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[ M AG A Z I N E ] VOL.17 | ISSUE.3 | JUN/JUL 2012
Official Show Edition
25-27 JULY | SYDNEY 59 26
Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre
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Security 2012 Sponsors: Platinum Conference Sponsor
Platinum Gala Dinner Sponsor
Gala Dinner Entertainment Sponsor
VOL.17 | ISSUE.3 | JUN/JUL 2012
08 | President’s message 10 | 2012 ASIAL Board elections 10 | Call for Expressions of Interest – ASIAL Special Interest Group 11 | NSW Security Industry Amendment Bill 2012 12 | QLD – Compliance Inspections of the Security Provider Industry by OLGR Officers 14 | PRIMUS Selected by NBN CO
to Test New Software 14 | ACT Portable Long Service Levy 16 | Second Round of Security Audits Reveals Big Lift in Compliance Levels 19 | Super Help – Super Quick and Easy 22 | Security 2012 Exhibitor A-Z Listing 26 | Security 2012 Exhibition Floor Plan
38 | ASIAL Member Recognition Program 40 | ASIAL New Member Listing 41 | 2012/2013 Security Industry Leadership Program 38 | If I Told You Spending 30 Cents Could Save You Thousands of Dollars, What Would You Do? 47 | Hot Products 49 | Monitoring Centres List 50 | ASIAL Calendar of Events
ASIAL Strategic Partners >
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elcome to the Security 2012 Exhibition and Conference
of security technicians. Finally, this year marks the second
THE MAGAZINE FOR SECURITY PROFESSIONALS Editorial and Advertising Security Insider is published by The Australian Security Industry
time that the ASIAL Board elections will
Association Limited
official publication of the Australian
be conducted under the auspices of the
PO Box 1338 Crows Nest, NSW 1585
Security Industry Association.
Australian Electoral Commission.
issue of Security Insider – the
As Australia’s premier security
Members will be notified in due course
industry event, Security 2012 brings
by the AEC about arrangements for the
together local and international industry
election.This process allows every Duly
specialists and showcases the very
Authorised Representative of a financial
latest and emerging security
corporate member the opportuniy to
technologies and solutions.This year’s
submit a postal vote.The key timelines
conference program features practical
are as follows:
presentations, case studies and a fast
• Close of Rolls – 2 July 2012
paced interactive format.
• Nominations open – 1 August 2012
Last year I announced the
• Nominations close – 22 August 2012
development of an industry certification
• Ballot opens – 2 October 2012
program to provide a pathway for
• Ballot closes – 23 October 2012
Tel: 02 8425 4300 • Fax: 02 8425 4343 Email: Web: Publisher
Editor Bryan de Caires | Editorial Enquiries Angela Maan
technicians to progress within the security industry and for their skill levels
To be included on the Roll you will
to be recognised. I am pleased to
need to be a financial member as at the
advise that this initiative will be formally
2nd July 2012.
Advertising Tania Laird | Creative Director Martin Costanzo |
launched at Security 2012.
Graphic Design + Prepress
The Security Technician Certification
Webfx2 Digital |
program has been developed to provide
Editorial Contributors Chris Delaney, Diversified Exhibitions Australia,
a clear career pathway for technicians
Department of Broadband Communications
entering the industry. Starting with
and Digital Economy and AusSuper.
enrolment, participants can progress
Print + Distribution
from Certified to Advanced Security
Technician and ultimately to become a
Published bi-monthly
Master Security Technician.
Estimated Readership of 10,000
Through an Approved Training
Views expressed in Security Insider do not
Provider, ASIAL has developed a
necessarily reflect the opinion of ASIAL. Advertising
certification program incorporating on-
Ged Byrnes
does not imply endorsement by ASIAL, unless
line training materials, face-to-face
ASIAL President
otherwise stated with permission. All contributions
theory and practical assessments at centres around Australia. Whilst the certification program has not been designed to specifically incorporate units of competency from the national training package, there will
are welcomed, though the publisher reserves the right to decline to publish or to edit for style, grammar, length and legal reasons. Press Releases to: Internet
articles, stories
advertising were correct at the time of printing. ASIAL does not accept responsibility for misleading views. Copyright© 2012 (ASIAL) All rights reserved.
be a mechanism for such qualifications
Reproduction of Security Insider magazine without
to be acknowledged.The certification
permission is strictly prohibited. Security Insider is
program will compliment the Council of
a subscription based publication, rates and further details can be found at
Australian Governments initiative to introduce a uniform and consistent approach to the training and licensing
[Next Issue] AUG/SEP 2012 ISSN 1442-1720
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ASIAL 2012 BOARD ELECTIONS The 2012 ASIAL Board elections will be conducted by the Australian Electoral Commission later this year. Members will be notified in due course by the AEC about arrangements for the election. The key timelines are as follows: • Close of Rolls – 2 July 2012 • Nominations open – 1 August 2012 • Nominations close – 22 August 2012 • Ballot opens – 2 October 2012 • Ballot closes – 23 October 2012 To be included on the Roll you will need to be a financial member as at the 2nd July 2012.
Patrols; Crowd Control / Venue
Interest from members wishing to
Protection; Cash In Transit and HR / IR).
contribute to the development of the
If you are interested please refer to
industry through participation on a
the terms of reference / Expression of
range of Special Interest Groups. It is
Interest document for the National
proposed that separate special interest
Manpower Special Interest Group or
groups be set up for the Electronic
the National Electronic Security
Sector (including Alarms and
Special Interest Group that is located
Monitoring; Access Control and CCTV)
in the news section of the ASIAL
and Manpower sector (Guards and
FAIR WORK OMBUDSMAN – FOLLOW UP SECURITY INDUSTRY AUDIT REPORT The FairWork Ombudsman has released a follow up security industry audit report which reveals a big lift in industry compliant levels.The National Security Industry Follow up Campaign 2011 Report revealed that the level of compliance rose from 47% in 2009 to 75% in 2011. The report is now available on the home page of the ASIAL website
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NSW SECURITY INDUSTRY AMENDMENT BILL 2012 On 4 June 2012, The Ministry for
services to carry on certain security
Police & Emergency Services
activities to another master licensee
released the NSW Security Industry Amendment Bill 2012 for public
unless specific conditions are met • Removes certain subclasses of
includes palm prints • Creates a new provisional pistol licence under the Firearms Act which holders of a class 1F licence
consultation. Industry was provided
class 1 and 2 licences under the
under the who Security Industry Act
with two days to provide feedback.
Security Industry Act
have not previously held such a
Among some of the areas covered
• Extends the Commissioner’s power
by the Bill include:
under the Security Industry Act to
• The Bill expands the range of
require that an applicant for a
licence will also be required to hold. A copy of the Security Industry
powers that can be exercised by
licence provides the Commissioner
Amendment Bill 2012 is available on
police officers and authorizes those
with fingerprints so that it also
the ASIAL website.
