Bella Casey-Solly, 16, a student at Mount Hutt College, will know on Sun day whether she’s been chosen in the top three for Take the Mic, a popular song quest organised by Whitebait Me dia from Christchurch.
The TV company, run by Janine Mor rell-Gunn, received over 100 entries and reduced it to 12 finalists, includ ing Casey-Solly. Popular vote will select the top three, who will then travel to Christchurch on Monday to go headto-head in front of a judging panel at Whitebait studios.
Casey-Solly, a singer/songwriter, was inspired by a short story by Brian Falkner about a man, Robert, suffering from dementia.
“I read the story in class. It stuck in my mind and gave me such gravitas,” she said.
“It was a different perspective on de mentia from a patient’s point of view.”
In the story Robert, who’s about 70, believes he’s 17 again, and this encour aged Bella to use his confused age as the title for her song.
She first wrote the chords and then set the words, both from the story and her own imagination, to the music.
“It was a very different kind of song. I had a sense of achievement when I’d written it and felt it should be heard,” she said.
Casey-Solly recorded it in March and sent her video to Whitebait. When told
she’d made the final 12, the TV compa ny travelled to the family farm, just out of Methven, to film a backgrounder on her and she spent a day at the studios re-recording her song with actors play ing the roles of Robert at 70 and 17 and his girlfriend, Laura.
“The televised production was in credible. It was a once in a lifetime ex perience,” she said.
The Take the Mic video is now on TVNZ On Demand. Her performance is episode five and the viewing audience can vote online for the winner from Oc tober 7 to midday, October 9.
I read the story in class. It stuck in my mind and gave me such gravitas, she said. It was a different perspective on dementia from a patient’s point of view.
Bella Casey-Solly is encouraging peo ple to vote for her. Mid Canterbury, a smaller community, will be competing for votes against contestants from plac es with a larger population base.
If she wins she’ll join an Artist De velopment Programme at SOLE Music Academy in Christchurch, make an other music video and receive a $100 voucher from the Rock Shop.
Casey-Solly has now written 15 of her own compositions which “I can perform well”, and the success of Take the Mic so far has encouraged her to make singing/ songwriting her future career.
Right – Bella Casey-Solly wrote the chords for her guitar first then added the words for her song Seventeen, which has reached the final of Take the Mic song quest.
Ashburtonian Darryl Phillips was one of two people who lost their lives in a serious crash in the Rangitata region on Friday.
Along with Phillips, a soldier from Burnham military camp was also killed and a young child was airlifted to Christchurch Hospital.
Phillips, aged 65, a local car dealer, was much loved through out the community.
Emergency services were called to the two-vehicle crash south of Rangitata at about 3.30pm on Friday at the inter
section of State Highway 1 and Looker Road.
Ashburton local, Brian Laub scher, returning from Timaru with a workmate, was about a minute behind the crash. He said he felt sick in the gut when he came across the “horrific scene”.
The two cars involved in the crash, a red ute and a black Holden saloon were left unrec
“I couldn’t identify the ute,” Laubscher said.
“The engine was in the middle of the road and still smoking.
“One man went straight up to the ute, took his jacket off, and he hung the jacket over the driv er’s door window and straight away I knew that that person had gone.”
Laubscher saw many people
rushing to the aid of the victims, helping out where they could, with one woman sitting on the roadside comforting someone, he believes to be the young child involved.
After stopping Laubscher chose to move on with enough people already on the scene.
A police spokesperson said in vestigations into the cause of the crash are still ongoing.
Malcolm HopwoodAshburton Rotary’s Charitable Trust has increased its funding by $67,000 due to a successful Bookarama last week.
Bookarama convenor, David Mead, said the amount raised is second only to a previous total of $67,900 and reflects “a healthy interest in reading”.
“We’re delighted with the ongoing response and support from Mid Canterbury people,” he said.
A record $35,000 was raised on the first day and sales con tinued steadily through to mid day Saturday.
Of the books, puzzles and CDs left over, Mead said while some will be discarded, the best are retained for the following year.
Submissions to the charita ble trust can be made from lo cal people throughout the year Mead said.
tional houses for refugees.”
Safer Mid Canterbury has outgrown its offices as demand for its services grows, general manager Kevin Clifford says.
The community service provider is eyeing bigger office space as it expands its services and demand continues to grow.
Since moving into Community House six years ago, Clifford said staff have doubled and they no longer have the capacity to have all the staff on one site and have had to use other offices in town.
“We have been in discussions with Community House about securing a much larger office space to deliver our services from.”
In his annual report to its major funder, the Ashburton District Council, Clifford said Community House is looking at purchasing a neighbouring building and they hope to move in next year.
As part of the process, Safer Mid Canterbury will cover the cost of the internal fit-out, he said, which is estimated to be around $250,000, and in the past year, they worked to put money aside to cover the cost.
“It’s hoped the new premises will meet our needs for the very long-term future.”
Those needs continue to expand, led by the refugee resettlement and dealing with the
social impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Clifford said the refugee resettlement has been a major piece of work in the past 12 months and that will increase this year.
“Over the next 12 months, we are looking to settle around 100 refugees across our district.”
The biggest issue has been accessing housing in a timely fashion to accommodate the incom-
ing families, he said.
“We are aware this will remain a challenge as numbers increase.
“As a way to manage the situation, Safer Mid Canterbury has decided to purchase two transi-
They have already purchased a three-bedroom home and will be looking to add a four-bedroom property in the future, he said, which as well as providing transitional housing will provide security for the organisation in the long term.
Clifford said they have picked up extra contracts under the Ministry of Social Development to support people affected by Covid – with 294 referrals of families requiring assistance in the last 12 months.
They also used additional funding for its attendance service which “has more than doubled over the past two years”.
Pre-Covid he said they were expecting around 60 referrals per year for non-attendance or enrolment in schools, but in the past 12 months they had 151.
“This service was underfunded pre-Covid so although we have had an increase we are still woefully under-resourced and over worked in this area.”
Safer Mid Canterbury has been awarded the contract to deliver Restorative Justice services in Oamaru – and already offers the service in Ashburton and Timaru.
The Ashburton District’s local election voting numbers are back on track to at least match the last election’s turnout.
The curtain is set to come down on the current council term, but not before some big decisions are made.
Four current Ashburton District councillors will sign off for the last time at Wednesday’s council meeting while the other six who are standing for re-election have to wait until Saturday afternoon to learn if they too need to clean out their desks as well.
Rakaia Gardens, 282 Awaroa School Road, Dorie, RD11, Rakaia, the home of Sue & Ted Rollinson
Come and join us for a great day – 100+ stalls, live music, food and 6 acres of gardens to explore
Tickets available from Mayfield PGG Wrightson, Ashburton Paper Plus, Ashburton St John office (241 Tancred St), Ashburton St John Shop (129 Tancred St), Rakaia Four Square, Joosh (Geraldine) or online at www.eventfinda.co.nz
Tickets now available $15 ($20 on the day at the gate), children 5 yrs+ $5 Pre-booked lunchbox $15.
Angus McKay, Dianne Rawlinson, John Falloon and Stuart Wilson are not standing for re-election and will deliver farewell speeches, but not before getting some important business done.
The first item is adopting the Ashburton Airport 30-year development plan.
The plan drew plenty of interest with 107 submissions and a large number of those being heard at a lengthy submission hearing.
The plan proposes to set up sites for new recreational hangars, commercial hangars, and residential hangar homes, and the expansion of the Ashburton Aviation Museum all to make the council-owned asset financially self-sustaining in the future.
The possibility of a flight school leasing a site caused plenty of contention but it is set to be considered as a separate matter in future.
The council will consider its support for Aoraki Environmental Consultancy’s application to the Ministry for the Environment for the Ōtūwharekai Mātauranga Māori Cultural Monitoring Programme.
Te Rūnaka o Arowhenua, via Aoraki Environmental Consultancy, has been working with the Ministry on a project in the Ōtūwharekai (Ashburton Lakes) area to
The latest figures show that as of Friday 30.03 per cent (6945 votes) had cast their votes which is on par with the 30.82 per cent that had voted at the same stage in 2019.
The final tally was 55.05 per cent in 2019.
Voting closes at midday on October 8 with postal votes advised to be sent no later than today.
build capacity and capability for Māori to participate in and make decisions for freshwater management in the area.
The council are not being asked to contribute any resources, only their support for the funding application.
Several stockwater items are on the agenda with the council to decide its stance on a request from Acton Farmers Irrigation Co-operative (AFIC) to transfer stock water races and two stockwater race closure applications are being considered.
The council will consider adopting its stormwater bylaw, rolling over the community honours awards policy and signing off the allocation for community grants and funding for 2022/23.
The council will then delegate its responsibilities, duties, and powers to the chief executive, Hamish Riach, until the swearing in of the new council on October 27.
Incumbent Mayor Neil will then sign off the council term with his mayor’s report before the four returning councillors say farewell.
An exciting new interactive display will soon be making its way to the Ashburton Aviation Museum.
John Hill and his team from the Ashburton Menz Shed are currently building a replica
Link Trainer, a tool that pilots used in World War Two to train how to fly using instruments only.
“People will be able to immerse themselves in the trainer like a World War Two pilot would have,” Hill said.
The replica that is being built will be able to be used by the public, as the aviation museum wants to protect the real one they already have.
Despite it being a replica it will have all the features of the
real one, with the occupant being able to use the controls and feel the effects it has on the plane.
The trainer, which is a plywood construction, would sit on a steel frame and motor assembly to make it move, with a plywood hood which would put the user in the shoes of a World War Two pilot.
Hill estimated that Ashburton would have once had around 10 of the trainers in their heyday.
The original Link Trainer was
Lion Foundation grants have given a lifeline to Methven’s Community Pool.
In the foundation’s September grants, the community pool has received $80,000 towards its upgrade.
President, Jimmy Newport is “super grateful” and describes the grant as “a massive help”.
For the pool to reopen, it needs $250,000 to complete the upgrade and the $80,000 gives Newport the confidence to talk to suppliers.
The pool requires a new pump and filter, resurfacing and an elusive leak repaired, but Newport hopes the work can be done progressively.
He’s talking to Rainer Irrigation to source the filter and pump in Australia and, if funding can be supplemented by two further grants, he’s hoping to install them in the next few months and have the pool open towards the end of January, 2023.
“Nothing can be done until we see the money, but it’s given us the ability to get things done,” he said.
“The pool is vital for the rural community.”
created in 1929 out of the need for a safe way to teach new pilots how to fly by instruments. During World War Two, they were used as a key pilot training aid by almost every combatant nation.
Hill did not have a completion date for the project, but was looking forward to seeing the first brave volunteer have a go when the trainer was operational at the museum.
“They may not want a second turn,” he joked.
■ Community House, Mid Canterbury Trust, $200,000,
■ Ashburton Racing Club, $38,888
■ Ashburton Senior Citizens, $30,000 for operating costs
■ Highbank Hall Charitable Trust, $35,000 for repairs and maintenance
■ Tennis Mid Canterbury, $35,000 for operating costs
■ Ashburton Learning Centre, $28,060, for operating costs
■ Hampstead Rugby & Allsports Club, $25,000 for operating costs
■ Ashburton Community Alcohol & Drug Service, $20,000 for operating
■ Dorie Charitable Trust, $14,000 towards purchasing a van
■ Chris Ruth Centre Trust, $14,000 for operating costs
■ Rakaia Bowling Club, $12,790, for building upgrades
■ Ashburton Showjumping & Showhunter, $12,500 for running costs for ESNZ Ashburton competition events
■ Mid Canty Emergency Relief Charitable Trust, $10,000 for supporting newcomers’ driving scheme
■ Hakatere Ceramics & Pottery, Ashburton Inc, $4978, for operating costs
■ Presbyterian Support, Upper South Island, $2500 for operating costs.
The heavy rainfall at the end of July has caused an estimated $2 million of damage to the Ashburton District’s already battered roading network. Ashburton District Council roading manager Mark Chamberlain said the damage to the roading network was widespread with the main areas being in the high country and along the Dry Creek flow path around Methven. The council has filed a request for additional emergency works funding to Waka Kotahi to help cover the costs.
Departing councillor Angus McKay applauded sta for making improved progress on stockwater closures. For the last financial year ending June 30, the Ashburton District Council received a total of 39 applications for race closures/ alterations/culvert installations. Of those, 30 have been approved or completed, eight are still working through the application process. Two closure reports will be presented to the council next week.
The upgrade of the historic rail footbridge in Ashburton will be a “substantial cost and a major project” that will have to be considered in the next annual and long-term plan process. A final draft of the Conservation Management Plan has been submitted which will include to what condition the bridge should be maintained and if any changes or additions can be made.
An unselaed footpath on State Highway 77 at the northern entrance to Methven will be completed by Christmas. Fulton Hogan has been awarded the contract to build the footpath from Racecourse Road to the Opuke hot pools and spa facility. As the footpath is along a state highway the plans need to be signed o by Waka Kotahi.
The council is nearing the end of a long process to take over ownership of the Ashburton Domain Oval Pavilion and Walnut Avenue Pavilion. The council is currently waiting on lawyers to dissolve the trusts that currently own the assets to formally transfer the ownership.
The new West Street carpark is progressing through the design and consent phase. The Ashburton District Council is planning to add a second West Street carpark opposite Baring Square West. The application for resource consent is currently being worked on along with final designs of the layout. There is also a formal application to lease additional land o KiwiRail for stormwater being considered by its board.
the industry, such as pay and onthe-job training.
Hosting the workshop was MinEx and Aggregates and Quarry Association NZ CEO, Wayne Scott, with many people in the industry also attending.
“There were two baristas in Auckland that are now earning double what they were after moving to the mining industry.”
Students from Ashburton College got a peek inside the mining industry this week.
As part of an initiative, they were invited to a workshop portraying the benefits of entering
“The industry is in desperate need for more people, and no experience is needed,” Scott said.
Scott showed the students examples of people that have ditched their current careers for a career in mining.
