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[ M AG A Z I N E ] VOL.19 | ISSUE.1 | APR 2014

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Security 2014 Exhibition & Conference breaks into Melbourne 4-6 June 2014, Melbourne

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08 | President’s message 09 | Security 2014 Gala dinner and conference 10 | Privacy legislation changes 14 | ASQA inquiry 16 | 2014 Australian Security Industry Awards for Excellence

ASIAL Strategic Partners:




20 | Changes to specialist cabling competencies 32 | Help your employees catch their super 34 | A busy year ahead in Workplace Relations 36 | ASIAL new member listing /


Recognition program 37 | ASIAL Monitoring centre certification listing 38 | Hot products 42 | ASIAL Calendar of events

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Good governance - learn from the actions of others


ver the past year a number of security companies have come under the spotlight following investigations by the Independent Commission Against Corruption and the watchful eye of state and federal regulators. Understandably, these investigations have attracted significant media attention and scrutiny. These investigations have shown that a failure to have in place sound governance principles and practices is not good for employees, customers, business or the reputation of the Industry as a whole. Given that some of those involved in these investigations have been ASIAL members, what is ASIAL doing about it? The answer is, a great deal. The Association enforces its Professional Code of Conduct through a measured and a balanced approach, one that follows the principle of natural justice. Where we are notified of alleged breaches we investigate and then take appropriate action.The ASIAL Disciplinary Committee is responsible for investigating alleged non-compliance and provides the Board with recommended actions.The Disciplinary Committee’s investigation involves a mixture of site visits, interviews with key personnel, access to relevant internal documents and public reports. Among the options available to us include expulsion and remedial action or financial sanctions of up to $500,000. Over the past two years we have expelled close to 400 members for a range of reasons. Where appropriate the relevant regulatory authority is advised. At its most recent meeting in Hobart, the Board moved to expel one member and imposed a significant financial sanction on another for bringing the industry into disrepute. In addition to this, the ASIAL Secretariat receives daily updates on members placed under administration or liquidation. Based on this information, the


Association takes the appropriate course of action against the member involved. It is important we all learn lessons from the experiences of others. Good corporate governance is the responsibility of all company directors. It is also critical to the success and sustainability of any company. Have you invested in educating your staff on what is and what is not acceptable behaviour? Are you fully aware of your regulatory compliance obligations? Do you understand your fiduciary responsibilities as a director? Do you understand your obligations under the ASIAL Professional Code of Conduct? If you answered “no” to any of these questions, you need to seek assistance. A good first step would be to contact the ASIAL Secretariat who can provide you with assistance or point you in the right direction. Finally, on a different note the ASIAL Board of Directors recently met in Hobart and enjoyed the opportunity of meeting with members. It was very pleasing to see the strong attendance at the breakfast briefing and the obvious passion and commitment of Tasmanian members. It was also encouraging to hear the Tasmanian Police Assistant Commissioner’s positive words about the relationship between police and security. The Board looks forward to meeting with more members at Security 2014 in Melbourne and later in the year in Brisbane.

THE MAGAZINE FOR SECURITY PROFESSIONALS Editorial and Advertising Security Insider is published by The Australian Security Industry Association Limited PO Box 1338 Crows Nest, NSW 1585 Tel: 02 8425 4300 • Fax: 02 8425 4343 Email: Web: Publisher

Editor Bryan de Caires | Editorial Enquiries Advertising Tania Laird | Creative Director Martin Costanzo | Graphic Design + Prepress Webfx2 Digital | Editorial Contributors AON, Chris Delaney and John Fleming Print + Distribution Nationwide Advertising Group Published bi-monthly Estimated Readership of 10,000 Views expressed in Security Insider do not necessarily reflect the opinion of ASIAL. Advertising does not imply endorsement by ASIAL, unless otherwise stated with permission. All contributions are welcomed, though the publisher reserves the right to decline to publish or to edit for style, grammar, length and legal reasons. Press Releases to: Internet



articles, stories


advertising were correct at the time of printing. ASIAL does not accept responsibility for misleading views. Copyright©2014 (ASIAL) All rights reserved. Reproduction of Security Insider magazine without permission is strictly prohibited. Security Insider is a subscription based publication, rates and further details can be found at

[Next Issue] JUNE 2014 ISSN 1442-1720

Kevin McDonald President

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SECURITY 2014 Dave Hughes (MC for the night) and Dave O’Neill. Places are strictly limited, so to avoid disappointment register today by visiting or by emailing The Security 2014 Conference will be held from the 4-5th June at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre. For further conference details visit or email

Security 2014 Gala Dinner The Security 2014 Gala Dinner will be held in Cargo Hall located on Melbourne’s South Wharf Promenade on Wednesday 4th June 2014. Entertainment will be provided by two of Australia’s leading comedians

Dave Hughes

Security 2014 Cocktail Reception The Cocktail Reception will be held on Thursday 5th June at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre. For more information visit

Dave O’Neill

PROMOTING THE USE OF ASIAL MEMBERS During the course of the recent 2014 Australian Open event held in Melbourne, tennis fans in Sydney were able to enjoy the crowd atmosphere by watching the tournament on a huge outdoor screen in one of Australia’s highest foot traffic areas, Sydney’s Customs House Square. As part of its ongoing consumer awareness campaign, the Association promoted the use of ASIAL member companies through 308 advertising spots on the huge fan zone outdoor screen. One of the adverts to air was the Community Service Announcement with Crime Stoppers that advocates the use of appropriately licensed security providers and members of

extensive advertising campaign in the Qantas in flight magazine (Qantas – The Australian Way’) and inflight entertainment.

