As You [11]

Page 1


ÆÝãå»ë ¹áõ As you

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N 11 / 2014

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civil society

лïËáñÑñ¹³ÛÇÝ ý»ÙÇÝÇëï³Ï³Ý ëáÉǹ³ñáõÃÛáõÝ

Post-soviet feminist solidarity



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The influence of Integrated Security concept on women human rights defenders life

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sexual health

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Genital herpes

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social justice

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International classifications of mental disorders and the question of homosexuality



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Economically poor, extensively rich India. Aprine Galfayan






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Greetings dear reader, The staff of As You e-magazine presents you its 11th edition with great mood. In the section dedicated to Civil society you can get acquainted with the concept of Post-Soviet feminism solidarity. In Gender section we have introduced the ideas of integrated security, the mechanisms of which let the activist stop in time and space in a safe place to think about their well-being. In the Sexual Health section you can learn about Genital herpes. We have written about classification of mental disorders worldwide and about the issue of homosexuality in the Social Justice section. The traveller of this edition is Arpine and she presents her experience in India. Wish you a pleasant reading.

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We often say solidarity towards each other unites us - the people with different experiences and political views. We seek solidarity in our large feminist communities and our local groups. Feminist movement, as well as many other movements against social, political and economic violence is based upon solidarity of the members. However, what do we understand when we say solidarity and how do we understand it within the feminism context? We can hardly find answer to these questions in glossaries or Wikipedia. But we can ask these questions to ourselves and our friends. It might help us understand and get to know each other in a better way. Although the types of discrimination vary, they are equally worth to being abolished

Ania Lviv, Ukiraine To me solidarity is when you and someone else have the same experience of limitation to your freedom but together you understand it and find the reason and start to work with the

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same principle. It is not necessary to experience something on your own in order to understand how it feels like when you are in a certain situation. And you try to change the situation to not only help a certain person but in order to change the principles which rule the world, thus helping yourself consequently. I wouldn’t personally oppose solidarity with only apathy, indifference or not being open. Solidarity is not at all alike Missionary compassion. Solidarity is also a super active feeling, so it is a concept plus action and not only compassion. To me feminism has a direct link to solidarity, as feminism is not just an attempt to involve women in the current hierarchic system with being equal to men, but a desire to completely change that system. Intersectional approach helped me to understand solidarity within the context of feminism. That is accepting the correlations between different exceptions. To me intersection is when we talk about a common experience of women but we understand that these women are in different economic and social conditions depending on their stratum, sexual orientation, race, ethnic identity and other conditions. We don’t put everyone in the same scale, we give them opportunity to describe their own experience but at the same time we understand that we have something in common. Although the types of discrimination vary, they are equally worth to being abolished. It is possible that solidarity is an irrational phenomenon but it doesn’t make me give up on the idea

Coco, Radical Queer Affinity Collective Budapest, Hungary and Berlin, Germany I keep thinking of this political slogan that we’ve seen at many migrant/refugee solidarity demonstrations in Germany “solidaritat muss praktisch werden.” I’m not at all sure what was the intended meaning of those who first wrote the slogan. but I know how we interpreted it. My comrade insisted that it means how solidarity should be more than verbal expressions and


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waving supportive banners. Solidarity should be tangible, active, methodological, participatory, and not merely theoretical. Though I don’t disagree with that interpretation, my initial understanding of how solidarity can or must become practical relates to how I believe solidarity to be a horizontal instrument. It’s not something that works from the top down. It’s not something that makes sense if I just sit atop a high-rise building throwing my appreciation and support down to those in the trenches. So it’s this relationship that must be practical, as well as the content. This relationship between movements, among comrades, one that actually feels in solidarity, is one that we have to practice and strive for each day. It cannot be a one-off action, a demonstration on the square, that gives us some warm, fuzzy feelings but then slips from our minds. Nor can it be a one-off practical distribution of warm winter clothes to a group of women experiencing homelessness. solidarity is a daily practice, just as horizontality is. We seek for horizontality inside our collectives and we must also do so inside our movements. Otherwise, we’re engaging in some self-righteous battle for whose ‘ism’ is the most radical or for whose struggle is the most urgent. Solidarity is horizontal because it entails a mutual recognition of struggle. Though our struggles may be different and we have many different strategies for approaching them, solidarity is something bigger than strategy. And solidarity is probably something quite irrational. Though that’s not something that turns me off about it. I’d much prefer to embrace more of the irrational in my politics. so I support a highly irrational, yet practical solidarity. Some examples, even if they sound simple, of solidarity that I’ve experienced among feminists: Sharing knowledge: (as opposed to this feeling of not knowing what to do, having always to seek expert opinions, etc. which results from hierarchies of knowledge and is commonly experienced in corporate settings)

