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Health boss: Hospital safe By Sam Morton Ashburton Hospital is here to stay according to Canterbury’s health boss. Canterbury District Health Board chief executive David Meates has signalled a resounding assurance for the hospital’s future, pointing out major plans are firmly in place to restore surgical services in the district. The local health asset has been a hot talking point since Labour’s health spokesperson Annette King revealed a confidential source at the hospital had expressed their concerns to her, indicating the hos-
pital was rapidly degrading its services and losing valuable specialists. However, Mr Meates has refuted all claims and says he is not interested in speculation. Instead, he wants to put the record straight and insists there is no uncertainty about the future of Ashburton Hospital. “The future is bright and we are continuing down the same pathway for the hospital. That has been the case right from the start and we have every intention to deliver,” Mr Meates said. “When we push the go button on the theatre rebuild, there will be some significant disruption to the
Incident ‘could have resulted in full AOS call-out’ ine call-out with serious risk.” The man accused of brandishing the gun, named only as Greg, The incident involving a BB gun said the police had already been in Allenton early Sunday morning to his house to question him and could have had a disastrous out- indicated they would be issuing a come, according to Canterbury’s caution for presenting a firearm Armed Offenders Squad boss. in public. Inspector Bryan Buck’s comment Senior Sergeant Grant Russell, follows the case where a Harrison of Ashburton, said the police were Street resident came out of his still investigating the incident. house and pointed a Co2 powered He was unimpressed with the BB gun at a group of men alleg- man who had brandished a fireedly disturbing the arm and said the peace and attacking man would be dealt a bystander. with “one way or I won’t Inspector Buck, another”. unaware of the “He may get a stand for this details of the case, warning or he may vigilante type be put before a judge, told the Guardian the incident could that’s not for me to action from have resulted in a say at this stage. full scale AOS call“I have an officer locals out – yet nobody dealing with the case had even rung the and if I agree with police. the report he puts In fact, the Ashburton Police in front of me then that will be didn’t know of the incident until the outcome – if not then we will late Sunday, following a phone call discuss other options,” Mr Russell from an Auckland police official said. who had taken a message from However, Mr Russell said the a local Ashburton resident who investigation had not presented had phoned the following morn- any justification for producing a ing, claiming he had stared down firearm. the barrel of a loaded gun. “This is not South Auckland The man who had pointed the and we’re definitely not the United imitation gun at the men then told States ... I won’t stand for this the Guardian his version of events vigilante type action from locals. after reading the group’s account The guy with the gun should have in the Guardian. called us if he was concerned and The man claims he was going to the guys that had a gun pointed at the aid of someone who was being them should have rung us immebeaten up by the group. diately after – that’s what this Whatever really happened, comes down to,” Mr Russell said. Inspector Buck believes any witInspector Buck believes the inciness should have at least rung the dent served as a strong lesson local police at the time to prevent a to all residents and urged people potential disaster unfolding. not to take the law into their own “We have a graduated response hands – at any time. system, so if the frontline offic“Don’t leave anything to chance ers were unable to deal with the and don’t feel that you will make scene, then it is quite likely my the situation worse if you prompt team would have been deployed,” the AOS to be called out. he said. “It pays to remember that 98 per “Common sense would dictate cent of our call-outs are dealt with that if you see someone waving by negotiation and our teams are a gun around in a threatening highly qualified and skilled to deal manner, then you would ring the with all types of scenarios. police who then have a range of “If you see a gun being used to responses available to them. This intimidate another person, ring incident could have been a genu- the police,” Inspector Buck said.
current services as we move things around - but that will only be temporary.” Mr Meates revealed three concept plans had been reviewed for the new theatre suite prior to Christmas, but the general consensus weighed heavily in favour of one option. The board approved the path of the hospital, but will now be presented with the plan for that preferred model next month - although it is too early to reveal exactly what the plan entails. “Once we have been to the board in April, we will have a far clearer timeline. What I can say is it will be a favourable and quite a neat outcome for Ashburton,” Mr Meates
said. “I know there’s a sense of frustration as to when all this is going to happen, but it’s a process that needs to be worked through in detail and that does take time.” Mr Meates encouraged residents to be patient and asked them to reflect on the overall health situation in Canterbury. A substantial amount of capital is being invested, he said. “I look at Christchurch Hospital and it is just incredible services are still being offered ... it’s a construction zone. That’s the same scenario for Hillmorton, Burwood and other hospitals around the region – so times are certainly difficult. “However, we have always been
committed to rebuilding the theatre suite in Ashburton and we will be strengthening ward blocks as part of that process too. “It is hoped that the new services will widen the scope and breadth of the visiting specialists to Ashburton too. The intention is not to remove services and quite frankly it never has been,” Mr Meates said. Meanwhile, the Canterbury District Health Board has been working closely with the Advance Ashburton Community Foundation, discussing immediate plans for the hospital buildings. The old buildings in front of the hospital are likely to be demolished, but there is no confirmation
around the closed theatre blocks as yet. “They are likely to be demolished, but there has been no decision made either way yet. “There could be the potential for asbestos to be present as it comes down, so we have to move carefully around that decision,” Mr Meates said. The hospital is currently working through applications for a replacement operations manager. A new manager is expected to be announced later this month, two months after the departure of Mark Newsome, who moved to Melbourne. Following Mr Meate’s assur-
ance, Ashburton resident Warren Janett has decided to can next Wednesday’s meeting. He believes Mr Meates has provided robust comments and is comfortable with the outcome – at least for now. However, Mr Janett makes no secret about his intentions to keep a close eye on the hospital. “This is good news for Ashburton, but we should all hold Mr Meates accountable to his statements and check back promptly after the decision has passed through the board,” Mr Janett said. “It’s about showing a key interest and making sure the powers that be know we’re watching.”
Pressure goes on at barista champs
By Sam Morton
Photo Supplied Jessica 2
Ashburton barista Jess Halliday (right) works frantically in front of the judging panel during her heat at the Huhtamaki New Zealand Barista Championships in Wellington yesterday. By Myles Hume Ashburton barista Jess Halliday is hopeful a handshake and an encouraging “well done” from a judge is a sign of what’s to come today. This afternoon, Ms Halliday will find out if she has reached the finals at the Huhtamaki New
Zealand Barista Championships to be held tomorrow after competing in her heat under the watchful eye of seven judges and hundreds of people yesterday. Despite a shaky hand and a muddled mind thanks to nerves, the 25-year-old believes she has done enough to push her claim as the top barista in the country. “I think it went really well
today, everything went according to plan and was done in time,” the Ashburton Columbus Coffee barista said. “Also everyone was commenting saying that I did really well, and one judge even came up to me and said ‘well done’, so that’s a hopeful sign.” The wobbly hand may have caused a little trouble when cup-
ping her cappuccino, but her signature drink, Raspberry Reduction, was her real standout. It has taken her months to perfect it, with never-ending advice from her flatmate and other colleagues taking her through a long journey to create the quality brew. “It looked amazing, even the
MC said it looked great in the cup,” she said. Finishing within the 15 minute time limit, Ms Halliday believed that was one of the major assets to her performance as many competitors were penalised a point per second for exceeding the time. She will know if she has made it through to the final stage by 4pm today.
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