News 4U Evansville – December 2010

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December 2010 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309



[ Table of Contents ]

FEATURES 6 We Were There – Were you?

34 eveN Bigger: family fun Guide – more To do 4u!

by Mark McCoy

by Lanea Stagg & Helen Hamilton

8 diGiTs – BY The NUmBers by Bean Counters

10 evANsviLLe icemeN – Blades. of. sTeel! by Dylan Gibbs

39 riTzY’s fANTAsY of liGhTs – hoT cocoa, loTs of “oohs” AND “Ahhs” by Ashley Sollars & Dylan Gibbs

40 Briefs – eXTrA NeWs 4U

12 peppermiNT pops – an inTervieW WiTh “AmericA’s TeNor”

by Ashley Sollars & Dylan Gibbs

by Dylan Gibbs

14 DisNeY’s BeAUTY & The BeasT – We called cogsWorTh, AND here’s WhAT hAppeNeD by Alison Sigman

16 2010 iN revieW – We could have goTTeN reALLY smArmY ABoUT iT… by Dustin Cline

31 LocAL BAND spoTLighT – Gorilla monsoon by Dylan Gibbs

SPECIAL 2010 HOLIDAY SHOPPING AND GIFT SECTION 58 2010 hoLiDAY shoppinG Guide – We mADe The LisT, checKeD iT TWice…

69 Tri-sTaTe Bride – WeddinG ANNoUNcemeNTs from LocAL coUpLes 75 The reel deal – sereNiTY AND firefLY by Matt Hotz

83 under revieW – gAreTT mATheWs’ fAvoriTes

84 UNDer revieW ii – recipe records, a cooKBooK ThAT’s “oNe LoUDer” by Dylan Gibbs

87 Blues noTes – neW iNTervieW WiTh reGional Wave-maKer

by paul Mattingly

by “Johnny Full-Time” John luttrell

FUN STUFF 95 comic: BroKe crAcKer by Nick Folz

by Dylan Gibbs

promotions Tori Weaver

Business manager Sharon Tindle

account executives Carolyn Cummings Nick Doerter Keith LaCrosse

managing editor Dylan Gibbs

director of operations Amanda Smith

senior account executive Laurel Rawden Web programming Jeff Lingis

production supervisor Jaqulyn Woolsey

Graphic artist Lisa Corcoran staff photographer Mark McCoy staff Writer Alison Sigman

20 resTAUrANTs 31 BANDs 32 cLUBs 41 NighT Life 80 ArTs & eTc. 87 roAD Trips

by Amy Mangold

68 fashion – or, WhAT To DoN oN NeW YeAr’s NighT

publisher Bashar Hamami

18 fooD 19 spiriTs 70 Beer 71 WiNe 72 mUsic 76 fiLm


83 from The sTAcKs – local liBrary hAppeNiNgs

85 concerT revieW – mAX WeiNBerg Big BAND

94 soUNDBoArD: The mUsiciAN’s forUm


by Gisela Fischer

65 a To Z Guide – GifT sUggesTioNs mADe reALLY simpLe

by Alison Sigman

December 2010

contributors Ashley Brown, Dustin Cline, Gisela Fischer, Tom Fischer, Nick Folz, Helen Hamilton, Matt Hotz, Ron Hull, Jabez, John Luttrell, Amy Mangold, Paul Mattingly, Mark McCoy, Matt Rowe, Lanea Stagg, Tom Tindle, Todd Zachritz

12 On the cover On the cover this month... this month... DAUghTrY evansville icemen Photograph: #13 Bocourtesy cheesman Aeg credit mark mccoy

The croWD Photograph: courtesy of The croWD


•2• • December 2010

December 2010 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309


•4• • December 2010

December 2010 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309


WE WERE THERE [ by Mark McCoy ]

Evansville Half Marathon

See more at

•6• • December 2010

WE WERE THERE [ by Mark McCoy ]

Newburgh Civitan Zombie Farm See more at

The Oldé Courthouse Catacombs See more at

December 2010 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309



[Holiday Edition]


Population (from 2000 census) of Santa Claus, Indiana


Year in which the town of Santa Claus was laid out; it was originally called Santa Fe


Year the song “Silent Night” was written. It was penned by an Austrian poet named Joseph Mohr


Jersey number of Santa Claus native and Chicago Bears quarterback, Jay Cutler

•8• • December 2010

165 BC Date to which the origin of Hanukkah is traced

1531 Year the first reference to Christmas trees was found in written form

320 AD

Year specified by Pope Julius I as the official birth date of Jesus

26th Date in December when Kwanzaa begins. The seven-day festival continues until January 1


President Franklin Pierce decorates the first White House Christmas tree


December 2010 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309


EvANSvILLE ICEMEN HOCkEY MOUNTING SUCCESS ON THE RINk A NEW HOME When I met with several Evansville IceMen players and members of the team’s staff on a recent afternoon at Swonder Ice Arena, I could sense an undercurrent of excitement, and I knew it didn’t have anything to do with me. Soon, I found that in about an hour, a news conference was scheduled, the news of which would change things in a big way for the team, their fans and the city as a whole: The downtown arena, being constructed at a quick clip, will serve as Evansville’s home hockey venue after its scheduled completion in November of next year. This is a big deal. The team currently plays its home games in the 1500-seat Swonder facility; the new arena will seat nearly ten times that number, and will be among the finest, most state-of-the-art venues in professional hockey. On hand at the news conference were, among others, IceMen team owner and president, Ron Geary, Central Hockey League Commissioner Duane Lewis, Evansville Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel, and more individuals involved with the pro team. Commissioner Lewis and Mr. Geary both expressed understandable enthusiasm at the announcement; among Geary’s comments that afternoon: “Our many, many fans love IceMen hockey and the love will grow even deeper in this great facility which all • 10 •

SPREADING HOLIDAY CHEER ON THE ICE from left to right, Jordan little, Jeff Nelson and Mario Larocque

of Evansville will be proud of.” The announcement comes at a time when the Evansville IceMen are not only into their inaugural season within the Central Hockey League (previously, they competed in the All-American Hockey League, where they garnered that organization’s championship in the 2009-10 season), but also when the team is performing well on the ice and connecting deeply with their ever-growing fan base not only at games, but through their skillful use of social media sites like Facebook. • December 2010


The reason I’d connected with the athletes from the team that day was that I wanted to find out from them – in their own words – about their hockey careers and the paths that brought them here to Evansville to play the sport they love. I also wanted to include in the December issue a reminder about the IceMen to coincide with the holiday season (tickets to games make great gifts), and to hopefully encourage people to check out pro hockey live and in person. In places where hockey is life – like basketball traditionally is here – the people know; but unless you’ve been at the rink during a game, there’s no way to do it justice with words: It’s a surprising, riveting, edge-of-your seat experience to see and hear the game. It’s so fast. It is graceful and powerful. And the Evansville IceMen players are really, really good at what they do. They are pros, after all. One such IceMen player is Mario Larocque, a 32-year-old defenseman and native of Montreal, Quebec. The son of a hockey player, Larocque was put into skates at the age of two: “I started playing organized hockey when I was seven years old. It’s a passion; it’s what I’ve been doing with my life.” Evansville definitely isn’t his first home away from his hometown. “I’ve been to different places; I’ve been at every level – the NHL, American Hockey League, the old IHL. I’ve been overseas as well. I’ve played in Italy, Austria.”

After 13 seasons of competitive hockey, Larocque has a family with him here in Evansville – a wife and daughter – and being a member of the former Muskegon team that more or less became the current IceMen, he has friends among him on the team, and so he seems pretty comfortable here (having the same coach, Rich Kromm, doesn’t hurt either). “So far, everyone in the community, everybody I run into, are real nice people,” he says, “and I enjoy my time here.” Number 9, Center Jeff Nelson, 37, is also from Canada (Saskatchewan, to be more precise), and reiterates the notion of hockeyas-passion there. Nelson played at an early age, and his career has also seen him as part of the National Hockey League. He’s also a veteran of the Muskegon team, and after looking at Evansville as having a team in a new, improved league, Nelson decided River City was to place to play. Also a family man, with a wife and three daughters, Nelson says of Evansville, “It’s been a great experience; it’s a nice place to live and we’ve met a lot of nice people – it’s been pleasant – the opportunity of being here, being in an organization that’s starting from the ground up,” Nelson continues, “building a base here, and bringing excitement to fans here,” are among the exciting things he sees about the season that’s already underway. 29-year-old Winnipeg, Manitoba native Jordan Little (defenseman, #8) looked up

December 2010 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

to his hockey playing brother when he was a kid and decided to give it a shot himself. “I was about four years old; I just started out pushing a chair around the ice, trying to keep my balance,” Little says. “It took me a while to learn how to stop, so I’d just kind of slide into the boards,” he says, laughing. Little’s route to Evansville had some ups and downs along the way, from Junior Hockey, to a time period where he admits he wasn’t as much into the game – until a coach came along and renewed his interest. He found he really enjoyed the game and could get an education at the same time. He attended the University of Manitoba before signing a pro contract; along the course of his hockey playing travels, he honed his game and even met his wife. Little is also a player who came here by way of Muskegon, and echoes the sentiment I heard over and over: That players really like and respect their former Muskegon and now-Evansville coach, Rich Kromm. “It’s my kind of game,” says Little. “I like the way he prepares us; he’s a coach that, for guys like me – or anyone, I think – it’s really an honor to play for him.” And it can be your kind of game too. You can learn more about the IceMen, check their stats and standings, schedule and more at You can also follow along with the IceMen on Facebook at evansvilleicemen.

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PEPPERMINT POPS SONGS OF THE SEASON The most popular Holiday musical family event in the Tri-State returns as the Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra and the Evansville Philharmonic Chorus are joined by two highly acclaimed vocalists for a pair of concerts at the Victory Theatre on Saturday, December 4 and Sunday, December 5. Peppermint Pops, the beloved program of Holiday favorites, will see the Orchestra and Chorus along with special guests Laurie Gayle Stephenson – star of Broadway’s The Secret Garden and Phantom of the Opera – and “America’s Tenor,” Steve Amerson, a man with credits in virtually every medium, from the stage (performances at the Hollywood Bowl and Carnegie Hall, to name just two), to studio recording projects, commercials and television programs, plus over 150 feature films, including Hunt for Red October, Matrix Reloaded and Matrix Revolutions, Empire of the Sun, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom and many more silver screen favorites. To learn more about Mr. Amerson’s body of work and what he’ll be bringing to the Victory Stage alongside our own Orchestra and Chorus, I spoke with him by phone from his Los Angeles home. N4U: You’re based now in Los Angeles; where are you originally from? SA: Actually, I was born in New Albany, Indiana. I lived in New Albany, Columbus, Indianapolis, and then my parents moved to Canton, Ohio. I went to junior high school and high school there and then came back to Indiana and earned an undergrad degree at Taylor University up north. Did you come from a musical family? My dad was a United Methodist pastor. And my mom led the children’s choir in the church. So I was always actively involved in music. Evidence of gifting appeared when I was about four years old. In junior high, one of my older brothers got a guitar for his birthday; I was around 13; he picked at it and I kind of picked it up and played it – to his chagrin. I took to it quickly. I recognize that what I have is a gift; it’s a gift that I’ve tried to hone and perfect as much as possible, but it’s a gift. That guitar notwithstanding, was there a crystalline music-related memory of yours from very early on? When I was four, we were out in Willow Branch, Indiana, which is a little town east of Indianapolis. It’s where my mom hailed from. It was a Sunday night, and we were in church, and my grandma was playing the organ, and I’m standing there next to my mom, singing this old gospel song, and my mom looks down at me with this look in her eyes. and it was actually that she was noticing that I was singing harmony, making up the harmony part when I was four years old. That was a moment – at least for her – that recognized that there was some kind of a gift there. You were born with the ear for it, and the ability to vocalize it as well. Some people are made that they can play baseball – they have the acuity to pick up a pitch, swing the bat at the proper time and place. Just as some people have that kind of gift, I have a physiological gift: My cords were made in such a way that they produce a sound that is what it is – pleasing to some… maybe not to everybody, but there was something that was created in me that I can’t take credit for – both the ear for music and the gift of a voice. • 12 •

What sort of music did you listen to growing up? Oh man… once I started playing guitar, I was definitely into Joni Mitchell, Joan Baez, James Taylor, Tom Paxton, Peter, Paul and Mary. I used to listen to these records over and over and over. I’d move the needle back to hear a guitar lick or hear what the chord was, and would spend hours and hours in my room, trying to figure out how James Taylor was playing a particular sound: Was he capoing? What was he doing to get that sound? It was those kinds of artists that really intrigued me. Was there a defining moment or a gradual development of your saying, “This is what I’m going to do with the rest of my life?” A teacher is not someone who is just about sharing information; a student-teacher relationship is so crucial and very emotional. A teacher needs to be able to connect with a student on an emotional level. I had some who didn’t and some who did. The one that probably connected with me the most on an emotional level was a gentleman I started studying with when I moved to California. His name was Alan Rogers Lindquest, and he was 86 years old when I began studying with him. Mr. Lindquest had a profound affect on my life. My life to that point was mirroring his in that his career – especially when he was in New York – he sang both vaudeville, and he sang classical music. And he didn’t let the vaudeville people know he was singing classical, and he didn’t let the classical people know he was singing vaudeville stuff. My career was kind of the same way in that in the movie studios here, I was singing all kinds of stuff. You walk in, and you might be singing classical stuff or more popular stuff, and so my own early career was mimicking his. He solidified my vocal technique that I use to this day. Was there something that he imparted upon you that was elusive or that you maybe hadn’t thought of? Two essential things: Vowel modification – how vowels will change – the essence and shape of a vowel will change, depending on the pitch you’re singing. That, and knowing how to breathe.

Your credits in cinematic music are extensive; what’s it like to hear your voice as part of an artistic project as complex as a film? One of two things: It can be either no big deal, or it can be “Yeah…!” And it depends upon what we’re called upon to do, because many times, not all the composers that are big names write scores that are all that inspiring or thrilling. Some of that comes down to the composer’s ability, and to be quite honest with you, some of it comes down to the producers, who are not musicians. In this day of synthesized sounds, when a scene is shot, often times the producer will say to the composer, ‘Gimme some demo music; gimme some temp music in here.’ And they may pull something from classical pieces of music; they may pull something from another movie; who knows? Or it may be created with a synthesizer. And since to this point, synthesizers have not been able to sing words well, you would be amazed how many times we go into a studio as singers, and what we end up doing is singing ‘Oohs’ and ‘Ahhs’ and imitating the synthesizer. Because that’s what the producer got accustomed to. And he has no ability to understand that if we’re singing in a language, whether it be French or Italian or Sanskrit or even a made-up language, they don’t understand the emotion that happens more than just an ‘Ooh’ or ‘Ahh.’ At times it’s just thrilling – like singing on the movie Glory or Amistad or Hunt for Red October. And there are other things, to be honest with you; it’s just a throw-away. There are some things that are inspiring to know that your voice is on, and other things like, ‘Fine, that was another day of work.’ • December 2010

“No One is Alone” from Into the Woods. Stephen Sondheim. I’m scanning the room, trying to connect with people, and I look over to my right, about the second row back, and there’s this lady just weeping. Just weeping. And she gets it. To me, it’s not about my voice; if the song is good, whether it’s a Broadway song or Bach [Mass] in B minor, that’s what’s crucial. And my job is to get out of the way. It’s not about me.

You brought up Hunt for Red October. The vocalizations in that score are just phenomenal. We recorded it in a couple of different rooms; we did five days in Russian. There were 24 singers on that – 24 great, just killer voices. I can have a prett y pointed, sharp, cutting voice. But when I’m part of a group, I pull back. That’s part of being a choral singer; you become part of the group. But the contractor wanted my bite; he wanted that edge. To the degree he kept saying, ‘Steve, I want more of you.’ Finally, he moved me physically closer to the mike. I remember my wife and I went to see it at up at Universal City when it was released, and we’re in the opening scene when the Russian sailors start to sing the Russian national anthem, and the music progresses, and you’re right – the vocals were mixed way up front – and my wife turns and looks at me like, ‘Hello,’ because my voice is in a bunch of the stuff, so prominent, so cutting, and that was really, really quite fun. What do you do to keep your voice working at such a high level? Staying healthy. That’s the most crucial thing. I sing so much, there are days when I just look to be quiet. I’m blessed that, if I’m healthy, I can stand up and sing. I may sing six or seven days in a row, and then I may have a week or ten days where I don’t sing much at all. To this point, my body allows me to not have a rigorous routine. That could change; I’m well aware of that.

Bear in mind that as a member of the audience during Peppermint Pops, Mr. Amerson will be scanning the seats in the Victory, looking to draw upon your energy during this, one of the most looked-forwardto concerts of the year. Join in with Amerson, Ms. Stephenson, the Philharmonic Chorus and Orchestra for great Holiday music to put you in the spirit of the season.

Laurie Gayle Stephenson and “America’s Tenor,” Steve Amerson. Both will perform an array of Holiday tunes with the Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra and Chorus during peppermint pops – December 4 and 5.

Showtimes are at 7:30 p.m. on December 4 and 2 p.m. on Sunday, December 5. Please visit or phone 812-425-5050 for more information about this or any of the other programs and concerts being offered during this “Out of This World” 2010-11 season.

What’s your favorite part of having an audience in front of you while you are performing? To see that they get it. I was in Springfield, Missouri. and near the end of the concert, I sang

For the unabridged audio interview with Steve Amerson, go to our site,, and click the Multimedia tab.

December 2010 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

• 13 •


The magic of the Disney tale of Beauty and the Beast has been around since 1991 when the cartoon was released to theatres. We were enchanted again when a stage version came to Broadway in 1994. Now we can finally break the spell as the musical comes to The Centre on December 16. Recently, I was lucky enough to talk with Keith Kirkwood, the star behind the colorful clock named Cogsworth. What first compelled you to get into performing? I always wanted to be an actor, and when I left school in ALISON Scotland, where I graduated from, I didn’t really know how it SIGMAN Staff Writer was going to happen because I thought that at that time the people that went to drama school weren’t just from ordinary normal families. I don’t know why. It took me a while; I actually went from one school to finally going to drama school at age 23. And I’ve always wanted to do that. I’d done lots of community theatre and things in the meantime while I was growing up and I really didn’t have any choice. It’s all I’ve always wanted to do.

Do you get much free time? It depends on the schedule. We’ve been lucky with some places; we’ve been in one location for two or three weeks at a time, so by the time you get there, you’ve got a bit of free time during the day to explore the place. The sad thing is when you have the split weeks, you go to the theatre, you get set up, you do the show, and then you leave again. So you don’t actually get to see much, which is quite sad. But it’s a mix.

This is your first road tour correct? It is indeed, in the United States. Yes.

Now, I haven’t watched this performance but I’m familiar with the original movie. Is there a lot of physical dancing? Not for me, thankfully. I’m in one sort of big dance number but there are a lot of nice healthy dancers that are great and they do a lot of physical stuff. It’s different from the movie in quite a many ways, but originally when they did it on stage, the creative team was asked to put the movie up on stage essentially. They were told by Disney, ‘That’s it, we want the movie.’ Their hands were fairly tied, but now that it’s back after 17 years, it’s all the same creative team, and they were told to ‘Do what ever you want with it.’ They were able to fix what they were unhappy with and tweak the sets and cut a couple of numbers. The writers have written a couple of new scenes, so it’s now done in a way that the creators have always wanted – to do the original. It’s so fantastic to get to work with these people and get their wealth of knowledge of the show.

How are you finding it in comparison to staying in one place? It has its challenges. But at the same time, I find I’m seeing a lot of this country. I’ve only been living here three years, and I’ve been to most of the states by now. I have to admit I’ve seen some amazing places. I’ve been to Dallas and I saw where JFK was assassinated. I’ve just been to Hawaii. I’m seeing all of these wonderful things, and I have to admit I’m quite fortunate to being doing this tour in the States. It was different in the UK; I did quite a bit of touring, but at least in the UK you can get back on the weekend. And you can get home a lot easier; it’s not always easy to fly home from here. But on the whole it’s great. • 14 •

I’m sure you have to have a chance to work out and stay in tip top shape? Yes, it’s quite a fit company; people always like to work out, which is good. I’m in a bit of a lull at the moment but that’s okay; I’ll get back. • December 2010

What is your favorite moment of the show? My favorite thing is “Human Again” – in the second act with all the enchanted objects and castle inhabitants under the spell and dreaming of the day when the spell will be broke and they’ll all be back to normal. And for me, it’s a high point in the show because it all leads up to that point: Is it going to happen? It’s really exciting and I think it’s in a great place in the show. And I think other than my song, I think Belle singing “Change in Me,” which is a new number that was written for Broadway. It’s not in the movie, and it was actually written for Toni Braxton when she played Belle. That’s a really lovely number, and I can listen to that all the time. are there moments or a particular scene you’ve found the audience responds the most to? It depends on where we are. Audiences in different regions really change, but one thing that’s been a constant is that they’re really behind the story the entire time. Because people really know the show, they grew up with it; there are new kids that have never Scottish-born actor seen it before, and people who have loved it Keith Kirkwood on for years. The people that come to the show, stage as Cogsworth. by the end, you can feel that they’ve been on a journey, and it’s quite special with this show. So, I don’t think there’s one particular moment. It’s lovely to hear that in some places they’re very vocal, like in California they really like to laugh, which is a great thing for me and my character; all the people laugh. More or less every night that the show has been done – and we’ve done about 250 shows since February –people have given us standing ovations. People are on their feet at the end, so that’s always good. have you found yourself evolving from this character? The theme of the show, which is driven home pretty hard, is that you’ve always got to look beneath the surface. But I think it’s always good to have that be reaffirmed, the ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’ sort of stuff, so from that point of view I guess I have, yes I have. is there anyone you “channel” for this or any performance? I’ve watched a lot of comedy shows, particularly British comedy shows that you probably wouldn’t know, like Victoria Wood by Julie Walters, which was a brilliant comedy show and I really loved the characters in that. There’s not a particular thing that I’ve watched. Again, the source material is there so you don’t have too much, because it’s such great stuff. What about actors throughout your career? Again, growing up, I loved so many, I can’t think of one particular person. I love the performing arts, and anytime I watch anything live I am still amazed at what people do on stage – the awe of it all. And when I see a new movie I get blown away. I can’t think of a particular person… actually I love actors like Anthony Hopkins. Actors that are really versatile that you just never know what they’re going to do next.


DisNeY’s BEAUTY AND THE BEAST Thursday, December 16 at 7:30 p.m. • The centre, downtown evansville • Tickets available at The centre box office, Ticketmaster outlets, or by phone at 800-745-3000. December 2010 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

• 15 •

2010: A Year In Review With the second decade of the 21st century now in full swing, the time has

dustin cline

come to reflect on the happenings of 2010. While it should be clear from the tiny supercomputer in your pocket and the opening of the first commercial spaceship factory that we now officially live in the future, some of the events of the past year suggest that culture might actually be sliding backward. Have you ever seen the movie Idiocracy? The plot seems more plausible with each passing year. 2010 was no exception. Let’s take a look: (and just because it’s written down, doesn’t mean it’s true – ed).



Near the end of the month, corporations take a stab at doing us in for good. First, BP causes one of the worst man-made disasters in history by spilling enough oil in the ocean for everyone to drive their Hummers to work for the next 10 years. Then, KFC releases the Double Down, a sandwich with “so much meat, there’s no room for a bun,” featuring slices of Monterey Jack and pepper jack cheese, bacon and a “special” sauce, sandwiched between two pieces of fried chicken. Like moths to the flame...

2010, which should be pronounced, “Twenty Ten” because – seriously – it sounds way better and saves you a syllable, was mostly just sad. At the beginning of the month, nearly a quarter-million people were killed in a massive earthquake in Haiti. Then, in the last few days of the month, we lost J.D. Salinger, author of Catcher in the Rye, and one of the great writers of our time. There was, however, one bright spot: Judas Priest and AC/DC each won Grammys for the first time in their careers. Wait, didn’t Kanye West win two of them that night alone? Never mind, this month sucked big time.


February In February, the Saints defeated the Colts in the Super Bowl, thereby returning the great state of Indiana to its rightful place of obscurity. Further, it is discovered that one of the last quotes from the late J.D. Salinger, revealed his hatred of phonies like U2’s Bono, writing, “This is a world of hypocrisy and false values, a world that needs love but does not know how to find it. The people who use the word love are all phonies, starting with that jerk, Bono.”

Each year has brought us slightly closer. 2010 was no exception.


March of 2010 shows that with enough money and talented legal maneuvering, you can squeeze a settlement out of just about anyone on even the most ridiculous pretenses: Lindsay Lohan sues E*Trade for “using her likeness without permission.” You can totally see where she’s coming from if you watch the commercial in question. In it, a baby named Lindsay protests being called a “milkaholic.” Also, Vice President Joe Biden makes the incredibly obvious, albeit out-of-place pronouncement that, “This is a big f**king deal,” as the new health-care legislation is signed into law on national television. April April was quite eventful indeed. Early on in the month, Apple introduces the world to the iPad and sets new benchmarks for rabid fan-boyism and jokes about tampons. Next, Tiger Woods takes the first step to repairing his tarnished (okay, utterly destroyed) reputation by making a return to golf in the 2010 Masters. Since coming back, his performance – while still better than you could ever hope for – has been underwhelming to say the least. • 16 •

J.D. Salinger. So reclusive, news of his death reminded us that he was recently still alive.

Search as you will, the only really important event of May 2010 was the passing of rock god Ronnie James Dio, which pierced us all, “Straight through the Heart,” on May 16th. I say, “Shame on the Night,” for taking away our, “Holy Diver.” Now, I know this might make me seem like some kind of strange “Gypsy,” but I’m really just “Caught in the Middle,” of opposing and “Invisible,” forces that compel me to “Stand up and Shout,” for the one who is lost and never found, truly a “Rainbow in the Dark.” He will be missed. One piece of advice? “Don’t Talk to Strangers,” about this. They’ll just think you’re weird.


Bill Gates and Warren Buffett announce the “$600 Billion Challenge” and attempt to guilt trip the rest of the world’s billionaires into pledging half of all of their fortunes to fixing humanity’s problems as opposed to giving it to their bratty kids. Everyone else goes out and buys the latest iPhone, which sells 1.7 million units in just three days. What the...?

July The iPad – sets a new benchmark for fanboys, spawns irritating series of television commercials.

On July 2, releases tapes of Mel Gibson confirming his insanity beyond all remaining doubt. Also, the 2010 FIFA World Cup is held in South Africa, and is won by Spain. Most of the news attention at the time is captured by the unbearably annoying vuvuzela noisemaking device. Finally, Chelsea Clinton marries Marc Mezvinsky. Most extravagant expense: $15,000 porta-potties. Just in case you’re wondering, the average cost of an entire wedding in Evansville, Indiana: $17,000. • December 2010

August August begins with what’s now referred to as the 2010 Copiapó mining accident as 33 Chilean miners become trapped close to a mile underground and inspire the entire world with their determination to survive. Later, flight attendant Steven Slater has a hissy fit, grabs some booze, and slides down the inflatable emergency slide of Jet Blue flight 1052. In a bizarre turn of events, he becomes an overnight sensation and instant folk hero for standing up to poor working conditions and rude people. Days later it was revealed that he was really just a lying alcoholic whine-bag.

September “Annoying” doesn’t even come close to describing the terrible, hell-born vuvuzela.

September, it seems, was notable for nothing more than celebrities acting like morons and crazy people, which come to think of it, really isn’t notable at all. Randy Quaid and his wife are arrested on burglary charges after living in a guest house without permission. The two post bail and flee to Canada where they are detained by border police, presumably for looking like Randy Quaid and his wife – you know – crazy people. Paris Hilton claims, “I thought it was gum,” when cocaine is found in her bag by Las Vegas police during a traffic stop. Lady Gaga wears a meat dress to the Video Music Awards. That’s right. She wore a dress made of meat. Chew on that one for a while.


It’s rare to find this dress in a medium, but Ms. Gaga seared her name and image into everyone’s consciousness with this hot new look. Well done, young lady. Well done.

October sees the 33 Chilean miners finally brought back to the surface after surviving for a record 69 days trapped 700 meters underground in the San José Mine. Hilarity ensues as the men’s mistresses and wives fight over the compensation money. Justin Beiber gets in a fight with a 12-year-old at a laser tag arena, and Charlie Sheen improves his already disgustingly awesome career prospects by going on a cocaine-induced rampage with a porn star that causes $7,000 in damage to his hotel room. Just another night on the town for a guy who pulls in a cool $1.88 million per episode to act exactly like he does in real life. Like I said: disgustingly awesome.

November In response to everyone who “misunderestimated” him, former “decider” George W. Bush releases his book, Decision Points, and the last passengers from a stranded Carnival cruise ship get on dry land after having spent most of a seven day “luxury” cruise surviving on Spam and Pop Tarts and living without flushing toilets. The incident is “cleverly” referred to by the media as the, “Spamcation,”


Yogi Berra also once said, “The future ain’t what it used to be.”

Because this article is being written in the middle of November, it will be hard to provide commentary for the month of December 2010. Just like Yogi Berra said, “Predictions are difficult, especially about the future.”

December 2010 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

• 17 •


[ Kanpai ]

Every time my significant other and I are choosing some place to enjoy dinner we always run down the types of food that sound good to us. Mexican, Italian, BBQ, burgers; we always run down a list, black balling each other’s ideas until we’re left with one option. That one single glimmer of hope for eating something other than cereal for dinner is always sushi. We thought we had tried it all, and this month we learned we’d been wrong. Kanpai sits inconspicuously, during the daytime, on Washington Street. At night, however, the lot is packed people clamoring to get to the sushi they’ve loved for 14 years.


Last April, after Jayson Munoz took over, some things in the Kanpai building began to change. Gone are the shades of red Staff Writer traded out for a modern scheme of green, dark browns, and black. There’s a slick, big city feel that’s carried from colors to the lighting, not too low, not too bright, to the music choices. The expansive drink selection includes up to 45 beers, which Munoz pairs with dishes like wine, which they also serve by the glass or by the bottle. Every seat offers a glimpse at the sushi being made, it’s that fresh. Munoz has made other changes other than décor. Now, instead of being strictly sushi, Kanpai is now known as an “Asian bistro” pulling in flavors from all over the continent, not just resting on the Japanese main dish. Our first dish (of many it seemed) was the lettuce wraps. One thing that sets their wraps apart from the others I’ve tried previously is that they use big pieces of Romaine lettuce, which is better for you than the crunchy air (iceberg) offered by other places. The other is that they use all organic products, something they try and extend into the rest of their cuisine as well. The wraps were flavorful and crunchy. While we were still working on these, the next dish came out, one that is new to the menu. The Thai shrimp, served with a cabbage salad, was fresh tiger shrimp with lemongrass, something not generally used. Immediately we could tell

how fresh the shrimp was, and the Thai chili sauce served with it gave it a sweet kick to the dish. The cabbage salad was full of flavor. I didn’t know eating cabbage could taste so good when not covered in mayonnaise! As we were trying this the egg rolls came out. These were crunchy and fresh. The former menu offered frozen egg rolls, the only I had ever had, but the difference is insurmountable when you have one made minutes after you ordered them. Kanpai’s egg rolls have an unexpected flavor in them. Finally we came to the sushi part of our meal which consisted of three different rolls. First we had the Kanpai famous Godzilla Roll. This is a tuna roll, with spicy mayo, and scallions that’s fried in tempura batter and topped with four different sauces. The frying brings a crunchy texture, while the sauces make it difficult to discern which one is bringing which flavor. They all blend together to create a new flavor that is sweet with a tangy spicy kick. The next roll was the Yum Yum Roll. This could easily be a meal all on its own with its rich cream cheese and tempura shrimp filling, which is then topped with shrimp and crab, then drizzled with yum yum and eel sauce. This roll is also quick fried in tempura butter offering a crunchy texture that is contrast with the creamy center. It’s a savory dish that could easily be a “dessert” roll. The final roll we had the S.O.B roll. Meaning south of the border, this is a little bit of Mexico in sushi form and contains tuna, onions, spicy mayo, jalapeño, cilantro, and lime. If the jalapeno scares you, don’t let it. While this roll has a spicy kick, the cilantro cools off your palate. It’s a light and crisp roll and pulls brilliantly from the flavors of our country’s southern border. As we reached the finish line of our meal we were treated to one of Kanpai’s most famous dishes, as well as something straight off the new menu. The seared Ahi tuna is a pound of sesame crusted served on a bed of the cabbage slaw. This tuna is fresh, coming in from a far off coast it was caught just a couple of days prior to our enjoying it. While most people think tuna, and get a picture of a Chicken of the Sea can, real tuna is much different, and when it is this fresh, it’s more flavorful than any tuna I’ve had prior to this experience. What makes this dish even more impressive is that the appetizer could easily be a meal, and at $9.99, it’s affordable too. How much have you paid for less food at other places? Moreover, if someone in your company is not into sushi, they can easily order this because it eats like a steak, it’s just a healthier version. My favorite part of the meal was most definitely the Sweet and Sour Thai Chili chicken. This is Munoz’s take on a traditional Chinese dish, and the expansion into the bistro territory. The chicken is light and crunchy, while the Thai chili sauce brings a new zest to an established taste. What really made this meal was the rice, which was mixed with fresh lime juice and cilantro. It kept the meal light and fresh, and I didn’t feel the need to take a nap immediately following completion of the plate. As our meal came to a close we were treated to a dessert of cheese cake made up of six different white chocolate varieties. Three of those chocolates came from Italy, so I knew it was going to be good. Rich and creamy, it was the perfect end to a wonderful meal.