powers to be exercised by other members of the NSW Police Force who are enforcement officers. • Abolishes the provisional licensing system • Introduction of renewal licences • Introduction of additional subclasses of master licence • Makes it an offence for a master licence to subcontract the provision of the master licensee’s
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SEADAN SECURITY TURNS 25 THIS YEAR Seadan Security & Electronics is an independently owned family company which identified a need back in 1987 for expertise in electric locking which was unavailable at that time.The business started off in the back room of a suburban house in Melbourne – and has never stopped growing. Now with 6 branches in major cities around the country, the most recent one opened in May this year, in Canberra. With extensive security product range to suit every need – and an unparalleled service reputation to match – Seadan has now grown to a multimillion dollar company.The
Company is proud of the role it has played for over past 25 years and will continue to play in the Security
QLD – COMPLIANCE INSPECTIONS OF THE SECURITY PROVIDER INDUSTRY BY OLGR OFFICERS OFTadministers a number of industry specific Acts that require participants to be licensed.These requirements are designed to protect both consumers and industry alike by ensuring reputable business practices across a wide range of industries. One such industry is the security sector. While there are a range of activities licensed under the Security Providers Act 1993 (SPA), one of the high risk activities involves crowd control, specifically in and around licensed premises. Inspectors from the Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation (OLGR) frequently inspect premises licensed under the Liquor Act 1992. An initiative to involve OLGR inspectors to monitor and report on certain aspects of the SPA will increase the regulatory presence and further protect Queensland consumers from harm caused by
unsuitable security providers. OFT and OLGR together are aiming to improve the level of industry compliance and in turn, to improve consumer confidence in security providers. In order to achieve this objective, a six month Brisbane-based trial will be conducted where OLGR inspectors will be appointed under the SPA.These inspectors occupy the authority to record and report alleged breaches to OFT. A commencement date for the trial is anticipated from 1 July 2012. For more information about the six month Brisbane-based trial, visit the OFT website.
Industry as one of Australia’s most trusted and reliable security equipment supplier.
PELCO BY SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC IS A WINNER AT RECENT IFSEC AWARDS. The IFSEC Security Industry Awards 2012 is the premier event for the security industry to celebrate security innovations over the last 12 months. It runs alongside the IFSEC exhibition, which is the UK’s largest annual security event. Pelco by Schneider Electric won in the category of “CCTV Camera Equipment of the Year” with is Sarix Thermal Imaging camera. Sarix TI is the first thermal camera specifically designed to be an integrated part of any end to end security solution.The product brings advanced thermal imaging capabilities to mainstream video security applications.The result is high quality video, power and flexibility that is also easy to install. Sarix TI cameras have the ability to produce clear security images regardless of lighting conditions, whether it is in darkness, fog or smoke.
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PRIMUS SELECTED BY NBN CO TO TEST NEW SOFTWARE NBN Co has selected Primus to help it test new software designed to make it easier for any telecommunications or Internet service provider to offer traditional analogue telephone services over the FTTH component of the NBN. "A successful test should give consumers confidence they can go to a wide range of service providers and switch from the copper network to fibre and have a quality telephone service using their existing telephone equipment," NBN Co said. The in-home unit that connects to the fibre has four ethernet ports for Internet services and two standard analogue phone ports. Customers can choose an 'analogue' service (but
the calls are carried as packet data over the fibre) or a VoIP service delivered via one of the ethernet ports. According to NBN Co, it should be possible to keep their current phone number in either case. NBN Co COO, Ralph Steffens, said: "We understand that there will be a number of people who only want a telephone service and that we need to offer quality telephone services while making the transition to fibre as easy and straightforward as possible. "By undertaking these tests we want to ensure it is easy for retail service providers to offer their customers the services they are familiar with using the equipment they already have."
Security equipment is equipment designed or adapted to enhance property for protection.This can include alarms, audio or visual recording systems, safes and intrusion detectors. If you install, repair or maintain this type of equipment in Queensland, then you need to be licensed under the Security Providers Act 1993. If you are licensed as an electrician, cabler or other contractor and perform this type of work, you still require to be licensed as a security equipment installer. If you install security equipment without a license, or hire an unlicensed security equipment installer then heavy penalties apply. Find out more about licensing requirement visit the OFT website.
Best Security, a QLD based company which provides service to over 100 Licensed Venues from the Gold Coast to North Queensland gained the ISO 9001:2008 Certification in late February 2012. The ISO 9000 is a family of standards related to Quality Management Systems and is designed to help organizations ensure that they meet the needs of customers and other stakeholders. By gaining this certification, Best Security stated that it “demonstrated both our commitment to providing a Quality Service to our clients and reiterates that we have long had policies, procedures and processes in place that assure the standard of our provision of service is superior.”
NBN Co says it selected Primus after a call for expressions of interest from retail service providers who wanted to be involved in the test. Primus said that it would work with NBN Co "to help determine a suitable test plan for the UNI-V [the analogue voice port] enhancements covering both SIP level testing and electrical interface testing. Primus will also execute test plans and regularly provide reports which specify test success or issues."
ACT PORTABLE LONG SERVICE LEVY Members Employing Security Officers in the ACT are advised that the ACT Legislative Assembly passed the Long Service Leave (Portable Schemes)(Security Industry) Amendment Bill 2012 on the 8th May 2012. The date of commencement for the scheme and the levy amount are yet to be determined and announced. ASIAL expects to continue discussions with the ACT Government of both matters as well as other issues that have been the subject of continuing discussions. Whilst ASIAL have had robust discussions with all political parties in the ACT regarding this scheme, in our opinion there needs to be a great deal more discussion before critical matters can be finalised. We will shortly post the details of the scheme on the ASIAL website and will discuss with the Administrators of the scheme any opportunities for training and assistance for members affected by the new legislation.
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SECOND ROUND OF SECURITY AUDITS REVEALS BIG LIFT IN COMPLIANCE LEVELS The Fair Work Ombudsman has welcomed a significant increase in compliance within Australia’s security industry. A second round of national audits by the Fair Work Ombudsman has revealed much higher compliance with workplace law. The security industry’s level of compliance has risen from just 47 per cent in 2009 to 75 per cent in 2011. “That is a fantastic improvement,” Fair Work Ombudsman Nicholas Wilson said today when releasing the results of a second targeted education and compliance campaign. “This follow-up action indicates that our pro-active auditing work is achieving the desired outcomes,” he said. After identifying a low-level of compliance in 2009, the Fair Work Ombudsman called for leadership from the security industry to help drive behavioural change. To assist the industry, the Fair Work Ombudsman provided funding to the Australian Security Industry Association in 2010 under its $2.5 million Shared Industry Assistance Program to assist employers better understand their workplace obligations. The Association produced a
guide for employers with information on the National Employment Standards, classifications, hours of work, breaks, shift work penalties, overtime, employment status, employee records and payslips and rates of pay. The Association also ran seminars in Hobart, Brisbane, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, Sydney and Canberra for almost 300 participants. A Fair Work Ombudsman targeted campaign in 2009 recouped $1.125 million back-pay for 1156 security staff nationally who had been underpaid. Last year, Fair Work inspectors audited a further 392 security companies and found 295 (75 per
cent) were compliant. Of the contraventions identified, 36 per cent related to underpayment of wages and a total of $427,000 in back-pay was recouped for 658 employees. Forty two employers remain under investigation. While commending the lift in compliance, Mr Wilson suggested the results still indicated a need for ongoing education and intervention in the security industry. “Businesses are reporting pressure to quote for tenders at rates that are below minimum entitlements,” he said. Employers or employees seeking information and advice should visit or call the Fair Work Infoline on 13 13 94.
+ security industry magazine
high traffic website
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REPORTING OF “VIDEO ALARMS” TO POLICE Following consultation with ASIAL, the National Emergency Communications Working Group – Australia / New Zealand (comprising representatives from emergency services) has confirmed the procedure for the handling of “video alarms”. The procedure includes: Alarms should only be reported to police (in accordance with the various state police policies) as per the original alarm type ie Hold Up, Duress, Communications Failure etc. Any additional validation information about the alarm, whether by CCTV from inside the alarmed premises, visual confirmation by the security guard on site or any other source of verification, should be provided as supporting or validating the original alarm and not as a new
alarm type description. Police receiving the alarm report and any additional validation information will create an event either for the original alarm category or for the actual offence (when sufficient validation information is available) and respond in accordance with
existing policy. Monitoring Centre Operators are therefore requested to only report alarms as per the actual alarm type being monitored. In situations where additional information is available then that additional information should be provided as validation of the original alarm.
