Claire and Gerard Rushton have a good feel about this year.
Their goal is to make meningitis vaccines freely available to all New Zealand children up to the age of 16 or before they leave school.
However, the reason for their confidence is the momentum gained during 2022, due to them taking on the leadership role for the Meningitis Foundation.
The campaign is on this Ashburton couple’s minds daily and has taken hours of their time in addition to their business, Agricultural Consulting Services.
For the days, weeks and months Claire and Gerard have put into this cause, together with family and friends, they’ve been named the Ashburton Guardian’s 2022 Mid Cantabrians of the Year.
Tragically, the award comes almost nine years to the day when their daughter, 16-year-old Courtenay, died of meningitis.
Their involvement with the Meningitis Foundation (MF) came soon afterwards. Six weeks after Courtenay’s death, Claire contacted the foundation seeking answers.
She was overwhelmed with the support she received and, last year, they agreed to lead the national campaign with Courtenay as its central feature.
“Courtenay’s image is powerful, she leaves an impression on everyone and, with her at the centre, the Meningitis Foundation asked us to lead the campaign,” Claire Rushton said.
They’ve identified two strains of meningitis that cause the most
mortality or life-long disability and want vaccines ACWY and B to be on Pharmac’s national immunisation register to address those strains.
“Making those vaccines freely available to all young people is the only way to initiate change,” the Rushtons said.
Last year they presented their petition plus written and oral submissions to the Government’s health select committee, asking for their support. At the time, the committee also sought submissions from Health New Zealand and Pharmac.
Health NZ has subsequently replied “supporting anything that will benefit the wider community” while the Rushtons are hoping Pharmac will finally respond in the new year.
as Federated Farmers, NZ Pharmaceutical Society and all New Zealand universities and boarding schools.
Above all they say the momentum and awareness achieved in 2022 will flow into this year.
Claire and Gerard acknowledge the amount of time their campaign has taken and pay tribute to “the amazing support from the community, family, friends and our staff who often pick up the workload at short notice.”
They are also overwhelmed by the amount of fundraising their campaign has received.
They single out their son Josh who undertook an awareness ride of the Alps2Ocean trail in 17 hours, the charitable rugby match, hosted by the Mid Canterbury Rugby Union, with purple
With the health select committee failing to seek submissions from those two parties at the time the Rushtons made theirs, the process will flow into this year.
“We have always been conscious that it takes time,” Gerard said.
They will not be satisfied until the vaccines are on the national immunisation schedule. However, they reflect on 2022 as being successful in many respects.
They presented to the heath select committee, the Meningitis Foundation became a charitable trust and they gained support from outside organisations such
socks donated by Ashburton Sock Factory and Alistair Harford, who raised $21,000 in donations for the Meningitis Foundation by running seven marathons in seven days in memory of his wife who died from meningitis on their wedding day.
The Rushtons are honoured to be named Mid Cantabrians of the Year by the Ashburton Guardian.
“We were quite surprised and very humbled to receive this honour,” they said and point out they never did it for the recognition as “there are many other people in our community who do so much good as well”.
We [Claire and Gerard Rushton] were quite surprised and very humbled to receive this honour ... there are many other people in our community who do so much good as well
Ongoing Covid cases are still the focus of Ashburton’s new GP spokesperson.
Doctor Mick Tarry has worked in the local area for 29 years and understands the challenges of working in a small-town environment. Tarry was GP spokesperson in 2015.
As we start 2023 Covid case numbers are peaking, with 32,010 new cases in the week prior to December 28; 3485 of which were in the Canterbury health district.
Tarry thinks that number should be much higher.
“I think it is being under reported by 50 per cent.”
The under-reporting is mostly down to people just no longer logging cases with any official source, instead choosing to manage the virus by themselves.
Despite the current case numbers, Tarry is happy where the restrictions are because the current strains have a lower mortality rate.
“The current strains seem to be indicating 0.2 per cent to 0.3 per cent mortality rate, where it was 1 per cent or 2 per cent during the early part of the pandemic, depending on your age group.”
Even with the lower risk, Tarry said it still important to keep using the basic health measures, such as social distancing, washing hands and wearing a mask in crowded areas.
“Our experience in health is most of the contamination has come from transition of children and family members, it has not been from staff to patients or staff to staff from our experiences.
“I think that is a reflection that those infection control measures are still affective as well as vaccinations.”
Deputy Mayor, Liz McMillan, has a lasting memory of Ashburton District councillor Rodger Letham, who passed away in December.
“I was fortunate to visit him in hospital two days before he died and he told me to keep smiling,” she said.
McMillan and Letham were elected members of the Western Ward and the Methven Community Board and she recalls “a man with a positive outlook on life, down to earth and with no nonsense about him”.
“He had a lot of presence and a great knowledge of what went on in the district,” she said. “Rodger was very approachable and accepted people for who they were.”
He was brought up on a mixed farm in Lauriston. His dad, Selwyn Letham, was chairperson of the Ashburton County Council, and council issues were debated at home for as long as he could remember. He worked the family farm until 1989 but it was tough times. “Rogernomics, 19 1/2 per cent on your first mortgage and three droughts in eight years was enough to sell and move to Ashburton,” he said at the time.
“The government offered a new start grant of $45,000 and we accepted it.”
Rodger’s knowledge of farmers and their land saw him open a new chapter in his life. He started as a real estate agent with
Colin McLeod – now Property Brokers –selling rural property. He knew farmers and they knew him.
“I was entirely rural, selling properties from farms to lifestyle blocks to residential houses in small centres like Rakaia, Methven and Hinds,” he said in a Guardian interview in 2021. “I liked meeting people and doing a deal. If there was business to be done, we did business.”
In his first year in real estate, he knocked on every door in Rakaia twice. It was rewarding. He sold more than half the houses that went on sale in those 12 months.
On the farm and, to a lesser extent, in real estate, Rodger had time for other pursuits. He discovered he could sing. He joined the Methven Choral Society and was chosen for the part of Joe in Show Boat. The Jerome Kern classic, Ol’ Man River, became his signature tune.
He also played the male lead in Annie Get Your Gun, sang at retirement villages and in a group called the Grass Roots.
But his community involvement didn’t end there. He had time for Jaycees, Methven Lions, Young Farmers Club, Federated Farmers, Sheep Breeders’ Association and Ashburton Rotary.
“People would seek my involvement and I was happy to help,” Rodger said.
“My philosophy was always to live, laugh, love and give myself away,” he said
in 2021. Over the years, friends would approach him every three years when an election was imminent. He was considered a strong candidate, both for local and national politics. But his priorities were always making a living.
It wasn’t until 2019 that he stood for the Ashburton District Council. His time in real estate was coming to an end and he was looking at fresh challenges.
Rodger completed one term and last year was re-elected, but died only a few weeks into the new term.
Rodger is survived by his wife Yvonne and children Martin, Paul and Ian.
“While he lived in town he always wanted to represent the western ward. It’s where his roots were,” McMillan said.
“He’ll be sorely missed by the community.”
Communication and care will be key for farmers as they prepare for a tough year ahead.
That’s the word from Federated Farmers’ Mid Canterbury president David Acland as farmers prepare to tighten their budgets.
“Farmers will be looking at their wants and must-haves and tightening their belts,’’ Acland said.
What that may look like, would be different from farm to farm and what projects they have under way.
He said farmers would have to continue to invest to ensure they don’t get behind.
“Farmers will still do fencing and some planting, but they will be looking at where they can reduce the spending and save a bit of money.”
Acland said 2022 was a “tough” year for farmers in the district, dealing with all the issues like weather and staff shortages, but on top of that has been the political pressures from extra legislation heading their way.
The biggest legislation challenge was He Waka Eka Noa, the Government’s farm emission scheme, which has been scaled back recently.
“It’s a lot closer now to what the industry originally proposed, but the devil will be in the detail.”
Rising inflation would also be a big issue.
“It (overcoming challenges) will be about good communication with your accountant and farm advisors and checking the budgets every two to three weeks.”
Acland said above all, the key would be to look out for each other to ensure it all doesn’t get too much and having time away from farm duties.
“Number one should be looking after you and your family. And, once again, it will be about communication with friends and getting beyond the farm gate.
“It’s amazing what going to the kids’ sport for an hour or two can do.’’
Mobile shingle screening and crushing plant, custom built for farmers’ work.
Truck available for shingle spreading if required.
Cost effective alternative Established 1985
It’s not quite neighbours at war, but a contentious stockwater race has divided a small corner of Mid Canterbury.
The Ashburton District Council declined an application to close the section of stockwater race in the Anama area, near Mayfield, for now.
It resolved to form a focus group to seek alternative options for supplying stockwater water to properties, and that a closure will be reviewed in 18 months.
The proposed closure affects 20 properties and had an even nine-nine split over the closure, and two that abstained.
The application took the rare step of going to a hearing where the councillors faced a difficult decision as either way, half the property owners were going to be frustrated.
The council opted not to leave properties without access to a stock water supply but at the same time issued notice that those property owners need to consider alternative options as the council’s long-term direction is closing stockwater races.
Councillor Russell Ellis said he is not always a big fan of compromises, but “in this case, this was the best solution”.
“Moving forward once there is an alternative we will then close another section of our stockwater race network.”
At the hearing deliberations,councillor Richard Wilson described it as an impossible decision.
“The right decision is to close the water race in the long term but in the short term we have
several submitters that have no water.”
Wilson was in favour of the closure but he said it can’t close right now as the alternative options hadn’t been fully investigated.
Mayor Neil Brown suggested a focus group be formed to work on possible alternative supplies and to review the closure in 18 months, around May 2024.
Representatives for 10 affected properties presented at a hearing where several factors were raised by the opposing sides causing some contradictions, such as if the race was a prevention of or cause for flooding.
The water quality of the race was called into question multiple
times, as it is an inefficient way of delivering water.
But the cost was the big factor, in keeping the race and closing it.
Alistair Morrison was the applicant requesting the closure, and summed up the division as a case of the haves and have-nots.
“The people that don’t want the water race have got reliable wells and good water supply. The people objecting to the water race closing don’t seem to have a good water supply,” Morrison said.
He has fenced the race off on his property and doesn’t use it, but still has to pay a stockwater rate.
He wants to take the fences down, fill it in, and farm the land.
“Every bit of land is valuable and we can’t afford to have land taken up by poor quality water.
“People need to spend a little bit more money and get their own water supply rather than relying on other people.”
Two alternative options were identified, but as the initial recommendation was not to close the race there was no substantial analysis undertaken, but that will now be for the focus group to undertake.
The RDR is considered as an alternative supply option, but will require investigation to determine the exact costs for installing the necessary control gates, valves, and flow meters
for such supply which the council has roughly estimated at least $50,000, plus the additional cost to pipe it to properties.
Barrhill Chertsey Irrigation (BCI) does not have any network located within the closure area, but does have the nearby Cavendish pond and a piped supply would be the only option at a significant cost.
would like to wish you all a happy and healthy 2023 ahead. Make sure you take time out to spend with the ones you love.
Your Body Uncovered, at 8:25pm
6am Country House Hunters 3 0 6:30 Eat Well for Less 3 0 7:45 The Great British Sewing Bee 3 0 9am Lingo 3 0
10am Tipping Point 3 0 11am The Chase 3 0
Noon Country Calendar 3 0 12:30 Emmerdale PG 0 1:30 Coronation Street PG 3 0
2pm Millionaire Hot Seat 0 3pm Te Karere o Te Waru 3:30 Tipping Point 3 0 4:30 Pictionary 0 5pm The Chase 3 0 6pm 1 News at 6pm 0 7pm Country House Hunters –New Zealand 0 7:30 N Our Big Blue Backyard Snares Island is one of the most pristine wildernesses on the planet – a sanctuary for penguins and millions of other seabirds. 0 8:25 N Your Body Uncovered PGC Kate Garraway and Dr Guddi Singh use the latest technology to help patients understand their medical conditions. 0 9:40 Coronation Street PG 0 10:35 Crossfire 16VL (Mini-series) 0 11:30 Rich House, Poor House 3 0 Wednesday 12:25 N Spector 16LC 0 1:20 Te Karere o Te Waru 3 1:45 Infomercials 5:35 Te Karere o Te Waru 3
Bohemian Rhapsody, at 8:30pm
The Block Australia, at 7:30pm
6am Outrageous Acts of Science
PG 3 0 6:55 Buddy v Duff 3
7:50 Dr Jeff – Rocky Mountain Vet PG 3 8:45 Infomercials
10:30 Gold Rush – White Water PG 3 0 11:30 Flip or Flop 0
12:05 M Secret Summer
PG 3 2016 Drama. Lindsey Shaw, Derek Theler. 1:55 Cutthroat Kitchen PG 2:55 Top Secret
Swimming Holes 3:55 Sand Masters PG 4:25 Bondi Vet PG 3
Chris helps a cranky channel-billed cuckoo with an injured leg, rescues two dogs from a rooftop and examines a golden retriever.
