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“The light shines in the darkness….” John 1v5 The opening words of St John’s Gospel which are read in church at Christmas echo the first verses of the whole Bible. “Darkness covered the face of the deep… Then God said, ‘Let there be light’; and there was light.” St John starts the story of Jesus telling us that He is the true light which enlightens everyone. God’s gift of light in our biblical tradition is closely associated with God’s creation of an ordered and peaceful world Darkness characterised the original chaos out of which in the beginning God commanded the world into orderly existence, according to the first chapter of Genesis. Darkness also symbolises the moral and spiritual disorder into which human sinfulness can plunge us. Jesus is the true light of the world who has come to dispel that darkness. Looking back on 2011 it could be said to have been a year in which we have seen many examples of moral and spiritual disorder in public life. Shameful disregard for the privacy and feelings of vulnerable people by sections of the press have been exposed by the phone-hacking scandal. Turmoil in the economy and financial markets continues as the full impact of the global financial crisis hits home. People’s lives, and especially the aspirations of young people, are being derailed by unemployment and bankruptcy. And on the streets of London and other major cities during August there was disorder and chaos. In this darkness the light of Christ shines on and is not overcome. This is the light we celebrate and proclaim in church at Christmas. God’s gift of the light which is Jesus is available for all. We pray all may turn to it and receive it. May you have a blessed Christmas and happy New Year.
Lest we Forget The LDV and WVS In 1938, Lady Reading was asked to form an organization of women to give voluntary service to their communities in the event of war. These women were wives and mothers who would be looking after their homes and families and not eligible to join the armed forces etc. They organized canteens and mobile feeding stations, billeted evacuees from ‘the Blitz’, helped with child welfare clinics, and learned how to extinguish fires from incendiary bombs with stirrup pumps amongst many other things. They were the Women’s Voluntary Service (only being granted the ‘Royal’ title by the Queen in 1960). They were nicknamed ‘the beetroot and spinach ladies’ for their uniforms (if they bought them!) were green suits and deep red blouses. My mother joined the service at the outbreak of WW2, and over 2000 of them died on active service. In Reading, they ran a luncheon canteen, ‘The People’s Pantry’, which received a direct hit from a random air raid in 1943. In the perilous dark days of 1940, when England stood alone against the might of the Nazi regime and the threat of invasion, Anthony Eden (then Foreign Secretary) broadcast one Sunday morning, asking men who were in reserved occupations, were over 40 years of age or too young to enlist to report to their local Police Station and join the Local Defence Volunteers. This became known as the Home Guard. At first they did only have armbands to identify them, broomsticks to practise drill and pitchforks to fight with (uniforms and rifles came later), but gradually they became a well disciplined force. Many of us watch time and again the glorious series of ‘Dad’s Army’ on television with its gentle mocking of these ‘old soldiers’, often based on truth. But through it all shines the patriotic determination,
courage and loyalty to defend our land. I remember that broadcast and, a short while after, an ancient car stopping outside our house with two of my dad’s old Army friends who said “Come on Jim, LDV”; and off they went to the Reading Police Station to be greeted by a bemused Police Sergeant (who had not heard the broadcast) who thought these three ‘old soldiers’ had gone slightly mad! I do not know how many of these men died on active service but it should not be forgotten that they were willing to fight and die to defend our freedom. This in no way diminishes the memory of those who died in both World Wars and other conflicts and still do today in Afghanistan. “At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them.” Esme Few Editor’s note: Due to an error, this article did not appear in November’s issue as planned. Please accept my apologies.
