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tHE VOicE Of MiD cantErburY 24/7

Guardian Thursday, January 24, 2013

Colour aplenty at tennis clash Fashion footwear as much as fashion clothing is the hot ticket item at the ITF Junior Grade Four Tournament in Ashburton. As play wrapped up on day three of the under 18 tournament, colour was the order of the day on bodies and feet. For the boys, it was all about the shoe. Gone were the pure white tennis shoes that were once the height of tennis fashion, in their place there’s a rainbow parade of fluoro footwear that outstrips shorts and tops as a fashion statement.

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rebuild was felt. “The rest of the country is still very, very average but looking across our district, businesses in Mid Canterbury are now a lot more positive than the rest of the country.” A good indicator of that confidence came when dairy prices dropped twice last year, Mr Brawley said. “Normally when that happens, spending in shops stops. It didn’t.”


years made way for a tougher job market between 2009 and 2011 when the economic downturn started to bite, Mr Brawley said. “Businesses dropped staff numbers or didn’t re-employ as they realised they were over staffed or that they’d been chasing turnover instead of profit.” The employment market had been strengthening since mid2011, he said, and it would continue to strengthen as the full impact of the Christchurch


out of work is full employment. This allows for people who are changing jobs or moving in or out of the district.” The district’s employment rate was still well above the peak of dairy farm expansion, between 2006 and 2008 when a low of 52 jobseekers was recorded in 2007. “In those years dairying was booming, industries and businesses fed off that and there were new families moving into the district.” Those low employment



Unemployment in the Ashburton District has hit its lowest level in four years for the December quarter. Just 145 people were registered as looking for work and receiving the unemployment benefit, down 60 per cent on December 2011’s figure of 231, continuing a trend that’s been evident all year. The small number of people

looking for work came as no surprise to Grow Mid Canterbury chief executive Rob Brawley who said the district’s unemployment rate was dropping at a rate that was four times faster than the rest of New Zealand. “Up to September we were down 36 per cent on the previous year and this is even better. We’ve pretty much got full employment now as economists generally equate anything less than 3 per cent of the workforce



By Sue Newman

90c Casual $1.20



Jobless at 4-year low

Home delivered from

Registered Ashburton job seekers, December quarter








cat ban ‘unfair’

nELsEn rEtirEs

Govt starts to dish out irrigation funds By Michelle Nelson

For girls, doubles matches were an opportunity to not only pair up as players but also as fashionistas. Bright yellow, orange, purple, blue, the brighter the better and always worn in pairs. Barely their skirts or shorts and high swinging pony tails completed their on-court ensemble.

Mid Canterbury irrigation schemes should be in line to benefit from new Government funding for infrastructure. Two years ago the Government indicated it would provide up to $400m for regional-scale irrigation schemes, in a bid to encourage investment from the private sector. Yesterday, in its first meeting of the year, Cabinet earmarked $80 million to be allocated for 2013, from a company set up to encourage investment. The new funding will be made available as bridging finance for large-scale irrigation schemes in the next financial year, and the first proposals are likely to be under consideration within 12 months. Water projects in Canterbury, Otago, Tasman and Hawke’s Bay are likely to be considered this year – creating new jobs, increasing productivity in primary industries, and ensuing more sustainable use of water. Several Mid Canterbury groups are already developing proposals for large scale off-farm harvesting, storage and distribution water infrastructure.

RIGHT: Making a fashion statement, Australia’s Petra Hule, competing in a doubles match with sister Chloe in round three of the ITF Junior Grade four tournament in Ashburton yesterday.

To see or purchase more photos Photo Tetsuro Mitomo 230113-TM-131

BELOW: When it comes to tennis shoes, you can have any colour as long as it’s not white – a line up of feet, laced, locked and loaded and ready to pound the courts at the Ashburton Trust Tennis Centre.

IrrigationNZ chairman John Donkers said yesterday’s announcement was well deserved and complements the work programmes IrrigationNZ is already focused on. “For many years farmers have personally carried the cost of water infrastructure, which can run into the millions of dollars, yet benefits regional economies enormously,” Mr Donkers said. “Having a Government-owned company invest in the initial stages takes the pressure off small communities to find that kind of capital up-front. “The benefits for regional New Zealand can’t be under-estimated. This investment signals that the Government understands the significant contribution irrigation makes to the country.” Mr Donkers said infrastructure such as pipe reticulation, which will form part of the Mayfield Hinds Irrigation scheme, could well fit the criteria. “It’s early days, however funding could be available for continuing development of part of the structure. “The funding decisions will be made by a high level government group, who will be looking for high-level schemes – not little systems up a gully somewhere.”

photo tetsuro Mitomo 061212-tm-088 Photo Tetsuro Mitomo 230113-TM-043

The government is set to dish out funds for more irrigation and this district could be ideally situated for its share.


Today’s weather

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