Team HBV Collegiate Chapters Semester Report 2012 Spring

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Team HBV Semester Report

Spring 2012

Table of Contents pages

I. Collegiate Chapter News 3 II. Collegiate Chapter Semester Reports 4-34 Brown University 4-5 Cornell University 6-7 De Anza College 8-9 Harvard University 10-11

MIT 12-13 Northwestern 14-15 Rice University 16-17 San Jose State University 18-19 Stanford University 20-21 UC Berkeley 22-23 UC Davis 24 UCLA 25-28 UCSD 29 University of Chicago 30 University of Nevada, Las Vegas 31-32 University of Washington 33-34

III. Executive and Advisory Board Contact Lists


IV. Special Thanks 39

Team HBV Collegiate Chapters, Asian Liver Center at Stanford University |


Collegiate Chapter Update Introducing:

We are the Team HBV at the University of Pittsburgh and we were just approved last week as an official club on campus. Because we were just approved, we have not done any projects or events but look forward to doing so in the upcoming semester. Short term goals: ● Recruit members at the beginning of the Fall 2012 semester ● Fill all officer positions since right now we only have 3 positions filled ● Have at least 2 events in the Fall 2012 semester: tabling and a fundraising. Long term goals: ● Since this will be our first active year, we need to see if Team HBV will be sustainable with enough interested members on campus, ● I’d also like to see the chapter get involved with the PittMed APAMAS who have a community HBV screening clinic. --Cathina Nguyen | President, Team HBV at University of Pittsburgh

SPRING 2012 | 3

Event Descriptions 4/2/2012 Brown University

Dr. Carol Lewis on Refugee Health in Providence

Team HBV hosted a talk and dinner with Dr. Carol Lewis, founder of the Refugee Clinic at Hasbro’s Children Hospital. Dr. Lewis spoke about refugee health issues and burdens in Providence and what the clinic does to take care of refugee families. Dinner was provided for students who attended. Target: students

4/11/12 Brown University

Free Brownies from Team HBV

4/28/12-4/29/12 Providence

Booth at the Laotian New Years Celebration

5/10/12 Chinese Christian Church of Rhode Island, Providence

Chinese Christian Church of Rhode Island Health Fair Presentation

Team HBV gave out free brownies to students in between classes. We spoke to students who stopped by our booth about Hepatitis B and Campaign Hep B. Laptops were provided at the booth so students could sign the petition. Target: students At the Laotian New Years Celebration, Team HBV shared a booth with APAMSA. We spoke to community members about Hepatitis B and encouraged them to get tested. We passed out Team HBV brochures and Jade ribbon bracelets. Target: Community members Partners: The Laotian Community and APAMSA

Team HBV partnered with APAMSA at a health fair held at the Chinese Christian Church of Rhode Island. Team HBV gave a presentation about Hepatitis B to community members and also passed out Team HBV brochures. Target: community members. Partners: The Chinese Christian Church of Rhode Island and APAMSA

Reflections This semester, Team HBV at Brown held successful campus events and also made greater efforts to reach out to the Providence community. Our event with Dr. Carol Lewis was well publicized and we had a successful turnout. Dr. Lewis’ not only spoke about Hepatitis B, but also opened our eyes about the health issues facing the refugee population in Providence. We gathered signatures for Campaign Hep B at Dr. Lewis’ talk and during our free brownie giveaway event. Later in the semester, we placed an emphasis on community outreach by working with the Laotian community and Chinese community of Providence. We were able to speak to the Laotian community at their New Year festival and passed out numerous brochures. In addition, we gave a presentation at the Chinese Christian Church of Rhode Island to raise awareness about Hepatitis B. Next semester we will continue to work with APAMSA to further reach other groups in Providence. In addition, we will be working on our Hepatitis B screening project.


SPRING 2012 | 5

Event Descriptions 3/3/12 Duffield Hall – Cornell University

4/21/2012 Helen Newman – Cornell University

Asia Night

Organizations with Asian-interest gathered together and display what their organization has to offer and advertised our upcoming badminton tournament and got people to sign up for our listserv. Target: Anyone looking to join an Asian-affiliated organization (freshmen mostly) Partner: CAPSU (Cornell Asian Pacific-Islander Student Union)

Badminton Tournament

A badminton tournament which included elements of education throughout the tournament, when the teams were not playing. Partner: B-Aware

4/23/12-4/27/12 Cornell Campus


Educated passerbys on the dangers of Hepatitis B and collected signatures for HepB petition. Partner: B-Aware


The past semester went swimmingly. I have faith that the next eboard will do well. Throughout the past year, I learned that an organization with the objectives like us must not be too small – many of the activities that we may engage in are more effective with more manpower. Yet at the same time, a closeknit team is definitely a plus.


SPRING 2012 | 7

Event Descriptions 03/03/2012

Freeze Mob Event

With sticker tattoos, bracelets, and three minutes of freezing, our De Anza Team HBV Chapter was able to captivate the attention of many spectators in front of the Cupertino Library. Chapter members, high school volunteers, and friends all helped from 10am to 12 pm by holding an outreach table, in which we gave out Hepatitis B surveys testing people’s knowledge of the virus, and then informing them more of what they need to know to be safe, aware, and make sure that they were tested. The event was published on La Voz, De Anza College newspaper, and World Journal, the biggest Chinese newspaper in America. Target: Local residents Partner(s): Asian Liver Center at Stanford University, High school TEAM HBVs.

