All Saints Parish Magazine March 2012

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The Parish of All Saints Wokingham

March 2012


From the Rector — March 2012 A few days ago I was delighted to take part in the official opening and blessing of the extension to All Saints Primary School. This beautifully designed addition to the school building links together the two former infant and junior school units in a way which is little short of miraculous. All Saints Primary (and Nursery) has been a single school led by its headteacher Mrs Tina Norman since 2008, following the amalgamation of Whitelocke Infants and Palmer Junior into a single Church of England Voluntary Aided school. Now, for the first time, it is housed in a single building. It has one reception area, one library, one staffroom, and one dining area serving the whole school. No longer do children and staff need to brave all weathers to move from one area of the school to another! Now the school is truly one. The Bishop of Reading cut the ribbon to declare the building open. In the presence of our Town and Borough mayors, invited guests from Wokingham Borough education department, the Oxford Diocesan Board of education, and even some visitors from other Commonwealth nations, together with present and past teachers and governors, and not forgetting the architect and builders, Bishop Andrew presided over the collective worship assembly and blessed the school. Children sang their favourite songs and presented their thoughts about why All Saints School is so special to them. Mrs Norman was presented with flowers by staff and pupils in recognition of all her hard work and patience. Her thanks were to everyone else who had supported her. The Chair of Governors, Peter Whittaker, and Vice-Chair, Robert Newman, and other governors, have spent many hours over the last year in meetings about the new building. Without the careful and tenacious support of such gifted friends of the school offered on a completely voluntary basis, working with an outstandingly professional and dedicated headteacher and staff, we could not have achieved this result so effectively. It is a massive legacy for the rising generation of children in this parish. So it was hugely enjoyable to gather together both to pray and to party at the


opening of the new extension; to thank God and to thank everyone who has worked so hard to bring the amalgamation of the school to its full completion. Making a change like amalgamating an infant and a junior school into a single new primary school may seem a simple proposition on a local authority strategy paper. In reality it represents years of hard work for the paid staff and volunteer governors and supporters, in addition to the core work of running a successful and happy school and so continuing to provide an effective education for the children. The outcome of the process however is the prize worth working for. We have a well- functioning, effective Church of England school serving the whole parish area of All Saints Wokingham and offering a seamless education for its children from 3 years to 11 years of age. I am so grateful as Rector of the parish for everyone who has done so much and worked so hard to bring this important project to fruition. All Saints School prides itself on its inclusivity, its capacity to serve children across the whole range of needs, and its atmosphere as a happy, caring and calm school. It knows its values are grounded in its identity as a church school serving the whole community. Its mission statement is: “Opening the doors to learning and life�. There are many echoes in that phrase of Jesus’ teaching and his offer of life in abundance. The school needs our ongoing friendship and support as a church and parish community. One of our current stated goals as a church is to understand more of what it means to be a church with a church school and so deepen our partnership with the school. This is one of the main areas of our mission for which Revd Caroline Kramer has principal responsibility. Let us pray regularly for the school ; as well as for all schools in our parish.

David Hodgson


WOMEN'S WORLD DAY OF PRAYER The annual interdenominational service is on Friday 2nd March. It will be hosted in Wokingham by Corpus Christi Church at 11am followed by light refreshments. This year the service has been compiled by Christian women of Malaysia and the theme is ‘Let Justice Prevail’. The speaker will be Mrs Maureen Meatcher who is the national deputy leader of the Union of Catholic Mothers. The service is opened to all and we do hope that you are able to come so that All Saints is well represented. For any information please contact Diana Clifford 979 2614 or Ursula Morris 979 4473.

MAGAZINE INFORMATION Please leave items for publication in the Magazine tray in the Parish Office or email directly to the editor on or before the Copy Date please. Contributions can be typed, handwritten, or e-mailed. All Saints PCC Wokingham is a Registered Charity, No. 1127585


Andrew McKenna (977 3812) Email:


Sheila Longley

(978 4193)


Andrew McKenna

(977 3812)


Sheila Longley & team

(978 4193)

Copy Date for Apr:

Mar 11th 2012


Mar 23rd 2012


Clergy and Officers Parish Clergy Rector Associate Priest Honorary Asst. Curate Honorary Asst. Curate

The Revd. Canon David Hodgson The Revd. Caroline Kramer The Revd. Colin James The Revd. Helen Charlton

Attached Clergy Deanery of Sonning “Fresh Expressions” Mission Priest The Revd Michael Johnson Church Wardens