Please leave items for publication in the Magazine tray in the Parish Office or email directly to the editor on or before the Copy Date please. Contributions can be typed, handwritten, or e-mailed. All Saints PCC Wokingham, is a Registered Charity, Nbr. 1127585
Andrew McKenna (977 3812) Email: editor@allsaintswokingham.org.uk
Sheila Longley
(978 4193)
Andrew McKenna (977 3812)
Sheila Longley & team
(978 4193)
Parish Clergy Rector Associate Priest Honorary Asst. Curate Honorary Asst. Curate
The Revd. Canon David Hodgson The Revd. Caroline Kramer The Revd. Colin James The Revd. Helen Charlton
Attached Clergy Deanery of Sonning “Fresh Expressions” Mission Priest The Revd Michael Johnson Church Wardens Parish Administrator
John Smith Vacancy Vacancy Jo Asplin
Children and Youth Safeguarding Co-ordinator and Children’s Advocate Margaret Raggett Crêche Leader Rachel Garlish Junior Church Co-ordinator Harriet Swinyard Youth Church contacts: Chris Frame, Robert Vacher, Susan Westgate Friday Night Youth Drop-In (FDI) Co-ordinator Lorraine Hodgson Worship and Music Director of Music (inc. Choir) David Rance Music Group Leader Gail Houghton Head Server Rachel Knowles Deputy Head Server Ruth Smith Bible Readers’ rota Joyce Baldry Tower Foreman John Harrison Flower Guild Chairman Pam Gilbey Worship Rota and Prayer Lists Co-ordinator Revd Colin James Lay Co-Chair of Worship & Music Development Liz Rippon PCC Secretary Deputy PCC Secretary PCC Treasurer
Parochial Church Council David Atkinson John Smith Stephen Smith
979 2999 979 9956 978 1515 978 9153
979 0098 979 0948 — — 979 2797
962 9378 978 2602 962 9313 9792797 979 2999 947 6734 979 2797 979 4736 978 7065 978 8506 978 5520 978 5694 978 1515 979 2797 979 7911 979 0948 979 4407
Deputy PCC Treasurer PCC Treasurer’s Team Stewardship Co-ordinator Gift Aid Co-ordinator Stewardship Recorder Electoral Roll Officer Leadership Forum Convenor Asst. Stewardship Recorder Asst. Gift Aid Coordinator
John Alp Margaret Hawkins Dickon Snell Jo Robinson Peter Whittaker Jim Creech Joyce Baldry Barbara Smith Chris Westgate Chris Westgate
979 2797 962 9792 978 1044 978 9730 978 6225 377 4194 978 8506 979 4407 977 1041 977 1041
Pastoral Care contacts Home Communion Barbara Smith Healing Prayer Group Jack Hayley Pastoral Care contact Jo Robinson Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals Parish Office Churchyard Steward John Smith Transportation Susan Westgate Clergy available days:
David Caroline Colin Helen
979 4407 978 3939 978 9730 979 2797 979 0948 977 1041
All days except Thursday All days except Friday Mon to Wed., Sat., Sun. Usually Tues. and Sun.
The Parish Office (0118 979 2797), in the Cornerstone, can be contacted about church related issues (Baptisms, Marriages, Funerals). It is open on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 9.15 am to 1.00 pm and for urgent matters or by telephone on Monday and Thursday from 10.00 am to 12.00 noon. e-mail: Postal address: All Saints website:
parishoffice@allsaintswokingham.org.uk The Parish Office, Norreys Avenue, Wokingham RG40 1UE www.allsaintswokingham.org.uk
The Cornerstone : For room bookings and general enquiries please phone 0118 979 7778. Administrator Monica Martin is in the office: Monday 2-5pm, Tuesday 12.15-4.30pm, Wednesday 2-5.30pm, Thursday 1.45 - 6.00pm. e-mail: info@thecornerstonewokingham.org.uk
Services at All Saints' Church embrace a wide range of formats. An outline is given below but for details and information about occasional services, see the weekly leaflet.
Sunday Services 8.00 a.m. 9.30 a.m.
11.00 am.
Holy Communion. A said service with a brief address using the traditional language version of the Common Worship Order One Eucharist Parish Communion. The service is sung, with hymns, and follows Common Worship Order One Eucharist. Children are catered for in the Crèche and Junior Church. The last Sunday in the month is Parish Communion for the Whole Church and often includes Parade, children are present throughout, and contribute to the worship. Prayer for Healing with Laying on of Hands is offered regularly at certain Parish Communion services (see diary). Coffee is served after the service and this is the weekly 'social gathering' of the Congregation. Please come and meet us there if you are a visitor to the church or would like to get to know us better.
(1st Sunday) Family Service The service is simple with songs, prayers and a talk for children. Everyone is invited but especially parents and children. If you ever worry that your children are too noisy for Church, this is the place to try!
(2nd Sunday) Holy Communion
11.00am 11.15am
(3rd Sunday) Family Service (Some 4th Sundays)
A said service using the Book of Common Prayer.
Matins using the Book of Common Prayer, usually sung and including a sermon.
6.30 pm.
(1st - 3rd Sundays) Evensong using the Book of Common Prayer with sermon. Choral Evensong is sung usually on the first Sunday of each Month (An alternative form of worship on 4th & 5th Sundays ; and Services of Healing)
Weekday Services Morning and Evening Prayer are said, using Common Worship Daily Prayer, at 9.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. each day from Monday to Saturday. All may, and are encouraged, to attend. These services may be led by a Priest or members of the Laity.
Holy Communion is celebrated as follows: Monday Tuesday
9.30 am. 9.30 am.
Wednesday 10.00 am.
(Common Worship Order One) (Common Worship Order One with short address, followed by coffee) (Simple form of Common Worship Order One and short address (particularly for parents and child minders of babies and pre-school children)
in various Residential Homes
Major festivals are also marked by additional celebrations of Holy Communion. Please see the Parish Diary elsewhere in the magazine, or for whole year’s dates, see leaflet “Days to Remember at All Saints”.
