The Parish of All Saints Wokingham August Sept. 2012
From the Rector — August September 2012 By the me you a re reading this magazine there will be a s plendid a rray of “ solar panels” on the roof of The Cornerstone; quietly providing us with c lean electricity a nd reducing i ts “ carbon footprint”. A hu ge thank you to a ll who donated s o generously both i n money a nd i n me a nd e ffort to make this happen. In September once a gain this year a s a c hurch we will c elebrate the s eason of Crea on me. This i s a me when our worship together a s a c ommunity i s focussed on God a s the Creator a nd Sustainer. We praise God for a ll the blessings i n c rea on a nd a lso reflect on our responsibili es as c o -creators with God. This year Churches Together i n Britain a nd Ireland e ncourage us to take a s our par cular theme: “ Sustainable Energy”. It’s a theme we c an be proud to have taken a c on on a lready, with our new s olar panels i n place! It happens that 2 012 is the United Na ons Year of Sustainable Energy for All. There i s a n i nspiring a nd a mbi ous target of giving the whole world reliable, clean e nergy by 2 030. Currently 1 i n 5 people l ive with no a ccess to e lectricity a t all, a nd twice a s many a s that number rely on burning a nything from wood to animal e xcrement for hea ng a nd c ooking. As we kno w this theme i sn’t restricted to the developing world. The whole world needs to move a way fr om reliance on fossil fuels towards renewable energy s ources, with i ncreased e fficiency a nd l ower c onsump on. Chris ans need not only to be a ware of these i ssues but a lso to l ead by example. We need to know what we c an do to c are for the e arth a nd a lso c are for the poor who l ack e nergy. So this year during Crea on me we j oin i n with a theme that c hurches a cross the c ountry will be e xploring. We will a lso l earn more a bout the posi ve benefits our new s olar panels will bring, a s the s un s hines i n September! David Hodgson
Notes from the PCC Mee ng, July 4 th 2012 There were a fair number of decisions to be made a t J uly’s PCC: We a re beginning to develop a number of goals for the c hurch c ommunity – this i s s omething we plan to s hare a t the next L eadership Forum. We have a dver sed i n the Church Times for a Director of Music a nd we have a number of c andidates. Regarding Solar panels we have decided to go with Southern Solar who offered a higher s pec a nd be er performance o f photovoltaic a rray – thus s aving more c arbon. It was the more e xpensive of the t wo but the ‘economies’ of the other s upplier were not realis c. It i s very unlikely we will get a grant i n me e ven thou gh we were s hortlisted to the l ast 20 (10 grants a re a vailable). The Youth wor k l eaders a pplica ons were due to c lose on J uly 5 th – we have received 4 applica ons; these will be reviewed a nd interviews will take place on Sunday J uly 1 5 th. Dingley, a local group which does great work in helping severely handi-‐ capped children in schools, was approved as the Junior Church charity for the c oming term. There was a discussion on 2013 fees – lots of discussions on flowers and vergers! We had a Health & Safety update based on two recent incidents which led us to e nsure that hirers have their own l iability i nsurance a nd that they understand what is required as part of a private hire from our side. There was also a risk assessment update: the major risks relate to how we plan for s uccession planning within the c hurch. There was a discussion on repairing the stained glass window (East Wing) related to whether we charge people living on church land who should be responsible for c hancel repairs. It’s pre y c omplicated but s uffice to say we decided to fix the window a nd not c harge those l iving i n pr oper-‐ es who may be l iable for c hancel repairs. There was a n update on the Deanery Synod:
Parish Share – Deanery will bear a 3 % i ncrease; parishes will be a dvised. Rev Richard L amey has been a ppointed as the new Rector of St Pauls (currently based i n Chester). Churches Together i n Wokingham – there i s c urrently no c hairperson and the majority of people have l e by rota this Summer. There will be a mee ng on J uly 5 th to s ort this out. So, a s e ver, there were plenty of topics to discuss. Please c on nue to pray for the PCC that we might know God’s wisdom i n a ll our discussions. Peter Barr e
