Monday, January 28, 2013
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Additive widely used in Mid Canty By Michelle Nelson Mid Canterbury farmers are the biggest users of a nitrate inhibitor at the centre of international controversy, a local industry spokesperson says. Last week fertiliser co-operatives Ravensdown and Ballance AgriNutrients pulled all products containing dicyandiamide (DCD), after traces of the chemical were found in milk. The fertiliser additive has been touted as a breakthrough in the battle against nitrates leaching into ground water. Ravensdown estimated about 500 of the country’s 12,000 dairy farms had used the product, but Mid Canterbury is the biggest consumer, Mid Canterbury Federated Farmers dairy spokesperson Hamish Davidson said. He said it was too early to ascertain
the impact, but it could mean destocking, as farmers are under considerable pressure to deal with the nitrate issue. “It was a tool for nutrient discussion, around the ECan plan, and from what we’ve seen it was an effective tool,” Mr Davidson said. “No other product available in New Zealand has had the same impact.” He anticipated a 12-month stand down period will follow, to evaluate health concerns. “In terms of local productivity, one of the claims Ravensdown make around the use of DVD is extra grass growth in the spring,” he said. “From that perspective we will be looking at other strategies, lowering stock rates would be one way – or more bad nitrogen. “We are being slammed by ECan, and this takes another tool out of the box.”
NZ dairy industry in international spotlight A decision to withhold information about the discovery of a chemical in milk has thrust New Zealand’s $10 billion dairy industry in to the international business media spotlight. On Friday dairy giant Fonterra announced trace amounts of a fertiliser aid used to prevent nitrates leaching into waterways, had been found in dairy products. Ravensdown and Ballance AgriNutrients, which manufacture dicyandiamide (DCD), withdrew products containing the chemical. The tests were done in September, prompting questions about why the Ministry for Primary Industries was only informed two months later. Federated Farmers have endorsed the fertiliser companies’ decisions. Federated Farmers spokesperson on food safety, Dr William Rolleston, said although DCDs were considered safe, in the absense of an international standard, default was the level of detection. He said the last application would
Photo Tetsuro Mitomo 260113-tm-001
Marie Bennett waits for the Ashburton Vintage Car Club rally to get under way. Marie and her husband Les won the veteran car prize in their 1918 Oakland.
The sun shines on vintage car rally Vintage motoring enthusiasts were out in force at the weekend. The 57 vehicles lined up for the Ashburton Vintage Car Club’s 44th annual rally attracted a lot of attention before they set off on a mystery tour, club president Owen Wilson said. “We went up to Mt Potts restaurant, it was a perfect day and we were treated like royalty when we got there,” Mr Wilson said. The slower vehicles took about two hours to make the trip up the Ashburton Gorge,
have been in the spring. “It is highly unlikely DCD will be detected in products coming off the production line now,” he said. However, while there are no health risks associated with DCD, international traders are anxious, and their media counterparts have been quick to pick up on the possibility of another tainted milk scandal. The Washington Post said New Zealand was facing a “milk scare”, while the Wall Street Journal has questioned whether our milk was fit to drink. Taiwan has also flagged concern and the health ministry has directed importers to determine whether their New Zealand dairy products had originated from contaminated pastures. Meanwhile, in China high doses of DCD have been linked with skin irritations and liver cancer. Ravensdown chief executive Greg Cambell said the issue had become a trade risk.
and only two didn’t make the journey. Local participants featured well in the winners’ line-up, with Kelly Kingsbury’s 1951 Vauxhall taking the people’s choice award on its first run, Marie and Les Bennett won the veteran car prize in their 1918 Oakland and Vern Ellis took out the vintage car category in his 1929 De Soto. David Thompson’s 1937 Plymouth was the winner of the post vintage class, and Michael Kingsbury won the post war vintage class in his 1959 MGA.
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Antarctic plane crash wreckage found Plans are under way to recover the bodies of three Canadian men believed killed in a plane crash in Antarctica after the wreckage of the aircraft was found on Saturday. A rescue mission was launched by New Zealand’s Rescue Co-ordination Centre (RCC), with the help of United States and Canadian officials for the Twin Otter plane and its three crew after the flight from the South Pole failed to arrive at Terra Nova Bay on Wednesday. The wreckage was located on Saturday on a very steep slope near the top of Mt Elizabeth, halfway between the South Pole and McMurdo Station. “It appears to have made a direct impact that was not survivable” Maritime New
Zealand said. No details were available on the cause of the crash. The men’s next of kin had been informed. RCC co-ordinator Kevin Banaghan earlier said they were “still operating with the expectation we will find them alive”. The missing plane was equipped with survival equipment, including mountain tents, and supplies sufficient for five days. It was owned and operated by Kenn Borek Air Ltd, a Canadian firm headquartered in Calgary that charters aircraft to the US programme. Two helicopters reached the site at around 7.15pm (NZ time) on Saturday and were able to survey the site and identify the wreckage. The search and rescue mission had
moved into a recovery operation, led by The Unified Incident Command, a joint United States Antarctica Programme and Antarctica New Zealand incident management unit. The recovery mission was expected to be a difficult undertaking due to remote location and difficult access to the site which is at a height of 3900 metres. Weather conditions remained good in the area. The men’s bodies would be sent to New Zealand and from there returned to Canada. RCC operations manager John Seward said all those involved had worked hard on the rescue mission in challenging conditions since Wednesday and it had
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been a real team effort. He said hopes were held throughout the operation for a positive outcome for the three Canadians, who were very experienced and wellresourced. Their thoughts were with the families of the crew. Antarctica New Zealand extended its condolences to the families of the three crewmen. A spokesman said they had remained hopeful throughout the search process that the experienced crew would have survived. “We are so sad our optimism alone was not sufficient to provide the outcome for which we all hoped.” - APNZ
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110 East St, Ashburton. Ph: 03 308-8487 Prices apply Monday 28th January - Sunday 3rd February 2013 while stocks last. Some images are serving suggestions only.