The Parish of All Saints Wokingham July 2012
From the Rector — July 2012
One of the privileges of ministry i n the Church of England i s to help a family i n a me o f bereavement. Apart from the funeral s ervice i tself, the ministry of the c hurch to those who a re bereaved i s hidden from public view. In a well-supported parish l ike ours, this ministry i s not restricted to the c lergy. At All Saints we have a team of bereavement c are visitors, who a re a vailable to offer a l istening e ar. This team a lso organises our a nnual s ervice of commemora on a nd thanksgiving for the departed which i s greatly a ppreciated by bereaved rela ves a nd friends who a end. Also, we have fellowship groups a nd s ervices that a re par cularly s uited to those who find themselves on their own a er l osing a l ifelong partner. Our P arish Administrator Mrs J o Asplin offers s ympathe c a nd helpful a dvice when people phone i n or c ome to the P arish Office to make e nquiries a bout burials a nd memorials i n the c hurchyard, or to a rrange a funeral s ervice i n church. She e nsures the s mooth running of a rrangements for a funeral s ervice in c hurch a nd the burials a nd memorials a dministra on a nd records; working with J ohn Smith who i s the warden with responsibility a s c hurchyard s teward. The volunteer team who wor k s o hard to l ook a er the c hurchyard a re a lso offering their ministry of gardening to those who a re bereaved. When there a re funeral s ervices i n c hurch, we rely on our Director of Music to be or to provide the organist a nd a lso on our team of part- me vergers to welcome people i nto the c hurch a nd prepare i t for the s ervice. Whether the funeral s ervice takes place i n the c rematorium or i n the c hurch itself, a s a c hurch we offer a ministry to the bereaved i n our c ommunity which goes beyond the s ervice i tself a nd i nvolves more people than only the c lergy taking the s ervice. We value also our good rela onships with the funeral
directors who s erve our a rea. Our funeral ministry i s a vailable to a ny family or person resident i n this parish who would l ike our help a t a me o f bereavement. It i s c ertainly not restricted to regular c hurchgoers. The Bishop of Reading a nd the Area Deans of Berkshire a re c oncerned to make sure that the funeral ministry of the Church of England c on nues to be available to a ll who would benefit from i t; a nd that our c hurches truly meet the emo onal a nd s piritual needs of bereaved people a s a ppropriate for them i n the 2 1st c entury. To this e nd, I c onvene a working group of Area Deans i n Berkshire who a re planning a s eries of s eminars i n November, a bout the present a nd future o f funeral ministry for Church o f England vicars a nd other ministers i n Berkshire who c onduct funerals. We will hear from theologians, funerals directors, a nd other prac oners, a s well, of c ourse, from the bereaved; with the a im of enhancing the funeral ministry of the Church o f England i n our a rea. The na onal Church o f England i s a lso a bout to e mbark on a project to help parishes a nd c hurches a cross the c ountry to i mprove the ministry the Church offers to people a t a me o f bereavement. We know that our s ociety a nd our c ulture i s c onstantly a dap ng a nd developing, whilst s ome needs remain c onstant. It i s i mportant that we a re responsive a s a c hurch to the c hanging needs a nd e xpecta ons of those who are bereaved; s o that the very best of the s upport a nd help our c hurches c an offer i s not missed by those who c ould be helped.
David Hodgson
THE CHILDREN’S ACTIVITY TABLE We hope to have the table i n the Cornerstone following the 9 .30am s ervice on Sunday 1 st J uly. There a re l ots of bits a nd pieces i n the ‘bits a nd pieces box’ s o c hildren, c ome a nd help us to use them up - adults c an a lso c ome as l ong a s you behave!
MAGAZINE INFORMATION Please l eave i tems for publica on i n the Magazine tray i n the Parish Office or email directly to the editor on or before the Copy Date please. Contribu ons can be typed, handwri en, or emailed. All Saints P CC Wokingham i s a Registered Charity, No. 1 127585 Editor: Distribu on:
Andrew McKenna (977 3 812) Email: editor@allsaintswokin gham.or Sheila L ongley
(978 4 193)
Adver sements: E mail: editor@all saint swokingh k Colla on:
Sheila L ongley & team
(978 4 193)
Copy Date for Aug/Sept:
15th July 2012
27th July 2012
This magazine is published by the Rector and PCC of A ll Saints Parish W okingham. Opinions expressed by individual contributors do not necessarily reflect the views of the publishers.
Clergy and Officers Parish Clergy Rector Associa te Pries t Honorary Ass t. C urate Honorary Ass t. C urate
The Revd. Canon David H odgs on The Revd. Caroline Krame r The Revd. Colin James The Revd. Hele n Cha rlton
979 2 999 979 9 956 978 1 515 978 9 153
Church Wardens
John S m ith Katherine H ugge Vacancy
979 0 948 07834450819 —
Jo As plin
979 2 797
Margare t Ragge Rachel Ga rlis h Harrie t S winya rd Robert V a che r, S usa n Wes tgate
979 2 797 978 2 602 962 9 313 979 2 797
Katherine H ugge , J ohn S mith
979 2 797
David Rance Gail H oug hton Rachel Knowles Ruth S mith Joyce Baldry John Harris on Lucille Taylor
979 2 797 979 2 797 979 4 736 978 7 065 978 8 506 978 5 520 978 6 847
Revd Colin Ja mes
978 1 515
Liz Rippon
978 0 455
David A tkins on Jo Robinson Stephen S mith John A lp
979 7 911 978 9 730 979 4 407 979 2 797
Parish Admini strator Children and Youth Safeguarding C o-ordina tor and Childre n’s Adv ocate Crè che Lea de r Junior Church Co-ordina tor Youth Church C ontacts: Friday Nig ht Youth D rop-In (FDI) C onta cts:
Worship and Music Director o f M us ic (inc. Choir) Music G roup Lea der Head S e rve r Deputy Head S erve r Bible Rea de rs’ r ota Towe r F ore man Flowe r Guild C hairma n Wors hip Rota a nd Praye r L ists C o-ordina tor Lay Co-Chair of Transforming W ors hip
Parochial Church Council PCC S ecreta ry Deputy P CC S ecre tary PCC T reasure r Deputy P CC T reasure r
Clergy and Officers PCC T reasure r’s Team Stewa rds hip C o-ordina tor Gi Aid Co-ordinator Stewa rds hip R ecorder Electoral Roll O fficer Leade rship F orum C onvenor Asst. S te wardship Re corde r and Ass t. G i Aid C oordina tor
Margare t Hawkins Dickon S nell Jo Robinson Pete r W hi aker Jim Creech Joyce Baldry Liz Rippon
962 9 792 978 1 044 978 9 730 978 6 225 377 4 194 978 8 506 978 0 455
Chris Westga te
979 2 797
Barbara S mith Jack Hayley Jo Robinson Sarah Boyla n Paris h O ffice John S m ith Susan Westgate
979 4 407 978 3 939 978 9 730 979 2 797 979 2 797 979 0 948 977 1 041
Pasto ral Care contact s Home C omm union Healing Praye r Group Pastoral Ca re Bereavement Care Bap sms, Weddings, F une rals Churchyard S tewa rd Trans porta on
Clergy available days:
David Caroline Colin Hele n
All days except T hurs day All days except F riday Mon to Wed, S a t, S un. Usua lly T ues. and S un.