MAGAZINE INFORMATION Please l eave i tems for publica on i n the Magazine tray i n the Parish Office or email directly to the editor on or before the Copy Date please. Contribu ons can be typed, handwri en, or e-mailed. All S aints P CC Wokingham is a Regis tere d Charity, No. 1127585
Andrew McKenna (977 3 812) Email: e ditor@
Distribu on:
Sheila L ongley
(978 4 193)
Adver sements:
Andrew McKenna
(977 3 812)
Colla on:
Sheila L ongley & team
(978 4 193)
Copy Date for October:
Sept 16th, 2012
Sept 28th, 2012
Clergy and Officers Paris h Clergy Rector Associa te Pries t Honorary Ass t. C urate Honorary Ass t. C urate Church War dens
The Revd. Canon David H odgs on The Revd. Caroline Krame r The Revd. Colin Jam es The Revd. Hele n Cha rlton
979 2 999 979 9 956 978 1 515 978 9 153
John S m ith Katherine H ugge Vacancy
979 0 948 07834450819 —
Jo As plin
979 2 797
Margare t Ragge Rachel Ga rlis h Harrie t S winya rd Robert V a che r, S usa n Wes tgate
979 2 797 978 2 602 962 9 313 979 2 797
Katherine H ugge , J ohn S mith
979 2 797
David Rance Gail H oug hton Rachel Knowles Ruth S mith Joyce Baldry John Harris on Lucille Taylor
979 2 797 979 2 797 979 4 736 978 7 065 978 8 506 978 5 520 978 6 847
Revd Colin Ja mes
978 1 515
Liz Rippon
978 0 455
David A tkins on Jo Robinson Stephen S m ith John A lp
979 7 911 978 9 730 979 4 407 979 2 797
Paris h A dminis trator Children and Youth Safeguarding C o-ordina tor and Childre n’s Adv ocate Crè che Lea de r Junior Church Co-ordina tor Youth Church C ontacts: Friday Nig ht Youth D rop-In (FDI) C onta cts: Worship a nd Music Director o f M us ic (inc. Choir) Music G roup Lea der Head S e rve r Deputy Head S erve r Bible Rea de rs’ r ota Towe r F ore man Flowe r Guild C hairma n Wors hip Rota a nd Praye r L ists C o-ordina tor Lay Co-Chair of Transforming W ors hip Parochial C hurch Council PCC S ecreta ry Deputy P CC S ecre tary PCC T reasure r Deputy P CC T reasure r
Clergy and Officers PCC T reasure r’s Team Stewa rds hip C o-ordina tor Gi Aid Co-ordinator Stewa rds hip R ecorder Electoral Roll O fficer Leade rship F orum C onvenor Asst. S te wardship Re corde r and Ass t. G i Aid C oordina tor Pastoral Care c ontacts Home C omm union Healing Praye r Group Pastoral Ca re Bereavement Care Bap sms, Weddings, F une rals Churchyard S tewa rd Trans porta on
Margare t Hawkins Dickon S nell Jo Robinson Pete r W hi aker Jim Creech Joyce Baldry Liz Rippon
962 9 792 978 1 044 978 9 730 978 6 225 377 4 194 978 8 506 978 0 455
Chris Westga te
979 2 797
Barbara S mith Jack Hayley Jo Robinson Sarah Boyla n Paris h O ffice John S m ith Susan Westgate
979 4 407 978 3 939 978 9 730 979 2 797 979 2 797 979 0 948 977 1 041
Clergy ava ilable days:
David Caroline Colin Hele n
All days except T hurs day All days except F riday Mon to Wed, S a t, S un. Usua lly T ues. and S un.
The Paris h O ffice (0118 979 2797), i n the C orne rstone, can be c onta cted a bout church rela ted iss ues ( Ba p sms, M arriages, F une rals ). I t is o pen o n T uesday, We dnesday a nd Friday f rom 9.30 am t o 1.00 p m and f or u rge nt ma ers o r by te lephone on M onday and Thursday f rom 1 0.00 a m t o 12.00 noon. e-mail:
Posta l a ddress:
The Pa rish O ffice, Norreys Avenue, W oking ham RG40 1UE
All S aints we bsite:
www.allsaints wokingham.
The Cor nerstone: For room bookings and ge ne ral e nquirie s p lease phone 0118 979 7778. A dminis tra tor M onica M a r n is in the o ffice: M onday 2 -5pm, T ues day 12.15-4.30pm, W ednesday 2 -5.30pm, Thursday 1.45 - 6.00pm. e-mail: info@ thecorners
Worship at All Saints Services at All S aints' C hurch em bra ce a w ide ra nge of f ormats. A n outline is give n below but f or de tails a nd informa on about occa sional serv ices, se e t he weekly lea flet.
Sunday Services 8.00 a. m.
Holy Comm union. A said se rvice w ith a brief address us ing the tra di onal lang uage v e rsion of the Common W orship O rde r O ne Eucha rist.
9.30 a.m.
Paris h Communion. T he s ervice is s ung, w ith hy mns, and f ollows Common W ors hip O rde r O ne E ucharist. Childre n a re cate re d f or in the Crèche a nd Junior C hurch. The las t S unday in the m onth is Parish Communion f or t he Whole C hurch and o e n includes Para de, children are p rese nt t hroug hout, a nd contribute to the w orship. Praye r f or Hea ling w ith Laying o n of Hands is o ffered reg ula rly at certain Pa ris h Communion services (see dia ry). Coffee is se rved a er t he s ervice a nd this is the weekly 'socia l gathe ring' of the C ong rega on. Pleas e c ome and me et us there if y ou are a v isitor t o the c hurch or would l ike to g et to k now us be er.
11.00 a. m.
