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From the Rector — December 2009 This week (writing in mid-November) I’ve been at two budget setting meetings for the year 2010. The first one was about the Diocese of Oxford’s budget and the second one was about our own parish’s budget. The Diocese considers the larger issues like how much money is needed to pay clergy and other church workers next year and so how much money to ask parishes to give to cover costs like that; and our parish budget considers how much money this parish needs to receive in order to pay our share of the diocesan costs and our own costs. Deficit is the word of the moment in both cases and in other financial areas too. Governments across the world have set huge budget deficits now because of the economic crisis. The international meeting on climate change in December also in its own way is about a massive deficit – our industrialised way of life has demanded of the earth’s natural systems more than they can cope with. Now the earth’s climatic and other systems are changing in ways which will harm living creatures who depend on them, including ourselves. A deficit budget is not necessarily a disaster, provided there are some other reserves to cover the excess of expenditure over income for the period envisaged; and, especially, if the expenditure is expected to cause a growth in income, or a reduction in costs, in the future period. But deficits without such conditions cannot be sustained indefinitely. A budget is a projection of what we think will happen based on current information. So once again this year our PCC is likely to set a deficit budget because, based on what has been promised in income so far, we cannot yet match that projected income to what we project the year’s expenditure should be. Some of that expenditure projection is based on what we know, as a church, we would like to see done during the year. Of course, no commitments to expenditure for which there is no money will be made. Whether all the good things we would like to see happen during this year and in future years are done depends on what is given to
improve our income level. In the new year these particular needs will be shared with you so that in prayer and reflection you might consider how you could help. What has all this to do with Christmas? After all Jesus is God’s free gift to the world and to each one of us. By sending Jesus and by all that he did, God has covered forever the deficit of goodness and love from which we suffer. His reserves are unlimited. And yet Christmas can be a time when family budgets are very stretched . So the Church of England has launched some videos giving advice for an affordable Christmas. You can download an “Affordable Christmas budget planner” sheet which will help you when making decisions about giving presents and spending on hospitality. These are on the Diocesan website www.oxford.anglican.org or can be accessed on the Church of England website www.cofe.anglican.org/debt/christmas I’m delighted that The Reverend Caroline Kramer is coming to join the parish as a full-time associate priest. A fuller profile of Caroline will be published later. Our plans are for her to have moved in to the parish with her family and begun work by March at latest. Please pray for Caroline, her husband Kris and their children Chloe, Calum, Kiah, and Katherine as they make the move from the United States. (And in case of doubt in the light of my earlier comments about the PCC budget, this post is fullyfunded!) May peace and joy in God be yours this Christmas and in 2010.
David Hodgson
CLERGY and OFFICERS Rector Curate Community Priest (Youth) Honorary Assistant Curate Church Wardens
The Revd. David Hodgson 979 2999 Helen Charlton 978 9153 The Revd Michael Johnson 979 0098 The Revd. Colin James 978 1515 Jo Robinson 978 9730 John Smith 979 0948 Margaret Raggett 962 9378 Director of Music David Rance 947 6734 Head Server Chris Gillham 978 3948 Deputy Head Server Ruth Smith 978 7065 Tower Foreman John Harrison 978 5520 PCC Secretary Vacant: Could you be of help? Deputy PCC Secretary John Smith 979 0948 PCC Treasurer Stephen Smith 979 4407 Deputy PCC Treasurer John Alp 979 2797 PCC Treasurerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Team Margaret Hawkins 962 9792 Dickon Snell 978 1044 Gift Aid Co-ordinator Peter Whittaker 978 6225 Honorary Verger Vacant Electoral Roll Officer Joyce Baldry 978 8506 Stewardship Recorder Jim Creech 377 4194 Flower Guild Chairman Pam Gilbey 978 5694 Children & Youth Co-ordinator Margaret Raggett 962 9378 Parish Secretary Jo Asplin 979 2797 Clergy days off: David Hodgson Thursday Colin James Thurs/Fri Michael Johnson Saturday The Parish Office (0118 979 2797), in the Cornerstone, can be contacted about church related issues (Baptisms, Marriages, Funerals). It is open on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 9.15 am to 1.00 pm and for urgent matters or by telephone on Monday and Thursday from 10.00 am to 12.00 noon. e-mail: parishoffice@allsaintswokingham.org.uk The Parish Office, Norreys Avenue, Wokingham RG40 1UE All Saints website: www.allsaintswokingham.org.uk The Cornerstone : For room bookings and general enquiries please phone 0118 979 7778. Monica Martin, Administrator, is in the office: Monday 2-5pm, Tuesday 12.15-4.30pm, Wednesday 2-5.30pm, Thursday 1.45 - 6.00pm. e-mail: info@thecornerstonewokingham.org.uk
WORSHIP Services at All Saints' Church embrace a wide range of formats. An outline is given below but for details and information about occasional services, see the weekly leaflet.