05/30/2012 De Anza College

06/23/2012 Sunnyvale Middle School

Free Screening Event

Description : De Anza TEAM HBV held a free HBV testing event on campus, and patients who got tested got a free pearl milk tea. We had 123 patients get tested and had the event successfully published on La Voz, De Anza College newspaper, and World Journal, the biggest Chinese newspaper in America. Target: students and community Partner(s): Asian Liver Center at Stanford University

Relay for Life Campaign

De Anza TEAM HBV set up an information booth to educate the community. On our table, we had bracelets and brochures spread out ready to be handed out to people. We had people to sign a huge banner with empowering messages of hope. Target: Parents of Sunnyvale Middle School Partner(s): American Cancer Society


Reflections Starting as a newly established collegiate chapter in the winter quarter, we aimed at promoting the awareness of hepatitis B in the community, fundraising and recruiting more people to participate in Jade Ribbon Campaign. More residents in Bay Area got the chance to learn about hepatitis B from the outreach booth and freeze mob event this March, and by publicizing our event we learned more awareness can be generated through the mass media. At the end of May, we provided 123 people with free hepatitis B testing, so we plan to hold similar events regularly and make more people aware of the significance of hepatitis B testing. We also held several fundraising events and gathered enough fund for bigger events in the future. As a community college chapter, recruiting members required certain efforts throughout the two quarters, and based on our experience, we will focus more on the new students in De Anza College to improve our chapter. With the new officers elected in May, we believe that Team HBV at De Anza will hold more events and bring public health awareness to more people in the future.

SPRING 2012 | 9

Event Descriptions 2/29/12-6/10/12 Greater Boston

Community Outreach: Classroom-Based Health Education Initiative

Presented tailored educational curriculums on hepatitis B prevalence, risks, severity, prevention, etc. using visuals on posters and handouts and hosted table outside classrooms with those posters displayed; distributed educational flyers and brochures. Venues: (1) Harvard Chinatown Citizenship Classes, (2) ESL classes at the Asian American Civic Association (AACA), (3) CollegeBound Dorchester, (4) Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center (BCNC), (5) Boston Chinatown Evangelical Church (BCEC), (6) Vietnamese American Civic Association (VACA). About one presentation or post-survey event a week. Reached out to over 250 immigrants and members of the Asian-American community. Documented survey data showing improvements in hepatitis B understanding post-education. Collaborated with the Harvard Chinatown Citizenship program, the AACA, CollegeBound Dorchester, the BCNC, the BCEC, and the VACA. Received assistance from volunteers of Team HBV at MIT and the Hepatitis B Initiative of Boston for various events.

1/28/12 Tet Festival in Boston 2/12/12 Quincy Lunar New Year Festival in Quincy

4/2/12 Jade-colored cookies in all dining halls on campus

Community Outreach: Tabling Initiative

Tabled at the Tet Festival and Quincy Lunar New Year Festival. Distributed the “Know HBV” and other informational pamphlets and talked with members of the local Asian-American communities about hepatitis B while hand out balloon animals and treats to children. Reached out to about 300 community members. Collaborated with Team HBV at MIT and the Hepatitis B Initiative of Boston for both events.

Hepatitis B Awareness Week at Harvard

Served jade-colored cookies to over 5000 in all the dining halls with informational placards to explain the significance of the cookies. Daily emails were also sent out over various email list servers on alternating days with information on hepatitis B. Tabled in front of the Science Center to pass out informational handouts on hepatitis B. Reached out to over 150 people who answered a survey at our table 4/3/12 – 4/5/12 regarding this information. Held a hepatitis B plushie-making workshop in Tabling in front of the conjunction with the Hong Kong Society for over 30 people. HBAW was featured Science Center in Harvard’s undergraduate newspaper The Crimson. Actively promoted Campaign Hep B at all events and all board members actively recruited family 4/5/12 and friends for participation in the campaign as well. Plushie-making workshop Reached over 6000 students in Winthrop House Collaborated with Hong Kong Society and The Crimson


4/7 Sever Hall, Harvard

The Jade Forum

Ongoing at Harvard

Campus Screening Initiative

Presentations and discussions led by hepatologist Dr. Arthur Kim (Director of the Viral Hepatitis Clinic at Massachusetts General Hospital), Mr. Dan Church (Massachusetts Adult Viral Hepatitis Prevention Coordinator), and Dr. Hannah Lee (Director of the Asian-Pacific Liver Wellness Program at Tufts Medical Center on topics ranging from current research on hepatitis B to the status of the viral hepatitis problem in both the United States and the state of Massachusetts. About 30 students and community members attended. Collaborated with Team HBV at MIT and the Hepatitis B Initiative of Boston, and co-sponsored by the Harvard Premedical Society, Harvard Hong Kong Society, and the Harvard-Radcliffe Chinese Student Association. Currently in the process of setting up a campaign to target students born outside the US or of Asian descent for free screening and vaccination at the university clinic. Will collaborate with the university’s international students office and various student groups.


This past spring, Team HBV at Harvard focused on expanding its community education initiative. While our tabling initiative was restricted by the number of community festivals held in the local Asian community, we decided to significantly expand our classroom-based health education initiatives. We encountered difficulties finding consistent partnering organizations but were able to collaborate successfully with CollegeBound Dorchester, the Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center (BCNC), the Boston Chinatown Evangelical Church (BCEG), and the Vietnamese American Civic Association (VACA). To prepare for our expanded classroombased health education initiative, we recruited and retained around 10 volunteers, many of whom were fluent in another language. On campus, we continued to expand our presence with another successful Hepatitis B Awareness Week (HBAW). Our jadecolored cookies and accompanying informational placards received many positive feedbacks, and we were able to consistently recruit signers for the petition. The Jade Forum received a good turnout, but we hope to expand future years’ audience to include more members who are not affiliated with Team HBV or other hepatitis B groups. This summer, we will continue to implement the campus screening initiative, which, due to many unforeseeable and uncontrollable delays, has yet to launch. Hopefully, the screening initiative will launch in time for fall’s member recruitment drive.

