23,115 eligible votes – which was down on the 55.05 per cent in 2019.
“People just aren’t engaged.
Ashburton Mayor Neil Brown says waning voter turnout shows people aren’t engaged with local politics.
Voting in the Ashburton Dis trict dropped under 50 per cent, and Brown has joined national calls for the election process to be looked at.
“I think the voting system needs to be looked at, and the system to be looked at is proba bly online voting,” Brown said.
“It appears to be that’s the only one we can move to. Per haps a combination of both [online and postal], but it defi nitely needs looking into to get participation up.”
The silent majority got big ger as voter turnout across the country was down to a record low 36 per cent, though it is ex pected to increase marginally once all votes have been count ed.
Ashburton’s preliminary re sults had just 49.03 per cent of voter returns – 11,337 of the
“I’ve talked to people who ha ven’t voted and asked why, and they said it’s because they don’t know the people, and they don’t want to get to know them.”
The lack of engagement isn’t just at election time.
“It is a problem the coun cil grapples with all the time, working out how we get people more involved”.
Now, Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) is calling for an independent review, a move Brown agreed with.
“We need to have a look at how we get voters engaged in the electoral system,” he said.
LGNZ want to work with cen tral government to review how elections were delivered, and to consider factors such as the practicality of postal voting and accessing ballot boxes in more remote parts of the country.
“We want to see a short, sharp and independent review that should feed into the Future for Local Government Review, as well as the review of Parlia mentary Electoral Law,” LGNZ chief executive Susan Free man-Greene said.
Neil Brown: 9756
Je rey Swindley: 1235
Blank Voting Papers: 336
Liz McMillan: 1831
Rodger Letham: 1388
Neil Brown is back in the big chair and straight back down to business.
Brown won the Ashburton mayoralty race by a whopping 8521 votes from his only opponent Jeff Swindley, to be back at the helm and “straight back into it”.
With four councillors retiring at the end of the term, Brown said there was always going to be at least four new faces at the table.
With all of the incumbents being re-elected, Brown said it was a sign of confidence from the community in the council’s direction.
It also means there is continuity at the table.
“There is no need to stall, so we can just keep progressing at the rate we have been going for the betterment of the whole community,” Brown said.
Of the four new councillors, one already has two terms under his belt.
Russell Ellis infamously was unable to stand in the last election after a technical error on his nomination form, and is “absolutely rapt” to be back on the council.
“I was really passionate about this role, so there was some big disappointment in 2019,” he said. He said he had unfinished business that he missed out on being a part of over the last three years,
but can’t wait to get back into what will be his full-time employment.
“They do things a bit differently now than they did three years ago, but I don’t have to find my feet as much,” Ellis said.
Ellis was the fifth highest polling candidate in the Ashburton ward, but had an over 900 vote margin on fellow former councillor Thelma Bell.
Carolyn Cameron finished on top in the Ashburton ward to ensure a second term, with fellow incumbent Leen Braam polling third.
Tony Todd, at 75 years old, and Phill Hooper are the new councillors in the Ashburton ward.
The incumbents in the Western Ward, Liz McMillan and
Rodger Letham were comfortably re-elected, with Dame Lynda Topp missing out.
Topp said she was always a long shot to be “the first lesbian on the Ashburton council” and the people had spoken but she wasn’t too worried about the result, and it’s unlikely it’s the last the council will hear of Topp.
“You can do just as much from the outside as you can from the inside,” Topp said.
Out in the Eastern Ward, Lynette Lovett is back for a third term, with newly elected councillor Richard Wilson, who takes the place vacated by his retired four-term councillor father, Stuart Wilson.
Wilson said while he is his father’s son, he is not his father.
“I am my own person with my own set of skills and experiences,” he said.
Wilson is looking forward to taking on the challenges facing the district, and while he will need to learn the ropes he “isn’t going to shy away from making my voice heard”.
The new Ashburton District Council will be sworn in on October 27.
Lynda Topp: 764
Blank Voting Papers: 20
Lynette Lovett: 1418
Richard Wilson: 1369
Rob Mackle: 480
Keith Townshend: 436
Blank Voting Papers: 49
Carolyn Cameron: 4408
Tony Todd: 4293
Leen Braam: 4113
Phill Hooper: 4073
Russell Ellis: 3481
Thelma Bell: 2556
Hayden Tasker: 1983
Brie Burgess: 1480
Bev Skates 1459
Carol Johns: 1253
Janet Glassey: 481
Shfire Sapphire: 454
Blank Voting Papers: 59
Richie Owen: 545
Allan Lock: 475
Kelvin Holmes: 461
Megan Fitzgerald: 418 Robin Jenkinson: 317 Adam Preston: 311
Blank voting papers: 15
Richie Owen was the top polling candidate for the Methven Community Board, where six candidates are vying for five seats.
Owen returns for a second term, and is joined by fellow incumbent and former Ashburton District councillor, Kelvin Holmes. Allan Lock, Megan Fitzgerald and Robin
Jenkinson are all first-term members, completing the five-member board line-up at this stage.
Adam Preston is the odd candidate out with 311 votes, but just five votes behind Jenkinson.
That margin could change when the spe-
cial votes are factored in for the final results, which will be announced by Thursday.
The new board members will be sworn in at the same ceremony as the new Ashburton District Council on October 27, before electing a chair and deputy chair at the inaugural board meeting on October 31.
Chantelle Quinn: 6420
Chris Robertson: 6091
Gerard Rushton: 5784
Tim Silva: 5771
Robert Harnett: 4786
Kieran Breakwell: 4749
Kerry Clough: 4070
Kevin Cli ord: 3740
Shfire Sapphire: 910
Blank Voting Papers: 392
chairman, so he has a strong understand ing of the democratic process.
Malcolm HopwoodTony Todd may be a first-term councillor at 75 years old, but he sees that as a good thing.
“It doesn’t hurt to have older, wise heads around the table,” Todd said.
The retired businessman brings plenty of experience, including 30 years on the Ash burton Licensing Trust, of which 12 were as
“I am one voice on the council and will work as a team member,” he said.
Todd is delighted he can give service to the community and said “achieving some thing” was the reason he got out of bed in the morning.
“If you have the time and energy to put into a project, you should do it,” he said.
Todd regards some of the challenges fac ing council are government issues such as Three Waters and co-governance, but he said improving the roading was an issue he wants to address.
he has the flexibility to do both.
“Helping people is part of my radio pro gramme, and I want to continue that on council,” he said.
Newly elected Ashburton District coun cillor, Phill Hooper, will continue as a breakfast radio host during his three-year term.
Hooper is “absolutely thrilled” to be elected and said he “wants to fulfil both my council and radio commitments” on Hokonui Ashburton.
While at times they’ll overlap, he said
He’ll bring “a fresh set of eyes and ideas” to the council table, and his priorities will be roading and infrastructure, keeping rates as low as possible, attracting fresh talent to Ashburton and “doing more to put ourselves on the map”.
Only 49 per cent of Mid Canterbury people voted, which Hooper attributes to “younger people not understanding post al voting”.
“Social media is the obvious platform for educating younger people and attract ing them to vote,” he said.
Eiffelton farmer Ian Mackenzie has been re-elected to the Environment Canterbury Regional Council.
Mackenzie (16,910 votes) and fellow incumbent John Sunckell (14,925) were successful in their re-election campaigns in the Mid Canterbury/Ōpākihi ward, beat ing out Peter Trolove (10,364) and Matt Coffey (5831).
The pair are among the seven returning councillors with nine new faces.
There are challenges ahead for the Braided Rivers Community Trust, says the re-elected Chris Robertson.
He is “grateful and happy” to be re-elected as one of the six trust members, and said the priority is to embed the changes introduced last year to the community trust.
They include reviewing the trust’s investment policies that have been in place over the past three years.
“We want to make the model more sustainable and profitable and, as a result, beneficial to the community,” Robertson said.
“Once it’s reviewed we can in crease our grants to the community.
“But before that we need to know the structure, that the investment is based on, is solid and right.”
Robertson said the work, which the previous board started, will be completed early next year by the new board elected on Saturday.
He’s also keen to establish a finan cial hub at the trust’s headquarters
at Somerset House, which it shares with Advance Ashburton.
“Both Braided Rivers and Advance Ashburton address a range of needs where funding is available and we welcome people to come and dis cuss their issues with us,” he said.
“It’s part of raising our profile and highlighting the funding that’s available.”
Robertson said the new trust board will meet on October 20, where the chair will be elected and new members inducted.
North Canterbuy has Claire McKay and Grant Edge both re-elected.
In South Canterbury, Peter Scott has been re-elected, while newcomer Nick Ward was the top polling candi date, meaning incumbent Elizabeth McKenzie missing out.
Craig Pauling has been returned in the Christchurch West, with former Christchurch City councillor Deon Swiggs being elected.
There are new faces in the Christchurch North East, as former chair Jenny Hughey wasn’t standing and Tane Apanui missed out as David East and Joe Davies.
Vicky Southworth returns with newcomer Paul Diet sche in the Christchurch South and newcomers Greg Byrnes and Genevieve Robinson in Christchurch Cen tral.
In accordance with the Canterbury Regional Council (Ngāi Tahu Representation) Act 2022, Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu announced the selection of former Environment Canterbury Councillor and Tumu Taiao Mana Whenua expert Iaean Cranwell and former National MP Tutehou nuku (Nuk) Korako as councillors.
The new ECan council will have its first meeting on October 27.
The Ashburton Farmers’ Market has been a staple of the community for many years, and has returned again as the weather has warmed up. Reporter Daniel Alvey captured the action at a recent market.
Below - Bulb brothers: Kinsey and Lachlan Storey were representing Tinwald as they sold lilly bulbs to fundraise for their upcoming Christmas party and scout jamboree next year. The brothers wanted to give a massive thanks to Bakker Bulbs in Rakaia for supplying the product.
What: Ashburton Farmers’ Market
Where: North end of the West Street Carpark
When: Saturdays 9am to 12.30pm
Last week’s southerly bluster had farmers nervous in their anticipation of bad things to come, but don’t worry, it was okay.
David Giddings of Meadowslea Angus and Sheep Genetics said he had eight inches or thereabouts on the ground Wednesday morning, but most of it melted over the day. But there was still a cold southerly wind on Thursday, he said.
“Thankfully, this didn’t knock over too many lambs.”
Ashburton crop and livestock farmer David Clark said he was okay at the end of lambing and the snow “wasn’t too bad”.
“The stock has come through it well and it was only the last of the southerly front that dropped much snow on us.
“We don’t shed off the ewes and lambs but we do set-stock. They are pretty much left to their own devices and that works best,” Clark said.
James Guild of High Peak Station, Mid Canterbury said he always got a bit nervous when a weather event was imminent “but I think we got off quite lightly this time.
“There wasn’t a huge depth (of snow)
– that was the first thing. Animals were able to scratch through the snow for feed. “The depth was about three inches, but
there was the chill factor and although the sun was out on Thursday there wasn’t much thaw.”
For a while there we were getting a wee bit worried, but nah it was good as gold. It has de nitely been one of the wetter calvings, but all the same it was a really good calving, one of our best.
Dairy farmer Rhys Roberts, CEO of Align Farms, said he had had no issues with the weather bomb.
“For a while there we were getting a wee bit worried, but nah, it was good as gold. It has definitely been one of the wetter calvings, but all the same it was a really good calving, one of our best.
“We finished calving before this weather arrived which was a relief.”
As an aside SAFE animal activist group had posted online: “Heavy snowfall has left countless lambs at the mercy of the freezing conditions.”
SAFE head of investigations Will Appelbe said farming practices had to change.
“Every year, lambs born in the late winter and spring are caught out in the cold by icy blasts,” Appelbe said.
“While this weather event isn’t unique, severe weather events like this are likely to become more common as climate change worsens.”
the paddock, regardless of N application rate. Grain protein was also the same despite 120kg of urea/ha less being applied in the trial area.
South Canterbury arable farmer Andrew Darling says an on-farm trial where wheat yields were unchanged despite a significant drop in nitrogen rates has given him the confidence to continue to cut back.
Darling told a Foundation for Arable Research field day on his farm that he was looking to become more sustainable in terms of crop inputs even before the sharp rise in nitrogen fertiliser prices, which have at least doubled in the last two years.
Darling and his wife Amy lease Poplar Grove Farm at Kingsdown, just south of Timaru, from his parents Warren and Joy Darling. Darling is the fourth generation on the farm, made up of a 250 hectare home block and a 250ha leased neighbouring property.
The mainly dryland rolling downs property grows feed wheat, feed barley, oil seed rape, turf grass and sometimes sunflowers.
Nitrogen is now the farm’s single biggest cost.
The Darlings have invested in tools and technologies including a Yara N-tester, a hand-held leaf N measurement tool used to identify the N requirements of plants. This is used as a calibration tool for sensor cameras on the roof of
their tractor, which automatically varies nitrogen application rates depending on a crop’s density and greenness.
The Darlings have also been 1ha grid soil sampling for the last seven years.
For the 2020 harvest, the Darlings relied on the N-tester for applications on two replicated strips in a wheat crop, with the remainder of the paddock receiving a standard application.
The crop yielded 12t/ha across
The reduced rate areas used 16.5 units of N per tonne of yield compared with 21 units under a standard application.
Buoyed by the results, the Darlings have done the opposite this year. Instead of trialling 2ha, they have applied N under variable rate over the whole farm, apart from a few strips in wheat and barley given a standard blanket application as a comparison.
FAR senior researcher cereals Jo Drummond told the field day that farmers and growers associate reduced N rates with reduced crop yields and profits, but it is possible to reduce N without reducing profit.
It was a matter of keeping a crop green “enough” by understanding the supply and demand requirements, knowing what N was in the soil now and what would mineralise through the course of the season.
On 17 October, the Xero Roadshow Tiny Edition is coming to town. Join us for a one hour Q&A session at The Somerset Grocer to meet the Xero team, ask any burning questions you’ve got, and find out how Xero for farming helps you manage your farm’s finances and forecast for the future.