Kanpai • 4593 Washington Avenue Evansville, IN 47714 • 812-471-7076 • 18 • • December 2010


[ Bobbi Gillespie - La Sombra ]

Continuing to highlight locally owned and operated establishments, for December, it seemed that a hot coffee drink would warm the spirit. So we connected with Bobbi Gillespie from downtown Evansville’s La Sombra for this month’s edition of Chef Spotlight. What is your background in the restaurant business, and what motivated you to start up your own establishment? My only restaurant background consists of owning and operating a bakery/deli in Springfield, Missouri 15 years ago. I opened The Village Bakery when I decided to get off the corporate fast track. My background is business. My degree is in accounting and I spent 10 years in manufacturing accounting, with my last job as a controller for a division of Alcoa. After living in Mexico City for five years, I fell in love with artwork, so when I moved back to the States in 2004, I opened the Old Stone Gallery in Newburgh in January of 2005 and put an espresso bar inside in 2006. In 2008 as the retail market was crashing, Joe Wallace of G.A.G.E. approached me to put a coffee shop inside Innovation Pointe. My lease in Newburgh was up in December, 2008, so I closed the Gallery in Newburgh and relocated the espresso bar to Evansville and added the food concept. You’re filling a much-needed place in the downtown Evansville scene; what do you like the most about being located on Evansville’s downtown Main Street? Yes, I agree, every downtown scene should include a coffee shop. It really appealed to me to be a part of the revitalization of downtown Evansville. I have to give credit to Joe Wallace, the former president of G.A.G.E., for realizing that a coffee shop is a much-needed place as part of the success of any downtown re-development project. How did your menu items - the food and drinks both - come about? What was the selection process like for choosing what you offer to customers? A lot of the menu items actually came from my bakery/deli that I had in Springfield. I selected those recipes that were tried and true and that I felt would appeal to the business professional working downtown. On the coffee side of the business, after living in Mexico and being accustomed to drinking fresh-roasted coffee, I couldn’t drink the coffee here when I returned. It was stale; but I didn’t know why. I decided to import the beans ‘green’ from around the world and roast them myself. Everything on our menu is made from scratch, all the way down to our chicken salad. People can taste the difference and

usually take the time to tell us. I attended coffee trade shows all over to select what I thought were the best espresso machines, besttasting syrups and sauces and smoothie mixes. And the green coffee beans I buy are a joint effort between my broker and me. They are all ‘specialty, single- estate’ beans and are rated in the top five percent as far as quality goes. They are all high-grown, 100% Arabica. We do not sell any commercial Robusta. What are some of the things you feel are absolutely essential to creating a positive experience for your customers? My customer base consists of the business professional that has one hour to get from his/ her desk, eat their lunch, and return. Quality and consistency is number one in the restaurant business, but in this market, speed is also essential. A friendly staff and a clean, welcoming environmment are also important in creating a positive experience for our clients. What is your own earliest food-related memory? I don’t know exactly what my earliest food-related memory would be, but there are a couple that stand out in my mind. As a child, my father loved to cook lobster tail, after learning how it was prepared at a local restaurant in Bowling Green, Kentucky, where I grew up. Personally, I always loved to bake, and both my parents were good cooks. As an adult, I distinctly remember discovering Indian food in New York City and then again in Toronto, Canada. My former husband and I started buying Indian cookbooks after that and he prepared various dishes on a regular basis for our family. And last

December 2010 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

but not least, I discovered real Mexican food while living in Mexico City. What’s the most satisfying thing for you about being an independent owner/operator? The most satisfying thing about being the owner/ operator of La Sombra is the customers. It is so gratifying to hear people tell you how much they love your place and love your food. In addition, I am doing what I was born to do. I am an entrepreneur; it’s in my blood and I can’t seem to escape it. So, whether or not I’m making sandwiches, coffee, or widgets, my mind is always working. My former husband likes to say, ‘Everyday, she opens a new business, and I shut it down.’ If you could have any meal, complete with appetizer, dessert and drinks, what would be on the table and where would that table be? As sophisticated as my palate is, you will find my answer to this question surprising. I would be at my home in Mexico with my closest friends sitting under the palapa. We would start with a shot of Don Julio Tequila, sipping it slowly like a fine wine, accompanied by a shot of Sangrita. Then we would enjoy a bowl of tortilla soup, complete with chile and avocado. Tacos al Pastor would follow and then if we had any room left, some Tres Leches cake. And last, but not least, we would dance all night. • 19 •



Black Buggy restaurant (east) 4920 Davis Lant Dr. 473-0012 (Wasington) Hwy. 57 S. 812-254-8966 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Checks Accepted/MC

[ Restaurant Guide ]

stoll’s country inn 19820 Castle Creek Dr. 812-867-7730 Under $10/Check MC/Visa/Reservations Accepted/No Alcohol/Buffet-style menu


Bar-B-Q Barn 1003 E. Diamond Ave. 491-9868 Under $10/No Reservations/ No Alcohol/Checks, MC, VISA


hawg ‘N’ sauce (mt. vernon) 1600 Leonard Rd. 812-838-5339 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Beer & Wine/All Major Credit Cards/Online ordering available – powered by Click4AMeal hickory pit stop 1521 N. Main St. 422-6919 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Beer & Wine/AMEX

marx Barbeque and catering service 3119 W. Maryland St. 425-1616 Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted/ VISA, MC/Full Service Catering

r.j.’s smokehouse 1013 Weinbach Ave. 421-8020 Under $10/Carryout Only/ All Major Credit Cards shyler’s Bar-B-Q 405 S. Green River Rd. 476-4599 Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted/ All Major Credit Cards • 20 •

Applebee’s Bar & grill (east) 5100 E. Morgan Ave. 471-0929 (West) 5727 Pearl Dr. 426-2006 Under $10/Casual/No Reservations/ Full Service Bar/All Major Credit Cards Bar Louie 7000 Eagle Crest Blvd. 476-7069 $10-$15/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards Beef o’Brady’s (Newburgh) 8177 Bell Oaks Dr. 490-9464 Under $10/Causal/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards

Landmark BBQ 3901 Broadway Ave. 401-7427 Under $10/Casual/ Checks Accepted/VISA/MC

The Nisbet inn (haubstadt) 6701 Nisbet Rd. 812-963-9305 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/Checks Accepted

Wilson’s general store, café & BBQ (evansville) 11120 Broadway Ave. 812-985-0202 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Beer & Wine/ All Major Credit Cards Wolf’s Bar-B-Q restaurant 6000 First Ave. 424-8891 Under$10/Casual/Checks/Reservations Accepted/VISA/MC/Online ordering available – powered by Click4AMeal

corky’s ribs & Barbecue Casino Aztar (Pavilion Level 1) 421 N.W. Riverside Dr. 433-4227 Under $10/Casual/FullBar/ Credit Cards/Carry-Out

moonlite Bar-B-Q inn (owensboro) 2840 W. Parrish Ave. 800-322-8989 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Accepted for parties of 10 or more/Checks Accepted/ All Major Credit Cards/Beer & Wine

stepto’s Bar-B-Q shack 4430 1st Ave. 401-8227 Under $10-$15/Casual/Beer & Wine/ MC, VISA/Online ordering available – powered by Click4AMeal

Blush Ultra Lounge & Tapas Bar 615 N.W. Riverside Dr. 433-4700 $10-$15/Upscale casual/ Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Boston’s the Gourmet pizza 3911 Venetian Dr. 812-853-3400 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards cheeseburger in paradise 8301 Eagle Lake Dr. 475-1074 $10-$15/Casual/$10-$15/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards chili’s grill & Bar 600 N. Green River Rd. 475-1510 $15-$20/Casual/Reservations Recommended/Full Service Bar/ All Major Credit Cards Doc’s 1305 Stringtown Rd. 401-1201 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards • December 2010


major munch (Old Post Office [ Restaurant Guide ] Place, Downtown Evansville) 437-2363 Under $10/Casual/ VISA, MC/Online gator’s hot fish ordering available – www. 1203 N. Main St. 424-7733 - powered Under $10/Casual/No by Click4AMeal Reservations/No Credit Cards/No Alcohol max & erma’s Casino Aztar (Pavilion Level 1) hadi shrine 421 N.W. Riverside 6 Walnut St. 423-4285 Dr. 433-4258 Under $10/Casual/ $10-$15/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards All Major Credit Cards hooters 4620 Lincoln Ave. 475-0229 Under $10/Casual/Beer & Wine/VISA, MC, AMEX Koodie-hoo’s (mt. vernon) 231 W. 2nd St. 812-838-5202 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards la sombra coffee house 318 Main St. 492-4567 Under $10/No Alcohol Served/ All Major Credit Cards/ Espresso Bar and Gifts

o’Brian’s sports Bar & grill 1801 N. Green River Rd. 401-4630 Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted/Credit Cards/Full Bar on deck riverside Bar & Grill (henderson) 100 2nd St. 270-826-2424 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/MC, VISA, DSCVR ollie’s sports Bar & grill 4920 Bellemeade Ave. 401-2125 $10-$15/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards

December 2010 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

panera Bread 200 N. Burkhardt Rd. 476-7477 Under $10/All Major Credit Cards red robin gourmet Burgers 6636 E. Lloyd Exp. 473-4100 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards riverview by firefly (Inside Old National Bank Building) 1 Main St. 464-VIEW Under $10/Casual/No Alcohol Served/All Major Credit Cards show-me’s (east) 1700 Morgan Center Dr. 401-SHOW (West) 5501 Pearl Dr. 402-7100 Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted/Credit Cards/Full Bar/Online ordering available – powered by Click4AMeal steeplechase café (Holiday Inn Airport) 4101 Hwy. 41 N. 424-6400 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/Checks Accepted/Credit Cards

Temptations Buffet Casino Aztar (Pavilion Level 2) 421 Riverside Dr. 433-4000 Under $10/Casual/ Credit Cards Accepted

charlie’s mongolian BBQ 315 E. Diamond Ave. 423-9897 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/ Beer & Wine/MC, VISA

T.g.i. friday’s (In Eastland Mall) 800 N. Green River Rd. 491-8443 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/No Reservations/ No Checks Accepted/ All Major Credit Cards

china King 590 E. Diamond Ave. 423-1896 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Recommended/ Checks Accepted/ Beer & Wine/ All Major Credit Cards

Trophy club Lounge & Dining room (Inside Indiana Downs) 5480 E. Indiana St. 473-8910 $10-$15/Casual/Full Bar/ Reservations Accepted/All Major Credit Cards Accepted zoup fresh soup co. 6240 E. Virginia St. 477-2664 Under $10/Casual/ All Major Credit Cards


canton inn restaurant 947 North Park Dr. 428-6611 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Recommended/ Checks Accepted/Beer & Wine/All Major Credit Cards

china super Buffet 127 N. Burkhardt Rd. 476-8788 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Recommended/ VISA, MC, DSCVR china Town Buffet 5435 Pearl Dr. 425-8146 Under $10/Casual/ Beer & Wine/Checks Accepted/Reservations Accepted/VISA, MC china village (Newburgh) 8423 Bell Oaks Dr. 812-858-8238 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Recommended/No Alcohol Served/VISA/MC/DSCVR

• 21 •


chopstick house restaurant 5412 E. Indiana St. 473-5551 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Beer & Wine/Credit Cards

[ Restaurant Guide ]

crazy Buffet 701 N. Burkhardt Rd. 437-8833 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/No checks/Credit Cards

Wok ‘N’ roll 311 S. Green River Rd. 474-0181 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards

golden Buddha 3221 Taylor Ave. 473-4855 (Newburgh) 5066 S.R. 261 812-853-2680 Under $10/Casual/No Reservations/ Checks Accepted/Full Service Bar/VISA/MC/DSCVR

Yen ching chinese restaurant 406 S. Green River Rd. 474-0181 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/All Major Credit Cards/Full Bar

gracie’s chinese cuisine 12500 N. Hwy. 41 812-868-8888 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Checks Accepted/ All Major Credit Cards

café 111 111 S. Green River Rd. #D 401-8111 Under $10/Casual/Visa/MC


choo choo café & Deli 915 Main St. 429-0283 Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted/ Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards

janbo restaurant 4500 W. Lloyd Expwy. 422-8289 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Recommended/Checks Accepted/ Beer & Wine/VISA, MC, DSCVR

coffee cottage & café 612 S. Weinbach Ave. 401-1930 Under $10/Casual/Visa/MC

Lucky Dragon chinese restaurant 4313 E. Morgan Ave. 479-5006 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Checks Accepted/ Beer & Wine/AMEX/MC

Dimond Deli 421 Riverside Dr. 433-6122 Under $10/Casual/ All Major Credit Cards

mandarin garden chinese restaurant 2013 N. Green River Rd. 476-7088 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Recommended/Checks Accepted/ No Alcohol Served/VISA/MC mAT. 888 china Bistro 5636 Vogel Rd. 475-2888 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Accepted/ Beer & Wine/All Major Credit Cards shing-Lee chinese restaurant 215 Main St. 464-2769 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Service Bar/ All Major Credit Cards

emge’s Deli & ice cream 206-208 Main St. 422-3026/422-7030 Under $10/Casual/Checks/No Alcohol

szechwan chinese restaurant 669 N. Green River Rd. 479-7600 $10-$15/Reservations Accepted/ Beer & Wine/VISA, MC, AMEX

finn’s café & Bakery 920 Main St. 812-962-3694 Under $10/Casual/All Major Credit Cards/Online ordering available – powered by Click4AMeal

Taste of china 4579 University Dr. 422-1260 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/No Alcohol Served

fresh harvest deli 101 N.W. 1st St. 421-0407 801 St. Mary’s Dr. 471-9004 Under $10/Casual/MC/VISA

Triple dragon Buffet (Newburgh) 7844 St. Rd. 66 812-853-1900 Under $10/Casual/No Alcohol Served/Carryout Available/ All Major Credit Cards

Grand Traverse pie company 6245 Vogel Rd. 477-7437 Under $10/Casual/No Alcohol/ All Major Credit Cards

Two Brothers 3806 N. 1st Ave. 423-6188 Under $10/Casual/Reservations/ MC, VISA, DSCVR

• 22 •

donut Bank Bakery & coffee shop (West) 210 N. St. Joseph Ave. 426-1011 (North) 2128 N. 1st Ave. 426-2311 1031 E. Diamond Ave. 8426-0011 (east) 5 N. Green River Rd. 479-0511 1950 Washington Ave. 477-2711 1200 Lincoln Ave. 402-4111 (Newburgh) 3988 SR 261 812-858-9911 Under $10/Casual/All Major Credit Cards/No Alcohol

The granola jar 1033 Mt. Pleasant Rd. 437-1899 Under $10/Casual/ All Major Credit Cards The great American Bagel 3901 Morgan Ave. 476-7212 Under $10/Casual/MC, VISA • December 2010


[ Restaurant Guide ] jeanne’s gelato 2300 Lincoln Ave. 479-8272 Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted/ All Major Credit Cards jimmy john’s gourmet sandwiches 701 N. Burkhardt Rd. Ste. C 401-5400 (Newburgh) 8680 Highpoint Dr. Under $10/Casual/All Major Credit Cards just rennies cookies 102 S.E. 4th St. 490-8098 Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted/ All Major Credit Cards la sombra coffee company 318 Main St. 492-4567 Under $10/Casual/VISA, MC, DSCVR maxine’s cafe & Bakery 1322 N. Green River Rd. 473-3663 Under $10/Casual/Checks/ No Alcohol/All Major Credit Cards/ Online ordering available – powered by Click4AMeal nitro Gtill 4904 Plaza East Blvd. 402-9900 Under $10/Casual/ No Alcohol/ Checks Accepted/VISA, MC panera Bread 220 Burkhardt Rd. 476-7477 Under $10/Casual/ChecksAll Major Credit Cards penn station east coast subs (east) 137 N. Burkhardt Rd. 479-PENN (7366) (North) 4827 David Lant 402-PENN (West) 5310 Pearl Dr. 434-PENN (owensboro) 3625 Frederica St. 270-683-1515 (henderson) 1111 Barrett Rd. 270-826-7361 Under $10/Casual/No Alcohol/ All Major Credit Cards penny lane coffeehouse 600 S.E. 2nd St. 421-8741 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/All Major Credit Cards piece of cake 210 Main St. 424-2253 Under $5/Casual/No Alcohol/No Reservations/Checks/DSCVR, VISA, MC planter’s coffee house (henderson) 130 N. Main St. 270-830-0927 Under $5/Casual/All Major Credit Cards roly poly sandwiches 5702 E. Virginia St. 812-962-2326 Under $10/Casual/No Alcohol Served/VISA, MC schlotzsky’s deli 301 N. Green River Rd. 471-4011 Under $10/Casual/VISA, MC

spudz –n- stuff (east) 812 S. Green River Rd. 401-7783 (West) 5225 Pearl Dr. 402-8287 Under $10/Casual/No Alcohol/ No Reservations/All Major Credit Cards/Online ordering available – powered by Click4AMeal riverview by firefly (In Old National Bank Place) 1 Main St. 464-VIEW Under $10/Casual/No Alcohol Served/All Major Credit Cards Twilight Bistro 221 Main St. 421-0606 Under $10/Casual/All Major Credit Cards vecchio’s italian market & Delicatessen (Newburgh) 14 W. Jennings St. 490-7879 Under $10/Casual/Beer & Wine/ Checks Accepted/VISA, MC, DSCVR Windmill donuts & pizza 3030 N. Green River Rd. 437-6444 Under $10/Casual/MC, VISA

FAMILY/HOMESTYLE The Acropolis fine greek cuisine & spirits 501 N. Green River Rd. 475-9320 $10-15/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards/Online ordering available - powered by Click4AMeal Black Buggy restaurant (east) 4920 Davis Lant Dr. 473-0012 (Wasington) Hwy. 57 S. 812-254-8966 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Checks Accepted/MC Bob evans restaurant (east) 1125 N. Green River Rd. 473-9022 (West) 5201 Pearl Dr. 812-425-5100 (owensboro) 3123 Kentucky Hwy. 54 270-683-3515 (princeton) US 41 & State Rt. 64 812-386-1228 Under $10/Casual/No Reservations/ No Alcohol Served/VISA/MC Boonville café (Boonville) 713 E. Main St. 812-897-2912 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/VISA, MC Buffalo Wild Wings (BW3) (east) 713 N. Green River Rd. 471-9464 (West) 5404 Pearl Dr. 471-9464 Under $10/Casual/No Reservations/ Full Service Bar/All Major Credit Cards Burger Bank 1617 S. Weinbach Ave. 475-2265 Under $10/Casual carousel restaurant 5115 Monroe Ave. 479-6388 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/ All Major Credit Cards

December 2010 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

• 23 •

charlie & Barney’s 1801 W. Franklin St. 423-5355 Under $10/Casual/ Checks Accepted/Full Bar


[ Restaurant Guide ]

cracker Barrel 8215 Eagle Lake Dr. 479-8788 Under $10/Casual/No Reservations/ Checks Accepted/Credit Cards cross-eyed cricket 2101 Pennsylvania St. 422-6464 Under $10/Casual/ No Reservations/Checks Accepted/ Online ordering available – powered by Click4AMeal culver’s frozen custard Butter Burgers 1734 Hirschland Rd. 437-3333 Under $10/Casual/MC, VISA, DSCVR Denny’s classic Diner (West) 5212 Weston Rd. 424-4472 (Newburgh) 19501 Elpers Rd. 812-867-7156 Under $10/Casual/Formal/ Reservations Accepted/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards

hootie hoot saloon & Grill Hwy. 261 & 66 490-9135 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/Checks hott’s Grill 122 N. Weinbach Ave. 437-3377 Under $10/Casual/No Reservations/Checks/ Beer & Wine/All Major Credit Cards hornville Tavern 2607 W. Baseline Rd. 812-963-0967 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ No Credit Cards/Checks Accepted

Denny’s restaurant (North) 4301 Hwy. 41 N. 423-9459 (east) 351 N. Green River Rd. 473-1063 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Checks Accepted/ No Alcohol/All Major Credit Cards ellis park-clubhouse (henderson) Hwy. 41 N. 800-333-8110 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards

ihop 601 N. Burkhardt Rd. 471-0510 Under $10, Casual/No Reservations/ No Alcohol Served/All Major Credit Cards K&D Dutch Korner 13935 St. Wendel Rd. 812-963-9370 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Cash/Full Bar KT’s fire grill (Wadesville) 7247 Main St. 812-673-4996 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/VISA, MC

The feed mill (poseyville) Hwy. 165 & I-64 812-874-2210 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Accepted/All Major Credit Cards

Kippleville (Kipplee’s Partyhouse) 2322 Division St. 476-1936 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ Reservations Accepted/ Beer & Wine/All Major Credit Cards

flying saucer café (Inside the Airport) 7801 Bussing Dr. 423-1113 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards

Knotty pine cafe 500 N. Main St. 423-0014 Under $10/Casual/No Reservations/ Checks Accepted/Cash Only/ No Alcohol Served Koodie-hoo’s (mt. vernon) 231 W. 2nd St. 812-838-5202 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards

frontier restaurant & Bar 12945 Hwy. 57 812-867-6786 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/VISA, MC gemeca inn (ft. Branch) 802 E. Locust St. 812-753-4441 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/No Checks/ VISA, MC, AMEX

Log inn (haubstadt) 12491 S. 200 E. 812-867-3216 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/Checks Accepted/Full Service Bar

golden corral (West) 5301 Pearl Dr. 423-4930 (east) 130 Cross Point Blvd. 473-1095 (henderson) 1770 S. Green St. 270-869-9310 Under $10/Casual/ No Reservations/Checks/No Alcohol/All Major Credit Cards

• 24 •

The hilltop inn 1100 Harmony Way 422-1757 Under $10/Casual/ No Reservations/Cash/Check/ All Major Credit Cards/Full Bar

merry-go-round restaurant 2101 Old Business 41 423-6388 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Checks Accepted o’charley’s (east) 7301 E. Indiana St. 479-6632 (West) 5125 Pearl Dr. 424-3348 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Checks Accepted/ Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards • December 2010


[ Restaurant Guide ]

The cincinnati (vincennes) 10 N. 2nd St. 812-895-1855 $15-25/Full Bar/Reservations Accepted/MC, VISA, DCSVR

The old mill 503 New Harmony Rd. 812-963-6000 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Checks Accepted/ Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards

cork-n-cleaver 650 S. Hebron Ave. 479-6974 $10-$25/Causual/Reservations Recommended/All Major Credit Cards

The pie pan 905 North Park Dr. 425-2261 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Checks Accepted/ No Alcohol Served

The edgewater grille (Newburgh) 1 E. Water St. 812-858-2443 $10-$15/Reservations Accepted/ Checks Accepted/Full Service Bar/All Major Credit Cards

pop’s grill (New harmony) 516 S. Main St. 812-682-3880 $10-$15/Casual/ Checks Accepted/VISA, MC rafferty’s 1400 N. Green River Rd. 471-0024 Under $10/Casual/No Reservations/ Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards red robin gourmet Burgers 6636 E. Lloyd Exp. 473-4100 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards st. joe inn 9515 St. Wendel Rd. 812-963-9310 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Recommended/Checks Accepted/Full Bar stoll’s country inn 19820 Castle Creek Dr. 812-867-7330 Under $10/Check MC/Visa/ Reservations Accepted/ No Alcohol/Buffet-style menu Wolf’s Tavern & restaurant (henderson) 31 N. Green St. 270-212-1151 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Checks Accepted/ Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards

The jungle restaurant and fat cats Bar 415 Main St. 425-5282 $10-$15/Reservations Recommended/ Two Full Service Bars/VISA/MC lorenzo’s Bistro & Bakery 972 S. Hebron Ave. 475-9477 $15-$25/Upscale Casual/ Reservations Accepted/Checks/ All Major Credit Cards/Full Bar madeleine’s restaurant 423 S.E. 2nd St., 491-8611 $15-$25/Reservations Recommended/ Checks/All Major Credit Cards/Full Bar milano italian cuisine 500 Main St. 484-2222 $10-$15/Reservations Recommended/ Credit Cards/Beer & Wine red geranium (New harmony) 504 N. St. 812-682-4431 $15-$25/Reservations Recommended/ Full Bar/Credit Cards szechwan chinese restaurant 669 N. Green River Rd. 479-7600 $10-$15/Reservations Accepted/ Beer & Wine/VISA, MC, AMEX

zesto’s 102 W. Franklin St. 424-1416 Under $10/Casual/ All Major Credit Cards

The Trophy club (Inside Indiana Downs) 5480 Indiana St. 473-8910 $10-$15/Reservations Accepted/ Full Bar/Credit Cards



Acropolis fine greek cuisine and spirits 501 N. Green River Rd. 475-9320 $10-$15/Reservations Accepted/ Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards/ Online ordering available – Bonefish Grill 6401 E. Lloyd Expwy. 401-3474 $15-$25/Credit Cards/ Checks Accepted/Full Bar cavanaugh’s Casino Aztar (Pavilion Level 2) 421 N.W. Riverside Dr. 433-4333 $20-$30/Reservations Recommended/ No Checks Accepted/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards

Gerst Bavarian haus 2100 W. Franklin St. 424-1420 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Checks Accepted/ Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards


The Acropolis fine greek cuisine and spirits 501 N. Green River Rd. 475-9320 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Accepted/No Checks/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards/ Online ordering available – powered by Click4AMeal

December 2010 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

• 25 •



Taste of india 4612 Vogel Rd. 477-4482 $10-$15/Reservations Accepted/ No Checks/Beer & Wine/ All Major Credit Cards

[ Restaurant Guide ]


Taj mahal indian cuisine 900 Tutor Ln. 476-5000 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Beer & Wine/ All Major Credit Cards

fujiyama japanese steakhouse 917 North Park Dr. 812-962-4440 $10-$20/Casual/Beer & Wine/ Reservations Accepted/Credit Cards iwataya japanese restaurant 8401 N. Kentucky Ave. 812-868-0830 $10-$15/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards

ITALIAN/ MEDITERRANEAN Angelo’s 305 Main St. 428-6666 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Recommended/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards

Kanpai sushi & Asian Bistro 4593 Washington Ave. 471-7076 $10-$15/Casual/Full Service Bar/All Major Credit Cards/Online ordering available – powered by Click4AMeal

Biaggi’s ristorante italiano 16401 E. Lloyd Expwy. 421-0800 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/VISA, MC café arazu (Newburgh) 117 W. Jennings St. 812-842-2200 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Accepted/ Beer & Wine/VISA, MC, DISCOVER charzad 519 N. Green River Rd. 473-2849 Under $10/Casual/VISA, MC, DISCOVER Dilegge’s italian 607 N. Main St. 428-3004 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards/Online ordering available – powered by Click4AMeal

Tokyo japan 3000 N. Green River Rd. 401-1020 Under $10/Casual/All Major Credit Cards zuki japanese grill & sushi Lounge 1448 N. Green River Rd. 477-9854 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Recommended/Beer & Wine Serviced /All Major Credit Cards


jaya’s 119 S.E. 4th St. 422-6667 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Checks Accepted/ Beer & Wine/ All Major Credit Cards

house of como 2700 S. Kentucky St. 422-0572 $10-$20/Casual/Checks Accepted/Cash/Full Bar


manna mediterranean 2913 Lincoln Ave. 473-7005 Under $10/Casual/ All Major Credit Cards

Acapulco mexican (east) 3339 N. Green River Rd. 475-0566 (Newburgh) 8480 High Pointe Dr. 812-858-7777 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/Reservations Accepted/MC, Visa/Online ordering available – powered by Click4AMeal

milano’s italian cuisine 500 Main St. 484-2222 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Recommended/All Major Credit Cards/Beer & Wine

cancun mexican (henderson) 341 S. Green St. 270-826-0067 (Newburgh) 10640 Newburgh Rd. 812-490-9936 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Recommended/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards/Online ordering available – powered by Click4AMeal

The olive Garden italian restaurant 1100 N. Green River Rd. 473-2903 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Checks Accepted/ Full Service Bar/Credit Cards pita pan 1375 Washington Ave. 476-1111 Under $10/Casual/No Alcohol Served/VISA, MC raffi’s italian & mediterranean cuisine 1100 N. Burkhardt Rd. 473-2903 $10-$15/Dressy Casual/Reservations Accepted/Checks Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards • 26 •

Nagasaki inn 5720 Virginia St. 473-1442 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Recommended/Full Service Bar/ All Major Credit Cards

el charro 720 N. Sonntag Ave. 421-1986 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Recommended/All Major Credit Cards/Beer & Wine • December 2010


[ Restaurant Guide ] el maguey (Boonville) 601 W. State Rd. 62 812-897-2028 3250 Warrick Dr. 812-897-6666 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/Checks Accepted/ MC, VISA/Online ordering available – powered by Click4AMeal el rio 1919 Green River Rd. 812-471-1400 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Checks Accepted/ Full Bar/Credit Cards hacienda mexican restaurant (east) 990 S. Green River Rd. 474-1635 (North) 711 N. 1st. Ave. 423-6355 (West) 5440 Pearl Dr. 422-2055 Under $10/Casual/Full Service Bar/VISA, MC, AMEX jalisco mexican restaurant 4044 Professional Ln. 490-2814 $5-$15/Casual/Reservations Accepted/ Full Bar/Major Credit Cards La cabana 821 S. Green River Rd. 477-3351 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Checks Accepted/Credit Cards/Full Bar/Online ordering available – powered by Click4AMeal Las Americas mexican 1016 S. Weinbach Ave. 475-3483 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Beer & Wine/Checks Accepted/Major Credit Cards los Bravos (east) 834 Tutor Ln. 474-9078 (North) 3534 First Ave. 424-4101 (West) 4630 W. Lloyd Expwy. 464-3136 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/VISA/MC/AMEX Los Toribio’s (henderson) 2810 U.S. 41 N. 270-830-6610 1647 S. Green St. 270-831-2367 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Service Bar/ VISA/MC/AMEX moe’s southwest grill 6401 E. Lloyd Expwy. 491-6637 Under $10/Casual/ All Major Credit Cards/Beer & Wine Qdoba mexican grill 922 Burkhardt Rd. 401-0800 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ Reservations Accepted/MC, VISA Taco Tierra 420 S. Green River Rd. 402-8226 Under $10/Casual/VISA, MC

Tequila’s mexican (mt. vernon) 408 Southwind Plaza 812-838-2392 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ Reservations Accepted/MC, VISA


Archie & clyde’s restaurant (Newburgh) 8309 Bell Oaks Dr. 490-7778 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/Visa, MC/Online ordering available – powered by Click4AMeal Big m’s pizzeria 1424 N. Main St. 434-6909 $10-$15/Casual/VISA, MC Boogie’s pizza (mt. vernon) 506 E. 4th St. 812-838-5000 Under $10/Beer & Wine/ Checks/VISA, MC, DSCVR Boston’s - The Gourmet pizza 3911 Venetian Dr. 812-853-3400 $5-$15/Casual/Reservations Accepted/ Full Bar/Major Credit Cards cici’s pizza (east) 101-B N. Green River Rd. 477-2424 (West) 5625 Pearl Dr. Ste. G 812-962-0034 Under $10/Casual/No Alcohol Served/ Non Smoking/No Credit Cards dave’s sports den pizza & pub 701 N. Weinbach Ave. 479-8887 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards Deerhead sidewalk cafe 222 E. Columbia St. 425-2515 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Checks Accepted/ Full Bar/All Major Cards Accepted firedome pizza & Wings (henderson) 2046 Hwy. 41 N. 270-830-7700 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/Reservations Accepted/Major Credit Cards Gardo’s italian oven 13220 Darmstadt Rd. 812-868-8071 Under $10/Casual Geronte’s pizza 4706 Vogel Rd. 474-1700 Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted/ Beer & Wine/VISA, MC Greeks pizza 240 S. Green River Rd. 402-4733 Under $10/Credit Cards heady’s pizza 4120 N. First Ave. 437-4343 Under $10/Casual/VISA, MC highland pizza shop 6669 Kratzville Rd. 402-8900 Under $10/VISA, MC

December 2010 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

• 27 •

hott’s Grill 122 N. Weinbach Ave. 437-3377 Under $10/Casual/Beer/ VISA, MC


[ Restaurant Guide ]

Kipplee’s stadium inn 2350 Division St. 479-1542 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards

sandy’s pizza (ft. Branch) 609 S. Main St. 812-759-3972 Under $10/Casual/Beer & Wine/ All Major Credit Cards

mama roma’s pizza & Wings 2008 E. Morgan Ave. 422-1212 Under $10/Casual/Checks/ All Major Credit Cards

The slice 2011 Lincoln Ave. 476-8518 Under $10/Casual/No Reservations/ Beer & Wine/All Major Credit Cards

mr. B’s pizza & Wings (henderson) 2611 Hwy. 41 N. 270-826-1111 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Checks/Beer & Wine/MC noble roman’s pizza (east) 2403 Washington Ave. (Ross Center) 477-5347 (West) 4807 W. Lloyd Expwy. 424-0996 Under $10/Casual/No Reservations/ Beer & Wine/Credit Cards/ Online ordering available – powered by Click4AMeal old chicago pasta & pizza 6550 E. Lloyd Expwy. 401-1400 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/All Major Credit Cards/ Full Bar/Online ordering available – powered by Click4AMeal papa John’s pizza (east) 303 N. Weinbach Ave. 477-7700 (east)5436 E. Indiana St. 473-5200 (North) 4204 N. 1st Ave. 425-2345 (West) 4814 W. Lloyd Expwy. 812-423-7272 Under $10/Credit Cards parkway pizza 3911 Broadway Ave. 812-423-3339 Under $10/No AlcoholChecks/MC, VISA

pizza King (east) 1033 S. Weinbach Ave. 476-9441 (West) W. Franklin St. 424-7976 (North) 2411 Stringtown Rd. 401-1060 (Newburgh) Hwy. 66 & 261 812-853-3368 Under $10/Casual/Credit Cards/Beer available/Online ordering available – powered by Click4AMeal

rounder’s pizza (North) 510 W. Mill Rd. 424-4960 (east) 12731 N. Green River Rd. 812-867-7172 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/Checks/ Beer & Wine/VISA, MC samuel’s place (New harmony) 518 Main. St. 812-682-3001Under $10/Casual/ All Major Credit Cards • 28 •