ASIAL produces Community Service Announcement with Crime Stoppers ASIAL.The Community Service Announcement has also been provided to TV networks for airing. Also, during the recent Moomba festival (Melbourne’s largest free festival which attracts 1 million people over 4 days) the ‘use an ASIAL member’ message was aired 78 times on the broadcast screen located in Alexandra Gardens. The campaign follows on from the

ASIAL has funded production of a 30 second Community Service Announcement with Crime Stoppers that advocates the use of appropriately licensed security providers and members of ASIAL. The announcement will be provided to TV networks and will form part of ASIAL’s ongoing consumer awareness campaign. To view the CSA visit


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QLD - SECURITY OFFICERS WHO ALSO MONITOR A PROPERTY VIA ELECTRONIC DEVICES Security officers (unarmed) who also provide the security function of monitoring property using an electronic device, are required to hold a security officer licence (monitoring) in addition to the unarmed security officer licence category. An example of this occurs where a security officer monitors property in an on-site control room often using CCTV, radios or other electronic devices.

PRIVACY LEGISLATION CHANGES From 12 March 2014 the Australian Privacy Principles (APP’s) replaced the national Privacy Principles and Information Privacy Principles. The changes include a new set of Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) that will regulate the handling of personal information by Australian Government agencies, businesses with a turnover of more than $3 million or those trading in personal information and all private health service providers. There are also changes to the credit reporting provisions of the Privacy Act and new regulatory powers for the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC), including the power to conduct a privacy performance assessment, accept an enforceable undertaking


and, in the case of serious or repeated breaches, seek civil penalties. ‘These are the most significant changes to privacy laws in over 25 years and affect a large section of the community.The world has changed remarkably since the late 1980s when the Privacy Act was first introduced, and so the changes were required to bring our laws up to date with contemporary information handling practices, including global data flows,’ said Australian Privacy Commissioner Timothy Pilgrim. The OAIC will continue to work with Australian Government agencies and businesses to assist them with the reforms. Information and guidance about the reforms can be found at The new laws require businesses and Australian Government agencies to be more transparent about how they handle personal information. Entities need to have a clearly expressed and up to date privacy policy about the way they handle personal information.

The terms of reference include an assessment and review of: • Current nationally recognised and accredited aviation and maritime security related training programs; • Industry and other in-house security training programs; • Government and approved security

training courses; • The standard of security training and assessment in place in each industry sector; • The training needs assessed for each industry sector including the roles, jobs, tasks that need to be learned, competencies and skills that are required, how the training is delivered and assessed, standard and competency of the instructors, and the monitoring and review of training outcomes. Submissions close on 30 June 2014.


AVIATION AND MARITIME SECURITY The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure,The Hon Warren Truss has invited contributions to the Inquiry into Aviation and Maritime Transport Security Education and Training in Australia.

From 1 January 2014, changing regular rosters requires consultation with affected employees due to the introduction of amendments to the Fair Work Act 2009.

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VIC- DOES A BUREAU ENGAGING A MONITORING CENTRE REQUIRE A SECURITY BUSINESS LICENCE? The simple answer is 'Yes'. The Victoria Police Licensing & Regulation Division (LRD) continues to review the activities undertaken by organisations holding a security business registration and who engage the services of an organisation to monitor the alarm services for their clients. This service is often referred to as a bureau service and if the alarm installation company does not also hold a security business licence they are in breach of the Private Security Act. By engaging a monitoring centre on behalf of a client, invoicing the client for the alarm monitoring service and/or invoicing the client for any additional services such as a guard or an alarm response provided through the monitoring centre, the bureau is undertaking a security activity and needs to have a security business licence.

© ISO100 photography

This puts the alarm installation company in the position of providing a security activity of security guarding. The activity of guarding incorporates the function of a monitoring centre. It is an offence to carry on a business of providing certain private security services without a private security business licence. Section 5 of the Private Security Act provides a penalty of up to 120 penalty units

($17,323) for an individual and 240 penalty units ($34,646) for a company. Where the LRD finds organisations in breach of the above situation, LRD are working with the organisation in a cooperative manner for an application to be lodged for a security business licence. Failure to comply with the legislative requirements and LRD directions will cause penalties to be issued or subsequent court action.

AUSTRALIAN SKILLS QUALITY AUTHORITY (ASQA) ASQA was established on 1 July 2011 by the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 (NVR Act) to regulate training courses and providers to ensure nationally approved quality standards are met. ASQA regulates approximately 4000 of the 4800+ training providers across Australia. Under S35 (2) of the NVR Act the National VET Regulator may… review or examine any aspect of … an RTO’s operations to determine any systemic issues relating to the quality of VET. Earlier this year, ASQA announced it would conduct a strategic industry review into security industry training. ASQA Chief Commissioner Chris


Robinson said the reviews would examine key sectors that were vital to the Australian economy and the broader community.The review of training in the security industry has been prompted by ongoing community concerns about the quality and adequacy of training being offered to security guards. He said “Security guards play an important role in keeping our community safe. However, they need to have the right skills and experience to ensure their safety and the safety of those they are protecting”. The areas of concern include: • Quality of training • Assessment of skills

• • • • •

Online assessment Communication skills Safe restraint techniques Mutual recognition Cross border training and partnering agreements ASIAL has welcomed the inquiry and will participate in the review process.

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2014 AUSTRALIAN SECURITY INDUSTRY AWARDS FOR EXCELLENCE - CALL FOR NOMINATIONS Organised by ASIAL, the 2014 Australian Security Industry Awards for Excellence are Australia’s premier security awards program. Now in their 19th year, the awards recognise outstanding individuals and organisations within the security industry.

Award categories include:

Individual • Individual Achievement – General Security • Individual Achievement – Technical Security • Individual Achievement – Security Student of the Year

• In-House Security Team • Training • Integrated Security Solution (projects above $250,000) • Technical Security Solution (projects below $250,000) • Special Security Event or Project

The 2014 judging panel includes: • Damian McMeekin, Head of Group Security, ANZ. • Alan Ross, CEO, Construction and Property Group Services Industry Skills Council. • Vlado Damjanovski, CCTV Specialist, ViDi Labs Pty Ltd. • Michael Gale, Manager Security, Sydney Water.

