The Parish of All Saints Wokingham October 2012
From the Rector — October 2012 From t he Rector – O CTO BE R 2 012 Director o f M usic By t he m e t his edi on r eaches y ou we w ill have said goodbye to our Director of M usic David Rance a nd we will be ge ng r eady to welcome our Richa rd S mith, o ur ne w Director o f M us ic. I would like he re to say t hank y ou a nd c ong ratula ons to David Ra nce as he re res. David has se rved ove r s ix y ea rs in t he role with us. M uch of his w ork of prepa ra on and rehea rsa l is h idden from the genera l v ie w of the congrega on b ut the results of t hat work have bee n c lea r f or all t o h ear. I n t he last six y ears All S aints Church C hoir has gone from s treng th to stre ngth. V isitors to the c hurch hearing o ur choir f or t he first me frequently rema rk h ow w onderful t he choir's contribu on to t he se rvice has b een. The num be r o f y oung pe ople n ow i nvolved i n the choir is als o s ome thing to be treas ured a nd o en c omme nte d upon. David's e xpe rt tea ching a nd support ha s e nabled young choristers t o grow b oth m usically a nd i n t heir a ppre cia on of the r ole of t he choir i n w orship,so tha t many have p rog resse d through the v arious levels of awa rd, gaining t heir ribbons. As we ll as suppor ng a nd im proving our exis ng se rvices, David brought new i deas to our pa ern of worship including the n ow v e ry p opula r Candle lit Advent Ca rol S e rvice. David has bee n consis tently s uppor ve and c ons truc ve as w e have t rie d out d iffe rent ideas for s ervices, n ever los ing sight of the p urpose of c hurch music as a n a ct of wors hip. I 'd a lso like to t hank David's w ife Ann and other fam ily membe rs for the ir support too. I will miss David as a c olleague a t A ll S a ints. We a ll wis h him an enjoyable re re ment f rom the ma ny d u es and res ponsibili es o f a parish Director o f M us ic which he has f ulfille d s o a dmirably. Richa rd S m ith joins us as D ire ctor of M us ic f rom the beg inning of O ctober. He comes to us w ith 1 0 y ears o f p rior e xpe rie nce as a pa ris h D irector o f M us ic; a nd an im press ive CV. He is e xpe rie nce d in conduc ng c hoirs of all k inds, i ncluding community c hoirs. Recently he c onducte d the 250 v oice Wokingham J ubilee Chorus. Richa rd is a lso Dire ctor of The LMC, a cathedral-based c horal educa on proje ct of amateur a nd profess ional musicians. I look f orward v e ry m uch t o welcom ing Richa rd as a ne w c olleague. Please make y ourse lf k nown t o him w hen y ou have the o pportunity. Con nue d on page 3.
Bible Sunday – 28th October The the me f or t his y ea r’s Bible S unday is ‘ Count o n I t’. I t is taken from I saia h 55.1 -11, which encourages us t o rely on God in mes of trouble. He re a re s ome v ers es w hich encourage us t o ‘ count o n G od’.... ‘O Lord A lmig hty, b lesse d is t he man tha t trusts i n y ou’ (Psa lm 84:12); ‘ Y ou will k ee p him in pe rfe ct pea ce whose mind is s tayed on y ou, beca use he trusts i n y ou’ (Isaih 26:3); ‘ Trust in t he Lord with all y our hea rt, a nd lea n n ot o n y our o wn unde rsta nding’. (Proverbs 3:5) Do y ou have a v e rse tha t has helped y ou in mes of t rouble or t rial? Would y ou b e w ill-‐ ing to sha re y our story, in jus t a few w ords, w ith o ur r eade rs? I f s o, p lease conta ct the editor....
MAGAZINE INFORMATION Please l eave i tems for publica on i n the Magazine tray i n the Parish Office or email directly to the editor on or before the Copy Date please. Contribu ons can be typed, handwri en, or e-mailed. All S aints P CC Wokingham is a Regis tere d Charity, No. 1127585
Editor: Associate Editor
Bill P oulsom (979 0 484) Harriet Swinyard (962 9 313) Email: e ditor@ allsaintswokin gham.or
Distribu on:
Sheila L ongley
(978 4 193)
Adver sements:
Bill P oulsom
(979 0 484)
Colla on:
Sheila L ongley & team
(978 4 193)
Copy Date for October:
Oct 14th, 2012
Oct 25th, 2012
Leadership F orum Sa tur day 1 3 th October One o f t he first opportuni es we will have t o m eet R ichard S m ith and e xpe rience him in ac on will be a t the ne xt Lea de rship F orum in The C orne rstone. T he F orum is a reg ula r gathe ring of P CC mem be rs a nd leaders of groups i n the c hurch me e ng to take the parish forwa rd, though n o ac ve inte rested mem be r o f t he church is excluded. A ll are welcome, s im ply l et us k now y ou are c om ing by c ontac ng t he conve nor of the F orum, Liz Rippon. At t he Leaders hip F orum Richard will be leading a singing ele ment of the m orning's ac vi es as we weave m usic i nto l ook ing a t the pa ris h's priori es for miss ion and ministry i n this y ear from n ow un l t he ne xt s um mer b reak.. This year's par ish Pr iori es Our parish S trateg ic Goa ls se t out the b roa d aims we believe G od is calling