Talk of the Town pizza 1200 Edgar St. 402-8696 Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted/ Beer & Wine/VISA, MC Turoni’s forget-me-Not-inn 4 N. Weinbach Ave. 477-7500 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards Turoni’s pizzeria & Brewery 408 N. Main St. 812-424-9871 (Newburgh) 8011 Bell Oaks Rd. 490-5555 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar, In house brewery/All Major Credit Cards Walther’s golf ‘n fun 2301 N. 1st Ave. 464-4472 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards

PRIvATE DINING c.j.’s party place (Inside Willow Lanes) Virginia & Hwy. 41 422-6682 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ Reservations Necessary for Parties/All Major Credit Cards

pizza chef (Newburgh) 4938 State Route 261 812-853-3338 $10-$15/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/Checks Accepted/Beer & Wine/MC, VISA

roca Bar 1618 S. Kentucky Ave. 422-7782 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Credit Cards/Full Bar

smitty’s little Tavern 2109 W. Franklin St. 423-6280 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards

just rennie’s catering 100 S.E. 4th St. 401-8098 $15 to $25/Banquet facilities for private parties for up to 40 people/Conference Calling/WiFi Internet/AV Equipment/ Checks Accepted/ All Major Credit Cards The event Gallery 956 Parrett St. 467-4255 $15 - $25/Banquet facilities for private parties/Checks Accepted/ All Major Credit Cards Kirby’s 1113-1119 Parrett St. 422-2230 $10-$15/Casual/Full Bar/Reservations Necessary/All Major Credit Cards Truffles eatery & catering (Newburgh) 4833 State Rd. 490-6070 $10-$15/Casual/No Alcohol/Checks Accepted/VISA, MC, DSCVR • December 2010


[ Restaurant Guide ]


chilly Willy’s pub 3039 Claremont Ave. 423-0726 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/Credit Cards corner pocket Bar & grill 1819 N. Fulton Ave. 428-2255 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/VISA, MC cricket’s (Newburgh) 518 W. Main St. 812-858-2782 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Service Bar/ All Major Credit Cards Darren’s pub (henderson) 713 N. Green St. 812-827-2206 Under $10/Casual/Reservations/ Full Service Bar/VISA/MC dave’s sportsden pizza & pub 701 N. Weinbach Ave. 479-8887 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ Checks/All Major Credit Cards D.c.’s pub 900 W. Buena Vista 401-6425 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/Checks/ All Major Credit Cards Doc’s 1305 Stringtown Rd. 401-1201 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/VISA, MC fast eddy’s Burgers & Beer 507 N.W. Riverside Dr. 424-ROCK Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Service Bar/VISA/MC fox & hound english pub and grille 5416 E. Indiana St. 473-5721 Between $10-$15/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards ginny’s place 1602 Vann Ave. 477-0789 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/VISA, MC K.c.’s Time out Lounge & grill 1121 S. Green River Rd. 437-9920 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ Checks/VISA, MC, DSCVR Kipplee’s stadium inn 2350 Division St. 479-1542 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/VISA, MC Lamasco Bar & grill 1331 W. Franklin St. 437-0171 Under $10/Casual/No Reservations/ Full Service Bar/All Major Credit Cards main gate sports Bar 518 Main St. 484-1066 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/ Checks Accepted/VISA, MC, DISCOVER old chicago pasta & pizza 6550 E. Lloyd Expwy. 401-1400 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/Reservations Accepted/All Major Credit Cards

ollie’s sports Bar & grill 4920 Bellemeade Ave. 401-2124 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards The marigold Bar 2112 S. Weinbach Ave. 475-8780 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/Cash The pub 1348 Division St. 423-2121 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Checks Accepted/ Full Bar/All Major Cards rira’s irish pub 701 N.W. Riverside Dr. 426-0000 $10-$25/Casual/Reservations Accepted/ Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards roca Bar 1618 S. Kentucky Ave. 422-7782 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/Reservations Accepted/All Major Credit Cards rookie’s sports Bar (henderson) 117 Second St. 270-826-1106 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Credit Cards/Full Bar rounder’s pizza (North) 510 W. Mill Rd. 424-4960 (east) 12731 N. Green River Rd. 812-867-7172 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/Checks/ Beer & Wine/VISA, MC sportsman’s Billiards & grille 2315 W. Franklin St. 422-0801 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards Turoni’s pizzery & Brewery 408 N. Main St. 424-9873 Under $10/Casual/Reservations/Full Bar-In house brewery/VISA/MC/DSCVR Turoni’s Newburgh (Newburgh) 8011 Bell Oaks Dr. 490-5555 Under $10/Casual/Reservations/ Full Bar/VISA/MC/DSCVR Turoni’s forget-me-Not inn 4 N. Weinbach Ave. 812-477-7500 Under $10/Casual/Reservations / Full Bar/VISA/MC/DSCVR Wolf’s Tavern & restaurant (henderson) 31 N. Green St. 270-212-1151 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Checks Accepted/ Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards


Bonefish Grill 6401 E. Lloyd Expwy. 401-3474 $15-$25/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/ Credit Cards/Full Bar cheeseburger in paradise 8301 Eagle Lake Dr. 475-1074 $10-$15/Casual/$10-$15/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/Full Service Bar/All Major Credit Cards

December 2010 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

• 29 •

gator’s hot fish 1203 N. Main St. 402-7775 Under $10/Casual harbor Bay seafood (east) (Next to Showplace Cinemas) 4706 Morgan Ave. 812-402-5122 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards (North) 4428 N. First Ave. (In the North Park Shopping Center) 426-0133 $10-15/Casual/Full Bar/ Reservations Accepted/ Checks Accepted/ All Major Credit Cards red Lobster 4605 Bellemeade Ave. 477-9227 $10-$15/Casual/ Full Bar/Credit Cards Tin fish (Newburgh) 300 W. Jennings Station 490-7000 $10-$15/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards


eclipse Tapas Bar & restaurant 113 SE 4th St. 812-202-3671 Under $10/Reservations Accepted/Beer & Wine/ Checks Accepted/VISA, MC


cork ‘n cleaver 650 S. Hebron Ave. 479-6974 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Recommended/Checks Accepted/Full Service Bar/ All Major Credit Cards haub steak house (haubstadt) 101 E. Haub St. 812-768-6462 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Recommended/Checks Accepted/Full Service Bar/ All Major Credit Cards hornet’s Nest 11845 Old Petersburg Rd. 812-867-2386 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/ Checks Accepted/Full Service Bar/All Major Credit Cards house of como 2700 S. Kentucky St. 422-0572 $10-$20/Casual/Checks Accepted/Cash/Full Bar Logan’s roadhouse steakhouse 1 N. Burkhardt Rd. 471-8403 5645 Pearl Dr. 421-0908 Under $10/Casual/No Reservations/Checks Accepted/Full Service Bar/ All Major Credit Cards • 30 •

Lone star steakhouse & saloon 934 N. Green River Rd. 473-5468 $10-$15/Casual/ No Reservations/Full Service Bar/All Major Credit Cards Longhorn steakhouse 320 N. Green River Rd. 473-2400 $10-$15/Casual/Call Ahead Seating/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards/Full Bar outback steakhouse 7201 Indiana St. 474-0005 $10-$15/Casual/ No Reservations/Full Service Bar/All Major Credit Cards rookie’s sports Bar (henderson) 117 Second St. 270-826-1106 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/ Checks Accepted/Full Bar/Credit Cards sirloin stockade 4610 Bellemeade Ave. 473-0300 Under $10/Casual/ No Reservations/ No Alcohol/VISA/MC/DSCVR Texas roadhouse 7900 Eagle Crest Blvd. 477-7427 $10-$15/Casual/Full Bar/ No Reservations/No Checks/VISA/MC/DSCVR Tumbleweed southwest grill (henderson) 1868 U.S. 41 N. 270-869-9800 $10-$15/Casual/ Full Bar/VISA, MC

corner pocket 1819 Fulton Ave. 428-BALL Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards Darmstadt inn 13130 Darmstadt Rd. 812-867-7300 Under $10/Casual/ MC, VISA/Full Bar Deerhead sidewalk cafe 222 E. Columbia St. 425-2515 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/ Checks Accepted/Full Service Bar/All Major Cards Accepted Diamond Lanes 2400 Hwy 41 N. 424-4677 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/Major Credit Cards Doc’s Nightclub 1305 Stringtown Rd. 401-1201 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards Duck inn 4100 Pollack Ave. 479-8050 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/ No Checks/ All Major Credit Cards/Full Bar fat Boys Tavern (ft. Branch) 115 N. McCreary St. 812-753-9914 Under $10/Casual/ Full Bar/VISA, MC ford’s Bar 1404 E. Morgan Ave. 425-7729 Under $10/Casual/ Full Bar/Cash Only

Western rib-eye & ribs 1401 N. Boeke Rd. 476-5405 $12-$18/Casual/Reservations /Full Service Bar/All Major Credit Cards

fred’s Bar & grill 421 Read St. 423-8040 Under $10/Casual/ No Reservations/Cash Only/Full Service Bar


gloria’s corral club 3101 N. Kratzville Rd. 423-0138 Under $10/Casual/Cash Only/Full Service Bar

Bob’s Lounge 907 N. Fares Ave. 425-4929 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar Brett & rhonda’s place (chandler) 763 W. Lincoln 812-588-1010 Under $10/Casual/ Full Bar/VISA, MC Buck’s Tavern 1015 N. Fulton Ave. 429-0055 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ No Checks/All Major Credit Cards cricket’s 518 W. Main 858-2782 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar

hogdaddy’s saloon (old shawneetown) 648 Main St. 618-922-1389 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/No Credit Cards/ Checks Accepted hornville Tavern & catering 2607 Baseline Rd. 812-963-9318 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/Checks Accepted

The Knob hill Tavern (Newburgh) [ 1016 Hwy. 662 W. 812-853-9550 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/Checks Accepted/ Full Bar/Credit Cards


Restaurant Guide ]

Legends (Inside River City Recreation) 1050 S. Weinbach Ave. 476-74444 Under $10/Casual/Major Credit Cards/Full Bar The peephole Bar & grill 201 Main St. 423-5171 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ Checks/MC, VISA, DSCVR rick’s 718 Bar & grill 718 3rd Ave. 423-0872 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards sam & jimmy’s hobo jungle 1323 S. Barker Ave. 491-6229 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards 711 Tavern 711 Virginia St. 422-0904 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards st. phillips inn (mt. vernon) 11200 Upper Mt. Vernon Rd. 812-985-5558 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Recommended/ Checks Accepted/ Full Bar/Credit Cards silver Bell 113510 St. Wendel Rd. 812-963-0944 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/ No Credit Cards — Cash Only/Full Bar smitt y’s little Tavern 2109 W. Franklin St. 423-6280 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Cards Accepted

stockwell inn 4001 E. Eichel Ave. 476-2384 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/ Cash Only/Full Service Bar stockyard inn 1217 Baker Ave. 421-9759 Under $10/Casual/ Beer & Wine/Cash Only yellow Tavern (New harmony) 521 Church St. 812-682-3303 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/Checks Accepted/ Credit & Debit not accepted


Thai chow (ft. Branch) Rt. 1 812-753-3878 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Required/ Checks Accepted Thai papaya cuisine 6240 E. Virginia St. 477-8424 Under $10/All Major Credit Cards/ Online ordering available – powered by Click4AMeal


penny lane coffeehouse 600 S.E. 2nd St. 421-8741 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/ All Major Credit Cards


vietnamese cuisine 4602 Vogel Rd. 491-1884 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Accepted/VISA, MC

sportsman’s Billiards & grille 2315 W. Franklin St. 422-0801 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/ Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards state street Tavern (Newburgh) 718 State St. 490-6614 Under $10/Casual/ Checks Accepted/ Full Bar/All Major Cards • December 2010


[ A Listing ]

ACOUSTIC Andy Norvell Adam Blythe “Blind-Dog” Gatewood Bobby Clark Byron Rohrig Calabash Chad Harvey Chad Nordhoff Chris Knight Clayton Daughtery 5th & Jackson David Fuller Dave Cogswell Dustin Kaposta J.T. Cusic Jay Johnson Jason Mann Keith Vincent Lindsey Williams Matt & John Matt Clark Michelle Shelton Mike Z Nathan Mowery Nick Gregory Nick Hamilton Rik Hilborn Rob Bennett Scott Winzinger Sin Eats the Apple The Stockholm Robot The Strolling Tones Rowan Tree The Last Hurrahs Troy Miller

CHRISTIAN ROCk/ GOSPEL Kerusso Last Hour Euphrates Jones

COUNTRY/ SOUTHERN ROCk A.S.R.B Aces & Eights Back In Time Common Ground Jason Clutter and the Broken Arrow Band Jason Mayfield and the One Bullet Band Joe and Line of Fire Midranger Modern Country Sons of Sisters Southern Edge Switchback Woodsboro

DJS Bryan Steel Enok Dougie Fresh DJ Jones Capone DJ Kodyman Freddy K Jon B NickkyB Paul Bunyon Randy Marshall Romey Rome Shane Breedlove Syimone

HEAvY METAL/ HARD ROCk Aegaeon Amnezia Anthem for a Massacre Ashes Resurrected Blood Tribe Consume the Obscene eXesion Deliver Us From Evil Displacement Diversion Factory Damage Far From Fallen God on Trial Gridlock Hostile Apology Life of Decay Cruicifuge Paradigum

The Path Prowler Secretariat Shatter the Odds Sister Brutal Visceral Throne

JAZZ Bob Ballard Bob Minnette & the Swingcats Bookie Buchenberger Jazzafloozie Jeff Harmon Jazz Shawn Needham & the Black Sheep

RAP/ HIP HOP Boop D Bradley-T Cas One Clusoe Crispy Cyclopean Super Hero Dew Dirt D-Trick E’ville J-Fill Kanine Kasper from the K KY Prophet Lac the GoGetter Laudi Lil’ Ace Loc the Great MC Till Menace the Untouchable Mic Nuke’em Raaqim Red 13 a.k.a. Rone Shadowman Reverend Fang Gory Scooter Sinumatic Wayward a.k.a. Chessmaster Whydhe Write a.k.a. Papale WSM Young Press

ROCk ‘N ROLL (Stuff like ABBA to Zappa & Everything In Between) Akacia American Pie AMPutee Anger Wish Anywhere But Here Bad Medicine Bamboo Needle Behold the Seraph Black Tar Gravy Blind Alley BNO Bobby Clark Band Bosko BSR Cadillac Whiskey Calling Corners Chowder Monkey The Cold Stares Dang Heathens The Dead Livers Dead Weight Deaf Megan Descent Déjà vu Desperate Measures Detail Dishonest John Do Androids Dream? The Dominos The Duke Boys Dyonosis Ever Dweller Fifth Wheel Band Flashback Flat Stanley 4-Seamer Fuzzy Roxx Gentlemen & Scholars Gonzo’s Toybox Goodnight June Hair Bangers Ball Hard Sunday The Hiding Hollywood Iron Monkee Gutter Rats JEB Joe’s Garage Joe Smith Trio John Hussman Trio Karl’s Kids Left of Eden Leagacee Loko Davi Lucid Hue The Marlinaires McFly

Midnight Manifest MINX Namasté Never Been Caught The Painkillers Panacea Pale Runs the Ghost Pfreak Show Philpot Pieces of the Day The Pits Poptart Monkeys Quasimojo Rachel & the Jimmies The Relics Retro Shock Rukkus Second Story Shagadelics The Shanks Six Hills Giant SixtyFourEast Six More Miles Slick Willy The Smoke Rings Static Stolen Remains Stompbox 40 Throne of Lions The Toddlers Top Dead Center The Velcro Pygmies Velvet Bombers Union Jacks

R&B/BLUES Amazing Soul Crackers Ashes & Rain Big Slick Black Widow Blues 4U Brian Hunt Cartez DeeShea Hog-Maw Blues Band Hoosier Daddy Object Blue Small Train Shaggy Wonda Soulunique Stillwell-Rodenberg & Co. Roy Carter & Co. Twist of Fate Valentina Gibbs Will-C Yankee Dime

HELP US kEEP THIS LIST UPDATED! IF YOU ARE IN A BAND, PLEASE SEND US YOUR INFO! EDITOR@NEWS-4U.COM December 2010 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309



Jason Breeze of Gorilla Monsoon They have a new lineup. Well, Ladies first... Internet sensation Jessa Lux and her alter ego Saki Tsunami front Gorilla Monsoon, forming member and fearless leader Ron Latham of 138 fame writes the music and plays bass, Douglas Henager (Ken Rex, 138) plays drums, Zak Riggs (Hog Luv Dog & The Gasguzzlers) plays lead and Jason Breeze (138, METHMOUTH) rounds it out on rhythm guitar. so what’s the sound? All original, edgy and powerful riffs, classic rock-inspired solos, all combined with Jessa’s melodic vocals make Gorilla Monsoon’s new lineup an Evansville rock & roll powerhouse. 2011 – What’s gonna happen? 2011 will see Gorilla Monsoon writing new stuff, revamping old stuff, and playing lots of shows. Gorilla Monsoon are also recording their first album with Mark Meat at the Underground Laboratory in late November, which will be released early 2011. more immediately, tell us what’s coming. Gorilla Monsoon is partying hard New Year’s Eve at Lanhuck’s with 138!!! The Misfits Tribute and Hog Luv Dog and the Gasguzzlers. They also have several videos of live performances posted on YouTube. On Facebook, they’re The Gorilla Monsoon; they’re also found at, and Breeze tells us that they’ll be Twittering soon. Stay tuned for that and a tune from the band at our site, • 31 •

Algonquins 213 U.S. Hwy. 41 South Henderson, KY (270) 827-4313 Ns Archie & clyde’s 8320 Bell Oaks Dr. 812-480-7778 Ø Area 51 5425 Oak Grove Rd. 306-8830 Ø Blush Ultra Lounge & Tapas Bar 421 N.W. Riverside Dr. (Inside LeMerigot) 433-4000 Bob’s Lounge 907 N. Fares 425-4929 Ø Boney june’s music venue 5525 Pearl Dr. Suite D 421-6767 Brett & rhonda’s place 763 W. Lincoln Chandler, IN (812) 588-1010 The Brickhouse 201 W. Illinois St. 421-0024 Buck’s Tavern 1005 N. Fulton Ave. 429-0055 Bullock’s 401 Edgar St. 422-2800 Buster & Becky’s 1000 N. Garvin 423-7616

cecil’s Bar & grill 420 N. Garvin 589-0706 Ø cheeseburger in paradise 8301 Eagle Lake Dr. 475-1074 chilly Willy’s 3039 Claremont 423-0726 club royale 2131 W. Franklin St. 401-1699 corner Bar 2668 Mount Vernon Ave. 423-0933 corner pocket 1819 N. Fulton 428-BALL cricket’s 518 W. Main St. Newburgh, IN 858-2782 Darmstardt inn 13130 Darmstadt 867-7300 Darren’s pub 713 N. Green St. Henderson, KY 270-827-2206

Drunken monkey (Formerly Woody’s West) 3200 Claremont 468-9400 The Duck inn 4100 Pollack Ave. 402-4835 Ns ellis park sports Bar 3300 U.S. Hwy. 41 N. Henderson, KY (812) 425-1456 extra innings (Holiday Inn) 951 Wernsing Rd. Jasper, IN (812) 482-5555 fast eddy’s 507 N.W. Riverside Dr. 424-ROCK fox & hound english pub 5416 E. Indiana 473-5721 fred’s 421 Read St. 423-8040 ginny’s place 1602 Covert Ave. 477-0789

D.c.’s pub 900 W. Buena Vista 401-6425

gloria’s 3101 N. Kratzville Rd. 423-0138

Deerhead sidewalk café 222 E. Columbia 425-2515

hagedorn’s Tavern 2037 W Franklin 423-0796

Doc’s Nightclub 1305 Stringtown 401-1201

hammerheads 317 Main St. 421-8492

harold singles Dance club 2816 N. Cullen 477-1752

Lamasco Bar & grill 1331 W. Franklin 437-0171

hob-nob Tavern 1400 W. Maryland 425-6159

Lanhuck’s 321 E. Columbia 491-2222

hoosiers Lounge (in Casino Aztar Pavillion) 450 N.W. Riverside Dr. 433-4100

Legends 1050 S. Weinbach 476-7444

Ø hooters 4620 Lincoln Ave. 475-0229 hootie hoots saloon & grill Hwy 261 & 66 490-9135 Ø hott’s Grill 122 N. Weinbach Ave. 437-3377 Ø icon Bar & Nightclub 111 S. Green River Rd. Ste. F 471-4872 iron horse 203 N. McCreary Ft. Branch, IN (812) 753-9918 The jungle & fat cats Bar 415 Main St. 425-5282 K.c.’s Time out Lounge & grill Washington Square Mall 437-9920 Koodie hoo’s 231 W. 2nd St. Mt. Vernon, IN (812) 838-5202

leroy’s Tavern 2659 Mt. Vernon Ave. 464-8300 little cheers 329 Main St. (812) 423-9740 Ø main gate sports Bar 520 Main St. 428-7776 marigold Bar 2112 S. Weinbach Ave. 475-8780 o’Brian’s sports Bar & grill 1801 N. Green River Rd. 401-4630 old chicago 6500 Lloyd Expwy. 401-1400 ollie’s sports Bar & grill 4920 Bellemeade 401-2125 on deck riverside Bar & grill 100 2nd St. Henderosn, KY (270) 826-2424 The peephole Bar & grill 2nd & Main St. 423-5171

GOING OUT [ Clubs & Pubs ]

Ø penny Lane coffeehouse 600 S.E. 2nd St. 421-8741 rick’s sports Bar 1531 Green River Rd. 477-4088 Ns rira’s irish pub 701 N.W. Riverside Dr. 426-0000 rookie’s 117 Second St. Henderson, KY (270) 826-1106

sportsman’s grille & Billards 2315 W. Franklin St. 422-0801 state street Tavern 718A State St. Newburgh, IN 490-6614 Ns The pub 1348 Division St. 423-2121 Ø Tinfish Newburgh 300 W. Jennings 812-490-7000

rick’s 718 Lounge 718 3rd Avenue 423-0872

Tj’s stockyard inn 1217 Baker Ave. 402-9273

sam & jimmy’s hobo jungle 1323 S. Barker 491-6229

ziggy’s pub 16 Main St. Poseyville, IN 812-874-2170

smitty’s little Tavern 2109 W. Franklin 423-6280 Ns show me’s (West )5525 Pearl Dr. 402-7100 Ns (east) 1700 Morgan Ctr. Dr. 401-7469 sidetrack Tavern 664 E. Illinois St. 423-0828 someplace else Main & Sycamore St. 424-3202

KeY: Ø = No Smoking • Ns = Non-Smoking Section Available • 32 • • December 2010

December 2010 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

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BARNEY LIVE IN CONCERT – BIRTHDAY BASH! Wednesday, December 8 at 11 a.m. and 6 p.m.

Dinosaurs are fascinating creatures to children. Their bones, teeth, eggs, footprints and postmeal remnants have been preserved as fossils for millions of years, giving us a glimpse into a world when reptiles – not mammals – reigned supreme. From the small, bird-like creatures that remind us of modern-day chickens to the monstrous, infamous Tyrannosaurus Rex, these animals hold a special place in many young people’s imaginations. So, too, do dinosaurs who roam the earth in this very day and age. Eschewing their former habits of browsing the branches of long-extinct trees for nibbles or running down prey items for supper, today’s dinosaurs are far more civilized. They’ve adopted a lifestyle more consistent with the modern world. Instead of loafing about the primordial forests and swamps of the Jurassic Era, dinosaurs today exhibit behavior their ancient ancestors wouldn’t be capable of recognizing. 21st Century dinos are teachers and mentors, storytellers and entertainers. And they most certainly smell better than the reptiles who roamed about so long ago.

Barney Live in Concert – Birthday Bash! will be presented twice: At 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. This live show will see a celebration of Barney’s birthday through songs many kiddos know by heart. Over 25 tunes, including “Baby Bop Hop,” “Mr. Knickerbocker,” “Rock ‘n Roll Star,” “If You’re Happy and You Know It,” “Wheels on the Bus,” “Itsy Bitsy Spider” and more will be performed during the concert. Along with the music, Barney will be joined by his faithful friends in conveying messages of sharing and friendship, caring and imagination – all in an interactive performance that should have all of the kids enthralled and parents happy to see their children enjoying the excitement of a live concert event.


We are, of course, talking about the beloved purple dinosaur, Barney and his pals BJ, Baby Bop and Riff. Beginning with a generation of children now grown, to an entirely new generation of preschoolers, Barney has taken a rightful spot alongside such shows and characters as Sesame Street, Mr. Rogers and Reading Rainbow as a source of learning and entertainment that instills wonderment, plenty of giggles and education through songs and stories that preschoolers adore. Forover20years,theEmmyAward-winning Barney and Friends has been a trusted fixture of Public Broadcasting System’s programming. And many, if not most children have only had the opportunity to sing along with Barney as they sit riveted in front of the television, but thanks to the family-friendly producers at VEE Corporation, kids right here in the Tri-State can see, hear and experience the fun of a live Barney show in person at The Centre in downtown Evansville on Wednesday, December 8. • 34 •

Barney Live in Concert – Birthday Bash!

• Wednesday, December 8 at 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. • The Centre, downtown Evansville. • Seats are $15 and $20. There are a limited number of $25 Gold Circle Seats and $50 Dino Seats, which offer premium seat locations and a meet-and-greet with Barney before the show. • Tickets are available at The Centre box office, by phone at 800-745-3000 and online at Facility and other fees may apply. -- Helen Hamilton • December 2010

AROUND AND ABOUT THIS MONTH: December is extremely busy for parents and grandparents. But don’t let this month pass you by without taking your loved ones to a special show or event. I had an uncle that always told us, “you have to make a memory” – so make a memory with your loved ones by taking in one of these cool events:

DECEMBER 4, 5, 8, 10-12 The Children’s Nutcracker

In her early performances of The Nutcracker, by the time Deena Laska appeared onstage to perform as the Sugarplum Fairy, children were fidgeting and crying, parents were pulling out their hair and oncefilled seats were beginning to empty. It occurred to her that the show was too long for children to enjoy; therefore parents couldn’t appreciate it either. Deena took the initiative to edit the show, taking out the slower moments, leaving in the important moments; and while it’s shorter, it doesn’t lose any effectiveness, sort of a “great taste, less filling” theory. Deena, the Artistic Director for the Children’s Center for Dance Education, instructs her students in this show, which is the perfect length of one-hour and has much to be proud of with the production and her talented students. Please don’t miss the opportunity to introduce this holiday classic to your child. Performances will be at Ader Auditorium in Vincennes on December 4 at 3 p.m., Murphy Auditorium in New Harmony December 5 at 2 p.m., and on December 8 at Newburgh’s Central Library (details TBA). North High School in Evansville will host two performances on December 10 at 9 a.m. at 11:30 a.m. and again on December 11 at 2 p.m. The troupe then moves south of the river for a performance at Henderson’s Fine Arts Center on December 12, set to begin at 3 p.m. Tickets to the public performances are $10 for adults and $8 for children. For tickets and more information visit, email, or call 421-8066.

DECEMBER 4 & 5 Breakfast with Santa

Would you like to experience Santa Claus with a tropical twist? Mesker Park Zoo & Botanic Garden is hosting Breakfast with Santa on Saturday, December 4 and Sunday, December 5. Enjoy a hot buffet breakfast in the Rainforest Grill and watch your kiddo climb onto Santa’s lap to request his or her most wanted toy. Children will receive a treat bag and enjoy making a craft. After breakfast, guests will be invited to have some time with special animals, up close and personal. Advance reservations are required by calling 435-6143 ext. 406. Stephanie Sanderson, Curator of Visitor Services at the Zoo, says, “Guests will have a wonderful time at the Zoo’s Breakfast with Santa. I can’t think of a better way to let Santa know of your wish lists – a delicious breakfast, unique setting and extra special animals.” According to Sanderson, availability is limited to 60 people per time slot, so you need to call today to make your reservation. Times are 8 a.m. to 9:15 December 2010 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

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a.m. and 9:45 a.m. to 11 a.m. on the 4th, 9:45 a.m. to 11 a.m. on the 5th. Prices for non-Members are $12, $10 for Members, and children under two are $5. Cash, check or credit card is accepted.

DECEMBER 10, 17 & 18

Story Time at Barnes and Noble

Barnes and Noble’s Amanda Winiger invites parents to bring their little ones to their very special holiday events this December. Lucky for parents who are a little strapped on cash this December, B & N offers FREE story times for the little ones. On Friday, December 10, the children’s story time is scheduled for 7 p.m. and a memorable reading of The Polar Express will be given. You are encouraged to wear your warm pajamas and join the Conductor aboard this magical locomotive. Hot chocolate will be served and crafts are offered as well. On Friday, December 17 at 10 a.m. and Saturday, December 18, at 3 p.m., a special guest – we’ll call him Santa – will be in the house to read his special book, Santa’s Magic Key. Amanda and the Barnes and Noble staff will once again offer up a snack and a craft to complete the activity. Amanda reminds us that Barnes and Noble’s regular story times are every Friday at 10 a.m. and every Saturday at 3 p.m. Call the store at 475-1054 or go to for more information.

DECEMBER 11 & 12, 18 & 19

Santa Land on West Franklin Street Don’t miss the Westside Nut Club’s annual Santa Land on West Franklin Street. The free-of-charge event takes place at Acorn Plaza on 10 th & Franklin Streets on Saturday and Sunday, December 11 and 12 and resumes Saturday and Sunday, December 18 and 19. Kids can have their photo taken with Santa and enjoy hot chocolate and cookies while they visit. Joe Petitjean, Chairman of Santa Land, tells • 36 • • December 2010

News 4U that the tents are heated and local orchestras will be playing festive holiday music for all to enjoy. Additional photos may be taken for a $2 donation each. Santa Land times are 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. each night. For more information check out

DECEMBER 16 A Charlie Brown Christmas


Maybe it’s just too cold to get outside. Make the most of it! Here are a few ideas for fun things your children can participate in creating at home, and of course, they’re just right for the season.


Parents – it’s OUR turn to be a kid and reminisce about our childhood to the warm sounds of A Charlie Brown Christmas at the Henderson Fine Arts Center, in Henderson, Kentucky, on Thursday, December 16 at 7:30 p.m. The David Benoit Quartet will perform the cherished music that we loved as children. A local children’s choir will round out the performance as well. Tickets are $18 or $28 and can be purchased by phone at 270-831-9800. More information is available at

DECEMBER 19 Magic Cares 2010 On Sunday, December 19, a most enjoyable event that combines holiday cheer and the spirit of giving will be at the Victory Theatre in Evansville. Vectren presents the fourth annual Magic Cares 2010, a holidaythemed magic and comedy show that features the popular Baggett family magicians and more! The show is appealing to all ages and benefits Vanderburgh County CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates that benefit children in abused situations). Full details about the show can be found at The show begins at 2 p.m. and tickets are $9 for adults and $7 for children 3 through 12. The show is free for kids two and under. Facility fees will be added and tickets may be purchased at the box office at Roberts Stadium, The Centre, The Victory Theatre on the day of the show only or online at -- Lanea Stagg

materials: Paper and a magic marker Cookie sheet Waxed paper Dimensional fabric paint (like Scribbles brand in Glittering Crystal) directions: • Draw a snowflake template (small, compact designs work best) • Lay the template face-up on the cookie sheet and cover it with the waxed paper. • Using a thin line of the fabric paint (approximately 1/8-inch wide), trace the snowflake design onto the wax paper making sure all of the paint lines connect. • Let the window cling dry overnight. • Carefully peel design from the waxed paper. • Hang on window.

EDIBLE NEW YEAR’S HATS ingredients: Waffle cones Ice cream Chocolate chips (one 12-ounce bag for 10 to 12 cones) Icing Fruit strips or shoestring licorice Nonpareils, marshmallows, gumdrops for decoration instructions: Melt chocolate chips in a microwave safe container, heating on high for 30 second intervals, stirring in

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between. Spread melted chocolate chips over each waffle cone with a small spatula. Let the chocolate harden for about 1 hour (or 20 minutes in the refrigerator). For chinstraps, use icing to attach the ends of a fruit strip or a length of shoestring licorice to the inside of each cone. Use icing to decorate the hats and attach nonpareils. Spoon ice cream into bowls and affix your hats atop and enjoy!

