Calculus is a college level I mathematics course. It covers a variety of topics, including algebraic functions such as polynomials, rationales, and radicals and their applications, transcendental functions such as exponential and logarithmic and their graphs, trigonometric functions and their applications, analytic trigonometry, analytic geometry, sequences and series, vector analysis, parametric and

polar equations, and an introduction to differential calculus. Attention will be given to applying the above topics to realworld problems and mathematical modeling. In addition, each of these topics will be emphasized using graphical, numerical, analytical, and verbal representations. Students who successfully complete this course will be prepared to move directly into AP Calculus BC. A TI-84 or N-Spire CX CAS calculator is required for this course. Note: This course is a full year of Pre-calculus with an additional quarter on Calculus topics of limits and derivatives. ______________________________________________________ Course Name: AP Calculus AB Department: Mathematics Credit: 1.0 MM/CELT Length: 1 Year

Grade Level(s): Grade 11 - 12

Pre-Requisites: Advanced Pre-Calculus or Pre-Calculus with a minimum B + average and teacher recommendation based on other data points Expected study time per Lesson: 30 - 45 minutes

AP Calculus AB is a full-year, college level course in the calculus of functions of one independent variable. The course is based on the four major concepts of calculus: limits, derivatives, definite and indefinite integrals. According to College Board, students should be able to work with functions represented in a variety of ways: graphical, numerical, analytical, or verbal, and understand the connections among these representations. Students will be familiar with the meaning of the derivative in terms of a rate of change and local linear approximation and be able to use derivatives to solve a variety of problems. Students should be able to understand the meaning of the definite integral, both as a limit of Riemann sums and as the net accumulation of change, and should be able to use integrals to solve a variety of problems. They should also comprehend the relationship between the derivative and the definite integral as expressed in both parts of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. In addition, students should be able to communicate mathematics both orally and in well-written sentences and be able to explain solutions to problems. Students should be able to model a written description of a physical situation with a function, a differential equation, or an integral; and they should be able to use technology to help solve problems, experiment, interpret results, and verify conclusions. Furthermore, they should be able to determine the reasonableness of solutions, including sign, size, relative accuracy, and units of measurement. Lastly, students should be able to develop an appreciation of calculus as a coherent body of knowledge and as a human accomplishment.

AP Calculus BC is a full-year, college level course that covers an extensive study of functions, graphs, limits, derivatives, definite integrals, polynomial approximations and series and applications of all the above. Each of these topics is approached via the “Rule of Four�, with activities that emphasize expressing mathematics from graphical, numerical, analytical, and verbal representations. Students should be able to use technology to help solve problems, experiment, interpret results, and verify conclusions. Furthermore, they should be able to determine the reasonableness of solutions, including sign, size, relative accuracy, and units of measurement. Lastly, students should be able to develop an appreciation of calculus as a coherent body of knowledge and as a human accomplishment. A TI-84 or N-Spire CX CAS calculator is required for this course. Students enrolled will be expected to take the College Board AP exam in May. __________________________________________________ Course Name: AP Statistics Department: Mathematics Credit: 1.0 MM/CELT Length: 1 Year

Grade Level(s): Grade 11 - 12

Pre-Requisites: Algebra II/Advanced Algebra II with a minimum B average, and teacher recommendation Expected study time per lesson: 30 - 45 minutes

AP Statistics is a full-year college level course that introduces students to the major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data. Students are exposed to four broad conceptual themes: Exploring Data: describing patterns and departures from patterns Sampling and Experimentation: planning and conducting a study Anticipating Patterns: exploring random phenomena using probability and simulation Statistical Inference: estimating population parameters and testing hypotheses Students who successfully complete the course and examination may receive credit and/or advanced placement for a one-semester introductory college statistics course. A TI-84 or N-Spire CX CAS calculator is required for this course. Students enrolled will be expected to take the College Board AP exam in May. __________________________________________________

A TI-84 or N-Spire CX CAS calculator is required for this course. Students enrolled will be expected to take the College Board AP exam in May. ______________________________________________________ Course Name: AP Calculus BC Department: Mathematics Credit: 1.0 MM/CELT Length: 1 Year

Grade Level(s): Grade 11 - 12

Pre-Requisites: Advanced Pre-Calculus with a grade of B or higher, Calculus or AP Calculus AB and teacher recommendation based on other data points Expected study time per lesson: 45 - 60 minutes ASD HIGH SCHOOL COURSE DESCRIPTION GUIDE | 19


Graduation Requirement: 3 years/credits In order to graduate from ASD, students must complete three years of science. All students should take a full year of core courses, biology and then either chemistry or physics. Students who take biology in Grade 9 are required to take two more years of science to satisfy their three-year science requirement.

or three of the AP Science electives (AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP Physics l). These courses are designed for students with strong aptitude and interest, and the department places only qualified students in them. AP Chemistry and AP Biology require students to take a pass/fail lab course for 0.5 credits.

The study of physics and chemistry acquaints students with the laws governing the universe and promotes quantitative scientific thinking and problem-solving skills. The study of biology introduces them to the principles that unify all life on our planet and gives them important perspective on the human species.

Students planning on taking the SAT II subject tests in chemistry, physics or biology should consult the teacher of these subjects for guidance. Students who have done excellent work in the regular level classes can be successful as long as they do some out of class preparation. Most students would be better prepared for the tests after completing AP Biology, AP Physics l and/or AP Chemistry.

Students interested in careers requiring a science background or applying to competitive universities should plan on taking two

Science Course Sequence MS Science

Integrated Physics and Chemistry


Science Electives


AP Biology AP Biology Lab Key: Solid line: Recommended route

AP Chemistry AP Chemistry Lab

Dashed line: Possible route



AP Physics l

Red dotted line:Possible double-up

Frequently Asked Questions About Science 1. Can students double up in science?

Grade 10 and 11 students can double up with any combination of sciences if pre-requisites are fulfilled for both courses. 2. What options are available for Grade 9 students that took Biology and want to build additional science skills before taking Physics or Chemistry?

Students are encouraged to take Integrated Physics and Chemistry before taking Physics or Chemistry to benefit from a solid background in scientific inquiry skills. 3. Can students take a summer science course for HS science credit?

No. The ASD scope and sequence allow for students to reach all levels of science, so there is no need for summer science courses. Credit is never given for summer courses. 4. Can a Grade 9 student double up in Biology and Chemistry?

No. Students can double up in science beginning in Grade 10.

6. Can students take an AP course without completing the general course in that subject?

No. General science courses are vertically aligned with the AP curriculum. 7. Can students take a science course without the math pre-requisite?

No. Math pre-requisites are the minimum math level required in order to be successful in the course. 8. Can students take Marine Biology, Human Anatomy, or Environmental Science without the pre-requisite? No. Science electives are for science credit and build upon skills and knowledge from the pre-requisite courses. 9. Can students take two courses in a year?

Students are only allowed to take two science courses starting in Grade 10. Below is a chart of paths students can follow through their four years of HS science. The paths include options for doubling up.

5. Can students take Chemistry and AP Biology at the same time?

Yes. Chemistry is a co-requisite for AP Biology and students should expect a learning curve associated with catching up on basic chemistry skills.





Chemistry and Physics

Integrated Physics and Chemistry




AP Biology or AP Chemistry

Chemistry or Physics



AP Science

AP Chemistry or AP Physics

AP Science

AP Biology or AP Chemistry

Integrated Physics & Chemistry Biology and Chemistry

Chemistry and Physics

Chemistry and Physics

Physics or AP Biology

Biology and AP Physics

AP Science

AP Chemistry or AP Physics

AP Biology or AP Physics


2016-2017 Course Descriptions Course Name: Integrated Physics and Chemistry Department: Science Credit: 1.0 SC Length: 1 Year Grade Level(s): Grade 9 Pre-Requisites: None Expected study time per lesson: 10 - 30 minutes Integrated Physics and Chemistry will help students understand the world around them by exploring the basic principles of physics and chemistry. The course is designed to give Grade 9 students a solid foundation in high school science plus the required background to be successful in their subsequent science classes. Concepts explored include: motion, forces, energy, atoms, the periodic table, chemical bonding, chemical reactions, Earth’s place in the universe and the Earth’s systems. A major focus of the course is for students to be comfortable with and competent in conducting their own experiments, organizing data, and working with this data to draw valid conclusions. ______________________________________________________ Course Name: Biology Department: Science Credit: 1.0 SC Length: 1 Year Grade Level(s): Grade 9 - 10 Pre-Requisites: Integrated Physics and Chemistry or recommendation of Grade 8 Science teacher based on student assessment data Expected study time per lesson: 10 - 30 minutes Biology is intended to provide a challenging, in-depth study of living organisms. This course provides a strong foundation for those students who will choose to pursue advanced biology courses. This course will include units of study in basic biochemistry, cell structure and function, photosynthesis and cell respiration, molecular genetics, Mendelian genetics and inheritance and ecology. For all students, the course provides a foundation for life-long learning and interaction with current issues. All students must pass this course to graduate. ______________________________________________________ Course Name: Chemistry Department: Science Credit: 1.0 SC/CELT Length: 1 Year Grade Level(s): Grade 10 - 12 Pre-Requisite: Algebra I Expected study time per lesson: 10 - 30 minutes Chemistry is the study of matter, its properties, and how those properties are a result of the atomic structure. Everything in 22 | ASD HIGH SCHOOL COURSE DESCRIPTION GUIDE

our environment, including ourselves, is composed of matter; therefore, chemistry is relevant to every one’s life. This course emphasizes the principal concepts of atomic theory and structure, writing chemical formulas, balancing equations, periodic properties, bonding, the mole concept, properties of gases, stoichiometry, thermo chemistry, and if time permits acid-base reactions. Quantitative problem-solving skills are developed through stoichiometric problems associated with many of the topics in chemistry. Laboratory experiments provide the applications and further development of the principles introduced. ______________________________________________________ Course Name: AP Biology Department: Science Credit: 1.0 SC/CELT Length: 1 Year Grade Level(s): Grade 11 - 12 Pre-Requisites: Biology and Chemistry. Chemistry can be a co-requisite. Accumulative grade of a B+ and a B or higher in each strand plus teacher recommendation Expected study time per lesson: 45 - 60 minutes Note: Students must be enrolled in AP Biology Lab first semester if enrolled in AP Biology The course emphasizes the four “Big Ideas” from the AP Biology curriculum. Topics and concepts are those found in most university modern biology courses taught throughout the United States. The big ideas are: the process of evolution drives the diversity and unity of life; biological systems utilize free energy and molecular building blocks to grow, to reproduce and to maintain dynamic homeostasis; living systems store, retrieve, transmit and respond to information essential to life processes; biological systems interact, and these systems and their interactions possess complex properties. The course is divided into eight essential units: biochemistry, cells, enzymes and metabolism, heredity, molecular genetics, evolution, organism form and function and ecology. Scientific practices are assessed through inquiry experiments, which include at least two laboratory activities under each big idea. Students enrolled will be expected to take the College Board exam in May. ______________________________________________________ Course Name: AP Biology Lab Department: Science Credit: 0.5 SC/CELT Length: 1 Semester Grade Level (s): Grade 11 – 12 Pre-Requisites: Concurrent enrollment in AP Biology Expected study time: 15 minutes Note: This is a pass/fail course AP Biology Lab is important in fulfilling the requirements of a

college-level course in Biology and in preparing a student for upper-level Biology courses in college. The AP Exam in Biology includes a required laboratory-based question on the free response section so the execution of appropriate experiments is important for student success. Data shows that student scores on the AP Biology exam improve with increase time spent in the laboratory. ______________________________________________________ Course Name: Physics Department: Science Credit: 1.0 SC/CELT Length: 1 Year Grade Level(s): Grade 10 - 12 Pre-Requisites: Algebra II Expected study time per lesson: 10 - 30 minutes Physics is a one-year course that helps students understand the physical world around them. The course is divided into 3 major areas of study: mechanics, which includes topics such as motion, forces, energy; waves, which includes the study of sound & light; and electricity, which includes static electricity and basic electric circuits. The class will be hands-on and will help students understand the fundamental laws and concepts of physics. The course is based on a constructivist approach to learning. Throughout the year, students will be doing experiments and activities to discover the content for themselves, and will then apply this content to real world situations. The fully equipped lab will allow students to learn each of these topics through hands-on investigation. The course also involves research on specific topics, problem solving assignments, and a couple of larger projects throughout the year. ______________________________________________________

is math-based, with a strong laboratory component. It will develop the student’s ability to incorporate mathematical skills in the solution of chemistry problems, both through the use of textbook problems and laboratory activities. AP Chemistry provides an orderly development of the fundamental concepts and principles of chemistry with an emphasis on inquiry and critical thinking skills including: problem solving, mathematical reasoning, and experimental investigations. Teaching strategies include laboratory investigations, lectures, demonstrations, collaborative peer-to-peer discussions, and student hands-on experiences where they work as student pairs. Students enrolled will be expected to take the College Board exam in May. ______________________________________________________ Course Name: AP Chemistry Lab Department: Science Credit: 0.5 SC/CELT Length: 1 Semester Grade Level(s): Grade 11 - 12 Pre-Requisites: Concurrent enrollment in AP Chemistry Expected study time per lesson: 15 minutes Note: This is a pass/fail course. AP Chemistry Lab is important in fulfilling the requirements of a college-level course in chemistry and in preparing a student for upper-level chemistry courses in college. The AP exam in chemistry includes a required laboratory-based question on the free-response section so the execution of appropriate experiments is important for student success. Data shows that student scores on the AP Chemistry Exam improve with increased time spent in the laboratory. ______________________________________________________

