Asian Conference on Institutional and Action Research 2018 Book of Abstracts

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Messages Conference Programme Awards 1st Keynote Speech 2nd Keynote Speech Plenary Paper Abstract Synthesis Paper Presentations

2nd Asian Conference on Institutional and Action Research December 3-5, 2018 • The Selah Pods, Pasay City

ASTR Research Journal

ASTR Book of Abstracts

Theme: Using Scientific Evidence in Everyday Worklife for Optimum Outcomes


MESSAGE Hearty greetings from Northwestern University!


e congratulate you for being a part of the 2nd Asian Conference on Institutional and Action Research 2018 held at The Selah Pods, Pasay City, Manila, Philippines. We celebrate our continued partnership with the Asian Society of Teachers for Research in organizing and holding this event. The world around us is changing before our eyes at a pace at that seems too fast for our minds to process. Soon, the effects of the 4th Industrial Revolution will become apparent. Devices will become even smarter, automation and robotics will take over industry, and society will be transformed yet again. At the same time, many of the needs and objectives of humanity will remain the same – food security, a thriving economy, health, peace and order, literacy and education, gainful employment, good governance, social and financial well-being, among others. While the general population will be subject to the transformations these developments will bring, it is up to the researchers to collect and sift through the data and provide insight to decision makers in the public and private sectors how to navigate through the disruptive forces that shape our world. It is in this light that we congratulate the contribution of our researchers to the body of the knowledge and encourage them to continue their efforts for the enhancement of the human condition.

ATTY. FERDINAND S. NICOLAS University President Northwestern University Philippines


2nd Asian Conference on Institutional and Action Research December 3-5, 2018 • The Selah Pods, Pasay City

MESSAGE Dear colleague, teachers, researchers, ladies and gentlemen:


am greatly honored and delighted to welcome the participants from all over the Philippines and the ASEAN countries who come here to exchange experiences and work together for a few days on the exciting theme: “Using Scientific Evidence in Everyday Worklife for Optimum Outcomes.�

On behalf of the Department of Scientific Research, Ministry of Education Youth and Sport, and the Cambodian Mathematical Society, I would like to extend our sincere thanks, warmest welcome and profound appreciation to all of you for your substantial attendance at the Asian Conference on Institutional and Action Research 2018. I also would like to thank all local and international organizations, basic and higher education institutions, and individuals for financially and technically supporting this event. I strongly believe that the three-day of Conference will promote and bring all individuals who are working in schools, universities, communities and societies to talk and discuss about the role of institutional and action research in everyday worklife for optimum outcomes and provide a forum for research findings from the international community. This significant conference will have a role to play in stimulating and sustaining the interest of ASEAN Communities and Societies to create avenues for publication of new researches and establish partnership and collaborations across researchers in a global context; and conduct training activities for higher research expertise. Finally, I would like to wish all teachers, researchers, ladies and gentlemen and distinguished national and international guests every success in this important conference and the blessings: good health, strength, and prosperity! I look forward to learning about the outcome. May the conference run smoothly with fruitful and satisfied achievements as anticipated! Yours sincerely,

CHAN ROATH, PhD Director of Department Scientific Research, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, Cambodia. President of Cambodian Mathematical Society

Theme: Using Scientific Evidence in Everyday Worklife for Optimum Outcomes


MESSAGE Greetings to all the participants of the 2nd Asian Conference on Institutional and Action Research 2018!

G knowledge.

etting immersed in this kind of intellectual exercise is a feat that you should be proud of. I hope you would take this opportunity as a learning experience for you to deepen your understanding of Research and encourage you to think of ways on how you can further contribute to the world’s pool of

Knowledge is just the tip of the ice berg. In Research, gaining and sharing information is one of the basics. But to be a true blue researcher, you must know how to interrelate facts, figures, theories, and produce your own concepts. You create a whole new world by bridging gaps; you generate new ways of thinking by solving puzzles. This is where Research becomes exciting, fruitful, and fulfilling. As Arthur Aufderheide said, “all knowledge is connected to all other knowledge. The fun is making the connections.” The theme of this year’s conference, “Using Scientific Evidence in Everyday Worklife for Optimum Outcomes”, underscores the importance of treating Research as a process. I am pleased to know that the organizers highlighted the scientific nature of Research and how it can help professionals in everyday work life and achieve remarkable results. Gathering data and interpreting them through a scientific process is a critical step in Research. But more than getting hooked with the technicalities of research writing, I hope that you also go beyond your craft and look at your study as a means to enhance existing work systems or propose solutions to current problems. By identifying what works and what doesn’t work, you are able to do a thorough evaluation and provide effective recommendations through Research. Let this conference be one of the doors that will take you to the higher realm of Research. I hope that you will maximize your time by imbibing all the tips and insights that you can gain from the resource speakers. May you also serve as catalysts of change in our society through the valuable inputs that you may bring to your respective fields of expertise. Once again, congratulations!


Ph.D.D.A., Ph.D.B.M., Ph.D. Eng’g., D.M.Ed.M., D.M.HRM, DTM, AMP, FPSME, FRIEdr, LAA, PME National Vice President for Foreign Affairs, PSME Charter President, PSME-SA Dean and Professor, PCU/LPUB Graduate School CEO, EPM & Associates, Al Andalus International School & REEM Management Consultancy Vice President & Dean, Aldersgate College


2nd Asian Conference on Institutional and Action Research December 3-5, 2018 • The Selah Pods, Pasay City

2nd Asian Conference on Institutional and Action Research 2018 December 3-5, 2018 Pasay City, Metro Manila, Philippines

Co-hosted by:

Conference Program DAY 1 • December 3, 2018


8:01 – 9:00 a.m.


9:01 – 9:05 a.m.

Invocation National Anthem of the Republic of the Philippines National Anthem of Countries Represented

9:06 – 9:20 a.m.

Opening Remarks and Declaration of the Opening of the Conference Atty. Ferdinand S. Nicolas University President Northwestern University Philippines

9: 21 – 9:30 a.m.

Philippine Declaration: Synthesis of Abstracts Dr. Edwin R. De los Reyes Universidad de Zamboanga Philippines

9:31 – 10:00 a.m.

Keynote Speech 1 Mr. Firth McEachern Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Regional Centre for Educational Innovation and Technology (SEAMEO-INNOTECH)

10:00– 10:20 a.m.

Awarding Ceremony Best Abstract Award Best Paper Award

2nd Asian Conference on Institutional and Action Research December 3-5, 2018 • The Selah Pods, Pasay City

10:21 – 10:50 a.m.

Keynote Speech 2 Prof. Dr. Romeo D. Caturao University Professor University of Antique-Tario-Lim Memorial Campus

10:21-12:00 nn


12:15-1:00 p.m.


1:01 – 5:00 p.m.


DAY 2 • December 4, 2018 8:01 – 9:00 a.m.


9:01 – 9:20 a.m.

Invocation National Anthem of the Republic of the Philippines National Anthem of Countries Represented

9:20-12:00 n.n.


12:01 – 1:00 p.m.


1:01 – 3:30 p.m.


3:31 – 4:00 a.m.

Plenary Speech 2 “Article Citation as Means to Measure Journal and Author Impact” Dr. Genaro V. Japos President Philippines Association of Institutions for Research, Inc.

4:01 – 5:00 p.m.

Awarding Ceremonies Best Oral Presenter Award Awarding of Certificates to the Participants Grand Pictorial

DAY 3 • December 5, 2018 8:01 – 5:00 p.m.

Individual Exploration of Manila, Philippines

Theme: Using Scientific Evidence in Everyday Worklife for Optimum Outcomes


2nd Asian Conference on Institutional and Action Research (ACIAR 2018)

BEST ABSTRACT AWARD QUANTITATIVE DESIGN Women Participation in Banate Bay: A Tool for Fisheries Productivity Enhancement and Marketing Development Programs

MICHAEL B. DIZON Iloilo State College of Fisheries Philippines

BEST ABSTRACT AWARD MIXED METHODS DESIGN Investigatory Project Advisers’ Use of Science Educational Research and Resources


Department of Education Division of Bulacan Philippines

Criteria: Compliance to word count -15% Content & Sequence - 25% Completeness of keywords - 10% Results of TBQA - 20% Novelty & newness of results - 30%


2nd Asian Conference on Institutional and Action Research December 3-5, 2018 • The Selah Pods, Pasay City

2nd Asian Conference on Institutional and Action Research (ACIAR 2018)

BEST Paper AWARDs MIXED METHODS DESIGN Blended Learning as an Approach in Achieving Mathematical Proficiency

EDMAR B. ALONZO National University Philippines

EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN Effect of Water Management Schemes on the Growth and Yield Performance of Green Super Rice Genotypes


Cagayan State University Philippines

QUALITATIVE DESIGN (CASE STUDY) Inattentive Behavior of Children with ADHD under Inclusive Education Program: Basis for Intervention Program

EDWIN R. DE LOS REYES Universidad de Zamboanga Philippines

Criteria: Contibution to new knowledge - 25% Scientific Writing - 30% Quality of References - 20% Grammar and Originality - 15% Adherence to Conference Theme - 10%

Theme: Using Scientific Evidence in Everyday Worklife for Optimum Outcomes


Keynote Speech FIRTH McEACHERN Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization-Regional Centre for Education Innovation and Technology

