All Saints Parish Magazine June 2012

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The Parish of All Saints Wokingham June 2012


From the Rector — June 2012 As we come to the middle of the year I return to the challenge of going for growth. At our Annual Mee ng in April I noted that the only use of the word grow or growth in the New Testament was growth in the grace, or love or knowledge of God and the Lord Jesus Christ – what we might call our spiritual growth – growing up into Christ is another way it i s described. How can we do this? There are various ways. One way God calls us to grow spiritually is to be more informed, c oncerned and responsive to the voices of those who are crying out for help and jus ce in the wider world. From the mes of earliest awareness of God in the Hebrew Scriptures we read about a God who hears the cry of the oppressed and the vulnerable. The “manifesto” our Lord Jesus set out for his mission, according to St L uke, quo ng from the book of Isaiah, was “to bring good news to the poor, …to proclaim release to the cap ves and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free..”. Clearly this mission i s not an op onal extra for us as we follow J esus in the world today. In fact, to be bap sed, and to be regular partakers of the body and blood of Christ, is to have placed ourselves in a special rela onship of solidarity, not only with all other Chris ans in the world but with all people. Growing spiritually – for Chris ans at any rate – involves expanding our horizons about who our neighbour is. It involves a growth in our readiness to care about God’s mission and work to let the oppressed go free- free from lack of necessi es, basic ameni es, and lack of control over their own lives; free to enter i nto opportuni es to thrive and fulfil poten al. Too o en those who care and give support are the ones who are almost as


vulnerable themselves. We find churches of the poor helping the poor not only in the shan es of the world's mega -ci es, but also in the estates of Bri sh ci es where 1 i n 4 children l ive in poverty. As a church community All Saints has made commitments already to e xpress our engagement with God’s mission to l et the oppressed go free. We have a commitment to support Chris an Aid – the main Bri sh ecumenical church development agency - praying and taking part in Chris an Aid Week. We support the two main Anglican mission agencies – Church Mission Society (CMS); and USP G:An glicans in World Mission. These are church-based organisa ons enabling us to get involved. They channel our giving to the people and places where it really makes a difference and will not be wasted, working with local trusted people and organisa on s. They send out professional Chris an people who offer their skills and energy to work alongside local people in key fields to help them build the capacity to create a be er future. So we support these organisa ons with our giving and our regular prayer. As a church we have commi ed to give 10% of our net income to this and other similar work. Suppor ng God’s mission to the whole world and all people is not an op onal extra but at the heart of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. So part of the challenge to go for growth i s to grow our ac ve i nterest and concern for the people and places - in the UK and across the world – where our loving gi s and prayers are making a difference in God’s mission to l et the oppressed go free. Taking a keener interest i n the needs of the poor in another part of the world or the UK – becoming a local champion for one of those organisa ons and helping us to know be er how to support and to pray – this i s another way to be challenged in ways which will help you grow in faith, and hope and love, in the grace and knowledge of God. There will be an opportunity before the summer break for you to contribute your thoughts. As a church we will consider the organisa ons we plan to


support as a church in 2013. We’d like to hear how best to make that support really meaningful to us all as a church so that you feel engaged and aware of how your gi s and your prayers are making that vital contribu on to our Lord’s work and le ng the oppressed go free. David Hodgson

MAGAZINE INFORMATION Please l eave i tems for publica on i n the Magazine tray i n the Parish Office or email directly to the editor on or before the Copy Date please. Contribu ons can be typed, handwri en, or emailed. All Saints PCC Wokingham i s a Registered Charity, No. 1127585 Editor:

Andrew McKenna (977 3812) Email:

Distribu on:

Sheila Longley

(978 4193)

Adver sements:

Andrew McKenna

(977 3812)

Colla on:

Sheila Longley & team

(978 4193)

Copy Date for July:

17th June 2012


29th June 2012

This magazine is published by the Rector and PCC of A ll Saints Parish W okingham. Opinions expressed by individual contributors do not necessarily reflect the views of the publishers.


