- Sound Of Silence, Guitar

Trish Hoskin - The Gilly
Australia and New Zealand
Welcome everyone to the August edition of our Artists Down Under magazine.
We are well and truly over half way through the year now and for those of you in the Southern States that are suffering with the Winter Blues from the cold weather conditions, I hope that our magazine can fill you with the warmth sent from all of our artists love, passion and dedication to their art.
Andrew Haysom has settled in nicely now with his new tutorial series on “Some Photography Inspiration”. This month he shares with us all, extremely handy information on how to use “Back Button Focus”, something I never new about and will certainly be trying.
The Redlands Digital Art Group have so much dedication to their “Chinese Whispers” series. It is amazing each month how they come up with different ideas from limited starting images, so much fun with awesome results. It certainly tests their artist abilities and imagination.
I would like to introduce our Featured Artist this month, Kevin Sims. Kevin is from the South Island of New Zealand and is a long standing member of the Artists Down Under group. Kevin has an amazing style of artistry that I absolutely love, and he has put together a series of images for you all to enjoy.
I would like to share with you “The Cottage Series” by Rosa Perry. Rosa is also a long standing member of our group and has put together a series of Cottage images that are absolutely stunning. I know you will all love this series.
This months Artist Challenge theme was “Street Scenes”. What a wonderful array of images I get to present to you from our artists. They really took on this challenge with some amazing results.
Lastly a huge congratulations to all of our artists for the success that they have had in competitions and exhibitions. Even the cold weather can’t dampen thei spirit. Backgrounds: Foxy Squirrel Laitha’s Designs - Jai Johnson - White Lane Studio Copyright 2017 © Artists in this publication are responsible for any rights appertaining to their work.

Well, that’s it from me. Stay safe on the roads, take care of each other and look out for those less fortunate around you.
Pam Henderson
Christina Brunton - Ballet Practice

https://www.facebook.com/snapnshootdesigns/ http://www.artistsdownunder.com.au/artist-4/pam-henderson/

https://www.flickr.com/photos/88165766@N05 https://artistsdownunder.com.au/artist-3/karen-waalwyk/


https://www.facebook.com/dean.hohn/photos https://artistsdownunder.com.au/artist-2/dean-hohn/


https://www.zolof.net/ https://artistsdownunder.com.au/artist-2/ilona-abou-zolof/

artists Achievements monthly down under
artists down under facebook page
The Artists Down Under Public Facebook page has been set up to allow the artists in the group to showcase their work and to enable them to share promotional information about themselves, e.g. exhibitions, awards etc...
You can find the Artists Down Under Public Facebook page at this address; https://www.facebook.com/groups/ArtistsDownUnder/
So, if you are an artist in the group, don’t forget to regularly share your work and information here, and to let your friends and family know about the page if they are interested in viewing the latest art and news from the group.
If you are a reader of the magazine who does not have access to the page, please click the link above and request to join. When you request to join you will be asked to answer three simple questions that will allow us to determine if you are an eligible artist who may wish to join the group and therefore be able to post on the page, or a member of the public who can view, comment and like the work on the page. It’s a great place to see some great art from this vibrant group every day!
Three ADU members receive a special gift
Our very good Awake friends Katherine Zdonczyk of MagicalReality Designs and Diane Stafford from WhiteLaneStudio continue to give gifts as a reward for members of the Artists Down Under group who contribute to the ADU Facebook page by regularly posting their artworks and supporting other members with their comments.
Katherine, is well known for her fantastic sets of digital designer backgrounds, masks and all kinds of wonderful elements ready for designers to add to or build a wondrous creation.
Katherine Zdonczyk can be found at @ Oscraps http://bit.ly/3tTMUfM @ Etsy https://etsy.me/3RWjmpU
Diane Stafford from Chester, UK, designs Photoshop textures and overlays for photo artists and photographers to use in their digital artworks. Diane has created another special kit just for Artists Down Under for the month of AUGUST.
Two artists will receive a Diane kit each.
Diane Stafford can be found at https://whitelanestudio.co.uk/biolinks