Parish Administrator

John Smith Vacancy Vacancy Jo Asplin

PCC Secretary Deputy PCC Secretary

979 0098 979 0948 — — 979 2797

Children and Youth Safeguarding Co-ordinator and Children’s Advocate Margaret Raggett Crêche Leader Rachel Garlish Junior Church Co-ordinator Harriet Swinyard Youth Church contacts: Chris Frame, Robert Vacher, Susan Westgate Friday Night Youth Drop-In (FDI) Co-ordinators: Katherine Huggett, John Smith Director of Music (inc. Choir) Music Group Leader Head Server Deputy Head Server Bible Readers’ rota Tower Foreman Flower Guild Chairman Worship Rota and Prayer Lists Co-ordinator Lay Co-Chair of Worship & Music Development

979 2999 979 9956 978 1515 978 9153

Worship and Music David Rance Gail Houghton Rachel Knowles Ruth Smith Joyce Baldry John Harrison Pam Gilbey

962 9378 978 2602 962 9313 979 2797 979 2797 947 6734 979 2797 979 4736 978 7065 978 8506 978 5520 978 5694

Revd Colin James

978 1515

Liz Rippon

979 2797

Parochial Church Council David Atkinson Jo Robinson


979 7911 978 9730

Clergy and Officers PCC Treasurer Deputy PCC Treasurer PCC Treasurer’s Team Stewardship Co-ordinator Gift Aid Co-ordinator Stewardship Recorder Electoral Roll Officer Leadership Forum Convenor Asst. Stewardship Recorder Asst. Gift Aid Coordinator Home Communion Healing Prayer Group Pastoral Care Bereavement Care Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals Churchyard Steward Transportation Clergy available days:

Stephen Smith John Alp Margaret Hawkins Dickon Snell Jo Robinson Peter Whittaker Jim Creech Joyce Baldry Barbara Smith Chris Westgate Chris Westgate

979 4407 979 2797 962 9792 978 1044 978 9730 978 6225 377 4194 978 8506 979 4407 977 1041 977 1041

Pastoral Care contacts Barbara Smith Jack Hayley Jo Robinson Sarah Boylan Parish Office John Smith Susan Westgate

979 4407 978 3939 978 9730 979 2797 979 2797 979 0948 977 1041

David Caroline Colin Helen

All days except Thursday All days except Friday Mon to Wed, Sat, Sun. Usually Tues. and Sun.

The Parish Office (0118 979 2797), in the Cornerstone, can be contacted about church related issues (Baptisms, Marriages, Funerals). It is open on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 9.15 am to 1.00 pm and for urgent matters or by telephone on Monday and Thursday from 10.00 am to 12.00 noon. e-mail:

Postal address:

The Parish Office, Norreys Avenue, Wokingham RG40 1UE

All Saints website:

The Cornerstone: For room bookings and general enquiries please phone 0118 979 7778. Administrator Monica Martin is in the office: Monday 2-5pm, Tuesday 12.15-4.30pm, Wednesday 2-5.30pm, Thursday 1.45 - 6.00pm. e-mail:


Worship at All Saints Services at All Saints' Church embrace a wide range of formats. An outline is given below but for details and information about occasional services, see the weekly leaflet.

Sunday Services 8.00 a.m.

Holy Communion. A said service with a brief address using the traditional language version of the Common Worship Order One Eucharist.

9.30 a.m.

Parish Communion. The service is sung, with hymns, and follows Common Worship Order One Eucharist. Children are catered for in the Crèche and Junior Church. The last Sunday in the month is Parish Communion for the Whole Church and often includes Parade, children are present throughout, and contribute to the worship. Prayer for Healing with Laying on of Hands is offered regularly at certain Parish Communion services (see diary). Coffee is served after the service and this is the weekly 'social gathering' of the Congregation. Please come and meet us there if you are a visitor to the church or would like to get to know us better.

11.00 a.m.

(1st Sunday) Family Service The service is simple with songs, prayers and a talk for children. Everyone is invited but especially parents and children. If you ever worry that your children are too noisy for Church, this is the place to try!

11.15 a.m.

(2nd Sunday) Holy Communion A said service using the Book of Common Prayer.

11.00 a.m.

(3rd Sunday) Family Service

11.15 a.m.

(Some 4th Sundays) Matins using the Book of Common Prayer, usually sung and including a sermon.

6.30 p.m.

(1st - 3rd Sundays) Evensong using the Book of Common Prayer with sermon. Choral Evensong is sung usually on the first Sunday of each month.

(An alternative form of worship on 4th & 5th Sundays; and Services of Healing)


Weekday Services Morning and Evening Prayer are said, using Common Worship Daily Prayer, at 9.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. each day from Monday to Saturday. All may, and are encouraged, to attend. These services may be led by a Priest or members of the Laity.

Holy Communion is celebrated as follows: Monday Tuesday

9.30 a.m. 9.30 a.m.

Wednesday 10.00 a.m.