EASY COFFEE FILTER ANGEL materials: 3 basket-style coffee filters 2 cotton balls 6-8” length of silver or gold ribbon 1 white craft pipe cleaner 1 gold craft pipe cleaner Scissors Hot glue gun (with parental supervision) Tooth pick Black craft paint Red or pink craft paint directions: Place two cotton balls in the center of one of the coffee filters. Hold the coffee filter with your fingers, gathering the cotton balls in the center to create the angel’s head. Place a second coffee filter onto the open end, tucking the filter in a bit into the head area. This will produce the layered effect on the dress. While still holding the filter together, tie a piece of gold or silver ribbon around the “neck” and tie a tight bow. Trim ends and set aside. Take the third coffee filter and fold it in half, then fold the filter up lengthwise accordion style. Wrap a white craft pipe cleaner

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around the center, and then fan out the wings. Fold the excess craft pipe cleaner into a loop for your hanger and twist together at the end. Make a halo from the gold craft pipe cleaner by wrapping it around something circular, such as the top of a paint bottle. Twist the ends to form the halo. Trim the long end of the craft pipe cleaner, leaving approximately three inches. Have an adult hot glue the halo to the back of the angel so that it is positioned above the head. Glue the wings in place behind the angel, hiding the gold chenille from the halo. Use the tooth pick to dip into the black paint for eyes, and the red or pink for lips. -- Alison Sigman

DO YOU HAvE A FAMILY EvENT? let us know: • Send an email to • Call 812-437-4743 or send a fax to 812-429-3908. • go to Facebook, look us up there, and tell us that way! • December 2010

17TH ANNUAL RITZY’S FANTASY OF LIGHTS While driving down Lincoln Avenue on the first rainy day in months, I reflected on the dreary sky, the bare trees and the grey demeanor of the outdoors. “This is it. It ’s the end of the bright sunshine and green vibrancy,” I thought. There are only two things that make the winter season truly beautiful – pure white snow and dazzling Christmas lights glittering through the darkness. There are few things more magical than driving through a winter wonderland of tiny beams of color peeking through blackness.


Clark Griswold may have been a complete yutz, but his passion to have a fun, old fashioned hap, hap, happy Christmas was best exemplified in his “masterpiece” – the Christmas light fiasco. Unlike Sparky, Easter Seals and Ritzy ’s can really put on a light show – they have been doing it for 17 years. Ritzy ’s Fantasy of Lights is a family event that you won’t want to miss. Whether you are riding in the comfor t of a toasty automobile or brave the elements and cuddle up to the ones you love in a horse-drawn carriage, Ritzy ’s Fantasy of Lights is not only a sight to behold, but the proceeds raised from the event will fund therapy at the Easter Seals Rehabilitation Center. Fantasy of Lights continues nightly through Januar y 2. Star ting with an idea brought to the Easter Seal Rehabilitation Center by G.D. Ritzy ’s CEO Andy Guagenti af ter he’d seen a similar display, Fantasy of Lights has grown year-by-year. The company ’s sponsorship continues, according to Pam Kirk, Director of Marketing and Community Relations at the Easter Seals Rehabilitation Center. “Ritzy ’s not only provides ver y generous financial suppor t each year, but also donates hundreds of meals annually to feed the dozens of volunteers who work so hard to set up the displays in Gar vin Park,” says Kirk. “In fact, our best estimate is that since 1994, Ritzy ’s has donated approximately 6,000 hamburgers, hot dogs, grilled cheese and chicken sandwiches – and countless bowls of chili – for IBEW, NECA and Teamsters volunteers,” she continues. The number of lighted scenes has grown considerably since then as well. According to Kirk, “In 1994, the first year of the event, there were 26 scenes. By 1996, the event had already grown to include 42 displays,” Kirk explains. “In this year ’s show, there are 61 scenes, with a total of approximately 80,656 light bulbs.” It takes the ef for t of many to create the displays. Ever y one of the displays are purchased by local businesses, churches, families, and civic groups, and then donated to Easter Seals. And preparation for the next Fantasy of Lights begins at a wrap-up meeting held soon af ter the event. “At that meeting each Januar y,” says Kirk, “representatives of IBEW, NECA, the Teamsters, and Easter Seals star t to critique the event, prioritize any maintenance issues, target any displays that need to be refurbished – IBEW retirees and apprentices from JATC (IBEW & NECA’s Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee) work on several exhibits each summer – and brainstorm improvements for the next year.” Easter Seals works throughout the summer to garner sponsorships for displays, and meetings among the many contractors pick up speed during the fall. And, as Kirk puts it, “before you know it, it ’s the first Saturday in November and the army of volunteers is hard at work at Gar vin Park.” Kirk describes the flurr y of activity in the Park as the displays are constructed: “ The set-up process is an amazing example of teamwork between labor and management, who are extremely dedicated to making this event happen for Easter Seals, the individuals Contributor

December 2010 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

we ser ve, and the entire community,” she says. “Up to 100 volunteers from International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 15, the local chapter of the National Electrical C o n t r a c t o r s Association, and Teamsters Local 215 are involved in setting up the event,” says Kirk. “And in recent years, additional members of the Southwestern Indiana Building Trades Council also pitch in.” What ’s the most satisf ying aspect about this enduring local event? “I am always amazed by all the people who are so dedicated to making this event a success,” according to Kirk. “It ’s really overwhelming to see folks from all walks of life come together and go the extra mile in so many ways. Our mission really brings out the best in our community. “Ever yone involved in Ritzy ’s Fantasy of Lights – including ever yone who attends – is helping local individuals with disabilities to maximize their independence,” she continues. “When they give their admission fee to our volunteers, they can know that they ’re helping a preschooler with developmental delays say his first words… or a child with cerebral palsy take her first steps… or a child with autism learn to give and receive hugs… or an adult who had a stroke relearn how to speak. Ever yone involved helps the Easter Seals Rehabilitation Center of fer therapy on a sliding fee scale, based on ability to pay. They help us keep our pledge that no one will be turned away due to inability to pay for those ser vices.” Since 1994, this event has raised a net total of $2,093,135, and has par tially or fully funded approximately 69,770 sessions of physical, occupational and speech therapy. Hours for the drive-through winter light show are SundayThursday 5 to 9 p.m. and Friday-Saturday 5 to 10 p.m. Cost for the drive-through event is $7 for up to six people. Admission for vehicles with 7-14 people is $10, and admission for vehicles with 15 people or more is $25. Horse-drawn carriage rides, including a wheelchair-accessible carriage, are available nightly (weather permitting) for an additional cost. For more details on the event times, dates and costs – or on services provided at the Easter Seals Rehabilitation Center – you can visit • 39 •


INFO 2GO [ Briefs ]

unbelievable local talent,” Amy says, “and there are so many young people in the current music scene that have not been able to share in his music! We are thrilled to be the venue to bridge the ‘seasoned’ with the ‘new’ and all of those in between, and to be the bar that brings this local icon back to Evansville!” -- DG

HOG LUv DOG REUNION AT LANHUCk’S Dove Award-winner Chris Tomlin and his fellow worship leader Louie Giglio are hitting the road during the Christmas season with their “Glory in the Highest Christmas Tour.” Tomlin’s career started as worship leader at the Dawson McAllister Youth Conferences. “I tried out in college for the singing group and the director said, ‘You’ll do anything in life but sing, Chris.’ So this is pretty cool. I never felt like a great singer, but if God could use this voice to lead people to worship God, then I’m grateful for that.” Since college, Tomlin has been awarded Male Vocalist of the Year at the 2006, 2007, and 2008 GMA Dove Awards. He was also named Artist of the Year in 2007. Tomlin released his seventh studio album, And If Our God Is For Us..., on November 16, 2010. “I didn’t pick this. It kind of picked me. As a kid, I would pray to [God] and ask what He wanted me to do.” See Chris Tomlin and Louie Giglio at Roberts Stadium on Friday, December 10 at 7:30 p.m. Seats are $32 and $22. All tickets are subject to Ticketmaster Fees, Handling Charges and Facility Fees. Tickets can be purchased at The Roberts Stadium Box Office, The Centre Box Office, all Ticketmaster outlets, including Evansville Schnuck’s West. Tickets can also be charged by phone by calling 1-800-745-3000 or on the Internet at -- Ashley Sollars


Blues royalty can aptly describe a band that’s been one of Evansville’s favorites for longer than some of the young bar-hoppers out there have been alive. Lamasco Bar and Grill will host The Beat Daddys’ “The Epic Return,” as owner/all-around cool lady Amy Rivers-Wood puts it, on the night of Saturday, December 18 at 10 p.m. “Larry Grisham is such an • 40 •

It ain’t gonna be pretty, but it’ll definitely be fun. Join Mr. Kirkwood and the rest of the reunited Gasguzzlers – Zak Riggs, Josh Merrick and Jeff “The Red” Travis – for a New Year’s Eve party at Lanhuck’s on the 31st. Hoist a beer or six along with them and the rest that night, including 138 – the Misfits tribute – and Gorilla Monsoon. Expect to see good old friends, great tattoos, and mucho loudness. -- DG

EvANSvILLE PHILHARMONIC & EvANSvILLE DANCE THEATRE’S THE NUTCRACkER The renowned and accomplished Evansville Dance Theatre, accompanied by the Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra, brings their seasonal treat The Nutcracker, to the stage at The Victory Theatre on Saturday, December 18. Two performances of the ballet are set – a 2 p.m. matinee and an evening performance at 7:30 p.m. As the classic songs from the mind of Tchaikovsky fill the big room, the gracefullychoreographed moves of Allyson Ashley as Sugarplum and Sokvannara (Sy) Sar as Cavalier will charm and delight young and old alike. You may order tickets by phone by calling 812-425-5050 or online at -- DG • December 2010


WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1 Happy Hanukkah Celebration! 4:00 pm Winetree-East -- Wine Tasting 5:00 pm Garvin Park -- 17th Annual Ritzy’s Fantasy of Lights 6:00 pm Casino Aztar - Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar -- Bob Green Doc’s Nightclub -- Nick Smith Old Chicago -- Winter Beer Tour Kick-Off Party 7:00 pm Casino Aztar-Hoosiers Lounge -- Good Seed Hootie Hoot Saloon & Grill -- Karaoke w/Travis

8:00 pm Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- Kid Chromatic Hob-Nob Bar -- Open Mic w/Andria Reed KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Adam Blythe Show Me’s (West) -- 2011 Show Me’s Girls Calendar Release Party & Signing 8:30 pm Brickhouse, The -- Karaoke Contest 9:00 pm Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- DJ & Dance Music/Karaoke Club Royale -- Karaoke w/The Experience hosted by BK Fast Eddy’s -- Karaoke w/Freddy K/music by Deaf Megan Garry’s Sidetrack Tavern -- Karaoke & DJ: All-Request w/TW aka DJ Frost Gloria’s Corral Club -- Wild West Wednesday/Karaoke/ DJ/All Country Night Lamasco Bar -- Troy Miller Rick’s 718 Bar & Lounge -- Karaoke Show Me’s (East Side) -- DJ & Karaoke Show Me’s (West) -- Kerry & The Double D’s

December 2010 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

10:00 pm Ginny’s Place -- Karaoke Lanhucks -- Karaoke O’Brians Sports Bar -- DJ Jon B/Truth or Dare Night Someplace Else -- College Night 10:30 pm Little Cheers -- Karaoke w/ Shane Breedlove

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2 3:00 pm Duck Inn -- Free Pool 4:00 pm Winetree - North -- Wine Tasting 5:00 pm Garvin Park -- 17th Annual Ritzy’s Fantasy of Lights 6:00 pm Casino Aztar - Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar -- Clayton Daugherty 6:30 pm Lamasco Bar -- Andy Fulton on Piano Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Live Irish Session

7:00 pm Casino Aztar-Hoosiers Lounge -- Karaoke Show Me’s (East Side) -Cornhole Tournament Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Live Acoustic with Casey Williams Roberts Stadium -- Carrie Underwood 8:00 pm Doc’s Nightclub -- Open Mic w/Andea Wirth Hob-Nob Bar -- Karaoke w/ Ian & Danielle Johns Show Me’s (East Side) -- 2011 Show Me’s Girls Calendar Release Party & Signing 9:00 pm Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- DJ & Dance Music/Karaoke Club Royale -- Server Appreciation Night w/DJ Jon J Garry’s Sidetrack Tavern -College Night Karaoke & DJ: All-Request w/TW aka DJ Frost

Budweiser reminds you to choose a designated driver.

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Gloria’s Corral Club -- Old School 80s Night/Karaoke/ DJ/Double XL & Dance Mix Hootie Hoot Saloon & Grill -- Stilwell & Friends KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Unique Soundz Entertainment Karaoke w/Travis & Matt Lamasco Bar -- Karaoke Rick’s 718 Bar & Lounge -- Karaoke Show Me’s (East Side) -- Kerry & The Double D’s Show Me’s (West) -- Nick Hamilton


10:00 pm Ginny’s Place -- Karaoke Lanhucks -- Variety Night O’Brians Sports Bar -- Karaoke w/DJ Magic Mark

Karaoke/DJ/Double XL & Dance Mix Hootie Hoot Saloon & Grill -- Descent KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- McFly Koodie Hoos -- Karaoke w/Todd Early w/Generation Sound Lamasco Bar -- Karaoke Main Gate Sports Bar & Restaurant -- Live Entertainment Rick’s 718 Bar & Lounge -- Karaoke River City Recreation -- Bowl Your Head Off Special Show Me’s (East Side) -- DJ & Karaoke Show Me’s (West) -- DJ & Karaoke

10:30 pm Little Cheers -- Lindsey Williams w/DJ Ra Someplace Else -- DJ Downstairs

9:30 pm Club Royale -- Akacia Smitty’s Little Tavern -Jimmy & the Chets

11:30 pm Someplace Else -- Show Upstairs

10:00 pm Brickhouse, The -- Karaoke Downstairs Fast Eddy’s -- Stompbox 40 Ginny’s Place -- Karaoke Hob-Nob Bar -- Andria Reed O’Brians Sports Bar -- Diversion

9:30 pm Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Live Acoustic with Casey Williams

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3 4:00 pm Winetree - Darmstadt -- Wine Tasting 5:00 pm Garvin Park -- 17th Annual Ritzy’s Fantasy of Lights 6:00 pm Doc’s Nightclub -- Nick Gregory 7:00 pm Casino Aztar - Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar -- Clayton Daughtery Corner Pocket, The -- Pool & Cornhole Tournaments

11:00 pm Ri Ra Irish Pub -- DJ Upstairs Someplace Else -- Country & Western Night 11:30 pm Someplace Else -- Show Upstairs

7:35 pm Swonder Ice Arena -- Evansville Icemen vs. Dayton


8:00 pm Casino Aztar-Hoosiers Lounge -- Black Widow Harbor Bay-East -- Karaoke Harbor Bay-North -- Karaoke

12:00 pm River City Recreation -- Open Bowling

9:00 pm Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- DJ & Dance Music/Karaoke Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- Skelton’s Montourage Doc’s Nightclub -- Karaoke w/BK Garry’s Sidetrack Tavern -- Karaoke & DJ: All-Request w/TW aka DJ Frost Gloria’s Corral Club -- College Night/ • 42 •

10:30 pm Brickhouse, The -- Mr. Brickhouse 2011 Pageant Lanhucks -- Slaphappy Little Cheers -- Dance Music w/DJ Ra Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Live Acoustic with Scott Winzinger downstairs Someplace Else -- DJ Downstairs

5:00 pm Garvin Park -- 17th Annual Ritzy’s Fantasy of Lights 7:00 pm Casino Aztar - Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar -- Carl Rodenberg Corner Pocket, The -- Pool & Cornhole Tournaments • December 2010

7:30 pm Victory Theatre -- Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra’s Peppermint Pops

11:30 pm Someplace Else -- Show Upstairs

7:35 pm Swonder Ice Arena -- Evansville Icemen vs. Bloomington

12:00 pm River City Recreation -- Open Bowling

8:00 pm Cafe Arazu -- Paul Blake Casino Aztar-Hoosiers Lounge -- Black Widow Harbor Bay-East -- Karaoke Harbor Bay-North -- Karaoke 9:00 pm Archie & Clyde’s Restaurant -- Chuck Grady Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- DJ & Dance Music/Karaoke Chilly Willy’s -- Andy Brasher & Elliot Sublett DC’s Pub & Charbroil Grill -Karaoke w/DJs CJ & Marsha Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- The Funk Doc’s Nightclub -- Six Hills Giant Garry’s Sidetrack Tavern -- Karaoke & DJ: All-Request w/TW aka DJ Frost Hootie Hoot Saloon & Grill -- Dyonosis KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- McFly Main Gate Sports Bar & Restaurant -- Live Entertainment Rick’s 718 Bar & Lounge -- Karaoke Show Me’s (East Side) -- DJ & Karaoke/UFC Pay Per View Show Me’s (West) -- DJ & Karaoke/UFC Pay Per View 9:30 pm Club Royale -- Akacia Smitty’s Little Tavern -Jimmy & the Chets 10:00 pm Duck Inn -- eXesion/Deliver Us From Evil/Shawn Needham & the Black Sheep/Star Pupil Fast Eddy’s -- DJ Show & Dance Party w/DJ Mikus/DJ J-Hill & DJ D-Cup Ginny’s Place -- Karaoke Hob-Nob Bar -- The Last Hurrahs Lamasco Bar -- Hog-Maw Blues Band O’Brians Sports Bar -- Diversion 10:30 pm Brickhouse, The -- Miss Brickhouse 2011 Pageant Lanhucks -- Prowler Little Cheers -- Scott Winzinger Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Deaf Megan downstairs Someplace Else -- DJ Downstairs 11:00 pm Gloria’s Corral Club -- Hip Hop Karaoke Party Ri Ra Irish Pub -- DJ Upstairs


2:00 pm Victory Theatre -Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra’s Peppermint Pops 4:00 pm Lanhucks -- APA Pool League 5:00 pm Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -Troy Miller Garvin Park -- 17th Annual Ritzy’s Fantasy of Lights 5:30 pm Casino Aztar-Hoosiers Lounge -- Big Band Sounds-Doc Stocker 6:00 pm Casino Aztar - Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar -- Clayton Daugherty 7:00 pm Hootie Hoot Saloon & Grill -- Karaoke w/Travis 8:00 pm Lanhucks -- Punk Rock Night 9:00 pm Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- DJ & Dance Music/Karaoke Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- Amazing Soul Crackers Lamasco Bar -- Lindsey Williams Show Me’s (East Side) -- DJ & Karaoke Show Me’s (West) -- DJ & Karaoke 10:00 pm Brickhouse, The -Karaoke Downstairs Ginny’s Place -- Karaoke Hob-Nob Bar -- Brando 10:30 pm Little Cheers -Karaoke w/Shane Breedlove Someplace Else -DJ Downstairs 11:30 pm Someplace Else -Show Upstairs

Budweiser reminds you to choose a designated driver.

December 2010 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

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MONDAY, DECEMBER 6 5:00 pm Garvin Park -- 17th Annual Ritzy’s Fantasy of Lights O’Brians Sports Bar -- Free Darts 6:00 pm Casino Aztar - Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar -- Bob Green 7:00 pm Beef O’Brady’s -- Monday Night Football Casino Aztar-Hoosiers Lounge -- Monday Night Football Club Royale -- Monday Night Football Gloria’s Corral Club -- Monday Night Football & Cornhole Hootie Hoot Saloon & Grill -- Karaoke w/Travis KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Monday Night Football Lamasco Bar -- Monday Night Football O’Brians Sports Bar -Monday Night Football Rick’s 718 Bar & Lounge -- Monday Night Football Rick’s Sports Bar -- Monday Night Football Show Me’s (East Side) -- Nick Gregory 8:00 pm Someplace Else -- Pool Tourney 9:00 pm Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- DJ & Dance Music/Karaoke Club Royale -- Jay Johnson Rick’s 718 Bar & Lounge -- Karaoke Show Me’s (West) -- DJ & Karaoke 10:00 pm Ginny’s Place -- Karaoke

TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7 11:00 Am Roberts Stadium -- UE Lady Aces Basketball vs. Butler 3:00 pm Duck Inn -- Free Pool 5:00 pm Garvin Park -- 17th Annual Ritzy’s Fantasy of Lights O’Brians Sports Bar -- Industry Appreciation Night

Budweiser reminds you to choose a designated driver.

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6:00 pm Casino Aztar Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar -- Clayton Daugherty Doc’s Nightclub -- John Hussmann 7:00 pm Casino AztarHoosiers Lounge -- The Shagadelics Club Royale -- Live Acoustic Music Show Me’s (West) -- Nick Gregory/Cornhole Tournament


8:00 pm Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- Andria Reed Hootie Hoot Saloon & Grill -- Troy Miller KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Unique Soundz Entertainment Karaoke w/Travis & Matt 9:00 pm Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- DJ & Dance Music/Karaoke Fast Eddy’s -- Cornhole Gloria’s Corral Club -- Open Mic Night/Karaoke Lamasco Bar -- Open Jam-All welcome O’Brians Sports Bar -Karaoke w/DJ Magic Mark Rick’s 718 Bar & Lounge -- Karaoke Show Me’s (East Side) -- DJ & Karaoke 9:30 pm Old Chicago -- Lindsey Williams 10:00 pm Ginny’s Place -- Karaoke 10:30 pm Little Cheers -- Karaoke w/Shane Breedlove

WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8 4:00 pm Winetree-East -- Wine Tasting 5:00 pm Garvin Park -- 17th Annual Ritzy’s Fantasy of Lights 6:00 pm Casino Aztar - Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar -- Clayton Daugherty Doc’s Nightclub -- Nick Smith

7:00 pm Casino Aztar-Hoosiers Lounge -- The Shagadelics Hootie Hoot Saloon & Grill -- Karaoke w/Travis 8:00 pm Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- Andy Jones Hob-Nob Bar -- Open Mic w/Andria Reed KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Adam Blythe 8:30 pm Brickhouse, The -Karaoke Contest 9:00 pm Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- DJ & Dance Music/Karaoke Club Royale -Karaoke w/The Experience hosted by BK Fast Eddy’s -Karaoke w/Freddy K/ music by Deaf Megan Garry’s Sidetrack Tavern -- Karaoke & DJ: All-Request w/TW aka DJ Frost Gloria’s Corral Club -Wild West Wednesday/ Karaoke/DJ/All Country Night Lamasco Bar -The Last Hurrahs Rick’s 718 Bar & Lounge -- Karaoke Show Me’s (East Side) -- DJ & Karaoke Show Me’s (West) -Kerry & The Double D’s 10:00 pm Ginny’s Place -Karaoke Lanhucks -Karaoke O’Brians Sports Bar -DJ Jon B/Truth or Dare Night Someplace Else -College Night 10:30 pm Little Cheers -Karaoke w/Shane Breedlove

6:05 pm Roberts Stadium -UE Men’s Basketball vs. North Carolina • December 2010

December 2010 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

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THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9 3:00 pm Duck Inn -- Free Pool


4:00 pm Winetree - North -- Wine Tasting

5:00 pm Garvin Park -- 17th Annual Ritzy’s Fantasy of Lights

Lanhucks -- Variety Night O’Brians Sports Bar -- Karaoke w/DJ Magic Mark

6:00 pm Casino Aztar - Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar -- Clayton Daugherty 6:30 pm Lamasco Bar -- Andy Fulton on Piano Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Live Irish Session 7:00 pm Casino Aztar-Hoosiers Lounge -- Karaoke Show Me’s (East Side) -Cornhole Tournament

11:30 pm Someplace Else -- Show Upstairs

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10 4:00 pm Winetree - Darmstadt -- Wine Tasting

8:00 pm Doc’s Nightclub -- Open Mic w/Andea Wirth Hob-Nob Bar -- Karaoke w/ Ian & Danielle Johns

5:00 pm Garvin Park -- 17th Annual Ritzy’s Fantasy of Lights 6:00 pm Doc’s Nightclub -- Nick Gregory

9:00 pm Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- DJ & Dance Music/Karaoke Club Royale -- Server Appreciation Night w/DJ Jon J Garry’s Sidetrack Tavern -College Night Karaoke & DJ: AllRequest w/TW aka DJ Frost Gloria’s Corral Club -- Old School 80s Night/Karaoke/DJ/ Double XL & Dance Mix Hootie Hoot Saloon & Grill -- Stilwell & Friends KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Unique Soundz Entertainment Karaoke w/Travis & Matt Lamasco Bar -- Karaoke Rick’s 718 Bar & Lounge -- Karaoke Show Me’s (East Side) -Kerry & The Double D’s Show Me’s (West) -- Nick Hamilton

7:00 pm Casino Aztar - Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar -- Clayton Daughtery Corner Pocket, The -- Pool & Cornhole Tournaments 7:30 pm Roberts Stadium -- Chris Tomlin’s Glory in the Highest Christmas Tour 7:35 pm Swonder Ice Arena -- Evansville Icemen vs. Rapid City 8:00 pm Casino Aztar-Hoosiers Lounge -- The Duke Boys Harbor Bay-East -- Karaoke Harbor Bay-North -- Karaoke

9:30 pm Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Live Acoustic with Jakob Freely 10:00 pm Fast Eddy’s -- Thong Thursdays w/The Sandman-Music by Calling Corners Ginny’s Place -- Karaoke

Budweiser reminds you to choose a designated driver.

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10:30 pm Little Cheers -- Lindsey Williams w/DJ Ra Someplace Else -- DJ Downstairs

9:00 pm Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- DJ & Dance Music/Karaoke Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- Shaggy Wonda Doc’s Nightclub -- Karaoke w/BK Garry’s Sidetrack Tavern -- Karaoke & DJ: All-Request w/TW aka DJ Frost Gloria’s Corral Club -College Night/Karaoke/DJ/ Double XL & Dance Mix Hootie Hoot Saloon & Grill -- 13 Bone KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Akacia • December 2010

December 2010 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

• 47 •

Lamasco Bar -- Karaoke Main Gate Sports Bar & Restaurant -- Live Entertainment Rick’s 718 Bar & Lounge -- Karaoke River City Recreation -- Bowl Your Head Off Special Show Me’s (East Side) -- DJ & Karaoke Show Me’s (West) -- DJ & Karaoke


7:35 pm Swonder Ice Arena -- Evansville Icemen vs. Rapid City

9:30 pm Club Royale -- Pieces of the Day Smitty’s Little Tavern -- Brando 10:00 pm Brickhouse, The -- Karaoke Downstairs Fast Eddy’s -- Lt. Dan’s New Legs Ginny’s Place -- Karaoke Hob-Nob Bar -- TBA Lamasco Bar -- Jobu (Reggae) O’Brians Sports Bar -- Deaf Megan 10:30 pm Lanhucks -- Andrea Wirth Trio Little Cheers -- Dance Music w/DJ Ra Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Adam Blythe downstairs Someplace Else -- DJ Downstairs 11:00 pm Ri Ra Irish Pub -- DJ Upstairs 11:30 pm Brickhouse, The -- Local King & Queen Show Someplace Else -- Show Upstairs

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11 12:00 pm River City Recreation -- Open Bowling 2:00 pm Doc’s Nightclub -- All Day Party w/John Hussmann Roberts Stadium -- UE Women’s Basketball vs. Tennessee Martin

9:00 pm Archie & Clyde’s Restaurant -- Chuck Grady Beef O’Brady’s -- UFC Pay Per View Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- DJ & Dance Music/Karaoke Chilly Willy’s -- Hussmann Trio DC’s Pub & Charbroil Grill -Karaoke w/DJs CJ & Marsha Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- Namaste Garry’s Sidetrack Tavern -- Karaoke & DJ: All-Request w/TW aka DJ Frost Hootie Hoot Saloon & Grill -- Bad Elmer KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Akacia Main Gate Sports Bar & Restaurant -- The Pitts Rick’s 718 Bar & Lounge -- Karaoke Show Me’s (East Side) -- DJ & Karaoke/UFC Pay Per View Show Me’s (West) -- DJ & Karaoke/UFC Pay Per View 9:30 pm Club Royale -- Pieces of the Day Smitty’s Little Tavern -- Brando 10:00 PM Fast Eddy’s -- McFly Ginny’s Place -- Karaoke Hob-Nob Bar -- TBA Lamasco Bar -- Jobu (Reggae) O’Brians Sports Bar -- Deaf Megan

5:00 pm Garvin Park -- 17th Annual Ritzy’s Fantasy of Lights 6:00 pm Doc’s Nightclub -- All Day Party w/Live Entertainment

10:30 pm Lanhucks -- TBA Little Cheers -- TBA Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Adam Blythe downstairs Someplace Else -- DJ Downstairs

7:00 pm Casino Aztar - Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar -- Clayton Daugherty Corner Pocket, The -- Pool & Cornhole Tournaments 7:05 pm Roberts Stadium -- UE Men’s Basketball vs. Maryland-Eastern Shore

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8:00 pm Casino Aztar-Hoosiers Lounge -- The Duke Boys DC’s Pub & Charbroil Grill -- 50s & 60s Sock Hop/Limbo, Twist & Best-Dressed Contest Doc’s Nightclub -- All Day Party w/Jason McKinney Harbor Bay-East -- Karaoke Harbor Bay-North -- Karaoke

11:00 pm Gloria’s Corral Club -- Hip Hop Karaoke Party Ri Ra Irish Pub -- DJ Upstairs • December 2010

11:30 pm Brickhouse, The -- Local King & Queen Show Someplace Else -- Show Upstairs

SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12 12:00 pm River City Recreation -- Open Bowling 4:00 pm Lanhucks -- APA Pool League 5:00 pm Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- Troy Miller Garvin Park -- 17th Annual Ritzy’s Fantasy of Lights 5:30 pm Casino Aztar-Hoosiers Lounge -- Big Band Sounds-Greg Anderson Big Band 6:00 pm Casino Aztar - Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar -- Clayton Daugherty 7:00 pm Hootie Hoot Saloon & Grill -- Karaoke w/Travis 7:30 pm Brickhouse, The -- Michelle Shelton 8:00 pm Lanhucks -- Punk Rock Night

Gloria’s Corral Club -Open Mic Night/Karaoke Lamasco Bar -- Open Jam-All welcome O’Brians Sports Bar -- Karaoke w/DJ Magic Mark Rick’s 718 Bar & Lounge -- Karaoke Show Me’s (East Side) -- DJ & Karaoke

8:00 pm Someplace Else -- Pool Tourney

4:00 pm Winetree-East -- Wine Tasting

4:00 pm Winetree - North -- Wine Tasting

9:00 pm Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- DJ & Dance Music/Karaoke Club Royale -- Jay Johnson Rick’s 718 Bar & Lounge -- Karaoke Show Me’s (West) -- DJ & Karaoke

5:00 pm Garvin Park -- 17th Annual Ritzy’s Fantasy of Lights

5:00 pm Garvin Park -- 17th Annual Ritzy’s Fantasy of Lights

6:00 pm Casino Aztar - Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar -- Clayton Daugherty Doc’s Nightclub -- Nick Smith

6:00 pm Casino Aztar - Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar -- Bob Green

10:00 pm Ginny’s Place -- Karaoke


9:00 pm Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- DJ & Dance Music/Karaoke Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- Amazing Soul Crackers Lamasco Bar -- Lindsey Williams Show Me’s (East Side) -- DJ & Karaoke Show Me’s (West) -- DJ & Karaoke

3:00 pm Duck Inn -- Free Pool

10:00 pm Brickhouse, The -- Karaoke Downstairs Ginny’s Place -- Karaoke Hob-Nob Bar -- Brando

6:00 pm Casino Aztar - Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar -- Clayton Daugherty Doc’s Nightclub -- John Hussmann

10:30 pm Little Cheers -- Karaoke w/ Shane Breedlove Someplace Else -- DJ Downstairs

7:00 pm Casino Aztar-Hoosiers Lounge -- The Marlinaires Club Royale -- Live Acoustic Music Show Me’s (West) -- Nick Gregory/ Cornhole Tournament

11:30 pm Someplace Else -- Show Upstairs

MONDAY, DECEMBER 13 5:00 pm Garvin Park -- 17th Annual Ritzy’s Fantasy of Lights O’Brians Sports Bar -- Free Darts 6:00 pm Casino Aztar - Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar -- Bob Green

Show Me’s (West) -Kerry & The Double D’s

7:00 pm Beef O’Brady’s -- Monday Night Football Casino Aztar-Hoosiers Lounge -- Monday Night Football Club Royale -- Monday Night Football Gloria’s Corral Club -- Monday Night Football & Cornhole Hootie Hoot Saloon & Grill -- Karaoke w/Travis KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Monday Night Football Lamasco Bar -- Monday Night Football O’Brians Sports Bar -Monday Night Football Rick’s 718 Bar & Lounge -Monday Night Football Rick’s Sports Bar -- Monday Night Football Show Me’s (East Side) -- Nick Gregory

5:00 pm Garvin Park -- 17th Annual Ritzy’s Fantasy of Lights O’Brians Sports Bar -- Industry Appreciation Night

8:00 pm Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- Object Blue Hootie Hoot Saloon & Grill -- Troy Miller KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Unique Soundz Entertainment Karaoke w/Travis & Matt 9:00 pm Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- DJ & Dance Music/Karaoke Fast Eddy’s -- Cornhole

December 2010 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

9:30 pm Old Chicago -- Lindsey Williams 10:00 pm Ginny’s Place -- Karaoke 10:30 pm Little Cheers -- Karaoke w/ Shane Breedlove


7:00 pm Casino Aztar-Hoosiers Lounge -- The Marlinaires DC’s Pub & Charbroil Grill -Customer Appreciation Christmas Party w/Dustin Kaposta Hootie Hoot Saloon & Grill -- Karaoke w/Travis 8:00 pm Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- Stephen Horning Hob-Nob Bar -- Open Mic w/Andria Reed KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Adam Blythe 8:30 pm Brickhouse, The -- Karaoke Contest 9:00 pm Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- DJ & Dance Music/Karaoke Club Royale -- Karaoke w/The Experience hosted by BK Fast Eddy’s -- Karaoke w/Freddy K/music by Deaf Megan Garry’s Sidetrack Tavern -- Karaoke & DJ: All-Request w/TW aka DJ Frost Gloria’s Corral Club -- Wild West Wednesday/Karaoke/ DJ/All Country Night Lamasco Bar -- Sons of Sisters Rick’s 718 Bar & Lounge -- Karaoke Show Me’s (East Side) -- DJ & Karaoke

10:00 pm Ginny’s Place -- Karaoke Lanhucks -- Viva La Box w/ The Dirty Valley String Band (feat. John Kirkwood) O’Brians Sports Bar -- DJ Jon B/Truth or Dare Night Someplace Else -- College Night 10:30 pm Little Cheers -- Karaoke w/ Shane Breedlove

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16 3:00 pm Duck Inn -- Free Pool

6:30 pm Lamasco Bar -- Andy Fulton on Piano Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Live Irish Session 7:00 pm Casino Aztar-Hoosiers Lounge -- Karaoke Show Me’s (East Side) -Cornhole Tournament 8:00 pm Doc’s Nightclub -- Open Mic w/Andea Wirth Hob-Nob Bar -- Karaoke w/ Ian & Danielle Johns 9:00 pm Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- DJ & Dance Music/Karaoke Club Royale -- Server Appreciation Night w/DJ Jon J Garry’s Sidetrack Tavern -College Night Karaoke & DJ: All-Request w/TW aka DJ Frost Gloria’s Corral Club -- Old School 80s Night/Karaoke/DJ/ Double XL & Dance Mix Hootie Hoot Saloon & Grill -- Stilwell & Friends

Budweiser reminds you to choose a designated driver.