Organisational • Security Management

Key dates to note: • 10th September 2014 – applications close • 23rd October 2014 – awards are announced at the Awards for Excellence dinner to be held in The Ivy Ballroom, Sydney. For more information visit or email

HOBART INDUSTRY BREAKFAST BRIEFING Members of the ASIAL Board of Directors attended the recent Industry Breakfast Briefing in Hobart which attracted over 30 participants. Representatives from Tasmania Police, NBN Co and

AusSuper addressed the meeting. Assistant Commissioner Donna Adams (pictured) provided a very positive assessment of the relationship between police and security in Tasmania.

Asst Commissioner Donna Adams.

The venue for the meeting (the former IXL jam factory housed in the Henry Jones Art Hotel) provided an excellent backdrop for members to network.


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CHANGES TO SPECIALIST CABLING COMPETENCIES The Australian Communications & Media Authority’s regulatory requirements for cabling providers who install specialised cabling within customer premises have been amended. As a result, registered cablers who intend carrying out specialised cabling (such as Structured, Co-axial and Optical Fibre) after 1 July 2014 need to have the training competencies relevant to this specialised cabling work. The new competencies only apply to cabling providers who undertake the relevant specialised cabling work within customer premises.The final date on which cablers may undertake the full range of cabling operations with a basic Open cabling registration is 30 June 2014.

OPEN CABLERS All Open registered cablers doing these types of specialised/advanced cabling within customer premises must by 1 July 2014 have acquired the appropriate


cablers intending to work on Broadband installations must have acquired the relevant Restricted Broadband specialist competency. The 2 year transition period (20122014) is fast running out and Registered Training Organisations are reporting a sharp spike in demand for training places. ASIAL urges cablers to act now to avoid missing out, and risk disruption to your legal scope of work. specialist competencies (also known as Endorsements). Cablers who have already attained Endorsements for Structured (previously Cat 5), Coaxial and Optical Fibre Cabling will not need to do further training in these specialisations, as these endorsements are equivalent to the current competencies.

RESTRICTED CABLERS By 1 July 2014, all Restricted registered

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Security 2014 Exhibition & Conference breaks into Melbourne


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For the first time in more than a decade, the Security Exhibition & Conference Australasia’s premier security industry event – will be held in Melbourne from 46 June this year. Expected to attract more than 4500 security industry professionals from more than 20 countries, the 2014 Security Exhibition & Conference is the largest event of its kind in Australasia.“Now in its 29th year – the longevity a testament to its unrivalled success – the event is a three-day showcase of the latest business security solutions, live demonstrations and practical education. It is the only security industry event that brings together the entire buying chain under the one roof,” said Exhibition Manager, Kylie McRorie. From 4-6 June, the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre will host a sold-out floor plan featuring more than 160 brands showcasing the latest, widest range of products and solutions available to the security market. Local and international leading service providers including SCSI, Canon, Pelco Schneider, Intelogix, Sony and Honeywell and Hills – will unveil the latest business security solutions and technology, from access control to surveillance, fire and safety, biometrics and IP networking. From security professionals, installers and integrators to end users responsible for sourcing the latest products, services and technologies to manage security threats and protect vital business assets, the Security Exhibition is the essential platform to discover the best new products and innovations, as well as the latest intelligence on managing security threats and connecting with the best in the industry. The event will once again incorporate a world-class conference program with insights from a renowned panel of local

and international security experts including: • Mike Howard, Microsoft Chief Security Officer, will discuss Microsoft’s journey from using standalone physical security platforms

across systems such as CCTV, access control and intrusion detection, to cloud based, integrated, digital management of physical security systems across their global organisation. Learn about the


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challenges, the benefits and how such a large organisation orchestrated a cloud migration on a global scale without compromising security. • Blake Kozak, IHS Senior Research Analyst, will look at growth trends in access control, perimeter protection, intrusion detection and CCTV for 2014 and 2015 with a view to providing insights in the growth of the security market. • Douglas Florence Sr, Business Development Director Global Gaming (Avigilon), will detail how digital CCTV is changing casino and gaming security. He will be joined by other leading security and surveillance directors from various Las Vegas casinos who will speak about the challenges of migrating a gaming establishment to digital surveillance, how a business case can be built for such a move and the benefits that this newer technology brings to such high risk environments. Other key highlights for the 2014 Security Exhibition & Conference include: • The return of the new product showcase, giving visitors the chance to see 10 of the best security products to hit the Australian market in the last 12 months, including demonstrations and a live presentation for each new innovative product; • The opportunity to join industry leaders at a range of educational and social events.These include a seminar program packed with information and insights, ASIAL conference program, cocktail party and gala dinner held in conjunction with ASIAL; and • The return of Security World, recreating real-world scenarios on the show floor with product demonstrations based on everyday situations including an airport, bank and car park, plus guided tours so visitors can see products in situ. Diversified Communications are excited to bring the 2014 Security Exhibition & Conference to Melbourne, providing Victorian industry professionals with the opportunity to experience this world class national event. For more information and to register for the 2014 Security Exhibition & Conference, visit


Key event information at a glance Exhibition: Opening hours: Wednesday 4 June 2014 9.30am - 5.00pm Thursday 5 June 2014 9.30am - 5.00pm Friday 6 June 2014 9.30am - 2.30pm Venue: Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre, 2 Clarendon St, South Melbourne. Conference: Wednesday 4th June – 5th June 2014. Venue: Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre, 2 Clarendon St, South Melbourne. Gala Dinner: Wednesday 4th June 2014, 6.00pm -11.00pm. Venue: Cargo Hall - 39 South Wharf Promenade, Melbourne. Cocktail reception: Thursday 5 June 2014, 5.30pm-7.30pm Venue: SCSI Networking Bar (Exhibition floor), Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre, 2 Clarendon St, South Melbourne.