The Parish Office (0118 9 79 2797), in t he Corners tone, ca n be contacted about church rela ted iss ues ( Ba p sms, M arriages, F une rals ). I t is o pen o n T uesday, We dnesday a nd Friday f rom 9.30 am t o 1.00 p m and f or u rge nt ma ers o r by te lephone on M onday and Thursday f rom 1 0.00 a m t o 12.00 noon. e-mail:
Posta l a ddress:
The Pa rish O ffice, Norreys Avenue, W oking ham RG40 1UE
All S aints we bsite:
www.allsaints wokingham.
The Cor nerstone: For room bookings and g e ne ral e nquirie s p lease phone 0118 979 7778. A dminis tra tor M onica M a r n is in the o ffice: M onday 2 -5pm, T ues day 12.15-4.30pm, W ednesday 2-5.30pm, Thursday 1.45 - 6.00pm. e-mail: info@ thecorners
Worship at All Saints Services at All S aints' C hurch em bra ce a w ide ra nge of f ormats. A n outline is give n below but f or de tails a nd informa on about occa sional serv ices, se e t he weekly lea flet.
Sunday Services 8 .00 a.m.
Holy Comm union. A said se rvice w ith a brief address us ing the tra di onal lang uage v e rsion of the Common W orship O rde r O ne Eucha rist.
9.30 a.m.
Paris h Communion. T he s ervice is s ung, w ith hy mns, and f ollows Com mon W ors hip O rde r O ne E ucharist. Childre n a re cate re d f or in the Crèche a nd Junior C hurch. The las t S unday in the m onth is Parish Com munion f or t he Whole C hurch and o e n includes Para de, children are p rese nt t hroug hout, a nd contribute to the w orship. Praye r f or Hea ling w ith Laying o n of Hands is o ffered reg ula rly at certain Pa ris h Communion services (see dia ry). Coffee is se rved a er t he s ervice a nd this is the weekly 'socia l gathe ring' of the C ong rega on. Pleas e c ome and me et us there if y ou are a v isitor t o the c hurch or would l ike to g et to k now us be er.
11.00 a.m.
(1st Sunday) F amily Service The se rvice is simple w ith s ongs, praye rs a nd a ta lk for childre n. Everyone is inv ite d but es pecially parents and childre n. If y ou eve r worry tha t y our c hildren are t oo n oisy f or C hurch, t his is the pla ce to t ry!
11.15 a.m.
(2nd Sunday) Holy Communion A said se rvice us ing t he Book of C omm on P rayer.
11.00 a.m.
(3rd Sunday) Family Service
11.15 a.m.
(Some 4 th Sundays) Ma ns using the Book of Common Prayer, usually sung and including a serm on.
6.30 p.m.
(1st - 3 rd Sundays) Evensong us ing the Book of C omm on P rayer with sermon. Chora l Evens ong is s ung us ually on t he first S unday of each m onth.
(An a lterna ve form o f worship o n 4 th & 5 th Sundays; a nd Services o f Healing)
Weekday Services Morning and Evening Praye r a re said, using Com mon Worship Daily P rayer, a t 9.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. each day from M onday t o S aturday. All may, a nd a re encourage d, t o a end. T hese s ervices may be le d by a P riest or membe rs of the La ity.
Holy Communion is celebrated as follows: Monday Tuesday
9.30 a.m. 9.30 a.m.
(Comm on Worship O rder O ne) (Comm on Worship O rder O ne with s hort address, followed b y c offee) (Simple form of Comm on Worship O rder O ne and short address ( par cularly for parents and child minders of b abies and p re -school children)
10.00 a.m.
in v a rious Res ide n al Homes
Major fes vals are als o ma rked by a ddi ona l c ele bra ons of Holy C om munion. Please see the Pa ris h D iary else whe re in t he magazine, o r se e o ur S erv ices lea flet.
Home Communion: I f anyone k nows of a h ous ebound pa ris hione r, eithe r temporarily or long term, w ho would l ike to re ceive Holy C om munion, p lease contact the Pa rish O ffice ( 979 2797).
Confirma on, Welcome or Growth Group s: Anyone i nte res ted in c onfirma on, a re fre she r course, or lea rning about t he Chris an faith is invited t o join one o f t he E ureka! g roups o r a confirma on course - contact Barba ra S mith o n 9 79 4 407.
Bap sms: a re usua lly conducte d a t a spe cial a e rnoon se rvice on the las t S unday of each month; o r occasionally i n S unday morning se rvices if reques ted. Bap s ms can be booked v ia t he Parish O ffice (979 2 797).