Home Communion: If anyone knows of a housebound parishioner, either temporarily or long term, who would like to receive Holy Communion, please contact the Parish Office (979 2797).
Confirmation, Welcome or Growth Groups: Anyone interested in confirmation, a refresher course, or learning about the Christian faith is invited to join one of the Eureka! groups or a confirmation course - contact Barbara Smith on 979 4407.
Baptisms: are usually conducted at a special afternoon service on the last Sunday of each month; or occasionally in Sunday morning services if requested. Baptisms can be booked via the Parish Office (979 2797).
Wedding Bookings: Clergy are available in the Cornerstone on Monday from 6.30 pm - 7.30 pm and on Saturday from 10.30 am - 11.30 am on an appointment basis. Please book via the Parish Office on 979 2797
Flower Guild Within cathedral and church communities one often hears the phrase ‘The ladies of the Flower Guild’ and yet when it comes to attending a flower club demonstration the most flamboyant and exciting events tend to be staged by men. When I joined the Guild here at All Saints there were at least three gentlemen who occasionally arranged flowers, especially windows at Easter and Christmas, one of them is still a member of our congregation although quite understandably he no longer does any flowers – he is Jack Hayley. Christmas is approaching and I have been asked to pose the question, ‘Gentlemen where are you’, are any of you feeling creative, would you like to come along and arrange one of the Christmas windows? We will be decorating the church for Christmas from about 10.15am on Thursday December 22nd. Caroline has very kindly offered to celebrate communion for us at 9.30am. I hope as many of you as possible will attend as this is the only time during the year when we actually have the opportunity to worship together as a Guild. It will also be a lovely 45minutes of peace before we embark on all the hectic parts of modern life which make up our preparations for this very special Festival. WOMAN'S WORLD DAY OF PRAYER The international and interdenominational service for 2012 is on Friday 2nd March and in Wokingham the service will be hosted by Corpus Christi Church. Please see February magazine for full details or contact Diana Clifford 9792614.
Christmas presents The Mothers’ Union is suggesting applying the Bye Buy Test when purchasing presents and all the other things we buy at Christmas.
One idea for a child’s present is to give a ‘voucher’ for an outing or just one-to–one time with a child doing something that will interest the child. This may be a trip to a show, exhibition, cathedral, zoo or just a walk around the local town or countryside - the possibilities are endless (and could be free!). The aim is to provide the child with a day to remember that focussed on them, rather than spending money on the latest craze which will be discarded within a few weeks of receipt. Have you considered giving a subscription to the Mothers’ Union magazine, ‘Families First’ as a present this year? It is a Christian magazine, but is aimed at a wider audience than just MU members. Every issue aims to include practical articles on relationships, support for parents and grandparents, creative ways to put faith into action and fairtrade and eco-friendly ideas. There will be back copies available to view in the Cornerstone after the 9.30am services on 27th November and 11th December: alternatively, please ask one of our members if you would like to see some back copies.
We will be selling the individual Christmas cakes again this year on 11th December. These make an ideal present for a single person or someone special who enjoys fruit cake. All the proceeds will go to current branch projects. Branch news Due to our normal meeting day falling between Christmas and New Year, we have decided not to have a branch meeting in December. Our next branch meeting will be our AGM on 25th January 2012. This is when we review what we have done in the last year and the Committee seeks endorsement for future plans and expenditure. A formal invitation will be circulated in January. If you are unable to attend, it is important that you make any views / suggestions / concerns you have known to one of the Committee. We will also be seeking new committee members; please pray that one or two members will feel able to assist in running our branch. Our branch is hosting the deanery winter meeting on the morning of Tuesday 10th January following our Corporate Communion. The speaker will be Alison Bennett, the MU Diocesan Social Policy Rep. Please put the date in your diary as members will be needed to host the event and serve refreshments. This is an opportunity to meet members from other branches and share ideas as well as getting an update on the MU in our deanery and diocese and of course hearing the speaker. More information on The Mothers Union’s work worldwide can be found on the website www.themothersunion.org. For branch information or a lift to meetings, please call Valerie (978 7363) or Mary (978 2678). Tues 13th Dec
Corporate Communion.
Tues 10th Jan
Corporate Communion.