(Top):Board social, 2.17.2012 (Left):Placard from the jadecolored cupcakes (as part of HBAW). (Right):Plushiemaking workshop (as part of HBAW). (Bottom Right):Quincy Lunar New Year Festival tabling.

SPRING 2012 | 11

Event Descriptions 2/10/12 Massachusetts Asians and Pacific Islanders for Health (MAP for Health), Boston, MA 3/5/12-3/9/12 Lobby 10, MIT Infinite Corridor

3/10/12 MIT campus

4/7/12 Sever 113, Havard Yard

5/5/12 MAP for Health

Youth Group Virus Plushies and Screening

Team HBV members set up a make-your-own-virus-plushie event at a youth group with MAP for health, and offered free screening for Hepatitis B next door Target: Members of the MAP youth group that evening Partner(s): MAP for Health, Quest Diagnostics

Hepatitis B Awareness Week Lobby 10 Boothing

Team HBV members set up a student booth in Lobby 10, a commonly traveled area on the way to classes, sold baked goods with jade ribbon icing, sold make-yourown-plushie kits, and handed out Hepatitis B pins. Also provided information about Hepatitis B and Team HBV to interested passersby. Target: General MIT community

Spark Teaching: Viruses and Epidemiology

Team HBV exec members participated in the Spark program, which allows volunteer teachers to teach a class on any topic for one day. Two sections were taught, one for middle school and one for high school. Middle school section focused on basic virus knowledge and epidemiology and included interactive simulations, while the high school section went deeper into viral biology and applications of viruses to research. Target: Middle school and high school students participating in the Spark program Partner(s): MIT ESP (Educational Studies Program)

Jade Ribbon Forum

Three speakers were invited to speak at Harvard about Hepatitis and public health related topics, as a culmination to Harvard’s Hepatitis B Awareness Week. Target: General public Partner(s): Harvard Team HBV, Dr. Arthur Kim, Dr. Hannah Lee, Dan Church

Screening Event at MAP for Health

Team HBV exec members from MIT and Harvard held a free screening clinic at MAP for Health Target: Chinatown residents, especially members of a church who were given an education session earlier in the day Partner(s): MAP for Health, Team HBV at Harvard, Quest Diagnostics


Reflections Overall, MIT Team HBV met its goals of continuing to establish itself as a student group and introducing its presence to campus and the community. Our chapter successfully obtained official recognition and funding as a student group at MIT. We held our first General Body Meeting and held an end-of-the-year study break to increase student body awareness of our group. We also held screening events with our community partners MAP for Health and Quest Diagnostics, while still collaborating with Harvard Team HBV. One of our main goals for the upcoming semester is to recruit new members for our chapter, and establish a stronger presence on campus.

SPRING 2012 | 13

Event Descriptions 4/30/12

Bake Sale

An event to promote Hepatitis B Awareness Week as well as fundraise for the

In front of Kellogg School club. We were able to produce a net profit of $67 of Business Attendance rate: 80-100 Budget: ~$30

5/3/12 Plex west basement lounge

5/6/12 Blomquist Gym

Movie Night / Game Night

Hosted a screening of the short film “Across Qinghai�, a documentary about how children in Qinghai received a free series of vaccinations to protect them against Hepatitis B and the benefits of general awareness and education. Afterwards, we had a small social/discussion about the movie and played board games. Attendance: 15

Basketball Game / Social

Hosted a basketball tournament as a promoter for our new club. Attendance: 12


Reflections Seeing as how we only recently started a chapter of Team HBV at Northwestern, I feel that we are only at the initial state of becoming a structured organization. We were able to get rid of most of the kinks in our club this last quarter and hopefully with the incoming freshmen, we’ll be able to recruit more members into our club.

SPRING 2012 | 15

Event Descriptions 03/12/12 –03/21/12

Weeklong Tabling – Hepatitis B Awareness Week

Rice Memorial Center Grand Hall Lobby, Rice University

Volunteers set up a booth in the Grand Hall Lobby to pass out hepatitis B freebies and disseminate general facts about the disease. Target audience:Students, faculty, and visitors of Rice University Partners:Chinese Student Association and Rice Pre-Medical Society


Fortune Cookies with HBV Facts – Hepatitis B Awareness Week

All Campus Serveries, Rice University

03/15/12 Rayzor 123, Rice University

03/19/12 Anderson Bio Lab, Rice University

03/21/12 Rice Memorial Center Grand Hall, Rice University

We distributed 600 customized fortune cookies ( with HBV facts inside in all campus serveries during dinner time. Students responded to the cookies well, and some tables started conversations about HBV. Target audience: Rice students Partners: Chinese Student Association and Rice Pre-Medical Society

The BIG Study Break – Hepatitis B Awareness Week

This was a three part study break intended to make learning about HBV fun: balloon campus awareness, hepB plushie Making, and screening of Another Life. Target audience: Students, faculty, and visitors of Rice University Partners: Chinese Student Association and Rice Pre-Medical Society

Guest Speakers on Public Health and Health Disparities – Hepatitis B Awareness Week

Dr. Norman Sussman and Dr. Charles Phan from Baylor College of Medicine jointly spoke about hepatitis B and how it affects different groups in society. Target audience: Students Partners: Chinese Student Association, Rice Pre-Medical Society, and Baylor College of Medicine

Hepatitis B Benefit Concert ft. Tim Be Told and Rice Students – Hepatitis B Awareness Week

To end Hepatitis B Awareness Week, we held a Hepatitis B Benefit Concert featuring musical guests Tim Be Told. Rice’s very own Nocturnal and Jessica Walker opened for them. Guests checked in at a hepatitis B info desk and were able to learn about HBV and donate to the Texas Liver Coalition. Target audience: Students and Houston area Partners: Chinese Student Association, Rice Pre-Medical Society, and Kollaboration Houston.


