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Monday, March 11, 2013

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Alcohol Drizzle fails to dampen show spirits sponsors linked to problem drinking By Susan Sandys

Drizzly conditions did not keep crowds away from the Mayfield A&P Show on Saturday. When light rain cleared after midday there was an influx of families from throughout Mid Canterbury, and overcast skies throughout the afternoon did not put a dampener on proceedings. President James Wright was pleased to report as the show drew to a close on Saturday, that gate takings were on a par with last year. One of the highlights had been to see the showground’s new show ring in use. “I have been speaking to some of the judges and they have all been complimentary,” he said. Mr Wright was a contestant in a celebrity bike race in the Bikes For Fun area, and came second last, followed by Ashburton Mayor Angus McKay, who appeared to have issues with his bike’s chain. Mr Wright had more luck at the show’s pig races, with his pig, number three, coming first in one of the races. “I had better go and collect,” he said of the $6 prize money, but then decided he

would leave it in the kitty as a donation. He was among hundreds who stood four rows deep around the obstacle race course, to cheer on piglets running through tunnels, climbing and sliding down a ramp, and jumping over hurdles to get to their feed at the end. And while that was the show’s “signature tune”, there was plenty of other attractions which saw crowds gather, such as entertainer Jason Pemberton and his band, a well filled trade display space, vintage machinery, shearing competition for the industry’s guns, needle in a hay stack competition for children, dog trials, Aorangi young farmers regional fencing final, and the grand parade. He said there had been a good wool display this year, and great produce and home industries section. And entry numbers, while slightly down overall compared to last year, saw higher than usual goat and chook numbers. Coming last in the celebrity bike race did not dampen Mr McKay’s perception of the day. “It’s been a majestic day at the A&P show,” he said after the race.


By Myles Hume The removal of pub and alcohol sponsors would be a major step in curbing drinking cultures in Mid Canterbury sporting clubs, an alcohol expert says. The link between alcohol and sport is in the spotlight again, following the findings of Monash University behavioural studies expert Dr Kerry O’Brien at The Perils of Alcohol Marketing conference last week. Mr O’Brien has conducted a study which highlights the link between alcohol sponsorship and problem drinking, where he found 68 per cent of 652 surveyed sportspeople sponsored by drinking brands were classified as hazardous drinkers. Ashburton Community Alcohol and Drugs Service (ACADS) general manager Chris Clark said it was no secret there was a drinking culture in Mid Canterbury sporting clubs, which was not being helped by the pub sponsors throughout the district. “A lot of rural clubs around Mid Canterbury are sponsored by local bars and I suppose the club’s members expect them people to be their patrons. “Would that increase consumption levels? Well that’s hard to say but there’s certainly a close association with sport and alcohol.” As part of the Alcohol Amendment Bill the Government was looking to tackle the extent of alcohol advertising, consumption and target audiences. Several rugby clubs in Mid Canterbury were sponsored by their local pubs, which were usually full of players and supporters most Saturday nights throughout winter. With alcohol abuse playing a key part in vandalism, assaults and drink driving and other anti-social behaviour in Mid Canterbury in past seasons, Ms Clark said she would support a


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move to ban alcohol-related sponsorship. But she believed it would be hard for sporting clubs to shake local pub sponsorship because the money it generated was vital to their survival. However, she had noticed a shift in mentality as clubs look to stamp out alcohol consumption. The Methven Rugby Club hosted Crusaders assistant coach Tabai Matson at the end of last year, promoting SAY Now, a programme which highlighted the role clubs had in educating youth about the impact alcohol had. Celtic Rugby Club is set to hold a similar meeting next week. Bus trips for away games have also limited consumption, needing licences for passengers to drink on board. Mid Canterbury Rugby Union chief executive Ian Patterson said he had seen the drinking culture move away during the past few years from the “drinking holes” stigma that has been historically attached to sport. “I would argue sponsorships have been steadily reducing ... the whole environment has changed and that’s reflective of clubs wanting to be successful and wanting to be the community centre,” he said. Mr Patterson believed pub sponsors had different motives to alcohol companies, saying they were about supporting giving back to the local community.

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Photo Joseph Johnson 090313-JJ-013

Mayfield A&P Show president James Wright comes in second last in the show’s celebrity bike race, followed by mayor Angus McKay in the background. RIGHT: Six-year-old Isabelle Harris rides high.

Photo Joseph Johnson 090313-JJ-018

Lynda Topp hits back over gay union Entertainer Lynda Topp has married her partner Donna Luxton at their home in Staveley, in the foothills of the Southern Alps, and she is adamant “marriage” is the correct word to describe their union. In a statement last week, Topp blasted an anti-gay marriage group for trying to hijack her ceremony. Family First leader Bob McCoskrie tried to use Topp’s ceremony to make a point for his cause. In his blog on March 1,

with links to Protect Marriage NZ, McCoskrie congratulated Topp and Luxton for choosing a civil union. He said by doing so they showed there was no need to legalise gay marriage. Topp, one half of country music duo the Topp Twins, retorted: “WRONG. We do not believe in civil union. It is discrimination, My partner and I are getting married, so there. PS, would appreciate it if this website did not use our good name to promote ... anti-marriage

views for the gay and lesbian community.” McCoskrie removed his comments and thanked Topp for “clarifying”. Saturday’s ceremony at Topp Lodge was a community affair with Staveley locals protecting the couple’s privacy while welcoming a large contingent of wedding guests. A women’s magazine had arranged to cover the event and there was a heavy security pres-


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ence in the small town. A “traffic management plan” meant a road was closed and uninvited guests were prevented from straying into the wedding zone. A grey day wasn’t enough to dampen the excitement in the town where a white marquee stood covered in bunting beside Staveley Hall. The town cafe, The Staveley Store, had a sign advising visitors it would close at 4pm for the function.

Topp and Luxton met in 2005 at the Methven A&P Show. Her son, Cameron Luxton, is also a country musician and has supported the twins on tour. A parliamentary select committee has recommended a bill to legalise same-sex marriage be passed into law. The bill’s next reading is on March 13. Asked if he wished Topp and Luxton well, McCoskrie said: “I wish everybody well.” - APNZ

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110 East St, Ashburton. Ph: 03 308-8487 Prices apply Monday 11th March - Sunday 17th March 2013 while stocks last. Some images are serving suggestions only.




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