SUNDAY SERVICES 8.00 a.m. 9.30 a.m.
11.15 am. 11.15am
Holy Communion. A said service with a brief address using the traditional language version of the Common Worship Order One Eucharist Parish Communion. The service is sung, with hymns, and follows Common Worship Order One Eucharist. Children are catered for in the Crèche and Junior Church. The last Sunday in the month is Parish Communion for the Whole Church and often includes Parade, children are present throughout, and contribute to the worship. Prayer for Healing with Laying on of Hands is offered regularly at certain Parish Communion services (see diary). Coffee is served after the service and this is the weekly 'social gathering' of the Congregation. Please come and meet us there if you are a visitor to the church or would like to get to know us better.
(1st Sunday) No Service (2nd Sunday) Holy Communion. A said service using the Book of Common Prayer.
(3rd Sunday) No Service Occasionally Baptisms will take place during this time
(Some 4th Sundays) Matins using the Book of Common Prayer, usually sung and including a sermon.
6.30 pm.
(1st - 3rd Sundays) Evensong using the Book of Common Prayer with sermon. Choral Evensong is sung usually on the first Sunday of each month (An alternative form of worship on 4th & 5th Sundays ; and Services of Healing)
WEEKDAY SERVICES Morning and Evening Prayer are said, using Common Worship Daily Prayer, at 9.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. each day from Monday to Saturday. All may, and are encouraged, to attend. These services may be led by a Priest or members of the Laity. Holy Communion is celebrated as follows: Monday Tuesday
9.30 am. 9.30 am.
Wednesday 10.00 am.
(Common Worship Order One) (Common Worship Order One with short address, followed by coffee) (Simple form of Common Worship Order One and short address (particularly for parents and child minders of babies and pre-school children)
Friday in various Residential Homes Major festivals are also marked by additional celebrations of Holy Communion. Please see diary, or for whole year’s dates, see leaflet “Days to Remember at All Saints”.
HOME COMMUNION. If anyone knows of a housebound parishioner, either temporarily or long term, who would like to receive Holy Communion, please contact the Parish Office (979 2797).
CONFIRMATION, WELCOME OR GROWTH GROUPS. Anyone interested in confirmation, a refresher course, or learning about the Christian faith is invited to join one of the Eureka! groups or a confirmation course - contact Barbara Smith on 979 4407. BAPTISMS are usually conducted at a special afternoon service on the last Sunday of each month; or occasionally in Sunday morning services if requested. Baptisms can be booked via the Parish Office (979 2797). WEDDING BOOKINGS. Clergy are available in the Cornerstone on Monday from 6.30 pm - 7.30 pm and on Saturday from 10.30 am 11.30 am on an appointment basis. Please book via the Parish O f f i c e on 979 2797 TRANSPORT. Pat Forsyth (979 7023) or Sue Farrington (978 2371).
Join the All Saints Editorial Team
The Parish Magazine is looking to expand its Editorial Team. If you have an interest in helping to produce this magazine on a monthly basis, and a working knowledge of Microsoft Office, Publisher and/or Quark, we would welcome your support! Assistance in compiling and layout of the magazine is of primary need at this time. Typically, these duties require one dayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s attention each month, with compiling duties to be shared amongst the future team on a monthly rotation. Contact Andrew McKenna or David Hodgson for more information.
MAGAZINE INFORMATION Please leave items for publication in the Magazine tray in the Parish Office or email directly to the editor on or before the Copy Date please. Contributions can be typed, handwritten, or e-mailed. All Saints PCC Wokingham, is a Registered Charity, Nbr. 1127585
Andrew McKenna (977 3812) Email: editor@allsaintswokingham.org.uk
Sheila Longley
(978 4193)
Andrew McKenna (977 3812)
Sheila Longley & team
(978 4193)
Copy Date for Feb:
Jan. 10th 2010
Jan. 22nd 2010
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Flower Guild As I write this article in mid-November we have only just experienced the first real frost, the dahlias have turned black and at last can be dug up and stored for next year. It has been a bonus to have so many lovely flowers in bloom for such a long time but the gardens do need to rest. As we move into Advent, a time of waiting for the arrival of Jesus, so the garden also needs to wait and be still so that we can then appreciate the appearance of the first bulbs of spring and all the promise of things to come.
