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Erogenous Zones
to a person, a part of a person, or something inanimate. Foreplay or touching of the erogenous zones can lead to arousal, particularly in the right setting.
There are touch-related stimuli, visual stimuli, and olfactory stimuli that affect arousal. Auditory stimuli are less effective. Thoughts and memories can lead to sexual arousal as can petting, cuddling, and kissing an erogenous zone. This can lead to the desire for more direct sexual stimulation and furthering of sexual activity.
So, what can be considered an erogenous zone? This can be any area of the body that has a heightened degree of sexual sensitivity. It mostly depends on the number of nerve endings in a specific area; touching one of these areas is a sign of physical intimacy. Not all erogenous touching is considered pleasurable, depending on the person’s history and things like culture and circumstances.
There are certain zones that are nearly universally erogenous. These include the lips, the nipples, the glans penis, the vulva, and the perianal skin. These areas naturally have more nerve endings and are considered to be naturally erogenous. Areas that are more nonspecific include the neck on the sides and back, the inner arm, the sides of the chest, and the axillae or armpits. Notice how these areas tend to be more ticklish.
Men are aroused by any stimulation of the penis or foreskin, the front of the scrotum, the perineum, the anus, and the prostate gland, which is only accessible through the rectum. In women, the clitoris and vulva are erogenous, while the vagina is less so. The vaginal front wall and parts near the opening or introitus tend to be more innervated and more sensitive. Some women will have an area sometimes referred to as the G spot on the anterior vaginal wall but this is not universal.
Other areas that might be erogenous include the lips and tongue. The back of the neck can be bitten, licked or kissed, which is felt to be erogenous to some people. The area on and behind the earlobe can be erogenous.
There are sensitive nerve endings in the nipple and areolar area, with hair on the areola increasing its sensitivity. The breast itself is erogenous but there is a decreased density