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Solidarity comes from all around – from my close friend, from her jilted ex-girlfriend, from the trans activist in her full body biker gear, from the student activist always dressed in his skirt, and all the other people who shared so much time and effort so I could learn how to repair my own bicycle. They never took the tools out of my hands to do it themselves. They never sighed with frustration that I was taking up too much time out of their day. And they never acted as if my questions were stupid. But even if they’d had, there are more of us now skilled in DIY bike repair and we continue the process of sharing that knowledge horizontally. Sharing space: (as opposed to strict notions of private property and trespassing) safer spaces for activists to gather can be few in many contexts. So when someone gains access to space, then offers to share it with whoever may need to meet there, this can be really helpful. Thanks to feminism, at last we can give ourselves freedom in situations where we had to keep silent due to the burden of power of directors, fathers and husbands

Tania Saint Petersburg, Russia To me feminism assumes struggle against patriarchy in groups and as an individual. Thanks to this struggle feminist space becomes a place a little freer from discrimination than in patriarchy society. Thanks to feminism, at last we can give ourselves freedom in situations where we had to keep silent due to the burden of power of directors, fathers and husbands. Freedom – first of all freedom of speech. It means a great responsibility for our behavior as well as sensitivity towards others, freedom to create and try something new. Feminism is a testing ground; besides the wonderful queer communities and meetings, thunderstorm and lightning happen there resulting for the storms to gather in. Resisting in such conditions is a real challenge for feminist solidarity.


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I am ready to protect women and what feminine is, but I won’t let feminine aggression slap me on the cheek

Bella Rapoport Saint Petersburg, Russia To create a space where in spite of different oppressions from the government, manipulations and collapses it is still possible to create and to love, that is what it means to create a feminism solidarity space. To me solidarity is supporting each other in crucial issues and if possible, it is a shoulder to rely on in difficult life situations. Within the frames of feminism it means to counteract misogyny and to protect women who are facing it. On the other hand, when I was new in feminism I thought I was supposed to love all women and be their sister. Now I don’t have that feeling. I am a single one person only, and I am not enough for everyone. I am ready to protect women and what feminine is, but I won’t let feminine aggression slap me on the cheek. Feminism and solidarity are for not letting out your inner disagreements out of the subculture boundaries and thus not to feed your enemies. In any case, to me solidarity is to stand by “our people” to the limits which we know well. In a place where a total array among the members of the society concerning their rights and responsibilities exists, politics cannot exist

Irina Solomatina, Gender Route Minsk, Belarus There was time when I participated in organizing international female festival held in Minsk. During this time I had a lot of contradictory feelings, it was the fifth time, and more than 100 movies were included in the program from more than 25 countries but still something was missing. Later when I got education on gender studies in European State University (I was an auditor there) I realized that female consolidation or solidarity was missing among the women who were shooting films for that festival.

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In West, women who are engaged in organizing such festivals do it with more consciousness, therefore they somehow attained solidarity and they try to offer a set of requirement about how the world is constructed. When they feel injustices (and unfortunately not everyone does) they start to try to form and present their requirements and they are blamed of being dangerous for the world while they only wish to change the system. People who have come across injustice often ask themselves who are the ones responsible for the choice and control of categories through which we name, evaluate and categorize the world. At that time the problem of politics comes forth – how come that there is always politics where people do not agree with elementary principles of dwelling or with the principles of their co-existence? In a place where a total array among the members of the society concerning their rights and responsibilities exists, politics cannot exist. Political struggle is not only the enforcement and reproduction of the common vision. That’s why it is necessary to write down your feminist story based on our differences and to look for possibilities which would open a new view and which would suppose the necessity of a dialog. I am happy to observe, that there are initiatives which are devoted to their sisterhood