Research: a guide for life. Life: an inspiration for research


esearch is the backbone of quality higher education. Without research, higher education is high school part II. Conducting research encourages people to think analytically, logically, and critically. It encourages people to be objective, fair, and ethical. And it encourages people to experiment, improvise, and invent. While the topic of research can often be arcane, the required patience, persistence, attention to detail, and creativity have broad application beyond the research itself. This is why people with research backgrounds are highly sought after in a variety of fields. People choose to do research for a number of reasons. They might be curious about something mysterious, and want to understand it better. They might be bothered by a problem, and want to solve it for their own piece of mind. They might have an epiphany, and are confident they can prove a point. They might think that they can help others and contribute to society through their research. And of course there are more prosaic reasons for doing research, such as increasing ones’ career prospects, getting a promotion, fulfilling an academic or job requirement, glorifying their institution, or obtaining a title of respect. On the other hand, there are legitimate reasons not to do research. Research can require intense effort, time, and financial resources. The long hours and difficult problems can cause psychological strain on the researcher. Research may take away time from family and other work. And on top of all these sacrifices, sometimes the research doesn’t even pan out. The experiment might be a failure, or the result might be less exciting or significant than one would have hoped. Therefore, it is crucial that the researcher is actually interested in the topic, so that it doesn’t hang on her like an intolerable burden. The impact and fulfilment should outweigh the drawbacks, or else a change of topic or career is advisable. The not-so-fun part of research is writing, which is a required step for publishing. Fifty years ago it was fairly easy to publish, but standards have gotten higher. There are tens of thousands more researchers trying to publish today. More universities are conducting research, and more are demanding that their faculty conduct research. More private companies are getting involved. And as Asian countries rapidly develop, the number of universities, companies, and individuals in the research sector continue to increase. In this increasingly competitive field, we must take a look at our competitive advantages.


2nd Asian Conference on Institutional and Action Research December 3-5, 2018 • The Selah Pods, Pasay City

Keynote Speech ROMEO D. CATURAO University of Antique, Tario-Lim Memorial Campus Philippines

Using Scientific Evidence in Everyday Worldwide for Optimum Outcomes


cientific evidence is evidence which serves to either support or counters scientific theory or hypothesis. Such evidence is expected to be empirical evidence and interpretation by the scientific method. Standards for scientific evidence vary according to the field of inquiry, but the strength of scientific controls. We have heard numerous mentions of the associated evidence, indicating the importance of the issue and the need for action. Proponents can present this in much the same way that evidence is given in a court case, usually to back up policies or decisions that will impact people’s lifestyles. But unlike in a court case, we rarely told precisely where the evidence comes from and why it’s evidence. Scientific evidence is information gathered from scientific research, which takes a lot of time and patience to conduct. But there are a few things that all this research needs to have in common to make it possible for decision-makers, and ultimately all of us, to accept it as evidence. The traditional process of research has undergone over three centuries of development, since the publication of the first two scientific journals in London and Paris in 1665. It requires publication in a research journal that is adequately peer-reviewed and accessible for international verification of results. The review and verification process back and guards the integrity of the published paper. Examples are journals covered in Science Citation Index of Thomson ISI. The output is called a scientific paper or valid publication, as opposed to gray literature (information produced without adequate peer review). As a noted physicist says, “Just printing results doesn’t validate them.” Research has been very instrumental in the pursuit of rapid economic and social developments the world over. No development has been made across the globe without research, and this is because of the proper use of scientific evidence. Scientific evidence plays a crucial role; without it, scientists cannot test their hypothesis. Evidence may support a hypothesis or not; in either case, real world data helps lead to reliable meaningful theories. Because evidence can contain errors or be tainted by personal biases, a sound scientific process includes steps that safeguard the data’s quality and integrity. The daily practice of the scientific method is complex, it begins with observations leading to questions and hypothesis. The scientist gathers evidence and evaluates it to determine whether it validates or refutes the hypothesis. The evidence helps scientists build theories that allow them to explain, describe and predict phenomena accurately. Evidence tests hypothesis and help reinforce theories; however, contradictory evidence can open up theories to revision.

Theme: Using Scientific Evidence in Everyday Worklife for Optimum Outcomes


Scientists obtain evidence by observing and measuring phenomena related to hypothesis or theory under investigation. Like for instance, an astronomer, examine pictures of stars and pockets of interstellar gas seeking evidence that might support a hypothesis about star formation. A medical researcher may conduct trails of a new vaccine to validate a hypothesis about drug effectiveness. A botanists may look at thousands of corn plants to test a hypothesis that a foreign insect species ins damaging local crops. Scientists compile evidence as tables of numbers, collections of physical objects or in other forms. Ultimately, scientific ideas must not only testable, but must actually be tested, preferably with many different lines of evidence by many different people. The characteristics are at the heart of all science. Scientist actively seeks proof to the test their ideas, even if the test is difficult and means of spending years working on a single experiment. Performing such tests are so important to science because, in science, the acceptance or rejection of a scientific idea depends upon the evidence relevant to it, not upon dogma, popular opinion, or tradition. In science, ideas that are not supported by evidence are ultimately rejected. Moreover, ideas that are protected from testing or are only allowed to be tested by one group with a vested interest in the outcome are not a part of good science. And not good science is not valid evidence to guide other researchers, policymakers in legislating laws about development, whatever it will be. Development depends on the quality of the research output, which in turn relies on the correct research practice. The ways to improve research is by leaving scientists the job of performance evaluation or by using the established and objective indicators like publishing in Science Citation Index or Social Sciences Citation Index journals. If we used validated, scientific evidence, we can achieve optimum outcomes in any facet of work life.


2nd Asian Conference on Institutional and Action Research December 3-5, 2018 • The Selah Pods, Pasay City

Plenary Speech GENARO V. JAPOS, PhD, DoDT, DM, DHRM Philippine Association of Institutions for Research, Inc. Philippines

Article Citation as Means to Measure Journal and Author Impact


rticle Citation is a popular means to indicate publication quality for both the article authors and the journal. When metrics are applied, article citation becomes author or journal impact. Citations depend on factors such as: field dependence, journal dependence, article dependence and author/reader dependence. Some articles are better cited than others. Team authored or co-authored papers get more citation than solo-authored articles. Articles in multidisciplinary journals get more citations due to their large public audience. High-impact journals get higher citation rates. Research review articles also receive higher citations. Some old papers continue to be cited also receive more citations. When scientists seek research grants, file for tenure or promotion or apply for faculty positions, they are required to show evidence for impact factor scores of the journals in which their papers were published. A journal impact factor is based on two elements: the numerator which is the number of citations in the current year to items published in the previous two years, and the denominator which is the number of substantive articles and reviews published in the same two years. Today, the publish or perish doctrine is replaced by get published and be cited or you die.

Theme: Using Scientific Evidence in Everyday Worklife for Optimum Outcomes





Universidad de Zamboanga

rucial to planning, policy formulation and decision-making, institutional and action research provide quantitative and qualitative information to analyze, evaluate and render judgments on institutional effectiveness, efficiency and quality in the hopes of maintaining best practices, strengthening good points and improving areas that needs improvement. Institutional and action research do not simply end in problem identification or information dissemination but rather, it come full circle as a call for action to work on practical solutions, effect positive change and foster a sense of community for the common good. Themed “Using Scientific Evidence in Everyday Worklife for Optimum Outcomes,” the Asian Conference on Institutional and Action Research highlights this fact as it gathers scientists, researchers, academicians, students and teachers in this three-day conference. Organized by the Asian Society of Teachers for Research, Inc and co-hosted by Northwestern University, the ACIAR 2018 provides a forum for institutional and action research outputs to be widely disseminated, possibly utilized and eventually translated. Numerous studies dealt with the use instructional materials in education: the study on the technology based instructional materials in teaching reading of Grade 4 learners; the study on the contextualized reading booklet made through collaboration of teachers and parents; the study on the performance of the Grade 7 students in Mathematics and the strategic intervention materials that was developed as a result of the study; and the study on the introduction of ICT resource learning material for Mathematics in the improvement of students’ academic performance. These studies succeeded in assessing the learners’ academic performance in various areas such as reading and Mathematics Education and introducing these innovative and instructional materials to improve the skills and performance of the students academically. A significant number of research outputs delved into various factors, strategies and programs that influence learners’ ability to learn and the teacher’s capacity to teach. The study on blended learning as an approach in achieving Mathematical proficiency succeeded in using the blended learning approach on Grade 9 students in learning linear functions. The study on learning resources and teacher’s competencies in teaching Social Studies revealed that the mastery of the subject matter, teaching skills and classroom management have


