Guardian Farming - July 2017

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JULY 2017


LIFE Page 10 - 11

House of Hearing






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Linda Clarke


Would you eat a steak that came from a laboratory rather than real cattle beast? No? Then what about a hamburger from your favourite fast food joint? Farming for the future has been in the spotlight this past month and our new rural reporter Colin Williscroft has been paying attention. He’s been hearing about drones and laboratorymanufactured meat. While I relish the latter as much as a feast of roasted crickets, I’m aware farmers around Canterbury are already early adopters of technology like drones. Some are using them

to take images of their crops to check for nutrient deficiencies, others are using them to check on stock. Learning to use these new farm tools don’t take long if you’ve grown up with a Playstation or Xbox, possibly a little longer if you’re only using your cellphone to text and make calls. The technology is out there to back up decisions made on farm, not replace farmers; the best results are when the two combine. It will not be too long into the future when crops can order their own water, based on soil moisture meters in the soil, access to reliable weather forecasting data and internet connections to a water provider. Water will be ordered with precision, delivered with precision and applied with precision. For those of you already nearing this space, spread the word – it’s impressive.













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Future challenges for farmers Colin Williscroft

MPI director of investment programmes Justine Gilliland talked to last month’s Foundation for Arable Research conference about PHOTO COLIN WILLISCROFT 290617-CW_002.JPG future challenges facing New Zealand’s food and fibre industries.


The world is changing fast and New Zealand farmers need to be thinking ahead or risk being left behind, Ministry for Primary Industries director of investment programmes Justine Gilliland told the recent Foundation for Arable Research conference at Lincoln. With an eye on the future, the ministry held a series of workshops with key primary industry players to identify, consider and understand the future challenges facing the food and fibre industries. By taking a look 10 to 20 years into the future, the workshops aimed to help those industries prepare not only for the challenges, but also the opportunities, Gilliland said. continued over page

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From P3 The workshops began by testing participants’ assumptions, asking “what is something you believe will always be true of the primary industries?” They were ideas like: will we always use soil and water? Will we always export most of our products? That the primary sector will always produce food. That we will always have a pasture-based agricultural economy; That the world will always want more animal protein. And that the weather will always influence farming. These ideas were then put to the test, with participants asked to imagine a world where the opposite of those things were true, to consider what needs to happen for those alternative scenarios to become a reality. In different parts of the world, some of those alternatives are already here in some shape or form. Meat has been grown in a lab since 2013. While it is still expensive to produce (and apparently not that tasty) the cost has come down considerably, Gilliland said, and will continue to do so. Former factories in Japan


and the US, which used to produce things like semiconductors and steel, are now turning out crops such as lettuces and strawberries. These new indoor vertical farms not only use much less water and are much more productive per hectare than their outdoor equivalents, they are also not at the mercy of the weather, so not subject to

flooding or drought. Although that all might sound a little daunting, if not depressing, to those working the land in New Zealand, Gilliland said it was not all doom and gloom. In considering the future, the workshops created 12 different scenarios that described possible future states, what they may involve

and some of the implications that come with that. For instance, in one of those future states, regional localism was predominant – it was a world of global protectionism, where buy local was a strong consumer driver, which was a driver to geo-politics. In that future state there were high trade barriers, but New Zealand still managed to

trade with some countries who wanted our goods. Food security and quality was a global issue, but New Zealand raw goods were still trusted. However that required the government to constantly negotiate market access, while it also called for more New Zealand investment in processing and brands



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in overseas markets, so our products “look local”. Another implication in that future state was that the New Zealand economy was no longer export-based. Farmers were forced to diversify to meet domestic demand, or to find alternative land uses such as exporting water, creating carbon sinks, recreational and tourism opportunities. That in turn led to growing regional inequalities. In a different future scenario considered by the workshops there was a borderless world with free movement of capital, goods and skilled labour within large, defined trade blocks. It was a high-innovation place, where production systems were greatly evolved and internet-enabled efficient supply systems were the norm. It was also a place where alternative, efficient protein sources dominated, synthetic and new products existed and many food products were just a means of getting sustenance, for instance lunch was just a pill. One of the implications of such a world was that while there was a big market, tough choices would need to be made about where we could compete.

Every person was a market, so goods could be individually customised. However, regulatory systems would need to be agile enough to cope with new supply and distribution chains. As world commodities are produced in-market in this future state, using new technology, in labs or indoor farming systems, New Zealand could not compete in commodity markets. Instead we would have to leverage the quality of our natural inputs – our soils are still fertile, water is plentiful, we use real sunlight, and even some grass. That all might seem a bit far-fetched and in the future but Gilliland said there are things that can be done today to prepare for whatever the future brings. There needs to be thorough research and analysis of our health, nutrition and wellbeing capabilities, along with taste and experience. We also need to look at, and learn from, food companies already involved in supplying nutritional ingredients, whether it’s to hospitals or they’re companies that manufacture pet food. More effort needs to be made to find and tell


our compelling stories internationally, Gilliland says, to build New Zealand’s profile. Those stories need to be science-based and data-driven, and we should learn from some of the good examples that are already out there. It will also be important to identify who are going to be the players in the innovation space, she says, especially high disruption innovation, ie the breakthroughs that will change an industry’s competitive patterns. Doing that will help the industry evaluate the risks and opportunities. Continuing the use of scenario thinking and other foresight techniques will help to build capacity, drive collective discussion and encourage effective partnerships that are actionfocused, Gilliland said. While the future is uncertain and likely to be challenging it is also exciting and full of opportunities, she said. Collaboration across primary industries and a greater understanding of emerging trends and who or what could disrupt those industries will be key as to where New Zealand farming finds itself in the future.

PRIMARY SECTOR SCIENCE ROADMAP An integral part of staying on track while looking to the future will be the Primary Sector Science Roadmap, launched at National Fieldays last month, MPI director of investment programmes Justine Gilliland says. The roadmap identifies four areas where the demands for science are critical and rapidly changing, and that encapsulate the sector’s research and capability needs in the next 10 to 20 years. These interrelated areas encompass the value chain from resource (genes, biota, soils, land, water and air), to production and handling systems, to product development, storage and transport, right through to the consumer. The areas are: • Sustaining, protecting and adapting our natural resources; • Growing productivity and profitability with environmental, social and cultural acceptability; • High-value products for consumers; • Integrating primary production systems, people, communities and values. Taken together, the areas require a well-functioning primary sector, fully supported by an innovative and integrated science system. These cross-sector areas serve as a focus for New Zealand’s future science, along with technology needs and opportunities. The roadmap also identifies future outcomes under these four categories that industry needs to support. At the launch Primary Industries Minister Nathan Guy said science will be a key driver in lifting overall primary exports $64 billion in 2025, which would require an annual rise of 5.5 per cent. They were forecast to be $38.1 billion for the year ending June 2017, an annual increase of 2.4 per cent.