Mycoplasma bovis programme director Simon Andrew has an un enviable task, especially as a new strain of the disease popped up on a Mid Canterbury farm last week.
But there is no doubting that Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI) has M. bovis on the ropes, with only four infections left in the country. That’s out of the original 40. We are mopping up the last pockets, Andrew said.
He talked to the Ashburton Guardian about where the eradi cation programme was at.
What is your reaction to concerns that MPI is not on top of M.bovis, especially the new strain?
The evidence suggests that the new strain is confined to one prop erty. More broadly we undertake a significant amount of surveillance in Mid Canterbury that indicates that we are homing in on the final pockets.
Are there lots of strains of M. bovis overseas?
Yes there are. There is a cata logue of different strains. What are you doing about the new strain? Do you have to do some thing different with this one?
No, it behaves in the same way. Essentially it is a different strain that is found overseas. It has a dif ferent genetic footprint.
Do you have any idea where this strain has come from?
We continue to investigate this. There are a number of different pathways associated with it. They are all very low risk. But it doesn’t affect our trajectory as far as our eradication efforts.
Would it have come from over seas?
We worked that through and it seems that yes it has. The exact pathway is we need to undertake
more investigation. Possibly we will never understand this. But we are continuing with our testing and tracing – which has enabled us to get to where we are today which is four confirmed proper ties, whereas previously we had close to 40 properties.
If it were to come in from over seas would it be through frozen semen?
There are a number of different ways. You have embryo transfer, there is farm equipment and ma chinery, and feed. But it is very important to point out that it is very low risk. But nothing can be no risk, which is why we have a surveillance mechanism that can quickly identify this. And we con tinue to reduce this risk, for exam ple this year putting in place new import health standards for frozen semen.
What would you say to Mid Can terbury dairy farmers as far as be ing about to contain M.bovis? Are you confident?
Yes, we are. Alongside our pro gramme partners, it is really im
portant that we continue to en gage with the local community.
And in terms of dairy farms we test every one on a fortnightly basis. So that gives us a high degree of con fidence.
Do you have confidence you will get rid of M. bovis in Mid Canter bury?
Evidence suggests we are on track to get rid of M. bovis nation wide. But we must remain vigilant. We are only four years into a tenyear eradication journey. The next period of time we are calling the delimiting phase and we are hunt ing down the final pockets of in fection. Evidence suggests we are making really good progress with this. And then we will go through a proof of absence phase where we continue to do the testing to build a case that we have eradicated it.
The latest Beef + Lamb New Zealand (B+LNZ) Stock Number Survey shows farmers have continued to adapt quickly to challeng ing circumstances including droughts, processing delays and Covid-19, while affores tation remains a significant concern.
The report highlights the extent of farmland being con verted to forestry, which con tinues to have a negative im pact on rural communities.
B+LNZ Economic Service chief economist Andrew Burtt said that while the in crease in farm sales into forestry was yet to lead to a significant reduction in stock numbers, it could be expect ed very soon.
“There is usually a lag be tween farm sale and plant ings, and planting is con strained by the availability of seedlings and labour to plant them,” he said.
B+LNZ chief executive Sam McIvor said the extent of sheep and beef farmland being converted to forestry, along with the cumulative impact of a range of other policies on farm viability, was concerning.
“New Zealand is the only country to allow 100 per cent forestry offsetting. Other countries only allow about ten per cent. Without these limits all other policy chang es, while helpful, will not solve the problem.”
The report shows sheep numbers in New Zealand were steady over the past 12 months and beef cattle num bers fell only slightly, despite unfavourable conditions in some regions.
The total number of sheep in New Zealand came to 25.78
million, compared to 25.73 million last year, while beef cattle numbers decreased by 0.9 per cent, to an estimated 3.93 million.
East Coast and Marlbor ough/Canterbury were the only regions where there was an increase. Their total sheep numbers were up 1.5 per cent to 6.59 million and 5.7 per cent to 5.81 million, respec tively.
The East Coast also saw a total beef cattle increase of 6.5 per cent to 1.02 million, while Marlborough/Can terbury’s beef cattle num bers rose by 6.2 per cent to 756,000.
“East Coast had exception ally good climatic conditions for 2021-22 and rebuilt live stock numbers following two summers of drought,” Burtt said.
“Marlborough/Canterbury’s increased numbers of breeding ewes, hoggets, total sheep, and total beef cattle in 2021-22 can be attributed to rebuilding from the previous two difficult seasons, when they experienced dry condi tions and drought.”
Sheep numbers fell in oth er regions, with the largest decreases in Northland/Wai kato/Bay of Plenty (4.9 per cent) and Southland (3.9 per cent).
Burtt said delays at pro cessing plants, which had been impacted by labour shortages and Covid-19, con tributed to more hoggets be ing on farms in winter than normal.
Also, in areas where feed was in short supply through summer and autumn, younger stock may not have reached ideal weights and held on farm for longer.
Sabina Gadecki. 0
2pm Cutthroat Kitchen 0
3pm Outrageous Acts of Science
4pm Bath Crashers 0
4:30 Newshub Live at 4:30pm
5pm Gold Rush PG Parker attempts to mend fences with Tony; frozen paydirt damages Rick’s wash plant. 0
6pm Newshub Live at 6pm
7:30 Lego Masters Australia Teams have to build a stunt vehicle that travels up a ramp and soars through a ring of fire. 0
8:45 Emergency M Gage and DeSoto buy a 1932 fire engine; the hospital staff deals with a gunshot victim and a bigamist. 0
9:50 Newshub Late 10:20 The Hui 0 10:55 Newshub Nation 3 0
Wednesday Midnight Infomercials 5:30 AM Early 3
8:10 Spider-Man – No Way Home MV 2021 Action. Tom Holland, Benedict Cumberbatch.
10:35 Come Play MC 2020 Horror. Azhy Robertson, Gillian Jacobs. 12:10 The Unholy MVLC 2021 Horror. Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Cricket Brown. 1:50 The Current Occupant 16VLSC 2020 Horror. Barry Watson, Sonita Henry. 3:15 Land M 2021 Drama. Robin Wright, Demian Bichir. 4:45 Blue Bayou MVLC 2020 Drama. Justin Chon, Alicia Vikander. 6:40 Gunpowder Milkshake 16VLC 2021 Action. Karen Gillan, Lena Headey. 8:30 Respect ML 2021 Drama. The remarkable story of Aretha Franklin’s journey to find her voice. Jennifer Hudson, Forest Whitaker.
10:55 This is the Night 16LC 2021 Comedy. Lucius Hoyos, Frank Grillo.
12:45 The Nest 16L 2020 Drama. Jude Law, Carrie Coon. 2:30 Gully 18VLSC 2021 Drama. Kelvin Harrison jr, Charlie Plummer.
3:55 Wrath of Man 16VL 2021 Action. Jason Statham, Holt McCallany. 5:55 2 Hearts MLS 2020 Drama.
The Flight Attendant 16VLSC
Upon landing in Rome, Cassie deals with her sudden feelings of loss; Megan confesses that she has secrets of her own.
10:40 The Breakdown 11:45 The Late Show with Stephen Colbert PG Wednesday 12:45 Closedown 1am Infomercials
6am Twilight MV 2008 Fantasy. Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson. 8am Twilight Saga – New Moon MV 2009 Drama. Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner. 10:10 Twilight Saga – Eclipse MV 2010 Fantasy. Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson. 12:15 Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1 MVS 2011 Fantasy. 2:15 Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn –Part 2 MV 2012 Fantasy. 4:10 Straight Outta Compton 16VLSC 2015 Drama. 6:35 Green Lantern MV 2011 Action. Ryan Reynolds, Blake Lively. 8:30 Now You See Me 2 MV 2016 Thriller.
The Four Horsemen resurface, and are forcibly recruited by a tech genius to pull off their most impossible theft yet. Jesse Eisenberg, Mark Ruffalo, Woody Harrelson.
10:40 The Vow PGLS 2012 Romance. Rachel McAdams, Channing Tatum.
12:25 Hart’s War MVL 2002 Drama. 2:30 The Social Network ML 2010 Drama. 4:30 T2 Trainspotting 16VLSC 2017 Crime.
Border Security
6:30 Tamaiti Tu Winter 3 6:40 ZooMoo 3 6:50 Taki Atu Taki Mai 3 7am Darwin and Newts 3 7:10 Smooth 3
7:20 Te Nutube 3 7:30 Haati Paati 3 7:40 Kia Mau 3
7:50 Kainga Whakapaipai 3
8am Tribe 3 8:30 Oranga Ngakau 3 9:30 Whanau Living 3 10am Fusion Feasts 3 10:30 Toi Te Ora 3 11am Homesteads 11:30 Indigenous 100 PG 3 Noon Te Ao Tapatahi 12:30 M RBG PG 3 2018 Documentary. 2:20 Yes to Success PG 2:30 Ako 3 2
3pm Tamaiti Tu Winter 3 3:10 ZooMoo 3 3:25 Taki Atu Taki Mai 3 3:30 Darwin and Newts 3 3:40 Smooth 3 3:50 Te Nutube 3 4pm Haati Paati 3 4:15 Kia Mau 3 4:20 Kainga Whakapaipai 3 4:30 Ariki 3
5pm Polyfest 3 5:30 Polyfest 3
6pm Haka Ngahau a-Rohe –Rangitane 3 6:30 Te Ao Marama
7pm Up 2 7:30 Karena and Kasey’s Kitchen Diplomacy In Shanghai, Karena and Kasey sample local delicacies and cater for a spring lunch at New Zealand House.
a new plan to
but a problem arises that
families, uncovering
identity and discovering
family heritage.
Extreme Animal Transport
11pm It’s Me or the Dog UK
11:30 Flea Market Flip Midnight Infomercials
7am Rugby – Gallagher Premiership (RPL) Bristol Bears v Exeter Chiefs.
9am Football – Japan v Football Ferns (RPL) 11am The Crowd Goes Wild Noon Rugby – NPC Quarterfinal Two – Wellington v Hawke’s Bay.
12:15 Rugby – NPC Quarterfinal One – North Harbour v Auckland.
12:30 Football – Premier League Nottingham Forest v Aston Villa.
2:30 Rugby – Gallagher Premiership 3:30 Rugby –NPC Quarter-final Four – Waikato v Bay of Plenty. 5:30 Rugby – Heartland Championship Whanganui v Mid Canterbury. 7:30 Rugby – Gallagher Premiership 8:30 Aotearoa Rugby Pod 9:30 The Back Page 10:30 Rugby – NPC Quarter-final Three – Canterbury v Northland. 10:50 The Crowd Goes Wild 11:48 L Football – Fifa Women’s U17 World Cup Chile v Young Football Ferns. From Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, New Delhi.
Wednesday 2am The Breakdown 3am Rugby
Gallagher Premiership
Northampton Saints.
8pm Moon Tide Fishing PG Nore is in his home town of Mitimiti, running a fundraiser for a pre-school for children with disabilities.
8:30 Wild Wars Australia
for Australian wildlife is a battle for a mate, food and to avoid being eaten.
9:30 Wild Kai Legends M
10pm Fighting Chance
3 10:30 Piri’s Tiki Tour
Te Ao Marama
6:05 Man Caves PG Lifeguard Cave. 6:30 Pool Kings PG Bling by the Bay. 6:55 Strange Evidence PG Curse of the Zombie Graveyard. 7:45 Maine Cabin Masters PG Diamond in the Rough. 8:35 Alaska – The Last Frontier PG The Beach is Burning. 9:25 Fast N’ Loud PG Bad Bass. 10:20 Dirty Jobs PG 11:15 Gold Rush – Dave Turin’s Lost Mine M 12:10 Man Caves
Noon M The Time Capsule PG 3 2018 Romance. High school friends reunite to dig up their time capsule and make a pact to re-create all of their best high school moments. Shane Harper, Penelope Mitchell. 0 2pm Cutthroat Kitchen 0 3pm Outrageous Acts of Science 0
4pm Bath Crashers 0 4:30 Newshub Live at 4:30pm 5pm Gold Rush PG 0
6pm Newshub Live at 6pm
7pm The Project
7:30 Nadia’s Farm Nadia and Carlos plant sunflowers at Royalburn Station and Carlos makes beer from barley. 0
8:30 David Lomas Investigates PG 3 Lomas uncovers new information in the case of a baby abandoned in a Palmerston North phone box. 0
9:35 Sort Your Life Out UK PG 0
10:45 Newshub Late
11:15 N Ghosts of Shepherdstown PG Paranormal experts investigate a report that a Civil War soldier is haunting a bakery. 0
Thursday 12:15 Infomercials 5:30 AM Early 3
7:40 Six Minutes to Midnight MV 2021 Drama. Eddie Izzard, Judi Dench. 9:20 Blackbird MLC 2019 Drama. Susan Sarandon, Sam Neill. 11am Last Night in Soho 16VLSC 2020 Horror. 12:55 Antlers 16VLSC 2021 Horror. 2:35 Belfast MVL 2021 Drama. 4:15 Dear Evan Hansen MLC 2021 Musical.
6:40 Chaos Walking MV 2021 Sci-fi. Tom Holland, Daisy Ridley. 8:30 Halloween Kills 16VLC 2021 Horror. After a narrow escape 40-years-ago, Laurie Strode must confront her worst fears and put an end to Michael Myers’ killing spree. Jamie Lee Curtis, Nick Castle. 10:15 Venom – Let There Be Carnage MVL 2021 Action.
When a deranged killer also becomes host to an alien symbiote, Eddie Brock and Venom must put aside their differences to stop his reign of terror. Tom Hardy, Woody Harrelson. 11:50 Scream 16VL 2021 Horror. Neve Campbell, Courtney Cox.
1:45 Antlers 16VLSC 2021 Horror. 3:25 Escape Room –Tournament of Champions MVL 2021 Horror.
