Palazzo Panfili, Via della Geppa 2 – 34132 Trieste (Italy) +39 348 9278461
PLASTIC DIVAS – Mostra personale di Toni Mazuranic Inaugurazione sabato 17 settembre 2016, ore 19:00 Press preview venerdì 16 settembre 2016, ore 18:00-20:00 In mostra dal 17 settembre al 5 novembre 2016 Atelier Home Gallery | Palazzo Panfili, Via della Geppa 2 (III piano), Trieste Giovedì, venerdì e sabato 18:00 - 20:00 o su appuntamento
Atelier Home Gallery è lieta di presentare al pubblico la prima mostra della stagione espositiva 2016/17 in data 17 settembre 2016: Plastic Divas, personale della pittrice croata Toni Mazuranic a cura di Matilde Tiriticco. Le 14 opere vengono esposte per la prima volta in Italia grazie al supporto e al patrocinio del Consolato Generale della Repubblica di Croazia a Trieste che, nella persona del console Nataša Degiuli Kos, p e de à pa te all’e e to i augu ale testimoniando una spiccata sensibilità per la promozione e diffusio e dell’operato dei giova i artisti croati co te pora ei. Il titolo Plastic Divas s elto dalla u at i e i te de sottoli ea e l’uso iti o he l’a tista fa della ellezza più li pida, a spesso o otta dalle p ati he i t usi e di ito hi e adatta e ti, he oggigio o impera nella comunicazione e trasmissione degli standard estetici. Attraverso il suo lavoro, infatti, Toni Mazuranic affronta una serie di temi legati all'influenza dei Media sulle donne e sugli odierni parametri di bellezza condivisi dalla società occidentale, ponendo sempre una domanda finale allo spettatore. Prendendo le immagini direttamente dal mondo che vuole analizzare - donne e riviste di moda -, Mazuranic altera e ricombina il contenuto attraverso collages preparatori che vengono poi trasformati in dipinti. Con il suo intervento e la nuova composizione di queste immagini, le tematiche che vengono esse i dis ussio e so o l’ ide tità, la p ati a della hi u gia plasti a e l’i flue za he ueste i agi i perfette hanno oggi sulle giovani donne. Nella serie "Cover [LA] Girls" Mazuranic si concentra sul concetto di "covergirl”, termine diventato popolare e ampiamente accettato, rielaborandone le copertine per mettere in discussione l’ide tità delle figure ritratte o talvolta la semplice mancanza dell’ide tità stessa. In questa serie l’a tista si concentra in particolare sulla rivista Cosmpolitan per scoprire quale sia la formula adottata dalla rivista per creare una copertina perfetta: per realizzare ciò utilizza spesso materiali riflettenti, come brillantini o vinile, in cui lo spettatore può in alcune opere vedere sé stesso riflesso, spingendolo a mettere in discussione la sua relazione con questo tipo di immagini. Nel suo più recente corpus delle grandi tele, Toni Mazuranic si allontana dal concetto di "covergirl", anche se continua ad attingere a piene mani dalla cultura visiva delle riviste patinate. La tecnica utilizzata o ti ua a o p e de e l’utilizzo del ollage ei ozzetti, i ui o po enti consistono in piccole parti di volti differenti che sembrano costituire un unicum armonico. Attraverso questo processo di tranciatura, invece, si crea una tensione nei dipinti, qualcosa di attraente, ma tuttavia ripugnante, grottesco, spaventoso e bellissimo.