(Common Worship Order One) (Common Worship Order One with short address, followed by coffee) (Simple form of Common Worship Order One and short address (particularly for parents and child minders of babies and pre-school children)

in various Residential Homes

Major festivals are also marked by additional celebrations of Holy Communion. Please see the Parish Diary elsewhere in the magazine, or see our Services leaflet.

 Home Communion: If anyone knows of a housebound parishioner, either temporarily or long term, who would like to receive Holy Communion, please contact the Parish Office (979 2797).

Confirmation, Welcome or Growth Groups: Anyone interested in confirmation, a refresher course, or learning about the Christian faith is invited to join one of the Eureka! groups or a confirmation course - contact Barbara Smith on 979 4407.

Baptisms: are usually conducted at a special afternoon service on the last Sunday of each month; or occasionally in Sunday morning services if requested. Baptisms can be booked via the Parish Office (979 2797).

Wedding Bookings: Clergy are available in the Cornerstone on Monday from 6.30 pm - 7.30 pm and on Saturday from 10.30 am - 11.30 am on an appointment basis. Please book via the Parish Office (979 2797).


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MU Enterprises is the branch of the Mothers’ Union that sells merchandise to raise funds. There is a catalogue of goods, which are available for order from our MU stall on the last Sunday of every month or online (please tick the box for our diocese). Valerie Flook, the Oxford diocese rep, always brings stocks of greetings cards. These cards are very reasonably priced and are suitable for all occasions; seasonal cards are sold and Easter cards are in stock now. Do take the time to investigate if you are not already aware of these products. March is always a busy month for the Mothers’ Union and this year is no exception. The month begins with an MU Road Show on the 5th March. This will be an exhibition of all that is being achieved by the MU in Oxford diocese. The day is open to all including diocesan members and also anyone who is not a member, but is keen to find out more about the MU in our diocese. Lady Day is another important date in our calendar. This year St. Paul’s are hosting a morning service for the deanery. During this service, the new deanery officers will be commissioned. Our branch meeting will be an evening Lent Eucharist: this is to provide an opportunity for an MU service for those members who are unable to come to our monthly Corporate Communion. More information on The Mothers Union’s work worldwide can be found on the website For branch information or a lift to meetings, please call Valerie (978 7363) or Mary (978 2678). Mon 5th March

10.30 - 3.00pm

MU Road Show at Dorchester Abbey

Tues 13th March 9.30am

Corporate Communion

Sun 18th March

Mothering Sunday service


Mon 26th March 10.30am

Lady Day service at St. Paul’s

Wed 28th March 7.45 for 8pm

Branch Meeting – Lent Eucharist

Sun 1st April

Palm Sunday procession



Flower Guild It’s time to start giving your hostas some attention, those grown in pots need dividing before they become pot bound otherwise the leaves can suddenly turn very small – I have even had this happen to a very large grey leaved variety growing in the flower border, it was in a very dry area though. If you have any spare pieces of hosta please put them in pots and when they have become established we would love to have them for the churchyard. Some lovely acid yellow ones which Anne King gave us last year were very useful in our summer pedestals. This year I am trying yet something different in the fight against slugs and snails. Slug Gone or Slug buggers, which are wool pellets, come highly recommended by a friend from the Methodist Church. In late February/March clear round the hostas and surround them with the pellets - that is about all you do, the pellets keep the nasty creatures away and then gradually decompose and enrich the soil – it sounds too easy doesn’t it! The best value I can find at the moment is the Green Gardener ( See advert opposite


We will be decorating the church from 9.45am on Saturday April 7th. The main arrangements will be in traditional white and we will be asking the congregation for donations towards the purchase of these flowers. The windowsills will be a mixture of blossoms and flowers of spring – whatever people like to use. As with Christmas, we hope that non-guild members might like to come along a enjoy creating an Easter window. Help needed please!


The tomb and the basics of the Easter Garden will be laid out during Holy Week but we would like some families or perhaps a House Group to come to church on Easter Saturday and, using plants, flowers and branches, create the garden


itself and then using the relevant passages from the bible position all the figures which make up the Easter story – finally when all is done, the stone is rolled into position and everything waits until the joy of Easter morning when the tomb will be opened and the garden blessed. Do please contact me if you think you would like to help with this. Pam Gilbey For information contact: Pam Gilbey (978 5694), Lucille Taylor (978 6847) or Hazel Matthews (978 6700)

EASTER FLOWERS The Flower Guild would be grateful for contributions towards the purchase of Lilies and other Easter flowers.