4:55 Gold Rush – White Water PG 6pm Newshub Live at 6pm 0 7pm Bondi Rescue PG 3 0
7:30 The Block Australia PG
The teams are racing to prepare for the kitchen installations; Keith shuts down two houses for breaking the rules. 0
8:30 Next Level Chef PG
The contestants must create a brunch dish incorporating sweet and savoury elements. 0 9:20 Heartbreak Island 16 10:20 New Zealand Today 16 3 10:50 Married at First Sight USA PG 3 11:40 Flip or Flop 3 Wednesday
Undercurrent: The Disappearance of Kim Wall, at 9:40pm
8am The Moe Show 3 0
8:10 Pig Goat Banana Cricket 0
8:35 Santiago of the Seas 0
9am The Moe Show 3 0
9:30 Jeopardy 3 10am Massive
Engineering Mistakes PGC 3 0
11am Storage Wars PG 3 0
Noon Uncharted with Sam Neill PGC 3 0 1pm American Pickers 3
2pm The Late Show with Stephen Colbert PG 3 3pm Wheel of Fortune 3 3:30 Jeopardy 3
4pm Outback Truckers PGL 3 0
5pm Tennis – ASB Classic (HLS) Day One. 0
5:30 Prime News
6pm Football – Women’s
A-League (HLS) Wellington Phoenix v Western Sydney Wanderers.
6:30 Football – A-League (HLS) Wellington Phoenix v Melbourne City.
7pm Pawn Stars PG
7:30 American Pickers PGL 3
8:30 George and Tammy 16VLSC 0
9:40 Undercurrent: The Disappearance of Kim Wall 16 (Mini-series)
As Madsen’s trial gets underway, disturbing details paint a portrait of an unrepentant killer.
11pm The Equalizer MVLC
11:50 The Late Show with Stephen Colbert PG Wednesday
Amazing Hotels Life Beyond the Lobby, at 8:30pm
6:30 Restaurant – Impossible 7:20 The Pioneer Woman
7:45 Trisha’s Southern Kitchen 8:10 Giada Entertains 8:35 Jamie’s Quick and Easy Food 9:05 Mysteries at the Museum PG 10am American Pickers PG 11am Stone House Revival 11:30 Hidden Potential Noon Emergency Rescue – Air, Land and Sea PG
1pm Paramedics on the Front Line PG 2pm Shipping Wars PG 2:30 Border Security – Australia PG 3pm Restaurant – Impossible
4pm Gordon Ramsay’s Ultimate Cooking Course PG
5pm Mysteries at the Museum PG 6pm American Pickers PG
7pm Shipping Wars PG 7:30 Border Security – Australia PG Officers find a doll containing steroids; Immigration officers find illegal workers on a farm; a Dutch passenger falls under suspicion.
8pm Border Security – Australia PG 8:30 Amazing Hotels Life Beyond the Lobby PG Monica Galetti and Giles Coren head to the Swiss Alps to experience health and wellness tourism.
6:30 Tamaiti Tu 3 6:40 ZooMoo
6:50 Taki Atu Taki Mai
7am Darwin and Newts
7:10 Smooth 3 7:20 Te Nutube
7:30 Haati Paati 3 7:40 He Rourou 3 7:50 Kainga Whakapaipai 3 8am Ariki 3 8:30 Oranga Ngakau 3 9:30 Whanau Bake-Off 3 10am Our Other Islands PG 3 10:30 Toi Te Ora 3 11am Moko 3
11:30 Homesteads 3
Noon Tagata Pasifika 12:30 M Jiro Dreams of Sushi 3 2011 Documentary.
2pm Toku Reo 3 2
2:30 Ako 3 2
3pm Tamaiti Tu 3 3:10 ZooMoo 3
3:20 Taki Atu Taki Mai 3
3:30 Darwin and Newts 3 3:40 Smooth 3 3:50 Te Nutube 3
4pm Haati Paati 3
4:10 He Rourou 3
4:20 Kainga Whakapaipai 3 4:30 Ariki 3
5pm Polyfest 3
5:30 Polyfest 2021 3
6pm Haka Ngahau a-Rohe – Te Tai Tokerau 3 6:30 Marae 2
7pm Toi Te Ora 3
7:30 David Rocco’s Dolce Africa 3
David explores the cultures and culinary worlds of Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Zanzibar and South Africa.
8pm Hunt with Me PG 8:30 Man Hunt PGC
9:30 Hunting Aotearoa PGC
4:35 Hollyoaks PG 3 0 5am Infomercials
12:10 Infomercials 5:30 Sand Masters PG 3 0
7:10 Moonfall ML 2022 Scifi. Halle Berry, Patrick Wilson.
9:20 A Mouthful of Air MLC 2021 Drama. Amanda Seyfried, Finn Wittrock. 11:05 Out of Death 16VLC 2021 Thriller.
Bruce Willis, Jaime King.
12:40 The Fallout 16VLSC 2021 Drama. Jenna Ortega, Maddie Ziegler. 2:15 The 355 MVL 2022 Action. 4:15 In the Heights PGL 2021 Musical. 6:35 Uncharted MVL 2022 Action.
Tom Holland, Mark Wahlberg.
12:50 Closedown 1am Infomercials
6:05 Broken City 16VL 2013 Crime. Mark Wahlberg, Russell Crowe, Catherine ZetaJones. 7:53 The Dark Knight Rises MV 2012 Action. 10:33 Hulk MV 2003 Adventure. 12:50 Master and Commander – The Far Side of the World MV 2003 Action. 3:05 Elizabeth 16VS 1998 Historical Drama.
for a downhill grudge match on the slopes of Val Thorens. 8:30 A&E After Dark MLC 3 9:30 Mastermind of Murder MVC After discovering an apparent suicide victim, police find evidence the woman was murdered. 10:30 Snapped M After a Halloween bash ends with a young woman’s mysterious disappearance, a farming town fears that evil stalks its fields. 11:30 Injustice With Nancy Grace MC 3 12:20 Infomercials
8:30 Breaking News in Yuba County 16V 2021 Comedy. An unappreciated housewife takes advantage of her growing celebrity when her husband goes missing. Allison Janney, Mila Kunis.
10:05 Ghostbusters –Afterlife PGL 2021 Adventure. A mother and her children discover their connection to the original Ghostbusters and the secret legacy their grandfather left behind. Carrie Coon, Paul Rudd.
12:05 Venom – Let There Be Carnage MVL 2021 Action.
1:40 Separation MVLC 2020 Horror. 3:25 Five Star Christmas 2020 Comedy.
4:50 The War Below MVC 2021 War.
5:08 Elizabeth – The Golden Age MV 2007 Historical Drama. 7:03 The Shallows MLC 2016 Drama Thriller. Blake Lively, Óscar Jaenada. 8:30 In the Valley of Elah 16VLC 2007 Crime. A retired military investigator works with a police detective to find the truth behind his son’s disappearance after his return from Iraq. Tommy Lee Jones, Susan Sarandon, Charlize Theron.
10:30 Children of Men 16VL 2006 Drama. In a world in which people can no longer procreate, a former activist must protect the last remaining hope for a future generation. Clive Owen, Julianne Moore, Michael Caine.
Wednesday 12:20 RocknRolla 16VL 2008 Action. 2:15 Inception MV 2010 Action. 4:40 Daredevil MV 2003 Action Fantasy.
9:30 Charlotte Church’s Dream Build M 10:30 The Curse of Oak Island PG 11:30 Beat Bobby Flay Midnight Infomercials
6am Football – Women’s
A-League 8am Tennis – ASB Classic 9:30 Tennis – ASB Classic 10am Football – Women’s A-League 10:30 Rugby – Best of 2022 11am Rugby – Best of 2022 11:30 Rugby – Best of 2022 11:45 Football – Women’s A-League Noon Football –Women’s A-League 12:15 Rugby – Hamoterangi Cup Including highlights from Waiapu Rugby Sub Union v TVC Victory Club; Hikurangi Mountain Maidens v Ruatoria City Sports; Tihirau Victory v Ruatoria City Sports Club; Ruatoria City v Waiapu; Tihirau Victory Club v Ruatoria City Sports Club; Hikurangi Mountain Maidens v Waiapu. 2:45 Cricket – Australia v South Africa 3:20 Cricket – Pakistan v Blackcaps 5:50 L Cricket – Pakistan v Blackcaps
2am Rugby – Best of 2022 England v Wales; England v Ireland; France v England; Australia v England – First, Second and Third Test; England v Argentina; England v Japan.
10pm Michif Country 3 10:30 Piri’s Tiki Tour PG 3 11pm Sidewalk Karaoke 3 11:30 Closedown
MLSC 2:25 Would
to You?
2:55 Who
You Think You Are?
Hold the Sunset PG 4:30 Hold the Sunset PG 5:05 Call the Midwife PG
6:05 Pool Kings PG 6:30 How Do They Do It? PG 6:55 Mysteries at the Museum PG 7:45 Ed Stafford – First Man Out MLC 8:35 Dino Hunters PG 9:25 Strange Evidence PG 10:20 Deadliest Catch Special MLC 11:15 Bering Sea Gold MLC Shift Happens. 12:10 Pool Kings PG Lap of Luxury. 12:40 How Do They Do It? PG 1:05 Nasa’s Unexplained Files PG Curse of the Full Moon. 2pm Naked and Afraid MLC Stars Against the Storm. 2:55 Moonshiners MLC Interstate Alliance. 3:50 Deadliest Catch MLC Danger Close. 4:45 Dino Hunters PG The Verdict is in: Nano or T.rex. 5:40 Aussie Gold Hunters PG 6:35 Outback Opal Hunters PG 7:30 Outback Opal Hunters PG 8:30 Expedition Unknown PG 9:30 Mysteries of the Deep PG 10:30 Weird Earth PG 11:25 Naked and Afraid MLC Wednesday 12:15 Ed Stafford – First Man Out MLC 1:05 Nasa’s Unexplained Files PG 1:55 Deadliest Catch MLC 2:45 Naked and Afraid MLC 3:35 Bering Sea Gold MLC 4:25 Moonshiners MLC 5:15 Aussie Gold Hunters PG
Debbie Boon’s love of property and sales has cemented her place in the real estate sector for over a decade. Debbie promotes the Ashburton area as a great place to live, work and play.
Perfect House, Secret Location, at 8:30pm
6am Country House Hunters 3 0 6:30 Eat Well for Less 3 0 7:40 The Great British Sewing Bee 3 0 9am Lingo 3 0 10am Tipping Point 3 0 11am The Chase 3 0
Noon Country Calendar 3 0 12:30 Emmerdale PG 0 1:30 Coronation Street PG 3 0
2pm Millionaire Hot Seat PG 0 3pm Te Karere o Te Waru
3:30 Tipping Point 3 0 4:30 Pictionary PG 0 5pm The Chase 3 0 6pm 1 News at 6pm 0 7pm Country House Hunters –New Zealand 0 7:30 Border Security M 0 8:20 Lotto
8:25 Border Security M Continued. 8:30 N Perfect House, Secret Location Steve Jones helps people find their dream home without revealing the location. 0 9:30 Coronation Street PG 0 10:25 Crossfire 16VL (Mini-series) As events in the hotel near the climax and with many still in danger, Jo fights to save lives, protect her family and stop the shooters. 0 11:20 Amazing Grace M 3 0
12:20 Under the Dome MVC 0 1:05 Te Karere o Te Waru 3 1:35 Infomercials 5:35 Te Karere o Te Waru 3
6am Infomercials
10am Love It or List It 3 10:50 Hoarders PG 3 11:40 Hollywood Medium PGC 3 12:35 One Born Every Minute UK PGC 3 1:35 Million Dollar Listing LA PG 3 2:30 Love It or List It 3 3:30 Top Chef 4:30 Hollywood Medium PGC 3 5:30 Botched PGC 3 6:30 Hoarders PG 3 7:30 Dog Rescuers PG Eddie, a Yorkshire terrier with heavily matted fur, gets a much needed haircut.
8:30 999 What’s Your Emergency? MLC 3 9:30 911 Crisis Center
The last day of Police Week falls on Friday the 13th – some embrace the strange, others struggle to find the humour.
10pm Snapped M Helen’s boyfriend goes missing just as authorities find a dismembered torso.
11pm Injustice With Nancy Grace MC 3
11:50 The Circus M 3
12:20 Infomercials
Taskmaster’s New Year Treat, at 8:30pm
Heartbreak Island, at 9:55pm
6am Outrageous Acts of Science PG 3 0 6:55 Buddy v Duff 3 7:50 Dr Jeff –Rocky Mountain Vet PG 3 8:45 Infomercials 10:30 Gold Rush – White Water PG 3 0 11:30 Flip or Flop 0
12:05 M Four Cousins and a Christmas PG 3 2021 Comedy Drama. A heart wrenching loss reunites four cousins to share one crazy night together. Robert Davi, Ayla Kell, Teri Polo.
1:55 Cutthroat Kitchen
2:55 Top Secret Swimming Holes 3:55 Sand Masters PG
4:25 Bondi Vet PG 3
5pm Gold Rush – White Water PG 0
6pm Newshub Live at 6pm 0
7pm Bondi Rescue PG 3 0
7:30 The Block Australia PG
One contestant questions whether the Block is a level playing field. 0 8:35 The Block Australia PG
One team will take home $10,000 for their amazing kitchen design. 0
9:55 Heartbreak Island 16
The Challenge Arena gets personal as couples shoot or get shot; tempers flare going into the fourth elimination.