Wedding Bookings: Cle rgy a re available i n the C orne rstone o n M onday from 6.30 pm - 7.30 pm a nd o n S aturday f rom 10.30 am - 11.30 a m o n a n a ppointme nt bas is. Please book v ia the Pa ris h O ffice (979 2797).
When a sked to name a mission organisa on, the c hances a re your first thoughts will be The Church Missionary Society (CMS) or The Bible Society. M y dic onary gives one of i ts defini ons of mission a s ‘a group of people s ent by a religious body, e sp. a Chris an c hurch, to a foreign c ountry to do religious a nd social work’. The Mothers’ Union falls i nto this c ategory by virtue of the fact we do s end people from the UK to ‘do religious a nd s ocial work’. One well publicised project is the L iteracy P roject, which i s most definitely s ocial work. What i s s ome mes forgo en i s that the project i s delivered by Chris ans, quietly doing God’s work for others i rrespec ve of their faith (or l ack o f faith): these MU workers a nd ordinary members a re unashamed to c onfess their faith and will usually wear badges or e ven garments bearing the MU l ogo. They do not force their views on others but a re willing to talk a bout their beliefs i f approached. It i s hard to believe that s uch a n a pproach goes unno ced, especially i n a reas where the prominent religion i s very visible: this i s s urely religious a nd s ocial work. The MU has 4 million members i n 8 1 c ountries. Most of them a re not workin g in a foreign c ountry, but many travel for days to remote (‘foreign’) a reas of their own c ountry; they a re s upported by missionaries (MU members) from the UK. They a re a lso s upported financially for the most part by the UK a nd a current MU project i s the ‘Wheels Appeal’ for funding to e nable travel to more remote a reas. In upholding our Aims a nd Objec ves to s upport Chris an family l ife a nd to help those whose families have met with a dversity, The M others’ Union con nues to c are for others whilst being open a nd proud of the fact that we a re Chris an witnesses. Should the M U be higher up the l ist of well-known mission organisa ons? Branch Ne ws. Our final branch mee ng before the s ummer will be a garden party. Corporate Communion will c on nue i n Au gust, but there will be no
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branch mee ng. More i nforma on on The Mothers Union’s work worldwide c an be found on the website For branch i n forma on or a l i to mee ngs, please c all Valerie (978 7 363) or Mary (978 2 678). Tues10 th July 9 .30am Corporate Communion. Thur s 12 th July 5.30Diocesan mee n g and AGM at Ger ard’ s Cross 8 .30pm Wed 28 th July 7.45 for Branch mee ng – garden part y. 8pm Tues 14 th Augu st 9.30am Corporate Communion.
Olympic Quiz To c elebrate the Olympics, this month’s theme is “ Physical P as mes”: not a l ot of s port i n the Bible s o there a re s ome unusual ones i n there! Odd numbers Biblical, e ven numbers s ecular. 1) In which s por ng pas me did J acob meet God face to face? ( Genesis,ch.32) 2) Which s port i s c ontrolled by the WBC? 3) J ehu was recognised from a distance undertaking which pas me, ” furiously”? (2 Kings 9 ,20) 4) In which s port do par cipants c ompete for the I OM TT trophy? 5) J esus c alled P eter to walk to him i n which unusual l oca on? ( Ma hew 1 4,29) 6) In 1 968 Mexico City Olympics, who developed a high j ump technique, the”flop”, l ater named a er him? 7) What did David do, before the Ark of the Covenant, to honour God ? (2 Samuel,6,16) 8) Which s port unites Ha ers, Hammers, Toffeemen a nd Villains? 9) Complete the s entence: A er the Red Sea c rossing, Miriam s ang”……has he thrown i nto the s ea” (Exodus 1 5,1) 10) Which s port has Chinamen, Googlies a nd Yorkers? (An swer s p g 3 5)
Flower Guild Flowers of e very hue fill the borders during the s ummer months, i nspiring us to c reate c olourful a rrangements that will remain i n the memory l ong a er the warm s un has departed, reminding us of s unshine a nd c lear blue s kies. Rose, paeonies, yarrow, l arkspur, l avender a nd l ilies; these a re j ust a few of the flowers that l ook a t their best i n the more c olourful c ontainers that s uit summer s o well . This i s a good me of the year to i nclude i n s ome of your a rrangements the tender e xo cs that a re a vailable for most of the year i n flower s hops. Strelitzies, tuberoses, a nd a nthuriums a ll c ombine happily but s omewhat unusally, with herbaceous or hardy border plants, s uch a s delphiniums, a nd roses. Create unusual a nd e xci ng e ffects by s e ng brillant c olours a gainst one another. Try placing rich reds a mong l ime-green foliage, pale liac-pink next to burning orange, a nd l emon-yellow c lose to the brightest s ky-blue. Of c ourse, bright – c oloured c ombina ons a re a lways a gamble but i f you choose with c onfidence, s uch a rrangements a re almost bound to work well. With a bundance of flowers during these months i t i s the best me to be arranging flowers s o make the most of i t. Lucille Taylor Flower Rota for July July 1 st Mrs S Richards, Mrs S Weston SB July 8 th Mrs A Wade, Mrs J Alp L T July 1 5 th Mrs J Goodchild, Mrs E Shelley L T July 2 2 nd Mrs H Ma hews, Mrs J Atkins H M July 2 9 th Mrs M Whitaker, Mrs J Mitchell MW For i nforma on: L ucille Taylor (9786847) o r Hazel Ma hew s (9786700)
All Saints’ Church Fellowship Everybody i s most welcome to Fellowship mee ngs usually held on the third Wednesday e ach month a t 7 .45pm for 7 .55pm i n the Cornerstone De Vitre Room. The c ost to visitors i s £ 1.50 which i ncludes c offee a nd i f you have a ny queries a bout Fellowship please c ontact L eader Diana Clifford 9 792614 WED. July 18 th ‘My L ife As A Countryman’ with Mr. Ted Fox. The tle of the talk s ums up the l ife of this gentleman who i s now s e led i n Charvil near Twyford but s pent part of his l ife a s a farm i nstructor i n the Canadian P rison Service then had his own farm a nd finally re red a s a blacksmith a nd wheelwright. This will be a very i nteres ng a nd a musing talk. WE TH EN BREAK F OR TH E S UMMER A ND WISH EVERYBODY A H APPY HOLIDAY OR J UST E NJOY A CH ANGE FROM THE U SUAL D AILY ROUTINE. WED. SEP T.19 th A l ight hearted l ook a t L OVE A ND MARRI AGE IN ART with Mrs. Rita L enney WED. OCT.17 th THE HISTORY O F MAGIC with Mr. Keith Churcher – a member of Inner Magic Circle. WED. NOV. 21 st Hold on to your s eats as we a re going AROUND THE WORLD I N SIXTY MINUTES with Mr. David Grainger. Talk a nd s lides. WED.19 th DEC. CHRISTMAS G ET TOGETHER with prayer & Bible reading for Christmas, plus fun quiz a nd l ight fi nger s upper.