Perhaps you would like to donate in memory of a loved one Cash or cheques (made payable to All Saints Flower Guild) may be given to: Pam Gilbey, Margaret Whitaker or Lucille Taylor


Gardening Expertise … your service     

Overgrown areas tamed Beds and borders enhanced and maintained One project or seasonal service Graves tidied, flowers for anniversaries etc. Competitive rates

Experienced local gardener has some availability

Phone 0118 978 6371 Holiday in 'real' France or e-mail: Ancient stone house in picturesque Normandy Sleeps 8/9; 2 bathrooms; well-equipped kitchen; enclosed garden & ‘garden room’ Great base for sight-seeing (Le Mont St Michel; Normandy beaches etc) Lots of activities nearby (large swimming complex; high ropes etc) Peaceful location – 5 minutes to large market town Ideal for family/walking holidays/ peaceful retreats.


LENT, HOLY WEEK & EASTER 2012 LENT For Sunday services, see the Parish Diary on page ??? This year we will encourage everyone to start their Sunday worship in quiet prayer. Tuesdays in Lent starting 12.30pm in Church Short prayer service (c. 20 mins followed by tea, coffee and packed lunches.) Sunday 1st April Palm Sunday 8.00am 9.20am 6.30pm

Holy Communion (traditional language) Gather at All Saints School (rear entrance off Norreys Avenue) for Blessing of the Palms and Palm Procession to Church for 9.30am. Choral Service with special music for Palm Sunday and Holy Week.

HOLY WEEK Monday 2nd April to Saturday 7th April: 9.00am Morning Prayer and 5.00pm

Evening Prayer

Additional Services: 2nd & 3rd April (Monday & Tuesday): 9.30am Holy Communion and 8.00pm

Night Prayer

4th April 10.00am

Holy Wednesday Holy Communion (Wed Mums) and 8.00pm Night Prayer

5th April 7.45pm

Maundy Thursday Sung Eucharist

6th April 9.30am 11.00am 8.00pm

Good Friday Solemn Liturgy Family Service Night Prayer

8th April 6.00am 8.00am 9.30am 11.15am 6.30pm

Easter Day Dawn Service (First Communion of Easter) Holy Communion All Age Parish Communion Holy Communion BCP Choral Evensong



All Saints’ Church Fellowship The AGM was held in January when the following committee was elected: Diana Clifford (Leader), Diana Coates (Treasurer), Jill Jones (Secretary), Sheila Shields, Gillian Sutterby, Anona Jones, Marjorie Fletcher. Our many thanks to Church Warden John Smith who chaired the meeting and we were very grateful for his guidance and help. Following the evening business Revd Michael Johnson gave a really interesting and informative talk about his work and Stage Fright – the only trouble being that there was not enough time, so in expressing our thanks we will be inviting him for a full evening. Stage Fright will be our charity for the coming year so we hope you give your support please by buying our lovely cakes when we have the stall in the Cornerstone a couple of times during the year. Meetings are held in the Cornerstone De Vitre Room at 7.45pm for 7.55pm usually on the third Wednesday of the month but please see below and in the weekly Sunday leaflet for when there is a change. Cost to visitors is £1.50 which includes coffee and contact for Fellowship is Diana Clifford 9792614.

Dates for your diary: Wed 14th March (2nd Wed in month): ‘Beetle Drive’. Come along and have a fun evening. The winner and the recipient of the wooden spoon each get a prize! Also extra refreshments for this meeting! Wed 18th April: ‘Pharmacy in the Community’. Wokingham Tesco Pharmacy Manager Dalprit Bhurji will give a talk including pharmacy training and your chance to ask questions. Wed 16th May: Experiences of being in the ‘Auxiliary Territorial Service’ with Ann Armstrong. Wed 27th June (4th Wed in month, joining with Mother’s Union): ‘Aspects of the Red Cross’ with Anne Jeater.





March 19 is the day to commemorate St Joseph. 5 questions about Biblical Josephs: 1. Which Joseph gave his tomb for the body of Jesus to be buried? (John 19, 38) 2. Which garment is most associated with Joseph, son of Jacob and Rachel? (Genesis 37, 3) 3. Joseph of Nazareth could trace his lineage back to which King? (Matthew Chapter 1) 4. Joseph son of Jacob was sold in slavery and ended up in which country? (Genesis 37, 28) 5. Who persuaded Joseph of Nazareth, in a dream, not to abandon Mary? (Matthew 1, 20-21) And 5 about secular Josephs: Which Joseph… 6. ...was the founder of antiseptic surgery? 7. …wrote ”Lord Jim” and ”Heart of Darkness”? 8. ...played Dorian in ”Birds of a Feather”? 9. ...founded the Mormons? 10....was a Soviet political leader, becoming premier in 1941?

THE CHILDREN’S ACTIVITY TABLE We hope to have the table in the Cornerstone following the 9.30am service on Sunday 25th March. Children – remind adults to put the clocks forward or you might miss something!



