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Monday, December 17, 2012


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Family in deep shock Death ‘likely homicide’ By Susan Sandys

Sina Nerisa Solomona

It is a mystery as to how 22-year-old Sina Nerisa Solomona died in her home in the early hours of Saturday. Police are investigating the suspicious death. They say they are keeping an open mind, but believe is likely to be a homicide. Ms Solomona, a mother of one, was found by her stepbrother inside her house on Cass Street after 2.30am, near the back door, in a pool of blood. She had suffered severe head trauma, and had only minutes earlier been dropped home, by her sister’s partner who also resides at the house, after earlier finishing a shift at CMP Canterbury. Sina lived in the house with her mother Anuella, her mother’s partner, her threeyear-old daughter Kaira, her twin sister Loretta and her partner, and her two brothers. However, none of the family members are believed to have been home at the time, as they were at another family property in the town. Anuella Solomona spoke briefly to the

Photo Joseph Johnson 151212-JJ-002

The house where Sina Solomona lived was a busy household of hardworking family members, say neighbours.

Photo Joseph Johnson 161212-JJ-002

Forensic officers worked away at a suspicious death scene on Cass Street yesterday, near where tribute flowers have been placed on a car outside the victim’s house.

Guardian yesterday to recall a daughter, sister and mother who was a loving and beautiful person. The family was in deep shock. “They just don’t believe someone could do something like this, if there was any people hate us, any people had trouble, problem with us...I don’t think so,” she said. The family had lived in Ashburton since 2002, with many members working at CMP Canterbury. She paused to ask her granddaughter where was mum. Kaira said “at work”, and Anuella explained the only time Sina was not with her daughter was when she was at work. “She loved her daughter, she loves her friends, she loves anyone. Until now I’m still questioning who would do this,” Anuella said. Her stepson had discovered Sina fatally injured at the house. He could not initially open the back door and thought Sina was playing around and not letting him in, but then he saw she was injured and ran in a panic down the street to get help. He bumped into a man on a bike who cycled to Mobil and raised the alarm. Police said an emergency call was made at 2.43am. St John responded and Sina was pronounced dead by the paramedics who attended. It is believed Sina was dropped home some time between 2.20am and 2.30am and had left work at CMP after finishing her shift at 1am. Detective Senior Sergeant John Rae said police were preparing a timeline and looking at CCTV footage from locations in Ashburton. An unsuccessful search for a weapon on surrounding streets is believed to have been undertaken, and Mr Rae confirmed items, with one item of particular interest, was missing from the house which could have been discarded by someone leaving the scene. Sina did not have a partner, and there was no suggestion she had been drinking after being at work for the evening. She was with friends when she needed a ride home, and got a family member to pick her up. Police were examining the scene in conjunction with ESR staff and making inquiries to establish her movements in the hours leading up to when her body was found. “Inquiries have are also being made with her associates and others who may have had relevant information to pass to the investigation. The inquiries are ongoing,” Mr Rae said. He said family members were being helpful. “They are deeply shocked, they are trying to resolve she’s no longer with them.” Sina’s body was moved from the house around midday yesterday, and the property is likely to remain cordoned off today as scene examinations continue. At 10am today a post mortem examination will be carried out in Christchurch to establish the cause of her death and any other injuries she has suffered. Police wanted to talk to anyone who may have seen or heard anything. If anyone has information that may be relevant to the investigation they can contact the police on (03) 363 7400 and ask to be put through to the inquiry team.

Photo Joseph Johnson 161212-JJ-007

Neighbours to the Cass Street suspicious death scene, Nikayla Thompson and Marc Ellery, are shocked at the event happening near their home.

Neighbours thrust into spotlight By Susan Sandys Neighbours of Sina Solomona, who died in her home under suspicious circumstances at the weekend, have all of a sudden been thrown under the stark lights of a police investigation. They have had their gardens searched, possibly for a weapon, their homes cordoned off, and are being asked to recall if they heard anything in the early hours of Saturday morning. One said her husband heard “a bit of a noise” which sounded like yelling or “young ones going home from the pub” at around 2.30am. “We do get that here you see, so close to the Devon.” Her husband had not thought much of it and had gone back to sleep. The couple woke to see a major crime scene investigation under way in their neighbourhood on Saturday, with the portion of Cass Street outside the victim’s home, near the Ashburton Trust Event Centre, closed and the house and surrounding properties cordoned off. Police had knocked on her door and asked to search the garden. They had looked under bushes, and the woman

believed they were searching for a knife. They had lights set up on the property as they worked overnight. A police caravan was parked in the street as forensic officers with gloves and protective outerwear came and went from the scene. She said the house where the possible homicide had occurred had been a quiet home, but busy, with a hard-

‘It’s scary, I can’t believe it happened here’ - Marc Ellery

working large family residing there and members going off to work at night. Nikayla Thompson, who lives in a house at the rear of the victim’s homes, said she heard a scream some time between 1am and 3am. Her flatmate Marc Ellery was asleep at the time, but he said he had heard the standard noise of drunk people on the street through the night.


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“It’s scary, I can’t believe it happened here,” he said. Another neighbour knew the victim and described her as a “real bubbly and happy go lucky chick”. “She was a lovely girl, she was so full of life.” The first she heard of the death was when she received a phone call from a friend, then she went outside and found she could not get out of her driveway as it was among properties blocked with police cordons. Another neighbour who knew Sina and her family well said she could not believe what had happened. “It’s still sinking in.” Meanwhile, a tribute page on Facebook called Rest In Paradise Sina Solomona has many heartfelt messages from friends. A CMP Canterbury worker said his fellow workmate was taken from friends and family far too soon. Another said, “How can something so tragic happen to such an innocent, sweet loving, happy lady like yourself”. Jason King wrote, “A beautiful soul taken way too early. To have seen you only a short time before you were taken and then no more. A tragedy that breaks my heart.”

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