Dates for your Diary Tuesday December 22nd We will be decorating the church for Christmas from about 10.30am after the 9.30 communion service, which I hope many of us will be able to attend prior to starting our flowers. We need lots of arrangers and so please get in touch if you are able to help. I will soon be working on next yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s flower rota and Guild members should shortly receive a letter asking for their preferred dates for arranging. If you are not already on our list but would like to arrange some flowers in church, do please contact me. If you like I can always find you a quiet week when there is nothing special happening and we are always happy to give tuition and guidance if wanted. Pam Gilbey
For information on the Flower Guild contact Pam Gilbey (978 5694), Kate Thomas (989 4190) or Margaret Whitaker (978 2307)
Berkshire Counselling Centre Counselling for the Community Counselling and training for individuals and couples. Self or Company referrals, help with depression, stress, relationships and self esteem. Talking things over with a trained counsellor may help to free a situation. Through counselling people can often gain a new zest for life and make changes for the better in their personal relationships. Berkshire Counselling Centre provides an independent, confidential service for clients. Anyone over the age of 18 can make an appointment for an assessment interview. (Financial contribution discussed at 1st appointment) We are an accredited member of The British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy.
0118 978 7879 Berkshire Counselling Centre The Cornerstone Norreys Avenue Wokingham RG40 1UE Email info@counsellingcentre.com Website www.counsellingcentre.com
Mothers’ Union Following on from the diocesan winter meeting on Dec 1st (see last month’s magazine), the deanery winter meeting will be held on Friday 11th December in Crowthorne. All welcome. In Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania, the harvest has failed for a third time and the Mothers’ Union is working there, feeding desperate families. This is another example of how the Mothers’ Union, with its worldwide membership, can and does respond to families in need. Donations to the East Africa appeal can be made online or by phone (0207 222 5533). Individual Christmas cakes will be on sale again this year after the 9.30am service on Sunday 13th December. All proceeds to MU funds The Mothers Union have launched a new, year–round ethical gift scheme called Global Village Fair. This is in response to requests to supply ethical gifts throughout the year for occasions such as birthdays or anniversaries and the success of the ‘Make a Mother’s Day’ ethical gifts, which last year raised a magnificent £186,000! Catalogues are available online or from Valerie. Please do consider this when you do not know what to buy as a gift. More information on The Mothers Union’s work worldwide can be found on the website www.themothersunion.org. Alternatively, you can call Valerie (978 7363) or Mary (978 2678) for more information on more local matters or for a lift to meetings. Tues 1st Dec
Tues 8th Dec Fri 11th Dec
10 for 10.30 Diocesan Winter Dates for Meeting in Benson your Village Hall – speaker, Diary Bishop of Oxford. 9.30am Corporate Communion 8.15pm Branch Meeting – Advent worship. 10 for Deanery Winter Meeting at St. John’s, 10.30am Crowthorne (cont.)
Sun 13th Dec Tues 12th Jan
9.30am 8.15pm
Coffee after 9.30am service in aid of MU charities. Corporate Communion Branch Meeting – Exploring the concept of ‘Home’. Thank You
A really big “thank you” to Sue Farrington and Pat Forsyth and their dedicated team of drivers for all their kindness during the quite lengthy period of time that my wife Irene has been in hospital. Such kindness so freely given is very much appreciated by both of us. Irene is slowly improving and I am looking forward to her returning home soon. Ron Leadbetter
Christmas Quiz Can you recognise these carols from their second lines? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
All is calm, all is bright How still we see thee lie Wing your flight o’er all the earth No crib for a bed Stood a lowly cattle shed Bearing gifts, we traverse afar Born for us on earth below Joyful and triumphant Glory to the new born king All seated on the ground That glorious song of old Frosty wind made moan (Answers pg. 38)
Christingle is a wonderful service of celebration which places children at the very heart of things. The joy on the faces of all the children (and all the adults too) when the candle is lit up on their Christingle orange is a truly magic moment and very special to behold. The Children’s Society believes that every child deserves a good childhood. Unfortunately there are still many children in our country who are deprived of this basic right. The money which we give at our Christingle service will go directly to help the Children’s Society to prevent, rescue and support children who face violence, poverty and neglect in their daily lives.
Please join us at our Christingle service in All Saints’ Church Sunday 13 December at 4pm and support the work of the Children’s Society The service is followed by a tea in the Cornerstone.