us t o curre ntly. Within those g oals PCC has proposed t hree par cula r priori es for this y ear. Spiritual growth and dis ciple ship Ac ons t his y ea r will include the t raining and com miss ioning of a team of lay pas toral assista nts; a nd more modules in our new “ Ne xt Gea r” rolling p rog ramme for Chris an growth. Look o ut for a n opportunity b eginning t his m onth to get t o grips w ith t he Gos pel of Luke. Embodying G od's love for y oung pe ople age d 1 1 - 25 Our main ac on in t his priority w ill b e t he re cruitment of a ne w f ull - me paid parish youth l eade r. Tha nk y ou t o those who have p ledge d y our support a lrea dy t o make t his happen. La te r this m onth on S unday 1 4 th O ctober Be cci M arch , a pa rish y outh worker in T wyford , will be our g ues t at t he 8a m a nd 9.30am S unday se rvices, to sha re with us what i t's like to be a parish y outh worke r. Reaching out - to make a d ifference in the world This includes all we d o and a ll we could d o both in o ur l ocal c omm unity a nd as pa rt of God's worldwide miss ion to s ha re God's love in ac on a nd make a diffe re nce i n t he world. O n 2 7th Ja nua ry CMS M ission Partner M iriam Knowles will be our g uest at 8am and 9.30am S unday se rvices t o sha re he r s tory as s he g ets rea dy t o leave f or Tanza nia whe re s he will work w ith disable d c hildren. The L eade rship F orum w ill be a c hance to w ork out f urthe r how we carry f orward i n prac ce thes e p riori es in t he c om ing y ea r a nd how mus ic can be pa rt of tha t proces s too. Do c ome if y ou can. David Hodgson
Clergy and Officers Paris h Clergy Rector Associa te Pries t Honorary Ass t. C urate Honorary Ass t. C urate Church War dens
The Revd. Canon David H odgs on The Revd. Caroline Krame r The Revd. Colin Jam es The Revd. Hele n Cha rlton
979 2 999 979 9 956 978 1 515 978 9 153
John S m ith Katherine H ugge Vacancy
979 0 948 07834450819 —
Jo As plin
979 2 797
Margare t Ragge Rachel Ga rlis h Harrie t S winya rd Robert V a che r, S usa n Wes tgate
979 2 797 978 2 602 962 9 313 979 2 797
Katherine H ugge , J ohn S m ith
979 2 797
David Rance Gail H oug hton Rachel Knowles Ruth S mith Joyce Baldry John Harris on Lucille Taylor
979 2 797 979 2 797 979 4 736 978 7 065 978 8 506 978 5 520 978 6 847
Revd Colin Ja mes
978 1 515
Liz Rippon
978 0 455
David A tkins on Jo Robinson Stephen S m ith John A lp
979 7 911 978 9 730 979 4 407 979 2 797
Paris h A dminis trator Children and Youth Safeguarding C o-ordina tor and Childre n’s Adv ocate Crè che Lea de r Junior Church Co-ordina tor Youth Church C ontacts: Friday Nig ht Youth D rop-In (FDI) C onta cts: Worship a nd Mus ic Director o f M us ic (inc. Choir) Music G roup Lea der Head S e rve r Deputy Head S erve r Bible Rea de rs’ r ota Towe r F ore man Flowe r Guild C hairma n Wors hip Rota a nd Praye r L ists C o-ordina tor Lay Co-Chair of Transforming W ors hip Parochial C hurch Council PCC S ecreta ry Deputy P CC S ecre tary PCC T reasure r Deputy P CC T reasure r
Clergy and Officers PCC T reasure r’s Team Stewa rds hip C o-ordina tor Gi Aid Co-ordinator Stewa rds hip R ecorder Electoral Roll O fficer Leade rship F orum C onvenor Asst. S te wardship Re corde r and Ass t. G i Aid C oordina tor Pastoral Care c ontacts Home C omm union Healing Praye r Group Pastoral Ca re Bereavement Care Bap sms, Weddings, F une rals Churchyard S tewa rd Trans porta on
Margare t Hawkins Dickon S nell Jo Robinson Pete r W hi aker Jim Creech Joyce Baldry Liz Rippon
962 9 792 978 1 044 978 9 730 978 6 225 377 4 194 978 8 506 978 0 455
Chris Westga te
979 2 797
Barbara S mith Jack Hayley Jo Robinson Sarah Boyla n Paris h O ffice John S m ith Susan Westgate
979 4 407 978 3 939 978 9 730 979 2 797 979 2 797 979 0 948 977 1 041
Clergy ava ilable days:
David Caroline Colin Hele n
All days except T hurs day All days except F riday Mon to Wed, S a t, S un. Usua lly T ues. and S un.
The Parish O ffice (0118 979 2797), i n the C orne rstone, can be c onta cted a bout church rela ted iss ues ( Ba p sms, M arriages, F une rals ). I t is o pen o n T uesday, We dnesday a nd Friday f rom 9.30 am t o 1.00 p m and f or u rge nt ma ers o r by te lephone on M onday and Thursday f rom 1 0.00 a m t o 12.00 noon. e-mail:
Posta l a ddress:
The Pa rish O ffice, Norreys Avenue, W oking ham RG40 1UE
All S aints we bsite:
www.allsaints wokingham.
The Cor nerstone: For room bookings and ge ne ral e nquirie s p lease phone 0118 979 7778. A dminis tra tor M onica M a r n is in the o ffice: M onday 2 -5pm, T ues day 12.15-4.30pm, W ednesday 2 -5.30pm, Thursday 1.45 - 6.00pm. e-mail: info@ thecorners
Worship at All Saints Services at All S aints' C hurch em bra ce a w ide ra nge of f ormats. A n outline is g ive n below but f or de tails a nd informa on about occa sional serv ices, se e t he weekly lea flet.