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Farmers need to be open to change and The ever-changing world we now live in requires those who work the land to be “super fit” for the purpose, a farm enterprise specialist says. KPMG’s Brent Love told the recent Foundation for Arable Research conference at Lincoln that this doesn’t refer to their physical condition or mean being really good at just one aspect of the business - farmers have to be good across all aspects of their operation. Love said in his mind there are three parts that make up the modern farming business: the management of physical resources to produce food; the governance of the business; and the impact the business has on the wider community. All three are important, he said, and the modern farmer needs to understand and master the lot. Technology has continued to change how farmers manage the physical resources within the farm gate, he said. “This is nothing new and as New Zealand farmers you are actually really good at utilising and reforming that

technology to achieve better farm efficiency and optimising resources.” However, the investment is often costly and the big question often is: when is the right time to invest? He said choosing not to invest in this area was no longer an option, as farmers are pressured to find labour, collect information and data about their produce, and to be compliant and meet regulation requirements. Love said the use of drones, precision agriculture methods and robotics over the next few years will change the pace of farming, how labour is utilised and the scale of operations that individual farmers can manage. “However, we must be more open to these changes and be faster on the uptake, as our competitors are already on the move.” The governance of farm businesses is also an everchanging space, he said, in this instance of how farmers collect and use data to change and evolve systems within the farm gate and beyond.

Being able to tell a customer that the food they are eating came from a farm in Canterbury, had minimal impact on the environment, is healthy to consume and contributed positively to

its surrounding community would become increasingly important, Love said. Potentially this will bring a premium in a world that will soon be dominated by other cheaper food options, such as

synthetic proteins, he said. The impact of farming on the community (and in particular the environment) is an area that has garnered a fair bit of coverage in recent times and is not going to

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go away. With that in mind, Love said he was inspired to hear the attitude of Colin Glass of Dairy Holdings, speaking at the recent South Island Dairy Event. Love said Glass told his audience at the event at Lincoln that he saw the

nutrient changes the dairy industry was facing was his business’s greatest opportunity. “Taking a challenge and turning it into an opportunity,” Love said, “I was really pleased to hear that.” How the farm and the practices of the farm business affect the community and environment, and our story as a country, would continue to be put under the microscope, he said, but as farmers like Glass believed, that could be used to the industry’s advantage. It was also increasingly important for farmers to get on the front foot and tell their story and the story of what they produced and how, Love said. “Customers want to visit your farm on their terms and see how you are growing, producing and exporting the food that they consume.” Virtual technology in the supermarket gives customers the access to an individual’s farming story 24/7, he said, adding that European farmers had virtual cameras in Chinese supermarkets so shoppers there could see what the farmers were doing back in Europe. However the biggest thing farmers needed to recognise was that the future is not five years away, Love said, it’s here and now.







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8 2

Spare a thought for northerners Tony Davoren


Spare a thought for your northern groundwater users. Winter (thus far) and the use of alpine river water to irrigate within Mid Canterbury has spared this region from low groundwater recharge and the conundrum of how to farm this coming 2017-18 season. Back in May I wrote of the chance of El Niño forming during 2017. The El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) has remained negative since May and quite strongly so: -7.7 and -10 for the past two weeks ending July 2. That is not good news for the groundwater users north of the Rakaia and especially north of the Selwyn River. Mid Canterbury has largely “escaped” the effects

of low rainfall recharge and groundwater is looking like being in reasonable shape for 2017-18 irrigation season. The water level in observation bore L37/0022 at Pendarves has shown consistent recovery since irrigation stopped March. In contrast, your northern neighbours have not seen the same recharge and the

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situation is looking pretty grim. Recharge in observation bore M36/8219 at Aylesbury has shown little recovery except for the “kickback” response when everyone stopped irrigating in March. Water levels are still so low many bores cannot yield sufficient water to run irrigators. For example, we have clients in this area of

Canterbury who are down to 30L/s from two bores that would normally yield 120L/s. With El Niño seemingly on the back door, the likelihood of some serious south easterly storms systems to produce those 3-4 day 80-100mm rainfalls is fast disappearing. For those in some north Canterbury areas without

the option of an alpine water source – unlike BarrhillChertsey or AshburtonLyndhurst or Central Plains Water (until September 2018) – the options are not palatable. It may mean a return to dryland farming or at best marginal irrigated farming for 2017-18. Please let it rain and rain and rain!


Urban waterway attracts praise Left – Ashburton Zone committee members during a tour of the upgraded Wakanui Creek (far left) waterway.

Photos supplied

Wakanui Creek – also known as Mill Creek – attracted praise by the bucket load when the Ashburton Zone committee toured two sections of the Ashburton waterway. Sediment removal, realignment and work to shore up its banks in recent years by Ashburton District Council has transformed the urban stretch from a clogged-up and neglected waterway into an attractive

and healthier stream. Fed by water from the North Branch of the Ashburton River and an upstream spring, Wakanui Creek was originally dug to run the town’s flour mill (hence its alternate name). However, sediment deposits, particularly in the last few decades, had started to ruin its appeal. Now the legacy sediment has been removed, Ashburton District Council open spaces manager David

Askin said the creek is in much better shape and locals enjoy walking and biking the trail that runs alongside it near Argyle Park. The eventual plan is for the trail to continue through to the middle of town. The Ashburton Zone Committee recently visited two sections of Wakanui Creek as part of its field day looking at water use within the North Ashburton area.

Water management best practice showcased Farmers in North East Ashburton demonstrated how they’re managing water and nutrients – in the best interests of the environment and productivity – at a recent field day. A site visit to David and Hilary Ward’s farm saw a group of more than 20 come

together to learn about water use in the area. Ashburton Zone committee members were joined by councillors from Environment Canterbury and Ashburton District Council, alongside staff from both councils. Arable farmer David told

Janine Holland Ashburton Zone Manager P: 027 2057 128 E: Contact Janine if you have any queries regarding the Ashburton Zone team’s work or projects across the zone.

the group nutrients were too valuable to throw away and they worked hard to optimise their use and prevent losses. In recent years the Wards have reduced their nitrate losses by one third by changing irrigation practice and crop rotations and

by moving to low tillage techniques. Other local farmers, Jessie Chan-Dorman, Greg Roadley and Dean Pye, spoke about their experiences intensifying production while managing water and nutrients. Nitrate soil testing, irrigation scheduling and soil

moisture monitoring were all acknowledged as crucial information tools enabling careful management. The event was hosted by the Ashburton Zone committee as the first in a series of investigations into water use and need in the North Ashburton area.

Meet the team As part of the Canterbury Water Management Strategy, local on-the-ground teams have been formed to provide localised assistance and advice regarding land management, consents and compliance to those in each zone. Consent planners will also be available in Ashburton to discuss new applications or changes to existing consents. Please contact the Environment Canterbury Customer Services Team (0800 324 636) to make an appointment.



Stephen Howard

Nick Vernon

Sam Aramoana

Monitoring and Compliance Officer

Monitoring and Compliance Officer

Resource Management Officer

P: 027 405 8472 E:

P: 027 406 7430 E:

P: 027 406 7429 E:

Contact Stephen if you have any queries regarding existing industrial and district council consents or compliance monitoring.

Contact Nick if you have any queries around existing consents and compliance monitoring.

Contact Sam if you have any queries regarding existing consents and compliance monitoring.

Ryan Dynes

Donna Field

Sarah Heddell

River Engineering Depot Supervisor

Land Management and Biodiversity Advisor

Land Management and Biodiversity Advisor

P: 027 435 1476 E:

P: 021 914 828 E:

P: 027 405 8472 E:

Contact Donna if you want support with your farm environment plans, advice about good management practice, or you would like advice or funding for a biodiversity project.