(1st S unday) F amily S ervice The se rvice is simple w ith s ongs, praye rs a nd a ta lk for childre n. Everyone is inv ite d but es pecially parents and childre n. If y ou eve r worry tha t y our c hildren are t oo n oisy f or C hurch, t his is the pla ce to t ry!
11.15 a. m.
(2nd S unday) H oly C ommunion A said se rvice us ing t he Book of C omm on P rayer.
11.00 a. m.
(3rd S unday) F amily Service
11.15 a. m.
(Some 4 th S undays) Ma ns using the Book of Common Prayer, usually sung and including a sermon.
6.30 p.m.
(1st - 3rd S undays) Evensong us ing the Book of C omm on P rayer with sermon. Chora l Evens ong is s ung us ually on t he first S unday of each m onth. (An a lte rna ve f orm of worship on 4th & 5th S undays; a nd S e rvices of Healing)
Weekday Services Morning and Evening Praye r a re said, using Com mon Worship Daily P rayer, a t 9.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. each day f rom M onday t o S aturday. All may, a nd a re encourage d, t o a end. T hese s ervices may be le d by a P riest or membe rs of the La ity. Holy Communion is celebra ted as f ollows: Monday Tuesday
9.30 a.m. 9.30 a.m.
(Comm on Worship O rder O ne) (Comm on Worship O rder O ne with s hort address, followed b y c offee) (Simple form of Comm on Worship O rder O ne and short address ( par cularly for parents and child minders of b abies and p re -school children)
10.00 a.m.
in v a rious Res ide n al Homes
Major fes vals are als o ma rked by a ddi ona l c ele bra ons of Holy C ommunion. Please see the Pa ris h D iary else whe re in t he magazine, o r se e o ur S erv ices lea flet. ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Home Communion: I f anyone k nows of a h ous ebound pa ris hione r, eithe r temporarily or long term, w ho would l ike to re ceive Holy C ommunion, p lease contact the Pa rish O ffice ( 979 2797). Confirma on, Welcome or Growth Groups: Anyone i nte res ted in c onfirma on, a re fre she r course, or lea rning about t he Chris an faith is invited t o join one o f t he E ureka! g roups o r a confirma on course - contact Barba ra S mith o n 9 79 4 407.
Bap sms: a re usua lly conducte d a t a spe cial a e rnoon se rvice on the las t S unday of each month; o r occasionally i n S unday morning se rvices if reques ted. Bap s ms can be booked v ia t he Parish O ffice (979 2 797). Wedding B ook ing s: C le rgy are availa ble in t he Corne rs tone on M onday f rom 6.30 pm - 7.30 pm a nd o n S aturday f rom 10.30 am - 11.30 a m o n a n a ppointme nt bas is. Please book v ia the Pa ris h O ffice (979 2797).
Flower Guild Our Su mmer workshop was a great s uccess a nd e veryone who c ame e njoyed crea ng the parallel a rrangement. Thank you to Kate Thomas who demonstrated the design a nd guided us throughout the morning with her exper se a nd a dvice. DATES FOR Y OUR DIARY
Thursday August 23 rd at 7 .30pm in Church Pew-ends provide a glowing welcome for guests . The flowers will l ast well because they a re fixed i nto wet foam. Have you e ver thou ght how they a re created? We will be a rranging pew-ends on the a bove date, i f you c an help or j ust wish to watch how they a re a rranged, please c ontact me .
Next Flower Guild Mee ng Tuesday September 4 th at 8pm in t he Cornerstone
Dates for your Diary
Please c ome a nd e njoy a c hat over a glass of wine a nd nibbles. Kate Thomas will be demonstra ng how to a rrange Main Pedestal. New c omers a lways welcome.
Friday September 28 th from 9 .30am Decora ng the Church for Harvest Fes val.
Flowers in Church during August and September August 5 th Mrs P Gilbey, Mrs K Maund PG August 1 2 th Mrs V Briault, Mrs E Draper, Mrs M Whitaker VB
August 1 9 th Mrs S Anderson, Mrs S Watson
August 2 6 th Mrs L Taylor,
Mrs G Houghton L T
September 2 nd Mrs A Welch,
Miss B Branson
September 9 th Mrs J Mellor,
Mrs G J ones
September 1 6 th Mrs M Holden, Mrs L Ha September 2 3 rd Mrs J Alp,
Miss E Mellor VB
September 3 0th HARV EST F ESTIVAL (also see pg.
Lucille Taylor
SUMMER WEDDING QUIZ (Answers p g.32) As many weddings a re a rranged i n s ummer, here’s a quiz a bout weddings, marriage, a nd brides. Biblical c lues a re odd numbers, s ecular ones e ven 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
How many bridesmaids, both wise a nd foolish, a re there i n the s tory Jesus told? ( Ma 2 5,1-2) St Bride’s c hurch i s i n which famous L ondon s treet? Where was the wedding that featured J esus’ first miracle? Which Scots village i s famous for runaway weddings? Which Bible book has frequent references to, ” my s ister, my bride”? Which word, previously used a s part of a woman’s wedding vo ws, i s now usually omi ed? Which Bible book tells of, ” the wedding s upper o f the L amb”? Who wrote the opera, ” The Marriage of Figaro”? Jesus taught a bout marriage that what God has j oined….can you complete this? ( Ma 1 9,6) Elsa L anchester played the tle role i n which film with the b y -line, ” the monster demands a mate”?