Sunday Services 8.00 a. m.
Holy Comm union. A said se rvice w ith a brief address us ing the tra di onal lang uage v e rsion of the Common W orship O rde r O ne Eucha rist.
9.30 a.m.
Paris h Communion. T he s ervice is s ung, w ith hy mns, and f ollows Com mon W ors hip O rde r O ne E ucharist. Childre n a re cate re d f or in the Crèche a nd Junior C hurch. The las t S unday in the m onth is Parish Com munion f or t he Whole C hurch and o e n includes Para de, children are p rese nt t hroug hout, a nd contribute to the w orship. Praye r f or Hea ling w ith Laying o n of Hands is o ffered reg ula rly at certain Pa ris h Communion services (see dia ry). Coffee is se rved a er t he s ervice a nd this is the weekly 'socia l gathe ring' of the C ong rega on. Pleas e c ome and me et us there if y ou are a v isitor t o the c hurch or would l ike to g et to k now us be er.
11.00 a. m.
(1st S unday) F amily S ervice The se rvice is simple w ith s ongs, praye rs a nd a ta lk for childre n. Everyone is inv ite d but es pecially parents and childre n. If y ou eve r worry tha t y our c hildren are t oo n oisy f or C hurch, t his is the pla ce to t ry!
11.15 a. m.
(2nd S unday) H oly C ommunion A said se rvice us ing t he Book of C omm on P rayer.
11.00 a. m.
(3rd S unday) F amily Service
11.15 a. m.
(Some 4 th S undays) Ma ns using the Book of Common Prayer, usually sung and including a serm on.
6.30 p.m.
(1st - 3rd S undays) Evensong us ing the Book of C omm on P rayer with sermon. Chora l Evens ong is s ung us ually on t he first S unday of each m onth. (An a lte rna ve f orm of worship on 4th & 5th S undays; a nd S e rvices of Healing)
Weekday Services Morning and Evening Praye r a re said, using Com mon Worship Daily P rayer, a t 9.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. each day f rom M onday t o S aturday. All may, a nd a re encourage d, t o a end. T hese s ervices may be le d by a P riest or membe rs of the La ity. Holy Communion is celebra ted as f ollows: Monday Tuesday
9.30 a.m. 9.30 a.m.
(Comm on Worship O rder O ne) (Comm on Worship O rder O ne with s hort address, followed b y c offee) (Simple form of Comm on Worship O rder O ne and short address ( par cularly for parents and child minders of b abies and p re -school children)
10.00 a.m.
in v a rious Res ide n al Homes
Major fes vals are als o ma rked by a ddi ona l c ele bra ons of Holy C om munion. Please see the Pa ris h D iary else whe re in t he magazine, o r se e o ur S erv ices lea flet.
***************************************** Home Communion: I f anyone k nows of a h ous ebound pa ris hione r, eithe r temporarily or long term, w ho would l ike to re ceive Holy C om munion, p lease contact the Pa rish O ffice ( 979 2797). Confirma on, Welcome or Growth Groups: Anyone i nte res ted in c onfirma on, a re fre she r course, or lea rning about t he Chris an faith is invited t o join one o f t he E ureka! g roups o r a confirma on course - contact Barba ra S mith o n 9 79 4 407.
Bap sms: a re usua lly conducte d a t a spe cial a e rnoon se rvice on the las t S unday of each month; o r occasionally i n S unday morning se rvices if reques ted. Bap s ms can be booked v ia t he Parish O ffice (979 2 797). Wedding B ook ing s: C le rgy are availa ble in t he Corne rs tone on M onday f rom 6.30 pm - 7.30 pm a nd o n S aturday f rom 10.30 am - 11.30 a m o n a n a ppointme nt bas is. Please book v ia the Pa ris h O ffice (979 2797).
Flower Guild I l ove the Autumn. Suddenly there i s a c ool, brisk feel to the e arly mornings, and c olours e verywhere s eem to mellow. The bright, c lear c olours of s ummer so en a nd grow hazy, a nd gradually give way to the burnin g, glowing hues that seem a bsolutely right for the me of the year when l eaves make their final display before falling prey to winter winds. Gone a re the white ox-eye daisies, but now i n gardens there a re a great range of dahlias, gladioli a nd hydrangeas, many of which a re the c olours o f a utumn. Chrysanthemums, too, a lthough a vailable all year round from flower s hops come i nto their own i n the a utumn. They c an a ll l ook beau ful a rranged s imply in a plain vase or j ug. Lucille Taylor
Date for Your Diary Christmas W orkshop Saturday 24th November At Cornerstone from 9:30am to 12:30pm For details contact Lucille Taylor Flow er Rota for October
October 7 th Mrs H Ma hews, Mrs G J ones H M October 1 4 th Mrs A Wade, Mrs E Shelley KT October 2 1st Mrs L Barrell, Mrs J Mitchell, Mrs M Hu ghes L B October 2 8 th Mrs S Richards, Mrs L Ha GJ Informa on c ontact L ucille Taylor 9 786847 or Hazel Ma hews 9 786700
THE FINCHAMPSTEAD SUPPORT GROUP FOR THE DUCHESS O F KENT HOUSE CHARITY We w ill be h olding a Q UIZ EVENI NG in aid of the above c harity a t t he F incham pstea d Memorial Hall on S aturday Novembe r 24th a t 7 pm for 7.30pm. Ticke ts cos t £10 to in-‐ clude a fis h and chip s uppe r and a re ava ilable f rom 0118 9788227/9735781. The re will be a pay ba r available a nd a ra ffle. We l ook f orwa rd to see ing y ou a nd y our f riends f or a quiz zica l eve ning of fun! The S pring L unch t his y ea r was a g rea t s ucce ss and rais ed £900 for the c harity. T hank you to a ll those who a e nde d. The date for next y ea rs l unch is Thurs day 30th M ay. Details of the speake r to follow.