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KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Unique Soundz Entertainment Karaoke w/Travis & Matt Lamasco Bar -- Karaoke Rick’s 718 Bar & Lounge -- Karaoke Show Me’s (East Side) -Kerry & The Double D’s Show Me’s (West) -- Nick Hamilton


9:30 pm Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Live Acoustic with Casey Williams 10:00 pm Fast Eddy’s -- Thong Thursdays w/ The Sandman-Music by Deaf Megan Ginny’s Place -- Karaoke Lanhucks -- Variety Night O’Brians Sports Bar -- Karaoke w/DJ Magic Mark 10:30 pm Little Cheers -- Lindsey Williams w/DJ Ra Someplace Else -- DJ Downstairs

9:30 pm Club Royale -- McFly Smitty’s Little Tavern -- Hussmann Trio

11:30 pm Someplace Else -- Show Upstairs

10:00 pm Brickhouse, The -- Karaoke Downstairs Fast Eddy’s -- Deaf Megan Ginny’s Place -- Karaoke Hob-Nob Bar -- The Medicine Show O’Brians Sports Bar -- Akacia

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17 11:00 Am New Harmony Inn -- Christmas Luncheon Party 4:00 pm Winetree - Darmstadt -- Wine Tasting 5:00 pm Garvin Park -- 17th Annual Ritzy’s Fantasy of Lights

10:30 pm Duck Inn -- Mock Orange Lanhucks -- High Road Easy Little Cheers -- Dance Music w/DJ Ra Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Casey Williams downstairs Someplace Else -- DJ Downstairs 11:00 pm Ri Ra Irish Pub -- DJ Upstairs

6:00 pm Doc’s Nightclub -- Nick Gregory

11:30 pm Brickhouse, The -- Local King & Queen Show Someplace Else -- Show Upstairs

7:00 pm Casino Aztar - Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar -- Bob Green Corner Pocket, The -- Pool & Cornhole Tournaments


8:00 pm Casino Aztar-Hoosiers Lounge -- Big Slick Harbor Bay-East -- Karaoke Harbor Bay-North -- Karaoke

12:00 pm River City Recreation -- Open Bowling 2:05 pm Roberts Stadium -- UE Men’s Basketball vs. Middle Tennessee

9:00 pm Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- DJ & Dance Music/Karaoke Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- The Sellouts Doc’s Nightclub -- Karaoke w/BK Garry’s Sidetrack Tavern -- Karaoke & DJ: All-Request w/TW aka DJ Frost Gloria’s Corral Club -- College Night/ Karaoke/DJ/Double XL & Dance Mix Hootie Hoot Saloon & Grill -- The Hiding • 50 •

KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Panacea Koodie Hoos -- Karaoke w/Todd Early w/Generation Sound Lamasco Bar -- Karaoke Main Gate Sports Bar & Restaurant -- Live Entertainment Rick’s 718 Bar & Lounge -- Karaoke River City Recreation -- Bowl Your Head Off Special Show Me’s (East Side) -- DJ & Karaoke Show Me’s (West) -- DJ & Karaoke

5:00 pm Garvin Park -- 17th Annual Ritzy’s Fantasy of Lights 7:00 pm Casino Aztar - Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar -- Bob Green Corner Pocket, The -- Pool & Cornhole Tournaments • December 2010

7:30 pm Victory Theatre -- Evansville Dance Theater Presents”The Nutcracker” 8:00 pm Cafe Arazu -- Lacey Chaddock Casino Aztar-Hoosiers Lounge -- Big Slick Harbor Bay-East -- Karaoke Harbor Bay-North -- Karaoke 9:00 pm Archie & Clyde’s Restaurant -- Chuck Grady Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- DJ & Dance Music/Karaoke Chilly Willy’s -- Calabash DC’s Pub & Charbroil Grill -Karaoke w/DJs CJ & Marsha Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- Hog-Maw Blues Band Doc’s Nightclub -- JEB Garry’s Sidetrack Tavern -- Karaoke & DJ: All-Request w/TW aka DJ Frost Hootie Hoot Saloon & Grill -- 3 For The Road KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- 6 More Miles Main Gate Sports Bar & Restaurant -- Live Entertainment Rick’s 718 Bar & Lounge -- Karaoke Show Me’s (East Side) -- DJ & Karaoke Show Me’s (West) -- DJ & Karaoke 9:30 pm Club Royale -- McFly Smitty’s Little Tavern -- Hussmann Trio 10:00 pm Fast Eddy’s -- Wax Factory Ginny’s Place -- Karaoke Hob-Nob Bar -- The Desert Show Lamasco Bar -- The Beat Daddys O’Brians Sports Bar -- Akacia 10:30 pm Duck Inn -- Blood Tribe/ Cody Metcalf & TBA Lanhucks -- Sister Brutal Little Cheers -- TBA Ri Ra Irish Pub -- The Fisticuffs downstairs Someplace Else -- DJ Downstairs

4:00 pm Lanhucks -- APA Pool League 5:00 pm Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -Troy Miller Garvin Park -- 17th Annual Ritzy’s Fantasy of Lights 5:30 pm Casino Aztar-Hoosiers Lounge -- Big Band Sounds-Bob Minnette’s Swing Cats 6:00 pm Casino Aztar - Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar -- Clayton Daugherty 7:00 pm Hootie Hoot Saloon & Grill -- Karaoke w/Travis Show Me’s (East Side) -WWE Pay-Per-View Show Me’s (West) -- WWE Pay Per View 8:00 pm Lanhucks -- Punk Rock Night 9:00 pm Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- DJ & Dance Music/Karaoke Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- Amazing Soul Crackers Lamasco Bar -- Lindsey Williams Show Me’s (East Side) -- DJ & Karaoke Show Me’s (West) -- DJ & Karaoke 10:00 pm Brickhouse, The -Karaoke Downstairs Ginny’s Place -- Karaoke Hob-Nob Bar -- Brando 10:30 pm Little Cheers -- Karaoke w/ Shane Breedlove Someplace Else -- DJ Downstairs 11:30 pm Someplace Else -- Show Upstairs


11:00 pm Gloria’s Corral Club -- Hip Hop Karaoke Party Ri Ra Irish Pub -- DJ Upstairs

5:00 pm Garvin Park -- 17th Annual Ritzy’s Fantasy of Lights O’Brians Sports Bar -- Free Darts

11:30 pm Brickhouse, The -- Annual Christmas Show w/Local Cast Someplace Else -- Special Guest Akasha Uravitch

6:00 pm Casino Aztar - Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar -- Bob Green

SUNDAY, DECEMBER 19 12:00 pm River City Recreation -- Open Bowling

Budweiser reminds you to choose a designated driver.

December 2010 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

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7:00 pm Beef O’Brady’s -- Monday Night Football Casino Aztar-Hoosiers Lounge -- Monday Night Football Club Royale -- Monday Night Football Gloria’s Corral Club -- Monday Night Football & Cornhole Hootie Hoot Saloon & Grill -- Karaoke w/Travis KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Monday Night Football Lamasco Bar -- Monday Night Football O’Brians Sports Bar -Monday Night Football Rick’s 718 Bar & Lounge -Monday Night Football Rick’s Sports Bar -- Monday Night Football Show Me’s (East Side) -- Nick Gregory 8:00 pm Someplace Else -- Pool Tourney 9:00 pm Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- DJ & Dance Music/Karaoke Club Royale -- Jay Johnson Rick’s 718 Bar & Lounge -- Karaoke Show Me’s (West) -- DJ & Karaoke 10:00 pm Ginny’s Place -- Karaoke

TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21 3:00 pm Duck Inn -- Free Pool 5:00 pm Garvin Park -- 17th Annual Ritzy’s Fantasy of Lights O’Brians Sports Bar -- Industry Appreciation Night 6:00 pm Casino Aztar - Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar -- Bob Green Doc’s Nightclub -- John Hussmann 7:00 pm Casino Aztar-Hoosiers Lounge -Terry Lee & The Rockaboogie Band Club Royale -- Live Acoustic Music Show Me’s (West) -- Nick Gregory/ Cornhole Tournament

8:00 pm Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- Jason Nellis (Nelbow S) Hootie Hoot Saloon & Grill -- Troy Miller KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Unique Soundz Entertainment Karaoke w/Travis & Matt 9:00 pm Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- DJ & Dance Music/Karaoke Fast Eddy’s -- Cornhole Gloria’s Corral Club -- Open Mic Night/Karaoke Lamasco Bar -- Open Jam-All welcome O’Brians Sports Bar -- Karaoke w/DJ Magic Mark Rick’s 718 Bar & Lounge -- Karaoke Show Me’s (East Side) -- DJ & Karaoke 9:30 pm Old Chicago -- Lindsey Williams 10:00 pm Ginny’s Place -- Karaoke 10:30 pm Little Cheers -- Karaoke w/ Shane Breedlove

WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 22 4:00 pm Winetree-East -- Wine Tasting 5:00 pm Garvin Park -- 17th Annual Ritzy’s Fantasy of Lights 6:00 pm Casino Aztar - Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar -- Bob Green Doc’s Nightclub -- Nick Smith 7:00 pm Casino Aztar-Hoosiers Lounge -Terry Lee & The Rockaboogie Band Hootie Hoot Saloon & Grill -- Karaoke w/Travis 8:00 pm Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- The Echo-Plexes Hob-Nob Bar -- Open Mic w/Andria Reed KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Adam Blythe 8:30 pm Brickhouse, The -- Karaoke Contest 9:00 pm Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- DJ & Dance Music/Karaoke Club Royale -- Karaoke w/The Experience hosted by BK Fast Eddy’s -- Karaoke w/Freddy K/music by Deaf Megan

December 2010 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

Garry’s Sidetrack Tavern -- Karaoke & DJ: All-Request w/TW aka DJ Frost Gloria’s Corral Club -- Wild West Wednesday/Karaoke/ DJ/All Country Night Lamasco Bar -- SoulUniqueChristmas Get-Down Rick’s 718 Bar & Lounge -- Karaoke Show Me’s (East Side) -- DJ & Karaoke Show Me’s (West) -- Kerry & The Double D’s 10:00 pm Ginny’s Place -- Karaoke Lanhucks -- Karaoke O’Brians Sports Bar -- DJ Jon B/Truth or Dare Night Someplace Else -- College Night 10:30 pm Little Cheers -- Karaoke w/ Shane Breedlove

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 23 3:00 pm Duck Inn -- Free Pool 4:00 pm Winetree - North -- Wine Tasting 5:00 pm Garvin Park -- 17th Annual Ritzy’s Fantasy of Lights 6:00 pm Casino Aztar - Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar -- Clayton Daugherty 6:30 pm Lamasco Bar -- Andy Fulton on Piano Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Live Irish Session 7:00 pm Casino Aztar-Hoosiers Lounge -- Karaoke Show Me’s (East Side) -Cornhole Tournament 7:05 pm Roberts Stadium -- UE Men’s Basketball vs. Norfolk State 8:00 pm Doc’s Nightclub -- Open Mic w/Andea Wirth Hob-Nob Bar -- Karaoke w/ Ian & Danielle Johns 9:00 pm Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- DJ & Dance Music/Karaoke Club Royale -- Pre-Christmas Dance Party w/DJ Jon J Doc’s Nightclub -- Pre-Christmas Party w/The Sellouts Garry’s Sidetrack Tavern -College Night Karaoke & DJ: All-Request w/TW aka DJ Frost

Gloria’s Corral Club -- Old School 80s Night/Karaoke/DJ/ Double XL & Dance Mix Hootie Hoot Saloon & Grill -- Stilwell & Friends KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Unique Soundz Entertainment Karaoke w/Travis & Matt Lamasco Bar -- Karaoke Rick’s 718 Bar & Lounge -- Karaoke Show Me’s (East Side) -Kerry & The Double D’s Show Me’s (West) -- Nick Hamilton 10:00 PM Fast Eddy’s -- Pop Tart Monkeys Ginny’s Place -- Karaoke Lanhucks -- Karaoke O’Brians Sports Bar -- Karaoke w/DJ Magic Mark 10:30 pm Little Cheers -- Lindsey Williams w/DJ Ra Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Shaun Broshear Someplace Else -- DJ Downstairs 11:30 pm Someplace Else -- Show Upstairs

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24 4:00 pm Winetree - Darmstadt -- Wine Tasting 5:00 pm Garvin Park -- 17th Annual Ritzy’s Fantasy of Lights 6:00 pm Doc’s Nightclub -- Nick Gregory 7:00 pm Casino Aztar - Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar -- Bob Green Corner Pocket, The -- Pool & Cornhole Tournaments 8:00 pm Casino Aztar-Hoosiers Lounge -- All Put Together Harbor Bay-East -- Karaoke Harbor Bay-North -- Karaoke 9:00 pm Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- DJ & Dance Music/Karaoke Doc’s Nightclub -- Karaoke w/BK Garry’s Sidetrack Tavern -- Karaoke & DJ: All-Request w/TW aka DJ Frost Gloria’s Corral Club -- College Night/ Karaoke/DJ/Double XL & Dance Mix Lamasco Bar -- Karaoke

Budweiser reminds you to choose a designated driver.

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Main Gate Sports Bar & Restaurant -- Live Entertainment Rick’s 718 Bar & Lounge -- Karaoke River City Recreation -Bowl Your Head Off Special Show Me’s (East Side) -- DJ & Karaoke Show Me’s (West) -- DJ & Karaoke


7:30 pm Brickhouse, The -- Michelle Shelton

9:30 pm Club Royale -- 80s & 90s Dance Music w/DJ Jon J

8:00 pm Lanhucks -- Punk Rock Night

10:00 pm Brickhouse, The -- Karaoke Downstairs Ginny’s Place -- Karaoke O’Brians Sports Bar -Open Christmas Eve 10:30 pm Little Cheers -- Dance Music w/DJ Ra Someplace Else -- DJ Downstairs/ Christmas Eve Party 11:30 pm Someplace Else -- Show Upstairs


9:00 pm Cecil’s Bar & Grill -DJ & Dance Music/Karaoke Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- Amazing Soul Crackers Lamasco Bar -- Lindsey Williams Show Me’s (East Side) -- DJ & Karaoke Show Me’s (West) -- DJ & Karaoke 10:00 pm Brickhouse, The -Karaoke Downstairs Ginny’s Place -- Karaoke Hob-Nob Bar -- Brando

merry christmas to all! 5:00 PM Garvin Park -- 17th Annual Ritzy’s Fantasy of Lights

SUNDAY, DECEMBER 26 happy Kwanzaa!

11:30 pm Someplace Else -- Show Upstairs

12:00 pm River City Recreation -Open Bowling

MONDAY, DECEMBER 27 5:00 pm Garvin Park -- 17th Annual Ritzy’s Fantasy of Lights O’Brians Sports Bar -- Free Darts

4:00 pm Lanhucks -- APA Pool League 5:00 pm Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- Troy Miller Garvin Park -- 17th Annual Ritzy’s Fantasy of Lights 5:30 pm Casino Aztar-Hoosiers Lounge -Big Band Sounds-Steve Greenwell Trio 6:00 pm Casino Aztar - Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar -- Clayton Daugherty 7:00 pm Hootie Hoot Saloon & Grill -- Karaoke w/Travis

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10:30 pm Little Cheers -- Karaoke w/ Shane Breedlove Someplace Else -DJ Downstairs

6:00 pm Casino Aztar - Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar -- Bob Green 7:00 pm Beef O’Brady’s -- Monday Night Football Casino Aztar-Hoosiers Lounge -- Monday Night Football Club Royale -- Monday Night Football Gloria’s Corral Club -- Monday Night Football & Cornhole Hootie Hoot Saloon & Grill -- Karaoke w/Travis KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Monday Night Football • December 2010

Lamasco Bar -- Monday Night Football O’Brians Sports Bar -Monday Night Football Rick’s 718 Bar & Lounge -Monday Night Football Rick’s Sports Bar -- Monday Night Football Show Me’s (East Side) -- Nick Gregory 8:00 pm Someplace Else -- Pool Tourney 9:00 pm Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- DJ & Dance Music/Karaoke Club Royale -- Jay Johnson Rick’s 718 Bar & Lounge -Karaoke Show Me’s (West) -DJ & Karaoke 10:00 pm Ginny’s Place -- Karaoke

TUESDAY, DECEMBER 28 3:00 pm Duck Inn -- Free Pool 5:00 pm Garvin Park -- 17th Annual Ritzy’s Fantasy of Lights O’Brians Sports Bar -- Industry Appreciation Night 6:00 pm Casino Aztar - Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar -- Bob Green Doc’s Nightclub -- John Hussmann 7:00 pm Casino Aztar-Hoosiers Lounge -- Amazing Soul Crackers Club Royale -- Live Acoustic Music Show Me’s (West) -- Nick Gregory/ Cornhole Tournament 8:00 pm Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- The Moccasins Hootie Hoot Saloon & Grill -- Troy Miller KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Unique Soundz Entertainment Karaoke w/Travis & Matt 9:00 pm Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- DJ & Dance Music/Karaoke Fast Eddy’s -- Cornhole

Gloria’s Corral Club -Open Mic Night/Karaoke Lamasco Bar -- Open JamAll welcome O’Brians Sports Bar -Karaoke w/DJ Magic Mark Rick’s 718 Bar & Lounge -Karaoke Show Me’s (East Side) -J & Karaoke 9:30 pm Old Chicago -- Lindsey Williams 10:00 pm Ginny’s Place -- Karaoke 10:30 pm Little Cheers -- Karaoke w/ Shane Breedlove

WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 29 4:00 pm Winetree-East -Wine Tasting 5:00 pm Garvin Park -- 17th Annual Ritzy’s Fantasy of Lights 6:00 pm Casino Aztar - Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar -- Bob Green Doc’s Nightclub -- Nick Smith 7:00 pm Casino Aztar-Hoosiers Lounge -- Amazing Soul Crackers Hootie Hoot Saloon & Grill -- Karaoke w/Travis 8:00 pm Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -Lacey Chaddock (Happy Birthday, Lacey!) Hob-Nob Bar -- Open Mic w/Andria Reed KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Adam Blythe 8:30 pm Brickhouse, The -Karaoke Contest

Budweiser reminds you to choose a designated driver.

December 2010 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

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9:00 pm Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- DJ & Dance Music/Karaoke Club Royale -- Karaoke w/The Experience hosted by BK Fast Eddy’s -- Karaoke w/Freddy K/music by Deaf Megan Garry’s Sidetrack Tavern -Karaoke & DJ: All-Request w/TW aka DJ Frost Gloria’s Corral Club -- Wild West Wednesday/Karaoke/ DJ/All Country Night Lamasco Bar -- Nick Hamilton Rick’s 718 Bar & Lounge -Karaoke Show Me’s (East Side) -- DJ & Karaoke Show Me’s (West) -- Kerry & The Double D’s 10:00 pm Ginny’s Place -- Karaoke Lanhucks -- Karaoke O’Brians Sports Bar -- DJ Jon B/Truth or Dare Night Someplace Else -- College Night 10:30 pm Little Cheers -- Karaoke w/ Shane Breedlove

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30 3:00 pm Duck Inn -- Free Pool 4:00 pm Winetree - North -Wine Tasting 5:00 pm Garvin Park -- 17th Annual Ritzy’s Fantasy of Lights 6:00 pm Casino Aztar - Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar -- Bob Green 6:30 pm Lamasco Bar -Andy Fulton on Piano Ri Ra Irish Pub -Live Irish Session

Budweiser reminds you to choose a designated driver.

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7:00 pm Casino Aztar-Hoosiers Lounge -- Karaoke Show Me’s (East Side) -Cornhole Tournament 7:35 pm Swonder Ice Arena -Evansville Icemen vs. Mississippi 8:00 pm Doc’s Nightclub -- Open Mic w/Andea Wirth Hob-Nob Bar -Karaoke w/Ian & Danielle Johns 9:00 pm Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- DJ & Dance Music/Karaoke Club Royale -- Server Appreciation Night w/DJ Jon J Garry’s Sidetrack Tavern -College Night Karaoke & DJ: All-Request w/TW aka DJ Frost Gloria’s Corral Club -- Old School 80s Night/Karaoke/ DJ/Double XL & Dance Mix Hootie Hoot Saloon & Grill -- Stilwell & Friends KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Unique Soundz Entertainment Karaoke w/Travis & Matt Lamasco Bar -- Karaoke Rick’s 718 Bar & Lounge -Karaoke Show Me’s (East Side) -Kerry & The Double D’s Show Me’s (West) -Nick Hamilton 9:30 pm Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Live Acoustic with Jakob Freely Smitt y’s Little Tavern -New Year’s Eve Bash w/Brando 10:00 pm Fast Eddy’s -- Static Ginny’s Place -- Karaoke Lanhucks -- Karaoke O’Brians Sports Bar -Karaoke w/DJ Magic Mark 10:30 pm Little Cheers -Lindsey Williams w/DJ Ra Someplace Else -DJ Downstairs

11:30 pm Someplace Else -Show Upstairs



happy and safe New Year’s celebrations to you all!

4:00 pm Winetree - Darmstadt -- Wine Tasting

Restaurant -- New Year’s Party w/Live Entertainment, Party Favors, Champagne Toast Rick’s 718 Bar & Lounge -- New Year’s Party w/Karaoke, Party Favors & Champagne Toast River City Recreation -- Lane Rentals Available Show Me’s (East Side) -- DJ & Karaoke Show Me’s (West) -- DJ & Karaoke

6:00 pm Doc’s Nightclub -- Nick Gregory KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -New Year’s Party w/McFly, Party Favors & Champagne Toast 7:00 pm Beef O’Brady’s -- Comedy Caravan New Year Show w/Amos Chang/Jamie Utley & Zan Casino Aztar - Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar -- Bob Green

9:30 pm Club Royale -- New Year’s Eve Bash w/The Jimmies Corner Pocket, The -- New Year’s Celebration w/The Relics

8:00 pm Casino Aztar-Hoosiers Lounge -- New Year’s Eve Party featuring Little Moe & the Atomic Two-Tones Harbor Bay-East -- Karaoke Harbor Bay-North -- Karaoke 9:00 pm Buck’s Tavern -- New Year’s Bash w/Prizes & Giveaways Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- DJ & Dance Music/Karaoke Chilly Willy’s -- New Year’s Eve Party w/Hussmann Trio DC’s Pub & Charbroil Grill -- New Year’s Dance Party Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- New Year’s Bash w/The Smoke Rings Doc’s Nightclub -- Karaoke w/BK Garry’s Sidetrack Tavern -- New Year’s Party w/Karaoke & DJ: All-Request w/TW aka DJ Frost Holiday Inn - Airport -- New Year’s Party-2 in One w/Deb Turner’s Saturday Night Dance Party and Never Been Caught Hootie Hoot Saloon & Grill -- New Year’s Pary w/Dyonosis, Party Favor & More Koodie Hoos -- New Year’s Party w/Karaoke from Todd Early w/Generation Sound Lamasco Bar -- New Year’s Eve Party with Calabash Main Gate Sports Bar &

10:00 pm Brickhouse, The -- Karaoke Downstairs Doc’s Nightclub -- New Year’s Karaoke & Dance Party Fast Eddy’s -- Wildest New Year’s Party w/Static Ginny’s Place -- Karaoke Gloria’s Corral Club -- New Year’s Celebration w/Party Favors & Champagne Toast O’Brians Sports Bar -- New Year’s Blowout Party w/Sextones/ Calling Corners/Last Hour 10:30 pm Brickhouse, The -- New Year’s Eve Blowout w/Candi Stratton (2 shows) Lanhucks -- New Year’s Renunion w/ Hog Luv Dog/138/Gorilla Monsoon Little Cheers -- New Year’s Party & Reunion Show w/Dave & Ryan from Bosko & Live Dance Music w/DJ Ra Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Deaf Megan downstairs 11:00 pm Beef O’Brady’s -- Comedy Caravan New Year Show w/Amos Chang/Jamie Utley & Zan Ri Ra Irish Pub -- DJ Upstairs 11:30 pm Someplace Else -- New Year’s Eve Masquerade Ball/Show Upstairs • December 2010

December 2010 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

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Acropolis Gift Card Available at Acropolis Authentic Greek Cuisine & Spirits 501 N. Green River Road Evansville, IN 47715 812-475-9193

Archie & Clyde’s Gift Card Special

Be unique and go Greek this holiday season! Treat someone special to a dinner they won’t soon forget with an Acropolis gift card. At Acropolis, you will experience the rich tradition and character through their authentic Greek and Mediterranean cuisine. As you feast on their genuine specialties prepared using the freshest ingredients, you will savor the flavors that only the most experienced chefs can create.

Play Santa for all the elves on your list with the gift of great food from Archie & clyde’s restaurant in Newburgh. For this holiday season, the folks at Archie & Clyde’s offer a special on their gift cards – customers can receive a gift card valued at $5 for every gift card $50 gift card purchased. Use it on great pizza, sandwiches and more tasty treats the next time you’re in Archie & Clyde’s neighborhood.

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Available at Archie & Clyde’s Restaurant 8320 Bell Oaks Drive Newburgh, IN 47630 812-490-7771 • December 2010

AvedaTm Hair and Body Care Products Available at Rhythm Salon & Spa 8177 Bell Oaks Drive Newburgh, IN 47630 812-490-8043 Rhythm Salon & Spa literally has you taken care of from head to toe, starting with avedaTm rosemary mint shampoo and rosemary mint conditioner ($9.50 each, 8.5 oz). Great for both the head and the senses, these products invigorate and awaken with the lively combination of rosemary and peppermint aromas, leaving hair full-bodied, healthy and clean. For firm but weightless hold, avedaTm offers controlforce firm hold hair spray ($26, 9.1 oz.). Using the art and science of flower and plant essences, this product provides all-day humidity-resistant control. For hands, the company provides their hand relief formula ($7.50, 1.4 oz.), a revitalizing vitamin formula for stressed skin that’s perfect for the cold, blustery winter. Their foot relief ($7.50, 1.4 oz.) offers an herbal formula that exfoliates gently, while revitalizing and nourishing feet in need of some TLC.

Cancun Mexican Restaurant’s Gift Cards Available at Cancun Mexican restaurant (2 locations) 10604 SR 662 • Newburgh, IN 47630 • 812-490-9936 and 341 S. Green Street • Henderson, KY 42420 • 270-826-0067

These authentic family Mexican restaurants feature traditional Mexican favorites as well as unique chicken, seafood and steak dishes. Their famous fajitas are made using their own special recipe and each of cancun’s signature dishes offer something special for those looking for new tastes. So give someone you love a siesta from the hustle and bustle of the season with a gift card from Cancun.

December 2010 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

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Charazad Club Special Offer Available at charazad club 519 N. Green River Road Evansville, IN 47715 charazad offers a wide selection of traditional Middle-Eastern hookah as well as an excellent menu of healthy food and beverage choices based upon traditions established in the Middle East. Originally from India, “hookah” is both the implement itself, as well as the process of enjoying its yield. For a unique gift, you can receive $5 off any hookah, any flavor through december 31. Be sure to come hungry, as their menu selections are divine.

Christmas Luncheon Party in Historic New Harmony Hosted by the New Harmony Inn Conference Center 504 North Street New Harmony, IN 47631 812-682-4431 On December 17 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., bring your office staff, club members or group of friends and let them do all the work! All you have to do is contact them to make your reservation. If you have gifts to exchange, bring them with you and Santa will be there to deliver your presents to the recipient! Take advantage of New Harmony Inn’s special room rate starting at $65.00 plus tax on this evening. Included for in the day is a full Buffet Luncheon, Entertainment, Dancing, Santa Claus and Prizes!

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Gourmet Cookies from Just Rennie’s Available at Just Rennie’s Cookie Co. 102 SE Fourth Street Evansville, IN 47708 812-490-8089 Discover just rennie’s wonderful cookies – Chocolate Chunk, Chocolate Walnut Chunk, Peanut Butter, Peanut Butter Chocolate Chunk, Double Chocolate Chunk, White Chocolate Pecan, Oatmeal Raisin, and Rennie’s special gourmet cookie among them. You can easily treat your favorite people with a gift box from Just Rennie’s Cookie Co. Available for pick up at their downtown location or have one shipped anywhere in the country. Gift boxes range in size: Two, a box of 12, 18 or 24 cookies.

Incense and More at Goodtyme Gifts Available at goodtyme gifts 1925 Covert Avenue Evansville, IN 47714 812-475-9530 Plenty of gift ideas for the people on your list are at Goodtyme Gifts. With over 100 varieties of scents of incense and oils, accessories, diffusers, candles, misting fountains, odor eliminators, and much, much more, goodtyme is a spot worth visiting when you’re looking for something unique this holiday season.

Nagasaki Inn Gift Cards Available at Nagasaki Inn Japanese Steak & Sushi 5720 Virginia Street Evansville, IN 47715 812-473-1442 Nagasaki inn japanese steak & sushi is a family-owned business well-established as an Evansville tradition, winning awards year after year for their excellent cuisine and garnering a loyal customer base. For an especially entertaining dining experience, sit at one of their hibachi grills and see the expert chefs put on a fiery show. Or choose a delectable creation from their sushi bar. A gift card from Nagasaki is perfect for anyone who enjoys a truly one-of-a-kind dining experience.

December 2010 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

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Naughty or Nice Gift Bag Available at Exotica romance & Fantasy Superstore 4605 Washington Avenue Evansville, IN 47714 812-401-7399 At exotica, when you purchase $50 or more worth of merchandise, you may choose a “naughty” bag filled with all sorts of mischievous items. Or you can select a “nice” bag with products a little tamer in nature. So no matter what your tastes, Exotica has something special for you.

The North Face® and Patagonia® Outdoor Wear Available at Top Spot Outdoors 11 S. Green River Road Evansville, IN 47715 812-476-8677 Here we see from The North face® their Summit SeriesTM 800 fill down, water-repellant masterpiece, the Thunder Jacket, here shown in “Asphalt Grey” color. 800 fill down offers the greatest warmth-to-weight ratio of all The North face® selection of items. ($230). The North face® also offers a wide range of products for kids, such as this “Utterly Pink” hoodie for girls, which is very warm – and very cute ($99). Boys most certainly haven’t been forgotten; the company presents the classic Denali jacket just for them (here, shown in “Mountain Blue” color). This The North face® product offers Polartec® Classic 300 insulation, which is warm, lightweight, breathable, machine washable and – very important for kids – durable ($99). From patagonia® comes an update to a classic jacket, the Nano®. Shown here is the women’s Nano Puff® jacket, a warm, wind-blocking, and of course, stylish piece of outer wear that’s perfect for running errands in the cold one day, and trim enough to wear while traversing chilly rock faces the next ($180). • 62 • • December 2010

Old Chicago Gift Cards Available at Old Chicago 6550 E. Lloyd Expressway Evansville, IN 47715 812-401-1400 Lunch or dinner, old chicago has something for everyone. And the pizza – we’re talkin’ the real Chicago-style kind with madefrom-scratch dough. Thirsty? Choose from well over 100 brews from all around the world. Perfect for the college student, in-laws or teacher you’re trying to squeeze an honorable “C” out of!

Pumpkin Delight from The Pub Available at The pub 1348 East Division Street Evansville, IN 47711 812-423-2121 The place where everyone knows your name is the place to go for a really unique (and utterly delicious) dessert for your holiday parties – or just to enjoy for yourself… and we can’t blame you for that. The pub’s pumpkin Delight is a real delight, and you can order one whole to take with you; just give them a call and they’ll set you right up. What started as a secret family recipe has grown into something Tri-Staters clamor for, so be sure to come in and visit to try a slice – then you’ll be hooked.