Clergy and Officers Parish Clergy Rector Associa te Pries t Honorary Asst. C urate Honorary Asst. C urate

The Revd. Canon David H odgs on The Revd. Caroline Kramer The Revd. Colin James The Revd. Helen Charlton

979 2 999 979 9 956 978 1 515 978 9 153

Church Wardens

John S mith Katherine H ugge Vacancy

979 0 948 07834450819 —

Jo As plin

979 2 797

Margaret Ragge Rachel Garlis h Harriet S winyard Robert Va cher, S usa n Wes tgate

979 2 797 978 2 602 962 9 313 979 2 797

Katherine H ugge , J ohn S mith

979 2 797

David Rance Gail H oug hton Rachel Knowles Ruth S mith Joyce Baldry John Harrison Lucille Taylor

979 2 797 979 2 797 979 4 736 978 7 065 978 8 506 978 5 520 978 6 847

Revd Colin Ja mes

978 1 515

Liz Rippon

978 0 455

David A tkins on Jo Robinson Stephen S mith John A lp

979 7 911 978 9 730 979 4 407 979 2 797

Parish Admini strator Children and Youth Safeguarding C o-ordina tor and Children’s Adv ocate Crèche Lea der Junior Church Co-ordina tor Youth Church C ontacts: Friday Nig ht Youth Dr op -In (FDI) C onta cts:

Worship and Music Director o f M us ic (inc. Choir) Music Group Lea der Head S erver Deputy Head S erver Bible Rea ders’ r ota Tower F oreman Flower Guild C hairma n Worship Rota a nd Prayer Lists C o-ordina tor Lay Co-Chair of Transforming W orship

Parochial Church Council PCC S ecretary Deputy P CC S ecretary PCC Treasurer Deputy P CC Treasurer


Clergy and Officers PCC Treasurer’s Team Stewards hip C o-ordina tor Gi Aid Co-ordinator Stewards hip R ecor der Electoral Roll O fficer Leadership F orum C onvenor Asst. S te wardship Re corder and Ass t. G i Aid C oordina tor

Margaret Hawkins Dickon S nell Jo Robinson Peter W hi aker Jim Creech Joyce Baldry Barbara S mith

962 9 792 978 1 044 978 9 730 978 6 225 377 4 194 978 8 506 979 4 407

Chris Westga te

979 2 797

Barbara S mith Jack Hayley Jo Robinson Sarah Boyla n Parish O ffice John S mith Susan Westgate

979 4 407 978 3 939 978 9 730 979 2 797 979 2 797 979 0 948 977 1 041

Pastoral Care contact s Home C omm union Healing Prayer Group Pastoral Care Bereavement Care Bap sms, Weddings, F unerals Chur chyard S teward Transporta on

Clergy available days:

David Caroline Colin Hele n

All days except T hurs day All days except F riday Mon to Wed, S a t, S un. Usua lly T ues. and S un.

The Parish Office (0118 9 79 2797), in t he Cornerstone, ca n be contacted about church related iss ues ( Ba p sms, M arriages, F unerals ). I t is o pen o n T uesday, We dnesday a nd Friday from 9.30 am t o 1.00 p m and f or urge nt ma ers or by te lephone on M onday and Thursday fr om 1 0.00 a m t o 12.00 noon. e-mail:


Posta l a ddress:

The Parish O ffice, Norreys Avenue, W oking ham RG40 1UE

All S aints we bsite:

www.allsaints wokingham.

The Cor nerstone: For r oom bookings and ge neral e nquirie s p lease phone 0118 979 7778. A dminis trator M onica M ar n is in the o ffice: M onday 2 -5pm, T ues day 12.15-4.30pm, W ednesday 2-5.30pm, Thursday 1.45 - 6.00pm. e-mail: info@ thecor


Worship at All Saints Services at All S aints' C hurch embrace a w ide r ange of f ormats. A n outline is given below but f or details a nd informa on about occa sional services, see t he weekly lea flet.

Sunday Services 8 .00 a.m.

Holy Communion. A said service w ith a brief address us ing the tradi onal lang uage v ersion of the Common W orship O rder O ne Eucharist.

9.30 a.m.

Parish Communion. T he s ervice is s ung, w ith hy mns, and f ollows Common W orship O rder O ne E ucharist. Children are catered f or in the Crèche a nd Junior C hurch. The las t S unday in the m onth is Parish Communion f or t he Whole C hurch and o en includes Parade, children are present t hroug hout, a nd contribute to the w orship. Prayer for Hea ling w ith Laying o n of Hands is o ffered r eg ularly at certain Paris h Communion services (see diary). Coffee is served a er t he s ervice a nd this is the weekly 'socia l gathering' of the C ongrega on. Pleas e c ome and meet us there if y ou are a v isitor t o the c hurch or would l ike to g et to k now us be er.

11.00 a.m.

(1st Sunday) Family Service The service is simple w ith s ongs, prayers and a ta lk for children. Everyone is inv ited but es pecially parents and children. If y ou ever worry tha t y our c hildren are t oo n oisy f or C hurch, t his is the pla ce to try!

11.15 a.m.

(2nd Sunday) Holy Communion A said service us ing t he Book of C ommon Prayer.

11.00 a.m.

(3rd Sunday) Family Service

11.15 a.m.