If you cannot come but still want to make a donation, please contact Dickon Snell (9781044)
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We need a ‘Helper’s List’ to enable us to cope with the various events throughout each year. With your name on the list you would be contacted from time to time to help on a particular occasion. If not convenient for you then we will be in touch again for the next event. We need both men and women. Gentlemen please join Geoff Davies! Geoff has been the only male committee member for a long time and will assure you that it does not mean baking dozens of cakes! We are not asking you to join the committee but the list for helping. There will be no committee duties, no meetings to attend and you will not receive any Minutes – so no pressure! We really do need HELP! We are delighted that Mrs. Jo Robinson, Mr. Michael & Mrs. Janice Smith have now joined the Volunteers List. Our thanks to them and we still need more. On SUNDAY 13th DECEMBER we look forward again this year to providing a tea in the Cornerstone following the CHRISTINGLE SERVICE. The time for the Church service has been changed to 4.00pm. For SUNDAY 20th DECEMBER we will be having MULLED WINE (also FRUIT PUNCH) & MINCE PIES in the Cornerstone following both the 9.30am and 11.15am services. As always we look forward to seeing you at both the above events. THE CHILDREN’S ACTIVITY TABLE. See you at the last table for this year on SUNDAY 6th DECEMBER after the 9.30am service. LOTS TO DO!! Mavis Mason 9792940
Diana Clifford 9792640
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Living Heritage That is an apt description of the tradition of English-style bellringing, which began around 1600 and thrives today in thousands of towers worldwide. Living Heritage is also the title of the new book on the history of ringing here at All Saints Wokingham. The motivation for the book came out of the tower tours and talks about ringing to community groups that began with Celebrating Community, when the bells were being restored in 2004. I was always impressed by how interested people were when they discovered just how much there was to ringing, so when someone suggested that I should write an article about the history of ringing in Wokingham, it seemed a good idea. Like all good ideas, it escalated. When research answered one question, it often threw up another one. Some sources were fortuitous, like receiving e-mail from ringers in former times, whom I had never met. Some sources were voluminous (imaging turning the pages of every Parish Magazine since 1865). Some sources were frustrating, like the virtually illegible 16th century documents I went to see in The National Archives. But after 5 years of research and writing, the book finally emerged. It is much bigger than â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;an articleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, at 160 pages. The main part of the book has a 300 year timespan â&#x20AC;&#x201C; the age of our oldest bells (installed in 1704). It follows the fortunes of the ringers from the 18th century when ringing was a public sport, through Victorian reform of both the church and ringers, through the boost to ringing when the bells were augmented to eight, through the trials of two world wars, and into the modern era. It lifts the lid on otherwise hidden aspects of the world of the people at All Saints who kept alive and developed this ancient art, many of them also making contributions to the wider world of ringing. The book looks at the times the ringers lived in, and how they related to both the community around them, and to the church whose bells they rang. You can obtain a copy from the Parish Office or from me direct. (Phone 0118 978 5520) For more information see: www.jaharrison.me.uk/book/ John Harrison
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Groups at All Saints January Focus: Daily Prayer Group The Daily Prayer Group came together out of a shared desire of the Clergy and members of All Saints’ congregation. Please pray for the Group as it continues in its aim to provide ongoing Prayer throughout the week, Monday to Saturday, by the people of Wokingham for the people of Wokingham. Morning and Evening Prayer are said, based on Common Worship Daily Prayer, at 9.00 am and 5.00 pm each day from Monday to Saturday. All may, and are encouraged to, attend. Prayer is led by one of the Clergy or by members of the congregation. Anyone may take part by • Adding a prayer thought to the list on the Prayer Cross • Coming in and attending Taking a role in the Prayer by reading, praying or leading Please remember this group in your prayers during the month of January
'O Magnum Mysterium’ - carols for choir and audience Wokingham Choral Society, conducted by Alex Chaplin, invites you to join them at All Saints’ Church, Wokingham on Saturday December 12th at 7.30pm to take part in their popular Christmas Carol Concert. This year they will be joined by Berkshire Young Voices. Doors open at 7pm so be sure to come early to ensure getting a good seat. Tickets, priced at £7 (concessions £5), are available from Bookends, Wokingham, Wokingham Information Centre and choir members, by emailing tickets@wokingham-choral-society.org.uk or by ringing Sue Bryant on 0118 934 0283. Further details are available at www.wokingham-choral-society.org.uk.
