Aspire Magazine - Dec 2014/Jan 2015 issue with Stacey Curnow

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In this content-rich eGuide, you’ll learn: ★ How to overcome the 4 most common obstacles to finding your mission in life. ★ The #1 secret to success. (This is not for the faint-hearted!) ★ The 6 super-clear steps to finding and LIVING your purpose. ★ How to make your BIG dreams a reality! Stacey Curnow Purpose & Success Coach


4 | December 2014 / January 2015

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CONTENTS On the Cover

Stacey Curnow Purpose and Success Coach Author, speaker and Purpose and Success Coach Stacey Curnow shares her wisdom and transformational journey. Cover Photo Credit: Catherine Vibert Photography


DECEMBER 2014 | JANUARY 2015 CREATE A LIFE YOU LOVE Wisdom & Self-Growth 20 EXPECTATION HANGOVER LESSONS by Christine Hassler Have you ever put your heart and soul into something and then the outcome you expected did not come true? If you are like me, what happens next is all the good feelings you had while in the creation process evaporate into an Expectation Hangover, and you find yourself asking, “Why is this happening?” The truth is, EVERY circumstance and outcome is for your Highest Good — even if it doesn’t feel like it at the time. | December 2014 / January 2015

24 COVER FEATURE: INTERVIEW WITH STACEY CURNOW, PURPOSE AND SUCCESS COACH by Linda Joy Introducing the fabulous Stacey Curnow, Purpose and Success Coach and Aspire Magazine’s new Life Purpose Expert Columnist! Stacey recently left behind a 20-year career in nurse-midwifery – helping women give birth to babies — to help women (and some very cool men) give birth to their BIG dreams. In this interview you’ll learn about the pivotal moment in Stacey’s journey that led to the transformational work she is passionate about, how you can invite more joy and purpose in your life and so much more.


30 LIVING THE LAW OF ATTRACTION: THE ZEN GUIDE TO THE LAW OF ATTRACTION by Boni Lonnsburry Aspire Magazine welcomes Boni Lonnsburry as our Conscious Creation Expert Columnist with her column “Living the Law of Attraction.” Do you want to be a Zen creator? There are ways to crate easily, elegantly and gracefully. Follow these ten strategies to allow your dreams to bloom.

“Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light.” BRENE BROWN

36 L IVING THE GODDESS LIFESTYLE: FINDING PEACE AMONGST THE HOLIDAY CHAOS by Lisa Marie Rosati Have you ever noticed how stressed and overwhelmed most people become dur-ing the holiday season? If you’re anything like me, you have a load of things to get done and accomplished in a very short

amount of time. I believe you can live your life in sync with nature, Universal Law and in communion with the Divine and I share a few of my favorite Life MagickTM practices to help ground you and bring peace amidst the holiday frenzy.

40 L IVE YOUR PURPOSE: MOVE FROM APPRENTICE TO MASTER AND MAKE YOUR LIFE A MASTERPIECE! by Stacey Curnow One of the reasons I quit my hospital job earlier this year was to enjoy spending time with my son at this time in his young life. I was full of fear about leaving the security of a steady job and afterwards I had many moments of self-doubt. Six months later, I’m past those doubts. Instead, I’m enjoying profound gratitude for the life I am creating in each moment. Join me and begin your transformational journey from apprentice to master. The result may just turn out to be a master-piece.



44 A YEAR WITHOUT FEAR: WHAT WOULD YOUR LIFE BE LIKE? by Tama Kieves I invite you to step beyond the hypnotism of what you think you can and cannot do. Here’s what’s true: You are loved. You have everything you need. You are more powerful than you know. Perhaps fear, unquestioned negative beliefs or old stories have kept you from your boldest possibilities. Well, that’s about to change. I invite you to wake up to your own fearless potential.


“We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.” MAYA ANGELOU

48 HOW TO LET JOY BE YOUR GUIDE TO A LIFE YOU LOVE by Tina Van Leuven What would make 2015 an amazing year for you? Are there any dreams you’ve been longing to manifest? If so, then let’s go on a little journey together to dis-cover how joy can be your guide to creating a life you love. I invite you to set aside some time to review what to leave behind and choose what’s coming with you as you’re about to step into a brand new year. | December 2014 / January 2015

being. “Joy is a state of ur own joy Being tuned into yo e you through channel will guid with grace.” challenging times Tina Van Leuven

51 5 DIFFERENT TYPES OF LIFESTYLE DESIGNERS. WHICH ONE ARE YOU? by Bailey Frumen Lifestyle Design is the conscious act of putting yourself in the driver’s seat as the designer of your destiny. Lifestyle Design allows you to dream BIG. Step one is asking yourself, “What do I want to achieve, become, believe, see, or even wear in my future?” Step two is to carve out a new lifestyle to help you achieve your goals in a way that feels authentic and empowering to you. There are 5 types of Lifestyle Designers. Find out which type you are and maximize your potential.


“In every given moment we have a divine spiritual assignment in front of us: Choose love or choose fear.” GABRIELLE BERNSTEIN

Health & Wellness 56 YOGA MYTHS – DON’T LET THESE 3 COMMON MISCONCEPTIONS KEEP YOU OFF THE MAT by Meagan McCrary Yoga has come a long way since its hippie days of the 60s and 70s. I remember taking my first class when I was twelve years old. I went with my grandma and fell asleep. I didn’t take another class until after college. Luckily Yoga has gained a lot more attention and most people have a good idea of the benefits of a Yoga practice — still, there are a few common misconceptions worth addressing. I will debunk the top three myths and reasons or not practicing Yoga.


59 THE WISE WOMAN WAY: CREATING A LIFE YOU LOVE by Susun Weed We are each unique individuals, seeking fulfillment in our own distinctive ways. There are no right answers about how to live the life you love. There are no wrong answers to living the life you love. If you wish to create a life you love, you have to begin with loving yourself exactly as you are. Be willing to listen to your heart, gut, and womb. Let your soul shine through and fall in love with your life.

64 TRANSFORMING YOUR RELATIONSHIP: BRICK OR GLASS™? by Stacey Martino Creating a relationship you love begins with the conscious choice to do so. Every time you are faced with an “uncomfortable”

thought or feeling in relationship to someone (including your partner), you have an opportunity. You are building the foundation of your unshakable love… “brick by brick.” One of the empowering tools that Paul and I created to teach and empower our relationship clients is called “Brick or Glass™” which I share with you here.


CONTENTS 68 EMBRACING ALL ASPECTS OF OUR SELVES: THE PATH TO RELATIONSHIP BALANCE by Shakti Gawain I believe that our work in this lifetime is to create awareness of all the parts of ourselves. Each part has a purpose, has information for us, and is necessary for us to achieve the balance and wholeness we are searching for. Ultimately, com-ing to embrace all aspects of our selves is the path to enjoying more balance in our relationships as well.


“We don’t choose our wildest dreams. They choose us.” TAMA KIEVES

Career | Business

71 COMING HOME TO OURSELVES by Jane Garapick Once upon a time, people pleasing was all I knew, and the only way I knew to be loved and accepted. I learned that there is a very high price to pay when we become everything someone else wants us to be, instead of being true to who we really are. We become disconnected from our true selves. Until one day, in a way that’s very different for each of us, that little girl inside us, the one who desperately longs to be heard, finally gets her turn. | December 2014 / January 2015

76 HOLISTIC BUSINESS SUCCESS SECRETS: 5 KEY SPIRITUAL PRINCIPLES TO GROW YOUR HOLISTIC BUSINESS by Shelley Riutta, MSE, LPC Aspire Magazine welcomes Shelley Riutta, MSE, LPC as our Conscious Business Expert Columnist with her column “Holistic Business Success Secrets.” You have a “Holistic Business” if you are a therapist, healer, coach or health practitioner who works from a mind, body, and spirit approach with your clients. You are a deeply spiritual person, so why does your faith go out the window when you hit bumps in the road on the path of developing your business? I invite you to learn five spiritual principles to get past the obstacles and grow your holistic business today.

CONTENTS 82 FIND YOUR LIFE PURPOSE: FOUR WAYS TO DISCOVER YOUR UNIQUE CAREER OR BUSINESS PATH by Lisa Michaels Do you feel off track with your life purpose? Then you’re probably looking to the outside world to define the goal-centered roles you play in life. Instead, consider living your life’s purpose as a soul-filled creative process to take your career to the next level. The clear, nurturance of knowing your life’s purpose will clear the way to increase personal prosperity in the work aspects of your life.

“If your goals aren’t synced with the substance of your heart, then achieving them won’t matter much.” DANIELLE LAPORTE

85 INSPIRED TO WRITE? CREATING A WRITING LIFE by Lisa Tener Have you ever kept a journal? Or do you like to write poetry once in a while—something private, just for you? If you have, then I imagine you’ve experienced the healing that can come from getting your experiences and feelings out on the page. As you create time, physical space and spaciousness in your life for writing, you’ll be able to explore the many ways writing can bring more happiness, joy, connection and power into your life and the lives of those you share your time with.



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Maryellen De Vine | December 2014 / January 2015

14 | December 2014 / January 2015



Stacey Martino helps people who feel stuck, frustrated and helpless with the challenges of intimate relationship. Through strategic private coaching, programs and events for her Relationship Transformation System™, individuals learn to use her proven strategies and tools to create an unshakable love and unleashed passion that lasts a lifetime. Stacey firmly believes that it does NOT take two to tango, that one person can significantly shift the dynamics of the relationship. Trained and certified by Tony Robbins and Cloe Madanes, Stacey is a certified marriage educator and divorce preventionist.

Passionista Lisa Marie Rosati is an Inner Goddess Catalyst for women and the Creatrix of The Goddess Lifestyle Plan. Lisa mentors women on how become a Modern Day Goddess by consciously designing a luscious Goddess life, cultivating radiant health and creating a lucrative business using and directing their feminine fire.



Stacey Curnow helps women find and live their purpose. She left behind a 20-year career as a nurse-midwife, helping women give birth to babies, to help you give birth to your BIG dreams. You can sample her work by reading The Purpose and Passion Guidebook: 6 Steps to Doing Good, Feeling Good and Achieving Your Dreams which you can claim on her website. It will inspire you to tap into your deepest desires, claim your true value and identify your soul’s work in order to live your best life.

An award-winning authority on writing and publishing books, Lisa Tener guides you to joyfully express yourself in writing. She blogs for the Huffington Post, serves on the faculty of Harvard Medical School’s publishing course, and teaches her own Award Winning Book Writing Courses in person and by interactive teleseminar.

Transforming Your Relationship

Live Your Purpose

Living the Goddess LifeStyleTM

Inspired to Write?



Susun Weed is an internationally renowned herbalist, author, and director of the Wise Woman Center in New York. She is a revered voice of the Wise Woman Tradition, where women’s bodies and women’s emotions are valued. Susun is a founding grandmother of the herbal renaissance and the originator of the concept of complementary medicine.

Boni Lonnsburry is the CEO of Inner Art Inc., an expert on conscious creation and the author of the best-selling book, “The Map: To Our Responsive Universe, Where Dreams Really Do Come True.” The Map is the winner of seven book awards including the prestigious Nautilus award.

The Wise Woman Way

Living the Law of Attraction

Boni applied the principles she teaches to transform her own life from rags to riches, despair to joy and loneliness to love. Her passion is to teach others to do the same.

Shelley Riutta

Holistic Business Success Secrets

Shelley Riutta MSE, LPC is the founder and President of the Global Association of Holistic Psychotherapy and Coaching (GAHP). She is a Holistic Psychotherapist and creator of a 6-Figure Holistic Psychotherapy Practice. Because of her success at creating a thriving Holistic Practice she launched the Global Association of Holistic Psychotherapy and Coaching (GAHP), which supports Holistic Therapists, Healers, Coaches and Health Practitioners to learn more about Holistic Methods and develop Thriving 6 Figure Holistic Practices. This quickly became a multi-6 Figure business and one of the leading Holistic Training and Holistic Business Building Organizations in the world.

















�One of the greatest regrets in life is being what others would want you to be, rather than being yourself.� SHANNON ADLER

Welcome to the December 2014/January 2015 Create a Life You Love Issue Within each of us is the potential to create a life we love. This special issue covers the power of setting intentions, sacred feminine rituals and how to nourish your dreams. Create a personal plan for the days ahead. Celebrate what worked well for you in 2014 and bring it forward into 2015 and leave the rest behind. You have permission to create a life you love by embracing your truth and following your passion. Aspire Magazine is honored to welcome two new Expert Columnists to our sacred family. Boni Lonnsburry, Conscious Creation Expert, bestselling author and founder of and her new column Living the Law of Attraction will inspire and support you in creating the life you love.

Connect with me!