(Some 4th Sundays) Ma ns using the Book of Common Prayer, usually sung and including a sermon.

6.30 p.m.

(1st - 3rd Sundays) Evensong us ing the Book of C ommon Prayer with sermon. Choral Evens ong is s ung us ually on t he first S unday of each m onth.

(An alterna ve form of worship on 4th & 5th Sundays; and Services of Healing)


Weekday Services Morning and Evening Prayer are said, using Common Worship Daily Prayer, at 9.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. each day from M onday t o S aturday. All may, a nd are encouraged, t o a end. T hese s ervices may be le d by a Priest or members of the La ity.

Holy Communion is celebrated as follows: Monday Tuesday

9.30 a.m. 9.30 a.m.

(Comm on Worship O rder O ne) (Comm on Worship O rder O ne with s hort address, followed b y c offee) (Simple form of Comm on Worship O rder O ne and short address ( par cularly for parents and child minders of b abies and p re -school children)


10.00 a.m.


in v arious Res ide n al Homes

Major fes vals are als o marked by a ddi ona l c ele bra ons of Holy C om munion. Please see the Paris h D iary else where in t he magazine, or se e o ur S ervices lea flet.

     Home Communion: If anyone k nows of a h ous ebound paris hioner, either temporarily or long term, w ho would l ike to r e ceive Holy C om munion, p lease contact the Parish O ffice ( 979 2797).

Confirma on, Welcome or Growth Groups: Anyone i nteres ted in c onfirma on, a r efresher course, or learning about t he Chris an faith is invited t o join one o f t he E ureka! groups or a confirma on course - contact Barbara S mith o n 9 79 4 407.

Bap sms: are usua lly conducte d a t a spe cial a ernoon service on the las t S unday of each month; or occasionally i n S unday morning services if r eques ted. Bap s ms can be booked v ia t he Parish O ffice (979 2 797).

Wedding Bookings: Clergy are available i n the C ornerstone o n M onday from 6.30 pm - 7.30 pm a nd o n S aturday from 10.30 am - 11.30 a m o n a n a ppointme nt bas is. Please book v ia the Paris h O ffice (979 2797).



‘Sofa Talking Does Not Get Us Very Far’ This is the message in the May edi on of the MU publica on ‘Faith & Policy Watch’. The Mothers’ Union is ac vely i nvolved i n campaigning for the most vulnerable. Recent ongoing examples are the ‘Bye Buy Childhood’ c ampaign and our involvement with the United Na ons. One rela vely new method of collec ng members’ opinions at grass roots level is via rapid response groups and ques onnaires. One big advantage of email is that opinion can be sought very quickly either from i ndividual members or from a group, with one person emailing the collec ve response. We have been asked for our opinion on many issues recently ranging from whether same sex couples should be allowed to marry to internet safety. The responses are used to form the MU’s official response to Government and other relevant bodies. When we have discussed issues within the branch, we have found a wide range of views and some very interes ng points have been raised. More importantly, it allows Chris ans’ views to be put forward at a me when there are those that believe religion has no place in government. Next me you are asked for your views, please do consider if you have something to add to the discussion and complete the survey.

Branch N ews This month we will be welcoming Fellowship for a joint mee ng. The guest speaker will be Mrs Anne Jeater talking about The Red Cross. Visitors are especially welcome to join us. Our annual Wave of Prayer slot is on Friday 15 th June from 11.34 to 1 2.08. This is when we pray for The Mothers’ Union worldwide and our l ink dioceses of Aru, Boga and Kisan gani in the Democra c Republic of Congo, Okigwe North, Okigwe South, Orlu and Owerri in Nigeria along with our own diocese of Oxford. Please do remember to use the material in Focus, even i f you are unable to pray at our allo ed me. It i s always inspira on al to read and pray about the work in our linked dioceses, o en carried out in challenging



circumstances. More informa on on The Mothers Union’s work worldwide can be found on the website For branch informa on or a li to mee ngs, please call Valerie (978 7363) or Mary (978 2678).

Tues 12 th June 9.30am

Corporate Communion.