10:50 New Zealand Today 16 3 11:25 Married at First Sight USA PG 3
Sewer Squad, at 9:30pm
8am The Moe Show 3 0
8:10 Pig Goat Banana Cricket 0
8:35 Santiago of the Seas 0
9am The Moe Show 3 0
9:30 Jeopardy 3
10am Massive Engineering Mistakes PGC 3 0
11am Storage Wars PGL 3 0
Noon F Uncharted with Sam Neill PGC 3 0
1pm American Pickers PG 3
2pm The Late Show with Stephen Colbert PG 3
3pm Wheel of Fortune 3
3:30 Jeopardy 3
4pm Outback Truckers PGL 3 0
5pm Tennis – ASB Classic (HLS)
Day Two. 0
5:30 Prime News
6pm The Middle PG 0
6:30 Storage Wars PGL 3 0
7pm Pawn Stars PG
7:30 Traffic Cops PGVC
PC Karl Jackson is called to a tragic road accident. 0
8:30 Weather Gone Viral PGC 3 0
9:30 Sewer Squad MLC
In North Wales, engineer Luke and his team of plumbers replace a section of pipe that is prone to largescale bursts. 0
10:30 Football – Women’s
A-League (HLS)
Shipping Wars, at 7pm
6:30 Restaurant – Impossible 7:20 The Pioneer Woman
7:45 Trisha’s Southern Kitchen 8:10 Gordon Ramsay’s Ultimate Cooking Course PG 9:05 Mysteries at the Museum PG 10am American Pickers PG 11am Stone House
Revival 11:30 Hidden Potential Noon Charlotte Church’s
Dream Build PG 1pm Amazing Hotels Life Beyond the Lobby PG 2pm Shipping Wars PG 2:30 Border Security – Australia
PG 3pm Restaurant – Impossible
4pm Giada in Italy
4:30 Nigelissima
5pm Mysteries at the Museum PG 6pm American Pickers PG
7pm Shipping Wars PG Chris and Robbie come into contact with a Star Trek convention and its alien life forms.
7:30 Border Security – Australia
PG Two Malaysian men arrive in Brisbane and their stories do not match; replica guns come into the mail centre.
Madam Secretary M 0 4:15 Hollyoaks PGC 3 0 4:40 2 Tunes 5am Infomercials
12:15 Infomercials 5:30 Sand Masters PG 3 0
6:25 Blood Moon 16VLSC 2020 Horror. Megalyn Echikunwoke, Yonas Kibreab.
7:45 Georgetown 16LC 2021 Crime. Christoph Waltz, Vanessa Redgrave. 9:22 Mark, Mary and Some Other People 16LSC 2021 Comedy. Ben Rosenfield, Hayley Law.
10:50 Downton Abbey – A New Era PGL 2022 Drama. Hugh Bonneville, Maggie Smith. 12:55 Stillwater MVLC 2021 Drama. 3:10 The Card Counter 16VLSC 2021 Thriller.
5pm Reminiscence MVC 2021 Sci-fi. 6:55 Off the Rails MLS 2021 Comedy.
Kelly Preston, Jenny Seagrove. 8:30 Amsterdam MVC 2022 Comedy. In 1933, three friends witness a murder, are framed for it and uncover one of the most outrageous plots in American history.
Christian Bale, Margot Robbie. 10:45 Dog MLC 2022 Drama Comedy. Channing Tatum, Jane Adams.
Thursday 12:25 Take Home Pay MV 2019 Comedy. 2:07 Christmas on Wheels 2020 Romance. 3:31 Spiral – From the Book of Saw 18VL 2021 Horror. 5:03 Chronicle Mysteries – Helped to Death PG 2021 Thriller.
11:40 The Late Show with Stephen Colbert PG Thursday
12:40 Closedown
1am Infomercials
6:25 The Dark Knight MV 2008 Action. Christian Bale, Heath Ledger. 8:55 American Gangster 16VLSC 2007 Crime. Denzel Washington, Russell Crowe. 11:50 The Hunger Games MV 2012 Sci-fi Adventure. Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth.
2:12 Crimson Peak 16VLSC 2015 Drama. Tom Hiddleston, Mia Wasikowska. 4:12 Zodiac 16V 2007 Crime. Jake Gyllenhaal, Mark Ruffalo. 6:48 Saw 18V 2004 Horror. Cary Elwes, Danny Glover. 8:30 Fight Club 18VL 1999 Thriller. A man disillusioned by what his life has become encounters an exciting stranger who introduces him to a new way of life. Edward Norton, Brad Pitt.
10:48 Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy MVL 2012 Drama. Gary Oldman, Colin Firth, Benedict Cumberbatch.
Thursday 12:55 The Theory of Everything M 2014 Biography. Eddie Redmayne, Felicity Jones. 2:57 Charlie’s Angels – Full Throttle MV 2003 Action. Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore, Lucy Liu. 4:42 The Nice Guys 16VLSC 2016 Action Comedy.
8pm Border Security – Australia PG 8:30 Richard Hammond’s Workshop 9:30 Aussie Salvage Squad PG 10:30 The Curse of Oak Island PG 11:30 Beat Bobby Flay Midnight Infomercials
6am Rugby – Best of 2022 England v All Blacks.
6:30 Rugby – Best of 2022 England v South Africa. 7am Rugby –Gallagher Premiership Show 7:50 Football – A-League Wellington Phoenix v Melbourne City.
8:15 Football – Women’s A-League Wellington Phoenix v Western Sydney Wanderers. 8:35 L Football – Premier League Arsenal v Newcastle United.
10:45 Football – Premier League Brentford v Liverpool.
11am Rugby – Gallagher Premiership Show Noon The Best of The Crowd Goes Wild 12:30 Football – Premier League 2:30 Football – Premier League 4:30 Rugby –Gallagher Premiership Show 5:20 Cricket – Pakistan v Blackcaps 5:50 L Cricket – Pakistan v Blackcaps Second Test, Day Three.
2am Rugby – Best of 2022 France v Italy; France v Ireland; Scotland v France; Wales v France; France v England; France v Australia; France v South Africa; France v Japan.
6:30 Tamaiti Tu 3
6:40 Purakau 3
6:50 Takaro Tribe 3
7am Darwin and Newts 3
7:10 Tamariki Haka 3
7:20 Te Nutube 3 7:30 Kids Kai Kart 3
7:40 He Rourou 3
7:50 Cube 3 8am Pukana 3 8:30 Oranga Ngakau 3 9:30 Whanau Bake-Off 3
10am David Rocco’s Dolce Africa 3
10:30 Toi Te Ora 3
11am Piri’s Tiki Tour PGC 3 11:30 Hunt with Me PG
Noon Tagata Pasifika
12:30 Mura o te Ahi PG 3 2
1pm Man Hunt PGC
2pm Toku Reo 3 2
2:30 Ako 3 2
3pm Tamaiti Tu 3
3:10 Purakau 3
3:20 Takaro Tribe 3
3:30 Darwin and Newts 3 3:40 Tamariki Haka 3 3:50 Te Nutube 3
4pm Kids Kai Kart 3 4:10 He Rourou 3 4:20 Cube 3 4:30 Pukana 3
5pm Polyfest 3 5:30 Polyfest 2021 3
6pm Haka Ngahau a-Rohe – Te Tai Tokerau 3 6:30 Marae 2
7pm Amplify
7:30 Pio Terei Tonight 3
8:30 M Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa MLV 2013 Comedy.
When Alan Partridge’s radio station is taken over by a new media corporation, it sets in motion a chain of events which sees the DJ having to work with police to defuse a violent siege. Steve Coogan, Colm Meaney, Tim Key.
10pm Ahikaroa MLSC 3
11pm Closedown
11:05 Doc Martin
11:55 Midsomer Murders MVC 1:35 The Bill MVC 2:25 New Tricks MVS 3:25 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown MLS 4:20 The Jonathan Ross Show MLC 5:15 Who Do You Think You Are? PG Sharon Osbourne. 6:20 Qi MLSC 6:55 EastEnders PG 7:25 Qi PG 8pm Would I Lie to You? PG Comedy panel show where contestants bluff about their secrets. 8:35 Dragons’ Den PG A fashionista presents the Dragons with her digital wardrobe app. 9:40 Holby City PG 10:45 Sanditon MSC 11:40 Midsomer Murders MVC Thursday 1:20 Qi MLSC 1:50 Qi PG 2:25 Would I Lie to You? PG 2:55 Who Do You Think You Are? PG 3:55 Holby City PG 4:55 Dragons’ Den PG
6:05 Pool Kings PG 6:30 How Do They Do It? PG 6:55 Mysteries at the Museum PG 7:45 Guardians of the Glades PG 8:35 Dino Hunters PG 9:25 Strange Evidence PG 10:20 Expedition Unknown PG 11:15 Mysteries of the Deep PG Titanic Phenomenon. 12:10 Pool Kings PG Game Time. 12:40 How Do They Do It? PG 1:05 Nasa’s Unexplained Files PG 2pm Naked and Afraid MLC Bite Me. 2:55 Moonshiners MLC Mark and Digger’s Big Test. 3:50 Deadliest Catch MLC Like Father Like Daughter. 4:45 Dino Hunters PG Doubling Down on Dinos. 5:40 Aussie Gold Hunters PG 6:35 Deadliest Catch MLC Sailor’s Delight. 7:30 Deadliest Catch MLC To the End of the Earth Part One. 8:30 Deadliest Catch Special MLC For Guts and Glory. 9:30 Homestead Rescue Special PG Built to Thrive. 10:30 Mighty Cruise Ships PG 11:25 Naked and Afraid MLC Thursday 1:05 Nasa’s Unexplained Files PG 1:55 Deadliest Catch MLC 2:45 Naked and Afraid MLC 4:25 Moonshiners MLC 5:15 Aussie Gold Hunters PG
Hegerty, Dr Ranj Singh and Maura Higgins are in the kitchen for a cooking battle. 0 8:30 Nick Knowles Heritage Rescue Nick explores whether the crumbling Brighton Pavilion can be saved. 0 9:30 Coronation Street PG 0 10:25 Crossfire 16VL (Mini-series) The tragedy’s aftermath sees Jo filled with self-loathing but dubbed a hero. 0 11:20 Doctor Doctor MLC 3 0 Friday 12:20 How to Look Good Naked PGC 3 0 1:10 Te Karere o Te Waru 3 1:35 Infomercials 5:35 Te Karere o Te Waru 3
16 0 9:25 N The Thomas John Experience ML Psychic medium Thomas John connects a passenger with two figures from her past and encounters a sceptical hockey team. 10:20 F CSI 16V 0 Friday 12:05 N Eyewitness MV 12:50 Emmerdale PG 3 0 1:40 Infomercials 2:35 Madam Secretary M 0 4:05 Hollyoaks PGC 3 0 4:35 2 Tunes 5am Infomercials
6am Outrageous Acts of Science PG 3 0 6:55 Buddy v Duff 3
7:50 Dr Jeff – Rocky Mountain Vet PG 3 8:45 Infomercials
10:30 Gold Rush – White Water PG 3 0 11:30 Flip or Flop 0
Noon M Fishing For Love PG 3 2021 Romance. Kendall, a successful restaurant designer, comes home to Mystic Bay for the annual Big Catch Festival, and enters uncharted waters with the town’s newcomer, Zack. Andrea Brooks, Lea Deok-hwa, Garry Chalk. 0 2pm Cutthroat Kitchen 0 3pm Top Secret Swimming Holes 0 3:55 Sand Masters PG 4:25 Bondi Vet PG 3
5pm Gold Rush – White Water PG 0
6pm Newshub Live at 6pm 0 7pm Bondi Rescue PG 3 0
7:30 Lego Masters USA
The builders create bull-riding characters, which are tested on a mechanical bull. 0
8:25 M Miss Congeniality M 2000 Comedy. An FBI agent poses as a Miss USA beauty-pageant entrant while investigating a serial killer who indicates that his next target is in the contest. Sandra Bullock, Michael Caine, Benjamin Bratt.
10:30 New Zealand Today 16 3 11pm NCIS – LA M 3 11:45 Breaking Amish M 3 Friday 12:40 Infomercials 5:30 Sand Masters PG 3 0
6:28 Belfast MVL 2021
Drama. Jamie Dornan, Caitriona Balfe. 8:03 Don’t Breathe 2 16VLC 2021 Horror. Stephen Lang, Madelyn Grace.
9:38 Joe Bell MVLSC 2020 Drama. Mark Wahlberg, Connie Britton. 11:09 King Richard MVL 2021 Drama.
Will Smith, Aunjanue Ellis.
1:29 Old MVC 2021 Horror.
Gael Garcia Bernal, Vicky Krieps.
3:14 Operation Mincemeat ML 2022 Drama. Colin Firth, Matthew Macfadyen.
5:18 Kimi 16VLSC 2022 Thriller.