Contact Sarah if you want support with your farm environment plans, advice about good management practice, or you would like advice or funding for a biodiversity project.

Contact Ryan if you have concerns regarding river and drainage rating schemes.

10 2


The sound of dogs working sheep at the Mayfield A&P Showgrounds was heard for miles around when PGG Wrightson ran its 61st annual Ashburton Sheep and Cattle Dog Sale. Top price from the sales catalogue, which featured 43 heading and 15 huntaway dogs, went to three-year-old heading dog Bruce, who went for $7000. Bruce was bred and trained by respected dog trialist and breeder Michael Millar of Darfield. Photos Colin Williscroft.









Water use records are due in July Environment Canterbury is working closely with water consent holders and industry partners to achieve better management of the region’s water resources. As part of this all Canterbury water users with a take of 5l per second or more are required to provide their water use data to Environment Canterbury before 31 July each year. Data logger and manual water data also needs to be supplied. This helps us understand how much water is being used and helps water users understand how efficiently they are using the resource and whether it complies with their conditions, saving on compliance costs in the future. It is up to you to ensure your service provider provides the information to us. If you have a telemetry system the data is typically submitted automatically, saving you time and money. If you have any questions please contact your service provider or Environment Canterbury on 0800 324 636 or visit

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12 2


Funding welcomed for joint facility Lincoln University and AgResearch has welcomed funding that will ensure the go-ahead of a $206 million joint facility for learning and research on Lincoln University’s campus. The Government has agreed to provide Lincoln University with $85m to support its construction and has approved the project’s detailed business case. The decision heralds the next step towards a new collaborative way of working between the two partners, and a focus point for the Lincoln Hub where Lincoln University academics and students work alongside researchers from a range of CRIs, international tertiary institutions and primary industry business partners on solutions to national and international food production and environmental challenges. Lincoln University ViceChancellor Professor Robin Pollard said the Government’s investment in the facility is not only a major step forward in promoting new value in New Zealand’s primary sector

economy, but represents a significant sign of confidence in the future of Lincoln University, which has played a globally noteworthy role in land-based sciences and innovation for over 140 years. “This new facility offers students new ways of learning and employment opportunities for those interested in environmental and land-based

sciences, and advances Lincoln University’s mission to be a major global leader in landbased learning and research,” he said. It is part of AgResearch’s programme of campus development across the country and will provide its largest South Island base. AgResearch chief executive Tom Richardson said it is

pleasing to see the university’s part of the funding equation now in place following funding approved for AgResearch’s part in the joint facility last year. “There is now real momentum for the partnership with Lincoln University as joint owners of the new facility and for DairyNZ as a tenant. The design plans we’ve


come up with so far confirm to me that we are going to have a world-class facility starting construction later this year,” Dr Richardson said. “Not only does this joint facility signal a new era for us in working together to produce better science and education, it demonstrates a commitment to delivering to a new standard for the land-based industries that are so crucial to New Zealand’s economy and quality of life. With so much of New Zealand’s forecast economic growth dependent on the value of our agricultural products in the coming decades, we have to support those industries to remain world leaders.” “There’s no question that facilities of this quality will also help attract the very best talent for the sector, and will encourage other organisations and businesses to connect with us so they can also benefit from this new way of working.” The Lincoln University AgResearch Joint Facility should be finished by 2019 with work starting soon.

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All of us play our part in Biosecurity July is Biosecurity Month – a month dedicated to promoting the importance of biosecurity to the country. Those who work in the sector reckon New Zealanders should celebrate it as much as they do the All Blacks and Team New Zealand. Biosecurity sector group the New Zealand Biosecurity Institute wants New Zealanders to know it’s not just sailing and rugby that Kiwis are world beaters at. President Darion Embling said New Zealand is also recognised around the globe as a world champion of biosecurity. “If there was a world cup for biosecurity we’d win it, but we have to keep at it and we too need a support team of 4.7 million,” he said. Embling said the arrival of the plant killer myrtle rust this year, which threatens important horticultural and iconic native plants, is a wakeup reminder that everyone must be vigilant. Embling said the next serious imminent threat is the agricultural pest the brown

Myrtle rust (left), brown marmorated stink bug (right).

marmorated stink bug which is native to Asia but has spread to Europe and the Americas with devastating effects. “The pest so far has been kept at bay, but border control staff have intercepted them on a number of occasions at sites within New Zealand. “So far we have managed to prevent its establishment, but we need 4.7 million sets of eyes and ears because we don’t know if there are small populations already present.” He said New Zealand is fortunate to have a world class


biosecurity system. “Our pre and post-border surveillance system is secondto-none and so is our research.” Embling said his members want to see the Biosecurity Sector have a high profile in the community as well as in the education curriculum. “I’d like the word biosecurity to be as common a catch-cry for all New Zealanders as the phrase location, location, location. Biosecurity month occurs every July in the run-up to

the NZ Biosecurity Institute’s combined annual National Education and Training Seminars (NETS). This year NETS is in Wellington from August 9-11. Embling said every year, in the course of their jobs, NZBI members spend hundreds of hours controlling or managing the risks to the economy and the environment from the effects of unwanted pests. “This work costs the country hundreds of millions of dollars each year through control, research and border

control budgets. This money is coming out of all New Zealanders’ pockets,” he said. “We need everyone to play a part in protecting what’s precious and unique about New Zealand.” The NZBI is the professional training and networking organisation for people involved in biosecurity. Its 450 members work for research organisations, educational institutions, regional councils and government departments. All are involved in protecting NZ from invasive species.


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Greenpeace’s attack disappointing Federated Farmers is disappointed Greenpeace has resorted to sensationalist rhetoric in a report that implies agriculture and related activities are a threat to all New Zealanders’ health. The report, which goes by the title “Sick of too many cows”, is a predictable if not misguided attack on the primary sector – the country’s largest exporter and employer of around 160,000 people. This is Greenpeace doing a good job of what they do best - plenty of headlines and hyperbole. Let’s be frank, those claims made about New Zealanders’ health being endangered due to livestock is extreme to say the least. What’s particularly disturbing is their accusation that irrigation and farming causes cancers and infectious diseases. Federated Farmers expects plenty of hyperbole and sensationalism and welcomes an open forum leading into the general election, but this latest anti-farming rant smacks of desperation. It leaves little room for

Chris Allen


constructive dialogue with no concrete language throughout the report. The federation also finds it ironic that the Havelock North water contamination outbreak is raised, yet it had nothing to do with dairy farming nor so-called industrial farming or irrigation. We note Greenpeace acknowledges most farmers are working hard to improve their environmental footprint. However, it’s unfortunate they have not researched basic facts about irrigation and proposed schemes. For example, those that have signed up to the Ruataniwha scheme are horticultural enterprises, arable and sheep and beef farmers.