10.00 for Deanery winter meeting in The 10.30 Cornerstone – speaker A. Bennett. Wed 25th Jan
7.45 for 8.00pm
Branch Meeting – AGM
CHRISTMAS DAY LUNCH FROM 12.00 TILL 3.00PM On Christmas day, a hotel in the Wokingham area is opening its doors and giving Christmas lunch to Wokingham residents who will not have the opportunity to celebrate Christmas this year. This lunch is for those who don’t have family or friends nearby or who aren’t able to provide a Christmas lunch for themselves or their immediate family. They would otherwise be alone or not see anybody on Christmas Day. Churches Together in Wokingham, The Link Visiting Scheme, PACT (Parents and Children Together) and Faith in the Community are all working together with the hotel to make Christmas Day a happy, memorable day for people who would otherwise be alone or struggling to provide a Christmas meal. A traditional Christmas turkey lunch and all the trimmings will be given. There will be Christmas entertainment and all children who attend will receive a chocolate Christmas stocking. If you know of an individual, a couple where one cares for the other, or a family struggling to make ends meet and you think they would like to be invited to the Christmas lunch, please speak to the Rector or any of the clergy or forward all details directly to Sharon Elliott of Faith in the Community – sharon.elliott@mac.com or 07843 091950. Volunteers to assist with driving to and from the venue, and washing up afterwards are also sought.
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Bereavement Care Group We are a group of volunteers from within the congregation, offering a listening ear to the bereaved. Various training courses and ongoing clergy supervision at our regular meetings help us to support people in our parish who have recently lost loved ones. We befriend rather than counsel; some of the people we visit receive care from professional agencies such as Cruse, Macmillan and counselling services. Our role is to show Christ's love and concern for those who mourn. The people we meet are relatives who have come to a funeral at All Saints but may or may not attend at other times. After a short period of approximately 10 or 12 weeks following a funeral, the next of kin are contacted by a letter from the parish office, explaining that a member of the Bereavement Care Group will be in touch to arrange a visit, should they wish. Some of the people we speak to are happy to have a telephone call and may not feel the need to be visited; others, however, welcome us into their homes and talk about their experience to someone they acknowlege as being outside their immediate circle and therefore open to hear them in sympathy and without partiality. Every November there is a special memorial service to remember all those in the parish who have passed away in the last year. Those attending are invited to write the name of the departed and any thoughts they might like to include on a prayer card, which is then placed on a special cross in church. Refreshments are served in the church afterwards and there is the opportunity to meet members of the Bereavement Care Group. It is a great privilege to serve people in our parish this way. Jesus teaches us to come alongside those suffering bereavement and share their burden. Although the people we meet have asked for our support, this does not necessarily mean that they feel comfortable with the beliefs and practices of the Church so we must be sensitive and respectful in our ministry. It is often hard to witness personal grief but we believe that the Bereavement Care Group can provide a powerful demonstration of Christian love and faith in our community. Please pray for our work. Susan Westgate
News from November PCC Meeting Our policy for Safeguarding Children This policy was approved. It is our Parish Statement of Commitment to children and young people and follows the Principles of the Church of England House of Bishopsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Policy for Safeguarding Children. An updated summary statement will be published on the notice-boards in the church porch, bell tower, choir vestry, clergy vestry, and in the Cornerstone front foyer, hall, rear foyer and the DeVitre room. Other items that the PCC approved The introduction of Vergerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fee when the church is hired out; the display of an All Saints School banner in the churchyard publicising their open day on 12 December; the authorisation of Ruth Smith, Alisdair Oakley and Pam Gilbey as authorised Lay Eucharist Ministers. Allocation of Parish Share A great deal of discussion took place about the method used by the Diocese to allocate the parish share to the Deaneries in the Diocese. We had been asked by Deanery Synod to consider 3 questions and had been given information prior to the meeting. Financial Priorities The Treasurer, Steve Smith, outlined our financial priorities for the coming year so that we were aware of these before the financial budget is drafted before the end of this year. This article is written by Jo Robinson (PCC member) and is not an official record of the meeting which can be found in the published minutes.
EARLY MORNING BREAKFAST We are very sorry that the breakfast on Sunday 27th November had to be cancelled . This was due to the organiser being ill and other activities on the same day. We are hoping to have the next one on Sunday 26th February so a date for your new year diary! Diana Clifford
Emmaus Group The Emmaus Group was formed over ten years ago when the Emmaus course material was first introduced and used by All Saints. There are 11 of us and we meet fortnightly on a Thursday morning. We are currently studying Matthew’s Gospel using William Barclay’s commentary. Each of our sessions contains a quiet time of silence, open and honest discussion and study of the relevant section of the Bible. We close with a time of open prayer. During the Summer we meet up for a sociable and enjoyable meal and last year we also organised a Quiet day at Birch Knoll, Crowthorne. Gill Allen
Christmas Concert Berkshire Maestros extend a warm invitation to a concert of seasonal music featuring the Berkshire County Youth Choirs, and Brass Quartets from the Bracknell Music Centre, and the music of Vaughan Williams, Purcell and Chilcott.