8am The Moe Show 3 0
8:10 Pig Goat Banana Cricket 0 8:35 Santiago of the Seas 0 9am The Moe Show 3 0 9:30 Jeopardy 3 10am Massive Engineering Mistakes PGC 3 0
11am Storage Wars PGL 3 0
Noon The Changing Face of the New Zealand Dairy 3 0
1pm American Pickers PG 3
2pm The Late Show with Stephen Colbert PG 3
3pm Wheel of Fortune 3
3:30 Jeopardy 3
4pm Outback Truckers PGL 3 0
5pm Tennis – ASB Classic (HLS) Day Three. 0
5:30 Prime News
6pm The Middle PG 0
6:30 Storage Wars PGL 3 0
7pm Pawn Stars PG 7:30 M The Brighton Miracle PG 2019 Drama. Inspired by true events, in 2015, Eddie Jones begins coaching Japan’s rugby team for the World Cup and he is determined to defy the odds. Temuera Morrison, Lasarus Ratuere. 0
9:15 FBI MV A shooting at a teenager’s birthday party leaves two dead, but the team suspects they may not have been the intended targets.
10:15 Football – A-League (HLS) 11:25 The Late Show with Stephen Colbert PG Friday 12:25 The Comeback MLSC 3 1am Infomercials
6:37 The Host MV 2013 Sci-fi
Adventure. Rachel Roberts, Shyaam Karra. 8:42 Eat Pray Love ML 2010 Romantic Drama. Julia Roberts.
6:30 Restaurant – Impossible 7:20 The Pioneer Woman 7:45 Trisha’s Southern Kitchen 8:10 Giada in Italy 8:35 Nigelissima 9:05 Mysteries at the Museum PG 10am American Pickers PG 11am Stone House Revival 11:30 Hidden Potential
Noon Aussie Salvage Squad PG
1pm Richard Hammond’s
Workshop 2pm Shipping Wars PG 2:30 Border Security – Australia
PG 3pm Restaurant – Impossible
4pm Bizzare Foods – Delicious
4:30 Mary Berry’s Quick Cooking
5pm Mysteries at the Museum PG 6pm American Pickers PG
7pm Shipping Wars PG 7:30 Border Security – Australia PG A New York socialite with royal connections has a lot of explaining to do when his belongings test positive for cocaine.
8pm Border Security – Australia
PG A world champion wrestler plays it up for the cameras, but he may be breaching his tourist visa when performing in Australia.
8:30 All That Glitters PG 9:40 My Big Family Farm PG 10:40 The Curse of Oak Island PG 11:35 Beat Bobby Flay 12:05 Infomercials
6:30 Tamaiti Tu 3 6:40 ZooMoo 3 6:50 Taki Atu
Taki Mai 3 7am Darwin and Newts 3 7:10 Smooth 3 7:20 Te Nutube 3 7:30 Haati Paati 3 7:40 He Rourou 3 7:50 Kainga Whakapaipai 3 8am Polyfest 2018 3 8:30 Oranga Ngakau 3
9:30 Whanau Bake-Off 3 10am Huro Pepi 3 10:30 Toi Te Ora 3
11am Pio Terei Tonight PG 3
Noon Tagata Pasifika
12:30 M Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa MLV 2013 Comedy.
2pm Toku Reo 3 2
2:30 Ako 3 2
3pm Tamaiti Tu 3
3:10 ZooMoo 3 3:20 Taki Atu Taki Mai 3 3:30 Darwin and Newts 3 3:40 Smooth 3 3:50 Te Nutube 3 4pm Haati Paati 3 4:10 He Rourou 3 4:20 Kainga Whakapaipai 3 4:30 Whare Takataka
5pm Polyfest 3 5:30 Polyfest 2021 3
6pm Haka Ngahau a-Rohe – Te Tai Tokerau 3 6:30 Marae 2
7pm Eke Panuku IRL
7:30 Haka Pedia 3
8pm Only in Aotearoa PG 3
8:30 Rage Against the Rangatahi PG 3
9pm Black Comedy MLC A sketch show by Blackfellas, an ensemble cast of indigenous writers and performers.
9:30 Hari with the Maori Sidesteps PG 3 10pm Mura o te Ahi PG 2 10:30 Unsettled PG Henry pleas for the mourning community to come together; Myles reveals that he may have been connected to the overdose student. 11pm Ahikaroa MLSC 3 11:30 Closedown
Sketch tackles Billy’s embarrassing elephant; Alice gives long lost sisters Annette and Heather special matching tattoos. 8:30 Tattoo Fixers MLSC 3 Sketch covers a tattoo for Instagram model Kelly; Alice sorts Liam’s drunk DIY disaster. 9:30 A&E After Dark MLC A patient is rushed to hospital after being stabbed; an 18-year-old woman is concerned about her eyesight after being assaulted.
10:30 Snapped M The death of a police officer leads to a search for her killer. 11:30 Injustice With Nancy Grace MC 3 12:20 Infomercials
Zoe Kravitz, Rita Wilson.
6:45 Our Ladies 16LSC 2021 Comedy. Tallulah Greive, Abigail Lawrie. 8:30 Fantastic Beasts – The Secrets of Dumbledore MV 2022 Adventure. Albus Dumbledore assigns Newt Scamander and his allies with a mission related to the rising power of Grindelwald. Eddie Redmayne, Jude Law.
10:55 Every Breath You Take 16VC 2021 Thriller.
Casey Affleck, Sam Claflin.
Friday 12:40 Dream Horse PGL 2021 Drama.
2:30 Cranberry Christmas 2020 Drama. 3:55 Jackass Forever 16LC 2022 Comedy.
5:30 Dear Evan Hansen MLC 2021 Musical.
11:02 Superman Returns MV 2006 Action. Brandon Routh, Kevin Spacey, Kate Bosworth. 1:35 I Am Legend MV 2007 Drama. Will Smith, Alice Braga. 3:15 Troy MV 2004 Action. Brad Pitt, Eric Bana, Orlando Bloom. 5:55 The Revenant 16VS 2016 Drama. 8:30 Man on a Ledge MVL 2012 Action Crime. As a police psychologist must talk down a former convict threatening to jump from a Manhattan hotel rooftop, the biggest diamond theft ever committed is in motion. Sam Worthington, Elizabeth Banks, Jamie Bell. 10:13 The Dark Tower MV 2017 Action. With the help of an unlikely sidekick, the Last Gunslinger must prevent the Dark Tower from being destroyed by the evil Man in Black. Matthew McConaughey, Idris Elba.
11:48 The Hunger Games – Catching Fire MV 2013 Action. Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson. Friday 2:13 Assassin’s Creed MVL 2016 Action. 4:05 Suicide Squad 16VLC 2016 Action.
6am Tennis – ASB Classic Day Three – Match of the Night. 7:30 Tennis –ASB Classic Day Three. 8am Cricket – Australia v South Africa Third Test, Day One. 8:20 Cricket – Pakistan v Blackcaps Second Test, Day One. 8:50 L Football –
Premier League Crystal Palace v Tottenham Hotspur. From Selhurst Park, London. 11am Football – Premier League Arsenal v Newcastle United. 11:15 Football –Premier League Everton v Brighton. 11:30 Football – A-League Men 12:30 Football – Premier League Crystal Palace v Tottenham Hotspur. 2:30 Football – Premier League Leeds v West Ham United. 4:30 Basketball – NBL NZ Breakers v Perth Wildcats. 5pm NBL Overtime
5:30 Cricket – Pakistan v Blackcaps Second Test, Day One. 5:50 L Cricket –Pakistan v Blackcaps Second Test, Day Four. From National Stadium Karachi in Pakistan.
2am Rugby – Gallagher Premiership Saracens v Exeter Chiefs. 4am Rugby –Gallagher Premiership
You? PG Comedy panel show where contestants bluff about their secrets. 8:35 All Round to Mrs Brown’s ML 9:30 The Jonathan Ross Show MLC 10:20 Call the Midwife PG 11:20 Midsomer Murders PG Friday 1am Qi ML 1:30 Qi MLSC 2:05 Would I Lie to You? PG 2:35 Who Do You Think You Are? PG 3:35 All Round to Mrs Brown’s ML 4:25 The Jonathan Ross Show MLC 5:10 Ackley Bridge PG
6:05 Pool Kings PG 6:30 How Do They Do It? PG 6:55 Mysteries at the Museum PG 7:45 Guardians of the Glades PG 8:35 Dino Hunters PG 9:25 Strange Evidence PG 10:20 Deadliest Catch MLC 11:15 Building Alaska PG The Race is on. 12:10 Pool Kings PG It’s Tiki Time. 12:40 How Do They Do It? PG 1:05 Naked and Afraid MLC The Devil’s Woods. 2:55 Moonshiners MLC Backwoods is Booming. 3:50 Deadliest Catch MLC Rogue Wave Juggernaut. 4:45 Dino Hunters PG Duckbill Buffet. 5:40 Aussie Gold Hunters PG 6:35 Gold Rush
– Parker’s Trail MLC Parker’s Prospect. 7:30 Gold Rush –Parker’s Trail MLC Gold Mining Paradise. 8:30 Gold Rush –Dave Turin’s Lost Mine MLC Rookie Mistakes. 9:30 Bering Sea Gold MLC Ready Claim Fire. 10:30 Savage Builds PG Building Iron Man. 11:25 Naked and Afraid MLC
Friday 12:15 Guardians of the Glades PG 1:05 Nasa’s Unexplained Files PG 1:55 Deadliest Catch MLC 2:45 Naked and Afraid MLC 3:35 Bering Sea Gold MLC 4:25 Moonshiners MLC 5:15 Aussie Gold Hunters PG
5Jan23 metservice.com | Compiled by
6am Outrageous Acts of Science PG 3 0 6:55 Buddy v Duff 3 7:50 Dr Jeff – Rocky Mountain Vet PG 3 8:45 Infomercials
10:30 Gold Rush – White Water PG 3 0
11:30 Flip or Flop 0
12:05 M The Clue to Love PG 3 2021 Romance. Audrey heads to Hope Cove to write about an anonymous love advice column. She meets the Editor in Chief Morgan Cooper and sparks soon fly. Travis Milne, Myles Erlick, Rachel Bles.
2pm Cutthroat Kitchen PG 0
3pm Top Secret Swimming Holes 0
4pm Sand Masters PG 0
4:30 Bondi Vet PG 3 0
5pm Gold Rush – White Water PG 0
6pm Newshub Live at 6pm 0
7pm Bondi Rescue PG 3 0 7:30 Lego Masters USA
The builders make Lego treehouses in real trees, with no built-in support. 0
8:25 M The Medallion M 3 2003 Comedy Action. A Hong Kong detective teams up with a British agent and an investigator to stop a global slave ring. Jackie Chan, Lee Evans, Claire Forlani.
10pm New Zealand Today 16 3 10:35 LA’s Finest M 3 11:30 Outsiders 16 3 12:20 Infomercials
7:50 Songbird 16V 2020
Thriller. KJ Apa, Sofia Carson.
9:13 No Sudden Move 16VL 2021 Thriller.
Don Cheadle, Benicio Del Toro.
11:05 Halloween Kills 16VLC
2021 Horror. Jamie Lee Curtis, Nick Castle. 12:50 Military Wives MLS 2019 Comedy. Kristin Scott Thomas, Sharon Horgan. 2:40 Cry Macho MC 2021 Drama. Clint Eastwood, Eduardo Minett. 4:25 The Suicide Squad 16VLC 2021 Adventure. Margot Robbie, Idris Elba. 6:35 Blue Bayou MVLC 2020 Drama. Justin Chon, Alicia Vikander.
8am The Moe Show 3 0
8:10 Pig Goat Banana Cricket 3 0
8:35 Santiago of the Seas 0
9am The Moe Show 3 0
9:30 Jeopardy 3 10am Massive
Engineering Mistakes PGC 3 0
11am Storage Wars PG 3 0
Noon A Living Hell – Apartment
Disasters 3 0
1pm American Pickers 3
2pm The Late Show with Stephen Colbert PG 3 3pm Wheel of Fortune 3 3:30 Jeopardy 3
4pm Outback Truckers PGL 3 0
5pm Tennis – ASB Classic (HLS) Day Four. 0
5:30 Prime News
6pm The Middle PG 0
6:30 Storage Wars PGL 3 0
7pm Pawn Stars PG
7:30 Hardcore Pawn – Chicago PGL
When Carlos walks off the job, the brothers scramble to find a replacement security guard; a piece of mob history arrives at the shop; a rare 1970s muscle car has Randy eager to close the deal. 0
8:30 Pawn Stars PGL Chum goes for a hole-in-one when a signed Jack Nicklaus golf glove swings into the shop; in Huntington Beach, Rick and Spencer find a treasure trove of military items.
9:30 Raw PGV
10:30 The Late Show with Stephen Colbert PG 11:30 The Comeback MC 3 0 Midnight Infomercials
6:05 Carrie 16VLS 2013
Horror. Chloë Grace Moretz, Julianne Moore, Gabriella Wilde.
7:42 The Wolfman 16V 2010 Horror. Benicio Del Toro, Anthony Hopkins, Emily Blunt, Hugo Weaving. 9:22 Apollo 13 PGL 1995 Drama. Tom Hanks, Ed Harris, Kevin Bacon, Bill Paxton. 11:37 Man on Fire 16VC 2004 Crime. 2pm The Hunger Games – Mockingjay: Part 1 MV 2014 Adventure.
A businessman travels the country firing people, leading an empty life out of a suitcase, until his company does the unexpected, and grounds him.
George Clooney, Vera Farmiga. 9:45 An Unexpected Killer 16VC 3 A glamorous 85-yearold millionaire is found stabbed in her basement.
10:40 Snapped M 3 The family of a former soldier questions whether or not his death was a tragic coincidence.