Course Name: AP Chemistry Department: Science Credit: 1.0 SC/CELT Length: 1 Year Grade Level(s): Grade 11 - 12 Pre-Requisites: Biology, Chemistry and Algebra II with at least a B+ average and teacher recommendation based on student assessment data Expected study time per lesson: 30 - 60 minutes Note: The student must be enrolled in AP Chemistry lab first semester if enrolled in this course AP Chemistry is offered to selected students based on evaluation of previous academic record and interest. In order to perform well on the AP chemistry exam, students have to know and understand chemistry well enough to test out of an entire year of college chemistry. The year will begin with a brief review of first year chemistry and will then move along at a fast pace through new topics while touching on and reinforcing foundations. Since it is a college level class, it is significantly more time consuming and students should expect more homework than they would receive in a regular chemistry class. Students need to know that there is a summer on-line assignment that covers the first four chapters that review topics from regular chemistry. The course ASD HIGH SCHOOL COURSE DESCRIPTION GUIDE | 23

Course Name: AP Physics l

Course Name: Human Anatomy

Department: Science

Department: Science

Credit: 1.0 SC/CELT Length: 1 Year Grade Level(s): Grade 11 - 12 Pre-Requisites: Physics with a B+ or higher in all strands and teacher recommendation based on student assessment data Expected study time per lesson: 30 - 60 minutes AP Physics I is a full-year course equivalent to the first and second semester of a typical introductory, algebra-based, college physics course. This framework focuses on the big ideas in an introductory college-level physics sequence and provides students with enduring, conceptual understandings of foundational physics principles. This approach will enable students to spend less time on mathematical routines and more time engaged in inquiry-based learning of essential concepts, and it will help them develop the critical thinking and reasoning skills necessary to engage in the science practices used throughout their study of algebra-based AP Physics and subsequent course work in science disciplines. Students will develop a deep understanding of physics principles and the ability to reason about physical phenomena using important science process skills such as explaining causal relationships, applying and justifying the use of mathematical routines, designing experiments, analyzing data and making connections across multiple topics within the course. The course will explore mechanics in depth, with a brief overview of some electricity and magnetism concepts.

Credit: 0.5 SC/CELT Length: 1 Semester Grade Level(s): Grade 10 - 12 Pre-Requisite: Biology Expected study time per lesson: 0 – 30 minutes Human Anatomy is a course that provides a working knowledge of the parts of the human body (anatomy) and how these parts function (physiology). Students will focus on the main idea that form is related to function. The aim of the course is to enable students to understand how the different systems of the body work together to allow the entire body to function. Throughout the course, students will be given opportunities to develop scientific process skills and laboratory techniques. Demonstrations, lab activities, videos and dissections will be used to supplement classroom lecture and discussion. ______________________________________________________ Course Name: Marine Biology Department: Science Credit: 0.5 SC/CELT Length: 1 Semester Grade Level(s): Grade 10 – 12 Pre-Requisite: Biology Expected study per lesson: 0 - 30 minutes

Length: 1 Semester

Marine Biology is devoted to the study of the marine environment and the organisms that live in it. Students will learn about the physical structure and chemistry of the ocean, the diversity of ocean life, and the basic principles of marine ecology. The aim of the course is, enable students to become more aware of the scope and impact of human interactions with the marine environment. Throughout the course, students will be given opportunities to develop scientific process skills and laboratory techniques. Demonstrations, lab activities, videos and field trips will be used to supplement classroom lecture and discussion.

Grade Level(s): Grade 10 - 12


Pre-Requisite: Biology

Course Name: Exercise Science

Expected study time per lesson: 0 - 30 minutes

Department: Science

Environmental Science provides students with the scientific principles, concepts, and methodologies needed to understand and describe the interrelationships of the natural world. Students will be able to identify and analyze environmental problems, to evaluate the risks associated with these problems, and to investigate alternative solutions for resolving or preventing them. The following topics are included in this semester course: Earth systems and resources; Ecology; Populations; Land and water use; Energy resources and consumption; Pollution and global climate issues.

Credit: 0.5 SC/CELT

Students enrolled will be expected to take the College Board exam in May. ______________________________________________________ Course Name: Environmental Science Department: Science Credit: 0.5 SC/CELT

Note: This is a project-based course. ______________________________________________________

Length: 1 Semester Pre-Requisite: Competitive Team Sports I or Lifetime Sports I and Biology. Recommended pre-requisite: Anatomy and Physiology Expected study time per lesson: 30-60 minutes Exercise Science gives students the opportunity to study physical movement and explore current sports issues and related health topics. This course will prepare students for university programs in physical education, kinesiology, health sciences, recreation and sports administration. Topics include: Anatomy, Physiology, biomechanics, biodynamics, human performance, physical activity and sports issues in society and culture. Exercise Science in an academic PE course and could include tests, presentations, project, journals, discussions, debates and an exam. Practical hands-on laboratory based activities/experiments and work with volunteers may be included. ____________________________________________________



Graduation Requirement: 3 years/credits

In order to graduate from ASD, students must complete three years of Social Studies. ASD requires Global Studies in Action and World History in Grade 9 and Grade 10. These required courses give the student fundamental skills such as historical analysis, critical thinking, and effective communication both verbally and in written form. Upon completion of Modern World History, students are given a wide-range of courses that will allow them to continue the development of these skills ultimately preparing them for college-level coursework in the social studies area. It is strongly recommended that any student planning to attend university in the US enroll in one of the US History courses. After the required World History coursework, students need to earn one additional credit from any of the remaining social studies offerings. Beginning in Grade 11, students have the ability to double up in social studies courses if they so choose. In Grade 10, Muslim students who qualify for AP World History may take AP World History and Islamic Civilizations.

Social Studies Course Sequence Global Issues in Action

Modern World History

AP World History

Comparative Governments

AP Euro. History


Psychology or AP Psychology

*Islamic Civilizations

US History or AP US History

Economics or AP Economics

* Comparative Religions

Please read the following specific course descriptions for information on pre-requisites. *Islamic Studies Strand: Registered Muslim students, beginning with the class of 2019, must complete two year-long required courses (2.0 credits), Islamic Civilizations and Comparative Religions, during their four years as a high school student at ASD. Muslim students transferring to ASD for Grade 11 or 12 will only be required to take Comparative Religions. ASD HIGH SCHOOL COURSE DESCRIPTION GUIDE | 25

2016-2017 Course Descriptions Course Name: Global Issues in Action

Course Name: AP World History

Department: Social Studies

Department: Social Studies

Credit: 1.0 SS

Credit: 1.0 SS/CELT

Length: 1 Year

Length: 1 Year

Grade Level(s): Grade 9

Grade Level(s): Grade 10

Pre-Requisite: None

Pre-Requisite: Global Issues in Action, teacher recommendation based on student assessment data and MAP scores

Expected study time per lesson: 30 – 60 minutes Today’s globalization is driven by new inventions, improved technologies and countries that want to improve their economic status. As a result, world leaders, policy-makers and everyday citizens are confronted with increased international conflicts, ecological and health-related crises, political transformations and a greater need for improved cross-cultural and international relations. Combined, these things make international studies more important than ever. Given this, Global Issues in Action is an exploration into 21st century global challenges and opportunities that are common to various regions and countries around the world and that reflect the results of an ever-increasing, globally interdependent and complex world. In the context of six (6) themes of Globalization: Population and Migration, Standards of Living, Culture Human/Civil Rights, and Environment. Using an inquiry-based process and case study approach, students will take an active role in defining the scope of these challenges and opportunities. This course culminates in a capstone inquiry project that focuses on a real-world challenge or opportunity of global significance. ______________________________________________________ Course Name: Modern World History Department: Social Studies Credit: 1.0 SS Length: 1 Year Grade Level(s): Grade 10 Pre-Requisite: Global Issues in Action Expected study time per lesson: 30 – 60 minutes Students apply their deeper understanding of social studies concepts on a global scale in Modern World History. The context in Grade 10 is the time period from the Industrial Revolution to the present with an emphasis on major historical events of the 20th century. Students are exposed to a global perspective of the world and will develop a greater understanding of the evolution of globalization. More specifically, students will study the development and integration of cultures, interactions between humans and the environment, creation, expansion, and interaction of economics, political, and social systems. Skills to prepare students for a rapidly changing world include research and writing, speaking and critical analysis or historical events. ______________________________________________________


Expected study time per lesson: 30 – 60 minutes AP World History focuses on developing students’ abilities to think conceptually about world history from approximately 800 BCE to the present and apply historical thinking skills as they learn about the past. Five themes of equal importancefocusing on the environment , cultures, state-building, economic systems, and social structures- provide area of historical inquiry for investigation throughout the course. AP World History encompasses the history of the five major geographical regions of the globe: Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe and Oceania, with special focus on historical developments and process that cross multiple regions. AP World History provides a college-level experience for students in reading, writing and responsibility for learning. Students will be expected to take the College Board exam in May. ______________________________________________________ Course Name: AP European History Department: Social Studies Credit: 1.0 SS Length: 1 Year Grade Level(s): Grade 11 - 12 Pre-Requisites: World History with at least a B average or teacher recommendation based on student assessment data Expected study time per lesson: 60 – 90 minutes AP European History is a rigorous academic course focused on developing students’ abilities to think conceptually about European history from approximately 1450 to present. Students apply historical thinking skills while examining the past within the framework of five (5) themes: Interaction of Europe and the World, Poverty and Prosperity, Objective Knowledge and Subjective Visions, States and Other Institutes of Power and Individuals and Society. The course demands students to reason historically about continuity and change over time and make comparisons among various historical developments in different time and places. Students enrolled in AP European History are required to take the AP exam in May where students will demonstrate their learning in multiple choice questions, a document-based question, short answer questions and a long essay question. Students enrolled will be expected to take the College Board exam in May. ______________________________________________________

Course Name: Sociology Department: Social Studies Credit: 0.5 SS/CELT Length: 1 Semester Grade Level(s): Grade 11 - 12 Pre-Requisite: None Expected study time per lesson: 0 – 45 minutes Sociology will focus on group behavior and dynamics. How do groups work? How is social control maintained? The course will begin by giving the students an appreciation and understanding of social institutions found in all societies while also examining culture and society. Individual topics such as the family, group conformity and deviance, religion, and aging will be studied. Research gathering and the scientific method will be emphasized. ______________________________________________________ Course Name: Psychology Department: Social Studies Credit: 0.5 SS/CELT Length: 1 Semester Grades Level(s): Grade 11 - 12 Pre-Requisite: None Expected study time per lesson: 30 – 60 minutes Psychology asks the questions: Why do we behave the way we do? What factors have impacted the person we are today? This introductory course will attempt to answer these questions by giving the students a better understanding of human behavior and the thinking process. Students will study how the field of Psychology emerged and pioneers associated with its evolution. Human development will be analyzed as well as the numerous theories to explain motivation, emotion, personality and consciousness. Group activities, experiments and research is incorporated throughout the course. Students will complete an independent inquiry-based research project at the end of the semester. Students must choose to take the AP track, or the non-AP track for Psychology. Students who have taken Psychology are not eligible to enroll in AP Psychology. ______________________________________________________ Course Name: US History Department: Social Studies Credit: 1.0 SS/CELT Length: 1 Year

students learn about the various political, social and economic developments that have shaped the United States. Essays, source analysis and critical thinking are emphasized as integral ways of understanding how the past relates to the present and future. Second semester student create a guided research project on a US topic of their interest from 1865-1990. Student are able to choose the format of their work as either a research paper, website, documentary or Science Fair-like presentation. This project helps to prepare students for university-level social science research and presentation expectations. Students must choose to take the AP track, or the non-AP track for US History. Students who have taken US History are not eligible to enroll in AP US History. ______________________________________________________ Course Name: Economics Department: Social Studies Credit: 1.0 SS/CELT Length: 1 Year Grade Level(s): Grade 11 - 12 Pre-Requisite: None Expected study time per lesson: 30 – 60 minutes Economics helps students master basic concepts and theories in macroeconomics and microeconomics. Major areas of study will include scarcity and market systems; supply and demand; business and free enterprise; financial institutions and the banking system; government and national economies; and the economy today. The following are goals of this course: (1) Students will be able to define key economic terms and be able to use these terms in their everyday vocabularies. (2) Students should learn the basic skills in economic research. They should be able to devise simple experiments, interpret and generalize from the results, and evaluate the validity of the research. (3) Students should develop critical thinking skills. They should become aware of the danger of accepting or rejecting economic theories without examination. (4) Students will be asked to participate and express their own views in the classroom while respecting the views of others. (5) Students will be encouraged to apply economic concepts to their own lives. Additionally, applying comprehension and analytical skills will be an integral part of the course. Writing is an important part of the social sciences and an economic research paper will be required for successful completion of this course. Students must choose to take the AP track, or the non-AP track for Economics. Students who have taken Economics are not eligible to enroll in AP Economics. ______________________________________________________