April Rice Memorial Center Grand Hall Lobby, Rice University

Campaign HepB Tabling

Volunteers recruited students, faculty, and visitors to sign the Campaign HepB Petition. Target audience: Rice Community Partners: Chinese Student Association


Team HBV at Rice was established within the Rice Chinese Student Association in Fall 2011. This semester, we expanded our collaboration to the Rice Pre-Medical Society, and we co-hosted Hepatitis B Awareness Week (HBAW) at Rice. HBAW was our only goal for this semester and we were able to really bring campus visibility to the disease through all the events and campus media, which had an emphasis on fun learning. Unfortunately, we were only able to garner a hundred or so signatures from the Rice community for the Campaign HepB Petition since it came too late in our semester and after our HBAW. Team HBV at Rice will continue to fall within the Chinese Student Association next year under new leadership, but we hope that it can become a free standing chapter the year after. We hope to continue garnering interest in the club and reach out to the community.

SPRING 2012 | 17

Event Descriptions 03/13/12 SJSU Student Union


Hep B Workshop

Our VP of Community Outreach, Emerson Turgano, designed activities to introduce other students to HBV and Team HBV’s goals on campus. Target: Students Partner(s): Alpha Phi Omega

Hep B Awareness Week

On Tuesday and Wednesday, we handed out candy giveaways with a tag stating a fact about HBV (eg. “The HBV vaccine is regarded as the world’s first anti-cancer vaccine.”) to promote our free BBQ on Thursday. There, we spoke to students about HBV and Campaign Hep B, obtaining about 200 signatures for the health petition. Target: Students, faculty/staff, SJSU community

E-Board (L-R: Samantha, Hai, Hana, Emerson) 18 | TEAM HBV SEMESTER REPORT


Reflections As a new chapter, our main goal had been to establish ourselves on campus and complete all the steps required by our school’s student organization office. Finding new members was a difficult task, considering that spring semester is not a time of much recruitment compared to fall semester. Our hope is that the new E-board will develop recruitment ideas over the summer break that will translate to a larger turnout for the next introductory sessions. Another project our chapter will focus on is running the AACI HBV Clinic in San Jose. This will be a huge opportunity for our members to actively reach out to the community.

SPRING 2012 | 19

Event Descriptions 02/13/12 – 03/16/12 Vaden Health Center, White Plaza

Screening Initiative Program (SIP) 2012

Following the success of last year’s SIP in promoting the free Hep B screening provided by our student health center, our chapter further developed this incentivebased program to target high-risk Stanford students. We offered free boba, LIveRight bracelet and entry to an Amazon gift card raffle to all those who received the screening within the duration of SIP. Along with posting flyers with Hep B facts around campus, these motivating efforts led to over 125 students screened. Target: All Stanford students with a focus on Asians, Graduate and International students Partner: Vaden Health Center, Stanford Asian Student Organizations

Cubberley Auditorium

Listen to the Silence (LTS) Workshop: Catching the “Silent Killer” in the API Community

04/30/12 – 05/04/12

Hepatitis B Awareness Week (HBAW) 2012


At an annual Asian American issues conference, our chapter held a 75-minute workshop featuring Arcadi Kolchak (Policy Aide of Santa Clara County) and Thomas Quigg (Biological Sciences Lecturer at SJSU). This session explored the cultural and political issues behind this health disparity, with a focus on the recent efforts by Congressman Mike Honda. Target: College students interested in Asian American issues Partners: Asian American Students’ Association (AASA) at Stanford University

Our chapter enjoyed remarkable success with our 3rd annual Hepatitis B Awareness

Stanford University Cam- Week. Featuring 1000 jade balloons, guest speakers, free Hep B swag and jade pus cookies, our chapter thoroughly raised awareness on our campus through HBAW 2012. Target: Stanford students Notable partner: Vaden Health Center, Copy Circle

05/05/12 White Plaza

A Message from KevJumba about Hepatitis B

Our chapter, with the assistance of A-board and Asian Liver Center, was able to film a short PSA featuring KevJumba, a prominent Asian American comedian and YouTube celebrity. This video is currently gathering views on YouTube and will hopefully serve as a catalyst for Hep B awareness through social media. Target: Everyone, especially all YouTube viewers Notable partner: Team HBV National Advisory Board, Asian Liver Center, Asian American Students’ Association (AASA) at Stanford


05/26/12 Plaza De Cesar Chavez Park, San Jose

Future Roots Festival Tabling

Our chapter collaborated with Team HBV De Anza to table at San Jose’s first annual Asian Pacific American Heritage Month Street Festival. Featuring free Hep B-related prizes, we educated many high-risk individuals that attended the event. Furthermore, we were able to promote a free screening event held at De Anza College. Target: Asian residents of San Jose Notable partner: City of San Jose

Reflections During this past semester, Stanford Team HBV continued to establish itself as a force in Bay Area health advocacy and API wellness, which were the major goals of the 2011-12 academic year. Our chapter formed the necessary connections with campus, county and state leaders to put together an array of projects that ultimately educated and screened our targeted high-risk communities. By creatively utilizing the resources that we have, Stanford Team HBV has paved the way for largescale and impactful endeavors in the near future. We expect to use this foundation to ensure that our whole community understands the importance of learning their Hepatitis B status.