11:35 Injustice With Nancy Grace MC 3 12:25 Infomercials
8:30 Nightmare Alley 16VLSC 2021 Thriller. To con a dangerous tycoon, a charismatic carnival worker teams up with a mysterious psychiatrist. Bradley Cooper, Cate Blanchett.
11pm The Lost City MVS 2022 Action. Sandra Bullock, Channing Tatum.
12:50 Dune MV 2021 Action. Timothee Chalamet, Rebecca Ferguson.
3:25 Malignant 18VLC 2021 Horror. Annabelle Wallis, Maddie Hasson. 5:15 Old MVC 2021 Horror. Gael Garcia Bernal, Vicky Krieps.
4pm The Hunger Games –Mockingjay: Part 2 MVC 2015 Adventure. 6:15 Master and Commander – The Far Side of the World MV 2003 Action. Russell Crowe, Paul Bettany. 8:30 Unfaithful 16VS 2002 Drama. A happy marriage goes awry when the wife embarks on an affair. Diane Lane, Richard Gere.
10:33 The Mask of Zorro MVL 1998 Adventure. Antonio Banderas, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Anthony Hopkins.
12:48 Charlie’s Angels MV 2000 Action. 2:25 The Legend of Tarzan MV 2016 Adventure. 4:15 Conspiracy Theory MV 1997 Thriller.
6:30 Restaurant – Impossible 7:20 The Pioneer Woman 7:45 Trisha’s Southern Kitchen 8:10 Bizzare Foods – Delicious Desti
8:35 Mary Berry’s Quick Cooking 9:05 Mysteries at the Museum PG 10am American Pickers PG 10:55 Stone House Revival 11:25 Hidden Potential 11:55 My Big Family Farm PG 12:50 All That Glitters PG 2:05 Shipping Wars PG 2:35 Border Security – Australia PG 3:05 Restaurant – Impossible 4pm Bobby Flay’s Barbecue Addiction
Bobby transforms his garden into the Mecca of barbecue deliciousness.
4:30 Gino’s Italian Coastal Escape
5pm Mysteries at the Museum PG
6pm American Pickers PG
7pm Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? UK
8pm Bay Patrol PG
One of the biggest surf sport competitions sees top athletes battling it out, but unexpected events have hearts racing.
8:30 Our DNA Journey
Two celebrities team up for a global adventure to find family they never knew they had.
10pm Escape to the Chateau –DIY PG
11pm Alone PG 12:25 Infomercials
6am Cricket – Pakistan v Blackcaps Second Test, Day Two. 8am Cricket –Australia v South Africa Third Test, Day Two. 8:30 Football
– Premier League Crystal Palace v Tottenham Hotspur.
8:50 L Football –Premier League Chelsea v Manchester City. From Stamford Bridge, Chelsea.
11am Basketball – NBL NZ Breakers v Perth Wildcats.
11:30 Rugby – Gallagher Premiership 12:30 Football – Premier League Chelsea v Manchester City. 2:30 Cricket – Pakistan v Blackcaps Second Test, Day Two.
3pm Cricket – BBL Perth Scorchers v Sydney Thunder. 3:15 Cricket – BBL Adelaide Strikers v Hobart Hurricanes. 3:30 Rugby – Gallagher Premiership 4:20 All Access – A-League 4:50 Cricket –BBL Perth Scorchers v Sydney Thunder. 5:05 Cricket – BBL Adelaide Strikers v Hobart Hurricanes. 5:20 Cricket –Pakistan v Blackcaps Second Test, Day Two. 5:50 L Cricket – Pakistan v Blackcaps Second Test, Day Five. Saturday 2am Rugby – Best of 2022 4am Rugby – Best of 2022
6:30 Tamaiti Tu 3 6:40 Purakau 3 6:50 Takaro Tribe 3 7am Darwin and Newts 3 7:10 Tamariki Haka 3 7:20 Te Nutube 3 7:30 Kids Kai Kart 3 7:40 He Rourou 3 7:50 Cube 3 8am Tribe 3 8:30 Oranga Ngakau 3 9:30 Whanau Bake-Off 3
10am Lucky Dip 3 10:30 Toi Te Ora 3 11am Rage Against the Rangatahi PG 3 11:30 Giants 3 Noon Tagata Pasifika 12:30 Only in Aotearoa 3 1pm The Ring Inz PG 1:30 Toku Reo 3 2 2:30 Ako 3 2 3pm Tamaiti Tu 3 3:10 Purakau 3 3:20 Takaro Tribe 3 3:30 Darwin and Newts 3 3:40 Tamariki Haka 3 3:50 Te Nutube 3 4pm Kids Kai Kart 3 4:10 He Rourou 3 4:20 Cube 3 4:30 Tribe 3
5pm Polyfest 3 5:30 Polyfest 2021 3
6pm Haka Ngahau a-Rohe – Te Tai Tokerau 3 6:30 Marae 2
7pm Pacific Island Food Revolution 3
8pm Going Native Humourist and author Drew Hayden Taylor explores the positive impacts of native culture around the globe.
8:30 Asian Art Stories Aotearoa New Zealand artists reflect on how life in Aotearoa informs their creative work and sense of identity.
9pm Merchants of the Wild 9:30 Skindigenous 3 10pm Something For the People A breakfast and late night Maori satire show.
10:30 AI MLSC
Talking about sex and sexual health with rangatahi. Hosted by Kamaia Takuira-Mita, Pere Wihongi and Rei. 11:20 Closedown
Does Countdown MLS 3:55 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown MLSC 4:40 All Round to Mrs Brown’s MLS 5:35 The Jonathan Ross Show – Special Guests MLS
Slumdog Millionaire, at 8:05pm
6am Infomercials 6:55 Religious Programming 7:30 Fishing and Adventure 3 8am Rural Delivery 3 0 8:30 I Need New Zealand 3 0 9am Lap of Luxury 3 0 9:30 Tagata Pasifika 10:15 F Call the Midwife PGC 3 11:30 Call the Midwife Christmas Special PG 3
1:30 L Cricket – Men’s Super Smash Wellington Firebirds v Central Stags.
From the Cello Basin Reserve, Wellington. 0 5pm The Chase 3 0 6pm 1 News at 6pm 0 7pm Tipping Point – Lucky Stars 0
8pm Lotto
8:05 M Slumdog Millionaire
MVLC 3 2008 Drama. A teenager from the slums of Mumbai wins the quiz show. When interrogated under suspicion of cheating, he revisits his past. Dev Patel. 0
10:20 M The Lady in the Van ML 3 2015 Drama. Playwright Alan Bennett develops an unlikely friendship with a homeless woman who lives in a van in his driveway for 15-years. Maggie Smith, Alex Jennings, Jim Broadbent. 0 Sunday 12:15 N Jamestown MC 2:20 F Queen Sugar PG 3 0 3:05 Infomercials
5:30 Religious Programming
A Knight’s Tale, at 8:50pm
Mr Magorium’s Wonder Emporium, at 7pm
6am Charles Stanley PG 6:30 Infomercials
9:30 Extinct or Alive PG 3 0 10:25 Celebrity Family Feud PG 3 11:20 Grand Designs NZ PG 3
12:20 Love Yurts
12:45 Love Yurts
1:15 Arranged NZ 3
2:10 The Zoo PG 3
3:05 Fresh Off the Boat PG 3
3:30 Fresh Off the Boat PG 3 0
4pm The Masked Singer USA PG 3
The three remaining singers perform and are unmasked, but only one will be awarded the Golden Mask Trophy. 0
5pm Family Game Night 0
6pm Newshub Live at 6pm 0
7pm M Mr Magorium’s Wonder Emporium 2007 Fantasy. The apprentice of an eccentric toy shop owner learns to believe in herself and her friends upon learning grave news about the future.
Dustin Hoffman, Natalie Portman. 0
8:40 M Captain Phillips M 3 2013 Drama. The true story of Captain Richard Phillips and the 2009 hijacking by Somali pirates of the US-flagged MV Maersk Alabama.
Tom Hanks, Barkhad Abdi.
11pm M Fury 16 3 2014 Action War. Brad Pitt, Logan Lerman, Shia LaBeouf.
1:20 Infomercials
7am The 355 MVL 2022
Action. Jessica Chastain, Penelope Cruz.
9am Nightmare Alley 16VLSC 2021 Thriller.
Bradley Cooper, Cate Blanchett.
11:25 Moonshot MVLSC 2022 Comedy. Cole Sprouse, Zach Braff. 1:10 American Underdog PG 2021 Drama.
Zachary Levi, Anna Paquin.
3pm Marry Me PGLS 2022 Comedy. Jennifer Lopez, Owen Wilson.
4:55 Venom – Let There Be Carnage MVL 2021 Action.
Tom Hardy, Woody Harrelson.
6:30 Ghostbusters –Afterlife PGL 2021 Adventure.
Carrie Coon, Paul Rudd.
8:30 Spider-Man – No Way Home MV 2021 Action.
With his secret exposed, Peter turns to Doctor Strange to make the world forget. However, the spell goes wrong and unleashes dangerous foes. Tom Holland, Benedict Cumberbatch.
11pm Those Who Wish Me Dead 16VL 2021 Thriller.
Angelina Jolie, Finn Little.
Sunday 12:40 In the Heights PGL 2021 Musical. 3am Scream 16VL 2022 Horror. 4:55 The Many Saints of Newark 16VLSC 2021 Drama.
Gordita Chronicles, at 6pm
6am Infomercials
8am Breadwinners 3 0 8:25 The Moe Show 3 0 9am American Pickers PG 3 10am SmackDown PGV 3 11am Raw PGV 3
Noon Judge Judy PG 1pm The
Crowd Goes Wild PG 3
1:30 Storage Wars PGC 3 0
3:30 Truck Night in America
PGL 3 0 4:30 Fishy Business PGC 0
5pm Tennis – ASB Classic (HLS) Day Five. 0
5:30 Prime News
6pm Gordita Chronicles PGC
A slew of firsts – Cucu’s first sleepover, Victor’s first American business dinner and Emilia’s first babysitting job. 0
6:30 Raised by Refugees PGS 3 Pax hopes to gain cool points at the school camp, but Safia will not let him go unless his father goes with him. 0
7pm Head of the Class PGL 0
7:30 American Auto PGC 0
8pm Grand Crew MLC
Sherm tags along as Nicky sells a house to a famous rapper; Noah and his date have an accident; Anthony deals with dating as a vegan. 0
8:30 The Kings of Napa 16LC 0
9:30 Game of Thrones 18VLSC 3 0
12:10 NXT PGV 1:10 Closedown
1:30 Infomercials
6:30 The Departed 16VL 2006
Crime. Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon, Jack Nicholson.
9am Inception MV 2010 Action. 11:25 Batman v Superman – Dawn of Justice MV 2016 Action.
1:55 Batman Begins MV 2005 Adventure.
4:15 Runaway Jury MV 2003 Drama. 6:20 SpiderMan – Homecoming MV 2017 Action. Tom Holland, Robert Downey jr, Michael Keaton. 8:30 Blue Crush PGV 2002 Drama. As a hard-core surfer girl prepares for a big competition, she finds herself falling for a football player. Kate Bosworth, Michelle Rodriguez, Matthew Davis.
10:15 The Shallows MLC 2016 Drama Thriller. After the death of her mother, a medical student travels to a secluded beach for a surfing weekend, but a great white shark intrudes. Blake Lively, Óscar Jaenada.
11:40 Entrapment MV 1999 Thriller. Sean Connery, Catherine Zeta-Jones. Sunday 1:30 Broken City 16VL 2013 Crime.
3:20 Shopping 16VLC 2013 Drama. 5am Whip It MLS 2009 Drama.
The Butterfly Effect, at 8:30pm
Infomercials 6:30 Restaurant – Impossible 7:20 The Pioneer Woman 7:45 Trisha’s Southern Kitchen 8:10 Bobby Flay’s Barbecue Addiction 8:35 Gino’s Italian Coastal Escape
9am Mysteries at the Museum PG
10am American Pickers PG 11am Lost and Found With Mike and Jesse PG
Noon Escape to the Chateau –
1pm Beat Bobby Flay
1:30 Beat Bobby Flay
2pm Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? UK 3:05 Bad Dog! PG 4pm The Best Thing I Ever Ate Tracking down the crunchiest, flakiest and noisiest favourite foods.
4:30 Ice Cream Nation
5pm Mysteries at the Museum PG 6pm American Pickers
7pm It’s Me or the Dog UK PG 7:30 Celebrity Catch Phrase 8:30 M The Butterfly Effect
16 2004 Thriller. A psychology student discovers an old journal that sparks previously buried memories and allows him to relive moments of his past, altering the present.
Ashton Kutcher, Amy Smart.
