Aspire Magazine Sneak Peek - Oct/Nov 2014 with Louise Hay

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Heartfelt Gratitude to the SACRED SPONSORS I am honored to introduce you to an extraordinary gr sharing their gifts and empowering others to thrive in

Find Your Purpose & Give Birth to Your Big Dreams!


Maintain Courage in Those Pesky Moments of Self-Doubt!

O1 VIDE ctive rspe t pe se? Wha u choo o y o d

Laura Clark, CSC, CCR, CPIA, CIA, CDC

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Maryellen De Vine

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Claim your FREE Purpose & Passion Guidebook and a SPECIAL AUDIO BONUS

In this content-rich eGuide, you’ll learn: ★ How to overcome the 4 most common obstacles to finding your mission in life. ★ The #1 secret to success. (This is not for the faint-hearted!) ★ The 6 super-clear steps to finding and LIVING your purpose. ★ How to make your BIG dreams a reality! Stacey Curnow Purpose & Success Coach


6 | October / November 2014




On the Cover

Wisdom & Self-Growth

Louise Hay Internationally renowned author, speaker and inspirational teacher and founder of Hay House.

20 LOVING AND NOURISHING YOURSELF TO GREAT HEALTH by Louise Hay At 88 years of age, I can say that health and happiness are the most important tenets of my life. Many of you who have read my books know that I didn’t have an easy childhood, nor any of the advantages of money or education for much of my life. Then I discovered the one thing that changed the course of my health and my life: the belief that every thought we think is creating our future. This one little idea shifted the direction of my life. I found that if I could create peace, health, and harmony in my mind, I could create the same in my body and in my life.

8 | October / November 2014

24 LIVE ON PURPOSE: ARE YOU LIVING ON PURPOSE OR HIDING IN FEAR? by Stacey Curnow You know you don’t belong in your job any longer. Sure, it puts food on the table and keeps a roof over your head, and with the economy the way it is, you should probably feel grateful for having a job at all, but you wonder… Could you make it on your own? Could you take the leap and be your own boss? Believe in yourself, because regardless of what anyone says, you can create and live the life of your dreams.

CONTENTS 28 LIVING THE GODDESS LIFESTYLE: THE GIFT OF FEAR – A NEW PERSPECTIVE ON THAT B*TCH NAMED FEAR! by Lisa Marie Rosati One of the most empowering choices you can make is to stop living in a state of fear. Fear robs you of the present moment, which is all you really have anyway. There are so many ways that fear rears its ugly head in our lives. There’s the fear of failure, the fear of not being enough, the fear of being judged, and so on. If allowed to run amuck, fear will paralyze you and your ability to live full out. Fear originates with your thoughts. Buying into the thought and allowing it to stop you, is up to you… it’s your choice. YOU get to choose!

“Do you think courage means being fearless? Or daring? Courage, real courage, is taking three steps when it terrifies you.” CATHERINE ANDERSON

31 THE ONLY MAP YOU’LL EVER NEED (FOR EVERY DREAM YOU HAVE…) by Boni Lonnsburry What if I told you I had a map that would turn thoughts into gold, sadness into joy, failure into success and loneliness into love? Would you follow it? Of course you would! Who wouldn’t? Manifesting reality is a result of what you think and feel. How important is it that you reach your dreams? If not so important, stay where you are, but don’t be surprised if you don’t get anywhere. However, if you are serious about creating your dreams, the map to a delicious life can get you there. One step at a time.

35 THE UNIVERSE IS CALLING YOU… ARE YOU LISTENING? by Sara Wiseman All day long, in every single moment, the Universe is communicating with us. When we’re busy, not paying attention or caught up in the various dramas of human life, we don’t always hear this quiet whisper. That’s because the Universe doesn’t speak to us in the language of the world. Instead, it communicates in the language of the soul. When we allow the Universe to lead us in this way we can receive the message clearly.



20 ARE YOU LISTENING TO YOUR DIVINE GUIDANCE SYSTEM? by Mal Duane How many times have you gotten a “funny” feeling that something wasn’t right? You can’t put your finger on it, but there is this gnawing sensation that keeps distracting you. You dismiss it at first but it keeps coming back. Say hello to your intuition. Many of us don’t understand the power of our intuition. Intuition is like our own built-in radar system, an innate sense of knowing without any reasonable explanation that something doesn’t feel right. Open your connection to your divine intuition and receive the messages you really need to know.