2013 WED. 1 6 th J AN. A.G.M. WED. 2 0 th F EB. Talk a bout STAGE FRIGH T with Rev. Michael J ohnson t.b.c.
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Jubilee ringing If e ver there was a demonstra on of the s pecial place that bell ringing has i n the psyche of our na on, i t was the J ubilee pageant, l ed not by a trumpet fanfare, nor by brass band music, but by c hange ringing on tower bells. There was s omething touchingly s imple a bout the bells being i nstalled on a humble cargo barge, decked for the occasion with bun ng, but s ll a working b oat. The s ound o f c hange ringing i s familiar to a ll, but the e xperience for those on the bank was s ubtly different. The s ound had a n a dded c larity, without the reverbera on from being i n a tower, a nd the a c on of the bells, normally hidden i n a tower, were c learly visible. Perhaps i t’s a s hame that the hand picked band of ringers below the bells were not a lso visible. They were i n the depths of the boat, because pu ng them on the deck would have needed the bells, which weigh well over 2 tons, to be mounted much higher. The bells a ll bear the Royal Arms, a nd a re i nscribed with the names of the Queen a nd s enior members of the Royal family. Their permanent home will be in the tower of St J ames, Garlickhythe, i n the City of L ondon. Anyone following the pageant will have heard ringers i n towers a long the river joining i n a s the P ageant passed. What they will not have heard was the s ound of bells i n hundreds of towers a cross the c ountry a lso j oining i n, i ncluding All Saints. Towers rang na onwide a er the s ervice i n St P aul’s Cathedral on the Tuesday a s well. On a s maller s cale, the previous weekend, ringers a cross the Diocese responded to our Bishop’s request for bells a cross e ach of the three coun es to ring a t the e nd of c ommemora ve s ervices held i n Oxford, Buckingham a nd Reading. It was a busy me for our ringers, with the Civic Service a s well a s the na onal ringing, e specially with many of us a way. I was i n Chester for the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers’ a nnual mee ng, where there was a J ubilee flavour i n our s ervice i n Chester Cathedral. By c hance, both the Vice Dean a nd Precentor were former ringers, s o the a ddress was very well i nformed a bout ringing a s well a s the J ubilee. For more a bout the J ubilee bells s ee: John Harrison
This year’s Choir cathedral week We were so pleased that members of All Saints came to our services at Chich-‐ ester Cathedral last year – at least one person each day which must be a rec-‐ ord. Chichester were i n touch with us a month or s o a go to a sk i f we c ould s ing on a Saturday i n J une 2 013 but un fortunately we a re a lready booked up to s ing a Saturday e vensong a t Winchester Cathedral. This year we shall be at Wells Cathedral in Somerset from 30 th July to 5 th Au -‐ gust. Wells is a rguably one of the most beau ful of our ancient cathedrals and we haven’t sung there since 1991. It is a li le further to travel than last year but, like Chichester, is in a lovely holiday area. It’s on the edge of the Mendip Hills with s uch tourist a rac ons a s Cheddar Gorge a nd Woo key Hole, a nd his-‐ toric towns l ike Glastonbury a nd Bath near by. As it was such a n encouragement to us to see many of you at Chichester, per-‐ haps you would consider visi ng us again this year at Wells. The dates and mes of s ervices a re a s follows: Monday 30 th – Saturday 4 th August (but not Thursday) Choral Evensong a t 5 .15 p.m. (lasts a bout 3 5 minutes) Sunday 5 th August Cathedral Eucharist a t 9 .45 a .m. (like our Parish Communion) Choral Ma ns a t 1 1.30 a .m. (lasts a bout 4 0 minutes) Choral Evensong a t 3 p.m (earlier than on weekdays) You c an find the l ist of music that we s hall be s inging a t: h p:// Recordings of our s inging a t Chichester c an be heard a t: h p://w David Rance
Parish Diary - July 2012 Sunday
Trinity 4
Monday to Saturday
2 08.00a m
Holy Co mmunio n
09.30a m
Parish Co mmu nion
11.15a m
Family Service
Th Julian Group
3.00p m
**No Service
06.30p m
Choral Evens ong
Trinity 5
08.00a m
Holy Co mmunio n
09.30a m
Parish Co mmu nion
11.15a m
BCP E uchari st
3.00p m
**No Service
6.30p m
Sung Evenso ng
Trinity 6