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Shelley Riutta, MSE, LPC joins Aspire as our Conscious Business Expert Columnist and will be sharing her expertise in her new column Holistic Business Success Secrets. Shelley is a Holistic Psychotherapist and the founder of the Global Association of Holistic Psychotherapy and Coaching (GAHP) one of the leading Holistic Training and Holistic Business Building Organizations in the world.

Grab a cup of tea or a glass of wine and enjoy the powerful articles, empowering wisdom and supportive resources offered by our expert columnists and featured guest contributors.

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LINDA JOY Publisher & Editor-In-Chief |



Bring Your Book to Life

with National Book Writing Coach Lisa Tener

18 | December 2014 / January 2015


“One of the most courageous things you can do is identify your self, know who you are, what you be lieve in and where you want to go .”

Sheila Murray Bethel Read Online!

Your Someday Over the


This magical life is not somewhere over the rainbow. It’s right in front of you. Your somewhere over the rainbow is now! By taking that first step on the yellow brick spiritual journey and clicking your heels together, you can choose to experience the colors, the rainbows, in your daily life and discover that the courage to act upon their messages is right inside you. It’s been there all along. Read the full article online


l Live & Virtua



Expectation Hangover



ne of the most challenging parts of an Expectation Hangover is feeling that we’ve failed, that we haven’t met the standards or goals we’ve set for ourselves — especially if we’ve poured our hearts into the attempt. Not getting our desired outcome is one of the seemingly cruel ways the Universe teaches us the lesson that the journey of life is more important than the destination. We feel so alive in those moments when we are pouring our blood, sweat, and tears into something we believe in. We feel inspiration, enthusiasm, and passion. Those are all wonderful things to experience, and we like the feelings that accompany them. But as soon as we realize that the dream we had


our heart set on did not come true, all the good feelings evaporate into an Expectation Hangover, and we find ourselves asking, “Why is this happening?” Good question. During my own Expectation Hangovers, I have wanted to know exactly why it was happening, both so I could do something about it and so I could counteract my uncomfortable feelings of uncertainty. We think that if only we knew why something was happening, we could change it and not have to endure the Expectation Hangover. The main reason disappointment happens is to teach us paradigm-shifting life lessons. An Expectation Hangover is a wild card | December 2014 / January 2015

that causes us to start looking within and, ultimately, to turn in a different direction. On the surface Expectation Hangovers might appear to create disharmony, but they actually have a harmonizing effect because the unexpected is what leads to innovation and novelty. We don’t voluntarily sign up for the lessons Expectation Hangovers teach, because they threaten the things our ego clings to: control, security, and external results. Warning: the lessons I’m about to share won’t be very satisfying to your ego and won’t necessarily give you the kind of answers you desire. For now, I invite you to open your mind to understanding these lessons, and when we get to our treatment plan in part 2, you’ll learn some tools for working with them.

LESSON 2: YOUR COMFORT ZONE IS A TRAP We all have a comfort zone that we have constructed based on what feels safe and manageable. In this comfort zone, we make certain choices and engage in specific behaviors that reinforce feelings of security. It feels familiar; we know all the ins and outs. Occasionally, we will take a step beyond it, but usually only if we have made a careful list of pros and cons and feel a degree of safety about our level of risk. But our comfort zone does not feel comfortable because it is healthy; it feels so cozy because it is familiar and reinforces the illusion of control.

LESSON 1: CONTROL IS AN ILLUSION We are great at putting time and energy into achieving the results we want. And the more effort we put in, the more we feel entitled to get the results. When our expectations are met, we feel a sense of security and accomplishment; we feel safe and on track. We expect that life will evolve according to our plan and that people will behave in a predictable way. We all love control because the unknown is downright scary. In fact, I think control has become the master addiction. But the truth is we really don’t have complete control over our lives, and nothing illuminates that truth more brightly than an Expectation Hangover.



...our comfort zone does not feel comfortable because it is healthy; it feels so cozy because it is familiar and reinforces the illusion of control.

Imagine a plant that has outgrown the pot it was planted in. What would happen? It would never grow into the plant it was destined to become unless it was replanted. Your comfort zone is like a shell of restriction, not protection. That’s why I get so excited when someone has an Expectation Hangover; I know it’s the Universe’s way of making someone uncomfortable enough to bust out of their comfort zone of limitation so they can grow into their full potential. The human experience is one of continuous evolution. Within each of us there is an evolutionary impulse to transform. We are not static beings; change is unavoidable. If we resist or fear change, an Expectation Hangover comes along to help us evolve. No matter what your circumstances, do not settle for complacency or “good enough.” You deserve and are capable of so much more.

LESSON 3: IT AIN’T OUT THERE Perhaps you can relate to the pattern of when/then and if/then thinking: When I get that raise, then I’ll feel financially secure. When I get married, then I’ll feel worthy. When I get a little more experience, then I can start my business. If I had not been laid off, then I would not be depressed. If I lose five pounds, then I’ll feel confident. If I had not made that mistake, then I’d feel proud of myself. The number of when/thens and if/ thens our ego can buy into is infinite. Fulfillment is not something we make happen. Trying to measure up to all our internal and external expectations leaves most of us living as human doings rather than human beings. It is only when we have the courage to let go of what we expect to happen that we begin to experience the kind of fulfillment that lasts. Each Expectation Hangover is an opportunity to let go of something external that we have clung to for worth, safety, or love, and to find — inside ourselves — the experience we are looking for. LESSON 4: YOU ARE NOT BEING PUNISHED During an Expectation Hangover, we have a tendency to think we have done something to deserve the disappointment. We buy into the common misunderstanding that bad things happen to us to test us, or even as payback for something we did wrong. Most of us, whether consciously or unconsciously, carry around a fear that the Universe (or God, Spirit, or Higher Power) is judging us in some way. So when things don’t go our way, we believe the suffering we experience is penance. This could not be further from the truth.

22 | December 2014 / January 2015

The truth is that every circumstance or situation is for your Highest Good — even if it doesn’t feel like it at the time. The Universe does not punish, test, or keep a list of good/ bad and right/wrong behavior. You didn’t do anything wrong. You have always been doing the best you could. Really. Even if you do not totally believe this yet, begin to consider it. Beating yourself up and continuing to believe that you are being tested or punished will only perpetuate your Expectation Hangover and potentially make it worse. What appear to be tests and trials in your life are actually priceless gifts and teachings.

Adapted from the book Expectation Hangover: Overcoming Disappointment in Work, Love, and Life ©2014 by Christine Hassler. Published with permission of New World Library Read Online!

Christine Hassler - Christine is the author of 20 Something, 20 Everything, The 20 Something Manifesto, and most recently Expectation Hangover. She left her successful job as a Hollywood agent to pursue a life she could be passionate about. For over a decade she has been sharing her passion as a speaker, retreat facilitator and life coach specializing in relationships, career & life purpose, and fulfillment. Visit her online at

“It is only when we h ave the courag e to let go of what we e happen tha xpect to t we begin to experience the kind of fulfillment that lasts.” Christin

e Hassl er



Keep these lessons in mind and begin looking at your life as a grand adventure that offers many opportunities to grow. When we are committed to our values but set our expectations free, we create more space for unexpected opportunities that can lead to happiness rather than a hangover.

INTERVIEW WITH Purpose & Success Coach

Stacey Curnow Stacey Curnow is a purpose and success coach who recently left behind a 20-year career in nurse-midwifery – helping women give birth to babies – to help women (and some very cool men) give birth to their BIG dreams. She published a best-selling children’s book, Ravenna, and is currently writing Pain Body Proof, a book that expands on a concept first articulated by Eckhart Tolle in his book A New Earth. Stacey has been an enthusiastic student of positive psychology for years and applies it to her mentoring programs with great success. She is the founder of Midwife for Your Life – a website, blog and series of signature coaching programs, including End Your Next 6 Months Strong, The Heart-Based Business Success System and The MultiPassion Mama Mastery Program. She is the Featured Life Purpose expert for Aspire Magazine. Hundreds of her articles have been published in print magazines and online. She currently serves clients all over the world. Stacey is also a contributing author to the upcoming Inspiration for a Woman’s Soul: Choosing Happiness (February 2015).

24 | December 2014 / January 2015

Yes, absolutely! A defining moment in my life came early in 2011: I felt so lost. I felt like all these bad things were happening and I couldn’t understand why. One night I woke up in a panic and I asked God, the Universe, whoever would listen, “Why is this happening?!” The very clear answer I got was, “You’re not supposed to be here.” I knew that when the voice said “here,” it didn’t mean my bed. I knew it meant something much bigger and deeper. Before I go into that even more, let me back up a little further – back in June of 2009, I started my coaching business as a side gig. I knew what I loved most about my work as a nurse-midwife was talking with my patients about their hopes and dreams for their future now that they were bringing a new life into the world. I realized that I wasn’t just helping them give birth to their babies: I was helping them give birth to their dreams. From that epiphany my personal coaching business was born. But I couldn’t imagine giving up my hospital job. My husband was underemployed and my family needed the salary and benefits I provided. While I loved every minute that I helped women bring their babies into the world, I never really enjoyed any of the bureaucratic aspects of my job.

As I became my own boss in my business, I bristled more and more at the expectations my employers had of me as an employee at the hospital. I thought my coaching business and writing career could support us, but I had no guarantees…which led me back to wondering why I couldn’t just be happy with my job at the hospital. It wasn’t that bad, was it?? Those stressful thoughts are what led to my breakdown back in February of 2011. I couldn’t believe I was in such a bad place – overwhelmed by doomsday scenarios and too scared to think straight. So here’s what happened on that dark, cold night in February: I decided I would do whatever it took to get paid handsomely for the work I truly loved. I continued to work the same hours at the hospital, and I also worked a lot of late nights and weekends. I invested in coaching to help build my business and overcome my fears and doubts. Then in the spring of 2014, my business was ready. More importantly, I was ready. I quit my hospital job and walked away from my 20-year career as a certified nurse-midwife Now when my clients tell me that I’ve helped them accomplish dreams they had all but given up on, and that they even thank God every day for me, it makes the breakdown and all of the hard work completely worth it. I came out of that experience with the firm conviction that anyone can create the conditions for their own happiness – they can do the hard work it takes to overcome their fears and doubts, discover their purpose and create a body of work that serves them and the world. In fact, I’d go as far to say



Stacey, was there a pivotal moment in your own journey that led to the transformational work you’re doing in the world?

it would be a disservice to their God-given gifts not to.

How can people bring more purpose and happiness to their lives right now?

First, let’s start with the Psychological:

Respond powerfully to negative thoughts.

The brain is hardwired to circulate negative

When I started coaching I focused solely on the psychological aspects of creating happiness and success – training my clients to change their thoughts in order to change their lives. Then about 2 years ago I realized that we need to take a “Four Circles” approach – something I learned from Dr. Daniel Amen’s excellent book Unleash the Power of the Female Brain. We need to optimize the psychological, biological, spiritual and social aspects of our lives – in order to feel good and do good. The steps you need to take to create a life you love are quite simple – but perhaps not particularly easy given that they buck the dominant messages from our culture. This gets back to something I said earlier, though: you can do hard work and it will be so worth it when you do.

Stacey, could you share a step from each of the “Four Circles” that empower us to create happiness and success? Of course! Although it’s beyond the scope of this interview for me to cover many aspects in detail, I want you to know I cover them extensively in my weekly ezine, Special Delivery, so I invite and encourage all Aspire readers to sign up – it’s completely free!


thoughts, but studies show that cognitive therapy – learning to respond to negative thoughts with completely opposite but true thoughts – is as effective as, or even more effective than, medications for anxiety, depression, and eating disorders. Better still, there are no bad side effects. Whenever you think a thought like, “I can’t do this. It’s too hard. I’m just going to fail.” challenge yourself to come up with examples of when you were successful in other endeavors, and how things worked out for you in the past, and the times when you tried something new and succeeded or learned something important. Then there’s the Biological:

Exercise daily.

Some experts say you experience sufficient cardiovascular benefits when you exercise as little as 3 times a week, but exercise has so many positive effects in all aspects of your life that I think you should try to exercise every day. | December 2014 / January 2015

And last but not least, the Social:

Make time for friendships.

And here’s the thing: You only need to devote 15 minutes a day to exercise. (And if you’re telling yourself you don’t have 15 minutes a day to focus on your health, we really need to talk!)

Yes, it takes effort to pull off a dinner party for friends, and I’ve found it easy (especially since my son was born) to make excuses for not doing it, but studies like these remind me that I will always get more out of it than I put in, so I make it more of a priority now. I hope you will, too.

You just need to significantly raise your heart rate for 15 minutes – and you’ll know if you’ve hit the right intensity when you start to sweat after 8-10 minutes of activity. It doesn’t matter what you do – you could go for a brisk walk or dance to Beyoncé in your kitchen – but just make sure you do it for 15 minutes. Followed by the Spiritual:

Practice Gratitude.