The 12 students that were selected to attend, found great benefits in being able to meet and greet people working in the industry.
Year 12 student Jack McIntosh said the mining industry looked exciting to him and the day provided him with an opportunity to make connections in the industry.
Through programmes such as Gateway and Mito RockUp high school students can get into the industry before leaving school.
For RockUp school training is all theory, with the students getting the chance to do work experience at quarries. The programme means that students can step straight from school into the industry without any extra tertiary education.
Ashburton College Gateway co-ordinator Debbie Van Rooyen
said there are many more paths that colleges can offer their students.
“When I went to school it was either you go to university or polytech. Now there are so many more vocational pathways students can take.”
Van Rooyen said that the mining industry is usually one that people don’t think about.
She was happy the industry was allowing the students to see what it has to offer.
Mid Canterbury Federated Farmers’ meat and wool repre sentative Ross Bowmar says the government’s decision to ban live animal exports by ship is a “ruse”.
“I think the whole thing is ri diculous. It is really not achiev ing anything. There is no scien tific basis to it, no data to support that animals are harmed in sea voyages,” he said.
The controversial Animal Wel fare Amendment Bill passed its third reading by government last Wednesday. All exports of cattle, deer, goats, and sheep by sea would stop on April 30, 2023.
Export of livestock had long been an issue that had divided the nation with the likes of an imal activist lobby group SAFE opposing it while Federated Farmers deemed it a major con tributor to the livelihood of New Zealand’s farmers.
“It is purely an ideological decision and don’t ask me what they are trying to achieve,” Bow mar said.
“What they believe in their minds is that it will somehow make a better life for animals.
“If you could explain to me why someone would pay good money for an animal and then have it mistreated, and difficult to sell at the other end of the voyage, then I might be able to understand their point of view.
“But this defies logic because it doesn’t happen.”
SAFE chief executive Debra Ashton said it was a relief that animals would soon no longer be exported by sea.
“We’ve been working tirelessly with activists across the country for decades to end live export, and we’re grateful the govern ment has listened,” Ashton said.
“The long voyages at sea are treacherous, and as well the conditions in their destination country can have serious animal
welfare consequences.”
Agriculture Minister Dami en O’Connor has said the ban would only have a small impact, as live exports by sea only ac counted for 0.6 per cent of pri mary sector exports last year, or $265 million.
He said the ban would protect New Zealand’s reputation for world-leading animal welfare standards, as consumers be
come increasingly aware of how livestock was treated.
“New Zealand’s remoteness means animals are at sea for
extended periods, heightening their susceptibility to heat stress and other welfare-associated risks,” he said.
The sinking of the Gulf Live stock 1 in 2019, when more than 6000 cattle and 43 crew died in the South China Sea, highlighted the risks of exporting live ani mals by ship.
It is purely an ideological decision and don’t ask me what they are trying to achieve
and profitability. This is brought into focus with declining cow numbers and milk production.
Lincoln University has been grant ed $10.7 million from the Gov ernment’s Endeavour Fund to research how volatile chemicals produced by fungi (FVOC) can be applied in agriculture to increase plant resistance to stress.
The university’s approved En deavour Research programme focuses on the development of FVOC products which will ena ble plants to more strongly resist stress caused by adverse climate conditions or disease.
The new FVOC products can be applied as a seed treatment or incorporated into soil, and will interact with the plant through chemical signalling, inducing changes within the plant which al low it to increase its resistance to abiotic (drought, heat) and biotic (microbes causing plant diseases) stress.
The research programme will be led by John Hampton, with Arte mio Mendoza-Mendoza as the key researcher.
Hampton said the new prod ucts, when available, would de liver a significant advantage for
New Zealand farmers.
“The work we’re doing at Lincoln will help New Zealand’s food and fibre sector to meet the challenge of remaining a producer of safe food in a climate change-impacted world, while also demonstrating and maintaining our reputation as environmental kaitiaki,” he said.
In addition to their ability to increase plant resilience and pro mote growth, the new FVOC prod ucts would contribute to more sustainable farming practices in other ways.
Hampton said, “Our new prod ucts will contribute to decreasing greenhouse gas emissions through reducing the need to apply chem ical pesticides, and consequently the use of fossil-fuel powered ma chinery.
“Improved plant water-use ef ficiency resulting from the appli cation of our products will also reduce the need to pump water for irrigation.
“We also see a role for the new products in forestry plantings of both indigenous and exotic spe cies designed to contribute to
reducing CO2 release, through al lowing increased seedling survival and stronger growth for nursery production.”
The Lincoln research also aimed to show how the beneficial im pacts of FVOCs on plants were transmitted to the next generation via seed.
The ultimate goal of the research programme was to have commer cial FVOC products available for use by New Zealand farmers as soon as 2030.
Once in use, the products would mitigate climate change impacts on pastoral, arable and vegetable production, with the new knowl edge generated also able to be ap plied to native ecosystems to pro tect them from external stressors including climate change
Hewitt said the research was also a fitting exemplar of the uni versity’s commitment to building collaborative partnerships with in dustry and other research provid ers to achieve innovative and sus tainable solutions to some of the world’s most pressing land-based challenges.
Trayner, who is a candidate for the position of South Island director in LIC’s 2022 board of directors elections, said farm ers had been improving their practice on farm with genetic/ genomic gains, improved tech nology, and better data use and management.
It was now about connecting the improvement into environ mental accounting and making smart tech partnerships, to aid farmers in meeting policy re quirements with minimal cost to the farmer.
In recent years the dairy in dustry has had to meet a raft of new regulations, Trayner said.
“We haven’t yet seen the full scope of having to meet these layers of policy requirements within the farming business, but it will need the close co-op eration of farmers and farm-re lated businesses if we are to ensure we retain profitability while putting the new rules into effect.
“The land and animals are our biggest asset; we seek the best animal on-farm delivering high sustainable performance
“This is where the value and principles of a farmer-owned co-operative really come into their own. It puts LIC in a strong position to work closely with farmers, providing a high lev el of operational excellence, to help them not just manage the many changes facing their industry but adapt proactively to sustain their business and strengthen profitability.
“On-farm inflation has in creased a whopping 20 to 30 per cent in agricultural costs. This was led by fuel, which leaped 44 per cent, fertiliser rose 29 per cent and feed costs were up by 6 per cent.
“While having a strong farmgate milk price has sof tened the impact, it still is a concern every time the GDP drops. What does this mean for farmers looking ahead?
“Some will be seeking more long-term gains often looking at operational efficiency on the farm. Automation in the future will be adapted in practice due to labour shortage, time, and cost.
“I have seen in my govern ance roles how automation is a game changer in empowering the business and minimising labour shortage.”
Cutthroat Kitchen PG 0 3pm Outrageous Acts of Science PG 0
4pm Bath Crashers 0 4:30 Newshub Live at 4:30pm
Gold Rush PG 0
6pm Newshub Live at 6pm
The Project
7:30 The Block NZ – Redemption PG Four fan-favourite teams are back for redemption in the 10th season of The Block NZ. 0
8:40 Emergency M
The paramedics’ efforts are hampered when they have to share a radio frequency with other rescue units. 0
9:40 The World’s Biggest Drug Lord M 3 0
10:40 Newshub Late 11:10 The Hui 0 11:45 Newshub Nation 3 0 Wednesday 12:45 Infomercials 5:30 AM Early 3
7:45 The Unholy MVLC 2021 Horror. Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Cricket Brown. 9:25 The Devil Has a Name 16VLSC 2021 Drama. Kate Bosworth, David Strathairn. 11am The Little Things MVLS 2021 Thriller. Denzel Washington, Rami Malek. 1:05 Halloween Kills 16VLC 2021 Horror.
2:50 The Conjuring 3 – The Devil Made Me Do It 16VC 2021 Horror. 4:40 South of Heaven 16VLSC 2021 Action. 6:40 Queenpins ML 2021 Comedy. Kristen Bell, Kirby Howell-Baptiste. 8:30 Joe Bell MVLSC 2020 Drama. A working-class father embarks on a walk across the US, crusading against bullying after his son is tormented for being gay. Mark Wahlberg, Connie Britton.
10:05 Antlers 16VLSC 2021 Horror. A small-town teacher and her sheriff brother seek to help a troubled boy with dark secrets. Keri Russell, Jesse Plemons.
11:45 Dream Horse PGL 2021 Drama. Toni Collette, Damian Lewis.
1:40 Great White 16VLC 2020 Horror.
3:15 Music MVLC 2021 Drama. 5am Land M 2021 Drama.
to embark on a
Ada and Aurora
Bertha and Mrs Astor lock horns over Gladys’s debut. 0
9:45 The Flight Attendant 16VLSC Cassie goes against her lawyer’s advice and tries to track down Alex’s mysterious business associate.
10:45 The Breakdown
11:50 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert PG Wednesday
12:50 Closedown 1am Infomercials
7am The Hunger Games MV 2012 Sci-fi Adventure. Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth. 9:20 The Hunger Games – Catching Fire MV 2013 Action.
11:45 The Hunger Games – Mockingjay: Part 1 MV 2014 Adventure.
1:45 The Hunger Games –Mockingjay: Part 2 MVC 2015 Adventure. 4pm Troy MV 2004 Action. 6:40 Secretary 18S 2002 Drama. James Spader, Maggie Gyllenhaal. 8:30 Looper 16VL 2012 Scifi. In 2074, a man works for the mafia as a ‘looper’, who kills victims sent back in time but, when he is retired, his future self is sent back as a target for his younger self. Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Bruce Willis.
10:30 Interstellar ML 2014 Sci-fi. With humanity’s time on Earth coming to an end, a team of explorers sets out to find other habitable worlds. Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway.
1:15 Breach ML 2007 Drama.
3:05 The Blair Witch Project MLC 1999 Thriller. 4:25 Green Lantern MV 2011 Action.
6am Basketball
at the
Salvage Dawgs 11:30 Flea
Noon World’s
1pm Richard Hammond’s
James Martin
Island to Highlands
Mysteries at the Monument
Extreme Animal
Me or the Dog
the anxious Chihuahua’s
cannot understand why she is so neurotic.
Newshub Live at 8pm
Undercover Billionaire
decides to risk all the money
has earned on his most ambitious scheme yet.
9:25 Lost and Found
Reuniting families, uncovering cultural identity and discovering lost family heritage.
Extreme Animal Transport
11pm It’s Me or the Dog UK
11:30 Flea Market Flip Midnight Infomercials
NBL (HLS) Melbourne United v NZ Breakers. 7am L Darts
World Grand Prix Day One.
Morningside Arena in Leicester, England.
Premier League (RPL) Leeds United v Aston Villa.
Premier League (RPL) Manchester United v Manchester City. 4pm Football
Premier League (RPL) Leicester City v Nottingham Forest. 6pm Rugby – Gallagher Premiership 7pm Winter Games Show 7:30 Winter Games Show 8pm Sky Speed 8:30 Aotearoa Rugby Pod 9:30 The Back Page 10:30 The Crowd Goes Wild 11:30 Aotearoa Rugby Pod Wednesday 12:30 Winter Games Show 1am Football –Premier League Leicester City v Nottingham Forest. 1:15 Rugby – Gallagher Premiership 1:45 Winter Games Show 2:15 Cricket –West Indies Women v White Ferns First T20. 2:30 Cricket – West Indies Women v White Ferns Second T20. 3am Cricket – West Indies Women v White Ferns
6:30 Tamaiti Tu Winter 6:40 ZooMoo 3 6:50 Taki Atu Taki Mai 3 7am Darwin and Newts 3 7:10 Smooth
7:20 Te Nutube 3 7:30 Haati Paati 3 7:40 Kia Mau 3
7:50 Kainga Whakapaipai 3
8am Tribe 3 8:30 Oranga Ngakau 3 9:30 Whanau Living 3 10am Fusion Feasts 3 10:30 Toi Te Ora 3 11am Our Other Islands PG 3 11:30 Indigenous 100 PG 3 Noon Te Ao Tapatahi 12:30 M Bombshell – The Hedy Lamarr Story M 2017 Documentary. 2:10 Rags Are Riches PG 2:20 Rags Are Riches PG 3 2:30 Ako 3 2
3pm Tamaiti Tu Winter 3
3:10 ZooMoo 3 3:25 Taki Atu Taki Mai 3 3:30 Darwin and Newts 3 3:40 Smooth 3 3:50 Te Nutube 3 4pm Haati Paati 3 4:15 Kia Mau 3 4:20 Kainga Whakapaipai 3 4:30 Ariki 3
5pm Polyfest 3 5:30 Polyfest 3 6pm Haka Ngahau a-Rohe –Waitaha 3 6:30 Te Ao Marama
7pm Up 2 7:30 Karena and Kasey’s Kitchen Diplomacy
Karena and Kasey are in Los Angeles, learning about food trucks, veganism and celebrity chefs.
8pm Moon Tide Fishing PG
The phase of Okoro is perfect for fishing; Nore is going on a trip with friends who have a bucket list of species to catch.
8:30 Wild Wars
Wild Kai
10pm Fighting Chance
Piri’s Tiki
MLC Ghosts in the Swamp.
11:30 Good Sam M
12:25 Under the Dome MV 0 1:10 Te Karere 3
1:35 Infomercials 5:30 Te Karere
6am AM 3 9am Infomercials 10:30 Gold Rush PG 3 0
11:30 Newshub Live at 11:30am
Noon M Nature of Love 2020 Comedy Romance. A city reporter, who is writing a magazine feature on a glamping resort, faces her fears with help from a rugged outdoorsman. Emilie Ullerup, Christopher Russell. 0
2pm Cutthroat Kitchen PG 0
3pm Outrageous Acts of Science PG 0 4pm Bath Crashers 0
4:30 Newshub Live at 4:30pm 5pm Gold Rush PG 0 6pm Newshub Live at 6pm
7pm The Project
7:30 The Block NZ – Redemption PG After 12 weeks on The Block, the teams race to finish their houses before the auction. 0
8:40 Nadia’s Farm PG Nadia Lim and her family have left Auckland for a new life as farmers in the South Island. 0
9:40 The Men Who Sold the World Cup M
A tax investigation gives the FBI and IRS a chance to get inside the football world’s governing body, likened to the mafia. 0
10:45 Newshub Late 11:15 NRL Try Time 0 11:50 Bath Crashers 3 Thursday
12:20 Infomercials 5:30 AM Early 3
6:30 Antlers 16VLSC 2021 Horror. Keri Russell, Jesse Plemons. 8:10 SpiderMan – No Way Home MV 2021 Action. Tom Holland, Benedict Cumberbatch. 10:35 Venom – Let There Be Carnage MVL 2021 Action. 12:10 Every Breath You Take 16VC 2021 Thriller.