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To join, call 1300 300 273 or go to It’s Australian. And it’s super. Prepared in October 2011 by AustralianSuper Pty Ltd ABN 94 006 457 987 AFSL 233788 the Trustee of AustralianSuper ABN 65 714 394 898. Consider whether AustralianSuper is appropriate for you. Read our Product Disclosure Statement, available at or by calling 1300 300 273, before making a decision about AustralianSuper. Statements made by AustralianSuper members in this brochure have been reproduced with the members’ consent, which has not been withdrawn at the date of this publication. Investment returns are not guaranteed as all investments carry some risk. Past performance gives no indication of future returns. ‘Industry Superfund’ logo used with permission of Industry Fund Services (IFS). This consent has not been withdrawn as at the date of this publication. AUSS 32976
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SUPER HELP – SUPER QUICK AND EASY Employer Super Help is a free online database designed to help you – and those who administer super at your workplace – get answers to a range of super queries. • Taxation of super benefits • Taxation of super income • Transition to retirement.
The database is maintained by the respected ratings and research house, Rainmaker. It taps into information relating to super rules, rates, facts and figures and presents them all in the one place –which means you don’t have to waste time chasing them up. If it’s about super, it’s on Super Help Super Help covers a broad range of topics that are likely to be the most relevant to you and your employees. It includes topics such as: • Administration of excess contributions • CGT small business concessions and contributions to super • Contributions caps and taxation of contributions • Employer super issues
• Getting money into or out of super • Insurance in super • Key tax and superannuation thresholds for the financial year • Social security • Super contribution tax concessions • Super estate planning
Helping you answer tricky super queries From time to time super queries come up that you need help to answer. Queries about taxation are popular at this time of year, as are other 30-Junerelated deadlines such as the Government Co-contribution scheme. For answers, start at and click on the topic that best fits your query.You’ll find various levels of information, depending on what you’re after. Super Help aims to give you independent information at one easy online location.
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MANAGING RISK IN THE AGE OF THE CLOUD As more services move online, both IT and physical security considerations need to be addressed to minimise the risk of downtime, information theft or data loss, writes Brett Judd, Exhibition Director, Security 2012 Exhibition, Diversified Exhibitions Australia. Australia leads other Asian Pacific
Why ITcan be risky business
2) Insecure interfaces and APIs
countries in the adoption of cloud
At last year’s Security Exhibition, a
Cloud computing providers expose a
computing. According to a recent report
survey that queried more than 400
set of software interfaces or APIs
from Frost and Sullivan titled State of
government and business
(Application Programming Interfaces)
Cloud Computing in Australia: 2011, 43
professionals, found that 26 per cent of
that customers use to manage and
per cent of enterprises are now using
visitors identified information security as
interact with cloud services.The security
cloud computing in some form and 41
a key security challenge. So what are
and availability of general cloud services
per cent of IT decision makers agreed
the specific security risks in the age of
is dependent upon the security of these
that cloud computing will continue to be
the Cloud?
basic APIs. From authentication and
a top priority. While the business world is embracing the Cloud as a preferred
The Cloud Security Alliance’s “Top
access control to encryption and
Threats to Cloud Computing” report
activity monitoring, these interfaces
identified some of the key threats:
must be designed to protect against
delivery channel for information
both accidental and malicious attempts
technology, managers need to
1) Anonymity means impunity
understand the multidimensional
To use a public cloud service, often
to circumvent policy.
complexities it can bring to their
nothing more is needed than a valid
organisation. Cloud computing, if not
credit card to get started.This relative
The threat of a malicious insider is well-
properly secured, can result in the loss
anonymity has enabled spammers,
known to most organisations.This threat
of direct control over systems for which
malicious code authors, and other
is amplified for consumers of cloud
they are nonetheless accountable.The
criminals to conduct their activities with
services by the convergence of IT
problem is that many managers have
relative impunity.
services and customers under a single
3) Malicious Insiders
not yet got a handle on the risks –
management domain, combined with a
particularly at the most senior level.
general lack of transparency into
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provider process and procedure.
cloud environment.
that govern who has access to information and can alter it. Also
To complicate matters, there is often little or no visibility into the hiring
6) Account or service hijacking
ensure that data is being encrypted
standards and practices for cloud
Account or service hijacking is not
and data integrity protected. In
employees.This kind of situation clearly
new but cloud solutions add a new
addition, implement strong key
creates an attractive opportunity for an
threat to the landscape. If an attacker
generation, storage and management,
adversary — ranging from the hobbyist
gains access to your credentials, they
and destruction practices; and
hacker, to organised crime, to corporate
can eavesdrop on your activities and
leverage strong two-factor
espionage, or even nation-state
transactions, manipulate data, return
authentication techniques where
sponsored intrusion.
falsified information, and redirect your
clients to illegitimate sites.Your
On the contractual side, specify
4) Multi-tenant architecture
account or service instances may
human resource requirements as part
One of the key selling points for cloud
become a new base for the attacker.
of legal contracts and determine
services is that cost benefits can be
From here, they may use your good
security breach notification processes.
derived from sharing infrastructure.
company name and reputation as a
Take the time to understand cloud
But in some instances, the isolation
cover to launch subsequent attacks.
provider security policies and Service Level Agreements (SLAs). Ask the
properties for a multi-tenant architecture are not strong enough to
Security policies and technologies
provider to wipe persistent media
prevent inappropriate levels of control
alleviate cloud risks
before it is released into the pool.
or influence on the underlying
Thankfully there is a raft of new
platform. Generally speaking,
technologies available that help
from July 25 – 27 at the Sydney
customers should not have access to
minimise the risk of external and internal
Convention & Exhibition Centre and will
any other tenant’s actual or residual
data loss and theft in the Cloud.
showcase the latest industry
data and network traffic.
As a rule of thumb, businesses should conduct a comprehensive
Security 2012 Exhibition will be held
innovations, ranging from alarms, CCTV and access technologies, network &
5) Data loss or leakage
supplier assessment when choosing
mobile security solutions and robotics to
The threat of data compromise
an external cloud service provider, and
a raft of new training courses, perimeter
increases in the cloud, due to the
insist on transparency into overall
security solutions and even custom built
number of, and interactions between,
information security and management
armoured vehicles.The event is
risks and challenges, which are either
practices, as well as compliance
expected to attract more than 4,500
unique to cloud, or more dangerous
visitors from government and private
because of the architectural or operational characteristics of the
Another must-have is strong authentication and access controls
enterprises and showcase more than 150 local and international exhibitors.