Grade Level(s): Grade 11 - 12 Pre-Requisites: Global Issues in Action and Modern World History Expected study time per lesson: 0 – 45 minutes The first semester of US History examines the events leading up to major turning points in American history beginning with the American Revolution, origins of the constitution, reform movement, Manifest Destiny and the Civil War. Through primary documents, secondary sources and current events,


Course Name: AP Psychology

Course Name: AP Economics

Department: Social Studies

Department: Social Studies

Credit: 1.0 SS/CELT

Credit: 1.0 SS/CELT

Length: 1 Year

Length: 1 Year

Grade Level(s): Grade 11 - 12 Pre-Requisites: Teacher recommendation and minimum B average in current Social Studies course or AP potential Expected study time per lesson: 60 – 90 minutes AP Psychology is a challenging, college-level course designed to introduce students to the scientific study of human behavior and mental processes. Students will learn the major approaches and concepts of psychology and will learn to think like a psychologist, using research methods, critical thinking and ethics. Psychology is present in our everyday lives, and studying its principles may have a profound effect on key areas of our life, such as how we learn and remember, sleep, work and relate to others. Similarly, psychology can be applied to any field or career. To succeed, students must have solid rewarding and writing skills, a scientific attitude, ability to memorize definitions and apply them, and a willingness to devote considerable time to homework and study. _____________________________________________________ Course Name: AP US History Department: Social Studies Credit: 1.0 SS/CELT Length: 1 Year Grade Level(s): Grade 11 - 12 Pre-Requisites: World History with at least a B average or recommendation from most recent History teacher, AP potential based on PSAT scores

Grade Level(s): Grade 11 - 12 Pre-Requisites: Completion of Algebra II with a B+ grade or better with recommendation from Algebra II teacher, AP potential is also considered Expected study time per lesson: 60 – 90 minutes AP Economics is a college level, full year course designed to provide students with a thorough understanding of the principles of economics that apply to consumers and producers within the economic system (microeconomics), as well as an understanding of the economic principles which operate within the economic system as a whole (macroeconomics). The course will integrate the role of the government in promoting greater efficiency and equality in the economy. The aim of AP Economics is to provide the student with a learning experience equivalent to that obtained in a typical college introduction level economics course. Students will learn to think like economists – to question, to evaluate marginal costs and marginal benefits, to explore the many ways that one action will cause secondary actions. Students are expected to complete the two College Board exams in both Microeconomics and Macroeconomics. Students must choose to take the AP track, or the non-AP track for Economics. Students who have taken Economics are not eligible to enroll in AP Economics. ______________________________________________________ Course Name: Geography Department: Social Studies

Expected study time per lesson: 60 - 90 minutes

Credit: 0.5 EL/CELT

AP US History is a challenging course that is meant to be the equivalent of a freshmen college course and, depending on the score earned on the AP exam, can earn students college credit. Using the College Board course description as a guide, the course will cover US History from the Pre-Columbian Indians and the Age of Discovery to the present time. Supplementary readings in the form of primary and secondary sources, essays, and books on special themes, provide substantive and thematic coverage of American history. Special emphasis will be placed on essay writing, document based essays and the historical analysis of various events in American history. Other main assignments include daily reading assignments, weekly quizzes, and multiple-choice and essay exams.

Length: 1 Semester

This course prepares students for demands of college level reading writing and the responsibility for learning. Students enrolled will be expected to take the College Board exam in May. Students must choose to take the AP track, or the non-AP track for US History. Students who have taken US History are not eligible to enroll in AP US History. _____________________________________________________


Grade Level(s): Grade 9 - 10 Pre-Requisite: None Expected study time per lesson: 30 – 60 minutes World Geography is social studies elective. The aim of the semester-long course is to provide students with increased knowledge and understanding of both physical and human geography and to foster an appreciation of our world and its resources, cultures, and environment. Through inquiry, research and analysis of geographic data and applied skills, students will seek to understand how people in various areas around the world interact with natural and cultural environments, and the consequences of these interactions. Students will also explore how people’s perceptions and interactions with nature and cultural environments differ and change over time. ___________________________________________________

Course Name: Comparative Government and Politics Department: Social Studies Credit: 1.0 SS/CELT Length: 1 Semester Grade level(s): Grade 11-12 Expected study time per lesson: 30-60 minutes Pre-Requisite: none Comparative Government and Politics introduces students to the concepts used by political scientists to study the processes and outcomes of politics in a variety of country settings. The course aims to illustrate the rich diversity of political life, show the available institutional alternatives, explain differences in processes and policy outcomes, economic changes and communicate the importance of global political systems found in various countries including the United States, China, Great Britain and Iran. Careful comparison of political systems produce useful knowledge about policies countries have effectively initiated to address problems or issues. Students work individually and in groups on a variety of projects and prepare written reports and oral presentations.

the Koran as well as other primary and secondary resources. Historical inquiry, analytical, and empathetic approaches to the study of Islamic civilizations will be the primary focus. Additionally students will develop a respectful awareness of those practicing the faith, an understanding of how Islam affects people’s lives through economic and geographical studies, a global appreciation of the issues surrounding Islamic religious and spiritual beliefs, awareness of controversies and movements in the world today, and responsible and informed international citizenship. Throughout the course a number of projects, presentations, role-plays, Socratic seminars and essays will be assigned in order to develop research, note taking, and speaking skills. ______________________________________________________ Course Name: Comparative Religions Department: Social Studies Credit: 1.0 SS/CELT Length: 1 Year Grade level(s): Grade 11 - 12 Expected Study time per lesson: 30-60 minutes


Pre-Requisite: Islamic Civilizations

Course Name: Islamic Civilizations

Students will develop a respectful awareness of those practicing a variety of faiths, an understanding of how those faiths affect people’s lives through economic and geographical studies, a global appreciation of the issues surrounding religious and spiritual beliefs, mindfulness of religious controversies and movements in the world today, and responsible and informed international citizenship.

Department: Social Studies Credit: 1.0 SS/CELT Length: 1 Year Grade level: Grade 10 Expected Study time per lesson: 30-60 minutes Pre-Requisite: none The Islamic Civilizations course seeks to promote respect for the diversity of Islamic religious beliefs, both locally and globally, with the aim of enhancing international and interreligious understanding. Students are encouraged to look at contemporary national and international issues regarding Islamic Civilizations and how these may impact the world. In this course students will develop an appreciation for the Islamic history, values and beliefs through the examination of

Students will be introduced to a range of world religions reflecting different traditions, beliefs and practices. In this course students will develop an appreciation for the religious history, values and beliefs through the examination of primary and secondary resources. Historical inquiry, analytical, and empathetic approaches to the study of the three different religious groupings will be the primary focus. Throughout the course a number of projects, presentations, role-plays, Socratic seminars and essays will be assigned in order to develop research, note taking, and speaking skills. ______________________________________________________



Graduation Requirement: 2 years/credits The World Languages Program is a proficiency-based program designed to help students learn to communicate in an additional language beyond their mother tongue and to interact appropriately in the language and the culture of the people who speak it. Proficiency levels are noted in the course descriptions, some levels require two full years of instruction. Native or nearly native speakers of one of the languages necessitate the student’s enrollment in a different language course. The curriculum is intended for students who are non-native or non-fluent speakers. All courses are delivered in the target language. The World Languages Department believes language lies at the heart of the human experience; it is essential to the education of global citizens for each student to develop a sensitivity, understanding and acceptance of the similarities and differences of both the languages and cultures other than their own. Making connections and comparisons to other languages and cultures also helps students better understand their own language and culture. All students can benefit from learning a world language; through rich communicative, cultural and cross-curricular experiences balanced with a study of formal aspects of language, students come to express themselves and interact appropriately in realistic contexts. Assessment of the four language skills (oral expression, oral comprehension, written expression and written comprehension), based on authentic material whenever possible, allows students to demonstrate continued growth as life-long language learners and cultural participants while demonstrating higher level thinking skills.

World Languages Course Sequence French


Arabic as a World Language

Arabic as a Heritage Language

French I

Spanish l

Arabic l

Arabic Heritage l

French ll

Spanish ll

Arabic ll

Arabic Heritage ll

French lll

Spanish lll

Arabic lll

Arabic Heritage lll

French IV

Spanish lV

Arabic lV

Arabic Heritage lV

AP French Language and Culture

AP Spanish Language and Culture

Arabic V

Arabic Heritage V

French Literature

Arabic Heritage Vl

Please read the following specific course descriptions for information on pre-requisites. 30 | ASD HIGH SCHOOL COURSE DESCRIPTION GUIDE

French Program Course Name: French I Department: World Languages Credit: 1.0 WL/CELT Length: 1 Year Grades Level(s): Grade 9 - 12 Pre-Requisite: None Expected study time per lesson: 0 - 30 minutes French I aims to introduce students to the French language and its culture. The course stresses language acquisition through the development of communicative skills, with heavy emphasis placed on interpersonal speaking. Speaking, listening, reading, and writing are all addressed in this course. Grammar is introduced as needed to help students understand the structure of the language. By the end of this course, students should be able to carry on basic conversations, follow more complex conversations, read simple texts, and write short compositions about themselves and aspects of their life. The main topics of study are school, family and friends, free time activities, food, clothing, as well as basic phrases to facilitate communication in the target language in class. ______________________________________________________ Course Name: French II Department: World Languages Credit: 1.0 WL/CELT Length: 1 Year Grades Level(s): Grade 9 – 12 Pre-Requisites: French B (MS) or French I Expected study time per lesson: 0 - 30 minutes French II continues to develop students’ language to the intermediate low proficiency level while further exposing students to the French language and its culture. The course stresses language acquisition through the development of communicative skills, with heavy emphasis placed on interpersonal speaking and expanded experiences in listening, reading, and writing. At the intermediate low proficiency level, students are able to use practiced vocabulary from a wide range of familiar themes and topics, show consistent control of present time frame and practiced structures, and begin to use past and future time frames. By the end of this course, students should be able to ask a variety of questions to continue conversations and extend their own responses with a range of details or description. Cultural comparisons and traditions are explored throughout the year. The main topics of study are everyday life, taking care of myself, celebrations, at the mall, city and rural life, vacation and travel.