1:55 Out of Death 16VLC 2021 Thriller. 3:30 Together Together MLS 2021 Comedy.
5pm Juniper MVLC 2021 Drama. 6:35 Blue Bayou MVLC 2020 Drama. Justin Chon, Alicia Vikander. 8:30 This is the Night 16LC 2021 Comedy. In 1982, as all of Staten Island anticipates the opening of Rocky III, a teenage boy embarks on a quest that draws in his entire family. Lucius Hoyos, Frank Grillo. 10:20 Judas and the Black Messiah 16VL 2021 Drama.
An FBI informant infiltrates the Illinois Black Panther Party and is tasked with keeping tabs on their charismatic leader. Daniel Kaluuya, LaKeith Stanfield.
Thursday 12:25 Gully 18VLSC 2021 Drama.
1:50 Alone 16VL 2020 Thriller. 3:30 Lake Placid – Legacy 16VC 2018 Horror. 5:05 Pooka Lives! 16VLSC 2019 Horror.
PC Dave Naylor responds to a call about a known violent man who is suspected of stealing a car.
Hunters Club MVC
team reassemble in the Central Otago high country, hoping to get a monster boar and to exorcise some demons.
9:35 Stacey Dooley Investigates M Stacey Dooley explores the issue of child soldiers in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
10:45 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert PG 11:45 World’s Most Unexplained M 3
Thursday 12:15 Closedown 12:30 Infomercials
6:20 No 2 PG 2006 Comedy. Ruby Dee, Anthony Starr, Rene Naufahu. 7:55 Now You See Me MVLS 2013 Thriller. Jesse Eisenberg, Mark Ruffalo. 9:50 Now You See Me 2 MV 2016 Thriller. Jesse Eisenberg, Mark Ruffalo, Woody Harrelson. Noon Payback 18V 1999 Action. 1:40 Apollo 13 PGL 1995 Drama. 4pm Twilight MV 2008 Fantasy. 6pm Superman Returns MV 2006 Action. Brandon Routh, Kevin Spacey, Kate Bosworth. 8:30 Hitch MLS 2005 Comedy. The life of a modern-day cupid is complicated by a clumsy accountant client and a gossip columnist to whom he is attracted. Will Smith, Eva Mendes.
10:25 The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo 16VLS 2011 Crime. As a journalist is helped in his search for a woman who has been missing for 40 years by a young computer hacker, they uncover massive corruption. Daniel Craig, Rooney Mara, Christopher Plummer.
1am The Grudge 16C 2004 Horror. 2:30 The Grudge 2 MC 2006 Drama. 4:10 State of Play MVL 2009 Crime.
6:30 Tamaiti Tu Winter
6:40 Purakau 3 6:50 Takaro Tribe 3
7am Darwin and Newts 3
7:10 Tamariki Haka 3
7:20 Te Nutube 3
7:30 Kids Kai Kart 3
7:40 Kia Mau 3 7:50 Cube 3
8am Pukana 3 8:30 Oranga Ngakau 3 9:30 Whanau Living 3
10am Karena and Kasey’s Kitchen Diplomacy 3
10:30 Toi Te Ora 3
11am Piri’s Tiki Tour PG 3
11:30 Moon Tide Fishing PG 3
Noon Te Ao Tapatahi 12:30 Piri’s Tiki Tour PGC 3
1pm Wild Wars Australia 3
2pm Toku Reo 3 2
2:30 Ako 3 2
3pm Tamaiti Tu Winter 3
3:10 Purakau 3
3:20 Takaro Tribe 3
3:30 Darwin and Newts 3
3:40 Tamariki Haka 3 3:50 Te Nutube 3
4pm Kids Kai Kart 3
4:10 Kia Mau 3
at the
American Pickers
at 8pm
With Alexander
Alexander’s last day in Iceland,
mud and
up a glacier
9:30 Aussie Salvage Squad
4:20 Cube 3
4:30 Pukana 3
5pm Te Wananga o Aotearoa Sprints 3
5:30 Polyfest 3
6pm Haka Ngahau a-Rohe –Waitaha 3
6:30 Te Ao Marama
7pm Lifted
7:30 5 Minutes of Fame
The team tries to remove two stolen vehicles from an old mine, a task with a lot of moving parts.
10:30 Shipping Wars
Border Security – Australia
11:30 Flea Market Flip
6am Rugby – Gallagher Premiership (HLS) 7am L Darts – World Grand Prix Day Two. From Morningside Arena in Leicester, England. Noon Rugby – NPC (RPL) Hawke’s Bay v Tasman. 2pm Tennis – ATP 500 (HLS) Rakuten Japan Open Championships – Day Two. 3pm Rugby League –Warriors Flashback (RPL) Premiership 2014 – Warriors v Canberra Raiders. 5pm Rugby League – NRL (HLS) Grand Final – Penrith v Parramatta. 5:30 Matty Johns Face to Face 6pm NRL 360 7pm Winter Games Show (HLS) 7:30 Winter Games Show (HLS) 8pm Motorsport – FIM Speedway (HLS) Round 10. 9pm Kiwi Football Fix 10pm Rugby League – NRL (RPL) Grand Final – Penrith v Parramatta. Thursday
12:30 Winter Games Show
1am NRL 360 2am Cricket – West Indies Women v White Ferns Second T20. 2:15 Cricket – West Indies Women v White Ferns Third T20. 2:45 L Cricket – West Indies Women v White Ferns Fourth T20. From Sir Vivian Richards Stadium, Antigua.
Aspiring singing stars go head-tohead for their shot at fame.
8:30 M The Power of One MLV 1992 Drama. An English boy, living in Africa during the Second World War, through his boxing ability becomes a symbol of hope. Stephen Dorff, Armin Mueller-Stahl, Morgan Freeman.
10:45 Te Ao Marama
11:15 Closedown
6:05 Man Caves PG 6:30 Pool Kings PG 6:55 Strange Evidence PG 7:45 Maine Cabin Masters PG 8:35 Alaska – The Last Frontier PG 9:25 Fast N’ Loud MLC 10:20 Strange Evidence PG 11:15 What on Earth? PG Secrets of the Roman Occult. 12:10 Man Caves PG Maxim Man Cave. 12:35 How It’s Made
Theja get another crack at the Big Brass Mug.
9:40 Coronation Street
10:40 1 News
11:10 Shortland Street
Chris is caught unawares; Marty and Monique draw closer; Viliami makes a costly mistake.
11:40 N For Life
After being granted a retrial, Aaron realises that the fight for his freedom is just beginning.
Friday 12:35 20/20 3 0 1:25
2am Infomercials 5:30 Te Karere
investigation into Arthur Burney’s
6am AM 3 9am Infomercials
10:30 Gold Rush PG 3 0
11:30 Newshub Live at 11:30am
Noon M Love’s Sweet Recipe 2021 Romance. Sparks fly between a talented chef and her childhood best friend as she regains her passion for cooking. Megan Hutchings. 0 1:55 Cutthroat Kitchen PG 0
3pm Outrageous Acts of Science PG 0
4pm Bath Crashers 0
4:30 Newshub Live at 4:30pm
5pm Gold Rush PG 0
6pm Newshub Live at 6pm
7pm The Project
7:30 N Love It or List It –Australia Andrew Winter and Neale Whitaker help homeowners decide whether to renovate or sell their homes. 0
8:30 Mean Mums M
When the eighties parent prom takes a surprising turn, secrets are revealed and the mums’ world is changed forever. 0
9pm The Stand Up Sketch Show 16 0
9:30 Get the Name Right PG Joe is in Picton to find out who it is named after; Kara learns about Waitohi, its ceremonial significance and bringing the name back. 0
10pm Newshub Late 10:30 NCIS – LA M 3 0
11:25 Breaking Amish M 3 0
Friday 12:15 Infomercials 5:30 AM Early 3
6:25 Charm City Kings 16VLC 2020 Drama. Jahi Di’Allo Winston, Meek Mill.
8:25 Reminiscence MVC 2021 Sci-fi. Hugh Jackman, Rebecca Ferguson.
10:20 Gunpowder Milkshake 16VLC 2021 Action. Karen Gillan, Lena Headey.
12:15 Stillwater MVLC 2021 Drama. 2:30 Blackbird MLC 2019 Drama. 4:10 Songbird 16V 2020 Thriller. 5:35 Death of a Telemarketer MVLC 2021 Comedy. 7:05 Shadow in the Cloud 16V 2021 Action. Chloe Grace Moretz, Nick Robinson.
8:30 Ghostbusters –Afterlife PGL 2021 Adventure. A mother and her children discover their connection to the original Ghostbusters and the secret legacy their grandfather left behind.
Carrie Coon, Paul Rudd.
10:35 Escape Room –Tournament of Champions MVL 2021 Horror. Taylor Russell, Logan Miller.
12:10 Locked Down MLC 2021 Comedy. 2:05 Penguin Bloom ML 2020 Drama.
3:40 Six Minutes to Midnight MV 2021 Drama.
5:20 Amber Alert MVLSC 2017 Thriller.
5pm Rural Delivery 0
5:30 Prime News
Table 9am
Salvage Dawgs
Flea Market
Aussie Salvage Squad
6:30 Tamaiti Tu Winter 6:40 ZooMoo 3 6:50 Taki Atu Taki Mai 3 7am Darwin and Newts 3 7:10 Smooth 3
7:20 Te Nutube 3 7:30 Haati Paati 3 7:40 Kia Mau 3
7:50 Kainga Whakapaipai 3
8am Polyfest 3 8:30 Oranga Ngakau 3 9:30 Whanau Living 3
10am Lifted 3 10:30 Toi Te Ora 3 11am 5 Minutes of Fame PG 3 Noon Te Ao Tapatahi 12:30 M The Power of One MLV 1992 Drama. 2:45 Haka Life 3 3pm Tamaiti Tu Winter 3 3:10 ZooMoo 3 3:20 Taki Atu Taki Mai 3 3:30 Darwin and Newts 3 3:40 Smooth 3 3:50 Te Nutube 3 4:05 Haati Paati 3
4:10 Kia Mau 3
4:20 Kainga Whakapaipai 3
6pm Storage Wars PGL 3 0
6:30 Winter Games Show (HLS)
7pm N Pawn Stars PG
An 1800s one-horse open sleigh glides into the shop.
7:30 Michael Palin – Travels of a Lifetime PGC 3 0
8:30 The Black Ferns – Wahine
Toa PG A documentary profiling the Maori and Pasifika women in the world champion Black Ferns rugby team. 0
9:35 Louis Theroux – Life on the Edge 18VLSC 3 Louis Theroux explores how some beliefs create conflict with mainstream society.
10:40 The Crowd Goes Wild PG
11:10 UFC on Sky MVC
11:40 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert PG Friday
12:40 Closedown 1am Infomercials
6:15 La La Land ML 2016 Musical Comedy. Emma Stone, Ryan Gosling. 8:20 Spy Game MVL 2001 Action. Robert Redford, Brad Pitt. 10:25 The Perfect Storm ML 2000 Adventure. George Clooney, Mark Wahlberg, Diane Lane. 12:30 Patriots Day 16VLC 2016 Drama. Mark Wahlberg, Kevin Bacon. 2:40 The Mask of Zorro MVL 1998 Adventure. 4:55 Knight and Day MVL 2010 Action. 6:50 My Week with Marilyn ML 2011 Drama. Michelle Williams, Eddie Redmayne. 8:30 Deepwater Horizon ML 2016 Action. During one of the worst oil spills in US history, the crew
board must save the lives of their fellow work mates. Mark Wahlberg, Kurt Russell. 10:15 Lord of War 16VLS 2005 Crime.
Nicolas Cage, Jared Leto, Ethan Hawke.
12:15 Requiem for a
Drama. 1:55 In Time
Iceland With Alexander Armstrong
2pm Shipping
Border Security
4pm Bizzare Foods
Rick Stein’s
Mysteries at the Monument
American Pickers
Aussie Lobster Men
Newshub Live at 8pm
Bite Club
investigates the death of a woman on the beach; Pia’s body turns up and the evidence points to Dan.
9:25 Army Girls 16
needs to adapt to army discipline and Chantelle returns to training, determined to make it through.
10:30 Aussie Lobster Men PG With just two days left of the winter lobster season, Glenn is putting on a brave face despite his horror season.
11:30 Flea Market Flip Midnight Infomercials
7am The Back Page 8am Rugby – NPC (RPL) Northland v Manawatu. 10am Rugby – NPC (RPL) Southland v North Harbour. Noon Winter Games Show 12:30 Rugby – Gallagher Premiership (RPL) Saracens v Leicester Tigers. 2:30 Rugby – NPC (RPL) Northland v Manawatu. 4:30 Rugby – NPC (RPL) Otago v Canterbury. From Forsyth Barr Stadium, Dunedin. 6:30 UFC On Sky 7pm Mainfreight Rugby 8pm Inside Netball 8:30 L National Tribute – Sir Wayne Shelford Wayne “Buck” Shelford is honoured by a line up of his friends, family and sporting colleagues.
9:45 Rugby – Gallagher Premiership (HLS) 10:35 Kiwi Football Fix 11:30 Rugby – NPC (RPL) Waikato v Bay of Plenty. Friday
1:30 Rugby – NPC (HLS) Southland v North Harbour. 1:50 L Cycling – Gran Piemonte One day cycling race in Italy. 4am Rugby – Gallagher Premiership (RPL) Harlequins v Northampton Saints.
