2024 Yearin review

2024 Yearin review
Explorethe2024highlightsofASU EnterpriseTechnology.Thistimeline showcasesourcommitmenttoinnovation, enhancedlearningandtechnology.

UndertheAIInnovation Challenge,105projects activatedbyfacultyand staffforspring2024.
2024SmartRegion Summitexplorestheroleof AIandthefutureofthecity.
100YearEdTechProject’s DesignSummitconvenes inSkysong.
DataPrivacyDay atASUfeatures ArizonaTri-U collaboration.
ASUearnsglobal recognitionfor first-of-its-kind collaborationwith OpenAI.
TheAIInnovation ChallengeatASU launchestochartthe useofChatGPT acrossacademic, researchandwork environments.
ASUhostsequitable AIconveningwith22 partnerinstitutions.
ASUPrepstudents catchaglimpseinto thefutureatASU NextLab.

TheT4Leadership Academylaunchesits secondcohort.
ASUtechleadersuniteat 2024ASU+GSVSummit.
TLNUnconference celebratesfiveyearsof drivingdigitalcredentialing.
114projects activatedfor summer2024 undertheAI Innovation Challengeand expandsto student researchers.
ASUfuturist BeaRodriguezFransenurges historical perspectivefor buildingbetter futuresinnew TEDTalk.

Launchofthe‘2074 Guide’tohelpeducation leadersnavigatethe next50years.
DigitalNavigatorsplay importantrolein communityadvocacy.
ASUandQSImpACT launchsustainability challengeforstudents globally.

ASUExperienceCenter celebrates10years,10million customersserved.
ASUCybersecurityand Operationsteamstacklelargest worldwidetechoutage.
ASUprofessorworkstobridgethe generationgapingenerativeAI.
ASUrollsout fivenewAI enterprise toolsaheadof newacademic year.
ASU SunDevil cardgets DigitalID version availableonthe ASUMobile Apptoselect users.
ASUinternsat AICICrevamp newspaper processwith AI.
120projectsactivatedforfall2024 undertheAIInnovationChallenge— expandstoChatGPTandMyAI Builder,acustomASUtooltobuild AIexperiences.
ASU’snewestdataclassification toolisfeaturedin2024EDUCAUSE HorizonReportasanexemplarfor supportingagency,trustand transparency.
“TheAIjourney” showcases transformativeAIin actionatASU.
Staysecuresafe: ASUcelebrates NationalCybersecurity AwarenessMonth.
Digital Infrastructureteam hitsmilestonein networktransformation journeywith400Gb.

ASUannouncesLesterGodseyas chiefinformationsecurityofficer.
ASUDataConferencenavigates dataintheworldofAI.
Studentteamspitchedtheir innovativesolutionsatCodeFlow SparkChallenge.
Cyberleadersfromacross Arizona’sTriUremindthe communitytocybersafeforthe holidayseason.
Teammembersservetheirlocal communityduring2024Giving Backcampaign.

AI is everywhere
ASU is embracing generative AI as a tool to enhance our collective creativity and problem-solving.
Here is a glimpse into how ASU Enterprise Technology helps to advance AI at ASU.

ASUearnsglobalrecognition asthefirstuniversityto collaboratewithOpenAI
This initiative brought advanced capabilities of ChatGPT into higher education, setting a new precedent for how universities enhance learning, creativity and student outcomes. “Our collaboration with OpenAI reflects our philosophy and our commitment to participating directly in the responsible evolution of AI learning technologies,” shared ASU President Michael M. Crow.
ASUhoststheEquitableAI Convening
Working alongside Complete College America, 22 partner institutions participated to drive equitable access of AI tools.
Actively chart the future of AI
ASU’s commitment to engaging early with industry leaders positioned the university to actively participate in defining news advances in technology. In May 2024, ASU was recognized for its role in informing the development of ChatGPT Edu.
The AI Innovation Challenge
activates over 330 AI-powered projects in year one
Launched in February 2024, the Challenge places faculty, staff and student researchers at the forefront of discovery for generative AI across academics, research and the future of work. “The goal is to leverage our knowledge core here at ASU to develop AI-driven projects aimed at revolutionizing higher education and the world,” shared Lev Gonick, ASU chief information officer.
ConveningAICommunityof Practice
Collaboration and creativity were at the forefront of ASU’s AI community of practice, which gathered 150+ ASU faculty and staff to share success and define the future use of AI.
The team at Learning Experience hosted over 100 AI workshops for faculty and staff, along with 2,650 enrolled in ASU’s Teaching and Learning with Generative AI.

A new benchmark for ethical AI
The AI Acceleration team released a new framework for measuring ethical AI. The first-of-its-kind framework has two components: a human evaluation process and an automated evaluation to evaluate for bias, accuracy, integrity and fairness.
Designing AI for all
The team at ASU Next Lab worked to bring generative AI to all corners of the world. Offline AI refers to a movement creating AI models that don’t require the internet to use.
Expand AI transformation
ASU Artificial Intelligence Cloud Innovation Center, powered by AWS, expanded the effective use of AI for the public sector. One project focused on optimizing speeds and reducing cost for ASU’s Water Bot, a chatbot to deliver facts on water management in Arizona.