Janet Gill Finchampstead Support Group (0118 9 788227) CREA TURE F EATURE
A quiz for October:Animal Welfare Sunday is 7 Oct s o all answers are,or contain, names of animals Odd numbers Biblical,even numbers general knowledge. 1. 2. 3.
Isaiah 35,6 “Then will the lame l eap like a ….” A group of which a nimals is called a c howder? Which a nimal did Balaam own, which spoke to him a nd saw an angel when he c ould not? 4. Which a nimal is the emblem of St Mark? 5. Jesus s ent out the 72 like, “lambs a mong……? 6. Which 1980 film s tars John Hurt as a badly deformed person? 7. Which a nimal did Jesus say would not be able to go through the eye of a needle? 8. Who was the founder of the Quakers? 9. On the day of judgement, people will be s eparated like a herdsman separates which 2 a nimals? 10. Best known by his nickname, which famous sportsman has the Chris an names Eldrick Tont? Answers on page 33 9
Although I have been a M others’ Union member for many years, e ven I was surprised on reading the l atest i ssue of Faith & Policy Watch, the MU monthly online update from the Faith & Policy Unit, on the number o f di fferent a reas i n which we a re c urrently i nvolved. One a rea where opinions a re s ll being s ort i s on Violence Against Women. The ques onnaire, which has had i ts deadline e xtended, i s to be used to i nform a global c ampaign, Violence Against Women a nd Girls (VAWG) a nd our statement to next year’s UN Commission on the Status of Women MU a ended the L iberal Democrat Conference last month, using the opportunity to hear more a bout the party’s priori es a nd to s peak to parliamentarians a nd party members a bout the work the MU does. MU responded to the Department for Culture, Media a nd Sport (DC MS) consulta on on e xemp ons to the Video Recordings Act a nd Cinema Adver sing. Although M U recommended that there s hould be no c hange to Cinema Adver sing, where a dverts have to be pre -approved a nd given a n a ge ra ng, we did feel that the e xemp on s hould be removed from hard c opy videos, DVDs a nd Blu-ray to i nclude music, s por ng a nd religious c ontent: a n age ra ng would a llow parents a nd c arers to feel more c onfident i n their purchases a nd the i ndustry i n their e nforcement. Our B ye Buy Childhood c ampaign c on nues with the publica on of a new booklet, ‘Labelling for L ife: Managing the Commercial World a s a Family’. This i s j ust a taster of the a reas i n which we get i nvolved. Members of our branch do respond to the na onal s urveys. The i nternet has e nabled the MU to seek members’ views within a s hort meframe to e nsure that grassroots opinion i s put forward to government a nd regulatory a uthori es. The MU i s con nually networking to further our reputa on a s a reliable organisa on to consult. Cont…..
Experienced, l ocal housekeeper a vailable for full or part- me posi on i n the Wokingham a rea. Contact L inda on 0 118 9 798515 or e
Our O ctober mee ng will be open to a nyone who would like to l earn more a bout our work. W e will be l ooking for ways to make a difference here i n Wokingham. Please do c ome – 7.45 for 8pm on W ednesday 24 th. More informa on on The Mothers Union’s work worldwide can be found on the website For branch infor-‐ ma on or a li to mee ngs, please call Valerie (978 7363) or Mary (978 2678). Tues 9 th October 9.30am
Corporate Communion.
Wed 24 th October 7.45 for 8.00pm
Branch Mee ng
Tues 13th November 9.30am
Corporate Communion.
Thurs 15th November 11.00am – 2.30pm
Winter Mee ng at Earley
Wed 28 th N ovember 7.45 for 8.00pm Branch m ee ng – speaker Bill Crooks
THE CHILDREN’S ACTIVITY TABLE We a re hoping to have the table i n the Cornerstone on various Sundays l eading up to Christmas. The next one i s planned for Sunday 7 th October a nd l ook forward to s eeing the c hildren. Please s ee weekly Sunday l eaflet for c onfirma on o f this a nd other dates. The s ession follows the 9 .30am s ervice.
iClean-home We offer:
Regular weekly domestic cleans One-off spring cleans Ironing
We guarantee: The same c leaner every week, familiar with your requirements You can select as m any hours as y ou need Pet friendly cleaners—we love animals! Tel: 01344 350259 14
All Saints’ Church Fellowship Everybody is most welcome to Fellowship mee ngs usually held on the third W ednesday each month a t 7.45pm for 7.55pm in the Cornerstone De Vitre Room. The c ost to visitors is £1.50 which includes c offee a nd i f you have a ny queries about Fellowship please contact Leader Diana Clifford 9792614 ENJOY OUR AUTUMN PROGRAM WED. O CT.17th THE HISTORY OF MAGIC with Mr. Keith Churcher – a member of Inner Magic Circle. WED. NOV. 21 st Hold on to your s eats as we are going AROUND THE WORLD I N SIXTY MINUTES with Mr. David Grainger. Talk a nd slides. WED.19th DEC. CHRISTMAS GET TOGETHER with prayer & Bible reading for Christmas, plus fun quiz a nd light finger supper. 2013 WED. 16th JAN. A.G.M . Following the evening business we are delighted that Mrs. Anne King will be telling us about her visit to Buckingham Palace when she received her MBE. CAKE STALL. Please s upport our cake s tall in the Cornerstone following the 9.30am s ervice on Sunday 7 th October i n aid of Stage Fright which is our charity for this year.