5am The Little Things MVLS 2021 Thriller.
L Netball – Silver Ferns v Australia Constellation Cup –Game Two.
From Spark Arena, Auckland. 0 9pm N Ambulance 16C
The North East Ambulance Service attends to a recently arrived refugee family; a woman suffering from chest pains is assisted. 0
10:10 Stacey Dooley Investigates MSC 0
11:20 The Late Show with Stephen Colbert PG Thursday 12:20 Closedown 12:30 Infomercials
6:25 Ali MVL 2001 Drama. Jon Voigt, Will Smith. 9am Money Monster MVLS 2016 Thriller. George Clooney, Julia Roberts, Jack O’Connell. 10:35 Robin Hood MVLS 2010 Action. Russell Crowe, Cate Blanchett. 12:55 Elizabeth 16VS 1998 Historical Drama. Cate Blanchett, Geoffrey Rush, Joseph Fiennes. 2:55 Elizabeth – The Golden Age MV 2007 Historical Drama.
4:50 Payback 18V 1999 Action.
6:30 Lord of War 16VLS 2005 Crime. Nicolas Cage, Jared Leto, Ethan Hawke.
8:30 Monster’s Ball 16VLS 2001 Drama. After a family tragedy, a racist prison guard re-examines his attitudes whilst falling in love with an African-American woman. Halle Berry, Billy Bob Thornton. 10:25 La La Land ML 2016 Musical Comedy. An aspiring actress and a jazz musician attempt to balance their love affair against their rising success. Emma Stone, Ryan Gosling.
12:30 The Hateful Eight 18VLSC 2016 Western. 3:15 Crimson Peak 16VLSC 2015 Drama. 5:10 Daredevil MV 2003 Action Fantasy.
7am Rugby – NPC Quarter-final One
North Harbour v Auckland.
Rugby – NPC Quarterfinal Four – Waikato v Bay of Plenty. 11am L Basketball
Schick 3x3 Cup Day
Coverage of the afternoon session from ILT Stadium Southland, Invercargill.
Rugby League – NRL Grand Final – Panthers v Eels. 3:45 Rugby – NPC Hawke’s Bay v Tasman.
Spark Arena, Auckland.
6:30 Tamaiti Tu Winter 3
6:40 Purakau 3 6:50 Takaro Tribe 3
7am Darwin and Newts 3
7:10 Tamariki Haka 3 7:20 Te Nutube 3
7:30 Kids Kai Kart 3 7:40 Kia Mau 3 7:50 Cube 3
8am Pukana 8:30 Oranga Ngakau 3 9:30 Whanau Living 3
10am Karena and Kasey’s Kitchen Diplomacy 3 10:30 Toi Te Ora
11am Piri’s Tiki Tour PGC 3
11:30 Moon Tide Fishing 3
Noon Te Ao Tapatahi 12:30 Up 2 3
1pm Wild Wars Australia 3
2pm Toku Reo 3 2 2:30 Ako 3 2
3pm Tamaiti Tu Winter 3 3:10 Purakau 3 3:20 Takaro Tribe 3
3:30 Darwin and Newts 3
3:40 Tamariki Haka 3 3:50 Te Nutube 3
4pm Kids Kai Kart 3
4:10 Kia Mau 3
4:20 Cube 3
4:30 Pukana 3
5pm Te Wananga o Aotearoa Sprints
5:30 Polyfest 3
6pm Haka Ngahau a-Rohe –Rangitane 3
6:30 Te Ao Marama
7pm Lifted 7:30 5 Minutes of Fame
Aspiring singing stars go head-tohead for their shot at fame.
8:30 M Legally Blonde
Comedy. When a blonde sorority queen is dumped by her boyfriend, she decides to follow him to law school to get him back. Reese Witherspoon, Luke Wilson.
10:20 Sidewalk Karaoke
10:50 Te Ao Marama 11:15 Closedown
Jack stresses to impress; Dawn suffers for her sin.
11:40 For Life
Friday 12:35 20/20 3 0 1:20
Karere 3 2 1:45 Infomercials 5:35 Te Karere
6am AM 3 9am Infomercials 10:30 Gold Rush PG 3 0
11:30 Newshub Live at 11:30am
Noon M A Man for Every Month PG 3 2017 Family. A shy writer must go on a date with a different man every month in order to write an article for her company’s blog. Carlson Young, Aaron Jakubenko. 0
2pm Cutthroat Kitchen PG 0
3pm Outrageous Acts of Science 0
4pm Bath Crashers 0
4:30 Newshub Live at 4:30pm 5pm Gold Rush PG 0
6pm Newshub Live at 6pm
7pm The Project
7:30 Love It or List It – Australia Andrew Winter and Neale Whitaker help homeowners decide whether to renovate or sell their homes. 0
8:30 The Graham Norton Show
With Rami Malek, Jamie Lee Curtis, David Tennant, Lydia West, and Robbie Williams performs his song, Lost. 0
9:30 Get the Name Right PG Joe is uncovering the Scottish roots of Dunedin, while Kara gains insight into the name Ootepoti. 0
10pm Newshub Late
10:30 NCIS – LA M 3 0
11:25 Breaking Amish M 3 0 Friday
12:15 Infomercials 5:30 AM Early 3
7:10 Moonshot MVLSC 2022 Comedy. Cole Sprouse, Zach Braff. 8:55 Crisis 16VC 2020 Thriller. Gary Oldman, Armie Hammer. 10:55 Godzilla v Kong MV 2021 Action. Alexander Skarsgard, Millie Bobby Brown. 12:50 Dream Horse PGL 2021 Drama. Toni Collette, Damian Lewis. 2:45 Together Together MLS 2021 Comedy. Ed Helms, Patti Harrison.
4:20 The Conjuring 3 – The Devil Made Me Do It 16VC 2021 Horror. Patrick Wilson, Vera Farmiga. 6:10 In the Heights PGL 2021 Musical. Anthony Ramos, Melissa Barrera.
8:30 Moonfall ML 2022 Scifi. A mysterious force knocks the moon from its orbit and hurtling towards Earth. Halle Berry, Patrick Wilson. 10:40 Mark Hunt – The Fight of His Life 16VL 2021 Documentary.
12:10 Charm City Kings 16VLC 2020 Drama. Jahi Di’Allo Winston, Meek Mill. 2:10 Voyagers 16VS 2021 Adventure. 4am A Quiet Place Part II MVC 2021 Thriller. 5:35 Every Breath You Take 16VC 2021 Thriller.
the media should report every detail of a homicide victim’s private life.
Louis Theroux – Life on the Edge 18VLSC
Louis reconnects with a porn star who has since turned away from that world.
10:35 The Crowd Goes Wild 11:05
on Sky 11:35 The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
12:30 Infomercials
6:50 City of Angels MS 1998 Romantic Drama. Meg Ryan, Nicholas Cage. 8:40 In Time MVLC 2011 Sci-fi. Justin Timberlake, Amanda Seyfried. 10:30 Interstellar ML 2014 Sci-fi. Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway. 1:15 The Green Hornet MVL 2011 Action.
Seth Rogen, Cameron Diaz. 3:10 Gravity MLC 2013 Drama. Sandra Bullock, George Clooney. 4:40 In Time MVLC 2011 Sci-fi. Justin Timberlake, Amanda Seyfried. 6:30 Mr and Mrs Smith MVLS 2005 Comedy Thriller. Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie. 8:30 Zodiac 16V 2007 Crime. Based on a true story, a serial killer terrifies San Francisco, and taunts police and the public with letters while investigators search for the murderer.
Jake Gyllenhaal, Mark Ruffalo. 11:05 Knight and Day MVL 2010 Action. Tom Cruise, Cameron Diaz, Peter Sarsgaard.
1am Deepwater Horizon ML 2016 Action. Mark Wahlberg, Kurt Russell. 2:45 Rules of Attraction 18VLSC 2002 Drama. 4:35 Breach ML 2007 Drama.
Aussie Salvage
The Misadventures
Romesh Ranganathan
Shipping Wars
Border Security
3:55 Bizzare Foods
6:30 Tamaiti Tu Winter 3
6:40 ZooMoo 3 6:50 Taki
Atu Taki Mai 3 7am Darwin and Newts 3 7:10 Smooth 3
7:20 Te Nutube 3 7:30 Haati Paati 3 7:40 Kia Mau 3
7:50 Kainga Whakapaipai 3
8am Polyfest 3 8:30 Oranga Ngakau 3 9:30 Whanau Living 3 10am Lifted 3
10:30 Toi Te Ora 3 11am 5
Minutes of Fame PG Noon Te Ao Tapatahi 12:30 M Legally Blonde PGL 3 2001 Comedy.
2pm Toku Reo 3 2 2:30 Ako 3
2 3pm Tamaiti Tu Winter 3
3:10 ZooMoo 3 3:20 Taki Atu Taki Mai 3 3:30 Darwin and Newts 3 3:40 Smooth 3 3:50 Te Nutube 3 4:05 Haati Paati 3 4:10 Kia Mau 3
4:20 Kainga Whakapaipai 3
4:30 Ringa Pakia 3
Rick Stein’s Cornwall 5pm Mysteries at the Monument
American Pickers
7pm Shipping Wars
7:25 Border Security – Australia
8pm Newshub Live at 8pm 8:30 Bite Club M Time is running out for Dan to prove his innocence and when Stephen is finally unmasked, several lives hang in the balance.
9:30 Army Girls 16 10:30 Shipping Wars
11pm Border Security – Australia
11:30 Flea Market Flip Midnight Infomercials
6:30 Netball – Constellation Cup (RPL) Game One – New Zealand Men v Australian Men. 8:30 Netball – Constellation Cup (RPL) Game Two – Silver Ferns v Australian Diamonds. 10:30 Rugby Nation 11am Aotearoa Rugby Pod Noon Rugby – NPC (RPL) Quarter-final Four – Waikato v Bay of Plenty.
2pm Rugby – Heartland Championship (RPL) Whanganui v Mid Canterbury.
4pm Rugby – NPC (RPL) Quarter-final Three – Canterbury v Northland.
6pm Rugby – NPC (HLS) Quarter-final Three – Canterbury v Northland.
6:15 Rugby – NPC (HLS) Quarter-final Four – Waikato v Bay of Plenty.
6:30 UFC on Sky 7pm Mainfreight Rugby 8pm Inside Netball 8:30 The Crowd Goes Wild 9pm Kiwi Football Fix 10pm UFC on Sky 10:30 Rugby – Gallagher Premiership (RPL) Bath v Gloucester.
Friday 12:30 Rugby – Gallagher Premiership (RPL) Wasps v Northampton Saints. 2:30 Rugby – NPC (RPL) Quarterfinal Four – Waikato v Bay of Plenty. 4:30 Rugby – NPC (RPL) Quarterfinal Two – Wellington v Hawke’s Bay.
5pm Te Wananga o Aotearoa Sprints
5:30 Polyfest 3
6pm Haka Ngahau a-Rohe –Rangitane 3
6:30 Te Ao Marama
7pm Fresh PG
7:30 Nanakia 2.0 PG
The Nanakia waka heads north as Te Wehi Preston and Lyndsay Snowden team up with Eli Smith in Kawakawa. 8pm
in Aotearoa
from a Maori perspective.
8:30 Rage Against the Rangatahi
discussion about non-Maori speaking on marae and why transwomen should karanga.
9:30 Redfern
10:30 Colonial Combat
The Adventures of Suzy
Ao Marama
6:05 Man Caves
Kris Humphries. 6:30 Pool Kings PG Game Time. 6:55 Strange Evidence MLC Church of the Death Eaters. 7:45 Maine Cabin Masters
11:15 Shortland
1am Schitt’s
Snapped M
a wealthy socialite and a Midwestern woman
6am AM 3
10:30 Gold Rush
11:30 Newshub Live at 11:30am
Noon M Sisters of the Groom PG 3 2017 Romance. When a woman wants to impress a corporate bigwig, she finds herself agreeing to be his son’s pretend date to a wedding. Melise, Jeremy Sumpter, Savannah Jayde. 0
2pm Cutthroat Kitchen PG 0 3pm Outrageous Acts of Science 0
4pm Bath Crashers 0 4:30 Newshub Live at 4:30pm 5pm Gold Rush PG The highs and lows from the 2018 season. 0
6pm Newshub Live at 6pm
7pm The Project
7:30 M Hunter Killer M 3 2018 Thriller. An American submarine captain joins up with Navy Seals to rescue the Russian president, who has been kidnapped by a rogue general. Gerard Butler, Gary Oldman, Linda Cardellini. 0
9:50 Newshub Late
10:20 Expedition – Back to the Future PG Josh Gates and Christopher Lloyd’s hunt for the original DeLorean time machine has taken an unexpected turn. 0
11:15 Funny Girls M 3 0 11:45 Bath Crashers 3 12:10 Infomercials
7:20 The Space Between MLSC 2021 Comedy. Kelsey Grammar, Jackson White. 9am Out of Death 16VLC 2021 Thriller. Bruce Willis, Jaime King. 10:35 Lake Placid – Legacy 16VC 2018 Horror. Katherine Barrell, Tim Rozon. 12:10 Kimi 16VLSC 2022 Thriller. Zoe Kravitz, Rita Wilson. 1:40 The Courier MVLC 2020 Thriller. Benedict Cumberbatch, Rachel Brosnahan. 3:30 Juniper MVLC 2021 Drama. Charlotte Rampling, George Ferrier. 5:02 Naked Singularity 16VLSC 2021 Comedy. John Boyega, Olivia Cooke. 6:35 12 Mighty Orphans M 2021 Drama. Luke Wilson, Martin Sheen. 8:30 Red Rocket 16LSC 2021 Comedy. A washed-up porn star returns to his small Texas hometown and struggles to fit in. Simon Rex, Suzanna Son. 10:40 The Night House MVLSC 2020 Horror. Rebecca Hall, Sarah Goldberg.