08.00a m
Holy Co mmunio n
09.30a m
Parish Co mmu nion
We All Saints Fellowship
11.15a m
Family Service
Th Healing Prayer Grou p
3.00p m
**No Service
6.30p m
Said Evensong
08.00a m
Holy Co mmunio n
09.30a m
Parish Co mmu nion
11.15a m
Choral Ma ns
3.00p m
**No Service
6.30p m
Said Evensong
Mary Magdale ne
Trinity 8
08.00a m
Holy Co mmunio n
09.30a m
Parish Co mmu nion (not W hole Chur ch )
We August
11.15a m
**No Service
3.00/4. 30
Holy Bap s m
Healing Service
6.30p m
Forthcoming Event s 1-Jul Karen Wellman ordi na on
Music List July 2012 Sunday
Trinity 4 - 1st July
Eucharist: Archer - St. Mark's Se ng
A Prayer of St Richard of Chi che ster - L J White
Choir Hym n
383 HON
Final Voluntary
Prelude in G mi nor - Gabriel Pierné
Choral Ev ens ong
A Prayer of St Richard of Chi che ster - L J White
52 & 53
Can cl es
Howell s in G
Sing unt o the Lord - Christpher Tye
Final Voluntary
Prelude in G maj or (BWV 568) - J S Bach
Trinity 5 - 8th July
Eucharist: Archer - St. Mark's Se ng
Tantum ergo - Déodat de Séverac
Choir Hym n
360 HON
Final Voluntary
March i n G - Henry Smart
Sung Evensong: Ferial Responses (McKie Ame n)
63 & 64
Can cl es
Magnificat & Nunc Dimi s: 3rd set
I waited for the Lor d - Mendelssohn
Final Voluntary
Short Prel ude & Fug ue in A minor (BWV 559) - J S Bach
30th July - 5th Aug ust - Choir at Wells Cathe dral
Music List July 2012 Sunday
Trinity 6 - 15th July
Eucharist: Archer - St. Mark's Se ng
85 vv8 - 13
Ave maris stella - Grieg
Choir Hym n
544 HON
Final Voluntary
Canon in D - Pache lbel
Said Evens ong wit h Pia no
Trinity 7 - St Mary Magdalene - 22th July
Eucharist: Archer - St. Mark's Se ng
O for a closer walk wit h God - Grayston Ives
Choir Hym n
91 HON
Final Voluntary
Tuba T une - C S Lang
Choral Ma ns
Venite Psalms
30, 32, a nd 15 0
Can cl es
Boyce in A
Bea quor um via - Stanford
Final Voluntary
Scherz o Symphoni que - Alexandre G uilmant
Said Evens ong wit h Pia no
Trinity 8 - 29th July
Eucharist: Archer - St. Mark's Se ng
Thou wilt keep him in perfe ct pea ce - Sumsion
Choir Hym n
63 HON
Final Voluntary
Sor e in B flat - Lefébure -Wély
Evening He aling Servi ce
Group of the Month - Uniformed Organisations ‘Uniformed groups a re a fantas c way for youngsters to have fun, make friends and l earn new s kills. It i s a lso a great opportunity for volunteers to get i nvolved with their l ocal c ommunity a nd really make a difference to the l ives of youn g people. The wonderful people who give up their me to become l eaders a re the l ifeblood of these groups a nd we desperately need more volunteers to enable thousands more youngsters to fulfill their dreams of becoming a Scout, Guide, Cub or Brownie.’ This i s what Boris J ohnson, Mayor of L ondon s aid a c ouple of years a go a er wan ng more young people from a ll backgrounds to have a ccess to the ac vi es a nd highly s tructured l earning that uniformed groups o ffer. I a ended Brownies a nd Guides as a c hild a nd do believe that there is truth i n this s tatement. I have s een many friendships blossom i n Guiding a nd i t gives you a n opportunity to l earn new s kills which would not otherwise be l earnt. I thoroughly e njoyed my me i n Guiding s o, when I was a pproached, on returning from university, to rejoin my Guide unit a s a l eader, I didn’t have to think twice, par cularly to be a ble to c on nue my l ove o f c ooking on c amp fires! The uniformed organisa ons i n our a rea a re c urrently thriving a nd have a constant i ntake of new members. Some o f these a lso have a full wai ng l ist of young people keen to j oin one of these units. We a re l ucky to have Guide, Brownie, Scout, Cub a nd Beaver groups who a re a ll a ffiliated with All Saints. These units a re normally a ll represented at Church P arades which occur five mes a year a t the 9 :30am All A ge Service. Here i s a taste of what the groups have been up to recently: 4 th Wokingham (All Saints) Scout Group i ncludes a s cout troop, c ub pack a nd beaver c olony. 4 th Wokingham Scouts (10 – 1 4 year olds) meet on Mondays 7 .30 to 9 .00pm i n The Cornerstone a nd have 1 3 s couts a t present. They have recently tried archery a nd a re planning to go fire l igh n g a nd a lso kayaking i n the near future. They a re s hortly doing a night hike a nd a n overnight outdoor c amp.
