Minutes of Athelstaneford Primary School Meeting Tuesday 2nd May 2017 7pm-9pm Present: Susan Begg (Chair), Sarah Morgan (Head teacher), Clare Little (Principal Teacher) Emily Cotter (Vice Chair), Niela Khan (Clerk), Jo Mair (Treasurer) Pauline Paton (Parent), Jane Brand (Parent), Tora Harrison (Parent) Mary Swan (Parent), Nicola Semple (Parent).
Apologies: Sandra Delahooke (Parent), Nikki Fallowfield (Parent), Mhairi Dickie (Parent), Lucy Calder(Parent), Katrina Scobie (Parent) Jo McNicol (Parent).
1.Welcome /Apologies and Approval of Minutes: Susan Begg welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies as noted above. The minutes of the last meeting were approved without change. Correspondence was discussed.
2. Head teacher Update: Staffing I am delighted to be here permanently appointed to HT post. Thanks to Susan and Angela for their time, commitment and great job carried out during the recruitment process. Also to the pupil panel who represented the school so very well. Last Term P3 and 4 completed their swimming block. Very positive feedback about our children and the progress they all made. P6 & 7 had successful visit to the Risk Factory. nd P7 came 2 in the Rotary Quiz – excellent effort. P4-7 completed club golf training and worked with Kate Green on a successful morning. P1-3 have been working with Drama and French specialists. They have been hearing and performing The Selfish Giant in French. P6 and 7 visited NBHS home economics department with children from other cluster schools. They were involved in planting which will hopefully be successfully harvested in the Autumn. Coming Up P4-7 have begun working towards the John Muir Award and are well underway with a visit to the John Muir Birthplace in Dunbar and have been exploring the area they are working on. rd
2 P6 pupils are attending the Little and Large cooking competition Wed 3 May. They were very successful coming first and go onto the next stage of the competition.
P1-3 have started learning about different landscapes comparing our own with the rainforest. This will be supported by a trip to the botanic gardens. This trip will also support the healthy living work that will they will be doing later in the term. A trip to Pizza Express to support the food aspect of healthy living has also been planned. 4 P7’s will be going to camp accompanied by Mrs Cameron. We have been fortunate enough to be given the opportunity to have the Kakatsitsi Drummers come into school and work with us in workshops and a small performance. Transition for nursery and P7 is well underway.
Pupil Equity Fund Athelstaneford is to receive £7200 from the pupil equity fund. th
Outline proposals to be made by 12 May to ELC Consultation for parents will be issued this week. 2017-18 I had staffing meeting with Richard Parker and Anna Robertson. They confirmed that there would be 3 classes next year. Now that placing requests are all granted we have clearer idea of numbers. Class structure will be P1/2 P2/3/4 P5/6/7 We will have an NQT (Newly qualified teacher) placed with us next year.
The projector in P4-7 class is not working effectively. Parent council agreed to fund a new one cost will be £300. It will be established first that it is the bulb and not the projector. Action: SM/CL/JB 3. Outgoing PC Members (Eco Committee) The PC kindly presented flowers to both Pauline and Emily. Pauline Paton was thanked for her long serving role as Clerk as well as all her involvement in the school, reading helping with maths, and all other contributions she has made over the years. Emily Cotter was also thanked for all her work as vice chair, eco committee, all her help with the skate park and all her contributions to the school over the years. Angela Stark and Gillian Zanre will be new members of the Eco committee. Niela khan will be new clerk. ACTION: No actions
4. Financial update: Current Balance- £5523.08 See attachments. Treasurer has requested training for bookkeeping. Susan to email Val. ACTION:JM/SB
5. Fundraising Team Update:
Community Quiz Night- Athelstaneford Village Hall on Saturday 13 may 2017 at 7.30pm for 8pm start- Flyers will be distributed. th Summer Family day will be last fundraiser for the year 17 June 2017. th Another food evening event will take place on 19 august 2017. Fundraising quarterly letter waiting to be issued.
Head Teacher wish list: –For PE spring board, badminton net, table tennis equipment, rugby/ footballs (approx. £500) -
Shed is also requested a bigger size. School children would like something like nursery mini house as well and water butt needed. SM to give PC details of shed. SB and NS said they may be able to get trade prices on sheds.
-Finance transport - if parent council can help set up an annual budget per class. Request for funding for School Panto Beauty and the Beast. Parent council has agreed to pay £420. Generation science visit approx. £200 per class. Class room furniture Projector and retractable screen for hall Jane looking into Cala houses grants - £10,000 fund- An application will be made to develop the playground. Nursery access to outdoors: Possibly modify greenery so that area is open and visible while still offering areas to be creative in. Susan and Nicola happy to consider this do some pruning and discuss plans for developing the area. (To include in awards for all application for pond)
ACTION:JB/SM/SB/NS 6. Pond Update: Awards for All grant is on hold at the moment. As layout and structure around pond and playground is to be looked at by Susan and Nicola first before applying. ACTION: NS/SB 7. ELAPCM: th
Jo Mair attended the meeting on 19 April 2017.
Discussed some key points:
Review of additional support needs- new models moving forward. Tech budget overspent. Reduction in language funding, 1+2- own language plus two other languages. Nursery hours to be extended- 1140 hours which means pre-school in nursery longer than primary children. Agreed JM to attend all ELAPCM meetings on behalf of the PC.
8. P7 Leavers Foxlake has been agreed. PC to fund all P7s plus both P7 teacher who will go with the P7 children during school time.
9. AOB: Jo Mair also attended a bullying course. There is a booklet which you can get from Jo if you’d like to read more. Jane Brand highlighted the afterschool clubs for next term. Suggestion of some new clubs; cooking club, glee club-singing dancing, homework club, orienteering. An idea using the village hall. Also, an idea to source a local coach, maybe use Athelstaneford tennis courts and bowling club for a class. Sarah is going get some feedback from the pupils on new after school clubs. ACTION:SM 10. Date of next meeting: th
Wednesday 14 June 2017-7pm.