Saturday 12:25 Fatale 16VLS 2020 Thriller. Hilary Swank, Michael Ealy. 2:05 Alone 16VL 2020 Thriller. 3:45 Land M 2021 Drama. 5:15 The Fallout 16VLSC 2021 Drama.
7pm Pacific Brothers and
8pm N Hardcore Pawn
Chicago PGL Randy and Wayne Cohen launch a storewide
for a missing ring after the
9:30 Raw PGV
10:30 The Late Show with Stephen Colbert PG 11:30 How to Make It in America MLS Ben and Cam find it hard to meet Haraki’s quota, but get help from a retail employee. 0 Midnight Infomercials
6:25 Apollo 13 PGL 1995 Drama. Tom Hanks, Ed Harris, Kevin Bacon, Bill Paxton. 8:45 Entrapment MV 1999 Thriller. Sean Connery, Catherine Zeta-Jones. 10:35 Eat Pray Love ML 2010 Romantic Drama. Julia Roberts. 12:55 Gangster Squad 16VLS 2012 Action. Sean Penn, Josh Brolin, Ryan Gosling, Emma Stone. 2:50 Miss Potter PG 2006 Drama. Renee Zellweger, Ewan McGregor. 4:25 Now You See Me MVLS 2013 Thriller. Jesse Eisenberg, Mark Ruffalo. 6:20 Now You See Me 2 MV 2016 Thriller. Jesse Eisenberg, Mark Ruffalo, Woody Harrelson. 8:30 Hulk MV 2003 Adventure. A research scientist turns into
powerful green monster
his emotions get
better of him. Eric Bana, Jennifer Connelly, Nick Nolte. 10:50 Blue Crush PGV 2002 Drama. Kate Bosworth, Michelle Rodriguez, Matthew Davis.
Saturday 12:35 Hancock MVL 2008 Action. 2:10 Runaway Jury MV 2003 Drama. 4:15 Requiem for a Dream 18LSC 2000 Drama. 5:55 Made 16VLS 2001 Comedy Thriller.
6:30 UFC on Sky
6:30 Tamaiti Tu Winter 3
6:40 Purakau 3 6:50 Takaro Tribe 3 7am Darwin and Newts 3 7:10 Tamariki Haka 3
7:20 Te Nutube 3 7:30 Kids Kai Kart 3 7:40 Kia Mau 3
7:50 Cube 3 8am Tribe 3
8:30 Oranga Ngakau 3
9:30 Whanau Living 3
10am Lucky Dip
10:30 Toi Te Ora 3
11am Rage Against the Rangatahi PG 3 11:30 Lifted 3
Noon Te Ao Tapatahi 12:30 Only in Aotearoa PG 3
1pm Ka Pai Living PG 3
1:30 Toku Reo 3 2
2:30 Ako 3 2
3pm Tamaiti Tu Winter 3
3:10 Purakau 3
3:20 Takaro Tribe 3
3:30 Darwin and Newts 3
3:40 Tamariki Haka 3 3:50 Te Nutube 3
4pm Kids Kai Kart 3 4:10 Kia Mau 3 4:20 Cube 3
4:30 Tribe 3
5pm Te Wananga o Aotearoa Sprints
5:30 Polyfest 3
6pm Haka Ngahau a-Rohe –Rangitane 3
6:30 Te Ao Marama
7pm Pacific Island
Revolution 3
8pm Going
and Jenna help a pregnant
veteran and her fiancee
room for their family.
10:55 The Chase USA
7am Mainfreight Rugby 8am Rugby – NPC Quarter-final Three – Canterbury v Northland. 10am The Crowd Goes Wild 10:30 Rugby – NPC Quarterfinal One – North Harbour v Auckland. 10:45 Rugby – NPC Quarter-final Two – Wellington v Hawke’s Bay.
11am L Basketball –Schick 3x3 Cup Day Three –Court One. 3pm Rugby – NPC Quarter-final Four – Waikato v Bay of Plenty. 5pm Kiwi Football Fix 6pm Golf – DP World Tour Andalucia Masters – Round One. 6:30 The Crowd Goes Wild 7pm L Rugby – NPC Semi-final One – Wellington v Auckland.
9pm Pacific Brothers and Sisters 9:30 Rugby –Heartland Championship Whanganui v Mid Canterbury. 9:48 Football – Fifa Women’s U-17 World Cup Chile v Young Football Ferns. 11:48 L Football – Fifa Women’s U-17 World Cup Young
A documentary series featuring celebrated humourist and author Drew Hayden Taylor.
8:30 Intrepid Journeys
Celebrities travel the back roads of some of the world’s most beautiful countries. Frank Bunce is in Egypt. 9:30 Moko 3
10pm The New Zealanders 3 11pm Te Ao Marama 11:30 Closedown
Laurie Metcalf.
11:30 M Misunderstandings
Miscarriage M 3 2020
Tahyna MacManus embarks on a personal journey
understand the impacts of miscarriage. Tahyna MacManus.
1:20 Infomercials
6:50 Snake Eyes – GI Joe Origins MVL 2021 Action. Henry Golding, Andrew Koji. 8:50 Ghostbusters –Afterlife PGL 2021 Adventure. Carrie Coon, Paul Rudd. 10:55 Great White 16VLC 2020 Horror. 12:30 Songbird 16V 2020 Thriller. 1:55 SpiderMan – No Way Home MV 2021 Action. 4:25 Cry Macho MC 2021 Drama. 6:10 Stillwater MVLC 2021 Drama. Matt Damon, Abigail Breslin. 8:30 The Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard 16VLS 2021 Action. A bodyguard and a hitman embark on a life-threatening mission –protecting the hitman’s con artist wife. Ryan Reynolds, Samuel L Jackson.
10:30 Reminiscence MVC 2021 Sci-fi. Nick Bannister, a private investigator of the mind, navigates the past to help his clients access lost memories. Hugh Jackman, Rebecca Ferguson.
12:25 Resident Evil –Welcome to Raccoon City 16VL 2021 Action. 2:10 Four Good Days MVLSC 2019 Drama. 3:50 Penguin Bloom ML 2020 Drama. 5:25 Separation MVLC 2020 Horror.
6am Infomercials
6:30 My Cat From Hell
7:20 The Pioneer Woman 7:45 Trisha’s Southern
8:10 Jamie and Jimmy’s
Fight Club
9:05 Mysteries at the Monument
10am American Pickers
6:30 ZooMoo 3 6:40 Purakau 3
6:50 Taki Atu Taki Mai 3
7am Tamariki Haka 3
7:10 Darwin and Newts 3 7:20 Haati Paati 3
7:30 Kia Mau 3 7:40 Cube
7:50 Kainga Whakapaipai
8am Ariki 3
8:30 Pukana 3 9:30 Opaki 3
10am Ako 3 2
11am Polyfest 3
Noon Haka at Home 3
1pm Whakatauki 3
1:30 Karanga – The First Voice 3
2pm Whaikorero 3
2:30 Chatham Islanders 3
3pm Intrepid Journeys
Judge Judy
1pm The Crowd Goes Wild PG 3
2:30 L Rugby – Heartland Championship Semi Final. 4:30 Once a Warrior with Monty Betham Club alumni discuss their locker room yarns and delve into the big issues affecting the NRL.
5pm Dream Home Dilemma 3 0
5:30 Prime News
6pm American Pickers PGL 3 Mike and Mefford are on the hunt for Madame X, a legendary 1929 Cadillac.
7pm L Rugby – NPC Semifinal Two.
9pm F Midsomer Murders MVLC 3 In the village of Angel’s Rise, a body is found surrounded by ritualistic symbols and Barnaby must enter the spiritual world to find the killer. 0
11pm NXT PGV Midnight Infomercials
7:30 Shopping 16VLC 2013 Drama. Kevin Paulo, Julian Dennison, Jacek Koman. 9:10 Unfaithful 16VS 2002 Drama. Diane Lane, Richard Gere. 11:10 Batman Begins MV 2005 Adventure. Christian Bale, Michael Caine. 1:25 The Dark Knight MV 2008 Action. Christian Bale, Heath Ledger. 3:55 The Dark Knight Rises MV 2012 Action Thriller. Christian Bale, Tom Hardy, Anne Hathaway. 6:35 Hitch MLS 2005 Comedy. Will Smith, Eva Mendes. 8:30 Gladiator MV 2000 Action. When a Roman general is betrayed and his family murdered by a corrupt prince, he goes to Rome as a gladiator to seek revenge. Russell Crowe, Joaquin Phoenix, Connie Nielsen. 11:05 The Blair Witch Project MLC 1999 Thriller. Heather Donahue, Joshua Leonard.
Sunday 12:25 The Perfect Storm ML 2000 Adventure. George Clooney, Mark Wahlberg, Diane Lane. 2:30 The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo 16VLS 2011 Crime. 5:05 Straight Outta Compton 16VLSC 2015 Drama.
11am Flea Market Flip 11:30 The Great Giveback With Melissa McCarthy 12:30 All Together Now UK 1:55 The Chase USA PG 2:55 Bad Dog!
4pm The Best Thing I Ever Ate These colossal portions, from burgers to fried chicken, are sure to break the plate.
4:30 The Best Thing I Ever Ate 5pm Mysteries at the Monument
6pm American Pickers
6:55 My Lottery Dream Home US 7:30 The 1% Club
8:30 M Killshot M 2008 Action. Carmen Colson and her husband are taken into the Federal Witness Protection Programme after they see a shocking incident. Mickey Rourke, Diane Lane.
10:30 Forged in Fire PG Four past competitors return for a second chance, only to find that the road to redemption is far from easy.
11:30 Flea Market Flip Midnight Infomercials
6am Netball – Constellation Cup Game Two – Silver Ferns v Australian Diamonds. 6:30 Rugby – NPC Semi-final One – Wellington v Auckland. 6:50 Rugby – Gallagher Premiership 7:40 L Rugby –Gallagher Premiership Sale Sharks v London Irish. From Salford City Stadium, Manchester. 9:45 Rugby –Heartland Championship Whanganui v Mid Canterbury. 10am Kiwi Football Fix 11am L Basketball –Schick 3x3 Cup Day Four – Court One. 3:15 Rugby – Gallagher Premiership Sale Sharks v London Irish. 5pm Rugby – NPC Semi-final One – Wellington v Auckland. 7pm L Rugby – NPC Semi-final Two – Canterbury v Bay of Plenty. 9pm L Basketball
NBL SE Melbourne v NZ Breakers. 11pm Rugby
Heartland Championship Lochore Cup –Semi-final.
Sunday 12:55 Rugby
Heartland Championship 2:55 L Rugby
Gallagher Premiership Gloucester Rugby
Bristol Bears. 5am Rugby
4pm Marae DIY 3
5pm Moosemeat and Marmalade 3
5:30 School of Training 3
6pm Piri’s Tiki Tour
7pm M Fantastic Mr Fox
Animation. An urbane
cannot resist returning to his farm raiding ways, but then must help his community survive the farmers’ retaliation. George Clooney, Meryl Streep.
8:30 M Jackie MLC 3
Drama. After her husband’s assassination, Jackie Kennedy works to protect JFK’s legacy and carve her place in US history. Natalie Portman, Peter Sarsgaard.
10:10 K’Rd Chronicles PGC
The colourful world of the people living around Auckland’s Karangahape Road.
10:30 The Walkers PGC
11pm Closedown
6:05 How It’s Made PG 6:30 How Do They Do
Line of Duty MVC AC-12 uncover holes in the case against Michael Farmer. 0
Monday 12:05 Coyote 16L
1:05 Infomercials
Noon Traffic Cops PGC 3 0
1pm Sewer Squad PGL 3 0
2pm Storage Wars PGL 3 0
2:30 Judge Judy PG
3:30 Which Car 3 0
4pm Mainfreight Rugby
– Supercars
Motorsport – GT World
3:30 Rugby – Black Ferns v Wales Women’s World Cup.
4pm L Rugby – Black Ferns v Wales Women’s World Cup. From Waitakere Stadium, Auckland. 5:45 Rugby – Black Ferns v Wales Women’s World Cup.
6pm Newshub
at 6pm
7pm Australian Ninja
8:55 M The Rhythm Section 16 2020 Action. A woman seeks
against those who orchestrated a plane crash that killed her family. Blake Lively, Jude Law.
11:05 Cocaine – Living With The Cartels 16 (Starting Today) 3
casual cocaine users discover the truth about their favourite drug. 0
Monday 12:05 Infomercials 5:30 AM Early 3
7:10 French Exit MLS 2021 Comedy. Michelle Pfeiffer, Lucas Hedges. 9am Let Them All Talk ML 2020 Comedy.
Meryl Streep, Candice Bergen. 10:55 Wrath of Man 16VL 2021 Action. Jason Statham, Holt McCallany. 12:55 The Little Things MVLS 2021 Thriller. Denzel Washington, Rami Malek. 3:05 Scream 16VL 2021 Horror. Neve Campbell, Courtney Cox. 5pm The Card Counter 16VLSC 2021 Thriller. Oscar Isaac, Tye Sheridan. 6:50 Blackbird MLC 2019 Drama. Susan Sarandon, Sam Neill. 8:30 The 355 MVL 2022 Action. When a top secret weapon falls into mercenary hands, a wild card CIA agent joins forces with three international agents to retrieve it. Jessica Chastain, Penelope Cruz.
10:35 Don’t Breathe 2 16VLC 2021 Horror. Stephen Lang, Madelyn Grace.
12:15 Out of Death 16VLC 2021 Thriller. Bruce Willis, Jaime King. 1:50 Come Play MC 2020 Horror. Azhy Robertson, Gillian Jacobs.
3:25 The Unholy MVLC 2021 Horror. Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Cricket Brown. 5:05 Blood Moon 16VLSC 2020 Horror.
5pm Storage Wars PGL 3 Darrell and Brandon are excited to return to West Covina, Ivy goes in search of low-level merchandise and Dave has a first class find. 0
5:30 Prime News
6pm American Pickers PG 3
6:55 Storage Wars PGL 3 0
7:25 L Netball – Silver Ferns v Australia Constellation Cup –Game Three.
