November 2018 Newsletter

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School Newsletter November 2018 Hello! Wow can you believe it – we are in the last term of 2018!! They do say time flies when you are having fun . Lots of exciting events to look forward too it’s going to be a busy busy term. Online Payment and School Meal Pre orders I do hope you have now all managed to log on to the SchoolPay iPayimpact System. All East Lothian Schools are now using this method to accept payment for school lunches, excursions, uniform etc. I am led to believe that once this system is up and running it is proving very successful, with lots of families reporting how convenient it is. For those of you who need help setting this up, Mrs Cameron is happy to set up a morning or afternoon session to go over the system and help you log in. There is a tear off slip at the bottom of the newsletter for you to complete and return if you would be interested in this. Using this system also gives you the option to pre order your child’s school lunches weeks in advance – if you are able to do so it is such a help as it reduces time spent in class doing this.

School Office As you should all be aware Mrs Cameron does not work on a Friday which means the office is generally unmanned. It would be really helpful if you could refrain from sending in any monies on a Friday and make sure all child are aware of what their home-time arrangements are. We cannot guarantee that any text messages or e-mails to the school will be actioned before the end of the school day. We appreciate your understanding in this matter.

Issue 2 Bikeability All children in Primary 5, 6 and 7 have now completed their First Level of Bikeability. Huge thanks to Mrs Overmeer, Mrs Reavey, Mrs Fleetwood and Mrs Lai for helping with this – the children all enjoyed the sessions and are already looking forward to completing Level 2 before the summer. Watersports Primary 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 all enjoyed a great opportunity to give a variety of watersports a go, kayaking and paddle boarding proved very popular and they all returned with such happy faces! Huge thanks to the Outdoor Education Team for their help in running these sessions. Family Learning Week We are looking forward to welcoming those of you who are able to come along to our first Family Learning Week (26th – 30th November), this will be a great opportunity for you to come along and join in with your child(ren)’s learning. You should have all now had a letter home informing you of which of the lessons you requested is available. Harvest Assembly We had a great Harvest Assembly in October where Mrs Bertram invited along Katie Nevans from the Kindness Co-op in North Berwick. Katie shared with the children information about what the Kindness Co-op do and how they help families in our surrounding area. Thank you to everyone for the generous donations – we hope to support this charity again around Christmas.

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Christmas Show Excitement is starting to build with the singing rehearsals already underwaywith Mrs Broadley for the school show. More information on what we have lined up for you will follow in due course – keep your diary free on 12th December  Tickets will be on sale again this year priced at £3 per ticket and each family will be allocated 2 tickets to start, with any extra’s being offered on a first come first served basis. The funds raised from the sale of these tickets goes towards any props and costumes needed, performance licences and to the Christmas parties. Parent Council The Parent Council are, as ever, so busy and especially in the run up to Christmas. They are currently in the process of organising the Christmas Fair on 8th December in the Village Hall. Look out for lots of appeals for help in selling raffle tickets, donating raffle prizes and also donations for the very successful bottle tomobola and home baking stalls. I am sure everyone will want to also thank them for the amazing Halloween Disco that took place in October – from what I hear the evening was a great success and the children had a ball!! Many thanks to all that contributed to this, as you know all funds raised from these events goes back into the school funds to help fund lots of different projects.

Head Lice We are still having regular outbreaks of head lice in school. Regular checks of your child’s hair are the best way of keeping hair healthy and preventing the spread of the problem. Many children will get head lice at some time during their school career so it’s best to be on the alert.

Water bottles There are still a lot of children coming to school without a water bottle. A water bottle will usually last the day and avoids queueing and disruption. Extensive research has shown that children’s concentration is much improved by regularly sipping water. Dates for your Diary Please note the dates below for your diary for the coming months: November 2018 19th Road Safety Week th 26 Family Learning Week 29th P7 Ceilidh at NBHS @ 6pm December 2108 5th P7 at NBHS Christmas Concert th 8 Christmas Fair in Village Hall 3pm – 5.30pm 12th Christmas Lunch Christmas Show in Village Hall @ 6.30pm th 18 P1-3 Christmas Party 19th P4-7 Christmas Party th 20 P1-7 Panto @ Brunton Hall st 21 HOLIDAY  .

Thank you for all your support and as ever if you have any concerns or queries please do not hesitate to contact me. Sarah Morgan Head Teacher ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Online Payments System I would be interested in coming along to a training session on the Online Payments System. I could attend the following session: Thursday 22 November: Monday 26 November :


9.30am  9.30am 

3pm  3pm 




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