_______________________________________________________________________________________ Atelier Home Gallery
PI (VAT) 01269920326
Palazzo Panfili, Via della Geppa 2 – 34132 Trieste (Italy) +39 348 9278461
TONI MAZURANIC Toni Mazuranic nasce a Zagabria, Croazia, nel 1988. Trascorre quasi 10 anni negli Stati Uniti dove consegue la Laurea in Belle Arti presso il Cleveland Institute of Art nel 2010. Le sue opere sono state esposte in gallerie a Cleveland, San Pedro e Zagabria. Attualmente vive e lavora a Zagabria. PERSONALI 2016 Miles and Miles of Perfect Skin, Pikto Gallery, Zagreb Croatia Girls Uncovered, Boonika Gallery, Zagreb, Croatia 2015 Make Up Your Mind, Pogon Jedinstvo, Zagreb, Croatia Material Girls, Matica Gallery, Zagreb, Croatia 2013 Cover[THE]Girls, Siva Gallery, Zagreb, Croatia 2010 Synthetic Beauty: A Collection of Recent Paintings by Toni Mazuranic, The Croatian Cultural Center of Greater Los Angeles, San Pedro, CA COLLETTIVE 2015 Lost in the Supermarket, Pikto Gallery, Zagreb, Croatia 2013 Annual Exhibition 2013, Ring Gallery, The Croatian Association of Visual Artists (HDLU), Zagreb, Croatia 2012 Gorgona in Gorgona, Performance with group Gorgona Nova, The Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb, Croatia 2010 Member's Exhibition, Arts Collinwood, Cleveland, OH The Small Show, Side Show Gallery, Euclid Tavern, Cleveland, OH The Student Independent Exhibition 64, The Reinberger Galleries, Cleveland, OH, Jurors: Christa Donner, Dario Robleto & Pascual Sisto 2009 Spring Show, Cleveland Institute of Art, Cleveland, OH 2008 Menagerie, The Spaces Gallery, Cleveland, OH Hide/Seek, The Coffeehouse Gallery, Cleveland, OH The Student Independent Exhibition 62, The Reinberger Galleries, Cleveland, OH, Jurors: Beth Campbell, Ryan Trecartin & Tobias Wong Amalgam, The Coffeehouse Gallery, Cleveland, OH RICONOSCIMENTI 2010 The Sue Wall Prize for Painting, Cleveland, OH 2009 The Kelly Dreger Memorial Award for Excellence in Painting, Cleveland, OH 2008 The Ma tha M. “pi dle ’5 “ hola ship fo E elle e i Pai ti g, Cle ela d, OH Norita Wyse Berman Memorial Award for Excellence in Painting, Cleveland, OH 2006 The Cleveland Institute of Art Portfolio Scholarship, Cleveland, OH 2006 Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition in Art, Washington, D.C. Finalist for the Maryland Artists Equity Foundation, Baltimore, MD The Distinguished Art Scholar Award, Bethesda, MD PUBBLICAZIONI 2016 Petrovic, Klara, "I'm listening darling, I'm just going to paint a little", Kulturflux,, April 2, 2016 Barbaric, Tina, "Painter Toni Mazuranic unmasks the myth of the covergirl", Express magazine, March 11, 2016 Kovacicek, Tina, "Toni Mazuranic: The problem with beauty is that it's unattainable", Buro 247,, March 1, 2016 2015 No ak, Jako , I a t to sti ulate thought a out toda 's eaut sta da ds , Ve e ji List, e e ji.h , Ap il 16, 2015 To lje o i , A ja, E hi itio To i Mazu a i : Mate ial Gi ls , Fe ale “pa e,, April 15, 2015 2013 Pet ie, “a d a, To i Mazua i 's Co e [THE]Gi l , Pe e sio Magazi e, pe e sio ag. o , O to e , 2013 Ha ze , I a, I te ie : To i Mazu a i , JAM Magazi e, issuu. o , O to e
_______________________________________________________________________________________ Atelier Home Gallery
PI (VAT) 01269920326
Palazzo Panfili, Via della Geppa 2 – 34132 Trieste (Italy) +39 348 9278461
ATELIER HOME GALLERY L’Atelie Ho e Galle o ga izza ost e e happe i gs p esso la di o a d’epo a degli a tisti Ro e to del F ate e Roberta de Jorio, presentando artisti contemporanei per veder co e le ope e d’a te e t i o i elazio e o u o spazio o otato da u ’at osfe a più i ti a. All’i te o di uesto spazio oesisto o due ealtà: la galle ia e a e p op ia, do e si s olgo o le sho ase di oggetti di desig , e l’atelie del pittore Roberto del Frate.
ost e e gli
Questa ho e galle ha la sua sede al te zo pia o del p estigioso Palazzo Pa fili, isale te alla fi e del XIX se olo grazie alla volontà della famiglia Panfili, caratterizzato dagli affascinanti ampi spazi dal gusto storico. Olt e alle tipi he atti ità legate ad u a galle ia d’a te, o ga izza p esso i p op i spazi lezio i di pittu a, o e sazio i intorno alla psicanalisi, eventi musicali, proiezioni di film e video, presentazioni e reading di libri ed eventi legati alla cultura enogastronomica.
