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N 12 2015
ÆÝãå»ë ¹áõ As you
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N 12 / 2015
ù³Õ³ù³óÇ³Ï³Ý Ñ³ë³ñ³ÏáõÃÛáõÝ
civil society
ºñ¨³Ï³ÛáõÃÛ³Ý Çñ³·áñÍáõÙ. §àõïáådzݳ.³Ù¦ ÐÎ-Ç Ùï³Ñá·áõÃÛáõÝÝ»ñÁ Realization of imagination: the concerns of "Utopiana.am" NGO سñ½»ñÇ ¨ ºñ¨³ÝÇ ÙÇç¨ ³ÝÇíÝ»ñáí ϳÙáõñçÁ` §îñ³ÝëýáñÙ»ñ¦ "Transformer": the bridge with wheels between Yerevan and Regions
ëáóÇ³É³Ï³Ý ³ñ¹³ñáõÃÛáõÝ
How the disability issues are being covered in Armenia
Loneliness in art through 365 sex dates. Mischa Badasyan’s performance
The untouchables of penitentiary facilities: the one who communicates with homosexuals finds himself in the same situation. Report
HIV biological and behavioural surveillance in Armenia
Beatle born Adrineh of "Bavakan"
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׳ݳå³ñÑáñ¹ ֳݳå³ñÑáñ¹áõÃÛáõÝ Æï³Édz A trip to Italy
§´³í³Ï³Ý¦-Ç ´ÇÃÉ ÍÝí³Í ²¹ñÇÝ»Ý
sexual health
г۳ëï³ÝáõÙ ØƲì í³ñ³ÏÇ í»ñ³µ»ñÛ³É Ï»Ýë³µ³Ý³Ï³Ý ¨ í³ñù³·Í³ÛÇÝ Ñ»ï³½áïáõÃÛáõÝÝ»ñÇ ³ñ¹ÛáõÝùÝ»ñÁ
human rights
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social justice
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Hello, world’s best reader. You missed us, didn’t you? Be happy, the new edition of the magazine is in your hands. You wonder: so what? So look. Except in fantastic movies have you ever seen transforming truks? What you’ll say if I insist, that one of those is moving around Armenia within "Utopiana.am" NGO’s programs. Or did you ever think that dating a different people every day in a year might be an art work, and the artist is not far from Armenians, he is German based Mischa Badasyan. But will he try to make a sex date in Armenia? read and you’ll know. Or maybe it will be interesting for you to know, how is it possible to leave prosperous countries and to come to Armenia to raise women issues. Well, it can happen too, you don’t believe? Then have a look to the interview with documentarian Adrineh Gregorian. I guess, that you’ll also be interested to know the HIV prevalence rate among vulnerable groups in Armenia or in what conditions are living LGBT prisoners, as well as to learn an opinion about what approaches has Armenia media while covering issues concerning people with disabilities. This is not all yet. If you want to know how it happened that homosexuality is not considered as a mental disorder, it can be found here as well. Well, if you take a leaf out the magazine, all this you might learn now. And as you, so we will wait for the next "As you".
ù³Õ³ù³óÇ³Ï³Ý Ñ³ë³ñ³ÏáõÃÛáõÝ civil society
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Have you ever noticed pianos tuned on a single note, transformed truck in streets or people who read Shushanik Kurghinyan near the metro stations? That is the non-governmental organization “Utopiana.am” drawing attention to the issues of its concern. 7 pianos installed near the Swan Lake, though it was planned to place them in Freedom Square, one of the pianos tuned on a single note and the rest- not tuned, even though it was planned for all of them to be tuned on a single note to reflect the monotony of voices in the political life of Armenia. But according to the president of “Utopiana.am” Nora Galfayan “The Piano Tuner” – project by Anna Barseghian & Harutyun Alpetyan was perceived wrong. “We applied to Yerevan Municipality in order to place them in Freedom Square. They rejected and told us to place them near the Swan Lake. And then Harut didn’t manage to tune all the pianos on a single note. Piano turned into something totally different, it was interpreted as an aesthetic project as if
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the pianos were installed for people to come, play and enjoy”, tells Galfayan. “Utopiana.am”, a cultural creative non-governmental organization founded by Anna Barseghian and Steve Christensen in 2001 initially aimed to take the artists from Soviet generation out of the isolation. As a result of generation change that problem had been solved by its own, and as Nora Galfayan says, the generation of independent Armenia is being able to foresee and get engaged in international framework mainly due to language knowledge. Starting from 2007 “Utopiana” identifies thematic problems to be accomplished. Now the focus of the organization is on archive, education and change of generations, and the matter of forming own agenda for institutions in independent public sphere. “Our agenda is being formed with funds. It is a serious problem we shall accept as a stance and work style, and try to find solutions”, says Nora Galfayan, explaining the importance of forming independent agenda. The project “Medialab” linked with generation change and education, which is providing an alternative education for youth, procured its financial means through crowd-funding. This charge free educational project lasts six months and teaches
