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tHe VOiCe OF mid CaNterBUry 24/7

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Spirit at prelimS day P14



Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Survey tells true extent of pay woes By Myles Hume

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Don’t worry I’m okay, just moulting



The Novopay debacle has hit Should schools Mid Canterbury schools hard, be paid prompting threats to take the troubled system to court. compensation A Guardian survey found all 23 by Novopay? schools in Mid Canterbury have been affected by the disastrous $29 million system, triggering Visit The voice of Mid Canterbury 24/7 widespread tears and frustration www. ONLINE in the district. to have your say. Even the district’s smallest schools are asking why they are facing some of the biggest schools had seen further errors pay blunders since its inception since the “crucial” pay period on seven months ago. December 22, which was around Mid Canterbury Principals’ the time when some staff ended Association president Neil Simons their tenure at several schools. said he was not surprised to hear The wave of errors since the result of the survey and said school started back this year he would support legal action to has also prompted legal action rectify “the unpredictable” errors from the Post Primary Teachers’ the system generates. Association (PPTA) which yesThe New Zealand Principals’ terday announced it would purFederation released sue group legal a survey yesteravenues against day that found the Novopay. number of schools PPTA president experiencing ongoAngela Roberts ing Novopay issues said the assohad leapt from 86 ciation would be per cent in October seeking compen2012 to 96 per sation for memcent. bers for the hurt, Stories have humiliation and emerged of the financial suffering district’s largcaused by the dysest schools facing functional payroll bottomless pits of system. mistakes, but Mid A s h b u r t o n Canterbury’s small College principal schools are also Grant McMillan facing a backlog of said he was invoicerrors. ing the Crown for Fairton School the 438 hours his has five staff on the administrative payroll and since Neil Simons - not surprised staff had spent by the survey results Christmas principal away from their Rebekah Clement core responsibilihas struggled to reclaim money ties. from underpayments with wages Hearing that legal action was and holiday pay. imminent, Mr Simons the disLauriston School principal trict’s principals would support Dianne Prendergast questioned it. how a payroll of eight staff could “We will support our colbe so difficult to pay. leagues, the PPTA is a secondary She was still waiting for school organisation, so for primaresponses from the Ministry of ry schools we will be seeing what Education since last week to NZEI (New Zealand Educational deal with past errors dating back Institute) will be doing,” he said. months ago, but believed her He said they would have a small school could be less of a strong case because “there is an priority to the ministry. obligation to pay your employee”. “Possibly, but I haven’t got any The ministry could not say evidence to confirm that,” she when the system would be fixed. said. “The reality is that the issues The Ministry of Education said are complex and will take some it was the make-up of the staff- time to resolve,” a spokesperson ing complement that determines said. the complexity of payments, not the size. Principals want money returned, Mr Simons said Mid Canterbury P2

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A penguin joined in the action at the Rakaia Salmon Fishing Competition on Sunday.

photo tetsuro mitomo 230213-tm-158

Case of mistaken identity for Rakaia penguin

By Michelle Nelson The penguin that rocked up to the Rakaia Salmon Fishing Competition was not looking for a free meal – in fact it was probably fasting, according to an expert. Christchurch City Council ranger and ornithologist Andrew Crossland also put the Guardian straight on the type of penguin it was – on Monday it was reported as being a yellow-eyed penguin, however our penguin expert has informed us it was in fact a juvenile Fiordland crested penguin. “At this time of the year, penguins come ashore to moult – they

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completely change their feathers,” Mr Crossland said. “Although they may look miserable while moulting this is a natural, annual process and their bodies are geared up for it.” During the moult, the birds fast and their digestive systems shut

down. “For this reason people should not try to feed moulting penguins – if you try to force feed them you’re likely to kill them,” Mr Crossland said. Moulting penguins were best left alone, unless they were at risk of a dog attack or danger from another

source, and the Department of Conservation should be advised. “If they are taken into care, this should only be done by experts trained in looking after penguins,” Mr Crossland said. “In Canterbury we sometimes get Fiordland crested penguins ashore at this time of the year, there’s also one in the Kaikoura area at the moment, as well as more unusual species like snares crested and erect-chested penguins. “It was this time last year that Happy Feet - an Emperor penguin came ashore near Wellington, and last week a Royal penguin came ashore on the south coast of the

North Island. “Our local penguins – yelloweyed and white-flippered penguins on Banks Peninsula, and little blue penguins further south, also moult along the Canterbury shorelines.” However the Fiordland crested penguin which took time out at the Rakaia River Mouth on Sunday was a long way from home and sightings of these birds outside Fiordland and Stewart Island were rare. For this reason Mr Crossland suggested sightings were reported to the Ornithological Society of New Zealand, to be officially recorded.

Teen arrested following high speed chase By Sam Morton An Ashburton teenager was arrested following a high speed police chase early yesterday. The pursuit got under way just after 1am with two police cars tailing the vehicle throughout Ashburton for about an hour, as the 18-year-old driver continually failed to stop, despite the loud sirens and flashing lights. A Guardian reporter witnessed the chase and saw marked police cars patrol East Street, West Street, Walnut Ave and Chalmers Ave in pursuit of the alleged offender.

The reporter, who was waiting in his vehicle at red lights on the corner of Havelock and East streets, was then told to drive through immediately as police cleared the roads. Yesterday, residents reported the disturbance to the Guardian, calling in to say the chase had woken them. An observer on Walnut Ave described the road as a converted speedway, while others reported hearing the sirens and the screeches of cars as the chase changed direction. A McDonald’s staff member told the Guardian police had chased back and forth on East

Street and West Street several times, before heading towards Netherby. Sergeant Janine Bowden, of Ashburton, said the chase finished on Bridge Street, at 1.42am. Mrs Bowden said police were forced to use a tyre deflation device, otherwise known as road spikes, to stop the driver. Another onlooker claimed they saw the vehicle driving on “rims” near the Netherby roundabout off Chalmers Ave. The man was arrested and will appear in the Ashburton District Court on Monday, facing a string of driving related and other charges.

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