4:30 Ringa Pakia 3
5pm Te Wananga o Aotearoa Sprints 3
5:30 Polyfest 3
6pm Haka Ngahau a-Rohe –Waitaha 3
6:30 Te Ao Marama
7pm Fresh PG 7:30 Nanakia 2.0 PG
A boys trip of seven tane, with straight-up korero, ample ribbing and a lot of laughs.
8pm Only in Aotearoa PG
8:30 Rage Against the Rangatahi PG Going down the rabbit hole and looking at conspiracy theories, aliens and fake news.
9pm Black Comedy MCL
A sketch show by Blackfellas, an ensemble cast of Indigenous writers and performers.
9:30 Redfern Now MLC
10:30 Colonial Combat MLC 3
10:45 The Adventures of Suzy Boon PG 11pm Te Ao Marama 11:30 Closedown
6:05 Man Caves
6:30 Pool Kings PG 6:55 Strange Evidence PG 7:45 Maine Cabin Masters PG 8:35 Alaska – The Last Frontier PG 9:25 Fast N’ Loud PG 10:20 Deadliest Catch MLC 11:15 Great Southern Truckers PG 12:10 Man Caves PG South African Cave. 12:35 How It’s Made PG 1:05 Expedition X MLC Americas Lake Monster.
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Te Karere 3 2 2:05 Infomercials 5:30 Religious Programming
6am AM 3 9am Infomercials
10:30 Gold Rush PG 3 0
11:30 Newshub Live at 11:30am Noon M The Song to My Heart 2022 Romance. An organic tea shop owner helps a music sensation write lyrics for a new solo album. Lanie McAuley. 0
2pm Cutthroat Kitchen 0 3pm Outrageous Acts of Science PG 0
4pm Bath Crashers 0 4:30 Newshub Live at 4:30pm 5pm Gold Rush PG Parker cranks up the speed on his sluices; the frosty ground is causing problems for Rick’s crew. 0
6pm Newshub Live at 6pm
7pm The Project 7:30 M Dune PG 1984 Sci-fi Action. A Duke’s son leads desert warriors against the galactic emperor and his father’s evil nemesis to free their desert world from the emperor’s rule. Kyle MacLachlan, Virginia Madsen. 0
10:10 Newshub Late 10:40 Expedition – Back to the Future PG Josh Gates and Christopher Lloyd continue their search at Universal Studios in Florida for the mysterious Oxnard DeLorean. 11:35 Funny Girls 16 3 12:05 Infomercials
6:50 A Quiet Place
Part II MVC 2021 Thriller. Emily Blunt, Cillian Murphy. 8:25 Music MVLC 2021 Drama. Kate Hudson, Maddie Ziegler. 10:10 Fatale 16VLS 2020 Thriller. Hilary Swank, Michael Ealy. 11:50 Moonshot MVLSC 2022 Comedy. 1:35 Four Good Days MVLSC 2019 Drama.
3:15 Old MVC 2021 Horror.
5:05 The Card Counter 16VLSC 2021 Thriller. 6:55 Naked Singularity 16VLSC 2021 Comedy. John Boyega, Olivia Cooke. 8:30 Mark Hunt – The Fight of His Life 16VL 2021 Documentary. The story of Mark Hunt, the New Zealand MMA fighter who overcame staggering odds to become a UFC champion.
10pm Kimi 16VLSC 2022 Thriller. An agoraphobic tech worker uncovers evidence of a crime. To get justice, she must leave her apartment. Zoe Kravitz, Rita Wilson.
11:30 Separation MVLC 2020 Horror. Violet McGraw, Rupert Friend.
Saturday 1:15 The Space Between MLSC 2021 Comedy. 2:55 The Professor and the Madman MVC 2019 Drama. 5am Let Them All Talk ML 2020 Comedy.
Jarrod and Brandi just want to have fun.
7pm Pacific Brothers and Sisters 7:30 L Basketball – NBL NZ Breakers v JackJumpers. From Spark Arena, Auckland. 0
9:30 National Tribute – Sir Wayne Shelford PG Rugby great Buck Shelford is honoured by friends, family and sporting colleagues. 0
Midnight The Late Show With Stephen Colbert
1am How to Make It in America 16LC 0 1:30 Infomercials
7:25 Contraband 16VLC 2012 Crime. Mark Wahlberg, Kate Beckinsale, Ben Foster. 9:15 Miss Potter PG 2006 Drama. Renee Zellweger, Ewan McGregor. 10:45 T2 Trainspotting 16VLSC 2017 Crime. 12:40 Inception MV 2010 Action. 3:05 Broken City 16VL 2013 Crime. 4:50 The Nice Guys 16VLSC 2016 Action Comedy. 6:45 Deepwater Horizon ML 2016 Action. Mark Wahlberg, Kurt Russell. 8:30 Made 16VLS 2001 Comedy Thriller. A boxer agrees to go to New York to help make a delivery for a money-laundering scheme, along with his best friend, a loudmouth who has seen too many mafia movies. Vince Vaughn, Jon Favreau. 10:10 Superman Returns MV 2006 Action. While old enemy Lex Luthor plots to render him powerless, Superman must face the fact that Lois Lane has moved on with her life. Brandon Routh, Kevin Spacey, Kate Bosworth.
Saturday 12:40 Ali MVL 2001 Drama. 3:15 Along Came Polly MLS 2004 Romantic Comedy. 4:45 Hancock MVL 2008 Action.
at the
Great Giveback
with a spa-inspired
6:30 Tamaiti Tu Winter
6:40 Purakau 3 6:50 Takaro Tribe 3 7am Darwin and Newts 3 7:10 Tamariki Haka 3
7:20 Te Nutube 3 7:30 Kids Kai Kart 3 7:40 Kia Mau 3
7:50 Cube 3 8am Tribe 3
8:30 Oranga Ngakau 3
9:30 Whanau Living 3
10am Lucky Dip 3
10:30 Toi Te Ora 3
11am Rage Against the Rangatahi PG 3 11:30 Lifted 3
Noon Te Ao Tapatahi 12:30 Only in Aotearoa PG
1pm Ka Pai Living PG 3
1:30 Toku Reo 3 2
2:30 Ako 3 2
3pm Tamaiti Tu Winter 3
3:10 Purakau 3
3:20 Takaro Tribe 3
3:30 Darwin and Newts 3
3:40 Tamariki Haka 3
3:50 Te Nutube 3
4pm Kids Kai Kart 3
4:10 Kia Mau 3
4:20 Cube 3
4:30 Tribe 3
5pm Te Wananga o Aotearoa
5:30 Polyfest 3
6pm Haka Ngahau a-Rohe
Waitaha 3
6:30 Te Ao Marama
7pm Pacific Island
8pm Going Native 3
8:30 Intrepid Journeys
New Zealand celebrities travel the back roads of some of the world’s most beautiful countries. Keisha Castle-Hughes is in Tanzania. 9:30 Moko 3
10pm The New Zealanders 3
11pm Te Ao Marama 11:30 Closedown
Hockey One Perth v Adelaide. 11:15 Hockey One Brisbane v Canberra. 11:30 Mainfreight Rugby 12:30 UFC on Sky 1pm Inside Netball 1:30 Cricket – West Indies Women v White Ferns Fifth T20. 2pm Rugby – NPC 4:30 Rugby –Gallagher Premiership 5pm Mainfreight Rugby 6pm Rugby – NPC 6:20 Rugby –NPC 6:40 Rugby – NPC 7pm L Rugby – NPC Quarter-final One – North Harbour v Auckland. 9pm Pacific Brothers and Sisters 9:30 The Crowd Goes Wild 10pm Rugby – NPC Otago v Canterbury. Saturday Midnight
11am Carol’s Second Act PGC 3 0
11:30 Winter Games Show 3
1pm National Tribute – Sir Wayne Shelford 3
2:30 L Rugby – Heartland Championship Whanganui v Mid Cantebury.
From Cooks Garden, Whanganui. 4:30 Once a Warrior with Monty Betham
5pm Dream Home Dilemma 3
A woman struggles to find an Auckland property that ticks all the boxes. 0
5:30 Prime News
6pm American Pickers PGC 3
7pm Rugby – NPC (DLY) Quarterfinal – Teams TBC.
9pm The Black Ferns – Wahine Toa PG 3
A documentary profiling the Maori and Pasifika women in the world champion Black Ferns rugby team. 0
10pm Midsomer Murders MVC 3 Barnaby and Winter investigate when a body is discovered in a theatre during a rehearsal. 0
Sunday Midnight NXT PGV 1am Infomercials
Southern Kitchen 8:15 Jamie and Jimmy’s Food Fight Club
9:10 Mysteries at the Monument
10:10 American Pickers
11:10 Flea Market Flip 11:40 The Great Giveback With Melissa McCarthy 12:40 All Together Now UK
2pm The Chase USA PG
3pm Animal Cribs PG
4pm The Best Thing I Ever Ate The chefs and foodies pick their favourite one-of-a-kind concoctions and zany mashups.
4:30 The Best Thing I Ever Ate 5pm Mysteries at the Monument PG
6pm American Pickers PG
7pm My Lottery Dream Home David shows a family how to revel in luxury as they embark on a spree full of sun, sand and lavish homes.
7:30 The 1% Club
8:30 M 21 Bridges 16 2019 Crime. An embattled NYPD detective is thrust into a citywide manhunt for a pair of cop killers after uncovering a massive conspiracy. Chadwick Boseman, Sienna Miller. 10:35 Forged in Fire
11:30 Flea Market Flip Midnight Infomercials
3 6:40 Purakau 3
Taki Atu Taki
Tamariki Haka 3 7:10 Smooth 3 7:20 Haati Paati 3
7:30 Kia Mau 3 7:40 Cube 3
7:50 Kainga Whakapaipai 3
8am Ariki 3
8:30 Pukana 3
9:30 Opaki 3 10:30 Ako 3 2
11am Polyfest 3
Noon Haka at Home 3
1pm Whakatauki 3
1:30 Karanga – The First Voice 3
2pm Whaikorero PG 3
2:30 Chatham Islanders 3
3pm Intrepid Journeys PG
4pm Marae
5pm Moosemeat and Marmalade
5:30 School of Training
6pm Piri’s Tiki Tour
6:30 He Aha to Say?
A series of interviews with the people of Ngati Porou on a range of different kaupapa.
7pm M The Swan Princess
A Royal Family Tale
Animation. Prince Derek and Princess Odette’s adopted daughter, Alise, is captured by flying squirrels and they must save her. James Arrington, Laura Bailey, Joel Bishop.
8:30 M Capote MVL 3 2005 Drama. The true story of how author Truman Capote researched and wrote his non-fiction bestseller, In Cold Blood. Philip Seymour Hoffman, Catherine Keener.
10:30 K’Rd Chronicles PGC
The colourful world of the people living around Auckland’s Karangahape Road.
10:50 The Walkers PGC
11:20 Closedown
6:55 The Courier MVLC 2020 Thriller. Benedict Cumberbatch, Rachel Brosnahan.
8:45 Dream Horse PGL 2021 Drama. 10:40 The Conjuring 3 – The Devil Made Me Do It 16VC 2021 Horror.
12:30 French Exit MLS 2021 Comedy. 2:25 The Many Saints of Newark 16VLSC 2021 Drama. 4:25 The Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard 16VLS 2021 Action. 6:25 Judas and the Black Messiah 16VL 2021 Drama. Daniel Kaluuya, LaKeith Stanfield.
8:30 Those Who Wish Me Dead 16VL 2021 Thriller. Deep in the Montana wilderness, a survival expert and a teenage murder witness are pursued by two relentless killers. Angelina Jolie, Finn Little.
10:10 Jackass Forever 16LC 2022 Comedy. The Jackass crew return for a final round of wildly hilarious and dangerous hijinks. Johnny Knoxville, Chris Pontius.
11:45 Spiral – From the Book of Saw 18VL 2021 Horror. Chris Rock, Samuel L Jackson.
Sunday 1:20 Godzilla v Kong MV 2021 Action. 3:10 2 Hearts MLS 2020 Drama.
4:50 Lake Placid – Legacy 16VC 2018 Horror.
6:15 Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy MVL 2012 Drama. Gary Oldman, Colin Firth, Benedict Cumberbatch. 8:20 Blue Crush PGV 2002 Drama. Kate Bosworth, Michelle Rodriguez, Matthew Davis. 10:05 Gangster Squad 16VLS 2012 Action.
Noon Conspiracy Theory MV 1997 Thriller. 2:15 Runaway Jury MV 2003 Drama.
4:20 Daredevil MV 2003 Action Fantasy. 6:05 Gone Girl 16VLS 2014 Thriller. Ben Affleck, Rosamund Pike. 8:30 Gravity MLC 2013 Drama. A medical engineer and an astronaut work together to survive after their shuttle is destroyed, leaving them adrift in orbit. Sandra Bullock, George Clooney.
10pm Her 16LS 2013 Romance Sci-fi.
writer develops an
designed to meet his every need.
Joaquin Phoenix, Amy Adams, Scarlett Johansson.
Sunday 12:05 Mr and Mrs Smith MVLS 2005 Comedy Thriller. 2:05 Rules of Attraction 18VLSC 2002 Drama. 3:55 Now You See Me MVLS 2013 Thriller. 5:50 Now You See Me 2 MV 2016 Thriller.
M 3 0 11:35 9-1-1 M 3 0
Infomercials 5:30 AM Early 3
6am Steven Universe PG 3 0
6:50 Religious Programming PGC
Noon Golf – LPGA Tour (HLS)
1:05 Mainfreight Rugby
2:05 Storage Wars PGL 3
2:30 Storage Wars PGL 3
3pm L Football –
A-League Wellington Phoenix v Adelaide United. From Sky Stadium, Wellington.
5pm Storage Wars PG
5:30 Prime News
6pm American Pickers PGL 3
7pm Storage Wars PGL 3 0
7:30 F Rescue – River Deep Mountain High PGC 3 0
8pm F Kalgoorlie Cops MC Constable Fletcher takes control of a Desert Demons team for the first time; Constable Malcolm responds to a disturbance.