The AUGUST lucky winners are
Magical Reality Designs Gift Voucher
- Trish Hoskin
Diane Stafford (WhiteLaneStudio) Texture & Overlay Kit
- Denise Hunter Logan
- Sharon Rankmore

Congratulations to the following artists for having their images chosen to appear in the International magazine “Living The Photo Artistic Life”.
Christine Brunton
- Piano Man
- Dog
Sonia Pusey
- The Sunflower
- Flower Garden
Helen McLeod
- Off On An Adventure
- Caught
Sandra Dann
- Sleepless Nights
Rosa Perry
- Haunted Passage - Apple In A Teacup
Penny De Jong
- The Abundant Garden
Ilona Abou-Zolof
- Bewitched
- Put A Spell On You
Maureen Maxwell
- The Ghost Train Is Coming
- Spider Woman
Louise Smith
- Rainy Days
Kim Ricci
- Sapphira

Louise Smith - Rainy Days
Kim Ricci - Sapphira
Maureen Maxwell - Spider Woman
Sandra Dann - Sleepless Nights
Sonia Pusey - The Sunflower


Maureen Maxwell - The Ghost Train Is Coming
Christina Brunton - Piano Man
Ilona Abou-Zolof - Bewitched
Rosa Perry - Haunted Passage
Christina Brunton - Dog
Penny de Jong - The Abundant Garden
Sonia Pusey - Flower Garden
Helen McLeod - Off On An Adventure
Helen McLeod - Caught
Ilona Abou-Zolof - Put A Spell On You
Rosa Perry - Seeker Of Souls

whats on Exhibitions
Exhibitions and Watch House opening hours
Art exhibitions are held at the Watch House most weekends of the year.

Visions Unveiled
Immerse yourself in the captivating allure of “Visions Unveiled”, where the creative process of seven talented artists intertwines to form an unparalleled visual symphony. Delve into the grace ful movements of abstract dancers, the compelling shapes of abstract architecture and portraits, monochromatic abstractions, traditional cyanotypes, tranquil homesteads, and minimalistic landscapes. Embark on a journey that guarantees to mesmerise and inspire as we invite you to celebrate the boundless beauty of diverse artistic expressions.
2024 September 28-29 (Saturday and Sunday), 10am to 5pm. Website: www.merakiartists.net


https://photos.kogekar.com/ https://artistsdownunder.com.au/artist-2/hemant-kogekar/


https://trish-hoskin.myportfolio.com/ http://www.artistsdownunder.com.au/artist-4/trish-hoskin/

https://artistsdownunder.com.au/artists-1/christina-brunton/ https://chrisbrunton.com/
and New Zealand

By Andrew Haysom
In this second article in this series, I am discussing perhaps the most significant change I have made to my technique since taking up photography. It is the change that has provided the biggest benefit to me, especially for my wildlife photography. That technique is Back-button Focus (BBF).
The Auto-focus systems on cameras these days are amazing, but they can be even more so if you take full control of them.
Please note that I am a Canon user, so what I describe in this article may be slightly biased towards my gear, but I’m confident that the behaviours of most brands are very similar. Like last month’s article, I am not going to delve into how to set-up BBF on your camera, there will be many articles or YouTube videos for your camera if you search the internet.
The default behaviour of most cameras is that when you depress the shutter button half-way the camera meters the scene to set the exposure and initiates the auto-focus system, then when you fully press the shutter, the camera takes a photo. With BBF (in the way I have it set up), the auto-focus function is removed from the shutter button and re-assigned to another button on the back of the camera, effectively separating the exposure metering and taking of the photo from the auto-focus action.
This back-button is then used with your thumb to focus the camera.
This may sound like it is complicating things, and it is somewhat, and it does take some getting used to, but it gives you much more control over the focussing system of your camera, which is especially useful when photographing fast-moving subjects, or changing scenes like wildlife or sports.
Before we discuss the advantages of BBF it is important to understand the difference between the different auto focus modes available in most cameras.