Music List December 2009 Sunday Service Hymns Music
Advent 2 - 6th December Eucharist: Archer - People's Setting (AMNS 32) Adam our Father - Richard Lloyd
Final Voluntary
Antiphon: I thank Thee, dearest Lord - Karg-Elert
Choral Evensong
Kindle a Light - Fleming
Responses Psalms Canticles Hymns
Plainsong 75, 76 Andreas Fauxbourdon Setting
Mary's Magnificat - Andrew Carter
Final Voluntary Sunday
Advent 3 - 13th December
Eucharist: Archer - People's Setting
A tender shoot - Otto Goldschmidt
Final Voluntary
Liturgical Improvisation No 2 - George Oldroyd
Christingle in aid of Children's Society
Sunday Service Canticle
Advent 4 - 20th December Eucharist (Healing): Archer - People's Setting Magnificat
Music Final Voluntary
A Spotless Rose - Herbert Howells Lied (24 pièces en style libre) - Vierne
Said Evensong with Piano
Thursday Service Hymns
Christmas Eve - 24th December 18.00 Nine Lessons and Carols
by Benjamin Britten, Peter Cornelius, Harold Darke,
Walford Davies, Patrick Hadley, Richard Lloyd, Peter Warlock, Final Voluntary
& David Willcocks Toccata (5th Symphony) - Widor
Music List to 6 January 2010 Service Carols Music Final Voluntary Friday Service Carols Music Final Voluntary Sunday Service
Christmas Eve - 24th December (cont.) 23.15 Midnight Mass: Archer - St Mark's Setting as special booklet O Magnum Mysterium - Morten Lauridsen In the bleak midwinter - Harold Darke Carillon (24 pièces en style libre) - Vierne Christmas Day - 25th December Eucharist: Peruvian Gloria - Kemp Archer - St Mark's Setting as special booklet
Postlude on "Adeste Fideles" - Eric Thiman Christmas 1 - 27th December Eucharist (No Choir)
Hymns Final Voluntary
The Modal Trumpet - Karam
Evening Prayer
Sunday Service Hymns Music Final Voluntary
Christmas 2 - 3rd January 2010 Eucharist: Archer - St Mark's Setting
Service Introit Responses Psalm Canticles Hymns Music Final Voluntary
Choral Evensong Small wonder the star - Edwards Tallis 5-part 135 Harwood in A flat
Wednesday Service Music Final Voluntary
Epiphany - 6th January 19.45 Evening Eucharist: Archer - St Mark's Setting Three Kings from Persian lands afar - Peter Cornelius March in G - Henry Smart
How brightly beams the morning star - Nicolai, arr. J S Bach Cortège - Vierne/Duruflé DAR
How brightly beams the morning star - Nicolai, arr. J S Bach Toccata & Fugue in D minor (BWV 565) - J S Bach
Parish Diary December 2009 Sunday
Advent 2 08.00am 09.30am 11.15am 06.30pm
Holy Communion Parish Communion *** No Service *** Choral Evensong
13 Advent 3 08.00am 09.30am 11.15am 4.00pm 06.30pm
Holy Communion Parish Communion Holy Communion Christingle Service *** No Service ***
20 Advent 4 08.00am
Holy Communion
Parish Communion (Laying on Hands)
11.15am 06.30pm
Nativity Service Evensong (Said)
24 Christmas Eve 3.00pm 6.00pm 11.15pm
Crib Service Nine Lessons and Carols First Communion of Christmas
25 Christmas Day 08.00am 09.30am
Holy Communion All Ages Communion (CW Order 1)
27 Christmas 1 08.00am 09.30am 11.15am 06.30pm
Holy Communion Parish Communion (n.b. not Whole Church) *** No Service *** Evening Prayer
Parish Diary January 2010 Sunday
Christmas 2 08.00am 09.30am 11.15am 06.30pm
Holy Communion Parish Communion *** No Service *** Choral Evensong
Epiphany 7.45pm
Sung Eucharist
Baptism of Christ 08.00am Holy Communion 09.30am Parish Communion 11.15am Eucharist (BCP) 03.00pm Holy Baptism 06.30pm Evensong (Sung)
Epiphany 2 08.00am 09.30am 11.15am 06.30pm
Holy Communion Parish Communion *** No Service *** Evensong (Said)
Epiphany 3 08.00am 09.30am 11.15am 06.30pm
Holy Communion Parish Communion Choral Matins Evensong (Said)
Candlemas 08.00am
Holy Communion Parish Communion for Whole Church *** No Service *** Holy Baptism Healing Service
09.30am 11.15am 03.00pm 06.30pm
About five years ago our article in the magazine was on the subject of “Essential Sharing”. The practice of sharing is so fundamental to our whole life style that we thought it worthy of restating some of the thoughts we expressed then and elaborating further on the significance of sharing in our daily lives. When we are in company with others hardly a minute goes by when we are not sharing our thoughts, ideas, experiences, and our aspirations through our senses of speech and hearing. Even when we are on our own we share experiences of others through the media of newspapers, television, radio and computers. When we read books or magazines we are sharing in the knowledge and experiences of the authors. And again when we think and talk about education we don’t think of it as a sharing experience, and yet it is all about the teacher, or lecturer, sharing the knowledge he, or she, has accumulated through training and worldly experience. In the family situation most parents in bringing up and nurturing their children share with them the knowledge and experience they have gained through life. I wonder how many of our readers who have experienced the loss of a husband or wife have found that one of the most difficult things to come to terms with is being deprived of the opportunity of sharing with that person everything that happens between the two of you. Sharing is something that is very much taken for granted and not often thought about, but when one is prevented from doing so, one realises how fundamental it is to the wholeness of our relationships. Indeed, in the marriage ceremony bride and bridegroom, on giving and receiving rings, both promise that, “all that I have I share with you”. In practice, in most marriages, this means the sharing of assets and possessions, a home, ones joys and troubles, ones experiences, whether together or apart, and, above all, sharing each other’s company and each other’s thoughts and concerns. I venture to suggest that it is when this sharing process begins to falter, then doubts and suspicions begin to arise,