Lead Industry Partner

Exclusive Exhibition Sponsor

Platinum Gala Dinner Sponsor

Gala Dinner Entertainment Sponsor

Registration Sponsor

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WHERE TO NOW? By John Fleming (GM, ASIAL)

Since the election of the Abbott government in September 2013, debate has raged over the National Broadband Network (NBN) as to what technologies the NBN Co will utilise to provide the necessary infrastructure to meet Australia’s future needs in an increasingly global economy.


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Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull recently stated that Australians will know what type of technology will be used to connect their homes to the NBN no later than December, following the release of the revised NBN Co corporate plan in July. Fibre To The Premises (FTTP) was always going to be the best solution, but blowouts in costs and the time frame for delivery has seen the new Government looking for alternative solutions.The NBN Co plans to upgrade the current telecommunications network in the most cost-efficient way using best -fit technologies and existing infrastructure. It is understood that it will take another 12 months to review alternative strategies around a hybrid solution. One technology touted is utilisation of the Hybrid Fibre Coaxial (HFC) network.This would bring Telstra back to the table for negotiations around access and the question at what price they would be willing to accept.The new technologies will vary from place to place, but will include Fibre to the Node (FTTN) Fibre to the Premises (FTTP), Fibre to the Basement (FTTB), fixed wireless and Satellite. While all this is being played out at a high level, the NBN as we know it (FTTP) continues to roll out across Australia.The first major milestone in the journey is the permanent disconnection of copper networks in 15 areas on the 23rd May 2014. In the areas where FTTP is being rolled out the NBN will replace most existing landline phones, ADSL internet and Telstra internet services. Also the NBN will replace Optus cable internet and cable phone services.Typical legacy services that currently run over a phone line include; • Personal alarms • Security Alarms • Fire Alarms • EFTPOS Terminals • Lift/Elevator phones The disconnection of copper services will continue throughout 2014. When NBN declares an area ready for service then an 18-month copper disconnection notice is sent to end users premises in that area.Telstra is then obligated to cease sale of any copper connections to that area.This will drive customer connections to the NBN. Important points to remember include; • The NBN Co does not do any internal wiring within the customer’s premises

beyond the network termination device (NTD). • Customers order a service from the Retail Service Provider (RSP). • The security industry can test their products in a test facility know as Plug Bench in Melbourne. • Review your NBN migration options for your customers. Do you know which devices/products are expected to work? • Be prepared to answer questions from your customers. • Ensure that your staff are fully briefed on what to say to customers. Typical questions from customers will include: • Will my landline be disconnected? • Will my alarm system work? • Do I really need to move to the NBN? • Where should I have the NDT installed? • Will there be any costs involved? ASIAL recommends that you take the opportunity of contacting the NBN Co for a list of addresses of premises that will be disconnected (DAD). When you do, you will be asked to sign a Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) before receiving the information.You will then be able to wash this list of disconnections against your database and identify customers that will be affected.You can then communicate with these customers and advise them what they need to cover with the RSP when they contact them, including: • Tell the RSP you have an Alarm System • Ask if the RSP will be providing a UNI-V voice port • Order a back up battery • Confirm where the NTD is to be

Malcolm Turnbull



installed It is important to note that: • not all RSP’s will offer a UNI-V voice port; • not all RSP’s will offer an on-site install (from the information we have received, Telstra offer a professional install service); • some RSP’s will just send out the router to be plugged in by the customer to the NTD. The above will potentially leave customers without a connection to existing wiring and may result in customers incurring costs for remedial wiring. The NBN roll out remains a work in progress. Whilst there is uncertainty as to what technologies the NBN will use, it is important to understand that the roll out will still continue. As they saying goes, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. It is important to get on the front foot with your customers by contacting them now and advising them of what is happening and how you can assist them. As we’ve said before, if you don’t one of your competitors will.

Diagram Courtesy of NBN Co.


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Angelo Gannis Client Manager, Aon Risk Solutions t: +61 2 9253 7489 e:


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Help your employees catch their super

It’s important that your employees are aware that under certain circumstances, by law, their super can be transferred from their super account to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). And the challenge is they might not even know it’s happened. But, the good news is that there are ways your employees can avoid this. And, as an employer, you can also help.

Here’s what you can do 1. Make sure you keep AustralianSuper up-to-date about any changes to your employees’ details. When contacting your employees who are members, our system uses the information you provide us. So, if you have old contact information for them, there’s a risk they may not receive their super information and their

correspondence could be returned to us as unclaimed mail.This could lead to their super being transferred to the ATO. 2. When you do receive changes to an employee’s details, tell us. To make it simple, we suggest you update us via the same way you pay your employees’ contributions. For example, if you normally do this online, update employee details online too. 3. Make sure your employees are aware about staying active members of their super fund. We’ve created a fact sheet that you can download and put up in your office

or on your intranet. Our Catch your super before it goes to the ATO fact sheet covers things like how your employees can search for lost or unclaimed super, why super goes to the ATO and ways they can help stop it from going.To download the fact sheet, just visit 4. Let us know when an employee leaves, including their employment end date. That way, we can ensure that all SG payments are made up to that date. And we also write to the former employee about their super account and options.

