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Teachers air pay frustration

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Local boy at heart of test match

By Myles Hume

By Myles Hume

The message was clear and the vibe was calm, but the faces behind the placards have reached the end of their tether over what is being dubbed “Novopain”. Mid Canterbury principals, teachers and support staff protested outside Rangitata MP Jo Goodhew’s empty electorate office on Harrison Street about 8am yesterday, fed up with six months of payroll blunders. Signs reading; “Novopay = no pay” and “More Novopain victims” were held above heads, as passing motorists tooted their horns in support of the nationwide New Zealand Educational Institute (NZEI) protest. About 25 Mid Canterbury school staff signed an NZEI petition and celebrated as horns tooted through the roadworks in Allenton, but the frustration and pain of Novopay in Mid Canterbury schools continues to boil. “The numbers here shows how annoyed schools are with Novopay ... It’s actually a sign of the whole decision-making process the Ministry of Education are going through, they’re talking about charter schools, performance pay and of course Novopay has been ongoing,” Mid Canterbury NZEI Branch vice-president Janine Barker said. Rakaia School principal Mark Ellis said it was time schools’ voices were heard. “It’s a Tuesday morning and we’re here. That’s the thing about teachers, they carry on and do their jobs while putting up with this,” he said. The NZEI union, which represents primary and intermediate schools, held the protest outside National MP offices throughout New Zealand after recent meetings with the ministry failed to

The big question in Sam Orr’s mind is whether to be an All Black or a Black Cap? But today the Allenton School youngster’s future career path is set to be swayed as he walks on to Dunedin’s University Oval with his idol Brendon McCallum and English skipper Alastair Cook for the first cricket test between the two sides. Sam, 7, was the lucky winner of an ANZ competition his dad entered him in while he was looking to secure funding grants for his own Lauriston cricket team online. Last week, Sam’s parents Heather and Richard found out their son would be walking out to do the toss with the two captains, but yesterday at Allenton School their son was sprung by ANZ staff, unaware he was the lucky winner. “I love cricket so much, it’s about even with rugby,” he said. Sam went on to say it was still up in the air as to what sport he would represent his country at. But the Allenton left-arm spin bowler hopes he will be the good luck charm when the Black Caps throw the toss at the ground where they have never lost a test match. The Allenton pupil is a selfproclaimed cricket fanatic, highlighted by the eagerness to answer any questions fired at his classroom by ANZ staff. “He’s pretty stoked, he absolutely loves cricket, and he’s pretty switched on about it too,” father Richard said before the family headed south last night. Sam and his parents will watch the test from the University Oval grandstand, starting at 10.30am.


Ashburton siblings Chloe, 4, (left) and Tamati, 3, Graham in protest of the Novopay system which has affected Allenton School where their mother Amanda works. bring change. The union wants the Government to agree to a package of support measures for schools, and to ensure there are sufficient staffing levels at Novopay and the Ministry of Education Although Mrs Goodhew’s office was closed during the protest, Tinwald School principal Peter Livingstone said her door was open to hear concerns but there had been little to no improvement. “But my view is it shouldn’t have to be this way, the fact that we have a local MP involved shows the system is failing,” Mr Livingstone said. Allenton School staff featured in high numbers, making the short trip across the road. Principal Graham Smith said one staff member at his school

had pay troubles dating back to December 6 that had just been rectified while another teacher had her Domestic Purposes Benefit reduced because she was overpaid. Rangitata MP Jo Goodhew said the Government was working to fix the bug-riddled Novopay system, pointing out 78 bugs were sorted last week with a further 150 still to be fixed. She understood why schools rallied outside her offices. “I think this is a sign of great frustration on their part and I understand why they are frustrated, having spoken to many teachers and principals about Novopay,” she said. Novopay Minister Stephen Joyce said there were more “villains” involved with Novopay than just the National Government.

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Photo Tetsuro Mitomo 050313-TM-003

LEFT: Allenton School’s Sam Orr, 7, will walk on to University Oval in Dunedin this morning to throw the toss in the first cricket test after he was the lucky winner of an ANZ competition, presented by Wendy Crossman (left).

Two cops benched awaiting PCT pass POLL QUESTION

By Sam Morton

Photo Myles Hume 050313-MH-049

Mid Canterbury school staff protest over the ongoing Novopay nightmare outside Rangitata MP Jo Goodhew’s electoral office yesterday morning in Harrison Street as part of a nationwide NZEI protest.

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Two Ashburton police officers will remain behind the desk, filing paperwork and carrying out administration duties until they pass a routine fitness test. Under sweeping changes to the New Zealand police force, officers that do not hold a PCT certificate are no longer authorised to interact on the frontline or deal with the public. In Mid-South Canterbury, a total of five officers are in that category due to injury. Two of those are from Ashburton – both key frontline staff. Last week, police deputy commissioner Mike Bush announced the major shake-up in the force, immediately removing unfit front-

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Should all police officers complete a fitness test - even those in the office?

The voice of Mid Canterbury 24/7 Visit


to have your say.

line officers from the beat. All constables, sergeants and senior sergeants are now required to pass a physical competency test which includes dragging a body 7.5m, jumping through a window, running 200m and climbing over a high obstacle wall.

One was suffering from a longterm injury, while the other was unwell at present. “Until they pass then they will have to sit in the office and complete the paperwork. We can’t deploy them on the frontline until they have their PCT,” Inspector Gaskin said. “If they pass the test then all is well and good, but if they don’t, then we will have to weigh up where their role is best suited at the station.” All Mid-South Canterbury rural police hold a current PCT, in conjunction with 95 per cent of the police force nationwide. On average, about 360 staff around the country currently did not hold a current PCT and will have to be reassessed under the new policy.

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Mid-South area commander Inspector Dave Gaskin said some staff members were unable to take or pass the test in the area, due to a medical illness or injury. “It’s like anything really, police officers can still be at risk of injury in their jobs,” Inspector Gaskin said. “At times it’s a very physical job and all staff need to be at a level of fitness to be effective. Those who don’t have a PCT will receive extra support and training to gain one, where possible. “Fitness is a vital part of the police force and we can’t underestimate that,” he said. Inspector Gaskin said the two Ashburton staff members would be reassessed when they are physically able to carry out the fitness test.


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East to Burnett Street Ashburton, Phone 308 5269 -

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