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Advice & support for your business
Think Security… …THINK ASIAL
The peak body for security professionals
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Lead industry Partner: Peak body for security professionals
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Winners of the 17th Annual Australian Security Industry Awards for Excellence were presented with their awards at the Park Hyatt Hotel Melbourne on Thursday 3rd May 2012, attended by approximately 200 industry leaders. The awards provided an opportunity to recognise security professionals from across Australia with nominations open to members and non-members of ASIAL. Commenting on the awards, ASIAL CEO, Bryan de Caires said “The exceptional calibre of this year’s award winners is testimony to the broad depth of expertise within the industry and the increasingly important role that the private security industry plays in safeguarding critical infrastructure, business, government and the community”.
with the fantastic Spectrum Fire and Security team. We are so fortunate in the security electronics industry to work with some amazing technologies. Being trusted by the WA Police to implement these for CHOGM 2011 is what makes future projects in the industry so exciting.” Andrew Keddy, State Manager – WA Spectrum Fire and Security Saab Security
Dean Rosenfield, General Manager Saab Security Pty Ltd
The independent judging panel for the awards was chaired by Peter Johnson, ASIAL's Manager for Compliance & Regulatory Affairs and was comprised of the following members: • Dr. Roger Lough AM – consultant and company director specialising in technologies for defence. • Damian McMeekin – ANZ Head of Group Security. • Jennifer McAuley – Department of Human Services. • Alan Ross – CEO, CPSISC. The 9 winners presented with awards included: INDIVIDUAL ACHIEVEMENTAWARD (Technical Award) – Andrew Keddy Andrew Keddy (Spectrum Fire & Security) provided seamless project management of the state-of-the-art Command Centre for the 2011 CHOGM Conference in Perth. “To receive the Individual Technical Award in 2012 from ASIAL is a career highlight for me and one which I share
Spectrum Fire and Security
INTEGRATED SECURITY SOLUTION AWARD (Projects above $250K) – SAAB Security The electronic security solution for the 300 bed Southern Queensland Correctional Centre near Gatton in the LockyerValley Queensland included 440 cameras, 260 controlled doors, 370 mobile duress beacons, 400 intruder alarm points and 1.4 kilometres of monitored perimeter fencing. “Saab is proud to receive the Integrated Security Solution Award for 2012. This award recognises the efforts and dedication of the Saab project team that designed, developed, installed and commissioned the Electronic Security System at the Southern Queensland Correctional Centre.”
INDIVIDUAL ACHIEVEMENT(General Award) – Adam Motum, MSS Security As Site Security Manager at the University of Technology in Sydney, Adam responded to a violent and aggressive incident, involving an attack on a victim with a meat clever. Adam placed himself between the bloodied victim and attacker to protect the victim, UTS staff and students from further injury and attempted to calm the situation. He managed to extract the victim form the scene to safety and return to the scene to assist others in detaining the offender.
Adam Motum, MSS Security
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INTEGRATED SECURITYSOLUTION AWARD (Projects below $250K) Pacom Systems and CDS Security Through a state-of-the-art IT-based integrated security platform,Tabcorp’s Melbourne based control room was upgraded and migrated to Sydney. Despite a daunting timeline, the project was implemented in time for the Spring Racing Carnival - undoubtedly the highlight of the racing year in Australia. “Pacom Systems is delighted to have won the ASIAL Integrated Security Solution award for the third successive year. It is an honour to receive this type of recognition for the innovation we demonstrated with the Tabcorp project. Our profile within the industry continues to grow and we would like to take this opportunity to thank ASIAL and the judging panel for their ongoing commitment to the security industry.” Rocco Palladino, National Sales Manager - Australia and New Zealand Pacom Systems Pty Ltd
Pacom Systems
“Our win at the Australian Security Industry Awards for Excellence for Integrated Security Solution (Projects below $250k) has meant many great things for our business. The award affirms our position as a top level security integrator; being a joint award with Pacom, it demonstrates our ability to work in a cohesive team environment to create optimal outcomes for our clients; it proves to our staff, suppliers and clients that we are committed to delivering quality products and services; and shows that we are proud of that fact 30 //SECURITY INSIDER JUN/JUL 2012
when we do.” Tanya Taylor , Director CDS SECURITY SECURITYMANAGEMENTAWARD QANTAS CONTRACTED SECURITY SERVICES UNIT The establishment of a contracted security services unit for managing all contracted security services is unique to both Qantas and the security industry for large organisational relationships.The initiative has resulted in significant performance and compliance improvements. “This Award of Excellence has given
us further confidence in the Qantas contracted security services management model - which brings together the service delivery, regulatory compliance, equipment, customer and commercial elements under one team. Our security service and equipment suppliers work hard to meet the demands and complexity of aviation security while supporting Qantas and our travelling customers. Their support is one of the key foundations of the this model. We are delighted and honoured to receive this recognition by ASIAL, of both this management model and the efforts of the team at Qantas.” Megan Constable, Manager, Contracted Security Services, Qantas SPECIAL SECURITY EVENTAWARD - PARAMAX The access control solution delivered for CHOGM 2011 involved single and triple walkway portals and hand held
readers for vehicle screening and in excess of 16,000 omni-directional RFID ‘hands free’ accreditation passes and more than 1,000 vehicle passes with embedded RFID. “The annual ASIAL Awards is a significant benchmark for the security industry. It gives the industry, as a whole, the opportunity to showcase best practice in the security industry, and individual companies to be recognised for excellence and innovation. Our first award in 2007 and again this year, gives us the opportunity to create a visible advantage over our competitors.” Michael Rhodes , Managing Director Paramax Integrated Systems. SPECIAL SECURITY EVENTAWARD – SPECTRUM FIRE & SECURITY The CHOGM Maylands Command Centre required CCTV presentation, capture, storage and 24/7-operator support. Whilst providing a system capable of managing more than 350 inbound surveillance images including six Police Airwing FLIR cameras, Spectrum exceeded contracted requirements in providing quality images to WA Police in the Command Centre and in the field by use of iPad technology. “As a proud ASIAL member, Spectrum Fire and Security is delighted to share this award with industry colleagues, Paramax and SNP Security, for the CHOGM 2011 event. We would like to thank our partners Concept AV and Pacific Communications who provided faultless equipment.