Start acknowledging all of the joy that’s in your life right now. Even if it’s something small like a Stevie Wonder song, or the impossibly blue sky, or a hot cup of tea – look around, and you’ll find something to appreciate. It’s like Oprah says: “Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.”



There are scientific studies that provide evidence of the value of friendship for our health. Data actually shows that community is more important for preventive health than daily exercise or quitting smoking!

and Practice gratitude g start acknowledgin in all of the joy that’s . your life right now

Stacey Curnow

Every month prayed I would have enough courage to finally quit and devote my time and energy to work I loved – work that I knew could make a BIG difference in the world. Back then I used to think...”IF ONLY I knew that I could support my family from doing work I love, THEN I would quit my hospital job...” That kind of IF/THEN proposition is also a serious deterrent to happiness.

Stacey, we all yearn for the same thing in life: happiness. In your experience, what keeps so many women from being happy? You’re right Linda, everyone on this planet wants the same thing – happiness – but we all go about getting it with varying degrees of skill. For example, I talk with women every day who feel dissatisfied in their lives. They dream of quitting their soul-sucking job to do work they truly love. And I ask them what they’re doing to achieve their dream, and the answer almost always breaks my heart. There’s a huge gap between what they say they want to do and what they’re actually doing. And what’s the main thing holding them back? Their fears and doubts. Not so long ago I was one of those women – I would feel my heart sink every time I drove into the hospital parking lot.


The problem with IF/THEN is that our brains tend to shift automatically from believing that the thing we’re after is just one condition for happiness to believing it’s the only condition for happiness, and we stay seriously stuck. You don’t think that rewarding, lucrative work is the only thing that can make you happy, do you, Linda?

No, I don’t. But how do we get out of that trap? It’s pretty compelling to think, “I know I’ll be happier if I get the thing I want!” But when you make it conditional—when you say that happiness, or success, or whatever, depends on that thing you don’t have—you set yourself up to overlook all the other ways it can come to you. So don’t. Don’t give yourself IF/THEN’s, don’t put off the day you’ll finally be happy. Be happy now. That’s why I started focusing on the “Four Circles” approach, because it gives concrete steps toward experiencing happiness and success that anyone can take right now. | December 2014 / January 2015

Instead of making everything an “IF/THEN” proposition, I started to ask myself: “What will it mean to me to have accomplished this?” That meaning—your why—is the most powerful fuel you can access as you make your way down your path. Once you have your why, it’s exciting to take one step and then another and another, and you never doubt that you’ll make it to your destination. Once I had found my why, it was so much easier to keep a steady pace as I worked toward my dream of quitting my hospital job and working full-time in my business. It really wasn’t that much longer before I was ready to walk away from my 20-year career as a nurse-midwife – nothing had changed with respect to my business income or prospects, but I had changed. That’s why one of my favorite mantras is, “Things don’t change. You do.”

Is there anything else you want to share to inspire women who may be struggling to go after their dreams and live their purpose? Yes, I want to share two powerful insights I’ve learned on my own journey, as well as from the hundreds of women I’ve supported on theirs:

One, if you think doing work you absolutely LOVE can transform your life, you’re right! Two, if you think purpose-driven work is something only other people can do because [insert your reason here], then you’re also right. After 5 years of running my own business mentoring women and studying countless successful people, I haven’t met a single woman who hasn’t struggled to get clear on her dreams, or hasn’t had those crippling thoughts—”Who do you think you are?!”, “You’re not ready” or “You’re going to fail.” Everyone has fears. But here’s the thing: Your fears are as hungry as your dreams, and you want to make sure you’re feeding your dreams. And the best way to feed your dreams is to start taking action in alignment with your true values and your deepest desires right now. I hope women will read through this interview again and commit to taking action on one of the many suggestions I offered. Better yet, they should sign up for a completely complementary Discover Your Purpose Strategy Session with me and I’ll help them identify their next steps very quickly. CLICK HERE to claim Stacey’s completely free and content-rich Purpose and Passion Guidebook and an opportunity to have your Read own Discover Your Purpose Online! Strategy Session.



In my own case, when I was optimizing various aspects within the “Four Circles,” I couldn’t help but feel more happy and fulfilled, and when I felt more happy and fulfilled I was more likely to take other decisive steps in the direction of my dreams.



The Zen Guide to the

Law of Attraction BY BONI LONNSBURRY


young man named Evan was thinking about having a good meal and a hot shower as he walked the streets of downtown Denver. Evan was homeless at the time—proving a point to society and himself that he would live his life his way, and his way only. But not having possessions or a place to stash them didn’t mean he didn’t value a buck. In fact, at this moment in time he thought some cash might be kind of cool. And he knew he was magical. As he walked and imagined being abundant he noticed something in the bushes at the edge of the sidewalk. He reached in and pulled out a brown leather wallet. There was no identification in the wallet but there was $1000 in cash.

That’s Zen creating. Simple. Natural. Effortless. 30 | December 2014 / January 2015

Most people still think of the law of attraction as a “sometimes” thing. But the law of attraction isn’t an anomaly. It’s as everpresent as the law of gravity. Gravity doesn’t work “sometimes”—you don’t find yourself periodically floating to the ceiling. A law is a law. So how can some people be so Zen about creating their desires, while others have to wrestle their dreams into submission (and even then, they still don’t manifest)? Because some people forget what Zen creators remember. There are ways to create easily, elegantly and gracefully.

Do you want to be a Zen creator? Follow these ten strategies to allow your dreams to bloom:


Get clear

The universe doesn’t respond to ambiguity. Wishy-washy dreams create wishy-washy realities. Who wants that? You may not know exactly what you want in every area of your life, but you do know the most important thing—how you want to feel. And it’s the feelings that actually create. Get clear on those and get ready for your dream.


Lighten up

The laughing Buddha isn’t a Zen icon by accident. When you weigh down your dreams by making money, relationships,



There is a reason Evan could create with such ease. It’s not luck—it’s utilizing the law of attraction in a way that results in that seemingly magical result.

Boni Lonnsburry is the CEO of Inner Art Inc., an expert on conscious creation and the author of the best-selling book, “The Map: To Our Responsive Universe, Where Dreams Really Do Come True.” The Map is the winner of seven book awards including the prestigious Nautilus award. Boni applied the principles she teaches to transform her own life from rags to riches, despair to joy and loneliness to love. Her passion is to teach others to do the same. Claim your Free Dream Building Kit to help you identify, clarify and kick-start creating your dream! Your life-changing kit includes a Dream Building Workbook, a quiz: Are You Ready to Create a Life You Love, Sample Intentions and Commonly Asked Questions on Creating Your Dream.


You have unlimited chances to create your desires and anything you can imagine is possible. health, etc. too real, you don’t allow for much magic. Learning to consciously create your reality should be a fun and exciting process. There is no such thing as failure because every mis-creating is simply feedback to hone your skills. Laugh along the way and realize nothing is forever. You have unlimited chances to create your desires and anything you can imagine is possible.


Be demanding

This is your life. And you are the one creating it. When you place an order in the universe, mean it. There is no “meant to be” or “not meant to be”. You are the one deciding—create with conviction.


Stop checking

When you plant a seed you don’t keep digging it up to see if it is sprouting. Yes, you do care for it—water it, protect it and perhaps feed it. But you don’t stand over it all day wondering if it’s growing. You let it go to let it grow. It’s the same with your creations. Flow some energy towards your dreams, perhaps change some beliefs and then let it go. Check periodically to see if some signs


indicate it’s happening, but don’t obsess about it and don’t tie your happiness to whether it manifests or not.


Don’t give it to your ego

Yes, you are a powerful being and can create anything in the world you desire. But that doesn’t make you better than anyone else. The minute you start thinking you’re special you set yourself up for a fall. Why? Because Zen power is quiet power. The energy of bragging and better than is a cover for a fear of not enough and less than—better known as self-sabotage. Own your power and realize everyone on the planet has the same ability whether they use it or not.


Corral your thoughts

Thoughts create realities because feelings come with thoughts (feelings are the actual fuel). Good thoughts make you feel good and thus create positive futures. Become aware of what you are thinking and feeling. Know that these energies have the power to create and consciously choose the thoughts and feelings that will create what you want. | December 2014 / January 2015


Be open to possibilities

Dreams can manifest in all kinds of forms when you let go of controlling how it “should” happen. Your job is to think, feel and believe in your dreams. It’s the universe’s job to deliver the reality that is in alignment with your energy.


This or better

Expect it

Getting excited isn’t enough. Imagining the dream isn’t enough either. You need to honestly expect what you want will (absolutely) manifest in your world. But what if I can’t seem to really expect it? That is a common problem. It happens to all of us with one dream or another. And it happens because you have beliefs stored in your subconscious mind that are in opposition to you having the dream.

Sometimes a wonderful possibility presents itself and we are suddenly filled with fear that it might not fully happen. We get a call for a second interview, the perfect house comes on the market or the cute guy asks us out—but what if it all falls apart? That’s when “this or better” is the place to be (mentally). Maybe the job, house or guy is only a sign, and there is an even better match for you coming soon. Or maybe the original possibility can be all you dreamed it could be. Either way it’s you, not anything outside of you that is in control of your life. Relax. And remember your new mantra— this or better.



Evan’s dream of a good meal and a hot shower could have manifested in other ways—a friend offering dinner and a couch, a shelter outreach person directing him to a bed or even a day job opportunity.


The good news is beliefs can be changed. Every Zen creator worth her salt scours her subconscious mind to discover those beliefs—because once discovered it is easy-as-can-be to change them.


Allow for miracles Miracles happen when we receive more than we asked the universe for—when the reality that manifests is more than we imagined. How does this happen? It happens when our unseen friends step in and add their energy to ours. Can we make miracles happen? No, not really—it’s out of our control. But we can ask our unseen friends for them and we can stay open to receiving them. How? By feeling gratitude for our unseen friends when things do go better than expected. By asking for their help and guidance regularly. And by expecting

Miracles happen when we receive more than we asked the universe for...

things to go magically well for you even if you don’t create “perfectly.” Unfortunately, it isn’t as easy as pretending to be Zen—centered, collected and cool—in order to be a Zen creator. Paradoxically— it does take effort to create effortlessly. But once you apply these guidelines and practice (as every Zen master does) the results will astound you.

Happy creating —and Namaste.

“Dreams c an manifes t in all kinds of for ms whe n you let go of controll ing how it ‘sho uld’ happe n.” Boni Lo nnsbu


34 | December 2014 / January 2015

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Goddess Lifestyle





ave you ever noticed how STRESSED and OVERWHELMED most people become during the holiday season? I’ve noticed that the holiday frenzy begins its ascension around November 15th, peaks on December 24th and then begins to wind down. Talk about a roller coaster ride! If you’re anything like me, you have a load of things to get done and accomplished in a very short amount of time and on top of your usual to-do list, there’s the added chores of shopping, planning, preparing, cooking, decorating, wrapping, merry making and my favorite … the “push you to your spiritual limits” experience of dealing with traffic and short tempered people everywhere you go!

36 | December 2014 / January 2015

Doesn’t everyone frigging know this is the most wonderful time of the year? LOL! But seriously reader, be honest, do you feel rushed and overwhelmed with all the things to do, be, and buy during the holiday season? I believe in Life Magick™, a process where you co-create your life in sync with nature, Universal Law and in communion with the Divine, so finding (and holding onto) peace amongst the chaos is something I’ve been immersing myself in for years. Here are a few of my favorite practices to help ground you and bring peace amidst the December/New Year frenzy.

holiday music each night. Bake something and deliver it to your neighbors or friends house. Bring nature indoors by creating centerpieces, mantle adornment or wreaths for your home with branches, pinecones, berries and leaves gathered locally. Light candles, lots of them and diffuse seasonal scents like pine, citrus or cinnamon to tickle your nose. These are the sweetest of days and life is truly what you make of it.

1 CREATE TRADITIONS: Traditions and experiences trump “stuff” every time. If you have teenagers, you might challenge me on this one (giggle), but it’s true. Ultimately, experiences and traditions are what stand out, and the most memorable ones are usually simple and inexpensive. More than material goods, practices are what you remember when you’re older. So I invite you to create experiences and traditions for your loved ones this holiday season. Turn off the television, light candles and listen to

2 SURROUND YOURSELF WITH THOSE YOU LOVE: The address of your home may have changed over the years, however home is wherever your heart is and where you soul rests. It’s natural to want to be with those we love the most at the holidays. If your family is scattered around in different locations, give yourself the gift of going to them or bringing your loved ones to you this year. Can you



I’m astonished by the amount of road rage, coveting of goods in department stores and down right rudeness between people that I’ve witnessed around the holidays!