8:35 The Equalizer MVC McCall and Mel help a deported woman track down her son after she was separated from him at the border.
9:35 Game of Thrones 18VLSC Dany receives an invitation to the House of the Undying; Jon loses his way in the wilderness; Arya calls in her debt with Jaqen; Stannis and Davos approach their destination.
11:50 SmackDown PGV
Monday 12:50 Closedown 1am Infomercials
American Pickers
10:45 Robson Green’s
Slam 11:35 Flea Market
Noon King of Cones
Ridiculous Cakes
The 1% Club
2:30 My Lottery Dream Home 3pm Amanda to the Rescue
4pm Baker’s Dozen
5pm Mysteries at the Monument
6pm American Pickers
7pm Baggage Battles
Tony Robinson’s Coast to Coast Tony discovers how volunteers kept a railway running, gets a glimpse inside the radar base at RAF Fylingdales and visits the last shipyard in Whitby.
8:30 M Nowhere Boy M 2009 Drama. The story of John Lennon’s younger years. Aaron TaylorJohnson, Kristin Scott-Thomas, AnneMarie Duff.
10:30 Forged in Fire
The competitors are tasked with turning salvaged steel into a weapon.
11:25 Flea Market Flip Midnight Infomercials
6:30 ZooMoo 3
6:40 Purakau 3
6:50 Tamaiti
7am Tamariki Haka 3
7:10 Darwin and Newts 3
7:20 Haati Paati 3
7:30 Kia Mau 3
7:40 Cube 3
7:50 Kainga Whakapaipai 3
8am Ariki 3
8:30 Whanau Bake-Off 3
9:30 Easy Eats 3
10am Kai With Anne Thorp 3
10:30 Matau Bros Gone Fishing 3
11am Te Ao Marama News and current affairs.
11:30 Te Ao With Moana
Noon Te Ao Tapatahi News.
12:30 Tagata Pasifika
1pm 5 Minutes of Fame 3
2:50 M The Swan Princess – A Royal Family Tale PGC 2014 Animation.
4:30 Waka Huia 3
5pm The Hui
5:30 Te Wananga o Aotearoa Sprints 3
6:30 Heritage Rescue 3
Brigid revisits all of the rescued sites, to see how the changes have affected the museums and their communities.
7:30 Rain – The Untold Story PG
Rain has shaped civilizations, provided drinking water and now climate change is changing the patterns of rainfall with deadly effect.
8:30 M Everything Must Go MLS 2010 Drama. When an alcoholic relapses, losing his wife and his job, he holds a garage sale in an attempt to start again. Will Ferrell, Rebecca Hall.
10:10 Taringa
A bilingual podcast to invigorate, inspire, and normalise the use of te reo Maori.
11:10 Closedown
6:25 The Unholy MVLC 2021 Horror. Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Cricket Brown. 8:05 No Sudden Move 16VL 2021 Thriller. Don Cheadle, Benicio Del Toro. 10am Resident Evil –Welcome to Raccoon City 16VL 2021 Action. Kaya Scodelario, Robbie Amell. 11:45 Last Night in Soho 16VLSC 2020 Horror. Thomasin McKenzie, Anya Taylor-Joy. 1:40 A Mouthful of Air MLC 2021 Drama. Amanda Seyfried, Finn Wittrock. 3:25 Georgetown 16LC 2021 Crime. Christoph Waltz, Vanessa Redgrave.
5:05 Military Wives MLS 2019 Comedy. Kristin Scott Thomas, Sharon Horgan. 6:55 Joe Bell MVLSC 2020 Drama.
Mark Wahlberg, Connie Britton. 8:30 Moonfall ML 2022 Scifi. A mysterious force knocks the moon from its orbit and hurtling towards Earth. Halle Berry, Patrick Wilson. 10:40 Dear Evan Hansen MLC 2021 Musical. Ben Platt, Kaitlyn Dever.
1am Blackbird MLC 2019 Drama. 2:40 Crisis 16VC 2020 Thriller. 4:40 Voyagers 16VS 2021 Adventure.
7:55 Hitch MLS 2005 Comedy. Will Smith, Eva Mendes. 9:50 Charlie’s Angels – Full Throttle MV 2003 Action. Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore, Lucy Liu. 11:35 Traffic 18VLSC 2000 Crime. Michael Douglas, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Benicio Del Toro.
2pm The Legend of Tarzan MV 2016 Adventure. Alexander Skarsgard, Rory J Saper, Christian Stevens. 3:50 Something’s Gotta Give MLS 2003 Comedy. 5:55 The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo 16VLS 2011 Crime. 8:30 Lion PG 2016 Drama. A boy, lost on the streets of Calcutta, is adopted by a couple in Australia and, 25 years later, sets out to find his lost family. Dev Patel, Rooney Mara, Nicole Kidman. 10:30 Deepwater Horizon ML 2016 Action. During one of the worst oil spills in US history, the crew on board must save the lives of their fellow work mates. Mark Wahlberg, Kurt Russell.
12:15 No 2 PG 2006
1:50 Unfaithful 16VS
Drama. 3:50 The Impossible ML 2012 Drama.
Entrapment MV 1999 Thriller.
v Auckland. 7:30 Rugby – NPC Quarterfinal Two – Wellington v Hawke’s Bay. 7:45 Rugby
NPC Quarter-final Three
Canterbury v Northland. 8am Rugby – Gallagher Premiership 10am Rugby
NPC Noon Rugby
NPC 12:20 Rugby
NPC 12:40 Rugby
NPC 1pm Rugby
NPC 1:20 Rugby
NPC 1:40 Rugby –NPC 2pm L Rugby
NPC Quarter-final Four
Waikato v Bay of Plenty. 4pm Rugby – Gallagher Premiership 5:55 Winter Games Show 6:25 Winter Games Show 6:55 Winter Games Show
6am AM 3 9am Infomercials
10:30 Gold Rush PG 3 0
11:30 Newshub Live at 11:30am
Noon M Diagnosis Delicious PG 3 2016 Romantic Comedy.
A stressed doctor attends a cooking class, held by a famous, black listed chef, in order to enlist him to help with her cause. Maya Stojan, Ryan Rottman. 0
2pm Cutthroat Kitchen 0 3pm Outrageous Acts of Science PG 0
4pm Bath Crashers 0
4:30 Newshub Live at 4:30pm
8am Henry Danger
The Loud House 3
Addicted to Fishing
Say the Darndest
Unicorn PGC 3
Judge Judy PG
Noon F Designing Dreams 3 0
1pm Traffic Cops PGVL 3 0
2pm The Late Show with Stephen Colbert PG 3
3pm Wheel of Fortune 3:30 Jeopardy
4pm American Pickers PGC 3
Pippa Wetzell
Vanisi discovers that
Jayani investigates
the downside of self-diagnosis.
8:30 My Life
a bride dies from an allergic reaction to a bee sting on her wedding day, Alexa must uncover whether this is just a tragic accident. 0
9:30 20/20 0
10:30 1 News Tonight 0
11pm Shortland Street PGV 3 0
11:30 Paramedics M 3 0
Tuesday 12:30 Q+A with Jack Tame 3 0 1:30 Te Karere 3 2 2am Infomercials 5:30 Te Karere 3
5pm Gold Rush PG
In an attempt to get dredge two running, Tony shuts down dredge one; Brennan keeps a damaged Big Red running. 0
6pm Newshub Live at 6pm
7pm The Project
7:30 Lego Masters Australia Teams are challenged to create something you would find at the bottom of the ocean. 0
9:10 The Rookie M
When a new drug hits the streets, Nolan and the team have a Halloween they will not forget; Lucy wonders if her apartment building is haunted. 0
10:05 SVU 16 0
11:05 Newshub Late 11:35 Head High M 3 0
Tuesday 12:35 Infomercials 5:30 AM Early 3
6:30 My Valentine 16VLSC 2019 Horror. Britt Baron, Benedict Samuel.
7:50 Cry Macho MC 2021 Drama. Clint Eastwood, Eduardo Minett.
9:35 Penguin Bloom ML 2020 Drama. Naomi Watts, Andrew Lincoln.
11:10 Alone 16VL 2020 Thriller. Jules Willcox, Marc Menchaca.
12:50 12 Mighty Orphans M 2021 Drama. Luke Wilson, Martin Sheen.
2:45 Music MVLC 2021 Drama. Kate Hudson, Maddie Ziegler. 4:35 The Fallout 16VLSC 2021 Drama. 6:10 Stillwater MVLC 2021 Drama. Matt Damon, Abigail Breslin.
8:30 The Last Duel 16VLSC 2021 Action. King Charles VI declares that Knight Jean de Carrouges settle his dispute with his squire by challenging him to a duel. Matt Damon, Adam Driver, Jodie Comer.
11:05 Queenpins ML 2021 Comedy. Kristen Bell, Kirby Howell-Baptiste.
Tuesday 12:55 Every Breath You Take 16VC 2021 Thriller. 2:40 The Devil Has a Name 16VLSC 2021 Drama.
4:15 My Valentine 16VLSC 2019 Horror. 5:35 The Last Duel 16VLSC 2021 Action.
5pm Tagata Pasifika 5:30 Prime News
6pm Rugby Nation 3 0
7pm Pawn Stars PG
7:30 American Pickers PGC 3 Mike and Frank must get a 1929 Roadster down a 100-year-old lift. 8:30 The Crowd Goes Wild
9:30 Winning Time – The Rise of the Lakers Dynasty 16VLSC Coach West is given complete freedom with the Lakers roster; Buss attempts to charm a fellow franchise owner; Earvin’s efforts to impress the women in his life fall flat. 0
10:40 The Late Show with Stephen Colbert PG 11:40 F Ballers 16LC Tuesday 12:15 Closedown 12:30 Infomercials
7:30 Troy MV 2004 Action. Brad Pitt, Eric Bana, Orlando Bloom. 10:10 Along Came Polly MLS 2004 Romantic Comedy. Ben Stiller, Jennifer Anniston, Debra Messing. 11:40 Maverick MVL 1994 Western Comedy. Mel Gibson, Jodie Foster, James Garner. 1:45 Hancock MVL 2008 Action. Will Smith, Charlize Theron, Jason Bateman. 3:15 The Hangover 16LSC 2009 Comedy. 4:55 Out of Time MV 2003 Thriller. 6:40 Monster’s Ball 16VLS 2001 Drama. Halle Berry, Billy Bob Thornton. 8:30 Now You See Me MVLS 2013 Thriller. An elite FBI squad find themselves up against a team of the world’s greatest illusionists. Jesse Eisenberg, Mark Ruffalo. 10:30 The Grudge 16C 2004 Horror. An American exchange student stumbles
in a
enters. Sarah Michelle Gellar, Bill Pullman, Clea DuVall. Tuesday 12:05 The Grudge 2 MC 2006 Drama. 1:50 Apollo 13 PGL 1995 Drama.
Children of Men 16VL 2006 Drama.
Richard Hammond’s
6:30 Tamaiti Tu Winter 3
6:40 Purakau 3 6:50 E Kori
7am Darwin and Newts 3
7:10 Tamariki Haka 3 7:20 Te Nutube 3 7:30 Kids Kai Kart 3
7:40 Kia Mau 3 7:50 Cube 3
8am Pukana 8:30 Oranga Ngakau 9am Easy Eats 3
9:30 Whanau Living 3
10am Kai Safari 3
10:30 Toi Te Ora 3
11am Rain – The Untold Story PG 3
Noon Te Ao Tapatahi
12:30 Celebrity Playlist 3
1pm Heritage Rescue 3
2pm Toku Reo 3 2
2:30 Ako 3 2
3pm Tamaiti Tu Winter 3
3:10 Purakau 3
E Kori
3:30 Darwin and Newts 3
3:40 Tamariki Haka 3
3:50 Te Nutube 3
4pm Kids Kai Kart 3
4:10 Kia Mau 3
4:30 Pukana 3
5pm Polyfest 3
5:30 Polyfest 3
6pm Haka Ngahau a-Rohe –Rangitane 3
6:30 Te Ao Marama
7pm Marae 2
7:30 Homesteads
The stories of ten homesteads through the eyes of the ahi ka who are maintaining them.
8pm Te Ao With Moana
8:30 M RBG PG 3 2018
Documentary. The life and career of US Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, exploring how her early legal battles changed the world for women.
10:10 Indigenous 100 3
10:40 Ki Tua 3
11:10 Te Ao Marama
11:40 Closedown
7am Rugby – Gallagher Premiership (RPL) Wasps v Northampton Saints. 9am Tennis – ATP 500 (RPL) Rakuten Japan Open – Singles Final. 11am Tennis – ATP 500 (HLS) Rakuten Japan Open – Day Seven.
Noon Football – Premier League (RPL) Everton v Manchester United. 2pm Rugby – NPC (RPL) Quarter-final Three –Canterbury v Northland. 4pm Rugby – NPC (RPL) Quarter-final Four – Waikato v Bay of Plenty.
6pm Football – Premier League (RPL) Arsenal v Liverpool.
8pm Rugby Nation 8:30 The Crowd Goes Wild 9:30 Tennis – ATP 500 (RPL) Astana Open – Singles Final. From Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan. 11:30 Rugby – NPC (RPL) Quarter-final Four – Waikato v Bay of Plenty.
Tuesday 1:30 The Breakdown 2:30 Rugby Nation 3am Rugby – Gallagher Premiership (RPL) Wasps v Northampton Saints. 5am Football – Premier League (RPL) Manchester City v Southampton.