and the trust between the couple begins to be undermined, that the start of the slide on the slippery slope towards separation and divorce so often begins. Another important aspect of sharing is that of sharing our wealth and possessions with those who are less privileged than ourselves by whatever means are available to us. When we see and hear about the extremes of poverty and deprivation that exist in the underprivileged and war-torn countries of the world, it is difficult to appreciate and comprehend the depths of suffering that exist in this bountiful world of ours. So it behoves us, not only nationally, but individually to do all that we can to share our blessings and good fortune with those who are less fortunate. As Christians, we believe in the importance of prayer activity. This is after all the sharing with God, our Creator and Father, the worries, fears and aspirations of ourselves and others, and, above all, to give thanks and praise for all the blessings he has showered on us. Furthermore we are wonderfully privileged in being able to share in the sacrifice of the death of our Lord Jesus Christ through his institution of the sharing of his body and blood through the consecrated bread and wine at the Eucharist. It is during the service that in response to the celebrant’s bidding, “We break this bread to share in the body of Christ”, we affirm that, “Though we are many we are one body, because we all share in the one bread”. So I believe that this privilege and all the blessings which our loving Father has shared with us, require us to be diligent about sharing them with others who, perhaps, have not been so fortunate to know, or believe in, God’s love for us When we take the initiative and share the love of God with others, that love will grow deeper and richer in our own hearts. As we share our gifts this Christmas may we keep in mind God’s wonderful gift of his Son Jesus Christ. We wish you all a happy and blessed Christmas. Jack Hayley Members of the Group: Gill Allen, Maggie Bateman, Jack Hayley, Mary Hughes, Ann Pen, Joan Thomason, Joan Watts and Karen Wellman. Please let us know of any need for healing prayer support. Confidentiality is assured. The Laying on of Hands will be made available at the Parish Communion Sunday 20th December. The next Healing Service will be held on Sunday 31st January at 6.30pm .
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From Colin James Dear Friends In the past I have promised to keep you up to date with progress towards the consecration of women as bishops in the Church of England. The church’s governing body (the General Synod) has three times affirmed its will to go ahead with this. At the same time it is looking for ways to respect the position of those will not accept it. The Synod’s legislative committee was asked to bring forward proposals to cover both these requirements - some might say an impossible task. Last February the Synod discussed the committee’s draft legislation and in a long and complex debate came out in favour of asking its revision committee to revise the draft and to provide a statutory code of conduct to meet the needs of those opposed. The plan is that what they produce should come back to Synod next February where, if it receives sufficient majorities, it will be referred to the dioceses. If a majority of these approve, a final vote could then be held. This would require a two thirds majority in each of the “houses” of bishops, clergy and laity. It would next be passed to parliament where it would require a positive vote in both the Commons and the Lords. So there is still quite a long way to go and a number of obstacles to get over. The revision committee recently caused controversy by saying that it would not be suggesting a statutory code of conduct (as the Synod had voted for) but that a bishop of a diocese would be obliged to delegate certain functions to another bishop where a parish asked for this. All this may seem like a lot of technical hair-splitting and not worth worrying about. But those who are eager to see women bishops are equally eager that we should not create two classes of bishop, those able to exercise the full range of episcopal roles (all men) and those (women) who would have no choice but to delegate certain of them to a male bishop. They believe that a church which accepts women as bishops, but not as “full bishops” is in danger of making the unsatisfactory present situation actually worse. The Church of England already claims certain exemptions under the Sex Discrimination Act, but this does not justify its creating a new kind of discrimination. Incidentally it is generally felt that parliament
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is unlikely to approve new legislation which perpetuates this sort of unequal treatment. It may be that when it comes to the point, supporters of women bishops will feel they have to reject the proposed legislation because they will not feel it right to settle for anything which seems to create anything less than â&#x20AC;&#x153;realâ&#x20AC;? women bishops. Meanwhile there are warnings among those opposed to this development that some may leave the Church of England if it goes through without what they feel they need to safeguard their position. There is no obvious way out of this impasse. A number, at present hard to estimate, may wish to become Roman Catholics. The situation has been further complicated by the recent offer by the Pope to accommodate disaffected Anglicans across the world within the Roman Catholic Church, while allowing them to retain certain aspects of Anglican spirituality and practice. So far reactions to this have been understandably mixed. But one school of thought argues that offering Anglicans who oppose women bishops an attractive alternative reduces (or even removes) the need to make special arrangements for them to stay in the Church of England. It is too early to say how this will work out, but not too early to be praying that God may show us the best way to serve him better and share his good news in a needy world. On a different subject, many of you know that I am an associate of the Community of St Mary the Virgin, Wantage and go there for spiritual direction and an annual retreat. May I commend to you a visit to their recently renewed website (csmvonline.org.uk) There you can listen live to the sisters singing the daily offices, hear a weekly meditation on such topics as angels, prayer and healing. You can also send in requests for prayer. Other parts of the website offer information about the community and its vision and the religious life. Much food for thought and prayer. Christmas is almost upon us once more, so I send you greetings of great joy and hope that the new year will in many ways be better than the one we shall shortly be leaving behind. With love and prayers,
All Saints’ Fellowship Fellowship meetings are held in the Cornerstone De Vitre Room on the third Wednesday in the month at 7.45pm for 7.55pm. The cost to visitors is £1.50 and everybody is very welcome. WED. 16th DEC. Mr. Derek Parkes will be coming along with his light hearted talk about the time he spent in Lapland as a Santa. Come and join us for a relaxed fun evening with coffee and mince. 2010 WED. 20th JAN. Annual General Meeting th
Dates for your Diary
WED. 17 FEB. ‘Washington D.C.’ – slides and talk with Mrs. Diane Hayes. Some of you will remember the inspiring talk given by Mrs. Hayes and her husband about the Royal British Legion so we are looking forward very much to their return visit.
