Monday, March 4, 2013
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Disabled pupils’ welfare ‘ignored’
By Myles Hume A middle-aged man, who was stretchered out of a remote area in the foothills after a dramatic fall, is back at work and in perfect condition today. The man, a diabetic tramping on his own, was found by a three-man Christchurch Search and Rescue (SAR) team, who treated him in miserable and treacherous conditions yesterday after he slipped into unconsciousness, causing him to fall and fracture his leg. With the man back on his feet again today it may be an unreal story, but to 125 SAR members, the weekend’s training exercise in the Alford Forest Station was the prime opportunity to polish their skills and learn new aspects of the voluntary role. The search and rescue of the middle aged man, an actor who groaned while pretending to slip in and out of consciousness, was an exercise for SAR volunteers who frantically worked against the race clock, putting their skills to the test under the watchful eye of senior SAR members. It was just one task of the 24-hour operation, which demanded 12 SAR teams from across Canterbury take part in competencies such as navigation, fitness, clue processing, first aid, search methods and helicopter air operations. Search and Rescue Canterbury District co-ordinator Ryan O’Rourke said he was impressed
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However, the special needs pupils are still being dropped off hundreds of metres away from their classroom because the bus is too big to access the campus. Ashburton College deputy principal Grant Congdon also questioned the tendering process, saying schools were not consulted. “When the outcome is going to directly influence what’s happening on the ground, people making decisions about contracts need to know real specifics about the individual students so the provider is able to meet the needs of those students, and I don’t think that step was done as well,” Mr Congdon said. Ministry of Education group resources manager John Clark said the ministry put the vehicles through “quality requirements safety checks”, before considering the price offered by Ritchies and other bus companies. He said restraints would have been up to standard and the bus was only required to drop the pupils at the gate. He was “glad” to hear a timetable was sorted out to avoid pupils being on the bus for more than the maximum time of one hour. However, he was saddened to hear questions over the ministry’s motives. “I’m really disappointed people would say that, safety is the first consideration, not just of special needs students but other students as well,” Mr Clark said. He said it would be an impossible task to consult with more than 2000 schools throughout the country. Mr Congdon said Ritchies were still in the process of improving the service, hoping to drop the pupils closer to the school gate in the near future.
To see more or purchase photos Photo Joseph Johnson 030313-JJ-034
Christchurch Search and Rescue (SAR) volunteers Manu Hamblyn (left) and Christian Ruegg work on an injured man during a SAR exercise at Alford Forest Station, near Methven, yesterday.
Crossing the Rakaia on two wheels The peloton traverses the Rakaia Bridge which was closed to traffic on Saturday morning as 235 cyclists competed in Ride the Rakaia. The course took riders from the small Mid Canterbury town, 50km west to the Rakaia Gorge for a hill climb, before they made the speedy return to Elizabeth Avenue in Rakaia. Twenty-four riders raced to the finish line with Jaron Stephens taking the men’s yellow jersey and Rachel Thow taking the women’s spoils. • See also P2, 10, 14
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Photo Joseph Johnson 020313-JJ-001
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with what he saw out in the field, as SAR volunteers worked tirelessly to complete the challenges, running on a few hours of sleep. “We’re assessing them, so it’s about setting the standard and seeing what teams were capable of today,” Mr O’Rourke said. The first “rogaine-type event” of its kind to be held in the rugged yet accessible Mid Canterbury foothills, teams had to be back at the Alford Forest Hall base camp by noon yesterday, or risk losing points they gained while reaching destinations. The Guardian was invited to watch the SAR teams in action, guided in the muddy and steep terrain by Land Search and Rescue field support officer Fritz van Rooden. “It’s great to have you guys here, a lot of the work we (SAR) do is not seen and is usually handed out by a police media release to the public. “Volunteers for SAR aren’t just someone from the local rugby club, these are trained people who give up their weekends to take part in challenging procedures like this so they are prepared for the real thing.” Ellesmere SAR volunteers Tim Robilliard and Pauline Leask are fairly new to the emergency service. Looking ragged, mentally and physically, Mr Robilliard said it was a worthwhile exercise. “I’ve learnt lots, it’s the best way to practice and keep up our skills because we don’t get called out too often,” he said.
Serious questions are being raised as to how the Ministry of Education allowed a bus company to compromise the safety and welfare of disabled children in Ashburton. A crisis meeting was held at Ashburton College recently between the college, a parent representative, CCS Disability Action Group and bus company Ritchies Bus and Coach after concerns arose about the safety and reliability of the Ritchies bus which was transporting special needs pupils to Ashburton College and Hampstead School. As part of a nationwide tender process, the Ministry of Education awarded Ritchies the tender to transport about 15 disabled Ashburton pupils to and from school this year. The contract was taken away from a local taxi company. Concerns were roused by parents of the special needs pupils and Ashburton College after finding out the bus did not have certified wheelchair restraints, pupils were arriving late to school, being picked up early from class and were being dropped off 300-400 metres away from their classroom. It also emerged that a pupil who lived within 2km from Ashburton College spent an hour and 20 minutes on the bus. CCS Disability Action Group believes up to 400 disabled pupils have been affected nationally by the change-over in transport providers. Parent representative Mark Somerville, who has a disabled son attending Ashburton College, believed the pupils’ welfare was completely ignored. He said Ritchies were not aware of the processes they needed to go through to have a compliant bus. “They (the ministry) were not looking out for the welfare of our kids . . . from what I can see it was a cost-saving exercise,” he said. “They have let down these kids in a big way.” Ritchies, who did not want to comment, responded immediately to the concerns following the crisis meeting two weeks ago. They installed certified wheelchair restraints, altered timetables so pupils arrived at school on time and ensured pupils were not sitting on the bus for more than an hour.
Search teams polish their rescue skills
tell us what you think
By Myles Hume
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