Elvira Meliksetyan Yerevan, Armenia In my opinion solidarity is one of the main parts of the ideology of Feminism. One cannot talk about feminism, not taking into consideration the issue of solidarity. It is simply impossible, as the ideology of feminism is developed around the ideas of solidarity, empathy and support. Unfortunately in nowadays women movement around the world, more and more often I come across with so called ”feminism movement”. But when looking deeply into the processes they go through, I see almost no sense of soli-


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darity among the activists. Sometimes it is not about the feminism, but the image of feminism and women movement. Meanwhile I am happy to share that more and more often I come across with young developed initiatives that are truly devoted to their movement, to their belief in the ideology of feminism, to their sisterhood. This is really empowering view! Mistakes appear and blossom in the movement saying that solidarity does not support anything

Hana Kochetkova, Children 404 Moscow, Russia I stand for inclusive and intersectional feminism directions. Working with LGBTQIA (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex and asexual) teenagers I deal with such parts of identity being a reason for discrimination such as sex, gender, sexuality and age all in one package. To me the main problem in the idea of feminist solidarity concept is that a lot of people take it as a cooperation based on common ideology and not as a methodology. And the fact that feminist idea has long ago passed by movements’ inner policy and has gained a status of independent scientific-research school is baseless. In post-soviet countries it is impossible or difficult to have gender education but thanks to years of work of translator-activists, huge amount of feminist texts have been translated which are available in electronic version for members of the communities and for individuals as well. So because of differences among responsibilities of people calling them feminists, logical mistakes appear and blossom in the movement saying that solidarity does not support anything, and at the same time social discrimination myths appear which mutate like syndrome and are distributed among feminists. For instance, large and systemized social research of “Ethnos” institution led by feminist investigator could bring all the cruel discussions in regards of endemic feminisms conditioned

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by culture to a more constructive ground. Humanism

Victoria Lomasko Moscow, Russia I don’t really like “-isms”. Even if it is to use one of the “-isms”, then let it be humanism, which includes humanitarian approach towards everyone, and feminism is the same as humanism but it puts emphasizing on women and their problems. It is very easy to look into the topic of feminism and solidarity when feminists express solidarity and support each other. Zara Harutyunyan Hehine Babayan

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Everyone has the right to stand up, to speak out and to defend human rights. Everyone has the right to defend human rights safely, without fear of retribution, such as physical violence, slander or attacks on their families. Equally, everyone has the right to defend human rights and enjoy a full life, without sacrificing livelihoods, health or happiness.

Over the past few decades, human rights organizations across the world have successfully raised the profile of human rights defenders and their vital role in protecting the rights of ordinary citizens. As a result of these efforts, human rights defenders began to enjoy increasing international recognition and respect. Paradoxically, as awareness of their work blossomed internationally, they were being subjected to escalating violations of their own rights within their own countries – at the hands of their government, armed groups and even their own communities. In response to these mounting threats, a number of human rights organizations started to work towards developing international legal mechanisms to enshrine the rights of human rights defenders to allow them to do their work, and to do it safely. These efforts culminated in 1998, in the adoption by the United Nations General As-

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sembly of the Declaration on Human Rights Defenders. Combined security concept is probably one of the best tools for women human right defenders. The meeting-courses of combined security allow women activists to develop self-defense skills and strategies. It’s a place, created in time and space, where the women activists can share their difficulties and concerns, challenges and successes, it’s a place where women can create a community and together develop the struggle strategies and skills: how to live on, how to stay safe and sound, and the same time, to continue the life and activities they like. More than 300 women from more than 50 countries took part in the combined safety courses. We had an opportunity to meet the trainers of the courses. The women, who reinvent their lives also due to the concept of the combined safety, who have different experiences and cultural legacy, answered the same question:

Why women need Integrated Security workshops? Erjona, Albania ISW provides a safe space for women where they can think of themselves, of their own security, well- being both at personal level and at workplace. I believe that Albanian culture encourages women to look after others, take care of them, prioritize others’ needs and desires before theirs. Women are expected to prioritize their family, their husbands ‘and children’s needs before their own needs. This means that when woman is an activist, she is working full time at her job, and fulltime at home being a mother and a wife, often overlooking herself, her personal health and wellbeing. Therefore, I believe that ISW are a great source of support for activist women. They provide women with a safe space where they can take time for themselves, reflect more on things, and spend qualitative time with them and share experiences with others