PLASTIC DIVAS – Mostra personale di Toni Mazuranic Inaugurazione sabato 17 settembre 2016, ore 19:00 Press preview venerdì 16 settembre 2016, ore 18:00-20:00 In mostra dal 17 settembre al x novembre 2016 Giovedì, venerdì e sabato 18:00 - 20:00 o su appuntamento | M. +39 348 9278461 Press info: Matilde Tiriticco,
_______________________________________________________________________________________ Atelier Home Gallery
PI (VAT) 01269920326
_______________________________________________________________________________________ Atelier Home Gallery
PI (VAT) 01269920326
Palazzo Panfili, Via della Geppa 2 – 34132 Trieste (Italy) +39 348 9278461
PLASTIC DIVAS – Solo show by Toni Mazuranic Opening reception Saturday 17th September 2016, 6.30 pm Press preview Friday 16th September 2016, 6.00-8.00pm From 17th September to 5th November 2016 Atelier Home Gallery | Palazzo Panfili, Via della Geppa 2 (III piano), Trieste Thursday, Friday, Saturday 6.00-8.00pm or on appointment
Atelier Home Gallery is pleased to present to the public the first show of the exhibition season 2016/17 Plastic Divas, solo show by the Croatian painter Toni Mazuranic curated by Matilde Tiriticco. For the first time, the 14 artworks are shown in Italy thanks to support and patronage of the General Consulate of the Republic of Croatia in Trieste that, within the presence of Consul Nataša Degiuli Kos, will take part to the event proving a marked sensivity in promoting and sp eadi g the a a e ess of ou g o te po a C oatia a tists’ p odu tio . The title Plastic Divas chosen by the curator underlines the critical use made by the artist of portraying perfect beauty, often unnatural, that nowadays prevails in the aesthetic standard promoted by communication. Through her work Toni Mazuranic addresses a variety of themes related to the influence of popular media on women and contemporary beauty standards of Western society. In the work she explores, questions and critiques these standards posing a question for the viewer. She takes imagery directly from the world she is currently focused on - women's and fashion magazines - altering the content through collage which is then turned into a painting. With her intervention or reconstruction of these images she brings to question issues of identity, plastic surgery, and the power of these standardizes images and their affect on women today. In her series Cover[THE]Girls the artist fo uses on the notion of a overgirl as presented y women's magazines. This term has become popular and widely accepted – we all see ourselves in this o e gi l - but by pla i g asks o these o e gi ls Mazu a i i gs to uestio thei identity, or lack thereof. In this series Mazuranic focuses on Cosmopolitan magazine – using their covers as a source for her paintings – discovering their formula to create the perfect cover. She then often uses reflective materials, such as glitter or reflective vinyl, where the viewer can in some works see his or her own reflection. This urges the viewer to question their relationship to this type of imagery. In her newest body of work Mazu a i o es a a f o the o ept of a o e gi l , though still using magazines as her source. Slicing up different parts from different models she creates portraits that are seemingly one whole. Through this process of slicing she creates a tension in the paintings – something that is attractive, but yet repulsive or grotesque at the same time.