From Trustpower Arena, Tauranga. 0
9pm A Question of Justice 16VLSC 3
Bryan Bruce questions whether the media should report every detail of a homicide victim’s private life. 0
10pm Game of Thrones 18VLSC Tyrion and the Lannisters fight for their lives as Stannis and his fleet assault King’s Landing. 0
11:10 F Game of Thrones 18VLSC
12:25 SmackDown PGV 1:30 Infomercials
7:30 Maverick MVL 1994 Western Comedy. Mel Gibson, Jodie Foster, James Garner. 9:35 Conspiracy Theory MV 1997 Thriller. Mel Gibson, Julia Roberts. 11:50 Fight Club 18VL 1999 Thriller. Edward Norton, Brad Pitt. 2:05 Hulk MV 2003 Adventure. 4:20 No 2 PG 2006 Comedy. 5:55 Zodiac 16V 2007 Crime. 8:30 The Social Network ML 2010 Drama. Story of the evolution of Facebook, and how overnight success changed the lives of the Harvard classmates who created it. Jesse Eisenberg, Andrew Garfield.
10:30 The Hunger Games MV 2012 Sci-fi Adventure. A girl takes her younger sister’s place in The Hunger Games, a televised fight to the death in which two teenagers from each of the twelve Districts of Panem must compete. Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth.
12:50 The Hunger Games –Catching
M 2013 Action.
The Hunger Games
Mockingjay: Part 1 MV 2014 Adventure. 5:15 The Hunger Games – Mockingjay: Part 2 MVC 2015 Adventure.
7am Rugby – NPC
6am Key of David PG 6:30 Through the Bible with Les Feldick PG 7am Leading the Way PG 7:30 Turning Point PG 8am Girl Meets Farm 8:25 The Best Thing I Ever Ate 8:50 The Best Thing I Ever Ate 9:15 Mysteries at the Monument PG 10am American Pickers PG 10:45 Robson Green’s Grand Slam 11:35 Flea Market Flip Noon King of Cones 1pm Ridiculous Cakes 1:30 The 1% Club PG 2:30 My Lottery Dream Home US 3pm Amanda to the Rescue PG 4pm Baker’s Dozen PG 5pm Mysteries at the Monument PG 6pm American Pickers PG 7pm Baggage Battles PG 7:30 Ice Vikings PG The crews are eager to hit the ice, optimistic for the start of the winter fishing season, but Mother Nature has other plans. 8:30 M The Butler 16 2013 Drama Biography. The story of a White House butler who served under eight American presidents and witnessed many changes to American society. Forest Whitaker, Oprah Winfrey, John Cusack.
11pm Forged in Fire PG Masters compete alongside their apprentices, fusing their skills to forge a cleaver using the arduous jellyroll technique. Midnight Infomercials
– Canterbury v Bay of Plenty. 7:15 Rugby – NPC Semi-final One – Wellington v Auckland.
UFC on Sky 8am Rugby – Gallagher Premiership Gloucester Rugby v Bristol Bears. 10am Rugby – NPC Semi-final Two – Canterbury v Bay of Plenty. Noon Rugby – Gallagher Premiership Gloucester Rugby v Bristol Bears. 2pm Football –Premier League 2:15 Football – Premier
2:30 L Football
A-League Wellington Phoenix v Central Coast Mariners.
6:30 ZooMoo 3
6:40 Purakau 3
6:50 Tamaiti Tu 3
7am Tamariki Haka 3
7:10 Darwin and Newts 3
7:20 Haati Paati 3
7:30 Kia Mau 3
7:40 Cube 3
7:50 Kainga Whakapaipai 3
8am Ariki 3
8:30 Whanau Bake-Off 3
9:30 Easy Eats 3
10am He Kakano 3
10:30 Matau Bros Gone Fishing 3
11am Te Ao Marama News and current affairs.
11:30 Te Ao With Moana
Noon Te Ao Tapatahi News.
12:30 Tagata Pasifika
1pm 5 Minutes of Fame 3
2:50 M Fantastic Mr Fox PGC 3 2009 Animation.
4:30 Waka Huia 3
5pm The Hui
5:30 Te Wananga o Aotearoa
6:30 Heritage Rescue 3
Brigid is at a military museum in Featherston that is battling for survival, armed with priceless treasures and fantastic stories.
7:30 Blue Water Empire MCV 3 An exploration of the culture and customs of the Torres Straits people before white settlement.
8:30 M The Fountain MVL 2006 Romantic Comedy. Exploration of love, death, spirituality, and the fragility of existence, told through three interconnected stories, over 1000 years. Hugh Jackman, Rachel Weisz.
10:15 Taringa A bilingual podcast to invigorate, inspire, and normalise the use of te reo Maori.
11:15 Closedown
Combat Surgeon, Iguana Hunter. 2pm Naked and Afraid MLC Battle of the Sexes.
and Afraid MLC Legends and Rookies.
and Afraid MLC
Don’t Attract.
Aussie Gold
and Afraid MLC
6pm Netball
Constellation Cup 6:30 Netball
– Silver Ferns
Australian Diamonds. 9:30 Rugby
Midnight Netball
Call the Midwife
11:40 Casualty
Monday 12:30 Doc Martin MSC 1:20 Who Do You Think You Are?
2:25 Call the Midwife
3:25 Call the Midwife
4:20 Ackley Bridge
5:10 Ackley Bridge
Man Caves
a man is found drowned with a rare flour in
9:30 20/20
10:30 1 News
11pm Shortland
11:30 Paramedics
Tuesday 12:30 Q+A
2:05 Infomercials 5:35 Te
police track down several surprising
9:30 Twisted Killers
When teenager Josh
goes missing,
on how a psychotic leader can manipulate others to commit murder.
10:30 Snapped
After dating Katrina for less than a month, Eric is found dead, making the police ask if it was a suicide, an intruder, or if Katrina has a deadly
11:25 The
6am AM 3 9am Rugby League – New Zealand v Lebanon World Cup. 9:30 L Rugby League – New Zealand v Lebanon World Cup. 11:30 Newshub Live at 11:30am
Noon M Gone – Finding My Daughter M 3 2018 Thriller. Jesse Hutch, Sara Thompson, Al Sapeienza. 0
2pm Breaking Amish M 0 3pm Outrageous Acts of Science PG 0 4pm Bath Crashers 0 4:30 Newshub Live at 4:30pm
5pm Gold Rush PG 0
6pm Newshub Live at 6pm
7pm The Project
7:30 Lego Masters Australia Teams must create a song title out of Lego. 0
8:50 The Rookie M Nolan and the team are searching for gold before any treasure hunters get hurt; Bradford has to convince the eldest officer at the station to retire. 0
9:45 SVU 16
Carisi takes on a powerful judge when he dismisses a rape case. 0
10:40 Newshub Late
11:10 Mean Mums PG 3 Jess, Heather and Hine want to get back on the fundraising committee, but when Jess cannot get on the school email list, it is chaos. 0 11:40 Golden Boy M 3 0
Tuesday 12:10 Infomercials 5:30 AM Early 3
6:25 Locked Down MLC 2021 Comedy. Anne Hathaway, Chiwetel Ejiofor.
8:20 Voyagers 16VS 2021 Adventure. Colin Farrell, Tye Sheridan, Lily-Rose Depp. 10:10 The Devil Has a Name 16VLSC 2021 Drama. Kate Bosworth, David Strathairn. 11:45 Belfast MVL 2021 Drama. 1:25 A Quiet Place Part II MVC 2021 Thriller.
3pm Last Night in Soho 16VLSC 2020 Horror. 4:55 Halloween Kills 16VLC 2021 Horror.
6:40 This is the Night 16LC 2021 Comedy. Lucius Hoyos, Frank Grillo. 8:30 Antlers 16VLSC 2021 Horror. A small-town teacher and her sheriff brother seek to help a troubled boy with dark secrets. Keri Russell, Jesse Plemons.
10:10 Military Wives MLS 2019 Comedy. With their partners away serving in Afghanistan, a group of women in England form a choir. Kristin Scott Thomas, Sharon Horgan.
Tuesday Midnight Old MVC 2021 Horror. 1:50 Music MVLC 2021 Drama. 3:35 The Current Occupant 16VLSC 2020 Horror.
5am A Nasty Piece of Work 16VLSC 2019 Horror.
8am The Moe Show 3 0
8:10 Henry Danger PGV 3 0
9am Jeopardy 3 9:30 Addicted to Fishing PGC 3 0 10am New Amsterdam MVC 3 0 11am NCIS – New Orleans MVC 3 0 Noon Parenthood MS
1pm House MVLC 0
2pm The Late Show with Stephen Colbert PG 3
3pm Wheel of Fortune 3:30 Jeopardy
4pm American Pickers PGC 3
5pm Tagata Pasifika
5:30 Prime News
6pm Rugby Nation
6:30 Football – A-League (HLS) Wellington Phoenix v Central Coast Mariners.
7pm Pawn Stars PG
7:30 American Pickers PGC 3
8:30 The Crowd Goes Wild
9:30 Winning Time – The Rise of the Lakers Dynasty 18VLSC Buss is entangled with a dangerous foe; Earvin’s move is not as magical as he had hoped; former Laker Pat Riley seeks a new place in the team. 10:40 The Late Show with Stephen Colbert PG 11:40 N Ballers 16VLC Spencer is shaken out of his retirement by a tantalising offer; Joe and Lance take a gamble on Sports X; and Ricky is in hot water.
12:15 Closedown 12:30 Infomercials
7:30 Along Came Polly MLS 2004 Romantic Comedy. Ben Stiller, Jennifer Anniston, Debra Messing.
9am Deepwater Horizon ML 2016 Action. Mark Wahlberg, Kurt Russell. 10:45 Apollo 13 PGL 1995 Drama. Tom Hanks, Ed Harris, Kevin Bacon, Bill Paxton. 1:05 Patriots Day 16VLC 2016 Drama. Mark Wahlberg, Kevin Bacon.
3:15 The Hateful Eight 18VLSC 2016 Western. Samuel L Jackson, Kurt Russell, Jennifer Jason Leigh. 6pm Gladiator MV 2000 Action. Russell Crowe, Joaquin Phoenix, Connie Nielsen. 8:30 Traffic 18VLSC 2000 Crime. A conservative judge, appointed to spearhead America’s war
discovers his teenaged daughter is a heroin addict. Michael Douglas, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Benicio Del Toro. 10:55 Carrie 16VLS 2013 Horror. Chloë Grace Moretz, Julianne Moore, Gabriella Wilde.
Hangover 16LSC 2009
2:15 American Gangster 16VLSC 2007 Crime. 5:05 Green Lantern MV 2011 Action.
6:30 Amanda to the Rescue
7:20 The Pioneer Woman
7:45 Trisha’s Southern Kitchen
8:10 Baker’s Dozen
9am Mysteries at the Monument
10am American Pickers
11am Salvage Dawgs 11:30 Flea Market Flip
Noon Bang on Budget
1:05 American Restoration
1:30 Baggage Battles
2pm Ice Vikings
3pm My Cat From Hell
4pm Jamie’s Super Food
5pm Mysteries at the Monument
6pm American Pickers
6:55 Shipping Wars
7:30 Border Security – Australia
8pm Newshub Live at 8pm
8:30 Richard Hammond’s
finds a classic mini that needs restoring, and with
he sells some of his own cars to fund the workshop.
9:30 World’s Greatest Hotels
Dorchester, in London, is a celebration of Art Deco design and regarded as one of the world’s most prestigious and expensive hotels.
10:30 Shipping Wars
Border Security – Australia
Flea Market
7am The Breakdown 8am Football – Premier League Liverpool v Manchester City. 10am Football – Premier League Manchester United v Newcastle United. Noon Rugby – Gallagher Premiership Gloucester Rugby v Bristol Bears. 2pm Rugby Nation 2:30 Rugby –Gallagher Premiership Harlequins v Leicester Tigers. 4:30 Rugby – NPC Semi-final Two – Canterbury v Bay of Plenty. 4:50 L Cricket –ICC T20 World Cup Warm Up Australia v India. From the Gabba, Brisbane. 8:50 L Cricket – ICC T20 World Cup Warm Up England v Pakistan. From the Gabba, Brisbane. Tuesday
1am Football – Premier League Southampton v West Ham United. 1:15 Football – Premier League Liverpool v Manchester City. 1:30 Netball – Constellation Cup Game Three – Silver Ferns v Australian Diamonds. 2am Rugby Nation 2:30 The Crowd Goes Wild 3:30 Rugby – Gallagher Premiership Sale Sharks v London Irish. 5:30 Rugby –NPC 5:45 Rugby – NPC
6:30 Tamaiti Tu Winter 3
6:40 Purakau 3 6:50 E Kori
7am Darwin and Newts 3
7:10 Tamariki Haka 3 7:20 Te Nutube 3 7:30 Kids Kai Kart 3
7:40 He Rourou 3 7:50 Cube 3
8am Pukana 3 8:30 Oranga Ngakau 9am Easy Eats 3
9:30 Whanau Living 3
10am Kai Safari 3
10:30 Toi Te Ora 3
11am Pio Terei Tonight PG 3
Noon Te Ao Tapatahi
12:30 Celebrity Playlist 3
1pm Heritage Rescue 3
2pm Toku Reo 3 2
2:30 Ako 3 2
3pm Tamaiti Tu Winter 3
3:10 Purakau 3 3:20 E Kori 3
3:30 Darwin and Newts 3
3:40 Tamariki Haka 3 3:50 Te Nutube 3 4pm Kids Kai Kart 3
4:10 He Rourou 3
4:20 Cube 3 4:30 Pukana 3
5pm Polyfest 3
5:30 Polyfest 3
6pm Haka Ngahau a-Rohe –Rangitane 3
6:30 Te Ao Marama
7pm Marae 2
7:30 Homesteads
The stories of ten homesteads through the eyes of the ahi ka who are maintaining them.