Fri 15 th June

Wave of Prayer


Wed 27 th June 7.45 for 8pm

Joint mee ng with Fellowship Mrs Jeater from The Red Cross




1) The Bible tells us that which two things are ”above the price of rubies” a) A quality (Job 28,8) b) A type of person (Proverbs 31,10) 2) Which wedding anniversary is celebrated a er 45 years? 3) What did Aaron make, using their jewellery, for the Israelites to worship? 4) What is the capital city of the Land of Oz in the book and film, ” The Wizard of Oz”? 5) Which gem did J esus men on in his parable about the Kingdom of Heaven, which was “of great worth”? (Ma hew 13,46) 6) Who was the central figure in, ”Till Death Us Do Part”? 7) Which city i s described in Revela ons as being made from gold and jewels? 8) Which type of gemstone was used by Damien Hirst to encrust a skull as an ”artwork”? 9) The High Priest wore which item set with 12 different gems to illustrate the 12 tribes of Israel? 10) What is Mick Jagger’s photographer daughter called? Answ ers on pg. 35


Flower Guild This month we are celebra ng the Queen's Diamond Jubilee and many of us will be joining in the celebra on either with family or at various community events. The Queen’s Corona on go wn was designed by Norm an Hartnell and embroidered on her instruc on with the floral emblems of Commomwealth countries. We know of her faith which o en features in her annual Christmas message to the Commonwealth. In 2 000 she said “To many of us, our beliefs are o f fundamental importance. For me the teachings of Christ and my own personal accountability before God provide a framework in which I try to lead my life. I, like so many of you have drawn great comfort in difficult mes from Christ's words and example.” Our Queen has always put service above self, l ong may she reign over us.

Summer Flower Guild Workshop On Saturday 23 rd June, 9.30-12.30 A parallel design which can either be front facing or an all round arrangement. Tickets £12 t o include all m aterials and refreshments. Contact L ucille Taylor on (9786847) Hazel Ma hews (9786700)or Gill Jones(9786773) For details and bookings 12

Flower rota for J une June 3 rd June 10 th June 17 th June 24 th

Mrs L Taylor, Mrs M Whitaker LT Mrs P Glbey, Mrs T Fr eeston PG Mrs G Houghton, Mrs S James GH Mrs V Briault, Mrs M Holden VB

For Informa on contact Lucille Taylor (9786847) or Hazel Ma hew s (9786700)

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All Saints’ Church Fellowship Everybody is most welcome to Fellowship mee ngs usually held on the third Wednesday each month at 7.45pm for 7.55pm i n the Cornerstone De Vitre Room. The cost to visitors is £ 1.50 which i ncludes coffee and if you have any queries about Fellowship please contact Leader Diana Clifford 979 2 614

WED. JUNE 27th. This is a different Wednesday in the month for us to meet when we will be joining with The Mother’s Union for their mee ng with Mrs. Anne Jeater talking about the Red Cross. Mrs. Jeater came to Fellowship many years ago and we s ll remember her excellent talk so do come along as we are sure you would enjoy l istening to her.

WED. July 18th. ‘My Life As A Countryman’ with Mr. Ted Fox. The tle of the talk sums up the life of this gentleman who is now se led in Charvil near Twyford but spent part of his life as a farm instructor in the Canadian Prison Service then had his own farm and finally re red as a blacksmith and wheelwright. This will be a very i nteres ng and amusing talk.


WED. SEP T.19th A light hearted look at LOVE AND MARRI AGE IN ART with Mrs. Rita Lenney WED. OC T.17th THE HISTORY OF MAGIC with Mr. Keith Churcher

Full Fellowship details up to February 2013 i n July magazine


Report on the 9th Leadership Forum held at t he Cornerstone on Saturday, 21 st April The main focus of our mee ng was our provision for young people in our parish and a desire to address the proposal to appoint a youth worker by finding out more about the difference this might make. Our theme was introduced by a video message from our Tweenagers group (for young people between J unior Church and the main youth group). With opening and closing message s from our volunteer youth workers, the young people took main stage and entertained us with a lively presenta on of their hopes and dreams. They felt a youth worker would be able to offer a greater variety of ac vi es, not only on a Sunday, and would have me and energy to inject lots of fun into such things as holiday ac vi es, learning more about J esus, helping others by raising money for charit, and taking on new challenges. A er a period of prayer and reflec on, we were then treated to i nspiring talks by two enthusias c young people who work i n Anglican churches. Becci March is training at Twyford (working there whilst doing a degree) and Ben Askew is currently working at Beaconsfield. Both have been involved in youth work for 6 or 7 years. It was quite obvious that the young people they work with benefit greatly from their i nput. They are a constant presence i n the young people’s lives. They are available a er school, at weekends and i n the holidays - all mes when our own volunteers, o en juggling jobs and families or in full- me work - can offer very li le me. They head up teams of volunteers (and certainly could not do their work without the volunteers) and are able to organise the work so that for example if someone needs a week off from a Sunday class they can find a replacement. They can help to inspire and direct the youth team; when the youth worker joins a church they o en find that some members of the team are very red from trying to do too much. They can provide con nuity as young people move up from one school or one group to the next. They can help the young people to par cipate in church in order to grow in