______________________________________________________________________________________ _ Atelier Home Gallery
PI (VAT) 01269920326
Palazzo Panfili, Via della Geppa 2 – 34132 Trieste (Italy) +39 348 9278461
TONI MAZURANIC Toni Mazuranic was born in Zagreb, Croatia in 1988. She spent almost 10 years living the US where she also attained her Bachelors of Fine Art at The Cleveland Institute of Art in 2010. Her work has been shown in galleries in Cleveland, San Pedro and Zagreb. She is currently living and working in Zagreb. SOLO SHOWS 2016 Miles and Miles of Perfect Skin, Pikto Gallery, Zagreb Croatia Girls Uncovered, Boonika Gallery, Zagreb, Croatia 2015 Make Up Your Mind, Pogon Jedinstvo, Zagreb, Croatia Material Girls, Matica Gallery, Zagreb, Croatia 2013 Cover[THE]Girls, Siva Gallery, Zagreb, Croatia 2010 Synthetic Beauty: A Collection of Recent Paintings by Toni Mazuranic, The Croatian Cultural Center of Greater Los Angeles, San Pedro, CA GROUP SHOWS 2015 Lost in the Supermarket, Pikto Gallery, Zagreb, Croatia 2013 Annual Exhibition 2013, Ring Gallery, The Croatian Association of Visual Artists (HDLU), Zagreb, Croatia 2012 Gorgona in Gorgona, Performance with group Gorgona Nova, The Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb, Croatia 2010 Member's Exhibition, Arts Collinwood, Cleveland, OH The Small Show, Side Show Gallery, Euclid Tavern, Cleveland, OH The Student Independent Exhibition 64, The Reinberger Galleries, Cleveland, OH, Jurors: Christa Donner, Dario Robleto & Pascual Sisto 2009 Spring Show, Cleveland Institute of Art, Cleveland, OH 2008 Menagerie, The Spaces Gallery, Cleveland, OH Hide/Seek, The Coffeehouse Gallery, Cleveland, OH The Student Independent Exhibition 62, The Reinberger Galleries, Cleveland, OH, Jurors: Beth Campbell, Ryan Trecartin & Tobias Wong Amalgam, The Coffeehouse Gallery, Cleveland, OH AWARDS/SCHOLARSHIPS 2010 The Sue Wall Prize for Painting, Cleveland, OH 2009 The Kelly Dreger Memorial Award for Excellence in Painting, Cleveland, OH 2008 The Martha M. “pi dle ’5 “ hola ship fo E elle e i Pai ti g, Cle ela d, OH Norita Wyse Berman Memorial Award for Excellence in Painting, Cleveland, OH 2006 The Cleveland Institute of Art Portfolio Scholarship, Cleveland, OH 2006 Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition in Art, Washington, D.C. Finalist for the Maryland Artists Equity Foundation, Baltimore, MD The Distinguished Art Scholar Award, Bethesda, MD PUBLICATIONS 2016 Petrovic, Klara, "I'm listening darling, I'm just going to paint a little", Kulturflux,, April 2, 2016 Barbaric, Tina, "Painter Toni Mazuranic unmasks the myth of the covergirl", Express magazine, March 11, 2016 Kovacicek, Tina, "Toni Mazuranic: The problem with beauty is that it's unattainable", Buro 247,, March 1, 2016 2015 No ak, Jako , I a t to sti ulate thought a out toda 's eaut sta da ds , Ve e ji List, e e ji.h , Ap il 16, 2015 To lje o i , A ja, E hi itio To i Mazu a i : Mate ial Gi ls , Fe ale “pa e,, April 15, 2015 2013 Pet ie, “a d a, To i Mazua i 's Co e [THE]Gi l , Pe e sio Magazi e, pe e sio ag. o , O to e , 2013 Ha ze , I a, I te ie : To i Mazu a i , JAM Magazi e, issuu. o , O to er 2013
______________________________________________________________________________________ _ Atelier Home Gallery
PI (VAT) 01269920326
Palazzo Panfili, Via della Geppa 2 – 34132 Trieste (Italy) +39 348 9278461
ATELIER HOME GALLERY Atelier Home Gallery organizes exhibitions and happenings at the historical home of a family of two artists, Roberto del Frate and Roberta de Jorio, presenting contemporary artists to investigate how artworks fit in a living space that has a more intimate feeling. Inside this living space there are two different realities: the gallery (hosting art exhibitions and industrial design showcases) and the Atelier of Roberto del Frate, where the painter gives life to his artistic visions. This ho e galle is lo ated at the thi d floo of the ajesti Pa fili Pala e, uilt at the e d of the XIX Ce tu from the Panfili family, characterized by his amusing big spaces with a historic atmosphere. Going beyond the normal reach of a gallery, it offers painting courses, psychoanalytic talks, music events, video screenings and enogastronomic experiences.
PLASTIC DIVAS – Solo show by Toni Mazuranic Opening reception Saturday 17th September 2016, 6.30 pm Press preview Friday 16th September 2016, 6.00-8.00pm From 17th September to 5th November 2016 Thursday, Friday, Saturday 6.00-8.00pm or on appointment | M. +39 348 9278461 Press info: Matilde Tiriticco,
______________________________________________________________________________________ _ Atelier Home Gallery
PI (VAT) 01269920326
_______________________________________________________________________________________ Atelier Home Gallery
PI (VAT) 01269920326