AI Acceleration teams introduces a unique toolset
CreateAI Platform accelerates world-class AI innovation at ASU by empowering the community to build and engage with AI-enabled products in a secure environment. CreateAI aims to lower the barrier to entry and enable individuals and teams to pilot and build with the latest AI tools.
MyAI Builder makes building custom AI experiences easy for everyone. Users have over 40 large language models to choose from — including models from industry leaders like OpenAI, AWS, Google and Meta — to tailor their custom GPT.
ASU GPT is a custom chatbot trained on the vast knowledge of ASU to offer information, guidance and insights to enhance the learning experience.
Model Comparison is designed to help users select the right large language model to power their AI experience. Users can test up to six large language models at once to evaluate the models based on time to generate a response, associated costs, and the content of the response delivered across various models.
educationalexperiences underwayatASU

Writing smarter, not harder
Department of English Assistant
Professor Jacob Greene and a group of graduate students in the Writing for Scholarly Publication course were early pioneers for the use of ChatGPT. Students explored the use of generative AI at various stages of the writing process, from brainstorming to engaging in

Adobe Firefly brings students' campaigns to life
Crystal Alvarez, an instructor at ASU’s Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication, explored the integration of Adobe Firefly’s generative AI image tool into her digital audience development courses. Students created detailed personas for marketing campaigns to generate

ASU launched a new annual publication in October 2024 to showcase the transformative story of AI at ASU.

Empowering purposeful work and innovation.

Innovative education
Celebrating five years of scaling digital credentialing at the TLN Unconference
Professional development
Engage 2024 shows innovation, impact and inspiration in action

In early April, the Trusted Learner Network (TLN) celebrated five years of empowering learners through digital credentials at the fifth annual TLN Unconference.

Over 500 ASU Enterprise Technology team members attended Engage 2024 in September for the annual flagship event featuring professional development opportunities for technologists, visionaries and leaders.
ASU launches T4 Leadership Academy
ASU’s Enterprise Technology launched a new leadership academy, T4, to prepare leaders in the digital age. ASU faculty and staff participants learn about transformative leadership.
Digital presence

Digital presence
Visits to websites
ASU operates

Digital equity
ASU CIO recognized as trailblazer for efforts closing the digital divide
The Digital Equity Institute recognized trailblazers Lev Gonick, Gigi Sohn and Larry Irving for their outstanding contributions to helping close the digital divide.

Digital Navigators role in community advocacy

Advancing AI
Growth mindset, north stars and advancing the human impact of technology
In early August, ASU Enterprise Technology unveiled its nine latest strategic priorities, covering everything from student and learner success to advancing AI across the enterprise.
Under the Institute of Digital Inclusion, a group of Digital Navigators help bridge the digital divide through the community outreach program. These specialists help residents access online resources and develop digital literacy skills.

Advancing AI
Global university leaders gather at ASU’s AI Cloud Innovation Center, powered by AWS
16 technology leaders from ten universities gathered at the SkySong building to learn about the work, tools and infrastructure ASU is pioneering in the AI space — along with insights on ASU’s culture of innovation.
Professional development
Team members at ASU Enterprise Technology head back to school
Many ASU Enterprise Technology employees headed back to school at ASU in the fall to continue their education, balancing work and study to advance careers and personal goals.
Digital presence
6,174 Security events investigated and remediated

If these walls could talk…a story of network transformation
Powering a connected campus
From advancing cutting-edge X-ray science to discovering COVID-19 sequences, the research taking place inside Biodesign Institute Building C on the Tempe campus is evident upon entering. However, another story of transformation is underway, hidden inside the walls.
Network upgrades are being deployed across the university’s campus to handle high-speed, high-volume data transfer. Beginning in fall 2024, Biodesign Institute Building C was among the first on campus to achieve 400 Gb network speeds.
Leveraging Arista’s networks and equipment, ASU’s multi-year network upgrade will enhance connectivity across 450 buildings, installing 4,500 switches and 15,000 wireless access points.
Through these initiatives, ASU positions itself at the forefront of technological advancement that helps power the next generation of research and development.
Enabling extraordinary learning experiences.

AI-powered Language Buddy helps students practice language skills
Powered by ChatGPT Edu, the powered Language Buddy helps ASU Online German 101 students with presentation-style speaking assignments and practice conversing in the language. School of International Letters and Cultures.