faith and know that they are valued. Star ng where the young person i s, they can ease him / her i nto the l ife of the church at their pace. All this helps the church to e ngage with young people. They went on to say that if we employ a youth worker, we in our turn would need to support the him/her. It can be a very lonely job. We would need to welcome and nurture them, being e ncouraging rather than being c ri cal. Young people are our future congrega on as well as our congrega on now. This means that we should invest in the work amongst our children and young people and priori se this. We finished our mee ng with an update on the Pastoral Care team. This will be a team of clergy and lay assistants. By the me this goes to press the lay assi stants will have been introduced to the congrega on at the 9 :30 am service at Pentecost. We then had an update on the event planned for the Olympics - a Community Fes val with a sports theme planned j ointly with Norreys Church. This will take place on the 8 th J uly. Finally I asked if anyone would be willing to take over my role as Convener of the Leadership Forum and I’m pleased to say that Liz Rippon has volunteered and has taken on the role. I have really e njoyed being involved in the Forums from the beginning, and ge ng to know so many of you much be er. Liz will bring some fresh ideas…and I might volunteer to do the coffee!! Barbara Smith

THE CHILDREN’S ACTIVITY TABLE We hope to have the table i n the Cornerstone following the 9.30am service on Sunday 1st July. There are lots of bits and pieces i n the ‘bits and pieces box’ so children, come and help us to use them up - adults can also come as long as you behave!



AIMS: To equip and enco ur age peo ple o n the path of disciples hip To share experi enc es and perspectives of t he Christian jour ney To provide opportunities for lear ning and pray er i n a small group To nurture to maturi ty and deeper fai th To explor e doubts and dilemm as To promot e sharing of faith with others To dev elop k nowledg e in (A) Bi ble st udy: i nterpr et ation and application, (B) Christian Tr adition and Li turgy, (C) Et hics and the Christian Lif e.

Pilot MODULE A: Bible Study. May - June 2012. A 6 week course exploring 2 short ‘books’ f rom t he Bible: Jonah and Galatians. Tuesday ev enings: May 15, 22, 29, June 12, 19, 26. Venue: tbd Cov ering: 1. The context of the book, its genre, when and ho w written. 2. The wh ole book, a sense of the narrativ e, its power as the word of God. 3. D igging deeper into the meanings, explore applications in our spiritual and practical liv es


Parish Diary - June 2012 Sunday 3 08.00am 09.30am 11.15am 3.00pm 6.30pm

Trinity: Jubilee Holy Communion Parish Communion Civic Service No service Evening Prayer

10 08.00am 09.30am 11.15am 3.00pm 6.30pm

Trinity 1 Holy Communion Parish Communion BCP Eucharist No service Sung Evenson g

17 08.00am 09.30am 11.15am 3.00pm 6:30pm

Trinity 2 Holy Communion Parish Communion Family Service No service Said Evensong

24 08.00am 09.30am 11.15am 3.00pm 6.30pm

John the Bap st Holy Communion All Age Worship No service Bap sm Evening Prayer

4 5 6 7 8 9

M T W Th F Sa

11 12 13 14 15 16

M T W Th F Sa

18 19 20 21 22 23

M T W Th F Sa

25 26 27 28 29 30

M T W Th Fr Sa

Monday to Saturday


MU Corp Communion


MU Wave of Prayer


Next Gear


Flower Guild Workshop


Next Gear MU/Fellowship

18 11

Forthcoming Events J une 3rd Diamond Jubilee Civic Service, 1 1.15am J une 24th Social Breakfast following 8am service



Music List June 2012 Sunday

Trinit y - 3rd Jun e



Euch ar ist: Arch er - St. Mar k' s Setting


Anth em

O taste and see - R Vaughan W illiam s

Choir H ymn

67 HON

Final Vo luntar y

March: Cro wn Imp erial - W illiam W alton


Civic Service for the Qu een' s Jubilee 11.15


Psalm Anth em

O taste and see - R Vaughan W illiam s

Final Vo luntar y

Toccata (Fifth Sym phon y) - Charles-Marie W idor


Evening Prayer


Trinit y 1 - 10th Jun e


Euch ar ist: Arch er - St. Mar k' s Setting

Anth em

O Lord , in cr ease our faith - Loo semor e

Choir H ymn

361 H ON

Final Vo luntar y

Marche Trio mphale: Nun d an ket alle Gott - Sigfrid Karg -Elert


Sung Even song: F er ial R espon ses (McKie Amen)