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subjects on photography, editing, camera work and creative writing. Some of the “Utopiana.am” ideas were originated during the Mashtots Park movement, including the project “ACTV”, which relates to archive. The online video project which operates since 2012 is aimed at reinventing the concept of the public space. “It’s ok that there are many social problems in our country. I can bring my guests from abroad and show this piano garden. The important thing is to have something to show” is said in the sneering video “The Capital of my Spade” by “ACTV”, which is directed at the municipality’s aesthetic initiatives by showing the piano covered by grass and flowers near Swan Lake. Highlighting the idea of reinventing public spaces, especially taking into account the privatization of many territories after the Armenia’s independence, “Utopiana.am” undertakes various art means to draw attention to public areas. In frames of the project related to public areas “Spaces” sociologist Arevik Martirosyan organized a poetry reading of feminist writer Shushanik Kurghinian near the fountains of Republic Square metro station in 2013. Galfayan tells that the guards would not let carry out that activity, saying that it is the territory of the subway, but she believes that it is possible to achieve success with such little actions. “With those steps of rebellion you try to establish your rights in those areas, at least temporarily. If there are precedents, it is possible that these areas become public for a longer period of time”, thinks the president of “Utopiana.am” Despite the contradictions with state officials “Utopiana.am” does not avoid cooperation with authorities. With the initiation of the Head of Modern Art Department of the RA Ministry of Culture Sona Harutyunyan “Utopiana” organized a meeting with contemporary art figures and representatives of the Department, but the discussion did not give any positive results. Hovhannes Ishkhanyan Translated by Kolya Hovhannisyan
"Transformer": the bridge with wheels between Yerevan and Regions سñ½»ñÇ ¨ ºñ¨³ÝÇ ÙÇç¨ ³ÝÇíÝ»ñáí ϳÙáõñçÁ` §îñ³ÝëýáñÙ»ñ¦ ´»éݳï³ñÁ Ó¨³÷áËíáõÙ ¹³éÝáõÙ ¿ ÏÇÝáóïñáÝ, ѳٻñ·Ç µ»Ù, ËáѳÝáó ϳ٠ѳٳϳñ·ÇãÝ»ñáí ѳ·»ó³Í ¹³ë³ë»ÝÛ³Ï: Îáõ½»ë ·Çï»ÉÇùÝ»ñ¹ ÷á˳ÝóÇ »ñ»Ë³Ý»ñÇÝ, Ïáõ½»ë ·áñÍÁÝÏ»ñÝ»ñǹ Ñ»ï Ùïù»ñáí ÷á˳ݳÏíÇ Ï³Ù Ù³ñ½»ñ ϳñïáýÇÉ ï»Õ³÷áËÇ: §ÆÝãá”õ ù³Õ³ù³óÇ³Ï³Ý Ñ³í³ùÝ»ñÁ ÙáµÇÉ ãÉÇݻݦ: سßïáóÇ åáõñ³ÏÇ ß³ñÅÙ³Ý Å³Ù³Ý³Ï §àõïáådzݳ.³Ù¦-Ç Ùáï ͳ·³Í ³Ûë ÙÇïùÁ Ó¨³íáñí»ó »ñ»ù ï³ñÇ áõ ³ñ¹»Ý ³ÝÇíÝ»ñÇ íñ³ ßñçáõÙ ¿ ù³Õ³ùÇó ù³Õ³ù, ³ÝáõÝÝ ¿É` §îñ³ÝëýáñÙ»ñ¦: γåáõÛï µ»éݳï³ñÁ ¹³ñÓ³í ׳ñï³ñ³å»ï êï»ý³Ý äñ»ëëÇ áõ ³ñí»ëï³·»ï ²Ýݳ ´³ñë»ÕÛ³ÝÇ Ñ»ÕÇÝ³Ï³Í Ñ³Ýñ³ÛÇÝ ï³ñ³ÍùÁ, áñÁ
The truck transforms into a cinema, concert stage, kitchen or a classroom equipped with computers. You can pass knowledge to children, exchange thoughts with colleagues or deliver potatoes to regions if you want. “Why not give a chance for civil gatherings to be mobile?” This thought was originated during the Mashtots Park movement in “Utopiana.am” and it took three years for it to be formed and it is now travelling on wheels from town to town with the name “Transformer”. The blue truck became the public space authored by architect Stefan Press and artist Anna Barseghyan, which goes around regions in Armenia and gives people an opportunity to share their ideas and calls
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the curious ones to take part in its projects. The project coordinator or “Transformer” Nanor Petrosyan tells: “Artist Vahram Aghasyan introduced a project to go to different places, meet local artists and have something to eat in the kitchen [of the truck]”, mentioning that they have conducted 8 projects in different towns and villages, as well as went to Georgia to take part in “One Caucasus” international festival. It is not only the artists who are able to present their ideas to “Transformer”. Concerts, photography, journalism and other trainings, conferences and lectures on various topics, movie screenings, and civil society meetings took place by means of the truck. “Tehmine Yenoqyan was conducting a journalistic workshop in Chambarak” – tells Petrosyan, “One of the participants prepared a video about the problems of roads, which we shared in our website. However, allegedly under the pressure of the village municipality participant asked to take it off.” Petrosyan says that there was also an attempt to censor the programs of “Transformer” in Vanadzor, as a result of which the placement of the truck in that city failed.
