PC Minutes Jan 2019

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Minutes of Athelstaneford Primary School Meeting Tuesday 8th January 2019 7pm-9pm 1.Welcome and apologies:

Present: Sarah Morgan (Head teacher), Mellony Bertram (Principal Teacher), Gillian Zanre (Chair), Tora Harrison (Vice Chair), Kelly Clarke (Haddington &Lammermuir Partnership), Niela Khan (Clerk), Alice Beveridge (Parent), Sandra Delahooke (Parent) Mhairi Dickie (Parent), Derek Swan (Parent), Jane Brand (Parent),

Apologies: Brian Small (Councillor), Jo Mair (Parent), Nikki Fallowfield (Parent), Susan Begg (Parent) Katrina Scobie (Parent), Jo McNicol (Parent). Jenni Lai (Parent), Lucy Calder (Parent), Harley Louden (Parent).

2.Head Teacher’s Update:     

Had first round of parent consultations and reports. Attendance was good and feedback positive. P7 attended transition STEM day at Edinburgh college 2 members of staff have attended the first part of training in co-operative learning and are developing this method in their classrooms. Very happy and busy December with School fair, concerts, parties, a super trip to the pantomime and whole school learning of Christmas signalong signs.. 1140 th  Extended hours begin on Monday 14 January.  The hours will be 8.45-3.15, 8.45-12.15 (11.35 if you do not want your child to stay for lunch)  Mrs Kirsty Brunton successfully appointed as Senior Early Years Practitioner and Miss Rebecca Doyle as nursery nurse. Mrs Brunton will start after the Feb holiday th and Miss Doyle starts on 14 January.  Mrs Maule and Miss Doyle will cover Mrs Brunton’s hours until she starts.  It is anticipated that there will be a review about half way from now until the summer.  Lunch will be ordered online as the rest of the school do.

We are very much looking forward to this trial phase of 1140hrs and anticipate that is will run very smoothly.  

P3/4 have started their 10 week swimming block Huge Thanks to everyone for supporting the Christmas Jumper day – an amazing £185.60!

3. Playground Loose Parts: Kelly Clarke came and explained the benefits of Play with loose parts. She gave examples of loose parts such as Tyres, Pine cones, sticks, old keyboards, old cardboard boxes, old buckets, plastic pipes and old suitcases. And showed how children were using these loose parts and using their imagination creating own games. She explained that these loose parts can help to link to stem, numeracy, creativity. Children will learn to make inform choices and decisions about risks, everyone can be creative and inventive, and helps give children freedom to choose from the available resources to develop learning. Kelly will be coming in to give training to the staff and will do a workshop for the children explaining and giving more support. Kelly advised that I good shed for storage for all loose parts would be good to have. A metal shed with storage is roughly £2,500. Parent council have agreed to fund the shed for the school Alice and Gillian are going to look at size of shed and get it ordered. Kelly contact details and further info: kclarke@elcschool.org.uk Facebook- Loose Parts Play East Lothian Or @ELoosepartsplay on twitter.

Action A/B, G/Z.

4.Financial Update: Balance at the moment is £5668.47. Christmas fair made a good profit of £3815.72. See attachment for further details.

Action: L/R

5.Fundraising Team Update: Christmas fair went well made good profit. The next event will be a curry night which will take place in February. They are also trying to arrange a quiz night before the summer fair which will take place on th May the 11 . Fundraising team are looking to increase family-based events also.

Alice is going to look into Tesco Funding. Gillian will check the hall availability for the fair. Action: A/B, G/Z

8.AOCB: 

Sarah would like if Parent council could help fund some technology for coding for the classes. These are Blue-bot Bluetooth programme robot coding and Pro Bot Rechargeable Floor Robot does coding and will cost approx. £1,200. Parent council has agreed to fund. Pvg checks – Sandra, Alice and Jo will go ahead get Pvg checks done.

Action: S/M

9.Date of Next Meeting:


Tuesday 5 March 2019.

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