And why should your employees keep their super with AustralianSuper? Because we’re one of the biggest and have been one of the best performing super funds in the country over a decade. Our Balanced option earned 17.49% in the calendar year 2013* and our fees are low, which gives your employees’ super a great chance to grow. Compare us with other funds and see for yourself at

* SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Surveys (SR50 Balanced Index), December 2013. Investment returns are not guaranteed. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future returns. If you choose not to add to your AustralianSuper account you should be aware that your account balance may be eroded over time by fees and charges related to your account. This document was prepared in March 2014 by AustralianSuper Pty Ltd ABN 94 006 457 987 AFSL 233788 the Trustee of AustralianSuper ABN 65 714 394 898 and may contain general financial advice that does not take into account your personal objectives, situation or needs. Before making a decision about AustralianSuper, consider your financial requirements and read the Product Disclosure Statement, available at or by calling 1300 300 273.


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A busy year ahead in Workplace Relations By Chris Delaney

Over the past 10 years the industrial relations landscape has changed more than in the previous 20 years … and there is more to come. Many employers would like greater stability, however in the security industry, just as many are seeking greater flexibility in how they and their employees can work together in a highly competitive market.The Modern Award system has not, in our opinion, achieved its goal of being simpler and fairer and at no greater cost to employers. As a registered organization of employers ASIAL has the right to represent members and the industry in industrial tribunals to bring about positive change, create greater flexibility and promote the industry to legislators and regulators. Much of what ASIAL does for its members is not obvious. However, through numerous submissions and working with regulators over long periods of time we are securing results. One of the Abbott government’s preelection promises was to conduct a review of Australia’s workplace laws. Whilst the terms of reference have yet to be released, it is envisaged that the review will place penalty rates, pay and conditions under the microscope. The government has requested the Productivity Commission to examine the current operation of Fair Work Laws to “identify future options to improve the laws bearing in mind the need to ensure that workers are protected and the need for businesses to be able to grow, prosper and employ.” The next 12 – 18 months will be an


important period for workplace relations. The following is a summary of some of the important workplace relations activities that ASIAL will represent the interests of members through its active participation.

Small business roundtable In early March, ASIAL participated in a small business roundtable co-hosted by Fair Work Ombudsman Natalie James, Fair Work Commission General Manager Bernadette O’Neill and the Director of Fair Work Building and Construction, Nigel Hadgkiss.The Commonwealth Small Business Minister, the Hon. Bruce Billson, also attended part of the proceedings.The aim of roundtable was to give small business an opportunity to discuss the challenges and difficulties they face. For its part ASIAL identified the need to review the Fair Work Act 2009 and or Modern Awards to overcome the lack of flexibility available to small business and their employees.The security industry provides a service to customers 24 hours 7 day a week and penalty rates drive up the cost of labour to unprofitable levels and stifle employment opportunities. Penalty rates are in our view archaic in today’s society and flat rates of pay provide a simpler and fairer way of remunerating employees and doing business. Individual Flexibility Agreements should have wider application than

currently available and take into consideration non-monetary benefits to employees. Modern Awards should be varied to provide opportunities allowing small businesses to have specific terms applying to their particular circumstances and the needs of their employees. Furthermore, the security industry is required to react quickly to client demand, which can change at a moments notice.The recent variation to Modern Awards to require consultation on change of rosters (see below) provides an unnecessary burden and obstacle to the operational demands of a security business and must be changed or repealed.

Award Modernisation 4 yearly Review The first 4 yearly review of modern awards (the Review) to be undertaken by the Fair Work Commission (the Commission) has just commenced. ASIAL will be making submissions to improve Security Industry Awards in the following areas: - Cashing out of Annual Leave: - Annual Leave loading on termination of employment - Annual Close down provisions - Changes to requirements to consult on roster changes. - Amendments to the model flexibility clause to increase flexibility for employers and employees

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extend to other levels of government. ASIAL is committed to working with all Government agencies to develop fair and transparent guidelines that will produce certainty and confidence throughout the supply chain, resulting in a more professional private security industry.



More Flexible part-time provisions Substitution of public holidays by agreement between the employer and the employee Time off in lieu of overtime Loss of security license

Local Government Procurement Initiative ASIAL and the Fair Work Ombudsman (FWO) have been working together for the past year to develop an education campaign targeting Local Government which aims to shift the focus from price to performance. In 2014 FWO plans to roll out the first phase of the initiative, an education campaign to be taken directly to local councils, their procurement managers and councilors. The message is simple: individuals involved in the procurement of services at prices that can only be supported by the payment of below-award wages could be found to be personally liable for contraventions of the Act and the modern award. ASIAL and FWO are in the process of finalising Model Tender Clauses and a Model Workplace Management Plan as well as information on wages and oncosts so that procurement managers can make more informed decisions when awarding tenders. We are also developing communication strategies to ensure that the key messages reach their target audience. In time, we expect that our work with FWO on the Local Government Procurement Initiative will eventually

Consultation required for changes to regular rosters and ordinary hours of work From 1 January 2014, changing regular rosters requires consultation with affected employees due to the introduction of amendments to the Fair Work Act 2009 (the Act). The new provision, section 145A of the Act, applies to all Modern Awards in operation on or immediately before 1 January 2014.The section now requires employers to consult with all permanent employees and any casual employees who have a reasonable expectation of a regular and systematic pattern of working hours about any change to their regular roster or ordinary hours of work. The section gives employees the following rights in relation to changes to their regular working hours: • consultation about a change to their regular roster or ordinary hours of work; and • representation, if desired for the purposes of that consultation. An employer must: • provide information to the employees about the change; and • invite the employees to give their views about the impact of the change (including any impact in relation to their family or caring responsibilities); and • consider any views about the impact of the change that are given by the employees. The requirement in section 145A 'to consult with employees' was noted in a

decision of the Fair Work Commission to mean that there is a requirement to provide information about the change and a genuine opportunity for the affected party to put their views about the proposed change and have them considered by the employer. While you should consider the views of your employee you do not have to agree with or act on them.