______________________________________________________ Course Name: French III Department: World Languages Credit: 1.0 WL/CELT Length: 1 Year Grades Level(s): Grade 9 - 12 Pre-Requisite: French II Expected study time per lesson: 30 - 60 minutes

French III reinforces the proficiency-oriented approach, which focuses on communicative competence and performance at the intermediate mid level. The use of acquired structures and vocabulary is intensified and the creative process of language is emphasized, preparing the student to converse in French in present, past, and future tense and get in and out of daily situations without complication. Students at this proficiency level use a range of vocabulary from familiar themes, can speak to topics of personal interest, and recognize and use some culturally appropriate expressions and gestures in everyday interactions. ______________________________________________________ Course Name: French IV Department: World Languages Credit: 1.0 WL/CELT Length: 1 Year Grades Level(s): Grade 10 – 12 Pre-Requisite: French III Expected study time per lesson: 30 – 60 minutes French IV consolidates and uses a full range of vocabulary and grammar; to have the student read original texts, to express himself/herself correctly, orally and in writing. Main areas covered: talking about jobs, the environment, visiting the doctor, travel, cars and driving, general discussion work. Cultural information about Switzerland, France, Frenchspeaking Africa, and Canada will be presented. New grammar includes more irregular verbs; more work on the conditional, past conditional, subjunctive and past subjunctive, “plusque-parfait” and “futur antérieur”. Students will be expected to participate actively in class work; do learning, writing, and reading assignments at home regularly. Evaluation is done by quiz, exam, oral presentation, scenes, homework checks and varied assignments. ______________________________________________________ Course Name: AP French Language and Culture Department: World Languages Credit: 1.0 WL/CELT Length: 1 Year Grade Level(s): Grade 11 - 12 Pre-Requisites: French IV and teacher recommendation Expected study time per lesson: 30 – 60 minutes AP French Language and Culture course takes a holistic approach to language proficiency and recognizes the complex interrelatedness of comprehension and comprehensibility, vocabulary usage, language control, communication strategies, and cultural awareness. Students should learn language structures in context and use them to convey meaning. In standards-based world language classrooms, the instructional focus is on function and not the examination of irregularity and complex grammatical paradigms about the target language. Language structures should be addressed in as much as they serve the communicative task and not as an end goal unto themselves. The AP French Language and ASD HIGH SCHOOL COURSE DESCRIPTION GUIDE | 31

mainly their oral and written skills in order to understand and appreciate aspects of the French Culture and Language in different contexts. Classes will include close reading of authentic literary works, extensive discussion of text style particular attention to character and theme, structure and style and how these elements are related to overall interpretation. Classes will also include essay writing in French and viewing of movies related to literary texts. Evaluation will be based on ACTFL Standards (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages). ______________________________________________________

Spanish Program Course Name: Spanish I Department: World Languages Credit: 1.0 WL/CELT Length: 1 Year Grades Level(s): Grade 9 – 12 Pre-Requisite: None Expected study time per lesson: 0 – 30 minutes

Culture course strives to promote both fluency and accuracy in language use and not to overemphasize grammatical accuracy at the expense of communication. In order to best facilitate the study of language and culture, the course is taught in the target language. The AP French Language and Culture course engages students in an exploration of culture in both contemporary and historical contexts. The course develops students’ awareness and appreciation of products, both tangible (e.g., tools, books, music) and intangible (e.g., laws, conventions, institutions); practices (patterns of social interactions within a culture); and perspectives (values, attitudes, and assumptions that underlie both practices and products)”. 2011 The College Board, New York, NY. ______________________________________________________ Course Name: French Literature Department: World Languages Credit: 1.0 WL/CELT Length: 1 Year Grade Level(s): Grade 11 - 12 Pre-Requisites: AP French Language and Culture Expected study time per lesson: 30 – 60 minutes The French Literature course is designed to introduce students who have advanced language skills to the study of a selection of literary texts in French. This course is not a survey French literature but rather a course in which students learn to read selected French literary texts from a critical perspective. The course should appeal to students who wish to develop 32 | ASD HIGH SCHOOL COURSE DESCRIPTION GUIDE

Spanish 1 aims to introduce students to the Spanish language and its culture. The course stresses language acquisition through the development of communicative skills, with heavy emphasis placed on interpersonal speaking. Speaking, listening, reading, and writing are all addressed in this course. Grammar is introduced as needed to help students understand the structure of the language. By the end of this course, students should be able to carry on basic conversations, follow more complex conversations, read simple texts, and write short compositions about themselves and aspects of their life. The main topics of study are school, family and friends, free time activities, food, clothing, as well as basic phrases to facilitate communication in the target language in class. ______________________________________________________ Course Name: Spanish II Department: World Languages Credit: 1.0 WL/CELT Length: 1 Year Grades Level(s): Grade 9 – 12 Pre-Requisite: Spanish B (MS) or Spanish I Expected study time per lesson: 0 – 30 minutes Spanish 2 continues to develop students’ language to the intermediate low proficiency level while further exposing students to the Spanish language and its culture. The course stresses language acquisition through the development of communicative skills, with heavy emphasis placed on interpersonal speaking and expanded experiences in listening, reading, and writing. At the intermediate low proficiency level, students are able to use practiced vocabulary from a wide range of familiar themes and topics, show consistent control of present time frame and practiced structures, and begin to use past and future time frames. By the end of this course,

students should be able to ask a variety of questions to continue conversations and extend their own responses with a range of details or description. Cultural comparisons and traditions are explored throughout the year.

Course Name: AP Spanish Language and Culture

The main topics of study are everyday life, taking care of myself, celebrations, at the mall, city and rural life, vacation and travel.

Length: 1 Year

Department: World Languages Credit: 1.0 WL/CELT Grade Level(s): Grade 11 – 12


Pre-Requisites: Spanish IV and teacher recommendation

Course Name: Spanish III

AP Spanish Language and Culture seeks to develop integrated language skills that will prepare the student for the AP exam in May. A student will need to acquire the knowledge and skills required in a college or university advanced (5th or 6th semester) Spanish course in order to succeed in this course and on the AP exam. The goal of this course is to develop to a maximum extent the listening, speaking, writing and reading skills of the student. This will involve listening to radio broadcasts (news reports or lectures), reading newspaper and magazines articles, short stories and other forms of literature, writing essays and giving oral presentations based on written and oral prompts. This course is for the student with a fairly strong command of Spanish linguistic skills, communicative ability and a willingness to work hard.

Department: World Languages Credit: 1.0 WL/CELT Length: 1 Year Grades Level(s): Grade 9 – 12 Pre-Requisite: Spanish II Expected study time per lesson: 30 – 60 minutes Spanish III reinforces the proficiency-oriented approach, which focuses on communicative competence and performance at the intermediate mid level. The use of acquired structures and vocabulary is intensified and the creative process of language is emphasized, preparing the student to converse in Spanish in present, past, and future tense and get in and out of daily situations without complication. Students at this proficiency level use a range of vocabulary from familiar themes, can speak to topics of personal interest, and recognize and use some culturally appropriate expressions and gestures in everyday interactions.

Expected study time per lesson: 30 - 60 minutes

Thematic units covered include: Global challenges, science and technology, contemporary life, personal and public identities, families and communities, and beauty and aesthetics. ______________________________________________________

______________________________________________________ Course Name: Spanish IV Department: World Languages Credit: 1.0 WL/CELT Length: 1 Year Grades Level(s): Grade 10 – 12 Pre-Requisite: Spanish III Expected study time per lesson: 30 – 60 minutes In Spanish IV, previous structures will be reviewed, and new structures will be learned in order to improve students’ proficiency. Students will be able to express themselves more easily in conversational and formal Spanish. Listening skills will be enhanced and students will further develop the ability to understand native speakers at normal speeds. Students will be expected to read materials outside the course book and a variety of articles from Spanish press and literary texts will be made available to them. The course will help students prepare for the AP Spanish Language and Culture Course. ______________________________________________________


Arabic Program The Arabic courses aim to cater to the various Arabic language learning needs of both Heritage and Arabic As A World Language students. When there are too few students at a given proficiency level to form a class, courses within the same proficiency grouping may be taught together. In these cases, differentiated instruction will be provided to assist students to progress at the appropriate pace across the Arabic language proficiency continuum.

Arabic As A World Language Course Name: Arabic I Department: World Languages Credit: 1.0 WL/CELT Length: 1 Year Grade level(s): Grade 9 - 12 Pre-Requisite: None Expected study time per lesson: 15 - 30 minutes This course serves the needs of students across the Novice Low to Novice Mid Arabic language proficiency range. By the end of this course students will be able to communicate and present information about themselves and other familiar topics using single words and phrases that they have practiced and memorized. This includes exchanging greetings, giving identity, answering simple questions and naming familiar objects from the immediate environment. Additionally, learners will be able to identify, read and write some high-frequency words or phrases related to familiar people, places and objects when strongly supported by context. Moreover, students will begin to develop a basic insight into main practices, perspectives and products of Arabic culture. ______________________________________________________

Course Name: Arabic Ill Department: World Languages Credit: 1.0 WL/CELT Length: 1 Year Grade Level(s): Grade 9 - 12 Pre-Requisite: Arabic II and/or an Arabic language proficiency assessment Expected study time per lesson: 30 - 60 minutes This course serves the needs of students across the Novice High to Intermediate Low Arabic language proficiency range. By the end of this course students will be able to communicate, exchange and present information about familiar topics using phrases and simple sentences. This includes handling short social interactions, asking for and giving directions, telling about a familiar experience or event and making plans with others. Additionally, learners will be able to understand, read and write short messages, notes, descriptions, postcards and other simple texts on familiar topics related to everyday life. Moreover, students will further develop an insight into some practices, perspectives and products of Arabic culture. _____________________________________________________ Course Name: Arabic IV Department: World Languages Credit: 1.0 WL/CELT Length: 1 Year Grade Level(s): Grade 9 - 12 Pre-Requisite: Arabic lll and/or an Arabic language proficiency assessment

Course Name: Arabic Il

Expected study time per lesson: 30 - 60 minutes

Department: World Languages

This course serves the needs of students across the Intermediate Low to Intermediate Mid Arabic language proficiency range. By the end of this course students will be able to participate in conversations and make presentations on familiar subjects using series of connected sentences. Additionally, learners will be able to handle social interactions in everyday situations by asking and answering a variety of questions. Furthermore, students will be able to understand, read and write non-complex texts on a wide array of familiar topics related to everyday life and personal interests. Moreover, students will further develop an insight into several practices, perspectives and products of Arabic culture.

Credit: 1.0 WL/CELT Length: 1 Year Grade Level(s): Grade 9 - 12 Pre-Requisite: Arabic I and/or an Arabic language proficiency assessment Expected study time per lesson: 15 - 30 minutes This course serves the needs of students across the Novice Mid to Novice High Arabic language proficiency range. By the end of this course students will be able to communicate and present information about themselves and other familiar topics using a variety of words, phrases and expressions that they have practiced and memorized. This includes asking and answering a variety of simple questions, introducing others, expressing likes and dislikes and describing daily activities. Additionally, learners will be able to understand, read and write lists and contextualized phrases on familiar topics related to everyday life such as supplying basic biographical information on simple forms and documents. Students will further develop an insight into main practices, perspectives and products of Arabic culture. ______________________________________________________ 34 | ASD HIGH SCHOOL COURSE DESCRIPTION GUIDE

______________________________________________________ Course Name: Arabic V Department: World Languages Credit: 1.0 WL/CELT Length: 1 Year Grade Level(s): Grade 9 - 12 Pre-Requisite: Arabic lV and/or an Arabic language proficiency assessment Expected study time per lesson: 30 - 60 minutes

This course serves the needs of students across the Intermediate Mid Arabic language proficiency range. By the end of this course students will be able to participate with ease and confidence in conversations on familiar subjects and to talk about experiences and events in various time frames. Additionally, learners will be able to handle social interactions in everyday situations even when there is unexpected complication and to make presentations on topics they have researched. Furthermore, students will be able to understand, read and write paragraph length texts in the present, past and future on a variety of topics related to everyday life and personal interests. Moreover, students will further develop an insight into several practices, perspectives and products of Arabic culture. _____________________________________________________

Arabic As A Heritage Language Course Name: Arabic Heritage I Department: World Languages Credit: 1.0 WL/CELT Length: 1 Year Grade Level(s): Grade 9 - 12 Pre-Requisite: Arabic language proficiency assessment Expected study time per lesson: 30 - 60 minutes This course serves the needs of students across the Novice High to Intermediate Low Arabic proficiency range. By the end of this course students will be able to understand and respond to simple spoken and written texts. They will be able to identify messages, facts, opinions, feelings and ideas presented in oral, visual and written language, and demonstrate their comprehension in short oral and written form. Furthermore, learners will be able to interact to share information in a limited range of familiar situations, using basic language appropriate to a limited range of interpersonal and cultural contexts. Students will become aware that language varies according to purpose and audience.