Texas Roadhouse Gift Cards Available at Texas Roadhouse 7900 Eagle Crest Boulevard Evansville, IN 47715 812-477-7427 Here’s something from the east side steakhouse for friends on your list who love not only a great steak, but holiday ham as well. This month, if you purchase a gift card valued at $100 or more, Texas roadhouse will give to you a ham for the Holidays, along with 12 rolls to serve at your party. Pretty great deal – you make your steak-loving gift recipients happy, and your Holiday get-together’s main course is taken care of! December 2010 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

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Winetree Gift Basket Available at The Winetree (3 locations) 1951 Washington Avenue, Evansville, IN 47714 • 812-476-8141 4201 First Avenue, Evansville, IN 47710 • 812-425-2010 13301 Darmstadt Road, Darmstadt, IN 47725 • 812-867-2403

Western Ribeye & Ribs Gift Card Available at Western Ribeye & Ribs 1401 N. Boeke Road Evansville, IN 47711 812-476-5405

Let the professional wine, spirit and beer specialists at The Winetree guide you through your holiday selections. Whether you’re hosting a simple and small get-together or throwing a large gathering this month, look to The Winetree for all your beverage needs. Unique Gift Baskets are available and the always-popular holiday Gift sets are on the shelves and ready to go. And don’t forget about the trusted establishment for your New Year’s Eve needs as well.

Western ribeye & ribs became renowned for having one of the first and finest salad bars in the Tri-State are for serving Certified Angus Beef TM brand. Along with excellent seafood selections, an extensive wine and cocktail list and décor that makes visitors feel right at home, a gift from Western ribeye & ribs works perfectly for the choosy diner on your shopping list.

• 64 • • December 2010

December 2010 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

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December 2010 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

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[ Shopping Styles ]







question wardrobe choices if you’re traveling from one spot to another until the ball drops on New Year’s Eve, and if that is the case, then I am here to tell you one dress, with the right accessories, can carry you from swanky soirée to dive bar with ease. Just start out with this dress from Macy’s by INC: International Concepts. It is the perfect canvas for New Year’s, a classic silhouette that can be worn many times. And at $89 won’t break the bank.


It won’t take much to convert this dress to fit a dressier occasion. The first things you need are shoes. Satin high heels are a must, and there are many options in both color and adornments available in stores this season. Next up: Jewelry. Have fun with costume jewelry by coordinating pieces with your shoes. If you have big rhinestones on your shoes, find a cocktail ring and a long necklace to match. If your shoes are colorful, pull in gemstones to make your outfit pop.


There are some places in town that aren’t extravagantly dressy, but they’re not extremely casual either. Start with a pair of fun and sassy tights. Patterns, colors and textures all help create a fun look that one wouldn’t find at a black tie affair. If you opt for solid tights, wear bright and bold complementary colors, but not the same colors. You don’t want to look too “matchy matchy”. You can go several directions with your footwear choices, but I say pull out your favorite black, high-heel boots.


If you happen to go from a dressy-casual situation, to a causal situation you can probably get away with what you have on, but if you’re going from dressy to causal, you’ll need a bit of an overhaul. I think the best way to make an outfit more causal is to wear tights and flats, either in the form of boots or ballet-inspired shoes. You’ll also need a cardigan or sweater. Not only because you might be cold, but nothing says “dressy” like a sleeveless dress. Keep your jewelry simple with a long chain necklace, and some fun earrings. To complete the look, your makeup should be able to go the distance, and blend in with all three locations. Line your top lash with a black liquid liner, but not too thickly. Line the bottom lash with a brownish-black pencil liner just to create some depth. Dust your lid with a medium brown shade, making sure to apply it more heavily in the crease. Top the entire lid, brow to lash line, with an iridescent champagne color. Give cheeks a slight color in a lighter browntone that compliments your coloring. To change per venue, use different lip colors to finish your look. A dressy look works best with a deep red or deep berry color for high drama. A dressy-causal look will be completed with a shade slightly darker than your natural lip color. The casual look should be a nude lip and gloss. There you have it. All the tools you’ll need to look great on New Year’s Eve. • 68 • • December 2010




Wedding Date & location: March 19, 2011 at St. Anthony’s parish in Evansville

Wedding Date & location: May 28, 2011 at precious Blood Church, Jasper, Indiana

Bride’s occupation: Recent U of E Elementary Education Graduate Groom’s occupation: Customer Service at Evansville Appliance Parts (and recent U of E Business Management graduate) McDougle and Streicher both attended the University of Evansville, where they got to know one another through various gatherings related to the Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity, of which Le’Inda was the sweetheart. The couple will remain in Evansville; they plan to expand their family, take each day as it comes and enjoy life with each other. in Their Words: The proposal “It was actually pretty laid back. We were watching a movie one night when he [Chris] turned to me and said, ‘You know I love you, and I want you to be my wife.’ I was a little shocked, considering we were watching a zombie movie, and wondered where this sudden proclamation of his love came from. However, he was pretty serious, which made me happy.”

HEATHER HARMS & MARvIN BAILEY Wedding Date & location: May 7, 2011 at Azalea path in Hazelton, Indiana Bride’s occupation: Registered nurse Groom’s occupation: United States Post Office The couple attended high school together before Marvin joined the Army. They reconnected in 2008 while he was home on leave. They exchanged numbers, and have been together ever since. Heather and Marvin will honeymoon in Jamaica. Upon returning home, they’ll continue caring for their two children while Heather goes back to school for a BSN in nursing. She will then work toward a Masters degree. in Their Words: The proposal “We were sitting on the couch watching our TV shows and I was falling asleep on his shoulders. He said, ‘Are you tired?’ and I shook my head yes. Then he asked me if I was too tired to go to bed and I said yes. And then he said, ‘Well are you too tired to marry me?’ At first I shook my head yes until I realized it was a real deal... I was not tired anymore.” December 2010 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

Bride’s occupation: Full-time Dietetic student at Ball State University Groom’s occupation: Process Technician at Berry Plastics Lauren and Kevin met at a 4th of July party, and Lauren knew then that he was her soul mate. After their wedding, the couple plan to move to northern Indiana where Lauren will pursue her Masters in Dietetics at Ball State while Kevin will be working full time. Joining them will be Moose the dog, Callie the cat and Marcie and Nela, a pair of “lovable” rats. in Their Words: The proposal (Kevin): “I was up at her parents’ house for the weekend and I had planned to sneak into her room on Friday night after she had fallen asleep and put a card and a ring box with a really ugly ring in it so when she woke up in the morning she would see it, read the card and then come out in the hall where I would be waiting with the actual ring. “So she went to bed and I waited a couple of hours, then went upstairs and started to open the door. I got it open five inches when she said, ‘What are you doing?’ which surprised me because I figured she’d be asleep – and I had the card and ring in my hand, so I hid them behind me and walked over to her bed and knelt down. I put the card and ring under the bed and she asked again, ‘What are you doing?’ and the only thing I could think of was, ‘I was just coming up to check on you ‘cause I thought I heard footsteps,’ and that was the first mistake. “I told her to roll back over and go back to sleep. When she did, I tried to find the ring and card in the dark when suddenly she rolled back over and said, ‘What the hell are you doing?’ in a freaked out tone, so I dropped them and said, ‘Nothing,’ to which she replied, ‘Get out of my room!’ As I turned to walk out, I tried to kind of kick [the ring and card] under her bed. When I got to the door, I turned around and tried to think of any way I was going to make this work, and when she threatened me with ‘Don’t come back in here,’ I stepped out of her room and closed the door, walked down stairs and sat up all night trying to figure something out. “At 7 a.m., I went upstairs and crawled back in bed with her with her ring, asked her if she loved me, and then asked her if she would marry me. She then told me she had stayed awake for two hours after I left earlier, watching the door waiting for me to come back in because she was so freaked out. “It was about a month later that I found out the real story. She was awake for about an hour when she noticed the card and ring box. She opened the card and read it. She said she didn’t open the box, which I stupidly believed for about two weeks until she slipped and told me that she had looked in the box and found the ugly ring. She then spent the next hour lying in bed all excited about it, so in the morning she knew I was going to propose.” Let us know you’d like your announcement published at no cost by sending an email to Also, be sure to visit, where you can utilize all the great weddingrelated resources available there to you. • 69 •

Pick up this month’s beers at: Now 4 locations! GOOSE ISLAND MILD WINTER

Alison: 3 Chestnut color, with a hint of a trailing head is the first impression of this selection from Goose Island. It has a rich roasted flavor, almost as if aged in oak barrels. This beer is big nutty, malty. Jabez: 4.5 This is a dark copper colored beer with good carbonation. I could smell some rye and a little bit of caramel. I liked the orange and spice flavor with hints of rye and caramel. I have become a Goose Island fan lately and really enjoyed their recently released beers. A nice beer to enjoy watching the snow fall. Tom: 3.5 Pours a lovely mahogany hue. The rye adds an unfamiliar, unique element to the nose and flavor. It’s sweet and dry. While I can’t place all the flavors, they work. A drinkable, refreshing beer for a winter evening. Todd: 4 Goose Island seems to have stepped up their brewing in the last couple of years, and this is another triumph. This rye ale is an attractive deep amber with a rich foam and a fruity, biscuity nose. So far, seems enticing! Taste is a surprisingly smooth and spicy, with a hint of clove. Subtle and tasty, this one’s definitely enjoyable.


Alison: 3 A full and frothy head rests on top of a bright golden shade of ale. This beer has made its name being brewed with coriander. It’s this herb that brings a pungent taste and fragrance. Once this taste settles, it becomes a welcoming brew. Jabez: 4.5 This is a clear light golden beer with great carbonation. I could smell some spices and fruit. The taste was pretty sweet and I could detect some coriander. It had a warming alcohol feel to it but then again it is 7.8% ABV. A nice-bodied beer which I will get again. • 70 •


[ Beer Reviews]

the scent and the taste are dominated by peach. Fruity beers just aren’t my thing.

Tom: 2.5 Being a fan of Trippels, I expected to love this beer, but was left disappointed by the fizzy carbonation and dominance of coriander in the flavor. It has a sweet and spicy flavor without a lot of hops presence. I suspect that many will find this beer quite enjoyable, but it just wasn’t for me. Todd: 5 This classic Belgian abbey-style ale with a redesigned label initially pours an unimpressive pale gold, but the thick head and dense nose brings to mind cinnamon, ripe fruity banana, and clove/coriander. The taste is a bum-rush of spice up front, followed by a mellow maltiness, then a stronger alcohol sting (it’s 7.8%). A perfect example of this style, and made in America. New Belgium’s Trippel is a delightful and delicious beer.


Todd: 2.5 A curiosity here: A seasonal ale flavored with peach and pecan. Odd and not necessarily a typical coldweather brew, but Shiner’s always been dependable enough for a good tasting beer. Nonetheless, I’m not overly fond of this one. The sweet flavor is followed by a nutty finish, which sounds well enough, but this is just not one I’d purchase a six-pack of, at least this year. Maybe next year’s batch will be better?


Alison: 2 This “gluten free” pick pours a deep rust color, as its head quickly fizzles away. On first taste there is a prevalent malt flavor, but after a few more drinks this is not as noticeable. It’s crisp, and bubbly, but there isn’t much that sets it a part from many other beers. Jabez: 3 This is a light caramel-colored beer and I could smell the caramel and some molasses. I could taste the fruity flavors, mostly apple and some hops. I am not a big fan of this beer but I have never had a gluten free beer. It reminded me more of a cider than anything but for those who can not have gluten, it’s better than nothing. Cheers for Anheuser-Busch for trying something out of the box.

Alison: 4.5 This beer pours a rich mahogany color as a thick eggshell froth perches atop. The peach aroma quickly seeps into my senses as the peach flavor takes front and center. It’s not until the second drink that I’m able to taste the pecans. While I don’t know what peaches have to do with the holiday season, it is a thoroughly enjoyable beer. Jabez: 4 A nice rusty beer. I could smell the peach aroma instantly with a hint of the pecans. Just as it smelled, the peach and pecan flavor was there but not overbearing. It did have a clean finish which I liked. I usually don’t like flavored beer but I liked this one for something different for the holidays. Tom: 2.5 Pours a clear, deep amber. A medium-bodied beer with a bit too much carbonation for my taste. Both

Tom: 3 A “beer made without wheat or barley?!” It has a nice deep, golden color and the flavor is sort of odd, but decent. It is light-bodied with medium carbonation. Not something that I’d probably drink a lot of, but a good option for beer lovers with a gluten allergy. Todd: 3 Commendations to Anheuser-Busch for supporting the growing number of people with gluten (wheat or barley) allergies. However, don’t let that dissuade you from trying this one, as it stands on its own merits. Pouring a nice red-amber with average lacing, this sorghum-based beer has a sweet molasses nose, and a rich and malty flavor. The hops content seems subdued, pushing this one towards an overbearing sweetness rather than a well-balanced mix. Still, an easy-to-drink beer, and certainly steps above mainstream American lagers. • December 2010

REVIEW [ Wine]


Get these

spirits at The tables across our land The Winetree! overflow with treats and 1951 Washington Ave. desserts of all descriptions (812) 476-8141 during the holidays, and it can be hard to pair wine well with 4201 First Ave. RON all those delectable goodies. HULL (812) 425-2010 Winetree East How does one figure out what 13301 Darmstadt sort of wine will work? (812) 867-2403 Finding harmonious complements – opposite flavors that make one another taste better – is one way to decide. When it works, your taste buds are bounced back and forth like a happy ping-pong ball in a perfect volley. However, finding a perfect complement can be a bit tricky. It’s easier to match the wine by matching taste characteristics that also exist in the food. Focusing in on primary flavors can simplify the process of the pairing. Since the unifying flavor of desserts is sweetness, let’s take a look at Ports, delicious wines that mimic a desserts’ sweetness. Port, or Porto, is a fortified wine that can go with a wide variety of desserts and other sweet foods and are most often red or tawny. The red ports include ruby port, character or shipper’s port, vintage port and late-bottled vintage or LBV port. These ports retain a vibrant red color and ripe fruit flavors. Ruby port is the least expensive red port. It is blended from multiple vintages and exhibits youth, fruitiness and a brighter red color. Vintage port comes entirely from a single year’s harvest. It is produced only from the best vintages, vat aged less than two years and offers the most distinction in flavor and style. Aging in- bottle for at least fifteen years is required to develop its full character and complexity. Even newly released vintage port is rather pricy; expect to pay a premium for an older bottle that has been aged for you. Between these two are character port and LBV port. Both are an ideal compromise between price and quality. Character port is made from the highest quality ruby and is a mix of different vintages, blended to achieve consistency and the shipper’s chosen “character.” It is aged longer than ruby. Look for producers of repute such as Fonseca, Sandeman, Warre’s or Graham’s. LBV port also comes from a single vintage. Unlike vintage port, LBV is aged four to six years in wood and is ready to drink or age further. The price range for LBV and character port is about the same. Tawny port is different, both in flavor and color, due to longer aging in narrow oak casks called pipes. More surface contact with the breathing oak increases oxidation, evaporation and the settling-out of solids. The red color changes to more of an orange-brown or light golden brown (tawny) color. The taste also changes during aging, becoming less fruity and more complex, like caramel. The evaporation concentrates flavors and sugars, making the wine even richer. Younger tawnys are usually aged 3 to 5 years with ten, twenty and even forty-year wines readily available. Because their predominant flavors are different, red and tawny ports pair up differently. Blue cheese, chocolate and fruit or chocolate flavored desserts usually pair best with red ports. Tawny port is the preferred choice with cheesecake, nuts or that after dinner cigar. Try both types and find out which you prefer. You could invite friends and make a party out of it; everyone’s taste is different, and comparing tasting notes is extremely interesting. Here’s wishing you a wonderful holiday season filled with love, laughter and of course, great food and wine. December 2010 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

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[ CD Reviews ] Ghost Town Blues Band - Dust the Dust (Inside Sounds) 3.5 I think I owe the Ghost Town Blues Band an apology. I initially imported this album into my system for show music, gave it a listen, and filed it for potential review. I tussled with myself about reviewing the disc, before “Johnny ultimately deciding against it. I Full-Time” just didn’t have anything to say. John Then I listened to the album again, luttrell Contributor last week, and it finally hit me. “This is really good and different.” With that said, it’s time I ate a little crow and told you exactly what I think about the band’s Dust the Dust; an album that, based on my research (which may or may not be reliable) is their only release to date. The trio of Dusty Sikes on bass, Preston McEwen on drums, and Matt Isbell on everything else, has only been together since 2009. Isbell, who’s been playing since the age of 12, (and co-produced Daddy Mack Blues Band’s latest effort, Bluesfinger) also wrote half of the songs on the album. He handles

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lead vocals for the band, plays guitar, harmonica, organ, and the clavichord in various spots on the CD. “One More Whiskey” starts off the set of 11 songs, with Isbell singing the first verse, then welcoming Davis Coen and Daddy Mack Orr to each sing one, as well. The song is a Chicago-style number, filled with great amplified harp playing from Isbell and some clever songwriting. It’s a fun tune that doesn’t make you think, but certainly isn’t elementary, either. It’s interesting to note the addition of Coen, here, too. He’s got one of the hotter albums at Blues radio, right now, as his record, Jukebox Classic, enjoys top 10 rotation, according to Roots Music Report.

The band lets their Rock influence shine through on a take of The Beatles classic “Come Together.” I will be the first to admit that I hate covers of this song. Abbey Road is probably my alltime favorite record, and I genuinely feel like they made the definitive version of this song when they recorded it all those years ago. That being said, the way GTBB arranged the song as a kind of dirty, north Mississippi, slide heavy rocker sounds great. The song whips by at a breakneck pace, and you are left feeling rather impressed with the job they did. I did not hate this cover. The band does a great job putting their own stamp on the covers throughout Dust the Dust, which also includes a rather bouncy version of “C.C. Rider,” featuring some great work on the kit by McEwen, and a wonderful swell of organs from guest Chris Stephenson, who also features on the organ on an additional four tracks, all originals. Other cover tunes include Rocking versions of Screamin’ Jay Hawkins’ “I Put A Spell On You,” Don Nix’s “Goin’ Down,” and Big Joe Williams’ “Baby Please Don’t Go” that reminds me a little of the version that Aerosmith did for their Honkin’ On Bobo disc. I dig the covers, but I really get into the original material provided by GTBB on Dust the Dust. The two halves each bring something to the table, • December 2010

with the arrangements on the cover tunes being the standout for them, and the songwriting being the best part of the original material. That’s not to say the musicianship of the originals suffers, however. The title cut, written by friend Kenny Hays, is a crunchy Blues-Rocker that fits the framework of the band well. Stephenson guests on organ here, but Isbell’s guitar is front and center, from an instrumental standpoint. “Suga’ Mama” is the second of Matt Isbell’s songwriting credits on Dust the Dust, and one of my favorites from the album. The song, a slow Blues, really excels in every department. The songwriting is very well done, with the common theme of a sinfully sweet lady. Isbell growls the lyrics and plays his guitar with beautiful tone at times, turning on the wah for the solo. “Comfortable Way” is another cool original, with some fantastic organ work by Stephenson. Again, I can’t help but mention the songwriting here, as Isbell does a wonderful job describing his love of a T-shirt and jeans kind of gal. “Give Me a Minute” is the next original composition. At this point, you start to catch on to the fact that the arrangements for the band’s own material doesn’t stray too awful far from one another. This song is a lot like “Comfortable Way,” and equally as entertaining. I will add that “Give Me a Minute” features, in my opinion, some of Matt Isbell’s best vocal work. “Move On” is the final original song on Dust the Dust. It’s a story song in the vein of “Take the Money and Run.” Sikes and McEwen really lock in behind Isbell, and do a great job keeping this one on the rails in a fun and entertaining way. Some standout work by the rhythm section, here. -- John “Johnny Full-Time” luttrell

u.s. christmas – Run Thick In the Night (Neurot recordings) 5 What this Appalachian (Carolina/ Tennessee) psychedelic/metal act does so well, can’t be easily pinpointed. They write strong, epic, bewildering rock songs with a bluesy side, but their massive, dense sound aligns them closer to TODD post-rock psychedelia. They are ZACHRITZ as comfortable writing acoustic Contributor mountain folk as they are performing deep, crunchy space-out jams. And that is damned cool. The 13-minute “In the Night” opens with an impressive Hawkwind-meets-SWANS astral dirge. It’s a powerful introduction, and a perfect harbinger of what is to come on this 76-minute album that dares to send plumes of smoky drones and lysergic effects into the stratosphere. “Wolf on Anareta” is a feral, tranced-out beast, whereas “Ephraim in the Stars” is a memorable and melodic piece with strings. “The Leonids” is a haunting strings and guitar interlude, and the band amp it up for “Deep Green,” which swarms with their powerful noise/drone psychedelia that’s both imposing and alluring. “Devil’s Flower in Mother Winter” is a woozy

folk number with Megham Mulhearn’s prominent violin. I could go on an on regarding this album, but suffice to say it’s one of my favorites of this year. -- Todd Zachritz

delerium – Epiphany (mvD visual) 4

The first DVD from this longtime ethereal-exoticaelectropop act is a well-done multi-cam live recording from the group’s 2008 North American tour. Helmed by Front Line Assembly mainman Bill Leeb (who recedes to the background here, performing synths), this incarnation of Delerium was fronted by both the alluring Kristy Thirsk, and former Sixpence None the Richer frontwoman Leigh Nash. The group faithfully recreates the group’s rich and seductive moods with primarily live instrumentation, and minimal electronics. It’s a charming and worldly set that includes hits like “Afterall,” “Flowers Become Screens,” and of course “Silence,” (originally sung by Sarah McLachlan) which the girls handle quite well, thank you very much. Complete with textural and abstracted backing films and with plenty of post-production video effects, Epiphany becomes a pleasantly psychedelic viewing experience. My only complaint would be the exclusion of Delerium’s promotional videos, but that’s splitting hairs. This is a superb experience and proves that this studio project is a more-than-viable live entity. Kudos to Bill, Kristy, Leigh, and the boys (and producer NastyByte)... this is a winner. -- Todd Zachritz

December 2010 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

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David Helpling & Jon Jenkins – The Crossing (Spotted Peccary) 4

With mountainous landscapes featured prominently on the cover, and a title like The Crossing, one would expect to find either a dramatic film score, or a gentle and lulling ambient “new age” recording. Or, in the case of this third collaboration between ambient film music composer Helpling and prog-rock-inspired electronic artist Jenkins, a little bit of both. As is apparent from the initial track, this won’t simply be another album of pleasant soundscapes or sleepytime background music. With plenty of dynamic percussive thunder and deep tapestries of synths and melodic guitars, Helpling and Jenkins craft upbeat and inspiring instrumental soundtracks that convey crisp and cinematic visions. It’s a moody music, with moments of introspection that build into expressive landscapes of wonder, mystery, and bliss. The Crossing isn’t spacious in the cosmic sense, rather it’s an organic, earthly journey. I can envision watching vast herds of wildlife from a mountaintop, with brisk winds blowing over the plains. A lovely album of meditational soundtracks with a rock power and ambient disposition. -- Todd Zachritz

Righteous Fool – Forever Flames/Edict of Worms” 7” (Southern Lord) 3.5 From a couple of COC members (Mike and Reed joined by Jason Browning of Bad Brains’ HR band) comes this heavy doom-stoner-sludgeriff extravaganza. With molasses-thick Sabbathstyle guitars, “Forever Flames” tears through a speedy (and weedy) 4 minutes of smoky heaviness (and solid songwriting). The B-side, “Edict of Worms” is an even more monolithic • 74 •

mid-tempo rocker with a bluesy vibe. Another strong new project from the COC boys, whose COC3 reformation already nets them a renewed interest from old skate punks and metalheads alike. -- Todd Zachritz

The Secret – Solve et Coagula (Southern Lord) 5

This band blew me away instantly with an absolutely punishing sonic maelstrom. Hailing from Italy, The Secret’s devastatingly powerful grindcore/black/doom/noise metal muscles its way through 12 tracks in under 35 uncompromising minutes. With a surplus of big, seething, and dynamic riffs, tectonic drumming, and throat-scarring, lung-searing vocals, The Secret all but annihilate on this, their third LP (and first for new label Southern Lord). The aggressive nihilism never relents, from the initial “Cross Builder” all the way through to the final track, “1968.” It’s a nonstop ride of blistering torment, wicked grind/metal noise, and feral abandon. Production by Kurt Ballou (Converge) is clear and up-front, pushing the group’s intense sound even further into the red. In fact, I’d say his production is a key ingredient here. I’ve heard few bands this year who are this intense. Wow. This one’s all killer, and no filler, indeed. --Todd Zachritz • December 2010


[Stories Within the Story]

you Can’t Stop The Signal: A Discussion of Joss Whedon’s Serenity In 2002, veteran television producer Joss Whedon (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel) created a television phenomenon which would rise above its low ratings and premature cancellation and become one of the most original and thrilling science fiction experiences ever to premiere on network TV: Firefly. Despite only lasting a mere fourteen episodes (three of which never premiered on the Fox network) the show has attracted legions of loyal fans, lovingly known as “Browncoats,” who clamored for more of the epic Matt Hotz space western centering around Captain Malcolm Reynolds (Nathan Fillion, Slither) and his loyal crew of mercenaries who spend their time pulling Contributor heists and ducking the Galactic Alliance on their rickety, but reliable spaceship: Serenity. Soon, the prayers of the fans were finally answered, three years after the show ended so suddenly, in the form of a big screen movie adaptation called Serenity. The film picks up almost directly after the events which occurred on the final episode as Mal and his crew are pursued by their most dangerous foe yet, a ruthless operative of the Alliance who will stop at nothing to bring the crew of the Serenity to swift justice. For any fans of Joss Whedon’s spectacular work, there was no doubt that this movie would be anything less than a work of genius. However, this movie was not just made with fans of the series in mind, because the story unfolds in such a way that even if you are unfamiliar with Firefly, you would never know it is a continuation of the show. Serenity is the kind of movie going experience that leaves you breathless and begging for more. Whedon is a unique filmmaker in that he is one of few writers and directors who is able to effectively handle an ensemble cast while balancing the humor, action, dialogue, emotions and lastly the strong interpersonal bonds that unite the characters and define their actions. What makes Serenity such an interesting piece of science fiction is that it truly defies all categorization because there is so much going on between the comedy, drama, romance, and action that it creates an atmosphere unlike anything else in the world of science fiction. What Serenity accomplishes as a film is that it creates a totally engrossing and plausible future for humanity, which is something sorely lacking in less effective films in the genre. 500 years into the future, when mankind has pushed the Earth beyond its limitations as a planet (which we seem to be on the fast track to do right now) with overuse of resources, overpopulation and pollution, the remnants of humanity abandon the Earth and terraform other moons and planets for habitation. The central planets form the Core and the heart of the Alliance. These planets, equipped with the finest technology and medicine are the shining examples of mankind’s accomplishments in a post-Earth universe. However, on the fringes of the galaxy where the Alliance has less control, the planets are less fortunate. Disease is common, technology and living December 2010 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

conditions are substandard and crime is an everyday occurrence for many people. The Alliance has little concern for the problems that plague their colonies and do not take the time to address the issues and so the outer rim is a harsh place to try and make a living. This is the world in which Malcolm Reynolds and his crew live and work every day, just trying to get by from one day to the next. In science fiction, we as viewers, are often presented with the good versus evil struggle and heroes are always trying to restore peace, justice and order to a situation (Flash Gordon, Star Wars, Krull, and the list goes on) based on an established, moral code which every member of society should follow in order to be considered a “good” person. But let’s be honest here, nobody likes a goody-twoshoes. We identify with plucky heroes because society has conditioned us to do so. But deep down, every person relishes a really good villain. This may be why Firefly and Serenity have become such a hit on DVD, because Malcolm Reynolds and his crew of misfits are not heroes, but they are not exactly villains either. They are simple people wanting to live simply and free from the constraints of government, and if they must commit crimes to do so, then so be it. We as viewers, whether science fiction fans or not, can easily identify with the struggle of trying to do a job and get paid and survive from one day to the next. Serenity’s message is simple: People want to be free to live their own lives and that sometimes, just getting by in this world is enough when you have a home filled with people you trust and love. That is the message that the Alliance wants to stop in the Whedon-verse, but you can’t stop the signal. • 75 •


[ In Theaters Now ]

Coming To Theaters This December! ‘Tis the season for good movies coming at you this month and even though winter is generally a slower season at the theater, it doesn’t seem to be stopping the amount of really good looking movies coming to our local theaters. So even though Jack Frost may be nipping at your nose, don’t let him keep you from checking out these new releases coming in December!

Matt Hotz

December 3rd

Black Swan – Fox Searchlight Pictures

December 17th

Tron: Legacy – Walt Disney Pictures


Darren Aronofsky (The Wrestler, The Fountain) is bringing one of the most anticipated films of the season to us this December with his newest thriller Black Swan. Once again, Aronofsky delves deeply into the human psyche as he pits two rival dancers, Nina (Natalie Portman, V for Vendetta) and Lilly, (Mila Kunis, Max Payne) who are competing for the role of the lead dancer in Tchaikovsky’s ballet Swan Lake. For the role, the lead dancer must be able to portray both the innocence and gracefulness of the White Swan as well as the Black Swan, the embodiment of sensuality and cleverness. Nina, who is able to play the role of the White Swan perfectly, watches as Lilly brings the Black Swan to life and draws the director’s attention. As the competing dancers form a dark and twisted friendship, Nina realizes that the only way to win the part from Lilly is to embrace the dark nature of the Black Swan. Her reckless descent into darkness is a journey she may never return from and as it consumes her, it threatens to destroy her.

December 10th

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader – 20th Century Fox

28 years ago, Walt Disney Pictures released one of the most cutting edge pictures of its time: Tron. Boasting state of the art computer graphics and an interesting storyline, Tron quickly became one of the defining films of the 1980’s. Looking at the original film almost three decades later, the graphics seem primitive and campy but that has not stopped Disney from producing one of the most impressive looking sequel films of the year. Tron: Legacy takes place, twenty years after computer hacker Kevin Flynn (Jeff Bridges, The Big Lebowski) was sucked into the video game world of his own creation, his adult son Sam Flynn (Garrett Hedlund, Troy) enters the cyberworld in an attempt to find his father who has been trapped inside. Disney has spared no expense in hyping this movie up to epic proportions ever since the first teaser trailer premiered at the 2008 Comic-Con. Ever since then, Disney has been churning out trailers, posters, cast and crew interviews and promotional materials in anticipation of what is sure to be one of the biggest special effects extravaganzas of the whole year. For geek and non-geek alike, this will certainly be one hell of a light cycle ride.

After the executives at Walt Disney Studios decided not to renew their commitment to the C.S. Lewis fantasy series of novels which focus on four young British siblings, the Pevensies, who discover a fantastical realm called Narnia, Fox picked up where Disney left off. This time, rather than a wardrobe or subway station, the Pevensie children enter Narnia through a painting on the wall of a ship sailing on the ocean. The children rejoin with King Caspian as he is searching the world for the seven lost lords of Narnia on his royal ship, the Dawn Treader. Their journey will take them to the very edges of the world and back. This is the first film in the Narnia series that has not been directed by Andrew Adamson (Shrek, Shrek 2), and rather by Michael Apted (The World Is Not Enough, Coal Miner’s Daughter). Will Narnia’s magic flourish at Fox, more than it did at Disney? If the marketing campaign is any indication, it certainly seems that Fox has faith in their cast and the new director.

Yogi Bear – Warner Brothers Pictures

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December 17th

For every really good looking movie that comes out, it seems that it necessitates a very bad movie to come out at the same time. So while Tron: Legacy will be blowing audiences out of the back of the theater, Yogi Bear will most likely be sinking faster than a pic-a-nic basket full of very heavy rocks thrown into a very deep lake. There is no denying that Yogi and Boo Boo are some of the most beloved characters in cartoon history, but this just seems like an endless stream of bad music, uninteresting dialogue and a complete lack of a coherent plot. Yogi may have been smarter than the average bear, but this movie looks dumber than your average CGI laden, talking animal flick. • December 2010


Little Fockers – universal pictures Meet the Parents was hilarious. Meet the Fockers was slightly less funny, but was still okay. By now, I think Stiller’s material is getting a little stale and forced. It has been a ten year battle of wills and wits between Gaylord “Greg” Focker (Ben Stiller, The Royal Tennenbaums) and his overbearing father-in-law, Jack Byrnes (Robert De Niro, Taxi Driver). But now Focker and Byrnes are at a crossroads which will determine whether or not Greg will finally be recognized as a member of the Byrnes family and as a capable patriarch of his own family or will break the circle of trust forever. Meet the Parents was a great comedy and something every person who has ever been in a serious relationship can relate to. Who is not a nervous wreck when it is time to meet your significant other’s family for the first time? We are afraid of being judged unworthy of the person we love, and so the Stiller/DeNiro face-off was a treat for most moviegoers. But the latest trailers for this newest film in the franchise just seem to be shoving the same old, unfunny jokes down your throat. There is even a “Godfocker” joke jammed in there. Really?


True Grit – paramount pictures

Portis novel and that the finished product will be very different from the original film which deviated from the source material in many ways. If the trailers are any indication, this reimagining of the classic western will definitely be showing up in the nominees for several Oscars.


Gulliver’s Travels – 20 th century fox Jonathan Swift is probably rolling over in his grave right now in anticipation of this latest adaptation of his seminal work about a traveler who is stranded on the remote island of Liliput which is inhabited by people who stand at only one twelfth of his size. Jack Black (Orange County, King Kong) stars as Lemuel Gulliver, a free spirited, aspiring travel guide writer who is sent on an assignment to the Bermuda Triangle. As soon as he embarks, his ship capsizes and maroons him on the island of Liliput, where he is crowned king by the tiny inhabitants. This film, originally slated for a June release, was delayed until now in order to convert it over to 3D (as per the trend in theaters). Even though Jack Black has had some solid comedy hits in the past, the trailer for Gulliver’s Travels fails to elicit too many laughs. The special effects of the Liliputian citizens seem too corny to be believable and those will only appear worse with the 3D postconversion. This may end up being Jack Black’s Land of the Lost, just not very funny.