The fact is there are no new dairy conversions amongst the 190 farmers signed up, while only one irrigator will expand an existing dairy farm by a mere 100ha. What is also overlooked is that irrigation is crucial for many fruit and horticultural crops, and there is evidence that irrigation can have better environmental outcomes. The majority of dams being built are for community water and security of supply for drinking

water alongside irrigation. Federated Farmers otherwise is proud of all New Zealand farmers’ focus and efforts towards managing the environment. Dairy farmers have spent over $1 billion in the past five years, which meant 97 per cent of the waterways on New Zealand dairy farms are now excluded from dairy cattle. Sheep and beef farmers meanwhile have been main contributors to the

establishment of QEII covenants, protecting private land for conservation at a real and opportunity cost of $1.2 to 1.4 billion dollars. Let’s be clear, farmers are not soley responsible for what is raised in this report. We are taking ownership through seeking solutions and acting on them. Scaremongering the public with extreme claims in an election year, is short-sighted and lacks integrity.”





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16 2


A fitting crown for arable leader Mid Canterbury farmer Eric Watson has been crowned Federated Farmers/Bayer Arable Farmer of the Year. Watson is also a Guinness World Record holder after his feat of producing the highest wheat yield of 16.791 tonnes/ ha, eclipsing the previous record of 16.519 tonnes. Watson and wife Maxine are widely regarded for their innovative thinking and knowledge of overseas technologies, which they utilise to improve on-farm productivity. “This is a fitting reward,” said Arable Industry chairman Guy Wigley. “Eric has contributed to research in the arable industry since the inception of the Foundation for Arable Research. He has hosted trials and other research plots on his farm over the last 20 years, which has translated into productivity lifts for the entire arable sector. “Eric is a quiet and unassuming leader. He lets his farm’s performance do the talking. This award recognises his current

Eric Watson with wife Maxine.

achievements and ongoing leadership in our industry.” Bayer’s Scott Hanson said leaders in the industry like Watson promoted New


Zealand all over the world. “His recent achievement of gaining the wheat world record certainly has helped put New Zealand on the

world stage.” The Watsons’ wheat crop of 16.791 tonnes per hectare this past summer beat a two-year-old record held by a

Building New Zealand.

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UK farmer. On average, irrigated wheat yields in New Zealand are around 12 tonnes per hectare; the crop was planted in midApril, 2016, and harvested mid-February this year. Watson had come close in previous years and believes he can do even better. Guy said success in the arable industry typically flew under the radar compared to other agri-sectors in New Zealand. “It is long overdue that we recognise the outstanding contribution arable farmers make to the industry and the country in general.” Federated Farmers also recognised Karen Williams from the Wairarapa, who was named Federated Farmers’ Biosecurity Farmer of the Year. Williams was an influential leader in her area in the pea weevil biosecurity response, spending many hours working alongside farmers and MPI. All of her work was voluntary and all to make a bad situation for growers better.


The criticality of timing Toby O’Donnell


“Timing is everything”, a wellknown saying, but how often do people stop and actually think about the meaning of it? The importance of timing can be seen in almost every aspect of our daily lives no matter how big or small it may be. Nowadays there seems to be so much focus on new technology, trends, data and human tendencies, the criticality of timing is too often forgotten about. Over the weekend, I found myself thinking about this concept on multiple occasions. The timing of a certain decision, resulting in a red card was undoubtedly a pivotal moment in a game followed by millions. A complete extreme of this concept, demonstrating how the timing of one action

can have such a dramatic effect on themselves, and others. The difference between a culinary masterpiece or absolute disaster can depend on the timing of when it’s removed from the oven. While every musical composition might consist of a unique combination of notes, it’s the timing of the piece that may well determine how much we appreciate the end result. Those moments where a crowd are left in fits of laughter, all because of a comedian’s ability to time the punchlines to absolute perfection. Some decisions require urgency, others require patience, effective leaders and successful individuals learn how to time these decisions depending on the situation. Consider a photographer and the timing required to capture that once in a lifetime opportunity. On numerous occasions, I have returned home from a hunt, frustrated about the timing of a broken stick, a tumbling rock or a rushed

Timing is everything. It affects your every move, the outcome of your decisions, and ultimately, the outcome of your life

shot that sent my quarry scampering off out of sight. When I first started fly fishing, I pulled dozens of flies out of the mouths of fish that willingly attempted to take my clumsily presented fly. Too quick to strike and another fish lost, again – timing the main reason. Timing is most certainly one of the key elements of operating a successful business – especially in the launching of a new idea or product. But while we can precisely control the timing on a barbecue, or practice some

timing tricks to get the best reaction from an audience, achieving the right timing in a business endeavour is not always something within our control. What we can do, however, is make a conscious effort to anticipate when that best time might be, and be ready to take full advantage of it. How often have you heard someone tell you that their relationship didn’t work “because the timing just wasn’t right”? What about an individual’s health? Catch a devastating

illness early and it can be lifesaving, diagnosed too late and the consequences can be dire. Stumbling across your dream job because you were in “the right place, at the right time”, you were only in that place because of a timely decision that you made. Timing is everything. It affects your every move, the outcome of your decisions, and ultimately, the outcome of your life. Here’s hoping we get our timing right in the final push towards the finals boys – Up the Mount.



18 2



App-based data drives productivity Leading New Zealand agronomists are reaping the rewards of better connectivity with farmers using an app that captures, shares and stores data in real-time for better crop planning, protection, nutrition and management. South Island-based Wholesale Seeds sales and marketing manager, Patrick Davis, has linked more than 150 of the company’s clients to the Agworld app, allowing himself and his skilled agronomists to record key production information and advice. During inspection of paddocks, they use the app to immediately share information with the farmer client. “Farmers rely on our speciality recommendations, which they receive directly to their mobile device (or computer) via the Agworld app,” Davis said. “This includes timely and critical advice about fertiliser use, what fungicides or insecticides are needed, application rates and other crop management and agronomy issues.

Wholesale Seeds agronomist Thomas Bird uses the Agworld app for improved crop management with his farmer clients. PHOTO WHOLESALE SEEDS

“While Wholesale Seeds agronomists are carrying out inspections on crops, any observations made or recommendations that are

needed can be sent straight from the agronomist in the paddock direct to both the farmer and the company’s head office.

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“The head office can then batch-up necessary products and have these delivered straight to the farm gate that day for use.” Davis said the use of the Agworld app was boosting efficiencies for Wholesale Seeds, which operates from Ashburton in the Canterbury region, and for its farmer clients by enabling both parties to access and record crop recommendations in realtime on a secure, transparent and accurate system. He said these actions are then tracked, recorded and used to underpin crop production planning. “We use the Agworld app in our planning and budgeting with clients throughout the whole year,” he said. “It is integral to maintaining records about the implementation of advice during the busy season, observations noted during the season and then preparing season summaries and reports at the end of the season and at the start of the new year. “We can track costs and keep the client in the picture

to help with key decisionmaking and outcomes as the season unfolds. “It is saving time for us and the farmer and we are making better use of data for important input decisions, such as whether to use more fertiliser or herbicides.” Davis said Agworld has also helped to improve farm cash flow management immensely for his clients by incorporating observations and production data into plans and enabling proactive management of seasonal risks, such as weather, weeds and pests. Agworld Australia and New Zealand general manager Simon Foley said recording and monitoring crop production data through the app helped farmers build a better picture of their business performance and was instantly available and reportable for gross margin analysis. He said across New Zealand and Australia, there were now about 17,000 farmers and up to 700 agronomists using the platform in desktop, iPhone and iPad format.