Parish Diary - March 2012 Monday to Saturday

Sunday 4 08.00am 09.30am 11.00am 3.00pm 6.30pm

Lent 2 Holy Communion Parish Communion Family Service No service Choral Evensong

11 08.00am 09.30am 11.15am 3.00pm 6.30pm

Lent 3 Holy Communion Parish Communion BCP Eucharist No service Sung Evensong

18 08.00am 09.30am 11.00am 3.00pm 6:30pm

Mothering Sunday Holy Communion Parish Communion Family Service No service Said Evensong

25 08.00am

Passion Sunday

09.30am 11.00am 3.00pm 6:30pm

Holy Communion All Age Worship No service Baptism Healing Service

5 6 7 8 9 10

M T W Th F Sa

12 13 14 15 16 17

M T W Th F Sa

19 20 21 22 23 24

M T W Th F Sa



27 28 29 30 31

T W Th F Sa

MU Road Show Serendipity


Flower Guild AGM All Saints Fellowship Healing Prayer Group

10 27 23

Pilgrimage to Canterbury


Lady Day, St Paul's


Mothers' Union


Forthcoming Events 1st April 9.20am: Palm Sunday procession from All Saints School 7th April 9.45am: Easter flowers in Church 21st April On Your Marks, Get Set... Quiz Evening Back cover &



10 28

Music List March 2012 Sunday

Lent 2 - 4th March



Eucharist: Archer - People's Setting



Hide not Thou Thy face from us - Richard Farrant


Lord, for Thy tender mercies' sake - Richard Farrant

Choir Hymn

426a HON

Final Voluntary Scherzo - Eugène Gigout Service

Choral Evensong



Lenten Prose (Attende Domine)






Fauxbourdon Setting - Morley


Pange lingua - Venantius Fortunatus

Final Voluntary Prelude in G major (BWV 568) - J S Bach Sunday

Lent 3 - 11th March


Eucharist: Archer - People's Setting


Lenten Prose vv1, 3 & 4


Teach me thy way, O Lord - William Fox

Choir Hymn

159 HON


Final Voluntary "Little" Prelude & Fugue in E minor (BWV 533) - J S Bach Service

Sung Evensong: Plainsong Responses


11 & 12


He that shall endure to the end - Mendelssohn

Final Voluntary Short Prelude & Fugue in F (BWV 556) - J S Bach



Music List March 2012 Sunday

Lent 4 - Mothering Sunday - 18th March



Eucharist: Archer - People's Setting



O Saviour of the world - Palestrina


34 vv11 - 20


The Lord bless you and keep you - John Rutter

Choir Hymn

29 HON

Final Voluntary Prelude to a Te Deum - Charpentier Service

Healing Service



Lent 5 - Passion Sunday - 27th March


Whole Church Communion


My song is love unknown - Malcolm Archer


Final Voluntary Lied (24 pièces en style libre) - Vierne Service

Said Evensong with Piano


Palm Sunday - 1st April


Procession of Palms & Eucharist: Archer - People's Setting Benedictus qui venit - Palestrina




Final Voluntary Prelude on "Rhosymedre" - Vaughan Williams


Passiontide Meditation: Choral Service of Music & Readings


by: tba



“Prayer is a way to receive who we are in the light of Christ” Ben Brown MARCH – Please pray for… 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Praying with All Saints

The people and church in Wales S David, 601 Women exemplifying the courage to do justice The All Saints Church Choir Revd Caroline Kramer Children learning to read and those helping Parishes of Hurst and Ruscombe and Twyford All involved in planning our services Norreys Neighbourhood project Wokingham Borough Community Conference Daniel and Claire being married today Children to be admitted to Communion at Easter Our bellringers Our Flower Guild All Saints CE Primary School Our local Neighbourhood Action Group Norreys Community Project The people and church in Ireland S Patrick 460 All mothers Mothering Sunday All fathers S Joseph of Nazareth Our home communion team Our churchwardens and PCC officers World Water Day – water and food security Our Environment group at All Saints Oxford Diocesan Synod meeting today Those being baptised at All Saints today Those who are pregnant The Annnunciation Our Tuesday morning Communion service Those who suffer from tuberculosis John Boylan, our authorised preacher The Area Deans of Berkshire Iain and Cara being married today


Daily Prayer Come along if you can to a simple service of morning prayer (9am) or evening prayer (5pm) in the Lady Chapel. We pray for our church, for Wokingham, and for the world. Come any day of the week Monday to Saturday. Lasts 20 minutes at most. During Lent also on Tuesdays at 12.30pm

On our website Stuck in front of your PC all day? Take a few minutes to visit and click on the Prayer & Care link, where you can see the day’s morning and evening prayer services with the day’s bible readings; or send a prayer request to the clergy team at All Saints.

Personal prayer Pray at home at a time of your choosing using the prayer topics on this page to link you with the prayers of our church community on that day. Or drop into church when passing and use the Lady Chapel – light a candle as a prayer.