Friday, 9th December 7.45pm St. Paul’s Church, Wokingham £6 and £4 concessions mince pies & mulled wine Proceeds going to support the Youth Choir 2012 tour to Spain
TIME FOR THOUGHT, OR THOUGHTS ON TIME – Part 2 Having read the article, with the same title as above, in last month’s magazine, have you decided to become a nun, a monk or a priest? No? Well, never mind, there is still plenty of scope for willing helpers in Christ’s Church. Of course, quite a number of people already contribute in active ways to the life and work of All Saints’ parish. But all too often we see “the same faces” popping up in so many different areas. There are around 350 names at present on our Electoral Roll and, if more people would get involved in the various activities which are necessary for a thriving church community, not only would that provide additional expertise but it would also lighten the load for others. Members of the congregation already perform many tasks which might either not be immediately noticed or are simply taken for granted – things that just seem to happen! There are those who regularly clean the church building, those who prepare the wonderful displays of flowers, those who maintain the churchyard ….. members of the Social Committee, providing refreshments at functions ….. the choir ….. bellringers ….. parish magazine collators and distributors ….. and so on and so on. It’s not as if the church of All Saints lies dormant for six days and wakes up on Sundays! People are needed to keep the church alive, healthy and active seven days a week, fifty-two weeks a year. In the second chapter of the Letter of James, the writer makes several references to the fact that following our Lord is not just about faith but has to involve actions. In verse 14 we read, “What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if you have faith but do not have works?” Continuing that theme, we come to the assertion in verse 17, “So faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead.” And the chapter ends (verse 26) with the words, “For just as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is also dead.” No-nonsense stuff! And surely food for thought? Some people might be concerned that, because of professional or family commitments, for example, they cannot “sign up” to regular duties. But every little helps. Occasionally a car driver is required, perhaps to take an elderly person to and from a hospital appointment. Various handyman jobs, well within the scope of even the most modest DIY practitioner, crop
up from time to time. Help is always needed with providing refreshments after 9.30 Sunday services – on a rota basis, not requiring the same people every week. Those are only three of the areas in which occasional help is required. And then, of course, there are the more regular commitments for which volunteers are always welcome. In his inaugural address in January 1961, the late US President John F Kennedy said: "Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country." Now, how about changing the word “country” in that statement to “CHURCH”? Every person’s contribution is valued and can make a difference. We all appreciate a vibrant church – let’s all help to make it so. All Saints’ Stewardship Team [For more information on our church groups, visit the All Saints’ Church website, www.allsaintswokingham.org.uk, select “GROUPS & EVENTS” and then go to “Directory of Groups”.]
Christingle Christingle is a wonderful service of celebration which places children at the very heart of our worshipping community. The joy on the faces of all the children (and all the adults too) when the candle is lit up on their Christingle orange is a magic moment and very special to experience. The Children’s Society wants to create a world where all children are respected, valued and heard. We believe that childhood should be happy and that young people deserve to reach their full potential. The money which we give at our Christingle service will provide a lifeline to vulnerable children across the country. It will help support projects with children who may not be experiencing the love children deserve, such as runaways who may find themselves sleeping on the streets this winter or young carers with responsibilities beyond their years.
Please join us at our Christingle service in All Saints’ Church Sunday 11 December at 4pm and support the work of the Children’s Society The service is followed by a tea in the Cornerstone.