Thanks and farewell Fi rs t o f all thank you once again for your support when the choi r visited Wells Ca thedral in Jul y/Augus t this year. I t was ni ce to see so many o f you there (even if I didn’t recognise some o f you out o f context as i t were!). The Archdeacon, w ho was Ca non in Residence for m ost o f our s ta y, w rote to us a erwa rds : “We had many complimenta ry comments from visi tors and the regular wor-‐ shippers about the choi r, and pa r cularl y we were delighted to see so many young people. You a re all to be congra tula ted on your performance and the excellent contri bu on i t made to the Ca thedral ’s worship.” And she finished with an invi ta on to pa y a return visi t. Tha t, from a ca the-‐ dral whi ch has m ore applica ons from visi ng choi rs than i t ca n cope wi th, is worth a king’s ransom! When you read this I shall be your e x-di rector o f musi c and so I want to take this opportuni ty a gain to thank you all for your support o ver the las t si x yea rs . I had intended to s ta y for onl y five but it is a ma rk of h ow m uch I e n-‐ joyed being with you that I sta yed on for a si xth yea r. Indeed I could ha ve s ta yed on longer b ut, ha ving b uilt the choi r n umbers u p, I felt tha t i t now needed a fresh approa ch and a new d ynami c. B ut I shall e ver be gra teful to Da vi d Hodgson and the PCC for allowing me to renew m y a cquaintance wi th the music o f the Church o f England a t the e nd o f a ca reer in musi c spanning over fi y yea rs. At least I ha ve a number o f recordings o f the choi r wi th whi ch to remember them. It remains onl y for me to wish the new Di rector o f Musi c, Ri cha rd Smi th, well and hope that he gets as much enjoyment from serving you as I ha ve.
Da vi d Rance
Parish Diary - October 2012 Sunday 7 08.00am 09.30am
Trinity 18 Holy Comm union Paris h Communion
8 9
Family S e rvice
Anima l Bless ing
Chora l Evens ong
Monday to Sa turday
MU C orp Comm union
Leade rship F orum
Trinity 19
Holy Comm union
Paris h Communion
BCP Eucha ris t
No se rvice
Healing Praye r Group
Sung Evens ong
19 20
F Sa
Barn Dance
M Mothers’ Union
Trinity 20
Holy Comm union
Paris h Communion
Family S e rvice
No se rvice
Said Evens ong
28 08.00am
Last i n Tr inity Holy Comm union Paris h Communion
No S e rvice
Bap sm
6.00 p m
Said Evening P rayer
F orthcoming Events 24 Nov
Flowe r Guild C hris tmas W orkshop
NATURE’S HEALING WAYS It is a mazing h ow much phys ical hea ling goes o n in our bodies, without h uma n i nterve n-‐ on, t hroug h na ture and by the G race o f God. It is s urprising also to w hat extent we take t his for g ranted and w ithout giving t hanks and pra ise to G od and h is S on, Jes us Chris t, o ur hea le r. An o bvious e xam ple of t his is whe n we s usta in a c ut o r g raze on our sk in; once the fl ow of b lood is a rrested, a s cab forms w hich s eals the w ound. W he n t he sk in is heale d the scab g radually d rops off. Straining a muscle cause s i nfla mma on, pain a nd mus cle spas m. This ca n be relieved ini ally, by rest and s ome form of a nalges ia. This i s f ollowe d by gentle exercise, g radual-‐ ly increasing t he s trength a nd mobility of the a rea involved. This is all part of the na tural healing process. In all surgica l ope ra ons, t he s urge on makes a n incision followe d by the n ecessa ry e xci-‐ sion. He s utures the excis ion a rea, followe d by the skin. With t his s upport, nature c los es the cut a rea with conne c ve ssue w hich then leaves a nea t s car. Simila rly whe n dealing with b roken b one s, once they have bee n reset i n the ir p roper posi on and he ld t ogether w ith p ins o r plas ter -cast, nature takes ove r to bind t he e nds toge the r to res tore the b one t o its o riginal streng th. Nature’s way o f h ealing a lso extends to the u se of par cula r v a rie es of he rbs and plants which have bee n f ound to have uses i n b ringing h ealing t o ce rtain medical c ondi-‐ ons. The us e o f h erbs a nd pla nts for medical p urpos es goes ba ck t o the ea rliest mes of h uma nity. The ea rlie st wri en a ccount of the u se of herbal re medies comes f rom China a nd dates back t o 2800BC. Herbal medicines have had a c he que red h istory, b eing i n and out of favour at v arious mes. But throughout the last 5000 y ea rs or so, they have con nued t o d evelop un l today, whe n i n the lig ht of growing conce rn a bout t he e ffica cy and side effects of ma ny synthe c d rugs, he rbal me dicines
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are once again providing a safe a nd na tural alterna ve t reatment f or ma ny c omplaints. To b ring the story up t o da te, E U legisla on advocates all he rbal medicines should be subject t o com pulsory c linica l tes ng c om para ble to t hat u nde rtake n f or c onven ona l drugs. Thus all herbal me dicines w ould be license d. The UK g overnme nt is, I u nder-‐ stand, currently considering the i mplica ons of this legisla on. Among t he drugs w ith herbal o rigin is t he well k nown as pirin. I t wa s o rig ina lly p roduce d from t he ba rk of t he willow tre e and other salicyla te rich pla nts. I ts be ne fit as a pain reliever is well k nown. I t a lso use d to prevent t hrom bos is. Quinine, well k nown f or i ts t rea tme nt of mala ria, was ma de from the ba rk o f the cin-‐ chona tre e, o riginally found in Pe ru a nd subsequently found i n I ndonesia. I t is a lso a cons tue nt of t onic wate r. Anothe r m uch used d rug, am ongs t ma ny o thers taking t he ir source f rom herbs, is t hat of d igitalis w hich is f ound in t he F oxglove. I t is u sed in t he treatm ent o f v arious h eart condi ons. We give tha nks t o God f or all t he s ources and ways o f h ealing that he has p rovided i n nature. Jack Hayley (Membe rs of the G roup are G ill Allen, M aggie Davies, Jack Hayley, M ary Hug hes, Ann Penn, Rosema ry S turmer, Joa n Thomas on, a nd Joan Wa s) Please le t us k now of a ny n eed for healing praye r s upport. Confiden a lity is as sured The Lay ing on of Ha nds will be made availa ble at the Pa ris h Com munion on S unday 2 1 st Octobe r. The ne xt Hea ling S ervice will be held on S unday25th Nove mbe r a t 6.30 p m.