37 vv1 - 17


Magnificat & Nun c Dimittis: 3rd set

Anth em

Let Th y h and b e strengthen ed - John Blo w

Final Vo luntar y

Short Prelud e & Fu gue in G m inor (BW V 558) - J S B ach





Music List June 2012 Respo nses

Read ing

Psalms Canticles

Noble in B mino r

Anth em

Thou wilt keep h im in p erfect p eace - Herb ert Sum sion

Final Vo luntar y


Trinit y 2 - 17th Jun e


Euch ar ist (H ealing): Arch er - St. M ar k' s Setting


92 vv1 - 4 & 12 - 15

Anth em

Jesu s Chr ist th e apple tr ee - Eliz ab eth Po ston

Choir H ymn

91 HON

Final Vo luntar y

Sonat a No 3 (F irst Movem ent) - Mendelssohn


Said Ev ensong with Piano


Trinit y 3 - Birth of Jo hn the Bapt ist - 24th June


W hole Church Com munion

Anth em

Ho w b eaut eou s are their feet - Char les V Stanford

Final Vo luntar y

A T rump et Voluntar y - Jo hn Stanley


Evening Prayer








FORGIVENESS THAT HEALS The week-end a er this magazine will become available, the country will be celebra ng our Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and I thought i t would be appropriate for us pay our tribute to our much loved and respected Queen Elizabeth. We are very much blessed that the Queen has such a very strong and deep rooted convic on i n her Chris an faith. This is very evident in the way she accepts her responsibili es and the way she carries out her public du es. Her witness to her faith i s even more revealed in her royal speeches. I would like to quote a few lines from her last Christmas speech in 2011, which not only witnessed to her Chris an faith, but also tes fied to her great sense of compassion. “It is in adversity that new friendships are some mes formed; and i t’s in a crisis that communi es break down barriers and bind together to help one another. It seems that it is tragedy that o en draws the best from the human spirit.” “God sent into the world a unique person-­‐-­‐ – neither a philosopher nor a general, important though they are, but a Saviour with the power to forgive. Forgiveness lies at the heart of the Chris an faith. It can heal broken families, it can restore friendships and it can reconcile divided communi es. It is in forgiveness that we feel the power of God’s love.” It was Colin who, at one of our recent Tuesday morning services, drew our a en on to this last profound statement in the Queen’s l ast Christmas speech, when he was talking on the subject of forgiveness. I would like to pursue the subject further.


How true it is that forgiveness lies at the heart of the Chris an faith. In the prayer that our Lord taught His disciples He said, “Forgive us our debts, as we have also forgiven our debtors”. (Mat. 6:9) Whilst we allow a resentment against so meone to fester i n our mind, it affects our whole rela onship with that person. By openly saying to that person that we forgive him or her we are immediately healed of that festering resentment. There are mes when we find it is almost impossible to forgive others, especially when we read of the horrific events that take place in the world. We remember par cularly the a acks made on New York and Washington, the day now known as 9/11, and the massacre of innocent civilians that is s ll going on in Syria. It i s at these mes that our Chris an faith is tested to the limit. How can we possibly be e xpected to forgive i n these circumstances? The Chris an answer must be that we believe that we have a God who forgives sins through the sacrificial death of his Son and our Lord Jesus Christ. It was at our Lord’s crucifixion that He gave us the finest example of forgiveness when he said of those who were nailing Him to the cross, “Father forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing”. In doing so He has given us the e ternal healing of reconcilia on with God our Father. We pray for God’s blessing on our Queen during this year of her Diamond Jubilee and that He will give her the strength, in her advancing years, to carry out all the visits and celebra ons that she has commi ed herself to complete. Jack Hayley (Members of the Group are Gill Allen, Maggie Bateman, Jack Hayley, Mary Hughes, Ann Penn, Rosemary Sturmer, Joan Thomason, Joan Wa s and Karen Wellman). Please let us know of any need for healing prayer support. Confiden ality i s assured. The Laying on of Hands will be made available at the Parish on Sunday the 17th June. The next Healing Service will be held on Sunday 29 th July at 6.30 pm.


The Parish Church of St Michael and St Mary Magdalene, Easthampstead, Bracknell Celebra ng

HM the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Flower Fes val 2nd—4th June Admission Free Sat & Mon 10.00 — 16.00 Sunday 11.30 — 16.00 Cra Fayre Sat 10.00

BREAKFAST SUND AY 24 th JUNE. We are very pleased to i nvite you to a con nental type breakfast in the Cornerstone following the 8.00am service or you might pre-­‐ fer to come before 9.30am. We will be making this a strawberry based breakfast plus the usual choice of fresh fruit, croissants, cereals and bite size sandwiches etc. To drink we will have fruit j uice, a home made lemon drink which we are trying for the first me, tea, decaffeinat-­‐ ed tea, green tea, cafe ere coffee, decaffeinated coffee, ice cold milk. If you have any dietary require-­‐ ments please contact Diana 9792614 - who enjoys helping with requests. There i s no need to book – just come along. Looking forward, as we always do, to see-­‐ ing you.


