NMI Issue 0, Dec2010 A Christmas Greeting - His Birth is Our Life

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December is a very month busy for most people – celebrations here and there; shopping and wrapping of gifts; preparing and cooking sets of menu for Christmas; extending patience for heavy traffic or queuing up the long line at the grocery stores, ATM machines, etc. ; attending to visitors. In one way or the other, many of us exhibit extraordinary efforts in preparing for December, especially for Christmas. This is the picture of Christmas which most of the world knows. As we celebrate this Christmas, may we pause and reflect again on the reason for the celebration. Christmas is all about Jesus Christ, God’s greatest gift to the world. The birth of Jesus Christ means life for us, life as never before known by humans. Of him it was written, “Surely he took up our infirmities… he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed.” He came that we may have life, and have it to the full. The One we are celebrating lived and died for others. What better way to celebrate Christmas than in a genuine commitment to live like Jesus himself who lived and died for others? May this Christmas be a time to reaffirm our commitment to living as Jesus did, both in word and deed. And let us continue to give the best gift we can ever give – spreading the Word of Christ’s salvation to a hurting world.

Love, NnamdiMeriam Ikpe cnnamdikpe@yahoo.com meriam.ruth@yahoo.com (63) 915– 1990149 (63) 927– 7542712

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