8pm Te Ao With Moana
8:30 M Celia MLC 2018
Documentary. The transformational effect of Celia Lashlie on the lives of some of the most at-risk people in New Zealand.
10:20 Indigenous 100
Explore what success looks like for indigenous people with Julian Wilcox. Featuring Maori lunar calendar expert, Rereata Makiha.
10:50 Ki Tua 3
11:20 Te Ao Marama
11:50 Closedown
Sam Quek, Bobby Seagull and Joe Thomas. 8:35 Sanditon
Lennox and Colbourne’s
over Charlotte comes to a head; Georgiana
Midsomer Murders
3am Who Do
6:05 Man Caves PG 6:30 Pool Kings PG 6:55 Strange Evidence PG 7:45 Railroad Australia PG 8:35 Hoffman Family Gold MLC 9:25 Aussie Gold Hunters PG 10:20 Great Southern Truckers PG 11:15 Dirty Jobs MLC Combat Surgeon, Iguana Hunter. 12:10 Man Caves PG Teammate Tribute Cave. 12:35 How Do They Do It? PG 1:05 Expedition X MLC Into the Alien Ocean. 2pm Naked and Afraid XL M The Final Fight. 2:55 Barnwood Builders PG In the Nick of Time. 3:50 Deadliest Catch PG Becoming Captain. 4:45 Alaska – The Last Frontier PG To Live or Die on Perl Island. 5:40 Aussie Lobster Men PG 6:35 Aussie Gold Hunters PG 7:30 Aussie Lobster Men PG 8:30 Great Southern Truckers PG 9:30 Airplane Repo MLC 10:30 Railroad Alaska PG 11:25 Naked and Afraid
M Tuesday 12:15 Railroad Australia
1:05 Expedition
MLC 1:55 Deadliest Catch
4:05 Sanditon
5am Hotel Portofino
2:45 Naked and Afraid
3:35 Moonshiners MVL 4:25 Barnwood Builders
5:15 Aussie Lobster Men
Mt Hutt Memorial Hall
10am, 160 Main Street, Methven. NZ Alpine and Agriculture Encounter, Art Gallery and Hall of Memories.
Ashburton Aviation Musuem 1-3pm, Ashburton Airport, Seafield Road.
Mid Canterbury Connector Provides low-cost return trips to Ashburton, Mondays to Fridays, any time between 9am and 4.30pm.
Ashburton Aviation Museum 1-3pm. Ashburton Airport, Seafield Road.
Ashburton Menz Shed 9am-2pm at 8 William Street.
Age Concern Ashburton Steady as you Go Gentle Falls Prevention Exercises. All levels of ability are welcome. $2 per 1hr session.
• Held at Methven All Saints Anglican Church Chapman St at 10.30am.
• Rakaia St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church Bridge St at 1.00pm.
• Hampstead Hakatere Church Rooms, Oxford St at 1.30pm.
MSA Tai Chi Classes at 10.30am. Cost $3 per session at the MSA on Havelock Street.
Justice of the Peace
JP available for all signing services on Tuesdays and Fridays at 12pm-2pm. No appointment necessary. No fee. Community House, 44 Cass St.
Ashburton MSA Petanque Club Competition and social play, all welcome from 1pm at 115 Racecourse Road.
Every Tuesday at 12.45. RSA in the Doris Linton Lounge. $2, followed by a cuppa & chat. Pickleball Ashburton EA Networks Centre from 5-7pm. Paddles provided.
At MSA 7pm start. New members welcome Mid Canterbury Badminton Club Badminton Club night from 7-9pm. All abilities welcome at EA Networks Centre.
Waireka Croquet Club
Draw 9.45am GC Handicap Singles. Ist Tuesday in the Month Handicap Singles 19 hoops. Draw 1.15pm. Singles Handicaps -0 5; 6-9; 10-16.
Ashburton Menz Shed 9am-2pm at 8 William Street.
Ashburton Ladies Friendship Club 9.45am, Sinclair Centre. Speeches, morning tea, every fourth Wednesday of the month.
Wednesday Walk Group 9.30am. Meet Walnut Avenue on the west side of the Ashburton College Auditorium entrance.
Age Concern Ashburton Steady as you Go Gentle Falls Prevention Exercises. All levels of ability are welcome. $2 per 1hr session.
• Held at Allenton St David’s Church, Allens Rd at 9.30am.
• Held at Ashburton Buffalo Lodge Rooms, Cox St at 10.30am.
Held at Ashburton Buffalo Lodge Rooms, Cox St at 1.30pm.
• Held at Staveley Community Hall at 2pm.
Pickleball Ashburton Every Wednesday from 9.30am - 11.30am at EA Networks Centre.
St Stephen’s Anglican Church Holy Communion at 10am on Park Street.
Age Concern Ashburton Programme for the elderly runs Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 10am.
Hip Hop for Seniors 10am-11am at the Ashburton Seniors Centre, 206 Cameron Street, Ashburton, $5.
Do you have an event for Play Planner?
Email us with all the details to whatson@theguardian.co.nz.
Ashburton open coffee mornings
All are welcome at the Plunket rooms, 222 Cameron Street. 10.30am - 12 noon.
MSA Tai Chi Class is at 10.30am. Cost $3 per session at the MSA on Havelock Street.
Ashburton Woodworkers Clubrooms at Plains Museum site 1pm - 4pm.
Free Device Help Sessions at the Ashburton Public Library every Wednesday between 2pm and 4pm.
Art Addicts (AA) is the Ashburton Art Gallery’s weekly art space for kids. Donations appreciated. 3 - 4.30pm.
Mid Canterbury Linedancers
Weekly beginner class 6.30pm-7.30pm, easy intermediate & intermediate 7.30pm-9pm at the Tinwald Memorial Hall.
Ashburton Silver Band Practice at the Bandrooms, Cameron Street, 7.30-9.30pm.
Waireka Croquet Club Draw 1.15 GC Handicap Doubles. Draw 9.45am AC: Draw AC 12.45pm. New players welcome; mallets available.
Ashburton Menz Shed 9am-2pm at 8 William Street.
Age Concern Ashburton Ladies exercise class at 9.30am at Ashburton Seniors Centre at 206 Cameron Street.
Park Street Line Dancers 9.30am - 11am at St Stephen’s Parish Centre.
Mid Canterbury Badminton Club 9.30am-11am at EA Networks Sports Centre.
MSA Tai Chi Classes at 10.30am. Cost $3 per session at the MSA on Havelock Street.
Age Concern Ashburton Steady as you Go Gentle Falls Prevention Exercises. All levels of ability are welcome. $2 per 1hr session.
• Tinwald Holy Spirit Church, Thomson Street at 11am.
• Ashburton St Stephen’s Church, Park Street at 1pm.
Ashburton Buffalo Lodge Rooms, Cox Street at 1pm.
Ashburton MSA Petanque Club From 1.30pm at 115 Racecourse Road.
Age Concern Senior Social Group (50+). Speaker, quiz, morning tea, exercises. All welcome. Fridays, 10am.
Ashburton Community Walking Group Walking for about 30-40 minutes on Mondays and Fridays at 10.30am. Meet Walnut Avenue Pavilion.
St Stephen’s Anglican Church Seniors Coffee Club, 2nd and 4th of the month at 10.30am, St Stephen’s Parish Centre, Park St.
Ashburton Justice of the Peace JP available for all signing services from 12-2pm. No appointment necessary. No fee. Community House. 44 Cass Street. Pickleball Ashburton EA Networks Centre from 6-8pm. Paddles provided.
Ashburton Farmers Market Saturday mornings, 9am-12.30pm, north end West Street car park. Plants, hot and cold food, vegetables.
Ashburton MSA Petanque Club Social play from 1.30pm at 115 Racecourse Road, Ashburton
Ashburton Aviation Museum Ashburton Airport from 10am - 3pm. Ashburton Woodworkers
Clubrooms at Plains Museum site 1pm-4pm. Seventh-Day Adventist Church
• 10am, Weekly worship & Bible Study.
• 11am, Sabbath singing & Sermon.
At Grace Presbyterian Church building, 63 Princes St. Ashburton. All welcome!
Vintage Car Club
86 Maronan Road, Tinwald
The Museum and Parts Shed will be OPEN on Saturdays during the month of September, Time: 10.00am to 12 noon.
Waireka Croquet Club
AC Singles or Doubles. Draw 9.45 and 12.45, GC Draw 1.15 pm Doubles. New players welcome, mallets available.
Ashburton Anglican Parish Sunday - St Stephen’s Anglican Church, Park St, 10 am. Holy Communion
Sunday - St Andrew’s Anglican Church, Thomson St. 10 am. Holy Communion, 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month
St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church 10am Morning Worship. Service led by Rev. Eric Mattock. All welcome. Sinclair Centre, Park Street.
Grace Presbyterian Church 10am at 63 Princes Street.
Hakatere Presbyterian Parish Morning Worship at 10am, Rev. Johanna Warren.
• 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month at 65 Oxford Street
• 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month at 127 Thomson Street Tinwald Pickleball Ashburton
Sunday is organised competition day at EA Networks Stadium from 5-7pm. Prior registration through our facebook page is required. Some courts are available for social play.
Every Monday and Saturday
Allenton Assn Croquet Club
Venue Allenton Sports Club. Monday, Saturday. Start every week Monday September 19 until March 27 2023. Starting time 1.15pm.
Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
Methven Croquet Club
We play croquet every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 1.30pm at the Methven Domain. All welcome to come along
Every Tuesday and Friday
Methven Museum
60 Main St. Open Tuesday and Friday 2-4pm
Does Dalgetys or Wright, Stephenson & Co or Pyne Gould Guinness ring a bell? Our current display is Farm Supplier Stores of Methven & districts (history since the early 1900s). Come in and learn how the stores evolved and fill out your name if you worked at any of them. Admission is free but donations are welcome
Every Thursday and Saturday
Ashburton Toy Library
Open every Thursday and Saturday from 9.30am-12.30pm, plus every alternate Tuesday 3.30pm-5pm at 106 Victoria Street.
Every Wednesday, Saturday
Allenton Golf Croquet Club
Wednesdays & Saturdays. Start every week from Wednesday September 21 2022 until March 29 2023, starting time 9.45am.
Last Sunday of every month
Nor’Westers Muso’s Club
All are welcome, as is any style of music. 2pm - 6pm at Feeneys Lounge, Devon Tavern.
First Sunday of every month
Methven Market
At Methven Resort, from 9am to 1pm.
Third Monday of every month
The Ashburton Electronic Organ & Keyboard Club meets on the third Monday of every month (except December/January) at Seniors Centre, 206 Cameron Street at 7.30pm
In Colour, art and craft club
Bring along your art and craft projects to share with others over morning tea once a month. 10.30am - 12 noon.
St Stephen’s Anglican Church
Seniors Coffee Club 10.30am on Park Street.
Ashburton Embroiderers’ Guild
Meet Seniors Centre, 206 Cameron Street first Saturday of the month 10.30am-3.30pm, second Thursday of the month 1pm-3.30pm, third Tuesday of the month -9pm, and the fourth Thursday of the month 10.30am-3.30pm.
St David’s Union Church
Tuesday October 11, 9.30am. St David’s Union Church. Walking Group meets outside church, 48 Allens Road.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, October 11, 12, 13, 9.00am to noon. St David’s. Children’s Holiday Programme. 48 Allens Road.
Wednesday October 12, 6.00am. St David’s Union Church. Women’s Circuit Training. 48 Allens Road.
Friday October 14, 6.00am. St David’s. Women’s Circuit Training. 48 Allens Road.
Our meetings are held on third Friday each month. No meetings December. Meting Friday October 28, 2pm at the Domain Pavilion.
Philip Street. Tuesdays Waireka Croquet Club GC Draw 9.45am and 1.15 Singles.
Monday, October 17, 10am. Plains Museum. The Plains Railway Precinct Sunday October 9, Open 11am-4pm. Vintage Railcar & miniature Train Rides operating, Ashburton Fire Museum, Lynn Museum & Ashburton Woodworkers Open. Hot Food & Coffee available, Popup Playground & more. 62 Maronan Road, Tinwald, Ashburton.
October 15, 10am. Ashfords Mill House (upstairs).
Wednesday October 19, 7.30pm. Meeting; speaker Alison Shearer. St David’s Church, Allens Road.
Tuesday October 11, 12 noon-3.00pm, Pop-ups, Friedlander Park.
Wednesday October 12, 12 noon-3.00pm, Mayfield Domain.
Tuesday October 13, 12 noon-3.00pm, Friedlander Park.
Rakaia’s Jackson Holmes Salmon Run will be held on Sat October 15, based at the Rakaia Domain. 4 event sections = The MultiSport of Cycle Kayak and Run, Off Road Trail Run, approximately ½ marathon distance, Long Duathlon, Short Duathlon.
86 Maronan Road, Tinwald. The Museum and Parts Shed will be open on the following Saturdays during October, from 10am to 12 noon: October 15, 22, 29.
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Well, talk about boringly predictable.
While many cities and regions up and down the country voted to shake up their councils and mayors in the local body elections, and in a very big way, Ashburton went with the status quo.
Why was that? And what does that say about us in voter land and the performance of Ashbur ton District Council members?
It says that those who voted must have been generally happy with the efforts of our councillors. That’s surely a key reason why every incumbent who stood got back in.
So welcome back councillors
Leen Braam, Carolyn Cameron, Liz McMillan, Rodger Letham and Lynette Lovett, alongside land slide-winning mayor elect, Neil Brown.
Vacancies meant there were al-
ways going to be some new faces around the council table, so let’s hope Russell Ellis, Tony Todd, Phill Hooper and Richard Wilson can make the impact they hope to, and live up to the promises they campaigned on.
Of concern, and as it has been identified nationally, too, was the poor voter turnout yet again.