SPRING 2012 | 21

Event Descriptions 02/12/2012 Classroom Presentations SF Chinatown 02/16/2012 Dwinelle Hall, UC Berkeley 02/18/2012 Oakland Chinatown

02/27/2012 Upper Sproul, UC Berkeley

03/17/2012 Pauley Ballroom, UC Berkeley 04/20/2012 Minna Gallery, SF 04/16/201204/21/2012 UC Berkeley Campus

Members gave informational presentations on hepatitis B to students from a Chinese school in SF Chinatown as well as students from UC Berkeley’s Asian Pacific American Theme House. Presentations consisted of a short lecture followed by an interactive Q&A session to fully engage students in learning the information. Quizzes taken before and after these presentations showed improvement and Team HBV will continue these presentations to gauge long-term effects. Target audience: Students of high risk communities Community partner: APATH

Chinatown Postering and Flyering

For one of our more established events, members went to Oakland Chinatown to post fliers about hepatitis B around local businesses and restaurants. Over the course of 2 hours, we covered the span of about 10 blocks and spoke to various individuals about hepatitis B. As always, this event concluded with a dim sum social at a local restaurant. Target audience: Oakland Chinatown community Community partner: Used Hep B Project screening facilities

Spam Musubi Fundraiser

Members made and sold spam musubi (spam+rice wrapped in seaweed) to raise funds for the upcoming HepB Awareness Week. Along with selling the musubi, we also handed out Know HBV brochures and answered questions about hepatitis B and Team HBV. Target audience: UCB students Community partner: none

Tabling and Networking at API Events

Team HBV members tabled at two API events--one was UCB’s Asian Pacific Islander Issues Conference (APIICON) and the other was a networking event at the MOSAIC Artist Preview Show in SF. Both events provided opportunities for Team HBV to speak with other organizations with the purpose of forging partnerships for future collaborations as well as educating others about hepatitis B. At the MOSAIC event, a representative was permitted to make an announcement regarding the campaign petition that was going on at the time. Target audience: local API community Community partner: AsianWeek Foundation

Hepatitis B Awareness Week

For one week, Team HBV at UCB held a variety of events to collect signatures for the campaign petition as well as raise awareness of hepB on campus. Activities throughout the week consisted of a mob freeze, tombstone and tape sculpture displays, hepB plushie sales, free irises, and continuous tabling and flyering. The week was a success as we sold out of plushies and collected over 400 signatures. Target audience: UCB campus and community Community partner: None


Reflections This semester, UCB focused on expanding the club in terms of membership and number of campus/ community outreach events. We definitely succeeded in adding more events (classroom presentations) that hold potential for continuation in the future, though there were a few collaborations that are still only in the preparations stage. In terms of membership, we increased the number of bonding events and socials and as a result, gained a more loyal and enthusiastic membership. For the future, we would like to continue all current projects as well as furthering our outreach into the community and planning and carrying out a larger scale outreach project, such as a HepB Walk or concert.

SPRING 2012 | 23

Event Descriptions 04/25/2012



To get the quarter started by promoting the club, educating students, and recruitment. Target audience: Students at UC Davis


Davis Volunteer and Service Fair


05/21/201205/24/2012 Quad

The event is a fair held on campus aimed to promote various on and off campus clubs and non-profit organizations. The goal of the fair is to promote service in the community. Aside from promoting the club and educating attendees, we hoped to recruit interested students. Target audience: General audience (students, faculty, Davis community) Community Partners: ASUCD

Hepatitis B Awareness Week

To educate the general public and promote awareness about hepatitis B, in addition to promoting campaign hep B. Brochures, balloons, and plushie materials were distributed as a part of the weeklong event. Target audience: The general public

Reflections Through the events we’ve held this semester, we’ve learned that plushie making is very popular with the students here. We’ve held plushie-making workshops before, but this time, we’ve decided to make a kit for students. The main purpose for this is convenience and time efficiency for us and also for students, especially those who cannot make it to events. In the kits, we also do some promoting by including information about hepatitis B and about our club. As with the previous semester, the main goal was to try to recruit interested members. Although the events were successful, there was not much improvement seen in recruitment. This has been a tough and lingering problem for our chapter.


Event Descriptions Thursdays (weekly since beginning of Fall Qtr) UCLA Pfleger Liver Institute


Shadowing a Hepatologist - Dr. Steven-Huy Han

In order for members to gain a better understanding of the treatment aspect of hepatitis B, we implemented a shadowing program thanks to the Dr. Han at the UCLA Pfleger Liver Institute. Through this program, students have been exposed to patients and have gained a greater understanding of liver problems and how to interact with patients. We hope to partner with other physicians to expand this program in the future. Target: Team HBV at UCLA members Partner: UCLA Pfleger Liver Institute

UCLA Campus

Campus Seminar for Vietnamese for Community Health


Campus Seminar for Pilipinos for Community Health

UCLA Campus

4/20/12 UCLA De Neve Auditorium

We held an HBV education session for college students from Vietnamese for Community Health (VCH), a health community service club dedicated to providing health services for the Vietnamese population in the Los Angeles area. We presented via PowerPoint, Q&A session, and Know HBV brochures were distributed. Target: Undergraduate college students Partners: Vietnamese for Community Health

We held an HBV education session for college students from Pilipinos for Community Health (PCH), a health community service club dedicated to providing health services for the Filipino population in the Los Angeles area. We presented via PowerPoint, Q&A session, and Know HBV brochures were distributed. Target: Undergraduate college students Partners: Pilipinos for Community Health

HBAW B Free Concert

We hosted our 3rd Annual B Free Concert on UCLA campus to promote HBV awareness to our college community and provided free dim sum dinner during intermission to the audience. The concert consisted of live performances by various student and professional groups and guest presentations by medical students of UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine on the basics of hepatitis B and alternative medicine interventions for treatment of hepatitis B and liver cancer. Pre- and postknowledge HBV questionnaires were given to audience members to evaluate the improvement in knowledge after the concert. Target: UCLA students (undergraduates, graduates, etc.) Partners: Medleys acapella, Association of Chinese Americans Lion Dance, Poongmul Korean Cultural Drums, Synthesis Contemporary Dance, MSIII and MSIV medical student guest speakers, Asian Pacific Liver Center, The Fung Brothers Comedy Duo