A place to start with farm software Farm software is designed to help you do what you do – more profitably, in less time, with more insight or in a more connected way. But if you’ve got no computing experience or online records, where do you start? FarmIQ offers two packs that are designed as good starting points. These are: The Map – interactive farm mapping that gives you good visuals of your farm and can easily be customised The Starter Pack – covers the basics of farm assurance and compliance with a full farm calendar and diary, farm mapping, stock and paddock records and some good reporting. With the Starter Pack you will experience many of the things FarmIQ believes are important in farm software. Flexibility – You don’t want to pay for functions that you don’t need now, but you probably will want more at some stage. FarmIQ has developed full farm management software and then offers it in packs, so you can move along when you’re ready. Support – No matter how welldesigned it is, it takes a while to get to know any software package. FarmIQ offers great training and ongoing support, with a help desk on call.

Cloud computing – With FarmIQ you don’t need to install a software package on your computer: instead with cloud computing you log in to software that’s sitting on the internet. The big gains are you can’t lose your information, and you don’t have to con-

tinually download updates. Easy recording – FarmIQ aims to make recording as easy as possible by letting you collect as you farm. With the FarmIQ phone app, you can record a drench or a stock death right there in the yards or paddock. It works even

out of cellphone range and then it syncs later. Also, you can transfer files from other devices like your weigh indicator box. Good reporting – The FarmIQ software can use a single piece of information in several different ways to provide more value. For example, if a drench is recorded against a mob, the software then creates a treatment record that can be shown for farm assurance, deducts the amount of drench used from your product inventory and also enables you to compare the weight gain effect of the drench against a mob that didn’t get it. The same goes for kill sheets and numerous other sets of information. By mob or individual – With FarmIQ you have the choice about how you record any livestock information – by mob or by individual animal (with EID tagging). Continuing development – Farming doesn’t stand still and nor should your software. FarmIQ is committed to continuing investment and listening to what farmers want. Well over 1000 farmers with many different kinds and sizes of farm are now using it. Let the FarmIQ software take you to the next level.

Free decision making tool Get a taste of what FarmIQ can do by downloading the free Gross Margin Calculator app. This app is handy when you have a question about buying or selling stock, or grazing, like: • What should I pay for those weaners? • What could I earn if I brought in some grazers? • Should I quit those weaners now or finish them myself? • Will I make a better returns on cattle or sheep? The app takes you through likely costs, growth rates and possible returns, and it includes a sensitivity analysis. Completed calculations can be saved for future reference.

The app is available from the Google and Apple app stores. (Search for “FarmIQ”.)

A must-have farm tool The FarmIQ software is simple and smart. It gets your farm information working for you as a farm owner or manager. The software helps you get the best from your land, animals and staff, as well as covering farm assurance and compliance requirements. Now with: • Health and safety • Environment planning • Timesheets and rosters

To find out more go to or contact the FarmIQ Business Manager, Steve Knight on 021 311105 or

20 2


Penguins in crisis Mary Ralston

- Save time and money by utilising farm saved seed - Seed treatment is your first line of defence against pests and disease - Operating a high capacity gravity table to increase quality for re-sowing and contract specifications - Mobile trailer with indent cylinders for fine cleaning and length separation with cereals or rye grass


Penguins are endearing birds. They make us laugh when we see them waddling across the ice in TV commercials. We instantly recognise a penguin toy. But do many of us realise that, like many of our native birds, penguins are in serious trouble? Do we take it seriously that their numbers have declined over the past 50 or so years and that many species are at risk of extinction? There are 17 penguin species throughout the world, all living in the Southern Hemisphere, except for one species that lives around the Galapagos Islands, right on the Equator. New Zealand has six species that live and breed around our coastline, including the little blue penguin, the world’s smallest, which weighs only about one kilo. The little blue is the one seen all around New Zealand, including Banks Peninsula, Timaru and Oamaru. The yellow-eyed penguin (hoiho) is also found locally. This is the one on the five dollar note. It can be seen at several spots near Oamaru and Moeraki and are major drawcards for overseas tourists. At Bushy Beach, near Oamaru, local groups have worked hard to protect the penguins: they have

The yellow-eyed penguin is endemic (found nowhere else) to New Zealand – numbers have declined and it is now rare along our coastline. PHOTO DAVID HALLETT

built nest boxes, planted vegetation to protect the nests from over-heating, trapped predators, and built barriers and a hide to make sure humans keep their distance from the birds. Numbers of penguins increased for some time, but in the last few years, they have declined markedly. We don’t know the reasons for the decline. It may be disease or something that is happening out at sea, such as penguins being caught in fishing nets, predation by sea lions or perhaps their food supply has declined. But when the rarest penguin in the world is in serious decline, we need to be worried and pull out all stops. Marine protected areas and alterations to fishing nets to minimise the risks of them being caught is the least we could do for one of our endemic species.

- Twin rotor screening machine with aspiration for screening all types of seeds for contract specs. Contracting available or FOR DRY HIRE.

The juvenile Fiordland crested penguin that came ashore at Wakanui beach. PHOTO SUPPLIED

The Ashburton coast is fairly inhospitable to penguins but sometimes one comes ashore here. A couple of years ago a juvenile Fiordland crested penguin appeared on Wakanui Beach. It may have been caught up in currents or swept away from its home beach. The penguin was moulting – a time when it needs to stay ashore for about three weeks. It was moved to a more secluded place to protect it from people and dogs. Just about all our native birds are in trouble due to the pressures of introduced predators, declining food sources and loss of habitat. The penguins are one of the groups in decline and they also face the pressures of the ocean with its risks from fishing and warming oceans. It would be a sad day when we no longer see the little blues or the yelloweyed penguins at Oamaru or the Catlins. We need to acknowledge the crisis our native species face and act accordingly – do all we can on land and in the oceans to ensure penguins (and other species) survive. It is not acceptable for rare birds to be “by-catch” of fishing fleets or be chased by dogs or tourists when they come ashore.


A little blue penguin emerging from her burrow. Penguins face threats on land and in the water – predators, habitat loss, death in PHOTO REBECCA HOHNHOLD fishing nets and warming ocean temperatures.

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22 2


Litter less - recycle more It all started when Hannah Mae Jerao, student leader of the environment committee, along with her team at Ashburton College wanted to stop littering at their school. They invited me in to their discussions; we got around the table with Claire Bubb and the principal and came up with a plan to stop litter and improve recycling. With support from Ashburton District Council for yellow lidded co-mingled recycling bins, we applied to the Public Place Recycling Scheme for bright yellow wheelie bins and promotional recycling materials to make recycling more visual and convenient around the college. We were successful with gaining funding and got on with planning the launch. Last week the 1200+ students were involved in the co-mingled recycling launch at class assemblies so they understand how the recycling is sorted and where it goes, as well as the consequences of plastic litter in terms of human health, animal welfare and the sustainability of our