Love with an open heart and give of yourself freely, this is the true meaning of the holidays. host your loved ones at your home? Can you travel to them? Ask yourself what it would require and then do it. Light a candle on your altar and set a positive and powerful intention for how the experience will be for everyone involved.

yourself with your most deliciously scented perfume, and adorn yourself with your favorite or most sentimental jewelry pieces for a gathering. Could you host a cookie swap or gift exchange with a fun and unique theme? Plan a Naughty Santa night with your beloved? Go all out! I invite you to find three ways to delight in the details because love resides in the details.


3 THE LOVE IS IN THE DETAILS: Think about which details you can put attention to this holiday season that will make a difference in your experience. Can you go all out with seasonal decorating? Can you plan out a special menu or two? Perhaps you’d like to send out festive invitations and host a small, intimate dinner party for the people you enjoy spending time with the most? Get dressed up, spritz


Winter is the season of rest. In the Native American tradition, winter is in the North on the medicine wheel. December begs you to retreat and unwind, which is the opposite of what your social calendar dictates. Magically speaking, spring and summer are the months of activity, creation and motion. What could you do to promote more rest and relaxation in your life? I have noticed myself naturally starting my nighttime ritual earlier. I want to get in my flannel pajamas as soon as dark comes which in New York is about 5pm at the moment! Many fail to rest in the winter as nature intended and then find themselves out of sync with the seasons for the rest of the year. Locate your North now, take a liberal dose of Bear medicine, hibernate, and get the slumber you need‌ NOW is the time! | December 2014 / January 2015


5 THE MOST VALUABLE GIFT IS YOUR TIME: Don’t sacrifice your presence for presents this year. The best gifts are ones that have love, thought and your presence rolled into them. Show up this season and lead by example for those around you by being fully present. What words and actions do your loved ones crave from you right now? If you can’t spend time together in the same room, can you carve out time for connecting on a call? My favorite ways to connect with those I love and don’t live near is by using Skype or Face Time. There’s nothing like looking into each other’s eyes, the eyes are the windows to the soul and a face to face conversation, even virtually, is so much more fulfilling than a text or phone conversation in my opinion!

This month is a perfect time to take a look around you and identify the items you no longer use and give them to those who can benefit from them. You are far more abundant than you realize, we all are. We all have items that we no longer need or use and those items can definitely enhance someone’s life right now. I like to think of ways to make the holidays brighter for others by gifting them or a charity with items, food or goods that are literally collecting dust in my home. Perhaps you can donate a few hours at a local pet shelter or nursing home? Love with an open heart and give of yourself freely, this is the true meaning of the holidays.

Sending you Yuletide and New Year blessings this season and evermore. And so it is.

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Passionista Lisa Marie Rosati – Passionista and Visionary Lisa Marie Rosati is a renowned Inner Goddess Catalyst for women, Creatrix of The Goddess Lifestyle Plan + Sugar Free Goddess, co-author of the international best selling book – “Embracing Your Authentic Self.” Lisa mentors women around the world on how to become a Modern Day Goddess by consciously designing how to get their health back, balance their feminine and masculine energies, ignite the fire within their souls and live a luscious goddess life filled with sacred practice, passion, radiant health, entrepreneurial success and prosperity.






Move from Apprentice to Master

and Make Your Life a




his week I hosted a group of my son’s friends (boys and girls) for something that’s become an annual tradition in our household: an apple pie-baking party. As the kids had fun (and ate their mini-pies) I was careful to savor their friendship. I know they’re growing up fast, and there may not be many more years left where they are this joyful, unselfconscious and sweet. One of the reasons I quit my hospital job earlier this year was to have more opportunities to enjoy spending time with my son at this time in his life. Of course, I was full of fear about leaving the security of a steady job and immediately afterwards I had many moments of selfdoubt and wondering, “What have I done?”

40 | December 2014 / January 2015

But now, six months later, I’m past those doubts and lately I haven’t had one moment of fear or anxiety. Instead, I’ve had many, many moments of profound gratitude for the life I’ve created. M.C. Richards once said, “All arts we practice are apprenticeship. The great art is our life.”

And guess what? You are the artist. The present moment is your material, and you mold it to create a masterpiece with tools you always have at hand – your thoughts and beliefs. Yes, your life, this very moment, is a perfect expression of your current level of skill at living with purpose and happiness. When I quit my “day” job, I got through my moments of doubt by focusing on certain thoughts and beliefs, and having come through the other side I have become more courageous and optimistic than I ever thought possible back then. I know I created the life I am currently enjoying—and all my newfound courage— by focusing on certain thoughts and beliefs. If you, for the most part, are not enjoying your life, you can change them just like I did.

You develop your skills when you choose to think better-feeling thoughts and take action in alignment with your true values and deepest desires. For me, my life got so much better when I overcame my fears and decided to create a business that gives me time as much as it gives me money. Now I have plenty of time to honor myself and the people I love, while doing what I absolutely love. I’ve learned I never have to trade any of those precious moments to “make a living.” And it all started when I honored my gift for serving others with the contribution that only I can make. You’ve got a gift too – and it’s called your purpose. If you haven’t found it, or you don’t have the courage to act on it, we really need to talk. I haven’t read every personal development or self-realization book out there, but I suspect that every one of them has at least a chapter that’s all about defining your dreams, goals and aspirations in order to create a life you absolutely love. As Lewis Carroll said, “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.” In other words, without clearly envisioning a dream or goal, it really doesn’t matter what you do, or how hard you work at it. It’s funny,



“All arts we practice are apprenticeship. The great art is our life.” — M.C. Richards

but in the past, I’ve only asked my clients to imagine their “ideal” lives one year out. But then a few years ago I realized that you need to reach really big to get unstuck and expand into expansive possibilities – and for most folks that means giving a longer period of time to achieve it – say, 3-5 years. If you’re ready to get moving, you need a goal. And if you want to move far and fast, it would help to have a really big goal. You want to create a very strong vision of your life in the next 3-5 years, and you want to imagine it in vivid detail -- What are you doing? Who are you doing it with? What are your surroundings? What’s the feeling you get as you move throughout your day?

take one step and then another and another, and you never doubt that you’ll make it to your destination. In my opinion there’s nothing like a Mind Movie for creating the feeling of positive expansion I associate with all of my goals and dreams. I watch my Mind Movie every day and I can feel it pulling me forward toward my dreams.


Share your big vision with anyone and everyone.

Once you’ve done this work, now it’s time to take the next steps:


Make a Mind Movie.

I’m sure you’ve heard of a Vision Board, but have you heard of a Mind Movie? I call it a TurboCharged Vision Board. You could create it on your own if you have a slide show feature on your computer, but there are also programs that will do it for you too (just Google Mind Movie). When designing a life you love, it’s super important that you enjoy the feeling place of already having achieved your goals and dreams right now. That feeling is like rocket fuel that will give you an enormous boost as you’re making your way down your path. Once you have achieved that feeling place, it’s exciting to


Lately I’ve been challenging myself to share my goals and dreams in a bigger, more public way. I believe we hold our dreams “close to our chest” because we feel selfconscious about them. We ask ourselves “Who am I to want so much?” and expect that when we share our goals with other people similar questions will surely come up. And soon after, we’re asking ourselves, “What if I fail? I’ll look like a loser.” I know I’ve had those fears, but as I’ve said before, your dreams are as hungry as your fears, so you want to make sure you’re feeding your dreams. That’s why I put my Mind Movie on my YouTube channel so | December 2014 / January 2015



anyone who cares to can see it. I believe I have SO much more to gain than lose by sharing my vision, and I hope you will too.

F ocus on taking daily actions.

No way around it: You have to take inspired action every day. The thing is, people rarely take this step. Again, it’s no surprise that we’re often so focused on getting through our day-to-day life that we have absolutely nothing left to give when it comes to creating a life you love. Remember, that’s why I suggested the Mind Movie – because it creates pulling power. And, again, by giving you the space to dream really big, the pulling power is that much greater.


Believe you can do it.

Remember a belief is just a thought you’ve had many times. If you don’t currently believe in yourself (or not that much), start with positive affirmations. One of my favorites is “I deeply and completely love and accept myself. I can do this.” Or better yet, change the “I can do this” to “I will do this” or better still, “I am doing this.” Whatever you decide on, repeat it to yourself often.


Celebrate your successes!

Start by taking a tiny action in the direction of your dream and then do something physical to affirm what you’ve done. Do a happy

dance and say, “Woo hoooo!” Pump your fist and say, “I rock!” Your brain wants to feel happy and now you’re teaching your brain that taking even a tiny action makes it happy. It’s all about doing something consistently, building competence and confidence. Keep at it and very soon you will move from apprentice to master when it comes to creating the masterpiece that is your life! Read Online!

Stacey Curnow - Stacey helps women find and live their purpose. She left behind a 20-year career as a nurse-midwife, helping women give birth to babies, to help you give birth to your BIG dreams. You can sample her work by reading The Purpose and Passion Guidebook: 6 Steps to Doing Good, Feeling Good and Achieving Your Dreams. It will inspire you to tap into your deepest desires, claim your true value and identify your soul’s work in order to live your best life. You can get it FREE from her website at


A Year Without Fear:

What Would Your


Be Like? I


invite you to step beyond the hypnotism of what you think you can and cannot do. Here’s what’s true: You are loved. You have everything you need. You are more powerful than you know. But fear or unquestioned negative beliefs or old stories may keep you from your boldest possibilities. Well, that’s about to change. I doubt you want a “mediocre” life. I doubt you want to just pay your bills or settle for a sort of loving relationship and call it good. I think you want to cry with gratitude when it’s all said and done. I’d like you to cry before then.

This is your life. This is your chance. This is your time on earth. 44 | December 2014 / January 2015

I want you to hit the note you came to sing—because life is set up for you to do that. I want you to know the Presence of a strength not of this world. I want you to drop your predictable goals and drop your jaw in awe—as you discover what you can really have this year. The inspired power within you can accomplish anything at any time. Let this be your time.

Welcome to a year without fear. Years ago as an overworked and soulstarved attorney, I walked along a beach and felt as though I wanted to end my life. Instead, I decided to begin my life. I made the unorthodox decision to leave my career. I realized it was fear that had compelled me to play it “safe,” attend Harvard Law School, graduate with honors, and work a bazillion hours for a law firm—even though I had always dreamed of being a writer. But I hadn’t called my motivation fear. I called it “being realistic.” I was just “being practical,” living life the way I’d been told you should live it. It was only when I stopped making choices out of fear that I discovered a whole new way to live. I had to learn to trust in a power beyond my intellect and a love that was

True freedom is a conscious, everyday spiritual adventure. It’s a reinvention. It’s a wholly new relationship with yourself.


I want you to write the screenplay that moans in your bloodstream. Or love your child like no child has ever been loved before. Or run for office or run from your office or whatever nudges you in the sanctum of your heart. I want you to know the peace of the Dalai Lama, more freeing than a nice big bucket of Xanax.

more powerful than any resource I’d ever known. I had to learn how to love myself through bouts of anxiety and frustration into creativity, conviction, and inspired action. I began teaching and coaching, and finally published my first book, This Time I Dance! Creating the Work You Love, and then my second bestseller Inspired & Unstoppable: Wildly Succeeding in Your Life’s Work! Now, as a career/success coach, I’ve worked with thousands of individuals who, like me, knew they were here for something more. Yet they just lived the life they assumed they could have. I’ve seen how our own self-talk and beliefs about reality can corrode our potential. I know that real happiness or freedom comes from cultivating our own inspired mind-set, the intimate, interior world we live in every single day. Your original instincts and genius are a love song between you and God. (Or Spirit, or whatever you call an extraordinary consciousness.) You are a life that has never been here before. True freedom is a conscious, everyday spiritual adventure. It’s a reinvention. It’s a wholly new relationship with yourself.


You can achieve any inspired goal in your own inspired way. It all depends on you generating a miraculous mind-set through daily choices. Are you choosing from fear or love? Insecurity or strength? Habit or intentionality? You’re making decisions every single day and, really, many times during the day. I want to see you make the ones that inspire your greatest love.

How Do You Get Over Fear? How do you get past that immediate impulse to fight, flee, or eat massive amounts of pasta? Let’s face it—these stellar options are brought to you by the amygdala, the primitive reptilian brain that didn’t know a thing about finding yourself, raising enlightened children, or getting a book deal. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want a lizard being in charge of my evolution and life. I want to choose from the golden throne of being centered, alive, and attuned to what I really want. That’s what I want for you, too. When I was in therapy, I just wanted to cut the fear out—do a lobotomy. But it turns out (no matter how much you offer to pay these people) that you do not remove fear by attacking it.

You let go of fear by focusing on love. Love is the answer to fear.