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like them. Many topics discussed during ISW like linking body and mind, emotional intelligence, mindfulness etc are not really encouraged and taught in the Albanian culture. So, women have the opportunity to explore more these concepts, and also the opportunity of developing their own network that helps them sustain wellness and safety in their personal life and at work also. Elvira, Armenia I wouldn’t make a separation between Armenian and non-Armenian women when talking about the need of Integrated Security, because due to my experience of cooperation with women of different nationalities, I have figured out that the situation of women is often common, or at least the roots of the violations they face are similar. Nevertheless if questioning if a women in Armenia needs to participate in an ISW and internalize its ideology, I would say - Yes. We are definitely in need of it, as the system of patriarchy, the oppression of our customs and habits do not ‘’let’’ women breathe and concentrate on themselves, to appreciate and to value themselves, to respect them overall. That is why in the countries, like Armenia, this is one of the most essential topics. Azra, Bosnia and Herzegovina Integrated security workshop is a great opportunity to exchange security strategies in terms of the structure, different approaches and all aspects. ISWs are very well structured in using a holistic approach on our psychological, physical and organizational safety and wellbeing (and I would add online component as part of IS as well). As such they are a combination of great tools and practical skills. Natia, Georgia Georgia is the country where we speak a lot about gender equality, women’s rights, but we have no actual women’s rights move-

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ment, we have very few informal groups that protest sexism and advocate women’s rights. Many activists that are pushing forward the change are disregarding their own health and other dimensions of their personality. Integrated security workshops are more than a set of tools that help us avoid burnout or name discrimination that we face. It is an opportunity to take a structured approach to our activism, to see that however intimate and inherent to our lives, there is a line to be drawn between our personal lives and the work we do. It is an opportunity for women to sit down together, create a space of respect and mutual sharing and listen to each other. I believe that integrated security helps create new platforms of women activists, platforms that are informal and more change oriented.

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Frosina, FYR Macedonia Women in Macedonia face multiple challenges starting from national politics which accent patriotism and patriarchy and are thereby reinforce traditional gender roles. Even though there is a legislative framework for gender equality and anti-discrimination, there are significant gaps between legislation and implementation. Women are exposed to different forms of violence and our legal system has so far developed mostly in treatment of cases of domestic violence but yet not recognizing it’s characteristics of gender based violence and not providing adequate support for vulnerable groups of women. Violence and intolerance against LGBT communities is frequent and cases are not preceded. Integrated security workshops are a must for women in Macedonia so that they can be provided with knowledge and tools to raise their awareness on their guaranteed rights, to identify the multiple risks public and private that their facing on daily bases and most of all to exchange and learn strategies for dealing including their own well being.

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ë»é³Ï³Ý ³éáÕçáõÃÛáõÝ sexual health

ê»é³Ï³Ý Ñ»ñå»ë Genital herpes

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Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by the herpes simplex viruses type 1 (HSV-1) or type 2 (HSV-2).

Transmission of Infection Herpes infections are spread through contact with lesions in mucosal surfaces or both oral and genital secretions. In fact, HSV-1 and HSV-2 can also be present in seemingly healthy skin. Indeed, a person can only get an HSV-2 infection by having sexual intercourse with someone who is infected with the virus. In other words, transmission most commonly involves a partner who does not have a visible sore and probably does not even know that is infected. Symptoms: Most individuals infected with HSV-1 or HSV-2 are asymptomatic, or have very mild symptoms that go unnoticed or are mistaken for another skin condition. As a result, 81.1% of infected individuals remain unaware of their infection. When

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symptoms do occur, they typically appear as one or more vesicles on or around the genitals, rectum or mouth. The average incubation period after exposure is 4 days (range from 2 to 12). The vesicles break and leave painful ulcers that may take between two to four weeks to heal. Experiencing these symptoms is referred to as having an “outbreak” or episode. Clinical manifestations of genital herpes differ between the first and recurrent outbreaks of HSV. The first outbreak of herpes is often associated with a longer duration of herpetic lesions, increased viral shedding (making HSV transmission more likely) and systemic symptoms including fever, body aches, swollen lymph nodes, and headache. Recurrent outbreaks of genital herpes are particularly common during the first year of infection. Approximately half of patients who recognize recurrences have prodromal symptoms such as mild tingling or shooting pains in the legs, hips and buttocks occurring from hours to days before eruption of herpetic lesions. Symptoms of recurrent outbreaks are typically shorter in duration and less severe than the first outbreak of genital herpes. Although the infection can stay in the body indefinitely, the number of outbreaks tends to decrease over time. Recurrences are much less frequent for genital HSV-1 infection than for genital HSV-2 infection.