Nevertheless, not all the settlements have a negative attitude towards the transforming vehicle. For instance, it was permitted in Gyumri to park the truck in the central square. “Our wish is to have 100-150 people attended for each event. There were cases when 50 people were present, or 3 people, and cases when we canceled the program. But maybe that is the way it should have been in Armenia as people have big social problems and because of it such things do not interest them at all” says Petrosyan, adding,
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that this year they aim to do a more extensive work, in which they will involve activists, public figures, people who see the future of “Transformer” and picture themselves in the vehicle. In addition, it is planned to create an online blog in frames of “Transformer” in order to make the communication between trainers and participants of the programs ongoing: “So it is not the way we just came, saw and left” says Petrosyan. “Transformer” is open for any idea. It is just needed to send it to “Utopiana.am”, the board of which will decide whether it coincides with the ideology of “Transformer” and if it is appropriate to be implemented or not. It’s good if it gets approved, and if not, apply with another project. Hovhannes Ishkhanyan Translated by Kolya Hovhannisyan
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The coverage of the story1 about the child who was born with Down syndrome in New Zealander father’s and Armenian mother’s family has changed the public opinion. Firstly, because people learn what Down syndrome is, secondly, that parents who have such children understood that society accepts them, says Zara Batoyan, advocate for the rights of people with disabilities at Bridge of Hope NGO. “Opinions were expressed, that father harms the reputation of Armenia, because it was mentioned, that Armenian [mother] refused the child and that in Armenia the 80-90% of parents, who have children with Down syndrome, refuse them. They remained silent when I was
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asking to them: isn’t it like that?,” – says Batoyan, noting that we would see those children at least in schools, if they won’t be refused. The most themes which are covered by media, as Batoyan mentions, are about people with disabilities. The coverage of that topic increased in last years due to NGO’s activities. “There are themes that journalists are not fully aware of. For example, when we talk about children with disabilities, who are refused by their families, mostly they cover it emotionally, instead of speaking about rights, services, State’s responsibilities”. She adds that it would be better to discuss questions like this: do people with disabilities have the right to adopt children? Are the rights of people with mental disabilities taken into consideration, when we are coming across the rights of living in the family, or simply deciding the place of residence? “For the last two years you can find Davit painting garages, walls in Yerevan’s yards. During two years he has painted 24 areas,” – “Hetq” newspaper’s story2 about Davit Gabrielyan, who has hard of hearing, is about one of those people, who have disability, but prove that they are also full members of society. If we look through Armenian media we can notice that these kinds of stories are being covered at lower extent comparing other disabilityrelated publications. By bringing an example of British Daily Mail newspaper, which every week publishes at least one story about persons with disabilities, Batoyan remarks, that the best way to introduce the problem is to find these types of heroes and tell their stories. “For us it is easy: there is an event, let’s go and cover it, but what is the purpose behind that event, very few reports.” Nevertheless, she stresses that media managed to break some sorts of stereotypes about people with disabilities, but when it comes to prove people’s attitude through their actions, there is a gap still. People say: “yes, it is very good, if child with