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SNP Security
Spectrum is focussed on delivering boutique and specialist, electronic security and fire projects and this award endorses our belief of what can be achieved using innovative CCTV solutions.” Andrew Keddy, State Manager – WA Spectrum Fire and Security SPECIAL SECURITYEVENTAWARD SNP SECURITY SNP’s 160 security officers provided over 14,000 man hours at the CHOGM venues, including foot patrols,static guards,screening points,vehicle inspection, explosive ordnance reconnaissance and CCTV and communication room guards.The protection of close to 10,000 high profile public figures including Heads of State, Ministers, delegates, and liaison with foreign security officers and multiple law enforcement agencies presented significant operational challenges. “SNP Security was delighted to be named winner of the ‘Special Security Event’ for our achievements at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting. We managed the security of 10,000 public figures including, Her Royal Majesty The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh, ministers, delegates, foreign security officers, close personal protection and multiple law enforcement agencies. It means a lot to be recognised by the industry.” Tom Roche, Managing Director SNP Security IN HOUSE SECURITYTEAM AWARD - BLUESCOPE STEEL SECURITY The BlueScope Steel in-house security
team has achieved 15 years of loss time injury free for their group and has assisted in the organisation achieving a 50% reduction in the last 12 months for the entire operation. “It was a great honour to receive the 2012 ‘In house security’ ASIAL award for excellence. Our role within Bluescope as part of an Emergency Response Group is extremely diverse. It was indeed a privilege to have this diversity recognised by ASIAL.” Leanne Sloan, Security Coordinator BlueScope Steel
Bluescope Steel
The judging panel awarded highly commended citations to: • Australian Turf Club (Mounted Security Implementation) in the Special Security Event or Project category “The Australian Turf Club is privileged to be recognised in this capacity by ASIAL, the peak security industry body in Australia. Our special project involved implementing mounted security at four Sydney metropolitan racecourses over a 2 year period. As the pioneers of mounted security in Australia, this was a significant undertaking for the Club with far reaching benefits, including enhanced safety facilitation, crowd control capabilities, and positive patron interaction.” Shane Brady , General Manager Security & Risk, Australian Turf Club • Chubb Fire & Security (RAAF Edinburgh Stage 2 Redevelopment) in the Integrated Security Solution (Projects Above $250K)
Chubb Fire and Security
“Chubb is delighted to receive the Highly Commended ASIAL Award Integrated Security Solution 2012 for a key security project above $250,000. The ASIAL ceremony is an excellent opportunity for Chubb to showcase the expertise of our staff and innovative security solutions offered to customers nationally. The back to back ASIAL award recognises the dedicated efforts of our high security team and the commitment we have to providing customer’s security, certainty and safety.” Stuart Norton-Baker, State Installation Manager (SA) Chubb Fire & Security Pty. Ltd. • Kangan Institute (Automotive Centre of Excellence) in the Integrated Security Solution (Projects Above $250K) “Security is a priority at Kangan Institute and it’s a privilege to receive this ASIAL award. The Integrated Security Technology Solutions Project was designed and implemented in just under 12 months, which shows the effort and great teamwork that went behind this. Multi-usage sites, technology hubs and centres of excellence now form part of our risk portfolio and we’re committed to protecting our assets through leadingedge technology and detailed security planning.” Nick Gazis, Portfolio Consultant Kangan Institute Nominations for the 2013 Australian Security Industry Awards for Excellence will open later this year. For more information visit ce or email
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NATIONAL BROADBAND NETWORK ROLLOUT UNDERWAY Article prepared by the Department of Broadband Communications and Digital Economy The Australian Government’s National Broadband Network (NBN) is well and truly becoming a reality. Over the next three years, construction of the fibre component of the network will be underway or completed in 3.5 million premises in 1500 communities in every state and territory in Australia. With construction contracts in place, NBN Co Limited (NBN Co) is moving to deliver better broadband to every Australian, no matter where they live. Until now,Telstra’s copper network has provided an ideal means of delivery for monitored services.The ageing copper network is, however, being progressively decommissioned as the NBN, which is designed to simultaneously provide a broad range of services including voice, data and
multicast services, is rolled out. To connect to the NBN fibre network, homes, businesses and schools will be provided with a network termination device (NTD). An NTD is equipped with six ports; four data ports (UNI-D), and two ports configured for the provision of voice services (UNI-V) with an internal analogue telephone adaptor (ATA).The internal ATA replicates the functionality of the existing copper network, enabling standard telephone services to pass over the optic fibre network. Premises in the fibre footprint will also be provided with a battery backup power supply unit to allow connection with the NTD.The battery backup ensures services continue for nonpowered home telephones during a power outage. NBN Co is currently conducting a
trial with Primus Telecommunications to test software that will make it easier for retail service providers to deliver high quality voice services through the UNI-V port. The government is currently engaging with a broad range of relevant stakeholders, including emergency services, about the best way of ensuring access to battery backup for those who need it. The security industry raised a continued page 33
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number of issues with the current battery backup solution that NBN Co is actively working to address. A few of the things NBN Co is doing include: • Developing a process to put alarm monitoring companies that want to test their applications/services in touch with retail service providers on the NBN. • Investigating the option for the battery backup configuration to power all ports on the NTD.This would allow newer alarm systems that communicate over internet protocol (IP) to continue to work during a power outage as the data ports would be supported by battery backup. • Finalising options for alarm monitoring companies to test their services on the NBN. The government and NBN Co will continue to work with the industry to ensure that alarm monitoring systems remain effective as we transition to the fibre network. During the wider NBN rollout, the government will be instructing retail service providers to supply clear information to help customers
A network termination device (left) and power supply unit (right) on a wall.
understand the function of battery backup units. Alarm monitoring companies should work closely with their customers and retail service providers to give consumers accurate and timely advice on what the NBN will mean for their alarm monitoring and security needs. If you would like further information about the government’s battery backup policy you can contact
NBN CO’S BATTERY BACKUP SOLUTION Battery type: sealed lead acid battery in a flame-retardant case Size: 218 mm (width) by 179 mm (height) by 80 mm (deep) Battery duration: Approximately 5 8 hours. As an additional safeguard the battery backup power source will be automatically suspended when the battery is depleted to between 30–40 per cent of its total available power.The end user can manually activate this remaining 30–40 per cent power reserve and make emergency calls until the battery is fully discharged. Battery alarms: The battery backup provides end users with visual and audible alarms about battery status at the premises, similar to a domestic smoke alarm. NBN Co will also automatically transmit alarms on the status of the battery to the relevant retail service providers (RSPs), for passing on to the end user. NBN Co’s NTD Ports: four data ports (designated ‘UNI-D’ ports), and two ports configured for the provision of voice services (designated ‘UNI-V’) Size: 182 mm (width) by 125 mm (height) by 40 mm (deep).
The units are installed on a premises wall close together and near a suitable mains power source.
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SECURITY 2012 CONFERENCE We have a program of exceptional Security Expert Speakers including:
The Honorable Nicola Roxon, Attorney General: keynote speaker
Malcolm Shackell, Partner, PwC: Trends in Economic Crime in Australia
Jason Brown, National Security Director,Thales: The strategic security executive
Damian McMeakin, Head of Group Security, ANZ Bank: Managing threats inside and out of an organisation
Nicholas Martin, Occams Razor: Creating a strong Corporate Security Culture
Morgan Andrews, Manager, Campus Security, University of Sydney: Case study: security in a multi-stakeholder environment
Rinske Geerlings, Director, Business as usual: Security and Business Continuity – do they go hand in hand?
Tom Sykes, NBN Representative: The NBN rollout - implications for security
John Curtis, Director, IPP Consulting: Emerging security technologies – trends and developments
Security 2012 Conference As Australia’s leading security industry event, the Security 2012 Conference will bring together industry specialists providing invaluable insights into a range of critical issues facing today’s Security Industry.The Security 2012 Conference features a fast paced interactive format and includes keynote presentations and case studies. Date: Wednesday, 25th July 2012 Time: 8:30am – 5:30pm Venue: Bayside 201-203, Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre, Darling Harbour 1-day Conference only $495 (member) $595 (non-member)
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NETWORKING EVENTS Vince Sorrenti is one of Australia’s most loved and leading comic entertainers and will return as Security 2012 Gala Dinner MC. In 2011 Vince Sorrenti won the coveted Mo Award for Australia’s Best Stand-Up Comic for the fourth time! He will also be appearing in the much anticipated Celebrity Apprentice alongside the likes of David Hasselhoff, Charlotte Dawson and Jason Akermanis.
Security 2012 Cocktail Reception The 2012 Gala Dinner will host a night of laughs as one of Australia’s busiest comedians Tahir will also be appearing. He has been a feature in all comedy venues around the country and has a host of TV credits including PIZZA on SBS (with spin-off hit movie FAT PIZZA), ROVE LIVE, Footy Show, Laughing Stock, Recovery, FOXTEL, Comedy Channel and he was featured on the SBS documentary series - Aussie Jokers.Tahir was named Comedian of the Year and has been Logie nominated.