Complications Genital herpes causes painful genital ulcers in many adults that can be severe and persistent in persons with suppressed immune systems, such as HIV-infected persons. Both HSV-1 and HSV-2 can also cause rare but serious complications such as blindness, encephalitis (inflammation of the brain), and aseptic meningitis (inflammation of the linings of the brain). Development of extra genital lesions in the buttocks, groin, thigh, finger, and eye may occur during the course of infection. Some persons who contract genital herpes have concerns about how it will impact their overall health, sex life, and relationships. Embarrassment, shame, and social stigma associated with a herpes diagnosis can interfere with patient’s relationships.



Genital herpes and HIV

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Genital ulcerative disease caused by herpes make it easier to transmit and acquire HIV through sexual intercourse. There is an estimated 2- to 4-fold increased risk of acquiring HIV when the person is exposed to that infection while genital herpes is present. This is because genital herpes can cause ulcers or breaks in the skin or mucous membranes (lining of the mouth, vagina, and rectum) which provide protection against infections, including HIV. Herpetic genital ulcers can bleed easily and when they come into contact with the mouth, vagina, or rectum during sex they increase the risk of HIV transmission.

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Treatment There is no cure for herpes. However antiviral medications can prevent or shorten outbreaks during the period of time the person takes the medication. In addition, daily suppressive therapy (i.e. daily use of antiviral medication) for herpes can reduce the likelihood of transmission to partners.

Prevention Correct and consistent use of condoms can reduce the risk of getting genital herpes. However, outbreaks can occur in areas that are not covered by a condom. The surest way to avoid transmission of sexually transmit-

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ted infections, including genital herpes, is to abstain from sexual contact or to be in a long-term mutually monogamous relationship with a partner who has been tested and is known to be uninfected. Persons with herpes should abstain from sexual activity with partners when sores or other symptoms of herpes are present. It is important to know that even if a person does not have any symptoms, he or she can still infect sex partners. Sex partners of infected persons should be advised that they may become infected and they should use condoms to reduce the risk.

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Different scientific dimensions have discussed the understanding of homosexuality and its reasons. Passing a long way homosexuality is currently seen as one type of sexual orientation in the mental health field. Sexual orientation is a person’s emotional, romantic and sexual attraction to an other person (APA, WHO, ILGA Europe) that is to say homosexuality is a person’s romantic and sexual attraction to a person of the same sex. In the past homosexuality was considered a crime and afterwards as mental disorder. In the end of 20th century health and psychiatric organizations removed homosexuality from the list of international classifications of mental disorders. Nowadays two mental disorders classification systems are established and being practiced by international professionals. The first one is the International Classification of Diseases (the last revision is ICD-10, from now: ICD) developed by the World Health Organization (from now: WHO) which is accepted in different countries, as well as in Armenian psychiatric and psychotherapeutic practice. The second one is Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of mental disorders (the last revision is DSM-V, from now: DSM) developed by the American Psychiatric Association (from now: APA) which is mainly used in American psychiatric and psychotherapeutic practice but is accepted in other countries as well. Until the 19th century homosexual activities were discussed from moral, religious and legal approaches, considering it as a “crime