ASIAL Special Interest Group (SIG) ASIAL’s SIG forums provide interested members with an opportunity to meet with others in the security industry to discuss and recommend how we can improve as an industry. ASIAL SIG’s cover Electronics, Manpower, Industrial Relations and Human Resources and Cash in Transit, giving members an opportunity to become actively involved in improving the industry. As well as being involved in industry wide matters, we continue to provide corporate members with free over the phone/email advice on any question relating to the workplace along with bulletins and templates, all designed to keep members educated, informed and aware. While it is not always easy to see the initiatives we are working on behalf of members and to understand that some initiatives take longer than others to come to fruition, you can rest assured that we continue to work behind the scenes to effect positive change. That said, it is important that you have your say by participating in our online surveys, blogs and SIG’s. Make sure you keep abreast of changes by reading the information distributed by ASIAL, whether it is First Alert, Security Insider, ASIAL bulletins, Blogs or our web site. The fact of the matter is that the industrial relations landscape is changing and as an employer, you need to understand how the changes will affect you.

Note: The information provided above is for convenient reference only. ASIAL and Chris Delaney & Associates Pty Ltd provide this information on the basis that it is not to be relied upon in any or all cases, as the circumstances in each matter are specific. Accordingly, we provide this information for general reference only, but we advise you take no action without prior reference to an Employee Relations professional. ASIAL members can contact Chris Delaney by emailing


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WELCOMETO OUR NEW MEMBERS CORPORATE MEMBERS 24/7 Security Services Pty Ltd ATeam Security PTYLTD T/A ATeam Security Group ADZ Integrations Pty Ltd Alpha Academy Pty Ltd Australian Protective Services Pty Ltd Australian Security Operations & Consulting Pty Ltd Australian Vocational Driving Institute P/L Baseline Group (Personnel) Pty Ltd Benash Maintenance Services Pty Ltd

BombProof Security Pty Ltd Brilan Group Pty Ltd Capital Security Holdings Pty Ltd Case Security Pty Ltd Charter Security Protective Services P/L Electronic Living Pty Ltd Dionysus Development Group Pty Ltd T/A Eye Spy Electrical Solutions Golden Star Security Pty Ltd Iking Security Pty Ltd Brendon Garry Neal T/A Inside Out Security Investigation Solved

Ironwood Security Pty Ltd Julie Baker-Smith & Associates Leader Security Electronics Pty Ltd Legalopinion Pty Ltd Lote Consulting Pty Ltd Dee Collins T/A M.I.B Guard Maximum Protective Service Pty Ltd Peter Muarem T/A Metropolitan Security Muffatti Install & Service Pty Ltd Nation Wide Asset Protection Victoria P/L National Security Management


Ausfront Pty Ltd Backup Security Pty Ltd Bendigo Security Pty Ltd BLP Training & Services Pty Ltd Burcher Frank Charles Byron Lighthouse Security CAP Security Services Pty Ltd Castle Security (Qld) Pty Ltd Cottrell Timothy J & Vicki A D Tadros & E Tadros Datareserve Pty Limited Diamond Protection Pty Ltd Excel Security Protection Pty Ltd Georgina Enterprises Pty Ltd Harvey Norman Security Pty Ltd Holt Control Security Services Pty Ltd Home Control Systems Home Security Group Pty Ltd International SecurityTraining Academy Jimlee Holdings Pty Ltd JP & S EYCK Kelso Services Pty Ltd KMB Security Services Pty Ltd L.P Security Zone Pty Ltd Lazer Security Onyx Security Pty Ltd Pacific Strategies & Assessments P/L Peter Warren Automotive Pty Ltd Pro-Safety Consultants Pty Ltd R.C Fay & M Pricsina Radio Data Communication Pty Ltd Raycall Pty Limited Red Handed Security Roston Holdings Pty Ltd

Safewise Security Systems Pty Ltd Scott Murray Security Services Pty Ltd Security Support Services Pty Ltd Security Unlimited Pty Ltd Sentinel Security Group Pty Ltd Shellharbour Security Systems Pty Ltd Sielox Security Systems Pty Limited Siga Consulting Simtec Surveillance & Security Pty Ltd Specialised Security Services Pty Ltd State Security & Protective Services P/L SuperTech Security & Sound Pty Ltd Superior Protective Services Pty Ltd TA & EL Dunn Pty Ltd Techquality Enterprises Pty Ltd The Smart Security Company Pty Ltd Towns Security Pty. Limited Unlimited Sounds Mobile Installations Victorian Alpine Security Zaybane Pty Ltd BRONZE M.J.M.Ventures Pty. Ltd. G.P Smith & W.J Smith D.C.M. Services Pty Ltd NCA Consulting Pty Ltd France A Pty Ltd A-Force Security Services APAC Security Pty Ltd Peter John Abberfield Sunshine Coast Monitoring Centre P/L Secure Zone Installations SIS Australia Group Pty Ltd

The ASIAL member recognition program acknowledges longstanding association members. Recognition categories include Platinum (25 yrs+), Gold (16-24 yrs), Silver (11-15 yrs) and Bronze (6-10 yrs). GOLD Pacific Communications Detector Security Services Pty Ltd Domestic Security Services Pty Ltd Safe & Secure Pty Ltd Security Control Room Pty Ltd Technical Solutions International The Whytehouse FamilyTrust Mainline Security Products Pty Ltd MCM Electronics Pty Ltd Sprint Intercom & Security IPP Consulting Pty Ltd Stonehaven Enterprises Pty Ltd Safeguard Security Specialists P/L SILVER Access Control Pty Ltd Acclaim Security & Electrical Services ADACS Systems Pty Ltd Aegis Security Protection Pty Ltd Alltronic Security Pty Ltd Alma-Aus Securities Angels International Security Services P/L Antenna Man Contracting Pty Ltd Anthony George Bayley Armitage Alarms Pty Ltd Armscorps Security Pty Ltd Asset Technologies Pacific Pty Ltd


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ASIAL Certified Security Monitoring Centres*

Current as at: 20 March 2014

Company (short form name)

Australian Security Industry Association Limited


Cert. No.