Group of the Month - Youth Group Prayer Focus We meet in the Cornerstone every Sunday for breakfast around 9.15. That’s very early for most young people, so that’s why we have free food! It’s a small group (4-5 people) – school year nine and above – and we use the Youth Emmau s material for our sessions, which we find to be really useful. Our sessions tend to be a mix of games, discussion, prayer, bible reading and crea ve stuff (drawing, cra work etc) – and hopefully a bit of fun as well! The members of the group are up for most things and are quite able to work out things for themselves, as well as challenge us if they think we are talking rubbish. We’ve covered topics such as the bible, the nature of God, c hurch community and commitment to Christ. A number of the group have just gone through the Confirma on course. We’d only just got going late l ast year when the group not only agreed to design a youth service but also to par cipate i n it as well – the theme was comedy. We had a stand-up comic to warm up the audience, sketches, sa rical jokes about the disciples (thank you, Gary Larson), paper aeroplanes as prayers and burs ng bubbles as forgiveness, as well as looking at passages on laughter in the bible. It also involved a lot of laughter on our part, too! One real issue is to increase numbers. Youth groups are like tribes – if it’s big, then more will come; but the opposite i s true as well. We are at a turning point and the leaders’ concern i s that one or two members will move on soon (some for legi mate reasons) and that may make the group so small as to be nonfunc onal. Another issue is having a vision for youth in the church. The leaders don’t really have me to think far ahead – we’re i n maintenance mode rather than strategy most of the me. A full- me youth worker would really help on this point. A final issue is integra ng youth into the life of the church – simply turning up for communion does not cut it. Currently, it feels like there i s a big bridge to be built between youth and the rest of the church. The All Age service, unfortunately, does not solve this issue. So pray for us – both members and leaders. We would value your support very much. Thanks. Peter Barre , Chris Frame and Susan Westgate


Pippa Liddell



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Woki ngham Choral Society's

60th Anniversary Season

Summer 2012 Concert with Wo kingh am Choral Ac adem y

"VIVAT REGINA" Diamond Jubilee Prom Wokingham Choral Society Parry: I W as Glad Morley: Now is the Month of Maying Gibbons: The Silver Swan Bennet: All Creatures Now Handel: Zadok the Priest Rutter (ed.): Four Folk Songs Elgar: Pomp & Circumstance M arch No. 1 (Land of Hop e & Glory) Arne: Rule! Britannia Emerson (arr.): Love is All You Need (A Tribute to the Beatles) Huff (arr.) : Beatles in Revu e Parry: Jerus alem ( with audience) Britten (arr.): National Anthem Ben Woodward, Piano Conductor: Alexander Chaplin Wokingham Choral Academy Henry VIII: Pastime with good company Diemer: Three Madrigals Leite: Tres cantos nativos Ayres: Music to hear Andrew McKenna, Piano Conductor: Jo McNally

Saturd ay 16th Jun e, 2012 at 7.3 0pm All Saints' Church Tickets: ÂŁ13 (ÂŁ8 under 18s) from Woki ngham Information Ce nt re in the Town Hall; Newbury B uilding Soci ety, Wokingham; Booke nds, Wokingham or by em ail or from WCS and W CA choir mem bers.



Ringing changes ‘in hand’ Most people have seen tunes rung on handbells, and most people know that changeringing, as performed on tower bells, is very different from normal mu-­‐ sic. Most people don’t know that c hangeringing is also regularly performed on handbells (about 15% of the peals rung every year are ‘in hand’ and not in a tower). The reason is that the most of it is done in private. Only occasionally is changeringing in hand performed in public. There was a performance during the fund raising concert at All Saints in 2001, and we rang handbells for some weddings while the bells were out during 2004. Ringing a handbell is e asier than ringing a tower bell, but each ringer has a bell in each hand, so although it needs less physical skill, the mental task of knowing what two separate bells are doing all the me i s much more demanding. Many ringers try ringing in hand at some me, maybe while at college, but many of them don’t take it up as a regular ac vity. Over half of our ringers at All Saints have some experience of handbell ringing, but only two of us ring reg-­‐ ularly (with a group loosely based around Reading). Three of St Paul’s ringers also ring handbells regularly, and we’ve recently rung three ‘all Wokingham’ quarter peals of Plain Bob Royal (ten bells, five ringers). Just before Easter, we gathered with over 3 0 other ringers from around the Diocese for the annual Handbell Day. Of the 36 quarter peals a empted (6 one hour slots x six rooms) 23 were successful – more in the morning than the a er-­‐ noon, probably because we were fresher. John Harrison