If you cannot come but still want to make a donation, please contact Dickon Snell (9781044)
Sunday Service Hymns Music Final Voluntary
Advent 2 - 4th December Eucharist: Archer - People's Setting 401, 196, 98, (32 AMNS), 532 HON Creator of the stars of night - Malcolm Archer Prelude in G minor - Gabriel Pierné
Choral Evensong (Plainsong)
Advent Prose (Rorate cæli)
Responses Psalm Canticles Hymns
Plainsong 40 Fauxbourdon Setting - Carolus Andreas 30, 32, 453 AMNS
Conditor alme siderum
Final Voluntary
Liturgical Improvisation No 2 - George Oldroyd
Sunday Service
Advent 3 - 11th December Eucharist: Archer - People's Setting
514, 198, 307, (196), 447 HON
A tender shoot - Otto Goldschmidt
Final Voluntary
A Trumpet Air - John Reading
16.00 Christingle in aid of Children's Society
Sunday Service
Advent 4 - 18th December Eucharist (Healing): Archer - People's Setting
471, 198, 136, (197), 329 HON
Music Final Voluntary
Hail! Blessed Virgin Mary - Italian, arr. Charles Wood Tuba Tune - C S Lang
Said Evensong with Piano
Saturday Service Hymns
Christmas Eve - 24th December 18.00 Nine Lessons and Carols as special booklet
by: Paul Edwards; Reginald Jacques; Morten Lauridsen; June Nixon; Boris Ord; Elizabeth Poston; Richard R Terry; David Willcocks
Final Voluntary
23.15 Midnight Mass: Archer - St Mark's Setting
395, 357, 253, 444, 199 HON
O magnum mysterium - Morten Lauridsen
Coventry Carol Final Voluntary
Carillon (24 Pièces en style libre) - Vierne
Christmas Day - 25th December
All Age Communion: Archer - St Mark's Setting
403, 251, 439, 526, 199 HON
Balulalow - Paul Edwards
Final Voluntary
Chant de Noel - Lefébure-Wély
Christmas 2 - Circumcision - 1st January 2012
Eucharist (No Choir)
349, 69, 34, 186 HON
Organ: Le Banquet Céleste - Olivier Messiaen
Final Voluntary
Prelude & Fugue Op 18 - César Franck
Evening Prayer
Epiphany 1 - Baptism of Christ - 8th January
Eucharist: Archer - St Mark's Setting
(526 AMNS)
O love, how deep - J H Schein, arr. J S Bach
Final Voluntary
Humoresque (L'Organo Primitivo) - Pietro Yon
Choral Evensong
O love, how deep - J H Schein, arr. J S Bach
46 & 47
Short Service - Tallis
Hymns Music
From the rising of the sun - Ouseley
Final Voluntary
Prelude & Fugue in C minor (BWV 549) - J S Bach
Advent 2 08.00am 09.30am 11.00am 12.00pm 06.30pm
Holy Communion Parish Communion Family Service Baptism Choral Evensong
11 Advent 3 08.00am 09.30am 11.15am 4.00pm 06.30pm
Holy Communion Parish Communion BCP Eucharist Christingle Service *** No Service ***
18 Advent 4 08.00am
Holy Communion
Parish Communion (Laying on Hands)
11.00am 12.00pm 06:30pm
Family Service Baptism Said Evensong
24 Christmas Eve
Crib Service and Junior Church Nativity
3:00pm 6.00pm 11.15pm
Crib Service 2 Nine Lessons and Carols First Communion of Christmas
25 Christmas Day 08.00am 09.30am
Holy Communion All Ages Parish Communion
Christmas 2 08.00am 09.30am 11.15am 06.30pm
Holy Communion Parish Communion *** No Service *** Evening Prayer
Baptism of Christ 08.00am Holy Communion 09.30am Parish Communion 11.15am Eucharist (BCP) 03.00pm Holy Baptism 06.30pm Choral Evensong
Epiphany 2 08.00am 09.30am 11.15am 06.30pm
Holy Communion Parish Communion Family Service Sung Evensong
Epiphany 3 08.00am 09.30am 11.15am 06.30pm
Holy Communion Parish Communion Choral Matins Said Evensong
Presentation 08.00am
Holy Communion Parish Communion for Whole Church *** No Service *** Holy Baptism Healing Service
09.30am 11.15am 03.00pm 06.30pm
JOURNEY TOWARDS HEALING AND WHOLENESS Russ Parker, director of Acorn Christian Healing Foundation was recently the keynote speaker at Guildford Cathedral which was attended by several members of All Saints Healing Prayer Group. Gill Allen shared some of the issues raised by Russ Parker in the November magazine. At this conference Jane Saunders, who is an Accredited therapist and the Manager of McMillan Midhurst, presented a workshop entitled “Journey Through Bereavement”. I would like to share my understanding of some of the points made by Jane Saunders. Firstly and possibly the most important is that every grief is unique. Painful losses result in a complex set of reactions we call grief. We approach grief according to our own belief and theories of human nature and our own experience of loss. There is no timescale for mourning. There is no right time to clear away personal possessions or start to socialise again, move house, or meet a new partner. As Christians we should not expect people to keep a stiff upper lip, nor should we be judgemental on those who seem unable to grieve. A model for the grieving process suggests that there are five stages: Denial, Anger, Depression, Acceptance and Bargaining with God – ‘I will do anything if this can be taken away’. Grief is something that has to be worked through. There is no ‘quick fix’. We are individual and do not necessarily go through the stages in order and may well go backwards and forwards for many years. Other feelings not so easily expressed could be Guilt, Fear and Hate. We
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must not make assumptions that every relationship is a happy one. If we are to journey alongside someone who is bereaved we must be able to: Listen – without judging, trying to fix, or avoiding pain with platitudes. Avoid giving advice – this does not mean you should avoid giving practical help. When Praying – Do not use this as an opportunity to give instructions. The Bible says: Jesus said ‘Blessed are those that mourn’, Mathew 5:4 Christ came to show us the heart of the Father but even before that God revealed himself as someone who grieves. Genesis 6:6 and 1 Samuel 24:16. ‘Bereaved Christians should grieve but not as people with no hope’. 1 Thessalonians 4:13. Can we bear to listen, to share the pain, to walk in someone else’s shoes and be a companion on a difficult and lonely journey? In other words can we be like Jesus who often wept and mourned. We take this opportunity of wishing all members of our parish of All Saints, and those outside the parish who read the magazine, a very happy and blessed Christmas, and peace in the New Year. Rosemary Sturmer Members of the Group are Gill Allen, Maggie Bateman, Jack Hayley, Mary Hughes, Anne Penn, Joan Thomason, Joan Watts and Karen Wellman. Please let us know of any need for healing prayer support. Confidentiality is assured. The Laying on of Hands will be made available at the Parish Communion on Sunday 18th December. The next Healing Service will be held on Sunday 29th January at 6.30pm.