ASU graduate English students use ChatGPT to write smarter, not harder
A group of graduate students were early pioneers for the use of ChatGPT, exploring the use of generative AI at various stages of the writing process, from brainstorming to engaging in reflective writing to refining drafts. The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
17K Visits to ASU's Digital Backpack
Spark Challenge invites ASU students to design custom GPTs
The OpenAI and Student Success Spark Challenge engaged students across disciplines to design solutions to address sustainability, improve the future of education and enhance society.
AdvancingAI Digital presence

Advancing AI

Participants in AI Innovation Challenge

Advancing AI
Adobe Firefly helps bring students' marketing campaigns to life
Students use AI-powered Adobe Firefly to create virtual audience personas as part of their digital audience development course. Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication.
Learning innovations Next Lab allows a glimpse into the future for ASU Prep students
ASU Prep students enrolled in the Emerging Technology Internship program attend ASU Next Lab workshop to learn about futures thinking and signals of change.

High school hackers rethink waste management at ASU Spark Challenge
The OpenAI and Student Success Spark Challenge engaged students across disciplines to design solutions to address sustainability, improve the future of education and enhance society.

Digital presence
Advancing AI
Sam, the AI-powered bot for health sciences
The AI-generated patient “Sam” simulates realistic patientprovider interactions, offering graduate students a new pathway to practice and refine interviewing, a critical skill for behavioral care providers. College of Health Solutions.
4.8K Learning Experience design workshop attendees
Digital equity
ASU and QS ImpACT launch sustainability challenge for students from around the world
ASU, partnering with the QS ImpACT charity, launches a gaming-for-good challenge to allow students from around the world to help problem-solve for UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Advancing AI
Spark Challenge invites ASU students to design custom GPTs
The OpenAI and Student Success Spark Challenge engaged students across disciplines to design solutions to address sustainability, improve the future of education and enhance society.
Cutting-edge summer internship empowers women in tech to revamp newspaper processes
The 10-week internship at the AICIC offered a unique opporuntity for six students to collaborate with industry experts to explore the integration of generative AI into a traditional newsroom, working with nonprofit partner NEWSWELL.
Students debate the worlds most influential philosophers
Generative AI tools like ChatGPT can facilitate discussions that mimic realworld interactions, offering nearly infinite ways for conversations to unfold. These tools are ideal for faculty wanting to integrate role-playing in students' learning experiences.
Debate is one form of conversationbased role-play, and in spring 2024, instructor David McElhoes saw an opportunity to incorporate generative AI in such a way.
The AI's real-time, contextually accurate responses helped students refine their arguments and deepen their understanding of philosophical concepts while honing their critical thinking and debate skills.
McElhoes also integrated generative AI tools into his coursework to prepare students for a future workforce that is increasingly reliant on AI.
“Experience with AI is going to be necessary — if it isn’t already — in the workforce,” said McElhoes. “If you don’t have those skills, you’re going to be at a disadvantage.”

Building community, culture and connection.

Advancing AI

Community engagement
From idea to impact: Empower 2024
Over 500 IT professionals convened to discuss how AI will guide the academic journey, from personalized learning assistants, course builders, degree recommendations and more.

ASU associate computing professor is bridging the generation gap in generative AI
Using ChatGPT, an associate professor is educating senior citizens across ASU’s lifelong learning institutions to support discovering generative AI while gaining key research findings.
Digital presence
Broadband maps illuminate Arizona’s access gaps
Broadband accessibility around the county is identified in great detail through the latest series of maps released by AZ-1, with support from the Maricopa County Broadband Initiative.

Community engagement
100 Year EdTech Project’s Design Summit
190 education leaders, students, program directors, faculty and others gathered at ASU to discuss the biggest challenges and opportunities in education, while also exploring potenital solutions.

ASU’s Data Privacy Day
Author Kashmir Hill, cybersecurity experts from across the state’s triuniversity and students gathered to discuss best practices and answer questions about the importance of staying safe online.
Smart Region Summit explores the role of AI and the future of the city
Over 300 participants gathered to explore possibilities and solutions at the intersection of AI, urban planning and digital equity at the 2024 Smart Region Summit.

Event participants

Innovative education
ASU futurist urges historical perspective for building better futures in new TED Talk
Next Lab director Dr. Bea Rodriguez-Fransen’s TED Talk urges learners to look back as a way to co-design the future we want as a global community.
Community engagement
A new guide to help education leaders navigate the next 50 years
The 100 Year EdTech Project launched its 2074 Guide, a digital roadmap publication for education and technology changemakers to innovatively plan for the next 50 years.
Advancing AI

6 AI
services launched
ASU embraces AI as an opportunity to augment our collective creativity and problem-solving abilities. In fall 2024, ASU launched a range of AI tool licenses to faculty, staff and students.

ASU Enterprise Technology
Enterprise Technology empowers a global community of students, faculty, staff and innovators by enabling humancentered digital experiences that elevate the future of education, discovery and societal advancement.
The commitment to deliver an exceptional human-centered technology experience is underscored by strategic priorities and objectives that guide our teams' collaborative work in support of ASU Enterprises.
Produced by
CommunicationSpecialistSenior SophieJones
CommunicationSpecialistSenior AlishaMendez
Director CorinnaBusciglioKamilli

Lev Gonick ChiefInformationOfficer
“Our approach is to focus on the human-impact of technology. In doing so, we advance and secure the digital ecosystem that supports how our Sun Devils work, learn and thrive.”