In the l ast few months, M U a r cles have focussed on na onal a nd i nterna onal campaigns. There i s a lso much happening l ocally. On Sunday 2 6 th August, The Mothers’ Union will be holding their quarterly c ake stall a long with the i nforma on table a nd s ale of gree ngs c ards a nd other sundry i tems, which happens on the l ast Sunday of e very month. Do please support us i f you c an. Proceeds will go to ‘ Away From It All’ which funds holidays for families who would benefit from me a way together but a re unable to finance i t. The fund for Oxford diocese i s a dministered l ocally a nd the e xtracts from ‘thank you’ l e ers that have been s hared at deanery mee ngs l e us i n no doubt a bout the value of this outreach. Any money we collect that i s not required for holidays this year will be c arried forward for use next year. For many years now, our branch has s upplied a nd distributed the bap sm anniversary c ards to a ll those who were bap sed a t All Saints i n the previous 3 years. The MU produces a rac ve c ards for this purpose a nd members willingly distribute the c ards e very month. In a ddi on, we a re now a ending the 1 1am Sunday s ervice on the first Sunday of e ach month, when a nyone celebra ng their ‘Bap sm birthday’ i s i nvited up a nd receives their c ard a t the end of the s ervice; we a lso distribute i nvita ons to the s ervices to those who will receive a c ard. These a re 2 l ong-term projects. We a re a lways l ooking for new projects to undertake – we a re a project based organisa on c ommi ed to both fund raising a nd a c vely s uppor ng families! We a re a lways very keen to recruit new members: we do not a dopt a ‘hard s ell’ a pproach to i ncreasing our membership. However, we a re a ware that with a few more members a ble to share the l oad, we would be a ble to c ommit to more projects. Corporate Communion will c on nue i n August, but there will be no branch mee ng. (upcoming d ates c on nu ed n ext p age)
Our mee n g on 2 6 th September will be a talk by Katherine Hugge on her trip last s ummer holiday to Borneo a s part of the World Challenge undertaken by The Forest School. Katherine has s poken before on a previous world c hallenge trip a nd we a re delighted s he has a greed to talk a gain. This s hould be of interest to a nyone who e njoys hearing a bout foreign travels a nd a lso a nyone with c hildren who may be c onsidering a s imilar trip. Do c ome a long on the 2 6 th if you c an – visitors very welcome. . More i nforma on on The Mothers Union’s work worldwide c an be found on the website For branch i nfor ma on or a l i to mee ngs, please c all Valerie (978 7 363) or Mary (978 2 678). Tues 1 4 th August
Corporate Communion.
Sunday 2 6 th August
a er 9 .30 service
MU stall in The Cornerstone
Corporate Communion.
7.45 for 8pm
Branch mee ng – Borneo t alk by K atherine Hugge
Tues 1 1 th September
Wed 2 6 th September
THE CHILDREN’S ACTIVITY TABLE We a re hoping to have s everal Sunday Ac vity Tables in the Cornerstone following the 9 .30am s ervice during the a utumn. The first one will be on Sunday 9 th September. Please s ee weekly l eaflet for other dates. We a lways l ook forward to s eeing a ll the c hildren.
iClean-home We offer: Regular weekly domestic cleans One-off spring cleans Ironing
We guarantee: The same c leaner every week, familiar with your requirements You can select as m any hours as y ou need Pet friendly cleaners—we love animals! Tel: 01344 350259 14
All Saints’ Church Fellowship Everybody i s most welcome to Fellowship mee ngs usually held on the third Wednesday e ach month a t 7 .45pm for 7 .55pm i n the Cornerstone De Vitre Room. The c ost to visitors i s £ 1.50 which i ncludes c offee a nd i f you have a ny queries a bout Fellowship please c ontact L eader Diana Clifford 9 792614 WED. SEP T.19 th Un fortunately Mrs. L enney who was to be our s peaker for this mee ng has had a n a ccident. We wish her a very s peedy recovery and hope that s he will be a ble to pay us a visit s ome me next year. As yet we have not a nother s peaker but please s ee weekly l eaflet for details HAVE A V ERY H APPY SUMMER AND W E L OOK F ORW ARD TO S EEING YOU I N SEP TEMBER N.B. We are hoping to have a C ake St all in the Cornerstone following the 9.30am service on Sunday 7 th October. Thi s will be in aid o f our c harity f or this year which is S TAGE F RIGHT. WED. OC T.17 th TH E HISTORY O F MAGIC with Mr. Keith Churcher – a member of Inner Magic Circle. WED. NOV. 2 1 st Hold on to your s eats a s we a re going A ROUND TH E WORLD I N SIXTY MINUTES with Mr. David Grainger. Talk a nd s lides. WED.19 th D EC. CHRISTMAS G ET TOGETHER with prayer & Bible reading for Christmas, plus fun quiz a nd l ight fi nger s upper. 2013 WED. 1 6 th J AN. A.G.M . Following the e vening business we a re delighted that Mrs. Anne King will be telling us a bout her visit to Buckingham Palace when s he received her MBE.