Sheryl Stivens

FREE COMPOST WORKSHOP Come along and see how easy it is to set up a bokashi compost or worm farm or compost your garden waste. Where: Eco Education Centre -Ashburton Resource Recovery Park When: Thursday July 27, 11.30-12.30 pm All welcome – call 0800627824 or email


planet. From now on the waste and recycling will be audited and results reported quarterly back to the sponsors so that other colleges and universities who have similar litter and waste problems can learn from the results. Well done Hannah Mae and the environment committee at Ashburton College. Together everyone achieves more. Love NZ and Be a Tidy Kiwi have launched a joint campaign to encourage New Zealanders to Litter Less Recycle More. The campaign has been developed by The Packaging Forum in partnership with the Be a Tidy Kiwi brand and is supported by many councils around the country,

the New Zealand Transport Agency and KiwiRail. The campaign is the first national and community awareness programme about litter since the 1980s, and will be linked to a national behavioural change programme and investment in new and upgraded rubbish/ recycling infrastructure that uses smart technology. This campaign aims to position litter and resource recovery as an issue of national importance, and the collective responsibility of all Kiwis and those visiting from overseas. Let’s work together to stop people littering our roads and towns. It’s plastic-free July - here’s


how to take part: Concerns around pollution from plastic are increasing and July has been selected to highlight what action we can take. More than half of the nation’s mayors have signed a letter putting pressure on central government to impose a mandatory charge on plastic bags. Students from Samuel Marsden Collegiate have started a petition to introduce a 10 cent levy on plastic bags and it now has almost 10,000 signatures. Delegates at the recent National party conference were calling for action on plastic bags. So what can we all do? • Have your own reusable

shopping bags in the car at all times. • Make sure you have your own reusable coffee cup with you – so you can avoid using disposables. Recent research shows that 295 million hot and cold cups are consumed every year in New Zealand. Research is under way by the Packaging Forum to see where the compostable cups can be processed as well as investigate end-oflife solutions for paper and plastic cups. • Reduce plastic consumption by buying in bulk and using more refillable reusable containers. • Reduce plastic waste – reuse whatever possible and recycle – show you care.

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For a couple of days last week the country came to town for Ruralco’s annual in-store days. Ruralco chief executive Robert Sharkie said the two-day event, held on Thursday and Friday, was “absolutely fantastic”. This year’s in-store days were the first under the Ruralco banner and Sharkie said there had also been some good feedback about the new branding. Photos Colin Williscroft.

Jon Dampney, George Dampney (3) and Hayley Bennett.


Hamish Marr and Peter Blacklow. 070717-CW-017

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Ruralco field rep Sam Field and David Walsh of Seed Force. 070717-CW-028


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24 2


Is your grass affecting your horse? Has your horse had a mysterious change in personality? Is he doing things he doesn’t normally do? Do these issues come and go? Get worse in spring and autumn? Do you feel frustrated that you are not making progress in training or lessons? Here are just some of the problems you may be experiencing: In the paddock Fence walking, aggressive with other horses or towards you, agitated. While grooming/tacking up/floating Abnormally twitchy, doesn’t want to be brushed, cranky, girthy, fidgety when saddled, ear-shy, difficult to halter or bridle, pulls back, uncooperative with legs, rushes through gateways, anxious, overly claustrophobic when floating, rushes off, panics at feel of back bar. With ground-work or lunging Argy-bargy, seems belligerent, objects to basic ground-work – leaps, plunges, rears, kicks out, hollows

Jenny Paterson


out, leans in, goes too fast, short-stepping, tight behind, disunites. When riding No attention span, separation anxiety, limited progress with schooling, nose rubbing, head-flicking/ shaking, spooks even at familiar things, over-reactive, hyper-sensitive, resents the leg, nappy/no go, no fun to ride. With movement Moves stiffly, seems to need joint supplements, muscle sore, tight hamstrings, short-stepping, choppy, hard to sit, tends to hollow out, trouble with canter leads, sacro-iliac problems, bunnyhopping, disuniting, bouts of staggers, seems to need lots of treatments.

Why your horse behaves as it does may be as simple as the grass PHOTO SUPPLIED it eats.

Plus other health issues Digestive, mud-fever, skin, hoof, hormonal, allergies, respiratory, sore feet and laminitis. All of these respond extremely well to appropriate diet changes. Most of you will have already been through the gamut of other possible causes! You will have already asked yourself: What if it is lack of training? Many owners initially blame themselves, but


biochemistry problems cannot be fixed by training, indeed training horses who are already feeling unwell and not in a learning frame of mind can be very unpleasant for them. Is it lack of work? Neither can these imbalances be fixed by more exercise (wet saddle blankets)! Very competent riders have repeatedly tried and failed. There is a big difference between exuberance and a horse who is not metabolically normal.

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Is it temperament? It is very easy to misjudge temperament. Best to eliminate cringe-worthy descriptions such as – mongrel, bitch, difficult, has attitude, is stupid, nuts, a pig, lunatic, bastard, is quirky, silly, or a right-brained extrovert, needs experienced rider, project horse – from your dictionary. All of these are really descriptions of horses who need a diet makeover! Is it just bad behaviour? Sure there are horses who have learned undesirable habits with previous owners but you will find they can very quickly learn new ones when they are functioning normally. When you understand how mineral imbalances affect brain, nerve and muscle function it is easy to see how grass can adversely affect horses. Time and time again we have succeeded with the most badly behaved, most difficult horses, by deliberately doing nothing else, no treatments, no working through issues, completely restoring them to health with diet alone.

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26 2


High performance agriculture High performance agriculture is defined as allowing plants to express in full, their inherent genetic potential by providing nutrition and the environment they need in a sustainable way. To achieve high performance a soil should be composed of 45 per cent minerals, 5 per cent humus, 25 per cent water and 25 per cent air. This is achieved by a balanced mineral application determined by a soil audit for each particular soil. It’s the chemical make-up of that soil which determines the physical structure, the correct physical structure provides an environment for the biology. It’s the biology that provides the foundation for soil health by having adequate mineral nutrition, in a form readily available to plants, supplied by an active soil microbial community. The key to plant production and the concept to grasp is when we provide a plant with greater levels of nutrition, the performance of these plants is greatly increased. It all starts with photosynthesis, absorbing

water from the soil, CO2 from the air and through a catabolic process with sunlight energy forms carbohydrates (sugars) inside the leaves of green plants. The Australian soil ecologist Dr Christine Jones termed this the liquid carbon pathway, (liquid carbon is basically dissolved sugars. Sugars are formed in plant chloroplasts during photosynthesis. Some of the sugars are used for growth and some are exuded into soil by plant roots to support the microbes involved

in nutrient acquisition). This microbial support is also required to improve soil structure, increase macro and micronutrient availabilities and enhance soil waterholding capacity. Anything we can do to increase the plants’ photosynthesis capacity will increase the plants’ energy. Photosynthetic capacity is derived relative to (A) balanced mineral nutrition and (B) the micro-biology content, in the soil. Nitrogen fixation depends

on energy efficiency. It takes a lot of energy and requires a lot of sugars from photosynthesis and minerals, which means tuning the entire system by improving first sulphur, boron, silicon then calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, as well as enzymatic co-factors – zinc, manganese, copper, iron, molybdenum and cobalt. Many of these elements are essential for resistance to pest and diseases and the resilience to climatic extremes such as drought or frosts. A lot of chemicals and fertilisers are counterproductive to producing humus. The application of large quantities of inorganic N, as found in urea, MAP and DAP, can compromise the effective system of producing N in the soil. In addition, large quantities of water-soluble P, such as that found in superphosphate, MAP and DAP, compromises the symbiotic relationship with mycorrhizal fungi, which are essential for maximising the ability of plants to obtain

water nitrogen and minerals from the soil. We must comprehend two important facts, (A) that the activity of the microbial life in the soil along with the process of photosynthesis in plants is solely responsible for directly or indirectly supplying the world food supply (B) that many of the traditional farming practises (that formerly were called best managements practices) are detrimental to that biology. Tillage, glyphosate, chemicals, synthetic fertilisers, seed treatments, mono pasture species, are all contributing too most of the issues and problems that’s facing agriculture environmental and sustainability today. The greatest road block in solving a problem is the human mind. Many conventional farmers are making really significant strides in sustainability, but many farmers are persisting with a farming system that’s failing them. A system approach to problem solving in agriculture.