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CHRISTMAS CAROL CHAIN Each line is a title of, or quotation from a Christmas carol. The missing word will end with the letter which begins the next answer, so making a ”chain”. (answers pg. 41) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
“If I were a shepherd, I would bring a….” “Oh little town of ………” “….. is mine, its bitter perfume” Hark the …… angels sing” “….-…. merrily on high” “… with man is now residing” “Once in royal …..’. city” “Thus spake the …… “The ….. and the ivy” “Oh come all .. faithful”
THE CHILDREN’S ACTIVITY TABLE UPDATE We were very sorry to disappoint the children during the autumn term when due to illness the table had to be cancelled several times. We hope to see the children again soon. Please see weekly leaflet for dates. Equally we are sorry that it was not possible to do a ‘wartime’ Christmas tree for upstairs in the Cornerstone. Thank you to those who gave materials for making tree decorations – we will be keeping everything to do a tree for Christmas 2012.
Youth Work at All Saints The PCC has resolved that we should employ a youth worker at All Saints. This will be an experienced youth worker who will have responsibility for the development of youth work (11 to 18 year olds) in the Parish, reporting to a youth management committee of the PCC. By employing a youth worker, we will help our volunteers who work with young people – supporting them, training them and, indeed, recruiting more of them. The key task for the youth worker will be to extend and co-ordinate the exciting work we do with the young people by: • •
Leading a team of enthusiastic and experienced volunteers Co-ordinating the worship activities for 11 – 18 year olds
Supporting and developing the Friday night youth club (FDI, or Friday Drop In) for 11 to 14 year olds
Developing other activities in the church and the local neighbourhood, and finding appropriate development areas, in connection with other youth workers, Stage Fright, and the Wokingham Schools Workers Trust.
You will hear much more about this over the next few months as we ask for your views about how this should work , such as the details of the job description, what new activities this might make possible, what other activities we can “piggy back on to”, how it will fit with our work with the under 11s, or with the choir. Watch out for the opportunity to contribute your ideas after the Sunday services, and please get in touch if you would like to help turn this vision into reality. Anne King anne@bardofamily.co.uk 07768 923608
All Saints’ Fellowship Welcome to the Cornerstone on Wednesday 21st December at 7.45pm for 7.55pm. The speaker for our meeting will be Mr. Leslie Grout with his talk entitled ‘How Pagan Is Christmas?’. Coffee and hot mince pies will be served about 9.30pm bringing our program for 2011 to an end. The cost to visitors is £1.50 and contact for Fellowship is Diana Clifford 9792614 or Jill Jones 9892842. Fund Raising. Many thanks to everybody who supported our cake stalls this year which resulted in £208.50 which will be divided between The Children’s Society and items for the children’s craft table at Eustace Crescent Community Flat.
2012 The first meeting is our AGM on Wednesday 18th January. After the evening business we are delighted that Revd. Michael Johnson will be telling us about his young persons group ‘Stage Fright’ and his work in general.