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disability will study at school, but I don’t want them to be in the same class with my kid. Or: it is right that persons with disabilities have the right to work, but I won’t employ them.” You can witness changes in the work style of State institutions. If persons with disabilities previously were not involved in discussions of the issues concerning them, now, Batoyan notes, that their opinion is being taken into consideration. “Another question is how much progress is being recorded as a result of those discussions, but, in fact, they have started theoretically ask for an opinion. It’s a big change.” According to her, there is only one unit to assess the problems of people with disabilities, which is how many such people we meet in public places. If we meet them, it means that there is a change, if we don’t, it doesn’t mean they do not exist. Hovhannes Ishkhanyan
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__________________ New Zealander insists, that learning that the child has Down syndrome his wife refused to grow him, whereas wife says that she just wanted the child to grow in New Zealand as in Armenia there are not enough conditions for him. 2 “A person, who illustrates Yeravan”, 26.05.2014 hetq.am 1
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During the day of our conversation Mischa didn’t have sex yet, but was planning. For 6 months artist Mischa Badasyan dated 182 people and still he has to have sexual relations with so many people to stress the connection between loneliness and sex. French anthropologist Marc Augé’s “Non-Places” theory became the grounding for German based Badasyan to implement “Save the Date” project: each day during a year to have make sex with a different man. Auge calls non-places those territories which doesn’t have enough memory or identity (supermarkets, airports, metro etc.), where people do not socialize to each other, thus creating an atmosphere of loneliness. This idea Mischa transforms to the non-places within the meaning of sexuality, where people gather together, have conversation, but don’t have sex, for example bars, pubs, parks, that is where he invites people for a date. Serbia, Netherlands, Germany, these are the countries he had dates so far. He plans to visit Czech Republic, Denmark. What about Armenia? “In April I want to come to Armenia. I hope I can
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date someone there,” – says Mischa and lists the places in Yerevan where he would like have sex: in Komaygi or near Victory bridge, although he admits that it will be hard for him to date someone in Armenia, because mostly people here are living with their parents. At the beginning of the project Mischa told that he will date only men, but now he says: “I became tired of men, I became aggressive,” – he decided to date women as well. Besides, he confesses that this project kills him emotionally. The concerns about that this project might negatively affect on public opinion toward LGBT people, artist comments: “This is about me and my feelings; I am not responsible to everyone. Heterosexuals do the same things, but no one talks about it.” At the end of the project Mischa is going to make a sculpture from the bed sheets on which he had sexual relations. Sheets will be fixed by wood sticks and will be shook by wind.
ÐáíѳÝÝ»ë Æß˳ÝÛ³Ý
Hovhannes Ishkhanyan
Ù³ñ¹áõ Çñ³íáõÝùÝ»ñ human rights
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The untouchables of penitentiary facilities: the one who communicates with homosexuals finds himself in the same situation. Report
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In penitentiary facilities homosexuals are utilized for the most insulting activities. No one communicates with them and their prison cells, utensils and personal belongings are separated from other inmates. This observation is mentioned in Public Monitoring Group’s Monitoring Report (2013), which has been conducted in the penitentiary facilities and organs of the Ministry of Justice of RA. The report proves that in penitentiary facilities the most vulnerable groups are homosexuals. The cleaning of drainage, toilets and baths in penitentiaries are considered the most humiliating activities which are done by homosexuals. The report indicates that homosexuals are illtreated not only from other prisoners as well as from the staff and guards of the prisons.