10:45 Forged in Fire PG 11:40 Beat Bobby Flay 12:10 Infomercials
6am Cricket – Pakistan v Blackcaps Second Test, Day Three. 8am Cricket –Australia v South Africa Third Test, Day Three. 8:20 Cricket – Pakistan v Blackcaps Second Test, Day Three. 8:40 L Rugby – Gallagher Premiership Gloucester v Saracens. From Kingsholm. 10:45 Cricket – Australia v South Africa Third Test, Day Three. 11am Cricket –Pakistan v Blackcaps Second Test, Day Three. 1pm Cricket – BBL Melbourne Stars v Sydney Sixers. 4:30 Cricket – Pakistan v Blackcaps Second Test, Day One. 6:30 Cricket – Pakistan v Blackcaps Second Test, Day Two. 8:30 Cricket – Pakistan v Blackcaps Second Test, Day Three. 10:30 Cricket –Pakistan v Blackcaps Second Test, Day Four. Sunday 12:30 Cricket – Pakistan v Blackcaps Second Test, Day Five. 2:35 Football – Premier League Chelsea v Manchester City. 2:50 Football –A-League 3:20 L Rugby – Gallagher Premiership Newcastle Falcons v Leicester Tigers. 5:25 L Rugby –Gallagher Premiership Exeter Chiefs v Northampton Saints.
6:30 ZooMoo 3
6:40 Purakau 3
6:50 Taki Atu Taki Mai 3
7am Tamariki Haka 3
7:10 Darwin and Newts 3
7:20 Haati Paati 3
7:30 Potae Pai 3
7:40 Cube 3
7:50 Kainga Whakapaipai 3 8am Ariki 3 8:30 Pukana 3 9:30 Toku Reo 3 2 10am Opaki 3 10:30 Ako 3 2 11am Polyfest 3 11:30 Polyfest 3 Noon Nanakia 2.0 PG 3
12:30 Haka Life 3
1pm Whakatauki 3
1:30 Karanga – The First Voice 3
2pm Whaikorero 3 2:30 Iwi Anthems 3
3pm Pio Terei Tonight PG 3
4pm Marae DIY 3
5pm Going Native 5:30 Matau 3
6pm Piri’s Tiki Tour PG 3 Piri Weepu travels New Zealand meeting people who share the local hot spots and anecdotes.
6:30 Waiata Nation Maori artists take on the challenge to create their own waiata.
7pm M Go Fish PG 2019 Animation. When an undersea town in invaded by a black goop, a parrot fish must find its source before his coral reef is destroyed.
Elijah Dhavvan, Justine Ezarik. 8:20 M Mary Shelley MCS 2017 Drama. The story of Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin, author of Frankenstein, and her fiery relationship with poet Percy Shelley. Elle Fanning.
10:20 Lifted 10:50 Aroha Bridge PGC 11:20 Closedown
6:05 How It’s Made PG 6:30 How Do They Do It? PG 6:55 Pool Kings PG 7:45 Aussie Gold Hunters PG 8:35 Aussie Gold Hunters PG 9:25 Aussie Gold Hunters PG 10:20 Aussie Gold Hunters PG 11:15 Aussie Gold Hunters PG 12:10 Mysteries of the Deep PG Titanic Phenomenon. 1:05 Deadliest Catch MLC To the End of the Earth Part One. 2pm Gold Rush –Dave Turin’s Lost Mine MLC Rookie Mistakes. 2:55 Gold Rush – Parker’s Trail MLC 3:50 Aussie Salvage Squad PG 4:45 Aussie Salvage Squad PG 5:40 Aussie Salvage Squad PG 6:35 Reclaimed PG 7:35 Building Alaska PG 8:30 Pool Kings PG 9:30 Deadliest Catch Special MLC 10:30 Homestead Rescue Special PG 11:25 Dual Survival MLC Sunday 12:15 How It’s Made PG 12:40 How Do They Do It? PG 1:05 Weird Earth PG 1:55 Aussie Gold Hunters PG 2:45 Nasa’s Unexplained Files PG 3:35 Nasa’s Unexplained Files PG 4:25 Nasa’s Unexplained Files PG 5:15 Nasa’s Unexplained Files PG
6am Heathrow Britain’s Busiest Airport 3 0 6:25 Lodgers For Codgers PGLC 3 0 7:15 Tagata Pasifika 3 7:40 Songs of Praise 0 8:10 Happy Campers – The Caravan Park 3 0 8:55 Ake Ake Ake PG 0 9:55 Waka Huia 10:20 Indigenous 100 PG 3 10:50 Your Garden Made Perfect 3 0 11:55 Joanna Lumley’s Britain 3 1/3. 0 12:55 Betty White – Pure Gold 3 0 1:50 Heathrow – Britain’s Busiest Airport 3 0 2:50 F South Seas Spearo PG 3 0 3:55 NZ Hunter Adventures PG 3 0 5pm The Chase 3 0 6pm 1 News at 6pm 0 7pm Starstruck UK 0 8:10 McDonald and Dodds PG McDonald and Dodds are sucked into the world of Formula 1 after a promising young driver dies in suspicious circumstances. 0 10:05 Hard Quiz PG 3 Tom Gleeson puts four selfproclaimed experts on roller coasters, Manchester United, The Shining and the Watergate scandal, through the wringer. 0 10:40 Line of Duty 16V 3 0 11:55 Manifest MV 3 0 12:45 Infomercials
Millbrook Twins MC 0 2:55 In Ice Cold Blood 16VSC 0 3:40 2 Tunes 4:05 Infomercials 5:30 Religious Programming
6am Life TV PG 6:30 Turning Point PG 7am Charles Stanley PG 8am Life TV PG 3 8:30 Turning Point PG 9am Extreme Couponing PG 0 9:25 A New Zealand Food Story PG 3 0 9:50 2nd Chance
Charlie PG 3 10:15 How Do Animals Do That? 3
10:45 How Do Animals Do That?
11:10 Dude, You’re Screwed PG 3
Noon American Loggers PG
1pm Motorsport – DTM Season Review
2pm Motorsport – ETCR
3pm Motorsport – FIM Speedway GP
4pm Motorsport – Monster Jam
5pm The Fishing Show PG 3 0
5:30 Piri’s Tiki Tour 3 0
6pm Newshub Live at 6pm 0
7pm The Block Australia PG 0
7:55 The Block Australia PG Pressure mounts to complete the biggest living and dining rooms in Block history.
8:55 Social Media Murders –Grace Millane M 3
The story of British backpacker 22-year-old Grace Millane who went missing while on a Tinder date in New Zealand in 2018. 9:50 9-1-1 – Lonestar M 3 10:45 Taranaki Hard 16 3 11:40 Extreme Couponing PG 3 Monday
12:05 Infomercials
5:30 Sand Masters PG 3 0
6:55 Moonfall ML 2022 Scifi. Halle Berry, Patrick Wilson.
9:05 The Fallout 16VLSC 2021 Drama. Jenna Ortega, Maddie Ziegler. 10:40 Take Home Pay MV 2019 Comedy. Tofiga Fepulea’i.
12:25 Redeeming Love MVSC 2022 Drama. Abigail Cowen, Tom Lewis. 2:35 Snake Eyes – GI Joe Origins MVL 2021 Action. 4:35 Death on the Nile MV 2022 Drama.
6:40 The Conjuring 3 – The Devil Made Me Do It 16VC 2021 Horror. Patrick Wilson, Vera Farmiga. 8:30 Morbius MVL 2022 Action. A biochemist tries to cure himself of a rare blood disease, but inadvertently infects himself with a form of vampirism.
Jared Leto, Matt Smith.
10:15 Uncharted MVL 2022 Action. Nathan Drake is recruited by treasure hunter Victor ’Sully’ Sullivan, to recover a fortune that was lost 500 years ago by the House of Moncada. Tom Holland, Mark Wahlberg.
Monday 12:07 South of Heaven 16VLSC 2021 Action.
2:03 Spiral – From the Book of Saw 18VL 2021 Horror.
3:33 Out of Death 16VLC 2021 Thriller. 5:06 A Mouthful of Air MLC 2021 Drama.
6am Antiques Roadshow 3 0
7am Religious Programming PGC
10am Antiques Roadshow 3 0
11am NXT PGV 3
Noon The Loggers PG 3 0
1pm Sewer Squad PGL 3 0
2pm Storage Wars PGL 3 0
4pm Football – Women’s
A-League (HLS) Western United v Wellington Phoenix. From the City Vista Recreation Reserve, Melbourne.
4:30 Football – A-League (HLS) Sydney FC v Wellington Phoenix.
5pm Tennis – ASB Classic (HLS) Day Six. 0
5:30 Prime News
6pm Pawn Stars PGL 3
7pm Storage Wars PGL 3 0
7:30 Outback Truckers PGL
Deb and driving partner Damo must deal with a mid-trip change of plans; after driving for two days with a bad oil leak, Steve worries about his engine. 0
8:40 The Way Down 16C
In 2018, Gwen marries struggling performer Joe Lara, but the marriage raises questions about the couple’s past and the church’s misuse of funds.
9:40 Game of Thrones 18VLSC 3 Tyrion tries to save Westeros from itself; Sansa questions loyalties.
11:20 SmackDown PGV Monday
12:20 Closedown 12:30 Infomercials
The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel PGLS 2011 Comedy Drama. Judi Dench, Bill Nighy, Penelope Wilton.
8:50 The Nice Guys 16VLSC 2016 Action Comedy.
10:45 The Dark Knight MV 2008 Action. 1:15 Assassin’s Creed MVL 2016 Action.
3:10 Looper 16VL 2012 Sci-fi. 5:10 The Wolfman 16V 2010 Horror. 6:55 The Dark Tower MV 2017 Action. Matthew McConaughey, Idris Elba.
8:30 Into the Blue MVL 2005 Action. A group of aspiring treasure hunters finds themselves in trouble after they find the illicit cargo of a sunken plane while diving in the Bahamas. Jessica Alba, Paul Walker.
10:18 The Revenant 16VS 2016 Drama. A frontiersman on a fur-trading expedition in the 1820s must survive after being mauled by a bear and left for dead by his own companions. Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hardy, Will Poulter.
12:50 The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel PGLS 2011 Comedy Drama.
2:50 Daredevil MV 2003 Action Fantasy. 4:35 Into the Blue MVL 2005 Action.
6am Key of David PG 6:30 Through the Bible With Les Fel PG
7am Leading the Way PG 7:30 Turning Point PG
8am Girl Meets Farm
8:25 The Best Thing I Ever Ate 8:50 Ice Cream Nation
9:15 Mysteries at the Museum PG 10am American Pickers
10:45 Lost and Found With Mike and Jesse PG 11:30 Beat Bobby Flay
Noon Chopped Sweets
1pm Ridiculous Cakes
1:30 Celebrity Catch Phrase
2:30 It’s Me or the Dog UK PG
3pm Dr Dee – Alaska Vet PG
4pm Ben and Jerry’s – Clash of the Cones
5pm Mysteries at the Museum PG
6pm American Pickers
7pm Baggage Battles PG
7:30 Griff’s Canadian Adventure PG Griff Rhys Jones explores Newfoundland and Labrador, uncovering what makes Canada unique and big.
8:30 M City of Lies 16 2018 Drama. A dogged detective and a desperate reporter team up to investigate the murders of two rappers. Johnny Depp, Forest Whitaker. 10:40 Forged in Fire PG 11:35 Beat Bobby Flay 12:05 Infomercials
7:30 Cricket – Australia v South Africa Third Test, Day Four. 7:45 Cricket –Pakistan v Blackcaps Second Test, Day Four. 8am Rugby – Gallagher Premiership Newcastle Falcons v Leicester Tigers. 10am Cricket –Australia v South Africa Third Test, Day Four. 10:30 Cricket – Pakistan v Blackcaps Second Test, Day Four. 11am L Baseball – ABL Auckland Tuatara v Canberra Cavalry. From North Harbour Stadium, Auckland. 2pm Rugby – Gallagher Premiership Newcastle Falcons v Leicester Tigers. 4pm L Basketball – NBL Adelaide 36ers v NZ Breakers. From the Adelaide Entertainment Centre. 5:30 Cricket – Pakistan v Blackcaps Second Test, Day Four. 6pm Cricket – BBL Perth Scorchers v Brisbane Heat. 9:30 Cricket – Pakistan v Blackcaps Second Test Wrap.
Monday Midnight Rugby –Gallagher Premiership 2am Rugby – Gallagher Premiership 3:55 L Rugby –Gallagher Premiership Harlequins v Sale
6:30 ZooMoo 3
6:40 Purakau 3
6:50 Tamaiti Tu 3
7am Tamariki Haka 3
7:10 Darwin and Newts 3 7:20 Haati Paati 3 7:30 Potae Pai 3
7:40 Cube 3
7:50 Kainga Whakapaipai 3
8am Ariki 3 8:30 Whanau Bake-Off 3
9:30 Easy Eats 3
10am Life of Kai
10:30 Matau 3
11am The Untold Tales of Tuteremoana PG 3
11:30 Home, Land and Sea 3
Noon Mura o te Ahi PG 3 2
12:30 Up 2 3
1pm Our Other Islands PG 3
1:30 Giants 3
2pm M Go Fish PG 3 2019
3:20 Waiata Anthems 3
3:40 Waiata Anthems 3
4pm The Hui 5pm Off the Grid 3
5:30 Te Wananga o Aotearoa
National Sprints 2019
6:30 Celebration Nation
7:30 Moko 3 The revival of moko and the conscious decision to bring the taonga back to life.
8pm Lucky Dip on the Road Hosts Luke Bird and Marcia Hopa take the family game show on the road.
8:30 M Chappaquiddick MLC 2017 Drama. In 1969, Ted Kennedy’s life becomes derailed after he is involved in a car accident that takes the life of a campaign strategist.