Comfort to those of Failing Memory This article is a re-run of one that I produced for the magazine nearly 20 years ago. It is I think well worth repeating as the loss of memory is a malady which affects many of the older members of our congregation. I hope it will bring a better understanding of the condition and some comfort to those who are suffering from it. The article appeared in “Way of Life”, the magazine of the Guild of Health, and was entitled “Use it or Lose it”. It was attributed to a George Harding. “Research into what goes on in the brain has turned its attention recently to the ageing brain, and (rather to my surprise) has turned out to be very comforting. It is true that we lose brain cells every day of our lives but as we start with say a 100 billion of them, we can afford the loss. The elderly brain does change, but mainly, it seems, in terms of slowing down. It functions well, but it needs extra time, and we must be patient with it. Relax and let it work (as I have to do myself) and it will do a good job and, in some ways, do it better because it has added experience to draw upon. The greatest problem is ‘short term memory’. Long term memories are recalled fairly easily because they are built in; a little bit of brain has ‘grown’ to fix the memory and is part of me. But the ‘hippocampus’ at the side of the brain (an early anatomist thought it looked like a seahorse), which holds memories until they are properly stored, does not hold fleeting memories as long as it used to; so we lose them before they are ‘fixed’. Our best hope is to attach it to some already existing memory. I remember the time and place of my meeting with ‘X’ if I can tie it in with him and a mental image of his house or his motorcar or whatever; when I think of them I may remember the date. (The older one grows, the more one has to rely on tricks!) Because to a certain extent we grow our brains; every brain cell has an enormous number of attachments to other cells - some big cells in the ‘little brain’


at the back of the head have 800,000 links with other cells; in fact a famous neurologist has guessed that the number of these links in the brain is so enormous that to write the figure in full, would need three paperbacks. We are not short of brain power, but we do not always use those that we have. So we have plenty of reserves, and when we make a new link, in the way I have suggested, we actually develop a tiny outgrowth of a tiny twig of a small branch in one of a group of cells. The point is simply that although we lose cells we can make fresh links. But we must use this gift, in accordance with the rule which governs the elderly body; use it or lose it! If we find life endlessly interesting (as I hope we do) the brain will go on responding. If we are daily ‘in the spirit’ then the whole brain can be suffused with a growing vision of life. It suffuses the whole body as well. Are we doing enough to tell elderly people how much of life there is to come?” I end with a prayer for those involved in the Healing Ministry:Almighty God, whose son Jesus Christ went about doing good and healing all kinds of illness, may we continue his gracious work among us in hospitals and homes and wherever his people gather. Give wisdom, sympathy and patience to those who minster to the sick and prosper all that is being done to prevent suffering and to forward the purposes of your love; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Jack Hayley Members of the Group are Gill Allen, Maggie Bateman, Jack Hayley, Mary Hughes, Anne Penn, Rosemary Sturmer, Joan Thomason, Joan Watts and Karen Wellman. Please let us know of any need for healing prayer support. Confidentiality is assured. The next Healing Service will be held on Sunday 25th March at 6.30 pm. The Laying on of Hands will be made available at the Parish Communion on Sunday 15th April.


All Saints Flower Guild Do you have an interest in flowers ? Would you like to help enhance the worship in Church ?

If so why not be part of All Saints Flower Guild. We are looking for new members We are a very friendly supportive group who are always happy to teach complete beginners or give guidance where necessary. Incidentally gentlemen are not excluded !

Why not give us a try, you may be surprised at what you can do. For more information please contact :Lucille Taylor (9786847) or Gill Jones (9786773) 25


iClean-home We offer:  Regular weekly domestic cleans  One-off spring cleans  Ironing

We guarantee:  The same cleaner every week, familiar with your requirements  You can select as many hours as you need  Pet friendly cleaners—we love animals! Tel: 01344 350259 26

House-to-House Collection for Children 14-21 April 2012 The Wokingham Committee has regularly been one of the top house-to-house fundraisers in the whole country. The money we raised last year through our collection in the town enabled the Children’s Society to fund one of their project centres for an entire year, providing specialist support and advice to vulnerable and scared children who had run away from home. Every five minutes a child in the UK runs away from home. Every child who has become a runaway deserves to be protected through a national safety net of support. Without help, these children are highly vulnerable and at risk of substance abuse, sexual exploitation and homelessness. They need to know that there are people who can help them and services that they can turn to. Together we can make runaways safe. Every penny you raise enables us to take action to rescue and support these children when they need us most: listening to their problems, helping them find safe accommodation and protecting them from harm. The Children’s Society is driven by the belief that every child deserves a good childhood. We can’t help every child in need, but we do try to target some of those who face the greatest danger or disadvantage in their daily lives, who can’t find the support they need anywhere else. So please help us again this year with our house-to house collection across Wokingham, or volunteer to join our team of about 100 people, to raise money for some of the children who are the most at risk. Without your help, many children will miss out on the childhood they deserve. If you can help deliver and collect envelopes house-to-house, please contact Dickon Snell on 978 1044.