2nd Asian Conference on Institutional and Action Research December 3-5, 2018 • The Selah Pods, Pasay City

significant difference as perceived by the teachers and students. A proposal for instructional support and intervention programs has been recommended to the College of Criminology as a result of the study on the preferred student learning styles. The study on the students’ impulse on the use of indigenous people’s dialect as medium of instruction revealed that students’ attributed the use of indigenous languages as medium of instruction to positive academic performance. There are also studies on assessment of competencies, services, programs and curriculum. As one study showed that the Accountancy students only have an average understanding of outcomes-based education, a proposed plan of action was prepared to improve the level of OBE implementation. The study on the variables that influence the learners’ competencies in Alternative Learning System provides a picture on the Instructional Managers and ALS Learners and their competencies in accreditation and equivalency test. The research output on the assessment of the proficiency level of students in their Technical-Vocational Education subjects in relation to their National Competency Assessment performance showed that their proficiency level has no effect on their National Competency Assessment performance. An assessment of the Master of Arts in Education Program of a Graduate School revealed that the program is producing graduates who have shown improvement in professional, personal and social development as a result of the summative evaluation of alumni and employees. As a result of the study on the assessment of School Disaster Risk Reduction and Management of a public primary school, a proposed action plan was realized. Studies relating to student services and customer satisfaction are also well-represented in this conference. The study on the empirical analysis of student services in a state university proposed a development plan for a quality, relevant, effective and efficient student services. A Student Services Development Plan was materialized as a result of the study on the level of satisfaction of students on student services. Moreover, level of satisfaction of school services in two academic terms were assessed through the study on the satisfaction level of graduating college students. There are also some outputs utilizing use the qualitative research design; research which are limited in scope but very rich in depth. Phenomenology was used in the study on the lived experiences of Filipino Nurses on salary incentives which revealed that some nurses were unaware on the existing laws on salary incentives. A study employing a case study on children with ADHD under Inclusive Education Program developed an intervention program as a result of the findings of the study. Sustainability, gender equity, coastal management and environmental awareness were tacked by studies on woman participation in the fisheries sector, coastal management in Banate Bay, Iloilo, Philippines, and ecological awareness, knowledge, practices and impact of Solid Waste Management to students. Studies on various industries outside the education sector will also be presented in the conference focusing on the production operation management of various manufacturing industries; usage and risk perception towards online banking; and a reflection of the public enterprises in the Philippines. Few research outputs utilized the experimental design such as the effect of water management schemes on the growth and yield performance of green super rice genotypes and research and development (R&D) studies such as the utilization of Mahogany, locally known as Kamagong (Diospyrus blancoi) fruit for food sustainability. With these sets of institutional and action research outputs, it is safe to say that we will be having an interesting two-day plenary and concurrent sessions. Let us allow ourselves to see the world with different lens and be ready for the floodgates of knowledge this conference will possibly open. Congratulations to the Asian Society of Teachers for Research, Inc. for being able to generate these institutional and action research papers! The research outputs generated in this conference is a welcome addition to the global repository of knowledge. An interesting mix and spectrum of outputs: these studies map out the great role and importance of the action and institutional research field. Thank you!

Theme: Using Scientific Evidence in Everyday Worklife for Optimum Outcomes


Blended Learning as an Approach in Achieving Mathematical Proficiency of Junior High School Students DOMINIC M. DIAL Ismael Mathay Sr. High School Philippines

EDMAR B. ALONZO National University Philippines

Proficiency in learning Mathematics is the goal of every educator. Technology in teaching, online learning, webbased learning and face to face interaction have been explored by many educators especially in universities and colleges and have been found to be effective in teaching. Thus, this study used blended learning on improving Mathematical proficiency of the Grade 9 students in learning linear functions. It utilized a mixed method of research both qualitative and quantitative approach among 131 Grade 9 students enrolled in Saint Pedro Poveda College. The level of conceptual understanding, procedural knowledge, strategic competence and productive disposition was generated using the scores of the students on the activities and analyzed further using the PretestPosttest Analysis using SPSS. Observation and interviews were conducted to gather additional information. It was found that blended learning could improve the Mathematical proficiency of the students. However, emphasis should be given more on developing Strategic Competence and Adaptive Reasoning. Teachers must be vigilant in handling students difficulties and misconceptions especially in graphing linear functions which they will transfer their learning from online sources to actual situations. Teacher should also consider the weight of load in giving online activities to the students. Blended Learning helped the students enhanced their Mathematical Proficiency especially if there is coherence in activities being given. This study will assist teachers in developing meaningful contents, activities and assessments. Blended Learning may also be used by other grade level including tertiary to explore its essence in the development of the mathematical prowess of the students. Morever, other subjects may also try and discover the benefits of blended learning in their respective field. Keywords: Mathematics, Blended Learning, Mathematical Proficiency, Mixed Method, Philippines

Utilization of Manipulative and Interactive Strategic Intervention Material (MI-SIM) in Chemistry 9 SHERYL J. CONTRERAS Manila Science High School Philippines Variation in students’ learning makes the teacher to be more creative in delivering lessons, which is best done when instructional tool is used. To cope with the 21st century learners who learn best through experience, the researcher made an innovation-“Manipulative and Interactive Strategic Intervention Material (MI-SIM)”. MI-SIM is combination of manipulative and interactive instructional tool that aims to develop the Least Mastered Skills in Science. The researcher randomly selected two Grade 9 sections from Manila Science High School with thirty-five students. Pretest was conducted before the treatment for two groups. Posttest was then initialized after the treatment. Mean Test and Standard Deviation were used to evaluate the effectiveness of MI-SIM. Results showed that it had exceeded standards in sub-tasking and congruence; consequently, it had met the standards in functionality and technicality. The overall evaluation of the MI-SIM revealed that it had exceeded the standards and was highly acceptable.Analysis of Covariance was used to test the difference in the mean posttest scores of students who experienced conventional and MI-SIM teaching methods. Results indicated that conventional group’s mean posttest score was 36.80 (±5.00), while MI-SIM’s group was 31.57 (±4.86). The null hypothesis for covariate pretest score was rejected while the intervention/method of teaching was not. The researcher recommends further study and evaluation of the utilization of MI-SIM. Keywords: Education, Chemistry 9, learning style, manipulative, interactive, intervention and strategy, Philippines


2nd Asian Conference on Institutional and Action Research December 3-5, 2018 • The Selah Pods, Pasay City

Addressing the Inconsistent Student Services in a Network of School: Improving Student Discipline Office to Promote Socially Useful Services through 7-Step Manpower Planning Model ANNA CARMELA Z. AQUINO De La Salle University Philippines The goal of this action research project is to improve the student discipline program of ABC ESG, a network of school with nation-wide campuses in the Philippines. To achieve this goal, we identified objectives for each cycle including our target output. The issue that we discovered is the absence of the discipline office in the network of school. This absence has to lead to guidance office personnel processing the disciplinary case and giving sanctions to the students involved. These additional duties are conflicting to their role as a guidance counselor. We identified this conflict based on the Code of ethics released by the Philippine Guidance and Counseling Association, Inc. Moreover, there was feedback from the academic heads and programs heads that there are disciplinary concerns on the campuses. As an educational institution, each college and education centers should maintain student discipline. Through the person practice and 7-Manpower Planning framework, we came up with resolutions after two (2) cycles. The first cycle focused on the creation of discipline officer function in the campuses. The second cycle focused on the procedure that the discipline officer will use including the forms required to document the output of each of the significant steps. Keywords: Student Discipline, student discipline program, educational institution manpower planning, action research, Philippines

PESO: A Social Response to Become a Scout in a Philippine Public Elementary School GROVER ASEQUIA St. John Elementary School Philippines The study sought to determine the importance of PESO to become a scout in improving the participation rate of scouts in the four Elementary Schools in North I District, Division of Cagayan de Oro City. The respondents of the study are the learners of St. John Elementary School. It has a total population of 505 learners for school year 2018-2019. This study utilized an Action Research Process developed by Stephen Kemmis that includes four steps: Plan, Act, Observe and Reflect. The previous scouting registration and the current scouting registration were considered as the key parameters in determining the Effects of PESO to become a scout Project. Result of the PESO to become a scout, revealed that there was a drastic increase of boy scouts and girl scouts in St. John Elementary School from 6.49 % of the registered scouts in 2017-2018 to 77.55% in the first two months of the current year of 2018-2019. It has a difference of 71.06% of the total registered Boys Scout and Girls Scout. This further revealed that parents play a vital role in instilling in the heart of their children the scouting virtues in everyday life experience. Moreover, results from the in-depth strategy employed showed that pupils, parents and teachers acknowledged PESO as a good instrument in getting involved to scouting and has a positive effect towards the increased in the scouting registration and promoted the values of being thrifty, independent, honest and self-motivated. Therefore, the program must be institutionalized in the North I District and eventually in the entire Division of Cagayan de Oro City. Keywords: Social sciences, PISO to become a scout project, action research, Philippines *Co-authors: Celia S. Bancale & Gemmafe B. Asequia

Theme: Using Scientific Evidence in Everyday Worklife for Optimum Outcomes


Strategic Intervention Materials in Mathematics 7 REGINA A. BARLAHAN Northwestern University Philippines This study aimed to analyze the performance of the Grade 7 students in Mathematics of Pinili National High School, Sacritan Integrated School and Currimao National High School. The researcher made use of a questionnaire on the student – related factors, school – related factors and teacher – related factors, and a teacher – made achievement test in Mathematics 7. Data was treated using frequency count and percentage, mean, item analysis and correlation. On the student – related factors, the study revealed that the family size inversely affects the performance of the students in Mathematics while parents’ socio – economic condition directly affects the students’ performance. The students were found to be exposed to technology and have good study habits. Likewise, the school – related factors, the adequacy of instructional materials has a descriptive rating of fairly adequate. The class sizes are big which affect the performance of the students in a way that the teachers could not maximize their time to cater the needs of every learner. In teacher – related factors, it was found that the teachers of Mathematics are excellent in their skills and effectiveness in teaching. Moreover, the achievement test results revealed that the lowest among the content areas in Mathematics 7 is on Number and Number Sense with a descriptive rating of satisfactory. Strategic Intervention Materials in Mathematics 7 were developed to improve the performance in Mathematics. Keywords: Education, Strategic Intervention Material, descriptive-correlational design, Philippines