The first focus mode is One-Shot (aka Single-Shot or AF-S). In One-Shot mode once the Autofocus system is initiated and the camera focusses on something, the focus is locked until you take a photo. One-Shot is designed to be used for stationary subjects. It also allows what is called “Focus and Recompose” where you focus on something, then slightly move your camera to recompose the scene. Also, in One-Shot mode the camera will not allow you to take a photo until the camera has found something to focus on.
The second focus mode is Continuous (aka AI-Servo, Continuous-Servo or AF-C). With Continuous focus mode the camera continues to focus while you have the shutter button half-depressed (or the assigned back-button pressed if using BBF). This allows the continuous focus-tracking of moving subjects.
There are also different ways in most cameras to use the focus points in your camera, you can use spot focus (where you use a single focus point which you can move around the scene), you can use clusters of focus points (in various configurations), and in more modern cameras you even have advanced functions like face or eye-tracking where the camera searches for and tracks the faces or eyes of subjects).
Changing the focus mode, or the focus points settings, through the menu system, or via the back screen, are not things that you can quickly do while engaged in shooting, but BBF allows you to do things much more quickly.
With my BBF settings, I have the camera permanently set to AI-Servo (Continuous) mode. While I hold down the back-button it will act like Continuous, but by lifting my thumb from the BBF button the camera will stop focusing just like One-Shot.
It’s nice never having to worry about whether the camera is in the right focus mode.
I have assigned two buttons for BBF, one uses Spot Focus (a single focus point), and one activates Eye-Focus, so I can easily switch between these two favourite focus point settings simply by choosing a different button with my thumb.
It’s nice not having to delve into the settings screens to change between my favourite focus point settings.

[Fig 1 – My Back-button Focus assignments]

One disadvantage of the default shutter button setup is that the camera will try to focus for every single image you take, and this is not always desirable. With BBF you can focus the camera with the back-button, then take as many images as you like without the camera refocussing simply by lifting your thumb off the back-button.
One example where this quickly becomes obvious is “focus and recompose”. Let’s pretend we are shooting a landscape, with a small building that we want to be the point of focus. With the traditional shutter-button focus we can focus on the hut once, and take a photo, but then if I want to try a few more different compositions (by changing the direction of the camera, or zooming in or out) I would need to be careful to move the focus point onto the hut for every subsequent shot, or keep moving it back to the hut and focus and recompose. With BBF, I can focus on the hut once, then take as many different shots as I like with my thumb lifted off the back-button, and the focus will remain the same until I choose otherwise by pressing the back-button again.
Another example is when you want to use manual focus by twisting the focus barrel on the lens, rather than auto-focus. If you were using default shutter-focus, you would need to set the manual switch on the lens to “Manual” (or on some cameras set the camera to manual focus in the menu), to stop the camera focussing each time you press the shutter. When using BBF this is not necessary as you can achieve the same result by simply keeping your thumb off the backbutton.
It’s nice not having to worry about the Auto/Manual switch on the lens any more.
Essentially though, the biggest difference with BBF is that it just gives you much more control and enables you to effectively use your auto-focus system options quickly when you most need to be changing things on-the-fly.
One of my favourite genres of photography is wildlife, primarily birds. BBF is perfect for this type of photography where the subjects can be sitting still one minute or flitting around from branch to branch then launching themselves skywards. Switching to manual focus when trying to focus through branches becomes so much easier with BBF.
BBF will take you some time to get used to, so it probably requires a few weeks of practise time, but once you’re used to it, I think you’ll find it will completely change your photography for the better.

[Fig 2 – BBF is brilliant for bird photography (Female Spotted Pardalote)]

https://artistsdownunder.com.au/artist-3/margaret-kalms/ http://artofwoman.com.au



https://www.juliepowellphoto.com/ https://artistsdownunder.com.au/artist-2/julie-powell/


Australia and New Zealand


I started this month’s collaboration thinking about what Pam might do with these random elements.
I certainly never thought she would achieve such an accomplished art work that has so much interesting detail and story to it. Pam has used many and varied techniques to create such an interesting whole. Such a clever and skilful lady!
Maureen Maxwell
Pam Henderson
Maureen Maxwell