I’d like to offer you 3 quick focuses to practice and develop over time:

1 Everything is either love or fear. The best way to get out of fear is to get into love. If you focus on something you love or do something you love or hold love for another, your fear will not be there. You cannot feel fear in the moment when you are feeling love.

2 Stay in the present moment. All fear comes from thinking about the future or thinking about the past. In the present moment, all is well. You connect with your own innate wholeness.

3 There is another way to see everything. If you are in fear, you are seeing something from a painful point of view. You are telling a painful story. There is another way to experience this. There is an expansive perspective that will free you. When you are connected to your Spirit, there are no painful stories. | December 2014 / January 2015

This year, choose who you will be in this lifetime rather than having circumstances choose for you. I invite you to wake up to your own fearless potential and that of every human being. And please know I’m here, believing in you, practicing in my own life, and championing the power of all our fearless love.

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For most of us, moving beyond fear isn’t an overnight shift. It’s not a pill. It’s a practice. It’s a pilgrimage. It’s a commitment to fill our minds with new conditioning and perspectives.

Tama Kieves - Tama Kieves, is an honors graduate of Harvard Law School who left her practice to help others find their calling. She is the bestselling author of This Time I Dance! and also Inspired & Unstoppable: Wildly Succeeding in Your Life’s Work! Her newest book is A Year Without Fear: 365 Days of Magnificence. Featured in USA Today and on Oprah Radio, she is a sought-after speaker and career/success coach, who has helped thousands world-wide to discover, launch, and thrive in the life, calling and businesses of their dreams. Visit her at and download her FREE Inspired Toolkit.

© 2014 Tama Kieves. An excerpt from A Year Without Fear: 365 Days of Magnificence. (January 2015) Reprinted with permission.


How to Let





hat would make 2015 an amazing year for you? Are there any dreams you’ve been longing to manifest? If so, then let’s go on a little journey together to discover how joy can be your guide to creating a life you love. As with any journey, there are some preparations to optimise your experience. I invite you to set aside some time to review what to leave behind and what’s coming with you as you’re about to step into a brand new year. Imagine getting ready to go on a trip and choosing what to pack and what to leave at home so as to avoid those hefty excess baggage fees. Be sure to take your courage and passion with you and send your doubt gremlins on a retreat.

48 | December 2014 / January 2015

... reflect on your accomplishments to date. ... let go of what is no longer supporting you as you’re becoming more of who you are. ... get clear on which dreams you’d like to manifest by giving yourself permission to create a life you truly love. What would be the most outrageous thing that could happen to achieve your goals and intentions? One of my favorite rituals at times of transition, such as leaving one year behind and stepping into a new one, is to make a list of everything I’d like to celebrate which led me to this moment. I keep writing until I have a list of at least 100 things. This is such a powerful way to acknowledge yourself for how far you’ve come and to celebrate the amazingness that is YOU. From this place of gratitude I then write my intentions for the year ahead, really

tapping into the desired feeling state and asking the divine to optimise my requests. At new moon time I place this list under my pillow and sleep on it. It feels magical when looking at those lists several months or even years later and seeing what has unfolded, often in surprising ways.

Joy is a state of being. The way it expresses through and as you is unique to each of us. It invites you to get in touch with what truly matters to you, what feels inspiring to you and what uplifts you. It occurred to me the other day that it helps when you’re clear on what influences your decision to say yes or no to something. Would you agree to do something, go somewhere or say yes to someone out of obligation? If you’ve ever said yes when you wanted to say no, or vice versa, then what’s really going on

here? Even though most people will say they want to live a life they love, why do so many find themselves in jobs, relationships or living conditions that are zapping their energy and joy? I wonder what would happen if tomorrow morning everyone on the planet woke up and decided they would let joy be their guide in all aspects of life… What might that look like? No more conforming to expectations which others and society placed on you. No more working for the weekend, vacation or retirement so you can finally do what you love. No, thank you ma’am! Ditch the waiting and being manipulated into doing things that drain your life-force out of fear that otherwise you might not survive, belong, be loved or liked. No more seeking approval or being afraid of rejection. Instead, fully expressing and contributing the gifts and talents that make you unique. Living in alignment with what truly matters to you and waking up excited that you have another day to shine your light. Knowing that who you are makes



The next 2014 Solstice falls on December 21st and happens to be followed by a new moon on the 22nd. Perfect timing to:

being. “Joy is a state of ur own joy yo to in ed n tu g n Bei e you through id gu l il w el n n a ch with grace.” challenging times n Tina Van Leuve

a difference. Daring to stand out from the crowd. Blazing your own trail. Trusting your inner guidance. Creating a life you love. Tuned into your own joy channel. Doesn’t that sound inviting? Joy is a state of being. The way it expresses through and as you is unique to each of us. It invites you to get in touch with what truly matters to you, what feels inspiring to you and what uplifts you. Being tuned into your own joy channel will guide you through challenging times with grace. It’s like being in the eye of the storm. Whatever situation you find yourself in, it won’t diminish your joy even if what you’re experiencing isn’t exactly fun. Some people have associated being joyful with having to be happy 24/7 and others will think it requires you being bubbly. Could you allow yourself to let go of everyone else’s definitions of what joy is and is not? Instead


allow yourself to feel how you experience joy in each moment and let that guide you to people, places and opportunities that are resonant with who you are. When you receive an invitation, check in with yourself before you say yes or no. What felt joyful to you yesterday may not necessarily feel the same today. Joy invites you to be present in the moment. Perhaps that’s why this may feel like a bit of a learning curve as you have to trust yourself. Will you give yourself permission to use your ability to discern what you are available for and to express yourself authentically, despite the fear of consequences if your choice upsets others? It takes courage to claim your dreams and follow through on the required action steps along the way. Your very own joy sprinkle trail is beckoning you. Will you let joy be your guide to a life you love? Read Online!

Tina Van Leuven - Tina is the Joy Oracle at InnerDelight and author of ‘Money and Miracles - 40 Days to the perfect relationship between who you are and what you make’ as well as one of the co-authors of ‘Embraced By The Divine - The Emerging Woman’s Gateway To Power, Passion and Purpose.’ She was an international flight attendant for fifteen years and traveled around the world while studying a wide variety of healing modalities. She now coaches other passionate entrepreneurs how to prioritize themselves in their business and personal life so they easily create a steady stream of income and experience lasting fulfillment while doing what they love without burning out. Her motto is: Let joy be your guide to a life that is worth waking up for! Learn more at | December 2014 / January 2015

5 Different Types of

Lifestyle Designers Which One Are YOU? BY BAILEY FRUMEN, MSW, LCSW


ifestyle Design is one hot topic.

Tim Ferris illuminated it in his book, “The 4-Hour Workweek.” He illustrates what your life can be once you take ownership of exactly how you live your life. Lifestyle Design is the conscious act of putting yourself in the drivers seat as the designer of your destiny. Lifestyle Design allows you to dream big. Step one is asking yourself, “what do I want to achieve, become, believe, see, or even wear in my future?” Step two is to carve out a new lifestyle to help you achieve your goals in a way that feels authentic and empowering to you.


There are 5 types of Lifestyle Designers.

Which one are you?

GURUS-ABOUND You aren’t trying to reinvent the wheel. You know that there have been many philosophers, authors, and change agents over the years that have done the deep digging for you. Now, it’s your choice to find the right path for you. Your bedside table looks like the self-improvement or philosophy section of Barnes & Noble, your smart phone is packed with podcasts from all the latest thought leaders and your email inbox greets you daily with the wit and wisdom of women who have lit the world on fire. Being plugged into these powerful voices that speak the most to you to will help you discover your unique path in life.

FITNESS-FOCUSED Most days begin with lacing up your sneakers and hitting the pavement, gym, or Crossfit box. Your definition of Lifestyle Design is all about movement. Mornings are officially in flow with your post workout smoothie, afternoons include a kale and kombucha filled lunch and in the evening you can be found at yoga, Barre, or hiking the hills before bed. Fitness and healthy living are your main focus, knowing that you can’t help anyone before taking care of yourself.


SYSTEMS-SAVVY There’s got to be an app for that. You’ve got an app to track your steps, monthly cycle, count calories, read books, and integrate your whole written world in Evernote. Systems make the world go round and for you, systems keep your flow well, flowing. You relish in sitting down with your planner on a Sunday night to map out the week ahead and when you really want to be decadent you bust out the markers to color code your time for fitness, work, family, and self-care time. Your mantra is, “Life is full and best enjoyed when organized.”

SPIRITUALLY-DRIVEN If you could have dinner with just one person dead or alive it would be…Deepak Chopra, no wait, Gandhi. Oh well, what about Jesus? Okay, I’m going to need to host a dinner party for all my spiritual gurus. Starting and ending each day with meditation feels good for you. You’ve got mala beads, rosary beads, and singing bowls. You’ve got at least one shaman on speed dial and the year doesn’t feel complete without least one (or two) spiritual journeys. With an altar in your bedroom filled with your favorite things, you’ve finally found yourself and frankly, really enjoy your own company. | December 2014 / January 2015

THE-ROAD-LESS-TRAVELER The truth about Lifestyle Design is that there isn’t a “one size fits all” approach. Lifestyle Design is about living life on your own terms. You get to charge about the path that feels most authentic to you. What’s comforting to know, is that as you answer the call of your passions, you’re in good company with the many inspired (and inspirational) women you will meet along your journey. Give me the road less traveled. The less footprints, the better. The more ambiguous and unknown, even better. No one said you’re the black sheep…more like the purple, green, and pink tie-dyed one. There’s nothing more that calls to you than a backpack, passport, and absolutely no itinerary. You want to discover, explore, and define your own road head. It feels good for you to have to our conversations with a random stranger (who inevitably sends you a Christmas card every year since the encounter.) You collect experiences, memories, and friendships like priceless souvenirs (and you like it that way, thank you very much.)

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Mary Bailey Frumen - Mary is the creator of the Inspired Living Program and The Path to Freedom. She helps ambitious women go from fear to flight. She believes in morning rituals, traveling, and living life on your terms. If you want to have way more fun, getting shit done, saunter over to www.baileyfrumen. com. You can say hi on Facebook at LifeLoveRoadmap and Instagram at BaileyFrumen.


54 | December 2014 / January 2015


“Love is the great miracle cure.

Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives.”

Louise Hay

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How to Wipe Out the

Anxiety f o t r o f m o c is Fear and D BY SHANN VANDER LEEK Learning to slay your anxiety begins with personal awareness. How are do you manage bouts of anxiety? Breathing exercises are one of the most supportive activities you can add to your anxiety relief toolkit. Anybody can learn supportive breathing techniques. From simply noticing your inhalation and exhalation, to the measured breath, you can do this! Read the full article online for a short breathing exercise. Read the full article online.


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Yoga Myths - Don’t Let These

3 Common Misconceptions


Keep You Off the Mat BY MEAGAN MCCRARY

t’s fair to say that yoga has been around for a while and has come a long way since its hippie days of the 60s and 70s. I remember taking my first class when I was twelve years old, I went with my grandma and fell asleep. I thought yoga was for older ladies in leotards and didn’t take another class until after college. I had no idea the practice could be so dynamic and physical. Luckily yoga has gained a lot more attention and most people have a good idea of what yoga is all about as well as its benefits — still, there are a few common misconceptions worth addressing. So here we go: Debunking the top three yoga myths and reasons for not practicing.

YOGA MYTH #1: ALL YOGA IS CREATED EQUAL At first glance it may seem like yoga is yoga is yoga, but take a second look and you’ll discover that there are many different ways of practicing yoga being offered in the States. According to the American Yoga Association, there are more than 100 styles of yoga. And while yoga is for everyone, not every style of yoga is. Meaning, the yoga offered at your gym might not be the best yoga for you.

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You should also be aware that not all yoga teachers are created equal either. Yoga’s popularity grew at such an exponential rate here in the U.S. that yoga’s professional standards and governing bodies are just now catching up. Some current teachers completed their training over a weekend while others have spent years studying to become a yoga teacher. Different styles of yoga have different requirements, expectations and standards for certifying yoga teachers. Spend a short amount of time checking out the teacher’s bio and trainings before jumping into class, and always do what feels best for your body.