ICT Resource Learning Material in Mathematics JONATHAN A. BATANGAN Northwestern University Philippines The use of ICT in remote areas is limited due to the absence of internet connection. This study aimed to introduce an ICT resource learning material for mathematics to improve the academic performance of the students of Dumalneg, Ilocos Norte, Philippines. The research was intended to determine the status of using ICT materials in teaching mathematics; the level of integration; the problems encountered by the teachers; and the software as an ICT material in the teaching of mathematics that can be used anytime and anywhere even without internet. The research used descriptive-survey method conducted to the teachers of Dumalneg National High School for School year 2017-2018. The findings revealed that the teachers used only Microsoft Office which does not require internet and are not familiar with other ICT teaching tools, thus, they use the technology as a direct tool substitute with no functional change. To address lack of facilities and limited application of ICT tools, the GOM player was introduced to be used in the teaching of mathematics. It is a media player for Windows, developed by the GOM & Company of South Korea. Its main features include the ability to play some broken media files and find missing codecs using a codec finder service. The software can play all the most popular video formats by default which are already downloaded from the internet with or without the presence of the internet. Keywords: Information and communication technology, ICT resource learning material, Mathematics, descriptive design, Philippines


2nd Asian Conference on Institutional and Action Research December 3-5, 2018 • The Selah Pods, Pasay City

Technology Based Instructional Materials in Teaching Reading: Basis for Supplementary Material TEODY E. BAUTISTA Cupang Elementary School Philippines

MARITESS S. MANICAD Penafrancia Elementary School Philippines

Teachers must innovate various techniques and strategies aligned to the needs of today’s generation. The study aimed to determine the reading performance of Grade 4 learners using technology-based instructional materials in selected District II-D This action research utilized the descriptive research. The statistical treatment used were weighted mean, percentage, standard deviation, and t-test to assess the significant difference of pre-test and posttest scores of said the materials. The salient findings on the study based on the questions raised are as follows: (1) The extent of utilization of technology-based instructional materials rated as moderately utilized; (2) The pre-test scores obtained by Grade 4 learners was of Average Mastery; (3) there is significant difference in the pre-test and post-test mean scores of Grade 4 in using the developed technology-based instructional materials. On the other hand, the post-test score 58.14 and MPS 86.23 with verbal interpretation of Closely Approximately Mastery were very evident. The findings indicates that learners performed better based on the result of post-test after using the materials as compared to the pre-test. This study concluded that: (1) The utilization of technology-based instructional materials in teaching reading was found least utilized; (2) The experts and teachers assessed the technology-based instructional material in teaching Reading found effective for the improvement of learners’ performance; and (3) The learners closely approximately mastery in Reading 4 after using the technology-based instructional material based from the results of the post-test. Keywords: Education, technology-based instructional materials, enhancement of Curriculum and Instruction, descriptive design, Philippines *Co-author: Analen F. Bautista, Penafrancia Elementary School

Analysis of Three-Year Performance of Bachelor of Elementary Education Graduates in the Licensure Examination for Teachers MARABEL R. BERNAL Central Bicol State University of Agriculture-Calabanga Campus Philippines Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) is a tool that is being used by the Professional Regulation Commission that measures and ensures the quality of teachers who would join the workforce of various educational institutions in the Philippines and abroad. The Central Bicol State University of Agriculture– Calabanga Campus has been conducting various strategies and consistently working to produce quality teacher education graduates. The study was undertaken to analyze the performance of the Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEEd) graduates in the LET from 2015 to 2017. This study employed the descriptive – correlational method of research wherein academic performance and the LET performance were descriptively presented and analyzed. Moreover, a correlational analysis was used in determining the relationship between the aforementioned variable. A Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient was computed to assess the relationship between the variables. Findings revealed that there was a moderately strong positive relationship between GWA and LET general education subject (r=0.00, n=136, p=0.480), GWA and LET Prof. Educ. Subject (r=0.00, n=136, p=0.472) and GWA and LET Average percentage (r=0.00, n=136, p=0.519). Overall, there was a moderately strong, positive correlation between academic and LET performance. Higher academic performance was correlated with higher LET result. Keywords: Teacher Education, Bachelor of Elementary Education, licensure examination for teachers, descriptive-correlational design, Philippines

Theme: Using Scientific Evidence in Everyday Worklife for Optimum Outcomes


Satisfaction Level of Graduating College Students: A Comparative Study ELIZER R. CACULITAN Naga College Foundation Philippines Comparison of the level of satisfaction on the educational experiences of college graduating students in SY 2016-2017 and SY 2017-2018 in Naga College Foundation, Naga City, Philippines was determined through the analysis of the data generated by the Exit Interview Questionnaire administered by the College Guidance and Testing Center. Samples were composed of 86.94% and 79.34% of the graduating students in the two school years cited. Data were treated trough the weighted mean and t-test. Results showed that the graduating students in Nursing in SY 2017-2018 had the highest level of satisfaction followed by the Midwifery students. In terms of school services where students were very satisfied were on Campus Ministry/Chapel, Guidance and Testing Center and on educational experiences during their entire residence in the college. As a whole, the level of satisfaction of the students showed significant differences on Scholarship Office indicating that level of satisfaction in SY 2016-2017 was better compared to SY 2017-2018. Significant differences on the level of satisfaction was also noted in Center for Social Responsibility, Campus Ministry/Chapel showing that higher level of satisfaction in those services were observed in SY 2017-2018 compared to SY 2016-2017. Keywords: Level of satisfaction, educational experiences, students, school services, descriptive design, Philippines

Targeting Higher Levels of Customer Satisfaction: An Evaluation of Student Services ROILINGEL P. CALILUNG University of the Assumption Philippines Students are what make up the school. All learning institutions exist primarily to teach and form students to be effective contributors to societal development and nation building. Student services, therefore, are crucial to addressing the learning, research and recreational needs of all students. The study aimed to determine the level of satisfaction of students on student services with the aim of providing inputs for the formulation of a Student Services Development Plan using descriptivequalitative method of research. The participants of the study are college students enrolled in the AY 2015-2016 and AY 2016-2017 who served as respondents to achieve a high degree of precision. In the analysis of the data gathered from the evaluation of the respondents, the researchers followed the thematic analysis developed by Braun and Clarke (2016). Catholic identity, customer satisfaction, employee attitude, employee qualification, facilities management, management, student development, fiscal management and WiFi connection were the themes that emerged from the evaluation of two consecutive school years. These same areas were considered in formulating a Student Services Development Plan. Keywords: Student services, student development, student life, customer satisfaction, descriptive design, Phliippines


2nd Asian Conference on Institutional and Action Research December 3-5, 2018 • The Selah Pods, Pasay City

Management of Intervention and Support Program for Students-at-Risk of Secondary Schools JOSEPH R. CARREON De La Salle-DasmariĂąas Philippines Inclusive education endures access to quality education ensuring no student left behind. The research endeavored to assess the management of intervention and support program for students-at-risk of public secondary schools in the division of Imus City during the school year 2017-2018. The descriptive correlational research design supported with documentary analysis was employed in which the primary gathering instruments were developed researcher-made questionnaire validated by experts. It involved 16 school heads, 12 guidance personnel, 186 teachers, and 143 students-at-risk. Frequency count, percentage, mean, and Pearson Moment Correlation were used to analyze and interpret the data. Findings revealed that the different components of the primary, secondary, and tertiary interventions were highly implemented. The extent of commitment, capacity building and instructional delivery of the school personnel were highly consistent. In general, the respondents were satisfied with the implementation of the intervention program. It was also yielded that there was no significant relationship on the extent of fidelity on intervention and the level of implementation and the level of satisfaction on the different intervention, prevention and support program practices. It was recommended to strengthen family engagement, explicit provision of training, adequate essential resources, and an empowered multidisciplinary team that will manage the implementation of the different Intervention and support program with profound fidelity. Keywords: Students-at-Risk, Intervention and Support Program Practices, Level of Interventions, Level of Implementation, Fidelity on Intervention, Level of Satisfaction *Co-Author: Dr. Isaias A. Banaag, EdD

Preferred Student Learning Styles in Criminology: Input to Instructional Support and Intervention Programs GAYPELYN M. CASIW Philippine College of Criminology Philippines The master key to a sustainable development of the industry, education and the government are the skills, knowledge, competence, values and innovation of its manpower. This study determined the preferred learning style of the students in the Philippine College of Criminology, a school that is continually involved in producing graduates in addressing the problems of criminality in the country and the competence to meet the challenges of globalization in the field of criminology and criminal justice. Among the many factors associated with academic performance are the learning styles of the student. Employing quantitative descriptive design, a total of 400 criminology students, 100 students per year level for the academic year 2017-2018 were surveyed using the VARK learning style’s questionnaire. To determine the significant difference on the assessments of the students, analysis of variance was utilized. The study revealed that the preferred learning style of the students is the visual learning style and the least preferred is the Read/Write learning style, hence, the need for instructional support for their preferred learning style and intervention programs for their least preferred learning style. From the findings of the study, a proposal for instructional support and intervention programs has been recommended to be adopted by the College. Keywords: Education, learning styles, criminology, intervention program, quantitative descriptive design, Philippines