ADT Security




30 Jun 2014

ADT Security (Data Centre)




30 Jun 2014

Allcare Monitoring Services




28 Feb 2016

ARM Security




10 Mar 2015

ART Security




30 Sep 2014

Calamity Monitoring




20 Mar 2016

Central Monitoring Services




31 Dec 2014




01 Aug 2014

Glad Security




25 Nov 2014

Golden Electronics




17 Oct 2014

Instant Security Alarms




23 Sep 2015

ISS Security




13 Dec 2015

Linfox Armaguard




08 Aug 2014

Mekina Technologies




02 Nov 2014

NSS Group




07 May 2014





31 May 2014

Paul-Tec Australia




01 Aug 2015

Protection Pacific Security




9 Aug 2014

RAA Security Services




12 Dec 2014

Secom Australia




14 Dec 2015

Sectrol Security




01 Dec 2014





23 Nov 2015




04 May 2014

Security Alarm Monitoring Service




18 Jun 2014

Security Control Room




18 Aug 2015

Sesco Security




03 Jun 2015

SMC Australia




07 Dec 2015

SMC Australia




16 Dec 2015

SNP Security (Newcastle)




17 Aug 2015

SNP Security (Sydney)




13 Aug 2014





12 Apr 2015

State Government Protective Security Service




22 May 2014

Woolworths Limited




04 Nov 2014

Energize Australia

Securenet Monitoring Services


*The above-listed ASIAL Certified monitoring centres comprise those establishments that have been inspected and graded for compliance with the applicable Australian Standard: AS 2201.2 – 2004. PLEASE NOTE: ASIAL takes no responsibility for listed companies which may change the nature of their operations subsequent to Certification.


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ECRAFT PRO SERIES ■ Electrocraft Australia > 02 8811 5155


■ Web > Enter the Digital Era with the Ecraft Pro Series range of equipment. This equipment allows you to digitally modulate any source in SD and HD format over a coax system. Sources include AV(CVBS), HDMI and SDI from media players, cameras, receivers etc. Our coax and IPTV/CCTV system designers will assist you with design and support to ensure that the installation is efficient.The EPS series is ideal solution when the site is required to use the existing infrastructure keeping costs at minimum. EPS series is a typical solution for retirement villages, pubs, clubs, sporting venues, hospitals, correctional centres and high risers.

HIKVISION COVERT IP CAMERA SERIES ■ Central Security Distribution > 1300 319 499 ■ Web >


Hikvision DS-2CD64 1.3MP WDR Covert IP Camera Series provide both flexibility and ease of installation, its size allows the camera to easily blend into very limited space, which makes it ideal for discreet surveillance applications.This product incorporates true 120dB WDR, as well as other powerful image processing functionalities like 3D DNR and BLC. Additionally, the DS-2CD64 series supports on-board storage of up-to 64GB and ROI codec to save on overall bandwidth and storage. It also provides choice of lens and mounting types for users to find an option to best fit their surveillance needs.

NEW ‘RM’ VMS FROM CANON ■ Canon Australia > 1800 021 167 ■ Email > ■ Web > Besides offering an extensive range of high quality IP cameras, Canon has just launched the latest version of its’ video management software, RM version 3. This new software supports H.264 compression for high resolution megapixel video without driving up storage costs. Included is an intuitive keyword tagging and filtering feature which makes it very easy to analyse footage from multi-camera environments. It also comes standard in versions to support up to 9 cameras (RM-9), 25 cameras (RM25) and 64 cameras (RM-64). Additional viewer licenses are also available for projects larger than 64 cameras.


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THE WORLD’S SMALLEST FULL HD COMPACT IP CAMERA RANGE ■ Canon Australia > 1800 021 167 ■ Email > ■ Web > Canon’s new VB-S compact FULL HD camera range hits the market between December 2013 and January 2014. Recently announced, It features the world’s smallest FULL HD, powered Pan-Tilt-Zoom camera with 3.5 x optical zoom (VB-S30D) and the world’s smallest FULL HD, powered Pan-Tilt camera with 4 X digital zoom (VB-S31D). Also in the range is the VB-S800D, fixed mini dome camera and also the VB-S900F fixed mini box camera. All are ONVIF S compliant, with 6 built-in advanced intelligent functions including such things as object removal detection and camera tampering detection; wide angle Canon lenses and class leading low light performance.



BOSCH SECURITY DISTRIBUTION PARTNER ■ Electrocraft Australia > 02 8811 5155 ■ Web > Electrocraft Australia is now a Bosch Security Distribution Partner marketing both CCTV and intrusion equipment. The company is a leading Australian wholesaler specialising in the distribution of television, satellite, home theatre, data and security electronics. A large range of equipment and world leading brands is carried (branches located in NSW, WA and QLD) for domestic and commercial projects. To support the equipment distributed the sales department is staffed with experienced technical sales staff and product managers.A specialised workshop repair and calibration centre is located at the head office. Visit the Electrocraft web site ( for branch locations. Head Office: Ph 02 88115155.

ICARE PERSONAL TRACKER ■ Grade One Monitoring > 1300 723 185 ■ Email > ■ Web > Grade One Monitoring has launched the iCare Personal Tracker. Our Grade A1 monitoring centre now offers the peace of mind of a trackable hand held device utilising the Telstra Next G network. The iCare unit offers a rapid and accurate GPS positioning, 2 way on board communication as well as a geo-fencing solution. iCare monitoring has many benefits including the ideal solution for OH&S/WHS legislation, a safety device for loved ones, immediate notification in the case of a medical emergency as well as GPS tracking for dementia patients. Phone us on 1300 723 185 to discover the full range of features and benefits that the iCare Personal Tracker has to offer for your staff and clients as part of an overall security solution.