Blue Valentine – silverwood films

Here we have the very definition of pure movie going pleasure. When you combine the writing/ directing duo, the Coen Brothers (Blood Simple, Miller’s Crossing) with a cast as solid as this one: Matt Damon (Hereafter), Jeff Bridges (Arlington Road) and Josh Brolin (The Goonies) could this film be anything less than a sure thing? True Grit is a remake of the 1969 film by the same name which starred John “The Duke” Wayne and earned him an Oscar for Best Actor. The film centers around a 14-year-old girl who hires an alcoholic marshal (Bridges) named Rooster Cogburn to help her avenge her father’s death at the hands of an outlaw named Tom Chaney (Brolin). The Coen Brothers have promised that this remake will be more faithful to the Charles

Blue Valentine is yet another strong contender in the upcoming Oscar race. The film, which took Sundance Film Festival by storm, stars Ryan Gosling (The Believer, Fracture) and Michelle Williams (Shutter Island, Dick) as a young couple. The film focuses on the two halves of a relationship. The first part being the stage in which you are totally in love with a person and the second stage is the irreparable breakup. Gosling is no stranger to this type of film as one of his most famous performances was in a similarly based film: The Notebook. Unlike The Notebook, which is a standard boy falls in love with girl, boy loses girl type of flick, Blue Valentine is more focused on the interim between the two halves. The film is painfully realistic in its portrayal of how quickly relationships can form and how long it takes for them to truly end on an emotional level. Gosling and Williams make the perfect onscreen couple and the poignant ending of the film, has been quite a tear jerker in every cinema in which it has premiered.

December 2010 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

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[ New Releases ]

Upcoming DVD and Blu-Ray Releases for December! Not in the mood to brave the winter cold to hit up the local theater to see the latest hits on the silver screen? Well luckily for you, there are lots of movies coming to DVD and Blu-Ray that will be hitting the shelves in December just in time treat yourself or someone else to a movie night at home. Whether you are looking for that perfect last minute stocking stuffer or just feel that you deserve an extra gift for yourself, don’t miss a single one of these hot new releases this month.

Matt Hotz


December 1st

Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga’Hoole – Warner Brothers Pictures

This family fantasy adventure is based on the first three books in Kathryn Lasky’s bestselling novel series: The Guardians of Ga’Hoole. Director Zack Snyder’s (Dawn of the Dead, Watchmen) latest film just goes to show viewers that there is more to animated films than the average fare from Disney or Pixar. The film which centers on a group of kidnapped young owls that must fight to defend their home against the evil “Pure Ones,” a powerful warrior clan of owls. Legend of the Guardians brings an epic feeling not found in many animated films and with its stunning visuals and intense owl on owl battle scenes, it is hard not to get swept away by this tale of adventure and intrigue. The movie has a much more serious tone than most of the other animated films we have been subjected to this year, such as Alpha and Omega (which I do not think a single person in America bothered to see) and instead takes the high road and weaves a beautiful story which the whole family can enjoy.

December 4th

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse – Summit Entertainment

invasion of your dreams. The film’s intricate plotlines, special effects, engrossing storyline and very ambiguous ending (to the untrained eye) which confounded many viewers, skyrocketed Inception to the top of every critic’s “must see list.” Now, you can finally bring this crafty, new age heist film home to watch over and over again. Inception’s many layers make it a film that requires multiple viewings to truly understand all of its clever nuances. This movie will inspire many conversations and debates for many Christmases to come.

December 14th

The Other Guys – Columbia Pictures

By the time this issue hits the shelves, the lines to get the latest installment in the vampire/werewolf/human love triangle film series Twilight will be wrapping around storefronts as people gather to pick up this DVD at midnight sales around the country. What can be said about this movie other than that no matter if you love the films with a passion that borders on a religious experience or hate the films with a fire in your heart that burns hotter than 1,000 suns, there is no denying that the series has become a pop culture phenomenon that has taken the world by force? Well whether or not you are Team Edward or Team Jacob, be sure to pick up the most action packed film in the series to date this December.

December 7th

Inception – Warner Brothers Pictures Inception, the newest film by British director Christopher Nolan (Memento, Batman Begins) was one of the most widely discussed films of the summer. In the near future, crime has taken on a new form, the theft of information through an • 78 •

The Other Guys reteams Hollywood funny man, Will Ferrell (Elf, Stranger than Fiction) with director Adam McKay (Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy, Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby). This time the comedy duo tackles the well known buddy cop genre. Will Ferrell and his new partner played by Mark Wahlberg (Date Night, Planet of the Apes) are not exactly “top cops” and they are the laughing stock of the force. So they decide they are going to prove themselves to the rest of the force, but things go awry and hilarity ensues. Following a string of underwhelming comedies (Blades of Glory, Semi-Pro, and Land of the Lost) some people began to feel that Will Ferrell had finally peaked and was just no longer funny. The Other Guys proves that Ferrell still has what it takes to make people laugh, especially when he is teamed up with former Saturday Night Live writer, Adam McKay. The Other Guys maintains that balance between action scenes and humorous interludes and the effect is quite good. This is the perfect holiday gift for that person who loves to laugh.

December 14th

Despicable Me – Universal Pictures Despicable Me was one of the most surprising summer hits when it denied the odds and performed very well against other summer animated blockbusters such as Toy Story 3 and How to Train Your Dragon. It is a battle of the super villains in this family friendly movie. Gru (Steve Carell, Get Smart) is one of the world’s most well known villains and he is constantly trying to outwit his nemesis Dr. Nefario (Russell Brand, Get Him to the Greek). Gru’s latest scheme involves using three orphan girls as pawns, but he could not anticipate the fact that he begins • December 2010

to love them as a father and must decide which is more important: Fatherly obligations or defeating Dr. Nefario once and for all. Despicable Me is a great family film which mixes humor and heart but doesn’t need to use pop culture references or bathroom humor to elicit the laughs that it so richly deserves. This is one the whole family can enjoy, so don’t miss out.

December 21st Salt – Sony Pictures

Who is Salt? Well, if you missed this one in the theaters, you can finally find out in the newest Phillip Noyce (The Bone Collector, Clear and Present Danger) thriller starring the hottest female action star in Hollywood: Angelina Jolie (Alexander, Lara Croft: Tomb Raider). Jolie is Evelyn Salt, a highly skilled CIA operative who is forced to go on the run after she is accused of being a Russian spy. Was this movie realistic? Not in the least. Was it an entertaining summer popcorn flick? Sure. It was definitely over the top and gives a very stereotypical view of the Russian people, and it was an obvious rip-off of the very popular Jason Bourne series, starring Matt Damon (Good Will Hunting, The Green Zone) but that’s just what you have to expect from Hollywood sometimes. If you liked action/espionage thrillers, then Salt is just what you’ve been looking for. Otherwise, there’s not anything new to see here. It’s not that Salt is bad, it’s just not very good.

The “B” Reel A Column for the Forgotten Movies That You Should Be Watching For the past several months, the films described in this column have been those hidden gems of cinema that just slipped between the cracks in the midst of big blockbuster seasons. However, sometimes those forgotten movies should just stay forgotten because sometimes a movie is just plain awful and there is nothing that can be done to salvage it. That being said, in anticipation of the Christmas season I present to you for your consideration:

December 2010 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

Santa Claus Conquers the Martians. For those of you who haven’t seen or heard of this particular film, don’t feel bad. It was buried and was mercifully forgotten by the masses upon its premiere in 1964. Director Nicholas Webster (Gone Are the Days, Mission Mars) presents the viewer with an interesting premise: Santa Claus is kidnapped by Martians who fear for their Martian children because they have become depressed and anti-social. So, like any good parent would, the Martians steal Santa from the North Pole and take him to Mars so that he can make and deliver toys to their children and raise their spirits, thus rescuing their society from an eventual downfall. Sounds believable, right? This spectacularly horrendous bit of 1960s cinema is something that has to be seen to be believed. Every actor on the set is visibly stoned out of their skulls and that only makes the film even more hilarious to watch. This film’s budget could not have exceeded $50 (including money for when the actors got the munchies) and it shows in the costumes and props, all of which look like they were cobbled together in under a minute with whatever was lying around the soundstage. The Martians are overweight, middleaged men dressed in green tights and are given helmets with what looks like spare dishwasher parts super glued to the top. And when the little green men kidnap the bored and confused looking Santa from his Arctic abode, the Martians immobilize the frantic Mrs. Claus and the elves with cheap looking ray guns that “freeze” them (but the actors are so high, they can’t stand still very well). However, the best costumes come in the form of a giant robot and the worst looking polar bear of all time. Do you have some in-laws you hate or feel that you need to punish your children for an evening? Well, if you can spare a dollar (because if you find a copy that costs more than that, you are getting fleeced) then this film is the perfect way to ensure that you can share some real Christmas cheer with the people around you. Then after the film ends, be sure to engage them in a sing-a-long of the most idiotic theme song ever written: “You Spell It S-A-N-T-A-C-L-A-U-S, Hooray for Santy Claus!”

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You can easily access the complete News 4U Arts & Etc. Guide on your smart phone! Download the mobile app at and then scan this icon:

numbers including ‘Be Our Guest’ and the beloved title song. Experience the romance and enchantment of this beloved story. Performance begins at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are available through Ticketmaster and at The Centre’s box office.

Evansville African American Museum 812-423-5188 Dec 26: Kwanzaa Celebration – This seven-

It’s that easy! Ader Auditorium, Vincennes 812-882-8480 Dec 4: Children’s Center for Dance Education presents The Children’s Nutcracker - This abbreviated version of the classic ballet and story is perfect for children and adults alike. Begins at 2 p.m. Central Time. Other CCDE performances of The Children’s Nutcracker include December 5 at Murphy Auditorium in New Harmony at 2 p.m., December 8 at Newburgh Central Library, December 10 at Evansville North High School at 9 a.m., 11:30 a.m. and the 11th at 2 p.m., and December 12 at the Henderson Fine Arts Center at 3 p.m. Go to for additional details about these events and to learn more about the Children’s Center for Dance Education.

Angel Mounds State Historic Site 812-853-3956 Dec 1:Cherished Possessions: The Mann Hopewell Legacy of Indiana - Continuing through January 14, 2011 - The Indiana State Museum and Historic Sites and the Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archeology unveil never-before-seen artifacts from a large and important area in Posey County, the Mann Site.

Centre, The 812-435-5550 Dec 8: Barney’s Birthday Bash - You’ll be singing and dancing in the aisles with your favorite purple dinosaur and his friends Baby Bop, BJ and Riff. It’s a fun-filled show all about sharing, caring and friendship -- brought to you by the power of your imagination. Two shows are scheduled: 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Seats are $52 for “VIP” Dino seating, $27, $22 and $17 and are available at the Roberts Stadium and Centre box offices, online at, all Ticketmaster outlets, and by phone by calling 800-745-3000. Dec 16: Broadway Series: Disney’s Beauty & the Beast - This classic musical love story is filled with unforgettable characters, lavish sets and costumes, and dazzling production • 80 •

day, modern African-American holiday with roots in ancient African culture is celebrated at the Evansville African American Museum. Call or visit the Museum’s website at for more information.

Evansville Civic Theatre 812-425-2800 Dec 3-4, 10-12, 17-19: Jean Shepherd’s A Christmas Story - “You’ll shoot your eye out!” All of your favorite memories from the beloved motion picture are here - the family’s temperamental exploding furnace, Scut Farkas the school bully, the search for the perfect Christmas tree, the wet tongue cold lamppost experiment, the Little Orphan Annie decoder pin, Ralphie’s father winning the glorious fish-net stocking leg lamp, and all of Ralphie’s fantasy scenarios! Showtimes are at 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays, 2 p.m. Sundays.

Evansville Museum of Arts, History & Science 812-425-2406 Dec 5: Tom Lonnberg-”History of Early Hospitals in Evansville” Talk - The Museum’s Curator of History Thomas Lonnberg will present a program about early hospitals in Evansville. Lonnberg will recall institutions that served the Evansville community during the mid-19th through the mid-20th centuries. Begins at 2 p.m. Continuing through March 6, 2011: The 55th MidStates Art Exhibition. This competition features artists from a six state region, including Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee and Missouri. An awards reception will be held in conjunction with the exhibition December 11.

Evansville Public Library - Central 812-428-8200 Continuing through Jan. 2, 2011: Bristlecone Studio by Dan & Julia Alldredge. The artistic duo has been married for nearly 20 years, and between them they share a love of working with many different media, much of which will be on display at Central Library. Dec 12: Christmas Choral Concert The First Presbyterian Church’s Choir will

present a concert at the Library, beginning at 2:30 p.m. Open to the public.

Evansville Public Library - North Park 812-428-8237 Continuing through January 31, 2011: Antiquity Design by T.J. Byrd. Digital work inspired by music, nature, antiques and history is often represented with multiple images interwoven to tell a story.

Evansville Public Library - Oaklyn 812-428-8234 Continuing through Jan. 31, 2011: Ceramics by Julie Byczynski. Ms. Byczynski’s award-winning work includes pottery, ceramic sculptures and more. She has been involved in over 30 exhibitions as either a soloist, part of a duo or a collaboration since 2006.

Garvin Park 812-435-6141 Dec 1-31: 17th Annual Ritzy’s Fantasy of Lights - The 17th annual Ritzy’s Fantasy of Lights will be open November 25, 2010-January 2, 2011. Hours for the drive-through winter light show are Sunday through Thursday 5 to 9 p.m. and Friday and Saturday 5 to 10 p.m. All net proceeds go to help the Easter Seals Rehabilitation Center. Horse-drawn carriage rides are availableweather permitting. Cost per vehicle is $7 for up to six people, $10 for vehicles with 7 to 14 people, and $25 for 15 people or more.

Germania Mannerchor 812-422-1915 Dec 3-4: Carols By Candlelight - From a traditional German meal prepared by Germania’s chefs and performances by the men’s and ladies’ choirs, this evening serves as a reminder and celebration of the city’s rich history. Begins at 7 p.m.

Historic New Harmony 812-682-4488 Dec 4-5: Christmas in New Harmony - A true family event with activities ranging from Breakfast with Santa to an Ornament Make & Take to seasonal music. Also enjoy a performance of the “Nutcracker,” carriage rides, shopping for unique artisan items at the Granary and as well as shopping at the Ribeyre Gym.And sure not to miss the Christmas Parade. Enjoy the Christmas season while visiting local shops, restaurants, and historic sites. Visit for additional information about this event. • December 2010

Jim Buchanan: Land Artist Installation & Exhibition will be at the New Harmony Gallery of Art - continuing through December 24th. New Harmony Gallery of Contemporary Art 812-682-3156 Continuing through Dec. 24: “Labyrinths”-Sandyhills, Dumfriesshire, Scotland is among the works from land artist Jim Buchanan at the Gallery in historic New Harmony, Indiana. Call 812-682-3156 or visit for more information.

Roberts Stadium 812-476-1383 Dec 10: Chris Tomlin’s Glory in the Highest Christmas Tour - Chris Tomlin is bringing his Glory In The Highest Christmas Tour with Louie Giglio; seats are $32 and $22 and are available at the box offices at Roberts Stadium and The Centre, all Ticketmaster outlets, online at and by phone at 800-745-3000. Begins at 7:30 p.m.

Trinity United Methodist Church 812-423-4495 Dec 11: Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra presents Handel’s Messiah - Enjoy Handel’s “Messiah” performed in an intimate candlelit setting, much like the setting in which it was originally performed in Dublin in 1742. Includes the famous “Hallelujah Chorus.” Begins at 7:30 p.m. General admission is $17.

USI Carter Hall 812-461-5237 Dec 2-5: 41st Annual Madrigal Feaste - You can kick off the Holiday season with the University of Southern Indiana’s oldest tradition with this enduring musical tradition for the holiday season. For this re-enactment of a 15th century European Christmas, the USI Chamber Choir dons period costumes to entertain with selections of old English and Irish madrigals, folk songs, and holiday choral selections. You may purchase tickets online at or by calling 461-5237. Times are 7:30 p.m. December 2 through 4, 1 p.m. on Sunday, December 5.

Victory Theatre 812-435-5550 Dec 4: Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra’s Peppermint Pops - The Tri-State’s most popular holiday event for the whole family! Enjoy holiday favorites performed by your Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra featuring America’s Tenor, Steve Amerson (The Santa Clause, Matrix films, Beauty & the Beast) and Broadway star Laurie Gayle Stephenson (The Secret Garden, Phantom of the Opera). Concerts also feature the Evansville Philharmonic Chorus. Performances are at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, 2 p.m. Sunday. Dec 18: Evansville Dance Theatre Presents The Nutcracker – The Evansville Dance Theatre will be joined by the Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra for a glorious night of dance, music, color, choreography and story in this familyfriendly Holiday tradition. Begins at 7:30 p.m.

December 2010 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

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[ Local Review ] Evansville

[ local libraries ] readers




Garret Mathews’ columns after the Evansville Courier lured him away from the east coast to work as the metro columnist for the local paper in 1987. All-in-all, Mathews estimates he wrote over 6400 columns before the demands of the newspaper industry pulled him back to doing feature articles and working in the metro department. Typically, Mathews’ columns don’t deal with big-time names routinely Contributor splashed across the front page of newspapers. Somehow Mathews manages to ferret out the stories of the little guy. The small-town hero or eclectic personality. Folks who don’t brag about their amazing talents to their neighbors. Ordinary folks who manage to get by against formidable odds. Mathews brings his readers stories that are the history and heritage of towns throughout our region. He puts stories onto the printed page that might otherwise be lost in the sands of time. Like the guy who can spell – yes, spell – the preamble to the Constitution in less than a minute. Why did Mill Shoals name their gym after the custodian? Mathews found the tale of a man whose schooling stopped at eighth grade was worth writing about. Mathews writes about local folks who participated in sit-ins, protesting the segregation of the ‘50s and ‘60s that seems surreal to people growing up today. He documents the funeral of a man where he was the only witness, and a reunion of telephone operators. And the epitaph he wrote for a local Santa included a side of the man’s life that did not appear in the obits. He tells on himself in some of his stories, such as when he relates how he struggled to get to the roof of the gym during P.E. class. Or he might write about a day in the lives of children living in grinding poverty. Or a man hitching a ride home to go visit his mom in the hospital. If you get to the end of Favorites, you’ll read about the guy from Portersville, Indiana who had been paralyzed 50 years earlier, and still maintains that “God’s been good.” One small word of warning about Mathews’ subject matter. Unless your co-workers are the understanding sort and won’t think less of you if they hear a couple of tissues being pulled out of a box, and maybe a sniffle or two emanating from the next cubicle, I would be careful about pulling Mathews’ book out on a break. If you’re a softie, anyway. In this book Mathews divulges shot-putting secrets. But, to the chagrin of any writers out there who would like to emulate him, smelling out a good story is a talent that not every writer can boast of .

by Amy Mangold, Marketing & Communications Manager, Evansville Vanderburgh Public Library



Join us for sounds of the season during EVPL’s Holiday Concert Series – sponsored by the EVPL Foundation

Sunday, December 5th The Lost Tribe Klezmer Band 2:00 p.m. Central Library Lobby

Tuesday, December 7th Old Dam Community Band 7:00 p.m. Central Library Lobby

Sunday, December 12th He doesn’t elaborate on just how he picked out the favorites for his this book. He had already published two books of columns while still in the Virginias, called Folks and Folks 2. A graduate of Virginia Tech, Mathews worked on the Bluefield, West Virginia Daily Telegraph before coming to Indiana. Mathews writes about human beings – their mortality, their weaknesses and foibles as well as their heroics, and succeeds in bringing out the humanity of his subjects to readers. Through the years readers of Mathews’ column have been touched by stories that enrich their souls. So if you think you missed a few, or miss his column, you might want to run out and snag a copy of Favorites, or one of his other books, such as Baseball Days, Swing, Batta, Past Deadlines: Past Lives, Can’t Find a Dry Ball, Defending My Bunk Against All Comers, Sir! and They Came to Play. We look forward to updating theater-goers as to where Matthews’ recentlypublished play about the civil rights movement, Jubilee in the Rear View Mirror, will be produced.

December 2010 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

First Presbyterian Church Choir 2:00 p.m. Central Library Lobby

Wednesday, December 15th The Browne Sisters Holiday Concert 6:30 p.m. North Park Branch

Friday, December 17th Harp Ensemble 4:00 p.m. Central Library Lobby

Sunday, December 19th Eykamp String Quartet 2:00 p.m. Central Library Lobby All concerts are free of charge and open to all. For details, visit or call 428-8241. Please note: All EVPL Libraries will be closed December 24, 25, 31 as well as on January 1 in observance of the holidays. • 83 •


[ Local Review ] WheN iT comes To cooKiNg, There Are Those Who reLY upon recipes to create their meals. A precise measurement of this, the exact weight of that, the time in the oven clocked down to the second. Then there are those whose freewheeling approach to meal preparation means that a casual dash of this, along with an eyeballed dose of that, will eventually turn out to be something tasty. I fall into the latter category. While I do own some cookbooks – the incredible, amazing and wonderful Larousse Gastronomique among them – unless I’m preparing a baked item like a dessert, I more or less approach the task at hand with a roughhewn idea of what I’m going to make, pour a big glass of wine, hit the shuffle setting on the iPod, assemble some seasonings, spices and ingredients on the countertop, make short work of the chopping on the reliable old cutting board, and cook it all up until it feels like it’s done. The results are generally pretty good. With only several isolated incidents (I’m chalking them up to too much wine), I’ve had compliments on my amateur cooking. I’m no chef, but as a home kitchen cook, I ain’t too shabby. But there is a new book in my house that’s given me some new – ahem – food for thought: Recipe Records. Penned by the writing team of Evansville resident Lanea Stagg and St. Louis-based Maggie McHugh, Recipe Records isn’t just a cookbook, although it is most certainly that. The tome offers nearly 170 recipes, including those for appetizers, salads and side dishes, various breads, special breakfasts, entrees, beverages and of course, desserts – which all cover the “Recipe” portion of the title of the book.

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What sets Recipe Records apart is an infusion of rock & roll on every page, beginning with the names of the recipes: “Low Rider Roll Ups”; “Rock and Roll Hoochie Couscous”; “The Rolling Scones”; “And Then He Quichéd Me”; “Helter Skelter Skillet” – you get the idea. Being a fan of hot wings, I was happy to find two recipes for them: “Jimi’s Little Wings” and “Light My Fire Sweet and Tangy Wings.” Both were simple to prepare and the taste of both, particularly the Doors-inspired wings, was great. The pages with the wing recipes offer more really cool things to chew on: The inclusion of suggested song lists to play while prepping and eating. In the case of “Jimi’s Little Wings,” the authors pipe in Hendrix’s “Little Wing,” “Light My Fire” by The Doors, “I Got the Feelin’” by James Brown, “Halo” from Foo Fighters and Los Lobos’ “Viking.” Throughout the book, in fact, recipes are shown alongside other playlists that compliment the food. Another neat feature of the book is its personal stories, which convey a genuine passion for food, cooking and music that I’ve found absent in some of the rather coldly impersonal cookbooks out there. Throughout the book, the authors have sprinkled in tales from concerts, anecdotes about their shared love of music, trivia and tidbits about bands and artists, and more dashes and dollops revealing their shared reverence for food, music and the experience of enjoying both. Part cookbook, part rock history manual, and entertaining on every page, Recipe Records has compelled this non-cookbook user to, in fact, use a cookbook. Maybe not for every meal from here on out, but for ideas about new dishes to prepare, new songs to play while doing so, and making meal preparation a party instead of a chore. Locally, you can find Recipe Records at brick-and-mortar locations such as Borders, Basket Kases Gift Shoppe on Lincoln Avenue (next to The Slice), and Wild Flower Boutique (also on Lincoln, next to Dukane Skin Care). The book is also available online at • December 2010


[ Concert Review ]

The Max Weinberg Big Band at Argosy Casino, Argosy Music Hall, October 21, 2010 I have lived in Vanderburgh County for many years, and Alton is my boyhood Paul Mattingly

home; I visit often to keep tabs on relatives there. On this night, Spectrum Entertainment Group brought to the Argosy Casino’s Music Hall the Max Weinberg Big Band. Headquartered in Godfrey, Illinois, Spectrum consists of several veteran promoters and music business people who work together to promote events in the greater St. Louis area. My contact person, Don Lanier, was the sound board operator for this evening. He was energized that all the mics onstage were Heil Mics, and that Bob Heil had personally delivered them for the occasion.


Max Weinberg’s band is a retinue of 14 pieces. The rhythm section offers piano, bass and drums. The bulk of the band is the horn section. With three tiers of music stands embossed with the “MW” monogram in the middle of a compass-like cross, the audience had a sense of the uproarious evening to come. According to Weinberg, the band is a “Pastiche of R&B, big band, swing, roadhouse and stripper music.” The best description of the group is “East Coast Muscle.” Without any comment, the band began the set with “This Could Be the Start of Something Big,” the theme song for the original Tonight Show, starring Steve Allen. This began the three-song intro, which also included “Come Fly With Me,” the 1957 Jimmy Van Heusen/Sammy Cahn song made popular by Frank Sinatra. The Ventures’ 1950 hit, “Walk, Don’t Run” rounded out the opening set. After this dynamic opening, Max stood up from his kit and welcomed the Argosy audience and talked about the impact television had on him as a boy. One of the shows that influenced him was the 1950 crime drama, M-Squad, and the band played the show’s theme, originally done by Count Basie. Next, they grooved into a Buddy Rich tune, “Ready Mix.” John Bailey, part of the trumpet section, had actually played with Buddy Rich. Max talked about meeting Buddy and what a warm personality he had. Next up was a medley of Beatles tunes from a 1966 release called Basie’s Beatle Bag (Verve). The band ignited this set with “Help” then smoothed into “Do You Want to Know a Secret,” with some tasty alto work from Jon Gordon. Gordon would have made Marshall Royal, Basie’s front alto player, proud. The band finished this medley with the Jerry Leiber/Mike Stoller tune, “Kansas City.” Weinberg next talked about Alton, Illinois and Miles Davis, who was born there in 1926. Max gave credit to this giant of jazz, saying that everyone who plays today owes a nod of respect for everything Davis did, not only for jazz, but for music in general. John Bailey was featured, with muted horn, playing the Frank Churchill composition, “Some Day My Prince Will Come.” With Bailey’s deft touch and Weinberg on the brushes, the band gave this cut the spice necessary to satisfy everyone’s need for some Miles. Next was another Count Basie classic, “The Kid From Redbank,” a song referencing Basie’s hometown of Redbank, New Jersey. Weinberg, also from New Jersey, had used this as his theme song during his years as the leader of the Max Weinberg 7, the house band for Late Night with Conan O’Brien. “… Redbank” featured pianist Danny Fox, who really had a chance to shine. Weinberg once again talked about his love for TV theme songs. “Mr. Lucky,” the Henry Mancini composition, was the theme for the 1959 series developed by Blake Edwards, and featured several of Weinberg’s stellar horn players. Ervin Grossman’s trumpet brought the song to life and Brandon Wright was spot-on with his sax solo. The highlight was a bass solo by Carlito del Puerto; the Cuba native stopped every so often, grinning at the audience to elicit applause. For the next tune, Weinberg deferred to the Chairman of the Board, Frank Sinatra. “Only the Lonely,” the Jimmy Van Heusen/Sammy Cahn song, was the title cut from the 1958 album of the same name (Capitol). With solos from Jon Gordon (sax), Seneca Black (trumpet), and Michael Boscarino (trombone), Ol’ Blues Eyes would have been right at home with the Max and the boys. December 2010 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

Af ter standing from behind his kit to introduce the band, Weinberg next honored two of his drum idols – Shelly Manne and Buddy Rich – with a driven version of Manne’s 1956 composition, “Par thenia,” with John Bailey (trumpet), Matt McDonald (trombone), and Todd Bashore and Joey Berkely (saxes) each getting a solo shot. Rich’s influence was honored with the classic, “Groovin’ Hard,” which was a favorite during the iconic drummer’s live performances. All the saxes stood up as the tune commenced and by the end, the whole band was “groovin’ hard.” The band certainly lived up to the Weinberg credo to always give the people more than their money’s worth. Near the end, Max rose and said that they were going back to a time when two members of the old big bands would air out their grudges on stage through music. The band kicked into “Rat Race” and a “clash” began between saxophonists Brandon Wright and Joey Berkley. As these master musicians were embroiled in a solo-royal, the band sped up the tempo and clapped in the background; by the end of the song, everyone in attendance was a winner. Weinberg had been the drummer for Bruce Springsteen’s E Street Band since the early 70s, and a long-awaited “Bruce cut” rounded out the evening. “Kitty’s Back,” from the 1974 release Wild, the Innocent, and the E Street Shuffle (Columbia), was arranged by Weinberg’s lead trumpeter, Brian Pareschi, and got the big band into a hot jazz, funk, rock groove. The trombone section was marvelous, and Joey Berkley got the spotlight with some juicy reed work. To top this tune and the evening off Weinberg soloed, reminding everyone in this enthusiastic audience why it’s called the “Max Weinberg Big Band.” Watching Max’s stick work is almost like watching an Iron Chef competition. He carved up his kit to bring about a scrumptious musical feast. With the horn section swinging, the rhythm section humming, and Weinberg directing the entire troupe, this concert was well worth every mile I drove to see it. • 85 •


[ I’ll Play the Blues for You ] About once a month, you can witness roughly 45 minutes of nearly perfect live music in the Tri-State when The Cold Stares perform, typically at The Duck Inn. That’s where Guitarist/vocalist Chris Tapp and Percussionist Brian Mullins celebrated the release of their new EP, Hot Like Waco, last month. I sat down with Chris just prior to the release.

“Johnny Full-Time” John luttrell

JFT: Congratulations on the new EP! Pleased with the outcome? As much as perfectionists can be happy with anything. I’d like to say that we are so laid back that we don’t care, but obviously that’s not the case.


Capturing the music closest to your live sound is your goal. Did you and Brian use your live rigs for the sessions, or did you alter the gear setup? We stuck to what we’ve been using this year. I did play some B-3 Organ on the EP, just because the thing was in the room and I couldn’t keep my hands off of it. With this project, the limitations are a help instead of a hindrance in keeping the vision pure. I basically used two guitars: my Campbell Transitone, and a Campbell Caledonian. I used the De Lisle amplifier for the main tone that I had used most of 2010. Brian stuck to that monster Ludwig bass drum. He’s a wiz with percussion stuff, so he added some flavor on some of the tracks. 99.9% of the recordings were live cuts we did together. Any challenges getting the songs onto record? For us? Yeah, every time we record (laughs). At the end of the day, at least up to this point, Brian and I know this is a live band. I’d rather play live any day and have that energy in the room with us, than try to manufacture it in the studio. We’re discussing the possibility of recording our full set live to DVD; because both of us still feel it translates best live. We spoke in May, and you mentioned that you were planning on releasing two EPs instead of one full-length album. Is that still the plan? Yeah, I think so. We’d been talking with the Johnsons (Brendan Benson, Supergrass) at Pop Machine in Indianapolis, about recording, and at the same time, Mark Neill (Black Keys). After having some issues getting happy with the translation of our live sound to disc, it seemed like a win-win to get two different producers, perspectives on how to record us. We cut enough at Pop Machine to do two EPS, so we’ll probably release a second EP, and the work with Mark Neill will be mostly new material in the spring. How did you decide which four songs went onto Hot Like Waco? The four songs that made it onto this EP (“Release You,” “Black Angel,” “Red Letter Blues,” and “Jesus’ Brother James”) were just because they were four out of the group thathadn’tbeenrecordedyet.“Jesus’BrotherJames”wasonthere,ofcourse,because we’ve taken a beating playing the song live, and then not having it to sell afterwards. What’s it like taking these songs, shepherding them through the writing process, onto the stage, then ultimately onto record? It instantly brings back memories. I can’t put the songs in the stereo without thinking about seeing Big Head Todd watching us from the stage at 3rd and Lindsley; or a packed house at The Basement, in Nashville. Or, the way the energy feels in The Duck Inn when we’ve sold the club out. It’s a scrapbook to me. It’s like a shirt you find on the floor Sunday morning with the smell from Saturday night. The last couple shows at The Duck Inn have been sold out. They had to stop letting folks in. Talk about the feeling that gives you, because you guys have a special relationship with the Duck. • 86 •

It’s incredible to be able to come back here and have that kind of response, for one. Evansville hasn’t been known as much for an original band scene, and for us to build a fan base up where we are at this point, I think is something that we’re very proud of. We’ve played a lot of larger markets in the last year, but I would put up some of the other local bands from here against any out-of-towners we’ve seen. We are proud of our folks from this area, and I think we are doing them proud. The Duck Inn, to me, is just what rock & roll is all about. It’s really a juke joint, man. It’s a hole in the wall that has the atmosphere you can’t build from fresh bricks. There has been a bunch of bands over the years that [have] bled and sweat on that stage, and those wood walls have soaked that up. Another era and you could have had Muddy Waters or the Sex Pistols in there. Love to play some of the other local venues as well, but the Duck is really home base for us, here. Where can folks pick up the new material? The EP will be available online through the usuals –, iTunes, etc. We’re also going to try to have a link up on our website if you’d like to purchase the physical CD and T-shirts, as well. Pretty cool artwork and extras on this one, so it’s really worth holding in your hands. The live shows, also. There’s another CD release party at 12th and Porter, in Nashville, December 3rd. Find out more about The Cold Stares, and their new EP, at Read an extended interview on “Johnny Full-Time,” John Luttrell is the Host/Executive Producer of “Full-Time Blues Radio,” which airs Saturdays, Noon-2:00 p.m. on 91.5 WUEVFM. He also owns and runs • December 2010

ROAD TRIP [ Cincinnati ]

Need A Ride? 421-9999

ARONOFF CENTER FOR THE ARTS 513-621-2787 Dec 14:CPI New Voices: Stairway to the Crown

BLUE WISP JAZZ CLUB 513-241-WISP Every Wednesday: Blue Wisp Big Band

Dec 2:Taste of Soul Dec 3-4:Dan Fahnle Quartet Dec 5:Pat Kelly’s 13-piece PsychoAcoustic Orchestra Dec 6:Jazz Jam Session hosted by Sandy Suskind Dec 7:Mambo Diablo Dec 10:Dan Dorff Quartet Dec 11:Rusty Burge Quintet Dec 13:Jazz Jam Session hosted by Sandy Suskind Dec 16:Taste of Soul Dec 17:Art Gore & the New Jazz Knights Dec 18:Blue Wisp’s Young Lions Band Dec 19:Baoku Dec 20:Monday Night Big Band Dec 23:Dan Karlesberg Dec 31:Big Band Dance

BOGARTS 513-281-8400 Dec 10:Jackyl Dec 16:Twiztid Dec 19:Attack Attack!/ Emmure & Special Guests

CINCINNATI MUSIC HALL 513-744-3344 Dec 16:Happy Holidays with the Mighty Wurlitzer featuring Jelani Eddington

Dec 31:Chad Daniels & Andi Smith

JEFFERSON HALL SALOON 513-723-9008 Dec 3:The Websters Dec 4:Your Villian My Hero Dec 11:Lt. Dan’s New Legs Dec 17:The Naked Karate Girls Dec 18:The Brave Youngster

MAD FROG 513-784-9119 Every Monday: Tropicoso-Live Salsa Every Tuesday: Open Mic w/Skandal

Dec 11:Lorax Tree/ Pharoaoh Loosey Dec 18:Kalina Show

MAD HATTER CLUB, COvINGTON Dec 1:Delta Spirit Dec 2:Allstar Weekend/ Stephen Jerzak/The Scene Aesthetic/Action Item Dec 4:State Your Cause/8KOunt/ One Day Alive/Matthew Wayne/Calloused/Livid Dec 8:Mac Miller Dec 9:A Hero A Fake/An Early Ending/ Alls Quiet/We Became The Martyr/ I, Gentleman/Keep Me From Dreaming Dec 12:Winds of Plague/ After the Burial/Carnifex Dec 22:Hit The Lights

MADISON THEATRE, COvINGTON 859-491-2444 Dec 3:Here Come the Mummies Dec 4:Delbert McClinton/Bobby D & the Broken String Band


859-957-2000 Dec 2-5:Tammy Pescatelli Dec 9-12:Matt Braunger

513-541-0999 Dec 2:Wonky Tonk/Paleface Dec 4:Valley of the Sun/Mala in Se/Sammy McKee Dec 11:S. Carey/White Hinterland Dec 16:Slurring BeeDrunken Spelling Bee




513-984-9288 Dec 2-5:Lachlan Patterson Dec 9-12:Kyle Grooms Dec 16-19:Jeremy Essig & Geoff Tate

NORTHSIDE TAvERN Tuesdays: Live Band Karaoke Thursdays: Karaoke Fantastic

Dec 1:Jay Bolotin/Ali Edwards Dec 4:DANCE_MF

December 2010 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

hALLoWeeN’s over...for mosT of Us.