Theme: Using Scientific Evidence in Everyday Worklife for Optimum Outcomes


Students’ Proficiency Level in the Technical-Vocational Education Subjects: Its Relation to Their National Competency Assessment Performance NELSON G. COCA Gattaran National Trade School Philippines Globally, technical-vocational education and training (TVET) is recognized as the “master key to sustainable development.” In line, therefore, with the thrust of the government to bring back technical-vocational education in public secondary schools to create a better link between schools and industries, the Department of Education (DepEd) is continuously enhancing the Competency-Based Curriculum of the Strengthened Technical-Vocational Education Program (STVEP). Its goal is to make the technical-vocational offerings relevant to the needs of the students, the community and the industries that will absorb them. Thus, the researcher aimed to assess the proficiency level of the fourth year students of Gattaran National Trade School in their Technical-Vocational Education subjects in relation to their National Competency assessment performance for S.Y. 2014-2015. The subjects of the study were all the 235 fourth year students of the Gattaran National Trade School for the School Year 2014-2015. The descriptive correlation design was used to determine the existing relationship of the level of proficiency of students and their National Competency assessment performance. The study shows that the subjects’ mean proficiency level has no effect on their National Competency Assessment performance. There are other factors affecting the subjects’ performance in their National Competency Assessment. However, age, gender and class attendance except parents’ occupation have effects on the proficiency level of the subjects. Keywords: Technical-vocational education and training (TVET), student’s proficiency, competency-based curriculum, descriptive correlation design, Philippines

Usage and Risk Perception towards Online Banking of Selected Private Company Employees JAYSI T. CORPUZ Cavite State University Philippines Online banking is a present day phenomenon which is widely used by large number of clients and this allows them to perform varied range of banking transactions electronically via the banks’ website. This research investigated the following: (1) Level of Online Banking Usage and (2) Perceived Risks towards online banking of selected private company employees. The study was conducted from November 2015 to February 2016 with a total of 150 participants from 15 selected private companies in the Province of Cavite, Philippines. Descriptive and correlational research method and various statistical tools were also used in the study. Results revealed that participants have low level of online banking usage and a high risk perception in using online banking. Sex and monthly income has a significant relationship on their online banking usage. Moreover, monthly income and employment position had a positive significant relationship on the risk perception towards online banking. Also relationship between the usage and risk perception towards online banking was found to be significant. Lastly, it was concluded that that company employees use online banking less frequently because they are worried about the uncertainties they might face while using it. Keywords: Private Organizations (Management Systems), usage and risks perceptions, online banking, quantitative research method, Philippines *Co-authors: Rebekha Shelah A. Balaba, Leah Mae M. Cuadra & Dianne C. De Grano Cavite State University


2nd Asian Conference on Institutional and Action Research December 3-5, 2018 • The Selah Pods, Pasay City

Human Resource Management Policies: Assessment in a State University JAYSI T. CORPUZ Cavite State University Philippines Human resource management is the most crucial and pervasive activity in any educational institution and it is a suitable topic for research. The study focused on the implementation of Human Resource Management policies as perceived by both the faculty members and administrative staff in a state university in the province of Isabela, Philippines. A total of 209 faculty members and 184 administrative staff participated in the study. Descriptive research design and inferential method were used in the study. Six facets of human resource management were investigated namely: (1) Recruitment; (2) Selection and Placement; (3) Training and Development; (4) Performance Management; (5) Motivation; and (6) Promotion. All policies were highly implemented in the university as shown on the mean scores and the corresponding interpretation of ‘High’. However, it is still noted that the management and officials of the university should strive more to improve existing policies and its implementation since none of the sub-categories reached the ‘Very High’ level of implementation. It may be concluded that HR management practices in the university is highly regarded and implemented as shown on the responses of the participants. Keywords: Public Organizations (Human Resource Management), human resource management Policies, quantitative research method, Philippines

Empirical Analysis of Student Services in a State University: An Institutional Blueprint JENELYN C. CORTEZ Central Bicol State University of Agriculture Philippines Higher Education Institutions were mandated to promote quality education, Student Affairs and Services must systematically and deliberately provide student centered activities and services in support of academic instruction to facilitate holistic and well-rounded student development to produce citizens suited to the aims of the country and of humanity. This descriptive, evaluative, and developmental study analyzed the student services provided by the Central Bicol State University of Agriculture – Calabanga Campus among its 296 students and 42 administrators/faculty. The study employed descriptive statistics and ANOVA on the data collected through survey questionnaire and interview. This empirical study found that respondents were generally moderately satisfied of the student services provided such as in student welfare, student development, and institutional student programs and services. Further, this study revealed that there was a significant difference on student services between student welfare and institutional student programs and services; and student development and student welfare services. Development plan for a sustainable student services bearing the salient features, (a) Vision, Mission, Goals, Objectives (b) targets, (c) program thrusts, (d) projects and (e) budgetary requirements were proposed to serve as the mechanism or blueprint in ensuring a quality, relevant, effective and efficient student services. Keywords: School Governance, institutional student programs and services, student services, student development, student welfare, descriptive-evaluative-developmental methods, survey questionnaire, interview, Philippines.

Theme: Using Scientific Evidence in Everyday Worklife for Optimum Outcomes


Inattentive Behavior of Children with ADHD Under Inclusive Education Program: Basis for Intervention Program EDWIN R. DE LOS REYES Universidad de Zamboanga Philippines

ANGELO M. SOLO Universidad de Zamboanga Philippines

This study provides insights and knowledge about the inattentive behavior of selected students under inclusive education at Creche Integrated Studies Centre academic year 2016-2017. The primary purpose of the study was to develop an intervention program based on the identified inattentive behavior of pupils with ADHD. This study employed a case study. The researchers used research instruments such as checklist and interview. There were three (3) participants only from the four programs of Inclusive Education Program that exhibits inattentive behavior. Research findings showed that three cases have similar characteristics regarding unable to pay thorough attention to details or negligence in school tasks or other activities, has a hard time focusing in the assignment or play activities, and not following through on instructions and unable to accomplish homework, errands, or responsibilities in the workplace. Also, Case 1 and 3 are similar regarding fail to keep things vital for tasks or activities. Both Case 2 and 3 are identical on easily distracted by extraneous stimuli. Therefore, three cases have an average development assessment and an adequate of the adaptive level. It is recommended that the Inclusive Education Program should strengthen their intervention program and sustain its activities with the collaboration of the parents of the ADHD students. Keywords: ADHD, special education, case study, Creche Integrated Studies Centre, Zamboanga City, Philippines

Women Participation in Banate Bay: A Tool for Fisheries Productivity Enhancement and Marketing Development Programs MICHAEL B. DIZON Iloilo State College of Fisheries Philippines The degree of participation of women in the fisheries sector is an overall reflection of the cultures, the laws of the country and the priority given by the state to ensure gender equity. This study was designed to assess women participation in managing and sustaining fisheries in Banate Bay, a common fishing ground of the Municipalities of Anilao, Banate, Barotac Nuevo and Barotac Viejo in Iloilo, Philippines. There were 712 randomly selected women fisherfolks involved in the study. The researchers conducted site visits, 32 Focused Group Discussions (FGD) and in-depth interviews with selected Key Informant (KI) beneficiaries particularly project implementers and partners. Large number of women is employed in the fisheries sector; about 54% are employed by municipal fishing and 62% by commercial fishing. In particular, women are engaged in economic activities such as mangrove planting and other community and environmental-based initiatives. Fishing equipment deficiency, lack of information, slowdown catch of fish, climate conditions, and transportations are obstacles involving women sectoral participation. However, despite women involvement in many areas in the fisheries sector, their participation is still underestimated and ignored. Productivity enhancement and marketing development programs need to be initiated to promote their participation in the management of fisheries resources. Keywords: Marketing Development, productivity enhancement, women participation, fisheries, descriptive research, Banate Bay, Iloilo, Philippines


2nd Asian Conference on Institutional and Action Research December 3-5, 2018 • The Selah Pods, Pasay City

Increasing the Attendance Level of Grade School Pupils through Program ALAB Pa (ALalayan Ang mga Bata sa Paaralan) CARMELA MARIE A. DUPAN San Roque Elementary School Philippines San Roque Elementary School has been working on fighting the increasing rate of pupils’ absenteeism. Some intervention have made a huge impact but some showed no improvement on their attendance rate. As per the School Form 2 of Grade IV - Juan Luna, 49% out of 52 pupils are always absent based on their weekly attendance which results to low academic achievement. This study aims to find solution on how to minimize or eliminate absenteeism in the school. To deal with this, the researchers proposed Program ALAB Pa (ALalayan Ang mga Bata sa Paaralan) which focuses on implementing harmonized projects of SRES like Project SAP (Save - A - Pupil), Project PAR (Pupils’ Awards and Recognitions) and Feeding. Twenty five Grade IV – Pupils will be monitored and motivated through the said projects. Each subject teacher will monitor their attendance through an enhanced attendance monitoring form and those who will have perfect attendance will receive a token or gift and all the respondents will also be given snacks during recess. After three months of monitoring and implementation, results showed that 96% or twenty four (24) pupils increased their attendance level. With this regard, researchers conclude that Program ALAB Pa is an effective way to lessen or totally eradicate absenteeism in San Roque Elementary School. Keywords: Education, absenteeism rate, Program ALAB Pa, action research, Philippines

Students’ Impulse on the Use of Indigenous People’s Dialect as Medium of Instruction in Public Administration at State University JUAN MOSHE M. DUYAN Kalinga State University Philippines