Meet your artist KEVIN SIMS
South Island, NZ

1. Tell us a little about yourself and where you live?
I live in Nelson which is located at the ‘top of the South Island’ of New Zealand. I am now retired and enjoying getting back into my photography and photo artistry.
2. How did you become interested/get started in Photo Artistry?
I have always enjoyed viewing large oil paintings and photographs and alongside this I have an interest in building computers. I had been experimenting with compositing photographs in a small makeshift colour darkroom when photoshop first appeared and it made sense to me to switch to the digital world. A huge learning curve however after a long period of trial and error I was fortunate to stumble upon Sebastion Michaels fantastic “PhotoArtisty” course which pulled all my learning together.
3. What inspires you or gives you inspiration to create your art?
I draw ideas from the landscape, nature and music. I enjoy DIY practical challenges and finding creative solutions to unusual problems. This allows me to experiment and learn, both photography and photoshop, without necessarily following any set methodology
4. Do you have a certain approach to creating your art?
My approach is constantly evolving. Recently I made a conscious decision to focus on themes with the intent of developing my personal style. This approach has guided me to plan and make more conscious decisions of how I want each piece to take shape.
5. What does your art mean to you?
I create images for fun and make me feel good about myself. I constantly strive to create images that I am proud to display. I print some of my images on A2+ and others are presented on our 32inch frame TV.
6. Do you think that since starting in photo artistry it has changed you and if so, how?
Initially I was fearful of negative criticism. My initial approach was more deliberate and focused on producing images that would appeal to others. I was not being true to myself. Through the photo artistry process I have gained confidence to put any negative criticism aside however social media is still problematic for me.
7. Is there anyone that you draw inspiration from?
There is such a wide variety of artists to draw inspiration from and I am constantly looking at a wide variety of sources including those produced using AI.
8. Where do you see (or hope to see) your art taking you in the future? What are your next steps?
My art is for my benefit and pleasure and as such I have no specific goal. I will revisit and update my website as my preferred method of sharing images as I feel more comfortable with this in lieu of using social media.


http://www.artistsdownunder.com.au/artist-2/george-koncz/ http://georgekonczphotography.com/




















https://andrewhaysom.myportfolio.com/ https://artistsdownunder.com.au/artists-1/andrew-haysom/

artists street scene photographic challenge theme: monthly artistic down under

Ilona Abou-Zolof - City Life

Christina Brunton - Sydney Harbour Walk

Denise Hunter Logan - My Street
Andrew Haysom - Collins Street Tram

Bev Terawskyj - Australian Street Scene

Colin Campbell - Duke

Marina Hobbs - Street Scene India

Pam Henderson - Back Streets

Robyn McLaughlan - Street Scene

Maureen Maxwell - The Queue

Prue Wright - The Beat

Sandy McCleary - Eat Street
Rosa Perry - Steps In Paris

Karen Waalwyk - Smoke Break

Marie Helyar - Court House
Australia and New Zealand

adu artists business advertisements

E L F - P A C E D & O N L I N E
L e a r n t o u s e t h e
M i x e r B r u s h
I n t h i s c l a s s , y o u w i l l l e a r n h o w t o
e f f e c t i v e l y u s e t h e M i x e r B r u s h t o o l i n
A d o b e P h o t o s h o p t o c r e a t e b e a u t i f u l a n d
u n i q u e s t i l l - l i f e & f l o r a l s
L e a r n t e c h n i q u e s
T h e c l a s s i s s u i t a b l e f o r b o t h b e g i n n e r s a n d
a d v a n c e d a r t i s t s , a n d I w i l l c o v e r e v e r y t h i n g
f r o m t h e b a s i c s o f M i x e r B r u s h t o a d v a n c e d
t e c h n i q u e s l i k e c r e a t i n g c u s t o m b r u s h e s a n d
t e x t u r e s
M a s t e r & C r e a t e
W h e t h e r y o u a r e l o o k i n g t o e x p l o r e a n e w
m e d i u m , e x p a n d y o u r d i g i t a l a r t s k i l l s , o r
s i m p l y e n j o y t h e p r o c e s s o f c r e a t i n g a r t , m y
S t i l l - l i f e & F l o w e r s M i x e r B r u s h A r t C l a s s i s
t h e p e r f e c t p l a c e t o s t a r t
S i x b a n d n e w p r o j e c t s
S i x b r a n d n e w p r o j e c t s i n c l u d i n g t h r e e s t i l l -
l i f e s c e n e s a n d t h r e e f l o w e r s A l l b a s e
i m a g e s , b o n u s p r a c t i c e i m a g e s , t e x t u r e s ,
E - B o o k a n d c u s t o m b r u s h e s p r o v i d e d