The Answer, Truly Lies in The Soil




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The added benets: Protability Sustainability Meet environmental goals


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Top Soils are demonstrating, by xing soils using the Kinsey-Albrecht system of soil fertility, it is possible to reduce articial Nitrogen applications up to 200%.


I have mentioned a lot about changing farming systems, what do I mean? We have to shift from a farming system focusing on only production and yield to a farming system focusing on quality, protein and stewardship, benefitting the environment and sustainability by apply systems thinking to what you are doing. Our food systems are complex, how I farm and what I produce doesn’t just affect us personally but effects our environment and human health, political stability and ultimately the stabilisation of our planet is important. The quality of food that we are producing is having a dramatic effect on the health of the nation and its repercussion on the economy from both medical and economic measure are reaching epidemic proportions, and will continue unless we change. Taking a system approach for problem solving is a valuable tool of how to make our farming more resilient and profitable.


System thinking makes us think about what we are doing, which is not always pleasant. Most of us have been raised as linear thinkers, we have been taught to see a direct absolute relationship between cause and effect. An example of linear thinking, for lack of grass, is applying more urea, or spraying a weed or pest rather than understanding and changing the environment which created the problem in the first place. A system thinking approach takes the relationship between

a problem and its cause. Asking why, instead of how, makes us really think about what we are doing, and it’s that thinking that can lead to long-term sustainable solutions with minimal unintended consequences. Animal health issues and deficiencies therefore are a reflection on the mineral content of the soil. And if minerals are needed to be added to supplemental feed to keep animals alive and to support and maintain production, then it’s a direct indication of mineral or

microbial deficiencies in the soil.

Future: On being a plant

“For me, it is far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.” - Carl Sagan Until we change the human mind we are not going to change anything. Healthy soil produces healthy plants but the reverse is also true, healthy plants build healthy soils and it is that environment which

determines genetic expression (Epigenetics). What we are demonstrating is that there are soil fertility systems, able to reduce the artificial nitrogen application on traditional dairy farms by up to 200 per cent without compromising yield and profitability. On one farm trial over several years we have produced more kgs of milk solids and kgs of DM per ha with half the nitrogen application, and a greater gross margin than a conventional fertiliser system. On cropping farms, produce record yields, decrease the amount of chemicals, pesticides, weeds and diseases. All this with added benefit of being profitable, truly sustainable and meeting environmental goals within the 20 kgs /N leaching limit. So, let the results speak for themselves. In the end, it’s common sense with good science. D L Hart, Top Soils, Biological Farming and Soil Fertility Consultant.

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28 2


It’s that time of year (again!) At the end of tax year it is the perfect time to start doing some pre-budget thinking and planning. Setting budgets for the coming year is best done well before the new year/ season is upon you.

Review last year:

• •

Go over the existing year’s budget, and actuals versus budget Analyse significant variances, investigate what caused them so you can learn and avoid this next year or for positive variances repeat for next year. Acknowledge the areas where you remained on budget, think about what you are doing right, and maybe what can help you improve on the above What has been budgeted for but deferred to another year? What might the impact of this be on the business? Think about how well you monitored your budget over the year, did you use it to make good business decisions and what will you do the same or different next year to get the most out of it.

Maurice Myers

Plan this year:

Start writing a list of things you want to do around the business next year. Make it a wish list,


you can take things off it, but it’s good to have a bit of free thought as a starting point. Start thinking about what success means to you. At the end of the next season/year what will you measure? How will you know “yep it was a good year”? When do you want to do it? Think about your next few


• •




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months, when is it a good window to do it? Book it in your diary, commit to the time. What tools are you going to use? Excel, Xero, Figured etc. Who do you want to include in budget setting: banker, accountant, farm adviser? Whoever it is send them a date and book them in even if it’s a few months away. It will get them thinking in advance too. The time and energy you put into the above will make the “doing” far more effective and efficient So what is the difference between a budget and a forecast?

The difference:

Budget = Picture before the season (what do we think it will look like) • Forecast = Moving target as to how you are tracking (actual plus forecast) The importance of a budget is to have a plan where the forecast is to track how you are actually going against that plan. Traditionally a budget is completed before the start of the season, what you expect to happen over the season

with what you have now, for example milk price, livestock prices, what cost structure is or has been. This creates the framework for what you think the season will look like. We all know the saying about best laid plans … things change, the tractor craps itself, the platform needs fixing or an unexpected vet bill turns up! Once the financial year has started, look to update the budget as this becomes our forecast. This should be a moving target which accounts for things that we now know are happening but was not in the original budget (for obvious reasons). This allows you to forecast or predict what your end-of-season results are likely to be from a profit and loss perspective, as well as what your likely cash flow requirements will be. This ensures that there are no surprises around overdraft limit breaches and allows you to be aware of how your business is tracking. There are plenty of systems out there that will help you prepare and monitor your budget and forecast and we have been impressed with the Xero add on Figured which has a fantastic budgeting and forecast tool which is really easy to use. And finally good luck – it’s worth the effort!


T: 03 307 6355 E:


Case IH MX100C

Case IH Maxxum 125

Case IH MXU115

John Deere 7530

Massey Ferguson 4235

$29,000 + GST

$90,000 + GST


$78,000 + GST

$25,000 + GST

6495 Hrs

New Holland T6050 4860Hrs


Shibaura 6340 $11,000 + GST

Case IH MXU115

224 Hrs

Case IH Maxxum 115 MC



3951 Hrs


New Holland T7.170

Case IH MXU115 X

John Deere 6820 Premium

Case IH MXU115X

$52,000 + GST

$46,000 + GST

5247 Hrs

New Holland T6060

$25,000 + GST

$48,000 + GST

Case IH Puma 145 CVT

Case IH Maxxum 140



7005 Hrs

6012 Hrs

$66,000 + GST

$55,000 + GST

Case IH LBX432

Claas Quadrant 3400

Rotor Cut

$45,000 + GST


Kverneland Maxitil

Alpego RH300 Power Harrow

5 mtr working width with tine Harrows

Rear packer roller, very tidy

$8,500 + GST

$23,000 + GST

John Deere 6620 SE 8916 Hrs

Massey Ferguson 5340


Case IH CVX1135

3585 Hrs

9391 Hrs

$68,000 + GST

$71,000 + GST


$38,000 + GST

6274 Hrs

$22,000 + GST

$34,000 + GST

Case IH Puma 180 CVT

New Holland 4635

6385 Hrs

2885 Hrs

$69,000 + GST

$33,000 + GST

Case IH 1680 Axial Flow

Case IH 2188

Case IH 8010 Axial Flow

Case IH 8575 3’ x 3’