Contact for Fellowship is Diana Clifford 9792614.
Wokingham Volunteer Centre operates a low cost transport scheme to enable those who cannot use public transport get to their hospital/doctor appointments Due to the increase in demand for our help we have recently had to let some of our clients down. We desperately need more drivers (we naturally pay for your petrol). We would love to be able to expand the driving scheme to enable us to take people shopping or for a short outing to say a garden centre. However, to operate this service we do need the help of more drivers. If you can spare just a couple of hours a week to help with this scheme, or with any other opportunities available throughout the district we would like
to hear from you. For more information please contact us on 0118 977 0749
ARE YOU THE MISSING PERSON? If you are a caring person and would like to help those in the community who are less fortunate than ourselves, and enjoy a good social life as well, why not come along to one of Wokingham Lions Club’s meetings to find out more about us and what we do? We are well known for organising the Wokingham May Fayre – but due to this, and other successful events, we need more members to follow our international motto – “We Serve”. We meet at the Committee Room, Wokingham Town Hall on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. for 8:00. Or contact Wokingham Lions Club on 0845 833 7384 for further details. www.wokinghamlions.org.uk
Notes from the November PCC
Among a varied agenda the PCC reviewed a detailed paper written by Tamzin Evershed on behalf of the Eco-Congregation Group. The report contained a calendar which will, each month, see the Group encouraging the congregation through workshops and other ideas to become more eco-aware. The PCC was shown a DVD entitled ‘Living Faith for the Future’ in which Bishop John set out the five key directives which form the basis of the diocesan vision and which he hopes will be used in a local context to ‘Grow the Kingdom’. They are: Sustaining the sacred centre – exploring ways to help people enjoy and sustain God in their every day lives. Making disciples – how to accompany each other on our own journey of faith. Making a difference in the world – being engaged in God’s mission both locally and globally Building a vibrant Christian community – engaging with people and reaching out into the local community. Developing leadership – ensuring that individuals and groups are reaching their full potential within the church. The DVD contains thought provoking and interesting ideas which could encourage us to move out of our comfort zones in order to ‘grow the kingdom’ here in Wokingham. ‘Living Faith for the Future’ may be viewed at www.oxford.anglican.org. Thames Valley Probation Service would like to display a Community Payback Plaque in the churchyard in recognition of all the time and help they give towards its upkeep. A suitable site will be chosen and the necessary permissions applied for. This article is the opinion of the writer and not an official record of the meeting which can be found in the published minutes.
