1 minute read
1. What is not an effect of the brain after being exposed to testosterone in utero?
a. Increased visuospatial skills b. Decreased lateralization of the brain c. Increased competitiveness d. Increased aggression
2. What does the SRY gene do in humans?
a. It activates estrogen to be made in females. b. It turns off estrogen production in males. c. It regulates secondary sexual characteristics in females. d. It allows for testosterone production in male embryos.
3. What cognitive/behavioral issue is most noticeable in boys who have
Klinefelter syndrome?
a. Dyslexia b. Decreased IQ c. Poor mathematical skills d. Poor language skills
4. What is the genotype of the person with Klinefelter syndrome?
a. XXY b. XY c. XYY d. XXYY
5. When are children considered the most rigid about their own stereotypes in gender and gender roles?
a. 2 years b. 5 years c. 9 years d. 13 years
6. At what age does sexism in a child begin?
e. Prior to 5 years a. Between 5 and 9 years b. Between 10 and 13 years c. Adolescence
7. Which religion or religious faith is most tolerant of women in leadership roles?
a. Pentecostal b. Catholic c. Islam d. Hinduism
8. What is true of sexual communication between men and women?
a. Women express their sexual desires more directly than men. b. Men are more inhibited socially in saying what they want sexually. c. Men tend to express their sexual intentions indirectly. d. Women are clearer about sexual refusal than they are of sexual desires.
9. A person who has ambiguous genitalia at birth is referred to in what way?
a. Transgender b. Transsexual c. Cisgender d. Intersex
10. What best defines a transvestite or cross-dresser?
a. Someone who has a fetish about dressing in the opposite gender. b. Someone who chooses to dress in clothing of the opposite gender. c. Someone who is transgender but does not wish sexual reassignment surgery. d. Someone who is homosexual and dresses for entertainment purposes.