6:05 Man Caves PG Dojo Cave. 6:30 Pool Kings PG Slidin’ into Home. 6:55 Strange Evidence PG The Man Who Laid an Egg. 7:45 Maine Cabin Masters PG Dixie Dog Den. 8:35 Gold Rush the Dirt – The Hoffman Story MLC Beginning of the End. 9:25 Aussie Gold Hunters
10:20 Great Southern Truckers PG 11:15 Dirty Jobs PG Rock Sucker, Mountain Carver. 12:10 Man Caves PG Dojo Cave. 12:35 How Do They Do It? PG 1:05 Expedition X MLC 2pm Naked and Afraid XL M 2:55 Barnwood Builders
3:50 Deadliest Catch
4:45 Alaska – The Last Frontier
5:40 Demolition Down Under
6:35 Aussie Gold Hunters
7:30 Aussie Lobster Men
8:30 Great Southern Truckers
9:30 Airplane Repo
Mt Hutt Memorial Hall
10am, 160 Main Street, Methven. NZ Alpine and Agriculture Encounter, Art Gallery and Hall of Memories.
Ashburton Aviation Musuem 1-3pm, Ashburton Airport, Seafield Road.
Mid Canterbury Connector
Provides low-cost return trips to Ashburton, Mondays to Fridays, any time between 9am and 4.30pm.
Ashburton Aviation Museum 1-3pm. Ashburton Airport, Seafield Road.
Ashburton Menz Shed 9am-2pm at 8 William Street.
Age Concern Ashburton Steady as you Go Gentle Falls Prevention Exercises. All levels of ability are welcome. $2 per 1hr session.
• Held at Methven All Saints Anglican Church Chapman St at 10.30am.
• Rakaia St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church Bridge St at 1.00pm.
Hampstead Hakatere Church Rooms, Oxford St at 1.30pm.
MSA Tai Chi Classes at 10.30am. Cost $3 per session at the MSA on Havelock Street.
Justice of the Peace
JP available for all signing services on Tuesdays and Fridays at 12pm-2pm. No appointment necessary. No fee. Community House, 44 Cass St.
Ashburton MSA Petanque Club Competition and social play, all welcome from 1pm at 115 Racecourse Road.
Every Tuesday at 12.45. RSA in the Doris Linton Lounge. $2, followed by a cuppa & chat. Pickleball Ashburton EA Networks Centre from 5-7pm. Paddles provided.
At MSA 7pm start. New members welcome Mid Canterbury Badminton Club Badminton Club night from 7-9pm. All abilities welcome at EA Networks Centre.
Waireka Croquet Club
Draw 9.45am GC Handicap Singles. Ist Tuesday in the Month Handicap Singles 19 hoops. Draw 1.15pm. Singles Handicaps -0 5; 6-9; 10-16.
Ashburton Menz Shed 9am-2pm at 8 William Street.
Ashburton Ladies Friendship Club 9.45am, Sinclair Centre. Speeches, morning tea, every fourth Wednesday of the month.
Wednesday Walk Group 9.30am. Meet Walnut Avenue on the west side of the Ashburton College Auditorium entrance.
Age Concern Ashburton Steady as you Go Gentle Falls Prevention Exercises. All levels of ability are welcome. $2 per 1hr session.
• Held at Allenton St David’s Church, Allens Rd at 9.30am.
• Held at Ashburton Buffalo Lodge Rooms, Cox St at 10.30am.
Held at Ashburton Buffalo Lodge Rooms, Cox St at 1.30pm.
• Held at Staveley Community Hall at 2pm.
Pickleball Ashburton Every Wednesday from 9.30am - 11.30am at EA Networks Centre.
St Stephen’s Anglican Church Holy Communion at 10am on Park Street.
Age Concern Ashburton Programme for the elderly runs Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 10am.
Hip Hop for Seniors 10am-11am at the Ashburton Seniors Centre, 206 Cameron Street, Ashburton, $5.
Do you have an event for Play Planner?
Email us with all the details to whatson@theguardian.co.nz.
Ashburton open coffee mornings
All are welcome at the Plunket rooms, 222 Cameron Street. 10.30am - 12 noon.
MSA Tai Chi Class is at 10.30am. Cost $3 per session at the MSA on Havelock Street.
Ashburton Woodworkers Clubrooms at Plains Museum site 1pm - 4pm.
Free Device Help Sessions at the Ashburton Public Library every Wednesday between 2pm and 4pm.
Art Addicts (AA) is the Ashburton Art Gallery’s weekly art space for kids. Donations appreciated. 3 - 4.30pm.
Mid Canterbury Linedancers
Weekly beginner class 6.30pm-7.30pm, easy intermediate & intermediate 7.30pm-9pm at the Tinwald Memorial Hall.
Ashburton Silver Band Practice at the Bandrooms, Cameron Street, 7.30-9.30pm.
Waireka Croquet Club Draw 1.15 GC Handicap Doubles. Draw 9.45am AC: Draw AC 12.45pm. New players welcome; mallets available.
Ashburton Menz Shed 9am-2pm at 8 William Street.
Age Concern Ashburton Ladies exercise class at 9.30am at Ashburton Seniors Centre at 206 Cameron Street.
Park Street Line Dancers 9.30am - 11am at St Stephen’s Parish Centre.
Mid Canterbury Badminton Club 9.30am-11am at EA Networks Sports Centre.
MSA Tai Chi Classes at 10.30am. Cost $3 per session at the MSA on Havelock Street.
Age Concern Ashburton Steady as you Go Gentle Falls Prevention Exercises. All levels of ability are welcome. $2 per 1hr session.
• Tinwald Holy Spirit Church, Thomson Street at 11am.
• Ashburton St Stephen’s Church, Park Street at 1pm.
• Ashburton Buffalo Lodge Rooms, Cox Street at 1pm.
Ashburton MSA Petanque Club From 1.30pm at 115 Racecourse Road.
Age Concern Senior Social Group (50+). Speaker, quiz, morning tea, exercises. All welcome. Fridays, 10am.
Ashburton Community Walking Group Walking for about 30-40 minutes on Mondays and Fridays at 10.30am. Meet Walnut Avenue Pavilion.
St Stephen’s Anglican Church Seniors Coffee Club, 2nd and 4th of the month at 10.30am, St Stephen’s Parish Centre, Park St.
Ashburton Justice of the Peace JP available for all signing services from 12-2pm. No appointment necessary. No fee. Community House. 44 Cass Street. Pickleball Ashburton EA Networks Centre from 6-8pm. Paddles provided.
Ashburton Farmers Market
Saturday mornings, 9am-12.30pm, north end West Street car park. Plants, hot and cold food, vegetables.
Ashburton MSA Petanque Club
Social play from 1.30pm at 115 Racecourse Road, Ashburton
Ashburton Aviation Museum Ashburton Airport from 10am - 3pm. Ashburton Woodworkers
Clubrooms at Plains Museum site 1pm-4pm.
Seventh-Day Adventist Church
• 10am, Weekly worship & Bible Study.
• 11am, Sabbath singing & Sermon.
At Grace Presbyterian Church building, 63 Princes St. Ashburton. All welcome!
Vintage Car Club
86 Maronan Road, Tinwald
The Museum and Parts Shed will be OPEN on Saturdays during the month of September, Time: 10.00am to 12 noon.
Waireka Croquet Club
AC Singles or Doubles. Draw 9.45 and 12.45, GC Draw 1.15 pm Doubles. New players welcome, mallets available.
Every Monday and Saturday
Allenton Assn Croquet Club
Venue Allenton Sports Club. Monday, Saturday. Start every week Monday September 19 until March 27 2023. Starting time 1.15pm.
Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
Methven Croquet Club
We play croquet every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 1.30pm at the Methven Domain. All welcome to come along
Every Tuesday and Friday
Methven Museum
60 Main St. Open Tuesday and Friday 2-4pm Does Dalgetys or Wright, Stephenson & Co or Pyne Gould Guinness ring a bell? Our current display is Farm Supplier Stores of Methven & districts (history since the early 1900s). Come in and learn how the stores evolved and fill out your name if you worked at any of them. Admission is free but donations are welcome
Every Thursday and Saturday
Ashburton Toy Library
Open every Thursday and Saturday from 9.30am-12.30pm, plus every alternate Tuesday 3.30pm-5pm at 106 Victoria Street.
Every Wednesday, Saturday
Allenton Golf Croquet Club Wednesdays & Saturdays. Start every week from Wednesday September 21 2022 until March 29 2023, starting time 9.45am.
Nor’Westers Muso’s Club
All are welcome, as is any style of music. 2pm - 6pm at Feeneys Lounge, Devon Tavern.
First Sunday of every month Methven Market At Methven Resort, from 9am to 1pm.
The Ashburton Electronic Organ & Keyboard Club meets on the third Monday of every month (except December/January) at Seniors Centre, 206 Cameron Street at 7.30pm
In Colour, art and craft club Bring along your art and craft projects to share with others over morning tea once a month. 10.30am - 12 noon.
St Stephen’s Anglican Church Seniors Coffee Club 10.30am on Park Street.
Ashburton Embroiderers’ Guild
Meet Seniors Centre, 206 Cameron Street first Saturday of the month 10.30am-3.30pm, second Thursday of the month 1pm-3.30pm, third Tuesday of the month -9pm, and the fourth Thursday of the month 10.30am-3.30pm.
St David’s Union Church
Tuesday October 4, 9.30am. St David’s Union Church. Walking Group meets outside church. 48 Allens Road.
Wednesday October 5, 6.00am. St David’s
Union Church. Women’s Circuit Training. 48 Allens Road.
Wednesday October 5, 9.30am. St David’s Union Church, Steady As You Go Exercise Group. 48 Allens Road.
Wednesday October 5, 11.30am. St David’s Union Church. Midweek Service, Communion & Lunch. 48 Allens Road.
Thursday October 6, 10.00am. St David’s Union Church. Fit Kidz for pre-schoolers and caregivers. 48 Allens Road.
Thursday October 6, 7.00pm. St David’s Union Church. Spring Tour 2022 – ‘Delighting in the Word’. Speaker: Robyn Young. 48 Allens Road.
Friday October 7, 6.00am. St David’s. Women’s Circuit Training. 48 Allens Road.
Saturday October 8, 9.00am to noon. St David’s Union Church. St David’s Fair & Garage Sale. 48 Allens Road.
Our meetings are held on third Friday each month. No meetings June, July, December.
Philip Street. Tuesdays Waireka Croquet Club GC Draw 9.45am and 1.15 Singles.
A Musical Celebration, Saturday October 8, 7.30pm, at the Sinclair Centre. Features Ruth Hall’s RAD Trio. We welcome non-members $5 with students free supper will be served.
St David’s Union Church, Allens Road, Allenton. Saturday October 8, 9am-12 noon. Baking, preserves, jams, pickles, walnuts, plants, white elephant stall, garage sale.
Morning tea, BBQ, children’s games and more.
Creative Fibre
Monday, October 17, 10am. Plains Museum.
The Plains Railway Precinct
Sunday October 9, Open 11am-4pm. Vintage Railcar & miniature Train Rides operating, Ashburton Fire Museum, Lynn Museum & Ashburton Woodworkers Open. Hot Food & Coffee available, Popup Playground & more. 62 Maronan Road, Tinwald, Ashburton.
Weavers Group
October 15, 10am. Ashfords Mill House (upstairs).
Ashburton Travel Club
Wednesday October 19, 7.30pm. Meeting; speaker Alison Shearer. St David’s Church, Allens Road.
YMCA Holiday Programme
Tuesday October 4, 12 noon-3.00pm, Pop-ups, Friedlander Park.
Monday October 10, 12 noon-3.00pm, Pop-ups, Hinds Domain.
Tuesday October 11, 12 noon-3.00pm, Pop-ups, Friedlander Park.
Wednesday October 12, 12 noon-3.00pm, Mayfield Domain.
Tuesday October 13, 12 noon-3.00pm, Friedlander Park.
Rakaia’s Jackson Holmes Salmon Run will be held on Sat October 15, based at the Rakaia Domain. 4 event sections = The MultiSport of Cycle Kayak and Run, Off Road Trail Run, approximately ½ marathon distance, Long Duathlon, Short Duathlon.
86 Maronan Road, Tinwald. The Museum and Parts Shed will be open on the following Saturdays during October, from 10am to 12 noon: October 1, 8, 15, 22, 29.
you’re running a regular event, we only need to hear from you when you have CHANGES to this regular event.
vociferous and, only
will find the
that is spotted
ARIES (Mar 21-Apr 19): You have been known to do things to make other people happy, but try something different just for today. Selfishly delight in the satisfaction of giving satisfaction.
TAURUS (Apr 20-May 20): You’ll be drawn in by attractive people. Stay alert to red flags to avoid wasting your precious time. Qualities like flakiness and insincerity have a high potential to prevent smooth proceedings.
GEMINI (May 21-Jun 21): Communication is your gift and your passion. It’s a skill that always needs updating as language and culture evolve. The right words said the right way will get you in to and out of situations.
CANCER (Jun 22-Jul 22): The task at hand is one you’ve had to grapple with before. Don’t let your experience blind you to new approaches. You already know one way to solve it. Think of 10 more and things get really interesting.
LEO (Jul 23-Aug 22): You appreciate this time when everyone is getting along and working toward the same aim. Even so, you remain observant, and you know whose side you would choose if it came to it.
VIRGO (Aug 23-Sep 22): Logic doesn’t always rule. Relax your reason. What about poetry? Your abstract ideas will be touched with brilliance. They may not be the solution, but they lead you to the next good idea.
LIBRA (Sep 23-Oct 23): You’ll wonder what something is worth. Perhaps the more pertinent question is, what’s it worth to you? Possessions, skills and relationships have the value you give them.
SCORPIO (Oct 24-Nov 21): It doesn’t take much courage for you to embrace change now because it’s become such a way of life for you lately. However, it will benefit you to seek council about the general direction things are headed.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21): Tension builds up energy that will eventually find release. It could fly out in a burst of aggression, celebration or creativity. Decide ahead of time how to best use this fuel. Plan for its expression.
CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19): You have the drive to revitalise a tired scene, rekindle a lost feeling or renovate an environment. There are helpers in your midst who will gladly join in once you get the job underway.
AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18): Even though you’re among the friendliest in the zodiac, starting a conversation isn’t always easy. There are times you don’t feel like trying. But you’ll be better for making a connection, so reach out.
PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20): Usually, strong feelings will find their own outlet, but you needn’t leave that to chance. Putting an array of tools and options on your table gives the best chance at creating something really beautiful when the mood strikes.
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sure when Charles III dies, there’ll be a better way of celebrating his life than giving us a holiday.
When he stops talking to his vegetables, putting his hand in his jacket pocket and promoting climate change, there’ll be a more appropriate means of recognis ing his contribution.
For most of us September 26 was just another holiday, and an unnecessary one at that.
A large percentage of New Zea land’s population was gripped by the events that followed Queen Elizabeth’s death and, in our own way, we paid homage to her reign.
Some attended services of commemoration, or shared their own memories, viewed the official ceremony at Westminster Abbey and found time for their own reflection.
But did we dim the lights, draw the curtains, stay at home, wear
traditional All Black gear and play reruns of the entourage walking down Pall Mall behind the gun carriage?
We didn’t. We took 24 hours off, attended Market Day, bought a pre-loved Lee Child from Bookar ama and enjoyed the three- day weekend.
Following Covid, it was the waste of a productive day when many businesses needed the revenue to help them secure a financial future.
At a personal level I visited my wife in hospital in the North Island. We’d travelled to Palm erston North to visit old friends and, in the early hours of Sunday
morning, Kathi was taken by am bulance to hospital with a serious infection.
During nearly three days at PNH she never left emergency and spent the last 24 hours in a bed in a corridor, being exam ined in full view.
up and down New Zealand.
The lack of beds, underfunded hospitals and a staffing crisis, took their toll.
Trauma staff muttered words about the government decision that would never be included in their medical diagnosis.
she returned from the bathroom, her bed had been shunted into the corridor.
Someone even more acute was now behind the curtains.
On the third day she was discharged, impressed by the care she received, but knowing she was better off recovering at home.
A&E was full, the medical wards were at capacity and re ception had standing room only.
Then Monday – the holiday gifted by the PM to the nation –created a perfect storm. Private medical centres were closed, GPs took the day off and people need ing medical care besieged emergency departments at hospitals
Yet despite that they attended the sick, prescribed medication, sent patients off for X-rays and blood tests and detected their conditions.
They were saints diagnosing a holocaust of hemorrhoids, a houseful of hernias.
Kathi was fortunate to be housed in a cubicle but, when
While this editorial only de scribes one emergency department in one hospital, it’s safe to presume that all New Zealand hospitals faced the same chal lenge on a day when a misguided holiday was added to our list of days off.
I hope King Charles III has a long and productive reign and steps down in favour of William rather than be carried off on a gun carriage.
When he finally pops his clogs, a two-minute silence, observed by us all, would be the best way to remember him.
A&E was full, the medical wards were at capacity and reception had standing room only.
A cool, calm and collected Jason Laking helped exciting three-year-old Cognito put his hand up for 2000 Guineas consideration with a strong victory at Riccarton on Sat urday in the Inglewood Stud Guineas Trial.
Twelve months after finish ing second in the races with Noverre, who then went on to win the Group One during Cup Week, Laking produced a gem of a ride on the Mark Walker-trained runner to punch through a gap late and win clearing away.
But the win didn’t come without its nervous moments for the trainer. Stalking the speed throughout, Laking chose to try his luck through the inside at the top of the straight, but the gap he rode for closed in on him at nu merous occasions.
He never panicked though and waited for his chance, and when the gap did come, Cognito was too slick for his rivals in the $30,000 event.
“It was heart in the mouth stuff there at the 200m mark, but once he got the gap he stretched really nicely,” Walk er said.
It continues a golden run for Walker and Te Akau in Canterbury after they set up camp down here in August, with Laking a part of their South Island operation.
Post Saturday’s victory TAB bookmakers were quick to react, pushing Cognito into a
firm second-favourite for the Guineas behind stablemate, Dynastic. Cognito’s price is now $5.
It’s been a strong start to the season for Laking in the saddle, with Saturday’s vic tory his seventh for the sea son from just the 35 race-day rides. He’s also picked up six placings and a further five fourths, all helping toward a handy strike rate.
He’ll play a role for the Te Akau team during Cup Week, but what he gets to ride will likely be determined by the
choices made by leading hoop, Opie Bosson, who gets the first right of refusal on any of the Walker trained horses.
Laking was a key factor in their build-up to Cup Week last year riding not only Guineas winner Noverre in his preparatory runs, but also Couplands Mile winner, Zou louminous.
Another strike-rate Mid Canterbury combination was in on the action on Saturday as well, with Victor Rogue sa luting late in the day for Bev an and Robyn Wilson to con
tinue their strong start to the 2022/2023 season.
A lightly tried son of Bur gunday, Victor Rogue picked up the second win of his career with a strong per formance in the rating 65 benchmark event.
He’s the third foal out of the Wilsons’ former handy race mare Madam Victoria, who won eight races herself and also the dam of recent Winter Cup winner, Lord Darci who holds a nomination for fea ture racing at Riccarton dur ing November.
Mid Canterbury locals made it a day to remem ber at Timaru on Sunday as Spring Rewards went on offer for good money.
The Rewards finals, of which there were five, were in place to recognise horses who had raced in Canterbury three times over the past two months with points accumulated from those starts to draw down the final fields who each raced for a stake of $20,000.
And on Sunday, a good chunk of the purse came back to Mid Canterbury from just down the road.
David Mitchell produced under-rated pacer Deceptive Lee to win one of the finals while John Morrison was in good form, picking up two victories in the latter stages of the card –both Spring Reward finals.
Deceptive Lee belied a double-figure tote price to come from well off the speed in the hands of Matty Williamson to win impressively, capping off some excellent recent form in the process.
The son of Captaintreacherous had finished fourth behind Republican Party and fifth be hind Franco Mac in his two starts previous but held too many guns for his rivals on Sunday picking up the fifth win of his 22-start career.
Morrison continued his good run of form in the sulky winning two races, the first with the evergreen trotter Take After Me who ran his rivals off their feet in the lower-grade trotting final.
An 11-year-old, Take After Me was having his 295th start in the race and picked up the 17th win of his career, 13 of which have come trot ting and four which came when he was pacing.
Morrison then produced a patient drive later in the day to win the last with the Dean Tay lor trained Best Trio who stalked the speed and came off wheels at the right time to win strong ly.
The double took Morrison to 45 wins for the season which places him inside the top-10 drivers in the country.
Monday Evening September 26, Mixed grades: 1st Mervyn Jones & Bruce Leighton, 2nd= George Brown & Bev Blair and Chris Lovelock & David Fish er, 3rd Pauline Scott & Bernie Jopson, 4th Ruth Logan & Amanda Evans, 5th Joyce Johnson & Shirley Durry, 6th Mary Buckland & Annie Lee.
Tuesday Evening September 27, Ron Sutherland Trophy: 1st Kay Robb & Mike Holdaway, 2nd Kate White & John Mc Donald, 3rd Mary Buckland & Judith Edmond, 4th Audrey Rooney & Pat Jor dan, 5th Ian Doel & John Shearer, 6th Rewa Kyle & Trish Downward.
Wednesday Afternoon September 28, Brabant Trophy: N/S 1st Rewa Kyle & Sue Rosevear, 2nd John Shearer & Rose mary McLaughlin, 3rd Trish Robertson & Johnny Wright. E/W 1st Peter Wilson & Trish Downward, 2nd Mary Buckland & Bev Turton, 3rd Eric Parr & Kay Robb.
Thursday Evening – September 29th, President’s Trophy: 1st Maree Moore & Jim Rooney, 2nd Paul Leadley & Bernie Jopson, 3rd Val Palmer & Trish Small, 4th Debbie Seddon-Sewell & Mike Holdaway, 5th Carolyn Cameron & John McDonald, 6th Trish Downward & Mary Buckland.
Last week’s winners of the 4BBB nett competition were Sue Forrest & Joy Nicholas (28) on countback from Elaine
King & Gordon Clinton (28). Peter Wright scored two Smith & Church Gobblers. This week, October 6, we will play for the Laurence J. Hanrahan 4BBB Sta bleford Trophy. On the following two Thursdays October 13 and 20, we’ll play at Tinwald.
Saturday, October 1 – Par Round, Ber maline and Barnett Cup.
Radius Care Winner over the Field & Winner of the Bermaline Cup. Hamish Niles +4, 2nd: Brian Mee +4, 3rd Bruce Day +3. Winner of the Barnett Cup: Jack Middleton +1.
Other good scores; Gus Preston +2, Al Jopson +2, Paddy Bradford +2, Jack Middleton +1, Barry Jury +1, Jason Over end +1, John Ramsay +1, Brad Fallaver 0, Murray Wackrow 0 & Brian Fauth 0.
Twos: Brent MacGregor, Gus Preston, Hamish Niles, Robbie Bell, Barry Jury & Oliver Davidson. C/P Hole 4# South Island Seed Processing & Storage & Co. Barry Jury, C/P Hole 8# Three Stooges (Brown Bombers): Jennifer Shepherd, C/P Hole 12# Value Plus: Peter Walker, C/P Hole 14# Ashburton Mitre 10: Al Jopson, C/P 2nd Shot: Hole 6# Hamish Niles Shout! Noel Sutton, L/P Hole 9 Ton’s Thai: Sue Hastie.
Birdie Jackpot: Hole #15, Nett Eagle Jackpot: Hole #18. Tinwald Tavern Bo nus Prize: John Ramsay.
President Cup Winner (Matchplay): Pe ter Walker.
Harvey Bakehouse 9 Hole Competition: Stableford: Winner: Robynne Nicoll 22pts, 2nd: Hughie Murchie 18pts, 3rd:
Gavin Johnston 17pts.
Saturday, October 1 – Captain v Presi dent.
Captain Won Winner: Frikkie Greybie 73-6-67 by lot. Other good scores: 67 Michael Kemp, 68 Mike Gray. 70 Craig Middleton, Stu art Wilson. 71 Ian Lucas. 73 Ross Breach. 74 Peter Harper, Phil Elliott, Sam Har greaves. Twos: Mike Gray. Closest to the Pins: Methven Pubs #4: Alister Maxwell. Hunters wine #6: Frik kie Greybie, Ski Time #13: Alister Max well. Green Parrot #17: Michael Kemp. Dubliner Best - Nett: Frikkie Greybie 67 by lot. Methven Foursquare Sec ond-Best Nett: Michael Kemp 67. Bar Voucher Best Gross: Michael Kemp 73.
Twilight - Thursday September 29th
Leading scores in Thursday nights twi light opening stableford; -6 Lucas Mc Gee, Brad Tarbotton 19, Alastair White 18. 7-10 Brad Going 21, Matt Steffensen 20, Mike Sandrey, Craig Meyrick, Mitch VanderKrogt 19, Kerry Venmore 18 c/b. 11 Plus Graeme Fechney, Ross Ford 21, Brian McFelin 20.
Women; -14 Emily Wilson 19. 15 Plus Sharon Watson 21. Twos; Lucas McGee, Mitch VanderKrogt Saturday October 1st Leading scores in the stroke round played on Saturday; -12 Brock Peddie, Tony Sheppard 21. 13-18 Kieron Gray 70, Kevin Bishop 73, Pete Marshall 74 c/b. 19 Plus Doug Osborn 61, Ray Wards 73,
Roger Bruce 73. Women; Sue Newman 65, Leen Bell 73. Nearest the Pin: Tinwald Liquorland #2; Jason Mactier. Gluyas Ford #6; Craig Meyrick. The Fine Lion #12; Bob MacGregor. Ace Automotive #16; Struan Scott. G & R Seeds 2nd Shot #11; Poko Paraia. Two’s; Struan Scott, Neil Connel ly. Net Eagle; #4 Not struck.
TR, Gareth Miller 50.5, 50.6, 100.11, John Snowden 49.4, 49.4, 98.8, Megan Snowden 47.1, 49.5, 96.6, Martin Flem ing 45.4, 48.4, 93.8, + 50.5, John Flem ing 43.0, 44.1, 87.1, Carl Nordqvist 43.1, 42.1, 85.3, Kevin Hooper 41.1, 40.1, 81.2, Brian Hawksby 37.1, 42.1, 79.2. FTR, Bri an Graystone 57.4, 56.3, 113.7,+ 53.2. FO, Murray Cook 59.3, 59.4, 118.7, Mike Chui 56.2, 56.3, 112.5, Archie Maginness 47.0, 42.1, 89.1, Robert Franz 42.0. FPR, David Smith 60.3, 58.4, 118.7, Bob McDonald 58.2, 55.1, 113.3, + 56.5, Darral Bradley 56.2, 55.4, 111.6.
Results from week 2 of the Celtic Squash Club’s spring league: Team McKain Quality Construction lost to Team Robbies Speedy Exhaust 9-10: Nick Marshall beat Andy Bryant 3-1, Hayden Robinson beat Amy Muckle 3-2, Chrissie Stratford lost to Sarah Forbes 0-3, Maddie Read beat Ollie Smith 3-1.
Team McCrea Paint & Decorators beat Team Alps Continuous Spouting 13-5: Simon Kennedy beat Paul Cousins 3-0, Allain Smith beat Ian Dolden 3-1, Neil Thompson beat Andre De Beer 3-1, Si mon Kennedy beat Phil Andrew 3-0, Neil Thakar lost to John Hamilton 1-3. Team EuroAgri lost to Team Pat Sum merfield Electrical 10-11: Wouter My burgh lost to Chris Thompson 2-3, James McCloy beat Shane Muckle 3-2, Heather Bowker beat Patrick Sandrey 3-1, JoAlta Myburgh drew with Craig Henshilwood 2-2, Chantee McCloy lost to Ashley Ritchie 0-3.
Team Kirsty Clay Property Brokers lost to Team J&N Hedgecutting 8-10: Ben Kruger lost to Chris O’Reilly 1-2, Craig Donaldson lost to Paul Cartney 1-3, Kirsty Clay beat Emily Proffit 3-1, Lucas Raphold lost to Nick McKain 0-3, Harry Trott beat Hollie Morgan 3-1.