julie powell@outlook com

I d e l i c a t e l y u n r a v e l t h e
e f f e c t s o f t i m e ,
m e t i c u l o u s l y r e p a i r i n g
c r a c k s , h e a l i n g
d i s c o l o u r a t i o n , a n d
e r a s i n g y e a r s o f w e a r
a n d t e a r T h r o u g h t h e
m a g i c o f d i g i t a l a r t i s t r y ,
I r e s t o r e n o t o n l y t h e
i m a g e b u t a l s o t h e
e m o t i o n s a n d m e m o r i e s
e n c a p s u l a t e d w i t h i n i t

D o n ' t l e t t i m e
e r a s e t h e b e a u t y
o f y o u r
m e m o r i e s !
C o n t a c t m e t o d a y
t o g i v e y o u r
c h e r i s h e d p h o t o s
t h e g i f t o f
r e s t o r a t i o n

Helping Women with Endometriosis
50% of profit donated to endometriosis research
When I first heard about endometriosis I felt a deep compassion and need to do what I could to help. Women with endometriosis suffer debilitating pain, disruptive symptoms and often endure multiple operations simply to function normally. Few people are patient when listening to descriptions of pain, symptoms or illness. This can have the effect of silencing people who are ill.
My compassion inspires my photoart which I show in presentations to raise awareness. I joined Awake to teach me advanced Photoshop skills, specifically to expand my photoartistic skills to create imaginative and dramatic images.
My photoart opens dialogue enabling freer expression of hidden feelings, experiences too private to mention in ordinary conversation. I create photoart inspired by the concerns of women with endometriosis. Several women have said that the process of imaging their suffering has helped them to face their pain and illness. There is immense strength in being heard. I want my photoart to become visual screams!!
26 women with endometriosis have told me about their experiences. They spoke to me about their concerns and collaborated during the photo session. We explored meanings of body, ideas of self and impacts of illness together, agreeing which ideas we would explore photographically. My photos are often carefully arranged, but that doesn’t mean they are fake. They represent the personal truth and experiences of 26 women with endometriosis. These women are remembering and acting out their OWN experiences. They choose their own stance and facial expression. Women with endometriosis are the only people who truly know what endometriosis FEELS like.
Unfortunately endometriosis is relatively common; an estimated 1 in 10 women living with endometriosis, being over 175,000,000 women worldwide! And an estimated 500,000 women in Australia! Their experiences are heart-breaking. Regular illness and debilitating pain result in missed education and poor career opportunities leaving them women vulnerable to poverty.
Art by Margaret Kalms

Share ‘EndoWomanArt’ with your friends on social media to raise awareness and money for women’s health!
We all need clothes & household goods. Buy yourself a treat or buy a special gift for your friends. Make your shopping count!
Remember 50% of profit goes to endometriosis research! https://www.redbubble.com/ people/EndoWomanArt/shop
Follow ‘Life with Endometriosis’: https://www.facebook.com/ LifeWithEndometriosis
See Margaret Kalms photoart, ‘Life with Endometriosis’: http://www.endowomanart.com
Margaret Kalms

Women with endometriosis need real medical progress to reduce their suffering. I passionately desire to raise money for endometriosis research so that faster diagnoses are made and more effective treatments are found. To raise money for endometriosis research, I host events and sell products on Redbubble. Recently I gave $3,000 to Canberra Endometriosis Centre!

Bunch Of Butterflies On Grevillea Sweatshirt Butterflies False Colour Grey Stripes
Bunch Of Butterflies On Grevillea Pencil Case

WEBSITE: http://artistsdownunder.com.au/
