What was the State Jinnah dreamed of

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What was the State Jinnah dreamed of, what has it become. Writer Patrick French measures that with Shoma Chaudhury Can you outline the idea of the nation state that Jinnah wanted to create? Well, he wanted to create a homeland for Indian Muslims. He came to that position as a lawyer, a good lawyer, after exhausting other possibilities. But his idea of religious nationalism was completely different from how that term would be understood today, or how the concept of an Islamic State would now be seen.

Patrick French

Can you elaborate? What was his idea of religious nationalism? He wanted a homeland for Muslims rather than an Islamic State. He felt – justifiably – that Indian Muslims were not represented by the Congress and so they needed a homeland. It is very important to contrast the vision of Pakistan that he had with the reinvention of Pakistan in the late 1970s by General Zia, and the subsequent formulation of a religious State and Islamisation of Pakistani society. Having acquired that separate homeland, would you say his vision paralleled Nehru’s? I don’t think one can say that. The problem is that to use those terms now means such different things. Secularism, for instance, is a word that has become increasingly meaningless as the decades have gone by. In the case of Nehru, he came from the majority community and could nurture an idea of a state where everybody would be equal. It was undoubtedly an idealistic and positive way of looking. But Jinnah and other leaders in the Muslim League were right in feeling their voice was not really being heard inside Congress. There were hardly any leading Muslim figures in the Congress in the 30s and 40s, they were all nominal figures, and you could say the same problem has gone on. The lack of Muslim leadership in India, in one sense, is an even greater problem 60 years later. Is contemporary Pakistan anywhere close to what Jinnah would have wanted? Jinnah would find present-day Pakistan unrecognisable. It is close to being a failed State. A part of that is to do with the conflict between the military and political class (or what remains of it) and people who

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