THE OLYMPICS CHALLENGE With the c ommencement of the L ondon Olympics 2 012 this month we give thought to the demands of dedica on, perseverance, discipline, me, e ffort and e nergy that a re made on those taking part i n the various e vents. They first start with the process of qualifica on to take part, a nd then bringing together all those requirements to a peak of per formance a t the me o f the e vents. As for the rewards for a ll the i ntense training i nvolved i n c ompe ng i n the Olympics, they a re not overtly financial but the s a sfac on of receiving a n Olympic medal a nd the personal glory a nd public a cclaim. Even i f no medals a re won there i s s ll the pride i n having c ompeted i n the Olympics, of e xperiencing the virtue of s portsmanship a nd the c omradeship i n having met a nd c ompeted with others of many na onali es. We c an draw a nalogies between the par cipa on i n the Olympic Games a nd that of running the race of l ife. St Paul i n his s econd l e er to Timothy (Chap. 4 , 7 -8), s ays, “ I have fought the good fi ght, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. From now on there i s reserved for me the c rown of righteousness, which the L ord the righteous judge, will give me on that day, a nd not only to me but a lso to a ll who have longed for his a ppearing.” He a lso had this to s ay to the Philippians (Chap.3, 1 3-14), “ ..for ge ng a ll what lies behind a nd s training forward to what l ies a head, I press on towards the goal for the pri ze of the heavenly c all of God i n J esus Christ.” The writer of Hebrews a lso had this to s ay (Chap.12, 1 -2), “ …let us run with perseverance the race that i s s et before us, l ooking to J esus, the pioneer a nd perfecter of our faith, who for the s ake of the j oy that was s et before him endured the c ross, disregarding the s hame, a nd has taken his s eat a t the right hand of the throne of God”. Although we s hould not be e xpected to undergo a ll the demands made of a n
Olympic c ompe tor, i n order to l ive our l ives i n a way that a cknowledges the gi of our wonderful human body with which God, our Maker, has blessed us. It behoves us not to a buse our bodies but to keep them fit a nd free fro m i llness, so far a s i t i s within our power to do s o a nd paying respect to the a dvice a nd guidance of our medical a dvisers. We must not a buse our bodies by over e a ng and drinking a nd must take s ufficient e xercise to keep our bodies i n a healthy state i n order to e nable us e fficiently to c arry out a ll the tasks required of us a s God would wish us to d + To run the race of l ife a nd to a chieve the goal, i n the words o f St P aul, “ the crown of righteousness which the L ord, the righteous j udge will give me on that day”, we need to dedicate our minds a nd s pirit to the s ervice of God through the teachings a nd e xample of our L ord J esus Christ. This i nvolves the regular reading of the s criptures to l earn from the teaching of our L ord how o ur l ives should be l ived, i n l ove for one a nother, a nd i n c aring a nd praying for the s ick and those s uffering bereavement, or a ny other a dversity. Above a ll we must be dedicated a nd c ommi ed to a regular prayer l ife, acknowledging a ll God’s blessings a nd to pray for His s trength a nd s upport to live our l ives to His honour a nd glory. The s econd verse of h ymn 1 28 (HONS) e xpresses much of what I have tried to say i n this a r cle. “Run the s traight race through God’s good grace. l i up thine e yes a nd s eek his face; l ife with i ts way before us l ies; Christ i s the path a nd Christ the prize.” Jack Hayley (Members of the Group a re Gill Allen, Maggie Bateman, J ack Hayley, Mary Hughes, Ann P enn, Rosemary Sturmer, J oan Thomason, a nd J oan Wa s) Please l et us know of a ny need for healing prayer s upport. Confiden ality i s assured. The next Healing Service will be held on Sunday 2 9th J uly. The L aying on of Hands will be made a vailable a t the P arish Communion on Sunday 1 9th August.
Berkshire Counselling Centre Counselling for the Community Counselling a nd training for individuals a nd c ouples. Self or Company r eferrals, help with depression, s tress, rela onships and s elf esteem. Talking things over with a trained c ounsellor may help to free a situa on. Through c ounselling people can o en gain a new zest for life and make changes for the be er i n their personal rela onships. Berkshire Counselling Centre provides an independent, c onfiden al service for clients. Anyone over the a ge of 18 can make an a ppointment for an assessment i nterview. (Financial contribu on discussed a t 1 st appointment) We are an accredited member of The Bri sh Associa on for Counselling and Psychotherapy.
0118 978 7879 Berkshire Counselling Centre The Cornerstone Norreys Avenue Wokingham RG40 1UE Email Website 28
Unfortunately this troop i s i n need of a nother a dult to a ssist to e nsure that i t con nues to run. 4 th Wokingham Cubs (8 – 1 0 year olds) meet on Tuesday 6 .30 to 8 .00pm i n The Cornerstone a nd have 2 4 c ubs a t present. They have recently been Snowtubing a t J ohn Nike Centre, l earnt a rchery a nd a lso Morris Dancing with Hurst Morris Dancers. They have done a number o f a c vi es i ncluding c ooking pancakes, hiking a nd j oined i n the District Scou ng Olympic Fun e vent. They also had a Bring a nd Buy Sale i n a id of Shelterbox a nd made £ 175. They a re entering a team i n the District Cub Football c ompe on a nd a lso the Cub Quidditch Compe on. They won the District Cub Compe on a nd a re j oint winners of the Best P ack Troph y this year. Shortly they a re o ff to our a nnual weekend c amp. 4 th Wokingham Beavers (6 – 8 year olds) meet a t the Methodist Centre i n Rose Street on Wednesdays 5 :45 to 7 pm a nd have 1 8 beavers i n the Willows Colony at present. They have recently been e njoying the outdoors with a hike to The L ook Out and had a go a t pu ng up tents. They had a visit from a vet a nd they have also decorated s ome banners for the town c ouncil, which were used to decorate the town for the Diamond J ubilee. In the next few weeks they will be doing s ome gardening a t the a llotments, c ooking s ausages over fires a nd going s wimming. 4 th Wokingham (All Saints) Guides a nd Senior Sec on meet on Fridays 6 :30 to 8:30pm a t All Saints P rimary School a nd have 2 1 guides a t present. They have had a n outdoor c ookout a nd a re l ooking forward to a nother two o f these evenings i n the next few weeks. They have had a garden games e vening a nd also a slumber party where they a ll c ame i n pyjamas a nd watched a film. Also, a er a number of themed quizzes they a re very knowledgeable on a range of topics from the Royal Family to Wales. They a re very proud to have recently had 4 guides a warded with their Baden P owell Trefoil Award. Unfortunately they a re not c amping this year due to c lashes with the Olympics, a nd the weekend c amp has been c ancelled as i t was too wet, s o they a re really l ooking forward to their s ummer c amp next year!
Wokingham Volunteer Centre operates a l ow c ost transport scheme to e nable those who c annot use public transport get to their hospital/doctor a ppointments Due to the i ncrease i n demand for our help we have recently had to l et s ome of our c lients down. We desperately need more drivers (we naturally pay for your petrol). We would l ove to be a ble to e xpand the driving s cheme to e nable us to take people s hopping or for a s hort ou ng to s ay a garden c entre. However, to operate this s ervice we do need the help o f m ore drivers. If you c an s pare just a c ouple of hours a week to help with this s cheme, or with a ny other opportuni es a vailable throughout the district we would like
to hear from you.