YOGA MYTH #2: YOGA IS FOR THE FLEXY-BENDY TYPE Whenever I tell someone that I teach yoga, they either tell me they practice yoga and love it or share with me the reasons they don’t practice yoga: the most often being “I’m not flexible.” While I understand that from the looks of it yoga is only for those blessed with the ability to fold themselves in halve, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Yoga is meant to help you become more comfortable, gain


That’s why I wrote my book Pick Your Yoga Practice, to help newbies and experienced practitioners alike understand the sometimes subtle differences between styles of yoga. In the book you’ll find seven popular yoga styles in depth, including teaching methodology, elements of practice, philosophical and spiritual underpinnings, class structure, physical exertion, and personal attention, as well as ten more styles in the “Best of the Rest” chapter.

strength and increase range of motion in the body you have. The benefits are the same regardless of how far you can bend. Besides, you aren’t strong before you started strength training and you don’t have endurance before you start cardio workouts—does that mean you aren’t going to lift weights or go for a run… ever? Don’t be silly. When I started practicing yoga I couldn’t even touch my toes. Everyone has to start somewhere, and if you’re at uncomfortable with your inflexibility or at all intimidated by the class environment, you may want to think about taking a more compassionate style of yoga, like Kripalu yoga, or a beginners class where you’ll learn how to use props to modify the poses to compensate for tight hips, shoulders and hamstrings. Many styles preference function over form, meaning that the shape of the yoga postures are modified to meet the needs of the individual. A skilled teacher


will be able to show you, with the use of props, how to adjust yourself to make the poses more comfortable for your body. I’ll also have you know that it is better to come to yoga with less flexibility and gain it gradually than to start practicing as a wet noodle. It’s the flexible people who are more likely to injure themselves. Yoga requires equal flexibility and strength, and the hope is that you’ll balance the two. Flexibility without the strength to match is much more hazardous than strength without being flexible.


feel your best and when you’re not feeling quite your best. Without forcing yourself, you simply start making decisions that help you feel good all the way around. The fantastic part about having so many styles of yoga available to us is that you have some choice as far as personal preference. If you want a more overtly spiritual yoga practice then you can choice a style that incorporates more chanting and meditation, if you’re looking for a straightforward yet mindful workout then take a class focused on producing sweat. There is of course a lot of crossover, and each style has much more to offer than what initially meets the eye, but with this many variations on the market you’re sure to find the right combination for you.

Not true. Yoga is for anyone. The great thing about the practice is that you can take it as far as you want to go. You may just like the physical exercise combined with the breathing and leave it at that. You may become a monk. Point being, yoga doesn’t care. The more people stretching, breathing and moving their spine the better! All are welcome. What’s more is that you don’t have to give up drinking wine, coffee or stop eating meat. I myself am not a vegetarian (which is another yoga myth, that in order to do yoga you have to be a vegetarian.) You can continue with the same lifestyle you have now and practice yoga. However, don’t be surprised if you start to preference healthy lifestyle choices over unhealthy ones. Yoga has a way of working itself into your life off the mat. Yoga puts you more in touch with your body—the way you feel. By practicing yoga, you will start to notice what makes you


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Meagan McCrary - Meagan is a Los Angeles based yoga teacher and the author of Pick Your Yoga Practice. She teaches for Equinox Sports Clubs, works one-on-one with some of the entertainment industries leading professionals, and holds workshops and retreats nationally and internationally. Visit her online at | December 2014 / January 2015


Wise Woman Way



t is impossible to lead the life you love working for someone else. I wouldn’t feel safe if I worked free-lance or on my own. To lead the life I love, I need a secure job. To me, the most important thing about leading the life I love is having the freedom to go to sleep when I want to, and wake up when I’m ready. I am willing to comply with the rules and restrictions of my job, including getting to work on time every day, in exchange for a steady income. Following the rules is relaxing for me.




I am not living the life I love if I have to do what someone else wants me to do, when they want me to do so, and in the way they want me to do it, whether I agree or not. When I leave work I am done with it and don’t have to think about it until the next day or the next week. The life I love is one of simplicity. I feel tied down by possessions. Walking barefoot in the grass is more important to living the life I love than having the money to buy lots of new shoes. I am willing to work hard at my job because it allows me to buy expensive clothes, new technology, a big house/great apartment and a fancy car. I am more interested in what I can do with the money I earn than I am in how I earn it.

The life I love is one that’s focused on adventure, excitement, challenge, and risk. I am happiest when I am testing my own limits. I want repetition, order, and ease. The life I love is dependable and predictable. We are unique individuals, seeking fulfillment in unique ways. There are no right answers to living the life you love. There are no wrong answers to living the life you love. I was raised to be a member of the postindustrial consumer class. I worked my way through college and chose to hold down three part-time jobs so I would have the money to buy new shoes and have my hair styled every other week. How I looked was more important to me than how I acted. And I needed money to look the way I was supposed to look. When did this change? Was it the day I decided not to buy a new bra? Was it the day I ordered my first pair of Bean’s boots? Was it one too many nicks in my shin, bath water turning pink from my blood? One too many days being too aware of the burning, itching in my armpits? When and where and how did I finally come to learn that living the life I love has to start with loving myself as I am? Exactly as I am. Unbound. Feet on the ground. Hairy where

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Creator made me hairy. Loving even the hardships of my life, because I choose to love my life, because I live the life I love. Loving myself as I am saves ever so much money. That is, I don’t have to use my time and energy earning money to buy expensive clothes soon out of style, expensive plastic surgery and foundation garments to keep looking good, and endless supplies of soon used up razors, makeup, perfumes, lotions, and lipstick. One of my apprentices went home and quit her very-well-paid job as a legal secretary and claimed she saved more than ten thousand dollars that year because she no longer had to buy nylons, manicures, lunch in restaurants, a parking spot for her (too-big-but-required) car, dry-cleaning her clothes, and memberships in clubs she needed to belong to. Leading the life I love is based on what I feel and what I need. I need to be of service to others. I feel happiest when I am sharing my abundance with others. I am most fulfilled when my knowledge helps others in their quest for wholeness. I offer simplicity in a time of complexity and self-reliance in a world where most humans are separated from the creation of the things they need to live: food, clothing, shelter.

The path that led me to the life I love was meandering. Feminism. Lesbianism. There were dead ends and detours. Vegetarianism. Separatism. I got lost a time or two. A quiet, simple divorce from my daughter’s father. A nasty, extended divorce from my lesbian partners/lovers seven years later. My heart, my gut, and my womb have guided me ... when I was willing to listen. My teachers have told me the truth, especially when I did not want to see it. I have been blessed with simple needs, so my world is filled with abundance. I go to sleep laughing. I wake up, when I want to, filled with joy. Leading the life I love is a gift of bliss to myself and to the whole world. Read Online!

Susun Weed – An internationally renowned herbalist, author, and director of the Wise Woman Center in New York. She is a revered voice of the Wise Woman Tradition, where women’s bodies and women’s emotions are valued. Susun is a founding grandmother of the herbal renaissance and the originator of the concept of complementary medicine.



There are no right answers to living the life you love. There are no wrong answers to living the life you love.


“When men and women are

able to respect and accept the ir differences then love has a chance to blossom.” John Gray

ad Re ne! li On

5 Ways to Reclaim Your Divorce er ft A e c en d fi on C Self


Divorce can undermine your sense of self, belief about safety and security, and understanding about love, family and relationships. The world as you have come to know and experience it turns upside down. Take the time to examine how your relationships have played themselves out, and what role your self-esteem took. The following are steps to

gaining self-worth and shedding self-defeating messages: Read the article online.


xamine your E divorce experience and self-defeating messages


l Live & Virtua




ractice forgiving P yourself and your ex for the dissolution of your marriage

on’t compromise D your values.



on’t allow yourself D to play the role of victim and begin to make decisions that reflect your strength as a woman.

urround yourself S with people who support your journey and can allow you to build self-worth





BRICK or Glass ? ™



hen Linda told me that this issue of Aspire was about creating a life you love…my head nearly popped off my body! Oh, the things we could talk about! Where to begin! Creating a life you love is the foundation for everything! I passionately believe that your entire life is of your creating. What you love about it and what you hate about it…you created it. I passionately believe that “Magnificent love affairs are created and not found.” In fact, it’s the foundation of our 8 step relationship transformation system and how we teach people all over the world to create their unshakable love and unleashed passion…because it is absolutely created!

64 | December 2014 / January 2015

But I’m not going to talk to you about any of that today. NOPE. Buckle up buttercup… because it’s ON!

Every time you are faced with an “uncomfortable” thought or feeling in relationship to someone (including your partner), you have an opportunity. It’s like you have a big cabinet next to you, with six shelves on it. The top three shelves are lined with beautiful velvet bags full of gorgeous multi-colored, glistening, broken glass. The bottom three shelves are lined with old, dusty, heavy bricks. Every time you are faced with an uncomfortable feeling or thought in relationship to your partner, you have a choice.


You can avoid the thought or feeling and reach up onto that shelf and pull down a beautiful bag of broken glass and spread it down on the floor of your relationship. When you do this, you are constantly walking on broken glass in your relationship. Your relationship is on shaky ground. There is distance and tension building…and you feel it. You may be confused because you thought you could avoid feeling worse by “avoiding” an uncomfortable conversation…but somehow you feel worse.

Take a deep breath, find your compassion and harness your courage, come from your best and most authentic self and walk right into that conversation with your partner. Reach up onto that shelf and take a big, heavy, ugly brick and lay it down on the foundation of your relationship. It’s not pretty and it’s not comfortable. But when you navigate these “bricks” successfully, you will look down and realize that the relationship you are standing on is built of big sturdy bricks and it cannot be torn down! You will get more and more comfortable in the discomfort of the bricks that you put down in your relationship. And you will look forward to the experience that you come to rely on…that on the other side of every “brick” conversation, you feel closer, more aligned, more understood, more understanding for, and deeper in love with your partner. You are BUILDING the foundation of your unshakable love…. “brick by brick.” So, since I totally love you and I am a certified brick layer ;) I’m going to lay down a brick in our relationship right here today. My darling, I know that you are trying to protect yourself from the pain and the hurt that you are scared to feel. I understand that you don’t want to risk things getting worse than they are. I see that you are stuck in the patterns that you have run for decades



Paul and I teach our clients a tool that we created called “Brick or Glass™”.


“Love is the oxygen of the soul.” – Tony Robbins and not sure how to get yourself out of them. I feel your deepest fear….that you are not enough, that you are not lovable, and you will be abandoned for it.

there are other things more important than that, I’ll do that later….

I feel you. Actually my darling, all women feel you. You are not alone.

“Love is the oxygen of the soul.” – Tony Robbins

You are lying to yourself. (Brick)

And…. If you are living without the love you want in your life, if you are living in a passionless relationship, if you are living in a relationship where you are not a rock solid and indivisible team, if you are living without consistent ravishing and satisfying sex ….you are NOT living a life you love! And if you are telling yourself …I don’t need that, no one really has that, I don’t deserve that, I didn’t find that, I’m not pretty enough for that, he could never feel that way about me, I’m too busy for that, I’m too tired for that, I’m fine without that, it’s not that bad, I have it better than I thought I would, this is my punishment for the choices I’ve made,


If you don’t have the LOVE and PASSION that you want, you are NOT living a life you love…by definition! You are WIRED for love and passion my darling. It’s in your cells. Every baby needs to be loved and touched or they will DIE. It’s part of who we are as humans. All the crap that you are telling yourself about why you don’t have it, why you can’t have it, why you don’t deserve it….that’s just your ego trying to protect you from the PAIN of getting hurt. We all have that too. Do you remember when your kid was trying to walk for the first time? Remember how they used to pull themselves up next to the | December 2014 / January 2015

furniture and hold on as they took steps? Remember how they used to teeter along and then plop down?

Um. hell no! Well sweetie, it’s the same for you.

So my darling, love yourself as much as I love you! Stop lying to yourself and start CREATING the love and passion that you are WIRED for! OR, you can reach up on that shelf, pick up a beautiful velvet bag and sprinkle that glass on the foundation of your life.

It’s your choice…. Choose Wisely!

I see you. I know. You’ve been hurt and you don’t want to get hurt again. But sweetheart, you ARE a walker! You are going to “fall down and go boom” a few times along the road as you teeter your way to mastery, but you are a WALKER! You are WIRED for this. You are MADE for this. Just like the baby who is wired for walking…. you are WIRED to LOVE and BE LOVED!!!! Masterfully! Don’t run because you fell and got hurt! And don’t believe the flat out lie that love doesn’t hurt! Love does hurt! It’s supposed to. If you are not getting bumps and bruises in life then you are playing too small! We are not supposed to go through this life without getting messy, hurt, broken open, and tossed around! Life is meant to be LIVED! And when we go for it, when we stretch ourselves, when we live into the greatness that we are meant to be….there is going to be fear, hurt and pain at times! It’s part of the journey!

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Stacey Martino - Stacey Martino helps people who feel stuck, frustrated and helpless with the challenges of intimate relationship. Through strategic private coaching, programs and events for her Relationship Transformation System™, individuals learn to use her proven strategies and tools to create an unshakable love and unleashed passion that lasts a lifetime. Stacey firmly believes that it does NOT take two to tango, that one person can significantly shift the dynamics of the relationship. Trained and certified by Tony Robbins and Cloe Madanes, Stacey is a certified marriage educator and divorce preventionist. Stacey is a sought-after relationship expert appearing on numerous media outlets and telesummits. Download our free audio program “How to Transform Your Relationship in Eight Steps” and begin creating your magnificent relationship today!