KAREN RAZELLE M. DUYAN Kalinga State University Philippines

The studies assessed the students’ impulse on the use of indigenous people’s dialect as a medium of instruction in the study of Public Administration at Kalinga State University, Philippines. The respondents of the study were fourth year students taking Bachelor in Public Administration in Kalinga State University during the first semester of School year 2018-2019. A survey questionnaire adapted from Herman Ak Jandek (2013) was used with the introduction of minor revisions to fit the setting of the study. The findings of the study revealed that students agreed on the positive effect of the use of indigenous people’s dialect as a medium of instruction in terms of interest in the course, motivation in the learning process, development of self-esteem & efficacy and perceived academic performance. They also prefer the use of Indigenous People’s Dialect as a medium of instruction. It has also been observed that the students believe that the use of indigenous languages as a medium of instruction is associated with a positive impact on the student’s future career. It is concluded that students prefer the use of Indigenous People’s Dialect as a medium of instruction and they agree that it will boost their interest in the study of Public Administration. The students feel that the use of Indigenous People’s Dialect as a medium of instruction will serve as a solution to their low grades and poor classroom performance resulting from Language barrier. Keywords: Education, indigenous people, medium of instruction, descriptive design, Philippines

Theme: Using Scientific Evidence in Everyday Worklife for Optimum Outcomes


Project IMPACT: Innovative Materials by Parents with Active Collaboration of the Teachers ROSANA S. EMANEL Department of Education Philippines

IMELDA C. EMANO Department of Education Philippines

This action research aims to improve the reading skill of the Grade one pupils by using a contextualized reading booklet made by the collaboration of teachers and parents. Based on the findings, it revealed that the teachers agree that there were challenges that they face in teaching reading to all Grade one pupils such as insufficiency of reading or learning materials. Results also revealed that the respondents strongly agreed that Instructional Materials such as books, big books, printed materials, etc. are very useful for instructional purposes. It was also found out that the booklet was effective to all grade one pupils. The finding also revealed that the respondents strongly agree that the reading booklet developed their interest in learning reading, Over-all, the pupils’ reading level before and after using the contextualized reading booklet showed an increasing number of pupils who can read and recognized words. Based on the results of this study, the researchers recommend that the reading booklet made by the researchers should be used by all grade one pupils in all schools in Tagoloan District to attain the target of zero non-readers at the end of the school year. Keywords: Education, reading, instructional materials, contextualized reading booklet, action research, Philippines *Co-author: Carnila D. Simacon, Department of Education

Understanding Outcomes-based Education from Students’ Perspective in Business Administration HADGE A. ENCIO Lyceum of the Philippines University- Batangas Philippines Outcomes-Based Education is now a world trend in the field of education. This system focuses more on the outcomes of learning more than its process. Philippines adopted this system to address global competition. This paper examined the understanding of Accountancy students in one Educational Institution in the Philippines. Specifically, this study described the students profile; determined the understanding of students in terms of Outcomes-Based Education’s objectives, principle and procedures/methodology; tested the significant difference on responses; identified problems encountered by students and proposed plan of action to improve its implementation. A total population of 260 Accountancy students from first to third year was selected. Descriptive method of research design and survey questionnaire was used. Data gathered were interpreted using frequency (f), distribution percentage, weighted mean and analysis of variance (ANOVA). The study showed that Accountancy students have average level of understanding in Outcomes-Based Education and the use of monitoring sheet and student portfolio highly contributed for its attainment. The third-year students showed highly significant difference indicating that the longer period of engagement in educational activities lead to high quality of learning. A proposed plan of action was prepared to improve the level of implementation of the Outcome Based Education. Keywords: Outcomes-Based Education, OBE understanding, descriptive research, Philippines


2nd Asian Conference on Institutional and Action Research December 3-5, 2018 • The Selah Pods, Pasay City

Investigatory Project Advisers’ Use of Science Educational Research and Resources BRYAN DELA CRUZ GABRIEL Department of Education Division of Bulacan Philippines Conducting science investigatory projects provide another context for learning science. This study determined how and why science investigatory project (SIP) advisers follow, understand, and turn educational research and resources into practice. Using descriptive research and sequential explanatory mixed-methods design strategy and a purposive sampling technique, 37 SIP advisers’ served as the respondents of the study, findings showed that they “often” follow the new developments and researches regarding educational sciences with the help of surfing through the internet (web pages). SIP advisers “often” use the findings of educational researches (dissertations, articles, etc.) in the classroom by adapting them in their own way. Meanwhile, there was a significant relationship between necessity of educational research and educational research being followed by SIP advisers. Value of educational research explained highly significant amount of variance to which educational research is being followed, while significantly explained the amount of variance to which educational research is being applied. The applicability of educational research was highly significant to which educational research is being followed. Moreover SIP advisers “very much like” the seminars on educational researches. The results indicate that the most common source of information used by teachers to follow educational research is “internet”. In contrast, the least followed sources of information are “newspaper, and previous Investigatory project.” Keywords: Science investigatory project (SIP), educational research and resources, descriptive research, sequential explanatory mixed-methods design, Philippines

Production Operation Management of Various Manufacturing Industries in Cavite Province, Philippines MAGDALENA D. GARCIA Polytechnic University of the Philippines Philippines The purpose is to evaluate the production operation management of various industries in Cavite Province, Philippines. The descriptive method of research was utilized and quota sampling technique was used for gathering the data. The questionnaire served as the instrument for collecting data. One hundred ten (110) sample of the employees were from the following industries: Electronics and Appliance, Oil, Automotive, Paper, Beverage, Rubber and Plastic, Metal, Textile, Glass and Ceramics, Food, and Pharmaceutical. Most of the employees belongs to prime working age. The companies which was surveyed are operating for 18 to 22 years, showing a good stability in terms of production and employment. As a result, employees are contented, have loyalty to the company, resulting to responsible performance. It was also found out in the study that most of the employees in the production operation of companies are male, believing that men can perform better on average at certain task. The companies prefer college graduates because of the skills, ideas, talents, and that they demonstrate effective adaptability to new and emerging technologies. Therefore, in various manufacturing industries located in Cavite Province, Philippines, they practices good operation management procedures in dealing with the production and employees welfare, which gives satisfaction to employees and employers. Keywords: Production operation management, manufacturing industry, descriptive design, Philippines

Theme: Using Scientific Evidence in Everyday Worklife for Optimum Outcomes


Assessment of School Disaster Risk Reduction and Management of a Public Elementary School FRANCIS A. GUMAWA Knights of Columbus Elementary School Philippines Floods, fires and earthquakes are the major disaster in the Philippines and among the deadliest and costliest hazards. The most terrible consequences are deaths and injuries in school. This study aimed to determine the level of assessment of the school disaster risk reduction management of a public elementary school specifically Knights of Columbus Elementary School in the District II-B in the Division of Antipolo City during the school year 2018-2019 with respect to three variables such as safe learning facilities, school disaster management and risk reduction and resilience education. The study employed the descriptive-survey method of research and using questionnaire checklist as the main source of data. The respondents of the research were108 parents and teachers. Data revealed that on the On the Level of the Assessment of the School Disaster Risk Reduction and Management as Assessed by Parents and Teachers with Respect to Safe Learning Facilities; School Disaster Management; and Risk Reduction and Resilience Education is that the over-all mean on the assessment of the school disaster risk reduction and management as assessed by teachers and parents is both “Excellent”. Based on the results, a proposed action plan was recommended. These were under the MOOE of the school and to be implemented for the coming years. Keywords: Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM), safe learning facilities, school disaster management, resilience education, descriptive design, Philippines

Public Enterprises Amidst Privatization Policy: A Reflection of Public Enterprises in the Philippines MAICHIBI HARUNA JOEL Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University Nigeria Change and development is inevitable across countries of the world especially developing countries like the Philippines which posited that industrialization is achievable through the adoption of capitalism as an economic policy. Capitalism, in a poverty ridden society that solely depends on government, might not help in achieving the desired change with the use of privatization as a tool. The paper tried to analyze the free enterprise economy as government interference in the economy is anemically to development and the poverty level of the people have pressured government to play a role through public enterprises. Secondly, the paper highlighted the historical growth of Public enterprises and how it became a private sector driven. The third part of the paper also looks at the impact of privatization policy on the citizens. The paper concluded by focusing on the need for the government of the Philippines to re-visit the use of public enterprises for development. Suggestions and solutions are provided as steps by which government will address the problems of the society in the provision of essential services. Keywords: Economics, privatization policy, public enterprises, Philippines, Nigeria


2nd Asian Conference on Institutional and Action Research December 3-5, 2018 • The Selah Pods, Pasay City

Money Awareness among Kalinga Children: An Exploratory Study KAREN RAZELLE M. DUYAN Kalinga State University Philippines