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The rapporteurs tell that there had been cases, when the monitors wanted to visit the cells of homosexual prisoners, or to meet them, however the staff has warned them about the prisoners being homosexual and advised them to “stay away” from them. It is mentioned that the cells of homosexuals are in worse condition than other inmates. Only in “Kosh” penitentiary facility which solitary confinement is not practiced, nevertheless, the homosexual inmates are separated from others as well as their utensils and personal belongings. While having a conversation with the monitoring group, homosexual prisoners sometimes complained about the behavior they are encountering, in particular one of them said: “We are the heart of the administration, instead of taking care of us, they are suppressing us: we are all hard working boys, we have adapted here, what do they want from us?”. Another one has told: “Homosexuals are used not only for sexual intentions from some inmates but also they are given degrading works in the penitentiary facilities like washing and cleaning toilets, bathrooms, the general area of the prison and etc.” The monitoring group records that in penitentiary facilities the stereotypes relating homosexuals are more sharp and problematic rather than in the society. Moreover, people who use their utensils and belongings can come across the same situation confirming the penal codes regulating the prisons. In order to break the stereotypes existing for the vulnerable groups the monitoring group suggests first of all changing the behavior of the administration that, in their opinion, should eventually change the behavior of the inmates accordingly. It is suggested that homosexuals should be exhumed from doing activities that are considered insulting and instead should hire civilian employees. Hovhannes Ishkhanyan Translated by Ejmin Shahbazyan
ë»é³Ï³Ý ³éáÕçáõÃÛáõÝ sexual health
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Based on results of HIV biological and behavioral research in Armenia 2014 conducted by the National Center for AIDS Prevention of Ministry of Health recommends to improve the epidemiological surveillance to suspend the spread of HIV infection. The research was conducted in three cities of Armenia: Yerevan, Gyumri, Vanadzor by including most at risk population toward HIV: people who injection drugs (PWID), sex workers (SW), men who have sex with men (MSM), prisoners, migrants and young people aged 15-24. Most cases of HIV prevalence among PWID is recorded in Yerevan (4%), second is Gyumri (3, 8%), in Vanadzor HIV-positive cases have not been re-
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corded. Among SW HIV-positive cases have not been recorded in none of three cities. In Yerevan among MSM HIV prevalence is 0,4%, in Gyumri 1,4%, in Vanadzor 1,9%. Report indicates, that PWID are most informed about HIV prevention measures in Gyumri, where Infection Control Assessment Tool (ICAT) amounts to 88,9%. In Vanadzor PWID are least informed with 59,2% and in Yerevan ICAT amounts to 60,9%. The same index for SW is high in Vanadzor and in Gyumri: 95,5% and 94,6% accordingly. In capital the index is significantly inferior to other cities and amounts to 58,9%. This index among MSM in Gyumri is 69,8%, in Yerevan 78,9%, in Vanadzor 85%. ICAT is much lower among prisoners, migrants and young people. It amounts to 38,4%, 24,4% and 22,4% accordingly. The survey was conducted among 300 people from each PWID, SW, MSM groups in Yerevan. From Gyumri and from Vanadzor 50 people from each group attended the survey. 350 prisoners, 550 migrants and 1200 young people is the quantity of participators in this research.
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Hovhannes Ishkhanyan
á·»ßÝãáõÙ inspiration
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When Adrineh Gregoryan was born she was compared to Beatles band’s members by the doctor, but the girl,who grew up in Los Angeles, did not even try to find success in show business in USA. She came to Armenia, where she is highlighting the local problems by her movies. In one of her two films “Back to Gurun”, Adrineh travels to Turkey to reveal the traces of her ancestors. The other one, “Bavakan” is about sex selective abortion in Armenia. - When I was born, the doctor said to my mother: “Congratulations. You’ve just gave birth to a Beatle”, because my hair looked like the band members’ hair style. Like John Lenon, maybe more George Harrison’s.