Date: Wednesday, 25th July 2012 Time: 6.00pm – 7:30pm Venue: Bayside Terrace Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre, Darling Harbour Price: Members $50 Non Members $55
Security 2012 Gala Dinner Date: Thursday, 26th July 2012 Time: 7:00pm – 10:30pm Venue: Doltone House, Jones Bay Wharf, Pyrmont Price: $185 per ticket
Visit to reserve your tickets now! Security 2012 Sponsors: Platinum Conference Sponsor
Platinum Gala Dinner Sponsor
Gala Dinner Entertainment Sponsor
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ASIAL MEMBERS RECOGNISED AT NSW INDUSTRY BRIEFING ASIAL Members recognised at NSW Industry Briefing Recipients of ASIAL’s new Member recognition program were presented with their Member recognition certificates at the NSW Industry Breakfast Briefing held 16th May 2012 at Stamford Grand Hotel, North Ryde. The recognition program consists of four levels of membership recognition: • Platinum: 25 years+ of membership
• Gold: 16 – 24 years of membership • Silver: 11 – 15 years of membership • Bronze: 6 – 10 years of membership ASIAL General Manager, John Fleming, presented Silver Recognition certificates to: • Hud Security Pty Ltd – Mr Glen Lighton (CEO) • Lamson Concepts Pty Ltd – Ms Fiona Dewire (Client Liaison Manager)
Ms Fiona Dewir
Mr Glen Lighton
Mr Les Simmonds
• Les Simmonds & Associates – Mr Les Simmonds (Managing Director) Many more Members are yet to receive their recognition certificates. Eligible Members will be provided with an opportunity to be presented with their recognition certificates at upcoming ASIAL functions. For further information on the program visit ogram
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WELCOMETO OUR NEW MEMBERS ASIAL is pleased to welcome the following new members who joined the Association during March and April 2012. CORPORATE MEMBERS
Group 5 Security Pty Ltd
Pinnacle Protection Pty Ltd
Indus Security Services Pty Ltd
Retro TB Pty Ltd
AssureCore Pty Ltd
Intelligent Security Pty Ltd
Safe Security Pty Ltd
ATR Communications Pty Ltd
Intercom and Security Systems Australia
Safety Leader Security
Australian High Point Security Pty Ltd
Pty Ltd
Searson Buck Security
AusGroup Protective Services
JSI Security and Communications
Secure Solutions Access and Security
Boss Business Operating Security
Katalyst Concepts and Design
Security Australia First Ever Pty Ltd
Solutions Pty Ltd
Key Vetting Services Pty Ltd
Security Force Pty Ltd
Campisi Electrical Services Pty Ltd
MasterCall Electronics Pty Limited
Silva Care Australia Pty Ltd
Canberra Secure Pty Ltd
Matnick Security Services
Specialist Corporate Intelligence Agency
Consec Investigation Pty Ltd
MVVital Security Services Pty Ltd
Pty Ltd
Dynamic Currency Solutions
Nationwide Security Group Pty Ltd
SW Security Pty Ltd
Eagle Technology & Solutions Pty Ltd
Nova Protective Services Pty Ltd
Tango Hire Pty Ltd
FGH Management Services (NSW) Pty
Nox Systems Pty Ltd
Tomorrows Technology Group Pty Ltd
Nugroup Risk
USG Pty Ltd
Fields Group Pty Ltd
Oz Sec Security
UXC Connect Pty Ltd
G & C Wixon Pty Ltd
Oz Security Services Pty Ltd
Watchdog Alarms
Gillsec Pty Ltd
Pacific Protection & Security Services Pty Ltd
Zoom Security Services Pty Ltd
Global Tactical Networks Pty Ltd
Phoenix Security & Protection Pty Ltd
Zigga's Electrical Pty Ltd
+ security industry magazine
high traffic website
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The private security industry is a dynamic and rapidly growing sector of the Australian economy. With annual revenues of about $6 billion and over 150,000 employees the security industry is constantly evolving and growing. As it grows, one of the key challenges facing the industry is attracting and developing its future leaders. To address this need, ASIAL has established the Security Industry Leadership Program. Designed specifically for managers and business owners in the security industry, the program will focus on developing the skills of the industry’s future leaders. Featuring an exceptional teaching faculty, the three-day program will provide a practical and interactive insight into the key factors to successfully managing and growing a security industry. The program will focus on developing practical skills that you can apply at a personal, business and national industry level. These include an understanding of how to: g communicate effectively g develop high performance teams g drive change g brand and differentiate the product or service you offer g manage conflict g identify the key elements that underpins the financial health of your business g use key principles of financial management to make effective business decisions You will also be exposed to the diversity of the security industry and some of the issues facing the industry. The strategic goals of the program are to strengthen succession management and to
provide practical learning opportunities for future leaders in the industry. Who should participate? The program has been tailored to meet the needs of managers in medium-large security organisations. If you have a passion for the security industry and want to make a difference, then this program is for you. Participants will be drawn from all sectors of the sector, regardless of your length of time and experience in the industry. ASIAL is committed to building the capacity of the people in our industry and helping them make a real difference. As a participant on the program you will benefit from a tailored and highly interactive learning environment that will: g Inspire you to become an effective leader and make a positive difference to both your business and the security industry as a whole. g Provide you with practical leadership knowledge and skills. g Help you reach your goals and aspirations as a manager and leader. g Enable you to share ideas, develop new skills and gain new experiences to help grow your potential as a leader.
Day 1: STRATEGY & MARKETING Summary: Strategy and marketing will look at the skills needed to position yourself successfully in a changing environment by understanding and satisfying the current and future needs of your customers against a complex competitive environment. Day 2: FINANCE FOR MANAGERS Summary: Finance is the lifeblood of any business. An understanding of cashflow and the financial levers behind it is central to all managers success. This session will explore the key elements of finance, giving participants a series of tools to understand the financial health of their business. Day 3: LEADING AND MANAGING PEOPLE Summary: The ability to lead and manage people effectively is a key skill for all managers and an important predictor for a successful managerial career. This session will look at core techniques for effectively managing and leading people and give participants the opportunity to practice their skills via a range of interactive and challenging activities. Participants will have the opportunity to lead and manage each other during the activities and get feedback on their performance from their peers as well as the session leader.
Sydney (23-25 October 2012), Melbourne (19-21 February 2013) For more information and course brochure visit or email:
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WHY DIDN’T YOU CALL? By Chris Delaney
We recently came across a member who had paid thousands for advice and a draft Enterprise Bargaining Agreement - had they have called us we could have saved them thousands of dollars to do the same work. Anything that you need to know or do in the workplace relations area, ASIAL can do for you at a substantially lower rate that what you may be charged by a law firm or workplace consultant – and we are the security industry specialists. We answer many questions for members on everything from rates of pay and leave entitlements to contracts of employment, disciplinary matters and dismissals. ASIAL’s workplace relations service is focused on providing you the member, with the tools to deal with all workplace matters including sound employment practices such as application forms, advice on recruitment and selection, effective contracts of employment dealing with the rights and responsibilities of both the employee and the employer and thorough induction process. We ensure that you have access to generic employee handbooks that can be tailored to your business and provide policies and procedures to suit the specific requirements of your business, large or small.
ASIAL assists members when writing tenders by supplying policies and procedures relating to OHS or Standard Operating Procedures, Fitness for work and drug and alcohol testing or even just proof reading to ensure a professional approach. Here are some examples of how we have helped members:
Case Study No. 1 A member found that there was a general lack of knowledge among supervisors on the award conditions, the Fair Work Act especially the National Employment Standards and their rights and responsibilities when dealing with disciplinary issues. ASIAL put together and delivered a training package which overcame these shortfalls.The result was a more confident and professional supervisory group, better senior management support and an overall improvement in the performance and conduct of employees because they
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“Based solely on the quality of assistance ASIAL has provided to me on industrial relations I would recommend anyone within the security industry to become a member, as I believe all companies should benefit from ASIAL's exemplary service in this area.” Mark Slavin, Strategic Protection were being managed better.
Case Study No. 2 A Fair Work Ombudsman inspector audited a member and accused the member of incorrectly paying casual employees. The member was using rates of pay schedules provided by ASIAL as part of our corporate member service. On behalf of the member, ASIAL made representations to the FWO at a senior level and after several meetings FWO agreed that ASIAL rates were accurate. FWO has since instructed all inspectors throughout Australia that if a security provider is using ASIAL rate schedules they must be considered to be compliant. ASIAL and FWO plan to continue to work together in the next round of rate increases, due 1st July 2012, to provide consistent advice to members on rates of pay.