On Saturday, about 46 per cent of eligible voters in the Ashburton District – or 10,756 votes – were recorded, with special votes still to be calculated.
Ironically, Ashburton’s voter returns were among the best
nationally, but that’s no reason to celebrate.
Preliminary data nationally has shown that the overall number of Kiwis who voted for local govern ment mayoralties, councils and local boards was a tick under 40 per cent, which was about the
ering the publicity campaign and logistical efforts made by LGNZ to get more people voting.
What those low numbers also tell us is that people are simply not engaged with local Govern ment and maybe it’s also too hard and complicated to vote.
better option than postal?
I’m not sure but right now the only thing certain is that the local body election voting numbers have been a dismal failure. Some thing is not working. Never more obvious was that than in super city Auckland where – incredibly – just 30 per cent of its eligible residents bothered to vote.
That meant Wayne Brown be came the new mayor with about 144,000 votes, a staggering 54,000 more than rival, the Labour-en dorsed Efeso Collins.
same in the 2019 election.
That’s left Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) calling for solutions to be implemented to increase turnout before 2025’s election. Well, good luck with that.
This year’s numbers were even more of a disappointment consid
There were numerous stories about people not getting their voting papers, including Local Government Minister Nanaia Mahuta. Thousands were also left scrambling trying to get special votes with no luck, so what’s the answer? Is online voting a
But what those numbers really show is that Brown got into power by being backed by roughly only one in five eligible Auckland voters.
Of course, Brown won’t be wor ried by that poor voter turnout. Nor should he. He got the job done. But the voter turnout sham bles must be addressed.
It can’t go on like this.
What those numbers really show is that Brown got into power by being backed by roughly only one in five eligible Auckland voters.
ARIES (Mar 21-Apr 19): This weekend won’t ignite the flames of passion, and this is better for you now. The balance allows for friendship, conversation, adventure and fun to keep flowing into next week.
TAURUS (Apr 20-May 20): You don’t have to solve a problem for everyone to solve it for someone, nor do you always have to stand out to do well in a venture. This applies to both business and personal interactions.
GEMINI (May 21-Jun 21): The one who said, “Truth does not blush” wasn’t paying close attention. The truth can be very uncomfortable to hear indeed. Today’s honesty will provoke a visceral response.
CANCER (Jun 22-Jul 22): You feel like you’re patting around in the dark to find the light switch. These temporary outages can’t be helped. No one is illuminated all the time. Move slow, and enjoy the way nondominant senses come alive.
LEO (Jul 23-Aug 22): Step back to look at the big picture. You’ll wake up to a surprising reality. For instance, if you only feel like you’re doing a good job when you’re meeting one person’s needs, there’s something wrong with the job.
VIRGO (Aug 23-Sep 22): A goal has slipped out of reach and will continue to drift away unless you act now to reel it back in. You’re very lucky now. You have an extremely good chance of getting this one, so make an action plan and commit.
LIBRA (Sep 23-Oct 23): Money is a motivator, but it’s not in the top three. Your true desire is for knowledge, experience and wisdom, which are the golden keys, more helpful than money for moving beyond your current limitations.
SCORPIO (Oct 24-Nov 21): Frustration is natural but immature. Do you really have time for selfdirected anger? You can solve the problem or leave it blank and move on. You’ll be happy either way.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21): Spontaneous travel and/or travel plans are favoured. In new places, you are someone else, partly because you are suddenly with people who you may never see again.
CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19): You’re a giver sometimes and a taker other times. The fact that you get to be both is a signal of health, as embodying only one of those roles is a sign of a troubled imbalance.
AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18): Tenacity and stamina are winning attributes you apply to marvellous effect. Good fortune comes via sales, efforts for family and community projects.
PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20): A sacrifice will appease powers that be. It doesn’t matter if it’s hard or easy for you to give if it’s something they need and want. So, before you give, find out what they are looking for.
It was supposed to be an occa sion for the big guns to flex their muscles, but no-one bothered to tell young Korbyn Newman.
The up-and-coming young horseman provided one of the biggest upsets in Methven Cup history in recent years when he piloted Smiffy’s Terror to victory in the $30,000 Group Three fea ture on Sunday.
With serious New Zealand Cup contenders such as Alta Wiseg uy, Self Assured and Spankem all around him at the top of the straight, Newman found clear air for the Robert and Jenna Dunntrained runner he was in charge of, and they burst through to claim victory.
“It was a huge thrill – it is prob ably the biggest win of my career to date,” he said.
Newman pulled all the right strings during the race, and made the right move on the home bend when finding a bit of cover before launching his attack on the finishing post.
“It worked out great for me, then he just kept lifting in the straight.”
Smiffy’s Terror returned a $37 win dividend in the race, making him the longest-priced winner since Corka Dream won at 39-toone back in 2009.
Incidentally, that horse was also trained by Robert Dunn.
Alta Wiseguy was a brave sec ond after working into the race wide inside the final lap, while Self Assured will have lost no ad
mirers with his excellent perfor mance for third, after getting up onto the speed mid-race.
One of the hard luck stories of the race was the locally trained and owned, Got You Covered.
The Brent and Tim Whitetrained pacer stalked the speed throughout the race and looked to find clear air at the top of the straight, only to be met with a
Nearest the pins: No2: Aon InsuranceIan Beach. No 11: Hyde Bros Spraying - Charlie Rapsey No 5: Campbell Con tracting- Wayne Vessey. No14: ANZ Bank- Andrew Peck. No 9 and 18: Rural co second shot- Andrew Peck.
wall of horses, and it wasn’t until late when he found clear room and charged into fourth.
Stablemate Cranbourne got it wrong at the start again and took no part, with the decision made post-race to put the horse back on the unruly to allow him a little more space to find his feet early.
A massive crowd flocked to the Mt Harding Racecourse on
Sunday for the day’s racing, with near-perfect conditions offered to those who came in the gate.
After a strong run of well-sup ported runners winning early in the card the last four races, which included the Cup provided the biggest challenge for those try ing to make a dollar, with all four winners returning a double-fig ure win price dividend.
New Zealander Shane van Gis bergen and co-driver Garth Tand er have claimed a second Ba thurst 1000 victory as a duo, after surviving a frantic sprint finish in Holden’s farewell appearance at Mount Panorama.
It was van Gisbergen’s second Bathurst 1000 title, while Tander adds a fifth to his tally.
“I just wanna go and do anoth er skid, that was sick,” he told the ABC, having shredded his tyres in celebration.
“I just can’t thank the team enough.
“Garth was just on it this year.
“[Race engineer] Andrew has been epic.
“When Chaz got into second I got a bit worried because we know how fast he is here, but once the gap stayed at a second I knew we were OK.”
The pair previously teamed up to win in 2020.
van Gisbergen says it is an hon our to deliver Holden a Bathurst victory in its final Great Race.
The Chevrolet Camaro will re place the Commodore when the Gen3 era commences in 2023.
Both van Gisbergen and Tand er revved up the crowd when they accepted the Peter Brock Trophy.
“It was awesome,” van Gisber gen said on the podium.
“Compared to 2020, to have all the people here, and in this weather, thank you guys so much.
“To send Holden out like this is epic … up the Holden!
“It’s a special way to send it out.
“Hopefully we can add a few more wins to the Commodore.”
Twos: Wayne Vessey & Martin Pryor. Kallara Texel Player of the Day: Neil Fox 88-19-69.
Saturday, October 8
Senior: Michael Kemp 74-5-69 38pts. Junior Rod Carson 87-18-69 38pts.
October 7:
Midlands Seed Social
Top Team:
Like Big Putts 80.5, Hit n Hope 79.5, Fine Dingballz 78.5 by lot. Wom en: Periwinkles 82.5, Lynns Lassies 80.5. Mixed: Lake Hood Hooligans 86, Macas 85, Gabites Swingers 83. Top lady: Gail Gutsell 31, Top man: Paul Houston 35.
Nearest the Pins: Columbus Coffee –Wendy Hopwood, Mac & Maggies – Dan iel Snowball, Paul May Motor – Rhonda Gallagher, Gabites Ltd – Blair Snowball, Karen McRae Property Brokers Longest
Putt: Adrian Hopwood, Murray Young Property Brokers Longest Putt: n/a.
Twos: Lynn Small, Pauline Bell.
Saturday, October 8
Best results of the 2nd Skibo stroke round: Neil Fox 69, Andrew Lake & Ian Beach 70, Andrew Peck, Wayne Blair & Gordon Duthie 72, John Low 73, Charlie Rapsey, Roger Lake, Kevin Clucas, Wayne Vessey, Kenny Read & Greg Cook 74.
Other good scores: 37 Kim Dale. 36 John Robinson, Roger Callaghan, Frik kie Greybie, Allan Lock. 35 Richard Maw, Gary Foy. Twos: Dayle Lucas, Rod Car son, Alister Maxwell x2, Frikkie Greybie, John McGettigan.
Closest to Pins: Methven Pubs #4: Alis ter Maxwell. Hunters wine #6: Graham Gunn, Ski Time #13: John McGettigan. Green Parrot #17: John Robinson. Dub liner Best Nett: Michael Kemp 69 by lot.
Methven Foursquare Second Best Nett: Rod Carson 69. Bar Voucher Best Gross: Michael Kemp 74. Next Week tee off time is 12pm due to the course being full.
Saturday, October 8 – Championship Fi nals Day. A great day with most matches going to 35 or 36 holes.
Men: Senior Cameron Grant bt Ryan Cockburn, Intermediate Jeff Hurst bt Gary Hunt, Junior A Kevin McCosker bt Andy Copland, Junior A Gavin Doody bt Stu Sutherland.
Ladies: Bronze A Sandra Quinn bt Sally Smith, Bronze B Bev Sutherland bt Fiona Rushton.
Men’s Plates: Senior David Whittaker bt Paul Whittaker, Intermediate Chris Vanderweg bt Andy Gray, Junior B Tony Hurst bt Reon Hoare.
Saturday, October 8
Leading scores in the stroke round played on Saturday; -12 Tony Sheppard 72. 13-18 Chris Bell 62, Brian Rouse 69, Johnny Moore 71. 19 Plus Doug Osborn 69, Snow Pierce, Des Green 70, Roger Bruce 71, Clarry Whiting 73. Women; (Stableford) Maxine Whiting 39 c/b.
Nearest the Pin: Tinwald Liquorland #2; Percy Kelsall. Gluyas Ford #6; Brian Rouse. The Fine Lion #12; Jason Mactier. Ace Automotive #16; Gordon Rennie. G & R Seeds 2nd Shot #11; Chris Bell. Twos; Chris Bell, Brian Rouse, Brent Holmes, Gordon Rennie, Snow Pierce. Net Eagle; #2 Ray Stevenson.
9 October at 500 yards.
TR, Gareth Miller 50.7, 49.7, 99.14, Megan Snowden 49.6, 50.4, 99.10, Martin Flem ing 48.5, 50.4, 98.9, John Fleming 49.7, 47.3, 96.10, John Miller 47.1, 49.2, 96.3, Kevin Hooper45.5, 46.1, 91.6.
FTR, Mark Alexander 56.5, 57.6, 113.11, Brian Graystone 54.0, 54.2, 108.02, Dan iel Davidson 55.0.
FPR, Bob McDonald 59.5, 54.5, 113.10, David Smith 59.4, 54.1, 113.5. FO, Murray Cook 59.3, 57.2, 116.5, Archie Maginness 50.1, 57.4, 107.5.
Saturday October 8 2022 - Senior Mixed Devon Tavern Hampstead Heat 17-2 Dev on Tavern Hampstead Phoenix, Rakaia Dairy Services Rebels 12-2 Fairfield.
Ashburton Bowling Club Friday Triples, Friday October 14 -12.30pm start. Our grateful thanks to our sponsors: Toyota Ashburton & Skip-2-it. Whites or Club colours to be worn.
The following Skips have entered teams. M Anderson, J Argyle, N Atkinson, G Bishop, A Gibbs, G Eddington, G Eder, H Goodall, D Gutberlet, B Harper, D Hick man, A Hill, M Hill, B Holdom, B Hop wood, T Inwood, T Johnson, L Kearns, D Kinvig, C Leech, L Osbourne, E Maw, L Muir, R Prendergast, M Quinn, M Reid, D Thorne, K Walker, M Skilling, M Small ridge, J Smart, GT. For information con tact: G Eder 307-7498.
Friday, October 14 – All games start at 6.30pm.
Devon Tavern D1: Marines & Angels v Hawkies Hawks, Laser Electrical D2: The Misfits v Laser Attack, First National Real Estate D3: Hakatere Hitters v S & Gig gles, Hurst Automotive D4: Retyred v Once Were Winners.
New Zealand rugby selectors have retained the bulk of the All Blacks from the patchy Rugby Championship this winter for the tour to the northern Hemisphere.
The squad features the re turn of 56-test midfielder Anton Lienert-Brown who has made a successful return to play follow ing shoulder surgery.
A century to Tech Stags elder statesman Jason Morrison help guide the defending Tweedy Cup champions to victory against Mid Canterbury bedfellows Al lenton in the opening round of the new season on Saturday.
Playing in the South Canter bury Senior competition again, the two local-based sides duked it out on the Ashburton Domain Oval on Saturday afternoon, with a masterclass in batting from Morrison setting the Stags’ tone for the season nice and early.
Batting at the top of the order, Morrison combined early with Devon Flannery for a 72-run opening stand, before a 114-run partnership with Ryan Bell and then a 57-run term with Des Kruger.
The 35-year-old was eventu ally dismissed for 125 with the Stags at 243-3, and while they lost a further six wickets, they finished their innings with an imposing 329-9.
Bell was the other notable contributor with a 40-run con tribution, while six other bats men all made starts and reached double figures before they were dismissed.
Raminderjet Singh was the pick of the Allenton bowlers tak ing 4-35 from his seven overs, including the wicket of Morri
son, while Staveer Singh finished with 2-40 off his seven.