20 BECOMING FEARLESS: LEARN HOW TO WALK IN YOUR POWER by Mary E. Pritchard, Ph.D. 2013 was the year of being hit across the forehead with a Cosmic 2x4. The hits kept coming so fast and furiously, that I finally told the Universe, “Bring it on!” And, of course, it did. Be careful what you wish for…The real revelation came when a woman I had only met once Facebook messaged me out of the blue. Her message was simple and to the point: “Why aren’t you walking in your power?” I invite you to walk in your power and offer several tips and journaling prompts to help you begin your journey to empowerment. | October / November 2014

24 CIRCLE UP: WHEN WOMEN COME TOGETHER WE CAN CHANGE THE WORLD by Shann Vander Leek Women have been coming together in community for centuries. While the origins of women’s circles are ancient, their lessons are as modern as the women who participate in them today. Saying yes to a transformational woman’s circle rocked my world and positively impacted me and my family on many levels. Learn what you can expect when you say yes to circling. up


This magical life is not somewhere over the rainbow. It’s right in front of you. Rainbows can teach us so very much. Their colors, their shapes and their symbolism hold vast wisdom and messages for all of us. We only have to be curious and take the time to hear these messages, understand them and have the courage to act upon them. Dorothy finally understood this and then she took bold action ~ she clicked her heels together not knowing what was to come but knowing she had to take this fearless action to get back home.

“Do you think courage means being fearless? Or daring? Courage, real courage, is taking three steps when it terrifies you.” CATHERINE ANDERSON

31 LISTENING TO THE GUIDANCE OF OUR HEARTS by Debra Reble, Ph.D. Groundbreaking research shows that our hearts have their own unique intelligence that reflects our true essence or higher self. Mystics, great leaders, and healers have long known that the heart center is the gateway to wisdom and wellbeing. When we listen to our heart, we live with passion and purpose. We feel a sense of alignment with our higher selves. We begin to realize that full selfexpression is not equivalent to the job we do, the roles we play, or how successful we are in the world…It’s so much more.

35 HOW TO MAKE FEAR YOUR ALLY by Lynn Robinson Fear is a constant companion when we’re going through challenging times. It can seem virtually impossible to stop the “what ifs” in our head once they begin to terrorize us. While it’s normal to be afraid on occasion, taken to an extreme, fear will leave you paralyzed and unable to change your situation. I invite you to learn how to embrace your fear and change your life.



“Let’s don’t wait forever for our lives to start. Let’s begin them ourselves. Let’s be fearless for once and say, we can do this.” CAMMIE MCGOVERN

Health & Wellness

20 THE FOUR LEVELS OF INTUITION by Simone Wright Learning to develop and trust our intuitive intelligence is more important now than ever before. The only guidance system we need to assist us in living our best life is the wisdom held within our natural intuitive intelligence. As you become familiar with The Four Levels of Intuition, your rapport with this natural form of intelligence will grow, evolve and expand no matter what the rest of the world is telling you to do. With the direct guidance of your own wisdom you can navigate any situation with a sense of joy, ease and great satisfaction.


40 THE BODY-MIND CONNECTION: DIGESTIVE HEALTH AND YOUR BRAIN by Heather Dane Have you ever had a gut feeling? Or felt butterflies in your stomach? If so, then you have experienced the gut-brain connection. Research is showing that if you want to improve your moods, memory, and brain function, look to the health of your gut. In other words, what you eat matters. Your gut is responsible for how you feel, how you act, what you focus on, whether you sleep or not, your overall health, and your overall enjoyment of life. When you take care of your gut, you take care of your body, mind and spirit. | October / November 2014

44 THE WISE WOMAN WAY: FEARLESS LIVING by Susun Weed Is it possible to live fearlessly? My mentor Elisabeth KublerRoss was very fierce with her when it came to feelings. In fact, she only allowed for five: love, joy, grief, anger, and fear. But only fear of heights, fast motions, and loud noises. She taught me that our true selves are fearless, bold and passionate. Come with me to explore several ways you can begin to live fearlessly.

CONTENTS Relationships

48 TRANSFORMING YOUR RELATIONSHIP: FEARLESSNESS: THE IRONIC KEY TO HAPPINESS! by Stacey Martino If you are not currently happy with any area of your life it’s because you are NOT living fearlessly in that area of your life. Pain is just the universe telling you that you need to GROW here. Personal growth and a magnificent life REQUIRES you to live fearlessly. You need to continually break through your current comfort zone into your next one to experience true happiness. Practice being fearless. You’ve got this!