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against nature” or “sodomy” and being pursuit by law. In Armenia it was considered a crime until 2003. According to the changes in the RA Criminal Code homosexuality was decriminalized, in other words homosexual relations were not considered to be criminally punishable anymore. During 19-20th century homosexual relations appeared in the attention of medical and psychiatric communities being seen as mental disorder. Until 1930’s homosexuality was explained by inversion hypothesis in the medical practice. According to this hypothesis homosexuality was caused by biological factors, “genes” influences. Homosexual people were neuro-endocrinological hermaphrodites (Hirschfield) who have anatomical and physiological differences from heterosexual people. During this period of time two approaches were stated about the reason of homosexuality from the psychoanalytic point of view. According to the first one (Freud) homosexuality for some people was seen as sexual pervasion that was the reason of unfavorable overcoming of sexual development stages and assumed psychotherapeutic intervention. And in some cases it was seen as a reason of normal development process and was a form of expression of human instinct. According to the second view (Rado and followers) homosexuality was considered as phobic avoidance of the other sex caused by parental prohibitions during childhood sexuality and assumed “treatment”. The psychoanalytic school was hampered to remove homosexuality form the list of mental disorders for a long time. In 1949 the World Health Organization included the section of mental disorders in ICD-6, and in 1952 DSM-I was published by the American Psychiatric Association. In both classifications homosexuality was included as a mental disorder. The further changes in both classifications have been influenced by several factors. First of all, during 1940-1950s two psychologist-researchers (Evelyn Hooker and Alfred Kinsley) published the results of their research about homosexuality. According to the research re-


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sults homosexuality and heterosexuality were not seen as counterpoints but as poles of expressions of the same phenomena: sexual orientation. On the other hand, during 1970s social and political activities began to influence on this issue, when gay activists started protesting against the psychiatric and health communities. In 1970 they organized a protest during the American Psychiatric Association’s conference in San Francisco by breaking in the conference and expressing their point of view against the psychiatrists’ approach. As a result taking in the consideration the activist movement protests as well as the results of psychological researches about homosexuality, the American Psychiatric Association revised DSM-II and removed homosexuality from the list of mental disorders in 1974. As compensation a new classification was added in DSMII: “Sexual orientation disturbance”. According to this classification homosexuality wasn’t assumed as a mental disorder itself, but the disorder is diagnosed when an individual had distress related to the sexual orientation and wanted to change it. In DSM-III it was replaced by “Egodystonic homosexuality”, having the same meaning. In future revisions (DSM-III-R (1987), DSM-IV (1994), DSM-IV-TR (2000)) was removed from the classifications and replaced with “Sexual disturbance not otherwise specified”. At the moment some changes were made in DSM-V (2013) and the “Sexual disturbance not otherwise specified” was removed because the mentioned definition didn’t con-

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sider it as practically useful. In the ICD homosexuality was removed from the list of mental disorder as a separate disorder in 1992 and was distinguished from the gender identity disorders (ICD-10). However, two disorders related to the sexual preference continue to exist in the list of mental disorders. The first one is “Sexual maturation disorder” when the individual suffers from uncertainty about his or her gender identity or sexual orientation, which causes anxiety or depression. And the second one is “Ego-dystonic sexual orientation” when the gender identity or sexual preference is not in doubt but the individual wishes it was different because of associated psychological and behavioral disorders and may seek treatment in order to change it. Nowadays the WHO is revising ICD and planning to publish ICD-11 in 2017. “The working group” who is revising the classifications of “Sexual disorders and sexual health” suggests removing the “Psychological and behavioral disorders associated with sexual development and orientation” point from ICD-11, because it does not meet human rights standards. Besides currently there is a lack of experimental studies that can prove the pathological nature of the different expressions of sexual orientation. Thus, the changes in understanding homosexuality and its removal from the international classifications of mental disorders were caused by several factors. Firstly, the discussion of homosexual relations moved from the religion and legal fields to medical and psychiatric and later to political and social communities’ field which led to highlighting of human rights. Moreover, the international classifications of mental disorders started to develop themselves by including the importance of human rights priority and making decisions based on the objective research data. And finally, the changes were also related to the political and social movements’ evolvement that provided the space to view homosexuality from other perspective.