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RESULTS FROM THE QUIZ EVENING WE RAISED OVER £1240! This was a great evening and many thanks to everyone who helped a nd came to support us. W e par cularly want to thank B A McLeish Butchers for dona ng the meat. Brian’s shop is in Rances Lane, Wokingham and well worth a visit. The money raised will be going towards the

Norreys Community Fes val Sunday 8th July 2012 2pm – 5pm All Saints Primary School Playing Field, Norreys Avenue, Wokingham RG40 1UX

Prepara ons are now well underway to making this a fun-filled a ernoon for the c ommunity of Norreys which is being jointly organised by All Saints and Norreys Churches. During this month we will hopefully be very close to finalising our programme for the fes val a nd the list of events and people needed to help will be publicised s hortly.

Meanwhile, to whet your a ppe te, the programme will include a performance by the Wokingham Rock Choir; a circus skills workshop by 33

Circus Scene; health and fitness c hecks by St Crispins Sports Centre; a bbq and i ce cream van; a s o play a rea for the under-5s; face pain ng; tradi onal races; refreshments/tea tent. There will be other events which are also being planned and finalised. I a m hoping you have all * put this date i n your diary * seriously thought a bout making a commitment to help us * remembered us in your prayers as we plan these events and * put everything i nto ac on A big thank you to those who have already made a promise to help us. I f you would like to make that commitment N OW, please l et me know. Jo Robinson 0118 9789730

Do you need an NHS Den st? All pa ents are welcome at our surgery 56 Easthampstead Road Wokingham Telephone: 979 1551

THE CHIMNEY SWEEP - EXPERIENCED AND CLEAN Contact Mr. M. Blair 0118 934 2799 Member of the Na onal Associa on of Chimney Sweeps 34



Wokingham Volunteer Centre operates a low cost transport scheme to enable those who c annot use public transport get to their hospital/doctor appointments Due to the increase in demand for our help we have recently had to l et some of our clients down. We desperately need more drivers (we naturally pay for your petrol). We would love to be able to e xpand the driving scheme to enable us to take people shopping or for a short ou ng to say a garden centre. However, to operate this service we do need the help of more drivers. If you can spare just a couple of hours a week to help with this scheme, or with any other opportuni es available throughout the district we would

like to hear from you.

ANSWERS from the “Precious Stones and Metals” Quiz on Page 11 a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k.

Wisdom A virtuous woman Sapphire A golden calf Emerald City A pearl Alf Garne The New Jerusalem Diamond A breastplate Jade




Berkshire Counselling Centre Counselling for the Community Counselling a nd training for individuals a nd c ouples. Self or Company r eferrals, help with depression, s tress, rela onships and s elf esteem. Talking things over with a trained c ounsellor may help to free a situa on. Through c ounselling people can o en gain a new zest for life and make changes for the be er i n their personal rela onships. Berkshire Counselling Centre provides an independent, c onfiden al service for clients. Anyone over the a ge of 18 can make an a ppointment for an assessment i nterview. (Financial contribu on discussed a t 1 st appointment) We are an accredited member of The Bri sh Associa on for Counselling and Psychotherapy.

0118 978 7879 Berkshire Counselling Centre The Cornerstone Norreys Avenue Wokingham RG40 1UE Email Website 38


Bap sms 15 April 29 April

Marriages 27 April 28 April 4 May 5 May 5 May

Lilly Kate Allen Chris ne Courtney Paul Alfie Phillip Palmer Alfie Steven Moran Ethan Lee Jones Craig Breadmore Alice Elizabeth Hunter Charlo e Rose Murray Paul Harwood with Caroline Angela Frances Wade Gavin Sco Callard with Donna-Marie Ann Peddle Vincent Adam Mau ghan with Andrea Louise Bower Daniel William Blue with Lindsey Jane Whi ng Graham Douthw aite with Sheree Sarita Edwards

Burial 10 May Melville Raymond Elkins Burial of Ashes 17 April Lillian Rose Powell 20 April Dora Kathleen Pren ce 23 April Keith Stephen Barnard Wintle 9 May John Alphonsus Kea ng 9 May Teresa Mary Heath At Easthampstead Park Crematorium 8 May William Frederick Richardson 14 May Patricia Jean Stagg

Number of Sundays Sundays Weekdays

4 657 118


Age 74 Age 91 Age 95 Age 81 Age 63 Age 62 Age 84 Age79

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