“Think about what made you happy as a child and rediscover it. It’s who you were meant t0 be.” CAROLYN FRITH

51 THE FIVE BEST GIFTS TO GIVE YOUR FAMILY by Margaret Paul, Ph.D. When we think of giving gifts, we usually think of things to buy for people. Yet, if you think back on gifts you’ve been given, it might not be the material gifts you received that are foremost in your mind – it might be the kind of gifts that deeply touched your heart and soul. It might be various ways people expressed their love to you. Learn about the five gifts of love we can give to our families that can make a huge difference in their lives.

Career | Business 56 THE ENERGY OF HAPPINESS by Christy Whitman Throughout our entire lives we all construct notions of what happiness means to us, refined through shared experiences with lovers, children and friends. Meanwhile, at the same time we are forming our own ideas often influenced by ready-made definitions of happiness that we receive from the media and popular culture which at some level we feel compelled to accept. With so many conflicting viewpoints about what happiness is, is it any wonder that so many find it difficult to attain? So, is it possible to “choose” happiness? You bet.


CONTENTS 61 FEARLESS WRITING: WHAT I LEARNED FROM MY 5 YEAR OLD SON by Lisa Tener Fearlessness: Boldness, Courage, Pluck. We often mean these words when we talk about fearlessness. We don’t necessarily mean “without fear” but more something like, “Feel the fear and do it anyway.” We may know that acting boldly has its rewards, but so much of the time, we choose to live in the safe zone, don’t we? And this can be true of our writing, or any creative aspects of our lives, as well. My young son helped me realize the importance of wandering into uncharted territory with my writing. Thanks to his creative expression, I’ve come to understand that fearless writing is the only way to write.

“Find a bit of fun and laughter in every situation. it inspires the best in each of us.” JANET NESTOR



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14 | October / November 2014

Maintain Courage in Those Pesky Moments of Self-Doubt!

Laura Clark, CSC, CCR, CPIA, CIA, CDC

Click here for your Free Courage Creation Kit Gain �on��en�e� ��e� �or�ar� an� Gain More Joy in Your Life.

Sacred Journey Gift Package Deepen Your Connection with Your Inner Priestess for Life & Biz Success

Your Kit Includes: • 10 Sacred Audios • eWorkbook

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Maryellen De Vine



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Stacey Martino helps people who feel stuck, frustrated and helpless with the challenges of intimate relationship. Through strategic private coaching, programs and events for her Relationship Transformation System™, individuals learn to use her proven strategies and tools to create an unshakable love and unleashed passion that lasts a lifetime. Stacey firmly believes that it does NOT take two to tango, that one person can significantly shift the dynamics of the relationship. Trained and certified by Tony Robbins and Cloe Madanes, Stacey is a certified marriage educator and divorce preventionist.

Passionista Lisa Marie Rosati is an Inner Goddess Catalyst for women and the Creatrix of The Goddess Lifestyle Plan. Lisa mentors women on how become a Modern Day Goddess by consciously designing a luscious Goddess life, cultivating radiant health and creating a lucrative business using and directing their feminine fire.



Stacey Curnow helps women find and live their purpose. She left behind a 20-year career as a nurse-midwife, helping women give birth to babies, to help you give birth to your BIG dreams. You can sample her work by reading The Purpose and Passion Guidebook: 6 Steps to Doing Good, Feeling Good and Achieving Your Dreams which you can claim on her website. It will inspire you to tap into your deepest desires, claim your true value and identify your soul’s work in order to live your best life.

An award-winning authority on writing and publishing books, Lisa Tener guides you to joyfully express yourself in writing. She blogs for the Huffington Post, serves on the faculty of Harvard Medical School’s publishing course, and teaches her own Award Winning Book Writing Courses in person and by interactive teleseminar.

Transforming Your Relationship

Live Your Purpose

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The Wise Woman Way

Susun Weed is an internationally renowned herbalist, author, and director of the Wise Woman Center in New York. She is a revered voice of the Wise Woman Tradition, where women’s bodies and women’s emotions are valued. Susun is a founding grandmother of the herbal renaissance and the originator of the concept of complementary medicine.





















”Nothing can dim the light which shines from within.” MAYA ANGELOU

Welcome to the October/November 2014 Fearless Living Issue Creating a fearless and magical life is about choosing to experience each day with curiosity, courage and boldness. Fearless living holds a different meaning for each of us. For some it’s about feeling adventurous and unencumbered. For others it may be a sense of creating, relating and living without attachment to a particular outcome. The simple truth is that LOVE trumps fear, every time. Throughout this issue you’ll find the wisdom, tips and resources to help you kick fear to the curb and claim your dreams. Aspire Magazine is honored to welcome Stacey Curnow, founder of Midwife for Your Life to the Aspire Magazine family of Expert Columnists with her new column Live Your Purpose. Stacey is dedicated to supporting and empowering women to find and live their purpose.

