School Newsletter February 2019 Hello! Well it’s February – hooray! January has gone by in a flash and I can hardly believe we are approaching the end of the first half of this term. I’d like to thank everyone for the kindness and generosity shown to all our staff with your kind gifts before Christmas. We opened the last box of chocolates on Friday . Staffing Update Mrs Hughes has now finished working in P3/4 on a Wednesday but will continue to teach in P5/6/7 on a Thursday and Friday – huge thanks to her for covering this class over that last few months. Mrs Kirsty Brunton was the preferred candidate for our Senior Early Years Practitioner post and will take up this post after the February break – we look forward to welcoming her to our school. Miss Becca Doyle was the preferred candidate for the Nursery Nurse post and has been with us since 14th January and is settling well in our nursery and school team.
Issue 3 Online Payment and School Meal Pre orders Most of our families are now registered on the School Pay System and it’s proving helpful in class as most children now have their lunches ordered which reduces the amount of time spent in class doing this task. If you have not registered yet and are unsure how to please contact Mrs Cameron in school office who will be happy to help you get set up. Can we also take this opportunity to remind you that if you wish your child to have a school packed lunch on a Friday, this must be ordered by the Wednesday afternoon – many thanks!
Class Newsletters All classes should now have had their class newsletter via e-mail which gives you an overview of the coming term. If you have not received yours please get in touch.
Mrs Helen Maule will continue to work in the nursery until the February break. After February she will work alongside Mrs Brunton, Mrs Allan and Miss Doyle to ensure a smooth transition for the nursery. She will also be teaching in P1/2 on a Thursday and P3/4 on a Friday morning.
Parental Consultations Just a reminder that parental consultations will now take place on Wednesday 27th and Thursday 28th February and NOT the Tuesday and Thursday as previously stated – Miss Brown has to a attend a training course now on the Tuesday – many thanks for your co-operation.
Nursery January our trial phase of delivering 1140 hours to nursery children began. This means that nursery children can access 1140 hours of free childcare.
Parent Council An astounding £3,800 was raised at our Christmas Fair – huge thanks to everyone for organising, helping and coming along to make this so successful.
The uptake is good and the children are having a very positive experience. All 13 children have lunch together with some staying for full days. Well done to everyone for making this transition go so smoothly.
The Parent Council have agreed to fund the purchasing of technology resources which support the work being done as a school improvement priority.
On 14th
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Loose Parts Play Kelly Clarke, Play Development Officer has been speaking to the Parent Council about the importance of play for all children’s development and the benefits of this. Kelly is employed by Haddington and Lammermuir Area Partnership and we are able to benefit from the services they offer. In order to develop loose parts play we will be setting the playground up with a storage shed and the re-organisation of some existing resources. Kelly will also be training all support staff, teaching staff and children on the use and benefits of this kind of play. I will be making an application to the North Berwick Area Partnership to help fund with these developments. This is going to a very important development as the nursery are now using their playground much more with the increase in hours as previously mentioned.
Dates for your Diary Please note the dates below for your diary for the coming months: February 2019 11th Mid Term Break ď Š th 19 Back to School th 26 P1 & P7 Dental Inspections P5/6/7 Rugby Taster Session th 27 Parental Consultations th 28 Parental Consultations March 5th 12th 18th 19th 26th .
2019 P5/6/7 Rugby Taster Session P6/7 to Risk Factory, Edinburgh P5/6/7 to Rugby Festival NBHS P3/4 last swimming session Class Photos
I hope you all have a lovely February holiday and as ever thank you for all your support, if you have any concerns or queries please do not hesitate to contact me. Sarah Morgan Head Teacher
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