Skips entered MSA Outdoor Bowl ing Clubs Friday Triples sponsored by Skip2It FlooringXtra Friday October 7 12.30.
D Muir, R Mitchell, D Kinvig, M Skilling, M Hill, T Inwood, G Taylor, N Atkinson, D Thorn, B Hopwood, H Goodall E Maw, J Smart, M Anderson, G Clarke, J Argyle. Team entry $40.00 includes a compli mentary raffle ticket. Whites or club shirts to be worn.
which has allowed them to enter this par ticular tournament.
“They’ve been working towards this ever since then and have put a lot of effort in.”
A group of members of the Mid Canter bury Boxing Academy are heading north this week with high hopes of success on the national stage.
Three athletes from within the Academy arrived in Whanganui last night for a big week of competition at the New Zealand Amateur Boxing Championships which officially begin today.
And there’s a real air of excitement about the week ahead.
“There’s been a lot of work go in to get ting to this point,” MCBA manager Eion Johnson said. “Any chance to compete at a national event is pretty exciting.”
Mid Canterbury will be represented by Quintin McHaffie who will box in the Jun ior 48-50kg division, Johan Struwig who contests the light heavyweight, youth di vision and Lucan Taylor-Shaw who will line up in the heavyweight elite category.
The trio will be assisted while in Whanganui by head coach Cornelius Grobler.
To qualify to attend the nationals, box ers had to win an open championship title within the past 12 months, and all three of the Mid Canterbury contingent can lay claim to being Canterbury champions,
None of the trio will know what their path towards nationally glory completely looks like until later today, when the ad min is all completed and the draws are posted.
McHaffie will enter straight into a fi nal which is likely be held later in the week, while Taylor-Shaw’s division has six competitors, so will require a number of matches before reaching a final.
Struwig will have two rivals in his divi sion, meaning one will get a straight ad vance to the title fight via a random draw which will be conducted today.
Johnson said there was a lot of self-be lief within the group and they were hop ing for good results.
“You have to be confident, but also ful ly aware that it’s boxing and ultimately it comes down to what happens on the day and that anything can happen in a fight, but they’ve trained well and are ready.”
The academy has 90 aspiring boxers on their books at the moment, and have just this year opened up to school groups which is bringing in about the same num ber of students.
Work is being done behind the scenes to help develop the women’s side of the sport as well with the first women’s groups start ing to come through the doors as well.
Canterbury Tennis this season, Tiller was the man in charge of the New Zealand
Under 13 side who travelled to Austral ia this year, a team which featured local faces Riley Breen and Josh Gilbert.
A busy Mid Canterbury Tennis season kicks into gear this week, and it was a case of rolling up the sleeves and getting stuck into the work at the Ashburton Tennis Centre on Saturday.
A working bee to prepare the nation ally recognised venue was held, with a good crew turning out to help get things in ship-shape order for the busy summer months ahead.
The weekend’s hard work was capped off by news coming through from Can terbury Tennis that centre manager and head coach, Jack Tiller, had been rec ognised for his efforts in the coaching realm.
Tiller was named Tennis Canterbury performance coach of the year for his work across the region at the local level, but also at the provincial and national level, where he filled a number of differ ent roles.
Entering into his fourth year with Mid
The Tennis Centre will come alive this weekend when the first week of Open Grade Interclub is held for the season.
Five teams will compete in this year’s competition with some real strength across the board.
Joining existing teams Babolat, Head, Wilson and Yonex this season is Team Prince, a rise in numbers helping pro duce an extra team.
Even before Saturday though, compe titions get underway with Twilight Ten nis beginning tomorrow night and then Sunset Doubles on Thursday night.
Junior and A Reserve Interclub action will start on Saturday, October 15.
Mid Canterbury Tennis is also gearing up for the first big tournament of the weekend with the Braided Rivers Com munity Trust Junior Open set to be held on the last weekend of the school holi days.
The tournament begins on Saturday, October 22 and runs through until Mon day which is Labour Day Monday.
The Hampstead Bowling Club claimed hon ours in the Bowls Mid Canterbury sub cen tre pairs on the weekend, with Reg McGarry and Regan Broker seeing off the challenges of a strong field of combinations.
The duo were one of 20 pairs who took to the greens across Hampstead and the Ashburton MSA on Saturday for the quali fying stage of the tournament – a vast im provement on the eight entries that were received for the now-postponed sub centre triples a week earlier.
From the initial field, surprisingly only six combinations qualified to head up to the Methven green on Sunday to play in the post-section stage of the competition, clearly highlighting the cut-throat nature and evenness of the line-up of teams en tered.
McGarry and Broker drew the early round on Sunday morning, and needed to beat Linton Muir and Tony Inwood of the Ash burton MSA in the first round of knockout.
Next to them, Brent Mayson and Dean Benson managed the same beating John Drayton and Bronson Kellett to advance to the semi-finals.
Mayson and Benson bowed out to the Hampstead pair in the semi, with Paul Brooks and Bruce Harper beating Methven clubmates, Jeff Nowell and Alan Hill in the other to set up the final.
McGarry and Broker, who had been consistently good all weekend, proved too strong in the final claiming the first major title of the new season – kicking off an ex citing season for the Hampstead club.
Attention this weekend turns to singles with the qualifying stages of both the Low ry Cup singles for the men and the Nan Marsh singles for the ladies. Knockout for both those events will be held the following Sunday at Allenton.
The first representative match of the sea son is this Sunday.
More than $8000 was raised for the Meningitis Foundation Aotearoa NZ at the Ashburton Showgrounds on Saturday, but Mid Canterbury weren’t able to mark the occasion with success, falling to a strong South Canter bury in the Heartland Champi onship.
The community charity day drew plenty of people into the grounds for the Hanan Shield fix ture, with gate takings and pro ceeds from the day being gifted to the charity headed by MCRFU chair, Ged Rushton.
The total amount of money raised from the day received a notable boost post the game, which South Canterbury won 3613, when members of the play ing group dipped into their own pockets and contributed.
Players are given two tickets to gift to family for each home game, but this week elected to pay for those tickets while a number of the playing group also donated their match fee for the game – a serious nod towards the impact left on them after they were presented with the purple
socks to wear by Rushton and his wife Claire earlier in the week.
The total amount contributed by the team exceeded $2000.
“It’s just something we want ed to do to acknowledge it all,” co-captain Tyler Blackburn said.
“We obviously wanted a result on the paddock, but we felt it was important we showed how much their story impacted on us as players.
“It was a shame to let South Canterbury get away on us, they are a good team.”
While the game’s final score line would suggest a completely dominant performance from the South Canterbury team, it was far from it, with Mid Canterbury right in the match for almost 60 minutes.
Spurred on by a huge defensive effort in the first half, where if it seemed like they’d made 50 tack les, it was actually closer to 100 –the Hammers threw all they had at the green and blacks.
Two penalties by Nathan Mc Cloy had them right in conten tion, and only a late try in the first half to the visitors separat ed things as the score was 6-8 to South Canterbury at the break.
With ball in hand the compe tition leaders looked dangerous, and after another extended pe riod of defending in their own half the seal began to crack, and South Canterbury started taking advantage of it.
A try to Adam Williamson in the 51st minute kept the dream alive, but South Canterbury’s class pre vailed, and they ran away with the match to continue their un beaten run which goes back al most two years.
The last time they didn’t win was in the shortened Heartland campaign during Covid, when Mid Canterbury actually drew with them 31-all.
The result leaves the Hammers in another precarious position, but not a completely hopeless one.
ed, only further underlining the local ability.
Matt Markhamagain
The College 1 team finished with a combined scores of 867.34 across the three rounds of competition, just behind Darfield High School (868.37) and the winners Waitaki Boys’ High School, who finished with 869.34.
were selected for the inter-is land clash, with the McKenzie sisters both gaining selection, while Tourle was named as a reserve. The South Island dom inated that encounter, with Charlotte producing the sec ond highest score for her team and Phoebe the third.
the best
that they’re
two sides
the secondary school
Ashbur ton College 1 team claiming the bronze
and the Ash burton College 2 team who fin ished sixth.
Twenty-seven teams from across New Zealand compet
The College 2 team regis tered a final score of 859.34 which was enough to see them comfortably hold down sixth place.
Charlotte McKenzie, Madi Tourle and Jack Jones made up the College 1 team, while Phoebe McKenzie, Sama Soo ialo and Bree Greer featured in the College 2 side.
From the secondary schools’ competition, the top 10 shoot ers – plus two reserves – from the North and South Island
The duo then gained further recognition for their efforts over the championship with selection into the New Zealand Secondary Schools team for a shoot against the Great British Schools team.
New Zealand posted a strong score of 1952 from the two rounds, with Charlotte con tributing a score of 196 and Phoebe a score of 195 to cap off a massive week, not only for the siblings but for Ashburton College and target shooting in Mid Canterbury as well.
This weekend’s final round of pool play sees a number of clash es which should work in their fa vour.
If they were to beat Whanganui at Cooks Garden and North Ota go beat King Country and South Canterbury defeat East Coast then they’ll finish fifth, giving them a home ground run towards the Lochore Cup.
It’s now impossible to make the Meads Cup final, with the winner of North Otago and King Country likely to advance through along side South Canterbury, Whanga nui and Thames Valley.
So, their fate is in their own hands.
Mid Canterbury 13 (Adam Williamson try, Nathan McCloy 2 conv, pen) lost to South Canterbury 36
Other Heartland results: King Country 44 beat Buller 30, East Coast 20 beat Wairarapa Bush 16, Whanganui 49 beat Horowhenua Kapiti 28, North Otago 26 beat West Coast 19, Poverty Bay 29 beat Thames Valley 17.
ANZCO Foods Canterbury are calling for applications for the 2022 season, we have a number of process worker positions
Whilst NCEA level one, or relevant experience is
it is not essential as full training will be provided.
positions are day and night shift positions; ANZCO Foods Canterbury is located on Seafield Road in Ashburton.
must be able to work some Saturdays. These positions are seasonal full-time, minimum 30 hours per week, but hours will increase and decrease in line with workflows due to the seasonal nature of the business.
Duties and responsibilities will include the following:
• Move carcasses to chillers and freezers
• Process meat carcasses according to customer specifications
• Separate organs and glands from carcasses using safe knife handling practices
• Operate machinery to process pack and transfer carcases or products
• Pack boned meat and meat products into cartons
• Load meat products into trucks
• Clean and sanitise work equipment and work areas
We would like to hear from individuals with the following characteristics:
• Are enthusiastic, reliable and a strong team player
• Have a willingness to learn and develop
• Are committed to safety and quality excellence
The successful applicants will be offered the opportunity to work with an employee-focused and customer driven company who are committed to a safe working environment. A pre-employment Medical (including a Drug and Alcohol test) needs to be completed prior to offer of employment.
ANZCO Foods is one of New Zealand’s largest exporters employing a team of 3,000 staff worldwide. Together we deliver taste, nutrition and wellbeing to the world with products made from New Zealand’s finest beef and lamb.
To apply please go to our careers site https://careers.anzcofoods.com/ and enter the job code 10691AGU or apply directly at our ANZCO Foods Canterbury site.
NEW Asian – Sweetie, Beautiful, Busty, 40DD, Friendly. Good Service and Good Massage. Phone 0210372083.
GENERAL hire. Lawnmowers, chainsaws, concrete breakers, trailers, and more. All your DIY / party hire, call and see Ashburton U-Hire. 588 East Street. Open Monday-Friday 7.00am - 5.30PM; Saturday 7.30am - 5pm; Sunday 8.30am12.30pm - Phone 308 8061. www.ashburtonuhire.co.nz
WHEEL alignments at great prices. Maximise the life of your tyres with an alignment from Neumanns Tyre Services Ltd, 197 Wills Street. Phone 308 6737
ART Exhibition Commences Sunday Sept 18 – Oct 9th, 11am-4pm, Ashburton Society of Arts Spring Show 53 Short Street Studio. Guest – Ruth Killoran and 17 Members Exhibiting a great variety of work, Open weekends and when signs are out. Enquiries to Ngaio 03 3084533
SUN CONTROL WINDOW TINTING - Vehicles-homesoffices. Phone Craig Rogers 307 6347 - 027 258 0884 or 0800 TINTER. Member of Master Tinters NZ. Follow us on facebook www.windowtinter.co.nz
Snow, Wind,
Chill. About the divide: A few showers, then rain spreading north in the afternoon and evening with snow to 1000m. In the east: Fine then cloud increasing. Rain south of Mt Hutt evening. Snow to 400m late. Wind at 1000m: NW 50 km/h, rising to gale
km/h in exposed places from midday. Wind at 2000m: NW 50 km/h, rising to 70 km/h from midday.
2000m, lowering to 1300m.
Snow, Wind,
possible to 500m, clearing. Snow showers spreading north through the afternoon, clearing late evening. Wind at 1000m: SW 40 km/h, rising to 60 km/h in the afternoon.
2000m: SW 40 km/h, rising to gale 75 km/h in the afternoon.
level: 800m at first, lowering to 200m by evening.
is with much sadness
the unexpected passing away of Darryl, on September 30, 2022, aged
years. Much loved husband and best friend of Heather. Treasured and loved father and father-in-law of Rebecca; Mike and Nicole; Terence and Sarah; and Johnny and Tash.
and adored Pop of his 8 grandchildren, Ashton, Max, Logan, Acacia, Liam, Angus, Kyden and Mason.
had a lot of love to give and shared it with many. Messages to the Phillips family, PO Box 472, Ashburton 7740. A service
celebrate Darryl’s life will be held at the Hotel Ashburton, Racecourse Road, Ashburton on FRIDAY, October 7, commencing at 1.30pm, followed by a private interment.
PHILLIPS, Darryl –
Much loved and respected family friend of the Murneys, McLarens, and Newtons. A supportive friend of Hank, and a fun, kind, and admired God Father of Charlotte McLaren. His love for us all, and his love of life will always be remembered.
fund a better