With a tall task ahead of them, the Allenton batsmen were in trouble early, losing wickets fre quently before they were even tually all out for 92 after 26.3 overs.
Matt Pawsey was the star of
the show with the ball for Tech, taking 5-12 off his 6.3 overs to lead the attack.
A defiant 28 from Manish Ra wat was the only real resistance that the Stags met as they rolled their way through the Allenton line-up, and kicked off their de fence of the Tweedy Cup in the
best possible fashion.
Allenton will remain at home this week where they will take on Temuka at the Ashburton Do main Oval again, while Tech are on the road heading to Timaru to take on competition newcom ers, Celtic A at the Celtic Sports Ground in Timaru.
The 27-year-old is a timely ad dition to a midfield group which is missing Quinn Tupaea and Jack Goodhue due to injury.
“The Northern Tour is always a highlight in the All Black calendar and this year is no exception,” said coach Ian Foster.
“With less than a year till the start of the Rugby World Cup, this tour gives us another great oppor tunity to grow from where we fin ished the Rugby Championship. Experiencing big test matches in the north is great preparation for France next year.
The 35-strong All Blacks squad will play Japan, Wales, Scotland and England in a tour which will test how far they have improved after losses to Ireland, South Afri ca and Argentina this winter.
Squad: Hookers: Dane Coles, Samisoni Taukei’aho, Codie Taylor. Props: George Bower, Ethan de Groot, Nepo Laulala, Tyrel Lomax, Fletcher Newell, Ofa Tu’un gafasi. Locks: Scott Barrett, Brodie Retallick, Tupou Vaa’I, Samuel Whitelock. Loose forwards: Sam Cane, Shannon Frizell, Akira Ioane, Dalton Papali’I, Ardie Savea, Hoskins Sotutu. Halfbacks: Finlay Christie, Folau Fakatava, Aaron Smith, First five-eighths: Beauden Barrett, Richie Mo’unga, Stephen Perofeta, Midfielders: Braydon Ennor, David Hav ili, Rieko Ioane, Anton Lienert-Brown, Roger Tuivasa-Sheck, Outside backs: Jordie Barrett, Caleb Clarke, Leicester Fainga’anuku, Will Jordan, Sevu Reece. Unavailable due to injury: Ethan Black adder, Jack Goodhue, Josh Lord, Joe Moody and Quinn Tupaea.
The Black Caps are off the mark in the tri-series in Christchurch after an eight-wicket win over Bangladesh on Sunday.
After losing to Pakistan on Saturday, the Kiwis claimed victory over Bang ladesh on Sunday to get their tourna ment moving.
Winning the toss New Zealand opt ed to bowl first, and spinners Ish Sodhi and Michael Bracewell helped to keep the visitors to 137-8 from 20 overs.
Sodhi took 2-31 to become the third New Zealander – behind Tim Southee and Sophie Devine – to 100 T20I wick ets.
Opener Najmul Hossain Shanto was the top scorer for Bangladesh with 33 off 29 balls.
New Zealand lost opening batter Finn Allen in the fourth over for 16, but Devon Conway and Kane Williamson pushed on for a match-winning 85-run stand for the second wicket.
Conway was undefeated on 70 off 51 balls when New Zealand strolled home in the 18th over, with Glenn Phillips sealing the result by smashing consec utive sixes over the Hagley Oval bound ary.
There’s even more fire in the bel ly of Methven born and raised athlete Braden Currie, after he was forced to pull out of the Ironman World Championship in Hawaii on the weekend mid way through the cycle leg.
After battling influenza all week, Currie was even hesitant to make his way to the start line on Sunday morning New Zea land time, but a pep talk from his nine-year-old daughter, Bel la motivated him to get out there and see what he could do.
“I’m glad Bella persisted in telling me I had to, because if I didn’t I would have been left wondering if I could have found something in the tank to fire with.
“Now there is peace of mind that there was no way I was go ing to be able to pull off a good performance.”
Despite his battles during the week, the early signs looked en couraging for Currie during the race.
He stuck with the pack during the swim leg, and then looked to have found some rhythm on the bike working his way towards the top of the pack, but then the fatigue of the illness he’d been battling hit.
“I was actually riding alright, but then I just went downhill, it was clear the flu fatigue started to pull me back. Finishing would have only put me a long way back in health and without a fin ishing result I would have been happy with.”
Despite the immense dis appointment, Currie said his build-up to the pinnacle event on the calendar had been per fect, and he felt like he was in a good enough place to make his way onto the podium.
But there’s always tomorrow, and Currie is adamant he’ll be back.
“I’m hungrier now because of it and walking away planning for next year.”
After giving away a 17-point lead early in the first half of their open ing Rugby World Cup match against Australia, the Black Ferns hit back to win 41-17 at Eden Park on Saturday night.
It’s not where they wanted to be at the start of the season, but it is something.
Mid Canterbury will con test a semi-final of the Lochore Cup this weekend in Oama ru against North Otago, after they fell to eighth place on the standings following a tough loss to Whanganui on Saturday at Cooks Garden.
The Hammers were outplayed by a slick Whanganui unit, losing 46-13, looking noth ing like the side who pushed South Canterbury to the brink in the opening 50 minutes of their match a week earlier and perhaps it was co-captain, Adam Williamson who summed it up best in the post-match.
“We just couldn’t get anything going out there,” he said.
“All credit to Whanganui, they out beat us today.”
With a potential home semi-final spot on the cards if they could win, the Hammers trekked north on Friday full of
confidence and looking forward to putting forth a strong case for victory.
But from the outset, it didn’t look likely.
Whanganui were brutal with the ball in hand and stood up tall on defence, negating any of the Mid Canterbury attacks that looked to be launched.
Two penalties from the boot of Tom Reekie were all they took to the sheds at halftime, despite some good opportunities inside the Whanganui half, but not for the first time this season, it appeared the ball just wasn’t bouncing the Hammers way.
Down 15-6, the game was far from over, but Whanganui were even stronger in the second half, and put together a per formance that perhaps might have highlighted why they are the only side in the competition
this season who seem capable of actually giving the high-fly ing South Canterbury side some serious opposition.
There was a small consola tion for the Hammers with their constant toil rewarded through a try to Kaydis Honam who has really put his name forward for the best emerging player this campaign.
But by that point, the match was gone, and not even a bonus point looked possible with a big margin in front of them.
The result left a nervous wait for the outcome of other match es to trickle through.
Mid Canterbury’s saving grace was a heavy loss for Bull er in their match against Wair arapa Bush, which meant they couldn’t leapfrog the green and golds and pinch the eighth spot in the playoff.
The Hammers and East Coast finished tied on 18 points, with East Coast advancing ahead of the Mid Canterbury side due to their victory when the two sides met earlier in the season.
Mid Canterbury will have to pick themselves up this week and build towards another epic clash with the Old Golds this weekend.
The sides met over a month ago in Kurow and the match became the first golden point game in Heartland Champion ship rugby, with Mid Canter bury sneaking the win.
For Williamson, there’s a few key components that need to be ironed out for the side.
“Continuity is a big thing and building phases, we need to keep the momentum going to build pressure that we can at tack on.”
Australia scored the first three tries in the game as the hosts stum bled in the opening quarter, but it was one-way traffic for the rest of the match.
Portia Woodman scored three tries for the Black Ferns, with Ruby Tui picking up two.
A rousing Black Ferns haka got the capacity crowd going but it was the Wallaroos – who had never beaten the Black Ferns in 22 previous at tempts – who were quickly on the front foot once the match got under way.
It was all Australia in the early go ing and, despite some resolute New Zealand defence, right wing Bienne Terita eventually went over for the opening try in the 13th minute.
Just three minutes later it was left wing Ivania Wong’s turn, scooping up a loose Black Ferns pass and run ning 60 metres to dot down.
If the home fans were quietened at that point, they were left stunned when Terita bagged her second try to give the Wallaroos a 17-0 lead with less than half an hour on the the clock.
New Zealand desperately needed to get their hands on the ball and re spond before halftime and they did, twice.
Lock Joanah Ngan-Woo got the fans back on their feet when she barged over from close range. And when star left wing Portia Woodman expertly finished a sweeping move just a few minutes before the break, the Black Ferns had cut the gap to just five at the break.
The Black Ferns benefited from a two-player advantage during the second half when two Wallaroos went to the bin.
Woodman scored twice more with Ruby Tui also notching up two tries in the second half, as the hosts kept the Wallaroos scoreless.
The match turned decisively in the 53rd minute, when Wong and Australia captain Shannon Parry were shown yellow cards within a few seconds of each other.
Before the two Australians re turned, replacement prop Awhina Tangen-Wainohu had forced her way over the line to secure New Zea land a bonus point and Woodman bagged her third try.
The race to one of Bowls Mid Canterbury’s most coveted titles is under way.
The Lowry Cup singles is looked upon by players in this district as one of the mustwin events on the annual calendar, and a field of 30 players took to the greens on Sat urday for the first stage of the competition – qualifying.
Playing at both Methven and Hampstead, the tournament took a different path this year, with players split into 10 pools of three players, with only the winners of those sec tions advancing through to this weekend’s knockout stage.
It’s a change from the usual three wins re quired to qualify that has helped form the post-section field in previous years.
This season’s title will see a new winner crowned with defending champion, Brent Mayson not making it through the qualify ing stage – but some former winners names do feature.
On the Methven green, locals Craig Cart er
Rob Fensom both advanced through alongside Liam O’Connor, John Drayton and Gus Hurrell while down at Hampstead, Logan
and Bronson Kellett both made the most of home-ground advantage to go through with Wayne McCarthy, Linton Muir
“It was definitely a game of two halves,” said New Zealand captain Ruahei Demant. “Australia really put us under the pump there right from the start. I’m proud of how we closed off that first half and the way that we finished that game.”
Tournament favourites, England opened their account with a 84-19 rout of Fiji.
New Zealand’s next match is on Sunday against Wales at Waitakere Stadium.
Kermode Street and
Grant Hood Contracting Limited operate an innovative earthmoving business based at Ashburton, which services the greater Canterbury region and specific larger projects and developments further afield. The fleet consists of diggers, scrapers (Cat). Loaders, graders (Cat), pumps, trucks, trailers and a range of service vehicles, all operated by a large team of competent drivers.
HOLDAWAY, Natalie –
East Street to Mona Square
Cameron Street
East Street
Victoria Street
Cass Street
We pride ourselves on our excellent staff management practices and training. A high priority on Health and Safety.
On September 18, 2022 at Christchurch Hospital, in her 91st year. Dearly loved wife of the late John for 66 years. Loving mother and motherin-law of Chris and Christine, Kathy and Kevin Moseley, Mike and Rachel, and Iain and Linda. Loved Gran of John, Thomas and Stephen; Nicola and Julia; Jacob and Cushla; Libby and Anna, and 6 great-grandchildren. Messages to the Holdaway Family, c/- PO Box 472, Ashburton 7740. A Memorial service to celebrate Natalie’s life will be held in Our Chapel, cnr East & Cox Streets, on SATURDAY, October 15, commencing at 1.30pm.
10.30am to 12.00
Saturday, 03 December 2022.
Detours will be available on adjacent roads and these will be signposted. This proposed closure is made under the Local Government Act 1974 –Schedule 10 (11 (e)
Any person objecting to the proposal should lodge notice of their objection and grounds for their objection in writing by post or email (info@adc.govt.nz) to the Council, 5 Baring Square West, Ashburton by 4.00PM on Friday, 28 October 2022
Due to our current Workshop Manager moving on, we are now looking for someone qualified to fill this full-time position.
Responsibilities include, but are not limited to, taking full responsibility for the scheduled servicing and on-going maintenance requirements of all plant.
This person will have experience in a similar role, have great organisational and time management skills, excellent record keeping and be an effective communicator.
Successful applicants will be required to pass a pre-employment medical and drugs screen. All enquiries’ will be treated confidentially.
To apply:
Phone Carolyn on 027 209 6410
Or Post CV to: 192 Racecourse Road, Ashburton Or email to office@granthoodcontracting.co.nz
SINCLAIR, Helen Alexandra (nee Aitken) –Passed away peacefully in her home in Wanaka on Tuesday, October 4, 2022, aged 85. Dearly loved wife of Graham (dec.), mother and mother-in-law of Judy and Grant, Ian and Margot, Jacqui and Brendon, Mark and Rachel. Loved Grannie to her grandchildren Emily, Tim, Hannah, Erin, Alice, Melanie, Ben, Kane, Hana, Hugo and Olive, and their partners Jess, Brendon, Nathan, Matthew, Sanjay and Isis, and also to her great-grandchildren Molly, Alexandra, Daphne, Ella, Ruby, Jackson, William, Maddy, Luke, Freddie, Harriet and Priya (dec.). Sister to David (dec.). Loved sister-in-law of Evelyn Clarke, Ross Sinclair (dec.), Isabell Sinclair-Irwin, Ces Irwin (dec.), Lynn Scott, Neil Sinclair (dec.), Jeanette Sinclair and Anne Sinclair, and loved auntie to her 12 nephews and nieces and their partners. Helen lived a life of adventure, laughter and love with her soulmate and family. A celebration will be held at Wanaka Presbyterian Church, 91 Tenby Street, Wanaka, at 2pm on THURSDAY, October 13, 2022, followed by a private cremation. Donations to Otago Community Hospice appreciated, or at the celebration.
STONE, Geoff (William Geoffrey) –Passed peacefully at home in Russell on October 9, 2022, aged 72 years. Much loved dad of Cat and Jamie and Poppy the dog, father-inlaw of Grace, Poppa to Lachie and Oliver, exhusband of Liz and Heather (not at the same time), fisherman, politician, businessman, and all round character. Will be at home 6a Beresford St, Russell for visitors, until his funeral at 1pm, TUESDAY, October 11, 2022 at Russell Town Hall, followed by burial at Longbeach Cemetery, Russell and then drinks in celebration of his life at the Russell Swordfish Club.
Squire Funeral Services Ltdsouth