SPRING 2012 | 25

4/27/12 UCLA Bruin Plaza

4/16/12 UCLA Bruin Plaza

January - May 2012 Los Angeles

4/28/12 Chinatown, Los Angeles

2/11/12 Temple Intermediate School, San Gabriel, CA

HBAW Bruin Plaza

An HBV Awareness Event in which we set up a signboard for students to sign their names on and to pledge “I Won’t B Silent!” (also the theme of our button/ pin this year). We also had a photobooth display in which students took photos with the display (HBV viruses flying away amidst clouds--symbolizing eradication) and used props that we had on the side. There was also a table with computers so that students and staff could sign our IOP petition. We also put on a freeze mob, where a lot of our officers and members held up posters relaying HBV facts while remaining motionless, only to switch positions after each minute. Lastly, we sold HBV plushies to fundraise for our cause. Target: Students, faculty/staff Partner: Nursing Students @ UCLA

Dim Sum Fundraiser

This fundraiser was held in Bruin Plaza, in the center of UCLA. We purchased Dim Sum from a local restaurant in China town at a discounted price, and sold to students, faculty, and anyone else who happened to pass by. Our target audience was the UCLA students as we were trying to recruit more members for Team HBV. There were no notable performance groups or community partners.

Asian Pacific Liver Center Screenings

We have been continuing to volunteer at free hepatitis B screenings to encourage community members to get tested and learn their status. Events include: Westminster, Lunar New Year Festival, Hsi Lai Temple, UCC, Thai New Year Festival, and Buddha’s Birthday. Target: Chinese, Korean, Thai Partner: Asian Pacific Liver Center

Asian American Tutorial Project

During this new collaboration event this year, we educated students of Castelar Elementary School about hepatitis B. We taught them about the hepatitis B virus, transmission, screening, and prevention and played fun, educational games with them following the presentation. Target: Elementary school students grades 1-6 Partner: Asian American Tutorial Project

Project WILD

We held the annual HBV education session for students from Project WILD, a community service club dedicated to tutoring students in San Gabriel. We used series of interactive activities, including posters and games, to teach and quiz their knowledge. Jade ribbons were used as incentives and Know HBV brochures were distributed. Target: Students from kindergarten through 8th grade from San Gabriel, CA Partner: Project WILD


2/9/12 UCLA Learning Resource Center

Guest Presentation by Two MS4s

Two fourth-year medical students from the David Geffen School of Medicine, Michael Cheng and Tony Hung, taught our members at a general meeting about the pathophysiology of HBV and the approach of integrative east-west medicine to diagnose and treat diseases. Members also received the opportunity to look at real liver specimens and compared a healthy liver to a cirrhotic one as well as to another with full-blown liver cancer. Target: Team HBV at UCLA members

Reflections Team HBV at UCLA made great strides this third year to build on annual events, such as HBAW B Free Concert and Bruin Plaza Festival, Project WILD Elementary School Seminar, and Asian Pacific Liver Center screenings, and more importantly, on coordinating new projects, such as weekly UCLA hepatologist shadowing opportunities and additional campus and community educational seminars. Membership retention improved immensely with 20-40 members at general meetings throughout the year. We not only met our goals of establishing continuity of club members and of annual events with campus and community partners, but in implementing and coordinating new programs for our members. Although we were unable to complete the planning this year in order for members to work with the Asian Pacific Liver Center of Los Angeles to make follow-up calls to Vietnamese-speaking positive HBV carriers, our work will continue into next year and we have confidence that we will be able to continue collaborating with Vietnamese for Community Health at UCLA to bring forth this follow-up call system. Overall, Team HBV at UCLA has only become a tighter-knit family and will continue to renew and build relationships with its community to better HBV awareness.

SPRING 2012 | 27


Event Descriptions 4/23/2012 – 4/26/2012 UCSD Campus


Hepatitis B Awareness Week 2012

On Day 1 & 2 - covered the school with balloons and little cards promoting HBAW, got signatures for our petition On Day 3 & 4 – Hep Free San Diego conducted survey on barriers to Hep Vaccine access and gave out flyers for free Target: Students Partner(s): Hep Free San Diego (spearheaded by Dr. Robert Gish), Asian Pacific Health Foundation, Pi Alpha Phi, UCSD Wellness Center Advisory Board, UCSD Student Health ServicesPrepharmacy

Wesley Church Hepatitis Screening

Provide Hep B venipuncture test along with the barrier survey Target: Community Partner(s): Hep Free San Diego, Asian Pacific Health Foundation

Reflections I do not think our chapter met our goals. We were still very new this year and had an issue with board cohesion, participation, and dedication. We were hoping to be more visible on campus this year and partner with several organizations. We also wanted to host a fundraiser during spring quarter. However, due to time constraints, and several of the organizations we planned to partner with cancelling on us last minute, we were unable to fulfill many of the plans we had made for the quarter. One thing I want to work on next year is making sure that our board is a cohesive unit. Rather than simply having board members return without applying or making an effort to get to know one another, I am working with the new co-presidents to create an entirely new board. I am hoping to have this done by the beginning of Fall and would like for our board to create a timeline of goals they hope to achieve over the year.