Pam Gilbey
Stewardship THANK YOU Many thanks to everyone who has returned their pledge form after our Stewardship campaign in October. If you have not returned yours … don’t worry, it is not too late! If you have been away, or missed any payments, we would appreciate it if you would make your pledges up to date; this would help the Treasurer enormously with the budgeting for the coming year at All Saints. Thank you too for all your continued support both financially and with your time and talents – it is great to be part of a team. The Stewardship Team RECYCLING DIRECTORY The All Saints Recycling Directory last made its appearance over 4 years ago and is going to be re-launched. If anyone has any recycling ideas, websites or anything that would be of interest, please could you let me have them, via the Parish Office addressed to me, for inclusion in the Directory? I am hoping the first one will be launched shortly but I will be updating them at least once a quarter, so any information you have will be used. Many thanks Jo Robinson Member of Eco-Congregation Team WOMAN'S WORLD DAY OF PRAYER (for Women, Men and Young People) The international Day of Prayer for 2010 is on Friday 5th March and will be hosted in Wokingham by St. Paul’s Church. Full details in February magazine. (Diana Clifford 9792614)
Text books for Kenya Website http://www.gnnsjkenya.org/nspsi/about.htm Ravinder, a work-colleague of my husbandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, is supporting an educational initiative in Kericho, Kenya and hopes that you will be able to help him. The college, known as NSPSI, started as a millennium development educational initiative to benefit the community around Kericho, Rift Valley and Kenya at large. It has been the work of GNNSJ, a Faith Based Organisation working to meet the Millennium Development Goals set at the United Nations Millennium summit. It is a registered charity. NSPSI is a technical college specialising in business studies, accountancy, computing and secretarial courses. Recently for those students who do not want to work towards academic qualifications, carpentry, plumbing, bricklaying have been added to the curriculum. Courses are also being provided for local women to learn to sew and make clothes for themselves and their children and sewing have been added to the curriculum. The text books that are needed are mainly A Level and the first year or so of university courses. Any of the books not suitable for that college will be passed on to any other schools or colleges. The college provides huge benefits for the students so they can find jobs or become more academically able. They have a huge desire to learn and are desperate for knowledge on any subject. The queues for the books are long and a library book is taken out for 30 minutes at a time before it has to be returned! At the time of writing, Ravinder, is organising the shipment of 700 text books that are no longer needed over here. Can you help? Do you have any old, unwanted text books on the above subjects at any level that are filling your bookshelves? If so, please call me on 0118 9789730 and I will come and collect them. Jo Robinson
Service of Thanksgiving for Creation and Blessing of Animals 20 September 2009 – 21st year! This was well attended as always – many people and animals, including bearded dragons, cats, dogs, rabbits and guinea pigs. The service was led by David. Bishop John gave us a stimulating address and blessed the animals individually after the service, along with David and Colin, and there were refreshments for all in the Cornerstone – two-legged and four – provided by our excellent Social Committee led by Diana Clifford. Thanks are due also to David Rance for playing the organ. The collection amounted to £150 divided between the Anglican Society for the Welfare of Animals and the local branch, Reading East, Wokingham and Bracknell Cats Protection League. Next year the service will be on 10 October and Bishop Stephen has agreed to come again to preach and bless the animals. Marcelle Williams
Christmas Quiz Answers (from pg.11) 1. Silent Night 2. Oh Little Town of Bethlehem 3. Angels From the Realms of Glory 4. Away in a Manger 5. Once in Royal David’s City 6. We Three Kings 7. See Amid the Winter Snow 8. Oh Come All Ye Faithful 9. Hark the Herald Angels Sing 10. While Shepherds Watched 11. It Came Upon a Midnight Clear 12. In the Bleak Midwinter 38
BIG CHRISTMAS SING For Christian Aid Christian Aid are raising money through ‘The Big Christmas Sing’ events this December. Join voices to fight poverty this winter by coming to sing Christmas carols outside the Wokingham Tesco Store on TUESDAY 15 DECEMBER from 6.45 – 9.00pm. Examples of what we could help to fund are: £2.00 Olive wood to be used by a disabled person in the West Bank to make a living through carving nativity scenes. £20.00 Would fund an hour of business training to enable women to run their own business in the occupied Palestinian territory. £200.00 Would pay for a Youth Worker to help children from the poorest refugee camps in Gaza. Further information from Valerie Kemp (978 2586)
The FINCHAMPSTEAD SUPPORT GROUP would like to thank all those who supported the Autumn Fayre at the Memorial Hall in October. We made £8,000 this year for the Duchess of Kent House Charity. We will be holding our MAY LUNCH IN AID OF SUE RYDER CARE, NETTLEBED at the Finchampstead Memorial Hall on FRIDAY 4TH JUNE at 12.00 for 12.30pm. We are very pleased to welcome back Val Pretlove who combines her passion for the City of London with her enthusiasm for people. She will be entertaining us with a talk and guide on GARDENS IN THE CITY OF LONDON. We look forward to seeing you and your friends at this very popular annual event. Tickets available on 0118 978 8227/973 0921.
Baptisms 18 Oct. Jacob Peter Shaw Abigail Hollie Croyden Evie Lily Croyden Harriet Gillian Smith 25 Oct. Eleanor Eve Chappell George Gordon Derek Rimmer Spencer Bailey Roberts Millia Elizabeth Cook Joel John Hopkins Burials 20 Oct.
Georgina Christine Elizabeth Coombes Age 61
Funeral in Church followed by Cremation 9 Nov. Ronald Arthur Bowey
Age 90
Burial of Ashes 26 Oct. Patrick Reginald Herring 26 Oct. Doris Herring
Age 72 Age 92
At Easthampstead Park Crematorium 13 Oct. Doris Evelyn Buy 26 Oct. Adrian Paul Lyons 18 Nov. William Farrer Robinson 20 Nov. George Ernest Kidd
Age 89 Age 60 Age 86 Age 86
Number of Sundays Sundays Week days
5 896 187
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