range of interpersonal and cultural contexts. Students will become aware that language varies according to purpose and audience. ______________________________________________________ Course Name: Arabic Heritage Ill Department: World Languages Credit: 1.0 WL/CELT Length: 1 Year Grade Level(s): Grade 9 - 12 Pre-Requisite: Arabic Heritage Il and/or an Arabic language proficiency assessment Expected study time per lesson: 30 - 60 minutes This course serves the needs of students across the Intermediate Mid to Intermediate High Arabic Language proficiency range. By the end of this course students will be able to understand and respond to a variety of spoken and written texts. Additionally, they will be able to interpret specific information, main ideas and some detail presented in complex oral, visual and written language, draw conclusions and recognize implied opinions and attitudes in texts read and viewed. Moreover, learners will be able to engage in conversations and write structured text to share informative and organized ideas on topics of personal interest and global significance, in a range of interpersonal and cultural contexts. Students will be able to communicate substantial information containing relevant and developed ideas and justified opinions on events, experiences and some concepts explored in class. Furthermore, they will be able to identify aspects of format and style, and speak and write with a clear sense of audience and purpose. ______________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________ Course Name: Arabic Heritage Il Department: World Languages Credit: 1.0 WL/CELT Length: 1 Year Grade Level(s): Grade 9 - 12 Pre-Requisite: Arabic Heritage I and/or an Arabic language proficiency assessment Expected study time per lesson: 30 - 60 minutes This course serves the needs of students across the Intermediate Low to Intermediate Mid Arabic Language proficiency range. By the end of this course students will be able to understand and respond to simple spoken and written texts. They will be able to identify messages, facts, opinions, feelings and ideas presented in oral, visual and written language, and demonstrate their comprehension in short oral and written form. Furthermore, learners will be able to interact to share information in a limited range of familiar situations, using basic language appropriate to a limited ASD HIGH SCHOOL COURSE DESCRIPTION GUIDE | 35

Course Name: Arabic Heritage IV Department: World Languages Credit: 1.0 WL/CELT Length: 1 Year Grade Level(s): Grade 9 - 12 Pre-Requisite: Arabic Heritage Ill and/or an Arabic language proficiency assessment Expected study time per lesson: 30 - 60 minutes This course serves the needs of students within the Intermediate High Arabic Language proficiency range. By the end of this course students will be able to understand and respond to a variety of spoken and written texts. Additionally, they will be able to interpret specific information, main ideas and some detail presented in complex oral, visual and written language, draw conclusions and recognize implied opinions and attitudes in texts read and viewed. Moreover, learners will be able to engage in conversation and write structured text to share informative and organized ideas on topics of personal interest and global significance, in a range of interpersonal and cultural contexts. Students will be able to communicate substantial information containing relevant and developed ideas and justified opinions on events, experiences and some concepts explored in class. Furthermore, they will be able to identify aspects of format and style, and speak and write with a clear sense of audience and purpose. ______________________________________________________ Course Name: Arabic Heritage V Department: World Languages Credit: 1.0 WL/CELT Length: 1 Year Grade Level(s): Grade 9 - 12 Pre-Requisite: Arabic Heritage IV and/or an Arabic language proficiency assessment Expected study time per lesson: 30 - 60 minutes This course serves the needs of students across the Intermediate High to Advanced Low Arabic Language


proficiency range. By the end of this course students will be able to evaluate the important information, details and ideas presented in spoken, written and visual language, in social and academic contexts. They will be able to analyze the information, draw conclusions and make inferences about ideas, opinions and attitudes implied in a wide range of spoken, visual and written texts. Additionally, learners will be able to engage actively in conversations in social and academic situations to contribute substantial information and give detailed analysis and explanation. Moreover, students will be able to organize information and ideas logically and effectively communicate their understanding, opinions and perspectives to a wide range of audiences and for a variety of social and academic purposes. ______________________________________________________ Course Name: Arabic Heritage Vl Department: World Languages Credit: 1.0 WL/CELT Length: 1 Year Grade Level(s): Grade 9 - 12 Pre-Requisite: Arabic Heritage IV and/or an Arabic language proficiency assessment Expected study time per lesson: 30 - 60 minutes This course serves the needs of students within the Advanced Arabic Language proficiency range. By the end of this course students will be able to evaluate the important information, details and ideas presented in spoken, written and visual language, in social and academic contexts. They will be able to analyze the information, draw conclusions and make inferences about ideas, opinions and attitudes implied in a wide range of spoken, visual and written texts. Additionally, learners will be able to engage actively in conversations in social and academic situations to contribute substantial information and give detailed analysis and explanation. Moreover, students will be able to organize information and ideas logically and effectively communicate their understanding, opinions and perspectives to a wide range of audiences and for a variety of social and academic purposes. ______________________________________________________


Graduation Requirement: 2 years/credits The Physical and Health Department promotes the importance of lifelong health and wellness to students by stressing the value of physical activity through fun, creative and invigorating endeavors. The Department provides a comprehensive physical education program adapted from the Ontario Ministry of Education that encourages overall active participation, movement skill development, understanding of concepts, and communication of required knowledge. The program includes a variety of developmentally appropriate, student-centered learning opportunities based on best practices. Instructors use technology, writing, and a variety of resources to support students in reaching their goals and continually guide student learning using formative and summative assessments.

Physical and Health Education Course Sequence PE/Health 9

Competitive Team Sports I

Aquatic Certification

Outdoor Education

Power Fit

Lifetime Sports I

Competitive Team Sports II

Weight Training & Fitness

Exercise Science (Grade 11 and 12 only)

Team Sports IIl/ Leadership

Please read the following specific course descriptions for information on pre-requisites. ASD HIGH SCHOOL COURSE DESCRIPTION GUIDE | 37

2016-2017 Course Descriptions Course Name: PE/Health 9 Department: Physical Education Credit: 1.0 PE Length: 1 Year Grade Level(s): Grade 9 Pre-Requisite: None Expected study time per lesson: 0 – 30 minutes PE/HEALTH 9 students will acquire a broad range of fundamental skills and knowledge, related to movement and sport. Students will experience a variety of physical education activities organized into two-week units. Skill development and game-play strategies related to activities such as volleyball, basketball, soccer, tennis, swimming, frisbee, badminton, flag football, touch rugby, softball, track and field, and fitness/weight training will be included. Fitness testing will be conducted throughout the year. Health topics include conflict resolution, substance use and abuse, and growth & development (sexuality). Health units and written assessments will be included periodically throughout the year.

fitness and knowledge of how competitive play contributes to a healthy life. Fitness and skill assessments will be emphasized in this course. Students should expect fun, fast-paced games and activities that will accelerate their skill development and physical fitness. Health units and written assessments will be included periodically throughout the year. ______________________________________________________ Course Name: Weight Training & Fitness Department: Physical Education Credit: 0.5 PE Length: 1 Semester Grades Level(s): Grade 10 - 12 Pre-Requisite: Competitive Team Sports I or Lifetime Sports I Expected study time per lesson: 0 – 30 minutes

Length: 1 Semester

Weight Training and Fitness is a course that is designed for students who are either already passionate about fitness or are interested in learning more about working out. The course teaches students how to safely and effectively design an individual fitness program, using class time as a means of application. The students will be introduced to a variety of training methods including circuit training, interval training, crossfit, and cardiovascular workouts. Students will also learn how to safely use the equipment in the weight-room to enhance their workout programs and achieve their goals. There will also be introductions to fitness appraisals, anatomy and physiology, as well as nutrition and supplements.

Grade Level(s): Grade 10 -12


Pre-Requisite: PE/Health 9

Course Name: Competitive Team Sports II

Expected study time per lesson: 0 – 30 minutes

Department: Physical Education

Lifetime Sports I can be chosen as part of a student's required Grade 10 PE. This is a course that is designed with the less competitive student in mind. The goal of this course is to foster an appreciation for lifelong physical activity by exposing students to a wider variety of non-traditional activities than in the competitive stream. Activities that may be included are archery, badminton, fitness and climbing. Fitness testing and skill assessments will be a part of this course with standards that are unique to the course. Health units and written assessments will be included periodically throughout the year.

Credit: 0.5 PE

______________________________________________________ Course Name: Lifetime Sports I Department: Physical Education Credit: 0.5 PE

______________________________________________________ Course Name: Competitive Team Sports I Department: Physical Education Credit: 0.5 PE Length: 1 Semester Grade Level(s): Grade 10 - 12 Pre-Requisite: PE/Health 9 Expected study time per lesson: 0 – 30 minutes Competitive Team Sports I can be chosen as part of a student's required Grade 10 PE. It is designed to offer a more competitive environment for students who want to improve their skills in ASD’s core team sports such as volleyball, basketball, and soccer. An introduction to other competitive sports such as softball, ultimate Frisbee, and floor hockey may also be included. Students will be challenged to play at a high level, examine the inner-workings of the games (i.e. complex strategies, plays and techniques), and improve their physical 38 | ASD HIGH SCHOOL COURSE DESCRIPTION GUIDE

Length: 1 Semester Grade Level(s): Grade 10 - 12 Pre-Requisite: Competitive Team Sports I or Lifetime Sports I Expected study time per lesson: 0 – 30 minutes Competitive Team Sports II is for students who have fun playing sports at a higher level and wants to focus on improving their athletic ability. The course will be similar to Competitive Team Sports I, but with more emphasis on gameplay than on individual skill acquisition. Students should expect fun, fast-paced games that accelerate their skill development and physical fitness. Fitness testing and skill assessments are emphasized in this course. ______________________________________________________ Course Name: Team Sports III/Leadership Department: Physical Education Credit: 0.5 PE Length: 1 Semester Grade Level(s): Grade 11 - 12 Pre-Requisite: Competitive Team Sports II Expected study time per lesson: 30 - 60 minutes This course is for students who would like to take a sports related PE course beyond Competitive Sports II. Students will study alongside the students in the Competitive Sports II course, but will be graded differently. Assessments will focus

on leadership opportunities both in the class (teaching skills and leading activities) as well as outside the class (intramurals and school-wide activities). ______________________________________________________ Course Name: Aquatic Certification Department: Physical Education Credit: 0.5 PE Length: 1 Semester Grades Level(s): Grade 10 - 12 Pre-Requisite: Competitive Team Sports I or Lifetime Sports I Expected study time per lesson: 0 – 30 minutes Aquatic Certification is a course where students will attain their ARC Lifeguarding Certification, which includes CPR, First Aid and AED training. Students will learn and apply the necessary skills and knowledge needed to react appropriately in a number of different aquatic emergency situations. The class will consist of both pool and theory sessions and some homework are to be expected. A field trip to Wild Wadi is a course highlight. A final practical exam must be passed in order to receive full ARC certification, and successful candidates may then be employed as lifeguards at the ASD pool. Students must demonstrate competency in the water in order to enroll. Additional costs of approximately 100 AED will cover both the ARC administrative fee. ______________________________________________________ Course Name: Outdoor Education Department: Physical Education Credit: 0.5 PE Length: 1 Semester Grades Level(s): Grade 11 - 12 Pre-Requisite: Competitive Team Sports I or Lifetime Sports Expected study time per lesson: 0 – 30 minutes Additional fees are associated with this course Outdoor Education aims to introduce and expose students to the challenges of outdoor experiential learning. This course has a strong emphasis on team building, safety, sound ecological practice, and outdoor education. Students will learn planning, managing, and leading outdoor team-building experiences. The units offered will include sport climbing, open water kayaking, compass and map navigation, team building, camping, expedition management, outdoor cooking, survival techniques and more. Fitness testing is included. Camping/ Hiking is a mandatory activity that costs approximately AED 400. Other mandatory off-campus activities include kayaking (AED 30), Adventure HQ Ropes Course (AED 40), and iFly indoor Skydiving (AED 100). Some optional off-campus activities such as skeet shooting and horseback riding may be offered.

Pre-Requisite: Competitive Team Sports I or Lifetime Sports I Expected study time per lesson: 0 – 30 minutes Power Fit is specifically designed with females in mind. This female only course will foster a cooperative and comfortable environment in which to exercise with the aim of developing the personal health and wellness of every participant. Teacher led sessions will consist of a variety of circuits using stability and medicine balls, aerobic steps, bosu balls, body bars, dumbbells, kettle bells and skipping ropes. The course will also include aerobics, dance, yoga, kickboxing, aqua fit and weight room sessions. In the second half of the semester, students will have the opportunity to design and lead their own workout for the class. Attention will be paid to individual goals throughout the course and heart rate monitors will be used on a regular basis to assess progress. Individual wellness research topics and students presentation will be focused specifically on female health issues. Fitness testing and reflective blog writing are included. Some additional fees may apply for field trips. ______________________________________________________ Course Name: Exercise Science Department: Physical Education Credit: 0.5 PE/CELT Length: 1 Semester Grade Level(s): Grade 11 - 12 Pre-Requisite: Competitive Team Sports I or Lifetime Sports l and Biology. Recommended: Anatomy and Physiology Expected study time per lesson: 30 – 60 minutes Exercise Science gives students the opportunity to study physical movement and explore current sports issues and related health topics. This course will prepare students for university programs in physical education, kinesiology, health sciences, recreation and sports administration. Topics include: Anatomy, Physiology, Biomechanics, Biodynamics, Human Performance, Physical Activity & Sports Issues in Society and Culture. Exercise Science is an academic PE course and could include tests, presentations, projects, journals, discussions, debates and an exam. Practical hands-on laboratory based activities/experiments and work with volunteers may be included. ______________________________________________________

______________________________________________________ Course Name: Power Fit (Females only) Department: Physical Education Credit: 0.5 PE Length: 1 Semester Grades Level: Grade 10 - 12



Graduation Requirement: 2 years/credits

At the American School of Dubai, it is paramount that students cultivate a lifetime appreciation, enjoyment and love of the arts through creating, performing and experiencing any one of the disciplines. Through the wide range of arts offerings at ASD, students are exposed to and develop an understanding of a variety of the visual and performing arts. By working creatively and gaining competence in various artistic genres and media, our students develop an aesthetic understanding of the arts that will continue throughout their lives.