ANOTHER BARN DANCE! Remember the previous Barn Dances? Well, we a re going to have a nother this year – on Saturday 2 0 th October. As before, we will have a bring-and-share supper a nd s ome great dancing. We have the s ame band (b ut a different caller) a s l ast me a nd ckets c ost the s ame: £ 8 for a n a dult a nd £ 2 for a c hild, or a maximum of £ 20 for a family. We have a lso c hanged the me a bit to make it e asier for c hildren – we will s tart dancing a t 6 pm a nd finish a t 1 0pm. We will eat a t a bout 8 pm. Tickets on s ale from September from Harriet Swinyard ( or 0 118 9 62 9 313) or Anne King ( or 0 7768 9 23608) or a er most 9 .30 s ervices. Please buy them s oon – a s there i s only a limited number a vailable to e nsure there is room for dancing. Anne King
Farewell quarter peal The quarter peal that we rang before the e ven-‐ ing s ervice on Sunday 1 5th J uly was dedicated to Richard Woodward, who i s l eaving Wokingham to l ive i n Bournmouth. Rich-‐ ard i s the third l ongest s erving member of the c urrent band, having been e lect-‐ ed i n 1 982. During his me here, he has s erved twice a s a tower officer – he did a year a s Deputy Foreman i n 1 987, a nd three years as Secretary i n 2 005-2007. The day a er the quarter peal, following a s hortened e arly prac ce, we took Richard a nd J ill out for a meal, a nd presented him with a framed print of the church where he has rung for the l ast thirty years. We wish him well i n his re-‐ rement, a nd a s he makes new friends, both ringing a nd non -ringing, i n his new home. John Harrison
Parish Diary - August 2012 Sunday
Trinity 9 08.00am Holy Communion 09.30am Parish Communion 11.15am Family Service 06.30pm Said Ev ensong
Trinity 10 08.00am Holy Communion 09.30am Parish Communion 11.15am *** No Ser vice *** 06.30pm Said Ev ensong
Trinity 11 08.00am Holy Communion 09.30am Parish Communion (Lay on Hands) 11.15am Family Service 06.30pm Said Ev ensong
Trinity 12 08.00am Holy Communion 09.30am Parish Communion (not Whole Church) 11.15am *** No Ser vice *** 06.30pm Ev ening Prayer ** No Choir in August
Music List August Sept. 2012 Sunday Service Hymns
Trinity 9 - 5 th Aug us t Eucharis t: Archer - St Mark's Se ng
Org DJ
Said Evensong
Sunday Service Hymns
Trinity 10 - 12th A ugust Eucharis t: Archer - St Mark's Se ng
Said Evensong
Sunday Service Hymns
Trinity 11 - 19th A ugust Eucharis t ( Hea ling): Archer - St Mark's Se ng
Said Evensong
Sunday Service Hymns
Trinity 12 - 26th A ugust Eucharis t: Archer - St Mark's Se ng
Evening Prayer
Sunday Service Hymns
Trinity 13 - Crea on me begins - 2nd September Eucharis t: Archer - St Mark's Se ng
Evening Prayer
Sunday Service Anthem Choir Hymn Fina l V oluntary
Trinity 14 - Crea on me 2 - 9th September Eucharis t: Archer - St Mark's Se ng If ye love me - Thomas Ta llis 68 H ON Cortège - Vierne/Duruflé
Music List August Sept. 2012 Org Service
Choral Ev ensong
Introit Respo nses Psalm
If ye lov e m e - Thom as Tallis Bertalot 119, vv. 41 - 56
Sum sion in G
Anth em Final Vo luntar y
They that g o do wn to th e sea in sh ip s - Sum sion Fiat Lu x - Théodo re Dubois
Trinit y 15 - Creationtime 3 - 16th Sept emb er
Service Psalm
Euch ar ist (H ealing): Arch er - St M ar k's Setting 116, vv1 - 8
Anth em
The C all - Richard L lo yd
Choir H ymn
263a HON
Final Vo luntar y
Sch erzo - Eu gèn e Gigout
Sung Even song: F er ial R espon ses (McKie Amen)
119, vv73 - 88
Canticles Anth em
Magnificat & Nun c Dimittis: Set 4 Judg e et ern al - Malcolm Ar ch er
Final Vo luntar y
Short Prelud e & Fu gue in B flat (BW V 560) - J S Bach
Trinit y 16 - Creationtime 4 - 23rd September
Euch ar ist: Arch er - St. Mar k' s Setting
Anth em Choir H ymn
Blessed ar e th e pur e in h eart - Malco lm Arch er 249a HON
Final Vo luntar y
Humoresqu e (L' Organo Prim itivo) - Pietro Yon
Said Ev ensong with piano
Trinit y 17 - Harv est F estival - 30th Sept emb er
Service Anth em
W hole Church Com munion For the beaut y of the earth - John Rutter
Final Vo luntar y
A Song of Sun shin e - Alfred Hollin s
Choral Eu ch arist at 18.30
Setting Anth em
Missa B revis - G P d a Palestrin a Before the end ing of th e d ay - Malco lm Arch er
Final Vo luntar y
Fugue in E flat "St Ann e" (BW V 552) - J S Bach