THE CHILDREN’S ACTIVITY TABLE We are hoping to have the table in the Cornerstone on various Sundays l eading up to Christmas. The next one is planned for Sunday 7th October a nd l ook forward to s eeing the children. Please s ee weekly Sunday l eaflet for confirma on of this and other dates. The s ession follows the 9.30am s ervice. 23
Greenbelt 2012 - Musings of a fes val day-tripper. Yes, I admi t tha t we didn’t ha ve the full authen c e xperience…. We didn’t camp, we didn’t s ta y for 3 o r 4 da ys , we didn’t use the showers …. Ma ybe someone w ho did w ould like to add some comments next m onth. We onl y had 1 set o f clothes to shove in the washing ma chine on o ur return. Greenbel t Chris an Arts fes val is held e very Augus t bank h olida y weekend, and has been happil y situated a t Chel tenham ra ce course for the last few yea rs . We had a ‘li vel y debate’ about whether to wea r walking boots o r wellies before ge ng in the ca r a t 8a m. My view (walking boots) p revailed – bi g mista ke, as I was reminded several mes later o n. As alwa ys the e xperience li ved u p to my e xpecta ons . I love the boost to my crea ve juices , I love planning wha t musi c/ p oetry/ deba te/ worship/ cra s we can fit in, (with rendezvous a t the Tiny Tea Tent) and then finding tha t plans go awry as pa r cular venues a re decla red full o r we bump into some old friends and get cha ng. This da y I saw 3 members o f our congrega on, people from Oxford Ministry Course, and someone from my Mas ters course a t KCL amongst the thousands milling about. You find yourself a ccidentall y in a stra nge talk, or being dragged into a concert b y someone w ho is a fan. S tanding in the queue for a ladies’ toilet wi th o ne of our churchwa rdens, she told me about a tent peg a ccident sus tained b y o ne of the ‘All saints ’ group, necessita ng a trip to A&E, and we w ondered how the p rofile of a ccidents / incidents would di ffer from that o f, sa y, Reading o r Glas tonbury……. This yea r the over-a rching theme o f the fes val was ‘Sa ving Pa radise’, and I felt i t was working reall y well . I like to make new connec ons between topics , to be pushed gentl y o ut of my comfort zone, to be forced to think about whether I agree o r not wi th a controversial view. At s chool there were 2 subjects I found u nfa thomable: e conomi cs and physi cs . So I found myself struggling to unders tand Giles F raser on w hy ‘growth’ is not the onl y agenda . Not tha t I disagree, I jus t can’t follow the e conomi c argument. Enough is enough – how do we lea rn tha t, how do we become countercul tural , how do we follow Jesus? A friend said la ter tha t he wanted to heckle Giles – he mus t ha ve unders tood a lot more than I do…but he is a poli cs lecturer! We then spent a fab hour on the floor lis tening to 4 gui ta rists ; the fa miliar Ma rtyn Joseph, and 3 guests w ho ques oned current
trends i n poli cs and e conomics from the posi on of the poor a nd marginalised and powerless. Good music, s trong words,… more purchases i n the music tent. At the next venue no music, no fancy ligh ng, no hype. J ust a n e lderly man on a chair, walking s ck by his side, holding a s mall piece of paper (to which he barely referred). It was Prof J ohn Polkinghorne, a physicist. He s poke with quiet authority, dry humour and gentle humility. He gave a fascina ng i nsight i nto his view of God’s c reated universe: Paradise made, paradise l ost a nd paradise regained. God is a lways on the e dge of the c haos a nd the ordered, c rea vity has its shadow s ide, the earth has the i nherent dri of decay- the only hope i s i n the faithfulness of the c reator. The professor’s rapier-like mind dealt e fficiently with one or two da ques ons a nd he mused with some good ones. Physics that I could understand! Another musical i nterlude, this me outside…. the c onductor c omplained that God wasn’t ge ng the thunder c laps i n the c orrect beat. We watched the gathering torrents of flood water head down the hill towards the main walkway…… A bizarre procession was a lso gathering. It was the c ulmina on of 3 separate workshops who j oined together for a final act of worship. The 3 elements were Messy Church, Dance a nd African drumming, a nd finally a high Roman Catholic procession with i ncense……definitely me for s ome tea! A friend persuaded us to see a n upcoming poet, fresh from Edinburgh. Harry Baker was very c lever a nd funny. We e ven managed to find c hairs i n this tent despite being in 2 i nches of mud a nd water. It was 8 .30pm, the l ights and l anterns were on everywhere, the food s talls were doing good business, Peter was heading to the Jesus Arms for a beer, a nd we headed home. My poli cs lecturer friend texted the next day to say that we had made the right c hoice; c ondi ons there would have made Noah proud! In the big flood was paradise l ost or regained? For me, the fes val i s always a c hance to regain a s ense of God’s paradise that is wider than the i nsular l ife of a s ingle c hurch i n a single town.
