NMI Issue 1, Jan2011 Call to A Fresh Commitment

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NnamdiMeriam Ikpe Newsletter

Call to a Fresh Commitment 1-01-11


“Love the LORD your God with all your heart, and with all our soul and with all your strength…” As the year ends people take stock of the passing year and set goals for the New Year. But what is the standard for both the stock taking and the setting of goals. Love for God is the only authentic and reliable parameter by which we can truly measure ourselves. Did I really love God with all my heart in the past year? How did my motives, thoughts, actions, speech, etc reflect a genuine love for God? In my relationships with people, did I reflect love for God by treating them with real love? How can I go on in the New Year with a heart that loves the LORD with an undying love? As we set goals for the New Year, let us start at the proper place. With the gift of the New Year, let us also accept the call to a fresh commitment to the LORD himself; to love him with our whole being is the only appropriate act of gratitude for the favors we receive. The call to a genuine commitment is a costly discipline which could bring tension and questions but it also brings peace, maturity and stability. Loving God demands that we make a commitment to developing and nurturing an undying intimacy with him, for love can neither be given nor received from afar. Through the Word and prayer, we can nurture such intimacy with the LORD which will set our whole being on fire with love for the Living God. We reflect our love for the LORD best as we live daily like him and for him in a hurting world desperately in need of HIM.

Inside this issue: Give thanks to the Lord


Our sincere appreciation to you


Journey with us


“Give thanks to the Lord, call on His name; make known among the nations what he has done.” (Ps. 105:1) The year 2010 was a great proof of God’s overflowing love, grace and faithfulness. We had diverse experiences, both pleasant and unpleasant but in the midst of them all the Lord sustained us. As we look back to the past year, we see every reason to give glory to God. And we are sure you also have reasons to praise him. Let us extol the Lord for his great love, faithfulness and goodness. The Lord is good and his love endures forever. He has brought us into another year, a gift from the Lord.

Praise to the Lord for his steadfastness and faithfulness. Join us to praise God for the following highlights of 2010: 1. Nnamdi’s Graduation from the MDIV program

2. Meriam’s past ministry with Asian Theological Seminary (ATS)

3. Meriam’s present ministry with Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship (IVCF)

4. Our ministry of preaching and teaching (Millions For Christ Missions)

5. Our union in marriage

Our sincere appreciation to you... We acknowledge that you have journeyed with us throughout the past year. Accept our sincere appreciation for you played a great part in our lives and ministries. You have encouraged us with your gifts of love and prayers.

Journey with us... As we begin this New Year, we ask for your continued prayer and support as we follow the Lord, especially in the ministries to which he has called us. We will continue to have you in our hearts and prayers. We pray that God’s abundant favor will continue to follow you and your family.

Journeying with you, NnamdiMeriam Ikpe Mobile Nos: (63) 927 754-2712 Nnamdi (63) 915 1990149 Meriam Email: nnamdimeriam@gmail.com cnnamdikpe@yahoo.com meriam.ruth@yahoo.com

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