HEALING THROUGH REC ONCILLIATION As many o f our readers will be a ware, I was privileged to be i nterviewed by the BBC, a long with my brother’s grandson, on the occasion of the dedica on a nd unveiling, by the Queen, o f the Bomber Com mand Memorial i n Green Park, London on 2 8 th J une. I was represen ng the veterans of war me Bomber Co m-‐ mand a nd my great nephew, Richard, was the Standard Bearer of his tornado Squadron, no.15, with which he has s een a c ve s ervice i n Afghanistan i n recent years. The occasion was very poignant a s the magnificent memorial not only c om-‐ memorates the l ives of the 5 5,573 Bomber Command c rew members who l ost their l ives during the war but a lso those i n the other s ervices a nd the thousands of c ivilians who were killed a s a result of bombing i n this c ountry a nd i n Europe. To a cknowledge that i t was not only members of the s ervices who died during the bombing o ffensives but a lso defenceless c ivilians, has been i n i tself, a n a ct of reconcilia on. This was e mphasised by the fact that s everal dignitaries of the German c i es that were bombed were present a t the dedica on of the Memo-‐ rial. The other s trong feeling of e mo on that was prevalent a t the unveiling, par cu-‐ larly a mong the veterans of Bomber Com mand, was that i t was 6 7 years a er the e nd of the war, before a permanent na onal memorial had a t l ast been built to c ommemorate the s acrifice made by their fallen c omrades. The reason for this was, i t i s believed, that par cularly during final months of the war, there had been a public outcry a bout the policy of a rea bombing which had been decided upon by the Go vernment, under Sir Winston Churchill, a nd given a s a part of the s trategy to be performed by Bomber Command, under the command of i ts c ommander Sir Arthur Harris. From my own e xperience, a s a pilot i n Bomber Command, we were s ent on many s or es that were a imed a t specific targets which had a definite military or i ndustrial objec ve a nd not a l-‐
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ways of a rea bombing nature. The fact that these ‘legi mate’ targets, par cu-‐ larly the i ndustrial ones, were o en s urrounded by a populated a rea meant that civilian c asual es were i nevitable. It has to be remembered that, not that I be-‐ lieve i n the philosophy of ‘an e ye for a n e ye a nd a tooth for a tooth’, our c oun -‐ try a nd those i n Europe had s uffered from the ruthless bombardment of our ci es by the German L u waffe a t the c ost o f thousands of l ives. Sir Arthur Har-‐ ris i s said to have quoted from Hosea (8:7), “ For they s ow the wind, a nd they shall reap the whirlwind”. The fact that once i t was a greed that a n a ppropriate memorial s hould be built i n London to c ommemorate those 5 5,753 c rew members of Bomber Command who gave their l ives, the public s upport which was given to the project, a t the cost of s ome £ 6,000,000, was e vidence that the public a tude towards the bombing policy had now c hanged a nd they were now reconciled to the need for a permanent na onal memorial. There was no financial s upport from the government. Sir Michael Beetham, President of the Bomber Command Associa on, which was responsible for s eeing the whole project to i ts c omple on, had this to s ay, “This Memorial you s ee before you i s both worthy a nd a ppropriate. It recognis-‐ es the past, e mbraces the present a nd i t will i nform genera ons to c ome of the cost of war a nd the price o f freedom”. We thank God for the peace a nd e stablishment of a c ommon purpose between the c ountries of Europe. We pray f or e conomic s tability a mongst those na ons, and for peace a nd unity between a ll the peoples of the world. Jack Hayley (Members of the Group a re Gill Allen, Maggie Bateman, J ack Hayley, Mary Hughes, Ann Penn, Rosemary Stumer, J oan Thomason, a nd J oan Wa s) Please l et us know of a ny need for healing prayer s upport. Confiden ality i s a s-‐ sured The L aying on of Hands will be made a vailable a t the Parish Communion on Sun -‐ day 1 9 th A ugust. The next Healing Service will be held on Sunday30th Septem-‐ ber a t 6 .30 pm.
