School IMprovement Plan 2018~19

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Athelstaneford School Improvement Plan 2018-2019

School Context, Aims, Values Our Vision: We wish for all our learners to have confidence in themselves, to be included in all that they do and to feel safe. We want everyone to feel happy, respected and work co-operatively to achieve the best that they can. We want everyone to learn in an eco-friendly school.

Our Values: Friendship, Respect, Perseverance, Co-operation, Honesty

Context: Athelstaneford Primary School is situated in a rural setting, serving the village of Athelstaneford and the surrounding area. The school is coeducational and all primary stages nursery - P7 are catered for in three classes. Our school consists of a nursery together with three classrooms. The composition of the classes is decided on an annual basis. In the 2018-19 session we will have a P1/2, P3/4 and P5/6/7. Our library area is located in the entrance to the school. We have a small hall in the centre of the school which is currently used as a general purpose room, delivering music with the specialist teacher and has the kitchen for serving the school lunches. For physical education, we use the village hall and other outdoor areas within the school grounds and the village. The Head Teacher will be supported by a full-time principal teacher who will take up post in August 2018 as the existing part-time PT is leaving at the end of the session. We will have an NQT as well as two part time teachers. Our nursery teacher will remain in the nursery class this year. As a small school the Head Teacher has a teaching commitment. The school is supported by 2 part-time classroom assistants as well as 2 ASN auxiliaries . The school has an active parent council which works alongside the fundraising group and they make invaluable contributions to the school.

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National Priorities (NIF) In line with the National Improvement Framework, school improvement priorities should clearly articulate with the following 4 key priorities in session 2018/19:  Improve attainment, particularly in Literacy and Numeracy  Close the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children  Improve children and young people’s health and well-being Improve employability skills and sustained, positive destinations for all young people (DYW 3 to 18) Local Priorities East Lothian Council Plan 2017-2022 Reducing inequalities within and across communities  Implement the recommendations within the Poverty Commission Action Plan Growing our Economy  Reduce unemployment and improve employability Growing our People  Reduce the attainment gap and raise the attainment and achievement of our children and young people and improve the life chances of the most vulnerable people in society Growing our Communities  Extend community engagement and decision making and increase community and individual resilience Growing our Capacity  Deliver excellent services as effectively and efficiently as possible within our limited resources East Lothian Education Service Improvement Plan 

Improve inclusion, wellbeing and equality

Improve attendance and reduce exclusions

Raise attainment and achievement, particularly the lowest 20%, LAC and ASN

Improve positive destinations, particularly the lowest 20%, LAC and ASN

Improve the % of schools and early learning and childcare settings evaluated as good or better across the NIF quality indicators

School Priorities Based on your self-evaluation of the following HGIOS4? and equivalent HGIOELC? QIs to include actions towards addressing the areas for improvement identified:  1.3 Leadership of change  2.3 Learning, teaching and assessment  3.1 Inclusion, equality and wellbeing  3.2 Raising attainment and achievement

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Note: Include reference to the actions and approaches being taken forward to improve the effectiveness of moderation of teacher judgement of CfE levels in Literacy and Numeracy and to raising attainment. Note: Include actions identified from the SEE survey and employee engagement survey.

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Priority: Literacy: Reading – To improve attainment and engagement in reading. Listening and Talking – to develop a range of approaches used in teaching and assessment of listening and talking Actions Drivers for improvement When/Who Impact/Evidence

Reading  Review approaches to the teaching of reading focussing particularly on skills with a focus on the early and middle stages. Introduce approaches to Muckle Reading 

Teacher Professionalism School Improvement

Staff will be more informed and skilled in delivering teaching of reading skills and in the assessment building greater confidence in the awarding of a level.

Pupils across the school but in particular in the early and middle stages will have a better understanding of the range of skills needed for reading and this will impact on their attainment, achievement and pleasure in reading.

The opportunity to read for and be read to for pleasure will continue to develop a positive culture of reading in our school.

Staff will be better equipped to support the dyslexic learners in our school.

Staff will have a greater awareness and knowledge of the talking and listening skills across class and group discussion/ presentations and solo talks.

Developed skills in assessment tasks.

Moderation with cluster schools Parental Engagement

HT/PT/ EH will lead 4 sessions across inservice days and CAT session throughout the year.

Use of curriculum frameworks to ensure that we have progressive approaches that meets the need of a multi composite school.

Cluster HT lead CAT sessions across year.


Training to improve knowledge of identifying dyslexic learners and approaches to supporting their learning

Start lunchtime book clubs for all stages o Upper school :reading set text o Early years :opportunity to include volunteers o Scotland Reads?