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Event Descriptions 05/01/1205/31/12 UChicago

05/19/2012 UChicago

Hepatitis B Awareness Week at UChicago

For HBAW, we pushed to get signatures from as many people as possible, and we used several tactics throughout the month. We sent out links to the petition through all the listhosts we had access to and brought computers to dining halls to pass around and have people sign. During the week of May 7th, we tabled outside and offered free pocky to people who would sign the petition. Target audience: UChicago students and staff

Summer Breeze Tabling

At Uchicago’s yearly summer carnival event, we tabled and explained the role of Team HBV to interested students and prospective new members. Target audience : Interested students

Reflections This quarter was a transition quarter for us, since I will not be returning next year. We did not end up doing as many activities as I had hoped we would be able to for HBAW, and that is something that I feel we fell short on. However, our board is now well-established as a team, and the new president next year, Grace Park, is extremely enthusiastic and full of new ideas. I have very high hopes that she’ll do a great job next year.


Event Descriptions Hepatitis B Dinner Dialogue

Team HBV at UNLV organized the Hepatitis B Dinner Dialogue to create a network of hepatitis B advocates among API groups in UNLV. Attended by at least 35 student leaders, the dinner dialogue invited Ms. Aurora Wong, Coordinator of the Hep-B Free Las Vegas, as guest speaker. The event gathered all API groups and student organizations with large API membership including Raising Our Asian Rights, Filipino American Student Association, Hospitality Association of Koreans, Chinese Student and Scholars Association, Japanese Student Association, Hong Kong Student Association, Taiwanese Student Association, Tzu Chi Rebel Rangers, Asian Film and Drama Club, Colleges Against Cancer, American Medical Student Association, Association of Pre-Health Professionals-Minority Science Student Program , and Asian Pacific American Law Student Association.

Hepatitis B Rally

On April 19, 2012, Team HBV at UNLV spearheaded the first Hepatitis B Rally in UNLV. In our aim to promote hepatitis B awareness in a fun and informative way, our group took an ambitious yet successful move to enjoin the community through a program of information and lively entertainment. The Rally gathered more than 100 hundred students and non-students demonstrating at the UNLV Amphitheater all in the fight against hepatitis B and liver cancer.

Weekly tabling at the UNLV Student Union

To commemorate HBAW, Team HBV at UNLV tabled at the UNLV Student Union for four Tuesdays in a row last April and May 2012. Members of the group disseminated information on hepatitis B and Team HBV ballers. From this initiative, we have gathered hundreds of signatures for our campaign.

Festival of Communities

The largest community event in UNLV, the Festival of Communities aims to showcase different cultural experiences through food, dance, and music. Team HBV at UNLV in cooperation with the UNLV Student Health Center, set up a booth throughout the entire day. Our team helped the staff of UNLV Student Health Center to educate and encourage students to have their hepB screenings. We also distributed Team HBV ballers at the event and Team HBV sticker for the kids.

Rebel Relay for Life

One of the successful events nationwide, the annual Relay for Life gathered almost all student groups around UNLV all in the fight to eradicate cancer. Team HBV at UNLV tabled at the event and participated in their activities.

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Reflections Team HBV at UNLV is relatively new in this network and the group believes that we have met most of our goals this semester. Our commitment to promote hepatitis B and liver cancer not only in UNLV but also in the community may be exemplified by our visibility in all campus activities. The Rally, a rather ambitious event, was successful in terms of engaging the student community to be informed about this deadly disease and to further encourage them to be screened and immunized. This semester also showed how we have expanded our network of hepatitis B advocates by organizing the hepatitis B dinner dialogue. All in all, it was a great experience for all of us as we gear towards more innovative ways to raise hepatitis B awareness. Our group will explore more inventive ideas for fund-raising in the next semester and we intend to do that with a robust membership. We hope to strengthen our membership as we continue to further reach out to the community.


Event Descriptions 05/01/12-05/11/12 Throughout UW Campus

05/07/12-05/11/12 Red Square of University of Washington

05/11/12 Gowen Hall at University of Washington

05/17/12 Hall Health at University of Washington

Little People Big Message Did You Know Posters

Over 100 (8x11 and 15x30) LPBM posters modeled by 15 UW student leaders were distributed and hung up inside restrooms and bulletin boards in buildings all around campus as part of our HBAW. Target: UW students and faculty members Partner(s): UHELP, Minority Association of Pre-Health Students, Chinese Student Association, Vietnamese Student Association, Lambda Phi Epsilon, UW Prepharmacy

Tabling for Hepatitis B Campaign

We have sold over 30 Hepatitis B viral plushies ($2 each) , $50 worth of Pi Alpha Phi’s pineapple lemonade at $1 per cup, gave away over 50 Hep B campaign button pins, 50 Jade ribbons, 30 bags of candy for wearing green (in support of Jade Ribbon Campaign) and collected over 100 signatures. This was also in effort of HBAW. Target: UW students and faculty members passing by Red Square Partner(s): Pi Alpha Phi and Lambda Phi Epsilon

Free PizzaNite: Hepatitis B in Asian Americans

We had three guest speakers and served pizza. Dr. Chia Wang, an infectious disease specialist, educated us about an ongoing Hep B research she is conducting in a lecture style. Nicole Kim and Eric Sid, second year UW medical students, educated students about their involvement in Hepatitis B and did an informal Q&A for interested pre-med students regarding pre-med pathway. Target: Asian Americans and pre-health students (30-40 attendees) Partner(s): Asian Pacific Islander Medical Student Association (APAMSA)

UHELP Education

We were invited by University Health Education Leadership Program (UHELP), a student group dedicated to promoting health wellness to UW population, to give a presentation about Hepatitis B and Team HBV during their meeting so we went and gave a PowerPoint presentation. Target: Peer Health Educators (20 attendees) Partner(s): University Health Education Leadership Program (UHELP)

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Reflections For the spring semester, we aimed to increase active membership, network with other UW student organizations, and increase our presence on UW campus. We have accomplished those goals to a sense. We made connections to various student organizations through LPBM Did you Know fliers. Also from those fliers, balloons, tabling on campus, we have create a stronger presence of Team HBV on campus. During Hepatitis B Awareness Week, some of our members really came through to help us in our efforts to meet our goals and we have recruited new members. For next semester, we hope to increase active membership by attending the Student Activity Fair at the beginning of the school year, creating more Team HBV events that require volunteers and team bonding events. We would like to give more presentations throughout campus by reaching out to more student organizations. We will push for more community outreach opportunities by networking with various organizations such as Chinese Information Service Center, International Community Health Services, churches and schools.