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Doctor was Armenian and he was happy to receive birth of an Armenian, because there were not much Armenians living in Los Angeles back to that time. - How it happened that you came to Armenia? - I was 18; all my cousins were coming to Armenia. My parents told me, that if they are going, so I must go as well. That time we didn’t know anything about Armenia. There was war, we were small. The most interesting was when I was standing on a mountain near Tatev Monsetry from where Azerbaijan and Aramazd mountain were visible, I was thinking: “What am I doing here? Where did I reach to? How far I came to? My friends are at seashore with new cars, while I didn’t take shower for a month.” Almost half of my life I lived in Armenia, but it doesn’t matter how long I will live here, I will be always perceived as a foreigner. I can’t complain about Armenia. I can say, that service is bad in supermarket, get angry how people are driving cars, but when it comes to state, I don’t feel comfortable to rise my voice, because I can always sit an airplane and go back to USA. But soon I will get Armenian citizenship and from that point I will really start to complain. - If your parents would send you to Armenia now, would you come? - I would have come. Armenia is such a nice place; it is like the same for me to go to Europe. I had a
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chance to travel to Europe, I had chance to go to Islands and I had chance to come and work in an Armenian village, break my finger, drink mulberry vodka and to live without having a shower for a month. First alcohol I drank in Armenia. - How did you break your finger? - We were working on a construction of Saint Minas church, making a gate. One of us was hitting with hammer. He was a guy and was trying to show off that he can do better than we can: as a result he hit my finger. - After that you decided to make a film about sex selective abortion? - No. The occasion of the film were those studies which showed that the rate of sex selective abortion is too high in Armenia. I am not against abortion, it is person’s right to treat with her body as she wants. But if you want to have a child, but not a girl, that shows that there is a problem in society. They say, that man is the one who brings money in family, that goes to army, that he transfers the surname, these all are reasons for people to justify themselves. My surname is Gregoryan, so what’s the difference if it will disappear? There are many other surnames. What is important is human’s life. - In “Bavakan” women are telling details which are hard to talk with strangers. How did you bring them to talk? - We have worked with them five years. They have raised their voices, because they wanted to bring change. They always thought that giving birth to a girl is not right, although they are girls, but they know that they have give a birth to a boy to make their families happy. For some cases, people who are 40 years old, look back and think that they won’t like to do that and they would never want their girls to go the same way which they went through. They are not the heroes of my film, but the heroes of this issue. - Would you prefer to have a girl or boy?
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- There is no difference. I have to only feel love toward the child and be pleased that I have that miracle. - Will your child grow in Armenia? - Of course in Armenia. It’s not even a question to be discussed. - What kind of Armenia would you like for your child to grow? - Firstly, my child should know the world, not only Armenia. I would like my child to grow in Armenia which is peaceful, which accepts all kinds of people, male or female, high or short, with any sexual orientation or religious belief. I want the State to think about children, to think what kind of country they are building, so the heritage which they will leave would look good, that our children will say: “Such a good president we had.” Now president is planting the roots, we will know the result when the flower will sprout, if it will sprout. - Maybe your child will be that president? - Yes, why not?
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Hovhannes Ishkhanyan
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Most of the time trans people and their image has been relegated to mere registration. In art there are several examples, where we can see how different photographers or filmmakers have recorded the life of the trans people, their lifestyle, work, etc. Sometimes when taking record of something, the subject is taken out of its context and is exposed as something alternative, different and marginal and therefore outside the “norm”. In other words, they have been avoiding an essential and primary aspect, this would be to show to the society we are all equal and for example we can all aspire to the same job opportunities. That’s why it would be more interesting to have a look at the trans influence in the society not as an alternative way of living but as a way of overcome that moment when it looks different and open it to the society. We can have a look at different cases worldwide of teachers, artists, politicians and trans athletes that have significantly influenced society. Showing these cases as an example and role model should favor the employment of trans people and create a more equal society, in which tolerance, freedom and fairness can be the main values. Usually in the mind of many people this is something that has been happening only for a couple of years, but in fact we can see examples dating back to mid twentieth century. Christine Jorgensen, a former army private, became the first known publicly transsexual in the US after having sex reassignment surgery in Denmark in 1952. In the art field we can see several prominent trans people. For example Laverne Cox has used her growing celebrity as a star of the