HARVEST FESTIVAL FLOWERS (Harvest Fes val - SUNDAY 30 th SEPTEMBER) The Great Bri sh Sum mer i s back a gain! I hope you have a ll e njoyed the Dia-‐ mond J ubilee c elebra ons, despite the rain. We have much to be grateful for i n this c ountry, from Her Majesty the Queen to the humble rain! Harvest Fes val will be here a gain s ooner than we think. Each year we make and distribute flower posies/arrangements to the l ocal c are homes, e lderly members of the c ongrega on, the s ick a nd housebound, home c ommunicants and those bereaved during the past year. Each year our request for help i s s o generously responded to by many of you. I hope this year i s no e xcep on. As for previous years, I would like to say an e normous thank you; we c ould not achieve it without your fabulous s upport. T he result s are e njoyed b y many and c an be trul y u pli ing for those who may be e xperiencing a par cul arly difficult me. Please partake i n a ny s mall way you feel a ble. DONATIONS: Thank you for your monetary dona ons i n previous years. Your generosity means we a lready have s ufficient funds for this year’s posies. Addi onally, we usually request s mall, round c lear plas c c ont ainers, without lids, of the s ort used by the s upermarkets to put fresh olives i n (with no wri ng on). Your generosity a gain last year has l e us with s ufficient for this year. How-‐ ever, i f you have a lready s aved a ny, please donate them to me. I will s tore them at c hurch for next year. (Please c ould I request you c ontact me i n September when you c an hand them to me a t c hurch or I c an c all to c ollect them?) However, we do s ll need some dona ons: Perhaps y ou c an provide some g reenery or berries from your g arden ( for small arrangements) on the morning of S aturday 2 9 th September? J ust bring them to the South Hall/back door of the Cornerstone a bout 9 am on the day. ASSISTANC E R EQUIRED: We a re a lso l ooking for a ssistance on Saturday morning t he 2 9 th September to make s mall flower arrangement s. You do not e ven need to be a fl ower a rrang-‐ er or a n e xpert a nd the j unior c hildren a re welcome to get i nvolved too, thou gh
we do a sk that you a ccompany them. All flowers will be provided, but greenery and berries s uitable for s mall a rrangements would be greatly a ppreciated. If you c ould a lso bring a pair of s ecateurs / s cissors with which you c an c ut the greenery, i t would a lso help. This year we a re a rranging the posies i n the South Hall of the Cornerstone (as there i s a wedding a t 1 2:30pm a nd we need to keep the c hurch c lear!). You a re welcome to pop i n for half a n hour or a s l ong a s you like! We a re there from a pproximately 9 am to 1 2noon. Please do turn up, we are s hort of people to a ssist. A er the Harvest Fes val, we a re very much i n need of firm offers o f help from volunteers on M onday morning 1 st October from 9 am, who c an assist in di s-‐ tribu ng the flowers to a number of addresses in t he local neighbourhood . Please meet a t c hurch a nd maps will be provided i f necessary. It helps i f you have the use of a c ar. We a im for e ach person to deliver no more than a bout 6 or 8 a rrangements i n a s imilar l ocality but obviously, the more volunteers we have, the fewer deliveries per person! Deliver as few or a s many a s you l ike. They a re a ll with s mall c ards which have been pre -wri en a nd a ll that needs to be s aid i s “ With c ompliments from All Saints Church, Wokingham” or you a re welcome to l et them know they a re i n our thou ghts a nd prayers. If they a re not in, they c an be l e on the doorstep. It i s not a n onerous task a nd i t i s o en a delight to receive s ome of the responses first hand. Please don’t be s hy a bout coming forward! Finally, c an I say a big thank you once again, to all those who assist in any way with our h arve st offerings, whether it be once in a while o r c onsistently e ach year, whether it be through spiritual support through prayer or physical sup-‐ port o ver the harvest fe s val weekend, it re ally helps t o m ake a difference to those who most need to know we c are. With gra tude, a s a lways, Sue J ames (TEL: 0 118 9 784339)
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Wokingham J ob Support Centre a re gearing themselves up for their 2 0 th Anni-‐ versary Celebra ons i n 2 012 having first opened i ts doors on the 4 th December 1992 a t The Ritz Business Centre, Wokingham a nd i n that me has s upported over 7 000 c lients i n their s earch for e mployment. WJSC i s dedicated to offering F REE s upport a nd guidance to unemployed people living i n the Wokingham Borou gh (over 1 9). It provides a highly pro fessional service i ncluding:
1 to 1 Advisor Support CV wri n g Interview techniques/skills/mock Career Matching programme Microso office / Internet a ccess Prin ng/telephone/Newspapers
CV Workshops have a lso become a n i ntegral part of the s ervices that WJSC offer. They a re run e very 3 – 4 weeks from 1 0:30 – 1 2:00pm a t The Corner-‐ stone a nd i ncorporate presenta ons on s ubjects s uch a s; Why you need a CV, How to c reate a n e ffec ve CV, Covering l e ers a nd much more. Contact us to book yourself a place. A few kind words fro m s ome o f our s uccessful c lients: “Please e xtend my thanks to e veryone a t WJSC for helping me fi nd wor k. I was
struggling to get a nywhere on my own a nd felt really i solated, but once I had been put i n touch with y ou, had my C V reviewed a nd my j ob s earch techniques improved, I quickly s tarted ge ng results, a nd a m now three weeks i nto a j ob I absolutely l ove”. “During a n e xtremely difficult me i n my l ife, you were a ble to give me the hope a nd techniques I needed i n a professional a nd friendly way. Just having somewhere to go e very day was i nvaluable i n keeping my mo va on up. I wish you a ll the best for the future. You a re a fantas c resource a nd I wish more people knew a bout i t”.