Listening and Talking  Review approaches to the teaching and assessment of listening and talking.  Ensure that assessment tasks are holistic where possible and address solo, group and class listening and talking exercises.

Reading/ Online training undertaken by staff.

HT/ LC/ Parent Volunteers/Reading Ambassadors Set up at start of new session.

HT will lead a CAT session on listening and talking.

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Priority: Develop the use of a co-op learning approach in our school Actions

 

To train staff in the approaches of cooperative learning. To build and develop a culture of cooperative learning within our school.

Drivers for improvement


Teacher Professionalism

MB/FO Attending Training Nov 18/ Mar 19

School Improvement Assessment

MB/FO Roll out training to staff through CAT sessions throughout the year.


Staff are skilled in using co-operative approach in their classroom which will result in benefits to the pupils as outlined below

We hope that pupils will be able to demonstrate  a greater degree of responsibility for their own learning  team building skills and encourage social interaction  prepare students for the world of work  Create shared learning experiences  Encourage inclusivity.

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Priority: HWB – RRS/ Embed VVA/ CIRCLE Resource/ Loose Parts Play Actions

Drivers for improvement



All – Led by MB Pupil Parliament Group? HT – will attend training and roll out to staff.

All staff and pupils will be confident in their understanding of what a RRS is and looks like. This will permeate what we do and our expectations of everyone in our school. We will be able to make connections between the RRS and our values and this will be reflected in our planning, teaching and learning.

All Staff throughout the year

Staff will be able to use the CIRCLE resource to assess engagement/inclusion of pupils in their class.

Begin work towards achieving RRS silver award.

Teacher Professionalism

Undertake training and engage with CIRCLE resource

School Improvement

Develop recognition of wider achievement (SEE Survey) o Continue with wider achievement recognition at assembly and on display board o Link wider achievement to our school Values – add your name and achievement to our Values boards o Keep record in assessment folders

Parental Engagement

Assessment Pupils will feel confident about sharing all wider recognition in a variety of ways. This will hopefully build confidence in the pupils as individuals about their own skills and abilities.

Embed Vision Values and Aims – Values board, Star of the Week, Include in planning, Value comments in reporting o Reporting to parents face to face termly with comments on progress on NMM, Lit, HWB, Values. (To discuss in August)

In-service day August and throughout the year.

Continue to develop use of loose parts in the playground.


Introduce mindfulness to all classes (PEF)

Work towards school sports award – gold level.

Introduction of bikeability

Our VV&A’s should become something that is living and breathing in all the work that we do. Anyone in our school should be able to talk about them and they should be the thing along with our RRS that underpins who we are and what we are about. Improved play in the playground that offers opportunity for creativity, cooperation and respect.

EH to attend training in summer and deliver to all classes

The Paws B mindfulness programme aims to promote well being and resilience in pupils. It provides them with a valuable life skill which aims to support them to feel calmer, get on better with others, concentrate and manage anxiety/stress. The lessons delivered increase pupils awareness of their metacognition and the way the brain works.


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Priority: Technology – to improve the skills of staff and experience for the pupils with a focus on digital literacy and computing science. Actions

 

Engage with Technologies curriculum framework.

Drivers for improvement



Teacher Professionalism

All staff

Following our engagement with benchmarks and identifying areas for improvement we anticipate that the curriculum frameworks will help to support staff in the planning teaching and assessment of those particular organisers.

School Improvement

Build on the work undertaken on the use of Google drive and google classrooms

David Gilmour – to contact EH/FO/MB

Staff will feel better equipped to deliver these aspects of technologies and the pupils will benefit from an improved experience. Staff and pupils will be able to engage with and have confidence in their use of digital technologies.

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Priority: Nursery Actions

 

To provide parents/carers with more information in relation to expectations in literacy and numeracy. Include tracking information in learning story.

Drivers for improvement


Teacher Professionalism

Nursery Teacher/ Nursery Nurse

School Improvement

Throughout the year

Improve use of digital technologies – overall school priority. Develop the opportunities for parents to ‘drop in’ to the nursery as well as whole class sessions.  Establish a weekly overview of learning for parents.

Develop use of story bags to encourage engagement in reading. – overall school priority.

Engagement with Early Learning and Childcare guidance.

Planned CAT sessions


Parents will be more informed about what the expectations are in terms of learning in numeracy and literacy. Parents will have increased engagement with their child’s learning. Children will develop literacy skills through engagement with story sacks. Staff will be informed about guidance in relation to Early Learning and Childcare.

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