iClean-home We offer: • Regular weekly domestic cleans • One-off spring cleans • Ironing
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Forgotten Victims of the Recession Pets are now being abandoned, some in the streets, because their owners do not want the expense of keeping them as a result of the recession. An RSPCA spokesman said “The continuing economic slump is having a major impact on animals and on all the charities trying to help them.” Battersea Dogs and Cats Home says the number of people handing pets over for financial reasons has doubled in the past year. The Blue Cross says that this year it has taken in 1530 stray and abandoned animals – up 50% on last year. Numbers of pregnant pets being taken to Battersea are on the rise because their owners cannot afford to raise the pups or kittens. They should of course have had their animals neutered. Cats Protection will give financial help to owners for the spaying of their cats. Battersea said it was getting calls every day from animal lovers who feel they have no option but to give up their pets as they can no longer afford rising vet bills, or they have been made redundant, homeless or are facing imminent eviction. Having a pet is a responsibility not to be taken lightly. Puppy farming is on the increase – these large-scale breeding establishments are all run to bring in the maximum amount of profit regardless of the costs to the dogs or puppies involved. Many never see the light of day and are used as breeding factories. Undercover investigators from Four Paws charity say each litter is taken away early so the next can be conceived. The puppies are in damp, squalid pens, one puppy was whimpering and cowering next to a rusty old water bowl as if for comfort. Four Paws has been a leading force in global animal welfare issues for more than twenty years and is committed to helping animals who are abused for economic, scientific or other reasons. Their vision is a world without animal suffering. It is likely that after Christmas there will be kittens and puppies given as Christmas presents that will be unwanted and given away. It happens every year, please God not again. Marcelle Williams
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Christmas Carol Chain: Answers If the line in the question is not the title of the carol, that’s given in parentheses: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Lamb (In the Bleak Midwinter) Bethlehem Myrrh (We Three Kings) Herald Ding-dong God (Angels from the realms of glory) David’s Seraph (While Shepherds Watched) Holly Ye
ARE YOU THE MISSING PERSON? If you are a caring person and would like to help those in the community who are less fortunate than ourselves, and enjoy a good social life as well, why not come along to one of Wokingham Lions Club’s meetings to find out more about us and what we do? We are well known for organising the Wokingham May Fayre – but due to this, and other successful events, we need more members to follow our international motto – “We Serve”. We meet at the Committee Room, Wokingham Town Hall on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. for 8:00. Or contact Wokingham Lions Club on 0845 833 7384 for further details. www.wokinghamlions.org.uk
How can you support Yeldall Manor this Christmas? “I feel really excited, like a little boy! I’ve only had one Christmas out of prison in the past 17 years and, before that, it was just an excuse to get drunk. This is going to be my first ‘real’ Christmas and, most importantly, I’ll be enjoying it clean and sober.” Whatever our residents’ past experiences of Christmas, we want this year to be a time spent with friends, in which the true meaning of Christmas is remembered. So, as well as succulent turkey and brussels sprouts, presents around the tree and silly party games, there will be time to go to church to rejoice in Jesus’ birth and to just relax and enjoy the atmosphere. When Father Christmas gives out the presents, each resident will receive a ‘Christmas stocking’ filled with little gifts such as: Toiletries: deodorant, shower gel, toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap Confectionery: small bars of chocolate, bags of sweets etc (but no liqueur chocs!) Clothing: underpants, socks, scarves, hats, gloves Other goods: pens, paper, any other stocking-fillers suitable for men If you would like to buy a gift for a resident, please wrap it and add a post-it note to let us know what is enclosed. We would appreciate these by Friday 16th December. You can also contribute by donating biscuits, cakes or non-perishable food. Or, if it is easier for you to make a small financial donation, contributions are welcome towards the cost of our Christmas tree and festive fare. We warmly invite all friends and supporters to join us for our annual Carol Service on Friday 9th December. This short service of carols and readings will begin at 7.30pm and be followed by time to chat over coffee and mince-pies. If you could bake (or buy) some mince-pies (no alcohol in the mincemeat), they would be most welcome that evening. For more information, contact suehedger@yeldall.org.uk 0118 940 1093.
Wokingham Volunteer Centre operates a low cost transport scheme to enable those who cannot use public transport get to their hospital/doctor appointments Due to the increase in demand for our help we have recently had to let some of our clients down. We desperately need more drivers (we naturally pay for your petrol). We would love to be able to expand the driving scheme to enable us to take people shopping or for a short outing to say a garden centre. However, to operate this service we do need the help of more drivers. If you can spare just a couple of hours a week to help with this scheme, or with any other opportunities available throughout the district we would like
to hear from you. For more information please contact us on 0118 977 0749
Baptisms 16 Oct. 30 Oct.
Archie Charles Wright Adam Matthew Wright Thomas William Gardner Harry Scott Gibbs Cerys Elizabeth Florence Johns Oscar Robert Mackenzie-Smith Jonas George Pattison Creech
Marriages 22 Oct.
Eric James Hanson with Emma Catherine Bridgman
Burials 2 Nov.
Cecil Leonard Beacon
Age 86
Burial of Ashes 7 Nov. Rosemary Goldsmith
Age 77
Funeral in Church followed by Cremation 8 Nov. Nancy Davies
Age 93
At Easthampstead Park Crematorium 17 Oct. Rosemary Goldsmith 7 Nov. Col. Keith Stephen Barnard Wintle
Number of Sundays Sundays Week days
4 656 133
Age 77 Age 81
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