ARE YOU THE MISSING PERSON? If you are a c aring person and w ould like to help those in the community w ho are less fortunate than ourselves, and enjoy a good social life as w ell, w hy not come along to one of Wokingham Lions Club’s meetings to find out mor e about us and w hat w e do? We are w ell know n for organising the Wokingham May Fayre – but due to this, and other successful events, w e need more members to follow our international motto – “We Serve”. We meet at the Committee Room, Wokingham Tow n Hall on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. for 8:00. Or contact Wokingham Lions Club on 0845 833 7384 for further details. www.w
8 th Wokingham (All Saints) Brownies meet on a Friday 5 :00 to 6 :30pm i n The Cornerstone a nd have 2 9 Brownies a t present. They have c ompleted a number of badges i ncluding Crime P reven on, where they had a visit from the local police, a nd Healthy Heart, for which a l ocal fitness i nstructor put them through their paces. They have a lso been bowling a nd to l aser quest a nd had a jubilee party with c akes a nd s trawberries a nd c ream! Research has s hown that youngsters who a re part of uniformed groups a re l ess likely be bullied or to get bored a nd a re more l ikely to want to make a difference i n the world, c ompared to those who a re not i nvolved i n a ny ac vity. As y ou c an s ee, i n the units i n our a rea there i s definitely no possibility of ge ng bored! We a re a ll s o busy with a very wide variety of a c vi es. If there a re a ny young people who would l ike to j oin one of these units, please contact us. P lease a lso bear i n mind that these units a ll e nlist from wai ng l ists so i t i s never too e arly to a pply. If a nyone i s up for a c hallenge a nd would l ike to do s omething different by volunteering a s a uniformed organisa on l eader please c ontact me (on the number below) a nd we will find you a s uitable unit near you - the units c annot run without c on nued s upport from volunteers! Rachel Knowles 0118 9 79 4 736
ANSWERS to the Olympic Quiz on Page 11 1. Wrestling 2. Boxing 3. Chariot driving 4. Motorcycle racing 5. On the water 6. Dick Fosbury 7. Dance 8. Football 9. “ The horse a nd his rider” 10. Cricket
In Praise of Choral Evensong Ever wondered what Choral Evensong i s l ike? …a s ervice to s oothe the s oul a nd one I personally find deeply moving. Worth e xperiencing a t l east once e ven i f, i n the l ong term, i t proves not for you! Try s omething different…it may s urprise you a nd you may s urprise yourself by the way i t makes you feel! CHORAL EVENSONG The beauty of this e vening praise In e very heart i t s hould be raised Serenity, peace a hidden force From s ome deep a nd moving s ource An i ntense a nd e mo onal, reverent s ervice That brings us c lose to God’s own p urpose Be quiet a nd a bsorb the c hoir’s delicate healing Celebra ng God’s l ove for us In music o en old but full of meaning. Sue J ames
Gardening Exper se … your service
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HARVEST FESTIVAL FLOWERS (Harvest Fes val - SUNDAY 30th SEPTEMBER) The Great Bri sh Sum mer i s back a gain! I hope you have a ll e njoyed the Diamond J ubilee c elebra ons, despite the rain. We have much to be grateful for i n this c ountry, from Her Majesty the Queen to the humble rain! Harvest Fes val will be here a gain s ooner than we think. Each year we make and distribute flower posies/arrangements to the l ocal c are homes, e lderly members of the c ongrega on, the s ick a nd housebound, home c ommunicants and those bereaved during the past year. Each year our request for help i s s o generously responded to by many of you. I hope this year i s no e xcep on. A s for previou s year s, I would like to say an enormous th ank you; we could not achieve it without your fab ulous support. The results are enjoyed by many and can be truly upli ing for those who may be experiencing a par cul arly difficult me. P lease partake i n a ny s mall way you feel a ble. DONATIONS: Thank you for your monetary dona ons i n previous years. Your generosity means we a lready have s ufficient funds for this year’s posies. Addi onally, we usually request s mall, round clear plas c containers, without lids, of the s ort used by the s upermarkets to put fresh olives i n (with no wri ng on). Your generosity a gain last year has l e us with s ufficient for this year. However, i f you have a lready s aved a ny, please donate them to me. I will s tore them a t c hurch for next year. (Please c ould I request you c ontact me i n September when you c an hand them to me a t c hurch or I c an c all to c ollect them?) However, we do s ll need some dona ons: Perhaps you can provide so me greenery or berries from your garden (for small arran gements) on the morning of Saturd ay 29th September? J ust bring them to the South Hall/back door of the Cornerstone a bout 9 am on the day. ASSISTANC E REQUIRED: We a re a lso l ooking for a ssistance on Saturd ay mor ning the 29th September to make small flo wer arrangement s. You do not e ven need to be a fl ower
Do you need an NHS Den st? All pa ents are welcome at our surgery 56 Easthampstead Road Wokingham Telephone: 979 1551
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Don’‛t forget to let our advertisers know you saw their ad in the All Saints Parish Magazine!