Jason Clarke, Kate Mara.
10:20 Taringa 3 A bilingual podcast to invigorate, inspire, and normalise the use of te reo Maori. 11:30 Closedown
Mrs Brown’s ML 1:10 8 Out of 10
Does Countdown MLS 1:55 Midsomer Murders MVC
Call the Midwife
London Kills PG
Hold the Sunset
6:10 Hold the Sunset PG 6:45 The Windsors – Inside the Royal Dynasty PG 7:35 Doc Martin MSC Headmistress Louisa Glasson faints while reading to her students as the grumpiest doctor in the West Country marches through the village. 8:30 Who Do You Think You Are? PG Katherine Ryan. 9:35 Call the Midwife PG 10:40 Call the Midwife PG 11:45 Doc Martin MSC
Monday 12:35 Who Do You Think You Are? PG 1:35 Call the Midwife PG 2:40 Call the Midwife PG 3:40 Ackley Bridge MLC 4:30 Ackley Bridge PG 5:20 Mrs Brown’s Boys MLS
Notting Hill, at 8:35pm
6am Country House Hunters 3 0 6:30 Eat Well for Less 3 0 7:40 The Great British Sewing Bee 3 0 9am Lingo 3 0 10am Tipping Point 3 0 11am The Chase 3 0 Noon Country Calendar 3 0 12:30 Emmerdale PG 0 1:30 Coronation Street PG 3 0 2pm Millionaire Hot Seat 0 3pm Tipping Point 3 0 4pm Te Karere 2 4:30 Pictionary 0 5pm The Chase 3 0 6pm 1 News at 6pm 0 7pm Country House Hunters –New Zealand 0 7:30 N Frozen Planet ll Journey through remote frozen worlds and discover the incredible ways animals survive. 0 8:45 N Happy Valley M Catherine’s discovery of the remains of a gangland murder victim in a drained reservoir leads her back to Tommy Lee Royce. 0 9:45 Hard Quiz PG 3 0 10:25 The Thief, His Wife and the Canoe 3 0 11:25 Nurses Down Under PGC 3 0
12:20 Inside Central Station MVC 3 0 1:10 Te Karere 3 1:45 Infomercials 5:30 Te Karere 3 2
Two and a Half Men PGC 3 0 11:50 2 Broke Girls M 3 0
Tuesday 12:20 The Watch MV 1:10 Emmerdale PG 3 0 2am Infomercials 2:55 Madam Secretary M 0 4:25 Hollyoaks PG 3 0 4:50 2 Tunes 5am Infomercials
6am Outrageous Acts of Science PG 3 0 6:55 Buddy v Duff 3
8:15 Nature’s Strangest Mysteries – Solved PG 3 8:45 Infomercials
10:30 Gold Rush – White Water PG 3 0 11:30 Flip or Flop 0
Noon M Love’s Match PG 3 2021 Romance. Sparks fly between the owner of a dating website and a rival matchmaker who is helping her find love for a client.
Megan Hutchings, Robin Dunne, David Pinard. 0 1:55 Cutthroat Kitchen 2:55 Top Secret
Swimming Holes 3:55 Kitchen Crashers 4:25 Bondi Vet PG 3
4:55 Gold Rush – White Water PG
6pm Newshub Live at 6pm 0
7pm Bondi Rescue PG 3 0
7:30 The Block Australia PG
The teams face the real possibility of not finishing their massive living and dining rooms. 0
8:25 Next Level Chef PG
9:20 Heartbreak Island 16
Bickering couples Tiarne and Chris and Kieran and Aleisha get sent to Honeymoon Island for a second chance at happiness.
10:20 New Zealand Today 16 3
10:50 Married at First Sight USA PG 3
11:40 Flip or Flop 3
12:05 Infomercials
5:30 Kitchen Crashers 3 0
6:47 Crawlers 16VLSC 2019 Horror. Giorgia Whigham, Pepi Sonuga. 8:05 Belfast MVL 2021 Drama. Jamie Dornan, Caitriona Balfe. 9:40 Uncanny Annie 16VLSC 2019 Horror.
Adelaide Kane, Dylan Arnold. 10:58 Georgetown 16LC 2021 Crime. 12:34 Here Today ML 2021 Comedy.
2:27 Separation MVLC 2020 Horror.
4:11 Downton Abbey – A New Era PGL 2022 Drama.
8am The Moe Show 3 0
8:10 Pig Goat Banana Cricket PG 3 0
8:35 Santiago of the Seas 0
9am The Moe Show 3 0
9:30 Jeopardy 3 10am Massive
Engineering Mistakes PGC 3 0
11am Storage Wars PGC 3 0
1pm American Pickers PG 3
2pm The Late Show with Stephen Colbert PG 3
3pm Wheel of Fortune 3
3:30 Jeopardy 3
4pm Outback Truckers PGL 3 0
5pm Tennis – ASB Classic (HLS) Day Seven. 0
5:30 Prime News
6pm The Middle PG 0
6:30 Storage Wars PGL 3 0
7pm Pawn Stars PG
7:30 American Pickers PGC
For Mike and Jersey Jon, the deals are flying in a North Carolina garage; Danielle and Robbie uncover the history of a legendary Kentucky hotel.
8:30 The Crowd Goes Wild PG
9pm M Robin Hood MVC 3 2018 Adventure. A war-hardened crusader, Robin of Loxley, and his Moorish commander mount a revolt against the corrupt English crown. Taron Egerton, Jamie Foxx. 0
11:25 The Late Show with Stephen Colbert PG Tuesday
12:25 Closedown 12:30 Infomercials
6:25 The Hunger Games MV 2012 Sci-fi Adventure.
Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth.
8:47 Conspiracy Theory MV 1997 Thriller. Mel Gibson, Julia Roberts. 11am The Dark Knight Rises MV 2012 Action. 1:40 Sully ML 2016 Drama. 3:15 American Gangster 16VLSC 2007 Crime.
6:30 Dr Dee – Alaska Vet PG 7:20 The Pioneer Woman
7:45 Trisha’s Southern Kitchen
8:10 Ben and Jerry’s – Clash of the Cones 9am Mysteries at the Museum PG 10am American Pickers 11am Stone House Revival 11:30 Hidden Potential
Noon Location, Location, Location 1pm American Restoration PG 1:30 Baggage Battles PG 2pm Griff’s Canadian Adventure PG 3pm Restaurant –Impossible 4pm Giada Entertains 4:30 Jamie’s Quick and Easy Food
5pm Mysteries at the Museum PG
6pm American Pickers
7pm Shipping Wars PG 7:30 Border Security – Australia
PG Two-thousand pallets of kiwi fruit arrive at Port Botany from Italy, officers discover a small worm and a dangerous mite.
8pm Border Security – Australia
PG Unusual clues could mean there is trouble ahead for an American designer; officers have serious questions for a flamboyant traveller.
8:30 Paramedics on the Front Line PG
9:30 Emergency Rescue – Air, Land and Sea PG 10:30 The Curse of Oak Island PG 11:30 Beat Bobby Flay Midnight Infomercials
6:30 Tamaiti Tu 3
6:40 Purakau 3 6:50 E Kori 3
7am Darwin and Newts 3
7:10 Tamariki Haka 3 7:20 Te Nutube 3 7:30 Kids Kai Kart 3
7:40 He Rourou 3 7:50 Cube 3
8am Pukana 3 8:30 Oranga Ngakau 3
9am Easy Eats 3
9:30 Whanau Bake-Off 3
10am Kai Safari 3
10:30 Toi Te Ora 3 11am Moko 3
11:30 Lucky Dip on the Road PG 3
Noon Tagata Pasifika
12:30 Celebrity Playlist 3
1pm Celebration Nation
2pm Toku Reo 3 2
2:30 Ako 3 2
3pm Tamaiti Tu 3 3:10 Purakau 3 3:20 E Kori 3 3:30 Darwin and Newts 3 3:40 Tamariki Haka 3 3:50 Te Nutube 3
4pm Kids Kai Kart 3 4:10 He Rourou 3 4:20 Cube 3 4:30 Pukana 3
5pm Polyfest 3 5:30 Polyfest 2021 3
6pm Haka Ngahau a-Rohe – Te Tai Tokerau 3 6:30 Waka Huia PG 3
7pm Te Ngakau Tapatahi 3
7:30 Chatham Islanders 3
8pm Indigenous 100 3 8:30 M Kusasma Infinity PGC 2018 Documentary. Artist Yayoi Kusama and experts discuss her life and work. From her modest beginnings in Japan to becoming an internationally renowned artist. 10pm Ki Tua 11pm Closedown
5:30 Botched
6:30 Hoarders
7:30 Snapped MVC 3 After the body of a teen is found, there are theories surrounding her death, but the case goes cold for 30-years.
8:30 An Unexpected Killer MC When a man is shot dead, police uncover an affair and workplace grudges.
9:30 The Real Murders of Atlanta MVC A woman is executed after answering the door and the hunt for the mastermind behind the assassination takes investigators around the world.
10:30 Snapped M 3 When a missing man’s body is found, his wife’s actions cause suspicion.
11:30 Injustice With Nancy Grace MC 3
12:20 Infomercials
6:12 Fantastic Beasts – The Secrets of Dumbledore MV 2022 Adventure.
Eddie Redmayne, Jude Law.
8:30 Every Breath You Take 16VC 2021 Thriller. A psychiatrist’s life is torn apart when he introduces the brother of a deceased patient to his wife and daughter.
Casey Affleck, Sam Claflin. 10:20 Off the Rails MLS 2021 Comedy. To honour the memory of their late friend, three 50-something women recreate their post-graduation train trip across Europe.
Kelly Preston, Jenny Seagrove. 11:51 Ascension M 2021 Documentary.
1:26 Killing Field 16VLC 2021 Action. 3am Operation Mincemeat ML 2022 Drama.
5:04 Stillwater MVLC 2021 Drama.
6:05 Man on Fire 16VC 2004 Crime. Denzel Washington, Dakota Fanning. 8:30 RocknRolla 16VL 2008 Action. When a Russian gangster arranges a crooked land deal, millions of dollars are up for grabs, drawing the London underworld into a frenzy. Gerard Butler, Idris Elba, Thandie Newton. 10:25 Snatch 18VL 2000 Crime. Unscrupulous boxing promoters, and a variety of other underworld denizens, compete to track down a stolen diamond. Brad Pitt, Vinnie Jones, Jason Statham, Benicio del Toro.
12:05 Elizabeth 16VS 1998 Historical Drama. 2:05 Elizabeth – The Golden Age MV 2007 Historical Drama. 4am The Host MV 2013 Sci-fi Adventure.
6am Cricket – Pakistan v Blackcaps Second Test, Day Five. 8am Rugby – Gallagher Premiership Harlequins v Sale Sharks. 10am Cricket – Australia v South Africa Third Test, Day Five. 10:15 Cricket – Pakistan v Blackcaps Second Test, Day Five. 10:30 Cricket – BBL Sydney Thunder v Sydney Sixers. 2pm Basketball – NBL Adelaide 36ers v NZ Breakers. 2:30 Cricket – Pakistan v Blackcaps Second Test, Day Five. 3pm Cricket – Australia v South Africa Third Test, Day Five. 3:30 Cricket – BBL Perth Scorchers v Brisbane Heat. 3:45 Cricket – BBL Sydney Thunder v Sydney Sixers. 4pm Basketball – NBL Adelaide 36ers v NZ Breakers. 6pm Tennis – ASB Classic Women’s Doubles Final. 8pm Tennis – ASB Classic Day Seven. 8:30 The Best of The Crowd Goes Wild 9pm Cricket – Pakistan v Blackcaps Second Test, Day Three. 9:20 Cricket –Pakistan v Blackcaps Second Test, Day Four. 9:50 Cricket –Pakistan v Blackcaps Second Test, Day Five. 10:20 L Cricket – Pakistan v Blackcaps First ODI.
of 10
Does Countdown MLS 4:20 The Jonathon Ross Show ML
Who Do You Think You Are? PG David Walliams. 6:20
MLS 6:55 EastEnders PG 7:25
MLSC 8pm Would I Lie to You? PG Highlights of previously unseen material from the comedy panel show. 8:35 London Kills PG Billie recognizes a murder victim and wrestles with her ethics; Vivienne pleads with her former husband to do the right thing. 9:30 Too Close MLSC 10:25 Small Axe 16VLC 11:45 Midsomer Murders MV Tuesday 1:25 Qi MLS 2am Qi MLSC 2:35 Would I Lie to You? PG 3:10 Who Do You Think You Are? PG 4:10 London Kills PG 5:05 Too Close MLSC
6:05 Pool Kings PG Tuscan Wonderwall. 6:30 How Do They Do It? PG 6:55 Mysteries at the Museum PG First Female Aviator, Mysterious Metronome. 7:45 Guardians of the Glades PG Snakes in the Dark. 8:35 Gold Rush – Dave Turin’s Lost Mine MLC 9:25 Gold Rush – Parker’s Trail MLC 10:20 Homestead Rescue Special PG 11:15 Deadliest Catch Special MLC 12:10 Pool Kings PG 12:40 How Do They Do It? PG 1:05 Nasa’s Unexplained Files PG 2pm Naked and Afraid MLC 2:55 Moonshiners MLC 3:50 Deadliest Catch MLC 4:45 Dino Hunters PG 5:40 Aussie Gold Hunters PG 6:35 Aussie Gold Hunters PG 7:30 Railroad Australia PG 8:30 Building Alaska PG 9:25 Pool Kings PG 10:25 Railroad Alaska PG 11:25 Naked and Afraid MLC Tuesday 12:15 Guardians of the Glades PG 1:05 Nasa’s Unexplained Files PG 1:55 Deadliest Catch MLC 2:45 Naked and Afraid MLC 3:35 Bering Sea Gold MLC 4:25 Moonshiners MLC 5:15 Aussie Gold Hunters PG
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It’s that time of year when King Charles, via our government, bestows Knights and Dames through to military honours on our citizens.