Visual Arts Course Sequence Core Media 2D Art

Core 2D Digital / Photography Art

Stagecraft and Design l

Visual Arts & Design

Stagecraft and Design ll

Visual Arts Communication l

Core Media 3D Art

Visual Arts Communication ll

AP Studio Art Drawing

AP Studio Art 2D Design

Please read the following specific course descriptions for information on pre-requisites. 40 | ASD HIGH SCHOOL COURSE DESCRIPTION GUIDE

AP Studio Art 3D Design

2016-2017 Course Descriptions Course Name: Core Media 2D Art

Course Name: Stagecraft and Set Design I

Department: Creative Arts

Department: Creative Arts

Credit: 0.5 FM

Credit: 0.5 FM

Length: 1 Semester

Length: 1 Semester

Grade Level(s): Grade 9 - 12

Grade Level(s): Grade 10 - 12

Pre-Requisite: None

Pre-Requisites: Two Creative Arts Core Classes or Core Media 3D or Visual Arts and Design and Core Media 2D

Expected study time per lesson: 0 - 30 minutes In this introductory course, students will explore creating through a wide range of visual 2D media. The conventions of 2D media will be reconsidered and expanded to function in and out of the contemporary media landscape. Through a series of exercises, students will explore the possibilities of expression that arise when a variety of media and supportive surfaces are combined. ______________________________________________________ Course Name: Core 2D Digital/Photography Art Department: Creative Arts Credit: 0.5 FM Length: 1 Semester Grade Level(s): Grade 9 - 12 Pre-Requisite: None Expected study time per lesson: 0 - 30 minutes This course introduces students to fundamental techniques in photography and related digital media, focusing primarily on digital processes. The range of techniques covered in the course is reflective of technical practices across the contemporary field. This hands-on technical course supports the development of creative working methods providing students with a thorough understanding of digital capture, editing, and output with an in-depth look into relevant equipment and software. Students must have their own DSLR with aperture and shutter speed control.

Expected study time per lesson: 0 – 30 minutes Stagecraft and Set Design, students will learn the fundamentals of two- and three-dimensional design and create the stage set for the drama productions throughout the year. Students will design, consult, build and paint sets. They will be assessed on the aesthetic and technical aspects of their designs. Their written and verbal critiques and their cooperative effort will also be assessed. ______________________________________________________ Course Name: Stagecraft and Set Design II Department: Creative Arts Credit: 0.5 FM Length: 1 Semester Grade Level(s): Grade 10 - 12 Pre-Requisite: Stagecraft and Set Design I Expected study time per lesson: 30 – 60 minutes Stagecraft and Set Design II, students will learn advanced two and three-dimensional design, and create the stage set for the drama productions throughout the year. Students will also lead other students in designing, consulting, building and painting sets. They will be assessed on the aesthetic and technical aspects of their designs along with their leadership in the class. Their written and verbal critiques and their cooperative effort will also be assessed. ______________________________________________________


Course Name: Visual Arts & Design

Course Name: Core Media 3D Art

Department: Creative Arts

Department: Creative Arts Credit: 0.5 FM Length: 1 Semester Grade Level(s): Grade 9 - 12 Pre-Requisite: None Expected study time per lesson: 0 - 30 minutes

Credit: 0.5 FM Length: 1 Semester Grade Level(s): Grade 9 - 12 Pre-Requisite: Core Media 2D Art, Core 2D Digital/ Photography Art or Core Media 3D Expected study time per lesson: 30 – 60 minutes

In this introductory course, students will explore artistic expression through a wide range of visual 3D media. The conventions of 3D media will be reconsidered and expanded to function in and out of the contemporary media landscape. Through a series of exercises, students will explore the possibilities of expression that arise when a variety of media and supportive surfaces are combined.

Visual Arts & Design is a course dedicated to the Elements of Art and Principles of Design and the ways they can be applied within individual media forms. As a course in design process, there will be an emphasis on different methods for working, including concept development through process and iteration. This course will cover fundamental principles of visual design also including composition, typography, style, tools, materials, and the organization of visual information.


______________________________________________________ ASD HIGH SCHOOL COURSE DESCRIPTION GUIDE | 41

having high expectations. They should be seriously interested in the study of art and developing their portfolios of artwork, which will be seriously evaluated in the spring of year 2 by college, university and secondary school art instructors using rigorous College Board standards. Students will need to work outside the classroom, maintain an extensive sketchbook/ journal and take part in group and individual critiques. Where possible, museums and galleries will be used as extensions of the classroom. Course Name: Visual Arts Communication I Department: Creative Arts Credit: 0.5 FM Length: 1 Semester Grade Level(s): Grade 10 - 12 Pre-Requisite: Two Core Media Courses Expected study time per lesson: 30 – 60 minutes This course develops a student’s ability to conceptualize artwork that communicates to an audience. It offers a focused investigation into a single topic using conceptual practice. Topics can focus simply on one specific technique or material, or can allow for hybrid practices, context-driven strategies, and take on larger themes. This class will allow students to use research based studio work to explore their respective areas in more focus and depth.

______________________________________________________ Course Name: AP Studio Art Drawing Department: Creative Arts Credit: 1.0 FM Length: 1 Year Grade Level(s): Grade 11 - 12 Pre-Requisites: Visual Arts Communications II Expected study time per lesson: 60 - 90 minutes

Credit: 0.5 FM

AP Studio Art Drawing is a college-level program for highly motivated students. A portfolio based course, AP Studio Art is designed for students who are seriously interested in the practical experience of art. Students who wish to be considered must be committed, mature, talented/creative, able to manage time well, in addition to having high expectations. They should be seriously interested in the study of art and developing their portfolios of artwork, which will be seriously evaluated in the spring of year 2 by college, university and secondary school art instructors using rigorous College Board standards. Students will need to work outside the classroom, maintain an extensive sketchbook/journal and take part in group and individual critiques. Where possible, museums and galleries will be used as extensions of the classroom.

Length: 1 Semester


Grade Level(s): Grade 11 - 12

Course Name: AP Studio Art 3D Design

Pre-Requisite: Visual Arts Communication I

Department: Creative Arts

Expected study time per lesson: 60 – 90 minutes

Credits: 1.0 FM

This course is a progression of Visual Arts Communication l. It will focus on persuasive narratives through a furthering of hybrid practice and developing compelling conceptual themes. Portfolio development will also focus on preparing for college application and AP Portfolio submission.

Length: 1 Years

______________________________________________________ Course Name: Visual Arts Communication II Department: Creative Arts

______________________________________________________ Course Name: AP Studio Art 2D Design Department: Creative Arts Credit: 1.0 FM Length: 1 Year Grade Level(s): Grade 11 - 12 Pre-Requisites: Visual Arts Communication II Expected study time per lesson: 60 - 90 minutes AP Studio Art 2D Design makes it possible for highly motivated students to do college-level work. A portfolio based course, AP Studio Art 2D Design is designed for students who are seriously interested in the practical experience of art. Students who wish to be considered must be committed, mature, talented/creative, able to manage time well, in addition to 42 | ASD HIGH SCHOOL COURSE DESCRIPTION GUIDE

Grade Level(s): Grade 11 - 12 Pre-Requisite: Visual Arts Communication II Expected study time per lesson: 60 - 90 minutes AP Studio Art 3D Design makes it possible for highly motivated students to do college-level work. A portfolio based course, AP Studio Art is designed for students who are seriously interested in the practical experience of art. Students who wish to be considered must be committed, mature, talented/ creative, able to manage time well and willing to challenge themselves to develop mastery in the use of elements and principles in 3D design. They should be seriously interested in the study of art and developing their portfolios of art work which will be seriously evaluated in the spring of year two by college, university and secondary school art instructors using rigorous College Board standards. Students will need to work outside the classroom, maintain an extensive sketchbook/ journal and take part in group and individual critiques. Where possible museums and galleries will be used as extensions of the classroom. ______________________________________________________

Performing Arts: Choir Performing Arts Course Sequence: Choir

Course Name: Men’s Choir Department: Creative Arts Credit: 1.0 FM Length: 1 Year Grade Level(s): Grade 9 - 12

Women’s Choir

Men’s Choir

Chamber Choir

Course Name: Women’s Choir Department: Creative Arts Credit: 1.0 FM Length: 1 Year Grade Level(s): Grade 9 - 12

Pre-Requisite: None Expected study time per lesson: 10 – 20 minutes Men’s Choir is a fun, performing class open to any male interested in singing. Besides participating in concerts, members are also able to audition for and travel with the Honor Choirs, and to the Senior Fine Arts Festival. Rehearsals focus on the development of the voice while exploring a wide variety of musical styles. All ability levels are welcome. This course may be repeated for credit. ______________________________________________________ Course Name: Chamber Choir Department: Creative Arts Credit: 1.0 FM Length: 1 Year Grade Level(s): Grade 9 – 12

Pre-Requisite: None

Pre-Requisite: Approval from Director

Expected study time per lesson: 10 - 20 minutes

Expected study time per lesson: 10 – 20 Minutes

Women’s Choir is a fun, performing class open to any female student interested in singing. Besides participating in concerts, members are also able to audition for and travel with the Honor Choirs, and to the Senior Fine Arts Festival. Rehearsals focus on the development of the voice while exploring a wide variety of musical styles. All ability levels are welcome. This course may be repeated for credit.

Chamber Choir is designed for the serious singer. Members will perform mainly a cappella songs of all genres on and off campus. Auditions take place the year before, prior to signing up for classes (exceptions can be made for students new to ASD). Members are also able to audition for and travel with the Honor Choirs, and to the Senior Fine Arts Festival. This course may be repeated for credit.


______________________________________________________ ASD HIGH SCHOOL COURSE DESCRIPTION GUIDE | 43

Performing Arts: Instrumental Music Performing Arts Course Sequence: Instrumental Music Concert Band

Chamber Orchestra

and self expression. This ensemble performs many times throughout the school year including formal concerts, festivals, pep rallies, and other special events. Students are also given the opportunity to audition for and travel with the AMIS Honor Band and the MESAC Senior Fine Arts Festival. Admittance into this band is determined by audition and authorization from the director. This is a yearlong course and it may be repeated for credit. ______________________________________________________ Course Name: Chamber Orchestra Department: Creative Arts Credit: 1.0 FM

Symphonic Band

Course Name: Concert Band Department: Creative Arts Credit: 1.0 FM Length: 1 Year Grade Level(s): Grade 9 - 12 Pre-Requisite: Two years of Middle School Band or previous instrumental experience Expected study time per lesson: 10 – 20 minutes Concert Band is a rewarding performance based ensemble comprised of dedicated musicians who have previous experience with a brass, woodwind, or percussion instrument. Students in this class participate and perfom a wide variety of compositions, develop an understanding of basic music theory, make connections to music history, and participate in activities that encourage creativity and self expression. This ensemble performs throughout the school year including formal concerts, festivals and other special events. Students are also given the opportunity to audition for and travel with the AMIS Honor Band and the MESAC Senior Fine Arts Festival. This is a yearlong course and it may be repeated for credit. ______________________________________________________ Course Name: Symphonic Band Department: Creative Arts Credit: 1.0 FM Length: 1 Year Grade Level(s): Grade 9 - 12 Pre-Requisite: Auditions/approval from Director Expected study time per lesson: 10 – 20 minutes Symphonic Band is an advanced wind ensemble comprised of dedicated musicians who have a high degree of technical proficiency on a brass, woodwind, or percussion instrument. The guiding philosophy of the Symphonic Band is to practice and perform quality band literature at a superior level. Throughout the course students routinely practice and perform a wide variety of compositions, deepen their understanding of music theory, make connections to music history, and participate in activities that promote creativity