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critically acclaimed Netflix series, Orange is the New Black, to become an outspoken leader of the trans rights movement. In politics, Aya Kamikawa is a Laverne Cox municipal official and the first openly transgender person to seek or win elected office in Japan. She was elected in April 2003. Kamikawa, then a 35-year-old writer, submitted her election application papers with a blank space for “sex.” While in sports, the pro tennis Aya Kamikawa player Renee Richards won a landmark decision for trans rights in 1977, when the New York Supreme Court ruled that she could compete in tournaments as a woman. Kye Allums in many ways made sports history: he is the first publicly transgender person to play NCAA Division (college basketball) . Allums is a pioneer in the LGBT community. In an Interview with GLAAD (Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation), Allums remembered how it was to come out as transgender while still a player: the difficulty was mainly due to the constant media attention: “I felt I could not even walk outside because I felt someone would recognize me... All I wanted to do was focus on basketball.” After basketball, Allums travelled to high schools across America to share his story of being a transgender athlete. It is also important to emphasize that trans influence is not just among celebrities, this reality happens everywhere, across all different kinds of work places, as is the case of Argentina’s first trans teacher. Melisa D’Oro a chess teacher at a school in Buenos Aires who prepared her transition with the help of her two daughters and even though some school parents weren’t sure how to explain it to their children, they all agree she is a great teacher. Is by this kind of examples that society as a whole can benefits immeasurably from an environment in which all persons, regardless their sexual identity. Patricio Derkrikorian
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I was at home taking a nap when I received a call from PINK, it was Kolya. He told me: “I can now officially tell you to pack your suitcase or suitcases if you know what I mean! You are going to Italy to take part in Seminar!” My reaction to that news can be considered odd as I jumped for 5 hours con-
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stantly, without taking a break. Within a month, I was lucky enough to get a Schengen visa on my Iranian passport and I also met my beautiful, interesting and very cool fellow traveler Gayaneh. It was a cold day at Yerevan. 22nd of February, I picked up Gayaneh and we headed towards the Airport. Our path was not as straight forward as you might think. From Yerevan to Kiev International Airport with 2-3 hours of stop and then Kiev to Rome. But the capital of Italy was not our final destination, nevertheless within 4 hours, we took our chance to benefit from the beauties of Rome. Gayaneh and I prepared a to-do list which seemed like this as far as I remember: 1. eat Italian Pizza, 2. eat Italian Pasta, 3. eat Italian Gelato, 4. drink Italian Cappuccino, 5. get to the Lecce train! Your guess is right! After Rome we had to catch our train to a little town in the southern part of Italy called Lecce. It had some great ancient architecture and a seaside. It was almost 12 A.M. when we arrived at Lecce. Thanks God, Salvi (our head-organizer) was there to pick us up. I was thinking we would go to a Motel or something, but surprise, surprise! It was a nun’s convent! First thought pumping in my head was a big cross and nuns forcing us to pray on each meal, shushing us for making too much noise, starving us to death because obviously eating too much was not considered Godly. But later on, I was proven wrong, the nuns were the most caring and gracious people I’ve ever seen. They had this genuine respect and kindness towards you. To be very honest, we were horrible guests, we always came late at night, we wiped out the table full of food and we had an endless demand for more hot water to take shower and not once I heard them complain. They were absolutely amazing and I think it was for the best to be in such ambiance. The only inconvenience was when you were trying to change your clothes, there was Jesus, Marry and all the last Popes staring at you from the wall! The next morning was our first actual gathering in the frames of Youth in Action project titled
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“CHAlleNGE-what does it take”. The first session was called “Buongiorno” (I always thought that in Italian it means “hello” or “hi”, but it actually means “good-morning”). It was truly an international event: Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, UK, Belarus, Croatia, Greece, Cyprus, Romania, Italy and Moldova. All I can say now is that I am not disappointed at all. Within the next 4 days we carried out series of interesting discussions and activities like meditation and free writing. But our principle issue was: How to fulfill the needs of a change-maker. We would share our knowledge about what is change, what is a support-system, what is infrastructure and sustainable development. Our group decided to organise an event in Greece, where consumers will bye products directly from farmers, so the whole money would stay with farmers, as a result of which the local buisness will develop especially that farmers can sell their products with better conditions. Each day we were given free time to scout around and discover the wonders of the city or to rest a little. At nights, it was party time! We would head out with the whole group, hunting down the good restaurants and pubs in the town center. I’ve learned a lot, it was like I switched to my creative mode. When we were leaving, I was not feeling bad but rather I felt changed in my heart. I felt I was wiser, more mature and more knowledgeable. But most importantly I knew that I would see these
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wonderful people once again in my life, not only because we managed to write down a project aiming to change something for good (which is the goal of the contact-making seminar) but because I knew I felt good, empowered and supported whenever I was surrounded with my new friends.
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Ejmin Shahbazian
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Working group: ä³ïñÇëÇá î»ñ-¶ñÇ·áñÛ³Ý ¾çÙÇÝ Þ³Ñµ³½Û³Ý ê³Ùí»É سÝóßÛ³Ý ÐáíѳÝÝ»ë Æß˳ÝÛ³Ý
Nvard Margaryan Kolya Hovhannisyan Mamikon Hovsepyan
Ñ»é./tel. +374 60 377277 email: editor@pinkarmenia.org
Patricio Derkrikorian Ejmin Shahbazyan Samvel Mantashyan Hovhannes Ishkhanyan
a s y o u p i n k a r m e n i a o r g
ÐáõÝí³ñ, 2015Ã. January, 2015