ANGELINE L. LABBUTAN Kalinga State University Philippines

The study aimed to assess the behavior of Kalinga children concerning money, with the objective to determine the children’s knowledge of money value, to know source of their money education and whether price can sway their preference in buying. The respondents of the study were children enrolled at the Kalinga Special Education Center this School Year 2018-2019 whose age ranges from six to seven years old. The study utilized the descriptive-comparative research design. In analyzing the data obtained, statistical tools like frequency, percentage and t-test were used. Since the sample size was too young, the researchers conducted the study by asking the pupils about the denominations, source of money information, if they have gone grocery shopping and whether they themselves have purchased anything or not. After which, two same pencils with different prices have been shown, and children were observed and asked whether they preferred the cheap or expensive one. The study revealed that children recognize bills more accurately as compared to coins, and most of the children who are allowed to make purchase from the supermarket of their own choice pick nonfood item which signifies that they are unable to appreciate the value of money as also seen in their preference of the more expensive pencil over the cheaper one, given that it is the same pencil shown in the first experiment. It is recommended that educators, families and the communities teach young people early awareness of the denomination and establish the sense of responsibility in money spending through Trainings on Financial Literacy and Capabilities Keywords: Money Awareness, children, spending, descriptive-comparative design, Philippines

Learning Resources and Teacher’s Competencies in Teaching Social Studies: Impact on Secondary Students’ Performance ROMEL G. LAGRIO Western Philippines University Philippines The study aimed to determine the Learning Resources and Teachers Competencies in Teaching Social Studies: Impact on Secondary School in Taytay Districts, Taytay Palawan. Descriptive research design was used, utilizing the survey method. A total of 35 Social Studies teachers and 296 selected grade 10 students composed the samples of the study using stratified random sampling. Most of the Social Studies teachers aged range from 22-28 old. Majority of the teachers are married, female, passed the Licensure Examination for Teachers, occupying Teacher I position, bachelor’s degree holder, with 1-5 year/length of service in teaching Social Sciences and attended trainings. Findings revealed that the assessed mean distribution on the level of teacher’s competencies as perceived by the teachers themselves and students as a whole are generally very competent in terms of mastery of subject matter, teaching skills, classroom management, and evaluation skills. Most of the students have grades within the range of 85-89 were very satisfactory level of academic performance during the first grading period. Lastly, results revealed that mastery of the subject matter, teaching skills and classroom management have significant difference as perceived by the teachers themselves and students. Keywords: Learning Resources, teachers competencies, aademic Performance, secondary school teachers, descriptive research, Philippines

Theme: Using Scientific Evidence in Everyday Worklife for Optimum Outcomes


Variables that Influence the Learners’ Competencies in Accreditation and Equivalency Test of Alternative Learning System ROLEEN B. MOLEÑO Southern Philippines Agri-business and Marine and Aquatic School of Technology Philippines The objective of this research was to determine the variables that influence the learners’ competencies in Alternative Learning System (ALS). The variables include the ALS Accreditation and Equivalency (A and E) test takers’ socio-demographic characteristics, ALS Instructional Managers’ (IM) sociodemographic characteristics, the extent of use of the mode of A and E program delivery by the IM, the competencies of the learners in the A and E test, and the learners’ initial literacy level. It was concluded in the study that: there are more female than male out of school youths and ALS instructional managers (IMs); IMs are not given much opportunity for promotion and relevant trainings and seminars; the face-to-face mode of delivery is the most preferred by the ALS Instructional Managers; and ALS learners do not possess the needed competencies in the Sustainable Use of Resources and Productivity strand of the A and E test. Further, ALS learners have not gained much competence in their formal school attendance considering that they are school drop outs or school leavers, and the learners’ competency in the areas of the A and E test were not outcomes of the influence of their socio-demographic characteristics, IMs’ socio-demographic characteristics and initial literacy level. Keywords:Education, Alternative learning system, variables, descriptive design, Philippines

Research Skills and Productivity among Faculty in a State University: Basis for a Proposed Research Capability Building RIOMAR G. OBLIOPAS Eastern Samar State University Philippines Previous studies have revealed a dearth in research production among Higher Education Institutions (HEI) in the country but very few have examined specific factors affecting low turnout in the context of HEI faculty members. This correlational study aimed to assess the technical, computational, and publication skills of 138 teachers in Eastern Samar State University and validated their relationship with productivity in terms of the number of completed, presented, and published research paper. The data were obtained through a researcher-made questionnaire and analyzed through descriptive and inferential statistics. Results revealed that majority of the respondents have moderate research skills and low productivity in the past three years. Analyses have shown that the respondents’ technical and computational skills are positively linked to the number of completed and presented research paper while publication skills are significantly correlated with the number of published research paper. By and large, the investigation found that skills in research are significantly related to productivity. These findings imply the need to strengthen research orientation and promote productivity among faculty members in the university through sustainable skill-based trainings and workshops. Keywords: Research, skills, productivity, correlational method, Philippines


2nd Asian Conference on Institutional and Action Research December 3-5, 2018 • The Selah Pods, Pasay City

Assessment of the Master of Arts in Education (MAEd) Program of the Vedasto J. Samonte School of Graduate Studies (VJSSGS) of Northwestern University (NWU) ELSIE C. PILAR Northwestern University Philippines The statutory requirements of regulating bodies is becoming more complex and the commitment is challenging because it allows one to have a clear and dynamic perspective of what is expected in the future. This study was conducted to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the implementation of the graduate programs of Northwestern University utilizing the Stufflebeam’s Context-Input-Process-Product (CIPP) model along formative and summative evaluation. The respondents of the study were the faculty and students of MAEd program who have been in the VJSSGS for at least three (3) trimesters while the alumni and their respective employers were chosen from the SY 2005-2006 to SY 2014-2015. There were two sets of questionnaire, the first set was for the students and the second set was for the alumni and their respective employers. The students assessed all components of the MAEd program as very good. However, students believe that of the criteria in Context for faculty development program of MAEd needs to be reinforced while in the Sustainability of the program, the organizational structure should be more flexible. As to the Input, the students felt that the qualification of students as to admission should be disseminated clearly and that there should be more involvement of stakeholders in the curriculum revision. As to the Process, the variety and suitability of curriculum support materials used need to be given more attention. On the other hand, the faculty rated all the components of the program being assessed in Context, Input, and Process as very good. They perceive that in the Context component, the development of manpower and clarity of the organizational structure are needed while on the Input component the capability of students for graduate work and research and their involvement in research/publication activities have to be looked into. As to the Process, the faculty perceives that the quality of instruction can be improved through the utilization of variety and suitability of instructional materials and varied and suitable class activities. The result of the summative evaluation or quality of output showed that the MAEd program is producing graduates who have shown improvement in professional, personal and social development as manifested by the evaluation of alumni and employees. Keywords: Education, graduate programs, implementation, Master of Education, descriptive design, Philipines

Utilization of Kamagong (Diospyrus blancoi) Fruit: Innovative Product for Food Sustainability FLORDELIZA S. RELLOSO Central Bicol State University of Agriculture Calabanga Campus, Philippines

MERCY P. LUNTOK Central Bicol State University of Agriculture Calabanga Campus, Philippines

Utilization of fruit products could be one of the ways to increase food production that can encourage economic improvement, hence this study generally aimed to utilize the kamagong (Diospyrus blancoi) fruit into baked food and determine the product acceptability. Descriptive, experimental, and Research and Development (R and D) were applied. Descriptive method was used to find out the level of acceptability of the products in terms of appearance, aroma, texture, and taste. A structured score sheet was administered to 30 expert evaluators from Central Bicol State University of Agriculture-Calabanga Campus, Camarines Sur and Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), Naga City for sensory evaluation. The experimental method was used to show the different procedures involved in the production of kamagong fruit into muffin as well as the variation of the ingredients in the different try-outs for the acceptability of the products. It was found out that the most acceptable and preferred kamagong muffins were golden brown color and uniform size in appearance, soft as to texture, aroma was rated highly desirable and the taste was also rated highly acceptable by the respondents. Based from the food laboratory analysis, kamagong fruit has 18.02% moisture content, yeast and mold count of 4.3 x 103. Samples were already hardening and pale that make the products unacceptable. Shelf life test using direct method revealed that kamagong muffin was safe within six days. Therefore, kamagong muffins have great potential for human consumption. Keywords: Food production, Kamagong Tree, Kamagong Muffin, Research and Development (R and D), Philippines

Theme: Using Scientific Evidence in Everyday Worklife for Optimum Outcomes


School Health Services among Elementary and High Schools in Victorias City, Negros Occidental, Philippines CHRISTIAN M. SABANDO Central Philippines State University Philippines The school health services are programs in promoting optimal wellness, preventing the spread of diseases and managing health-related concerns in a youth-friendly environment. This descriptive correlational study aimed to determine the extent of providing school health services. The respondents were the 395 students of elementary and high schools in Victorias City, Negros Occidental, Philippines. The study was conducted on the School Year 2016 to 2017. The school health services include medical services, dental services, first aid treatment and dispensing of medicines. After a thorough analysis, the study revealed that the extent of providing school health services when grouped according to sex, type of school enrolled, grade level, and the health services offered are moderate extent. This implies that some of the health services are present, provided sometimes, the service delivery is good, and the students seldom visited the school clinic. Results also revealed that there is a significant difference in the school health services when grouped according to grade level. With this result, all elementary and secondary schools in Victorias City can take actions supervising and monitoring the school health services. Thus, the study will be used as the basis for the improvement of the school health services program. Keywords: School health services, dental services, dispensing of medicines, first aid treatment, medical services, descriptive correlational study, Philippines