Length: 1 Year Grade Level(s): Grade 9 - 12 Pre-Requisite: Previous string instruction of average three year’s experience and approval from Director Expected study time per lesson: 10 – 20 minutes Chamber Orchestra is a rewarding strings based ensemble open to any high school student who has an average of three years experience on a violin, viola, cello, or double bass. Through the study of a wide variety of repertoire students further develop and refine their understanding of music reading, self-expression, and technical proficiency in ensembles large and small. This ensemble performs many times throughout the school year including formal concerts, festivals, and other special events. Students are also given the opportunity to audition for and travel with the AMIS Honor Orchestra. Admittance into the Chamber Orchestra is determined by audition and/or authorization from the director. This is a yearlong course and it may be repeated for credit. ______________________________________________________

Additional Music Courses

Performing Arts: Dance

Course Name: Beginning Guitar

Course Name: Introductory Dance

Department: Creative Arts Credit: 0.5 FM

Length: 1 Semester

Grade Level(s): Grade 9 - 12 Pre-Requisite: None

Expected study time per lesson: 10 – 20 minutes

Beginning Guitar is designed for students of Grades 9 to 12 who want to learn how to play the guitar while being introduced to the basics of music notation and theory. This is a “hands on” class with a series of relaxed performances. During the semester, students are loaned a school-owned acoustic guitar so that they may practice and improve their developing skills both in the classsroom and at home. ______________________________________________________ Course Name: Music Technology Department: Creative Arts Credit: 0.5 FM

Length: 1 Semester

Grade Level(s): Grade 9 – 12 Pre-Requisite: None

Expected study time per lesson: 0 – 30 minutes

Music Technology is a hands-on course that combines music and technology. Students will use state-of-the-art tools used by professionals today to mix, layer, record, and produce music. From classical to dubstep this class covers it all. ______________________________________________________ Course Name: AP Music Theory

Department: Creative Arts Credit: 0.5 FM Length: 1 Semester Grade Level(s): Grade 9 – 12 Pre-Requisite: None Expected study time per lesson: 0 – 30 minutes Introductory Dance class gives students with no dance experience the opportunity to study basic dance movements and techniques. Students will be exposed to many different dance styles, including: Hip Hop, Ballroom, Latin, Jazz, and Contemporary (dance styles may vary depending on student interest). Students will have opportunities to develop their kinesthetic awareness, proper body alignment, physical strength and flexibility, choreographic principles, and theatrical/technical skills though regular practice and stage performances. Students experience the role of both advanced dance choreographer and dancer and have opportunities to present their work. Through the study of dance in various cultures and historical periods, students broaden their understanding of dance as an art form. _____________________________________________________ Course Name: Advanced Dance Department: Creative Arts Credit: 0.5 FM Length: 1 Semester Grade Level(s): Grade 9 – 12

Department: Creative Arts

Pre-Requisite: Introductory Dance or teacher recommendation

Length: 1 Year

Expected study time per lesson: 0 – 30 minutes

Credit: 1.0 FM

AP Music Theory is designed for the serious student who is interested in furthering their musical knowledge. Topics covered include written notation, rhythm, scales, chords, sight-singing and ear training. This course is helpful for those interested in composing, performing at a higher level, improvisation, and/or participating in music at the college level. Enrolled students are strongly encouraged to participate in a school ensemble concurrently.

Advanced Dance class gives students with dance experience (ASD or any other dance company) the opportunity to develop an advanced level of dance technique and refine their skills as both choreographer and performer. Students apply their creative and technical knowledge and skills through a variety of production and performance opportunities. Using expanded aesthetic criteria students analyze, synthesize, and evaluate their own choreography as well as works of others. Students learn to assess personal health and fitness, develop and achieve personal dance goals, and integrate knowledge and skills with a variety of other content areas. Students will maintain a portfolio, which contains written and/or visual examples of their work.



Grade Level(s): Grade 10 - 12

Pre-Requisites: Previous music study, choral or instrumental and teacher recommendation, completion of Alfred’s Essentials of Music Theory online curriculum at 80 per cent or higher Expected study time per lesson: 60 – 90 minutes


Performing Arts: Drama Course Name: Technical Theatre

Course Name: Acting II

Department: Creative Arts

Department: Creative Arts

Credit: 0.5 FM Length: 1 Semester Grade Level(s): Grade 9 - 12 Pre-Requisite: None Expected study time per lesson: 0 – 30 minutes Technical Theatre is a course designed to provide students with a basic understanding of the aesthetics and practical application of all phases of a production from a technical perspective. This would include the study of all visual aesthetics, the physical theatre, scenic design, lighting, sound engineering, and back stage organization. Production work is required. Enrollment in this course provides the opportunity to be involved in all of the performing arts curricular, co-curricular, and extra-curricular activities. ______________________________________________________

Credit: 0.5 FM Length: 1 Semester Grade Level(s): Grade 9 - 12 Pre-Requisite: None Expected study time per lesson: 0 – 30 minutes Acting II covers a wide range of topics in the discipline of Theatre Arts. Students practice basic acting exercises in pantomime, improvisation, and scene work in order to learn the proper use of the body and voice when developing a role. They model these techniques by both composing and performing each other’s original short dialogues and scenes. They produce one play as a culminating activity in order to gain experience in the other areas of production in theatre arts.

Length: 1 Semester

The course syllabus will be similar to the International Baccalaureate and will also include an individual study project that could range anywhere from designing costumes to directing a piece of theatre. The students will be studying the work of leading theorists and theatre practitioners such as Stanislavski, Brecht, Grotowski, Brook, and Boal.

Grade Level(s): Grade 9 - 12


Pre-Requisite: None

Course Name: Theatre Production

Expected study time per lesson: 0 – 30 minutes

Department: Creative Arts

Course Name: Acting I Department: Creative Arts Credit: 0.5 FM

Acting I is a course that brings together the artistic talents of the actor, the playwright, and the director. This course explores the actor in workshop, text analysis, and the role of the director in contemporary theatre. Acting I commences with acting exercises that explore the physical, emotional, and intellectual character of the actor. Exercises may reflect the work of leading theorists and theatre practitioners. These are introductory and inform the interpretation of text and direction.

Credit: 0.5 FM Length: 1 Semester Grade Level(s): Grade 9 - 12 Pre-Requisite: None Expected study time per lesson: 0 – 30 minutes

In class, the students work on the analysis of modern scenes. Workshops are also held on the “inner conflict” of character. Students will also be provided with the opportunity for audition workshops that work on acting technique, text analysis, and direction. They also create short films, voiceovers, and opportunities on stage to perform.

Theatre Production is an actual theatrical production course where students get several opportunities to perform in front of an audience. The course requires a mature and professional attitude as well as a strong commitment. Students will not only gain the experience of theatrical performances, but will receive life lessons in teamwork, perseverance, and leadership.





Graduation Requirement: 0.5 year/credit

The ASD technology department philosophy is that today’s learners need to be familiar with various technologies that allow them to communicate, obtain and analyze information, solve problems, collaborate, innovate and design creative multimedia presentations in an effective and collaborative manner. While the majority of these goals will be accomplished through the integration of technology within the various curriculum areas, technology courses are also offered which allow the student to delve deeper into a specific technology area or application.

Information Technology Course Sequence Design Technology & Engineering

Computer Science


Intro to Programming through Video Game Design

Computer Programming l

Mobile App Development

Engineering Design l

Engineering Design ll

Electronics Design

Video & Audio Production Video Broadcasting l

Technical Film Production l

Video Broadcasting ll

Technical Film Production ll

Computer Programming ll

AP Computer Science - VHS Please read the following specific course descriptions for information on pre-requisites ASD HIGH SCHOOL COURSE DESCRIPTION GUIDE | 47

2016-2017 Course Descriptions Course Name: Introduction to Programming through Video Game Design Credit: 0.5 CS

is utilized to manipulate a robot along with its various sensors. Once written, the program, running on a computer, will interface with the robot to make it achieve the desired outcome. The course includes in class robotic projects, where student teams will design and program a robot to solve various challenges.

Length: 1 Semester


Grades Level(s): Grade 9 - 12

Course Name: Computer Programming I (Python)

Pre-Requisite: None

Department: Technology

Expected study time per lesson: 0 – 30 minutes

Credit: 0.5 CS

Introduction to Programming through Video Game Design is recommended for anyone considering studying engineering or computer science in college. Through the designing of video games, students will be introduced to the fundamentals of computer programming. In programming the games, students will cover core-programming topics such as classes, objects, methods, variables, decision statements and control structures. Students will design and program their own animated, interactive game as the final programming project. The manipulation of graphical and sound files will be included. This course, Mobile App Development or Robotics are a prerequisite for students interested in the computer science Python programming course entitled Computer Programming I.

Length: 1 Semester

Department: Technology

______________________________________________________ Course Name: Mobile App Development Department: Technology

Grade Level(s): Grade 10 - 12 Pre-Requisite: Introduction to Programming through Video Game Design, Robotics or Mobile App Development, Algebra II or Teacher recommendation Expected study time per lesson: 0 – 30 minutes Computer Programming I is the first half of a yearlong study of Python computer programming. This course is highly recommended for anyone considering majoring in engineering or computer science in college. This course is technical in nature, emphasizing the development of both the Python programming language as well as problem solving skills. Programming topics will include units on variables, conditional controls, loop structures, and strings. A major programming project will be completed.

Credit: 0.5 CS


Length: 1 Semester

Course Name: Computer Programming II (Python)

Grade Level(s): Grade 9 - 12

Department: Technology

Pre-Requisite: None

Credit: 0.5 CS

Expected study time per lesson: 0 - 30 minutes

Length: 1 Semester

Students will learn how to develop, program and publish apps for mobile devices such as smart phones or tablets. Students will also work much like a small startup: collaborating as a team, sharing code and learning to communicate with each other throughout the course. Students will learn the valuable skills of creativity, collaboration and communication as they create something incredibly real, relevant, cool, challenging and worthwhile. This course, Introduction To Programming Through Video Game Design or Robotics, are pre-requisites for students interested in the computer science Python programming course entitled Computer Programming I.

Grade Level(s): Grade 10 – 12

______________________________________________________ Course Name: Robotics Department: Technology Credit: 0.5 CS Length: 1 Semester Grade Level(s): Grade 9 – 12 Pre-Requisite: None Expected study time per lesson: 0 – 30 minutes Robotics introduces students to the field of robotics. Through the use of LEGO Robotics Systems, students learn to build and control robots. Students become familiar with basic computer science concepts as they learn a programming language, which 48 | ASD HIGH SCHOOL COURSE DESCRIPTION GUIDE

Pre-Requisite: Computer Programming I or teacher recommendation Expected study time per lesson: 0 – 30 minutes Computer Programming II is the second half of a yearlong study of Python computer programming. The course will continue from where the first semester course finishes. The more advanced topics will include units on functions, string manipulation, arrays – lists, modules files, methods, databases, classes and objects. Advanced algorithms will be utilized in the development of programs. A major programming project will be completed. ______________________________________________________ Course Name: AP Computer Science (Java language, through VHS) Department: Technology Credit: 1.0 CS Length: 1 Year Grade Level(s): Grade 11 - 12 Pre-Requisites: Computer Programming I & II, Algebra ll and/or teacher recommendation Expected study time per lesson: 30 minutes

AP Computer Science is taken as an online course through the Virtual High School (VHS, www.thevhscollaborative.org). The course covers all of the various curriculum topics in computer science that are included on the AP Computer Science exam in the Java programming language. Success in this type of independent, online learning requires a student who is extremely motivated, well organized and disciplined. Students will be required to take the AP Computer Science exam. ______________________________________________________ Course Name: Engineering Design l Department: Technology Credit: 0.5 CS Length: 1 Semester Grade Level(s): Grade 9 - 12 Pre-Requisite: None Expected study time per lesson: 0 – 30 minutes Engineering Design is a project-based course, where students explore aspects of architecture, construction, engineering and processes of design. Students learn about these aspects through researching, designing using 2D and 3D Computer Aided Design (CAD) software, and building and testing objects and structures such as model bridges, model buildings, furniture and C02 powered F1 racing model cars. Students also get hands-on experience with modern rapid prototyping equipment such as a 3D printer, 3-Axis CNC router and laser cutter. Students apply what they learn by designing a final product. Please note students may be responsible for purchase of materials.