The first time they tried to walk and they fell. Did you go over to that baby, look them in the eye and tell them “Walking just isn’t for you sweetie. You’re not going to be a walker. It’s going to hurt each time you struggle and fall. You are a great crawler. Just stick with the crawling because you are really good at that and you won’t get hurt that way.”

And it’s WORTH IT! You are worth it!


The Path to Relationship



e develop our personalities in ways that are both universal and yet completely unique. We all experience the same process of development, while our individual circumstances and surroundings shape our particular makeup. When we are born, we are vulnerable, impressionable, and completely reliant on those around us. We develop ways to have our needs met when we are hungry, for example, or uncomfortable, or just need love. Our experiences inform our behaviors; we discover a smile might bring joy and playful interaction or crying might bring comfort and immediate attention. In that way, our parents, siblings, and those who care for us shape us. Our personalities continue to develop as we explore the best ways to have our needs met. We learn which behaviors will bring us love and acknowledgment and which will bring us negativity and even punishment. These aspects of our personalities evolve and take form as we grow. By adulthood, we have

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A drawback to developing in this way is that we tend to overvalue certain aspects of

Additionally, we form rules about how we should be, and how others should be, based on this value system. As a result, we criticize ourselves when we express or show our shadow parts, and we judge other people when they display these behaviors. Most likely we have revealed some of these shadow aspects of ourselves at some point in our lives. If we

and needs and act instead like we don’t have them. Consider a sensitive child who is quick to show her feelings, from happiness to sadness, enthusiasm to anxiety. If she is told she is too sensitive, shouldn’t take things so seriously, or has no good reason to worry or be sad, she will learn to conceal or deny her emotions. Just seeing that her expressed

Our well-being depends on our being whole and having access to all of who we are. ourselves. We might even come to think that our way of being in the world is the only way to be in the world. And when we over identify with one aspect or side of ourselves, we automatically create an opposing side, what is often referred to as our shadow side. We value one set of behaviors or certain parts of ourselves and then consider the other parts unacceptable, “not good,” or even a liability. We see our way as good and right, and we actually try to disown the other parts of us or deny they exist.

received a negative reaction when we exhibited a certain part of ourselves, though, we probably learned to hide or suppress it. Eventually, we learned that showing that part of ourselves was not safe and would not get our needs met. For example, one aspect we often choose not to express is what we refer to as our “vulnerability.” Our vulnerability is the part within us that is connected to our sensitivity, our needs, and our emotions. If we have shown vulnerability in the past, we may have been criticized or ignored. In order to feel safe or in control, we might “stuff” these feelings

feelings worry or anger those around her would be enough for her to become adept at suppressing them. Because she has learned that a more detached approach to life pleases others, she comes to see that this way of relationship is the right and ideal way to be. She comes to view sensitivity and emotionality as a negative thing in herself — and in others. She criticizes herself when she expresses these parts of herself and judges other people who display them. Our unexpressed aspects — whether vulnerability,



identified the ways that work best for us to operate in the world. As adults, we use similar approaches to our relationships, family, and work life to those we developed in childhood. We have fine-tuned ways of keeping ourselves safe and creating a sense of security in our lives.

boldness, creativity, daring, sexuality, or others — don’t disappear. They continue to exist “in the shadows,” and like most hidden things, they come out one way or another, sooner or later. What’s more, failing to recognize and find room for our shadow sides limits how we experience and participate in our lives. Our relationships will be affected if we think it’s wrong or weak to express our feelings. If we value intellect but not creativity or the arts, we may choose a career that becomes increasingly dissatisfying. Our well-being depends on our being whole and having access to all of who we are.

parts of us when we go out to eat — part of us wants to eat healthy and another part wants to order off the dessert menu. It is the conflict we feel when making choices, ranging from major life changes to simple daily decisions. This work was inspired by and is most similar to Jung’s work with the shadow and discovering the unconscious. I was first introduced to working with these aspects by Drs. Hal and Sidra Stone. The basic idea of their work, which they call the Psychology of Selves, is that we have within us the potential for every energy or aspect of personality that exists, and each of us develops the aspects that work best in our lives to get our needs met, and we minimize or disregard the aspects that do not. I believe that our work in this lifetime is to create awareness of all the parts of ourselves. Each part has a purpose, has information for us, and is actually necessary for us to achieve the balance and wholeness we are searching for. Ultimately, coming to embrace all our selves is the path to enjoying more balance in our relationships as well.

All the parts of ourselves — those that we consciously develop and our shadow sides — are our “selves.” We use the term “selves” to describe aspects within our personality; in Jungian psychology, the selves are called “subpersonalities.” Each of these selves has its own perspective on our lives, its own ideas, and even its own ways of remembering specific events. It is important to note here that we are in no way talking about multiple personality disorder. Multiple personality disorder is a psychiatric dissociative disorder. Here, we are bringing to the light a simple process that is naturally occurring within us all the time. It is as simple as sensing two different


Excerpted from the book The Relationship Handbook ©2014 by Shakti Gawain and Gina Vucci. Published with permission of New World Library Read Online!

Shakti Gawain. - Shakti is a pioneer in the field of personal development. For over twenty-five years, she has been a best-selling author and internationally renowned teacher of consciousness. Along with her newest book, Shakti has written numerous books considered classics in her field. Her distinguished publishing history includes best sellers Creative Visualization, Living in the Light, The Path of Transformation, Four Levels of Healing, Creating True Prosperity, and Developing Intuition. Her books have sold over 10 million copies and have been translated into more than thirty languages. She is the cofounder, with Marc Allen, of, a leading publishing company. Learn more at | December 2014 / January 2015

Coming Home to




t took me years to figure out who I was. It took even longer for me to be comfortable showing my real self to the world. Growing up longing to be accepted and loved by my family, I quickly learned that the only way to make that happen was to please everyone and to make sure that everything was harmonious, and to slowly lose myself in the process. So it was no surprise to discover, years later, that I was still doing the same thing in my adult life. The only difference was that I had traded pleasing the people in my immediate family with pleasing everyone else in my life who came along.


It was all I knew, and the only way I knew to be loved and accepted. I played the part well, and as a result, was always likeable, agreeable, easygoing, and adaptable. These are all very good traits, and can lead to a successful life, but there was a very high price I was paying for behaving like this that I never understood. It’s the price one pays when they become everything someone else wants them to be, instead of being true to the person they are. It starts early, these patterns of deferring to everyone else instead of listening to our own true selves. It continues on long after we’ve outgrown so many of the other things we outgrow, a part of our programming, mostly unbeknownst to our conscious selves. It’s no wonder we don’t see what’s wrong.

something other than who we’re meant to be. We become disconnected from our true selves. Until one day, in a way that’s very different for each of us, that little girl inside us, the one who desperately longs to be heard, finally gets her turn. We stop. We listen. We’re finally ready to hear her. And we have no choice, because she refuses to be silenced any longer. And that’s when the real work begins. Oh the beautiful work! This learning to recognize our true selves. This discovery of who we really are, not because it’s what someone else wants us to be, but because of who we’ve come to realize we really are. It’s what coming home to ourselves truly means. It takes a life-changing “A-hah!” moment before we can grasp what that looks like, let alone that it’s where we might want to be. Whether it’s a loss, or a change, or some other monumental moment where we can no longer keep going the same way.

This kind of behavior is reinforced and rewarded all over our culture. After all, we’re behaving like the good little girls we’ve been brought up to be. We go so far away from ourselves. And the price that we pay is that we become


We quickly realize that something has to change, something needs to change, and this time, we’re open and ready to take a look at the one place we’ve never been. Within ourselves. We can’t blame it on anyone else, we can’t look to anyone else but ourselves, and suddenly, we’re open to seeing things in a whole new way. | December 2014 / January 2015

And just like I learned through my own journey, where I finally came to see that the only person I could ever please was myself, and the only person who was responsible for my happiness was me, I learned just what it meant to come home to myself. It’s not about him, or them, or her. It’s not about what you didn’t get, or couldn’t find, or couldn’t do. It’s not about anything outside of us. It’s about the only thing it’s ever really been about – you! But oh how hard that is to see when you’re in the midst of going through the motions of living a life that’s not your own. When you live your life deferring to what everyone else thinks or says about you. When you define yourself by someone else’s standards and don’t realize you can live up to your own. When you let someone else’s narrow vision of who you are dictate who you believe you are. And just like I learned through my own journey, where I finally came to see that the only person I could ever please was myself, and the only person who was responsible for my happiness was me, I learned just what it meant to come home to myself. That place we’re always looking for, longing for, even though we seldom realize what it’s called.

That place where we’re loved unconditionally. That place where we belong to someone worth belonging to. It’s always about home; it’s always about that place in our own heart of hearts. It’s always about coming home to be loved and accepted to belong to our own selves. It’s so much more than a place. It’s what it means to us to be there. For me, it meant I didn’t have to wonder whether someone would validate me. It meant I didn’t have to wonder if someone approved of me. It meant I didn’t have to look to anyone else to give me worth, to decide if I was okay, to determine what I deserved and what I didn’t. It meant that I could choose how I wanted to live my life without answering to anyone else but me. It meant I that was no longer a victim of what anyone else chose to do with me or to me. It meant that I had the answers inside myself, if only I was open to hearing them. It meant I was finally free to be myself, to learn the true meaning of what it truly means to be free.

And finally truly come home. Read Online!

Jane Garapick – Jane is a dating and relationship coach, and the founder of Getting to True Love, LLC. She writes about adventures on the rocky road to finding Mr. Right at www.gettingtotruelove. com. Whether you’re struggling to meet quality men, wondering why your relationships seem to always fizzle out, or you’re in a long term relationship that just doesn’t seem to be going anywhere, Jane can help. To get started on your own personal journey to true love, download Jane’s complimentary get-started guide “Find Your True Love: 10 Simple Steps to Getting the Love You Want...and Deserve.”



“I’ve learned that ‘making a living’ is not the same thing as ‘making a life.’”

Maya Angelou ad Re ne! li On

necting on ec R to ts efi en B l fu er w 5 Po to Your Authentic Mission


Living your mission is when your inner and outer worlds are congruent. To clarify futher, your mission is not the LABEL you use in the world (teacher, coach, taxi driver, best-selling author etc.) it is the essence of you are at your core when you are in alignment with your Source of connection, joy and presence. Here are the 5 powerful benefits to reconnecting with your authentic mission. 1 F uel for the Fire – You become a passionate co-creator of your life and your passion becomes the fuel that feeds your every action and leads you to a fuller, richer life and thriving business. 2 T uned In – Once you have discovered or (re)connected with the passion that fuels you it’s as if you become finely tuned to the Universal Radio Station – or universal life flow. 3 I ncreased Synchronicities – You begin naturally attracting like-minded people who are tuned into the same Universal Radio Station and who are in perfect alignment with your mission. 4 I nner Wisdom – You develop a much stronger sense of faith and belief in yourself and the Universal stream of support that surrounds you. 5 J oy – As you step more and more into your authentic mission, you will experience a sense of inner joy and gratitude that becomes the essence of who you are –no matter what is happening in your outside world.


Read the article online.

l Live & Virtua








hat is a “Holistic Business”? When you are a Therapist, Healer, Coach or Health Practitioner and you work from a Mind, Body, and Spirit approach with your Clients. In a Holistic Business you are working from your Spirit sharing your unique spiritual gifts that is in alignment with your Mission. You are a deeply Spiritual person, so why does your faith go out the window when you hit bumps in the road on the path of developing your Holistic Business? One of the most powerful paths of spiritual growth is through the path of growing your Holistic Business. When you have a Holistic Business, your work is coming from the deepest part of your Soul. That is why the challenges you bump into as you grow your Holistic Business can start to feel so deeply personal.

76 | December 2014 / January 2015

The part of you that can begin to take things personally in your Holistic Business is called your Conditioned Self, the protective part of you. It is trying to keep you safe but it is actually taking you off track from leading your Holistic Business from your Spirit and ends up causing you a lot of unnecessary pain.