Revitalizing Extension Services through Innovative Media and Design: A Systematic Delivery CERENEO S. SANTIAGO JR. Cavite State University- Silang Philippines The study looked into the perceived motivations and involvement of college faculty in the conduct of community extension and related them to their community involvement. Perceived motivations included institutional, personal and professional motivations. Involvement, on the other hand, consisted of extension activities conducted by the Campus, which is extended to community as extension services by college faculty members through assignment and encouragement of department/unit heads. The different problems encountered and perceived problems were taken into consideration and arranged in a series of ascending order based on importance. To aid the faculty in the delivery of community extension services, a unified instructional materials was packaged in the form of android development. The software used in developing the Android application were Android Studio and Adobe Photoshop. The functionality of the developed application was assessed. As a whole, the evaluation result of the android-based instructional materials was found excellent in most of its features. Afterwards, provisions to implement the policy guidelines on extension management and the use of unified instructional material was proposed to help school administrators in maintaining an efficient and effective extension services delivery and a sound atmosphere in the academe, thereby increasing the productivity of the faculty through extension delivery. Keywords: Community extension services, perceived motivations, community involvement, unified instructional material, android development, research and development, Philippines


2nd Asian Conference on Institutional and Action Research December 3-5, 2018 • The Selah Pods, Pasay City

Using Video – Based Classroom Observation: An Effective Way in Evaluating Teachers’ Teaching Performance CARNILA D. SIMACON Department of Education Philippines The study aimed to determine the effectiveness of using video in evaluating teachers teaching performance. The researcher describes the use of video as part of the methodology used. The participants of the study were the 27 permanent teachers of Mohon Elementary School, Philippines. The study is qualitative and quantitative in nature. The researcher used survey questionnaire with a five – point Likert statement to identify the challenges they are facing during classroom observations. Post survey questionnaires were also given to the respondents to test the effectiveness of using video in commenting their teaching performance. An interview and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) was conducted to validate their responses about the effectiveness of using the video in giving immediate feedbacks and self-evaluation. Results revealed that using video-based evaluation is effective in monitoring the performance of the teachers during instructional time. Teachers strongly agreed that it is a good alternative way of giving good and justified evaluation rating of their teaching competence. The respondents strongly agreed that using video could help maintain the good teaching competence of all teachers and a good way of continuing classroom observation even without the presence of the school principal. Results also revealed that using video-based observation could be a basis for mentoring and coaching other teachers who needs technical assistance in teaching. The results were tallied using simple frequency, percentage and mean. Findings revealed that using video in teaching is indispensable for improving the performance of the teachers. Keywords: Education, pedagogy, video-based classroom observation, feedbacking, evaluation, descriptive design, Philippines

Experiences of Filipino Nurses on Salary Incentive in City of San Fernando, La Union, Philippines AUTA T. TANKO St. Paul University Philippines Migration of highly skilled workers in large scale from less developed countries to industrialized nations is a threat to nation building in developing countries. Asian countries (Philippines inclusive) are in the lead. Understanding variables that influence such is very important in light of the global human resource crisis; hence policy implementation of financial incentives is important to guide policy makers, because they are the strategies commonly used to retain staff. Qualitative research utilizing Husserl’s phenomenology research design with 14 participants was employed to explore Experiences of Filipino Nurses on Salary Incentive in La Union, Philippines using snowball sampling technique to interview the participants, focusing on years of experience and awareness on provisions of laws on salary incentives. Content analysis from the structured interview guide was utilized to group the answers of the participants. Findings revealed that some nurses are unaware of the existing laws on salary incentives; Nurses, especially in private hospitals, were experiencing workload with low pay; and social support activities is none existent in all the hospitals under study. The study recommended measures for consideration and adoption to relevant authorities and parallel study maybe conducted in other regions/in Philippines Keywords: Nursing Services, salary incentive implementation, phenomenology, Philippines

Theme: Using Scientific Evidence in Everyday Worklife for Optimum Outcomes


Coastal Management in Banate, Iloilo, Philippines: Plans, Programs and Policies for an Improved Fisheries Ordinance VERONICA P. TOLEDO Iloilo State College of Fisheries Philippines Management of coastal resources is a challenge in the light of degraded marine environment among fisherfolk. This descriptive research was conducted to determine the plans, programs and policies of Banate, Iloilo, Philippines which would serve as the basis of an improved fisheries ordinance. It also attempted to ascertain the level of participation of the respondents in planning, program implementation, and policy formulation using an adopted questionnaire. Likewise, the differences in the perception of the municipality’s plans, programs and policies among respondents were determined. The respondents include eight Punong Barangays (barangay captain), eight Kagawads (councilors) and twenty-four (24) fisherfolks chosen using the purposive-universal sampling and stratified random sampling techniques. Representatives were selected using lottery method until the desired number of respondents was acquired. Frequency counts, percentage, means, standard deviations, and ANOVA were utilized. Results revealed that the level of participation among respondents is “above average”, in which “high” in planning, program implementation, and policy formulation. Further, no significant difference was noted in the perception of the Municipality’s plans, programs and policies among Punong Barangays, Kagawads and fisherfolks. The coastal management plan, programs and policies of Banate support the implementation of Republic Act No. 8550, the Philippine Fisheries Code of 1998. Keywords: Coastal management plans, programs and policies, fisheries ordinance, descriptive design, Banate, Iloilo, Philippines

Beauty Attribution: Determinant in Understanding the Physical Self of the Teacher Education Students MICHELLE P. TRANGIA University of Cebu-Lapulapu and Mandaue Philippines

RONA JAMIA Q. JAMOLA University of Cebu-Lapulapu and Mandaue Philippines

Defining beauty has been a conundrum in understanding one’s physical self. Beauty is more of a subjective rather than an objective answer one may get to understand self-image as a facet in understanding the self. To Education students, physical appearance may be attributed to be pleasing physically. One gives importance of oneself may be attributed to physical looks in the advent of advancement of science to alter beauty. Facial physical attractiveness believed to be no cross-culturally universal standards for what constituted an attractive face (Cunningham, 2004). This study hypothesized that respondents’ perception of beauty is physically-based who are millennial and teacher education students. Further, it aimed to know the respondents’ perception on what makes a person beautiful or consider themselves as beautiful. Convenience sampling was employed to interview selected 153 college students in a university. Results showed that respondents defined beauty on the embodiment of inner characteristics. Inner beauty radiates to the external appearance that makes one beautiful or handsome. Majority of the respondents found and perceived themselves to be beautiful/handsome. Based on the data, beauty is a person’s inner belief that they’re attractive that makes them more appealing to others. Thus, teaching profession is not measured by physical standards alone. Keywords: Psychology, Physical self, understanding the self, teacher education, attribution of beauty, descriptive design, Philippines


2nd Asian Conference on Institutional and Action Research December 3-5, 2018 • The Selah Pods, Pasay City

Effect of Water Management Schemes on the Growth and Yield Performance of Green Super Rice Genotypes MICHAEL M. UY Cagayan State University Philippines The study aimed to determine the response of green super rice genotypes under different water management schemes. The experiment was laid out using Split-plot Design with three replications from January to May 2016. Water management schemes as a single factor did not show significant effect in almost all the parameters measured, neither was there significant interaction between the two factors tested in the experiment on all the data observed except for the root length which shows significant result. Among the different green super rice genotypes tested, GSR 1 obtained the highest mean in almost all growth and yield parameters. The yield of different rice genotypes as affected by different water management schemes showed significant result, where GSR 5 outyielded all the other genotypes tested with a ranged yield of 5.93 – 6.92 tons/ha. Based on the result of the study GSR 5, GSR 8 and GSR 12 are recommended since they do not differ significantly from NSIC 222 in terms of yield. The application of alternate wetting and drying as a water management scheme is recommended to reduce water input without significant yield loss. Keywords: Water management, schemes, genotypes, growth, green super rice, experimental design, Philippines

Performance of College Students in Writing and Literature Courses GEORGE L. ULIT University of Antique-Tario-Lim Memorial Campus Philippines The objective of this research was to determine the variables that influence the learners’ competencies in Alternative Learning System (ALS). The variables include the ALS Accreditation and Equivalency (A and E) test takers’ socio-demographic characteristics, ALS Instructional Managers’ (IM) sociodemographic characteristics, the extent of use of the mode of A and E program delivery by the IM, the competencies of the learners in the A and E test, and the learners’ initial literacy level. It was concluded in the study that: there are more female than male out of school youths and ALS instructional managers (IMs); IMs are not given much opportunity for promotion and relevant trainings and seminars; the face-to-face mode of delivery is the most preferred by the ALS Instructional Managers; and ALS learners do not possess the needed competencies in the Sustainable Use of Resources and Productivity strand of the A and E test. Further, ALS learners have not gained much competence in their formal school attendance considering that they are school drop outs or school leavers, and the learners’ competency in the areas of the A and E test were not outcomes of the influence of their socio-demographic characteristics, IMs’ socio-demographic characteristics and initial literacy level. Keywords: Education, Alternative learning system, variables, descriptive design, Philippines

Theme: Using Scientific Evidence in Everyday Worklife for Optimum Outcomes


Asian Society of Teachers for Research, Inc. 1,557 individual members as of November 27, 2018

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vision & mission Vision We are an Asian Organization devoted to the advancement of pedagogy in the teaching of research in all academic levels.

Mission We commit to design course syllabus in research that prepares students for publication of their thesis/ dissertation; produce institutional materials for effective teaching and learning; to exchange best practices in teaching research; organize conferences that promotes new knowledge and best practices; and recognize teachers who excelled in research instruction.


2nd Asian Conference on Institutional and Action Research December 3-5, 2018 • The Selah Pods, Pasay City

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