Paddon CR16V Rake

Pottinger 10.11T

5255 Hrs

$65,00 + GST

$19,000 + GST

Rabe Subsoiler Leveling, disc and roller combo

$9,750 + GST


$250,000 + GST

$22,000 + GST

Tedder ex Demo

Goweil G3020Q

Lemken Zirkon 10/300 Power Harrow

Profi Bale Wrapper

$30,000 + GST

For more information, or to view any of our tractors, contact: Ashburton 03 307 8027 Amberley 03 314 9055 Leeston 03 324 3791 Timaru 03 688 2179

$40,000 + GST

$12,000 + GST

30 2



Repair and maintain farm machinery Winter is a good time to catch up on repairs and maintenance on farm machinery. WorkSafe New Zealand says an inspection and maintenance programme is crucial and should involve servicing, repairs, cleaning and testing. Health and safety laws require employers to maintain and keep machinery in sound operating condition at all times. They can manage the maintenance using preventive maintenance schedules, regular inspections, unsafe condition reports and asking for employee feedback. If you’re thinking about modifying machinery, make sure you look at the manufacturer’s or designer’s instructions before picking up the tools. Modifications should be only be completed by a competent person who has knowledge and experience, and any changes should not affect safety features. WorkSafe statistics show men are twice as likely as women to be injured on the farm, with 80 per cent of workers needing more than a week off. Hand wounds and sprains of the lumbar, ankle, shoulder, arm and rotator cuff are the most common injuries.

Statistics show men are twice as likely as women to be injured on the farm

Working with livestock such as sheep and cattle, sharp objects and vehicles accounted for many of the incidents. Men are also more likely to have a hand wound likely linked to tool use and maintenance work. WorkSafe agriculture programme manage Al McCone said almost all agricultural accidents were entirely avoidable. “By thinking through or talking through beforehand how you will manage the risks involved in a task, even one you have done many times before you will be better prepared for it. “It might be you decide the quad bike isn’t the best vehicle for towing spraying equipment, it might be taking time to share good practice for dealing with stock, or assessing whether it’s best to drag or carry when a hillside is slippery from rain or snow. It’s just a few minutes of planning but it could make all the difference between you or your team making a good decision or a poor one.”

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We’ve teamed up with Ruralco!

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Use your Ruralco Card and have your invoice split over 3 months, 3 equal payments with our progress payment option*.

Take advantage of this progress payment option to purchase your New Machinery.

Don’t put your next service off, at Johnson Gluyas Tractors we know downtime can be costly, Get ahead of the field now and contact us today to ensure you get through your next season trouble free.

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There’s nothing to it with Johnson Gluyas on your Farm! * Minimum spend $3,000+GST *Maximum Machinery purchase $20,000+GST ** Payment plan to be confirmed before purchase or before service work is commenced. *** Not to be used in conjunction with any other discount, special or promotion.



The one-stop Duncan feeder South Canterbury dairy farmer Hamish Pirie’s MultiPlus feeder from Duncan Agmech enables him to feed out a range of forage products and has improved the efficiency of his operation. Hamish and his wife Tina farm a 150-hectare dairy property and milk 500 cows near Geraldine in partnership with the Mackenzie family. They have owned the Duncan Multi-Plus feeder for two years and bought it to replace two machines – a silage wagon and a bale buggy – that they used previously. Hamish looked at a number of different feeders but liked the simplicity of the Duncan Agmech machine. He estimated that it offered the best value for money. “It has a simple construction, but it is very rugged. It is a heavily built machine compared to the old style of feeders,” he says. “It is capable of feeding out straw, silage and fodderbeet. Feed has become so heavy with big balers pumping out bales that weigh a tonne, and we feed out fodderbeet,

which can be full of rocks and dirt.” The Multi-Plus feeder is hydraulically driven and is suitable for feeding round or square bales of hay and silage as well as pit silage. The large carrying capacity reduces the amount of time needed to feed out, compared to single or double bale feeders. Its simple, strong design makes it a much cheaper option than larger more complex

forage wagons. The Multi-Plus is quick to hitch to a tractor because it only has two sets of hydraulic hoses. Hamish uses the Multi-Plus feeder for a couple of hours every day from the end of March through until August and sometimes into September. He says it has improved the efficiency of his feeding operation considerably.

“If we run out of fine-chop silage in the silage stack, we can get bales dropped off and feed them out. It will handle any material, which gives you the efficiency,” he says. “We gain efficiency because we don’t have to change implements and hook up a new implement for a different feed product. You use the same machine for every job.” The Multi-Plus has builtin load scales, which allows

Hamish to record how much feed is being given to his cows each day. “It’s a much more efficient machine than what we had previously and is great for all different materials. On one side it has an elevator for big squares, while on the other side it has a shredder for round bales. “It has a fold-down elevator so you can feed right out at the fence to stop the cows treading on it, which prevents wastage. You can also feed it into a trough, although we don’t use it for that.” The Multi-Plus lays out a neat windrow of hay from a round bale. If the centre of the bale is too dense to feed out on the elevator side, the floor chain can be easily reversed to direct the bale to the left-hand side of the feeder, where the rotating shredder chops it up and spits it out. Hamish has not experienced any significant breakages or problems with the Multi-Plus and says the simple design of the machine makes it easy to maintain and repair. Advertising feature



2015, 1033Hrs, 230HP, 48kph. Comes with a 2.4m bucket. Smoothride & auto grease.

2008 Easy Cut Mower. 7 Disc - 3.14 cut. Quick chance knives & 540 PTO.

$235,000 +GST

$9,900 +GST

JCB FARM MASTER 434S 2013, 2895Hrs, 230HP. Comes with 2.4m bucket, smoothride & auto grease. (x2 more units available). $179,000 +GST


MAXAM 3300

2008 7570HRS, 265HP, 50kph, 4WD. Front linkage & PTO. 6 Front & rear work lights. 24x24 transmission. $82,500 +GST

2007 Rear mounted mower. 3.3m cut. Good condition.

$7,900 + GST

JOHN DEERE 6125M 2013, 3880Hrs, 125HP. Comes with JD H340 Front end loader Quick coupler. 24x24 transmission, 3 speed PTO, 4 front & rear work lights, flashing beacon, Cat3 hook ends & new front tyres.



2005, 4915Hrs. 100HP, 30kph. 4 Speed powershift transmission, air con cab, 4WD disconnect & completely rebuilt transmission with multi level joystick.

2009 Agri Super, 9000Hrs, 130HP. Q-fit attachment, boom suspension, 4WD & 4WS & torque lock. External cab filter & external engine filter.

$66,900 + GST

$42,500 + GST

All prices EXCLUDE GST For more information on these items or to enquire about other stock we have, please contact a CLAAS Harvest Centre Salesman near you

2015, 675Hrs, 158HP, 50kph. Front suspension, x4 remotes, 600kg front block & hydraulic trailer brakes. Power beyond, ISOBUS socket, cab suspension & climate control.

$125,000 +GST CONTACTS: Ashburton - 03 307 9400 Christchurch - 03 341 6900 Timaru - 03 688 6900 Waipara - 03 314 6899 Westland - 03 755 8450

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