HERE ARE SOME COMMON CHALLENGES YOU MIGHT FACE AS YOU GROW YOUR HOLISTIC BUSINESS THAT CAN THROW YOU OFF TRACK: -You have a client who cancels, -You aren’t getting enough clients, - Clients are calling but say they can’t afford your fees, -You aren’t filling your Workshops, - You don’t get enough people on your Tele-Class, - No one is signing up for your Program, - You are having money stress in your business—more money is going out than coming in, - You are confused on the next step in your business, - You are not feeling confident in what you are doing, - You have too many clients but are afraid to set limits, - You need to leverage to reach more clients but feel overwhelmed with what to do first, - You have too much to do and not enough time

ASPIRE MAGAZINE WELCOMES SHELLEY RUITTA AS AN EXPERT COLUMNIST Shelley Riutta, MSE, LPC is the founder and President of the Global Association of Holistic Psychotherapy and Coaching. She is a Holistic Psychotherapist and creator of a 6-figure Holistic Psychotherapy practice. Because of her success at creating a thriving Holistic Practice she launched the Global Association of Holistic Psychotherapy and Coaching (GAHP) which supports Holistic Therapists, Healers, Coaches and Health Practitioners to develop Thriving 6 Figure Holistic Practices and learn about Holistic Methods™ to accelerate the results of their Clients. Attention Therapists, Coaches and Healers! Visit the and download Shelley’s in-depth 6 piece Holistic Practice Building Kit today.


Challenges are opportunities for growth and expansion but your Conditioned Self views obstacles through a different lens—usually a negative more constrictive lens. Instead of opening up to learning the Conditioned Self will move into some form of judgment and negative projection which closes down any opportunity for growth and expansion.


5. Maybe

this will never work and I won’t be able to quit my job

6. See I told you—I could never make enough money doing what I love—it is a pie in the sky dream and no one is able to do it.


1. Reflects an inner block inside of you that needs to be cleared

2. The Universe is giving you feedback 3. Something needs to be done

1. Oh—I should just give up this is too hard.

2. See this is a sign that I’m not on the right path—why did I even think I could do this to begin with

3. Personalizing what is happening and

saying “See I’m not good enough this wouldn’t be happening to me”

4. Maybe I’m not cut out to do this— maybe I should get a job


differently. What needs to be done differently? Is it external, like your Marketing Strategy needs to change and shift. Or is it an internal change being called for? Example: If the challenge is calling you to set better boundaries the shift takes place on the inner level and then you begin to set better boundaries. Write out specifically what better boundaries means for you. It could be ending Sessions on time. Or it could be not taking on clients issues—being responsible for them and instead hold them as powerful? Is it boundaries as to what you will or won’t do? For example will you send things to clients when the session is over or during the Session time only? | December 2014 / January 2015

4. A quality inside of you needs to be brought forward to fully manifest the Vision for your Holistic Business. Example: A challenge may call you to move into a higher level of Leadership in your business so you can take on even greater expansion and responsibilities as you grow.

5. You are in the midst of a breakthrough

and are moving through barriers that are causing outer level challenges. In this case Bless the challenge because it is showing you are breaking through to the next level of growth, expansion and abundance in your Holistic Business.


1. We

are Spiritual Beings having a Spiritual Experience so our true nature is the wholeness, fullness, joy of our Spirit. If you are not in this place it means you are in your Conditioned Self and you aren’t in a connected place. So Spiritual Principles have the power to connect you instantly with what is true.

2. Spiritual

Principles gain power the more they are called upon and practiced—they build momentum and power the more you access them.


3. They

provide helpful support and guideposts that help you navigate your expansion in your Practice. You are able to see what is happening from a higher perspective, which can completely change your experience of the situation.



3. Ask

your Practice what it needs to Thrive and flourish—it needs more fun, more expansion—what is your Practice calling you to do—what is being called to express through your Practice?


1. You Attract who you are—and what

1. View

your Practice as a living and breathing spiritual energy vortex and that you can infuse it with love, joy, peace, power and serenity, abundance—or fill it with fear, scarcity, limitation and restriction.

2. What colors would your Practice be— what words would best describe your Practice? What feeling do you want your clients to get when looking at your website, coming to your Office, listening to a presentation?


your dominant intentions are—so notice what you are attracting in your Holistic Business. To make a big shift, shift you intentions to the vibration and level aligned with where you want to go.

2. Use

building your Holistic Business as the highest form of accelerating your Spiritual and Emotional Growth. Understand that the more you move forward in your Holistic Business the more you will be called to step into the fullness of your Spirit. Embrace this opportunity with gratitude. | December 2014 / January 2015

3. Your Spirit is ready for things far ahead of your Conditioned Self. It is wise to follow your Spirit and not your Conditioned Self. Learn to trust your Spirit as you move forward in your Holistic Business

4. Surround

yourself in an environment that matches where you want to go. Feeling the energy of what we want to create externally can help you begin to access it more internally, therefore accelerate creating it externally in your own life. These environments mirror back to you pockets of possibility.

5. Act from your true nature.

Stop hiding that you are a Spiritual Leader and are incredibly powerful and capable. Stop buying into the distorted false beliefs of your Conditioned Self who doesn’t see how truly powerful you are. AFFIRM:

I am a powerful Spiritual Leader who chose to come to the Planet at this time to uplift and accelerate the healing and evolution of the Planet. I am fully equipped to do this and is safe for me to know this full and act Read in accordance with this Online! truth. And so it is!


“I am a po werful Spir itual Leader wh o chose to come to the Planet at this time to uplift and accele rate the he aling and evolution o f the Plane t.”



4Career or Business Path

Ways to Discover Your Unique BY LISA MICHAELS


o you feel off track with your life purpose? Then you’re probably looking to the outside world to define the goal-centered roles you play in life. Instead, consider living your life’s purpose as a soul-filled creative process in order to take your career to the next level.

Finding the Right Career Path Many women recognize their life purpose as reflected in their career choices. Too often, though, career success engenders stress, confusion, and personal struggle. Even though previous career choices have seemed right and a great fit, there’s that nagging feeling that something’s still missing. Instead of thinking of your life purpose as only related to your job, work or career, recognize there are multiple ways it can be expressed through your business and life.

82 | December 2014 / January 2015

Living your life purpose is an ongoing act of creation. And your real job in life is to express it fully.

Four primary ways to discover your life purpose are: • Learn to recognize the creative urges you experience • Uncover the elemental archetypes that make up your inner creation team • Discover and connect with your unique inner gifts • Allow the alchemical process to reveal your true creation essence

purpose. Each sun sign also aligns with one of the four elemental forces of creation: Earth, Water, Air, or Fire. The combination of these creation archetypes helps align decisionmaking and action as you increase your selfsufficiency in the world.

Elemental Prosperity Motivators

Once you understand your life purpose, a wide variety of career and business paths open so that you can express it outwardly in the many ways you choose.

Meet Your Inner Creation Team To understand your prosperity motivations in your career or business, consider getting in touch with your inner creation team, which functions as your “board of directors.” Consider the sun sign of your birth. Each sun sign calls into account certain types of life experiences which may have deep personal significance to you in terms of the expression of your life’s

Your life purpose and vocational choices suggest opportunities for increased personal prosperity. For example, Earth asks us to build solid, sustainable, and stable resources; Water reminds us to be relational and fluid; Air stimulates our minds with creative and innovative ideas; and Fire moves us to action as we follow our passion. Your personal overall elemental makeup will impact how you work to create increased prosperity and abundance in your life.




The Art of “Cooking” Your Life’s Purpose Think of your life’s purpose unfolding as if it’s a pot of delicious soup. Most of us love the experience of slow cooking raw ingredients to transform into the alchemy of a delicious, nurturing soup. Similarly, the process of time will enhance your ability to bring forth your unique life purpose gifts and express them in the world in terms of your vocation or calling. The alchemical process of “cooking” your life’s purpose offers the time needed to look inward and consider the treasure within the chamber of the heart. Your life purpose evolves from these raw ingredients. In turn, time allows the ingredients to meld and transform. Finally,

you will come to understand how to anchor that purpose through your actions in the world. The clear, nurturance of knowing your life’s purpose will clear the way to increase personal prosperity in the work aspects of your life. Read Online!

Lisa Michaels - Lisa International bestselling author, Divine Feminine leader, and Nature-based money mentor Lisa Michaels teaches conscious alignment with nature to help visionary women dynamically increase their intuition and creation abilities. Lisa has been helping women activate the priestess within and discover how to own their feminine power for the last 15 years. Her process attracts women from all over the globe in an online community. Learn to live a life of joy and passion that aligns your goals with your values and leads you to consciously create a prosperous life and business with meaning and intention. Download your free creation starter kit on today.

“We all ha ve the extr aordina coded with in us, waitin ry g to be relea sed.” Jean H ouston

84 | December 2014 / January 2015






ave you ever kept a journal? Or do you like to write poetry once in a while— something private, just for you? If you have, then I imagine you’ve experienced the healing that can come from getting your experiences and feelings out on the page. Maybe you’ve also enjoyed the power of writing for others—it can be a letter to the editor that motivates people to take action on an issue that matters to you, a blog post that inspires readers to heal or grow in some way, an article that teaches practical information, a love letter. Any of these holds the power to bring joy to someone else, even many people. My husband’s family had an annual New Year’s Tradition at his Uncle Sam and Aunt Jinny’s house and the beautiful Three Stallion Inn in Randolph Vermont. Every New




Year’s Eve Eve (no, that’s not a typo), we gather ‘round the table for dinner, followed by singing holidays songs and the family song (the Badger and the Bear). After that, any new guests who had not been to the house before perform an impromptu song, skit, magic trick, etc.—either as a group or individually. Well, not totally impromptu— they have about an hour to prepare.

Any creative endeavor, of course, has the potential to transform the creator and those who experience the creation. Each year on the way home, New Year’s Day, I composed a playful and humorous (I hope!) poem to memorialize the skits performed, the extended family and friends present, the love and fun we enjoyed together. I felt such joy sending off the poem as a thank you to Sam and Jinny—I believe those playful poems are the best thank you gifts I have ever given. Any creative endeavor, of course, has the potential to transform the creator and those who experience the creation. I believe writing is especially powerful in this way because it can be so accessible. Given a blank page and several writing prompts to choose from, you can likely tap into your writing muse. The biggest issue most people face in our culture is finding the time and space in their lives to write. To create a writing life, you will need to do


both these things. Here are some of my best tips, along with some examples from writers I worked:

MAKE THE TIME ake Writing a Priority: Aspire Publisher M Linda Joy shared with me that when writing her first book, A Juicy Joyful Life she wrote in the morning before e-mail or anything else. When you put writing before your everyday activities, you’re more likely to do it! chedule Your Writing: If it’s in your S calendar for a specific time and date, it’s real. If you think, “I’ll write some time on Saturday,” you’re less likely to get to it. eep it Sacred: It’s one thing to schedule K the writing, another to follow through. When other activities tempt you away from your writing commitments, ask yourself, “What is the impact on my writing and my vision if I say yes to this (and no to the writing)?” If you do decide to go with temptation, reschedule the writing immediately rather than waiting. et in the Mood: I offer writers many G strategies for “Writing in the Zone.” One of my favorites ways to set the mood is simply to go for a walk in nature. Nature helps you release distracting thoughts, move your body, still your mind and enter a space of connectedness—all conducive to creative writing.

And speaking of space… | December 2014 / January 2015

SPACIOUS LIVING CLAIM YOUR WRITING SPACE Need a few ideas on how to create space in your life for writing? Here are some ideas for physical space: Room of Your Own: Not everyone has A the luxury, but if possible, it’s wonderful to have a room dedicated to writing. Sometimes, though, your muse needs a little inspiration. Consider touches that inspire your inner muse. Nicole’s muse asked her to paint her writing room Moroccan Red. S urround yourself with beauty: Whether your writing space is just for writing or a multi-use room, you can fill the space with inspiring images. Perhaps your muse would enjoy paintings, a vision board or a wall mural. I took poster board and pasted a couple of my favorite poems by ee cummings along with several poems of my own. I added some colorful touches for eye candy. earch Beyond S Your Four Walls: Susan Rizzo Vincent, author of Dreas’ Dream: An Unfinished Dance found that

Beyond physical space, you need actual spaciousness. If you have too much going on, it’s hard to write. Here are a few strategies: “I’ll think about it”: Before agreeing to do something, give yourself time to consider it. “No”: Say ‘no’ to activities that are lower priority than your writing time. As you create time, physical space and spaciousness in your life for writing, you’ll be able to explore the many ways writing can bring more happiness, joy, connection and power into your life and the lives of those you encounter. Read Online!

Lisa Tener – An award-winning authority on writing and publishing books, Lisa Tener guides you to joyfully express yourself in writing. She blogs for the Huffington Post, serves on the faculty of Harvard Medical School’s publishing course, and teaches her own Award Winning Book Writing Courses in person and by interactive teleseminar. Download your free Author Tool Kit at



being in a lively environment at a café got her writing juices flowing at first. That changed as the writing became more challenging. Her hot spot shifted to a corner in the library and later to a pew in a quiet church. Be open to the possibility that your perfect spot may need to morph over time.

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