Case Study No. 3 A member called for advice concerning an employee who had resigned with notice after an unsuccessful bid to gain a pay rise. ASIAL advised that the employer ask the employee for the resignation to be provided in writing.The employee never“got around” to providing the written resignation and at
the end of the notice period refused to leave. Eventually the employee claimed that he had been unfairly dismissed stating that he had “withdrawn the resignation” in a meeting with his supervisor. ASIAL represented the member at conciliation and later in arbitration arguing on behalf of the member that Fair Work Australia had no jurisdiction to hear the matter as there was no dismissal. FWA dismissed the employee’s application. This was successful because the employer and ASIAL worked closely together from the outset to ensure that all facts were properly discovered and the employer could always prove that their actions were fair and reasonable.
Case Study No. 4 A member came to us with a unique problem. He had a seasonal contract outside of his home state that would last for about four months – the cessation date was open. He had to supply accommodation for a dozen or more employees, 24/7 coverage, specialised uniforms and equipment, supervision and training – all in a remote area. ASIAL created an Enterprise Bargaining Agreement (EBA) that focused on ensuring all contingencies were covered, a
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reasonable rate of pay and conditions would ensure that he could, not only attract and retain the best possible employees, but importantly win the tender, which he did. Included in the EBA were provisions to deal with disciplinary matters, dismissal, specialised training and uniquely matters which may arise outside of work hours which impact adversely on the business and or the client.
Case Study 5 The employee went home sick on the 18th half way through his shift and supplied a doctor’s certificate giving him from the 18th to the 20th inclusive off and that from the 20th he would then be fit for work. The employee's security license came due to which he only paid for the security guard component of the license. He didn't not want to complete and pay for the crowd control and bodyguard modules which are now a requirement of the work that he performs as a patrol officer. The employer brought in a workplace trainer regularly to ensure that staff were licensed correctly.The employee failed to attend or upgrade his license correctly. The employee came into the employer’s office on the 23rd to apply for indefinite leave for health and license issues. At no stage had a doctor’s certificate been produced to advise of his health issues. On the 27th, the employee came into the office and handed in his resignation. The employer paid out his holiday entitlements but not pro rata long service leave even though the employee had 9 years, mainly as a casual but had more recently become a part timer. Three weeks later the employee produced a doctor’s certificate from a different doctor, which backdated the certificate to the 27th (the date of the resignation) and for a further three weeks. There was no previous evidence of any illness impeding the employee from working. Prior to his resignation, the employee informed other workers that he was going to leave and go back to studying at university. So is the employee entitled to pro rata of his long service or has he "outsmarted" himself and is no longer entitled to it? ASIAL is currently working to bring closure to this case.
The member called to discuss a loss of contract and the possibility of redundancies. After several questions the following facts emerged: • The contract with the client had expired and security services were being provided on a month by month basis. • The client gave the security provider two weeks notice that services would no longer be required. • The client was moving out of the premises and a new tenant was moving in that had no relationship with either the client or the security provider. • The new tenant advised the security provider that they may be interested in security services on a heavily reduced basis, however there were no guarantees and no firm decision could be made before the tenant took up occupancy and assessed their security needs. • Several employees including full time permanents and casuals would be affected by the loss of work. • Some of the casuals had work regularly for several months on a rostered basis. • Opportunities for redeployment were limited and affected by restrictions on individual employee’s ability to travel and/or relocate. ASIAL advised the member on: • The process for dealing with redundancies under the Fair Work Act 2009 and the Award including the requirement • •
• •
to consult with employees affected. Whether the situation fell into the category of ordinary turnover of business. How to develop an objective set of criteria to determine who may or may not be retrenched including a redeployment strategy. The required notice periods and schedule of severance payments. Appropriate letters and communication with employees throughout the process.
In all of these cases we have been able to assist members with comprehensive advice to assist them to deal with difficult, but every day, business issues. In some cases members were charged a moderate fee, in others they were not charged. So – why not call? We are here to help you!
Case Study 6 Note: The information provided above is for convenient reference only. ASIAL and Chris Delaney & Associates Pty Ltd provide this information on the basis that it is not to be relied upon in any or all cases, as the circumstances in each matter are specific. Accordingly, we provide this information for general reference only, but we advise you to take no action without prior reference to an Employee Relations professional. ASIAL members can contact Chris Delaney by emailing
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IS JUST A PHONE CALL AWAY As Australia’s workplace undergoes a period of significant change, keeping up with the latest and most relevant information to manage your day-to-day employee relations issues can be challenging. As the only national employer association exclusively representing the private security industry, ASIAL is able to provide its members with FREE over-the-phone specialist industrial relations advice, and where required representation and advocacy. WHETHER YOU ARE SEEKING: • ADVICE with underpayment of wage claims, Fair Work Ombudsman matters, development of enterprise bargaining agreements, in house training and development; or • REPRESENTATION in disputes before industrial tribunals, Federal Magistrates Courts and in unfair/unlawful dismissal proceedings Professional advice and assistance is just a phone call away. With over 35 years HR and IR experience, ASIAL’s employee relations providers know and understand the issues you face as an employer operating in the security industry. Before making your next employee relations decision, contact Chris Delaney on 1300 1ASIAL or email:
The peak body for security professionals
corporate design: ©2010
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Sarix TI - Thermal Imaging Cameras ■ Pelco by Schneider Electric > +612 9125 9310 ■ Email > ■ Web > Built on the industry leading Sarix platform, with built-in analytics and IP capability, the Sarix TI thermal imaging series sets a new standard as part of a total security solution. Available in both fixed and pan/tilt models, Sarix TI delivers a level of performance and price previously unimagined in a thermal imaging camera system. By combining the best in networked video technology with the latest in thermal imaging science, Sarix TI has resulted in a total product family that is resonating with security professionals everywhere. Sarix TI is a hybrid analogue/IP camera, it is flexible enough to fit into any new or existing system – at a price that fits any budget. Features: PTZ and fixed models • Designed for maximum environmental protection • Capable of IP or analogue video output • 640x480, 384x288, or 160x120 resolution options.
New Tamper Visible Chambers ■ Harcor Security Seals & Bags > 02 9454 4200 ■ Email > ■ Web >
Designed specifically to set a new standard in tamper visible security, Harcor have launched the TEC range of security chambers. Before the development of TEC (Tamper Evident Chamber) only a Seal on a security bag would show signs of tampering. The chambers breakout points are designed to fracture if tampered with. This shows a clear sign of tampering on the chamber. We’ve created a range of different TEC chambers to suit the needs of our clients. These chambers all include Harcor’s patented “Fracture Safe” design. For additional information on reusable tamper visible bags and chambers please visit
Digital Sentry ■ Pelco by Schneider Electric > +612 9125 9310 ■ Email > ■ Web > Flexible IP VMS for mainstream security applications With full-featured DS NVs video management software, the convenience and assurance of a robust network video recorder (NVR), analog camera support via optional direct-attached or network video encoders, and support for hundreds of IP cameras, Digital Sentry (DS) offers the flexibility and convenience of a video management system optimized to drive HD, IP, and hybrid recording from one highperformance platform.The Pelco Mobile™ app enables users to view video from IP or analog cameras attached to Digital Sentry systems and video directly from Sarix™ cameras from virtually anywhere using Apple® iOS® and Android™ mobile devices. • Pelco Mobile adds convenience • Requires Digital Sentry v.7.3.54 or later; Sarix v.1.7 or later • Apple is a registered trademark of Apple Inc. • iOS is a registered trademark of Cisco • Android is a trademark of Google Inc.