Remember last summer when I asked if anyone wanted to be involved with something special, have enthusiasm and some spare time to organise an event or events for the local community with an Olympic theme? Several of you came forward to form a core team and we have now got an outline of two events that All Saints and Norreys Church are planning. Although we have the core team, there will be plenty of help required in due course. The aim of these events is to reach out to the Norreys community during this Olympic Year. 2012 is a big year for the UK (Olympic and Paralympic Games, Queens Jubilee, Euro Football 2012, to name a few) and we as a church must not miss out in this once in a life-time opportunity to serve and be at the heart of our community. Our first event is a quiz and supper evening on Saturday 21st April – see our poster on the back of this magazine, for information. This is a fundraising event so that we are able to host an allinclusive, all-age, sports-themed afternoon of fun activities, including traditional sports day races, the rock choir, bbq and so on. This is organised for Sunday 8th July on the playing fields of All Saints Primary School. Another event to look out for, but no details at the moment, is the torch relay on 10th July as it goes from Oxford via Bracknell to Reading. St Crispin’s Sports Centre is hoping to become involved with this and I have said that we would be interested in helping them. Also do listen out for whatever the bell ringers are planning to do as they too engage with the 2012 Games.


At the time of writing this article there 168 days to go before the Olympic Games and 201 days to go before the Paralympic Games. There are even less days until our events! Please... ... remember us in your prayers as we plan these events ... put all these dates in your diary ... think about making a commitment to become involved now (or later) – there are plenty of tasks that need to be done. Jo Robinson 0118 9789730 Useful websites:

(this is the Diocesan initiative)

(this is the organisation helping the churches)

Early Warning : Walk the Country Christian Aid Sponsored Walk 2012 This year the Christian Aid Sponsored Walk will be on Saturday May 19th. There will be a choice of 5, 10 or 15 mile routes, all of which will start and finish at the village hall in BIX (just off the A4130, the Henley-on-Thames to Nettlebed road). In addition to raising money to help the less fortunate people of the world, this event provides an opportunity to get out and enjoy a pleasant walk through the countryside. Application forms, maps and, most importantly, the Sponsorship Forms, will be available round about Easter, in good time before May 19th. For more information please contact David Cupper: phone 0118 978 5866, email and usually in the Cornerstone after 9:30 service on Sundays.


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RINGERS ACCEPT THE CHALLENGE 2011 was the centenary of the foundation of The Ringing World, the ringers’ weekly newspaper. Part of the celebrations was ‘100 for RW100’, a challenge to ringers at large to do 100 of something significant. What the 100 should be was unspecified, and there was to be a prize for the ‘idea judged the most unusual or outstanding’. We wanted to take part, but first we had to think of something that would be challenging but achievable. 100 peals (3 hour performances) would be impossible – we normally ring 1-2 a year. 100 visitors up the tower would be too easy – we had more than that on Heritage Day. In the end we decided we would ring 100 different methods. That was quite a challenge, given that the normal repertoire of most of our ringers is only a couple of dozen methods. Bear in mind that we have no ‘music’ – everything is from memory, and if one person makes an error it can escalate so the whole performance falls apart. The challenge applied to the year 15 Jan 2011 – 15 Jan 2012 (the nearest Sundays to 13 Jan, which was the birthday of the founding Editor), but the challenge wasn’t issued until June, so we only had half a year to learn and ring all the new methods. In the autumn, we saw the first published result of another contender. The Derbyshire Diocesan Association organised a performance containing 100 changes in exactly 100 minutes, in an 8-bell tower, with 100 ringers ringing in relays. That was a massive logistical undertaking to get everyone into and out of the tower at the right times, with the ropes handed over every few minutes to someone else, all while ringing continuously. The write-up in The Ringing World was also very impressive. To cut a long story short, we achieved our goal – with 6 days to spare. It involved a lot of people doing a lot of hard work and working together as a team (and an extra practice in December when we were slipping behind). We produced a write-up, with contributions from different perspectives, and


sent it to The Ringing World at the end of January. Now we await the selection panel’s deliberations. You can read the full story of the challenge on the tower website at: John Harrison

Group of the Month - The Music Group The Music Group is a small collection of instrumentalists and singers who get together once a month to provide some of the music for worship at the “All-age” Eucharist. We started out over twenty years ago with a few guitars, singers and a flautist, with the aim of introducing more informal worship songs to complement, but differ from, the beautiful music provided by the choir. Some of the songs we have introduced such as “Be still, for the presence of the Lord”, and “Brother, Sister, let me serve you” are now firm favourites with the congregation and are regularly used in general worship. Over the years we have encouraged the youngsters at All Saints to play their instruments in the Music Group, and we have seen many progress from playing very simple parts to something a little more challenging. It is a great joy when they return from university at Christmas time to join us for the Crib service. We would love to welcome some new members to the Music Group. We meet once a month on a Saturday morning from 9-10am, when we prepare for the service the following day. If you play an instrument to a reasonable standard, or enjoy singing, and would like to come and join us, please pray about it. Making music together is a wonderful way to glorify God.