For these people it’s an honour and their lives, over the last few days, have been interrupted by calls and visits from family and friends.
Local communities also bask in the recognition that one of their number has been selected.
It’s been a great relief for the recipient who’s had to remain silent about their award for weeks on end, ever since the letter arrived in the mail.
They can now share it and wear the title.
Inevitably, they will claim it’s the organisation they represent and not them, that deserves the honour, but they are the ones who have been identified as “a
leader amongst us.”
In today’s world, titles such as Knights and Dames belong to Game Of Thrones.
They seem curious, quaint and even anachronistic.
Tell that to the recipient.
They exist and are well deserved, but there’s a case for the honours system to be shaped and refined in the future.
A number have been awarded for a job well done, for a position they’re paid a good salary to do.
This category includes politicians, business leaders, sports people and entertainers.
There are strong arguments supporting the roles they play and the benefits they’ve brought, but to classify them alongside others who’ve given decades of community service, is muddying the waters.
It could be time to create a separate division for them, so we don’t hear the inevitable grumble about them “just carrying out a task they’ve been appointed to do.”
Then there’s the honours awarded to people at the end of their lives of service.
I’ll always remember the reaction from Ashburton’s Sir Charles Hilgendorf when he received his knighthood on his retirement.
“Fat lot of good it is to me now,” he said.
“But 10 years ago it would have opened doors for New
Zealand and generated handshakes.”
His message is don’t wait until a person retires. Honour them now so they, and the community they represent, can benefit from it.
There’s also the mystery of how you go about nominating people.
It’s comprehensive, takes time and requires a lot more than ticking boxes.
There are people in our community who deserve to be recognised, but there’s no-one around them capable of researching, compiling and writing a submission.
Neither is there helpful advice in the public domain that assists people to find out, unless you go searching.
If new year’s or the King’s birthday honours play a
significant role in New Zealand society, we should have a travelling road show to talk about them.
That could require giving authority to government officials or designated district council staff to arrange a briefing so people can be informed.
And, if all else fails, individuals should have the right to nominate themselves.
It may not be the traditional way of doing things, but there are too many people deserving honours who are overlooked.
They, more than anyone else, know what they’ve achieved and who has benefited from their talent and contribution.
I’m hoping, in the future, the King or whoever has responsibility for the honours, can create an “I nominate myself” category.
At the end of each year, Guardian staff choose the best of the year’s photos to share with you all and reminisce.
The agony of being wrong at law and certain not to begin (7)
At home to Kelvin, writer commits it to paper (3)
With justifiable anger dining out with non-u Aunt (9)
What Götterdämmerung brought about was a gift from heaven (7)
Stratum of early formation (5) DOWN
No mincing words, pal: pine, asking for it! (5,8)
One's dress one might treat differently (6)
Such a drug might be turned into crack endlessly (8)
The main time of the year has been halved (3)
An insomniac heaves at the pain he has to bear (4)
Man with pack, misled in Paris, is quitting (6)
Cold letter Cob got from one out dunning for payment (4,9)
Some time at work: move it! (5)
Song in parts it's crazy for a girl to get wrong (8)
Editor rejected drink with drug in it (6)
After fifty, can you have nothing to lose? It's madness! (6)
It's a long sentence for a biographer to produce (4)
Bad cheque may be given over as well (3)
ARIES (Mar 21-Apr 19): You take care of everyone, but who takes care of you? As a self-made individual, you believe you're the best candidate for that job too. Someone will offer to help. Accept. You do deserve it.
TAURUS (Apr 20-May 20): If there's one person you shouldn't wage war against, it's you. You may not be overjoyed with your current choices, but you still need to get on your own side. That's the position that allows you to do better.
GEMINI (May 21-Jun 21): The first step to breaking out of a rut is recognising you are in it. Step two is to stop doing what only makes the rut deeper. The third step involves an anchor on the outside to lift up and out.
CANCER (Jun 22-Jul 22): It's wonderful when your vision matches what the group wants. Now you just need everyone to agree on getting there in the same way. You'll pave the way with good communication, gentleness and respect.
LEO (Jul 23-Aug 22): Since good people can do bad things, and bad people can do good things, you're glad it's not your job to judge the hearts and actions of all. The scope of motivations is unknowable, you handle a situation fairly.
VIRGO (Aug 23-Sep 22): It's better to highlight a flaw than hide it. In doing so, you'll probably learn that the feature in question is not a flaw at all; rather, it's an opportunity in the making. The right application is everything.
LIBRA (Sep 23-Oct 23): Relief is at hand, but first you must empty what's full: the trash, the inbox, the overstuffed bag, the stress-driven mind and more. Open it up, take it out, let it go. Better things come when you make room for them.
SCORPIO (Oct 24-Nov 21): In case you're wondering whether you won or lost, the answer is both. You can spin it in any direction you like with that brilliant imagination of yours. What is the true desire of your heart?
SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21): Feeling overwhelmed is natural when you're following an ambition. Take a breath and consider that it's really OK to be over your head. If the water is deep doesn't matter; you'll inevitably swim near the surface.
CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19): When there is chaos, you find refuge in a calm mind. The challenge is harder when things around you are calm, but your mind is chaotic. Improve your mental control with new techniques to good effect.
AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18): You crave variety, novelty and adventure. A guide who knows the territory will save you time and trouble as you learn the best a place has to offer.
PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20): Make space in your life for you being you. You have always possessed natural talents and you will continue to for as long as you live. A simple agenda awaits: remember what you're good at, do it, be happy.
Getting back on the horse, or perhaps in this instance even the bull.
After sitting on the sidelines for the best part of two years following impacts from first, Mycoplasma bovis, and then from Covid-19, the Methven Rodeo returned with a bang in 2022, and celebrated as such in fine style.
They promised a social occasion to remember, and delivered that in spades, with close to 7000 people flocking to the Methven Rodeo Grounds for the day’s action.
Under bright blue skies and near-perfect weather cowboys both young and old stepped out into the ring and delivered some fierce competition.
Asked to describe the day as whole in one word, Methven Rodeo Association secretary, Rosa Dekker chose two.
“Epic and amazing,” she laughed.
“Honestly, we couldn’t have scripted it any better, everything went so well.”
But while the success of the event as a whole was down to the number of people through the gates, the news that the day saw no serious injuries to either animal or human was an even bigger result.
As another sporting year comes to an end there’s plenty to reflect on. From victories at club level right through to international and national success Mid Canterbury has again produced the goods. Matt Markham works through 10 of his favourite story subjects in no particular order from 2022.
Rodeo in New Zealand has copped a bad name in recent years, with continued pressure from lobbying groups and various activists to have the sport shut down forever.
It’s fair to people to oppose a sport than involves animals –but often a lot of the claims are unfounded and born from pure ignorance.
Rodeo organisers around the country put significant effort into animal welfare and ensuring that all those used in a rodeo are well cared for, and that the right people are on hand both before and after the event.
Seeing Methven’s gates open again and the crowds flocking to check out the action was a great result for the sport in 2022, but
it’s also a huge result for the local community.
So much of the money gathered through gate takings and entries is pumped back through the community, either directly through the Methven Rodeo Club or the Methven Lions who handle the gate duties on the day.
Scholarships and grants awarded have directly benefited individuals and groups for years and by opening the gates once again that can continue into the future.
Rodeo isn’t for everyone, but it’s hard to argue that such an event doesn’t play a huge part in our local sporting scene so returning in 2022 was a great moment.
Former All Blacks coach Sir Steve Hansen believes the emergence of Jordie Barrett at second five-eighth is the biggest positive to come out of 2022 for the All Blacks.
Barrett had been given few opportunities to play in the All Blacks midfield, having clocked significant minutes there for the Hurricanes in Super Rugby, with head coach Ian Foster preferring Barrett as a fullback.
However, he got his chance in 2022 and took it with some excellent performances, and Hansen believes Barrett deserves to be the first-choice No 12 in 2023.
“The biggest positive from 2022 was Jordie Barrett at sec-
ond five-eighth,” Hansen told D’Arcy Waldegrave on Newstalk ZB.
“He’s the man we’ve been looking for for quite some time to fill in that slot.
“He’s big, he’s strong, he’s fast. He’s got a great passing game. A wonderful kicker of the ball.
“Defensively he loves to get in amongst it and make the big hits, and has the size to do it for you.
“He’s a wonderful communicator and both the 10s, whoever is playing, are going to benefit when they have a good 12 outside them who is prepared to communicate.
“He’s also a player that if
nothing’s on you can just give it to Jordie and he’ll cart it, like back in the day with Ma’a [Nonu] and Sonny [Bill Williams] sometimes.
“He gives us that option too, because he’s such a big athlete.”
Barrett’s emergence in the midfield was one of the factors for the All Blacks recovering from their early struggles in 2022, as was the axing of assistant coaches John Plumtree and Brad Mooar, who were replaced by Jason Ryan and Joe Schmidt.
“They were tough decisions that had to be made but were made by Ian and the ship has turned itself around and I
think they go into the World Cup with quite a bit of excitement,” Hansen said. “They ended the year pretty positively.
“Apart from 10 minutes against England they really dominated that game.
“It all started earlier in the year against Ireland.
“I think people underestimated just how good they were.
“We didn’t play anywhere near how we wanted to. I think they’ll be quietly satisfied.
“You’re never happy when you’re in the All Blacks, but they’ll be satisfied that they’ve made the progress they need to be going into this next block and then the World Cup.”
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Mountain weather hazards: None issued.
Partly cloudy, with some morning low cloud through the river valleys. Isolated showers in the afternoon and evening.
Wind at 1000m: Light but N 40 km/h developing at night.
Wind at 2000m: Light but N 30 km/h developing at night.
Freezing level: Above 3000m.
Mountain weather hazards: None issued.
Fine apart from isolated afternoon and evening showers.
Wind at 1000m: N 35 km/h.
Wind at 2000m: N rising to 40 km/h in the evening.
level: About 3500m.
2:54am 3:15pm 9:04am 9:17pm
3:42am 3:58pm 9:49am 10:00pm
3:34am 3:51pm 9:48am 10:02pm
3:26am 3:42pm 9:33am 9:44pm
5:54am 9:21pm 5:54am 9:21pm 5:55am 9:21pm
6:08pm 2:49am 7:14pm 3:19am 8:14pm 3:55am
“It’s been way too long.”
That, from ASB Classic tournament director Nicolas Lamperin, pretty much summed up the feelings of everyone after two long years of Covid-enforced inaction.
That’s how long it’s been since the Stanley Street courts were alive with some of the best players in the world, surrounded by the sipping of champagne by sun-drenched crowds.
The women’s tournament began yesterday, with a strong field attracted to the unique and boutique atmosphere of Auckland.
They say that Stanley Street really is ground zero for the ageold ‘what do you think of New Zealand’ question that the media love to ask anyone slightly
famous that walks through Auckland Airport, but that’s because you really do get some genuine content from the tennis players when they get asked.
The Classic has a great reputation for a good reason – the crowds are plentiful for an ATP/WTA 250 event and bring a festive atmosphere with them given the time of year.
Outside the courts, the evergrowing hospitality area stretches into the nearby Auckland Domain.
It’s a nice break from the often-monotonous churn of the sports news in New Zealand.
Notably, the Classic has for
many years been providing a narrative that countless sports neophytes have been banging on about lately: a showcase of elite level women’s sport, given healthy coverage and prize money.
The women’s tournament reached its zenith in terms of profile in its last edition, not only getting Serena Williams to Auckland but having arguably the greatest women’s athlete of all time win both the singles and doubles.
The Williams legacy across the sport is not something that troubles her heir-apparent Coco Gauff, however.
The number one seed from Atlanta was all smiles at the pre-tournament press conference, saying that of Williams “she’s the GOAT and I’m just trying to figure it all out.”
“If I can do even close to what she did then I’ll take it … but I’ve always had the philosophy that there’s never going to be a ‘next anyone’.
“Like Messi and Pele, they’re both the greatest in their own right, each person can be the GOAT in their own worlds.”
It’s easy to forget that the charismatic Gauff is still only 18, having first come to Auckland as a 15-year-old.
Organisers are confident of full stands for today’s matches, thanks to the pulling power of Gauff, US Open winner Emma Raducanu, third seed Leylah Fernandez and the promising Czech sisters Brenda and Linda Fruhvirtova.
“That’s amazing for the first couple of days, compared to the first couple of days of other tournaments around the world.
“You could fire a cannon through the stands at some of those places and not hit anyone,” said tournament chief executive Rohan West.
Like Messi and Pele, they’re both the greatest in their own right, each person can be the GOAT in their own worlds