Course Name: Engineering Design II Department: Technology Credit: 0.5 CS Length: 1 Semester Grade level(s): Grade 9-12 Expected study time per lesson: 0-30 minutes Pre-Requisite: Engineering Design I or similar class. In Engineering Design II students will further explore aspects of architecture, construction engineering and processes of design while creating a portfolio. Students will propose, design, construct and present items of personal interest. Students should be able to work independently, find solutions on their own and be persistent. Examples could be, but not limited to, furniture, models, decorations, textiles, and could be combines with circuitry. Student will have access to modern rapid prototyping and manufacturing equipment such as 3D printers, 3-Axis CNC router, laser cutter and normal hand tools. Please note students may be responsible for purchase of some project materials. ______________________________________________________

______________________________________________________ ASD HIGH SCHOOL COURSE DESCRIPTION GUIDE | 49

Course Name: Electronics Design Department: Technology Credit: 0.5 CS Length: 1 Semester Grade Level(s): Grade 9 - 12 Pre-Requisite: None Expected study time per lesson: 0 - 30 minutes Electronics Design is a project-based course, where students explore aspects of electronics, circuitry, programming and processes of design. Students learn about these aspects through researching, designing and using 2D and 3D Computer Aided Design (CAD) software, testing and designing circuitry using breadboards, and utilizing and programming electronics such as Arduinos, Raspberry Pi’s, Makey-Makey’s, Lilypad wearable electronics and robotics. Students also get hands-on experience with modern rapid prototyping equipment such as a 3D printer, 3-Axis CNC router and laser cutter. Students will apply what they learn by designing a final product. ______________________________________________________ Course Name: Technical Film Production l Department: Technology Credit: 0.5 CS Length: 1 Semester Grade Level(s): Grade 9 - 12 Pre-Requisite: None Expected study time per lesson: 0 – 30 minutes The focus of Technical Film Production is for students to develop the skills and techniques required for editing and producing different types of multimedia video projects. Students learn how to use professional-grade video and sound editing programs, and use hardware and equipment used to produce videos. Student projects focus on producing short films, similar to films that make up the large majority of films produced commercially. These could include product commercials and advertisements, public service announcements, interviews, highlights of events such as news and sports, movie trailers, business promotion, public relations, summary of upcoming programs or events as well as films summarizing events anywhere from personal to local to national, opposed to full length movies with a plot, settings, scenes and character development. Materials: A computer with 8GB+ of RAM and storage space of 500+ GB is highly suggested in order to run the video editing programs and store media files. An external hard drive of 1TB for storage and/or backup is also highly suggested. ______________________________________________________ Course Name: Technical Film Production II Department: Technology Credit: 0.5 credit Length: 1 semester Grade level(s): Grade 9 - 12 Pre-Requisite: Technical Film Production, Video Broadcasting I or II Expected study time per lesson: 0-30 minutes


Technical Film Production II is for students who are passionate about film production. Students who take this class are proven videographers with skills in video, audio and story development, and who want to develop a portfolio of sophisticated video projects. Students will use professional-grade video and sound editing programs as well as hardware and equipment used to produce videos. Students will propose, develop, produce and screen their video projects. Students are expected to be able to work independently, and to complete a portfolio of videos by the end of the course. Projects could include full length or short movies with a plot, settings, scenes and character development, public service announcements or promotional videos. Materials: A computer with 8+ GB of RAM and storage space of 500+ GB is required in order to run the video editing programs and store media files. A external hard drive of 1TB for storage and/or backup is also highly suggested. ASD recommends Thunderbolt. ___________________________________________________ Course Name: Video Broadcasting I Department: Technology Credit: 0.5 CS Length: 1 Semester Grade Level(s): Grade 9 - 12 Pre-Requisite: None Expected study time per lesson: 0 – 30 minutes Video Broadcasting I is a project-based course, where students use industry-standard video editing hardware and software to learn the process of creating a broadcast quality video production. Equipment to be used and trained on includes video mixing boards, HD video cameras and industry-standard editing software in a new control room and studio. Students create video news packages, work as teams to design, film and produce live and tape-delayed shows that will be broadcasted to the school community. Students are required to help video broadcast school events such as drama and fine arts productions and sports events. ___________________________________________________ Course Name: Video Broadcasting II Department: Technology Credit: 0.5 CS Length: 1 Semester Grade Level(s): Grade 9 - 12 Pre- Requisite: MS Video Broadcasting or HS Video Broadcasting I or teacher recommendation Expected study time per lesson: 0 - 30 minutes Students apply concepts they learned in Video Broadcasting I or in the Middle School Video Broadcasting class as well as more hardware, software and processes used to create video productions in order to produce all aspects and content of a regularly scheduled production as part of a production team. Productions could include a news and variety show, a sports show and/or a commentary show. Students will also help broadcast live and tape-delayed sports, fine arts and other school events, create video news packages, commercials, public service announcements and informative videos. ___________________________________________________


2016-2017 Course Descriptions Course Name: Business Studies

Department: Non-Departmental Electives Credit: 0.5 EL

Length: 1 Semester

Grade Level(s): Grade 9 - 12 Pre-Requisite: None

Expected study time per lesson: 30 – 60 minutes

Business Studies help students master basic concepts and theories in macroeconomics and microeconomics. Major areas of study include economic decision-making, exchange and markets, competitions, the role of institutions, the national economy and the global economy. Students will learn to think like economists- to pose questions, identify trade-offs, to evaluate marginal costs and marginal benefits, and to explore the many ways that one action will cause secondary actions. Students will work individually and in groups on a variety of topics and will prepare both oral and written reports. This course culminates with an inquiry-based process to address a real world economic challenge or opportunity and take action using an authentic method of communication. ______________________________________________________

generated by the Associated Press and National Geographic to increase reading levels of students using the program. Written language assignments are linked to the students’ reading activities. During the semester participants of the class work on critical reading, answering comprehension questions, and developing a written portfolio. This course is open to students committed to improving their reading and writing skills. ______________________________________________________ Course Name: Supervised Study Block l Department: Non-Departmental Electives Credit: No Credit Length: 1 Semester Grade Level(s): Grade 9 – 10 Pre-Requisite: None Expected study time per lesson: 0 – 30 minutes Supervised Study Block l grants Grade 9 and 10 students designated time to complete their academic work at school. Supervised Study Block will be held in a designated location where a faculty member supervises and ensures that students are using their time effectively. This course is non-credit.

Course Name: Study Skills


Credit: 0.5 EL

Department: Non-Departmental Electives

Grade Level(s): Grade 9 – 12

Length: 1 Semester

Expected study time per lesson: 0 – 30 minutes

Pre-Requisite: None

Department: Non-Departmental Electives

Course Name: Supervised Study Block ll

Length: 1 Semester

Credit: No Credit

Pre-Requisite: None

Grade Level(s): Grade 9 – 12

This course is designed to establish and reinforce reading and written language achievement. The primary curriculum for Study Skills is Achieve 3000. Achieve 3000 uses non-fiction writing

Expected study time per lesson: 0 – 30 minutes Supervised Study Block II grants students designated time to complete their academic work at school. This course is


held in a designated location with a teacher who supervises and ensures that students are using their time effectively. The teacher may engage students to reinforce understanding of content and may provide study skills strategies to support student learning. This course is non-credit. ______________________________________________________ Course Name: Supervised Study Block III Department: Non-Departmental Electives Credit: No Credit

Length: 1 Semester

Grade Level(s): Grade 9 - 12

Pre-Requisite: Counselor Recommendation

Expected study time per lesson: 0 - 30 minutes

Supervised Study Block III grants students designated time to complete their academic work at school. This course is held in a designated location with a teacher who supervises and ensures that students are using their time effectively. Students will be coached to ensure optimal time management. The teacher may re-teach concepts, tutor and engage students for understanding of content, provide supplementary resources and provide study skills strategies to support student learning. The teacher will also craft, implement and track student progress on a Student Action Plan. This course is non-credit bearing and placement is done through the Counseling Office.

VHS students work in an online environment and use various web tools to gather and share resources, debate ideas, comment on contributions, and collaborate on projects. Instructors are certified and qualified teachers in their subject and trained to teach online. The Instructors post regular assignments, guides discussions, provides constructive criticism, corrects misunderstandings, asks and answers questions, and assess student work. VHS courses are added to a student’s schedule just like any other class. Students are given a standard class block in a designated classroom to complete the class for each course. Upon successful completion of a VHS course, the letter grade and credit hour(s) will be added to the student’s official ASD transcript and GPA. Note: Participation in VHS course offerings is determined each spring through a formal application process and committee selection. Available seats in VHS are limited, and fees may apply. No new VHS requests will be honored after the spring application process. VHS is a quarter-based grading system, semester grades are based on averaging the two final quarter grades together. The VHS calendar is also slightly different from ASD’s calendar. ________________________________________________ Course Name: Yearbook

Department: Non-Departmental Electives Credit: 1.0 EL


Length: 1 Year

Department: Non-Departmental Electives

Pre-Requisite: None

Length: 1 Semester

Students are responsible for producing the Falcon yearbook. Principles of yearbook and journalism are taught and skills are developed in writing, layout design, and photography. This course may be repeated for credit.

Course Name: Study Block

Grade Level(s): Grade 10 - 12

Credit: No Credit

Expected study time per lesson: 30 - 60 minutes

Grade Level(s): Grade 11 – 12 Pre-Requisite: None

Expected study time per lesson: 0 – 30 minutes

Study Block is an unstructured block of time that appears in students’ schedules. The time is allocated so that students may complete school related tasks which may include but are not limited to completing assignments, meeting with teachers when possible, meeting with project or study groups, etc. As the time is unstructured, students will move to appropriate designated spaces on campus where they may complete their tasks as required. They will be responsible for meeting the expectations regarding behaviors appropriate for the different spaces. ________________________________________________ Course Name: Virtual High School (VHS)

Department: Non-Departmental Electives

Credit: 0.5/1.0 EL (EL for course registration purpose only. Please see your counselor for more details) Length: 1 Semester/ 1 Year

Grade Level(s): Grade 10 – 12

Pre-Requisite: Depends on the course

Expected study time per lesson: 30 – 60 minutes

Virtual High School (VHS) is an NCAA accredited online program (www.thevhscollaborative.org) that offers over 180 high school courses to students around the world. The program offers a wide range of both elective and core classes, including Advanced Placement.




The AP Capstone Program is a two-year credential program for students who show high levels of academic commitment, interest and ability. The credential consists of a minimum of four AP content courses (student’s choice), a research skills seminar course and an independent research project. Students who earn scores of 3 or higher for the AP Seminar and AP Research Courses and on four additional AP Exams of their choosing will receive the AP Capstone Diploma.

AP Capstone Program 4 AP Courses and Exams (Student’s choice)

AP Seminar • Team Project & Presentation • Research-based Essays and Presentation • Written Exam

AP Research • Academic Thesis • Public Presentation and Defense

Course Name: AP Seminar

Course Name: AP Research

Department: Non-Departmental Electives

Department: Non-Departmental Electives

Credit: 1.0 EL

Credit: 1.0 EL

Length: 1 Year

Length: 1 Year

Grade Level(s): Grade 11

Grade Level(s): Grade 12

Pre-Requisite: Application process for selection

Pre-Requisite: AP Seminar

Expected study time per lesson: 30 - 60 minutes

Expected study time per lesson: 30 - 60 minutes

The AP Interdisciplinary Investigations and Critical Reasoning Seminar Students must be current Grade 10 students who would be in the top 10-15% of their class, exhibit a high interest in research, a proficiency in writing and show a commitment to highly academic Grade 11 and 12 years. Data used for students to qualify includes Grade 9 and 10 course performance and GPA, PSAT scores, MAP scores, and teacher recommendation. This seminar, taken in Grade 11, focuses on developing inquiry skills through writing, researching, and team projects by exploring several topics of global relevance. Topics are selected by the teacher and students from a broad spectrum that may include social, political and environmental issues. Students in the Seminar course are assessed through written and multi-media presentations. Admission to the Capstone program requires a 2-year commitment and a completion of 4 AP course besides the two (2) Capstone courses.


AP Research Course AP Research allows students to deeply explore an academic topic, problem or issue of individual interest. Through this exploration, students design, plan, and conduct a year-long research based investigation to address an original research question. In the AP Research course, students further their skills acquired in the AP Seminar course by understanding research methodology; employing ethical research practices; and accessing, analyzing, and synthesizing information as they address a research question. Students explore their skill development, document their processes, and curate the artifacts of the development of their scholarly work in a portfolio. The course culminate in an academic paper of approximately 4000-5000 words (accompanied by a performance or exhibition of product where applicable) and a 20 minute presentation with an oral defense. ______________________________________________________

P.O. Box 71188 Dubai, U.A.E. | +971 4 395 0005 www.asdubai.org

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