CHRISTIAN AID REPORT In December we held our annual carol singing outside Tesco. There was a record number of singers – 36 at one point. This enabled us to raise a sum of £268-40. The crib services at All Saints raised a further £737-26 for Christian Aid. Christian Aid Week 2011 At the end of November the income from Christian Aid Week in the U.K. was almost 11 million pounds. The Oxford area alone raised £872,126 and Wokingham raised £11,506 in the House to House collection. This would not have been possible without the collectors and supporters like you. Christian Aid Week 2012 is 13-19 May We will be asking again for volunteers to collect from house to house. If you can help cover any area, large or small, I will be very pleased to hear from you – by 12 March if possible. As the director of Christian Aid writes “Christian Aid Week is a moment unique in its power to give, act and pray in support of some of the world’s poorest communities.” Finally, do you have any used postage stamps? Christian Aid is raising money by collecting them. Please give to Valerie Kemp if you have any. There will be further information from Christian Aid next month. Valerie Kemp 0118 9782586



Notes on the PCC Meeting of 8th March 2012 The first topic for discussion was the plan to install solar panels on the Cornerstone. With the council's refusal of our initial application for planning permission, the PCC is now looking ahead to acquiring permission for a reduced scheme. The steering group are also exploring outside funding opportunities. In a few months, we'll be looking at combining these two threads into schemes for suppliers to tender and for the church to raise the necessary funds. We then returned to the subject of volunteering, first discussed in January. In particular we looked at how to encourage recruits despite people feeling they have no time. The prevailing thoughts were that it is good to involve people slowly (building up their involvement) and good to encourage the movement of people between jobs. PCC then went on to discuss the need to improve the accuracy of the parish database. There will be a campaign as folks enter church on three Sundays in April and May. The PCC suggested some improvements to the plans, but basically approved the idea. PCC members will be staffing the 'census takers'. As part of a briefing on Churches Together in Wokingham, the PCC heard about the plans for Holy Week. There is to be a special shop in Peach Street, like last year, and hopefully a drama presentation on Good Friday. Finally we heard news from the Deanery. We heard how things are changing in the parishes of Hurst, Ruscombe-&-Twyford and Winnersh with mergers and reorganisations. We also heard how someone has been found to support the work of the Area Dean for a few hours a week; as the Area Dean is our rector, this is good news for All Saints. Steve Smith

These are the personal impressions of the author. The PCC minutes should be consulted for the official record.


Pippa Liddell



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Anglican Society for the Welfare of Animals

Safer Medicines Campaign Safer Medicines Campaign is an independent patient safety organisation of scientists and doctors whose aim is to protect human health by promoting human-focused medical research and to ensure that the best methods are used to assess the safety of medicines. The campaign is for sophisticated humanbiology-based tests to be compared with the animal tests currently required by law. Every year a million Britons are hospitalised by their medicines costing the NHS £2 billion. Twenty-first century science can do better. Nobel Laureate Sydney Brenner, CH, FRS, states “We don’t have to look for model organisms any more because we are the model organism.” A 15,000 signature petition has been delivered to 10 Downing Street calling for the new tests by Tony Benn, Dr Caroline Lucas and other patrons of the Safer Medicines Trust. A clip of the petition presentation can be seen on their website: Humanbiology-based tests will predict the effects of new drugs more accurately than animals ever could. Marcelle Williams

ANSWERS from the Joseph Quiz on Page 17 Biblical 1. Joseph of Arimathea 2. Traditionally a “coat of many colours” now often “a long sleeved coat” 3. David 4. Egypt 5. The angel of the Lord Secular 6. Joseph Lister 7. Joseph Conrad 8. Lesley Joseph 9. Joseph Smith 10. Joseph Stalin


Baptism 29th January

Callie Elizabeth Halward

Marriage 14th January

Nicholas Philip Willcox with Stephanie Jane Mann

Funeral in Church followed by Burial 24th January Dora Beasley

Age 81

Burial of Ashes 19th January 4th February

Age 93 Age 71

Nancy Louraine Davies David Franklyn Eighteen

At Easthampstead Park Crematorium 4th February Francis Butterworth 7th February Kathleen Salmon

Number of Sundays Sundays Week days


4 633 154

Age 79 Age 84

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