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Lilit Avetisyan


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Economically poor, extensively rich India. Aprine Galfayan

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Last year I lived in Jaipur, India for about seven months. I was teaching at a school. I took my time to travel and explore the North, South of India and of course Rajasthan province, the capital of which is Jaipur. In ethnic, religious and cultural aspects India is a country of great diversity and I was able to see only a small part of it. So, whatever I tell about India is based on my subjective personal experience. The school where I was working in, is situated in a rather poor and unsecured district. I had pupils whose parents didn’t have proper education and some of them didn’t even know the alphabet. There were also many craftsmen and salesmen caste representatives; I got acquainted to the culture of these classes through my colleagues and pupils. I

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had also more educated friends and acquaintances and they were representing different culture. I was living in a house with people from different countries and continents so I was also able to spend part of my time in that international atmosphere. The first challenge that I faced in India was the discrimination towards women. Jaipur has a rather conservative society: most women stay at home and men are mostly in public places. For a woman, walking down the street by herself is a very unpleasant experience, it even feels like a humiliating trial. Family as an institution is still a very strong concept in India. Because of the weak social role of the State, there is dependence from the family that often restricts the freedom of the individuals. We can consider the family as the employer since the income is a result of the family buisness. For example in case of illness or senility, the family is the responsible to take care of sick member. In other words, it would be very difficult for a single person to survive if he or she is driven out of the familly. Marriages in India are still arranged by agreements between families. It is very common for parents (usually the girl’s relatives) to find a “good groom” to marry their daughter. Therefore is not rare to ask whether someone is married by love or by agreement. The families negotiate with each other and arrange “the deal” which includes a dowry. The dowry issue is very complicated. I saw families taking loans equivalent to 10-20 years of the family income to get their daughters married. Not being married is considered to be a problem. Single women, of course, if they aren’t religious leaders, are usually driven out of the society. Despite these restrictions and discrimination there are also liberal women, involved with NGOs and undertaking legislative activities, lecturing, etc. It was also interesting to observe cases, where educated women executing important work in the social field, were totally changed after entering their husband’s family. For example, they preserve all the hierarchies in the relationship between the woman and her father-in-law or the husband’s brother: they cover their head and face, serve them, keep silence in front of them, etc.


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In India by observing a woman’s traditional clothing you may know almost everything about her social status, which casta she is from, if she is married, has a son or even if her husband is alive. A mix between the lack of women rights and traditions has led to the dissemination of sex selective abortion. One of the main reasons of this practice is financial: to avoid the costs that families have to make to marry their daughters. Besides, in India as well as in our country the male child is considered as a keeper of the hearth. The main income is also earned by men, and women’s role is mostly domestic, in the kitchen. I also read that there is a type of “heaven” in hinduism, which can be reached only through having a male child because he has privalage of saying some prayers and doing religious ceremonies. It was interesting to find out that Indian women are proud of their hair turning grey and adulthood, perhaps because the social status changes with the age. For example, if a woman has a son, after his marriage she can become mother-in-law and in a way “take revange of her youth from her son’s wife”. There are many jokes about quarells between son’s wife and mother-in-law, but also many lawsuits connected with domestic violence. Along with such common phenomenon of objectifying women, discrimination, violence and preassure towads them, I met also excellent examples of strong women. The practice of “self-assistance groups” was a great discovery for me, we can say, this is an Indian phenomenon and exists in a very few places except this country. The average selfassistance group is organized by 10 women who create a fund out of their private savings and after some time they start providing the accumulated sum to the group members with 1 % loan and the benefit is equally divided among all the group members at the end of the year. Each group decides it’s working rules: how much percent of loan to take, for how long and as well as the budgets limit. It is interesting that these women had supersede the banks who gave credits from the region not by force but by the strength of their organizing skills. 10 years ago, as it is now in our country, the banks suggested loans with 23-24 %.

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Now, as women of many families are involved in this alternative system, banks aren’t needed any more. Moreover, in case of need, the groups functioning in different villages help each other providing money for communal or personal plans. They say there isn’t any case of unrepaid loans. Such results are reached through influence of different factors. Manly because the group members are from the same community, and if one of them is irresponsible, could lose all social connections. The fact that there are only women in groups, increased their individual development, economical independence and their role in the family and society. I would really like such initiatives to be realized also in Armenia. Usually we tend to look for solutions in the western world, though we can find answers to many social and economical issues in the east. Taking into consideration political and cultural similarities, their experiments may be better adapted to our country.

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Nelly Arakelyan



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Lilit Avetisyan Zara Harutyunyan Vardan Hambradzumyan Astkhik Mkhitaryan Lil Hakobyan

ê»åï»Ùµ»ñ, 2014Ã. September, 2014

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