BREAKFAST Originally the c on nental breakfast t o b e se rved in t he Corne rs tone f ollowing the 8.00a m se rvice was o n S unday 28th O ctober. T his has now bee n c hange d to S unday 4 th Novem be r. C ome along a nd enjoy coffee, tea, j uice, croissa nts, c erea ls e tc. a nd enjoy having a n ice sit d own ( no washing up a e rwa rds !) a nd cha t. I f y ou have any par cula r die tary requirem ents p lease c ontact D iana 9792614. No need t o b ook and we l ook f orwa rd to see ing y ou.
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28 F ear or te rror (Psalm 31:22) (5) 29 ‘ We, who are many, are one body, for we all — of the one loaf’ (1 Corinthians 10:17) (7) 30 Assyrian ruler assassinated by his sons while worshipping his god Nis roch (2 Kings 19:37) (11)
Across 1 The sixth disciple (Ma hew 10:3) (11) 9 ‘ And lead us not into tempta on, but deliver us from the — — ’ (Ma hew 6:13) (4,3) 10 Love intensely (Song of S ongs 1:4) (5) 11 F rom M t Carmel to Jez reel, Elijah — all the way (1 Kings 18:46) (3) 13 O ne of the M idianite leade rs who was captured and k illed a e r Gideon’s v ictory in the v alley near M ore h (Judges 7:25) (4) 16 M etallic element (4) 17 At line (anag.) (6) 18 ‘ Cursed is everyone who is — on a tree’ (Gala ans 3:13) (4) 20 Where S amson k illed a t housand P hilis-‐ nes with a donkey’s jawbone (Judges 15:14) (4) 21 He succeeded M oses (Deute ronomy 34:9) (6) 22 ‘ When he saw him, he took — on him’ (Luke 10:33) (4) 23 ‘ For — is the gate and broad is t he road that leads t o destruc on’ (Ma hew 7:13) (4) 25 ‘ The god of this — has blinded the minds of u nbelievers’ (2 Corinthians 4:4) (3)
2 ‘ For as in Adam all d ie, so in Christ all will be made — ’ (1 Corinthians 15:22) (5) 3 ‘ A er supper he — the cup’ (1 C orinthi-‐ ans 11:25) (4) 4 The reques t of a man of M acedonia in Paul’s v ision: ‘ Come — to M acedonia and help us’ (Acts 16:9) (4) 5 He disobeyed his father Judah by refusing to impregnate his dead brother’s wife (Genesis 38:9) (4) 6 I v eto me (anag.) (7) 7 F ourth k ing of Judah (1 Kings 15:24) (11) 8 Priest of G od M ost H igh, who blessed Abram (Genesis 14:18) (11) 12 ‘ I have made y ou — — for the Gen-‐ les’ (Acts 13:47) (1,5) 14 I mplore (1 S amuel 15:25) (3) 15 ‘ Out of the eater, something to eat; out of the — , something sweet’ (Judges 14:14) (6) 19 ‘ I am the most ignorant of men; I do — — a man’s understanding’ (Proverbs 30:2) (3,4) 20 ‘ Sin shall not be y our maste r, because you are not under — , but under grace’ (Romans 6:14) (3) 24 Na ve of, say, Baghdad (5) 25 The last word in the Bible (Revela on 22:21) (4) 26 Heroic tale (4) 27 ‘ Then y ou will k now the truth, and the truth will set y ou — ’ (John 8:32) (4) Answers on page 32.
For Me2... Love Cake? Want to eat cake AND help a local children’s disability cha ri ty - Me2 Club? Then get invol ved in ‘Wha t a Difference a Cake Makes ’. Bring bake and b uy cakes and help change children’s li ves . Me2 Club ha ve organised a fantas c fundraising event. They a re asking everyone in the local communi ty to get behind them and raise money by selling cake in the month of October. Could you h old a cake sale, tea pa rty or coffee morning at your s chool, office or communi ty centre in the month of October to support Me2 Cl ub? Me2 Club will provide everything needed to make these events a success including balloons, cake decora ons and pos ters , all you need is cake and some friends (wi th money!). Get sta rted and download a fundraising pack, recipe ideas and p osters from ke.htm. Me2 Cl ub has an incredible tea m of volunteers , who support children wi th disabili es to join in a c vi es and be pa rt f thei r local communi es , gain confidence, make friends and ha ve fun! Wi thout this local cha ri ty many children wi th disabili es would miss out on these i mportant childhood miles tones and memories . So, shout a bout your plans, baking successes and events – tell everyone on Twi er a nd Fa cebook, upload photos and inspi re other people to get invol ved too as together we can make hundreds and thousands to change children’s li ves! Fa cebook: Me2ClubCha ri ty Twi er: @Me2Club 0118 969 6369 and For you... One o f the p rojects Me2 Club runs is their Incl usion Training Project - increasing the inclusion o f children wi th disabili es in mains tream groups. Do you work a t o r support a Wokingham borough mains tream ac vi ty group or club for children and young people? Would you like to sign up to F REE training? Cont…..