Rock it out with Twiztid at the perennially-great Bogarts in Cincy on December 16. Dec 6:The Shawn Elsbernd Quartet Dec 10:Minor Leagues Dec 12:Classical Revolution Dec 15:Wade Baker Dec 18:Josh Eagle Dec 20:The Shawn Elsbernd Quartet Dec 26:The Tillers Dec 31:Bad Veins

PROCTER & GAMBLE HALL 513-621-2787 Dec 3:John Prine Dec 7:Joe Satriani Dec 9:Michael W. Smith Dec 12:Mannheim Steamroller Dec 16-19:Cincinnati Ballet: The Nutcracker Dec 22-23:Cincinnati Ballet: The Nutcracker Dec 26:Cincinnati Ballet: The Nutcracker

Dec 11:Parlour: Backyard Tire Fire; Lounge: Mudpies Dec 15:Ballroom: The Queers/Kepi Ghoulie; Lounge: Megan Hutch Dec 16:Lounge: Joshua James Dec 17:Lounge: Porter & the Back Row Baptists Dec 20:Lounge: Songwriter Showcase Dec 22:Lounge: Megan Hutch Dec 23:Lounge: The Straw Boss Hillbilly Christmas Pageant Dec 27:Lounge: Songwriter Showcase w/Mike from The Tillers

TAFT THEATRE 513-721-8883

Dec 3-5:Holiday Follies 2: A Trip to the North Pole Dec 10-12:Holiday Follies 2: A Trip to the North Pole Dec 18:Over the Rhine/Joe Henry





Every Thursday and Friday: Karaoke

Dec 2:Rusty Burge Quartet w/Steve Allee Dec 3:Cancer Free Kids Benefit Dec 9:Rashon Murphy Quartet Dec 10:Jazz Alive Event Dec 17:Soul Pocket

Dec 4:Buzz Cats Dec 10:Hanky Panks Dec 11:Gamut Dec 18:DeJavue

SOUTHGATE HOUSE, NEWPORT 859-431-2201 Dec 2:Dave Hawkins & the Perfect Men Dec 3:Pete Stein of Truckstop Coffee Dec 4:Lounge: Angela Perley & The Howlin’ Moons Dec 9:The Hanging Deadmen Dec 10:Parlour: Backyard Tire Fire; Lounge: Ricky Nye & the Red Hots

THE UNDERGROUND 513-221-4888

Dec 3:Family Force 5/Forever the Sickest Kids/Secondhand Serenade/Shorelines End


ROAD TRIP [ Indianapolis ]

Need A Ride? 421-9999

Dec 11:Finest Grain Dec 17:Healing Sixes Dec 18:Jeff Day Duo Dec 19:Blonde Entertainment Holiday Joy II Dec 23:Rods & Cones Dec 31:Zanna Doo!

hAve fUN iN iNDY WiTh Ms. Cristy at Locals Only on December 4.

8 SECONDS 317-486-1525 Every Thursday: Ladies Night

Dec 3:Justin Moore Dec 4:Blue River Band Dec 10:Legends of Fighting Dec 11:Bigg Country


Dec 1-5:Ringling Bros. Barnum & Bailey Circus Dec 6:Pacers vs. Raptors Dec 10:Pacers vs. Bobcats Dec 15:Pacers vs. Lakers Dec 17:Pacers vs. Cavaliers Dec 20:Pacers vs. Hornets Dec 26:Pacers vs. Grizzlies Dec 28:Pacers vs. Celtics Dec 31:Pacers vs. Wizards

CRACkERS COMEDY - BROAD RIPPLE 317-255-4211 Every Tuesday: Open Mic

Dec 1:Stewart Huff Dec 2-4:Bill Bellamy Dec 8-11:John Evans Dec 15-18:Dwight Slade Dec 29-31:Greg Warren


Kalessin/Pathology Dec 13:As Blood Runs Black/Thick As Blood/Burning the Masses/In the Midst of Lions/Heavy Lies the Crown/I, The Breather/King Conquer Dec 14:Greeley Estates/Vanna/Tides of Man/A Bullet For A Pretty Boy Dec 22:Memphis May Fire/Affiance/ Destruction of a Rose/Amarna Reign

HILBERT CIRCLE THEATRE 317-639-4300 Dec 3-5:Yuletide Celebration w/the ISO Dec 8-10:Yuletide Celebration w/the ISO Dec 12:Yuletide Celebration w/the ISO Dec 15-17:Yuletide Celebration w/the ISO Dec 19:Yuletide Celebration w/the ISO Dec 21-23:Yuletide Celebration w/the ISO Dec 31:New Year’s in Vienna w/Dance Kalideoscope Dance Company


Dec 4:Jenn Cristy Dec 10:God Made Robots/ Rooms/Red Light Driver Dec 11:Mic Sol Dec 17:Danny Thompson Trio/PK and the Big Stir Dec 18:Open Mic Comedy Night/ High Five Dance Party Dec 24:Blue Moon Revue

Dec 2:The Fake Boys/The Putz/Rale Dec 3:Brando Dec 4:Batusis (feat. Cheetah Chrome and Sylvain Sylvain) Dec 5:Swing w/Harmonious Wail Dec 10:Rockabilly Birthday Party w/ danny Thompson Trio/Parlor Tricks Dec 12:Sam Goodwill Dec 16:Project 44/Apocalypse Theatre Dec 19:The Waldemere Revival

MORTY’S COMEDY JOINT 317-848-5500 Every Wednesday: Morty’s Presents the “Young Guns of Comedy”

Dec 2-4:Reno Collier Dec 9-11:Josh Gondelman/Tony Deyo Dec 16-18:Gary Gulman

OLD NATIONAL CENTRE FORMERLY MURAT THEATRE 317-239-5151 Dec 4:John Prine Dec 10:Chris Isaak Dec 15-23:Wicked: A New Musical Dec 25-31:Wicked: A New Musical

OLD NATIONAL CENTRE EGYPTIAN ROOM 317-239-5151 Dec 19:Needtobreathe/The Daylights




317-927-7500 Dec 3:Indiana Ice vs. Team USA Dec 10:Indiana Ice vs. Chicago Steel Dec 11:Indiana Ice vs. Team USA Dec 17:Indiana Ice vs. Team USA Dec 18:Indiana Ice vs. Green Bay Dec 31:Indiana Ice vs. Youngstown


Dec 5:Colts vs. Cowboys Dec 19:Colts vs. Jaguars


Tuesdays: Open Mic

Dec 1-4:Tim Harrison Dec 8-11:Jon Roy Dec 15-18:James Connolly Dec 29-31:Patti Vasquez

Dec 3:Psycroptic/Keep of



MELODY INN 317-923-4707

Dec 1:Montauk Monster/ Finer/Brad Real

THE DOJO Dec 3:Axis and Allies/Chaotic Neutral

Dec 4:Japanther/Vacation Dec 10:Misunderstood Dec 11:Heartless Dec 13:Sucked Dry/Boilermaker Dec 18:TV Ghost/Emo Dance Party

THE JAZZ kITCHEN 317-253-4900 Dec 1: Root Movements Dec 3:Steve Allee Quartet w/ Corey Christiansen Dec 4:The Jazz Fellowship Awards featuring Glenn Zaleski Dec 6:Frank Glover & Kilho Dec 7:Indianapolis Jazz Orchestra Dec 8:Michael Houston Dec 10:Farrelly Markiewicz Quartet Dec 13:Matt Pivec Group Dec 14:Buselli Wallarab Jazz Orchestra w/Everett Greene Dec 15:Holiday Gospel Show Dec 17:Sarah Scharbrough featuring Jon McLaughlin Dec 18:Unity-featuring Cynthia Layne/Steve Allee/Rob Dixon/Everett Greene/Frank Smith and Kenny Phelps Dec 20:Indianapolis Jazz Foundation Sing-A-Long Dec 21:Cool City Swing Band featuring Cozette Myers & Jimmy Guilford Dec 27:Jam Session Dec 28:Sunset Stomp Jazz Band Dec 29:Bashiri Asad & Xenobia Green

THE vOGUE 317-259-7029

317-636-0396 Dec 3:Lloyd Dobler Effect Dec 4:Mike Milligan & Steam Shovel Dec 9:John Taglieri Dec 10:Uncle JuJu

Dec 2:JJ Grey & Mofro/Daryl Hance Dec 3:Xero Sum/I-Exist/Hero Jr. Dec 5:Better Than Ezra Dec 9:Dweezil Zappa Plays Zappa Dec 17:Green Velvet/Slater Hogan/ John Larner/Action Jackson/Psynapse Dec 23:Hairbanger’s Ball • December 2010

ROAD TRIP [ Louisville ]

Need A Ride? 421-9999

930 LISTENING ROOM 502-635-2554

Dec 7:Help Heal Haiti Benefit: Seabird w/Ben Rector and the County Line Dec 10:Jubalson & The Kernal Garner

COMEDY CARAvAN 502-459-0022

Dec 1-5:Mark Matusof/Mark Chalifoux Dec 13:The Don Krekel Big Band Orchestra

CONNECTION 502-585-5752

Dec 25:LaBoy LeFemme Christmas Show Dec 31: DJ Wendy Hunt

EAR x-TACY Dec 11:Heather Bond

FREEDOM HALL 800-487-1212

Dec 8:SEC/Big East Invitational Dec 11:Gaither Homecoming: Christmas Tour 2010


IMPROv LOUISvILLE 502-581-132 Dec 2-5:Charlie Murphy Dec 9-12:Pablo Francisco

JIM PORTERS GOOD TIME EMPORIUM 502-452-9531 Tuesdays: Bop Night

Dec 1:Cadillac Shack Dec 2:Dance Party in the Ballroom Dec 3-4:The Tymes Band/Bag of Hammers/ The Boogie Men Dec 8:Classic Rock Wednesdays Dec 9:Swing Dance Lessons Dec 10:Duke Robillard/The Flying Martinis/Kudmani/D Man & The Alleyhounds Dec 11:The Flying Martinis/ Kudmani/D Man & The Alleyhounds Dec 15:Classic Rock Wednesdays Dec 16:Dance Party in the Ballroom Dec 17-18:Lindsey Lane and Axis/Chris Rains & the Goons/ Nasty Habit Blues Band Dec 22:Classic Rock Wednesdays Dec 23:Swing Dance Lessons Dec 29:Classic Rock Wednesdays Dec 30:Dance Party in the Ballroom Dec 31:Wayne Young’s Eric Clapton Tribute/Spare Change/ Rock Station/The Boogie Men



Dec 3:Edgehill Avenue

Dec 1:Louisville Cardinals Men’s Basketball vs. Florida International


Dec 3:The Judds Dec 4:Louisville Cardinals Men’s Basketball vs. South Alabama Dec 6:WWE Raw Dec 8:Louisville Cardinals Men’s Basketball vs. University of San Francisco Dec 11:Louisville Cardinals Men’s Basketball vs. UNLV Dec 14:Louisville Cardinals Men’s Basketball vs. Drexel Dec 18:Louisville Cardinals Men’s Basketball vs. Gardner Webb Dec 27:Louisville Cardinals Men’s Basketball vs. Morgan State Dec 31:Louisville Cardinals Men’s Basketball vs. Kentucky Wildcats


Dec 3:Vinylicious Dec 4:Tim & Eric Dec 10:My Own Victim/False Incursion/Kallus/Faceplant/Flatlyne Dec 11:Thomas Medicine/Ohlm/Look What I Did/Born Empty/Fall ‘N Disgize Dec 15:Twiztid/Blaze Dec 17:Cougar Express Album Release Show w/Natives/Dirty J.

HIDEAWAY SALOON 502-485-0114

Dec 2:Derick Howard Dec 3:Fresh Hops Dec 4:Rubber Knife Gang Dec 10:Bloom Street Dec 11:Boogie Matrix Mechanism Dec 17:Barry Mando Project Dec 18:Soul Funkin Dangerous Dec 23:Merry Pranksters Dec 30:Hogan’s Fountain

The Brand-spanKin’ neW Kfc yum! cenTer


Dec 4:Nutcracker in a Nutshell Dec 9:Fantasia/Eric Benet/Kandi

December 2010 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

in Louisville hosts The Judds on the 3rd.

PHOENIx HILL 502-589-4957 Wednesdays: Retro Rewind Dance Party

Dec 2:Logan Street Band Dec 3-4:Super 69/King Sonic Dec 10:XS Dec 11:XS/99 MPH/Resin 8 Dec 17:Speed of Sound Dec 18:The Bottom Line Band/ Speed of Sound/The Predators Dec 24-25:DJ Tsunami’s Smokin’ Hot Dance Party Dec 31:The Last Blast w/Wax Factory & Scar Uncle/DJ Tsunami

RUDYARD kIPLING 502-636-1311

Dec 2:Cellist Dave Eggar Dec 3:Tyrone Cotton plays Dylan Dec 4:An Evening with Marshall Chapman Dec 11:Burlesque and Acrobatics Show Dec 15:Round Robin Singer/ Songwriters in Tandem Dec 16:Tim Tucker Dec 17:Julie Evans & The Bobby Falk Band: “Swinging in the Yuletide” Dec 22:Rudyard’s Round Robin Dec 31:The Reginald Bareham Lounge Band

STEvIE RAY’S BLUES BAR 502-582-9945 Mondays: Unplugged Open Mic Jam Tuesdays: Open Blues//Jazz Band Jam

Dec 1:Pam Newman/Jenn Franklin/Neil Johnstone Dec 2:Mississippi Adam Riggle Dec 3:Roper Crust/BF Burt and the Instigators Dec 4:Sue O’Neill & Blues Seville/

BF Burt and the Instigators Dec 8:Barbed Wire and Butterflies/One Day Rising Dec 9:The Tunesmiths Dec 10-11:Hellfish/The Predators Dec 15:The Dynamics and Friends Dec 16:Justin Lewis/Dan Hardin/ Wallings Jr. Duo/Michael Felker Dec 17:King Bees/Josh Garrett and the Bottom Line Dec 18:Pork Pie James/Old School Dec 22:Stacy Mitchhart Band Dec 23:Brian Knoph/Butch Rice/ Jenn Stout/Michael Felker Dec 25:Naughty Santa Christmas Party w/Big Rock Show Dec 29:Hunter Embry’s Indie Rock Showcase Dec 30:Mississippi Adam Riggle Dec 31:New Year’s Party w/The Predators

WHITNEY HALL 502-584-7777

Dec 4-5:The BrownForman Nutcracker Dec 10-12:The BrownForman Nutcracker Dec 17-19:The BrownForman Nutcracker Dec 20:Mannheim Steamroller Dec 22:Jim Brickman

ZANZABAR 502-635-9227 Dec 4:Backyard Tire Fire Dec 8:Birds and Batteries



Dec 15:Josh Garrett & The Bottom Line Dec 16:Stacy Mitchhart Dec 17:Miss Jackie Wilson Dec 23:Stacy Mitchhart Dec 25:Miss Jackie Wilson

[ Nashville ]

Need A Ride? 421-9999

BRIDGESTONE ARENA 615-770-2000 Dec 3:Winter Wonder Slam w/TobyMac/Skillet/Shonlock Dec 5:Michael Buble Dec 12:Trans-Siberian Orchestra Winter Tour 2010


cLose oUT The oLD YeAr with Tim Wilson at Zanie’s.

12TH & PORTER 615-254-7236 Dec 1:Ravello/Neulore/Justin Branam Dec 2:Blackpool Lights/ The Class of ‘98 Dec 3:The Cold Stares Dec 4:Madi Diaz/Andy Davis/Natalie Prass Dec 11:Corleone/Matt Woods & Chris Milam Dec 13:An Acoustic Christmas w/Stephen Salyers Dec 18:Josh Hoge Dec 31:New Year’s Eve Ball w/Mikky Ekko

3RD & LINDSLEY 615-259-9891

Dec 1:The Wooten Brothers/ Stephanie Layne & Katha Harris Dec 2:Saul Zonana CD release/Lydia Salnikova Dec 3:Music City Unsigned Family Christmas CD Release Party w/Amy Stroup/Angel Snow/Aron Wright/ Brandon Ingle/Carolina Story/ Daniel Ellsworth/Elenowen/Heather Bond/Holly Maher/Robert Kelly Dec 4:Monte Montgomery/ The Midnight Riders Allman Brothers Revue Dec 5:The Last Straw Dec 7:Bucky Covington/Patick Davis & Special Guests Dec 8:The Wooten Brothers/Tony Lucca, Matt Duke & Jay Nash


Dec 9:Curtis Peoples & “A Christmas Happening For Kids” w/Lonnie Mayhew, Sr/Stan Webb/Jerry Foster/ Jack Pearson/Dianne Kelly/Melanie Safka/Tony Gerber/Gary Hannah/ Richard Fagan/Judy Rodman/ Bobby Pizazz/Mike Cullison, more Dec 11:12 Against Nature (A Steely Dan Experience) Dec 14:Clare Burson w/ Dinosaur Feathres/Les Kerr’s Christmas on the Bayou Dec 16:Bryan Greenberg Dec 17:Elle Macho Dec 18:FAB Dec 21:Tuesday Night Ball w/ David & Audrey Ball Dec 22:The Wooten Brothers/ An Aquavelvet Christmas Dec 31:New Year’s w/Kentucky Thunder/Jonell Mosser/Vicki Carrico/Sheila Lawrence/Etta Britt

BB kING’S BLUES CLUB-NASHvILLE 615-256-2727 Mondays & Tuesdays: Stacy Mitchhart Wednesdays: Burning Las Vegas Thursdays: B.B. King All Stars w/Herchal Bailey Fridays & Saturdays: B.B. King All Stars w/Herchal Bailey & Natasha Young Sundays: The Bart Walker Band

BOURBON STREET BLUES 615-242-5837 Dec 1:Al Green & the Hard Times Dec 2:Stacy Mitchhart Dec 4:Miss Jackie Wilson Dec 11:Miss Jackie Wilson

615-321-3340 Dec 2:Sean McConnell Dec 4:Zoogma/White Noise/Noise Organization Dec 10:Protomen and Evil Bebos Present: A Tribute to Queen and Black Sabbath Dec 15:Madi Diaz & the Bridges/Keegan Dec 31:Moon Taxi

THE 5 SPOT 615-650-9333 Dec 2:Wailin’ Canes Stephen Garrett/ Jeremy Yurek & The Citizens Dec 3:Old Union/The Captain Midnight Band/Cumberland Junction Dec 4:Uncle Pat’s Panic Party w/ Wrangler Space/stopgap Dec 9:Deacon/Dylan McDonald & The Avians/The Kingston Springs Dec 10:A Country Gentleman/Ole Mossy Face/Hands Down Eugene Dec 11:David Mayfield Parade/stopgap Dec 12:AXWY Dec 17:Flesh Vehicle/Reno Dec 18:Hans Condor/stopgap


ROCkETOWN 615-843-4000 Dec 3:Relient K/Sherwood/Deas Vail/ Linear Downfall/DIGA/Whales Dec 9:Chase Coy/Backseat Goodbye/Plugin Stereo Dec 10:A Plea for Purging/ Within The Ruins/Hundredth/ Your Memorial/The Plot in You Dec 15:Haste The Day/Oh Sleeper/ Our Last Night/Conditions Dec 18:Love is Red/Hollywood/ Braceware/Traitor/Ill Patriot Dec 20:Job For A Cowboy/ Skeletonwitch/Misery Index/ Bitter End/Enough

RYMAN AUDITORIUM 615-889-3060 Dec 7:Julianne Hough/The Quebe Sisters Band Dec 13:A Celtic Christmas w/ The Blair Band/Mauread Ni Mhaonaigh/Gael String Orchestra/ The Irish Step Dancers Dec 14:Diamond Rio/Danny Gokey Dec 16:Andrew Peterson & Behold the Lamb of God Dec 18:Roger McGuinn/Marty Stuart Dec 21-22:12 Days of Christmas w/Amy Grant & Vince Gill Dec 24:Dailey & Vincent/James Intveld Dec 31:An Evening with Old Crow Medicine Show

615-251-0190 Dec 1:Blitzkid/Alucard/Spookhand/ The Creeping Cruds Dec 9:Brutal Truth/Look What I Did/Gorilla Warfare/Yautja Dec 10:Street Dogs/Flatfoot 56/ Have Nots/The Commonwealth of American Natives

THE RUTLEDGE 615-782-6858 Dec 2:Hip Kitty Dec 4:Love’s Tragedy w/Absinthe Junk/ Piranah/Blackwater James/Holy Crap/ Kris Bell/Mindset Defect/Past Life/ Noisecult/Manic Bloom/Jonesworld Dec 7:Frequency 54 Dec 8:Ashlee Thomas Dec 10:Tori Sparks Dec 14:Billy Block Dec 21:Billy Block Dec 23:Grey Line

ZANIES COMEDY SHOWPLACE 615-269-0221 Dec 1-2:Patti Vasquez Dec 3-5:Henry Cho Dec 8-10:Alex Reymundo Dec 11-12:James Gregory Dec 15:Donna Carter Dec 16-19:Lavell Crawford Dec 22-23:Ralphie May Dec 25-26:Ralphie May Dec 29-31:Tim Wilson • December 2010

ROAD TRIP [ St. Louis ]

Need A Ride? 421-9999

Dec 11:4 Plus 20: A Tribute to Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young Dec 16:Kenny G: The Holiday Show Dec 31:Dr. Zhivegas

FUBAR 314-289-9050

BEALE ON BROADWAY 314-621-7880 Mondays: The Hard Tale Blues Band Tuesdays: Kim Massie & the Solid Senders Wednesdays: Roland Johnson Soul Endeavor Thursdays: Ground Floor Band

Dec 4:Moreland & Arbuckle

BROADWAY OYSTER BAR 314-621-8811 Every Monday:Soulard Blues Band

Dec 1:Bottoms Up Blues Gang Dec 4:Melissa Neels Band Dec 10:The Jeremiah Johnson Band with The Sliders Dec 11:Dogtown Allstars Dec 30:Brian Curran


Dec 2:The Noam Chomskys Dec 3:An Evening With Jake’s Leg Dec 4:Shooting WIth Annie Dec 6:Hank & The Truckers Dec 7:The Great Affairs/ The Ferocious Few Dec 8:William H Dec 9:The Blind Eyes/The Noise FM/The ACBs Dec 11:Oil Boom/Bonneville/ California Wives Dec 12:Punch Drunk Comedy Dec 13:Hank & The Truckers Dec 15:Pastel Pistol/The Livers Dec 16:Painkiller Hotel Dec 19:Cicero’s Comedy Lounge: Danny Browning Dec 20:Hank & The Truckers Dec 22-23:Lojic Dec 27:Hank & The Truckers Dec 30:Dot Dot Dot

EDWARD JONES DOME 314-342-5201

Dec 19:Rams vs. Chiefs Dec 26:Rams vs. 49ers


Dec 4:The Judds Dec 5:Barney Live in Concert: Birthday Bash!

Dec 2:Entelleckt/ Krucial Beat Ent Dec 3:Tombs/Everything Went Black/Widowmaker Dec 4:Maitreya/Colors From A Cannon Dec 5:MsWhite/Armor For The Broken/Sing Me a Fiction/Airplanes Dec 12:Crowbar/Black Tusk Dec 16:Blitzkid/Guests TBA Dec 21:Pierce the Veil/Of Mice & Men/Breakdances With Wolves/Cities Captive Dec 25:A Punk Rock Christmas w/Gang Control/Atomic Betty/Stinkbomb


Dec 9:Dance Floor Riot Dec 10:Dr. Zhivegas Dec 11:Glorious Blue Dec 17:That 80s Band Dec 18:Extremely Pointless Dec 25:Dr. Zhivegas Dec 30:Dance Floor Riot Dec 31:Extremely Pointless

JAZZ AT THE BISTRO 314-534-3663

Dec 1-4:Pat Martino Trio Dec 10-11:Good 4 The Soul Dec 15-18:Jane Monheit

LUMIERE PLACE CASINO & HOTEL 314-881-7777 Dec 3-4:Aaron Neville

OFF BROADWAY 314-773-3363 Dec 1:Tim Casher Dec 2:Relient K (acoustic)/ Sherwood/Deas Vail Dec 3:Big Smith Dec 5:Batusis/Cheetah Chrome/Sylvain Sylvain Dec 7:Lucero/Drag the River Dec 9:Jill Andrews/Cassie Morgan/Jailbox Dec 10:An Evening with Ellis Paul Dec 11:An Evening with Kevin Welch/ The Right Now/Fundamental Elements Dec 12:Clare Burson/ Dinosaur Feathers

December 2010 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

DecADes of sWeeT vocALs fiLL The Lumiere Place Casino & Hotel on December 3 and 4.

Dec 14:Tony Lucca/ Matt Duke/Jay Nash Dec 15:Tim Kasher Dec 16:The Hillbenders Dec 18:Funky Butt Brass Band Dec 23:Kristeen Young



314-657-5016 Dec 2-5:The Joffrey BalletThe Nutcracker Dec 9-12:A Christmas Carol Dec 17:Johnny Mathis Holiday Show Dec 18:Mannheim Steamroller Dec 21-24:Cirque Dreams: Holidaze Dec 26-29:Cirque Dreams: Holidaze

314-588-0505 Dec 1:Hot Buttered Rum & Lee Boys Dec 3:Backyard Tire Fire Dec 4:Madahoochi/The Lightning Bottle Band/Dogtown Allstars Dec 9:Punch Brothers Dec 11:Paul Thorn/Patrick Sweany Dec 17:The Brews Reunion Show/Anchondo Dec 18:Bryan Greenberg Dec 31:Joe Dirt & The Dirty Boys

POWELL SYMPHONY HALL 314-286-4460 Dec 3-4:Brahms 1 Dec 11:Michael W. Smith Dec 16:Gospel Christmas Dec 17-19:Symphony Holiday Celebration Dec 21:Bach Society Dec 23:Compton Heights Band Dec 29-30:City Lights

SHELDON CONCERT HALL 314-533-9900 Dec 4:Peter Martin featuring Romero Lubambo Dec 7-8:Clarion Brass Dec 10:Kathy Mattea Dec 13:The Sheldon Chorale: Yuletide Reflections Dec 16:Peter Mayer Dec 21:St. Louis Irish Arts

314-421-4300 Dec 3-4:Scott Rayfield Dec 17-18:The Darrell’s Dec 31:Irish Xiles


THE PAGEANT 314-726-6161 Dec 2:Shinedown/Will Hoge Dec 4:Mama’s Pride Dec 8:Dweezil Zappa Plays Zappa Dec 10:The City of Takers/The Nova Wild/Drew Mantia Dec 11:Will Downing Dec 12:Chevelle/Finger Eleven/Hail The Villian Dec 13:Sick Puppies/ Alter Bridge/Bad City Dec 14:My Chemical Romance/ Middle Class Rut Dec 15:CAKE Dec 17-18:El Monstero: Beyond the Wall 2010 (Pink Floyd Tribute) Dec 22-23:El Monstero: Beyond the Wall 2010 (Pink Floyd Tribute) Dec 25-26:El Monstero: Beyond the Wall 2010 (Pink Floyd Tribute) Dec 30-31:Yonder Mountain String Band


• 92 • • December 2010

December 2010 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

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Bobby Clark 1. For the last 23 years we’ve had the Bobby Clark Band. My brother and partner in crime, Max Wilkinson, was with me for 20 of those on drums and the phone (he always had something to say). I have had the pleasure of meeting and performing with numerous talents, which has been of great benefit throughout my career, plus the support of my family, friends and fans. Through the years, The Bobby Clark Band has performed at a host of events, festivals and clubs from Indianapolis to Nashville and all points in between. It has been a lot of hard work, ups and downs that go with this business, but the experiences, relationships developed, and all the fun we have had has been worth every minute. We have recorded four previous albums, the most recent being Between You and God, which was produced by Scott Brown of Ashbrooke Studio here in Evansville. We are back in the studio recording our fifth album we are calling Carnival that will be out next year, and we are really enjoying our time there. The current lineup of Tommy Stillwell on guitars, Jon Rochner on bass, and Jimmy Cummings on drums is a really happenin’ groove. We are having a lot of fun with our fans, both through our network and at our shows. Seeing them in person and having a real connection is the best, and we couldn’t do this without their continued support. In addition, we now have new performance videos by Real Image Films of Eddyville, Kentucky up on YouTube, soon to be followed by a 15-minute demo reel produced by EMIND Entertainment Productions, who we recently inked a deal for our production needs. They are doing a great job for us.

This Month’s Questions... 1. Tell everyone about your past and current musical projects.

2. Who are three artists you’ve looked to as inspiration for your music?


What are three albums you would have to have on a deserted island?

4. What was the first album you bought with your own money?


If your pre-show routine has a theme song, what would it be?


If you could travel through time, what music scene in history would you most want to be a part of?

7. What’s the very best thing about the music scene here in both Evansville and the Tri-State area?

2. John Prine, my favorite songwriter in the world; Tom Petty, the complete genius package of writer and performer; Muddy Waters, for doing something other than for dollars. 3. The Allman Brothers – Live at Fillmore Rolling Stones – Exile on Main Street Al Green – Best of Al Green 4. Grand Funk Railroad – Closer to Home. The whole rhythm driven, guitar drenched soul thing Mark Farner, Don Brewer, and Mel Schracher had going on was happenin’. I stood in my room endlessly singing along with “Sin’s a Good Man’s Brother,” and imagined I was a rock singer. (I still do this sometimes). 5. Tom Petty – “Free Fallin’” The feel of getting ready for stage has a surreal, euphoric buzz to it. Stepping out of what’s real into being submerged in the music is the best feeling imaginable. 6. The Motown scene of the late 60s would have been incredible to have witnessed – a lot of heart, sweat and passion going on. The whole mix of songwriting, vocals, musicianship, and production was on the top levels of anything ever recorded. 7. A great group of talented people around here writing and playing music, and doing all the behind the scenes [work], it’s a work of art, and we will definitely continue to make our best efforts to keep Evansville on the musical map. The TriState area, I believe, is doing its best to keep the live music scene alive, even in these tough economic times, and I hope it continues to realize and utilize the vast amount of talent that is available. It’s been a blessing to be involved with this group of people the last 25 years. [I’m] Looking forward to the next one hundred and twenty five years. --Dylan Gibbs

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[ BrokeCracker by Nick Folz]

December 2010 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

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