Connect with me! om/ http://www.Facebook.c lindajoyinspires

This is a very special issue for me personally. Louise Hay has played a pivotal role in my life and journey over the last twenty-four years and I know I’m not alone. Louise is a virtual mentor to hundreds of thousands of women around the world through her work and transformational message. It’s an honor to have Louise grace the cover once again. Grab a cup of tea or a glass of wine and enjoy the powerful articles, empowering wisdom and supportive resources offered by our expert columnists and featured guest contributors.


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LINDA JOY Publisher & Editor-In-Chief |

Here’s What I’m Reading Right Now...


Loving Yourself to Great Health: Thoughts & Food – The Ultimate Diet By Louise Hay, Ahlea Khadro and Heather Dane Another powerful book by Louise Hay, co-written with two of her personal healers, and filled with empowering insights, resources and tools to help you embrace a life of radiant health. I’ve been enjoying a sneak peek of the manuscript but don’t worry Loving Yourself to Great Health will be released on October 7th so be sure to grab your copy today.


Bring Your Book to Life

with National Book Writing Coach Lisa Tener

22 | October / November 2014


“If you choose to be fearless, then be fearlessly authentic not an imitation of someone you envy.” Shannon L. Alder

Read Online!

Embracing Transitions as

ation m r o f s n a r T f o s d Perio BY DEBRA REBLE, PH.D.

Transitions—intense periods of discovery, selfhealing, and personal transformation—can catalyze the release of patterns, the resolution of grievances, and open space for new possibilities and spiritual growth. From a spiritual point of view, a person’s life is a constant series of transitions: changing jobs or careers, suffering from and healing an illness, beginning or ending relationships, having a baby or facing a death in the family, and initiating or completing creative projects. Moving through life from one transition to another without resistance, avoidance, or energy blocks allows us to open to these new possibilities and develop spiritually. Read the full article online


l Live & Virtua



Loving and Nourishing Yourself to

Great Health A


t 88 years of age, I can say that health and happiness are the most important tenets of my life. Many of you who have read my books know that I didn’t have an easy childhood, nor any of the advantages of money or education for much of my life. Then I discovered the one thing that changed the course of my health and my life: the belief that every thought we think is creating our future. This one little idea shifted the direction of my life. I found that if I could create peace, health, and harmony in my mind, I could create the same in my body and in my life. My recently released book, Loving Yourself to Great Health: Thoughts & Food—the Ultimate Diet, co-authored with Heather Dane and Ahlea Khadro is not about the latest trend or fad. It’s about how to craft a life that will nourish and support you. It’s about all the ways you can love yourself more. It’s about ancient healing wisdom that will work for your busy life. And it’s about learning that you matter. Somewhere in all the stress, noise, and to-do lists, there is still space for you. You’ll learn how to find that

24 | October / November 2014

space so you can feel good now and long into your future.

What I Believe ife is really very simple. What we • Lgive out, we get back. Every thought we think is creating our future.

a thought, and a thought • Itcanis beonlychanged. I believe this is true for your health, too.

every so-called illness in • Woure create body, and we have the power to change our thoughts and begin to dissolve it.

eleasing resentment and negative • Rthoughts will help dissolve even the most “incurable” health conditions.

you don’t know what else to • Wdo,henfocus on love. Loving yourself

makes you feel good, and good health is really about feeling good.

hen we really love ourselves, every• Wthing in our life works, including our health.

Loving Yourself to Great Health is a love story. It’s about loving yourself as a way to create health, happiness, and longevity. Yes, you will learn tips, menus, recipes, affirmations, and exercises that have worked to keep me healthy, vibrant, and strong throughout my life. But more than that, your heart will be

There are moments in your life when one decision forever changes the trajectory of your future. My pivotal moment is an Autumn day about twenty-four years ago, when as a single welfare mom, I picked up a copy of Louise’s “You Can Heal Your Life”. Little did I know that Louise’s words, wisdom and powerful sharing would serve as the catalyst that would set me on a path of healing and selfdiscovery—a path that continues to this day. Since then, I’ve read every one of Louise’s books along with over four hundred more personal and spiritual development and success books. As my healing journey continued to unfold, I was divinely led to birth Aspire Magazine in the winter of 2005. My soul inspired intention was to create a publication and publishing company dedicated to providing content that would inspire women to live deeper, more authentic and inspired lives. Today, Aspire and her sister brands serve over 42,000 women plus 16,000 social media fans... All because of Louise’s empowering book. Louise first graced the cover of Aspire in August of 2011 and it’s an honor to once again share her inspirational message. My life came full circle in 2011 when I was invited to attend a private, intimate book signing in New York City for one of Louise’s new books. During our time together, I was blessed to thank my mentor for the impact she, and her extraordinary body of work, has made on my life. As our conversation came to a close, she embraced me and whispered... “Now take what you’ve learned and do the same for others.” And so I do!