Please do c ome a long to The Cornerstone, Norreys Avenue, Wokingham, RG40 1UE or c all Nicola/Helene on Tel: 0 1189 7 70517 for a n a ppointment. Email: J Website:
Summer Wedding Quiz Answers (from pg. 9) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
T en Fleet Street Cana Gretna Green Son g of Solomon (Song of Songs) Obey Revelation Mozart Man should not put asunder (or whatever modern version of that y ou like!) T he Bride of Frankenstein
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Understanding Computers! Are you baffled by c omputers? Would you l ike to l earn more but don’t know where to s tart? We’ve helped over 2 00 older people to l earn the basics i n computers. We offer one to one tui on i n a friendly j argon -free a tmosphere to help get you s tarted. Before l ong you’ll be ge ng to grips with email s o that you c an keep i n touch with grand children a nd far a way friends; you’ll be a ble to pursue hobbies a nd write le ers a nd e ven browse the s hops online. If you’re a ged 6 0 or o ver and would l ike to l earn more then get i n touch. Our s essions happen e very Wednesday morning i n Wokingham town c entre. These s essions a re run by The L ink Visi ng Scheme, a s mall l ocal c harity who care a bout older people i n Wokingham Borough. For more i nforma on please call us on 0 118 9 798019 or a sk a friend to c heck out our website on www.linkvisi
BREAKFAST The next breakfast i n the Cornerstone following the 8.00am s ervice is planned for Sunday 28 th October. Come along a nd enjoy the food, have a nice sit down a nd c hat. W e are always very pleased to help with a ny dietary r equirements – just telephone Diana 9792614. 33
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OLYMPIC MIRACLE ON NORREYS AVENUE All the c areful planning a nd e xhaus ve prepara ons by J o Robinson a nd her team c ame to marvellous reality on Sunday 8 J uly a t All Saints School Field A j oint e vent was organised by All Saints a nd Norreys c hurches to c elebrate the forthcoming Olympics. Many hours had been s pent by many people to e nsure a wonderfully varied programme, from the marvellous Rock Choir to the Bulmershe Free Runners,from face pain ng a nd a c vi es for younger c hildren to tradi onal s ports organised by former Olympic c ontender Dwayne Stoddart. A varied barbecue a nd a c onstant s upply of free tea, c offee, s quash a nd c akes were provided. The Fes val, which was free, was for the people of Norreys a nd was a ended by a wonderful mixture of people i n a happy a tmosphere. Sterling s upport was provided by both c hurches, a nd a highlight o f the day was the recep on of the Spirit of L ight torch, the brainchild of J ohn Rhodes fr om the Methodist c hurch to a llow Wokingham to s ee a n Olympic torch i n the town, a s i t was passed from church to c hurch throughout the day, finally a rriving a t the Fes val where i t was received by ministers from All Saints a nd Norreys c hurches. An e njoyable e vent, made a ll the more s o by J o’s “ to do” l ist c ontaining the task, ” have a word with the weatherman”, all to good e ffect when the e arly drizzle gave way to the only glorious s unshine seen i n the a rea for many days. The true measure of the s uccess of the day was the number of mes the team were a sked, ” Can we do this a gain?” Many thanks to a ll i nvolved: whatever the Olympics may hold, i t c ertainly got off to a flying s tart a t Norreys.
Bap sms 24 J une
Esme Willow Villiers Harding Imogen Beatrice Helyer Edward Th omas Helyer Imogen L i-Ying Kier Annabelle Tiffany L i-Ying Kier
Burials 3 J uly 11 J uly
Gordon J ames Norcu George J ohn Carter
Age 8 5 Age 8 1
Burial of Ashes 6 J uly
Sheila Pansy Wright
Age 8 3
At Easthampstead Park Crematorium 18 J une 18 J une 21 J une
Raymond Parker George Patrick Cunniffe Walter Stones
Age 6 9 Age 8 9 Age 8 1
Number of Sundays Sundays Week days
4 617 150