Contacts Executive Boards Brown

President Chelsea Xu Vice President Cherilyn Tran VP of Campus Outreach Jennie Yoo VP of Community Outreach Sean Maroongroge Fundraising Chair Tram Bui VP of Administration Jessica Fang VP of Finance Julio Ma


President Dennis Liu VP of Campus Outreach Chris Zheng VP of Community Outreach Andrew Huang VP of Recruitment & Training Dominique Thomas VP of Administration Linda Wu VP of Finance Jessica Lin

De Anza

President VP of Campus Outreach VP of Community Outreach VP of Recruitment & Training VP of Administration VP of Finance


President Executive VP VP of Campus Outreach Co-VP of Community Outreach Co-VP of Community Outreach VP of Finance and Administration VP of Advocacy Freshman Representative Freshman Representative Freshman Representative Freshman Representative President Emeritus President Emeritus

Jiyoon Suh Tianhua Zang Maily Ramos Priyanka Kulkarni Jia Yang Sean Ho Le Huang

David Yang Hurnan Vongsachang Jimmy Meixiong Matthew Yung Carol Tran Daniel Kim Jean Shiao Brandon Sim Olive Tang Rhed Shi Jennifer Chen Jenny Chen Francis Deng SPRING 2012 | 35


President Sasha Targ VP of Community Outreach Charles Hsu VP of Recruitment & Training Rebecca Shi VP of Administration Quynh Nguyen VP of Finance Jiyeon (Judy) Baek


President VP of Campus Outreach VP of Community Outreach VP of Recruitment & Training VP of Administration VP of Finance

Charles Lin Jeongwoo Choi Christine Gou Lucy Liu Christopher Oh Joshua Chang Joy Le Grace Chan


President Christine Sun VP of Community Outreach Ariel Chen VP of Recruitment & Training Nicholas Tiee VP of Finance Jessica Ma


President VP of Community Outreach VP of Administration VP of Finance

Samantha Delapena Emerson Turgano Hai Duong Hana Martucci


President Christopher Paiji VP of Campus Outreach Catherine Lu VP of Community Outreach Grace Huh VP of Recruitment & Training Christine Chang VP of Administration Dylan Kim VP of Finance Mai Nguyen

UC Berkeley Co-President Ellen Ong Co-President Erica Chan Co-VP of Campus Outreach Alvin Chan Co-VP of Campus Outraech Stephanie Cheng Co-VP of Community Outreach Gerry Zhang Co-VP of Community Outreach Katie Chou VP of Recruitment & Training Janice Oh VP of Administration Edward Tanudjaja VP of Finance Sophie Cheng 36 | TEAM HBV SEMESTER REPORT

UC Davis

President VP of Campus Outreach VP of Community Outreach VP of Administration VP of Finance

Weeney Chan Annie Dinh Vann Luong Kristine Taing Michelle Huang


President Alina Wong VP of Campus Outreach Sam Kim VP of Community Outreach Alana Taniguchi VP of Recruitment & Training Jennifer Chao VP of Administration Emily Weng VP of Finance Vincent Tse VP of Publicity Alvin Li


President Natasha Chan VP of Campus Outreach Vera Lee VP of Community Outreach Blake Tsu VP of Recruitment & Training Eric Wei VP of Administration Avanthi Hulugalle VP of Finance Crystal Chen VP of Internal Affairs Jessica Luu

University of Chicago

President Meng Wu VP of Campus Outreach Frank Qian VP of Community Outreach Grace Park VP of Recruitment & Training Dora Lin VP of Administration Elliot Lu VP of Finance Amisha Gandhi VP of Publicity Ruiyang Yi Webmaster Claire Quang

University of Nevada, Las Vegas President VP of Campus Outreach VP of Community Outreach VP of Recruitment & Training VP of Administration VP of Finance

Gideon Agaton Sterling Fung Pamela Maranan Tharit Manoi Jami Vallesteros Natashca Kotte

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University of Pittsburgh President VP of Campus Outreach VP of Administration

Cathina Nguyen Justin Dutta Nancy Shi

University of Washington

President Connie Chon VP of Campus Outreach Tammy Lee VP of Community Outreach Gabrielle Paras Charlene Long VP of Recruitment & Training Yuri Mun VP of Administration Julie Yang VP of Finance Nikki Armstrong

Advisory Board

Name Email



Co-Chair Jen Yang



Co-Chair Phillip So



Outreach Adviser Chelsea Xu



Recruitment & Training Adviser Gerry Zhang



Web & Media Adviser Andrew Liao



ALC Liaison Hamin Kim 650.566.8860


ALC’s Outreach Coordinator Diana Ngo


Special Thanks The Asian Liver Center at Stanford University

... And all its wonderful staff and interns for continuing to support our collegiate chapters throughout the years with educational materials and outreach kits, with invaluable advices and examples, and for helping to plan the 2nd annual conference.

The Advisory Board

... For doing such a fantastic job of mentoring and encouraging every chapter executive boards, for creating Team HBV website and internal site, and among countless other responsibilities, including helping to plan the second annual conference.

The Ping and Amy Chao Foundation

... For helping to sponsor the 2009 Inaugural Team HBV Collegiate Chapter Conference, enabling us to share our experiences nationally and internationally, and for the $2000 Thanksgiving Points Challenge award, which has helped unify our chapters and made further educational outreach efforts this semester possible.

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