Over the years, there have been some key points to my philosophy on life, happiness, and health that have remained timeless. I am going to share them with you right now because they will help set the stage for this book you’re about to read.

Life Comes Full Circle

I have always loved learning new things, and I believe that every hand that touches me is a healing hand. In this way, I have found many wonderful people doing extremely good work, and I often like to share what I’ve learned from them with the rest of the world. As I look back and think about why I feel so good at age 88, I truly believe it’s because of the way I live my life. My thoughts from morning until I go to sleep at night are mostly a stream of positive affirmations. I firmly believe that Life loves me and everything I need comes to me at the right time. I also believe that I am a big, strong, healthy girl! Then I leave it to Life to bring my thoughts into manifestation so that this comes true for me. opened to new ways to love and support yourself on this incredible journey. Over the years, I have taught ways to eliminate the negative thoughts in your mind and to replace them with positive affirmations. To practice forgiveness and to dissolve resentment. To learn to really love who you are. To do mirror work. Those of you who have followed these lessons have seen your lives turn around for the better.

Now it is time for the next step. I have had so many of you say to me, “You look so young and vibrant.” Or, “I want to be healthy like you when I get older.” In this book, I will be sharing exactly what I do. For me, this is the next step in changing your thoughts. It’s changing your way of life to one that focuses on nourishing and treating your body with love.


When you expand your thinking and beliefs, your love flows freely. When you contract, you shut yourself off. Can you remember the last time when you were in love? Your heart went ahh! It was such a wonderful feeling. It is the same with loving yourself, except that you will never leave once you have that love. It’s with you for the rest of your life, so you want to make it the best relationship that you can have. Read Online!

Louise Hay - Louise, the author of the international bestseller You Can Heal Your Life, is a metaphysical lecturer and teacher with more than 40 million books sold worldwide. For more than 30 years, Louise has helped people throughout the world discover and implement the full potential of their own creative powers for personal growth and self-healing. Louise is the founder and chairman of Hay House, Inc., which disseminates books, CDs, DVDs, and other products that contribute to the healing of the planet. Visit | October / November 2014


Affirmations for Loving Yourself to Great Health Health

Loving & Accepting Yourself and Others Look in the mirror and ask yourself: “How can I love and accept you more?” Be open and listen for an answer, a feeling or whatever comes to you. Trust that if nothing comes in this moment, it will come to you at another time. And affirm:

I accept myself and create peace in my mind and heart. I am good enough just as I am. I love and approve of myself. As I forgive myself, I leave behind all feelings of not being good enough, and I am free to love myself. [Your name], I love you. I really love you. I love myself. I am special and wonderful. I love my life. I love this day. It is wonderful to feel the love in my heart. My heart is open, and I allow my love to flow freely. I love myself, I love others, and others love me. I forgive myself for not being the way I want me to be. I forgive myself, and set myself free to be just the way I am. I love and accept myself as I am.

r of Your health and happiness is a mirro m: Affir self. your with your relationship

My sweet and loving thoughts begin my healing journey. I allow the love from my heart to wash through me, cleansing and healing every part of my body. I know I am worth healing. My body is always working toward optimal health. My body wants to be whole and healthy. I cooperate and become healthy, whole, and complete. I now express health, happiness, prosperity, and peace of mind.

Tr ustin g


You can situation ask Life to help . y you, if o Life loves you a ou in any n n and ask ly you’ll ask. Lo d is there for ok Lif the answ e, “What do I n in the mirror eed?” L er, a fee iste lin up. If no thing co g, or whatever n for mes up c be open in that m omes to an an oment, swer co m in time. A nd affir g at a later m:

Life loves me. I trust I observe w things to be wond erfu ith joy as L ife abunda l. n tly support a n d care I know th s at only goo s for me. d awaits m All is well. e at ever Ever highest goo ything is working o y turn. ut d. Out of this situati for my on only good will come. I am safe.


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