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Inner Range Rack Mount Enclosure ■ For more information contact: ■ Web > ■ Web > Inner Range has released a universal Rack Mount Enclosure designed for use with its Concept and Integriti system hardware. Featuring a truly universal design that allows virtually all Inner Range System Controllers or LAN modules to be installed into a 19” rack equipment cabinet without restricting critical access to cabling, termination of connections or access for commissioning and maintenance purposes. Flexible installation options allow the rack mounted drawer to be configured to meet a vast array of specifications, allowing mix & match installation of System Controllers, Universal Expanders, Relay Cards, Access Control Modules, Input Expanders, UniBus Expansion Cards, Multipath Communications Devices and up to 4 Doors of fully Intelligent Access Control. Inner Range Melbourne:
New Generation in Vehicle Tracking ■ simTRAC > 1300 002 413 ■ Email > ■ Web > simTRAC enabled tracking devices will change the way you manage your service and field staff.View your fleet and track mileage; even receive email alerts when a vehicle enters a specific location. simTRAC installation includes low cost of entry and no lock in contracts. Once installed, you begin tracking from the web-based interface, your iPhone or a tablet device. simTRAC is an innovative product from the Acorn Software Group and simPRO, developer of one of the leading Australian - based Job Management software solutions. When combined with simPRO, you have a total solution to service your customers’ business needs. Track, monitor and record the movements of your entire fleet 24 hours a day, seven days a week!
Smartphone Control for Concept 3000/4000 Systems ■ For more information contact: ■ Web > ■ Web > Inner Range has released a WEB interface kit designed to provide convenient control of Concept Security Systems via any web browser. It is optimized for use on portable smart touchscreen devices such as iPhones, iPads, Android Mobile Devices and Tablet PC's, but can be used on any device with a WEB browser application. Smartphones can be used to remotely control Concept Security Systems from anywhere in the world.There are no additional apps to install or purchase – simply use your devices existing web browser.The user screens are intuitive and provide a simple user-friendly layout that is very easy to use. The Concept WEB interface provides Multi-User login, Arming & Disarming of Security Areas, Locking & Unlocking of Doors, Control of Home Automation Devices and viewing of system reviews events.
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Adam’s AD11V Metal Detector ■ UniGuard Management & Security > 1300 1333 66 ■ Email > ■ Web > The Adam’s AD11V is a high powered, highly sensitive metal detection unit which comes with standard audio/visual alarm facility, but with the added ability, via a two-position rocker switch, to switch the detector to either standard or discreet mode. This feature has proven very useful when working in a noisy environment or if the operator wishes to conduct a search procedure, while keeping eye-contact with the subject being scanned. The AD11V comes with a 12 month manufacturer warranty and has a 0.1g sensitivity mass. A single 9V alkaline battery should provide with approximately 400 hours of operational time.
Introducing Kenwei’s new Touch Screen Video Intercom Room Station ■ Central Security Distribution > 1300 319 499 ■ Email > ■ Web >
Compatible with all Kenwei 4 wire Residential and Apartment intercoms, Kenwei’s new 7” touch screen produces an exceptional colour image on up to 8 Video Stations and through its distributor supports up to 4 door stations on one system. Featuring selectable display skins and available in black or white, the 702TC will excite the most stylish customers. Speaking of features; the 702TC boasts date and time display, do not disturb and direct dial to any of the 8 room station. Adding the 36 Event on board memory, programmable tones and 2 independent relay outputs as standard makes this door station an absolute gem.
UniGuard Long Range RFID Guard Tour Logger ■ UniGuard Management & Security > 1300 1333 66 ■ Email > ■ Web > A no-touch guard tour system which can be picked up from a long range and provide continuous monitoring of staff whilst they carry on with their work. The UniGuard Long Range RFID Logger can read simple 2.4G active RFID tags which require no wiring or expensive equipment. All which is required is two screws into a ceiling or wall. No wiring necessary! The active tags come with a high power lithium battery inside.They have an operational battery life of about three years or even longer.The device itself also comes with an impressive storage capacity of over 50,000 patrol records!
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ASIAL Certified Security Monitoring Centres*
Current as at: 1 June 2012
Company (short form name)
Australian Security Industry Association Limited
Cert. No.
09 Mar 2013
28 Feb 2014
ARM Security
10 Mar 2013
ART Security
30 Oct 2012
Calamity Monitoring
20 Mar 2014
Central Monitoring Services
21 Mar 2014
Commonwealth Bank of Australia
24 Sep 2012
Energize Australia
16 Jun 2012
Golden Electronics
17 Oct 2012
Grade One Monitoring
13 Feb 2014
Grid Security Services
18 Mar 2014
GSS Asset Management
31 Oct 2012
Instant Security Alarms
29 May 2013
Insurance Australia Limited (operating with Insurance Australia Data Centre)
17 Jan 2014
ISS Security
25 Nov 2013
Linfox Armaguard
08 Aug 2012
Mekina Technologies
16 Aug 2012
NSS Group
07 May 2014
08 Oct 2012
Paul-Tec Australia
28 Feb 2013
Protection Pacific Security
31 July 2012
RAA Security Services
12 Dec 2012
Secom Australia
14 Dec 2013
Sectrol Security
19 Aug 2013
23 Nov 2013
04 May 2014
ADT Security Allcare Monitoring Services
Securenet Monitoring Services
Security Alarm Monitoring Service
18 Jun 2014
Security Control Room
06 May 2013
Sesco Security
03 Jun 2013
SMC Australia
07 Dec 2013
SMC Australia
16 Dec 2013
SNP Security (Newcastle)
17 Aug 2013
SNP Security (Sydney)
13 Aug 2012
28 Dec 2013
State Government Protective Security Service
22 May 2014
Westpac Banking Corporation
19 Mar 2014
Woolworths Limited
04 Nov 2012
*The above-listed ASIAL Certified monitoring centres comprise those establishments that have been inspected and graded for compliance with the applicable Australian Standard: AS 2201.2 – 2004. PLEASE NOTE: ASIAL takes no responsibility for listed companies which may change the nature of their operations subsequent to Certification.
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Security 2012 25-27 JULY 25-27 July 2012 Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre, Darling Harbour
Security 2012 Conference Bayside Level 2 Wednesday 25 July 2012
AUGUST VIC Industry Breakfast Briefing Thursday 23rd August 2012 Quality Hotel Batman's Hill on Collins 623 Collins Street Melbourne 3000
OCTOBER Security Industry Leadership Program
Security 2012 Cocktail Reception Bayside Terrace Wednesday 25 July 2012 6.00pm to 7.30pm Security 2012 Gala Dinner Doltone House, Jones Bay Wharf, Pirrama Road, Pyrmont Thursday 26 July 2012 7.00pm to 10.30pm Security 2012 Exhibition 25 – 27 July 2012 Wed – Thu 9.00am to 5.00pm Friday 9.00am to 12.00 noon
23-25 October 2012 Macquarie Graduate School of Management Talavera Road (Opposite the M2 - between Herring and Culloden Roads) Macquarie Park NSW 2113 2013 Australian Security Industry Awards for Excellence Nominations open 1st October 2012
2013 Security Industry Leadership Program 19-21 February 2013 Melbourne Business School 200 Leicester Street Carlton VIC 3053 2013 Australian Security Industry Awards for Excellence Dinner 2nd May 2013 Park Hyatt Melbourne
To find out more register online or email
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