arranger or a n e xpert a nd the j unior c hildren a re welcome to get i nvolved too, though we do a sk that you a ccompany them. All flowers will be provided, but greenery a nd berries s uitable for s mall a rrangements would be greatly appreciated. If you c ould a lso bring a pair of s ecateurs / s cissors with which you c an c ut the greenery, i t would a lso help. This year we a re a rranging the posies i n the South Hall of the Cornerstone (as there i s a wedding a t 1 2:30pm and we need to keep the c hurch c lear!). You a re welcome to pop i n for half a n hour or a s l ong a s you l ike! We a re there from a pproximately 9 am to 1 2noon. Please do turn up, we a re s hort of people to a ssist. A er the Harvest Fes val, we a re very much i n need of fir m offers of help from volunteer s on Monday morning 1st October from 9am, who can assi st in distribu ng the flowers to a number of addresses in the local neighbourhood. P lease meet a t c hurch a nd maps will be provided i f necessary. It helps i f you have the use o f a c ar. We a im for e ach person to deliver no more than a bout 6 or 8 a rrangements i n a s imilar l ocality but obviously, the more volunteers we have, the fewer deliveries per person! Deliver a s few or a s many as you l ike. They a re a ll with s mall c ards which have been pre-wri en a nd a ll that needs to be s aid is “ With c ompliments from All Saints Church, Wokingham” or you a re welcome to l et them know they a re i n our thoughts and prayers. If they a re not i n, they c an be l e on the doorstep. It i s not a n onerous task a nd i t i s o en a delight to receive s ome of the responses first hand. P lease don’t be s hy a bout c oming forward! Finally, can I say a big thank you once again, to all those who assist in any way with our harve st offerings, whether it be once in a while or consistently each year, whether it be through spiritual supp ort through pr ayer or physical support over the har vest fes val weekend, it really helps to make a difference to those who most need to know we care. With gra tude, a s a lways, Sue J ames (TEL: 0 118 9 784339)
Notes on the PCC Mee ng of 13 June 2012 To s tart with our new warden, Katherine Hugge , put us throu gh our paces with a n e xercise (or game) to help us to get kn ow e ach other be er! Members were a sked to s ubmit i nforma on a bout themselves i n a dvance which was then presented by s omeone e lse, a nd we were l e to puzzle out wh om we were talking a bout. It was e njoyable a nd, I believe, a valuable i nvestment i n future mutual understanding. John Smith, our other warden, then l ed us i nto the main business of the e ven-‐ ing, to e stablish where a mong our parish goals our priori es for a c on ought to l ie. In s mall groups we e ach i den fied our top three goals before c omparing notes a s a Council. A er a very i nteres ng e xchange of views we s e led on the three things we felt we s hould be c oncentra ng our a en on on i n the c oming months. These were (i) Spiritual Growth a nd Discipline, (ii) Embodying God’s Love for Youth 1 1-25 year olds, a nd (iii) Gaining a deeper a pprecia on of our place i n God’s worldwide mission both globally a nd l ocally s o that we c an reach out more e ffec vely. We a re not of c ourse s tar ng from s cratch i n a ny of these a reas, but we feel that they a re where we a re being c alled to focus our a en on a nd e fforts a t the present me. It i s not e nough to a gree on priori es unless there i s a n a c-‐ on plan to pursue them. The ministry team has therefore a greed to work on this a nd report back to the PCC. Other i tems of business we dealt with were first to a gree the a rrangements for interviewing a nd a ppoin ng a Youth W ork L eader. Our hope i s to do this i n mid-July. We a lso a pproved a n a pplica on for a faculty to a llow us to c ommis-‐ sion new s ets of vestments, the previous faculty having e xpired. We were e ncouraged by the response to the a ppeal for fu nds to i nstall s olar panels on The Cornerstone a nd were a ble to a gree that the s cheme s hould go ahead. The e xact way i n which we finance i t a waits news of whether our a ppli-‐ ca on for a grant i s s uccessful. We s hall know this by the me you read the magazine. Colin J ames
Anglican Society for the Welfare of Animals Cruelty to a nimals c on nues i n various ways. The dog meat trade i s s ll going on; d og meat traders a re being i ntercepted with c rates full of dogs des ned for the dinner table. In s pite of widespread opposi on, thousands of badgers c ould be s laughtered this year i n a pilot c ull by the government to tackle the s pread of bovine TB. Not only i s the i ndiscriminate s hoo ng of poten ally uninfected badgers c ruel, but there i s s trong s cien fic e vidence to s ay that a c ull won’t reduce the i nci-‐ dence of bovine TB a nd c ould e ven c ontribute to i ts s pread. The Welsh Government has dropped plans to c ull badgers i n favour of a vac-‐ cina on programme to e nsure the l ong-term e limina on of bovine TB. Force-feeding c osme cs to a nimals is totally unacceptable. Thousands of a ni-‐ mals used i n c osme c tests a re force-fed c hemical i ngredients to s ee how many of them will die. They have prod -‐ ucts deliberately dripped i nto their e yes to s ee how much damage results a nd chemicals a re rubbed i nto their s haved skin to s ee whether the c hemicals will inflame or e ven e at through i t. This i s a ll so that c ompanies c an market trivial products s uch a s l ips ck or s hampoo. It i s hoped that EU s ales of a ll c osme cs test-‐ ed on a nimals a nywhere i n the world will be banned by March 2 013. A pe on will be s ent to Vince Cable, MP, Secretary of State for Business, asking him to s tand by the ban. If not, hu ge c osme c c ompanies such a s L ’Oreal a nd P roctor a nd Gamble will s ll be permi ed to test i ngredients on thousands of a nimals outside Europe for products s old within Europe. Marcelle Williams
Bap sms 27 May
Marriage 2 J une Burials 23 May 11 J une
Laurence Mar n Sandford Draper, Lorelai J ane Sandford Draper Harry Ma hew J ouanides, Edward Brown Louis Havard Williams, Alfie Brooklyn Stevens-McCann William J ack Healy-Wallis, Daisy L ouise Barnes
Nicholas Douglas Allen with Victoria L ouise L ay
Peter J ames Anthony Taylor Age 5 9 at Mays L ane Cemetery then Church Frederick Edwin Clements Age 8 7
Burial of Ashes 14 May Be y Eileen Chapman 21 May William Frederick Richardson 28 May Patricia J ean Stagg At Easthampstead Park Crematorium 24 May Geoffrey Stanley French followed by s ervice i n Church 14 J une Violet Amy Salathiel
Number of Sundays Sundays Weekdays
Age 9 4 Age 8 4 Age 7 9
Age 9 2 Age 8 9
5 799 299 (inc. 1 01 a t Ascension)