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PACOM SMARTIP NETWORK VIDEO RECORDERS ■ Hills > 1800 685 487 ■ Web > The Pacom SmartIP series of Network Video Recorders come in a range of 4, 8, 16 and 32 IP channel inputs. The SmartIP range features a Quick Wizard setup, which automatically discovers the pre-configured range of EVOnet cameras. Other features include: • Compatibility with the Panasonic, Axis and ONVIF™ range of cameras. • A fitted POE switch. • Built-in Hard Drive and the capacity for additional Hard Drives within or external storage via the eSATA ports (model specific). • HDMI and VGA (selectable) output to provide local viewing and playback. • Remote access via RASplusIP for LAN or WAN applications or via Smartphones when using the iPDR-mobile App (download from the App Store) or the aPDR-mobile App (available from the Google Play Store).


THE NEW INTEGRITI LOW PROFILE WIDEBODY ENCLOSURE. ■ Inner Range Melbourne > +61 3 9780 4300 ■ Email > ■ Web >


Designed with cost effective Intelligent Access Control solutions in itssights, the new Integriti Wide-Body enclosure from Inner Range will conveniently house all the electronics, power supply and backup batteries necessary for Intelligent access control of up to 8 doors.This eliminates the need for any additional enclosures or external backup power supplies.With the Integriti 8Amp 13.75Vdc Smart power supply on-boardthe enclosure provides ample device and lock power and allows forLead Acid battery configurations for up to 36Amp hoursof backup supply time.Flexible mounting options for all Integriti Controllers, LAN Modulesand UniBus Devices is standard. Additional modules or devicescan be conveniently housed within the enclosure with the addition of thehinged second layer equipment mounting plate.

MOBOTIX M15D ALL ROUND THERMAL CAMERAS ■ Central Security Distribution > 1300 319 499 ■ Web > A thermographic camera sees what would otherwise be invisible to the human eye. What’s certainly not invisible though is the fact that Mobotix continues to excel with their M15D AllRound thermal camera range. Based on the proven M15 system platform, these outstanding thermal cameras offer an abundance of new application options for the consumer. In combination with a comprehensive array of camera sensors which include a PIR sensor and microphone, and the analytic capabilities of the camera software (MxActivitySensor, video motion detection, event logic, and more), it is now possible to detect moving persons or objects even in total darkness!



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DTU3G/IP ■ SCSI > 1300 555 570 ■ Email > ■ Web > SCSI’s DTU3G/IP wireless alarm communicator is Australian made and designed. Dual-SIM technology provides 6 secure paths using Telstra NextG, Optus 3G, Telstra GPRS, Optus GPRS, Ethernet & PSTN. With thousands already sold and installed, the DTU3G/IP has been released to the Australian Security Industry with outstanding success. The combination of multiple, proven communication paths ending the days of nuisance “poll fails” and unwarranted guard attendances. The DTU3G/IP connects to the DirectWireless Network, Australia’s only dedicated and private alarm transmission network. To find out more about the DTU3G/IP, contact SCSI on 1300 555 570.


SUPERIOR DETECTION WITH THE PARADOX NVX80 DETECTOR ■ Central Security Distribution > 1300 319 499 ■ Web > The Paradox NVX80 with all-new SeeTrue™ technology delivers superior motion detection with advanced capabilities, beyond others in its class.


Boasting a combination of technologies including: active infrared, microwave, and SeeTrue™, this unique aggregation enables highly efficient detector sensitivity while at the same time, enhances reliability and minimises false alarms. Programming and configuration are simple with the NVX80's full-colour OLED screen and four-button interface. Suitable for both indoor and outdoor applications, the NVX80 is truly the detector to choose when protecting high value, high security sites that demand high performance.

INTEGRITI 8AMP SMART POWER SUPPLY FROM INNER RANGE ■ Inner Range Melbourne > +61 3 9780 4300 ■ Email > ■ Web > In today’s demanding security environment, monitoring of the powersupply status is pivotal to the operation and performance of anysecurity system, and the Integriti 8Amp Smart Power supply deliversthis very effectively.The new Inner Range Integriti 8Amp 13.75Vdc Smart power supply isa highly efficient purpose built power supply solution designed to meetthe modern high spec requirements unique to Access Control and Intruder Security Systems.When used with Inner Ranges Integriti system, the 8Amp powersupply offers quick connect status monitoring for critical powerrelated aspects, such as Battery Fault, Low Battery, Battery Not Present, Battery Failed Test, Mains Power failure, Power Supply Low Volts, Power Supply Failure and status monitoring of all Smart Fuses.


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4th & 5th June - Security 2014 Conference 4th June - Security 2014 Gala Dinner 5th June - Security 2014 Cocktail reception 4th-6th June - Security 2014 Exhibition

10 July, Adelaide 11 July, Perth 23 July, Sydney

ASIAL Industry Briefing ASIAL Industry Briefing ASIAL Industry Briefing

AUGUST 6 August, Brisbane

ASIAL Industry Briefing

SEPTEMBER 24 September, Canberra 25 September, Hobart

ASIAL Industry Briefing ASIAL Industry Briefing

OCTOBER 16 October, Melbourne 23 October, Sydney

ASIAL Industry Briefing 2014 Australian Security Industry Awards for Excellence The Ivy Ballroom, Sydney

NOVEMBER 6 November, Adelaide ASIAL Industry Briefing 7 November, Perth ASIAL Industry Briefing 26 November, Sydney ASIAL Industry Briefing and 45th Annual General Meeting

For more information visit or email:

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