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Me2 Club’s Inclusion Training Project o ffers free training sessions o n a va riety o f topi cs , to increase the k nowledge, skills and confidence o f ac vi ty leaders and workers to include children wi th disabili es and addi onal needs . The sessions offer insight into a va riety of interes ng and relevant topics such as Au sm, Epileps y, Suppor ng Beha vi our, Maka ton and more! Me2 Club also o ffers bespoke sessions w hich will be tailored to help you and your group to overcome any ba rriers to inclusion you a re fa cing – s truggling to develop stra tegies to manage difficult beha viours ? Not sure how to encourage your o ther group members to be understanding and inclusi ve? Thanks to subsidising from the Bi g Lo ery Fund Me2 Club can help, a t no cha rge to you! Me2 Club is p rovi ding a fantas c o pportuni ty tha t benefits local communi es , w ork tha t is reall y valued b y anyone it touches ; the children and thei r families, volunteers and the a c vi ty leaders “Brilliant, this training will help me in the rest o f m y ca reer” If you would like to find out more or book onto the training, go to and d ownloa d Me2 Cl ub’s inclusion training brochure. Alterna vel y send an e mail to i o r gi ve Me2 Club a call 0118 969 6369 for more informa on.
Creature Feature Answers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Deer Cats Donkey (or ass): Numbers 22,21 Lion Wolves: Luke 10,3 Elephant Man Camel: Ma 10,25 George Fox Sheep a nd goats: Ma 25,31 Tiger W oods 33
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The Rev Dr Jo White considers prayer.
How do you pray? Give-me-give-me? Or how-do-you-do? Ea ch week we pra y in church. We use different pos tures while we p ra y:- kneeling, si ng, o r s tanding. These p ostures ma y well a ffect our thinking and a tude to God. Wha t we sa y, whether that be o ut loud o r in our thoughts , also reflects our rela onship wi th G od. If all we do is come to him wi th a 'shopping list' o f reques ts , whoever they a re for, we're like young children w ho sit o n their daddy's knee in order to get wha t they want. We a re alwa ys asking for something bi gger and be er; the lates t s tyle and colours . We a re never sa s fied with wha t we ha ve. We don’t want a rela onship wi th God; we want w hat we hope he will gi ve us . On the o ther hand, we ma y approa ch him o nl y formall y. We a cknowledge wi th respect his power and grea tness . But where do we go from there? H ow can such a fa r awa y, powerful God, ha ve any interest in us? We ha ve no idea , and so o ur p ra yers a re brief, ra rel y a cknowledging the a che in our hea rts , and the needs in o ur li ves. The Bible shows a middle wa y: between the ‘gi ve me gi ve me’ pra yers , a nd the p ra yers whi ch hesita te to ask for anything a t all. The Psalmist made clea r tha t our pra yers come o ut of o ur rela onship with God. “The Lord is nea r to all those w ho call upon him, to all tha t call upon him in truth. He will ful fill the desi re of those who fear hi m; he also will hea r their cry, and will sa ve them. The Lord p reserves all those w ho love him, b ut all the wi cked will he des troy.” (Ps 145:18-20) So the key is this : if you really want God, then just tell him so. Be hones t. From the depths of your inner self, call upon him. Acknowledge your sins, and ask for forgi veness. Then see wha t happens . Jesus p romised: “Seek and you S HALL find. Knock and the d oor S HALL be opened unto you.” (Ma 7:7)
Bap sms 8 July (St Paul’s) 29 J uly
Elsie M a i Brooks Megan M ay Lea hy Leo M a rk L ightstone Samuel John S mith T homas Ayden Jake Arche r 26 Aug. Came ron L ewis G eorge S m ith George William A rthur S m ith
Marriages 21 J uly 11 Aug. 25 Aug.
Burials 8 Aug. 9 Aug.
Burial of Ashes 25 J uly 31 J uly 16 Aug. 7 S ept.
Mark I an P res dge w ith Kathryn L ouis e W offington Geoff rey Brian Davies w ith M arga re t M artha Ba tema n John A lbe rt C ollins w ith J udith Ann Y oung
Edith E lle n Grover Norma n F ra nk C houle s
Age 94 Age 85
Gordon Jos eph S wa nborough Roy E dwa rd M adden June Audrey R ow Winifre d M ay Gibbons
Age 81 Age 81 Age 83 Age 87
At Easthampstead Park Crematorium 18 J uly 23 J uly 28 Aug. 29 Aug. 12 S ept.
Theresa Burgess Gordon Jos eph S wa nborough Julie Dorothy Y ule Flore nce Elizabe th Ka te E llis Frank E dwin Hall
Age 80 Age 81 Age 62 Age 88 Age 84
Memorial Service in Church 4 S ept.
Patrick Robbins
Number of Sundays Sundays Week days
9 1217 406