ASIS nov16_ASIS_RiskUK_jan16 11/11/2016 16:52 Page 1
Newsletter NO. 4 – 2016
ASIS NEWSLETTER OF THE YEAR – WINNER 2015, 2013, 2012, 2008 & 2003 – HONOURABLE MENTION 2011, 2006.
ASIS UK outstanding member achievements! Dear Colleagues The Chapter continues to grow and flourish with our training, education, networking and all-round excellence reinforced and well recognised within ASIS HQ and the industry at large. The change management program has taken far longer than expected but is reaching a fine crescendo with serious progress being made. This will be seen in the Chapter Board and Committee structure, our vision for 2020 (see what I did there), education strategy, new sponsorship menu and enhanced offering for our existing and new sponsors as well as significant changes coming for our website, social media and administrative support activity. All of these changes and much more should be available to us in time for the December AGM and seminar to gear us up to be ready and able to trail blaze throughout 2017. Our Treasurer Bruce Braes continues to keep us on financial track and our Company Secretary Chris Brogan continues to keep us out of jail. The importance of these two roles in any organisation really cannot be underestimated and without the support of these two chaps, the Chapter would not be in the excellent shape it's in. They are not often recognised for their work which goes on behind the scenes, mainly keeping the Board in check but I hope the photographs below can help you recognise and thank them at the AGM. Awards season! It was a fantastic late Summer and early Autumn for ASIS UK and it seems awards season has started early and many ASIS UK member's trophy cabinets will now be full to bursting and it was a double whammy for ASIS UK
Mike Hurst receiving his President's Award for Merit from David Davis CPP, the ASIS President. Vice Chair Mike Hurst. Mike attended the ASIS International Conference in Orlando and whilst there was surprised to receive the President's Award for Merit in recognition of his work as a volunteer leader for the UK Chapter and Europe. Mike works tirelessly for us and although he is well recognised for his efforts here, it is testimony to his work ethic and tenacity that he is receiving recognition and high praise from ASIS HQ. With Mike Hurst receiving his much deserved President's Award for Merit The ASIS UK Chapter Newsletter was also recognised by ASIS HQ in what is now a regular feature of appearing in the winner's enclosure of the ASIS Newsletter awards. The ASIS UK Newsletter received an Honourable Mention which I can only assume is US speak for “we can't let them Brits win every year”. Special thanks to Mike and his editorial team of Helene Carlsson, Jade Davies and Sharon Haye for their stirling efforts in making the ASIS UK newsletter such a popular and highly professional read (despite my contributions). I'm pretty sure next year will be our turn again, if
not an ASIS award, I'm pretty sure a Pulitzer prize won't be far off. It was a double whammy for ASIS UK member Professor Martin Gill who is fast becoming the Real Madrid of ASIS UK! Martin received the President's Award for Merit at the ASIS conference for his many years of work in the field of security education, his service on the Board of the ASIS Foundation and the setting up of the OSPAs. The ASIS UK Board nominated Martin for the esteemed Association of Security Consultants’ Imbert Association Prize; he was judged to be the winner by the ASC judging panel and the award was very much deserved. It later transpired that Martin had also been nominated by the BSIA, IPSA and the Security Institute! This is testimony to the incredibly high esteem Martin is held in by his peers right across the UK security industry and I am delighted and honoured that Martin is an ASIS member, he is a credit to our organisation and sets an incredibly high standard for us all to aim for.